Iesc114 PDF
Iesc114 PDF
Iesc114 PDF
Our planet, Earth is the only one on which dioxide constitutes up to 95-97% of the
life, as we know it, exists. Life on Earth is atmosphere on Venus and Mars.
dependent on many factors. Most life-forms Eukaryotic cells and many prokaryotic
we know need an ambient temperature, cells, discussed in Chapter 5, need oxygen to
water, and food. The resources available on break down glucose molecules and get energy
the Earth and the energy from the Sun are for their activities. This results in the
necessary to meet the basic requirements of production of carbon dioxide. Another process
all life-forms on the Earth. which results in the consumption of oxygen
What are these resources on the Earth? and the concomitant production of carbon
dioxide is combustion. This includes not just
These are the land, the water and the air.
human activities, which burn fuels to get
The outer crust of the Earth is called the
energy, but also forest fires.
lithosphere. Water covers 75% of the Earth’s
Despite this, the percentage of carbon
surface. It is also found underground. These
dioxide in our atmosphere is a mere fraction
comprise the hydrosphere. The air that covers
the whole of the Earth like a blanket, is called of a percent because carbon dioxide is ‘fixed’
the atmosphere. Living things are found in two ways: (i) Green plants convert carbon
where these three exist. This life-supporting dioxide into glucose in the presence of
zone of the Earth where the atmosphere, the Sunlight and (ii) many marine animals use
hydrosphere and the lithosphere interact and carbonates dissolved in sea-water to make
make life possible, is known as the biosphere. their shells.
Living things constitute the biotic
component of the biosphere. The air, the 14.1.1 THE ROLE OF THE ATMOSPHERE
water and the soil form the non-living or
abiotic component of the biosphere. Let us IN CLIMATE CONTROL
study these abiotic components in detail in We have talked of the atmosphere covering the
order to understand their role in sustaining
Earth, like a blanket. We know that air is a
life on Earth.
bad conductor of heat. The atmosphere keeps
the average temperature of the Earth fairly
14.1 The Breath of Life: Air steady during the day and even during the
We have already talked about the composition course of the whole year. The atmosphere
of air in the first chapter. It is a mixture of prevents the sudden increase in temperature
many gases like nitrogen, oxygen, carbon during the daylight hours. And during the
dioxide and water vapour. It is interesting to night, it slows down the escape of heat into
note that even the composition of air is the outer space. Think of the moon, which is
result of life on Earth. In planets such as about the same distance from the Sun that
Venus and Mars, where no life is known to the Earth is. Despite that, on the surface of
exist, the major component of the atmosphere the moon, with no atmosphere, the
is found to be carbon dioxide. In fact, carbon temperature ranges from –190° C to 110° C.
Activity _____________ 14.1 the heating of water bodies and the activities
of living organisms. The atmosphere can be
• Measure the temperatur e of the heated from below by the radiation that is
following : reflected back or re-radiated by the land or
Take (i) a beaker full of water, (ii) a water bodies. On being heated, convection
beaker full of soil/sand and (iii) a closed currents are set up in the air. In order to gain
bottle containing a thermometer. Keep
some understanding of the nature of
them in bright Sunlight for three hours.
Now measure the temperature of all 3
convection currents, let us perform the
vessels. Also, take the temperature following activity:
reading in shade at the same time.
Activity _____________ 14.2
Now answer • Place a candle in a beaker or wide-
mouthed bottle and light it. Light an
1. Is the temperature reading more in incense stick and take it to the mouth
activity (i) or (ii)? of the above bottle (Figure 14.1).
2. Based on the above finding, which • Which way does the smoke flow when
would become hot faster – the land or the incense stick is kept near the edge
of the mouth?
the sea?
• Which way does the smoke flow when
3. Is the thermometer reading of the the incense stick is kept a little above
temperature of air (in shade) the same the candle?
as the temperature of sand or water? • Which way does the smoke flow when
What do you think is the reason for the incense stick is kept in other
this? And why does the temperature regions?
have to be measured in the shade?
