OHL Construction Standards 2016 PDF
OHL Construction Standards 2016 PDF
OHL Construction Standards 2016 PDF
September 2016
1. General ....................................................................................................................................... 11
2. Drawings and Data ..................................................................................................................... 11
1. General ....................................................................................................................................... 22
2. Training ....................................................................................................................................... 22
3. Physical Examination.................................................................................................................. 22
4. Operators .................................................................................................................................... 22
1. GENERAL: Western uses standards and project specifications for constructing substation and
transmission line projects. The standards, project specifications, standard drawings, and project
drawings together completely describe the project to be constructed.
2. STANDARDS: The standards contain general requirements for constructing substation and
transmission line projects. The standards are specifications that describe material, standards of
quality, and requirements that are applicable to Western construction projects.
3. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS: Project specifications are issued for each project. The project
specifications describe the specific requirements for the construction project, describe the work
contained in Bidding Schedule items, and may specify measurement for payment. The project
specifications may list requirements that are in addition to the standards and may list requirements
that modify or take exception to the standards.
4. BIDDING SCHEDULE: The Bidding Schedule is listed in Section B of the contract. If the Bidding
Schedule contains a single item for the entire project, then the cost of performing work under the
contract shall be included in the single item. If the Bidding Schedule contains numerous items,
then the cost of performing work shall be included in the appropriate items as listed in the project
specifications. If work, required by the specifications and drawings, is not listed as included in a
separate item, then the cost of the work shall be included in other Bidding Schedule items as
5. APPLICABILITY OF STANDARDS: Use only the portions of each standard that are relevant to
work described in the project specifications.
6. CONFLICT IN REQUIREMENTS: If a conflict occurs between the project specifications and the
standards, the project specifications shall govern.
In addition to the terms and abbreviations covered in Section 1.2.4, “Reference Standards” and the
“Definitions” and “Specifications and Drawings for Construction” Contract Clauses, the terms and
definitions listed below apply:
“Western” or “Western Area Power Administration” as used herein means the Government.
“COR” as used herein means the person duly appointed as the Contracting Officer’s Representative.
“Approved” or “approval” as used herein shall mean approved by the COR, except where another specific
authority is designated.
“Material” or “materials,” as used herein to denote items furnished by the Contractor or by Western, mean
machinery, equipment, components, products, or any other item incorporated in the work.
“Provide” or “providing” as used herein shall mean “furnish and install” or “furnishing and installing,”
including labor and material to construct or install an item complete and ready for use.
Where “provide,” “install,” “furnish,” “repair,” or words of similar import are used, it shall be understood
that reference to the Contractor is intended unless clearly indicated otherwise.
“Section” as used in the standards shall mean written text designated by a section number (e.g., 1.1.6)
and include subsections under the referenced designation.
“PCB” or “PCBs” as used herein shall mean polychlorinated biphenyl or polychlorinated biphenyls.
“Removing” as used herein shall mean remove and dispose unless otherwise directed.
1. PROSECUTION OF THE WORK: The capacity of the Contractor's construction plant, sequence
of operations, method of operation, and the forces employed shall be subject to the COR's
approval and shall ensure the completion of the work within the specified period of time.
2. SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAM: Prior to start of field construction operations at the job site,
submit a Safety and Health Program as specified under Section 1.4, "Safety and Health.”
3. OUTAGE RESTRICTIONS: Western’s substations and transmission lines are under the
jurisdiction of Western's power operation and maintenance staff and are subject to their standard
operating procedures and regulations. Provisions will be made to de-energize only those buses
and circuits necessary to accomplish the work. Western will give outages based on system
operating conditions at the time outages are requested. Time and length of outages will be at
Western's discretion. Certain operating facilities will be released only at prescheduled times in
order to maintain the continuity of commercial electrical service.
4. SUBMITTAL FORMAT AND APPROVAL TIME: All submittals shall include the Western contract
number, Western project title, and the Bidding Schedule Contract Line Item Number (CLIN). The
standards and project specifications list approval times for submittals. These review times apply
to each separate submittal or resubmittal whether drawings or data are approved, not approved, or
returned for revision. If Western uses time in excess of the above-stated number of days for
reviewing any submittal or resubmittal, the excess time will be added to time allowed for
completion of the work affected by such excess time; except, if the review of two or more separate
submittals or resubmittals is late and results in concurrent days of excess time, such days will be
counted only once in computing an extension of completion date. Number of calendar days
required for review of drawings or data submitted or resubmitted for approval will include the date
drawings or data are received by Western and will extend through date of return mailing to the
1. GENERAL: Submit a construction program for approval in accordance with the contract clause
titled "Schedules for Construction Contracts”. Pending approval of the program, proceed with
work in accordance with the proposed construction program.
2. ESTIMATE OF EARNINGS: Construction program shall show the percentage of work for each
line item or portion of work scheduled for completion each month and include an estimate of
earnings by months.
Program approval shall not obligate Western to provide funds in any manner other than as
provided in the contract clauses and special contract requirements.
(1) Form of Submittal: Submit three prints of construction program and each revised program.
(2) Revisions: Revise construction program to keep it current; enter on program actual progress
at end of each progress payment period, or at such other intervals as directed, and submit two
marked prints of program to the COR.
4. FORMAT AND DETAIL: Construction program shall show in detail the Contractor's schedule of
operations and shall provide for orderly performance of the work. Construction program shall
show the following:
(2) Dates for commencing and completing work on the controlling features.
(4) Lead times required for Government-furnished construction drawings. Lead times greater than
75-days shall be justified.
1. GENERAL: Conform to the requirements of the contract clause titled "Layout of Work" and to the
following requirements:
(1) Establish lines and grades from existing structures or survey control as directed by the COR
for control and measurements at the site.
(2) Establish lines and grades that control the work at the location so that they are set to the limit
marks and tolerances identified in Section “Degree of Accuracy" or as shown on the
(3) No payment will be made for work necessary to correct misaligned tangent or facility
structures or features in either the horizontal or vertical plane.
(1) Prior to beginning any phase of the survey work, submit to the COR a proposed plan that
demonstrates that the lines and grades, established by the Contractor for control of the work,
will meet the requirements of the project specifications.
(2) Submit data collector dump, computer printout, and field books to the COR.
3. PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS: Survey work shall be done under the direction of a qualified
surveyor or engineer approved by the COR. The number of qualified surveying personnel
required will vary with the workloads, and sufficient qualified survey personnel shall be available to
perform the required work.
5. RECORDS: Survey notes that show field procedures and field data shall be recorded and certified
by the person in responsible charge of the survey work.
6. DATA COLLECTORS: If data collectors are utilized in conjunction with total station equipment,
the COR shall be provided with a certified copy of the data collector dump and the computer
printout of the survey calculations showing initial and finalized data. The data collector dump shall
be annotated to reflect, at each occupied station, the date and time data is collected, stations
occupied, back sight, foresight, angle turned, distance measured, and difference in vertical
7. FIELD BOOKS: If field books are utilized in conjunction with conventional equipment, the original
field notes, computations, and other records for the purpose of layout and quantity surveys shall
be recorded in duplicating field books. Immediately upon completing and reducing the notes for a
survey or portion of a survey, furnish a duplicate copy to the COR. Upon completing a field book,
submit the original field survey book to the COR for filing.
8. DIFFERING CONDITIONS: Conditions encountered during construction that are different from
those represented on the drawings shall be brought to the attention of Western's Field
Representative. Once verified by Western's Field Representative, the Contractor shall accurately
record the condition and furnish the corrected drawing to Western in accordance with Standard 15
- Drawings Section 15.2, "As-Built Drawings".
9. CLEANUP: Except for permanent survey markers and material that locate proposed facilities,
stakes, pins, rebar, spikes, and other material shall be removed from the surface and within the
top 15-inches of the topsoil as a part of final cleanup.
10. ACCESS ROADS: Stake and mark Western-provided access road rights-of-way in accordance
with the legal descriptions and tract plats furnished by Western.
(1) Substations: Points for cross sections shall be located to the nearest 0.1 (1/10th) of a foot
horizontally and vertically. Levels shall close within 0.05 (5/100th) of a foot times the square
root of the length of the circuit in miles. Final grade stakes (blue tops) for concrete shall be set
to 0.01 (1/100th) of a foot. Alignment of tangents and curves shall be within 0.1 (1/10th) of a
foot. Points for structures shall be set to the nearest 0.01 (1/100th) of a foot, except where
operational function of special features or installations of metalwork and equipment require
closer tolerances.
(2) Access Roads: On land in rural areas, establish the centerline of the access road with a
horizontal positional closure of 1:2500 or better. On land in residential or commercial areas,
establish the centerline of the access road with a horizontal positional closure of 1:5000 or
Survey Marks for Points of Intersection (P.I.) and Tangent Transmission Line Structures:
In grassland, pasture, desert, or grazing areas, the rebar is flush with the ground. In crop
land, the rebar is buried 12-inches to 14-inches below ground surface. Western has
located the center of each transmission line P.I. structure on the transmission line
centerline and marked it with a #5 rebar (5/8-inch) affixed with an aluminum cap
imprinted with the survey control number and punch mark.
Western has located the center of each tangent transmission line structure on the
transmission line centerline and marked it with a #4 rebar (1/2-inch). Western will only
provide survey crew services to re-establish transmission line P.I.
a. Leg Extension Determination Sheets: After award of contract, the COR will provide
the Contractor with copies of Western's "Leg Extension Determination Sheet.”
b. Horizontal and Vertical Control: After award of contract, the COR will furnish the
Contractor with data that may include a set of drawings titled "Schematic Control and
Land Monumentation Diagram" which identifies the horizontal and vertical control
network established by Western. Using the horizontal control at the P.I.'s furnished
by Western:
(a) Stake auger points for footings and construct the transmission line towers to plus
or minus 1/10th foot of the base elevation shown on the plan and profile
(b) Recover structure sites and verify or re-establish the horizontal location of
tangent structures sites; and insure the centerline point of each transmission line
structure site is within 0.2 foot of the true tangent line between P.I.'s and within
plus or minus 1.0 foot of the correct centerline station.
(c) Verify that the ahead and back span lengths at recovered tangent structure sites
agree with the plan and profile drawings. The results, including the magnitude of
any difference, shall be given to the COR prior to foundation construction.
2) Single Shaft Steel, H-Frame Steel Pole, Wood Pole Single, and Wood Pole H-Frame:
3) Steel Pole Structures, Light Duty Steel Pole Structures, and Wood Pole Structures:
Survey Marks for P.I. and Tangent Transmission Line Structures: In grassland, pasture,
desert, or grazing areas, the rebar is flush with the ground. In crop land, the rebar is
buried 12-inches to 14-inches below ground surface.
Western has located the center of each transmission line P.I. structure on the
transmission line centerline and marked it with a #5 rebar (5/8-inch-diameter) affixed with
an aluminum cap imprinted with the survey control number and punch mark. Western
has located the center of each tangent transmission line structure on the transmission
line centerline and marked it with a #4 rebar (1/2-inch-diameter). Western will only
provide survey crew services to re-establish transmission line P.I.
c. Horizontal and Vertical Control: After award of contract, the COR will furnish the
Contractor with data that may include a set of drawings titled "Schematic Control and
Land Monumentation Diagram" which identifies the horizontal and vertical control
network established by Western. Using the horizontal control at the P.I.'s furnished
by Western:
(a) Recover structure sites and verify or re-establish the horizontal location of
tangent structure sites; and insure the centerline point of each transmission line
structure site is within 0.2-foot of the true tangent line between P.I.'s and within
plus or minus 1.0-foot of the correct centerline station.
(b) Verify that the ahead and back span lengths at recovered tangent structure sites
agree with the plan and profile drawings. The results, including the magnitude of
any differences, shall be given to the COR prior to foundation construction.
(c) Stake auger points for the footings or structures and, if required, the guys for
tangent and P.I. structures. Guys shall be located with an accuracy of plus or
minus 1-foot (1.0). The accuracies shall be measured from angle points shown
on the plan and profile drawings.
(4) Microwave Stations: In remote areas, Western will locate and mark tower and support centers
with #4 or #5 rebar. Western will provide a reference azimuth from the tower center.
1) In remote areas, establish three protected reference points for the Western-established
tower or support center. These reference points shall be established outside of the area
under construction.
2) Antennas shall be oriented within 1 degree, plus or minus, of the azimuth specified.
Towers shall be constructed so the antenna is located within 6-inches (0.5-foot), plus or
minus, of the height specified.
1. GENERAL: In addition to the requirements of the contract clause titled "Payments Under Fixed
Price Construction Contracts”, the Contractor shall submit a detailed breakdown of the total
contract price.
2. SUBMITTALS: The price breakdown shall be submitted in triplicate to the COR designated in this
contract within 30-calendar days after the date of notice to proceed.
3. FORMAT AND DETAIL: The breakdown of contract costs shall be arranged by bid item with a
further, more detailed division into the various kinds of work which make up the bid item. Contract
costs shall be furnished for each bid item detailing the various kinds of work covered in the
technical paragraphs of the specifications. The cost breakdown shall show the quantities of each
type of work, the unit prices for materials, labor, and equipment, as well as the total price. The
Contractor shall obtain cost information from its subcontractor(s) as required, to provide the
Government with a complete breakdown of the actual bid price.
4. FORMS: Western may furnish forms for the Contractors use in providing the cost breakdown.
A 6-foot clear zone shall be maintained inside the perimeter. Outside the perimeter every attempt shall be
made to maintain a 6-foot clear zone. This includes but is not limited to stored items such as insulators,
conductors, poles, equipment, and vegetation.
1. ESTIMATED DELIVERY DATES: Estimated delivery dates are provided for developing a
construction program. These delivery dates are not guaranteed, but Western will make
reasonable efforts to secure delivery of the items within the time period shown.
2. ESTIMATED COSTS: Estimated costs are provided so bidders may include applicable Federal,
State, and local taxes and duties on Government-furnished material. These costs are not
guaranteed, but are Western's best estimates at time of bidding.
3. POINTS OF DELIVERY: Load and haul material from the delivery points to the work.
4. UNLOADING OF MATERIAL: Provide prompt unloading of material. Western will back charge
the Contractor for demurrage charges incurred due to failure to unload trucks promptly. Report to
the COR, in writing, within 24-hours after unloading, any shortage or damage to material when
5. DRAWINGS AND DATA: Western will furnish one print of wiring diagrams for Government-
furnished control, metering, relaying, and communications equipment when the equipment is
1. GENERAL: Furnish material for completing the work. Material shall be new and of current
manufacture. Refer to the contract clause titled "Material and Workmanship" for additional
material requirements.
2. DRAWINGS AND DATA: Western will furnish wiring diagrams of Contractor-furnished equipment
90-days after receipt of informational drawings and data as required in Standard 9 – Substation –
Electrical, Section 9.1.3.
(1) Purchase Orders: Submit purchase orders for the electrical equipment and for the steel
structures. Within 10-working-days after purchase orders are awarded, submit one copy of
electrical equipment purchase orders to the Electrical Engineer and one copy of steel structure
purchase orders to the Civil Engineer. The purchase orders shall describe the material and
give the Bidding Schedule item number. To permit scheduling of Government inspection,
furnish the following information for each purchase order: the manufacturer, manufacturer
location, name of contact and phone number, start date and duration of fabrication, applicable
dates of testing, and shipping date.
2. SUBSTITUTION OF MATERIAL: Provide the type and grade of material specified from any
source. If the specified material is not available, substitute material, approved in writing, may be
used. Adjustment will be made in favor of Western if the substitute material costs less to the
Contractor than the material specified.
If the substitution involves an adjustment in Western's favor, then a contract change will be issued
in accordance with the "Changes" clause.
1. GENERAL: Reference to ANSI, ASTM, and other reference standards and codes shall be to the
most current edition. If material is not specified by ANSI, ASTM, or other standards or codes,
material furnished shall be of standard commercial quality. Where types, grades, or other options
offered in the referenced specifications are not specified in these standards or project
specifications, material furnished will be acceptable if in accordance with any one of the types,
grades, or options offered.
3. ADDRESSES: Obtain other referenced specifications, standards, and codes from the addresses
listed below. Information on specifications, standards, and codes not listed below may be
obtained from the Civil or Electrical Engineer.
AA-Aluminum Association, Inc., 900 19th Street NW., Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 20006-2168
AASHTO-American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 444 North Capitol
Street NW., Suite 249, Washington, D.C. 20001
AISC-American Institute of Steel Construction, 1 East Wacker Drive, Suite 3100, Chicago, IL
AISI-American Iron and Steel Institute, 1101 17th Street NW., Suite 1300, Washington, D.C.
AMCA-Air Movement and Control Association, Inc., 30 West University Drive, Arlington Heights, IL
ANSI-American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY
APA-American Plywood Association, 7011 South 19th Street, P.O. Box 11700, Tacoma, WA
ASME-American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017
ASTM-American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA
AWS-American Welding Society, Inc., 550 NW. Le Jeune Road, P.O. Box 351040, Miami, FL
AWWA-American Water Works Association, 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235
CISCA-Ceilings and Interior Systems Contractors Association, 579 West North Avenue, Elmhurst,
IL 60126
EIA-Electronic Industries Association, c/o Global Engineering, 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood,
CO 80112-5704
IBC-International Building Council, 500 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Sixth Floor, Washington D.C.
IEEE-Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway,
NJ 08855-1331
IES-Illuminating Engineering Society, 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017
LRFD - Load and Resistance Factor Design, AISC, Manual of Steel Construction,
American Institute of Steel Construction, 1 East Wacker Drive, Suite 3100, Chicago, IL
NACE-National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 1440 South Creek Drive, P.O. Box 218340,
Houston, TX 77218-8340
NEC-National Electrical Code, National Fire Protection Association, One Batterymarch Park, P.O.
Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9101
NEMA-National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 2101 L Street NW., Suite 300, Washington,
D.C. 20037
NESC-National Electrical Safety Code, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, 445 Hoes
Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331
NFPA-National Fire Protection Association, One Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA
NKCA-National Kitchen Cabinet Association, P.O. Box 6830, Falls Church, VA 22046
OSHA-Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 3rd and Constitution Avenues, Washington,
D.C. 20210
PCI-Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, 175 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 1859, Chicago, IL
SJI-Steel Joist Institute, 1205 48th Avenue North, Suite A, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
SMACNA-Sheet Metal and Air-Conditioning Contractors National Association, Inc., 4201 Lafayette
Center Drive, Chantilly, VA 22021
TPI-Truss Plate Institute, Inc., 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Suite 200, Madison, WI 53719
UBC-Uniform Building Code, International Conference of Building Officials, 5360 South Workman
Mill Road, Whittier, CA 90601
WWPA-Western Wood Products Association, 522 SW. 5th Avenue, Yeon Building, Portland,OR
Western will furnish the right-of-way or site for the work and the right-of-way for access to the work over
routes established by Western.
1. GENERAL: Rights-of-way for access to the work from existing roads will be provided as specified
above. Perform work on the rights-of-way necessary for access to the site. Construct and
maintain haul roads, access roads, bridges, and drainage structures required for construction
2. INVESTIGATIONS: Investigate the condition and availability of public and private roads and
clearances, restrictions, bridge-load limits, bond requirements, and other limitations that may affect
transportation and ingress and egress at the job site. Unavailability of transportation facilities or
limitations thereon shall not become a basis for claims for damages or extension of time.
3. EXISTING ROADS: Existing roads are available subject to applicable restrictions. Meet
conditions imposed upon the use of existing roads by those having jurisdiction, including seasonal
environmental and other limitations or restrictions. Pay excess size and weight fees, and post
bonds conditioned upon repair of road damage.
4. HAUL ROUTES: Intra job hauling over public highways, roads, and bridges shall be in
accordance with applicable local regulations and shall minimize interference with local traffic.
Where haul routes cross railroads, public highways or roads, provide barricades, flag persons, and
other necessary precautions for safety of the public as required by Section 1.4, "Safety and
1. GOVERNMENT LAND: Government land, controlled by Western, may be used for field offices,
storage yards, shops, and other facilities if such use will not interfere with work of other contractors
or of the Government in the vicinity, or with reservations made by Western for use of the land.
Refer to the contract clause titled "Operations and Storage Areas" for additional requirements.
The COR's approval shall be obtained prior to use of Government land.
2. PRIVATE LAND: If private land is used, make necessary arrangements with the owner and pay
rentals or other costs.
1. GENERAL: In addition to the contract clause titled "Protection of Existing Vegetation, Structures,
Equipment, Utilities, and Improvements,” obtain the location of buried conduit, pipe, cable, ground
mat, and other buried items prior to performing excavations in the existing installation. Use proper
methods for protecting existing installations during excavating and backfilling operations and when
installing equipment and material.
Fences on right-of-way shall be removed where necessary and replaced to the original condition
or better when the work is finished.
2. SUBMITTALS: Prior to starting excavation in an energized substation, submit to the COR for
approval a cable location plan and print of locations. The plan shall give proposed methods of
locating existing buried cable and include methods of identifying subsurface cable installations
within the work area and methods of surface marking of cable locations and lines of excavation.
When locating cable, wires shall not be loosened or removed from the terminals, and signals shall
not be induced into the control circuit. The substation shall remain operational and the methods
used for cable location shall not interfere with operation of the substation. Excavation will not be
allowed until cable location has been marked on the ground and the COR has received a marked
print showing the cable location.
Where existing fences are removed to facilitate the work, temporary fence protection for lands
adjacent to the right-of-way shall be provided at all times during the continuation of the contract.
Such temporary fence protection shall be adequate to prevent public access to restricted areas.
Temporary fencing constructed on the right-of-way shall be removed by the Contractor as part of
the cleanup operations prior to final acceptance of the completed work.
4. CONTRACTOR’S NONCOMPLIANCE: If the Contractor does not provide the necessary fences
and gates to adequately protect property adjacent to the right-of-way within a reasonable time
after need for such protection arises, Western will have the work performed and back charge the
1. GENERAL: Make necessary provisions and perform work required to avoid interference with the
operation or maintenance of railroads, highways, and overhead utility lines, including transmission,
telegraph, and telephone lines, in a manner satisfactory to the owners or operators thereof and to
Western. If required, furnish liability insurance, indemnity and other bonds, and required permits.
2. PROTECTIVE MEASURES: Provide and maintain required watchmen, signals, guards, and
temporary structures in accordance with Section 1.4.2, “Public Safety.”
3. STRINGING OVER ENERGIZED POWER LINES: When stringing transmission line conductors or
overhead ground wires over energized electric power lines, notify the owners or operators thereof
of the period of time required for stringing, and obtain a written acknowledgment of such notice.
Present the acknowledgment to the COR before stringing of the crossing span is started.
Stringing operations shall conform to the applicable safety and transmission line stringing
provisions of Section 1.4, “Safety and Health.”
1. GENERAL: In addition to the contract clause titled "Accident Prevention,” conduct a Safety and
Health Program and take necessary precautions to protect the safety and health of employees and
members of the public and to prevent damage to public and private property. Do not allow
employees, whether directly employed or employed through subcontract or onsite supply contract,
to work in surroundings or under working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or
dangerous to their health or safety.
Western's commitment and policy concerning occupational safety and health is printed on the
inside back cover of the project specifications. This statement is incorporated into these standards
and shall be incorporated into the Contractor's safety program.
3. COMPLIANCE WITH CODES AND STANDARDS: Comply with the latest effective Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards 29 C.F.R. 1910 and 29 C.F.R. 1926 and
other applicable Federal, State, and local regulations. In any State where the State OSHA's plan
is accepted by the Federal Government, comply with the State OSHA regulations. Keep a copy of
applicable OSHA standards at the job site. Certain OSHA standards have been referenced for
emphasis. OSHA standards shall apply, whether referenced or not.
(1) General:
(2) Superintendent's Resume: The superintendent's resume shall be submitted as part of the
Contractor's Safety and Health Program and shall include the following:
5. CONTRACTOR'S SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAM: Submit six printed copies or one
electronic copy of a proposed Safety and Health Program (Program) to the COR for approval at
least 10-days prior to start of construction operations. The Contractor will keep one hard copy of
the approved Program on-site at all times. On-site construction operations shall not begin until
approval of the Program. Approval of the Program, including amendments and supplements
thereto, is for the purpose of determining compliance with the standards and project specifications
only and shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for the safety and health of persons
and property. The Program shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) Designation of the on-site superintendent to carry out the Program. Include superintendent's
resume of qualifications and experience in the type of work to be performed and safety and
hazard recognition training.
(2) Statement of company Safety and Health Policy encompassing compliance with applicable
Federal, State, and local safety standards and the safety and health requirements of the
standards and project specifications.
(3) Provision for first aid, medical care of injured employees, and emergency response telephone
numbers as required by OSHA 1926.50, "Medical Services and First Aid.” For fieldwork
involving two or more employees at a work location, at least two trained persons shall be
available. For fixed work locations, the number of trained persons available shall be sufficient
to enable emergency treatment to begin within four minutes of an accident.
(4) Provision for training employees in the recognition and avoidance of unsafe conditions using
methods such as new employee orientation, weekly "tool box" meetings, and job hazard
(5) Fire protection procedures and facilities, including requirements in OSHA 1926, Subpart F,
"Fire Protection and Prevention.”
(6) Health and sanitation facilities, including requirements in OSHA 1926.51, "Sanitation.”
(7) Procedures for specific sequences of work to ensure adequate activity hazard analysis of
hazards and provision of protective measures (e.g., demolition, excavation, structure erection,
stringing operations, grounding, working adjacent to energized electrical equipment, etc.).
(8) Provisions for the use and furnishing of personal protective equipment.
(10)Company policy and procedures for enforcing safety and health regulations.
(11)Copy of the current certificate of compliance with industrial compensation insurance statutes.
(14)Fall protection policy and program identifying hazards and listing equipment and procedures
the Contractor is planning on using for this specific project that meets the requirements of
OSHA 1926 and applicable Western standards. A list of Contractor approved employees, to
work at height when fall protection is required, shall be provided to the COR.
(1) A Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) is a study of a job or activity to identify hazards or potential
accidents associated with each step or task, and develop solutions that will eliminate, modify,
or prevent such hazards or accidents. For simple tasks, the JHA may be a thought process
for a single employee task; it may be a verbal discussion as part of a tailgate safety meeting;
or it may be a verbal discussion between a Supervisor and employee when work is assigned.
(2) For complex, high risk tasks, or as directed by the COR, a written JHA shall be prepared by
the Supervisor in consultation with the employees. It also may involve second level or higher
supervision, as in the case of a separate written work procedure. In all cases, the analysis
shall include those participating in the task, and a signature or initials of all participants shall
be required.
(3) The JHA shall consist of the following: date; identification of Employee Group(s); location and
directions to the work site; narrative description of work to be accomplished; list of identified
hazards and how to minimize or eliminate, including specific personal protective equipment;
appropriate apparel; special instructions or limitations; list of all special equipment and tools;
and sequence of steps, or, when required, a detailed step-by-step work procedure.
(3) Periodic Joint Safety Meetings: Periodic joint safety meetings with the Contractor's
supervisory personnel and Western will be conducted throughout the contract.
9. ACCIDENT RECORDS AND REPORTING: Maintain and furnish accurate records and reports to
Western as directed by the COR. Verbal notifications are required immediately, and written
reports are required within 48-hours on job-related deaths, occupational diseases, traumatic
injuries to employees or the public, and property damage caused by an accident as follows:
2) Public Injury: Injuries to the public arising out of this contract shall be reported to the
(2) Equipment and Motor Vehicle Accidents: Work site equipment and motor vehicle accidents,
regardless of extent of injury or cost, shall be reported to the COR.
(3) Property Damage: Property damage or loss in excess of $1,000 resulting from any accident
shall be reported to the COR. Damage to Government or public property, regardless of cost,
shall be reported to the COR.
10. TESTING AND DATA: Prior to onsite use, furnish the COR with copies of certifications, test
records, and technical data as follows:
(1) Load performance tests in accordance with Section 1.4.11, "Lifting Devices.”
(2) Annual inspections for cranes and aerial lifts shall be performed by a qualified, independent
party, accredited by the Crane Certification Association of America, or the manufacturer.
Crane annual inspection records shall be in accordance with OSHA 1926 Subpart CC,
“Cranes and Derricks in Construction”, and annual inspection reports of aerial lift equipment in
accordance with ANSI A92. Copies of the reports and any deficiencies corrected for repairs
made since the inspection was performed shall be provided to the COR. Copies of the reports
and certifications shall also be maintained in the lifting device.
(4) Test results of protective ground leads in accordance with Section 1.4.14 "Grounds, Bonds,
and Other Protective Devices.”
(5) Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for each paint, oil, epoxy, insulating medium, curing
compound, herbicide, and other hazardous material.
(6) The manufacturer's load rating for each hoist and grip.
(8) Medical Examiner's certificate in accordance with Section 1.4.3 "Employee Requirements.”
(2) Data for excavation protective system in accordance with Section 1.4.5 "Excavation.”
1. ROADS: Roads subject to interference by the work shall be kept open without unreasonable
delays or suitable detours shall be provided and maintained. Protection of the public shall be
provided as required by OSHA 1926, Subpart G, "Signs, Signals, and Barricades,” and by the
public agency having law enforcement jurisdiction for the roadway.
2. RAILROADS: Provide, erect, and maintain barricades, flasher lights, flag persons, danger signals,
and signs where access roads and haul routes cross railroads.
1. GENERAL: Employees shall be qualified to perform their assigned duties. Employees shall not
work while their ability or alertness is impaired because of fatigue, illness, medications, drugs or
alcohol, or any other reason that may expose them or others to injury.
2. TRAINING: Ensure that each employee entering the work site has experience, training, and,
where required, the certification, skills, and knowledge necessary to safely perform their assigned
tasks. In addition, ensure each employee receives initial work site safety orientation and
continued safety and health training addressing the hazards associated with the work and the
measures necessary to control or eliminate the hazards.
3. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Each employee who operates the following listed equipment shall be
given and pass a Department of Transportation (DOT 49 C.F.R. 391.43) physical examination
once every 24-months:
(1) Cranes.
(2) Aerial lift equipment.
(3) Other vehicles as required by Federal and State laws and regulations.
A copy of the Medical Examiner's certificate shall be furnished to the COR prior to the employee
operating the listed equipment. The certificate shall state that the physical examination met the
requirements of DOT 49 C.F.R. 391.43.
4. OPERATORS: Employees operating motor vehicles and other equipment shall be licensed in
accordance with applicable Federal and State laws and regulations.
Provide the COR with assurance of competency of employees operating cranes, aerial lift
equipment, heavy equipment, and other motor vehicles by documentation of their experience,
training, and/or licensing. Qualified operators must meet ASME B30.5 (OSHA Ref. 29 C.F.R.
1926 Subpart CC, “Cranes and Derricks in Construction”).
1. GENERAL: Identify the need for personal protective equipment in work activities and require
wearing of appropriate personal protective equipment in accordance with OSHA requirements and
the following requirements.
3. HARD HATS: Employees entering the area where construction work is in progress, with the
exception of the parking area and the interior of shops and offices, shall wear hard hats. Provide
hard hats for visitors entering hard hat areas. "Hard Hat Area" signs shall be furnished and
5. FALL PROTECTION SYSTEMS: All employees working at elevated locations more than 4-feet
above a lower level shall use a personal fall protection system, work-positioning equipment, or fall
restraint system, as appropriate.
Fall protection system shall be provided via the use of full-body harness, shock absorbing
lanyards, retractable lanyards, shock absorbing "Y" lanyards, or other OSHA acceptable methods.
(1) Substations, Transmission Lines, and Microwave Towers: Positioning straps and fall
protection systems shall be worn and used in accordance with OSHA 1926.954(b) during
construction of electric transmission and distribution lines, substations, and microwave towers.
Using bushings on substation equipment for anchorage or climbing will not be allowed. Using
step bolts and ladder rungs as an anchor point will not be allowed.
(2) Aerial Devices: Transitioning to a structure will only be allowed if the aerial device has a door,
or ladder designed for that purpose.
7. LADDERS: Ladders shall be in accordance with OSHA 1926, Subpart X, "Stairways and
Ladders”, and the following:
(1) Suspended Ladders: Provide positive fall protection when climbing, moving, or working on
suspended ladders.
(2) Ladders of Conductive Material: Ladders with side rails constructed of conductive material
shall not be used in substations or on transmission lines.
(3) Ladder Stability: Ladders, except stepladders, shall be held or tied off when being climbed,
when being worked from, or when a worker is getting on or off at an elevated position.
(4) Ladder Rungs: Ladder rungs shall have skid-resistant surfaces and shall be maintained as
10. PROTECTIVE CHAPS: When using chain saws, protective chain saw chaps shall be worn.
Chaps shall be constructed of four layers of Kevlar or ballistic nylon.
11. FOOT PROTECTION DURING CHAIN SAW USE: Use boots made with material (such as
layered Kevlar) capable of meeting ASTM standard F1818 (Standard Specification for Foot
Protection for Chain Saw Users).
1. BURIED UTILITIES: Prior to excavation, examine the area and determine the location of buried
utilities as required by OSHA 1926.651, "General Requirements,” subparagraph (b). Utilities shall
be identified with a marker denoting the type of service.
Hand dig to confirm the location and identities of the cable. Before digging in an existing
substation, review as built drawings, cable trenches, any equipment not shown on the drawings,
and terminal box inlets to identify any cables that may not be shown on a drawing.
For work in an energized substation, have a cable locator onsite. Cable and magnetic locator
equal to Model MAC-51B, as manufactured by Schonstedt Instrument Company, 1775 Wiehle
Avenue, Reston, VA 22090, telephone (703) 471-1050.
1. GENERAL: Transportation, handling, storage, and use of explosives shall comply with OSHA
1926, Subpart U, "Blasting and the Use of Explosives.” Blasting will be permitted only after
adequate provisions have been made for the protection of persons, the work, and public or private
property. Blasting shall be done between sunrise and sunset. Repair blasting damage to the work
and public or private property.
(1) General: Submit three copies of a blasting plan to the COR for approval. No blasting activity
shall begin prior to approval of the blasting plan and submission of individual shot plans.
(2) Blasting Plan: Plan shall detail the Contractor's proposals for compliance with this section and
shall detail the general concepts proposed to achieve the desired excavations using individual
shot plans. In addition, the plan shall address proposed methods for controlling fly rock, for
blasting warnings, and for use of electrical blasting systems. Provide data to support the
adequacy of the proposed efforts regarding the safety of structures and slopes and to assure
that an adequate foundation is obtained.
(3) Shot Plans: Shot plans shall detail, including sketches, the drilling and blasting procedures;
the number, location, diameter, and inclination of drill holes; the amount, type, and distribution
of explosive per hole and delay; and pounds of explosive per square foot for pre-splitting and
smooth blasting.
4. DRILLING DUST CONTROL: When drilling control the dust within safe hygienic limits as required
by OSHA 1926.55, "Gases, Vapors, Fumes, Dusts, and Mists.”
5. VIBRATION AND DAMAGE CONTROL: Blasting in the vicinity of buildings, structures, and other
facilities susceptible to vibration or air blast damage shall be carefully planned and controlled to
eliminate possibility of damage to such facilities and structures. Include in blasting plan provisions
for control to eliminate vibration and air blast damage.
1. GENERAL: Material handling and storage shall be as required by OSHA 1926, Subpart H,
"Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal,” and OSHA 1926, Subpart V, "Power
Transmission and Distribution.” Stack heavy material on adequate lagging to prevent shifting.
Cylindrical-shaped material such as poles and pipe shall be handled with extra caution to prevent
unplanned movement.
2. CRITICAL LIFTS: The contractor shall prepare a written plan for critical lifts. All personnel
involved with the lift shall review and sign the Critical Lift Plan.
(1) Lifts being made under a hotline order next to energized conductors.
(2) Lifts made when the load is 75 percent or more than the rated capacity of the crane or hoisting
1) Exact size and weight of the load, including the crane and rigging components.
2) Exact information about the sequence of the lift.
3) Rigging plans with lift points and hardware requirements.
1. GENERAL: Procedures for erecting structures shall be made a part of the Safety and Health
Program. The structure erection plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following subjects:
assembly, lifting, shoring, size and type of hoisting equipment, operator qualifications, crane
signal/communication, connecting rigging, guying, moving equipment, and protection for adjacent
energized power facilities.
Structure and building assembly and erection shall be conducted with a minimum exposure to
employees from overhead loads and work activities. No one shall be permitted under the load
while it is being hoisted into position, except as required to secure the load being set. No one shall
be allowed to ride the hook, line, or load.
2. COMMUNICATION: A two-way radio device shall be used to relay information between the
spotter and the crane operator when vision is obstructed.
3. TEMPORARY STRUCTURE SUPPORT: Structures shall have adequate temporary guy cables or
other structural support during erection procedures. Temporary structure support shall be
approved by a registered Professional Engineer. Temporary guys or structural supports shall
remain in place until the permanent guys or structural supports are in place.
4. TOOLS: Tools and material shall not be thrown or dropped from structures. Handlines and tool
bags shall be used.
Equipment, conductive objects, and personnel shall not be brought closer to energized high-voltage
facilities (600 V or greater) than the distances listed in the applicable parts of OSHA 1910 and 1926 as
listed below. Adequate means of preventing violations of the electrical minimum approach distances shall
be used, such as spotters and equipment stops.
Cranes and Derricks shall comply with 1926 Subpart CC, “Cranes and Derricks in Construction”. A notice
of the electrical minimum approach distance limitations required by the Standards shall be permanently
posted in the operator’s cab of such equipment.
Other equipment, conductive objects, or personnel, shall not be brought closer to energized facilities than
the electrical minimum approach distances established by OSHA 1910.269(k), “Materials, Handling, and
(1) Riding on Equipment: Riding on equipment is prohibited unless a safe place to ride is
provided. A safe place to ride is defined as a permanently affixed seat with passenger
restraint device. Getting on or off equipment while in motion is prohibited.
(2) Brakes: When directed by the COR and when otherwise required, carry out a braking
performance test on onsite equipment. Test shall be conducted in the presence of the COR
and recorded on the form prescribed by the COR.
1. GENERAL: Lifting devices shall be designed and manufactured or fabricated for their intended
use and shall conform to applicable ANSI standards; OSHA 1910, Subpart N, "Materials Handling
and Storage"; OSHA 1926, Subpart N, "Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Elevators, and Conveyors"; and
the requirements of this section.
2. MOBILE CRANES: Crawler, truck, and wheel-mounted cranes shall conform to applicable
requirements for design, inspection, construction, testing, maintenance, and operation as
prescribed in ANSI B30. The exception in the last sentence of B30.15-0.1 shall not apply. Submit
annual inspection records to the COR in accordance with ANSI B30.
3. AERIAL WORK DEVICES: Aerial work devices used to raise, shift, and lower personnel shall
conform to applicable requirements for design, inspection, construction, testing, maintenance, and
operation as prescribed by ANSI A92, regardless of date of manufacture. Submit annual
inspection records to the COR in accordance with the applicable ANSI standard.
5. WORK PLATFORMS: Work platforms suspended from crane load lines will be subject to the
approval of the COR for each application. The design, use, and testing of the work platforms shall
be in accordance with OSHA 1926 Subpart CC, "Cranes and Derricks in Construction”.
6. FABRICATED MOBILE LIFTING DEVICES: Fabricated mobile lifting devices such as truck-
mounted A-frames, gin poles, and similar equipment shall be designed, constructed, and certified
based on the determinations of a registered Professional Engineer competent in this field. A
written contract specific certification shall be provided to the COR. Design capacity shall be
7. LOAD PERFORMANCE TEST: Prior to initial use and following modification, alteration, or repair
of any component, load test mobile cranes and fabricated mobile lifting devices at the job site and
in the presence of the COR. Provide test results on forms supplied by Western. Load test shall
involve lifting, swinging, and brake holding a load of 100 percent of the load chart rating for a
specific configuration and load radius. Configuration, load radius, and test weight shall be chosen
to prove the machine's capability and load chart accuracy for its anticipated use. Configuration
shall provide a boom angle of at least 30 degrees above the horizontal.
(1) General: The handling, use, and inspection of rigging shall be in accordance with OSHA
1926.251, "Rigging Equipment for Material Handling.”
(2) Rigging Selection and Analysis: Analyze the requirements and select the rigging equipment
appropriate for the load based upon thorough analysis of load data, rated capacities, and
manufacturer's recommendations. A copy of the analysis and selection of equipment shall be
submitted to the COR.
(3) Field-Fabricated Devices: The design of field-fabricated rigging equipment and devices shall
be certified by a registered Professional Engineer.
10. UNKNOWN LOADS: When lifting an unknown load or a load that cannot be calculated, a load
indicating device shall be used.
The use of work carts suspended from conductors or overhead ground wires will be subject to the
approval of the COR for each application. A detailed work procedure shall be submitted for approval by
the COR that, as a minimum, addresses the following:
2. HOISTING AND INSTALLING: Method of hoisting and installing the cart on the conductor and
procedure for powering the cart along the conductor.
3. EXISTING FACILITIES: Prior to working on existing facilities, evaluate the condition of existing
structures, conductors, suspension hardware, and overhead ground wires. Fall protection
procedures will be used.
The use of work carts will be approved only when less hazardous methods of performing the work
are not feasible.
1.4.13 AVIATION:
1. GENERAL: Helicopter , fixed wing, and/or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operations shall
conform to applicable FAA standards contained in 14 C.F.R. 91, 133, and 135 and
(1) Affidavit signed by the chief pilot of the aviation operator certifying credentials of pilot for the
work to be performed addressing the following:
1) Evidence (e.g., pilot's log, resume, etc.) of experience in class load, make, and model of
aircraft, including affidavit certifying currency of training in aircraft make and model.
Training must have included emergency procedures, weight and balance computations,
performance charts, and training in the approved flight manual.
2) If the pilot is not experienced in class load, make, and model, provide onsite training and
supervision by the chief pilot until the pilot has demonstrated that they can perform the
work safely. Minimum training period shall be at least ten (10) flying hours.
(2) Affidavit signed by the aviation operator certifying compliance with 14 C.F.R. 91, Subpart E,
and possession of current:
1) Airworthiness Certificate.
2) Aircraft Registration.
3) Current Weight and Balance.
4) Operator's Manual.
(3) JHA’s shall be submitted for procedures addressing the following concerns:
1) Emergency procedures.
3) Hazards involved in rigging components between the helicopter and any external loads
(e.g., "weak link") in Class C loads, etc.
8) An evaluation of the selection of the wire stringing direction that has considered direction
of prevailing winds, relationship to adjacent lines, terrain, or other hazard factors.
(4) In addition, a JHA shall be performed and procedures established and submitted for those
tasks identified as high risk or of a recurring nature (e.g., installing spacers, travelers, marker
balls, conductor repair, etc., from the helicopter skid); Class B loads (e.g., hanging ladders,
travelers, steel tower erection, concrete placement, etc.); and/or Class C loads (e.g., sockline
and overhead ground wire stringing, center phase pass through, "needle" stringing for center
1) A spotter shall be utilized during stringing operations to observe and warn the pilot of
impending hazards during tower threading operations.
1. GENERAL: Electrical circuits, equipment, and conductors; construction equipment; and other
conductive apparatus used in proximity of energized facilities shall be considered an electrical
hazard to personnel and shall be considered energized until grounded in an approved manner.
No work shall be performed on energized equipment and circuits.
2. DEFINITIONS: The following definitions of terms apply to the protection of personnel from
electrical shock:
4) In parallel conditions, or when energized lines are being crossed, ground rods shall be
driven until the total resistance, between the grounding system and remote earth, falls
below 50 ohms. If the grounding system does not result in less than 50 ohms, ground
rods shall be driven until the reduction in worksite resistance is less than 10 ohms.
Ground impedance shall be measured in accordance with IEEE Standard 81.
(2) Hot-Stick: A hot-stick is a nonconductive tool designed, certified, and approved by the
manufacturer for the installation of protective ground leads in accordance with OSHA
1926.951, "Tools and Protective Equipment". Wood hot-sticks shall not be used.
(3) Protective Ground Leads: Protective ground leads (protective ground cable assemblies) are
those utilized for grounding electrical apparatus and construction equipment. Protective
ground leads shall be a minimum No. 1/0 AWG extra-flexible copper or equivalent. Some
areas of work may require protective ground leads with greater current-carrying capacity than
No. 1/0 AWG due to available fault current.
(4) Protective Ground Lead Connector: A protective ground lead connector is one designed for
installation with an insulated hot-stick. A hot-stick may be an integral part of the connector, or
the connector may be designed for use with a universal or utility-type hot-stick. Connectors
shall be the self-cleaning clamp type and shall have a current-carrying capacity equal to the
capacity of the protective ground lead.
(7) Drag-Chain Ground Lead: A drag-chain ground lead is a steel, or steel alloy chain securely
bolted to the chassis of rubber tired mobile construction equipment. Chain shall have links at
least 1-inch in length, and the overall chain length shall be sufficient to provide 1-foot of
ground contact when the equipment is not moving. A drag chain is allowable only when no
other ground lead is feasible and equipment grounding is required.
(8) Three-Phase Grounded Short: Three-phase grounded short means bonding three (3) phases
of an electrical circuit and connecting to a common approved ground.
(9) Barricades: A barricade is a highly visible physical obstruction intended to warn and limit
access to a hazardous area. Construct barricades of high-visibility, weather-resistant material
such as yellow 1 1/2-inch plastic tape or yellow synthetic fiber rope. Support barricades to
avoid displacement and to maintain a height of approximately 42-inches above walking
surface. Locate barricades in such a manner that persons obeying the barricade are restricted
from contacting conductive objects within the barricade.
(11)Grounded Travelers: Grounded travelers are stringing sheaves or blocks used to make
electrical ground connection to conductors and conductive pulling lines. They shall be
designed and constructed for this purpose. Western requires the use of grounded travelers
that incorporate a separate spring-tensioned sheave to provide the contact surface. Grounded
travelers shall not be used or considered as a personal protective ground.
(13)Electrical Insulating Boots: Electrical insulating boots shall not be used as a primary means of
electrical protection unless other methods of performing the work are not feasible and they
have been approved by the COR. If used as secondary protection, boots shall be dielectric
rubber boots with an electrical insulation value equal to or greater than 18-kV as tested in
accordance with ANSI Z41.4. A program shall be developed and implemented requiring daily
inspection of the boots, the testing of the insulating property of the boots on a regular basis,
boot replacement criteria, and the instruction of workers on the care and use of the boots.
(1) Protective Ground Leads: Each protective ground lead shall have a permanent identification
tag with unique identification number, certified wire size, and test date. Each protective
ground lead shall be tested complete with connectors, in accordance with ASTM F 2249.
Protective ground leads shall be retested and recertified annually. A protective ground lead
without an identification tag to relate it to the annual certification of that protective ground lead
shall not be used. No protective ground lead shall be longer than 36 feet, unless approved by
COR. Test results shall be submitted to the COR for approval prior to use of the grounds.
When using the DC test method, the Contractor shall submit testing information in the format
shown below in the Personal Protective Grounds Test Report. When using the AC test
method, the Contractor shall submit testing information in accordance with the test set
manufacturers recommendations.
Project Title
Contract No.
