Transgenderism, Based On What

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By: Pastor Manny

Note: I will just post the note here since some people comment without reading the whole post
from the beginning to end. I don’t hate people who are part of LGBTQQIP2SAA because I have
some friends and family members who are part of it. Hopefully, if you are going to comment,
you will address with the arguments that I presented rather than just saying, “Oh, you’re
judgmental, I don’t care about your arguments”, etc. That is close-mindedness.
For some people who are unaware, a transgender is a person whose gender identity differs from
the sex that the person had at birth [1]. We often hear some statements from them such as, “I am
a man born in the woman’s body” or vice versa. In this article, I will be presenting whether
transgenderism is right or wrong, ordered or disordered, natural or unnatural using science, logic,
and Scriptures as my basis.
Some, if not all, transgender people claim that they were born this way. They claim that having a
gender identity that is different from the assigned sex is natural. However, this is a scientific
claim, and when these claims are made, we have to consider some studies whether this is backed
up by science.
Just this year, a recent study on transgender teens was censored by Brown University because
pro-LGBT group pressured the university to delete the study just five days after its publication
[2]. You might be wondering about the content of this said study and the reason why pro-LGBT
wanted to delete this research.
In this study, it was stated that 86.7% of those who were surveyed and came out as transgender
were peer pressured and had social influence from friends or social media that supports
transgenderism [3]. This goes against the common view that it’s genetic because the majority
came out not from internal causes but from external causes. Even if their claim is true about
transgenderism being genetic, I don’t think that it is comfortable for them to say it because, in
the same study, about 62.5% were diagnosed to have at least one mental health disorder [3]. I am
not saying it without basis. Rather, I am simply stating the results of the said study.
When we are using logic, one way of addressing this is by looking at the consistency of the
reasoning behind transgenderism and to test that consistency, we can use other examples where
similar reasoning is applied. One similar case to TRANSGENDERISM is TRANSABILITY.
According to Alexandra Basil, a Ph.D. in Women’s Studies who is also a transgender, “We
define transability as the desire or the need for a person identified as able-bodied by other people
to transform his or her body to obtain a physical impairment [4].” So, if you’ve met someone
who is transabled, that person is someone who is not disabled, but he or she identifies as disabled
and as such, he wanted to disable himself or herself just to be disabled. Just as we don’t think it’s
right for us to tolerate TRANSABILITY, we should also not tolerate TRANSGENDERISM.
However, some transgender claim that this is not a good comparison, and they even call
transabled people as “dishonest people” [4]. However, I don’t see why this is not a good
comparison especially when the transgender identify themselves as a woman (for example) even
though his sexuality is a man physically speaking just as how the transabled identify themselves
as disabled even though physically, they are not disabled. There is similarity because of the
reasoning of the transgender that identity matters more than physicality. According to Boredom
Therapy, “These people feel like imposters in their own bodies, all because they are naturally in
perfect health [5]”. Well, that sounds familiar to me.
At the same time, I realized that there is inconsistency in the reasoning behind transgenderism.
Below, I will be providing two hypothetical statements that reflect this ideology.
Statement 1: My gender identity is not based on my physicality.
Statement 2: Therefore, I will change my physicality to be similar to my gender identity.
If statement 1 is true, then there is no connection between gender identity and the physical body.
However, why do transgender people wanted to change their body if there is no connection
between their gender identity and their body? This is a clear contradiction, and this simply
reflects the fact that there is a connection with “who we are” and “what our body is”.
I will be providing a passage in Scriptures that is relevant to the issue I raised here.
Romans 1:26-27
26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. Their women exchanged
natural relations for unnatural, 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with
women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts
with men and receiving in their own persons the due penalty for their error.
It is important to note that in Romans 1, it describes women and men biologically because these
words were used in the context of sex. Another indication why this is the case is because “natural
relations” are used to denote that man and woman are titles that denote to our human nature and
not a social construct or what. It’s important to consider this passage as well because even if a
transgender man claim that he’s a woman inside, he cannot deny that his sex is male or that he is
biologically male. This is the same reason why they claim that they are born in the wrong body
given that they recognize that their body is not the same as what they think they are. Given that
Romans 1 shows that the sexual relationship between two biologically males is wrong, even if
they claim that they are women inside, they are still biologically males and as such, they are
under the category that the Bible provided.
Even though we know someone, probably a friend or a family member, who is part of
transgenderism, it doesn’t mean that we have to approve of what they are doing just because we
don’t want to offend them. Morality is based on facts, not on feelings. We just cannot argue
based on our emotion because even the Bible says that “The heart is deceitful above all things,
and desperately corrupt; who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). With this, I will end this
article with a verse whether we should approve of it or not.
Romans 1:32
32 Though they know God’s decree that those who do such things deserve to die, they not
only do them but approve those who practice them.

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