4. Is the temperature of air in the closed
glass vessel/bottle the same as the
temperature taken in open air? (i) What
do you think is the reason for this?
(ii) Do we ever come across this
phenomenon in daily life?
As we have seen above, sand and water
do not heat up at the same rate. What do you
think will be their rates of cooling? Can we
think of an experiment to test the prediction?
gets heated faster and starts rising. As this enter the bottle. Quickly close the bottle
air rises, a region of low pressure is created once more. Make sure that the cap is
and air over the sea moves into this area of fitting tightly. Press the bottle hard
between your hands and crush it as
low pressure. The movement of air from one
much as possible. Wait for a few
region to the other creates winds. During the seconds and release the bottle. Again
day, the direction of the wind would be from press the bottle as hard as you can.
the sea to the land.
At night, both land and sea start to cool.
Since water cools down slower than the land,
Now answer
the air above water would be warmer than 1. When did you observe that the air
the air above land. inside seemed to become ‘foggy’?
On the basis of the above discussion, what 2. When does this fog disappear?
can you say about:
3. When is the pressure inside the bottle
1. the appearance of areas of low and
high pressure in coastal areas at night?
2. the direction in which air would flow 4. Is the ‘fog’ observed when the pressure
at night in coastal areas? in the bottle is high or when it is low?
Similarly, all the movements of air 5. What is the need for smoke particles
resulting in diverse atmospheric phenomena inside the bottle for this experiment?
are caused by the uneven heating of the 6. What might happen if you do the
atmosphere in different regions of the Earth. experiment without the smoke from the
But various other factors also influence these incense stick? Now try it and check if
winds – the rotation of the Earth and the the prediction was correct. What might
presence of mountain ranges in the paths of be happening in the above experiment
the wind are a couple of these factors. We in the absence of smoke particles?
will not go into these factors in detail in this
The above experiment replicates, on a very
chapter, but think about this: how do the
small scale, what happens when air with a
presence of the Himalayas change the flow of
very high content of water vapour goes from
a wind blowing from Allahabad towards the
a region of high pressure to a region of low
pressure or vice versa.
When water bodies are heated during the
14.1.3 RAIN day, a large amount of water evaporates and
Let us go back now to the question of how goes into the air. Some amount of water
clouds are formed and bring us rain. We could vapour also get into the atmosphere because
start by doing a simple experiment which of various biological activities. This air also
demonstrates some of the factors influencing gets heated. The hot air rises up carrying the
these climatic changes. water vapour with it. As the air rises, it
expands and cools. This cooling causes the
Activity _____________ 14.3 water vapour in the air to condense in the
form of tiny droplets. This condensation of
• Take an empty bottle of the sort in water is facilitated if some particles could act
which bottled water is sold. Pour about as the ‘nucleus’ for these drops to form
5-10 mL of water into it and close the around. Normally dust and other suspended
bottle tightly. Shake it well or leave it
particles in the air perform this function.
out in the Sun for ten minutes. This
causes the air in the bottle to be
Once the water droplets are formed, they
saturated with water vapour. grow bigger by the ‘condensation’ of these
• Now, take a lighted incense stick. Open water droplets. When the drops have grown
the cap of the bottle and allow some of big and heavy, they fall down in the form of
the smoke from the incense stick to rain. Sometimes, when the temperature of air
Activity _____________ 14.6 people are forced to spend considerable
amounts of time in fetching water from far-
• Organisms called lichens are found to away sources.
be very sensitive to the levels of
contaminants like sulphur dioxide in Activity _____________ 14.7
the air. As discussed earlier in section
7.3.3, lichens can be commonly found • Many municipal corporations are trying
growing on the barks of trees as a thin water -harvesting techniques to
greenish-white crust. See if you can improve the availability of water.
find lichen growing on the trees in your • Find out what these techniques are and
locality. how they would increase the water that
• Compare the lichen on trees near busy is available for use.
roads and trees some distance away.