Tester’s Signature
(2) Grounded Travelers: Grounded travelers with a separate spring-tensioned sheave shall be
designed, installed, and tested to provide 1 ohm or less resistance between the moving
conductor and the protective ground lead connection. Tests shall be performed at the work
site in the presence of a Western representative before initial use of grounded travelers.
Periodic retesting shall be performed as requested by the COR.
When two (2) or more sets of grounds are specified to be used, all cables shall be the same size
and approximate length. These grounds shall be placed as close together as possible to minimize
coupling and be bound or twisted together to maximize the current carrying capacity of the cable
1. GENERAL: Secure information concerning which facilities are energized at or near each work
site. Take precautions for the safety of personnel, and keep employees fully informed of the work
situation and safe work limits. Information concerning Western facilities or other facilities under
the operational control of Western shall be obtained from the COR.
(1) Clearance: Clearance is a procedure whereby energized electrical facilities are de-energized;
and switches, disconnects, and circuit breakers are tagged or locked to prevent re-
(2) Hot Line Order: Hot Line Order is a procedure whereby adjacent electrical facilities may
remain energized during Contractor operations, but provides that if any circuit breaker
connected to the facility opens under fault conditions, it will not be reclosed until employees
and equipment working in the area are determined to be in the clear.
(3) Special Work Permit: Written permit issued by Western's Representative, indicating the limits
of the work areas, restrictions, and conditions pertinent to the work. It is issued to the
Contractor's authorized representative for Contractor activities on or near facilities under the
operational control of Western. The Contractor's authorized representative shall be the
superintendent or other supervisors designated by the superintendent in writing.
(1) Clearance and Hot Line Order requests shall be made in writing to the COR at least ten (10)
working-days prior to the anticipated work. Special Work Permit requests shall be made in
writing at least ten (10) working days prior to the anticipated work. Request shall include the
plan of operation indicating the Contractor's authorized representative under whose direction
the work will be performed, the work to be done, sequence of operations, time to start work,
duration of work, number of employees and their classifications, safety precautions to be
taken, type and location of barricades, warning signs, protective grounds, and description of
equipment to be used in performing the work.
(2) Following approval of the Contractor's plan of operation, and after obtaining a Clearance or
Hot Line Order, Western's inspector will issue a Special Work Permit to the Contractor's
authorized representative.
(1) Special Work Permit will indicate the limits of the work area, restrictions and conditions
pertinent to the work including Clearance or Hot Line Order, or both issued by Western. Both
the Contractor's authorized representative and Western's Representative shall sign the
Special Work Permit and each retains a copy. The Contractor's authorized representative
shall remain onsite when work is being performed under a Clearance or Hot Line Order.
(2) Review the Special Work Permit and limits of the work area with employees before proceeding
with the work, and as frequently thereafter as necessary to ensure that employees are
knowledgeable of the work program and the required safety precautions.
1) Using a hot-stick of sufficient length to maintain the electrical minimum approach distance
contained in Table V-1 of OSHA 1926, Subpart V, "Power Transmission and Distribution,”
test the circuit to ascertain it is de-energized. The voltage detector shall be able to
measure and display primary and induced voltages, and shall be equal to model number
VDAH300 manufactured by The White Rubber Corporation, 835 Cleveland Road, P.O.
Box 230, Ravenna OH 44266.
2) Install the protective ground leads by first attaching the leads to the approved ground.
3) Attach the protective ground leads to the de-energized circuit with a hot-stick maintaining
electrical minimum approach distances contained in Table V-1 until ground leads are
attached. This electrical minimum approach distance requirement shall be maintained
between parts of the workman's body and the protective ground lead being attached.
Additional grounding may be required depending on type and location of work being
completed, advise Western’s inspector and the following will occur:
(1) Western’s inspector will check to determine that the equipment installed or modified is
satisfactory for normal service or energization, or is in safe condition for the action to be
(2) Remove protective ground leads, bonds, and other protective devices in the reverse
procedure specified in Section 4.(3) above.
(3) The Contractor's authorized representative holding the Special Work Permit shall sign both
copies of the release of the Special Work Permit certifying that personnel and equipment are
in the clear, and will remain in the clear, and that protective ground leads, bonds, and
protective devices have been removed.
(1) A new Special Work Permit will be issued to the Contractor's new authorized representative by
Western's Representative with an explanation of the limits of the work defined thereon.
(2) Western's Represntative and the Contractor's new authorized representative will review the
location and integrity of protective ground leads, bonds, and other protective devices.
Provide documentation of obtaining protection and permission before performing any work on or
near any electrical facility under the operational control of a non-Western agency or utility.
3. RESTRICTED AREAS: Areas of the substation other than de-energized areas and access ways
specifically designated by Western's Representative shall be considered restricted areas and shall
be barricaded. The Contractor's employees shall not enter a restricted area.
(1) General: The SF 6 insulating gas in electrical equipment poses a potential health problem to
exposed employees. In its pure state, SF 6 gas is about five times heavier than air and is a
simple asphyxiate. Electrical arcing can cause SF 6 gas to separate into chemical
components. When the arc is removed, the chemical components will recombine to form SF 6
gas but may leave extremely hazardous by-products. It is imperative to avoid skin contact
with, inhalation of, and ingestion of these by-products. The solid portions of these by-products
are usually in the form of a white or gray powder which may be found on the interior of gas
confinement areas of the equipment.
(2) Instructions and Standards: Prior to opening the SF 6 gas containment areas of the
equipment, employees shall be informed of the pertinent sections of the MSDS for SF 6 gas
and the manufacturer's instructions for equipment disassembly. Manufacturer's instructions
on opening up the electrical equipment containing SF 6 gas shall be followed to prevent
accidents from sudden release of high-pressure gas. Comply with OSHA 1926.21, "Safety,
Training, and Education,” subparagraph (b)(6), for confined space entry where employees
must enter the electrical equipment.
(3) Protective Equipment: Because of the danger to employees of SF 6 by-products, do not open
any piece of electrical equipment containing SF 6 gas which has been exposed to electrical
arcing unless the employees involved are protected with the equipment listed below. The
protective equipment as specified in the MSDS and as listed below shall be worn until a
thorough examination reveals that no SF 6 by-products are present.
2) Chemical safety goggles if eyes are not protected by the above mask.
3) Impermeable gloves.
4) Disposable coveralls.
(4) Portable Eye Wash/Shower: A portable eye wash capable of 15 minutes of flushing at .4 gpm
shall be located within 20 feet for emergency decontamination of employees.
(1) Control Panels: Work on energized control panels shall be in accordance with OSHA
1926.957, "Construction in Energized Substations", and shall include the use of accident
prevention tags.
(2) Substation Fences: Obtain the COR's approval prior to removing substation fencing.
Temporary protection for removed fences and controlled access to the substation shall be in
accordance with OSHA 1926.957, "Construction in Energized Substations.”
2. SUPERVISION AND AUTHORIZATION: Work shall be performed under the general supervision
of the Contractor's superintendent. No work shall be performed in or near an energized facility
that is under the operational control of Western until authorization to proceed and a Special Work
Permit is obtained from Western's Representative, when appropriate.
Provide documentation of obtaining protection and permission before performing any work on or
near any electrical facility under the operational control of a non-Western agency or utility.
3. STRINGING PLAN: Procedures for stringing, including sagging and clipping operations, shall be
made a part of the Safety and Health Program. The plan shall consist of a description of the
stringing method proposed and include: the type of stringing equipment to be used; grounding
and bonding devices and procedures; barrier and barricade design as applicable; isolation
platform design and use; utility, highway, railway, and waterway crossing methods including guard
structure design; clearances required; and locations and procedures for stringing adjacent to
energized lines.
conductive pulling lines shall be considered the same as conductor in terms of required safety
precautions during installation or removal. Stringing operations shall be in accordance with OSHA
1926.955, "Overhead Lines,” and the following additional requirements:
1) Pulling machines (tuggers), braking machines (tensioners), and reel jacks shall be in
accordance with OSHA 1926.955, "Overhead Lines,” subparagraph (c)(12), and the
following additional requirements. Stringing equipment and catch off points shall be
firmly anchored against displacement. Reels shall be firmly attached to the reel jacks,
and the reel jacks shall be anchored to prevent displacement or overturning in the event
of a fouled reel or brake lockup.
2) The practice of rigging to an existing structure, not specifically designed for the load
magnitude and direction of force, shall not be allowed without first completing a technical
analysis by a Structural Engineer.
3) Operators of pulling and braking machines shall be totally protected from contact with
bullwheels, cable drums, and tension line snap back.
5) If a conductor should catch under any firm object, the pulling shall stop and the tension
shall be slacked off prior to attempting to free the conductor.
6) No person shall be allowed on any structure through which a conductor is being pulled (in
continuous motion).
7) A barricade shall be used to enclose the area between the tensioner and reel setup.
Entering the area will be permitted only with the knowledge of the tension and pulling
machine operators and when pulling is stopped and undesired tension released.
1) General: Comply with OSHA 1926.954, "Grounding for Protection of Employees,” and
1926.955, "Overhead Lines.” The following additional requirements apply to stringing
4) A 3-phase grounded short shall be maintained on the last suspension structure on each
end of each isolated line section and shall remain in place until aerial work is complete.
These shall be progressively removed as part of the final aerial cleanup.
6) Dead end structure jumpers shall be left off (open) to isolate line sections, and grounds
shall not be left in place on these structures. Jumpers may be installed when aerial
cleanup is completed on adjacent line sections.
8) Insulated aerial lifts shall not be utilized as primary employee protection from sources of
electrical hazard. When grounding is required, insulated aerial lifts shall be bonded and
grounded the same as non-insulated aerial lifts.
9) Grounding and Bonding for Stringing Over Energized Line Crossings: Comply with
subsection (a) above and the following:
a. Conductive pulling lines and conductors shall be grounded at each structure adjacent
to energized line crossings. This shall be accomplished with grounded travelers
during stringing operations. Prior to removal of grounded travelers for conductor
clipping, protective grounds leads shall be installed. These protective ground leads
shall remain until clipping is completed for that line section.
c. Employees shall not contact two (2) conductors simultaneously until both conductors
are grounded to a common point, unless protective ground leads are installed and
conductor clipping is completed on structures adjacent to energized line crossings.
10) Grounding and Bonding for Stringing Adjacent to Energized Lines: Comply with Sections
(a) and (b) above and the following:
e. Protective ground leads shall be placed at each structure during aerial work on
conductors at that structure.
f. Aerial lifts shall be grounded and bonded to the structure or conductor as appropriate
for aerial work.
(3) Crossing Energized Lines, Highways, Railroads, and Telephone Lines: The owner, utility, or
authority having jurisdiction shall be notified in advance of making such crossings and
necessary permits obtained. The following safety precautions and procedures shall be
1) Prior to stringing over or under an existing power line, inform the owner or utility company
and request the existing line be de-energized. Secure Hot Line Orders and/or
Clearances from the respective utilities on non-Western lines. Western shall be kept fully
informed, in writing, of such Hot Line Orders and Clearances or denials of such requests
prior to the work being performed.
2) Protective guard structures shall be designed and installed at crossings to ensure that
adequate clearance is continually maintained between the pulling lines or conductors and
the facility being crossed. Clearances of guard structures, pulling lines, and conductors
from energized lines shall be at least 5-feet but never less than the distance in Table V-1
of OSHA 1926, Subpart V, "Power Transmission and Distribution,” for the voltage being
The protective guard structures shall be installed with the following minimum distances.
The protective guard structures shall not be removed until the adjacent transmission line
structures are clipped in.
3) Ropes utilized as lead lines at energized crossings shall be nonconductive and shall be
kept clean and dry to protect their dielectric strength.
4) Crossings shall be attended when wire is being pulled. Each attendant shall be provided
a means of direct communication with the pulling and tensioning machine operator.
5) Equipment at the pulling and tensioning sites, catch off points, conductor tails, and splice
areas shall be enclosed by a barricade with access to equipment or conductor
accomplished by isolation platforms. When work procedures require contact with a
conductor or anything bonded to the conductor, employees shall work from isolation
platforms or grounded work mats. If left unattended, the barricades shall be replaced
with barriers and access points closed. The above requirements apply until after
conductor clipping is completed on the structures adjacent to the energized line crossing.
(4) Stringing Adjacent to Energized Lines: For stringing operations adjacent to energized lines,
comply with OSHA 1926.955, "Overhead Lines,” subparagraph (d), and the following
additional requirements:
1) Requirements for stringing operations adjacent to energized lines shall apply until
stringing operations have progressed beyond the adjacent energized line and the
conductor being strung is isolated by open jumpers.
2) Equipment at the pulling and tensioning sites, catch off points, conductor tails, and splice
areas shall be enclosed by a barricade with access to equipment or conductor
accomplished by isolation platforms. When work procedures require contact with a
conductor or anything bonded to the conductor, employees shall work from isolation
platforms or grounded work mats. If left unattended, the barricades shall be replaced
with barriers and access points closed.
3) Aerial lifts used for splicing or clipping shall be barricaded and an isolation platform used
for access to the equipment.
4) Barrier and barricade placement shall be a minimum of 10 feet away from grounds,
grounded equipment, and conductors.
Prior to removal or upgrading of the existing transmission line, submit for approval a detailed removal
plan. Plan shall include at least the following: method, equipment, and safety precautions to be used in
removing the line with specific attention given to condition of existing poles for climbing, including both
shell rot and structural integrity; parallel energized facilities, other hot line crossings, and railroad and
road crossings; method or procedure for releasing the tension on the conductor to prevent structural
failure; and procedures for cross arm, pole, and anchor removal. Removal of existing conductor and
overhead ground wire requires the same grounding and safety precautions as installing new conductor
and overhead ground wire. Requirements contained in Section 1.4.17, "Transmission Line Safety.”
September 2016
2.3.1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING ......................................................................................................... 10
1. Clearing....................................................................................................................................... 10
2. Grubbing ..................................................................................................................................... 10
3. Refill ............................................................................................................................................ 10
4. Material Disposal ........................................................................................................................ 10
5. Timber Utilization ........................................................................................................................ 10
2.4.1 CLEARING, GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 11
1. General ....................................................................................................................................... 11
2. Definitions ................................................................................................................................... 11
3. Tree Removal ............................................................................................................................. 11
4. Pine Needles .............................................................................................................................. 11
1. Drainage and Line Clearance ..................................................................................................... 13
2. Stripping ...................................................................................................................................... 13
3. Embankments ............................................................................................................................. 14
CABLES AND CONDUITS ......................................................................................................................... 21
1. Material ....................................................................................................................................... 21
2. Placing Backfill and Lumber Covers ........................................................................................... 21
2.9.9 HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) PIPE DRAINS AND CULVERTS .............................. 26
1. General ....................................................................................................................................... 26
2. Material ....................................................................................................................................... 26
3. Hauling and Handling ................................................................................................................. 26
4. Installation ................................................................................................................................... 27
ACCESS ROADS ....................................................................................................................................... 31
1. Material ....................................................................................................................................... 31
2. Installation ................................................................................................................................... 31
1. GENERAL: Use United States standard units of measurement and English words, signs, and
Data and drawings shall be thoroughly checked for accuracy and completeness before submittal.
Western will not check details and intermediate dimensions.
Western will return one copy of each drawing and data sheet marked to indicate required changes
and approved or not approved. Change the details which Western determines necessary to make
the finished construction conform to these specifications.
(1) Name and qualifications of a testing laboratory at least 20 calendar days prior to start of
compaction operations. The testing laboratory shall meet the requirements of ASTM D 3740.
(2) Compaction test reports immediately after completion. Reports shall specify location by
elevation and horizontal coordinates for each test taken. Testing requirements are provided in
Section 2.7.1, “Compacting Earth Material”.
3. APPROVAL DRAWINGS FOR CATTLE GUARDS: Prior to providing the cattle guards, submit for
approval two copies of the following drawings and data to the Civil Engineer and a copy of the
transmittal letter to the COR:
(1) Complete details covering the cattle guards to be furnished including length, width, and size of
the foundation, framework, anchor bolts, end wings, and other items as appropriate.
(4) Certifications and/or calculations showing that the foundation and framework are designed for
the truck loading. Certifications and/or calculations shall include design loadings, foundation
reactions, soil bearing pressure, and other appropriate design parameters.
4. GRAVEL SURFACING: Prior to placing, the Contractor shall certify material gradation with test
data representing the gravel surfacing to be used. After placing, the Contractor shall certify
in-place density and compaction with tests obtained from locations as determined by the COR.
The in-place density test results shall be furnished to the COR within 7 days after completion of
the tests. One test per 250 cubic yards of material, or fraction thereof, shall be performed for
gradation, Atterberg Limits Tests, and density testing. The gradation analysis and the Atterberg
Limits Tests shall be performed either at the batch plant or on the site, as directed by the COR.
(1) Herbicide Applicator's References: At least 30 calendar days prior to the date of intended
application, submit two copies to the COR and one copy to the Environmental Specialist of a
list of references. The list of references shall include clients (with telephone numbers)
previously worked for during the past 2 years.
(2) Herbicide Applicator's Certification/License: At least 30 calendar days prior to the date of
intended application, submit to the COR one copy of the herbicide applicator's
certification/license number for the State in which herbicides will be applied.
(3) Herbicide Application Plan: At least 30 calendar days prior to the date of intended application,
submit two copies to the COR and one copy to the Environmental Specialist of a written
Herbicide Application Plan. The plan shall specify the following:
4) Herbicide manufacturer's product specimen label (include directions for use of material,
use precautions, and storage and disposal directions).
6) Safety procedures that will be followed (including safety equipment and clothing).
(4) Final Report: Within 7 calendar days after each application, submit two copies to the COR
and one copy to the Environmental Specialist of a written report which provides the record
keeping information required by Federal and State regulations. The report shall include the
2) Date of application.
4) Name and manufacturer of herbicide applied, together with the EPA pesticide registration
number and product lot number from the labels. Include name and manufacturer of spray
marking dye.
8) Problems that occurred such as any health effects and noncompliance with
environmental and health/safety laws or regulations.
6. SEEDING: Submit two copies of the following to the COR prior to seeding:
(1) Seed Certification: For each seed type include botanical name; common name; percentage in
mixture by weight; and percentage of purity, germination, and weed seed. Include all other
data required by State seed regulations. Data for germination tests shall be dated no earlier
than 3 months prior to seed delivery at job site.
(2) Fertilizer Certification: Certificate of inspection required by State seed regulations and
manufacturer's or vendor's certified analysis of fertilizer material.
7. ASPHALT PAVING: The following shall be submitted to the COR for approval at least 20 days
prior to placement of asphalt paving:
(2) Mix Design: Submit mix designs in accordance with Marshall Series ASTM D 1559 or Hveem
ASTM D 1560.
(3) Asphalt Cement: Submit manufacturer's certification that asphalt cement grade specified
meets the requirements of ASTM D 3381.
(4) Aggregate for Paving Courses: Submit certification showing that fine and coarse aggregates
meet the requirements of ASTM D 692 and ASTM D 1073.
(5) Submit certification showing that the gravel base meets the requirements of ASTM D 2940.
(6) Submit batch certificate, including batch weight and time of batching to the COR when each
load of asphalt is delivered.
1. CUTTING OFF FOUNDATIONS: Cut off foundations 30 inches below the ground surface.
(1) Chain Link Fence: Remove existing chain link fence in accordance with the Standard 1 -
General Requirements, Section 1.4.16 "Substation Safety". It is a standard 7-foot-high chain
link fence with a guard of three strands of barbed wire. The fence posts are set in concrete.
(2) Disconnect ground cable risers from the fence and bury a minimum of 18 inches below
finished grade.
(3) Remove warning and safety signs and reinstall as directed by the COR.
(4) Barbed Wire Fence: Existing barbed wire fence consists of three or four strands of barbed
wire supported on wood or steel posts.
Posts and concrete footings shall be completely removed. If fenceposts are reused, concrete or
earth material adhering to the posts shall be removed prior to reinstallation.
4. REFILL: Remove loosened and disturbed earth material from the excavation resulting from
removal or cutting off operations. Refill the excavation to the adjacent ground surface or subgrade
with earth material approved by the COR. Compact the earth material in accordance with Section
2.8.1, "Placing and Compacting Backfill". Replacement of gravel surfacing shall be in accordance
with Section 2.11.2, "Replacing and Protecting Gravel Surfacing". Refill for barbed wire fencepost
holes need not be compacted but shall be mounded to allow for settlement.
5. EXISTING FACILITIES TO REMAIN: During removal or cutting off operations, take necessary
precautions not to loosen or damage existing facilities that are to remain in place. Existing
facilities that are loosened or damaged as a result of the Contractor's operations shall be replaced
or repaired as approved by the COR.
6. MATERIAL DISPOSAL: Dispose of removed concrete, spalls, metalwork, fence, wood poles,
guys, and anchors that are not reused, and other debris in accordance with Standard 13 –
Environmental Quality Protection, Section 13.8 "Disposal of Waste Material".
1. GENERAL: Removed material shall become the Contractor’s property and shall be promptly
removed from the right-of-way by the Contractor.
2. STEEL STRUCTURE REMOVAL: Remove and store structures in accordance with Standard 4 -
Substation Metalwork and Transmission Line Lattice Towers, Section 4.1.13 “Relocating,
Modifying, and Storing Steel Structures and Towers”.
3. WOOD POLE REMOVAL: Completely remove wood poles. Completely remove guys and
anchors or cut off the guys and anchors 30 inches below ground surface in cultivated areas and
12 inches below ground surface in uncultivated areas.
1. CLEARING: Brush, trees, rubbish, and other objectionable matter shall be cleared. Trees
designated by the COR shall be protected from damage. Clear to a minimum of 3 feet outside of
the cut and fill slope lines, but not past the right-of-way.
3. REFILL: Refill holes resulting from stump and associated root removal with earth material
approved by the COR.
Compact the earth material in accordance with 2.8.1, "Placing and Compacting Backfill".
4. MATERIAL DISPOSAL: Burning or burying material on the right-of-way is not permitted. Disposal
of cleared and grubbed material shall be in accordance with Standard 13 – Environmental Quality
Protection, Section 13.8 "Disposal of Waste Material".
5. TIMBER UTILIZATION: In accordance with the Government's policy for maximum utilization of
timber, the Contractor shall channel merchantable timber into beneficial use.
1. GENERAL: Clearing shall be performed so as to minimize marring and scarring the countryside
and preserve the natural beauty to the maximum extent possible. Except for danger trees, no
clearing shall be performed outside the limits of the right-of-way.
2. DEFINITIONS: The word "trees" includes "brush" and "shrubs". The words "shelter belt" include
grove of trees which has been purposely planted. The words "danger tree" mean a tree located
within or adjacent to the easement or permit area that present an immediate hazard to the facility
or have the potential to encroach within the safe distance to the conductor or structure as a result
of bending, growing, swinging, or falling toward the conductor.
3. TREE REMOVAL: Trim or remove trees only as necessary to clear for access roads, including
roads through shelter belts which extend across the right-of-way; to provide land access to
transmission structures; to maintain electrical clearances to conductors; and to prevent structure
damage due to falling danger trees.
Trees which would require removing the major portion shall be completely removed. Trees which
are removed shall be cut off at the ground surface. Operations for felling and removing trees shall
be accomplished so as to protect and preserve trees which are to remain.
4. PINE NEEDLES: Excessive amounts of pine needles left by clearing of trees, as determined by
the COR, shall be removed from the right-of-way and disposed of in a location to prevent harm to
grazing domestic animals.
1. ACCESS CLEARING: Clear a 15-foot-wide strip for access to structure sites which are in
timbered areas. Trees shall be cleared to the minimum extent required to provide suitable access
for construction equipment. Trees to be removed to provide access within the limits of the right-of-
way shall be cut off at the ground surface to permit vehicular travel without causing vehicle
damage. Stumps and root systems may remain in the traveled surface unless otherwise
designated to be removed by the COR.
69 kV and below 15’-0”
115 kV 15’-8”
138 kV 16’-4”
161 kV 16’-8”
230 kV 18’-0”
345 kV 20’-4”
500 kV 24’-0”
Cleared material shall be disposed of in accordance with Standard 13 – Environmental Quality Protection,
Section 13.8 "Disposal of Waste Material”.
In accordance with the Government's policy for maximum utilization of timber, the Contractor shall
channel merchantable timber into beneficial use.
Certified personnel shall perform or supervise work involving tree trimming/felling activities. Certification
shall ensure that an individual is knowledgeable and competent in performing the work. For work
involving tree removal near energized equipment, certification shall include successful completion of a
line clearance tree felling and trimming training program. For work involving tree removal absent of
electrical hazards, certification shall include successful completion of a tree felling and trimming training
program. Certification training shall include hands-on competency testing under the direction of an expert
in the field. Submit qualifications certification of training to the COR.
The Bidding Schedule items which contain excavation include segregating, loading, transporting, and
temporarily stockpiling excavated material as needed; work and material necessary to maintain
excavations during construction; and removing temporary construction when no longer required.
Where concrete is to be placed upon or against rock surfaces, the excavations shall be sufficient
to provide the dimensions of concrete shown on the drawings or as specified in the Project
Specifications; required dimensions being exceeded only as approved by the COR.
2. OVER EXCAVATION: Except where directed by the COR, over excavation and required
concrete, gravelfill, sandfill, and compacted backfill due to such over excavation shall be at the
Contractor's expense.
If material is excavated or loosened beyond the excavation lines, remove loosened material and fill
over excavation as follows:
(1) With concrete where concrete structures or concrete backfill are required to be placed upon or
against excavated surfaces.
(4) With selected material approved by the COR for other over excavations.
Selected material and gravelfill placed in over excavations shall be compacted in accordance with
Section 2.7.1, "Compacting Earth Material". Concrete, gravelfill, and sandfill shall conform,
respectively, to Standard - 3 Concrete and to Section 2.8.2, "Gravelfills and Sandfills".
Where additional excavation is prescribed by the COR to remove unsuitable material, excavation,
compacted backfill, gravelfill, sandfill, and concrete shall be in accordance with the applicable
sections of these standards and be paid for in accordance with the contract clause titled
1. DRAINAGE AND LINE CLEARANCE: Perform grading, as shown on drawing 41 2017 and as
directed by the COR, to provide adequate drainage around structure and tower sites and sufficient
clearance under conductors. Spread excavated material around the site from which excavated.
Pile topsoil separately and replace after work completion.
3. EMBANKMENTS: Construct embankments to the lines and grades shown on the drawings or
prescribed by the COR. No embankment shall be made of frozen material or placed on frozen
surfaces. Embankment material shall be suitable material, as determined by the COR, obtained
from required excavations or from borrow, and of an acceptable gradation of material to provide
compacted embankments in accordance with Section 2.7.1 "Compacting Earth Material".
Refer to Project Specifications, Drawings, and site-specific Geotechnical Engineering Report for
requirements regarding stripping; unless noted otherwise in referenced documents, strip areas to a
minimum depth of 6 inches. Stripped material, or as much as may be required, shall be used for the
upper 6 inches of embankment slopes and excavated areas to be seeded. Remaining stripped material
shall be wasted in accordance with Section 2.5.8, "Disposal of Excavated Material". When necessary,
stripped material shall be temporarily stockpiled prior to final placement.
Except as provided above for embankment slopes and excavated areas that are to be seeded, stripped
material shall not be used for backfill or constructing compacted embankments.
Suitable material excavated during the regrading operations may be used for embankments and backfill.
This excavated material shall not be used for gravelfills or gravel surfacing unless it is processed to meet
applicable requirements of Sections 2.8.2, "Gravelfills and Sandfills" or 2.11.1, "Gravel Surfacing".
Grade to the lines, grades, and dimensions shown on the drawings. Drainage ditches shall be clear of
obstructions and diverge sufficiently at the lower ends to prevent erosion.
1. GENERAL: Excavate for concrete foundations, slabs, buildings, cable entry boxes, gravelfills,
structures, poles, fences, cattle guards, pull boxes, concrete vaults, removing concrete
foundations, switch operating platforms, equipment cabinet platforms, or any other items requiring
excavation to construct the facilities in the project specifications.
2. EXCAVATIONS: Excavations shall provide for concrete foundations and structure embedments
as provided in the project specifications and as shown on drawing 41 2017. Protect the
excavation to maintain a clean subgrade until the foundation is placed. Remove sand, mud, silt,
and other objectionable material which may accumulate in the excavation before placing concrete.
1. GENERAL: Excavate for cables, conduits, drains, culverts, duct banks, utilities, grounding
systems, buried fiber optic cables, and any other items requiring trenches to construct the facilities
in the project specifications.
(1) Ground Cable, Conduit, and Insulated Cable: Excavation for electrical ground cable and
conduit shall be to depths of not less than 18 inches in common material as measured from
the subgrade elevation under gravel surfacing to bottom of the trenches. If rock is
encountered prior to obtaining the 18-inch depth, excavation shall extend 6 inches into rock or
the amount required to obtain an overall trench depth of 18 inches, whichever is less.
Excavation for insulated electrical cable shall be made to lines and depths shown on
Drawing 31 1006.
(2) Culvert and Pipe Trenches: Excavation shall be to depths and grades shown on the drawings.
Culvert and pipe trenches shall be finished so that the pipe will be fully supported by
unexcavated ground under the bottom quarter of the circumference. Excavation shall
accommodate bells, couplings, fittings, and valves.
Where rock or other unsuitable material in the bottom of a trench might cause unequal
settlement or provide unequal bearing for the culvert or pipe, the trench shall be over
excavated to a depth of 6 inches if in rock and to depths sufficient to remove the other
unsuitable material. The over excavated areas shall be backfilled and compacted in
accordance with Section 2.8.1, "Placing and Compacting Backfill". Backfill material shall be
shaped to fit the curvature of the culvert or pipe under the bottom quarter of its circumference.
2. ON-GOVERNMENT PROPERTY: The COR will designate location of borrow pits in the borrow
site from which material shall be obtained. Strip borrow pits of topsoil to a depth of approximately
6 inches. Stripped topsoil shall be stockpiled and, upon completion of borrow excavation, spread
to a uniform depth of 6 inches over areas of borrow pits from which removed. Before replacing
topsoil, excavated surfaces shall be reasonably smooth and uniformly sloped as approved by the
COR. Bring sides of borrow pits to stable slopes with slope intersection shaped to carry the
natural contour of adjacent undisturbed terrain into the pit to give a natural appearance.
Surface of borrow pits shall be left reasonably smooth as approved by the COR. When necessary,
as determined by the COR, borrow pits shall be drained by open ditches to prevent accumulation
of standing water. Drainage shall be controlled as prescribed in Standard 13 - Environmental
Requirements - Section 13.16 - “Prevention of Water Pollution”.
3. MATERIAL: Borrow material shall be suitable material, as determined by the COR, and be an
acceptable gradation to provide compacted embankments in accordance with Section 2.6.1,
"Constructing and Compacting Embankments". Borrow material shall contain sufficient clay to
prevent excessive caving of auger-type excavations performed in the substation embankments.
1. GENERAL: Suitable material from excavations, as determined by the COR, shall be used for
required earthwork. The excess material shall be disposed of in accordance with Standard 13 –
Environmental Quality Protection, Section 13.8 "Disposal of Waste Material”.
2. TRANSMISSION LINE STRUCTURE SITES: Excavated material which is suitable for backfill
shall be used for backfill at the site from which excavated. Except in cultivated fields, excess
excavated material shall be spread evenly around or adjacent to the site as directed by the COR.
In cultivated fields, excess excavated material shall be removed from the transmission line and
access road right-of-ways. The Contractor shall make arrangements required for disposal of waste
material in an approved landfill.
2. CONCRETE PLACEMENT: During concrete placement, water level shall be kept below top of
concrete. When the COR determines that unwatering is impractical, place concrete under water in
accordance with ACI 304R.
Casing of an excavation shall be performed only if the COR determines the auger excavation cannot be
made to the prescribed lines without using casing. The requirement for casing will depend on existing
site conditions at time of auger excavation. The hole depth to be cased shall be as directed by the COR.
1. CONCRETE PLACEMENT: Casing shall be withdrawn as concrete is deposited, with the casing
removed after concrete placement is finished. Concrete placement shall be maintained at a
sufficient height within the casing to prevent earth infusion into the concrete or reduction in
diameter by earth pressure on the fresh concrete.
1. GENERAL: Trial augering includes auger excavations that are attempted and cannot be
completed due to encountering unsatisfactory material.
1. GENERAL: Embankments shall not be constructed in an area where clearing, grubbing, and
stripping are required until that work has been completed. Maintain embankments to the proper
elevations, dimensions, and slopes until final acceptance of all work.
Stripped material shall not be used for constructing embankments, except for the upper 6 inches of
material placed on embankment slopes to be seeded.
Excavation operations for the compacted embankments shall result in an acceptable gradation of
material to provide for stability when compacted. Distribution of material shall result in material
being homogeneous and free from lenses, pockets, or streaks. Stones placed in compacted
embankments shall not exceed 5 inches. Stones larger than 5 inches found in otherwise approved
material shall be removed prior to compacting operations. Material used in constructing
embankments shall be clean and free from vegetation, stumps, roots, pieces of timber, and other
foreign material. Material shall not be placed in embankments when either the material or the
surface on which it will be placed is frozen. Embankments shall be placed, moistened, and
compacted in accordance with Section 2.7.1, "Compacting Earth Material".
1. GENERAL: Where compacting earth material is required, material shall be deposited in horizontal
layers and compacted as specified, except that the density and moisture requirements for gravel
surfacing shall be in accordance with Section, 2.11.1, "Gravel Surfacing".
Excavating, placing, moistening, and compacting operations shall result in material being uniformly
compacted throughout the required section and homogeneous, free of lenses, pockets, streaks, or
(1) Testing Laboratory: An approved testing laboratory shall be employed by the Contractor to
perform compaction tests. The testing laboratory shall meet the requirements of ASTM D
(2) Tests: Perform a minimum of one successful test for every 1,000 cubic yards, or fraction
thereof, of embankment and for every 100 cubic yards, or fraction thereof, of backfill. Material
samples for testing shall be obtained from locations as determined by the COR. A successful
test is a test showing that the material has been compacted to the specified density and
moisture. If a test is not successful, the Contractor shall perform additional tests and
additional work as required in order to ensure that the specified density and moisture are
(1) General: Thickness of horizontal layers after compaction shall not be more than 6 inches.
Excavating and placing operations shall result in material, when compacted, being blended
sufficiently to secure the highest practicable density, impermeability, and shear strength.
(2) Moisture Content: Prior to and during compacting operations, material shall have a moisture
content within plus or minus 2 percentage points of optimum moisture. Moisture content shall
be uniform throughout each layer.
If the moisture content is not within 2 percentage points of optimum, the compacting
operations shall not proceed, except with the specific approval of the COR, until the material
has been wetted or allowed to dry to obtain optimum moisture content within the tolerances.
No adjustment in price will be made on account of wetting or drying the material or on account
of delays occasioned thereby.
(3) Compaction: When the material has been conditioned, it shall be compacted by rollers or by
hand or power tampers. Where hand or power tampers are used in confined areas, they shall
be equipped with suitably shaped heads to obtain the required density.
(4) Soil Density: The density (dry) of the soil fraction in the compacted material shall not be less
than 95 percent of the laboratory standard maximum soil density (dry) as determined by ASTM
D 698, Method A, compaction test for the material being compacted. The standard maximum
soil density is the dry weight per cubic foot of the soil compacted at optimum moisture content
by laboratory procedure.
(1) General: Thickness of horizontal layers after compaction shall not be more than 6 inches if
compaction is by tampers or rollers; not more than 12 inches if compaction is by treads of
crawler-type tractors, surface vibrators, or similar equipment; and not more than the
penetrating depth of the vibrator if compaction is by internal vibrators. Water shall be added
as required to obtain the specified density.
(2) Relative Density: Relative density of the compacted material shall not be less than 70 percent
as determined by ASTM D 4253 and ASTM D 4254.
1. GENERAL: Place and compact backfill for excavations listed in Section 2.5.5, “Excavation for
Foundations and Structures,” 2.5.6, “Excavations for Trenches,” and other work requiring backfill.
Surface of compacted backfill shall slope away from a building a minimum of 4 inches in 10 feet.
(1) General: Obtain backfill material from required excavations. If sufficient suitable material is
not available from required excavations, obtain additional material from borrow areas as
specified in Section 2.5.7, "Excavation From Borrow". Type of backfill material and amount
shall be approved by the COR.
(2) Backfill Near Electrical Conduit: Backfill within 2 inches of buried electrical conduit shall be
sand or equally fine earth material. Sand backfill for buried insulated electrical cable is
specified in Section 2.8.3, "Sand Backfill and Lumber Protection for Buried Insulated Electrical
(3) Backfill Around PVC Piping: Material passing a 3/8-inch sieve shall be used around PVC
piping to a height of 6 inches above the pipes.
(4) Backfill Around Building Piping: Material passing a 3/4-inch sieve shall be used around
building piping, to a height of 12 inches above the pipes.
(5) Other Backfill: Other backfill material shall not contain stones larger than 3 inches in diameter,
vegetation, stumps, roots, pieces of timber, and other foreign material.
3. PLACING: Manner of depositing backfill material shall be approved by the COR. Material shall
not be placed when either the material or the surface on which it will be placed is frozen. Stripped
material shall not be used for backfill.
Backfill shall be placed and compacted about corrugated metal pipe culverts, concrete pipe
culverts, corrugated metal pipe drains, and HDPE pipe drains and culverts in accordance with this
section and Sections 2.9.1, "Corrugated Metal Pipes", 2.9.4, "Concrete Pipe Culverts", and 2.9.8,
“High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipe Drains and Culverts”.
Sloping backfill shall be placed and compacted adjacent to transmission line structure foundations
and poles to an elevation approximately 6 inches above the original ground surface and uniformly
sloped away.
4. COMPACTING: Backfill shall be compacted in accordance with Section 2.7.1, "Compacting Earth
(1) Gravelfills: Gravelfill shall be composed of hard, dense, durable rock particles, and range from
3/16 inch to 3/4 inch.
(1) General: Before gravelfill or sandfill is placed, the subgrade shall be leveled to a uniform
cross section free from depressions and soft spots. Gravelfill or sandfill shall be placed to the
lines and grades shown on the drawings.
(2) Building Piping: Building piping to be buried shall be laid prior to placing gravelfill.
(3) Building Floor Slabs: A layer of sheet polyethylene shall be placed over the gravelfill beneath
the building floor slab. Prior to placing the sheet polyethylene, the surfaces of gravelfill shall
be prepared to prevent damage to the covering. Sheet polyethylene shall be lapped 6 inches
at ends and edges.
(4) Building and Concrete Foundations: Gravelfills for service building and for concrete
foundations shall be deposited and compacted as specified in Section 2.7.1, "Compacting
Earth Material".
(5) Sandfills: Sandfills in service building cable entry box, and in Type C cable trenches and pull
boxes shall not be compacted.
(2) Lumber: Lumber shall be 2 inches x 8 inches, constructed of noncombustible recycled plastic,
and equal to: Plastic Lumber by the Plastic Lumber Company, Inc., 540 South Main Street,
Akron, OH 44311; Recycle made Plastic Lumber by Recycled Plastics Industries, Inc.,
1820 Industrial Drive, Green Bay, WI 54302; Polywood by A.R.W. Polywood, Inc., 700 East
Wayne Street, Lima, OH 45802.
(1) Sand Backfill: The bottom portion of trenches for buried insulated electrical cables shall be
backfilled with sand to provide 2 inches of sand both below and above the cables and a
minimum of 2 inches of sand between the sides of the trench and the closest cable. Where
there is more than one cable in a trench, the cables may be grouped together and need not be
separated by sand.
(2) Lumber: Plastic lumber shall be placed lengthwise over the sand backfill to provide a
continuous cover above the cables and conduits without spaces between ends of lumber.
Sand backfill is not required for conduit installations.
(3) Soil Backfill: Backfill trench above the lumber with soil and compact in accordance with
Section 2.7.1, "Compacting Earth Material".
All perimeter drainage culverts, drop inlets, drains, and manhole covers shall have measures (i.e., grills,
rebar, locks) to prevent unauthorized entrance. Culvert passages shall be reduced to no more than
96-square-inch openings at any point. Refer to Project Specifications or details on Drawings for
1. GENERAL: Corrugated metal pipe drains include a flared-end section at inlets and corrugated
metal pipe culverts include a flared-end section at each pipe end.
(1) Corrugated Steel Pipe and Coupling Bands: ASTM A 929, zinc coated (galvanized), 16-gage
minimum thickness, or approved equal.
(2) Flared-End Sections: Galvanized-steel, flared-end sections by Armco Drainage and Metal
Products, Inc., P.O. Box 800, Middletown, OH 45043; or equal.
(1) General: Haul and handle pipe with care to avoid damage to the galvanized coating. Rope,
cable, or chain slings shall not be used for handling the pipe, but canvas slings not less than
12 inches in width may be used.
(2) Repair: ASTM A 780, except that the coating thickness shall be a minimum of 3.0 mils. Pipe
that is damaged beyond repair shall be replaced. Damaged pipe shall be removed from the
work site.
(1) General: Corrugated metal pipe shall be laid at the locations and to the grades shown on the
drawings and as directed by the COR. Trenches shall be excavated in accordance with
Section 2.5.6, "Excavation for Trenches". Pipe shall be laid with outside laps of
circumferential joints pointing upstream and with longitudinal joints at the sides. Fastenings
shall be drawn tight. Pipe shall be laid so that the departure from and return to established
alignment and grade shall not exceed 1/8 inch per foot of pipe, but with not more than a 1-inch
total departure. Pipe shall be placed so as to be fully supported over the bottom quarter of the
circumference. Coupling bands shall be used to join sections of pipe. Coupling bands shall
be installed to ensure tight joints, with the joints between sections at the center of the coupling
(2) Grounding: Corrugated metal pipe drains shall be grounded in accordance with Standard 9 -
Substation Electrical, Section 9.2.1 "Grounding System".
(3) Backfill: As each section of pipe is laid, backfill material shall be placed and tamped about the
pipe to hold it in place until the joints are completed. After the joints have been completed,
backfill shall be placed and compacted in accordance with Section 2.8.1, "Placing and
Compacting Backfill".
Equipment travel over the culverts shall not be permitted until backfill has been placed and
compacted to the depth recommended by the pipe manufacturer, but not less than 1 foot
above the culvert.
2.9.3 RIPRAP:
(1) Riprap: Rock shall be hard, dense, and durable. Either quarried rock fragments or rounded
cobbles and boulders may be used. Rock shall be reasonably well graded from a maximum
size of 17 inches to a minimum size of 6 inches. "Reasonably well-graded" means that there
should be a reasonably good distribution of sizes of particles from the coarsest to the finest
and without a major deficiency of any size or group of sizes.
(2) Sand and Gravel Bedding: Bedding shall be either a sand and gravel mixture or sand and
crushed rock, reasonably well graded to a maximum size of 1 1/2 inches.
2. PLACING: Riprap shall be bedded in a continuous layer of sand and gravel. Riprap need not be
hand placed, but may be dumped and smoothed by moving rocks into position so as to ensure the
in-place material is stable and without tendency to slide and that there are no large unfilled spaces
within the riprap. Inclusion of earth, sand, or rock dust in excess of 5 percent, by volume, is not
1. MATERIAL: Gravel for the blankets shall be pit-run, free-draining, gravelly material containing
stones reasonably well-graded from a minimum size of 2 inches to a maximum size of 4 inches.
The material shall be free from vegetation, pieces of timber, or other foreign matter.
2. PLACING: Distribute and grade material evenly over the required areas. Compaction will not be
(1) Concrete Pipe: Reinforced concrete pipe shall conform to ASTM C 76, minimum Class III,
with either A or B wall thickness. Pipe shall have either tongue-and-groove ends for packing
with mortar or ends designed for use with rubber gaskets conforming to ASTM C 443.
1) Steel end sections shall be galvanized-steel, flared-end sections by Armco Drainage and
Metal Products, Inc., P.O. Box 800, Middletown, OH 45043; or equal.
2) Cast-in-place concrete and precast concrete end sections shall be about 2 feet long, flare
out to a width of about 2 feet, and have sidewalls formed to direct the water flow into the
pipe drain. Wall and floor sections shall not be less than 2 inches thick for precast
concrete and 4 inches thick for cast-in-place concrete.
(3) Mortar: Mortar for pipe joints and connections to other drainage structures shall be composed
of one part by volume of Portland cement and two parts of sand. Portland cement shall
conform to ASTM C 150, Type IA or IIA. Sand shall conform to ASTM C 144.
Hydrated lime may be added to the mixture of sand and cement in an amount equal to
5 percent of the volume of cement used. Hydrated lime shall conform to ASTM C 207,
Type N. The quantity of water in the mixture shall be sufficient to produce a stiff workable
mortar, but shall not exceed 7 gallons of water per sack of cement.
(1) General: Trenches shall be excavated in accordance with Section 2.5.6, "Excavation for
Trenches". Holes for couplings shall be excavated and the pipe bedded so as to be fully
supported over the bottom quarter of the circumference and so as to have uniform bearing for
the full length of the pipe, except at joints.
(2) Joints: Joints shall be made in accordance with the instructions of the pipe manufacturer.
Rubber gaskets shall be protected from the sun and heat prior to installation and show no sign
of deterioration.
(3) Backfill: As each section of pipe is laid, backfill material shall be placed and tamped to a
depth of 1 foot over the top of the pipe and the remaining backfill placed and compacted in
accordance with Section 2.8.1, "Placing and Compacting Backfill".
(4) Connections: Connection between the pipe and the flared-end section shall be reasonably
watertight and the method of coupling approved by the COR.
1. LAYOUT, SLOPE, AND LOCATION: The COR will designate the exact location for construction of
the water crossing. The water crossing length shall be sufficient to cross the drainage channel at
the high water elevation. The water crossing width shall be equal to the roadway width plus a
minimum of 6 feet on either side of the roadway. The water crossing will require grading of the
stream banks so approach slopes are not greater than 12 percent.
Water may be present in the stream crossing, and the depth will fluctuate with seasonal water
flow. Crossings shall comply with Standard 13 - Environmental Requirements - Section 13.16
“Prevention of Water Pollution”.
Drawing 01 2005 shows the general shapes and dimensions to which all material is to be placed.
It is not intended that special equipment be used to obtain the shapes and dimensions shown, but
the shapes and dimensions should be achieved as nearly as practical through careful dumping
procedures, travel over the material with haul equipment, and hand methods where necessary.
2. MATERIAL: Rock for the water crossing shall consist of hard, dense, durable, crushed rock
fragments or graded stream channel rock.
(1) Rock material for the lower 18-inch layer of the water crossing and for the upstream and
downstream sides of the crossing, on either side of the roadway, shall be reasonably well
graded from a minimum of 4 inches to a maximum of 12 inches.
(2) Rock surfacing material for the upper 6-inch layer of the water crossing shall be reasonably
well graded from a minimum of 2 inches to a maximum of 4 inches and shall be placed over
the 4-inch to 12-inch rock material as shown on the drawing.
3. PLACEMENT: The stream bed shall be excavated, graded, and shaped prior to receiving the rock
and rock surfacing material, as shown on drawing 01 2005.