• On the trees near roads, compare the But why is water so necessary? And do
incidence of lichen on the side facing all organisms require water? All cellular
the road and on the side away from the processes take place in a water medium. All
road. the reactions that take place within our body
What can you say about the levels of and within the cells occur between
polluting substances near roads and away substances that are dissolved in water.
from roads on the basis of your findings Substances are also transported from one
above? part of the body to the other in a dissolved
form. Hence, organisms need to maintain the
level of water within their bodies in order to
stay alive. Terrestrial life-forms require fresh
1. How is our atmosphere different water for this because their bodies cannot
from the atmospheres on Venus tolerate or get rid of the high amounts of
and Mars? dissolved salts in saline water. Thus, water
2. How does the atmosphere act as sources need to be easily accessible for
a blanket? animals and plants to survive on land.
3. What causes winds?
4. How are clouds formed? Activity _____________ 14.8
5. List any three human activities • Select a small area (say, 1 m2) near a
that you think would lead to air water-body, it may be a river, stream,
pollution. lake or pond. Count the number of
different animals and plants in this
area. Also, check the number of
14.2 Water: A Wonder Liquid individuals of each type or species.
Water occupies a very large area of the Earth’s • Compare this with the number of
surface and is also found underground. Some individuals (both animals and plants)
found in an area of the same size in a
amount of water exists in the form of water
dry, rocky region.
vapour in the atmosphere. Most of the water • Is the variety of plant and animal life
on Earth’s surface is found in seas and oceans the same in both these areas?
and is saline. Fresh water is found frozen in
the ice-caps at the two poles and on snow- Activity _____________ 14.9
covered mountains. The underground water
and the water in rivers, lakes and ponds is • Select and mark out a small area (about
1 m2) in some unused land in or near
also fresh. However, the availability of fresh
your school.
water varies from place to place. Practically • As in the above activity, count the
every summer, most places have to face a number of different animals and plants
shortage of water. And in rural areas, where in this area and the number of
water supply systems have not been installed, individuals of each species.
Water dissolves the fertilisers and pesticides
1. Why do organisms need water?
that we use on our farms. So some percentage
2. What is the major source of fresh
of these substances are washed into the water
water in the city/town/village
bodies. Sewage from our towns and cities and
where you live?
the waste from factories are also dumped into
3. Do you know of any activity
rivers or lakes. Specific industries also use
which may be polluting this water
water for cooling in various operations and
later return this hot water to water-bodies.
Another manner in which the temperature of
14.3 Mineral Riches in the Soil carries sand from one place to the
other like water does.
Soil is an important resource that decides the • Living organisms also influence the
diversity of life in an area. But what is the formation of soil. The lichen that we
soil and how is it formed? The outermost layer read about earlier, also grows on the
of our Earth is called the crust and the surface of rocks. While growing, they
minerals found in this layer supply a variety release certain substances that cause
of nutrients to life-forms. But these minerals the rock surface to powder down and
will not be available to the organisms if the form a thin layer of soil. Other small
minerals are bound up in huge rocks. Over plants like moss, are able to grow on
long periods of time, thousands and millions this surface now and they cause the
of years, the rocks at or near the surface of rock to break up further. The roots of
the Earth are broken down by various big trees sometimes go into cracks in
physical, chemical and some biological the rocks and as the roots grow bigger,
processes. The end product of this breaking the crack is forced bigger.
down is the fine particles of soil. But what
are the factors or processes that make soil? Activity ____________14.10
• The Sun: The Sun heats up rocks • Take some soil and put it into a beaker
during the day so that they expand. containing water. The water should be
At night, these rocks cool down and at least five times the amount of soil
contract. Since all parts of the rock taken. Stir the soil and water vigorously
do not expand and contract at the and allow the soil to settle down.
same rate, this results in the Observe after some time.
• Is the soil at the bottom of the beaker
formation of cracks and ultimately the
homogenous or have layers formed?
huge rocks break up into smaller • If layers have formed, how is one layer
pieces. different from another?
• Water: Water helps in the formation • Is there anything floating on the
of soil in two ways. One, water could surface of the water?
get into the cracks in the rocks formed • Do you think some substances would
due to uneven heating by the Sun. If have dissolved in the water? How would
this water later freezes, it would cause you check?
the cracks to widen. Can you think As you have seen, soil is a mixture. It
why this should be so? Two, flowing contains small particles of rock (of different
water wears away even hard rock over sizes). It also contains bits of decayed living
long periods of time. Fast flowing water organisms which is called humus. In addition,
often carries big and small particles soil also contains various forms of
of rock downstream. These rocks rub microscopic life. The type of soil is decided
against other rocks and the resultant by the average size of particles found in it
abrasion causes the rocks to wear and the quality of the soil is decided by the
down into smaller and smaller amount of humus and the microscopic
particles. The water then takes these organisms found in it. Humus is a major
particles along with it and deposits it factor in deciding the soil structure because
further down its path. Soil is thus it causes the soil to become more porous and
found in places far away from its allows water and air to penetrate deep
parent-rock. underground. The mineral nutrients that are
• Wind: In a process similar to the way found in a particular soil depends on the
in which water rubs against rocks and rocks it was formed from. The nutrient
wears them down, strong winds also content of a soil, the amount of humus
erode rocks down. The wind also present in it and the depth of the soil are
14.4.1 THE WATER-CYCLE water. Thus rivers carry many nutrients from
the land to the sea, and these are used by
You have seen how the water evaporates from the marine organisms.
the water bodies and subsequent
condensation of this water vapour leads to 14.4.2 THE NITROGEN-CYCLE
rain. But we don’t see the seas and oceans
drying up. So, how is the water returning to Nitrogen gas makes up 78% of our
these water bodies? The whole process in atmosphere and nitrogen is also a part of
which water evaporates and falls on the land many molecules essential to life like proteins,
as rain and later flows back into the sea via nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) and some
rivers is known as the water-cycle. This cycle vitamins. Nitrogen is found in other
is not as straight-forward and simple as this biologically important compounds such as
statement seems to imply. All of the water alkaloids and urea too. Nitrogen is thus an
that falls on the land does not immediately essential nutrient for all life-forms and life
flow back into the sea. Some of it seeps into would be simple if all these life-forms could
the soil and becomes part of the underground use the atmospheric nitrogen directly.
reservoir of fresh-water. Some of this However, other than a few forms of bacteria,
underground water finds its way to the life-forms are not able to convert the
surface through springs. Or we bring it to comparatively inert nitrogen molecule into
the surface for our use through wells or tube- forms like nitrates and nitrites which can be
wells. Water is also used by terrestrial animals taken up and used to make the required
and plants for various life-processes molecules. These ‘nitrogen-fixing’ bacteria
(Fig. 14.5). may be free-living or be associated with some
species of dicot plants. Most commonly, the
nitrogen-fixing bacteria are found in the roots
of legumes (generally the plants which give
us pulses) in special structures called root-
nodules. Other than these bacteria, the only
other manner in which the nitrogen molecule
is converted to nitrates and nitrites is by a
physical process. During lightning, the high
temperatures and pressures created in the
air convert nitrogen into oxides of nitrogen.
These oxides dissolve in water to give nitric
and nitrous acids and fall on land along with
rain. These are then utilised by various life-
What happens to the nitrogen once it is
converted into forms that can be taken up
and used to make nitrogen-containing
molecules? Plants generally take up nitrates
and nitrites and convert them into amino
Fig. 14.5: Water-cycle in nature acids which are used to make proteins. Some
other biochemical pathways are used to make
Let us look at another aspect of what the other complex compounds containing
happens to water during the water-cycle. As nitrogen. These proteins and other complex
you know, water is capable of dissolving a compounds are subsequently consumed by
large number of substances. As water flows animals. Once the animal or the plant dies,
through or over rocks containing soluble other bacteria in the soil convert the various
minerals, some of them get dissolved in the compounds of nitrogen back into nitrates and
nitrites. A different type of bacteria converts nucleic acids and vitamins. The endoskeletons
the nitrates and nitrites into elemental and exoskeletons of various animals are also
nitrogen. Thus, there is a nitrogen-cycle in formed from carbonate salts. Carbon is
nature in which nitrogen passes from its incorporated into life-forms through the basic
elemental form in the atmosphere into simple process of photosynthesis which is performed
molecules in the soil and water, which get in the presence of Sunlight by all life-forms that
converted to more complex molecules in living contain chlorophyll. This process converts
beings and back again to the simple nitrogen carbon dioxide from the atmosphere or
molecule in the atmosphere. dissolved in water into glucose molecules.