The rock and rock surfacing material shall be dumped and distributed, either by mechanical or
hand methods, in such a manner as to achieve, as nearly as practical, the thickness and cross
section shown on the drawing.
The rock material, when in place, shall be stable and so arranged that no large voids exist
between the rocks. Rock surfacing shall be compacted by equipment traveling over the surface.
(1) Concrete: Concrete material and reinforcement shall be in accordance with Standard 3 -
1) Trench Grate and Frame: Equal to Catalog No. R-4000 series, heavy-duty trench frame
with grated cover as manufactured by Neenah Foundry Company. Specific catalog
reference (or equivalent) shall be based on the size requirements of the grates and
frames as shown on the drawings. Ductile Iron grates shall be used in place of Gray Iron
in those areas that receive loads exceeding 16,000 pounds. Metalwork for trench grates
and frames shall be grounded in accordance with Standard 9 - Substation Electrical,
Section 9.4.1 "Grounding System".
3. INSTALLATION: Trench grate and frame shall be installed in those locations and as dimensioned
as shown on the drawings. Material shall be embedded in concrete, set accurately in position, and
held firmly in place until concrete has set.
1. GENERAL: Top of concrete elevations for the drop inlets shall be flush with the adjacent finish
grade, unless otherwise shown.
2. MATERIAL: Concrete and reinforcement shall be manufacturer's standard. Precast concrete drop
inlets, appurtenant metalwork, reinforcement, and other required accessories shall be equal to:
1) Drop Inlet Grate and Frame: Equal to Catalog No. R-2000 series, frame with grated
cover as manufactured by Neenah Foundry Company. Specific catalog reference (or
equivalent) shall be based on the size requirements of the grates and frames as shown
on the drawings. Weight of grate shall not exceed 135 pounds. Metalwork for grates and
frames shall be grounded in accordance with the "Grounding System" paragraph of the
"Electrical" Division.
(2) Grout: Grout shall be "nonshrink" and be in accordance with ASTM C 1107 latest revision.
Accelerating admixtures, including calcium chloride, shall not be used. Clean sufaces to be
grouted, and remove all loose material, dirt, grease, and other foreign substances. Grout shall
be mixed and placed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Water shall
not be added to increase grout flowability that has been decreased due to delays.
Galvanizing shall be in accordance with Standard 4 - Substation Metalwork and Transmission Line
Lattice Structures, Section 4.1.10 “Galvanizing and Painting”.
4. INSPECTION: Precast concrete drop inlets may be inspected at the place of manufacture or
precasting. Notify the COR 2 weeks prior to precasting and furnish location and date of precasting.
No precasting shall be performed unless a Western inspector is present or has waived the right for
1. GENERAL: High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) corrugated and smooth-lined pipe drains include a
flared-end section at inlets and culverts include a flared-end section at each pipe end. Pipes shall
be of sizes, types, and dimensions shown on drawings.
(1) HDPE corrugated and smooth-lined pipe sections including all related materials for
construction of drains, culverts, side road pipes, storm sewers, stubs, and all related
connections and fittings: ASTM F 2306, Type S with full circular cross section, outer
corrugated pipe wall, and smooth inner wall.
(2) HDPE connections and joints to new or existing pipes, storm sewer manholes, inlets,
headwalls, flared-end sections, and other appurtenances required to complete the work:
ASTM F 2306.
(1) General: Haul and handle pipe with care to avoid damage. Rope, cable, or chain slings shall
not be used for handling the pipe, but canvas slings not less than 12 inches in width may be
(2) Pipe that is damaged shall be replaced with new pipe. Damaged pipe shall be removed from
the work site.
(1) General: Installation of HDPE pipe drains and culverts shall be in accordance with ASTM D
2321 “Standard Practice for Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pipe for Sewers and
Other Gravity Flow Applications”.
(2) HDPE pipe shall be laid at the locations and to the grades shown on the drawings, starting at
the downstream end, and as directed by the COR. Trenches shall be excavated in
accordance with Section 2.5.6, "Excavation for Trenches"; minimum width of trench shall be
(1.25 x pipe outside diameter) plus 12 inches. Accessories and fastenings shall be drawn
tight. Pipe shall be laid so that the departure from and return to established alignment and
grade shall not exceed 1/8 inch per foot of pipe, but with not more than a 1-inch total
departure. Pipe shall be placed so as to be fully supported over the bottom quarter of the
(3) High Groundwater: Install a soil filter fabric as required and provide restraint against flotation.
(4) Joints: Joints shall be installed such that connections between adjacent pipe sections form a
continuous line free from irregularities in the flow line.
(5) Bedding and sides: ASTM D 2321 Class I or Class II material, minimum of 6-inches of 1-1/2”
maximum granular size loosely compacted below pipe. Upon completion of joint and
accessory installations, same material shall be placed and tamped about sides of pipe,
extending to 6-inches above top of pipe.
(6) Final Backfill: Backfill shall be placed above bedding materials noted above, and shall be
placed and compacted in accordance with Section 2.8.1, "Placing and Compacting Backfill".
Equipment travel over the pipe drains and culverts shall not be permitted until final backfill has
been placed and compacted to the depth recommended by the pipe manufacturer, but not less
than 24-inches above the top of the pipe drain or culvert.
(1) Standard and high-security chain link fence with gates, guard of three strands of barbed wire,
and security razor / concertina type wire are shown on drawings 31 2000, 31 2001, and 31
2038. Ground the fence and gate in accordance with Project Specifications, Project Drawings,
and Standard Drawing 31 1501.
(2) Standard chain link fence includes standard chain link fence with gates and guard of three
strands of barbed wire; refer to Project Specifications for applicable requirements.
(3) High-security chain link fence includes high security chain link fence with gates, one spool of
security razor / concertina type wire on top of the fence in addition to the guard of three
strands of barbed wire, and may include three spools of security razor / concertina type wire
stacked inside and immediately adjacent to the fence at ground level; refer to Project
Specifications for applicable requirements.
(4) Openings in the substation fence shall be protected in accordance with the Standard 1 -
General Requirements, Section 1.4.16 ”Substation Safety”.
2. MATERIAL: Match material in the existing fence as far as practicable with respect to type, size,
and gage. Ferrous material shall be zinc-coated.
(1) Standard Chain Link Fence Fabric: ASTM A 392, 2-inch mesh, 11-gage nominal wire
diameter after coating, and 7 feet high.
(2) High Security Chain Link Fence Fabric: ASTM A 392, 1-inch mesh, 9-gage nominal wire
diameter after class 1 (1.20 oz / sf) zinc coating, and 7-feet high.
(3) Security Razor / Concertina Type Wire: Provide in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations. Material shall be classified as medium security, shall be constructed of
stainless steel, and shall be resistant to cutting with normal cutters. The single coil located on
top of the fence shall be 24-inches in diameter. The three coils located at ground level shall
be 30-inches in diameter. All coils shall protect the entire perimeter of the fence, with the
exception that the three ground level coils are not required at the gate, as shown on the
Drawings. The single coil on top of the fence shall be securely attached to the top and bottom
barbed wire strands at an 18-inch maximum spacing, with a maximum gap of 2-inches
between the bottom of coil and the top of chain link fence, and such that they will withstand
200 pounds (minimum) of pull load without becoming detached. The ground level coils shall
be securely attached to the chain link fabric, and each other, at an 18-inch maximum spacing,
and such that they will withstand 200 pounds (minimum) of pull load without becoming
(4) Bottom Tension Wire for use with High Security Chain Link Fence Fabric: ASTM A 392, 9-
gage nominal wire diameter after class 1 (1.20 oz / sf) zinc coating.
(5) Galvanized steel ties for use with High Security Chain Link Fence Fabric: ASTM F 626, 9-
gage nominal wire diameter after class 1 (1.20 oz / sf) zinc coating
(6) Fence Posts, Top rails, and Braces: ASTM F 1083, Schedule 40 steel pipe. Options shall be
as shown on drawing 31 2000.
(7) Gates and Accessories: Except as shown on the drawings, gates and accessories shall be in
accordance with ASTM F 900. Gates shall be swing-type with zinc-coated, round tubular
frames. The zinc coating shall have an average weight of not less than 1.8 ounces per square
foot of coated surface area. Gate fabric shall be the same as the fence fabric.
Each gate leaf shall be equipped with one pair of hinges that will allow a full gate opening
between gate posts. Hinges shall allow the gate to be easily opened and closed by one
person, and to swing a full 180 degrees without twisting or binding. Forked latch may be
provided for the single gate less than 10 feet wide. Unless otherwise noted on the drawings,
latch for double gate shall be of the "Double Gate Leaf Keeper" type or the plunger bar type of
full gate height and arranged to engage the center stop. The latch shall have provisions for
padlocking. The locking device shall be constructed so that the center drop rod or plunger bar
cannot be raised when locked. Gate latch for gate shall be as shown on drawing 31 2001.
Gate hinges, latches, stops, keepers, and other accessories shall be zinc-coated, steel, ductile
iron, or malleable iron except that wire ties, clip bolts, and nuts may be of aluminum alloy.
Minimum weight of the zinc coating shall be 1.2 ounces per square foot of surface. Barbed
wire guard at the gate top shall be as shown on the drawings.
(8) Chain Link Fence Accessories: Except as shown on the drawings, fence accessories shall be
in accordance with ASTM F 626. Post caps, rail ends, and barbed wire support arms shall be
zinc-coated, steel, malleable iron, or ductile iron except that post caps and rail ends may be of
cast iron. Rail sleeves, wire ties and clips, clip bolts, nuts, brace bands, tension bands,
reinforcing wire, and tension bars shall be zinc-coated, steel except that clip bolts, and nuts
may be of aluminum alloy. Two 12 1/2-gage twisted, barbless, zinc-coated strands may be
substituted for the 7-gage bottom reinforcing wire.
(9) Zinc-Coated Barbed Wire: Twelve-gage wire with 14-gage, four-point barbs, zinc-coated.
(1) General: Brush, weeds, and other obstacles which interfere with proper fence erection shall
be cleared and removed. Smooth ground irregularities (finished grade) and erect fence so
that bottom of fabric is from 1 inch to 2 inches (maximum) above finished grade at all
(2) Fence Posts: Perform all required excavating, backfilling, and compacting of backfill for fence
posts. Posts shall be plumb, in alignment, and set in concrete as shown on the drawings.
Cement quantity shall be not less than 5 1/2 bags per cubic yard of concrete. Placing, curing,
and protection of concrete shall be in accordance with Standard 3 - Concrete.
(3) Damaged Galvanizing: Damaged areas of galvanizing shall be repaired in accordance with
ASTM A 780.
(1) Line Posts: Painted steel, heavy duty, T-shaped with steel anchors, 7 feet 0 inches in length,
1 3/8 inches by 1 3/8 inches in cross section, and of 1/8-inch-thick material.
(2) Gate, Corner, and Braced Panel Posts: Well-seasoned cedar or wood pressure treated with
preservative. Pressure-treated posts shall be Douglas Fir, Western Larch, Lodgepole Pine, or
Southern Yellow Pine. Gate posts shall be at least 7 inches diameter at the top. Corner and
braced panel posts shall be 4 inches minimum diameter at top. Corner and braced panel
posts shall be 8 feet 0 inches in length.
(5) Nails and Staples: Nails shall be bright, round nails. Staples shall be No. 9-gage galvanized-
wire staples, not less than 1 1/2 inches long, and either U- or L-shaped with ringed shanks.
(6) Gates: Galvanized-steel tubular gate as shown drawing 41 9024. Set gates level and to
swing in the direction as directed by the COR.
2. ERECTION: Remove brush and obstacles and level ground surface as required to erect fencing.
Conduct all operations as directed by the COR. Existing fencing shall be connected to new
fencing by placing a corner post at each junction and fastening the existing and new fence wire to
the post. Finished fencing shall be in alignment, taut, solid at all points, and thoroughly braced.
Set gate, corner, and braced panel posts in 4-foot-deep post holes filled with concrete. Concrete
shall contain not less than 5 1/2 bags of Portland cement per cubic yard of concrete.
Drive steel line posts not less than 3 feet 0 inches below ground surface.
Space barbed wire strands 8 inches center-to-center, with first strand 16 inches above ground.
Wire shall be drawn tight and fastened securely to each post. Staples shall be driven diagonally to
the grain of timber posts in a manner to hold wire securely without causing bends or nicks in the
wire. Use wire stays to fasten barbed wire to steel posts.
Braced panels in line with fence and corner panels shall have panel posts spaced 8 feet 0 inches
center-to-center with 4-inch x 4-inch horizontal wood bracing and cross-wire bracing similar to the
gate braced panel shown on drawing 41 9024.
Barbed wire shall be placed on the side of the posts which is away from the substation site. At
grade changes where stresses tend to pull posts from the ground, fencing shall be anchored as
directed by the COR. Anchors shall consist of a double strand of No. 8-gage wire connecting each
barbed wire strand to a "deadman" weighing not less than 100 pounds and buried in the ground
not less than 2 feet.
1. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: Design to support an AASHTO HS20 truck loading, with an allowable
average soil pressure not to exceed 1,000 pounds per square foot. The horizontal framework
members shall be spaced so as to prevent livestock from walking across the framework. The
perimeter of the framework shall be supported by a continuous, reinforced concrete foundation.
The framework shall be protected by a reinforced concrete header which is to be a part of the
continuous foundation. To facilitate cleaning underneath, provide removable sections which shall
fit flush with the surface of the framework. The end wings shall be sloping 45° from end of the
steel framework and tie in securely to the adjacent fence.
(1) Framework and 45° End Wings: The framework and 45° end wings shall be constructed from
standard commercial quality steel members (channels, pipe, light-gauge rails, or other suitable
(3) Anchor Bolts: Anchor bolts, nuts, and washers shall be standard commercial quality, suitable
for intended conditions of use.
3. CONSTRUCTION: Perform the required sitework in accordance with Section 2.5, "Excavation"
and Section 2.8.1, "Placing and Compacting Backfill". Provide, place, cure, and finish concrete in
accordance with the applicable sections of Standard 3 - Concrete. Fabricate, galvanize, and erect
steel and other metalwork in accordance with Standard 4 - Substation Metalwork and
Transmission Line Lattice Towers.
1. MATERIAL: Material shall be in accordance with the details shown on the drawings and the
(1) General: Install fence grounds in accordance with drawing 41 1011. Drive grounding rods to
a depth of not less than 5 feet. Fasten fence wires securely to grounding rods with U-bolt
(2) Nonelectric Fences on Wood or Concrete Posts and Electric Fences: Ground with one
grounding rod at hinge end of gates and one for each 1/8 mile of fence.
(3) Nonelectric Fences on Metal Posts: Ground with one grounding rod for each 1/4 mile of
(4) Metallic Gates: Bond electrically to fence in accordance with drawing 41 9024.
(5) Fences Crossing Under Line: Ground with one grounding rod on each side of right-of-way.
1. MATERIAL: Gravel surfacing material shall conform to the requirements for Type I, Gradation B,
surface-course material, ASTM D 1241, with the following exceptions:
(3) Minimum of 8 percent shall pass the No. 200 sieve in lieu of the minimum percentage shown
in Table 1.
(4) Fraction passing the No. 40 sieve shall have a maximum liquid limit of 35 and plasticity index
range from 4 to 9 in lieu of the limits specified for fine aggregate. Liquid limit and plasticity
index testing shall be in accordance with ASTM D 4318, Method A (Wet Preparation).
(5) Minimum of 50 percent of material retained on the No. 4 screen shall have a minimum of one
fractured face.
2. PLACING: Prior to placing, the subgrade shall be free from depressions and soft spots and
conform to grades shown on the drawings. Gravel surfacing shall not be placed until the subgrade
has been approved by the COR. Gravel surfacing thickness shall be greater than or equal to the
thickness shown on the drawings after being compacted.
Place, moisten, compact, and test gravel surfacing in accordance with Section 2.7.1, "Compacting
Earth Material", with the following exceptions:
(1) For gravel surfacing with more than 50 percent of the material passing the No. 4 screen, the
density shall not be less than 90 percent.
(2) For gravel surfacing with 50 percent or more of the material retained on the No. 4 screen, the
density shall not be less than 85 percent.
(3) Prior to and during compaction operations, the material shall have a moisture content of plus
or minus 3 percent of optimum moisture.
1. MATERIAL: Road base material shall conform to the following requirements (similar to Wyoming
Department of Transportation for Grading L – Crushed Base, Well Graded Sand with Silt and
(8) Fraction passing the No. 40 sieve (for fine aggregate) shall have a maximum Liquid Limit of 25
(AASHTO T-89), and Plasticity Index range from 0 to 3 (AASHTO T-90). In lieu of AASHTO
standards, Liquid limit and Plasticity Index testing may be in accordance with ASTM D 4318,
Method A (Wet Preparation).
(9) Minimum of 50 percent of material retained on the No. 4 screen shall have a minimum of one
fractured face.
2. PLACING: Prior to placing, the subgrade shall be free from depressions and soft spots and
conform to grades shown on the drawings. Road base shall not be placed until the subgrade has
been approved by the COR. Road base thickness shall be greater than or equal to the thickness
shown on the drawings after being compacted.
Place, moisten, compact, and test road base in accordance with Section 2.7.1, "Compacting Earth
Material", with the following exceptions:
(1) For road base with more than 50 percent of the material passing the No. 4 screen, the density
shall not be less than 90 percent.
(2) For road base with 50 percent or more of the material retained on the No. 4 screen, the
density shall not be less than 85 percent.
(3) Prior to and during compaction operations, the material shall have a moisture content of plus
or minus 3 percent of optimum moisture.
1. MATERIAL: Washed crushed rock material, of the thickness specified, shall be used as finished
grade material placed over road base. Washed crushed rock material shall conform to the
following requirements:
(3) Washed crushed rock shall have a minimum of three fractured faces.
2. PLACING: Prior to placing the washed crushed rock, the road base shall be free from
depressions and soft spots and conform to grades shown on the drawings. Washed crushed rock
shall not be placed until the road base has been approved by the COR. Washed crushed rock
thickness shall be greater than or equal to the specified thickness after being compacted.
Place, moisten, compact, and test washed crushed rock in accordance with Section 2.7.1,
"Compacting Earth Material". Final surfaces of washed crushed rock shall be free from
corrugations and waves.
1. GENERAL: Replace existing gravel surfacing from removed areas. Add gravel surfacing required
due to removing or cutting off existing concrete foundations, removing existing drains, and
removing existing chain link fence. Existing gravel surfacing may be excavated separately in
required excavation areas and reused if injurious amounts of earth, organic matter, and other
deleterious material is removed prior to reuse.
Before gravel surfacing is replaced or added, grade subgrade to conform to the required
elevations and compact loose and disturbed material. Fill depressions in the subgrade with
backfill material and compact in accordance with Section 2.8.1, "Placing and Compacting Backfill".
Do not use gravel surfacing material for filling depressions.
Provide additional gravel surfacing in accordance with Section 2.11.1, "Gravel Surfacing". Gravel
surfacing shall be the same thickness as the existing adjacent gravel surfacing.
2. PROTECTING GRAVEL SURFACING: Protect existing gravel surfacing and subgrade in areas
where equipment will operate. Use planking or other suitable material designed to spread the
equipment loads to prevent damage.
Repair damage to existing gravel surfacing and subgrade where such damage is due to the
Contractor's operations. Grade and compact damaged subgrade areas as described in
subsection 1 above before replacing gravel surfacing. Damaged gravel surfacing shall be restored
to match the adjacent undamaged gravel surfacing and be the same thickness.
(1) General: Soil-applied herbicides shall be of broad spectrum, nonselective type with a high
residual soil activity. Herbicides shall be nonstaining and nonvolatile if applied in the vicinity of
nontarget plants such as landscaping or field crops. Legible labels shall be maintained on all
(2) Storage: Herbicides shall not be stored on Government property without prior written approval
from the COR. If the COR allows storage of herbicides, it shall be for no more than a 2-week
period and in strict accordance with the storing of hazardous waste requirements of the
applicable State Health and Safety Code and the COR's instructions.
(1) General: Apply in strict accordance with the herbicide manufacturer's instructions and all
Federal, State, and local codes and regulations. Soil-applied herbicide shall not be applied
until the gravel surfacing has been placed.
(2) Weather Conditions: Apply herbicides only during periods of favorable weather conditions so
that a major rainstorm, or rapid snow melt, does not occur and create surface runoff. If
favorable weather conditions cannot be ensured, temporarily block drainage pipes through the
fence, or other effective means as approved by the COR, to contain herbicide runoff inside the
yard. Do not apply herbicide when winds could cause drifting of sprayed herbicide.
(3) Protective Equipment: The Contractor shall determine if personal protective equipment and
other health and safety related equipment is required for performing the work covered by this
section. The Contractor shall furnish all required equipment and ensure his employees use it.
The Contractor shall provide all required medical monitoring, health physicals, and record
6. DAMAGE: Existing vegetation such as landscape plants, gardens, and field crops which, in the
opinion of the COR, are damaged by the application of the soil-applied herbicide shall be replaced
by the Contractor at his expense.
8. WARRANTY: If vegetation occurs in the gravel surfaced area within 1 year following final
acceptance of the work, the Contractor shall return and reapply herbicide as directed by the COR.
2.12.1 SEEDING:
1. GENERAL: Seeding operations shall be undertaken only after the seeded areas will not be
disturbed by other Contractor operations.
Seed and seeding mixtures shall be free of prohibited noxious weed seed, quack grass (Agropyron
repens), and Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense); not exceed the limits for restricted noxious
weed seed; and not contain more than 4 percent of other weed seed. Prohibited and restricted
noxious weeds are those classified by the State Seed Department.
Seed containers shall be sealed and labeled to comply with State seed laws and regulations or in
accordance with U.S. Department of Agriculture Rules and Regulations under the Federal Seed
Act, if shipped in Interstate Commerce. For Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota seed shall
have been grown in the North American continent above 41° North latitude. Seeds shall be a
standard grade adapted to State conditions.
Different grass species shall be separately packaged and labeled so they can be uniformly and
thoroughly mixed after receipt at the job site.
If regrading is required, Western will test the soil in areas to be seeded after grading is complete.
Based on the soil analysis, Western will determine the recommended fertilizer analysis and spread
rate for fertilizer to be used.
(1) Mulching Material: Dry hay or straw free from noxious weeds or foreign matter detrimental to
plant life.
(2) Protective Cover: Light, pervious burlap; jute matting; or standard commercial erosion net
material which will protect against erosion and rapid moisture evaporation without preventing
germination of seed or growth of grass.
(1) Remove foreign material, stones, plants, and debris from areas to be seeded.
(3) Cultivate soil to a depth of 3 inches. Repeat cultivation in areas where equipment has
compacted soil. The topsoil surface shall be relatively smooth with no ruts, furrows, or
depressions that may cause erosion.
(1) Fertilizing during seeding is acceptable provided the equipment is designed to evenly
distribute fertilizer at the rate specified.
(2) Seeding: Provide uniform stands of grass on seeded areas. Reseed bare areas to obtain
uniform stands.
Do not use wet seed or seed which is moldy or otherwise damaged. Do not sow immediately
following rain, when ground is too dry, or during windy periods. Do not seed area in excess of
that which can be mulched on same day.
1) Drill Seeding: Regulate drill to uniformly distribute seed and cover with soil to a depth not
to exceed 1/2 inch. Dry fertilizer may be applied simultaneously with the drilling of seed if
the drill is equipped with an attachment which will evenly distribute fertilizer at the rate
2) Hydroseeding: Prepare slurry mixture immediately prior to application. Do not use slurry
mixtures prepared more than 1 hour prior to application. Maintain uniform mixture of
seed, fertilizer, and water. Cover seed with soil to a depth not to exceed 1/2 inch.
4) Mulching: Apply mulch to seeded areas and crimp into soil within 24 hours after seeding.
5) Slope Protection: For slopes steeper than 2:1, apply protective cover. Roll cover down
over slopes without stretching or pulling. Bury top end of each section in narrow 6-inch
Overlap 12 inches minimum from top roll over bottom roll. Overlap 4 inches minimum
over adjacent section. Lightly dress slopes with topsoil to ensure close contact between
cover and soil. In ditches, unroll cover in direction of flow. Overlap ends of strips
6 inches minimum with upstream section on top.
6) Maintenance: Water, mow, and apply weed control chemicals until date of final
acceptance of work. The Contractor shall obtain uniform stands of grass on all seeded
areas, reseeding bare areas as often as necessary to obtain uniform stands. Water to
ensure uniform seed germination. Apply water slowly so that surface of soil will not
puddle. Reseed and maintain damaged areas showing root growth failure, deterioration,
bare spots, and eroded areas. Provide additional topsoil, where necessary, including
areas affected by erosion.
2.13.1 GENERAL:
(1) Material and Producer: Supply source of asphalt paving material shall be
approved by the COR before delivery.
(1) Aggregate for Paving Courses: ASTM D 1073 for fine aggregate and ASTM D
692 for course aggregate; maximum nominal diameter 3/4 inch.
(3) Tack Coat: ASTM D 2397 for emulsified asphalt CSS-1H grade.
3. MIX DESIGN: The mix design shall meet the following requirements for Marshall
Series ASTM D 1559 or Hveem Stabilometer ASTM D 1560:
(1) Comply with ASTM D 995 for material storage, control, mixing, and plant
equipment and operation.
(4) Transporting: Provide covers over mixture when transporting during rainy or
cold weather. Mix shall be delivered at no less than 300°F.
(1) Bitumen Extraction: ASTM D 2172. One test per 500 tons or fraction thereof.
(2) Gradation Analysis: ASTM C 117 and ASTM C 136. One test per 500 tons or
fraction thereof.
(5) Bulk Specific Gravity and Compacted Density: ASTM D 2726. Two tests per
500 tons. Any fraction thereof will require one test.
(1) Place untreated aggregate base when the air temperature is above 30°F and
(1) General: Spread and compact asphalt paving in accordance with the
"Spreading" and "Compaction" sections in Asphalt Institute Manual Series No.
MS-8, "Asphalt Paving".
(2) Weather: Construct paving courses when air temperature is above 40°F,
underlying base is dry, and weather is not rainy.
(3) Protection: Protect buildings and other facilities from asphalt splatter. Do not
discharge unused paving material on the site.
Do not allow vehicular traffic on newly paved areas until surface has cooled to air
10. TOLERANCES: After placement, asphalt paving shall be within the following
Paint stripes for parking lanes shall be 4 inches wide and sprayed or brushed at
locations shown on the drawings. Provide handicap symbols in accordance with
the International Symbol System. Spray or brush stripes at crosswalks and stop
signs. Surface of pavement shall be thoroughly cleaned and dust free before
September 2016
4. Variation from Level or Specified Grades for Foundation Slabs and Grade Beams .................. 13
5. Variation from Level or Specified Grades for Building Slabs and Top of Building
Foundation .................................................................................................................................. 13
6. Variation in Cross-Sectional Dimensions of Augers, Piers, Grade Beams, and Stems from
Those Specified and in Thicknesses of Slabs and Walls From Those Specified ....................... 13
7. Variation from Specified Grade or Alignment for Cable Trenches ............................................. 13
8. Variation of Overall Horizontal Building Dimensions at Floor Level from Specified Position in
Plan ............................................................................................................................................. 13
9. Variation of Floor Openings ........................................................................................................ 13
10. Concrete Backfill for Direct-Embedded Steel Pole ..................................................................... 14
11. Repair of Concrete Not Within Tolerances ................................................................................. 14
12. Prevention of Repeated Failure to Meet Tolerances .................................................................. 14
1. GENERAL: Provide concrete in accordance with ACI 318 and this Section.
(1) Testing Laboratory: Submit name and qualifications of testing laboratory to the COR for
approval at least 20 days prior to placing concrete.
(2) Mix Design: Submit each mix design to the COR for review at least 10 days prior to use.
(3) Cement: Submit manufacturer's certification that cement meets the requirements of ASTM
C 150 at least 10 days prior to use.
(4) Aggregate: Submit data showing that sand and coarse aggregate meet the requirements of
ASTM C 33. Submit data, including source location and potential reactivity test results, prior
to obtaining aggregate.
(5) Fly Ash: Submit test data conforming to ASTM C 311 to the COR at least 20 days prior to use.
(6) Admixtures and Curing Compound: Submit brand name and manufacturer for admixtures and
curing compound to the COR at least 10 days prior to use. Submission of manufacturer's test
data and certification of compliance with these specifications may be required.
(7) Batch Certificate: Submit batch certificate, including batch weights or volumes and time of
batching, with each batch of concrete delivered. Submit to the COR at the job site.
(8) Test Reports: Submit reports for slump, air-entrainment, and compression tests to the COR
immediately after completion. Reports shall specify location of concrete placement for each
batch of concrete from which tests were taken.
(9) Void Forming Material: Submit two copies of the manufacturer's installation instructions to the
COR prior to use.
(10) “Nonshrink” Grout: Submit report from testing laboratory verifying performance requirements
shown in Table 1 of ASTM C 1107.
3. TESTING: An approved testing laboratory, meeting the requirements of ASTM E 329, shall be
employed by the Contractor to perform concrete tests. The field personnel performing concrete
tests shall be ACI certified. Perform tests as follows:
(3) Compression Test Cylinders: ASTM C 31, a set of three cylinders for each compression test.
(4) Compression Tests: ASTM C 39. Test one cylinder at 7 days and two cylinders at 28 days.
(5) Test for Potential Reactivity of Sand and Coarse Aggregate: ASTM C 295 and all additional
investigations that may be required to evaluate any adverse properties that are discovered by
the test performed.
(6) Test Frequency: Perform a minimum of one slump, air-entrainment, and compression test per
week or one per 50 cubic yards of concrete placed, as directed by the COR.
(7) Samples: Use samples for each test from the same batch of concrete. Include the unit weight
and concrete temperature with the test report.
(1) Cement: ASTM C 150, including the low-alkali and false-set limitations.
(4) Coarse Aggregate: ASTM C 33 gradings for either size No. 467 (1 1/2 inch to No. 4 United
States standard sieve), size No. 57 (1 inch to No. 4), or size No. 67 (3/4 inch to No. 4).
(5) Fly Ash: ASTM C 618 with the following additional requirements:
(8) Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 615/A 615M, Grade 60, deformed bars.
(9) Anchor Bolts or Threaded Rods with Nuts, Washers, and Lockwashers: ASTM F 1554 Grade
36 or 55, ASTM A 307, or ASTM A 36 anchor bolts or threaded rods; ASTM A 563 heavy hex
nuts; washers and lockwashers in accordance with Standard 4. All hot-dip galvanized after
(10) Steel Embedments: In accordance with Standard 4, hot-dip galvanized after fabrication.
(11) Fiberglass Reinforcing Bars: "REBAR" by IMCO Reinforced Plastics, Inc., P.O. Box 534,
Morristown, NJ 08057; or equal.
(12) Fabric: ASTM A 185 REV A or A497, electrically welded wire fabric.
(14) Clear Resin-Base Curing Compound With Fugitive Dye: ASTM C 309. Type 1-D, Class B.
(15) Clear Resin-Base Curing Compound Without Fugitive Dye: ASTM C 309, Type 1, Class B.
(17) Void Forming Material: Chemically treated void forming material equal to "Sure-Void" forms by
Falcon Manufacturing Company, 1865 West Dartmouth, Englewood, CO 80110.
5. MIX DESIGN: Mix design shall comply with ACI 211.1 and the following:
(2) For purposes of the concrete mix designs tabulated below, cement content shall be considered
equivalent to total cementitious materials content when considering fly ash replacement as
noted in
(5) Minimum Cement Content for 4,500 psi Concrete (4,500 psi minimum concrete strength is
required for moderate (Class F1) and severe (Class F2) frost-susceptible zones per ACI 318,
Chapter 4 – Durability Requirements):
6. FLY ASH: Fly ash shall be used to replace cement. Weight of fly ash shall not exceed 20 percent
of the total cementitious material required; e.g., (fly ash weight/(fly ash weight + cement weight)) x
100 equal to or less than 20. Exceptions to its use are listed in Standard 13 – Environmental Quality
7. ADMIXTURES: Air-entraining admixture shall be used in such amount as will affect the entrainment
of from 4 to 6 percent of air, by volume, of concrete as discharged from mixer.
1. GENERAL: Concrete shall be batched and mixed in accordance with one of the following:
2. MIXING REQUIREMENTS: Mixing time shall be sufficient to thoroughly mix concrete, but over
mixing requiring the addition of water to preserve required consistency will not be permitted. Truck
mixers, if used, shall be in good mechanical condition, including the mixing fins, so that the concrete,
when placed, will be uniform throughout.
1. GENERAL: Place reinforcing bars and fabric, anchor bolts, and embedments in concrete where
shown on the drawings. Reinforcement, anchor bolts, and embedments shall be accurately placed
and secured into position before concrete is placed as required in ACI 318 and ACI 301. “Stabbing”
of reinforcement, anchor bolts, or embedments into wet concrete during placement is a code
violation and is not acceptable in any circumstance; violation of this provision will result in rejection.
Welding or tack-welding of reinforcing bars and anchor bolts made from reinforcing bars shall not
be permitted, except at locations shown on the drawings. Clean reinforcement of heavy, flaky rust;
loose mill scale; dirt; grease; and other foreign substances.
Place reinforcing bars and fabric, anchor bolts, and embedments to meet the following tolerances:
(1) Amount of concrete cover protecting reinforcement shall not deviate from that specified on
drawing 01 2004 by more than 1/2 inch if the specified cover is more than 2 1/2 inches, nor by
more than 1/4 inch if the cover specified is 2 1/2 inches or less.
(2) Spacing of reinforcing bars shall not deviate from the required spacing by more than 1 inch.
Vertical bars shall be equally spaced unless otherwise shown on the drawings.
(3) Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, reinforcement shall be placed so that there will be a
clear distance of at least 1 inch between the reinforcement and anchor bolts, form ties, or other
embedded metalwork.
(4) Spacing of #18J reinforcing bar anchor bolts shall not deviate from the specified spacing by
more than 1/8 inch.
(5) Placement of anchor bolts and embedments shall not deviate from the specified location by
more than 1/8 inch.
furnish supplemental bar-placing diagrams, bar lists, and bar-bending diagrams. Supplemental
diagrams and bar lists of this type required to facilitate the fabrication and placement of
reinforcement shall be provided by the Contractor. Cost of preparing supplemental diagrams and
bar lists, if provided, shall be at the Contractor's expense. Bar-placing diagrams, bar lists, and bar-
bending diagrams prepared by the Contractor shall conform to the requirements shown on drawing
01 2004.
4. INSPECTION: Reinforcement, anchor bolts, and embedments will be inspected for compliance with
size, shape, spacing, length, splicing, position, and amount after it has been placed.
5. FIBERGLASS REINFORCING BARS: Fiberglass reinforcing bars shall be bent in the factory. Bars
cut in the field shall be sealed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
(1) All forms shall be sufficiently tight to prevent mortar loss from concrete and maintained rigidly
in position until concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent damage by form removal.
(2) Forms for exposed or specified portions of augered foundations shall be held rigidly in position
at all times during construction. Prior to use of sonotube-type or light-gage sheet metal forms,
the Contractor shall submit properly designed strengthening and bracing schemes to the COR
for review and approval. The proposed design shall be prepared, stamped, and signed by a
registered professional civil or structural engineer, licensed in the state where the project is
located. The proposed design shall ensure that the forms will not fail under load from wet
concrete, are held rigidly in place at all times, and shall not rely on rebar or anchor bolt cages
for bracing. NOTE: It is not acceptable to use these types of forms without written prior
approval from the COR.
2. VOID FORMING MATERIAL: Install void forming material in accordance with the manufacturer's
installation instructions. Prior to installation, submit two copies of the manufacturer's instructions to
the COR. Exercise care in placing void forming material and protect the material against damage
during subsequent construction operations.
(1) Foundation Surfaces: Foundation surfaces upon or against which concrete will be placed shall
be free from standing water, mud, and debris. Concrete required to be extended into rock shall
be placed in direct contact with the rock for a depth not less than shown on the drawings. Earth
foundations shall be free from frost and ice when concrete is placed upon or against them.
Surfaces of absorptive foundations against which concrete will be placed shall be moistened
thoroughly so that moisture shall not be drawn from freshly placed concrete.
(2) Construction Joint Surfaces: Surfaces of construction joints shall be clean, rough, and surface
dry when covered with fresh concrete. Clean by removing laitance, loose and defective
concrete, coatings, sand, curing compound if used, and other foreign material. Surfaces of
construction joints shall be wet sandblasted or bush-hammered, washed thoroughly, and
thoroughly surface dried prior to placing adjoining concrete. A mortar layer shall not be used
on concrete construction joints.
(1) Place concrete in accordance with ACI 301. Place concrete in hot or cold weather in
accordance with ACI 305R or ACI 306R, respectively.
(2) Prevent segregation of concrete ingredients and slump loss in excess of 2 inches.
(3) Do not drop concrete more than 6 feet, unless confined by closed chutes or pipes. Do not use
aluminum chutes, pipes, or buckets.
(5) Place concrete in continuous, horizontal layers not exceeding 20 inches deep; properly vibrate
each layer before additional concrete placement.
(7) Ensure that reinforcement, inserts, embedded parts, and formed joints are not disturbed during
concrete placement.
(9) Place concrete continuously between predetermined construction and control joints.
(10) Vibrate concrete until consolidated to maximum practicable density. Concrete shall be free of
pockets of aggregate ("Honeycombs").
(1) BUILDING CONCRETE: After the concrete has been placed, struck off, consolidated, and
leveled, provide the following finishes:
1) Troweled Finish: For floors as walking surfaces, control room subfloor, top of foundation
wall at exterior door thresholds, or surfaces which will be left exposed.
2) Broom Finish: For equipment and entry slabs; and treads and landings of concrete stairs
(parallel to tread direction).
3) Sloping Floors: Maintain level floor at walls and pitch surface uniformly to low point as
shown on the drawings.
1) Rough Form Finish: For all concrete surfaces not exposed to view.
2) Smooth Form Finish: For all concrete surfaces exposed to view and where other finishes
are not specified.
3) Surfaces of cast-in-place concrete upon which cable trench covers rest shall be brought to
level, uniform surfaces and given a steel-trowel finish such that the trench covers will lie
flat without rocking.
4) Exposed, unformed surfaces of other concrete shall be brought to level, uniform surfaces
and worked with suitable tools to a reasonably smooth wood-float, broom, or steel-trowel
finish as directed or specified.
5) Concrete in tops of foundations in which stub angles are embedded shall be sloped to
provide drainage away from the stub angles.
(1) General: Construct expansion joints as shown on the drawings. Joints shall be clean of
laitance, coatings, and other detrimental material.
(2) Joint Filler: Place preformed bituminous joint filler in all expansion joints. Joint filler shall cover
the entire surface of the concrete at the joint and be laid against the completed side of the joint
and held rigidly in place while concrete is placed on the other side of the joint. Joints in joint
filler shall be tight-fitting butt joints.
(3) Dowel Bars: Install dowel bars in concrete at expansion joints as shown on the drawings. Hold
dowels firmly in place while concrete is placed on one side of the joint. Exposed end of each
dowel bar shall be coated with grease and fitted with an expansion cap to prevent bond before
concrete is placed on the other side of the joint.
(4) Material:
1) Preformed Bituminous Joint Filler: ASTM D 994, 1/4-inch thick, unless noted otherwise on
the drawings.
3. TOOLED EDGES: Top edges of cast-in-place Type C cable trenches, cable entry boxes, expansion
joints, concrete foundations, and other edges of concrete where directed by the COR shall be
finished neatly with an edging tool. Radius of curvature of tooled edges shall not be greater than
1/4 inch.
5. CONTROL JOINTS: Saw cut joints to a depth of 1 inch, unless noted otherwise on the drawings.
(2) Construction Activity Protection: Concrete and concrete curing compound shall be protected
against construction activities by covering with plywood, sand, or other suitable material. After
danger of damage has ended, remove protective coverings and dispose of waste material in
accordance with Standard 13 – Environmental Quality Protection, Section 13.8 "Disposal of
Waste Material”.
(1) Surfaces of construction joints, and surfaces on which grouting mortar is placed, shall be cured
with water or wax-base curing compound or by covering with polyethylene film.
(2) Other concrete shall be cured with water or wax-base curing compound, resin-base curing
compound with fugitive dye, or by covering with polyethylene film.
(3) If concrete is cured with curing compound, all surfaces of concrete upon which equipment or
metalwork will be grouted in place shall be cleaned thoroughly of curing compound by wet
sandblasting or bush-hammering.
3. CURING BUILDING CONCRETE: Cure concrete in service building with water or by covering with
polyethylene film.
4. WATER CURING: Concrete shall be kept continuously moist for at least 14 days after being placed
by sprinkling or spraying or by other methods approved by the COR. Water temperature shall be
within plus or minus 20°F of the concrete temperature.
(1) General: Apply curing compound promptly after form removal. Formed surfaces shall be
saturated with a fine spray of water until they will absorb no more water. Apply compound as
soon as free moisture on the surface has disappeared. On unformed surfaces, apply
compound immediately after bleeding water or shine disappears, leaving a dull appearance.
The minimum curing period shall be 7 days prior to placing loads on the foundation or structure.
6. POLYETHYLENE FILM: When concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent damage, thoroughly
moisten by spraying lightly with water and then completely cover with polyethylene film to provide
an airtight, water-retaining film over the entire concrete surface for at least 14 days. Edges of
polyethylene strips shall be lapped to effect a seal to adjacent strips and, at extreme edge of the
curing area, held tightly against concrete surface. Secure polyethylene film to withstand wind and
prevent circulation of air inside the film.
1. GENERAL: Remove and replace concrete that is damaged or defective; concrete that is
honeycombed or fractured; and concrete that must be excavated and built up to bring the surfaces
to prescribed lines. Correct surface imperfections and irregularities. Repair damaged or defective
concrete and correct surface imperfections and irregularities as soon as practicable after form
removal and before curing compound is applied.
2. MATERIAL: Repair with concrete, dry pack, cement mortar, epoxy-bonded concrete, or epoxy-
bonded epoxy mortar, as applicable for type of repair involved, in accordance with Bureau of
Reclamation "Standard Specifications for Repair of Concrete".
1. GENERAL: Tolerances are allowable variations from specified lines, grades, and dimensions and
allowable surface irregularities. Allowable variations from specified lines, grades, and dimensions
are listed below.
Finish concrete and set and maintain concrete forms within the listed tolerances. Concrete work
that exceeds the tolerances shall be repaired or removed and replaced.
Plus or minus variations indicate a permitted actual position up or down and in or out from the
specified position. Variations not designated as plus or minus indicate the maximum deviation
permitted between designated successive points on the completed element of construction.
(1) Variation in length and width dimensions from those specified, except for building foundation
walls: -1/2 inch and +2 inches. Variation in length and width of building foundation
walls: -1/4 inch and +1/4 inch.
(3) Reduction in thickness from that specified: 5 percent of specified thickness but not more than
2 inches.
(4) Variation from specified elevation for top of concrete, except building foundations: ±1/2 inch.
Variation from specified elevation for top of concrete building foundations: ±1/4 inch.
(2) For any two successive intermediate points on the line surface separated by:
(2) For any two successive intermediate points on the line or surface separated by:
(1) Variation in location from specified position in plan of sleeves and other floor openings:
±1/2 inch.
(2) Variation in size from those specified for sleeves and other floor openings: ±1/4 inch.
11. REPAIR OF CONCRETE NOT WITHIN TOLERANCES: Repair hardened concrete which is not
within specified tolerances in accordance with Section 3.1.7, "Concrete Repair". Repair to bring
concrete within tolerances shall be done only after consultation with the COR regarding the method
of repair. Notify the COR of the time repair will be performed.
Repair concrete exposed to view to ensure a concrete surface with a uniform appearance. Grinding
of exposed concrete surfaces shall be limited in depth so that no aggregate particles are exposed
more than 1/16 inch in cross section at the finished surface. Where grinding has caused or will
cause exposure of aggregate particles greater than 1/16 inch in cross section at the finished surface,
repair by excavating and replacing concrete.
Dimensions and locations of anchor bars and drill holes shall be as shown on the drawings.
Anchor bars shall be reinforcing bars as shown on the drawings. Reinforcing bars and water used in the
grout shall be in accordance with Section 3.1, "Concrete Requirements".
Grout shall be "nonshrink" and be in accordance with ASTM C 1107. Accelerating admixtures, including
calcium chloride, shall not be used. The grout shall not cause corrosion of the anchor bar.
Clean drill holes of loose material and clean anchor bars of flaky rust, loose mill scale, dirt, grease, and
other foreign substances.
Grout shall be mixed and placed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Water shall not
be added to increase grout flowability that has been decreased due to delays.
Insert the anchor bar in the hole and fill the hole with grout. The Contractor shall demonstrate that the drill
hole is completely filled with grout and that the anchor bar is either centered in the hole or has a minimum
of 3/4 inches of grout around it for its entire length.
1. GROUTING MORTAR: Grouting mortar shall be composed of cement, water, and sand. Cement,
water, and sand shall be as specified in Section 3.1, "Concrete Requirements", except use sand
passing a No. 16 screen when clearances prevent use of the specified grading. Mix grouting mortar
in proportion of 1 part Portland cement to 2 1/2 parts sand, by weight, and to approved consistency.
(1) Preparation: Before placing mortar, roughen base concrete surfaces and remove laitance,
loose and defective concrete, curing compound, and other foreign material. After cleaning,
thoroughly wash with water.
(2) Placing: Place mortar so as to completely fill spaces adjacent to equipment and metalwork as
shown on the drawings. Remove shims and grout the remaining spaces.
(3) Curing: Cure exposed surfaces of mortar for 72 hours by keeping covered with moist burlap
or dampened sand.
Do not apply loads to the mortar sooner than 72 hours after placement. Apply loads only after
the mortar has attained a compressive strength of 3,000 psi. Time required for the mortars
used to attain this strength will be determined by the COR. Care shall be taken when applying
loads on hardened mortar. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage resulting from
impact loads when positioning equipment or metalwork.
1. GENERAL: Use United States standard units of measurement and English words, signs, and
symbols. Drawings shall be thoroughly checked for accuracy and completeness before submittal.
Western will not review details and intermediate dimensions.
Western will provide comments to the drawings and data. Change the details which Western
determines necessary to make the finished construction conform to these specifications.
(3) Location, types, sizes, and projections of required embedded anchor bolts.
(4) Location and size of required openings in the floors for conduits.
(6) Orientation of all equipment and a complete anchor bolt setting plan.
(9) Seismic qualification report, including seismic outline drawing, for equipment specifications
requiring a seismic qualification report.
(10) Overall equipment cabinet dimensions, including height above equipment base.
3. APPROVAL DRAWINGS FOR PRECAST CABLE TRENCH: Prior to precasting, submit two copies
of the following to the Civil Engineer and send a copy of the transmittal letter to the COR:
(1) Complete details of the precast concrete cable trench, vehicular crossing, special sections,
appurtenant metalwork, covers, and grounding cables.
for review two copies of the following drawings and data to the Civil Engineer and a copy of the
transmittal letter to the COR:
(1) Complete details of the precast concrete pull box, appurtenant metalwork, grounding cables.
(6) Certifications and/or calculations showing that the pull boxes are designed for the adjacent
surcharge loading.
material shipment, furnish final drawings. The drawings shall show changes and revisions made up
to the time material is shipped. Forward two copies of the drawings to the COR. Forward by certified
mail, final drawings and a copy of the COR's transmittal letter to the Civil Engineer.
1. MATERIAL: Concrete and reinforcement shall be manufacturer's standard. Precast concrete cable
trench, special sections, appurtenant metalwork, reinforcement, and other required accessories
shall be equal to:
(1) "Trenwa" precast cable trench by Trenwa Products, Inc., 1419 Alexandria Pike, Fort Thomas,
KY 41075; or
(2) "Fibercrete Trench System" by Concast, Inc., 1010 North Star Drive, Zumbrota, MN 55992.
(1) Aluminum and steel covers: Provide covers in accordance with the requirements shown on
the cable trench drawings and Standard 4 - Substation Metalwork and Transmission Line
Lattice Structures, Section 4.2 "Miscellaneous Metalwork". Ground covers in accordance with
Standard 9 - Substation Electrical, Section 9.2.1 "Grounding System".
(2) Concrete covers: Weight shall not exceed 85 pounds each. Furnish required special tools for
removing concrete covers. If concrete covers are used, provide brackets or clips inside trench
walls just underneath the cover to support No. 4 AWG copper ground wire. Connect ground
cables to grounding grid.
3. INSPECTION: Precast concrete cable trench may be inspected at the place of manufacture or
precasting. Notify the COR 2 weeks prior to precasting and furnish location and date of precasting.
No precasting shall be performed unless a Western inspector is present or has waived the right for
(1) Concrete: Concrete material and reinforcement shall be in accordance with the Section 3.1,
"Concrete Requirements".
4) Arc-Welding Electrodes: Use matching weld metal in accordance with AWS D1.1, except
that the minimum tensile strength for Group I filler metal shall be 70 ksi.
5) Bolts and Nuts: Bolts: ASTM A 307. Nuts: ASTM A 563, Grade A.
6) Aluminum Covers and Aluminum Hold-Down Angles: Material, fabrication, and installation
shall be in accordance with Standard 4 - Substation Metalwork and Transmission Line
Lattice Structures, Section 4.2.1, "Aluminum Covers."
8) Ladder Rungs: Nonslip safety rungs, equal to "Rugged Round Rung" as manufactured by
Safe-Walk, Inc., P.O. Box 212, Leola, PA 17540.
3) Shutoff Valve: Gate-type valve, 6-inch cast iron, 150 pounds, bronze trim, and 2-inch-
square wrench nut in accordance with AWWA C500-86. Provide valve box, cover, and
Shearing and cutting by torch or electrical arc shall be finished neatly on material exposed to view.
After fabrication, material shall be straight and true and free from kinks, twists, and warps. If
straightening is necessary, no metal damage shall result. Ladders shall be fabricated with standard
butt-welding fittings and joints equal in appearance to joints made with shaped nipples. Welds on
ladders shall be ground smooth.
Hot-dipped galvanizing shall be in accordance with the provisions of ASTM A 123 and A 153.
3. INSTALLATION: Install construction and control joints where shown on the drawings. Install
embedded and nonembedded metalwork for frames, ladders, grating, hold-down devices,
expansion anchors, bolts, nuts, and accessory material.
Embedded metalwork shall be set accurately in position and supported rigidly to prevent
displacement during concrete placement. The Contractor shall drill, or drill and tap holes, in
metalwork as required for installation.
Galvanized material shall be hauled and handled with care to avoid damage to the galvanized
coating. Rope, cable, or chain slings shall not be used for handling the material, but canvas slings
not less than 12 inches in width may be used.
Damage to galvanized coatings shall be repaired in accordance with ASTM A 780, except that the
coating thickness shall be a minimum of 3.0 mils. Material that is damaged beyond repair shall be
replaced. Damaged material shall be removed from the work site.
The PVC drain line shall be installed in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's instructions, a copy
of which shall be furnished to the COR.
Excavation and compacted backfill shall be in accordance with the applicable sections of
Standard 2 - Sitework.
1. GENERAL: Pull boxes shall have removable provisions for conduit entry. The minimum inside
dimensions shall be as shown on the electrical drawings.
Structural design shall include a surcharge truck loading of AASHTO HS20 a maximum of 2 feet
from the pull box.
Pull boxes shall be installed on a 6-inch-thick layer of compacted gravelfill and have a top of concrete
projection of approximately 6-inches above finish grade.
Pull boxes with inside depths exceeding 48-inches shall be furnished with ladder.
2. MATERIAL: Concrete and reinforcement shall be manufacturer's standard. Precast concrete pull
box, covers, pulling hooks, and other required accessories shall be equal to pull boxes manufactured
by Brooks Products, Inc., 14221 San Bernardino Avenue, Fontana, CA 92335 or Utility Vault
Company, Inc., P.O. Box 610, Chandler, AZ 85244-0610.
3. PULL BOX COVERS: Covers shall be aluminum or galvanized steel, designed for sidewalk class
traffic, and of a size and weight permitting removal by one person. Weights shall not exceed
85 pounds each. Covers shall be secured to pull boxes by "Hex-Head"-type bolts, and supplied with
all hardware necessary for securing and removing, including lifting handles, if required.
Paint aluminum covers in contact with concrete with commercial grade bituminous paint to produce
a 5-mil minimum thickness.
4. PULL BOX LADDERS: Pull box ladders shall be firmly affixed to pull box walls and shall be equal
to Model PS2-PF, as manufactured by M. A. Industries, P.O. Box-2322, 303 Dividend Drive,
Peachtree City, GA 30269.
1. GENERAL: Type of footing to be constructed at each tower site shall be as directed by the COR,
based on the most economical footing meeting the criteria shown on the "Design, Selection, and
Quantities" drawings, and will be determined by the COR during work progress. Western reserves
the right to change footing type where conditions during work progress reveal that another footing
type is more suitable.
Towers with transverse frames require two footings for each transverse frame with steel stub tees
embedded in reinforced concrete. Other towers each require four footings with steel stub angles
embedded in reinforced concrete. Place footings for each tower in a tangent section of line so that
the tower cross arm axis is perpendicular to the alignment. Unless otherwise directed by the COR,
place footings for each angle tower so that the tower cross arm axis will bisect the interior angle
formed by intersection of adjacent line sections.
Footings with a tapered circular section may be constructed with a constant circular section provided
the largest diameter of tapered section is used and there is no additional cost to Western.
2. STUB ANGLES: Place stub angles in accordance with Standard 4 - Substation Metalwork and
Transmission Line Lattice Structures, Section 4.1.12 "Erection." Vertical reinforcement bars and
stubs shall be bonded electrically by reinforcement bars welded to both as shown on the drawings.
3. FRAME STUB TEES: Attach stub tees to the frames prior to placement of concrete in footings.
Attach stub tees to the leg tees using connection holes or erection holes as shown on the drawings.
Hold stub tees and frames by a suitable device to prevent displacement during concrete placement.
Vertical reinforcement bars and stub tees shall be bonded electrically by reinforcement bars welded
to both as shown on the drawings. Allow concrete cure at least 7 days before removing erection
bolts and completing the stub tee to frame connection shown on the drawings.
4. DESIGN CALCULATIONS AND DATA: Submit, for approval, two copies of the
following design calculations and data for each Contractor-designed foundation:
(2) All forces transmitted from the tower or monopole to the foundation.
(1) Dimensions.
(2) Description, yield strength, size, quantity, and location of the steel
(4) Size, description, quantity, and location of embedded anchors and other
embedded metalwork.
(5) Western specifications number, bid item number, and revision dates.
7. FINAL AS-BUILT DRAWINGS: Before final payment is made under the contract,
deliver to Western the originals or photo mylars of all drawings listed in
subparagraph 5. above, with all revisions found necessary to correct errors or reflect
changes made during field construction.
(3) Final As-Built Drawings: Send by certified mail to the Civil Engineer
1. GENERAL: The design and drawing of the foundations shall be supervised and
certified by a registered Professional Engineer competent in structural analysis and
foundation design.
September 2016
4.1.12 ERECTION..................................................................................................................................... 15
1. General ....................................................................................................................................... 16
2. Relocating Structures ................................................................................................................. 16
3. Modifying Structures ................................................................................................................... 16
4. Storing Structures ....................................................................................................................... 16
Data and drawings shall be thoroughly checked for accuracy and completeness before submittal.
Western will not check details and intermediate dimensions.
Submit drawings as they are completed and checked for one or several structures rather than
delaying to include drawings for the complete specifications requirement in one submittal.
Western will return one copy of each drawing and data sheet marked to indicate required changes
and approved or not approved. Change the details which Western determines necessary to make
the finished construction conform to these specifications.
Approval drawings for steel structures listed in the metalwork requirements of the project
specifications are not required, provided the bills of materials on the Government-furnished
drawings show the total black weight of the required steel to be furnished for each structure. If
these bills of materials are incorrect, new bills of materials shall be submitted for approval. The
drawings to be furnished shall include:
(1) Shop detail drawings of anchor bolts and embedded material, including a complete bill of
materials for all structures, except lattice towers.
(2) Shop detail drawings of members and connections. Members shall be detailed in place
where practical. Drawings consisting totally of individual members are not acceptable.
1) Marking and position of each member; size, type, location, and special field weld
requirements; and, for each bolted joint, number and length of bolts and number and size
of ring fills.
2) A complete bill of materials, including bolts and weights, listing all material for one
structure or the portion shown thereon. Show the number of pieces required; description
of each piece, including size and length; and mark number on which the shop detail of
each piece can be found. Total weight of one complete structure, tower body, or leg
extension shall be noted. Calculate weights in accordance with AISC 303 “Code of
Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges", except that weights for
nonrectangular plates used to fabricate tubular shapes are to be based on actual detailed
dimensions shown on the final shop drawings.
(4) Function and stub setting drawing for lattice structures and towers.
(5) Tower testing procedures including rigging arrangement, methods of applying loads, and
other pertinent data.
(10) For shop and field welds, show joint details, filler metal requirements, and material.
two copies of approval drawings and data for the oil storage tanks to the Civil Engineer. Send a
copy of the transmittal letter to the COR.
The drawings and data shall include manufacturer's name, specifications, descriptions,
dimensions, weights, maintenance instructions, and other information necessary to show
compliance with these specifications. The drawings shall also include the following information for
foundation design:
TANKS: Prior to material shipment, furnish final drawings. The drawings shall show changes and
revisions made up to the time material is shipped. Forward two copies of the drawings to the
COR. Forward by certified mail, final drawings and a copy of the COR's transmittal letter to the
Civil Engineer.
(1) Prior to fabrication, submit all weld procedures not prequalified in accordance with AWS
D1.1, “Structural Welding Code - Steel”, and AWS D1.2, “Structural Welding Code –
(2) Prior to fabrication submit, a test and evaluation procedure describing the method to be used
for verifying penetration of partial penetration welds.
(3) Nondestructive and metallographic test reports, including metallographic weld samples, shall
be submitted within 20 working days after tests are performed.
6. CONNECTION BOLTS: Prior to fabrication, submit the following to the Civil Engineer:
(1) Certified copies of test reports for A325 and A394 bolts and nuts. Bolts and nuts shall not be
shipped until certified copies of reports have been received.
7. MILL TEST REPORTS: Prior to fabrication, submit certified copies of test reports for structural
steel and aluminum to the Civil Engineer.
Certified mill test reports for steel and aluminum shapes and plates shall show customer's order,
mill order, and Western specifications number. Mill certification shall show the weights of steel
and aluminum furnished for each size and heat number represented by the tests. No material
shall be shipped until certified copies of reports have been received.
8. DULLING SURFACE TREATMENT FOR GALVANIZING: Submit the following for approval to the
Civil Engineer:
(1) Chemical composition of treatment, application procedure, and two sets of three samples
each representing a reflectance of 20 percent, or less. Each sample shall be a galvanized-
steel panel, 3 inches x 6 inches x 1/4 inch thick, and have the respective percent of
reflectance stamped into the metal.
(1) Not less than 10 days in advance of testing, notify the Civil Engineer and the COR of date
and time when towers will be ready for testing. Prior to this date, obtain Western's approval
of proposed test procedures, including rigging arrangements, methods of applying loads, and
test frame layout with controlling dimensions.
(2) Furnish certified calibration curves or charts of the load measuring devices to the Civil
Engineer 5 days in advance of tests.
(3) Within 4 weeks following completion of tests, submit a report, in triplicate, for each test tower.
Report shall include a narrative description of tests; clear color photographs of test setups;
nature of failures; detail diagrams and charts showing load application; deflection records;
mill test reports; and load-measuring device calibration results. Report shall be neatly bound
and mailed to the Civil Engineer.
(1) Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, steel shall be in accordance with ASTM A36.
(3) ASTM A572 or ASTM A633 shall have a minimum longitudinal impact strength of 15 foot-
pounds at minus 20°F as determined by the Charpy "V" Notch Impact Test in accordance
with ASTM A673/A673M.
(4) Silicon content of structural steel shall be either below 0.06 percent or between 0.15 and
0.35 percent
(1) Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, alloy shall be 6061-T6 or -T651 in accordance
with ASTM B209.
(1) Connection Bolts: ASTM A394, Type 1 or ASTM A325, Type 1. Bolts and heavy hex nuts
shall conform to requirements shown on drawing 41 2001.
(3) Step Bolts: ASTM A394, Type 0 and conform to the requirements shown on drawing 41
(3) Step Bolts: ASTM A394, Type 0 and conform to the requirements shown on
Drawing 31 2003.
5. WASHERS: Beveled washers shall be malleable iron or steel. Washers for anchor bolts shall be
steel or wrought-iron.
(2) In lieu of separate locknuts, self-locking heavy hex nuts for use with ASTM A325 structural
bolts, conforming to ASTM A194 Grade 2H or ASTM A563 Grade DH, may be used. Self-
locking heavy hex nuts shall be Anco style self-locking nuts with stainless steel ratchet pin or
7. GRATING: NAAMM MBG531, Type I or II, one-piece serrated-steel grating. Two standard
sections of grating may be welded together to form a one-piece unit. End banding bars are
required. Furnish grating with manufacturer's standard hold-down clips.
8. EXPANSION ANCHORS: Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, expansions anchors shall
be Hilti Kwik Bolt II, or equal, with a minimum diameter of 3/4-inch and a minimum embedment
length of 8 inches.
9. ADHESIVE ANCHORS: Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, adhesive anchors shall be
Hilti HVA, or equal, with a minimum diameter of 3/4-inch and a minimum embedment length of
10 inches.
10. EYEBOLTS: Forged steel ASTM A668, Class C, and conform to the requirements shown on
drawing 31 2003.
12. ARC-WELDING ELECTRODES: Use filler metals for matching strength in accordance with AWS
D1.1 for steel and AWS D1.2 for aluminum. The minimum tensile strength for steel Group I filler
metal shall be 70 ksi.
13. HEADED SHEAR CONNECTORS: Low-carbon steel studs, 3/4-inch diameter, and 3 inches long
after welding. Heads shall be 1 1/4-inch diameter and 3/8 inch thick. Shear connectors shall be
equipped with appropriate ceramic arc shields. Shields or the shear connector ends shall be flux-
filled for automatic welding application.
15. STEEL CABLE HARDWARE: Galvanized with the same or higher strength rating than the steel
cable and of the type as shown on the drawings.
1. MEMBER SIZES: Sizes shall be as shown on the drawings. Substitutions shall not be made
without written approval. Approval will be given where the Contractor furnishes satisfactory proof
of the nonavailability of the originally indicated size.
2. DETAILS: Check the drawings carefully, particularly with respect to possible exceptions from the
Contractor's standard notations and practice (such as allowance for extra length of bent
members). The Contractor shall have complete responsibility for proper fit of members.
Otherwise, details shall be as shown on the drawings.
3. BOLTS, NUTS, AND RING FILLS: Bolts, nuts, and ring fills shall be the quantities, types, and
sizes called for in the material lists, provided that either MF or palnut locknuts may be furnished.
The quantities of the various connection bolt lengths shall be adjusted, if necessary, as a result of
the shop assembly.
4. FORGED HANGERS: Hangers may be fabricated from welded components, provided welds are
complete penetration and ultrasonically tested in accordance with AWS D1.1.
1. GENERAL: Member sizes, details, and setting dimensions for anchor bolts and embedded
material shall be as shown on the drawings. Connection details shown on the drawings may be
varied slightly, provided the changes are in accordance with the specifications.
(1) Tension members at 3-foot maximum intervals with stitch bolts and ring fills.
(2) Compression members with stitch bolts and ring fills spaced so that the L/r ratio for one angle
is not greater than the L/r ratio of the double-angle member (maximum of 2 feet).
(3) With stitch bolts at a minimum of two locations between panel points.
(4) With one stitch bolt on the inner gage line when connected legs are 4 inches and smaller.
(5) With two stitch bolts and one filler plate (one bolt on each gage line) when connected legs are
larger than 4 inches.
3. LONG TENSION MEMBERS: Members carrying tension only or designated on the drawings for
draw shall be detailed shorter than theoretically required length. Members 10 feet or less in length
shall be detailed 1/8 inch short. Unspliced members more than 10 feet in length shall be detailed
short by an amount equal to 1/l6 inch for each 10 feet of length, or major fraction thereof, plus 1/l6
inch (maximum of 1/4 inch). Spliced members shall be detailed short an additional 1/l6 inch for
each lap splice or 1/8 inch for each butt splice.
(1) Splices: Splice locations and details shall be as shown on the drawings. Splices shall be at
or directly above the panel points. The splice angle thickness shall be the heavier member
unless otherwise shown on the drawing. Grind splice angles at the heel to fit fillets of outside
angles. Do not use fillers between splice angles and main members of splices. Use a
minimum of six bolts (three in each leg) in splices unless otherwise shown on the drawings.
(2) Connections: Bolt connections using a minimum number of gusset plates. If the elimination
of gusset plates would increase the joint eccentricity beyond a reasonable amount, use
gusset plates. Clip corners of web members to eliminate or reduce eccentricity. Where
gusset plates are used, connect compression web members to main members with at least
one bolt. Where fills are required at two or more adjacent holes, use a single-plate fill instead
of ring fills.
Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, the following conditions shall be met:
2) Secondary members may have one bolt connection placed on the inner gage line.
Where possible, without impairing the strength of main members, two bolts shall be used
at one end.
3) Diagonal tension web members may be connected entirely on a gusset to avoid the use
of fills.
4) Diagonals shall be one piece and connected at the point of intersection by one or more
6) Gusset plates for stressed members shall be at least 1/16 inch thicker than the
connected web member.
7) Provide ring fills at the intersection of diagonal members when the distance between the
two members, at intersection, exceeds 1/16 inch per foot of length of one of the
8) Ends of outstanding legs of web member angles 2 1/2 inches and over shall be cut
at 45°, where practicable.
(3) Connection Bolts: Connection bolt lengths shall be as shown on drawing 41 2001. Threads
may be in the shear plane for ASTM A394 Type 1 and ASTM A325 bolts. Connection bolts
shall be the same type and grade for the complete structure or tower, unless shown on the
drawings. Provide locknuts for bolts. Provide beveled washers for bolts in sloped flanges.
Provide bolts, nuts, locknuts, and beveled washers in quantity sufficient to compensate for
normal field losses (2-percent maximum).
(4) Bolt Spacing: Unless otherwise shown on the drawings or authorized by Western, the
minimum center-to-center hole spacing shall be as shown in Table 4-1. Where practical,
spacing shall not be less than 3 diameters. Wherever possible, distance from bolt center to
face of member shall permit socket wrench use.
(5) Edge Distance: Unless otherwise shown on the drawings or authorized by Western, distance
between member edge and bolt hole center shall not be less than shown in Table 4-1. In
detailing the gage lines, make allowance for mill tolerances in the width of legs or flanges to
ensure meeting the specified minimum edge distance.
(6) Step Bolts and Eyebolts: Provide step bolts and eyebolts as shown on the drawings. Space
step bolts approximately 15 inches apart, with a maximum spacing of 17 inches. Provide
holes for step bolts on the inner gage line of leg angle and space to avoid climbing
interference with outstanding leg of the structure web members.
(2) Connection bolt lengths shall be determined by the Contractor. Provide locknuts for bolts.
Provide beveled washers for bolts in sloped flanges. Provide bolts, nuts, locknuts, and
beveled washers in quantity sufficient to compensate for normal field losses (2 percent
(3) Unless otherwise shown on the drawings or authorized by Western, the minimum center-to-
center hole spacing, and distance between member edge and bolt hole center, shall be in
accordance with AISC 360 “Specification for Structural Steel Buildings”.
1. GENERAL: The Contractor shall have defined quality control methods and functions available for
review and approval. Maintain permanent records for mill test reports; welding procedures;
certification for welding operators, welders, and tack welders; and visual and nondestructive test
2. WORKMANSHIP AND DEFECTIVE MATERIAL: Work shall be equal to best modern practice in
the manufacture and fabrication of material. Details of design, fabrication, and erection not
covered by the drawings or the specifications shall conform to AISC Steel Construction Manual for
steel and to AA Aluminum Design Manual for aluminum. The Contractor shall be responsible for
correct fitting of parts and replacing defective material discovered during erection.
3. INSPECTION AND TESTS: Inspection of material will be made in accordance with Standard 1 -
General Requirements, Section 1.2.3 "Material Inspection". Western inspection of material at the
mill will be waived.
Certified mill test reports for steel and aluminum shapes and plates shall show customer's order,
mill order, and Western specifications number. Mill certification shall show the weights of steel
and aluminum furnished for each size and heat number represented by the tests. No material
shall be shipped until certified copies of reports have been received.
Send one copy of each report to the Civil Engineer and the COR.
1. GENERAL: Plates shall be edge planed or flame cut with mechanically guided torches and
ground smooth. The surface roughness of plate edges shall be in accordance with AWS D1.1 for
steel and AWS D1.2 for aluminum.
2. STRAIGHTENING MATERIAL: Before being laid out or worked in any manner, structural material
shall be straight, free from sharp kinks and bends, and clean of rust and dirt. If straightening is
necessary, no metal damage shall result.
3. SHEARING AND CUTTING: Shearing and cutting shall be finished neatly on material exposed to
view. Copes and re-entrant cuts shall be filleted before cutting.
4. HOLES: Holes in steel less than 13/16 inch thick may be punched to full size unless otherwise
shown on the drawings. Holes shown on the drawings as drilled holes and holes in steel 13/16
inch thick or more shall be drilled or subpunched and reamed. Holes shall be clean cut and
without torn or ragged edges. Burrs resulting from reaming or drilling shall be removed with a tool
making a 1/16-inch bevel. Holes shall be cylindrical and perpendicular to the member. To avoid
hole distortion and when holes are within 4 inches of a bending point, holes shall be made after
5. PUNCHING: For punching to full size, the punch diameter shall be the nominal hole diameter; and
the die diameter shall not be more than 1/16 inch larger than the punch diameter. For
subpunching, the punch diameter shall be 1/4 inch smaller than the nominal hole diameter; and
the die diameter shall not be more than 3/32 inch larger than the punch diameter. For reamed
work, subpunching and reaming shall not result in a punched surface in the hole periphery.
6. REAMING AND DRILLING: For reamed or drilled holes, the finished hole diameter shall be as
shown on the drawings.
8. BASE PLATES: Base plates shall be straight, true, and square cut. Grind torch-cut edges straight
and smooth.
10. COLD FORMING: The Contractor shall have documented, detailed procedures describing cold
forming. Methods shall produce bends without an undue amount of cracking. Cracking or
opening of surface laminations shall be investigated and repairs performed, inspected, and
recorded. Plates displaying gross cracks, laminations, or lamellar tears shall be rejected. The
radius of any inside corner shall be the greater of three times the specified wall thickness, or as
specified by AISC Steel Construction Manual.
11. DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCES FOR STEEL: Steel member and plate tolerances shall be in
accordance with AISC 303 “Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges” and as
(1) Built-Up Square and Rectangular Member Shape Tolerances: Fabricate to meet the
tolerances of square and rectangular tubing.
1) Cross Section:
3) Maximum Variation From Straightness: Variation shall not exceed 1/8 inch per 10 feet of
12. WELDING FOR STEEL: Welding shall be performed in accordance with the latest revision of
AWS D1.1. Headed shear connectors for stub angles shall be welded with automatically timed
stud welding equipment. Welds shall be as shown on the drawings and made to minimize residual
stresses. No stress-relieving treatment is required. Welding procedures, welding operators,
welders, and tack welders shall be qualified in accordance with AWS D1.1.
13. LONGITUDINAL SEAM WELDS: Longitudinal seam welds may be used to fabricate structural
members. Complete joint penetration is required within 6 inches of base plates and flange
connection plates. The remaining seam welds shall have 80 percent minimum penetration
through the material thickness. The use of permanent backing material is not permitted. Welding
procedure specifications and supporting procedure qualification records (if applicable) for partial
penetration seam welds shall be submitted and approved prior to fabrication.
14. WELDING FOR ALUMINUM: Welding shall be performed in accordance with AWS D1.2. Welding
procedures, welding operators, welders, and tack welders shall be qualified in accordance with
AWS D1.2.
1. GENERAL: Inspect and test welds in accordance with AWS D1.1 for steel and AWS D1.2 for
aluminum, or in accordance with procedures approved by the Civil Engineer.
Repair and reexamine defective welds in accordance with AWS D1.1 for steel and AWS D1.2 for
2. VISUAL INSPECTION: All welds shall be visually inspected in accordance with AWS D1.1 for
steel and AWS D1.2 for aluminum.
AWS D1.1) where the thicker plate is more than three times the thickness of the thinner plate.
Otherwise, tests can be before galvanizing.
(1) Ultrasonic Tests: Perform ultrasonic tests in accordance with AWS D1.1 or procedures
approved by the Civil Engineer, and as follows: Prepare a test piece with the same weld joint
configuration and 80-percent weld penetration, for each thickness of material to be tested.
Verify the test and evaluation procedure, using the test pieces. Spot test partial penetration
welds a minimum of 10 percent of each weld length, at random intervals, with no test length
exceeding 12 inches.
(2) Metallographic Tests: Perform metallographic examination, using an accredited test lab
approved by Western. For each tubular piece mark, remove a weld sample from the first
tubular section and from every tenth section thereafter. Remove samples by core drilling and
plug the holes with full penetration welds without permanent backing material. The test
procedure shall include a sample report form for documenting the test results. This form shall
include Western's contract number; structure type and piece mark number; material
thickness; name, location, and telephone number of the test lab; a sketch to show where
weld samples are removed; and the actual weld penetration of samples.
5. MAGNETIC PARTICLE AND DYE PENETRANT: The COR may require magnetic particle or dye
penetrant weld tests where the appearance or the configuration suggests a possibility of cracking.
The magnetic particle test procedure shall be in accordance with ASTM E709. The dye penetrant
test procedure shall be in accordance with ASTM E165. The acceptance standards for the tests
shall be in accordance with AWS D1.1 and AWS D1.2.
4.1.8 MARKING:
Anchor bolts and embedded material shall be marked with the designation shown on the specification
drawings. Other individual pieces shall be marked with the designation shown on the approved erection
drawings. Markings shall be stamped into the metal before galvanizing or painting. The numerals or
letters shall be 1/2-inch minimum height, clearly legible after galvanizing or painting, and circled or
bracketed with black paint. Anchor bolts may be identified by tagging. In designating members, use as
few designations as possible; and each member of identical size and detail shall have the same
designation regardless of its position in the structure or tower. Mating parts shall be match marked.
1. GENERAL: Structures shall be shop-assembled to the extent necessary to assure correct fit of
parts, adequate bolt lengths, and proper field erection. One lattice tower of each type and height,
including every combination of leg extensions, shall be shop-assembled to the extent necessary to
assure correct fit of parts, adequate bolt lengths, and proper field erection.
2. ASSEMBLY: Reaming of unfair holes is not permitted. A reasonable amount of drifting is allowed.
"A reasonable amount of drifting" is defined as drifting without causing hole elongation or
deformation of members. Galvanizing damaged during the course of "a reasonable amount of
drifting" shall be repaired in accordance with Section 4.1.10, "Galvanizing and Painting". Shop-
assembled parts shall be dismantled for shipment.
Bolts used in shop assembly shall be of the lengths called for on the erection drawings. Where the
indicated length is too short to permit acceptable assembly, provide the next longer bolt increment.
If assembly is from Contractor-furnished drawings, the drawings shall be revised to show the
actual bolt lengths. If assembly is from Government-furnished drawings, provide marked prints
showing changes to the Civil Engineer.
1. CLEANING: After shopwork completion, material shall be clean of rust, loose scale, dirt, oil,
grease, and other foreign substances. Clean all welding flux residue (slag) from welded areas.
2. PLATE AND SHAPE GALVANIZING: Plates and shapes shall be galvanized after fabrication.
After cleaning, material shall be zinc coated (galvanized) in accordance with ASTM A123. Double
dipping or progressive dipping of closed-member shapes will not be permitted. Where member
lengths of open shapes prevent dipping in one operation, care shall be exercised to prevent
warping. Finished compression members shall not have lateral variations greater than 1/1000 the
axial length between the points which are to be laterally supported. Holes shall be free of excess
spelter after galvanizing.
3. VENT AND DRAIN HOLES: Vent and drain holes for closed-member shapes are shown on the
drawings. Vent holes shown on the drawings are required for proper air circulation after
galvanizing and shall not be changed by the Contractor. Drain holes shown on the drawings are
typical to facilitate the galvanizing process and may be changed to comply with the Contractor's
shop practice; provided, the change does not affect the integrity of the structure.
5. STRAIGHTENING AFTER GALVANIZING: Plates and shapes which have been warped by the
galvanizing process shall be straightened by being rerolled or pressed. Material shall not be
hammered or otherwise straightened in a manner that will damage the protective coating. If, in the
opinion of the COR, material has been harmfully bent or warped, it shall be rejected.
6. GALVANIZING REPAIR: Material with damaged galvanizing shall be redipped unless the damage
is local and can be repaired. If the galvanized coating becomes damaged after being dipped
twice, the material shall be rejected. Where repair is authorized, the damaged area shall be
repaired in accordance with ASTM A780. The coating thickness shall be a minimum of 5.0 mils.
(1) Zinc Rich Paint: When utilizing paints containing zinc dust, surfaces shall be cooled to
ambient temperature, dry, free from rust, mill scale, paint, dirt, and other contaminants.
Surfaces may be cleaned by wire brush or equivalent cleaning methods (grinding is not
permitted). Zinc paint shall be applied with a brush (spray painting is not permitted). The
minimum required dry paint thickness is 5 mils. Zinc rich paint shall have a minimum of 94%
zinc dust by weight.
Galvanized surfaces shall be treated to provide a gray or blackish gray coloration. Treatment shall
dull the shine and reflectance of surfaces and provide a generally uniform appearance over each
surface and between separately galvanized and treated members. The dulling shall be
accomplished by treatment and rinsing of all surfaces. Soft or water- soluble surface deposits
resulting from the treatment shall be removed by rinsing. Treatment shall have a life of at least
1 year and not be detrimental to the service life of the protective zinc coating. Dulled surfaces
shall be free of white rust (zinc oxide).
Aluminum surfaces shall be treated, by means other than painting, to provide a coloration of aged,
naturally-weathered, and dulled aluminum. Treatment shall dull shine and reflectance of surfaces
and provide a generally uniform appearance. Soft or water-soluble surface deposits resulting from
treatment shall be removed by rinsing or other effective means. Treatment shall have a life of at
least 1 year and not be detrimental to the aluminum.
The finished steel and aluminum shall maintain a reflectance no greater than that specified in the
project specifications, plus or minus 3 percent. Reflectance shall be measured utilizing any
reflectometer calibrated against "Neutral Matte Finish" color standards obtainable from Munsell
Color, a division of X-Rite Incorporated, 4300 44th Street SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49512. The
reflectometer used shall have a margin of error no greater than plus or minus 3 percent.
8. PAINTING: Surfaces of steel structures to be painted shall be prime painted in the shop in
accordance with the Standard 12 - Painting.
Structures and components shall be transported and handled to avoid bending or damage. Bent pieces
may be used only if they are straightened without damage to the material or galvanizing. Material with
damaged galvanizing shall be redipped unless the damage is local and can be repaired in accordance
with Section 4.1.10, "Galvanizing and Painting". Pieces bent beyond repair shall be replaced.
During storage, prevent ground or surface water contact by placing steel and aluminum on timber
4.1.12 ERECTION:
Install anchor bolts and embedded material in accordance with the specifications drawings. Install or
erect other material in accordance with the final erection drawings. Erection and installation shall be in
accordance with AISC 303 “Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges". No structure
shall be erected on foundations until 7 days after placement of concrete, nor until backfill has been placed
and compacted. Set anchor bolts and embedded material accurately to the grade and alignment
designated on the drawings. Set equipment bases and base plates level and in exact position. Where
shown on the drawings, equipment bases and base plates shall be given full and even bearing by
grouting in place. Remove shims and grout the remaining spaces. Grout shall be in accordance with
Standard 3 - Concrete, Section 3.1.10 "Grouting Mortar ".
Place stub angles in foundations as shown on the drawings, and support in proper position by means of a
rigid frame or equivalent suitable device to ensure placement of stubs within tolerances specified below.
Hold stub angles rigidly to prevent displacement during concrete placement. Difference in elevation
between identical parts of any two stub angles shall not exceed 1/1000 of the horizontal distance between
stubs. Actual elevation of any stub angle shall not differ from computed elevation by more than 0.02 foot.
Stub angles shall be located horizontally so that each is within 1/1000 of the correct distance shown on
the drawings. Heel and side batter of the stub angles shall not differ from the correct batter by more than
1/16 inch per foot of exposed stub. The twist of each stub angle shall be within 0.5 degrees of the correct
Connection bolts shall be entered to the head. ASTM A394 nuts shall be torqued 70 to 100 pound-feet
for 5/8-inch bolts, 125 to 165 pound-feet for 3/4-inch bolts, and 180 to 230 pound-feet for 7/8-inch bolts.
ASTM A325 bolts shall be tightened in accordance with AISC “Specification for Structural Joints Using
High-Strength Bolts". Nuts shall be locked in place. Tighten Type MF locknut sufficiently to flatten its
concave face to full contact against the nut. Tighten palnut locknut one-third turn beyond contact with the
nut. Wrenches which may deform the nuts or damage the galvanizing are not permitted.
A reasonable amount of drifting, as defined in Section 4.1.9, "Shop Assembly", is allowed in assembling.
Reaming for correction of mismatched holes is not permitted.
Field welding shall conform to the requirements of Section 4.1.6, "Fabrication". Perform ultrasonic tests
for the field welds specified in Section 4.1.7, "Nondestructive and Metallographic Weld Tests". Inspect
other field welds in accordance with Section 4.1.7, "Nondestructive and Metallographic Weld Tests".
Clean field welds by sandblasting or power grinding.
Remove corrosive and foreign material deposited on the structures prior to or during erection.
Field welded areas of galvanized structures shall be coated with paint containing zinc dust in accordance
with the requirements of 4.1.10.
Field-installed stud bolts shall be welded with automatically timed stud welding equipment. Surfaces
within 2 inches of field weld locations shall be free from paint or other material that would prevent proper
welding or produce objectionable fumes while welding.
The finish painting system shall be applied in the field in accordance with the Standard 12 - Painting.
Erecting errors and omissions, including tightening of loose bolts, nuts, and locknuts, shall be corrected
by the Contractor.
Install switch operating platforms in the proper position with respect to the switch control rod or pipe and
ground platform as shown on drawing 31 1075. Platforms shall not be installed until after the switches
are installed.
Install equipment cabinet platforms to provide access for routine operation and maintenance. The
platform top shall not be above the cabinet bottom. Platforms shall be grounded as shown on
drawing 31 1075.
1. GENERAL: Dismantle, handle, transport, re-erect, modify, and bundle structures as required.
Avoid bending and galvanizing damage to members. Repair damaged galvanizing in accordance
with Section 4.1.10, "Galvanizing and Painting". Members damaged beyond repair or lost shall be
Re-erect structures in accordance with Section 4.1.12, "Erection". Replace removed, loosened, or
lost bolts with new bolts, nuts, and locknuts of the same size and type required by the erection
drawings. Plumb structures after re-erection. The cost of loosening and retightening bolts
required to accomplish this, whether due to relocation operations or to an existing out-of-plumb
condition, shall be included in the applicable Bidding Schedule item.
3. MODIFYING STRUCTURES: Field-drill new holes to complete the modification work. Operations
in removing, replacing, and modifying members shall ensure the integrity of the structure at all
times. Members removed and not required in the modified structure become the Contractor's
property and shall be promptly removed from the work site.
Pack undamaged bolts, nuts, washers, and ring fills separately, by size, in wood boxes or kegs. Replace
damaged bolts, nuts, washers, and ring fills with new ones of the same size and type. Provide new
locknuts. Store structures as a unit. Consolidate and steel band identical steel members in small
bundles convenient for handling. Identify banded bundles with weatherproof tags which indicate the
piece marks and member quantities. Prepare and deliver a master list of bundles to the COR.
1. TEST TOWERS: Members comprising test towers shall be same sizes as shown on specifications
drawings, with no substitutions, and of same grade of material and class of fabrication as those to
be furnished for Section B towers. Mill test reports as required by Section 4.1.5 “Quality Control”,
covering steel used in the test towers, shall be available for review by Western's representative at
test site prior to testing. Test towers need not be galvanized.
2. TEST LOAD APPLICATION AND MEASUREMENT: Conductor and ground wire test loads shall
be applied directly to their respective attachments. Wind test loads shall be applied in accordance
with test load drawings.
Measure test loads at point of structure application without intervening cables, blocks, lever
systems, or pulleys.
Measure vertical, transverse, and longitudinal test loads in their actual direction. However,
measurements obtained from a resultant load whose components are equal to required loads will
be acceptable; provided, an angle-sensing device is installed at point of load application.
Angle-sensing device shall be capable of monitoring resultant load to insure correct required
vertical, transverse, and longitudinal loads. Rigging cables and hardware shall be adequate in
size and strength.
Sheaves shall be free running. Provide and place slack guys or slings to minimize possibility of
complete tower collapse should a major failure occur.
3. TEST PROCEDURES: Each test shall be conducted in presence of Western's design engineer
and in accordance with the following requirements:
(1) Erect towers on a foundation structure of adequate strength and stiffness to withstand safely
the tower reactions under test loads, without noticeable distortion or displacement. Tower
members shall be connected to foundation structure with same number, size, and spacing of
bolts used in normal stub splice details. Vertical axis of erected tower, through its center of
gravity, shall not be out of plumb more than 1 inch for every 40 feet in height.
(2) Each test loading increment shall be applied according to data furnished (within 3 percent of
value specified) and maintained at least 5 minutes with no slacking off or adjustment of loads.
If necessary to adjust loads, 5-minute period shall start after loads are stable and constant.
Unless noted on test load drawings, completely remove test loads before loading for next
(3) Conspicuous yielding or failure under test loads shall be considered a defect. If defect is due
to connection details, fabrication, or test procedures, the Contractor shall, without additional
compensation, correct defect as directed by Western's design engineer and again perform
test. If defect is due to basic design deficiencies, the Contractor shall, with compensation for
extra work in accordance with the contract clause titled "Changes", correct defect as directed
by Western's design engineer and again perform test.
(4) Measure longitudinal tower deflections under each test load increment at tops of both ground
wire peaks and at crossarm ends. Measure transverse deflections on tower centerline at
crossarm level and at ground wire peaks. Deflection measurements shall be to nearest
1/4 inch.
(5) After testing towers for specified loading cases, further load increments for one case shall be
applied as shown on test load drawings or as directed by Western's design engineer until
failure of a tower element or until reaching limit specified on the test load drawings.
(6) Upon completion of tests, disassembly of towers shall include inspection of all members for
evidence of excessive permanent set, shear failure in bolts, or member failure in bearing.
1. MATERIAL: Aluminum alloy 6061-T6. Covers shall be 1/4-inch-thick floor plate with a raised,
four-way pattern.
2. FABRICATION: Plates shall be straight, true, and free from warps and twists. If straightening is
necessary, no metal damage shall result. Finish neatly material exposed to view. Grind sharp
and rough edges of covers smooth. Perform welding in accordance with AWS D1.2.
3. INSTALLATION: Install aluminum covers accurately in position and alignment. Finish the
surfaces of concrete to be in contact with the covers level so that covers will lie flat and will not
Paint aluminum cover and hold-down angle surfaces in contact with concrete with commercial
grade bituminous paint to produce a 5-mil minimum thickness.
1. MATERIAL: ASTM A36. Covers shall be 3/16-inch-thick floor plate with a raised, four-way
2. FABRICATION: Plates shall be straight, true, and free from warps and twists. If straightening is
necessary, no metal damage shall result. Finish neatly material exposed to view. Grind sharp
and rough edges of covers smooth. Galvanize the covers. Perform welding in accordance with
AWS D1.1.
3. INSTALLATION: Install steel covers accurately in position and alignment. Finish the surfaces of
concrete to be in contact with the covers level so that covers will lie flat and will not rock.
(2) The tank shall be Underwriters Laboratories (UL) listed according to U.L.,
Subject 2085 Outline of Investigation for Insulated Tanks (vaulted tanks).
(3) The tank shall be tested in accordance to the Uniform Fire Code Appendix
IIF Proposed Test Requirements for Protected Tanks (vaulted tanks):
Standard 79-7.
(4) The tank shall be cylindrical in shape and listed in accordance with U.L. 142
standard for aboveground tanks.
(5) The internal steel tank shall be coated with a rust preventive coating.
(11) Ladder.
(12) Two 1/4-inch high copper alloy grounding studs located on opposite corners
of the tank base.
September 2016
1. GENERAL: Use United States standard units of measurement and English words, signs, and
symbols. Submit data and drawings for all structures. Include design calculations for all structure
components. Drawings shall be new originals. Reproductions of the specification drawings are not
Thoroughly check data and drawings for accuracy and completeness before submitting. Western
will not check details and intermediate dimensions.
Submit electronic versions of data and drawings as they are completed and checked for one or
several structures rather than delaying to include drawings for the complete specifications
requirements in one submittal.
Western will electronically return the design data sheets and drawings, and indicate required
changes in the reply email. Contractor shall change the designs and details, which Western
determines necessary to make the finished structures conform to these specifications.
Western’s review time is specified in the project specifications in the "Commencement, Prosecution,
and Completion of Work" paragraph of Division 1, "General Requirements." Western approval shall
not relieve the Contractor from meeting the specification requirements nor the responsibility for
design and drawing correctness. Fabrication prior to design data and drawing approval will be at
the Contractor’s risk.
2. DESIGN DATA: Prior to fabrication, submit for approval, the following design data for each type
and height of structure:
(2) Computer analyses for each load case showing ultimate moment capacities, total ultimate
shears, moments, axial loads, and rotations at ground line, point of base fixity, splices, joints,
points where plate size changes, and other critical points. Accuracy and correctness of the
structure design, based on the loads indicated on the drawings, is the Contractor’s
(3) Maximum deflection at top of structure for each load case shown on the drawings.
(4) Anchor bolt spacing using anchor bolt and bolt circle limitations shown on the drawings.
3. MILL TEST REPORTS: Upon request, prior to material shipment, within 20 days after contract
award, submit certified copies of test reports of structural steel, bolts, nuts, and the chemical
analyses and coating test of the galvanizing.
Certified mill test reports for steel shapes and plates shall show customer’s order, mill order, and
Western specifications number. Mill certification shall show the weights of steel furnished for each
size and heat number represented by the tests. If mill test reports are requested, no material shall
be shipped until Western has received certified mill test reports.
(1) Prior to fabrication, submit all weld procedures which are not prequalified in accordance with
AWS D1.1, "Structural Welding Code – Steel."
(2) Prior to fabrication submit a test and evaluation procedure describing the method to be used
to verify penetration of partial penetration welds.
(3) Submit nondestructive and metallographic test reports, including ultrasonic test pieces and
metallographic weld samples, within 20 working days after tests are performed.
(3) Two sets of three samples each, representing the reflectance specified in the project
specifications. Each sample shall be a dulled-galvanized steel panel, 3 inches x 6 inches x
1/4-inch-thick, and have the respective percent of reflectance stamped into the metal.
(4) Approved samples shall constitute comparison standards for dulled-galvanized steel
(1) Paints: Manufacturer’s technical information including color chips, paint label analysis, surface
preparation, spread rates, thinning instructions, coverage of paint, recommended number of
coats, and application instructions.
(2) Material safety data sheets (MSDS) for each paint, oil, epoxy, and other hazardous material.
7. APPROVAL DRAWINGS: Prior to fabrication, submit for approval, drawings covering each type
and height of structure. Submittals shall include:
1) Dimensions.
2) For Each Structure Component: Mark number, position, size, weight, material, and
3) For Each Bolted Connection: Quantity, type (grade), and size of bolts.
4) A complete bill of materials, including hardware and weights, listing all material for one
structure or the portion shown thereon. Show the number of pieces required, description
of each piece, including size and length, and drawing number on which the shop detail of
each piece can be found. Total weight of one complete structure shall be noted. Calculate
weights in accordance with AISC 303 "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and
Bridges," except that weights for nonrectangular plates used to fabricate pole shafts and
davit arms are to be based on actual detailed dimensions shown on the final shop drawings.
5) Weight, center of gravity, lifting lug locations or lifting method, and lifting point of each major
structure component.
8) Anchor bolt setting plan, size, and quantity. Setting plan shall reference direction of
transmission line and camber.
10) Location, edge preparation details, and material for each field weld.
11) Method for permanently restraining slip-joints after installation for H-frame structures.
16) Plan and elevation views for each structure type showing exact location of fixed climbing
rung sections, clips for removable climbing rung sections, belt loops, hand loops, ladder
brackets, and ring clips.
17) Splice designs and attachment details for fixed climbing rung sections.
2) Anchor bolts.
3) Location, edge preparation details, and material for each shop weld.
5) Locations for structure signs in accordance with drawings 41 9027-1, 41 9027-2, 41 9027-
3, and 41 9028, or as specified in the project specifications.
6) Details of fixed and removable climbing rung sections, rungs, clips for removable climbing
rung sections, attachments for fixed climbing rung sections, belt loops, hand loops, ladder
brackets, ring clips, the attaching welds, and work rings.
2) Specific Western structure type(s) and height(s) shown or referenced on each drawing.
3) Type and grade of material (ASTM specification) and structure finish (i.e., galvanized,
dulled galvanized, metallized, weathering steel, or painted-over-galvanized).
8. FINAL DRAWINGS: Prior to material shipment and before final payment, furnish final as-built
drawings and bill of materials required in 7 above.
9. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Submit samples and electronic versions of data and drawings for
approval as follows:
(1) Design Data: Forward one electronic set to the Civil Engineer. Send a copy of the transmittal
letter to the COR. If design calculations exceed 100 pages in length, send a hard copy via
certified mail to the Civil Engineer in addition to the electronic version.
(2) Mill Test Reports: Forward one electronic copy of each report to the Civil Engineer.