These glucose molecules are either converted
14.4.3 THE CARBON-CYCLE into other substances or used to provide
Carbon is found in various forms on the energy for the synthesis of other biologically
Earth. It occurs in the elemental form as important molecules (Fig. 14.7).
diamonds and graphite. In the combined The utilisation of glucose to provide energy
state, it is found as carbon dioxide in the to living things involves the process of
atmosphere, as carbonate and hydrogen- respiration in which oxygen may or may not
carbonate salts in various minerals, while all be used to convert glucose back into carbon
life-forms are based on carbon-containing dioxide. This carbon dioxide then goes back
molecules like proteins, carbohydrates, fats, into the atmosphere. Another process that
Fig. 14.7: Carbon-cycle in nature
adds to the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could be kept warm during the winters in
is the process of combustion where fuels are colder climates. Such enclosures are called
burnt to provide energy for various needs like greenhouses. Greenhouses have also lent their
heating, cooking, transportation and name to an atmospheric phenomenon. Some
industrial processes. In fact, the percentage gases prevent the escape of heat from the
of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is said Earth. An increase in the percentage of such
to have doubled since the industrial gases in the atmosphere would cause the
revolution when human beings started average temperatures to increase world-wide
burning fossil fuels on a very large scale. and this is called the greenhouse effect. Carbon
Carbon, like water, is thus cycled repeatedly dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases. An
through different forms by the various increase in the carbon dioxide content in the
physical and biological activities. atmosphere would cause more heat to be
retained by the atmosphere and lead to global
14.4.3 (i) THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT warming.
Recall the reading taken by you under (iii) in
Activity 14.1. Heat is trapped by glass, and
Activity ___________ 14.12
hence the temperature inside a glass • Find out what the consequences of
enclosure will be much higher than the global warming would be.
surroundings. This phenomenon was used • Also, find out the names of some other
to create an enclosure where tropical plants greenhouse gases.
Activity ____________14.13 uestions
Find out which other molecules are
thought to damage the ozone layer.
Newspaper reports often talk about the
hole in the ozone layer.
Find out whether the size of this hole
is changing and in what manner
scientists think this would affect life
on Earth (Fig. 14.9).
Q 1. What are the different states in
which water is found during the
water cycle?
2. Name two biologically important
compounds that contain both
oxygen and nitrogen.
3. List any three human activities
which would lead to an increase
in the carbon dioxide content of air.
4. What is the greenhouse effect?
5. What are the two forms of
oxygen found in the atmosphere?
you have
• Life on Earth depends on resources like soil, water and air,
and energy from the Sun.
• Uneven heating of air over land and water-bodies causes winds.
• Evaporation of water from water -bodies and subsequent
condensation give us rain.
• Rainfall patterns depend on the prevailing wind patterns in an
• Various nutrients are used again and again in a cyclic fashion.
This leads to a certain balance between the various components
of the biosphere.
• Pollution of air, water and soil affect the quality of life and
harm the biodiversity.
• We need to conserve our natural resources and use them in a
sustainable manner.
1. Why is the atmosphere essential for life?
2. Why is water essential for life?
3. How are living organisms dependent on the soil? Are organisms
that live in water totally independent of soil as a resource?
4. You have seen weather reports on television and in newspapers.
How do you think we are able to predict the weather?