(3) Welding Submittals: Forward one electronic set to the Civil Engineer.
(4) Dulling Treatment Submittals: Forward one set of three samples representing the reflectance
specified in the project specifications to the Civil Engineer and one set to the COR. Each
sample shall be a dulled-galvanized steel panel, 3 inches x 6 inches x 1/4-inch thick, and have
the respective percent of reflectance stamped into the metal.
(5) Painting Submittals: Forward one set of color chips and one electronic copy of manufacturer’s
technical information and Material Safety Data Sheets to the Civil Engineer and two sets of
color chips and one electronic copy of manufacturer’s technical information and Material Safety
Data Sheets to the COR.
(6) Approval Drawings: Forward one electronic set of prints to the Civil Engineer, and send a copy
of the transmittal letter to the COR.
(7) Final Drawings: Forward one electronic set to the Civil Engineer.
1. GENERAL: Design using published theories accepted by industry as good engineering practice.
Design so that ultimate stresses do not exceed the material yield stress. Design yield strength for
structural steel plates shall not exceed 65 ksi. Check material stresses for each load case shown
on the drawings.
1) Pole shafts shall be closed shapes and tapered consistent with strength requirements.
2) Davit arms and crossarms shall be closed shapes and shall provide the electrical
clearances shown on the drawings.
3) Brackets and braces may be open or closed shapes and shall provide the electrical
clearances shown on the drawings.
4) Structural steel shall not be less than 3/16-inch thick, except for structure identification
5) Design direct-embedded structures assuming pole shaft fixity at a point 5 feet below
ground line.
6) Design anchor-bolted structures assuming a 1° rotation at the base plate.
8) Upon request, camber single-shaft self-supporting structures with line angles and/or
unbalanced tensions so that the structure axes are vertically plumb after conductors are
strung. Camber less than 6 inches is not required. The bottom pole shaft section of direct-
embedded structures shall not be cambered. If camber is required, Western will furnish
camber loads within 30 days after contract award.
9) Structure designs shall account for the weight and projected wind area of all maintenance
10) Thickness of flange plates shall be designed assuming loads are transferred directly by
point loads through bolts and not by bearing between the flange plates.
11) Guyed structure design shall accommodate the possibility that one or more guys will be
moved, in line, a maximum of 5 feet closer to or further from the structure than shown on
the guying arrangement plans.
12) Sections joined by slip joints shall have a minimum lap of 1.5 times the largest inside
diameter of the female section. Use complete penetration welds in the female splice area.
Shims shall not be used in slip joints. Slip joints on H-frame structures shall be permanently
restrained from movement after installation.
13) Bottom pole shaft sections for direct-embedded structures shall extend a sufficient distance
above ground line so that bottom jacking lugs (normally 1-inch-diameter heavy hex nuts)
are a minimum of 3 feet above ground line to allow installation of jacking devices above
top of concrete. Minimum projection above ground line shall be seven feet plus the
maximum overlap length for the bottom slip joint.
Pole caps for galvanized structures with pole top aerial patrol mile marker signs and/or
warning signs shall be minimum 1/4" thick and shall be attached to pole tops by a minimum
of four 5/8"-diameter bolts in a symmetrical pattern.
Pole caps for weathering steel structures shall be welded to pole tops.
15) Pole shaft base sections for weathering-steel and metallized structures shall be
hermetically sealed.
16) Direct-embedded galvanized pole shafts shall have two 1-inch-diameter vent holes 2 feet
above ground line.
17) Bottom 2 feet and base of direct-embedded pole shafts shall be coated with polyurethane
coating in accordance with Section 5.1.14, "Polyurethane Coating."
18) Base plates for anchor-bolted structures shall not overhang the concrete foundations.
19) Structure sections and complete structures shall have approved method to prevent
slippage of slings and ensure safe lifting and handling.
20) Structure number signs shall not interfere with installation of removable climbing rung
21) Location and spacing of holes shall be within tolerances specified in Section 5.1.5, "Quality
22) Contractor shall determine details not shown on the drawings based on the intended use
and fabricator’s recommendations.
1) Determine optimum guy size and arrangement best suited for the structure required.
Locate guys to provide the following minimum electrical clearances:
(KV) (IN)
34.5 30
69 42
115 60
230 91
345 115
500 152
2) Consider guys as elastic members in structure analyses. Modulus of elasticity for design
of guy material shall be 23,000 ksi. Under maximum design loading, guy tensions shall
not exceed 65 percent of the minimum rated breaking strength.
3) Guy hardware and structure attachments shall be capable of supporting the minimum rated
breaking strength of attached guys. Steel hardware shall be galvanized or galvanized and
dulled in accordance with Section 5.1.9, "Galvanizing" and 5.1.10, "Dulled Galvanizing."
4) Guys and guy vangs shall not interfere with installation of maintenance provisions.
5) Determine number and type of guy anchors. Guy anchors shall develop the minimum rated
breaking strength of attached guys. No more than two guys shall be attached to any one
2) Welds to attach maintenance provisions to structures shall develop the ultimate tensile
strength of the attached part.
3) Minimum height above ground line for bottom clip for removable climbing rung sections for
direct-embedded structures shall be 27 inches to allow sufficient space above top of
concrete to install bottom removable climbing rung sections. For anchor-bolted structures,
minimum height above base plates for bottom clip for removable climbing rung sections
shall be 7 inches.
4) Rungs for fixed and inclined climbing rung sections shall be secured with nuts and locknuts,
and shall have a 3 1/2-inch minimum thread length as shown on drawing 43 2210.
6) Expansion anchors to attach clips for removable climbing rung sections to concrete
foundations shall develop a minimum tensile strength of 2,000 pounds.
7) Fixed climbing rung sections shall be spliced together to form a continuous center support
for the full height of the structure. Splices shall be designed to ensure full structural
continuity of the center support. Small gaps in the center support across slip joints are
acceptable. Splices shall provide smooth transitions with the center support and afford
minimum interference with the gripping surface for the hands. Sharp edges or lateral
projections on splices shall not be permitted.
8) Top or bottom cantilevered extensions of fixed climbing rung sections shall not extend more
than 27 inches beyond the nearest clip.
(1) Auger Diameter: Auger diameter shall be pole shaft base diameter plus a minimum of
12 inches, unless otherwise specified in the project specifications.
(2) Embedment Depth: Structure embedment depth, "E", shall be as listed in the project
specifications under "Normal" unless rock is encountered.
If rock is encountered, at the Contractor’s option, structure embedment depths may be reduced
to the overburden depth plus "Keyed Into Rock" depth listed in the project specifications.
Bottom of pole shafts that are cut off to reduce embedment depth shall be repaired in
accordance with Section
1. GENERAL: All connections on all structures shall provide for electrical continuity across the
connections, and an electrical path shall be provided from every part of the structure to the ground.
Grounding requirements will vary with the type of material and structure finish and shall be in
accordance with drawing 41 1015 and this section.
(1) Pigtail jumpers and ground plates are not required on galvanized, dulled galvanized, or
metallized structures that are direct-embedded with concrete backfill or installed on concrete
(2) Pigtail jumpers and ground plates are required 2 feet above ground line on galvanized, dulled
galvanized, and Metallized pole shafts that are direct-embedded with native backfill.
(1) Weathering-steel structures shall have pigtail jumpers and ground plates welded on either side
of all slip joints and bolted connections, including davit arm and post insulator connections, 2
feet above ground line for direct-embedded structures, and 6 inches above base plates on
anchor-bolted structures in accordance with drawing 41 1015.
(2) After installing fixed and inclined climbing rung sections and fall protection anchors with bolts,
nuts, and locknuts or lock washers, the rung section mounting plates shall be field-welded to
the attachments on the pole shafts in accordance with drawings 41 1015 and 43 2210. Welding
shall be sufficient to provide electrical continuity between the climbing rung sections and the
pole shaft. Preferred welding rod series is E8018-C3. Other acceptable series are E8018-C1
and E8018-C2.
1) Areas inside slip joints: Outside surfaces of male (bottom) sections and inside surfaces of
female (top) sections.
2) Arm connections: Outside surfaces of arm connection vangs and inside surfaces of arm
connection brackets.
3) Attachment plates for fixed climbing rung sections: Outside surfaces of attachments for
fixed climbing rung sections and faying surfaces of rung section mounting plates.
(3) Portions of direct-embedded galvanized pole shafts that will be below ground line shall not be
(4) If any of the above surfaces are painted, either the grounding requirements for weathering-
steel structures shall apply or paint shall be removed prior to structure installation.
(1) Galvanized, Dulled Galvanized, Metallized, or Painted Steel: ASTM A572 Grade 65 or ASTM
A871, Grade 65.
1) Silicon content of pole shaft material shall be either below 0.06 percent or between
0.15 and 0.35 percent.
2) Galvanize, galvanize and dull, metallize, or paint material after fabrication in accordance
with Sections 5.1.9, "Galvanizing," 5.1.10, "Dulled Galvanizing," 5.1.11, "Metallizing," or
(4) Material shall have a minimum longitudinal impact strength of 15 foot pounds at minus 20°F as
determined by the Charpy "V" Notch Impact test in accordance with ASTM A370 and A673.
(1) Galvanized, Dulled Galvanized, Metallized, or Painted Steel: ASTM A572, ASTM A588, ASTM
A633, or ASTM A871. Minimum yield strength shall be 60 ksi.
(2) Weathering Steel: ASTM A871. Minimum yield strength shall be 60 ksi.
(3) Material shall have a minimum longitudinal impact strength of 15 foot pounds at minus 20°F as
determined by the Charpy "V" Notch Impact test in accordance with ASTM A370 and A673.
(1) Galvanized, Dulled Galvanized, Metallized, or Painted Steel: ASTM A36, ASTM A242, ASTM
A572, ASTM A588, ASTM A633, or ASTM A871.
(3) Material shall have a minimum longitudinal impact strength of 15 foot-pounds at minus 20°F as
determined by the Charpy "V" Notch Impact test in accordance with ASTM A370 and A673.
1) Bolts: ASTM A325, ASTM A354 Grade BC Modified, or ASTM A394 Type 1.
4) Locknuts:
b. In lieu of separate locknuts, self-locking heavy hex nuts for use with ASTM A325
structural bolts, conforming to ASTM A194 Grade 2H or ASTM A563 Grade DH may
be used. Self-locking heavy hex nuts shall be Anco style self-locking nuts with
stainless steel ratchet pin or equal.
6) Galvanize or galvanize and dull material after fabrication in accordance with Sections 5.1.9,
"Galvanizing" and 5.1.10, "Dulled Galvanizing." Material for painted structures shall be
galvanized, then painted in accordance with Section 5.1.13, "Painting," except locknuts
and lock washers do not require painting.
1) Bolts: ASTM A325 Type 3, ASTM A354 Grade BC Modified, or ASTM A394 Type 3.
b. In lieu of separate locknuts, self-locking heavy hex nuts for use with ASTM A325
structural bolts, conforming to ASTM A194 Grade 2H or ASTM A563 Grade DH may
be used. Self-locking heavy hex nuts shall be Anco style self-locking nuts with
stainless steel ratchet pin or equal.
5) Lock washers: ASTM F436. Lock washers shall be galvanized in accordance with Section
5.1.9, "Galvanizing."
(1) Anchor Bolts: ASTM A615 Grade 75 Modified, equal to NORSCO 75S high-strength anchor
bolt material.
(2) Nuts and Locknuts: ASTM A563 Grade DH or Heavy Hex Lock Nuts, conforming to ASTM
A194 Grade 2H or ASTM A563 Grade DH, equal to Anco style self-locking nuts with stainless
steel ratchet pin.
(4) Galvanize nuts, washers, and anchor bolts for the thread length plus 6 inches in accordance
with Section 5.1.9, "Galvanizing."
9. PAINT SYSTEM: Paint system shall be chemical, corrosion, and abrasion resistant and shall
produce the color and finish specified in the project specifications. All paint system components
shall be from the same manufacturer. Paint system shall be approved by the COR and the
Civil Engineer.
12. GUY HARDWARE: Hardware shall be galvanized and of the type and manufacturer’s rated strength
as shown on the Contractor-furnished data and drawings. Hardware shall conform to an applicable
ASTM standard suitable for the intended use.
13. STEEL GUY ANCHORS AND RODS: Anchors and rods shall be galvanized and of the type and
manufacturer’s rated strength as shown on the Contractor-furnished data and drawings. Rods for
disk and plate-type anchors shall be coated with an approved corrosion-preventive, nonconductive
14. CONCRETE GUY ANCHORS: Concrete requirements shall be in accordance with Construction
Standard 3 - Concrete.
(2) Rungs:
2) Weathering Steel: ASTM A325 Type 3, ASTM A354 Grade BC Modified, or ASTM A394
Type 3.
18. WORK RINGS: ASTM A36. Galvanize material after fabrication in accordance with Section 5.1.9,
1. GENERAL: Contractor shall have defined quality control methods and functions available for review
and approval. Maintain permanent records on mill test reports, weld procedures, welding operators,
qualifications for welders and tack welders, inspector test results, and visual and nondestructive test
Structure components and welds shall be inspected to determine conformance to contract
requirements, drawings, codes and standards, and procedures, including dimensional compliance,
quality of welds, weld contour, weld size, and overall workmanship.
2. WORKMANSHIP AND DEFECTIVE MATERIAL: Work shall be equal to best modern practice in
the manufacture and fabrication of material. Design details, fabrication, and erection not covered
by the drawings or these specifications shall conform to AISC "Steel Construction Manual" and
ASCE Standard 48-11, "Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures." Contractor shall be
responsible for correct fitting of parts and shall replace defective material discovered during erection.
3. INSPECTION AND TESTS: Inspection of material will be made in accordance with Construction
Standard 1 - General Requirements, Section 1.2.3, "Material Inspection." Western inspection of
material at the mill will be waived.
(4) Vertical Spacing Between Conductor Attachment Points and Ground Wire Attachment Points:
± 1 inch.
(8) Maximum Difference Between Interior Width of Arm Brackets and Exterior Width of Arm
Mounting Boxes or Vangs: 1/2 inch.
(9) Maximum Gap Between Mating Flange Plates Before Installing Bolts: 1/2 inch.
(11) Length of Overlap of Slip Joint: - 6 inches and + 12 inches, but not less than 1.5 times the
largest inside diameter of the female section.
(12) Variance in Longitudinal Location of Insulator Attachment at End of Davit Arm or Crossarm
(Arm Alignment): ± 2 inches per 10 feet of arm length or 1 degree from theoretical location.
(13) Camber: ± 1 inch per 16 inches of specified camber.
(14) Structure Identification Plate Location: 6 feet ± 1 foot above ground line.
(15) Vertical Location of Guy Attachment Points with Respect to Insulator and Ground Wire
Attachment Points: ± 1 inch.
(16) Variation in Vertical Distance Between Insulator Attachments and Horizontal Planes of Hand
Loops, Belt Loops, and Ring Clips: ± 1/2 inch.
(17) Variation in Vertical Positioning of Hand Loops, Belt Loops, or Ring Clips Located in the Same
Horizontal Plane: ± 1/4 inch.
(18) Horizontal Spacing of Hand Loops, Ladder Brackets, Belt Loops, and Ring Clips: ± 1/2 inch.
(21) Dimensions for Ring Clips and Clips for Removable Climbing Rung Sections: ± 1/16 inch.
(22) Dimensions for Fixed and Removable Climbing Rung Sections, Clips for Removable Climbing
Rung Sections, Attachments for Fixed and Removable Climbing Rung Sections, Hand Loops,
Ladder Brackets, and Belt Loops: ± 1/4 inch.
(23) Vertical Spacing of Rungs for Fixed and Removable Climbing Rung Sections, and Vertical
Spacing Between Top Rung of Top Removable Climbing Rung Sections and Bottom Rung of
Bottom Fixed Climbing Rung Sections: 12 inches ± 1/2 inch.
Tolerances not listed above shall be in accordance with applicable codes and standards.
1. GENERAL: Plates shall be edge-planed or flame-cut with mechanically guided torches. Surface
roughness of plate edges shall be in accordance with AWS D1.1.
2. STRAIGHTENING MATERIAL: Before being laid out or worked in any manner, structural material
shall be straight, free from sharp kinks and bends, and clean of rust and dirt. Straightening
operations shall not damage the metal.
3. SHEARING AND CUTTING: Shearing and cutting shall be neatly finished on material exposed to
view. Copes and re-entrant cuts shall be filleted before cutting.
(1) General: Holes in steel less than 13/16-inch-thick may be punched to full size unless otherwise
shown on the drawings. Holes shown on the drawings as drilled holes and holes in steel 13/16-
inch-thick or greater shall be drilled or subpunched and reamed. Holes shall be clean-cut and
without torn or ragged edges. Burrs resulting from reaming or drilling shall be removed with a
tool making a 1/16 inch chamfer. Holes shall be cylindrical and perpendicular to the member.
Holes within 4 inches of bend lines shall be made after bending.
(2) Punching: For hole punching to full size, the punch diameter shall be the nominal hole
diameter, and the die diameter shall not be more than 1/16 inch larger than the punch diameter.
For subpunching, the punch diameter shall be 1/4 inch smaller than the nominal hole diameter,
and the die diameter shall not be more than 3/32 inch larger than the punch diameter.
Subpunched and reamed holes shall not have a punched surface in the hole periphery.
(3) Reaming and Drilling: Finished hole diameters for reamed or drilled holes shall be as shown
on the drawings and 1/16 inch larger than the nominal diameter of the bolts that will be used at
each hole location.
5. EDGE DISTANCES AND BOLT SPACING: Edge distances and bolt spacing shall be in accordance
with AISC "Steel Construction Manual" unless otherwise shown on the drawings.
8. COLD FORMING: Contractor shall have documented, detailed procedures describing cold forming
methods to produce bends without cracking. Cracking or opening of surface laminations shall be
investigated and repaired. Repairs shall be inspected and recorded. Plates with cracks,
laminations, or lamellar tears shall be rejected. Minimum inside radii of bends shall be equal to or
greater than specified by AISC "Steel Construction Manual."
(1) General: Welding shall be performed in accordance with the latest revision of AWS D1.1.
Welds shall be as shown on the shop drawings and made to minimize residual stresses. Weld
procedures, welders, welding operators, and tack welders shall be qualified in accordance with
AWS D1.1.
(2) Longitudinal Seam Welds: Complete joint penetration is required within 6 inches of base
plates, flange plates, and arm brackets. The remaining seam welds shall have 80 percent
minimum penetration through the material thickness. The use of permanent backing material
is not permitted.
(3) Welding procedure specifications and supporting procedure qualification records (if applicable)
for partial penetration seam welds shall be submitted and approved prior to fabrication.
1. GENERAL: Inspect welds and perform tests in accordance with AWS D1.1 or in accordance with
procedures approved by the Civil Engineer. Repair and reexamine defective welds in accordance
with AWS D1.1. Notify the Civil Engineer a minimum of 7 working days prior to beginning weld tests.
2. VISUAL INSPECTION: All welds shall be visually inspected in accordance with AWS D1.1.
(1) Ultrasonic Tests: Perform ultrasonic tests in accordance with AWS D1.1 or procedures
approved by Western. Prepare a test piece with the same weld joint configuration and
80-percent weld penetration for each thickness of material to be tested. Verify the weld
procedure and test procedure with actual weld penetration of test pieces. Spot test a minimum
of 10 percent of each length of partial penetration weld at random intervals, with no test length
exceeding 12 inches.
(2) Metallographic Tests: Perform metallographic tests using a test lab approved by Western. For
each tubular piece mark number, remove a weld sample from the first tubular section and from
every tenth section thereafter. Remove samples by core drilling and plug the holes with
complete penetration welds without permanent backing material. Test procedure shall include
a sample report form for documenting test results which shall include the following:
5. MAGNETIC PARTICLE AND DYE PENETRANT TESTS: The COR may require magnetic particle
or dye penetrant weld tests where cracking is suspected. Perform magnetic particle tests in
accordance with ASTM E709. Perform dye penetrant tests in accordance with ASTM E165.
Acceptance standards for the tests shall be in accordance with AWS D1.1.
5.1.8 MARKING:
(1) Mark structure components with the designations shown on final erection drawings. Stamp or
weld markings into the steel before painting, galvanizing, or metallizing. The markings shall be
1/2 inch minimum height and clearly legible after painting, galvanizing, or metallizing. Mating
pole shaft sections shall be match marked to ensure correct orientation and camber.
(2) Stamp the total weight of individual pole shaft sections at the base of each section.
2. STRUCTURE IDENTIFICATION PLATE: Identify each structure with an identification plate located
approximately 6 feet above ground line.
(1) Stamp the following information into the plates using numerals and letters not less than 1/4 inch
1) Manufacturer’s name.
2) Month and year of fabrication.
3) Structure designation.
4) Complete structure weight in pounds.
5) Ultimate ground line or base moment capacity in kip-feet.
(2) Plates shall be welded all-around to the pole shafts before painting, galvanizing, or metallizing.
The numerals and letters shall be clearly legible after painting, galvanizing, or metallizing.
1. CLEANING: After shopwork completion, clean material of rust, loose scale, dirt, oil, grease, and
other foreign substances. Clean all slag from welded areas.
2. PLATE AND SHAPE GALVANIZING: After fabrication and cleaning, galvanize plates and shapes
in accordance with ASTM A123. Double dipping or progressive dipping of closed-member shapes
shall not be permitted. After galvanizing, pole shaft sections shall not have lateral variations greater
than 1/1000 the axial length of the section. Holes shall be free of excess spelter after galvanizing.
3. HARDWARE GALVANIZING: Galvanize bolts, nuts, washers, locknuts, and lock washers in
accordance with ASTM A153. Remove excess spelter by centrifugal spinning.
4. STRAIGHTENING AFTER GALVANIZING: Plates and shapes which have been warped by the
galvanizing process shall be straightened by rerolling or pressing. Material shall not be hammered
or straightened in a manner that will damage the galvanizing. Material that has been harmfully bent
or warped, in the opinion of the COR, shall be rejected.
5. GALVANIZING REPAIR: Material with damaged galvanizing shall be redipped unless the damage
is local and can be repaired. If the galvanized coating becomes damaged after being dipped twice,
the material shall be rejected. Where repair is authorized, the damaged area shall be repaired in
accordance with ASTM A780, except the minimum coating thickness shall be 3 mils.
(1) Zinc Rich Paint: When utilizing paints containing zinc dust, surfaces shall be cooled to ambient
temperature, dry, free from rust, mill scale, paint, dirt, and other contaminants. Surfaces may
be cleaned by wire brush or equivalent cleaning methods (grinding is not permitted). Zinc paint
shall be applied with a brush (spray painting is not permitted). The minimum required dry paint
thickness is 5 mils. Zinc rich paint shall have a minimum of 94% zinc dust by weight.
2. REFLECTANCE: Finished steel shall maintain a reflectance no greater than that specified in the
project specifications, plus or minus 3 percent. Reflectance shall be measured utilizing any
reflectometer calibrated against "Neutral Matte Finish" color standards obtainable from Munsell
Color, a division of X-Rite Incorporated, 4300 44th Street SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49512. The
reflectometer shall have a margin of error no greater than plus or minus 3 percent.
1. GENERAL: Metallizing shall be in accordance with AWS C2.2, "Recommended Practice for
Metallizing with Aluminum and Zinc for Protection of Iron and Steel." Structures shall be metallized
with zinc and have a minimum coating thickness of 6 mils. Zinc shall have a minimum purity of 99.9
2. SURFACE PREPARATION: After fabrication, blast clean steel in accordance with Steel Structures
Painting Council Surface Preparation Specification SSPC-SP 5, "White Metal Blast Cleaning."
bolted structures may be metallized if the overall width exceeds the width of the galvanizing tank. If
any other portions of pole shafts above ground line are metallized, the entire structure above ground
line shall be metallized so that all visible surfaces match.
After fabrication, blast clean steel in accordance with Steel Structures Painting Council Surface Preparation
Specifications as follows:
(1) Top of Structure to 3 Feet Above Bottom of Structure: SSPC-SP 7, "Brush-Off Blast Cleaning."
5.1.13 PAINTING:
1. GENERAL: Provide material and equipment, clean surfaces, and apply paint to all structure
components, except as noted below, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and this
paragraph. Prevent dust or other contamination on wet, newly painted surfaces, and do not move
components until paint is thoroughly dry. Painted surfaces shall have uniform texture and color-
matched appearance.
Repair paint on steel pole structures which is damaged or removed due to ground plate installation,
welding, transport to work sites, storage at the work sites, installation, or any other Contractor’s
operation. Re-clean exposed surfaces and reapply paint as necessary to restore damaged and bare
surfaces to the specified condition. Painting materials shall be handled, used, stored, and disposed
of according to Federal, State, and local regulations.
3. SURFACES NOT TO BE PAINTED: The following areas of the structures shall be masked or
otherwise protected from paint to ensure the electrical continuity of the structures:
(1) Areas inside slip joints: Outside surfaces of male (bottom) sections and inside surfaces of
female (top) sections.
(2) Arm connections: Outside surfaces of arm connection vangs and inside surfaces of arm
(3) Fixed climbing rung sections: Step bolts, outside surfaces of attachments for fixed climbing
rung sections and faying surfaces of connection plates for fixed climbing rung sections.
(5) Removable climbing rung sections and interior surfaces of ring clips for removable climbing
rung sections.
(7) Portions of galvanized pole shafts that will be below ground line.
If any of the above surfaces are painted, grounding requirements for weathering-steel structures in
Section 5.1.3, "Grounding Requirements" shall apply.
1. GENERAL: Minimum coating thickness and surface preparation shall be in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations. Top edge of coating shall be feathered, in lieu of masked, to
prevent flaking.
Take precautions to prevent blistering of polyurethane coating. Damaged or blistered coating shall
be repaired in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations prior to structure installation.
(1) Coat bottom 2 feet of direct-embedded weathering-steel pole shafts with polyurethane coating
after metallizing.
(2) Polyurethane coating is not required for galvanized, dulled galvanized, metallized, or
painted-over-galvanized structures.
1. GENERAL: Handle and transport steel structures and components to avoid bending or damage.
Bent pieces may be used only if they are straightened without damage to the material. Pieces bent
beyond repair shall be replaced. Material with damaged galvanizing, metallizing, paint, or
polyurethane coating shall be replaced or repaired in accordance with Sections 5.1.9, "Galvanizing,"
5.1.13, "Painting," or 5.1.14, "Polyurethane Coating."
(1) Provide 6-inch minimum height wood blocking material so that unloaded materials will not be
in direct contact with the ground and will remain stable (unable to roll).
(2) Bundle all identical fixed climbing rung sections together and tag with size and count.
(3) Box all loose hardware and label by count and description. Bolts of different lengths shall be
packaged separately.
3. INVOICE OR PACKING LIST: Shipping invoices shall be accompanied by an invoice or packing list
or checklist of all parts in each shipment. Parts shall be identifiable by structure type and height.
Any material on backorder shall be clearly labeled on shipping containers (i.e., barrels missing
stepbolts). Invoices and packing lists shall also be emailed to the COR.
4. NOTIFICATION: Notification shall be given to the COR and personnel that will accept delivery two
weeks prior to delivery and again 48 hours prior to delivery. Furnish a detailed list 20 days advance
of each delivery of all material that will be delivered with each shipment including quantities, weights,
name of common carrier, bill of lading number, expected time of arrival, and any other pertinent
5. UNLOADING: Offloading contractor shall provide sufficient manpower (a minimum of one helper)
to safely and efficiently unload, and not rely on help from Government representatives.
(1) Installation shall be in accordance with AISC 303 "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings
and Bridges".
(2) All slip joints shall be jacked together using hydraulic jacking devices in accordance with
fabricator’s recommendations.
(3) Lubricants other than soapy water shall not be used in slip joint assembly.
(4) Secure all slip joints by positive mechanical means before lifting or installing structures.
(5) Provided dimensional tolerances listed in Sections and in the "Quality
Control" paragraph are not exceeded, spaces in bolted connections greater than or equal to
1/8 inch shall be filled with galvanized washers or ring fills before installing bolts. Assembled
connections shall be in accordance with the following:
1) Arm brackets-to-arm boxes or vangs: Spaces shall be equal on both sides of the
connections; i.e., use the same number of washers or ring fills on each side of the
connection to fill the spaces.
2) Flange plate connections: Straightness of assembled structure shall be within 1/8 inch in
10 feet of length.
(6) Lift structures by slings attached at lifting points as shown on erection drawings.
(8) Concrete backfill and reinforced concrete foundations shall cure a minimum of 14 days before
stringing conductors and overhead ground wires, unless otherwise approved by the COR.
(9) Remove all corrosive and foreign material, including chalk and grease marks, from structures
and internally threaded portions of ground plates, including material deposited on the structures
prior to and during installation.
(10) Correct installation errors and omissions, including retightening of nuts and retightening or
retensioning of guys.
(1) Install anchor bolts in accordance with the final erection drawings. Set anchor bolts accurately
to the grade and alignment designated on the drawings.
(2) Reinforced concrete foundations shall cure a minimum of 7 days before installing structures
and 14 days before stringing wires, unless otherwise approved by the COR.
(1) Structure embedment depth shall be as listed in the project specifications and shown on the
drawings, unless rock is encountered.
If rock is encountered, structure embedment depths may be reduced to the overburden depth
plus "Keyed Into Rock" depth listed in the project specifications
(2) If a structure embedment depth is reduced due to rock, cut off the bottom of the pole shaft a
length equal to the reduction in embedment depth and reweld the bearing plate to the pole
shaft bottom. Repair damaged galvanizing, metallizing, or polyurethane coating in accordance
with Sections 5.1.9, "Galvanizing," or 5.1.14, "Polyurethane Coating."
(3) Verify structure alignment prior to concrete backfill placement to ensure correct orientation with
respect to line angle and camber
(4) After setting and aligning structures, temporarily guy or hold structures to prevent displacement
during concrete backfill placement and for a minimum of 3 days thereafter.
(5) Concrete backfill shall cure a minimum of 14 days before stringing wires, unless otherwise
approved by the COR.
(1) Install guys and anchors in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Compact
backfill for guy anchor excavations in accordance with Standard 2 – Sitework, Section 2.7,
"Compaction." Pretension guys as shown on the final erection drawings.
(2) Perform load tests on up to 10 percent of guy anchors to verify manufacturer’s rated strength
and installation methods. Anchors shall hold maximum load listed in design data for 5 minutes.
Maximum allowable movement shall be 2 inches or 10 percent of helix or disk diameter,
whichever is less. Number of tests and specific anchors to be tested shall be at the discretion
of the COR.
(3) If it is necessary to relocate guy anchors out-of-line, or more than 5 feet from their initially
approved location, prior to installation resubmit revised design data and drawings for each
affected structure in accordance with Section 5.1.1, "Contractor-Furnished Data and
Drawings." Minimum anchor spacing shall be 8 feet for relocated anchors.
(1) Permanently install fixed and inclined climbing rung sections and fall protection anchorage
plates on structures with bolts, nuts, and locknuts or lock washers. Install fall protection
anchorage plates every two feet (on every other step bolt), alternating left and right, in
accordance with drawing 41 2701.
(2) For weathering-steel structures, fixed and inclined climbing rung sections shall be grounded
after installation in accordance with drawings 41 1015, 43 2210, and Section 5.1.3, "Grounding
Requirements." After installing fixed and inclined climbing rung sections and fall protection
anchorage plates with bolts, nuts, and locknuts, spot weld the rung section mounting plates to
the attachments on the pole shafts. Welding shall be sufficient to provide electrical continuity
between the climbing rung sections and the pole shafts. Preferred welding rod series is E8018-
C3. Other acceptable series are E8018-C1 and E8018-C2.
(3) Prior to structure delivery, trial fit work rings into every ring clip on every structure to ensure
acceptable assembly. Acceptable assembly is defined as when the work rings protrude 1 inch
± 1/2 inch from the bottom of the ring clips and can be installed without interference from
adjacent work rings.
(4) Trial fit removable climbing rung sections into clips on every structure.
(5) After inspection by the COR, remove all work rings and removable climbing rung sections, and
deliver for storage.
6. STRUCTURE ORIENTATION: Install tangent structures so that the transverse structure axes are
perpendicular to the centerline of transmission line, and install angle structures so the transverse
structure axes are perpendicular to the line angle bisectors, except structures listed in the "Special
Structure Orientation" section in the "Transmission Line Steel Pole Structures" Division of the project
7. FIELD WELDING: Field welding, including welding procedures and welders, shall be in accordance
with Section 5.1.6, "Fabrication." Perform nondestructive weld tests and inspect field welds in
accordance with Section 5.1.7, "Nondestructive and Metallographic Weld Tests." Clean field welds
by sandblasting or power grinding.
Repair damaged paint, galvanizing, metallizing, or polyurethane coating in accordance with the
Sections 5.1.9, "Galvanizing," 5.1.13, "Painting," or 5.1.14, "Polyurethane Coating."
Concrete backfill projections shall extend a minimum of 18 inches above ground line for both legs
of H-frame structures when concrete backfill is specified.
10. VIBRATION CONTROL: Before insulators, conductors, or overhead ground wires are installed,
members shall be restrained or dampened by hanging weights or insulators or in accordance with
the manufacturer’s recommendations, if necessary, to prevent fatigue crack initiation and
propagation due to fluctuating loads.
11. INSTALLATION TOLERANCES: Allowable variations from specified dimensions and locations for
installed structures are as follows:
(2) Embedment Depth, "E": - 6 and + 24 inches, where rock is not encountered; - 3 inches and +
12 inches, where rock is encountered.
(3) Installed Height, "H" (distance from ground line or base plate to bottom insulator attachment): ±
12 inches.
1) Uncambered Structures: Variation from plumb shall not exceed 6 inches at top of structure
in any horizontal direction.
2) Cambered Structures: Variation from specified camber shall not exceed 6 inches at top of
structure in any horizontal direction.
September 2016
6.1.1 CONTRACTOR-FURNISHED DATA AND DRAWINGS .................................................................. 4
1. General ......................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Design Data .................................................................................................................................. 4
3. Mill Test Reports ........................................................................................................................... 4
4. Welding Submittals ....................................................................................................................... 4
5. Dulling Treatment Submittals ........................................................................................................ 5
6. Painting Submittals ....................................................................................................................... 5
7. Approval Drawings ........................................................................................................................ 5
8. Final Drawings .............................................................................................................................. 6
9. Submittal Requirements ............................................................................................................... 6
4. Holes ........................................................................................................................................... 14
5. Edge Distances and Bolt Spacing .............................................................................................. 14
6. Pole Shaft-to-Flange Plate Connections .................................................................................... 14
7. Crossarm- and Davit Arm-to-Arm Bracket Connections ............................................................. 14
8. Cold Forming .............................................................................................................................. 14
9. Welding ....................................................................................................................................... 15
1. GENERAL: Use United States standard units of measurement and English words, signs, and
symbols. Submit data and drawings for all structures. Include design calculations for all structure
components. Drawings shall be new originals. Reproductions of the specification drawings are
not acceptable.
Thoroughly check data and drawings for accuracy and completeness before submittal. Western
will not check details and intermediate dimensions.
Submit electronic versions of data and drawings as they are completed and checked for one or
several structures rather than delaying to include drawings for the complete specifications
requirements in one submittal.
Western will electronically return the design data sheets and drawings, and indicate required
changes in the reply email. Contractor shall change the designs and details which Western
determines necessary to make the finished structures conform to these specifications.
2. DESIGN DATA: Prior to fabrication, submit for approval, the following design data for each type
and height of structure:
(2) Ultimate moment capacities at ground line, splices, joints, and points where plate size
3. MILL TEST REPORTS: Upon request, prior to material shipment, within 20 days after contract
award, submit certified copies of test reports of structural steel, bolts, nuts, and the chemical
analyses and coating test of the galvanizing.
Certified mill test reports for steel shapes and plates shall show customer's order, mill order, and
Western specifications number. Mill certification shall show the weights of steel furnished for each
size and heat number represented by the tests. If mill test reports are requested, no material shall
be shipped until Western has received certified mill test reports.
(1) Prior to fabrication, submit all weld procedures which are not prequalified in accordance with
AWS D1.1, "Structural Welding Code – Steel."
(2) Prior to fabrication submit a test and evaluation procedure describing the method to be used
to verify penetration of partial penetration welds.
(3) Submit nondestructive and metallographic test reports, including ultrasonic test pieces and
metallographic weld samples, within 20 working days after tests are performed.
(3) Two sets of three samples each, representing the reflectance specified in the project
specifications. Each sample shall be a dulled-galvanized steel panel, 3 inches x 6 inches x
1/4-inch thick, and have the respective percent of reflectance stamped into the metal.
(4) Approved samples shall constitute comparison standards for dulled-galvanized steel
(1) Paints: Manufacturer's technical information including color chips, paint label analysis,
surface preparation, spread rates, thinning instructions, coverage of paint, recommended
number of coats, and application instructions.
(2) Material safety data sheets (MSDS) for each paint, oil, epoxy, and other hazardous materials.
7. APPROVAL DRAWINGS: Prior to fabrication, submit for approval, drawings and/or catalog data
sheets covering each type and height of structure showing the following:
(1) Dimensions.
(2) For Each Structure Component: Mark number, position, size, material, and location.
(3) For Each Bolted Connection: Quantity, type (grade), and size of bolts.
(4) A complete bill of materials, including hardware and weights, listing all material for one
structure or the portion shown thereon. Show the number of pieces required and description
of each piece, including size and length. Total weight of one complete structure shall be
noted. Calculate weights in accordance with AISC 303 "Code of Standard Practice for Steel
Buildings and Bridges," except that weights for nonrectangular plates and shapes used to
fabricate pole shafts and davit arms are to be based on actual detailed dimensions shown on
the final shop drawings.
(5) Weight, center of gravity, and lifting point of each major structure component and of complete
(7) Location, edge preparation details, and material for each field weld.
(8) For H-frame structures, method for permanently restraining slip-joints after installation.
(10) Plan and elevation views for each structure type showing exact location of attachments for
removable steps.
(13) Mounting locations for structure signs in accordance with drawings 41 9027-1, 41 9027-2, 41
9027-3, and 41 9028, or as specified in the project specifications.
(17) Type and grade of material (ASTM specification) and structure finish, i.e., galvanized, dulled
galvanized, metallized, weathering steel, or painted-over-galvanized.
8. FINAL DRAWINGS: Prior to material shipment and before final payment, furnish as-built drawings
and bill of materials required in paragraph 7 above.
9. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Submit samples and electronic versions of data and drawings for
approval as follows:
(1) Design Data: Forward one electronic set to the Civil Engineer. Send a copy of the
transmittal letter to the COR.
(2) Mill Test Reports: Forward one electronic copy of each report to the Civil Engineer.
(3) Welding Submittals: Forward one electronic set to the Civil Engineer.
(4) Dulling Treatment Submittals: Forward one set of three samples representing the reflectance
specified in the project specifications to the Civil Engineer and one set to the COR. Each
sample shall be a dulled-galvanized steel panel, 3 inches x 6 inches x 1/4-inch thick, and
have the respective percent of reflectance stamped into the metal.
(5) Painting Submittals: Forward one set of color chips and one electronic copy of
manufacturer’s technical information and Material Safety Data Sheets to the Civil Engineer
and two sets of color chips and one electronic copy of manufacturer’s technical information
and Material Safety Data Sheets to the COR.
(6) Approval Drawings: Forward one electronic set to the Civil Engineer, and send a copy of the
transmittal letter to the COR.
(7) Final Drawings: Forward one electronic set to the Civil Engineer.
1. GENERAL: Design using published theories accepted by industry as good engineering practice.
Design so that ultimate stresses do not exceed the material yield stress. Design yield strength for
structural steel plates shall not exceed 65 ksi. The wood pole class equivalent light duty steel
pole shall have a moment capacity at any cross section that is equal to or greater than the
equivalent class wood pole.
1) Pole shafts shall be closed shapes and tapered consistent with strength requirements.
3) Davit arms shall be closed shapes and shall provide the electrical clearances shown on
the drawings.
4) Brackets and braces may be open or closed shapes and shall provide the electrical
clearances shown on the drawings.
6) Weathering steel shall not be less than 3/16-inch thick, except for structure identification
7) Thickness of flange plates shall be designed assuming loads are transferred directly by
point loads through bolts, and not by bearing between the flange plates.
8) Sections joined by slip joints shall have a minimum lap of 1.5 times the largest inside
diameter of the female section. Use complete penetration welds in the female splice
area. Shims shall not be used in slip joints. Slip joints on H-frame structures shall be
permanently restrained from movement after installation.
Pole caps for galvanized structures with pole top aerial patrol mile marker signs and/or
warning signs shall be minimum 1/4" thick and shall be attached to pole tops by a
minimum of four 5/8"-diameter bolts in a symmetrical pattern.
Pole caps for weathering steel structures shall be welded to pole tops.
10) Pole shaft base sections of weathering-steel and metallized structures shall be
hermetically sealed.
11) Galvanized tubular members shall have vent holes at both ends to allow air circulation
after installation. Direct-embedded galvanized pole shafts shall have vent holes 2 feet
above ground line.
12) Direct-embedded weathering steel pole shafts shall be metallized in accordance with
Section 6.1.11, "Metallizing."
13) Direct-embedded pole shafts shall be coated with polyurethane coating in accordance
with Section 6.1.14, "Polyurethane Coating."
14) Structure sections and complete structures shall have approved method to prevent
slippage of slings and ensure safe lifting and handling.
15) Structure number signs shall not interfere with installation of removable steps.
16) Location and spacing of holes shall be within tolerances specified in Section 6.1.5,
"Quality Control."
17) Contractor shall determine details not shown on the drawings based on the intended use
and fabricator's recommendations.
2) Guy hardware and structure attachments shall be capable of supporting the minimum
rated breaking strength of attached guys. Steel hardware shall be galvanized or
galvanized and dulled in accordance with Sections 6.1.9, "Galvanizing" and 6.1.10,
"Dulled Galvanizing."
3) Guys and guy attachments shall not interfere with installation of removable steps.
4) Determine number and type of guy anchors. Guy anchors shall develop the minimum
rated breaking strength of attached guys. No more than two guys shall be attached to
any one anchor.
3) Welds for attachments for removable steps shall develop the ultimate tensile strength of
the attachment.
1) Direct-Embedded Structures with Native Backfill: Auger diameter shall be large enough
to provide space for use of tamping tools all around the poles to the full depth of the
2) Direct-Embedded Structures with Concrete Backfill: Auger diameter shall be pole shaft
base diameter plus a minimum of 12 inches, unless otherwise specified in the project
(2) Embedment Depth: Structure embedment depth shall be 10 percent of the total pole length
plus 2 feet, unless otherwise specified in the project specifications.
1. GENERAL: All connections on all structures shall provide for electrical continuity across the
connections, and an electrical path shall be provided from every part of the structure to the
ground. Grounding requirements will vary with the type of material and structure finish and shall
be in accordance with drawing 41 1015 and this section.
(1) Pigtail jumpers and ground plates are not required on galvanized, dulled galvanized, or
metallized structures.
(1) Pigtail jumpers and welded ground plates are required on both sides of all slip joints and
bolted connections, including flange joints, davit arm and crossarm connections, and on the
pole shafts or arm shafts adjacent to post insulator connections.
(2) All Weathering-Steel Structures: After installing removable steps and fall protection
anchorage plates, spot weld the removable steps and fall protection anchorage plates to the
attachments on the pole shafts. Welding shall be sufficient to provide electrical continuity
between the removable steps and the pole shafts. Preferred welding rod series is E8018-C3.
Other acceptable series are E8018-C1 and E8018-C2.
(3) Weathering-Steel Structures with Native Backfill: 1/2-inch-thick stainless steel welded
hermetically-sealed bearing plates are required for all poles.
(4) Weathering-Steel Structures with Concrete Foundations: Pigtail jumpers and welded ground
plates are required 2 feet above base plates on all pole shafts.
Pigtail jumpers and ground plates are not required on painted-over-galvanized structures provided
the following surfaces of the structures are not painted; i.e., masked, or otherwise protected from
paint, to ensure the electrical continuity of the structure:
1) Areas inside slip joints: Outside surface of male (bottom) section and inside surface of
female (top) section.
2) Arm connections: Outside surface of arm connection vangs on pole shaft and inside
surface of arm brackets on arms.
(3) Portions of direct-embedded galvanized pole shafts that will be below ground line shall not be
(4) If any of the above surfaces are painted, the paint shall be removed prior to structure
(1) Galvanized, Dulled Galvanized, Metallized, or Painted Steel: ASTM A572 Grade 65 or ASTM
A871 Grade 65.
2) Silicon content of pole shaft material shall be either below 0.06 percent or between
0.15 and 0.35 percent.
3) Galvanize, galvanize and dull, metallize, or galvanize and paint material after fabrication
in accordance with Sections 6.1.9, "Galvanizing," 6.1.10, "Dulled Galvanizing," 6.1.11,
"Metallizing," and 6.1.13, "Painting."
4) Structural steel other than ASTM A572 Grade 65 or ASTM A871 Grade 65 shall be
approved by the Civil Engineer and shall meet or exceed all chemical and physical
requirements for ASTM A572 Grade 65 or ASTM A871 Grade 65 and all applicable
requirements of ASTM A6, including minimum and maximum tensile strength, yield point,
elongation, bend test requirements, and Charpy V-Notch Impact requirements.
(1) Galvanized, Dulled Galvanized, Metallized, or Painted Steel: ASTM A572, ASTM A633, or
ASTM A871. Minimum yield strength shall be 60 ksi.
(2) Weathering Steel: ASTM A871. Minimum yield strength shall be 60 ksi.
(1) Galvanized, Dulled Galvanized, Metallized, or Painted Steel: ASTM A36, ASTM A242, ASTM
A572, ASTM A588, ASTM A633, or ASTM A871.
(3) Material shall have a minimum longitudinal impact strength of 15 foot-pounds at minus 20°F
as determined by the Charpy "V" Notch Impact test in accordance with ASTM A370 and
1) Bolts: ASTM A325, ASTM A354 Grade BC, or ASTM A394 Type 1.
2) Locknuts:
b. In lieu of separate locknuts, self-locking heavy hex nuts for use with ASTM A325
structural bolts, conforming to ASTM A194 Grade 2H or ASTM A563 Grade DH may
be used. Self-locking heavy hex nuts shall be Anco style self-locking nuts with
stainless steel ratchet pin or equal.
4) Galvanize or galvanize and dull material after fabrication in accordance with Sections
6.1.9, "Galvanizing" and 6.1.10, "Dulled Galvanizing." Material for painted structures
shall be galvanized, then painted in accordance with Section 6.1.13, "Painting," except
lock washers do not require painting.
1) Bolts: ASTM A325 Type 3, ASTM A354 Grade BC Modified, or ASTM A394 Type 3.
b. In lieu of separate locknuts, self-locking heavy hex nuts for use with ASTM A325
structural bolts, conforming to ASTM A194 Grade 2H or ASTM A563 Grade DH may
be used. Self-locking heavy hex nuts shall be Anco style self-locking nuts with
stainless steel ratchet pin or equal.
5) Lock washers: ASTM F436. Lock washers shall be galvanized in accordance with
Section 6.1.9, "Galvanizing."
(1) Galvanized, Dulled Galvanized, Metallized, or Painted Steel: ASTM A 36, ASTM A 572, or
ASTM A 633, galvanized, metallized, or stainless steel conforming to an applicable ASTM
standard suitable for the intended use. Stainless steel threaded inserts welded to the pole
shafts may be substituted for the ground plates shown on drawing 41 1015.
8. PAINT SYSTEM: Paint system shall be chemical, corrosion, and abrasion resistant and shall
produce the color and finish specified in the project specifications. All paint system components
shall be from the same manufacturer. Paint system shall be approved by the COR and the Civil
11. GUY HARDWARE: Hardware shall be galvanized and of the type and manufacturer's rated
strength as shown on the Contractor-furnished data and drawings. Hardware shall conform to an
applicable ASTM standard suitable for the intended use.
12. STEEL GUY ANCHORS AND RODS: Anchors and rods shall be galvanized and of the type and
manufacturer's rated strength as shown on the Contractor-furnished data and drawings. Rods for
disk and plate-type anchors shall be coated with an approved corrosion-preventive, nonconductive
13. CONCRETE GUY ANCHORS: Concrete requirements shall be in accordance with Construction
Standard 3 - Concrete.
(1) Galvanized, Dulled Galvanized, Metallized, or Painted Steel: ASTM A325, ASTM A354
Grade BC, or ASTM A394 Type 1. Galvanize, galvanize and dull, or metallize rungs after
fabrication in accordance with Sections 5.1.9, "Galvanizing," 5.1.10, "Dulled Galvanizing," or
5.1.11, "Metallizing." Rungs for painted structures shall be galvanized or metallized, but shall
not be painted to protect the knurling.
(2) Weathering Steel: ASTM A325 Type 3, ASTM A354 Grade BC Modified, or ASTM A394
Type 3.
(3) Removable steps shall be corrugated, knurled, dimpled, or otherwise treated to minimize
slipping. Coating with skid-resistant material is not acceptable. Acceptable rungs are knurled
rungs as manufactured by BBC Fasteners, Inc., 4210 Shirley Lane, Alsip, IL 60658.
1. GENERAL: Contractor shall have defined quality control methods and functions available for
review and approval. Maintain permanent records on mill test reports, weld procedures, welding
operators, qualifications for welders and tack welders, inspector test results, and visual and
nondestructive test records.
2. WORKMANSHIP AND DEFECTIVE MATERIAL: Work shall be equal to best modern practice in
the manufacture and fabrication of material. Design details, fabrication, and erection not covered
by the drawings or these specifications shall conform to AISC "Steel Construction Manual" and
ASCE Standard 48-11, "Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures." Contractor shall be
responsible for correct fitting of parts and shall replace defective material discovered during
3. INSPECTION AND TESTS: Inspection of material will be made in accordance with Construction
Standard 1 - General Requirements, Section 1.2.3, "Material Inspection." Western inspection of
material at the mill will be waived.
(4) Vertical Spacing Between Conductor Attachment Points and Ground Wire Attachment
Points: ± 1 inch.
(8) Maximum Difference Between Interior Width of Arm Brackets and Exterior Width of Arm
Mounting Boxes or Vangs: 1/2 inch.
(9) Maximum Gap Between Mating Flange Plates Before Installing Bolts: 1/2 inch.
(11) Length of Overlap of Slip Joint: - 6 inches and + 12 inches, but not less than 1.5 times the
largest inside diameter of the female section.
(13) Structure Identification Plate Location: 6 feet, ± 1 foot above ground line.
(14) Vertical Location of Guy Attachment Points with Respect to Conductor and Ground Wire
Attachment Points: ± 1 inch.
(17) Vertical Spacing of Attachments for Removable Steps: 12 inches ± 1/2 inch.
Tolerances not listed above shall be in accordance with applicable codes and standards.
1. GENERAL: Plates shall be edge-planed or flame-cut with mechanically guided torches. Surface
roughness of plate edges shall be in accordance with AWS D1.1.
2. STRAIGHTENING MATERIAL: Before being laid out or worked in any manner, structural material
shall be straight, free from sharp kinks and bends, and clean of rust and dirt. Straightening
operations shall not damage the metal.
3. SHEARING AND CUTTING: Shearing and cutting shall be neatly finished on material exposed to
view. Copes and re-entrant cuts shall be filleted before cutting.
(1) General: Holes in steel less than 13/16-inch thick may be punched to full size unless
otherwise shown on the drawings. Holes shown on the drawings as drilled holes and holes in
steel 13/16-inch thick or greater shall be drilled or subpunched and reamed. Holes shall be
clean-cut and without torn or ragged edges. Burrs resulting from reaming or drilling shall be
removed with a tool making a 1/16-inch chamfer. Holes shall be cylindrical and perpendicular
to the member. Holes within 4 inches of bend lines shall be made after bending.
(2) Punching: For hole punching to full size, the punch diameter shall be the nominal hole
diameter, and the die diameter shall not be more than 1/16-inch larger than the punch
diameter. For subpunching, the punch diameter shall be 1/4-inch smaller than the nominal
hole diameter, and the die diameter shall not be more than 3/32-inch larger than the punch
diameter. Subpunched and reamed holes shall not have a punched surface in the hole
(3) Reaming and Drilling: Finished hole diameters for reamed or drilled holes shall be as shown
on the drawings and 1/16 inch larger than the nominal diameter of the bolts that will be used
at each hole location.
5. EDGE DISTANCES AND BOLT SPACING: Edge distances and bolt spacing shall be in
accordance with AISC "Steel Construction Manual" unless otherwise shown on the drawings.
6. POLE SHAFT-TO-FLANGE PLATE CONNECTIONS: Welds to attach pole shafts to flange plates
shall be complete penetration with backing bars.
8. COLD FORMING: Contractor shall have documented, detailed procedures describing cold
forming methods to produce bends without cracking. Cracking or opening of surface laminations
shall be investigated and repaired. Repairs shall be inspected and recorded. Plates with cracks,
laminations, or lamellar tears shall be rejected. Minimum inside radii of bends shall be equal to or
greater than specified by AISC "Steel Construction Manual."
(1) General: Welding shall be performed in accordance with the latest revision of AWS D1.1.
Welds shall be as shown on the shop drawings and made to minimize residual stresses.
Weld procedure, welders, welding operators, and tack welders shall be qualified in
accordance with AWS D1.1.
(2) Longitudinal Seam Welds: Complete joint penetration is required within 6 inches of base
plates and flange plates. The remaining seam welds shall have 80 percent minimum
penetration through the material thickness. The use of permanent backing material is not
(3) Welding procedure specifications and supporting procedure qualification records (if
applicable) for partial penetration seam welds shall be submitted and approved prior to
1. GENERAL: Inspect welds and perform tests in accordance with AWS D1.1 or in accordance with
procedures approved by the Civil Engineer. Repair and reexamine defective welds in accordance
with AWS D1.1. Notify the Civil Engineer a minimum of 7 working days prior to beginning weld
2. VISUAL INSPECTION: All welds shall be visually inspected in accordance with AWS D1.1.
(1) Ultrasonic Tests: Perform ultrasonic tests in accordance with AWS D1.1 or procedures
approved by Western. Prepare a test piece with the same weld joint configuration and
80-percent weld penetration for each thickness of material to be tested. Verify the weld
procedure and test procedure with actual weld penetration of test pieces. Spot test a
minimum of 10 percent of each length of partial penetration weld at random intervals, with no
test length exceeding 12 inches.
(2) Metallographic Tests: Perform metallographic tests using a test lab approved by Western.
For each tubular piece mark number, remove a weld sample from the first tubular section and
from every tenth section thereafter. Remove samples by core drilling and plug the holes with
complete penetration welds without permanent backing material. Test procedure shall
include a sample report for documenting test results which shall include the following:
5. MAGNETIC PARTICLE AND DYE PENETRANT TESTS: The COR may require magnetic particle
or dye penetrant weld tests where cracking is suspected. Perform magnetic particle tests in
accordance with ASTM E 709. Perform dye penetrant tests in accordance with ASTM E 165.
Acceptance standards for the tests shall be in accordance with AWS D1.1.
6.1.8 MARKING:
(1) Mark structure components with the designations shown on final erection drawings. Stamp
or weld markings into the steel before painting, galvanizing, or metallizing. The markings
shall be 1/2-inch-minimum height and clearly legible after painting, galvanizing, or metallizing.
Mating pole shaft sections shall be match marked to ensure correct orientation.
(2) Stamp the total weight of individual pole shaft sections at the base of each section.
(1) Stamp the following information into the plates using numerals and letters not less than
3/4-inch high:
1) Structure Number.
2) Length and Class of pole (or ultimate ground line moment if non-catalog item).
3) Owner’s Name (WAPA).
4) Total pole weight in pounds.
5) Manufacturer's name.
6) Month and Year of fabrication.
(2) Plates shall be welded all-around to the pole shafts before galvanizing, metallizing, or
painting. The numerals and letters shall be clearly legible after galvanizing, metallizing, or
1. CLEANING: After shopwork completion, clean material of rust, loose scale, dirt, oil, grease, and
other foreign substances. Clean all slag from welded areas.
2. PLATE AND SHAPE GALVANIZING: After fabrication and cleaning, galvanize plates and shapes
in accordance with ASTM A123. Double dipping or progressive dipping of closed-member shapes
shall not be permitted. After galvanizing, pole shaft sections shall not have lateral variations
greater than 1/1000 the axial length of the section. Holes shall be free of excess spelter after
3. HARDWARE GALVANIZING: Galvanize bolts, nuts, washers, locknuts, and lock washers in
accordance with ASTM A153. Remove excess spelter by centrifugal spinning.
4. STRAIGHTENING AFTER GALVANIZING: Plates and shapes which have been warped by the
galvanizing process shall be straightened by rerolling or pressing. Material shall not be hammered
or straightened in a manner that will damage the galvanizing. Material that has been harmfully
bent or warped, in the opinion of the COR, shall be rejected.
5. GALVANIZING REPAIR: Material with damaged galvanizing shall be redipped unless the damage
is local and can be repaired. If the galvanized coating becomes damaged after being dipped
twice, the material shall be rejected. Where repair is authorized, the damaged area shall be
repaired in accordance with ASTM A780, except the minimum coating thickness shall be 3 mils.
(1) Zinc Rich Paint: When utilizing paints containing zinc dust, surfaces shall be cooled to
ambient temperature, dry, free from rust, mill scale, paint, dirt, and other contaminants.
Surfaces may be cleaned by wire brush or equivalent cleaning methods (grinding is not
permitted). Zinc paint shall be applied with a brush (spray painting is not permitted). The
minimum required dry paint thickness is 5 mils. Zinc rich paint shall have a minimum of 94%
zinc dust by weight.
2. REFLECTANCE: Finished steel shall maintain a reflectance no greater than that specified in the
project specifications, plus or minus 3 percent. Reflectance shall be measured utilizing any
reflectometer calibrated against "Neutral Matte Finish" color standards obtainable from Munsell
Color, a division of X-Rite Incorporated, 4300 44th Street SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49512. The
reflectometer shall have a margin of error no greater than plus or minus 3 percent.
1. GENERAL: Metallizing shall be in accordance with AWS C2.2, "Recommended Practice for
Metallizing with Aluminum and Zinc for Protection of Iron and Steel." Structures shall be
metallized with zinc and have a minimum coating thickness of 6 mils. Zinc shall have a minimum
purity of 99.9 percent.
2. SURFACE PREPARATION: After fabrication, blast clean steel in accordance with Steel
Structures Painting Council Surface Preparation Specification SSPC-SP 5, "White Metal Blast
After fabrication, blast clean steel in accordance with Steel Structures Painting Council Surface
Preparation Specifications as follows:
(1) Top of Structure to 3 Feet Above Bottom of Structure: SSPC-SP 7, "Brush-Off Blast
(1) Top of structure to 2 feet above ground line: SSPC-SP 7, "Brush-Off Blast Cleaning."
(2) Two feet above ground line to bottom of structure: SSPC-SP 5, "White Metal Blast Cleaning."
6.1.13 PAINTING:
1. GENERAL: Provide material and equipment, clean surfaces, and apply paint to all structure
components, except as noted below, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and this
paragraph. Prevent dust or other contamination from falling on wet, newly painted surfaces, and
do not move components until paint is thoroughly dry. Painted surfaces shall have uniform texture
and color-matched appearance.
Repair paint on steel pole structures which is damaged or removed due to ground plate
installation, welding, transport to work sites, storage at the work sites, installation, or any other
Contractor's operation. Reclean exposed surfaces and reapply paint as necessary to restore
damaged and bare surfaces to the specified condition. Painting materials shall be handled, used,
stored, and disposed of according to Federal, State, and local regulations.
3. SURFACES NOT TO BE PAINTED: The following areas and faying surfaces of the structures
shall be masked or otherwise protected from paint to ensure the electrical continuity of the
(1) Areas inside slip joints: Outside surfaces of male (bottom) sections and inside surfaces of
female (top) sections.
(2) Arm connections: Outside surfaces of arm connection areas and inside surfaces of arm
connection plates.
(5) Portions of galvanized pole shafts that will be below ground line.
If any of the above surfaces are painted, grounding requirements for weathering-steel structures in
Section 6.1.3, "Grounding Requirements" shall apply
1. GENERAL: Minimum coating thickness and surface preparation shall be in accordance with
manufacturer's recommendations. Top edge of coating shall be feathered, in lieu of masked, to
prevent flaking.
Take precautions to prevent blistering of polyurethane coating. Damaged or blistered coating shall
be repaired in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations prior to structure installation.
(1) Coat bottom 2 feet of direct-embedded weathering-steel pole shafts with polyurethane
(2) Polyurethane coating is not required for galvanized, dulled galvanized, metallized, or painted-
over-galvanized structures.
(1) Coat galvanized pole shafts from 2 feet above ground line to 6 inches above bottom of poles
with polyurethane coating. Bottom 6 inches of pole shafts shall be left uncoated for electrical
(2) Coat weathering-steel pole shafts from 2 feet above ground line to bottom of poles with
polyurethane coating. Do not coat bearing plates.
1. GENERAL: Handle and transport steel structures and components to avoid bending or damage.
Bent pieces may be used only if they are straightened without damage to the material. Pieces
bent beyond repair shall be replaced. Material with damaged galvanizing, metallizing, paint, or
polyurethane coating shall be replaced or repaired in accordance with Sections 6.1.9,
"Galvanizing," 6.1.13, "Painting," or 6.1.14, "Polyurethane Coating."
(1) Provide 6-inch minimum height wood blocking material so that unloaded materials will not be
in direct contact with the ground and will remain stable (unable to roll).
(2) Box all loose hardware and label by count and description. Bolts of different lengths shall be
packaged separately.
4. NOTIFICATION: Notification shall be given to the COR and personnel that will accept delivery two
weeks prior to delivery and again 48 hours prior to delivery. Furnish a detailed list 20 days in
advance of each delivery of all material that will be delivered with each shipment including
quantities, weights, name of common carrier, bill of lading number, expected time of arrival, and
any other pertinent information.
5. UNLOADING: Offloading contractor shall provide sufficient manpower (a minimum of one helper)
to safely and efficiently unload, and not rely on help from Government representatives.
(1) Installation shall be in accordance with AISC 303 "Code of Standard Practice for Steel
Buildings and Bridges."
(2) All slip joints shall be jacked together using hydraulic jacking devices in accordance with
fabricator’s recommendations.
(3) Lubricants other than soapy water shall not be used in slip joint assembly.
(4) Secure all slip joints by positive mechanical means before lifting or installing structures.
(5) Provided dimensional tolerances listed in Sections and in the "Quality
Control" paragraph are not exceeded, spaces in bolted connections greater than or equal to
1/8 inch shall be filled with galvanized washers or ring fills before installing bolts.
(6) Straightness of assembled structure shall be within 1/8 inch in 10 feet of length.
(7) Lift structures by slings attached at lifting points as shown on final drawings.
(8) Raking of structures shall not be permitted unless approved by the COR.
(9) Concrete backfill shall cure a minimum of 14 days before stringing conductors and overhead
ground wires, unless approved by the COR.
(10) Remove all corrosive and foreign material, including chalk and grease marks, from structures
and internally threaded portions of ground plates, including material deposited on the
structures prior to and during installation.
(11) Correct installation errors and omissions, including retightening of nuts and retightening or
retensioning of guys.
(1) Structure embedment depth shall be 10 percent of the total pole length plus 2 feet, or as
listed in the project specifications and shown on the drawings, unless rock is encountered.
If rock is encountered, structure embedment depths may be reduced to the overburden depth
plus "Keyed Into Rock" depth listed in the project specifications.
(2) If a structure embedment depth is reduced due to rock, cut off the bottom of the pole shaft a
length equal to the reduction in embedment depth and reweld the bearing plate to the pole
shaft bottom. Repair damaged galvanizing, metallizing, or polyurethane coating in
accordance with Sections 6.1.9, "Galvanizing," or 6.1.14, "Polyurethane Coating."
(3) Verify structure alignment prior to backfill placement to ensure correct orientation with respect
to line angle.
(4) After setting and aligning structures which are to receive native backfill, place and compact
backfill to a dry density not less than the natural in-place dry density of the surrounding earth.
Backfill shall be banked and tamped around the poles to a height of 12 inches above the
natural ground surface. Any surplus excavated material shall be leveled neatly. If
satisfactory backfill material is not available from excavation or within the immediate vicinity
of the structure, the Contractor shall import any backfill material required.
(5) After setting and aligning structures which are to receive concrete backfill, temporarily guy or
hold structures to prevent displacement during concrete backfill placement and for a
minimum of 3 days thereafter.
(1) Install guys and anchors in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Compact
backfill for guy anchor excavations in accordance with Standard 2 - Sitework, Section 2.7,
"Compaction." Pretension guys as shown on the final erection drawings.
(2) Perform load tests on up to 10 percent of guy anchors to verify manufacturer's rated strength
and installation methods. Anchors shall hold maximum load listed in design data for
5 minutes. Maximum allowable movement shall be 2 inches or 10 percent of helix or disk
diameter, whichever is less. Number of tests and specific anchors to be tested shall be at the
discretion of the COR.
(3) If it is necessary to relocate guy anchors out-of-line, or more than 5 feet from their initially
approved location, prior to installation resubmit revised design data and drawings for each
affected structure in accordance with Section 6.1.1, "Contractor-Furnished Data and
Drawings." Minimum anchor spacing shall be 8 feet for relocated anchors.
(1) Permanently install removable steps and fall protection anchorage plates from top of poles to
10 feet above ground line. Install fall protection anchorage plates every two feet (on every
other step bolt), alternating left and right, in accordance with drawings 41 2701 and 43 2217.
(2) For weathering-steel structures, after installing removable steps and fall protection anchorage
plates, spot weld the removable steps and fall protection anchorage plates to the attachments
on the pole shafts. Welding shall be sufficient to provide electrical continuity between the
removable steps and the pole shafts. Preferred welding rod series is E8018-C3. Other
acceptable series are E8018-C1 and E8018-C2.
5. STRUCTURE ORIENTATION: Install tangent structures so that the transverse structure axes are
perpendicular to the centerline of transmission line, and install angle structures so that the
transverse structure axes are perpendicular to the line angle bisectors, except structures listed in
the "Special Structure Orientation" table in the "Light Duty Transmission Line Steel Pole
Structures" Division of the project specifications.
6. FIELD WELDING: Field welding, including welding procedures and welders, shall be in
accordance with Section 6.1.6, "Fabrication." Perform nondestructive weld tests and inspect field
welds in accordance with Section 6.1.7, "Nondestructive and Metallographic Weld Tests." Clean
field welds by sandblasting or power grinding.
Repair damaged paint, galvanizing, metallizing, or polyurethane coating in accordance with the
Sections 6.1.9, "Galvanizing," 6.1.13, "Painting," or 6.1.14, "Polyurethane Coating."
Concrete backfill projections shall extend a minimum of 18 inches above ground line for both legs
of H-frame structures when concrete backfill is specified.
9. VIBRATION CONTROL: Before insulators, conductors, or overhead ground wires are installed,
davit arms shall be restrained or dampened, if necessary, to prevent fatigue crack initiation and
propagation due to fluctuating loads.
10. INSTALLATION TOLERANCES: Allowable variations from specified dimensions and locations for
installed structures are as follows:
(2) Embedment Depth, "E": - 6 inches and + 24 inches, where rock is not encountered; -
3 inches and + 12 inches, where rock is encountered.
1) Variation from plumb shall not exceed 6 inches at top of structure in any horizontal
September 2016
7.1.1 GENERAL:
1. STRUCTURES: The Bidding Schedule items for the various types and lengths of wood pole
structures include the following:
(1) Earthwork: Performing earthwork for placing poles and anchors, including excavation,
unwatering as required, placing and compacting backfill, drilling holes in rock for grouted
anchors, and other earthwork as required to complete installation of poles and anchors.
(2) Wood Pole Structures: Furnishing and constructing wood pole structures including installing
the following material, complete with associated hardware, in the quantities listed for the
respective structures on the drawings:
2) Guy assemblies, one guy, either single or double guy strand, shall include the length of
guy assembly; with strand and fittings for guy attachment to connect the guys to the pole
bands and to the anchor rods. The Contractor will not receive extra payment for guys
longer than shown on the drawings.
4) Structure grounding including staples, ground wire, ground rods and counterpoise where
required. See the "Electrical" Standards.
5) Two aerial patrol number signs on the first structure in each station mile and all structure
number signs. See the "Electrical" Standards.
(3) Submittals: Providing purchase orders, test reports, data sheets, and certificates in
accordance with submittals paragraph of Division 1 – General Requirements.
As soon as practical after award of contract and before any material is installed, furnish three copies of
the following data, which shall include sufficient information to show that the material meets the intent of
these specifications.
1. DATA SHEETS: Catalog data sheets or detail purchase orders for the following:
(1) Guying System: Submit guy, hardware, and anchor data and drawings for approval. Data
shall include test results and manufacturer's certification that the guying system will develop
the required capacity.
(2) Sapwood Test: A boring shall be made after treatment at the crown of the midpoint in each
(3) Treatment Tests: Wood products shall be inspected in accordance with AWPA M2 to assure
compliance with the requirements in AWPA U1 (latest edition), Use Category 4C, Commodity
Specification D: Poles, or as specified herein. The penetration of preservative shall be tested
in accordance with the requirements of AWPA A3. The retention of preservative shall be
tested in accordance with the requirements of AWPA A5 or AWPA A9. Borings shall be
taken in through-bored or deep-incised areas. Penetration tests shall be performed on each
pole. A single boring shall be taken from each of 20 randomly selected poles to determine
the retention of preservative.
(4) Preservative Tests: The preservative used in the treating of wood products shall be tested in
accordance with AWPA M2 and AWPA A5 (Method 5 for pentachlorophenol and Method 7 for
copper naphthenate).
(2) Class: Shall be Class 1 or Class 2 with a maximum top circumference of 39- and 38-inches,
respectively, unless specified otherwise in the Bidding Schedule.
(3) Specie: Only Pacific Coast Douglas Fir (Fir) or Western Red Cedar (Cedar) poles shall be
(4) Drilling: Poles shall be bored for crossarms, braces, post insulators, pole bands, and
miscellaneous hardware before treatment in most cases.
(5) Incising:
1) Incising of Fir poles may be required to meet the penetration or checking requirements of
the preservative treatment. The pattern and depth of incising of the pole shall be at the
option of the Contractor. Incising shall be accomplished in a manner which will not
unduly damage the surface of the pole by splintering, raising the wood fibers from the
surface, gouging, or loosening the sapwood from the heartwood.
(6) Through-Boring:
1) The ground line of the Fir poles shall be through-bored before treatment in accordance
with drawing 41 6106. Ground line shall be determined per ANSI 05.1 unless specified
(7) Marking Disc Recesses: Shall be placed on the pole face and butt before treatment.
Recesses on the face shall be placed approximately 12-feet from the butt on poles 55-feet
and shorter, 14-feet from the butt on poles between 60- and 75-feet, and 16-feet from the butt
on poles 80-feet and longer. The recesses shall have flat bottoms, a minimum 2-inch
diameter, and a depth of 1/4-inch to 1/2-inch at the recess periphery.
(8) Gaining: If adjustable phase fittings are not used, poles shall be gained to a depth of 1/4-inch
for poles with a diameter equal to or less than the minimum width of the phase fitting. Gains
for crossarms on poles having sweep or curvature shall be cut so that the crossarms will be
mounted at right angles to the plane of the greatest curvature. Only gaining necessary for
hardware connections will be allowed.
(9) Roofing: Poles shall be roofed 15° from horizontal before treatment. Unless otherwise
approved, slope pole roofs toward or away from the center of the structure.
(10) Pole Antisplitting Devices: Shall be placed in pole tops before treatment and be equal to
"Star-Lock" which is manufactured by the Bayne Company, South 4333 Locust Road,
Spokane, WA 99206.
1) General: The laminating stock shall consist of Pacific Coast Douglas Fir.
4) Adhesives: Wet-use type complying with ANSI/AITC A190.1 and ASTM D 2559.
Melamine urea adhesives shall not be used.
(2) Drilling: Crossarms shall be drilled before treatment in accordance with a Western-approved
sketch showing crossarm drilling details. Holes in crossarms shall be drilled 1/8-inch larger
than their respective bolt diameters.
(3) Cross Section: Crossarms shall have a finished cross section as shown on the Drawings.
(1) Solid-Sawn:
1) Lumber: Seasoned Pacific Coast Douglas Fir, cut from live timber, and kiln-dried or air
seasoned in accordance with AWPA M1.
2) Manufacture: Manufactured in accordance with ANSI 05.3, free of heart center (FOHC),
surfaced four sides (S4S) after seasoning, and incised four sides to depth of 3/16-inch.
Lumber shall provide an ultimate design value of 6,600 psi in bending.
4 3/8 1
5 3/8 1 1/8
8 1/2 1 1/2
1) General: The laminating stock shall consist of Pacific Coast Douglas Fir.
4) Adhesives: Wet-use type complying with ANSI/AITC A190.1 and ASTM D 2559.
Melamine urea adhesives shall not be used.
(3) Cross Section: Wood braces shall have a finished cross section as shown on the drawings.
(1) Fiberglass: Outside knee braces shall be made of fiberglass with a minimum ultimate
strength of 25,000 pounds.
(1) Steel Angles: Steel shall conform to ASTM A 36. Pieces shall be fabricated in accordance
with the wood pole structure drawings.
(2) Bolts, Nuts, Locknuts, and Lag Screws: Bolts, nuts, and lag screws shall be square headed
and in accordance with ANSI C135.1. Unless otherwise specified, rolled or cut threads of the
American Standard coarse-thread series shall be furnished. The 7/8-inch double-arming
bolts shall be furnished with four square nuts and threaded 6 inches at each end. Nuts and
locknuts shall run freely (hand fit) the entire length of the threads. Locknuts shall be
Type "MF". Bolts used in overhead ground wire assemblies shall be furnished with
hexagonal head, hexagonal nut, and cotter key and shall be made of steel commensurate
with the ultimate strength specified for the hardware. All pinned hardware, including guy
strain insulators, shall be supplied with a bolt, nut, and cotter key. For bolt lengths "as
required", tolerances shall be 2-inches beyond the locknut for a maximum length and two
threads beyond the locknut for a minimum.
(3) H-Frame Crossarm Fittings: Steel adjustable spacer fittings shall be made of 1/4-inch steel
for 69- and 115-kV construction and 5/16-inch-thick steel for 230-kV construction. Fittings
shall meet the requirements of ASTM A 36and shall be Hughes Brothers Catalog No. 3414 or
3415, Brooks Manufacturing Company Catalog No. 586 or 587, or equal. Plates shall show
no defects after being bent. Each phase fitting shall support a minimum load of 4,000 pounds
without evidence of permanent deformation and shall have an ultimate strength of not less
than 10,000 pounds.
(4) Twisted Shackles: Equal to Hughes Brothers Catalog No. 2866. Twisted shackles shall be
furnished as part of the structure material.
(5) End Fittings: Braces shall be furnished complete with end fittings.
(6) Brackets: Each angle or extension bracket shall support a minimum load of 5,000 pounds
without evidence of permanent deformation and shall have an ultimate strength of not less
than 12,500 pounds.
(9) Pole Bands: Pole top bands for overhead ground wire suspension assemblies on H-frame
structures shall be equal to Hughes Brothers Catalog No. 2845-B. Type A four-way strain
bands for pole-to-pole ties and for all overhead ground wire attachments and guys on 3-pole
structures shall be equal to Hughes Brothers Catalog No. 3103, Joslyn J25967 series, or an
approved equal. Type B four-way strain bands for conductor tension assemblies and
conductor guys shall be equal to Hughes Brothers Catalog No. 3112, Joslyn J25969 series,
or an approved equal. Pole top bands, strain bands, connecting links, and ground clips shall
be made of steel which will meet the requirements of ASTM A 36/A 36M.
(10) Dead-end Tees: May be used in lieu of pole bands. Dead-end tees shall have equivalent
6. WELDING: Welding shall be in accordance with the provisions of ANSI/AWS Code D1.1,
"Structural Welding". Surfaces of finished beads and adjacent metal shall be thoroughly cleaned
by sandblasting to such an extent that zinc coating, when applied, will adhere firmly, uniformly,
and permanently to the coated surfaces.
7. PLATE AND ANGLE GALVANIZING: Plates and angles shall be galvanized after fabrication.
After cleaning, material shall be zinc coated (galvanized) in accordance with ASTM A 123.
8. HARDWARE GALVANIZING: Bolts, nuts, washers, locknuts, and lag screws shall be galvanized
in accordance with ASTM A 153. Metal shall be free from weld splatter and flux, burrs, sharp
edges, and dross and shall be smooth so that interconnecting parts will fit properly. Bolts shall be
galvanized after being threaded and excess zinc shall be removed from the threads. Nuts and
locknuts shall be tapped after being galvanized.
1) Spiral Grain: The maximum twist of grain that is permitted is 1/2 twist in 18-feet.
2) Sweep: Shall be measured from butt of pole.
3) Inner Bark: All inner bark shall be removed.
(2) Seasoning: Seasoning of Fir poles shall be by the Boulton drying method or a combination of
Boulton drying with air seasoning or with kiln-drying in accordance with ANSI 05.1.
Seasoning of Cedar shall be by kiln drying or a combination of air seasoning and kiln drying
in accordance with ANSI 05.1.
1) Boulton drying solution temperature shall be kept between 180°F and 220°F for not less
than 24-hours to remove any incipient decay. The average moisture content using the
oven-drying method of AWPA in the 0.5- to 1.5-inch zone at midlength shall not exceed
18 percent after Boultonizing and prior to pressure treatment.
3) For kiln drying on Fir and Cedar, the maximum dry bulb temperature shall be increased
gradually and shall not exceed 160°F and 190°F, respectively. The maximum wet bulb
depression shall not exceed 50°F, with the exception that during the first 24-hours, there
is no limitation on wet bulb depression.
(3) Treatment: Poles which do not meet the preservative penetration and retention requirements
of these specifications shall be rejected. Wood shall be dry to the touch at the time of
(2) Solid-Sawn Timber: In accordance with paragraph 169a, "Select Structural Transmission
Crossarms, Planks, and Timbers", of the West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau Grading
Rules No. 16. Moisture content shall not exceed 22 percent after seasoning, and the
moisture content gradient shall not exceed 5 percent between the center and surface of the
crossarm or brace.
(1) Wood Products: Pole supplier shall lay out and turn poles as required for inspection by
Western, in accordance with AWPA M2, before and after treatment. Treated poles shall be
inspected in accordance with AWPA M1 and M2. Poles may be inspected by Western on a
spot check basis. Crossarms and braces may be inspected by Western before and after
treatment. Complete tests as detailed in the "Contractor-Furnished Data" paragraph. The
COR reserves the right to witness tests and to approve the manner in which the tests are
conducted. Furnish all test apparatus and instruments required.
(2) Steel Products: Furnish all hardware and fittings. Inspection of steel material will be made in
accordance with the "Contractor-Furnished Material" paragraph of the "General
Requirements" Division. Western inspection and tests of material at the mill will be waived.
As soon as practicable after contract award, submit, as designated below, certified copies of
reports of chemical analyses and physical tests of structural steel and bolts and of chemical
analyses and coating tests of galvanizing.
Certified mill test reports for steel shapes and plates shall show customer's order, mill order, and
Western specifications number. Mill certification shall show weights of steel furnished for each
size and heat number represented by tests. No material shall be shipped until certified copies of
reports have been received.
7.1.5 MARKING:
1. WOOD POLES: Poles shall be marked with two aluminum discs in accordance with ANSI 05.1.
The discs shall be made of 24-gage aluminum and shall be approximately 2-inches in diameter.
The discs shall be punched for nails, placed in the marking disc recesses on the pole face and
butt, and attached with two 2-inch aluminum twist nails.
2. CROSSARMS AND BRACES: Glued laminated timber shall be marked with an AITC Quality Mark
indicating conformance with ANSI/AITC A190.1, and permanently branded as to stress, grade,
species, preservative, and year of treatment. Solid sawn timber shall be marked with a WWPA
grade stamp.
(1) Preservative:
2) Oil solvent shall be Type A and meet the requirements of AWPA P9.
(2) Treatment:
3) Poles shall be clean and dry to the touch at the time of delivery. Poles that bleed
preservative at the plant or at delivery shall be rejected.
4) All borings, except through-borings, shall be plugged with tight-fitting cylindrical wood
plugs that have been treated with the preservative used to treat the pole.
(3) Penetration:
1) For Fir poles, penetration of preservative shall be 100 percent in the ground line bored
area as shown on Drawing 41 6106. The minimum penetration of preservative shall be
90 percent of sapwood in all other areas where the sapwood has a minimum thickness
of 7/8-inch. If the sapwood is less than 7/8-inch-thick, the pole shall be incised, and
penetration of preservative shall be a minimum of 3/4-inch.
2) For Cedar, the minimum penetration at ground line of the pole shall be 100 percent for
1/8- to 1/2-inch sapwood thickness and 90 percent of the sapwood over 1/2-inch.
(4) Retention:
1) For Fir poles, the retention of preservative shall not be less than 0.60 pounds per cubic
foot for Pentachlorophenol and 0.095 pounds per cubic foot for Copper Naphthenate in
the assay zone of 0.25- to 1.0-inch from the surface and in accordance with AWPA U1
(latest edition), Use Category 4C, Commodity Specification D: Poles.
2) For Cedar poles, the retention of preservative shall not be less than 0.80 pounds per
cubic foot for Pentachlorophenol and 0.12 pounds per cubic foot for Copper Naphthenate
in the assay zone of 0.10-0.60-inches from the surface and in accordance with AWPA U1
(latest edition), Use Category 4C, Commodity Specification D: Poles.
1) For Fir poles, the average moisture content after treatment, oven-dry basis or toluene
extraction method, of the 0.5- to 1.5-inch zone at midlength shall not exceed 18 percent.
2) For Cedar poles, the average moisture content after treatment, oven-dry basis or toluene
extraction method, of the 0-1.0-inch zone at midlength shall not exceed 18 percent.
Poles shall be tested at random, after treatment, for moisture content. Measurements shall
be made with a resistance-type moisture meter equipped with insulated electrodes. These
measurements will be taken at midpoint to a depth of 1-inch for Fir and 1/2-inch for Cedar.
Poles having a moisture content in excess of that specified shall be rejected.
(6) After treatment, the surface dimension of any check shall not exceed a width greater than
1/2-inch for any 4-feet of continuous length with the exception of the top, which must meet
ANSI 05.1. If checks are separated by less than 1/4-inch, they are considered continuous.
(1) Glued laminated timber shall be incised on all four sides and treated with a preservative in
accordance with AWPA T1 or as stated herein.
(2) Solid-sawn timber shall be incised on all four sides and treated with a preservative in
accordance with AWPA T1 or as stated herein.
(3) Pentachlorophenol and copper naphthenate shall meet the requirements of AWPA P8.
Solvent for pentachlorophenol and copper naphthenate shall be Type A per AWPA P9. The
minimum retention of copper naphthenate preservative shall be:
(4) Timber shall be clean and dry to the touch after treatment.
3. FIELD TREATMENT: Roofs, gains, and field-drilled holes shall be impregnated and treated
thoroughly by covering the exposed surfaces.
The preservative treatment shall be a -percent copper naphthenate in petroleum solvent. The
concentration shall not be less than 19.25 percent, by volume, of copper naphthenate (2 percent
copper as metal) and shall be 10-9-0 Green F.O.
The preservative shall be the premixed type, furnished in the manufacturer's standard size
container and ready to use. Apply in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
1. POLES: In accordance with ANSI 05.1 and AWPA M4. Tools producing a penetration of more
than 1 inch shall not be used. Untreated poles shall be stacked in such a way as to allow free
circulation of air around each pole.
2. CROSSARMS AND BRACES: Protect from elements and store off ground.
2. CROSSARMS: Drill and assemble in accordance with crossarm drilling details and structure
drawings. Where preassembled crossarms complete with phase fittings are furnished, bolt lengths
may be shorter than lengths specified on the furnished drawings. They shall be of sufficient length
to extend completely through nuts and locknuts.
(1) Site Grading: Grade structure sites as necessary for the structure installations and to ensure
that the through-bored area of pole butts will be at the ground level.
(2) Sloping Ground: For 2- or 3-pole structures located on steeply sloping ground, longer poles
shall be used on the lower sides; and the depth of the holes, measured on the downhill sides,
shall be at least as deep as shown in Table 7-1.
(3) Set poles so that the sweep, concave faces of all poles in the same structure face the same
direction. Tangent structures shall be set "sweep-to-sweep" or "back-to-back" along the
transmission centerline. Angle structures shall be positioned so that the sweep is in the
same direction as the guys.
(4) Pole Holes: Holes shall be dug in the correct locations and shall be large enough to provide
space for use of tamping tools all around the poles to the full depth of the holes. Poles shall
be carefully placed in the holes so that the structure grounding material will not be damaged
or displaced.
(5) Raking: Poles requiring raking shall be raked the full length of the pole in accordance with
Table 7-1. Poles shall not be raked by use of guy wires. Poles with x-bracing shall not be
(6) Setting: Except as otherwise provided or directed, poles shall be set in accordance with
Table 7-1. Poles not required to be raked shall be set plumb and in alignment. Unless
otherwise specified, structures at line angles shall be set so as to bisect the angles.
Pole shall be set to within 3-inches of the specified setting. The tops in 2-pole structures shall be
at the same elevation. Poles in 3-pole structures at angle and dead end points and at other points
of unbalanced stress shall be set 6-inches deeper than shown in Table 7-1 and poles with extra-
large diameters shall be used at these points whenever possible.
45 6.5 8
50 7.0 9
55 7.5 10
60 8.0 10
65 8.5 11
70 9.0 12
75 9.5 13
80 10.0 14
85 10.5 15
90 11.0 16
95 11.0 17
100 11.0 18
105 12.0 19
110 12.0 20
(7) Backfill:
1) General: After the poles have been set and aligned properly, the holes shall be
backfilled. Unless otherwise specified, holes dug for poles shall be backfilled with earth.
Backfill in each hole shall be compacted to a dry density not less than the natural in-place
dry density of the surrounding earth. Backfill shall be banked and tamped around the
poles to a height of 12-inches above the natural ground surface. Any surplus excavated
material shall be leveled neatly. If satisfactory backfill material is not available from
excavation or within the immediate vicinity of the structure, the Contractor shall import
any backfill material required.
2) Alternate Backfill:
3) Gravel Backfill:
3. X-BRACES: Install as shown on the structure drawings. Install bolts for attaching x-braces with
heads to outside of structure.
4. KNEE BRACES AND VEE BRACES: Install as shown on the structure drawings.
5. POLE BANDS: Install pole top bands and four-way strain bands where shown on the structure
and guying drawings. Any ground clips, shackles for pole top bands, one (1) or two (2) connecting
links for strain bands, as required, and all other hardware shown on the band drawings shall be
furnished and installed as a part of the bands.
6. BOLTS: Install bolts snug tight plus 1/3 turn for bolt lengths up to and including 4 diameters, snug
tight plus 1/2 turn for bolt lengths over 4 diameters not exceeding 8 diameters, and snug tight plus
2/3 turn for bolt lengths 8 diameters but not exceeding 12 diameters.
1. GUY WIRE: ASTM A 475, Class B, high-strength grade, 7 wire, 7/16-inch-diameter, galvanized.
(1) Automatic Dead Ends: When used in place of clamps, shall be spring-loaded vise type as
shown on Drawing 41 6047. They shall consist of aluminum alloy tubes and yoke, plated
cold-forged steel chuck, and stainless steel bails. They shall develop the full strength of the
guy strand.
(2) Twisted Loop Grip Dead Ends: Galvanized steel, equal to those manufactured by Preformed
Line Products Company, P.O. Box 91129, Cleveland, OH 44101. They shall develop the full
strength of the guy strand.
3. SHEAVE WHEELS: Made of steel which meets the requirements of ASTM A 36/A 36M. The
sheave wheel shall have an outside diameter of 2 ½-inches, with a 13/16-inch hole through the
4. GUY STRAIN ISOLATORS: Guy strain isolators used on guyed structures shall be 10-foot
fiberglass with a minimum ultimate strength of 30,000 pounds and shall be furnished complete
with bolt, nut, and cotter keys in accordance with the drawings.
5. GUY WIRE PROTECTORS: Made of metal of not less than 18 gage and approximately 8-feet
long. The protectors and all attachment parts shall be hot-dipped galvanized if made of steel. The
protectors shall clamp to the cable at two or more places with U-bolts or other approved methods.
The edges and corners of the protectors shall be smooth with no rough points, and the protectors
shall be at least three-quarters round.
6. GUY WIRE MARKERS: Markers shall be orange and made of UV-stabilized, high-impact, high-
density polyethylene. The markers shall be 96 inches long and full-round with a 2 1/2-inch-
diameter, and equal to Chance CT079-0228 or Virginia Plastics TGP 25 BB 80.
(1) General: Use for anchoring in earth. Use grouted anchors for anchoring in rock.
(2) Concrete Anchors: In accordance with drawing 41 6049. The copper-covered anchor rod
shall be 1-inch-diameter by 8-feet-long, capable of withstanding a tension of 29,000 pounds,
and meet requirements in the copper-covered anchor rod subparagraph.
(3) Steel Anchors: Anchors shall be a noncorrosive material, and galvanized or coated with an
approved noncorrosive material.
1) Steel Screw Anchors: Equal to those manufactured by Hubbell Power Systems General
Offices, Centralia, MO 65240. Installed anchor and anchor assembly shall withstand a
tension of 29,000 pounds applied along the axis of the anchor rod.
2) Steel Disk Anchors: Equal to those manufactured by Tubeco Steel and Manufacturing,
Inc., 301 East 1st Street, Crane, TX 79731. Installed anchor and anchor assembly shall
withstand a tension of 29,000 pounds applied along the axis of the anchor rod.
1) Grout: Five Star Grout by U.S. Grout Corporation, 401 Stillson Road,
Fairfield, CT 06430, or equal.
(1) General: Construct where required by the Drawings. Guys shall be tightened to take out the
slack in the guy strand, but the tension shall not be sufficient to cause noticeable deflection of
(2) Guy Protectors: Install guy protectors as directed by the COR in locations exposed to
pedestrian traffic in towns or cities and adjacent to unfenced highways.
(3) Guy Wire Clips: May be used for serving the ends of the guy strand provided they are
installed by means of a tool designed for that purpose. In lieu of guy wire clips, the use of
noncrimping-type or sleeve-type of servicing device will be acceptable.
(4) Guy Wire Markers: Install guy wire markers at groundline at all guy locations.
(1) Concrete Anchors: Placing a concrete anchor shall consist of excavating as required,
installing anchor and anchor rod in position, backfilling, and compacting backfill. After the
anchor and anchor rod have been set and aligned properly, the excavation made for anchor
installations shall be backfilled with suitable material and thoroughly tamped in layers not
more than 6-inches-thick. Backfill shall be compacted to a dry density of not less than the
natural in-place dry density of the surrounding earth. Surplus excavated material shall be
leveled neatly. Install in accordance with Drawing 41 6047.
(2) Steel Screw Anchors: Screw anchors shall be power installed according to manufacturer's
recommended procedure.
(3) Steel Disk Anchors: Steel disk anchors shall be installed according to manufacturer's
recommended procedure.
(4) Grouted Anchors: Install as shown on Drawing 41 6050. Placing the anchor shall consist of
drilling the required hole, installing the anchor rod in position, and grouting in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions.
(5) Guy Anchor Tests: If steel disk or screw anchors are used, load tests shall be performed to
verify manufacturer's rated strength and installation methods. Anchors shall hold required
load for 2-minutes without significant movement. Load tests shall be performed by the
Contractor on a minimum of 10 percent and up to 100 percent of the anchors installed, as
directed by the COR.
7.3.1 GENERAL:
Bog shoes and anchors may be required where wet soils do not provide a suitable base to support poles.
Use if required in the Bidding Schedule.
1. BOG SHOES: Pressure-treated Douglas Fir or Lodge-Pole Pine and constructed in accordance
with Drawing 41 9019. Timbers may be round or rectangular in section with a minimum diameter
or width of 8-inches.
2. BOG ANCHORS: Reinforced concrete and constructed in accordance with Drawing 41 9019.
1. BOG SHOES: Installed as shown on Drawing 41 9019 and where directed by the COR.
2. BOG ANCHORS: Installed as shown on Drawing 41 9019 and where directed by the COR.
16 September 2016
September 2016
8.1.1 GENERAL:
The Bidding Schedule items for the various types and lengths of glued laminated structures include the
1. EARTHWORK: Performing earthwork for placing poles and anchors, including excavation,
unwatering as required, placing and compacting backfill, drilling holes in rock for grouted anchors,
and other earthwork as required to complete installation of poles and anchors.
2. STRUCTURES: Designing, detailing, and furnishing glued laminated wood pole structures
complete with foundation designs and embedment depths and the following:
(3) Guying requirements including guy assemblies. One guy, either single or double guy strand,
shall include the length of guy assembly; with strand and fittings for guy attachment to connect
the guys to the pole bands and to the anchor rods. The Contractor will not receive extra
payment for guys longer than shown on the drawings.
(4) Guy anchors, including copper-clad anchor rods, and anchor accessories.
(5) Structure grounding including staples, hardware grounding clips, ground wire, ground rods and
counterpoise where required. See the "Transmission Line Electrical" Standard and standard
drawing 41 1012.
(6) Two aerial patrol number signs on the first structure in each station mile and all structure
number signs. See the "Transmission Line Electrical" Standard.
(7) Overhead ground wire support assemblies. See the "Transmission Line Electrical" Standard.
1. GENERAL: Use United States standard units of measurement and English words, signs, and
symbols. Submit data and drawing of structures. Include design calculations for all structural
components. Drawings shall be new originals. Reproducibles of specification drawings are not
Data and drawings shall be thoroughly checked for accuracy and completeness before submittal.
Western will not check details and intermediate dimensions.
Western will return one set of the design data sheets which require changes and drawings marked
to indicate approved or not approved and any required changes. The Contractor shall change the
designs and details which Western determines necessary to make the finished structures conform
to these specifications.
Western approval shall not relieve the Contractor from meeting the specifications requirements nor
the responsibility for design and drawing correctness. Fabrication prior to design data and drawing
approval shall be at the Contractor’s risk.
(2) Total ultimate loads and moments including the ultimate moment capacity at ground line and
2) Manufacturing facilities used to supply glued laminated structures are adequate for the type
and size of structures required.
3. APPROVAL DRAWINGS: Prior to fabrication, submit for approval, the drawings for the structures.
The submittal shall include:
2) A complete bill of material, including hardware and weights, listing all material for one
structure or the portion shown thereon. Total weight of one complete structure shall be
3) Weight, center of gravity, lifting location or lifting method for entire structure.
4. FINAL ORIGINAL DRAWINGS: Prior to pole shipment, furnish final electronic copies of drawings.
1. GENERAL: Design using published theories accepted by the industry as good engineering practice.
Construction shall be Grade B. Overload factors shall be in accordance with NESC C2-2012.
Structure and attachments shall be designed for the simultaneous application of dead loads, wind
on structure and wire loads. If other load cases are provided, a 1.1 overload factor shall be used.
X-braces may be used if the overall structure cost is less with them.
(1) Include proper theory to accommodate stresses from structure deflection (secondary bending).
(2) Camber structures so that the structure axis are vertical after the conductors are strung.
(3) The Pole Supplier shall be fully responsible for the structure designs and the satisfactory
performance under acceptance tests. Approval by Western does not relieve the Pole Supplier
of responsibility for the adequacy of the designs and drawings.
(1) Auger Diameter: Auger diameter shall be the maximum pole base dimension plus a minimum
of 12 inches.
(2) Embedment Depth: The bearing capacity of the soil shall be assumed to be 3,500 psf. The
Contractor shall determine the embedment depth.
(3) Pole Supplier shall determine if a foundation reinforcement system is required. If required, the
foundation system shall be an integral part of the structure and shall be included in the structure
unit price.
(4) Western’s position is that each laminated pole (and foundation reinforcement, if required) will
be placed in an augered hole as described above and backfilled with thoroughly compacted,
well graded, washed or unwashed, 2-inch minus rock. The pole supplier should also provide
their recommended backfill material, if different than above. If the pole supplier’s installation
instructions contain additional foundation requirements (i.e. caissons, culverts, etc.), the
Contractor shall determine the costs in acquiring and installing those additional requirements
and those costs will be added onto the bid price for the structure.
1. GENERAL: Furnish all material in accordance with the drawings and the requirements of this
specification. In addition to the laminated poles and foundation reinforcement (if required), the pole
supplier shall provide all hardware and fasteners necessary to attach all conductors, overhead
ground wires and optical ground wires to the structure as outlined in the referenced structure
drawing. Dead end tees shall be furnished in lieu of pole bands as shown on drawing 41 6138.
Holes necessary for installing the hardware shall be drilled at the appropriate locations prior to
preservative treatment. Crossarms, bracing, hardware, guys, anchors, and associated material
shall conform to the requirements in Standard 7 - Wood Poles.
(1) Bolts, Nuts, and Locknuts: Bolts and nuts shall be square headed and in accordance with
ANSI C135.1. Unless otherwise specified, rolled or cut threads of the American Standard
coarse thread series shall be furnished. The double arming bolts shall be furnished with four
square nuts and threaded 6 inches at each end. Locknuts shall be Type MF.
POLES: Conforming to the following:
(1) General: Poles shall be in accordance with ANSI 05.2 including the following clarification
revisions and all applicable AWPA specifications, including C28 and C32, for the preparation
and treatment except as modified in this specification.
This specification is to be used in conjunction with the AWPA Standard C1 and M6. Structural
Glue Laminated Timber is an engineered, product comprised of assemblies of specifically
selected and prepared wood laminates bonded with adhesives. These assemblies are
prepared under AITC Standards 110, 111, and 200.
Lumber shall be West Coast Region Douglas Fir or Southern Pine as defined in Section 4.1
ANSI 05.2.
All Laminating lumber shall be graded in accordance with applicable grading rules of the West
Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau (WCLIB) for Douglas fir as supplemented by the
requirements of ANSI A190.1 and AITC 117.
All glued laminated poles shall have been glued with a wet use adhesive as specified in
ANSI/AITC Standard A190.1
1) Flaws: All lumber for laminating poles shall be free of timber breaks.
2) Soundness: Decay in any form is not permitted, including decay in knots in any form.
3) Moisture Content: Shall be per Section 4.3 of ANSI 05.2. The mean equilibrium moisture
content shall be 12 percent.
(2) Incising and Through Boring: Laminated poles constructed of Douglas Fir shall be incised prior
to treatment. This incising shall be for the full pole length and on all four sides with a minimum
depth of 3/4 inch. The pattern shall minimize any damage to the surface of the pole by
splintering and shall be a sufficiently dense pattern to assure uniform treatment.
All laminated poles constructed of Douglas Fir shall be incised and through bored prior to
treatment in accordance with drawing 41 6106. Drilled holes on the edge faces shall be omitted
for the first two laminations on each side. Care shall be taken on the edge faces to ensure that
drill holes do not penetrate along glue lines.
For best results, all cuts and drilling should be done prior to treatment. This shall include a
mechanism (i.e. internal grooves) for allowing wood preservative to flow longitudinally through
the entire length of each internal joint of the pole. Care should be taken to avoid mechanical
damage in both handling and in service. When mechanical damage occurs, field treatment
should be in accordance with AWPA Standard M4. All poles shall be inspected after treatment
in accordance with the applicable sections of AWPA Standard M2.
1) General: All Douglas Fir Poles shall be treated in accordance with AWPA specifications
C1, C4, M2, and especially C32, except as modified or changed in this paragraph.
2) Preservatives:
The preservative used in the treatment of the poles shall be one of the following:
The Copper Naphthenate petroleum solution shall contain not less than one percent
(1 percent), by weight, of Copper Naphthenate and not less than two percent
(2 percent) copper as metal.
3) Penetration: Penetration shall be determined from increment borer cores taken 1 to 2 feet
below the brand from each piece of the charge. These cores shall be used to check
penetration of the preservative. Additional cores in through-bored members shall be taken
from a zone approximately 1 foot above the intended ground line and 1 foot below the top
of the drilled zone. These cores shall be assayed for retention. If 90 percent of the boring
meets the penetration requirements, the charge shall be accepted, but the non-conforming
poles in the charge will be retreated.
Penetration of preservative shall be 100 percent in the ground line bored area.
4) Retention: The pole shall be treated so as to maintain the minimums noted below (AWPA
C4). Retention shall be determined with borer cores taken at the same points as for
penetration determination.
a. For the Copper Naphthenate treatments, the minimum retention of preservative shall
c. Color: Upon completion of the treating process, all poles shall be as light colored as
reasonably possible to obtain a light to medium brown; color chart range three to
seven poles darker than chart seven may be rejected. Poles shall be clean and dry,
without excess surface oil.
1. GENERAL: The supplier shall have defined quality control methods and functions available for
review and approval. Maintain permanent records on material specifications. The supplier shall
eliminate all material that would be considered defective according to these specifications.
2. FRAMING: Drilling, if any, shall be as specified according to the drawings included with the order.
Drilling on specified poles and square cut roofing on all poles shall be completed BEFORE the
treatment process.
3. HUMIDITY: The relative humidity of the manufacturing area shall be maintained at such a level that
the moisture content will not change substantially during the manufacturing process. All bonding
shall be performed as soon as practical after checking moisture content.
4. ADHESIVES: Adhesives for structural laminating shall conform to all applicable requirements of
ANSI A190.1 to comply with wet conditions of use and be compatible with the selected preservative
solution to be used. Adhesives containing urea shall not be used.
The selection, preparation, assembly, and bonding of the laminations shall be in accordance with ANSI
A190.1 and as specified herein.
1. EDGE JOINTS: Unglued edge joints shall be permitted for multiple width lamination lay-up as
permitted by ANSI A190.1. The non-cut edge joint gaps shall be limited to 1/4 inch and occasionally
to a maximum of 3/8 inch. The cut edge joint gap shall be limited to 1/2 inch and occasionally to a
maximum of 3/4 inch. These tolerances are at the time of manufacture.
2. END JOINTS: End joints of laminations shall be pre-glued and cured before assembly of face joint
into structural members. Spacing of the end joints shall be as specified in ANSI A190.1.
3. REPAIRS: Structural repairs as defined in ANSI A190.1 are allowed. End blocks as defined in
ANSI A190.1 are prohibited.
4. SECOND STAGE GLUING: When two or more laminated members that are over 2 inches in net
thickness are glued together, a gap-filling adhesive shall be used in accordance with ANSI A190.1.
5. PROOF-LOADING: Proof loading shall be in accordance with ANSI A190.1. All laminated stock in
high stress area shall be E-rated lumber.
6. END JOINT SPACING: When proof loading is performed in accordance with ANSI A190.1, end joint
spacing is not required.
7. DIMENSIONS AND TOLERANCES: Allowable variations from specified dimensions are as follows:
(1) Sizes and tolerances for poles shall be in accordance with the following:
(2) Unless specified otherwise on the plans, drawings, or purchase order, holes shall be a
minimum of 1/16 inch and a maximum of 1/8 inch larger than the bolt diameter.
(4) The camber or straightness tolerance for poles is ±1/2 inch for members up to 20 feet. For
members over 20 feet, the tolerance is increased by ±1/2 inch per each additional 20 feet, or
fraction thereof, but should not exceed ±2 inches. These tolerances are at the time of
manufacture without allowance for dead load deflection and should be used for straight or
slightly cambered members and not more sharply curved members.
8. APPEARANCE: Glued laminated structural members shall be manufactured in accordance with the
industrial appearance grade as defined in AITC 110 and as required in 1 through 6 as follows.
(1) Poles shall be eased to a minimum of 3/4 inch and a maximum of 1 inch.
(2) After gluing, all members shall be surfaced, at least on the two sides where glue lines are
(3) Splintering around the holes caused by drilling, shall be kept to a minimum. Holes shall be
drilled perpendicular to the starting and finishing faces of members with a uniform cross section
unless otherwise specified, or as specified on the plans and drawings of members with a
variable cross section.
(4) Occasional laminations may contain wane, may be scant of the specified width, or both. These
conditions in a lamination shall not be more than 3/16 inch in width.
(5) Medium splits in the outside laminations of vertical mounted members and short splits in the
top laminations of horizontal and diagonally mounted members, developing at the laminating
plant after gluing, are permitted.
(6) All voids in the roof of poles shall be filled (after treating) with a void-filling compound unless
otherwise specified. The compound shall be sanded or scraped smooth after patching. Wood
dowels may be used to repair improperly drilled holes, as long as the defect does not affect the
structural integrity of the member.
1. GENERAL: The following information shall be included on a metal tag affixed thereto.
(3) Code letters denoting the pole's species and preservative used. The size designation and/or
equivalent class and the length of the pole.
(4) Poles shall be marked with two aluminum discs in accordance with ANSI 05.1. The discs shall
be made of 24-gauge aluminum and approximately 2 inches in diameter. The discs shall be
punched for nails, placed in the marking disc recesses, and attached with two twisted 2-inch
aluminum twist nails. Marking on the face shall be approximately 6 feet above the ground line.
1. REQUIREMENTS: Testing and inspection shall be in accordance with ANSI A190.1 and AITC 200.
2. MATERIAL: Testing and inspection shall be performed on the material and from the production that
is supplied on the purchase order and produced in accordance with this standard. Samples for
physical testing shall be taken at random.
4. RECORDS: The results of all strength and wood failure tests of face, edge, and end joints and test
of void-filling compounds conducted on material produced in accordance with AITC 200 shall be
sent to the purchaser within 5 working days, if requested by the purchaser. Legible copies of hand
written records shall suffice.
5. QUALITY CONTROL SYSTEM: The quality control system shall be as specified in ANSI A190.1.
Daily records of the material produced under this standard shall be submitted to the purchaser within
5 working days. Daily records shall include, at least, the requirements established in the
Manufacturer's Procedures Manual and Quality Control Manual and any others required in this
(1) Inspection: Treated laminated poles shall be inspected after treatment in accordance with the
applicable sections of AWPA Standard M2.
(2) Penetration: Penetration determination shall be made on 100 percent of the poles regardless
of the specie. Penetration determination of the Douglas Fir shall be from one (1) boring per
pole at the same location as noted in specification paragraph 1.4.2 and between the marking
disc and the ground line. Part of these borings may be used for retention analysis.
Shipments are to be made by truck, and all applicable Federal and State rules and regulations shall be
followed. No pole shall be permitted to protrude above the top of the side stakes. Unloading of poles is
the responsibility of the Contractor unless otherwise stated.
1. ACCEPTANCE: Final inspection and acceptance of each pole will be made by Western at the
destination. In case such inspection shows that material does not meet the specifications or have
been damaged in transit, then before accepting them from the transportation company and before
unloading, Western will report to the Contractor by telephone or fax, who will provide instruction on
how to proceed. The Contractor shall pay transportation costs both ways on all rejected poles.
Neither inspection, waiving of inspection, nor Western’s acceptance shall relieve the processor from
obligations to furnish poles to meet the requirements of this specification.
September 2016
(1) Requirements: Requirements for substation electrical features shall be in accordance with this
Standard, except that electrical features (such as heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning and
service building wiring systems) covered by other Standards shall meet the requirements of
the applicable Standards.
(2) Contractor Design: The Contractor shall perform any additional electrical design as required;
furnish electrical material and equipment not furnished by Western; install and remove, modify,
and reinstall electrical material and equipment as required; and make the electrical installation
complete and ready for service. The Contractor shall make revisions of final drawings to show
"as-built" conditions. Charges incurred in providing design personnel shall be paid by the
Contractor and included in applicable Bidding Schedule items.
(3) Grout: Grout shall be placed under electrical equipment as required. Grouting shall be in
accordance with the Standard 3 - Concrete, Section 3.1.10 "Grouting Mortar.”
(4) Western Approval and Inspection: Western will not approve drawings for electrical design nor
the equipment and material furnished and installed. Western inspection will be made during
the construction period to ensure that the requirements are fulfilled as to material,
workmanship, design, installation, and operation. Western reserves the right to inspect any or
all equipment and material that will be provided at the supplier's manufacturing plant during
fabrication and testing at no additional cost to Western (Western’s inspector’s travel, food, and
lodging expense are not the responsibility of the Contractor). Actual ice tests performed on
load interrupter and disconnecting switches shall be witnessed by a Western inspector, if prior
design ice tests were not made.
(1) General: Electrical equipment and material shall be as specified in this standard, the project
specifications, and as shown on the project drawings and in accordance with the NEMA, ANSI,
IEEE, ICEA, and ASTM Standards; the NEC; the Federal Specifications; the NESC; and the
Standards of the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., as applicable. Electrical equipment and
material that is identified in the project specifications requiring a seismic qualification level shall
be qualified to meet the seismic qualification level in accordance with the latest IEEE standard
693. If Electrical equipment was qualified with its support structure, the provided structure shall
match the structure identified within the Contractor provided seismic qualification documents.
Only new electrical equipment of current manufacture shall be furnished.
(3) Mounting Bolts, Nuts, and Washers: Mounting bolts, nuts, and washers for electrical
equipment and material used outdoors and unprotected from the weather shall be galvanized
in accordance with ASTM A 153 or of noncorrosive metal. Cadmium-plated mounting hardware
will be permitted only where protected in weatherproof enclosures or on equipment located
(4) Energizing Heaters for Electrical Equipment: The Contractor shall provide power for and shall
make arrangements to energize the heaters for electrical equipment, as recommended by the
manufacturer or Western, from the time the equipment is received at the site until final
connections are made to the station-service power supply.
(5) Delivery of Insulating Oil: The Contractor shall contact the COR to arrange delivery of
insulating oil required for Government-furnished equipment.
(7) Switch-Operating and Equipment Platforms: The Contractor shall furnish and install switch-
operating and equipment cabinet platforms in accordance with the Standard 4 – Substation
Metalwork and Transmission Line Lattice Structures. A switch operating platform is required
at each operating mechanism of each circuit switcher and each disconnecting, interrupter, and
grounding switch. An equipment platform is required at each main electrical control cabinet,
each main pneumatic control cabinet, and each compressor housing of electrical equipment.
Equipment platforms will not be required for minor connection boxes such as instrument
transformer, terminal boxes, and the individual-pole control cabinets of circuit breakers. The
location of platforms shall be subject to Western approval.
(8) Painting: Painting of equipment shall meet the requirements of the Standard 12 - Painting.
1) Instructions to Bidders.
4) These standards.
5) The latest edition of "National Electrical Code", "National Electrical Safety Code", and the
adopted electrical code of the State in which the construction is located. The Contractor
shall cooperate with any agency designated by that State to inspect the electrical
installation for conformance with the applicable State code. If there is a conflict between
the requirements in the project specifications and drawings, and applicable national or state
codes, the more stringent requirements shall prevail
(2) Manufacturer's Instructions: Installation of the electrical equipment shall be in accordance with
the directions furnished by the manufacturer's instruction books and, if required, erecting
(3) Damage or Failure of Material and Equipment: The Contractor shall correct by repair or
replacement, at his expense, damage to or failure of any part of the items of material and
equipment which in the opinion of the COR was caused by faulty installation, faulty mechanical
assembly, or mishandling.
Repair of damaged painted and galvanized surfaces shall be in accordance with the Standard
12 - Painting. The repair of damage to existing installations shall be in accordance with the
Standard 1 – General Requirements, Section 1.3.4 "Protection of Existing Installations".
The Contractor shall replace at his expense any insulating oil that is contaminated by faulty
(4) Material Not Specified: Design, installation details, and material not specifically covered in the
specifications, these standards or in reference standards shall be subject to the approval of the
Unless otherwise specified, the equipment manufacturer will furnish the services of the erecting
engineer for Government-furnished equipment. The Contractor shall make arrangements with
the COR to obtain the services of the erecting engineer for Government-furnished equipment.
Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall make arrangements with the equipment
manufacturer to obtain the services of erecting engineers for Contractor-furnished equipment
and for Government-furnished outdoor equipment which is removed and reinstalled, modified,
or transferred from another location.
(6) Contractor's Assembly and Connections: The Contractor shall assemble components of
equipment including Government-furnished equipment, such as supporting structures, which
is furnished disassembled. The Contractor shall make all electrical wire, cable, conduit, and
grounding connections and furnish all miscellaneous material required for making these
(8) Electrical Control and Protective Equipment: Electrical control and protective equipment,
including any existing control equipment to be removed and reinstalled, shall have a uniform
height. The equipment shall be similar in appearance and general construction so that the
installation will have a uniform appearance when the equipment is installed.
(9) Door Latching Mechanisms: Door latching mechanisms on the electrical equipment
enclosures shall include provisions for padlock.
The Contractor shall follow the manufacturer's instructions for storing Government-furnished
equipment prior to installation, assembling or erecting equipment, and testing and energizing
prevent moisture or foreign material from entering any portion of transformers. Openings
left in the transformer by the removal of covers and accessories shall be sealed as soon
as possible with a durable weatherproof material.
2) Capacitor banks: Capacitor banks will be partially assembled into individual racks.
Installation will involve erecting steel, insulators, racks, voltage transformers, and making
electrical interconnections.
3) Power circuit breakers: Power circuit breakers may be shipped with the bushings
removed. SF 6 gas or oil will be delivered to the Contractor in containers or gas bottles at
the substation site. Power circuit breakers shall be assembled, and installed at the location
shown on the drawings and per the manufacturer’s instruction manuals, and then filled with
SF 6 gas or oil as required. For oil-type power circuit breakers, the Contractor shall have
36 hours from the hour of arrival at the substation site to remove the oil from each container,
filter the oil, and place the oil in the power circuit breaker or oil storage tanks in accordance
with the "Insulating Oil" paragraph. Any time in excess of 36 hours will be paid for by the
Contractor at the usual and reasonable rate charged therefore. Empty and unused SF 6
gas in bottles are the property of the breaker manufacturer and shall be returned to a
Government representative.
Circuit breakers shall be checked for proper operating speed in accordance with
IEEE C37.09, paragraph 09-5.13, after they have been installed. The Contractor shall
mark the time-travel charts for timing tests on the circuit breakers after they have been
installed. The Contractor shall furnish a report on the results of the timing tests conducted
in the field. He shall also make other checks, adjustments, and tests required by the
manufacturer's instruction books and erecting engineers before the breakers are placed in
4. MARKING: The Contractor shall mark electrical equipment to be designated, other than power
circuit breakers, circuit switchers, load interrupter switches, disconnecting switches, combination
fuse disconnecting/disconnecting switches with interrupters, and fuse disconnecting switches with
the assigned designations, either by painting or by nameplate, with letters approximately
1 1/2 inches high. Power circuit breaker, circuit switcher, load interrupter switch, disconnecting
switch, combination fuse disconnecting/disconnecting switches with interrupter, and fuse switch
identification signs are provided for in section 9.6 "Substation Signs".
5. TOOLS: Special tools and appliances furnished by the manufacturer for maintenance and
adjustment of its electrical equipment shall become the property of Western. The Contractor shall
furnish all additional tools and equipment as necessary to properly install, adjust, and check the
operation of the electrical equipment. Special tools furnished with Government-furnished equipment
shall be cared for and stored by the Contractor and delivered to Western at the substation site at
the time of completion of the contract.
6. SPARE PARTS: Spare parts furnished by the Contractor, and with Government-furnished
equipment, shall be cared for and stored by the Contractor and delivered to Western at the
substation site at the time of completion of the contract.
8. DOBLE TESTS: Prior to energization of outdoor electrical equipment installed by the Contractor,
Western will perform Doble tests on that equipment. The time for conducting these tests will be
determined by the COR.
The Contractor shall participate in the Doble testing to the extent that he shall remove all electrical
connections to each item of equipment to be tested, if connections have been made prior to the
testing, and shall restore the connections after the testing has been satisfactorily completed. In
addition, the Contractor shall make and remove required connections between the test apparatus
and the equipment to be tested.
9. RELATED ITEMS OF WORK: Payment for the various items of electrical equipment and material
will be made at the applicable unit or lump-sum prices bid therefore in the Bidding Schedule, which
prices shall include the costs of the following:
(2) Preparing for storage of existing equipment removed and not reinstalled.
(11) Furnishing and installing brackets, fastenings, bolts, nuts, lockwashers, and other accessories,
and drilling holes in steel structures, other than tubular structures, as required for mounting or
installing electrical equipment and material.
(13) Transporting and handling insulating oil for all electrical equipment requiring insulating oil.
(14) Furnishing filtering equipment and storage tanks and filtering insulating oil as required.
(15) Handling spare parts to electrical equipment that requires spare parts.
(16) Furnishing to Western special tools and appliances supplied by each manufacturer for
maintenance and adjustment of the equipment.
(17) Providing power for and energizing heaters in circuit breaker cabinets until connections are
made to station-service supply.
(18) Making all control, metering, relaying, and station-service power connections, and furnishing
miscellaneous material which are required for making these connections to electrical
equipment. The Contractor shall estimate the number of connections to be made to the
equipment based on prior knowledge or experience with similar equipment. No additional
compensation will be allowed the Contractor in the event that actual connections exceed the
number estimated by him at the time of bidding.
There are two methods of acceptance tests (Method A and Method B). Method A shall be provided unless
the more extensive testing of Method B is required by the Project Specifications. Electrical testing for
Method A shall be included in applicable Bidding Schedule items for work requiring such testing. Electrical
testing for Method B shall be included in a Bidding Schedule Item “Electrical testing”. Following are the
requirements of the two methods.
1. METHOD A: During a period of time agreed to by the Contractor and the COR, representatives of
the Contractor and Western shall make arrangements for a complete check of the wiring of the entire
installation. During this period, the Contractor shall process the checkout to completion, shall retain
full responsibility for the removal and replacement of any wiring connections as required in
processing of the checkout, and shall make any wiring changes which are necessary for proper and
adequate functioning of the installation.
Replace wiring, instruments, and equipment, which are damaged in the checkout process, unless
this damage results from negligence by Western as determined by the COR. Wiring checkout shall
include the insulation and continuity test of cables and conductors installed by the Contractor. The
insulation and continuity tests shall be made after identification tags and sleeves have been
installed. The Contractor shall have competent personnel at the site processing the checkout.
Unless otherwise specified, after any phase of the work has been completed, including the above
wiring checkout, the installation will be tested and operated, by and at the expense of Western. The
Contractor or his representative may witness the tests.
Final payment under the contract will not be made until these tests are completed and the COR has
determined that the requirements of the specifications and these standards have been fulfilled;
provided, that if Western, through no fault of the Contractor or of the material furnished by the
Contractor, and except for acts of God or forces beyond Western's control, is delayed in making the
acceptance tests beyond a period of 30 days from the date of final completion of the installation of
all equipment, payment of the balance due under the contract will be made at the end of the 30-day
(1) General: Prior to beginning on-site testing, a meeting will be conducted at a time and place
designated by the COR, with the Contractor, the Contractor’s Test Personnel (CTP), and
Western to review the Contractor’s testing procedures and plans.
None of the following testing requirements or procedures are intended to replicate tests or
procedures performed at the equipment manufacturer’s factory or place of assembly. The
testing prescribed here is intended only to verify that no equipment damage has occurred in
transit, assembly, or erection. The Western site representative shall be notified 72 hours in
advance of all testing.
(2) Personnel: The Contractor shall supply on-site test personnel, hereafter referred to as the
Contractor’s Test Personnel (CTP), who shall perform and document the substation tests as
listed in this paragraph.
The Contractor shall designate one of the test personnel as principal. Submit the resume of
the principal on-site test person to the COR. The principal on-site test person shall meet the
following qualifications:
The COR shall have the right to refuse the services of any test personnel that do not meet the
stated qualifications.
(3) Test Reports and Documents: All test report forms will be provided by Western unless the
COR approves the use of Contractor-supplied test report forms.
3) Submitted to the Western on-site inspector within 48 hours and to the COR within 7 days
after any testing is complete. The COR or his designated on-site representative shall have
a period of 48 hours to review all test reports and request any such tests be performed
again if any results are questionable. Such testing shall be completed without additional
expense to Western.
(4) Instrument Calibration: Test equipment used for any measurements shall be calibrated within
1 year of on-site usage with certification traceable to the National Institute of Standards and
Technology relative to their intended use.
(5) Transformer Testing: The testing requirements of this paragraph shall apply to all
Government-furnished or Contractor-furnished power transformers including station service
transformers. All testing shall be done only after the transformer is ready for service.
1) Ratio Test: The CTP shall determine turns ratios between windings for each winding in
every tap changer position. The equipment used shall be a transformer turns ratio tester
manufactured by James G. Biddle Company, Multi-Amp Corporation, or equivalent.
2) Coil Resistance: On transformers larger than 1 MVA the CTP shall determine resistance
of every winding using a dc micro-ohm meter (“ductor”) or a dc low-resistance ohmmeter
utilizing a four point measurement method.
3) Fans and Pumps: The CTP shall check fans and pumps for correct operation in both
manual and automatic modes including proper voltage, current, and rotation.
4) Alarms and Protective Devices: The CTP shall check calibration of liquid level gauges,
liquid and winding temperature gauges, and operation of sudden pressure relay(s), gas
accumulation relays, and all other associated devices. Tests shall be performed with fans,
pumps, annunciators, and relays in operational mode, and after all wiring is complete. The
equipment used shall include hot oil bath, 1 percent accuracy thermometer, sudden
pressure relay testing device of a design approved by the COR, and other devices needed
for proper testing as listed in the appropriate manufacturer’s instruction book.
5) Core Ground: On transformers with 1 MVA or more of capacity, if accessible from the
exterior of the transformer, the CTP shall determine the resistance of the transformer core
to tank with the core ground removed. Core ground shall be reattached immediately
following the test. The equipment used shall be a dc megohm resistance tester using a
minimum of 500 V dc. If core ground connection is inside the tank, this test shall be
performed immediately prior to final closing of the tank.
6) The CTP shall test all aspects of power transformer winding temperature indicating or
alarm circuits. Primary current shall be injected into such circuits and operation and
calibration of any dials, indicators, or relays shall be verified. If installed on the power
transformer, the calibration of any associated resistive temperature devices (RTD’s) shall
be verified.
7) The CTP shall test bushing current transformers prior to and after installation of transformer
bushings on Government-furnished transformers.
(6) Power Circuit Breakers: The Government will provide a circuit breaker manufacturer’s erecting
engineer to perform timing tests on the circuit breakers after they have been installed. The
CTP shall perform micro-ohm resistance measurements, commonly called “ductor” tests, on all
phases of the power circuit breakers as specified in IEEE Standard C37.09, Section 5.15, as
amended. CTP shall also make all other checks, adjustments, and tests required by the
manufacturer’s instruction books and erecting engineer before the breakers are placed in
service. If the equipment supplier’s erecting engineer makes any adjustments to make this
equipment meet specifications, the CTP shall perform additional tests at no additional cost to
The Contractor shall provide a gas analyzer and other special equipment, if required by the
manufacturer, to analyze the SF6 gas.
All tests shall be performed in the presence of the manufacturer’s erecting engineer.
(7) Control or Power Cable: Testing shall not begin on control or power cable until the Contractor
has submitted manufacturer’s data on all cable supplied. After installation, the CTP shall
perform megohmmeter and continuity tests on all control and power cable. The insulation and
continuity tests shall be made after identification tags and sleeves have been installed.
Continuity tests shall also be performed on the shield. The insulation of each individual cable
conductor shall be tested with respect to all other conductors, the shielding, and to an earth
reference. The overall covering (or jacket) insulation shall be tested to the shielding and to an
earth reference. For cables with 600-V insulation, the megohm test voltage shall be 1,000 V
dc. Each test shall last until the megohmmeter reading is stable. Megohm values less than
the manufacturer’s supplied test values shall be considered a failure. The Contractor shall seal
and make waterproof both ends of all cables after the cable has passed testing. The COR may
allow members of the Contractor’s staff, other than the CTP, to perform continuity and
megohmmeter tests after submission of a record of experience.
(8) High-Voltage Cable Testing: All high-voltage cable, whether supplied by the Contractor or by
Western, shall be tested by the CTP as per IEEE Standard 400 (IEEE Guide for Field Testing
and Evaluation of the Insulation of Shielding Power Cable Systems Rated 5 kV and Above)
and IEEE Standard 48 (IEEE Standard Test Procedures and Requirements for Alternating-
Current Cable Terminations Used on Shielded Cables Having Laminated Insulation Rated
2.5kV Through 765kV or Extruded Insulation Rated 2.5kV Through 500kV), both as amended.
For cable supplied by Western, the CTP shall perform all tests as described in this section
before any such cable is installed. For Western or Contractor-supplied cable, the CTP shall
perform post-installation tests as described in this section only after all cable is in its final resting
place, any specified planking or other equipment has been placed, all splices have been made,
and all cable terminations have been installed. The CTP shall guard all exposed cable ends
during high-voltage testing.
When equipment, such as transformers, motors, etc., is connected to the cable circuit
undergoing test, voltages lower than the recommended values may be used to comply with the
limitations imposed by the connected equipment.
2) Apply the total test voltage in at least five equal steps. After 5 minutes, the leakage current
at each step is recorded and plotted on a voltage vs. current graph. If this curve becomes
non-linear, breakdown of the insulating system is possible and the COR shall be consulted.
3) When the full test voltage is achieved, this voltage shall be retained for 15 minutes and the
leakage current shall be recorded every minute. This information shall be plotted on a
current vs. time graph.
At the completion of any phase of testing, the CTP shall not short the energized cable to
ground. The cable shall be discharged through the test set or through an insulated hot-stick-
operated resistor. After discharge, the cable shall be solidly grounded for a period of at least
twice the length of the test period.
2) Current Transformers:
a. Polarity and Phase Angle: The CTP shall determine correct CT polarity and primary
to secondary phase angle by the dc voltage impulse method (so-called “kicking”)
and/or the primary to secondary current phase angle relationship method. The CT
shall be demagnetized prior to energization.
b. Ratio: The CTP shall determine CT ratios (including all tap ratios on the primary or
secondary) by the current injection method or the voltage application method.
c. Excitation/Saturation: The CTP shall verify the accuracy class of CT’s by the voltage
application method. At least five points on the manufacturer’s saturation curve shall
be checked. The highest applied voltage shall be sufficient to completely saturate the
CT core on full ratio. Following saturation, the voltage shall be lowered gradually and
evenly to demagnetize the core.
d. Megohmmeter Tests: The CTP shall perform megohmmeter tests and verify single-
point grounding on all CT secondary circuits as specified under control, Metering, and
Relaying (CMR) Equipment Tests.
a. Polarity and Phase Angle: The CTP shall determine correct VT polarity and phase
angle by the dc voltage impulse method or the primary to secondary voltage phase
angle relationship method.
b. Ratio: The CTP shall determine VT ratios by the voltage application method or a turns
ratio test. The ratio of CCVT’s shall be verified by application of a voltage of between
5,000 and 10,000 V ac to the primary. The secondary of the CCVT shall be compared
with a Contractor-supplied 1.0 or 0.3 percent accuracy wound PT.
1) General: The CTP shall perform work to verify that Western-supplied CMR equipment is
wired as shown on the Government-furnished wiring diagrams.
The CTP shall use a dc ohmmeter and Government-furnished schematic and wiring
diagrams to verify the proper wiring of all CMR equipment. These checks shall be
performed before any power is applied.
Western will supply one complete set of schematic drawings and equipment wiring
diagrams which will be designated as the “Master Set”. The CTP shall draw translucent
yellow lines through indicated electrical connections on the schematic and wiring diagrams
indicating that each electrical connection has been verified. The yellow lines shall be drawn
with a marking device that is translucent to copying by photostatic copying. This master
set shall not be removed from the substation.
2) Single-Point Grounding: All current and potential circuits shall be grounded at a single
point. Testing for single-point grounding shall be accomplished by lifting the ground and
megohmmeter testing at 500 V dc to ensure no other ground connection is present. The
CTP shall ensure that no solid state equipment is damaged.
3) DC Control Circuits: Prior to energization from the substation dc system, each device on
dc circuits shall be tested for proper connection according to schematic diagrams. These
tests shall include checks to insure that connections to ground do not exist and tests for
proper voltage magnitude and polarity.
(11) Station Service Equipment: Station service equipment includes switchgear assemblies,
switchboards, panelboards, transfer switches, and safety switches. Station service equipment
shall be tested per these specifications covering voltage circuits, current circuits, dc circuits,
and operational tests. The main bus shall be tested for insulation dielectric strength with at
least 2,500 V dc for a minimum of 15 minutes on each phase and neutral. Proper connections
between neutral and ground shall be verified.
(12) Testing of Protective Relays: Western will test all protective relays, transducers, panel
instruments, and revenue meter equipment. The COR will coordinate such testing with the
Contractor’s approved construction schedule.
(13) Operational Tests: After satisfactory completion of all other tests the CTP and the Western
representative shall operationally check the control and protection systems of the installation.
After each operational check, the CTP shall date and initial the appropriate electrical
connections shown on the appropriate “Master Set” schematic drawing. Tests shall include:
2) Tripping and closing power circuit breakers using each protective device and each control
5) Functional check of every dc circuit. During this period, the Contractor shall process the
checkout, and make any wiring changes which are necessary for proper and adequate
functioning of the installation. Any wiring or design errors in Government-furnished
equipment discovered by the CTP during the wiring check shall be reported to the COR.
The Contractor shall replace all wiring, instruments, and equipment which are damaged in
the checkout process, unless this damage results from negligence by Western as
determined by the COR.
(14) Energization Tests: After satisfactory completion of the operational tests listed above, Western
will energize and load the installation. Western will check for proper current and voltage
magnitude and phase angles at every protective and metering device associated with the
energized portion of the installation.
(15) Infrared Inspection: After any new or modified section of the high-voltage buswork or
equipment is energized and loaded to normal operating levels for at least a period of 48 hours,
the CTP shall perform an infrared inspection. The infrared equipment used shall be capable of
detecting a temperature difference of 2°F and shall produce a video tape record recorded on
1/2-inch VHS format video tape. This record shall be forwarded to the COR for review within
48 hours. If the COR determines that the records show an existing or potential problem, the
Contractor shall repair this problem unless the problem exists on Government-furnished
equipment and the COR determines that the problem shown was not the fault of the Contractor.
1. GENERAL: Drawings and technical data required to be furnished by the Contractor shall be in
English, with dimensions in feet and inches, weight in pounds, and volume in cubic feet or cubic
The drawings and data shall be complete, accurate in their content, and legible. Drawings shall be
prepared using CAD or drafting equipment, shall be drawn to scale, and shall have neat lettering.
Drawing and data formats shall be in accordance with SUBMITTALS paragraph of DIVISION 1 –
General Requirements. Western will require 40 calendar days to answer correspondence pertaining
to each submittal of data or drawings.
Schematic and wiring diagrams shall have graphical symbols and device function numbers
conforming to the latest applicable standards of ANSI Y32.2/IEEE 315, ANSI/IEEE 315A, and
IEEE C37.2.
Western shall have the right to require the Contractor to make any changes in the drawings and
data that may be necessary to show the equipment furnished conforms to the requirements of the
specifications and these standards. The design and coordination of this electrical equipment shall
be the responsibility of the Contractor and Western assumes no responsibility to approve or review
drawings and data that are submitted. Western's review of the Contractor's drawings shall not
relieve the Contractor of meeting all requirements of these specifications or for the correctness of
his drawings. Revised drawings shall show revision dates with changes and revisions circled on the
Table 9-1 summarizes the drawing and data required for electrical equipment being furnished.
9.1.3 TYPE OF
Equipment installation
60 days after notice Blackline Prints in
including seismic 2.
to proceed PDF
qualification report
60 days after notice PDF or CAD
informational 3.
to proceed Drawings
drawings and data
21 days before start
Equipment final of construction or CAD Drawings and
drawings installation of subject PDF
21 days before start
Equipment parts
of construction or Lists in Excel, Word
identification lists and 4.(2)
installation of subject or PDF
bills of materials
*Manufacturer's 21 days before start
operation and of construction or
4.(3) Books, Word or PDF
maintenance installation of subject
instructions equipment
Equipment and oil Prior to shipment of Certified Data in
test reports equipment PDF
Equipment insulating
Prior to delivery of oil Certified Data in
Liquid PCB 6.
or equipment PDF
Certified Data in
Insulator test reports 7. Prior to shipment
Insulated conductor Within 60 days after Certified Data in
data notice to proceed PDF
Revised wiring 60 days after receipt
9. Marked Print in PDF
diagrams of drawings
Within 60 days after
Contractor's "as-built" Bond Drawing Prints
10.(1) final checkout of
drawings or PDF
electrical installation
Within 60 days after
As-Built Western
10.(2) final checkout of Marked Print or PDF
electrical installation
* Furnish one print of each final drawing and a copy of instruction manual with equipment.
2. EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION DRAWINGS AND DATA: Installation drawings and data are required
for preparing installation drawings for foundations and for equipment support structures if
Government furnished. The required quantity, delivery time, and destination are listed in Table 9-1.
Drawings and data required include those in the following list that are applicable:
(1) Equipment or equipment and associated support outlines, dimensions, and weights.
(3) Location, types, sizes, and projections of required embedded anchor bolts.
(4) Location and size of required openings in the floors for conduits.
(6) Orientation of all equipment and a complete anchor bolt setting plan.
9-14 September 2016
(9) Overall equipment cabinet dimensions, including height above equipment base.
(10) Seismic qualification report, for equipment specifications requiring a seismic qualification
The drawings and data shall include equipment outlines, details, schematic diagrams, wiring
diagrams, and instructions. The drawings and data shall specifically verify conformance with
equipment requirements and shall be sufficiently complete to allow preparation of final installation
drawings including wiring diagrams.
Whenever drawings and data reference multiple electrical equipment items, the Contractor shall
highlight, encircle, and use arrows to indicate which items the Contractor is furnishing.
4. EQUIPMENT FINAL DRAWINGS AND DATA: At least 21 days before the date the Contractor
begins to install or make any external connections to any Contractor-furnished equipment, he shall
furnish to the destinations listed in Table 9-1, the final drawings and data required in the following
(1) Final Drawings for Equipment: The final drawings shall be CAD drawings and PDF and show
changes, and revision dates therefor, made up to the time the drawings and data are furnished.
Final drawings shall include all of the following that are applicable for equipment furnished by
the Contractor.
1) Outlines and details of electrical equipment and equipment components such as supports,
surge arresters, and bushings.
3) Control cabinet physical layout drawings, (showing the layout of components in the
(2) Sets of Parts Identification Lists or Bills of Materials: Each part shall be assigned an identifying
number which can be used for ordering replacements, and a reference number that locates the
part on the appropriate outline drawing. Separate lists are not required if data is shown on
outline drawings.
(3) Sets of manufacturer’s instructions covering installation, operation, and maintenance repair for
electrical equipment and for each device appurtenant to the equipment.
5. EQUIPMENT TEST REPORTS: After completion of required tests on the electrical equipment and
prior to shipment of equipment, the Contractor shall furnish certified copies of test reports,
performance curves, and data. Copies of oscillograms shall be furnished as clear positive film
transparencies. Any equipment that does not successfully pass the testing requirements will be
7. INSULATORS: Test reports shall specify the name and location of the factory where the insulators
were made.
(1) Porcelain Suspension Insulator Units: Each class of suspension-type insulator units shall be
tested in accordance with NEMA C29.1 and 2 for the mechanical and electrical strength ratings
required under the specifications and as follows:
1) Design Tests:
c. Critical Impulse Flashover – Positive and Negative: NEMAI C29.2, paragraph 8.2.3.
b. Porosity Tests: NEMA C29.2B, paragraph 8.3.2. Test three samples per lot.
3) Routine Tests: A Certificate of Compliance stating the following routine tests have been
performed is required.
(2) Porcelain Station Post Insulators: Test station post type insulators in accordance with
NEMA C29.9.
1) Design Tests:
3) Routine Tests
8. INSULATED CONDUCTOR DATA: The Contractor shall furnish quantity, manufacturer’s data that
completely identify all insulated wire and cable to be furnished. The required delivery time and
destination are listed in Table 9-1.
The Contractor shall also submit, for approval, copies of cable manufacturer’s certified data for all
control cable with sufficient detail to allow Western to verify the following specifications for the cable.
(2) Type of material, thickness, voltage rating, temperature rating, and NEC Type of individual
conductor insulation;
(4) Type of material, thickness, and temperature rating of binder tape or jacket covering;
(5) Type of material, thickness, overlap (if applicable), and minimum coverage percentage (if
applicable) of the protective metal shield; and
9. RIGHT TO USE THE CONTRACTOR’S DRAWINGS: Western reserves the right to use, reproduce
in whole or in part, to distribute, and to reuse any and all such drawings, whether copyrighted or not,
in connection with the following:
(1) Installation, maintenance, replacement, and repair of the articles to be furnished under the
specifications and these standards.
(2) Making any and all such drawings and reproductions thereof available to subsequent bidders
and the Contractors, where necessary for fabricating and furnishing articles connected with or
dependent upon, information shown on the drawings and duplicating the drawings to be
furnished hereunder.
The depositing of all such drawings with Western shall constitute a license to Western to use said
drawings in the manner hereinabove stated.
10. REVISED WIRING DIAGRAMS: The Contractor shall furnish three marked prints, for approval, of
wiring diagrams or cable routing list showing the Contractor proposed changes. These changes
shall be furnished 60 days after receipt of Government-furnished drawings in accordance with the
Standard 1 – General Requirements, Section 1.2.1 “Government-Furnished Material”.
11. “AS-BUILT” DRAWINGS: Within 60 days after final checkout of electrical installation, the Contractor
shall furnish the following “as-built” electrical drawings in accordance with Table 9-1:
(1) Contractor’s “As-Built” Equipment Drawings: The Contractor shall revise all equipment
drawings and data which do not agree with “as-built” equipment or are otherwise deficient.
(2) As-Built Western Drawings: One full-size print of specifications drawings furnished to the
Contractor for “as-built” construction purposes shall be marked to show any changes and
additions made during construction and to show outlines of the equipment actually furnished.
The marked prints shall be returned to the COR so that the revisions can be transferred to the
original drawings.
1. GENERAL: Electrical equipment shall be designed to operate with oil which conforms to the
requirements of ASTM D 3487, “Standard Specification for Mineral Insulating Oil Used in Electrical
Apparatus”, except that the maximum pour point temperature shall be reduced when specified and
that for oil-filled instrument transformers, distribution transformers and bushings the manufacturer’s
standard insulating oil is acceptable.
Electrical equipment with insulating liquids containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) is not
acceptable. Equipment requiring insulating oil shall be permanently marked and certification
furnished to the COR to certify that there are no PCB’s present when the equipment is manufactured.
If the oil is shipped separately, the Contractor shall also furnish certification that the oil does not
contain PCB’s when delivered to Western. The oil truck driver shall have in his possession and
furnish this certification to Western upon arrival at the delivery site.
2. SAMPLING AND TESTING: Certified results of tests which demonstrate compliance with
ASTM D 3487 and these standards shall be furnished. Results of tests shall be of the actual oil
being furnished or results of tests of a sample representative of oil being furnished are acceptable.
Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall test a sample of the oil from the equipment or,
directly from the shipping container, at Western’s receiving facility to demonstrate that the following
requirement is met:
Insulating oil, after it is placed in the equipment, or if it is shipped in the equipment, will be tested by
Western and if it does not exceed a dielectric strength of 30,000 V in accordance with ASTM D 1816
(0.040 in. gap), the Contractor shall filter the oil until its dielectric strength does exceed 30,000 V.
3. INSTALLATION: The Contractor shall process the insulating oil as required for the oil-filled
electrical equipment to be installed under these specifications. Unless otherwise specified, the
Contractor shall provide the filtering equipment. Separately shipped insulating oil shall be filtered at
least once before it is placed in the equipment.
For power transformers, regulators and reactors rated 230 kV and above, unless otherwise
specified, the Contractor shall provide for the following as part of processing the oil:
(1) Purification unit having a capacity of at least 1,000 gallons per hour and a capability of obtaining
an absolute pressure of 5 millimeters or less of mercury.
(4) A gas analyzer and any other special equipment if required by the manufacturer of the oil-filled
The Contractor shall furnish all necessary material and labor to complete the electrical and oil supply
connections to the purification equipment and shall furnish operators for the unit while it is in use.
The filling of the equipment shall be conducted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction
books and the purification unit instruction book, and under the supervision of the manufacturer’s
erection engineer.
The Contractor shall make every reasonable effort to operate the processing equipment in such a
manner so that after one pass of the oil through the processing equipment the dielectric strength of
the oil is not less than 30 kV when tested in accordance with ASTM D 1816 (0.040 in gap). If after
passing through the processing equipment the dielectric strength of the oil is less than 30 kV, the
Contractor shall reprocess the oil until it reaches a dielectric strength of not less than 30 kV.
(1) Ground Cables: Copper ground cables, No. 2/0 AWG and larger, shall be annealed bare-
copper cable, concentric stranded, and in accordance with ASTM B 8, Class B. No. 6 AWG
copper ground cable used for trench cover grounding shall be annealed, concentric stranded,
bare or insulated cable in accordance with ASTM B 8, Class C. No additional payment will be
made for furnishing and installing insulated cable.
Copper-covered steel ground cable shall be dead-soft annealed, 40-percent conductivity, and
in accordance with ASTM B 228 where applicable. Copper-covered steel ground cable shall
be a minimum 7 No. 4 conductor.
(2) Cable Fittings, Lugs, and Connectors: Cable fittings shall be compression, welded-, powder
actuated-, or bolted-solderless-type and shall have current-carrying capacity equal to that of
the cable with which they are used. Cable fittings, lugs, and connectors, together with the bolts,
nuts, and washers used therewith for copper ground cables, shall be of copper alloy, containing
not more than 4-percent zinc. Aluminum connectors shall be used to connect aluminum-to-
aluminum and tinned-bronzed connectors shall be used to make aluminum-to-copper
(3) Ground Rods: Each ground rod shall have a copper jacketed steel core with 3/4-inch nominal
diameter and be in conformance with UL Bulletin 467. Twenty-foot-long ground rods shall
consist of two 10-foot sectional rods joined and bonded by threaded couplings of high strength
copper alloy.
(4) Grounding Connectors for Underground and Embedded in Concrete: Exothermic grounding
connections shall be made with Cadweld, Thermoweld, Tectoweld, or an equivalent process.
Compression connections shall be DMC Power Swage System, AFL Swage System, Burndy
HyGround, or equal. If swaged type connectors are used, the connectors and installation
tooling shall be furnished by the same manufacturer. Connectors shall be a heavy-duty type,
made of new material from fresh stock. Molds and weld material shall be by the same
(1) Ground Mat: The ground mat shall be installed at a depth of not less than 18 inches below the
established elevation of the subgrade, except where solid rock is encountered, the depth of
burial may be reduced to 6 inches.
(2) Excavation and Placing and Compacting Backfill: Excavation, and placing and compacting
backfill shall be in accordance with Standard 2 – Sitework.
(3) Driven Ground Rods: Ground rods shall be driven vertically the full length of the rod until the
top is at least 14 inches below established elevation of the subgrade. When solid rock is
encountered, ground rods shall be grouted into vertical holes of such depth that the top of the
rod will be 14 inches below established elevation of subgrade. The diameter of holes shall be
at least 1 1/2 times the diameter of the ground rod.
(4) Connections: Electrical equipment, steel structures, pull box covers, corrugated metal pipe
(CMP), and exposed metal surfaces shall be connected to the grounding system with the
proper size copper conductor as shown on the drawings or as directed. Grounding connections
to trench covers, manhole covers, and pull box covers shall be made with bolted connectors.
Grounding of metal structures shall be in accordance with drawing 31 1060. Connections
above ground to tubular metal structures shall be made by connecting the ground wire to the
baseplates of the metal structures and shall be in accordance with drawing 31 1060. Each
gate shall be bonded to its supporting fence post that is connected to the ground grid in
accordance with drawing 31 1501.
Paint, scale, or other foreign material shall be removed from the point of contact on metal
surfaces before any ground connections are made. After connections are made, any paint or
galvanizing on the metal finishes that has been damaged or removed as a result of connections
being made shall be repaired in accordance with the "Painting" Standard.
(5) Ground wire risers to equipment mounted on supports shall be fastened above the baseplate
at intervals not to exceed 5 feet and in accordance with drawing 31 1077.
1) Cable risers shall be secured to tubular metal supports by one of the following methods:
2) Cable riser shall be secured to concrete supports by a method similar to that described
in b. above or by approved grounding-type clamps secured to threaded 3/8-inch stud
fasteners attached to the concrete structure with a wedge or expanding type anchor.
(6) Exothermic Welded Grounding Connectors: Connectors shall be installed with heavy-duty
welding equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
(7) Cable Trench Grounding: Cable trench grounding shall be in accordance with drawing
31 1061. Two No. 2/0 AWG copper ground cables shall be installed throughout the entire
length of each cable trench. Each time the trench crosses a copper main ground mat cable
connections between the ground cables in the trench and the substation ground mat shall be
made with No. 4/0 AWG copper cable.
1) Metallic Covers: Grounding of trench covers shall be in accordance with drawing 31 1061
and the following instructions. Each trench cover shall be connected to one of the No. 2/0
AWG copper ground cables with a No. 6 AWG copper jumper cable. The connector shall
ensure that each No. 6 AWG copper jumper cable, connecting the trench covers to the
No. 2/0 AWG ground cables, will be of sufficient length to permit removal of the trench
covers without disconnecting the jumper cable. Copper-to-aluminum cable connection
shall be made with tinned-bronze connectors. Oxide-inhibiting paste shall be applied, the
aluminum surfaces wire brushed through the paste, and additional paste applied, if
necessary, to cover contact area. Paste remaining after the connectors are tightened shall
be retained as a seal against moisture. If No. 6 AWG insulated copper cable is furnished
and installed in accordance with 1.(1), the insulation shall be stripped back at least
12 inches prior to making connection.
(8) Grounding Cable for Transient Voltage Protection of Control and Power Circuits Other Than
Lighting Circuits: Grounding cables shall be provided for transient voltage protection of control
and power circuits other than lighting circuits for 230-kV yards with capacitor banks and all
345-kV, and above, yards. Grounding cables for transient voltage protection shall be
No. 4/0 AWG bare copper cable. Such grounding cables shall be run parallel with and bundled
to each group of individual cables buried in earth, run in conduit, or exposed. The grounding
cable shall be grounded at each end.
Where grounding cable is run in steel conduit with power or control cable, a grounding shunt
path with resistance equal to or less than No. 4/0 AWG copper equivalent shall be provided to
shunt ground currents around and completely outside the steel conduit runs. The shunt is
needed as the low impedance path of a ground cable, inside the magnetic steel walls of the
conduit, is impaired for steep rise surges.
Cable runs in trenches are protected by the grounding cables in the trenches.
(9) Service-Building Grounding: The building ground mat or metal frame shall be connected to the
substation ground system as shown on the drawings. All metallic equipment in the building
and all metal roof joists, metal fascia, metallic door and window frames, exposed metal
surfaces, metallic conduits, and shielded cables shall be connected to the building ground mat
or metal frame using No. 4 AWG bare stranded conductor or by effective grounding through
mechanical connection to the grounded metal frame of the building.
(10) Pull Box Grounding: A copper ground cable shall be installed from the station ground mat into
each pullbox. The copper conductor shall be sized as shown on the drawings or as directed.
Ground rods shall be installed in pull box as shown on the drawings or as directed. Metal parts
9-21 September 2016
within and on the pullbox shall be connected to the pull box grounding with 4/0 AWG copper
cable. Provide sufficient cable to permit removal of cover without disconnecting the cable.
(11) Equipment Grounding: The Contractor shall make all ground connections between all
grounding pads and the grounding system whether or not such grounding connections are
shown on the grounding drawings. The number of grounding terminals for each piece of
equipment may be one, two, or more in some cases.
(13) Damaged Ground Cable: Existing ground cables shown on the drawings are shown in
approximate locations, and caution shall be used in excavating near the existing ground cables.
The Contractor shall repair ground cables damaged during construction to the satisfaction of
the COR at no additional cost to Western.
3. TESTS: When specified, thirty days after completion of the grounding system installation, or as
soon as possible thereafter, the resistance of the grounding system to ground shall be measured by
the Contractor using:
(1) The fall-of-potential method described in IEEE Std. 80, using a Megger Ground Tester of the
heavy-duty, low-resistance type with direct-reading, dc ohmmeter as described in Bulletin No.
25 and any one of Bulletins No. 25J, 25J-2, and 25T, all by James G. Biddle Company; or
The Contractor shall conduct the ground resistance tests near each corner of the substation
fence. At least three tests shall be made at each corner by relocating either the potential or
current test probe.
The test probe shall be connected to a ground cable riser near the fence corner. The potential
and current test probes shall be connected to ground rods driven to a depth of 8 to 10 feet in
order to reach permanent moisture or a more highly conductive earth stratum. If the average
of the three ground-to-earth resistance values obtained is 1 ohm or greater, the Contractor
shall repeat the test and use one or all of the following methods in order to obtain a better earth-
to-probe contact:
1) Drive rods to a greater depth in an effort to reach permanent moisture or a more highly
conductive stratum.
2) Wet the earth immediately surrounding the electrodes. Remove a few inches of earth at
the surface around the electrodes so that water will not run away. Use salt solution if
3) Drive a number of rods at not less than 5 to 10 feet apart and connect them together.
The Contractor shall notify Western, in writing, at least 72 hours in advance of the time the tests are
to be made in order that tests may be witnessed by a representative of Western.
Three copies of the test reports of the results of ground tests shall be forwarded to the Electrical
Engineer within 15 days after the tests are completed.
1. GENERAL: The electrical conduit system includes the embedded and exposed conduit systems.
Conduit accessories include conduit fittings, bushed elbows, nipples, chase nipples, connectors,
reducers, outlet bodies, outlet body extensions, steel boxes, caps, pipe plugs, locknuts, bondnuts,
bushings, pull boxes, junction boxes, junction box extensions, sealing varnish, threaded joint
compound, expansion couplings, liquid-tight conduit fittings, material for sealing ends of conduits
terminating at outdoor equipment, and other incidentals required to complete the conduit systems,
and to fasten, clamp, attach, and support conduit in place.
2. MATERIAL: Material for the electrical conduit installations shall conform to the following:
(1) Rigid Steel Conduit, Zinc Coated: UL 514 and ANSI/NEMA C80.1.
(3) Electrical Plastic Conduit and Fittings: Schedule No. 40 or 80 as specified, PVC, in accordance
with NEMA Publications No. TC2 and TC3.
(4) Flexible Metal Conduit: Federal Specification DLA A-A-55810 for indoor use only. For outdoor
use, liquid-tight type flexible metal conduit shall be used.
(5) Metal Conduit Fittings: Federal Specifications DLA A-A-50552 and DLA A-A-50553.
(6) Plastic-Coated Conduit: Plastic-coated conduit shall be rigid steel conduit, zinc coated, with a
factory-applied bonded plastic compound protective coat at least 0.04-inch-thick, placed
uniformly around the conduit, and equal to Occidental Coating Co.; Plastic Applicators;
Republic Steel GALVANITE; or Robroy Industries PLASTI-BOND. Fittings shall have an equal
bonded coating and shall be sleeved to provide a watertight joint.
(7) Tape Covered Conduit: Tape covered conduit can be used in lieu of plastic coated conduit.
Tape covered conduit shall be rigid steel conduit, zinc coated, wrapped with an all weather
corrosion protection system. Prior to wrapping, the conduit shall be dry, clean, free of oils,
grease, or other contaminants, de-burred, with no sharp edges. The all weather corrosion
protection system shall be applied, and stored until installed, in a dry, sheltered, area. The all
weather corrosion protection system's pipe primer shall be uniformly applied to the conduit with
a minimum of 1 mil thickness and allowed to dry as directed by the Manufacturer. Irregular
surfaces shall be filled with all weather corrosion protection system's electrical insulation putty
as directed by the Manufacturer. 20 mil corrosion protection tape shall be applied uniformly,
wrapping spirally, with a 75% overlap continuously over the entire length of conduit to be
protected and with a 100% overlap on each end. If conduit fittings, couplings, etc., are to be
used, they shall be installed on at least one conduit end and shall be prepped, primed, irregular
surfaces filled, and wrapped along with the conduit prior to installation to create a watertight
joint. Additional care, application, and installation requirements shall be in accordance with
Manufacturer's instructions. The all weather corrosion protection system shall be 3M Scotchrap
All Weather Corrosion Protection System or equal.
(8) Protective Varnish: Protective varnish shall be General Electric Company, "Glyptal" No. 1201-
B; Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co., "Scotchkote"; or Westinghouse Electric Corp.,
No. B-6-614; or equal.
(9) Outlet Bodies: Federal Specification DLA A-A-50563 and equal to Crouse-Hinds Company, or
Appleton Electric Company, outlet bodies.
(10) Junction Box, Junction Box Extension, and Junction Box Cover (Steel, Cadmium, or Zinc
Coated): Federal Specification DLA A-A-59214.
(11) Octagon Concrete Rings and Plates: Octagon concrete rings and plates shall be Appleton
Electric Company, Types OCR and CCP; or equal.
(12) Expansion Couplings: Expansion couplings, where required for installation in conduit systems
at expansion and contraction joints, shall be zinc coated and a watertight type. For 2-inch and
smaller metal conduit, couplings shall be equal to Dresser Manufacturing Company's Type 38.
Expansion couplings for plastic conduit shall be equal to Carlon Electrical Products "PV-Duit"
(13) Embedded Sheet Steel Pull Boxes: Embedded sheet steel pull and junction boxes, where
indicated on drawings to be furnished, shall be not less than 10-gage, shall be thoroughly
cleaned, and shall have a primer coat of red vinyl-resin paint and a final coat of gray vinyl-resin
(14) Pull Boxes Embedded in Masonry Walls: Pull boxes embedded in masonry walls shall be
equal to Russell and Stoll Catalog No. AB100A. Each box shall be furnished with a temporary
cover to exclude the entry of foreign material.
(15) Fabricated Sheet Steel Boxes and Cabinets: Large junction and conduit boxes, excluding
outlet boxes to contain wiring devices or to accommodate lighting fixtures, shall be fabricated
galvanized finish. Covers shall be attached to boxes with bronze, brass, or stainless steel
screws or bolts. Any installed boxes exposed to the weather shall be of weather-resistant,
watertight construction, and covers for such boxes shall be provided with gaskets.
(16) Sealing Material: Sealing material for sealing the ends of conduits terminating at boxes or
panelboards shall be equal to "Duxseal" as manufactured by Johns-Manville or "Isofoam PE-2"
as manufactured by Isocyanate Products, Inc.
(17) Concrete Cable Splice Boxes: Cable splice boxes shall be equal to Brooks Products, Inc., No.
67T body with a bolt-down steel cover.
(18) Adhesive: Adhesive for joining plastic conduit shall be in accordance with the conduit
manufacturer's recommendations.
3. INSTALLATION: Install conduit and make conduit connections to equipment. Perform excavation
work and backfill in accordance with Standard 2 - Sitework. Conduit shall be installed complete with
necessary fittings and supports, and bends shall be gradual and smooth to permit the pulling of
insulated electrical wires and cables without undue stress or damage to the insulated electrical wires
and cable sheath, or to the conduit. Buried conduit shall be in accordance with drawing 31 1006.
Conduit runs and bends shall be entirely free from kinks, indentations, or flattened surfaces. Unless
otherwise indicated, metal conduit bends made in the field shall be bent cold to prevent damage to
the protective coating and have not less than the minimum radii specified in the “National Electrical
Burrs and sharp corners at the ends of each piece of metal conduit shall be removed. All 90 degree
conduit bends shall be rigid metal except conduit entering a cable trench with a 90 degree bend is
permitted to be schedule 40 PVC as shown on drawing 31 1006.
Male threads of rigid metal conduit joints shall be cleaned and coated with a suitable graphite or zinc
sealing material before making joints and shall be tightened securely to prevent the entrance of
moisture or any other foreign material.
For steel conduit, the completed joints, terminations, wrench marks, and all other places where the
zinc covering is damaged shall be completely covered with a protective varnish to provide protection
from corrosion. Joints in embedded nonmetallic conduit shall be tightened securely and
permanently sealed to prevent the entrance of any foreign material.
Bushings and chase nipples, or bell ends shall be installed on the ends of conduit to protect the
insulation or sheath of the wires or cables from abrasion. Locknuts and bondnuts shall be installed
on metal conduit to provide tight ground connections between conduit and boxes, panelboards, and
9-24 September 2016
Unless otherwise specified or directed, conduits are to be terminated with a coupling or adapter flush
with finished concrete surface.
Open ends of conduit shall be closed with plugs or capped bushings during construction.
Ends of conduits, including spare conduits, terminating at outdoor boxes, panelboards, cabinets or
open air shall be sealed with airtight and watertight mechanical duct plugs and accessories equal to
those manufactured by Tyco Electronics Corporation Telecom Networks Ltd.(formally Jackmoon
USA Inc.), or an approved sealing material. Sealing material shall be used only when the number
or size of cables does not permit the use of duct plugs.
Unless otherwise directed, exposed conduit runs shall be straight and shall be parallel with each
other and with the centerlines of structures where they are located. Unless otherwise specified or
directed, exposed conduits shall be rigidly supported at intervals of not more than 5 feet. Installation
of exposed conduit shall include, where required, the drilling of holes in bottom and top of enclosures
or plates and in side of enclosures of control, station-service, and other electrical equipment.
Exposed conduits shall be tightened securely and shall be supported rigidly in place, and
connections to outdoor boxes shall be watertight.
Metal conduit extending into the earth shall be in accordance with drawing 31 1006.
At electrical equipment enclosures not equipped with threaded hubs, conduits shall be terminated
in accordance with drawing 31 1700, unless otherwise noted.
Rigid steel conduit buried directly in earth shall be plastic-coated or tape covered type. Joints shall
be made with watertight fittings that shall be coated or covered in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions and damaged portions of protective coat shall be repaired or covered in
accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
Conduits rising to electrical equipment mounted on tubular metal structures shall be tightened
securely and shall be supported rigidly in place by the use of approved conduit clamps, hex head
nuts, and a threaded 3/8-inch stud attached to the structure in accordance with 31 1700 by one of
the following methods:
(1) Threaded 3/8-inch stud fastener attached to the structure by powder-actuated tools as
manufactured by Ramset Fastening Systems; by Remington Arms Company, Inc.; or by
Hilti, Inc.
(2) Studbolts welded on supports shall be standard commercial quality, shall be flux-filled for end-
welding with automatic end-welding guns, and shall be field installed. Sizes and edge-distance
locations of the studbolts shall be subject to the approval of the COR.
Bending of tape covered conduit is not permitted. All bends must be made prior to tape cover
installation, and wrapped as described above.
In addition to above requirements, nonmetallic conduit shall be installed in accordance with the
applicable requirements of NEMA Publication No. TC2 including Appendix A.
Buried electrical conduit shall have 1 inch of sand or fine earth around each conduit. The remaining
portions of the trenches shall be backfilled and compacted as provided in the Standard 2 - Sitework.
1. GENERAL: For the purposes of these standards the following definitions shall apply:
(2) Power Cable: Cable used for power loads, including receptacle outlets, motors, heating,
ventilation, and lighting, and cable used for controlling heating, ventilation, and lighting
(3) Control Cable: Cable used for control, alarm, metering, relaying, supervisory, annunciator, and
Western identified low-current control circuits and circuits not identified as power circuits.
(4) Telemetering Cable: Cable used for supervisory, computer control, voice communication, and
logic level signals.
(5) RTU Cable: Cable used for supervisory and data acquisition.
(7) Yard Cable: Cable with portion of its length located in yard.
(11) WC Plus a Specified Number: Wire and cable NEMA Publication having specified WC number.
1) Be in accordance with National Electrical Code (NEC), NFPA, IEEE/ANSI/NEMA WC, and
ICEA Publications as specified.
6) Have coverings or insulation suitable for installation in vertical position without injury to
the covering or deformation of insulation when supported in accordance with
NEC Article 300-19.
(2) Color Code for Indoor Lighting Cable: No. 10 AWG and smaller single-conductor cable used
in branch circuits shall have colored or identified insulation as follows:
(3) Indoor power cable for circuits rated at 600 V or less shall be NEC Type XHHW or XHHW-2
shall be UL approved, and shall bear UL label "XHHW" (or XHHW-2, as applicable) on outer
surface per NEC.
(4) For stations rated 138 kV and below with or without capacitor banks; also for stations rated
230 kV and below and having no capacitor banks, power cable for circuits rated at 600 V or
less and installed in yard shall be:
(5) For 161-kV and 230-kV stations with capacitor banks and all stations rated above 230 kV,
power cable for circuits rated at 600 V or less and installed in yard shall be suitable for all uses
and shall be as follows:
2) NEC 90°C Type XHHW-2. Cross-linked polyethylene Type per ANSI/NEMA WC 70-2009
/ICEA S-95-658, Section 3, and meeting thickness and test requirements per ANSI/NEMA
WC 70, Table 3-4, Column B.
3) Shielding: Conforming to ANSI/NEMA WC 70, Section 5, except that type shall be limited
to the following:
Bare copper tape with a thickness of at least 5 mils and a minimum overlap of 10 percent
or copper braid consisting of 24 groups of 6 or 7 No. 30 AWG wires per group or the
equivalent in total circular mil area and shall provide a minimum coverage of 85 percent.
(Example, each No. 30 AWG wire has an area of 100.5 circular mils and 6 strands of wire
in 24 groups to give a total area of 14,472 circular mils.)
4) Overall covering (Jacket): Thermoplastic polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or easy pulling PVC,
and sunlight resistant type per ANSI/NEMA WC 70, Section 4, and thickness per
ANSI/NEMA WC 70, Table 4-5.
(6) Multiconductor Control Cable: Unless otherwise indicated, cables for control, alarm, and
relaying circuits, except control circuits for heating, ventilating, and lighting, shall be as follows:
1) 600 V insulated.
2) Multiconductor type suitable for installation in trays, direct burial, and general use.
3) Individual conductors insulated with NEC Type XHHW or XHHW-2 (NEMA WC57-2014
XLPE) insulation and color-coded in accordance with drawing 31 6005 (WC57-2014/ICEA
S-73-532 Table E-1).
a. Corrugated longitudinal copper tape with a thickness of at least 5 mils and a minimum
overlap of 10 percent; or
b. Copper braid consisting of 24 groups of 6 or 7 No. 30 AWG wires per group or the
equivalent in total circular mil area and shall provide a minimum coverage of
85 percent. (Example, each No. 30 AWG wire has an area of 100.5 circular mils and
6 strands of the wire in 24 groups to give a total area of 14,472 circular mils.)
a. Cable with No. 10 AWG individual conductors at least 60 mils (1.52 millimeters) thick,
except 12-conductor cable shall be at least 80 mils (2.03 millimeters) thick.
b. Cable with No. 16 AWG individual conductors at least 45 mils (1.14 millimeters) thick,
except 12-conductor cable shall be at least 60 mils (1.52 millimeters) thick.
(7) RTU Cable: RTU cable used for supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) shall be
suitable for all uses and shall be as follows:
1) 600 V insulated.
2) Multiconductor or twisted pair suitable for installation in trays, ducts, and general use.
4) The core shall be completely covered with a layer of non-hygroscopic dielectric material.
The covering shall be applied with an overlap.
5) Shielding: Cable shall be shielded and have a drain wire.
7) Twisted pair cable shall meet all requirements listed above. The core shall consist of
twisted pairs, individually insulated, and with varying lengths to minimize crosstalk.
(8) Multiconductor Telemetering Cable: Multiconductor telemetering cable shall be suitable for all
uses and shall be as follows:
1) The core shall consist of twisted pairs, individually insulated, and with varying lengths of
lay to minimize crosstalk.
b. Insulation shall be color coded in accordance with RUS Bulletin 1753-205 (PE39).
2) The core shall be completely covered with a layer of non-hygroscopic dielectric material.
The covering shall be applied with an overlap.
3) Shielding:
separated from the core by an inner jacket of hi-molecular weight polyethylene. The
shield shall be placed between the inner-jacket and the outer cable jacket. The cable
shall be rodent-proof.
4) Cable Jacket: The outer cable jacket shall be black high molecular weight polyethylene
and be resistant to abrasion, moisture, weather, and environmental cracking.
(9) Power Cable Above 2,000 V: Power cable 2,001-V rating and above shall be filled or unfilled
cross-linked-thermosetting-polyethylene insulated type non-shielded ethylene-propylene
rubber insulated type per NEMA Publication No. WC 71-2014, or shielded ethylene-propylene-
rubber insulated type per NEMA Publication No. WC 74-2012 and be as follows:
Ethylene-propylene rubber type per WC 71, Section 4, and with thickness and tests per
WC 71, table 4-2 and Section 4.4, for 133 percent insulation level for 2001 to 5,000 v; per
WC 74, Section 4, and with thickness and tests per WC 74, Table 4-4, for 133 percent
insulation level for 5,000 to 25,000 V and 100 percent insulation level for 25,001 to 35,000
In either case, per NEMA WC 71 Section 4.3.2 and NEMA WC 74 Section delta to
delta systems shall have 173 percent insulation level (the next higher voltage class at a
100 percent insulation level is acceptable in lieu of 173 percent)
4) Shielding:
a. For conductor 5,000 V to 46,000 V per NEMA WC-74 (ICEA S-93-639) Sections 5 and
5) Covering (Jacket):
a. Jacket shall be black sunlight resistant and either low smoke halogen free polyolefin,
polyvinyl chloride (PVC), easy pulling PVC, rubber or thermoplastic Type per WC 71,
Section 5, and WC 74, Section 7,.
(10) Coaxial Cable: Coaxial cable shall be Type RG-213/U and in accordance with Military
Specification MIL-C-17.
(1) Minimum Conductor Sizes for 600-V Insulated Cables: All conductors shall be No. 10 AWG or
larger except for the following:
(3) Conductor Sizes for Power and Lighting Circuits: The Contractor shall determine all conductor
sizes in accordance with the NEC except where shown on the drawings or specified.
(1) The Contractor shall not procure nor begin installation of any control cable until the
manufacturer’s certified data required by section 9.1.3 “Electrical Drawings and Data” is
approved in writing by the Electrical Engineer.
(2) The Contractor shall install cables in accordance with the drawings and requirements of these
Standards, NESC and NEC requirements where applicable. The Contractor shall complete the
installation, including connecting to and extending existing circuits where required. No
combination of ac and dc circuits or current transformer and potential transformer circuits shall
be carried in the same multiconductor cable. Sufficient length shall be left at the ends of cable
to make connections conveniently to equipment, fixtures, and devices. Spare single
conductors at each end of a multiconductor cable shall be retained in a length equal to that of
the longest single conductor of the multiconductor cable. All conductors in current transformer
cable shall be retained in sufficient length to reach the farthest terminal used to select current
transformer ratios. At termination of each multiconductor cable, the conductors shall be formed
into neat packs and laced or tied. Circuits not installed in conduit and consisting of two or more
single conductors shall be tied together at 10-foot intervals by self-locking cable ties.
The self-locking cable ties shall be equal to Thomas and Betts molded Zytel No. 101 nylon
(3) Within fenced substation areas, buried cables shall be installed in accordance with
drawing 31 1006. For other applications, buried cable shall be installed in accordance with
NEC Article 300-5, for cables rated 600 V or less, and Article 710-3 for cables rated above 600
(4) Excavation and placing and compacting backfill for buried cable shall be in accordance with
the applicable paragraphs of Standard 2 - Sitework.
(5) Cable shall not be pulled into conduits until the conduit runs have been cleaned and are free
from obstructions and sharp corners. A clean, dry, tight-fitting rag shall be drawn through the
conduit immediately before installing insulated conductors. Cable shall be installed so that
there will not be cuts or abrasions in the insulation or protective covering or kinks in cable.
(6) Gradual and uniform pulling stresses only will be permitted on cable. Where a lubricant is
needed as an aid to the pulling of cable, only soapstone or other approved material not injurious
to cable sheath shall be used. Any cable damaged during installation shall be removed and
replaced with equivalent cable at the Contractor's expense.
(7) Splices:
1) Cable Rated at 600 V: No splices shall be made in cable unless authorized by the COR.
Where splices are authorized, they shall be permitted only at boxes, outlets, panelboards,
cabinets, cable trenches, and cable trays. Splices will not normally be permitted in buried
cable runs. All splices or joints shall be covered with insulation equal to that on the
insulated conductors.
Joints and splices for copper conductors, where authorized, may be the soldered-type or
the crimp or compression-type. Connectors for joining two wires No. 6 and smaller shall
be equal to Buchanan pres-SURE splice cap connector or 3M Scotchlok spring connectors.
Connectors for splicing conductors in multiconductor cable shall be of the two-way type
equal to T&B compression or T&B STA-KON connectors. No. 8 AWG and smaller size
wires and cables shall be spliced or joined so as to be mechanically and electrically secure
before being soldered. Where shielded cables are spliced, care shall be taken to ensure
that the shielding braid is continuously connected across the splice.
2) Cables Rated Above 3,000 V: Install with the required number of manufacturers
recommended splice kits. All splices shall be suitable for grounding the shields. The
splices shall be completely moisture proof and be insulated for at least the same level as
that of the cable.
(8) Solderless-type lugs and connectors shall be used for joining or connecting cables to terminal
blocks or devices. Terminations of wire No. 8 AWG and smaller shall be made with
preinsulated pressure-crimp-type terminal connectors with ring tongues equal to AMP "Plastic-
Grip" terminals manufactured by Tyco Electronics, Berwyn, Pennsylvania.
(9) Connectors shall be suitable for use on the particular conductor on which the connector is used.
(10) Wires, cables, and individual conductors of multiconductor power cables shall be neatly tagged
at each end with fiber tags attached by cords. Fiber tags shall be 1 1/2-inch-diameter, shall be
not less than 1/16-inch-thick, and shall have a 3/32-inch-diameter hole drilled or punched with
the center approximately 3/16 inch from the edge. Tags shall be marked with the cable
designation or conductor designation as applicable. Designations shall be as indicated on
wiring diagrams, shall be lettered with black, waterproof ink, and shall be covered with a coat
of clear varnish or shellac.
Individual conductors of multiconductor control and telemetering cable shall be marked at each
end with heat shrinkable marking sleeves. The heat shrinkable marking sleeves shall be
suitable for being slipped onto each conductor and heat shrunk to fit the conductor using a heat
gun. After shrinking, the marker sleeve shall be tight enough to stay in place regardless of
conductor position and loose enough to permit the marker to be slid and twisted so it can be
read after the conductor is terminated. The lettering shall be machine printed or neatly hand
printed with indelible ink, black on white background and shall be in accordance with the
designations shown on wiring diagrams. The heat shrink tubing shall be suitable for being
printed in a typewriter or printer with multiple strike inked textile ribbon. The heat-shrink
marking shall be equal to Critchley, E-Z Mark Type I HS, with a nominal shrink ratio of 2:1, as
manufactured by Critchley Inc.
(11) Cable installed in a vertical plane or in an inclined plane shall be supported by means of
approved cable grips, including hooks, and installed with slack spans between supports. Cable
entering equipment shall be securely clamped by means of approved commercial cable
clamps. When cables are installed in sleeves under equipment, the openings shall be blocked
with foam rubber material approved by the COR. Where cables pass through sleeves or
blockouts, urethane foam equal to Isofoam PE-2 may be used in lieu of clamps or woven grips
for supporting cables or in lieu of foam rubber for blocking openings.
(12) Panelboard and switchboard wiring shall be permanently supported and clamped to prevent
loosening or shifting.
(13) Runs, connections, soldering, taping, and tagging of insulated conductors provided shall be
subject to approval of the COR. After all insulated conductors are installed and all equipment,
devices, and fixtures have been connected, acceptance tests shall be conducted in accordance
with Section 9.1.2 - “Acceptance Tests”.
(14) Shielded control cables, except as required by section (16) below, which are routed from the
yard into the service building and connected to control, metering, and relaying panels shall
have at least one nonactive conductor in each cable which shall be grounded at both ends.
Shielding and spare conductors of shielded control cable shall also be grounded at both ends
by the method shown on drawing 31 6000 or by other methods approved by the COR.
(16) Of the total number of conductors in control cables for dc circuits from the switchboard to a
power circuit breaker, or motor-operated disconnect switch there shall be at least six spare
conductors. Of the total number of conductors in control cable for dc circuits from the
switchboard to a power transformer or reactor, there shall be at least four spare conductors.
These spare conductors shall be in addition to a nonactive conductor in each cable. The
nonactive conductor shall be grounded at both ends. Spare conductors in each individual cable
shall be counted in pairs. If there are four unused conductors in a cable, one conductor shall
be used as the ground nonactive conductor leaving three conductors for spares, but only two
of the remaining three conductors can be counted as spares.
(17) Dc circuits connecting to a device at a power circuit breaker, transformer, or reactor shall be
run radially and the positive and negative leads in a circuit shall be run in the same cable.
(18) A 5-conductor cable shall be provided for each 3-phase current or potential transformer
secondary winding circuit.
(19) The Contractor shall install cable without exceeding the maximum allowable pulling tensions
and sidewall pressures as recommended by the cable manufacturer. The Contractor's conduit
and pull box system shall be designed to meet these requirements.
1. GENERAL: Fuses with the fuse cutout bases shall be provided in the terminal boxes for the wound-
type voltage transformers and coupling capacitor voltage transformers.
(1) Terminal Boxes: Instrument transformer and coupling capacitor voltage transformer terminal
boxes shall be in accordance with drawing 31 1085. Type G and H terminal boxes shall be in
accordance with drawing 31 1086.
(1) Cable:
1) All-aluminum cable shall be hard-drawn and in accordance with ASTM B 231, Class AA.
2) Copper strain and jumper buses shall be copper cable in accordance with ASTM B 8,
Class A.
3) ACSR cable shall be in accordance with ASTM B 232. The galvanized steel strand core
wire shall be 7 strand and shall be in accordance with ASTM B 498.
4) Overhead ground wire shall be 7 wire, 3/8 inch, conforming to "High-Strength Grade",
"Class A" steel strand in accordance with ASTM A 363.
(2) Aluminum Pipe: Unless otherwise specified, rigid buses shall be Schedule 40 seamless
aluminum pipe equal to 6063-T6 alloy in accordance with ASTM B 241/B241M.
(3) Insulators:
20,000-pound-strength insulators shall be Class 52-3 (ANSI Type B), with a combined
mechanical and electrical strength rating of 20,000 pounds.
Metal caps and pins of insulators shall be manufactured from metal exhibiting a yield-
strength to breaking-strength ratio of not less than two-thirds. Cotter pins shall be made of
stainless steel, of the self-locking type, and have a spread of approximately 1 inch at the
end of the legs.
2) Station Post: Unless otherwise specified, post-type insulators shall be gray in color and
shall be made of wet-process porcelain. Base caps that are identified as having 10 3/8-
inch or 12-inch bolt circles shall be in accordance with drawing 31 1081, otherwise they
shall use industry standard 5-inch or 7-inch base cap bolt circles. The insulator units shall
meet the requirements of ANSI C29.9 and C29.1 that provides additional testing details.
(4) Hardware Fittings: Each item of hardware shall be galvanized steel or galvanized malleable
iron. Each overhead ground wire dead end assembly shall develop no less than 95 percent of
the ultimate strength of the overhead ground wire. Items for use in insulator assemblies shall
have a rated breaking strength of not less than that of the rated mechanical strength of the
insulators with which they are used. Clevis connections shall be made with threaded hex-head
bolts, nuts, and stainless steel self-locking cotter pins. Threaded assemblies in tension shall
have a rated strength of not less than two times the rated strength of the surrounding hardware.
(5) Clamps and Connectors: Clamps and connectors for use at 230 kV and above shall be
streamlined type for extra-high-voltage application and shall have a radio-influence-voltage
(RIV) level of 250 microvolts or less when attached to a single conductor energized under the
following conditions:
1) Rigid bus support fittings and terminal connections for aluminum pipe shall be in
accordance with ASTM B 26/B 26M Designation No. 356 T6. Fitting and connector
material shall meet the mechanical strength requirements of Table 2, ASTM B 26/B 26M
for Alloy No. 356 T6.
2) Expansion bus supports and expansion terminal connectors shall provide space for
expansion of aluminum rigid bus runs (from expansion to fixed fitting) for a temperature
range from (-20°C or -30°C) to +93°C. The minimum requirements for expansion fittings
shall be in accordance with the following tables:
3 -20 -4 1.125 35 70
3 -30 -22 1.125 30 60
*5 -20 -4 2.125 65 130
*5 -30 -22 2.125 60 120
7 -20 -4 3.000 95 190
7 -30 -22 3.000 85 170
* 5-inch bolt circle is specified for all insulator stacks on drawing 31 1081.
† These limits would increase if greater expansion space in provided.
Except as otherwise specified, expansion terminals shall be the type with alignment guides
and not the semi-flexible type or the type without alignment guide.
3) Clamps or Compression Type Fittings (DMC Power’s Cable Connectors, DMC Power’s
Full Tension Connectors and Swaging System, AFL Swage System, or equal) for ACSR
or Aluminum Conductors: Suspension and bus support clamps, terminals, dead end
fittings, and strain clamps shall be aluminum alloy and of the type shown on the drawings
and in the project specifications. All clevis connections shall be made with threaded hex-
head bolts, nuts, and stainless steel self-locking cotter pins. Compression-type dead end
fittings shall develop at least 95 percent of the ultimate strength of the conductor and shall
have a conductivity of not less than that of the conductor with which they are used. If
swaged type fittings are used, the fittings and installation tooling shall be furnished by the
same manufacturer.
4) Bus Connectors, Corona Bells, Couplers, Height Adapters, and Equipment Terminal
Connectors: Connectors and height adapters, including equipment terminal connectors
and corona bells, shall be of the sizes required and of the types indicated on the drawings
and in the project specifications.
Welded couplers for splices shall be made of aluminum 6063-T6 alloy tubing in accordance
with ASTM B 241/B241M with center stop to provide correct gap between the ends of the
tubing during welding.
Bends shall be factory elbows connectors (angle couplers). Material for welded elbow
connectors shall be in accordance with ASTM B 26/B 26M Designation No. 356 T6.
Compression-type splices, couplers, elbows, and fittings (DMC Power’s Substation Bus
Connectors and Swaging System, AFL Swage System, or equal) in lieu of welded-type
may be used on the rigid bus as approved by the COR. Material for compression splices
and elbows shall be made of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy per ASTM B241. Splices or couplers
shall be the long type (DMC Power’s PLK1001 or equal). Splices or couplers shall not
interfere with fixed, expansion, and slip bus supports. If swaged type fittings are used, the
fittings and installation tooling shall be furnished by the same manufacturer.
Where bronze connectors are specified for aluminum connections, the connector shall be
tin plated to a thickness of not less than 0.0005 inch over the entire area that is in contact
with aluminum.
Terminal connector pads shall be in accordance with latest NEMA Publication No. CC-1.
6) Corona Rings: Corona rings shall be provided to shield hardware as shown on the
drawings and as required by equipment and material manufacturers and suppliers.
9-35 September 2016
(1) Rigid Bus: Rigid buses shall be formed and installed such that stresses between connecting
terminals and between bus supports are reduced to a minimum. Bends shall be made with
welded elbows connectors (angle couplers) unless shown otherwise on the drawings or in the
project specifications. Where field bends are required, the bends shall have a radius equal to
eight times the nominal pipe size. The bus shall be free of kinks, indentations, and flattened
surfaces. The number of splices shall be kept to a minimum. Splices and couplers shall not
be located in the middle third of the span between bus supports and shall be located a
maximum of ten feet from bus supports. Unless otherwise approved by the COR, noted on the
drawings, or noted in the project specifications, splices in aluminum pipe bus shall be welded
or DMC Power’s Long Splice type PLK1001, or equal. The welded-type splices and elbows
shall be installed and welded in accordance with detailed instructions furnished by the
manufacturer of the couplers. Compression type splices, elbows, and fittings shall be installed
in accordance with detailed instructions and using compression equipment provided by the
manufacturer of the couplers in accordance with its lease and loan policy. Provide a ¼ inch
diameter weep hole (for drainage) at the low point of each rigid tubular bus conductor span
Using the +200°F limit as a reference, the setting must provide expansion for (200°F - 68°F) =
132°F. Since the expansion function is linear, the proportion needed of the total space provided
is simply 132° F S = 132° F 3.75 = 2.23 inches from the 200°F reference limit.
TR 222° F
Clean all mating surfaces prior to installing bolted connectors. Oxide-inhibiting paste shall be
used in making all-aluminum and aluminum-to-copper connections. The paste shall be applied,
the aluminum surfaces shall be wire brushed through the paste, and additional paste shall be
applied if necessary to cover the contact area. Paste remaining after the connectors are
tightened shall be retained as a seal against moisture. All bolted-type connectors shall be
clamped and locked securely using torque wrenches and the moments recommended by the
Welding of aluminum pipe bus shall be done in accordance with AWS D1.2. The finished welds
shall be smooth and free of weld spatter, adhesions, scratches, etc. Weld around the entire
perimeter of electrical fittings to the rigid bus.
Welding shall be performed only by welders who are currently certified in accordance with
AWS D1.2. Provide written certification to the COR.
ACSR damping cable shall have multi-strand core and shall be installed in rigid pipe buses in
accordance with the following table except as otherwise allowed:
1 1/2 to 3 266.8
3 1/2 397.5
4 795
5 1431
6 1590
Vibration-damping ACSR cable shall be inserted into aluminum pipe buses, shall be continuous
unspliced length throughout bus runs, and shall be left unrestrained in order to dampen
vibrations. Corona bells shall be installed on all open ends of pipe bus including those at
equipment terminals and at expansion connectors without alignment guides. AAC cable can
be substituted if no ACSR is used during construction.
(2) Strain and Jumper Buses and Overhead Ground Wire: Equipment and methods used for
installing strain and jumper buses and overhead ground wire shall be subject to the approval
of the COR. Joints, splices, and repair sleeves will not be allowed and particular care shall be
taken to insure that the cables do not become abraded. Sections of the cables damaged by
the application of gripping attachments will be considered as damaged material.
Clean mating surfaces prior to installing bolted connectors. Oxide-inhibiting paste shall be
used in making aluminum-to-aluminum and aluminum-to-copper connections. The paste shall
be applied, the aluminum surfaces shall be wire brushed through the paste, and additional
paste shall be applied if necessary to cover the contact area. Paste remaining after the
connectors are tightened shall be retained as a seal against moisture. Bolted-type connectors
shall be clamped and locked securely using torque wrenches and the moments recommended
by the manufacturers.
Specific instructions, including sag data and drawings not included in the specifications,
necessary to complete the strain and jumper bus and overhead ground wire installation will be
furnished by the COR.
2. LOST OR DAMAGED EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL: Equipment and material to be reused shall
be stored properly until ready for installation. Replace material lost or damaged after they are
removed. Equipment destroyed or damaged in handling or storage to such an extent that it is no
longer usable, as determined by the COR, will be considered as damaged material. The Contractor
may repair damaged equipment that can be satisfactorily repaired, as determined by the COR.
Otherwise, the Contractor shall replace such equipment. Extreme care shall be used to avoid
damaging bushings or other parts of the equipment that would prevent immediate reuse of the
1. GENERAL: Grounding, electrical conduit, and insulated wire and cable systems other than lighting
fixture wire shall be in accordance with section 9.2 "Grounding, Conduit, and Low-Voltage Cable
Systems". Provide temporary lighting equipment if necessary to accommodate and facilitate
construction operations.
2. INSTALLATION: Install substation lighting units at the locations shown on the drawings, and make
conduit, wiring, cable, and grounding connections. Angle floodlights or add diffusers so they do not
shine past the fences.
1. GENERAL: Security signs, phase-identification signs, and equipment identification signs shall be
in accordance with drawing 31 1000 except that text or format may vary for miscellaneous items.
Danger signs shall be in accordance with drawing 31 1089. Danger sign for shunt capacitor banks
shall be in accordance with drawing 31 1079. Warning and safety signs will be prepared as needed
on a case by case basis. The mounting bolts, nuts, and washers shall be galvanized or of
nonferrous, noncorrosive metal.
2. INSTALLATION: Signs shall be mounted in a manner to avoid chipping the surfaces. The mounting
location of signs shall be as specified in project specifications and as directed by the COR. The
Contractor shall perform required drilling and tapping for mounting the signs on nontubular steel
Signs mounted on tubular steel members shall be secured with fasteners driven by a powder-
actuated tool as manufactured by Ramset Fastening System; by Remington Arms Company, Inc.;
or by Hilti, Inc.
The body of fasteners shall be limited to a length that will not penetrate the wall of the tubular steel
members. Signs mounted on concrete structures shall be secured either by the powder-actuated
tool method or by inset expansion screw anchors.
1. GENERAL: The Contractor shall furnish switchboard wire, insulating tape, solder, flux, connectors,
terminals, brackets, bolts, and other material required for installing switchboard sections and
switchboard devices and material required for filling holes and cutouts in existing switchboards.
The Contractor shall receive, install, connect, and make ready for service Government-furnished
switchboard sections and unmounted switchboard devices. The switchboard sections shall be
installed in the service building where shown on the drawings. Any apparent damage shall be noted
on the shipper's paperwork and immediately brought to the attention of the COR.
(1) Switchboard Wiring: Switchboard-type No. 14 AWG, Class K stranded, copper conductor,
rated for 600-V service, with insulation equal to General Electric Company Vulkene (SIS).
(2) Wire Terminations: Wire terminations shall be made with preinsulated, pressure-crimp-type
terminal connectors with ring tongues equal to AMP "Plastic- Grip" terminals manufactured by
Aircraft-Marine Products.
(1) Receiving, handling, storing, and providing proper care for the switchboard sections and
unmounted devices prior to and during installation. After installation, the Contractor shall repair
damaged finished surfaces of the switchboard sections in accordance with the "Painting"
(3) Mounting and leveling each switchboard section in position. Channel bases shall be grouted
with grouting mortar in accordance with the Standard 3 – Concrete, Section 3.1.10 "Grouting
(6) Making electrical connections from outdoor and service building electrical equipment to
switchboard sections, between switchboard sections, and between switchboard panels as
required. Wiring connections between switchboards shall be made by multiconductor control
cable. Single conductor or switchboard wiring may only be used for connections between
adjacent switchboard sections and panels. The Contractor-installed wires and cables shall be
tagged as directed by the COR.
(7) Making wiring connections between adjacent existing switchboard panels and connections
between devices within a switchboard panel. These wiring connections shall meet the following
1) Exposed wiring shall be kept to a minimum, but where used, wiring shall be formed into
compact groups bound together and firmly supported and shall be run straight, horizontally,
or vertically with short-radius, right-angle bends. Hinge wiring shall be twisted around the
longitudinal axis of the wire, wherever possible, instead of being bent laterally. Each wire
shall be protected from abrasion where it leaves a channel or duct. Splices will not be
permitted in wiring. Connections shall be made at device studs or terminal blocks. Wiring
between various devices shall be performed by the most direct method rather than looping
9-41 September 2016
back and forth across switchboards. Wires at terminal blocks shall be arranged or grouped
for connections to a minimum number of external cables.
2) Filling holes and cutouts resulting from removal of existing equipment. Switchboard filling
shall be approved by the COR. Cutouts shall be filled with steel plates. Joints and filled
holes shall be finished smooth and flush with the surrounding panel.
3) Repairing and replacing damaged material. Repairs and replacements shall be approved
by the COR.
1. GENERAL: Furnish switchboard wire, steel plates, and associated material for filling holes and
cutouts; insulating tape; solder; flux, mimic bus with symbols; and connections for installing the
switchboard devices.
The Contractor shall receive, install, and connect unmounted switchboard devices; remove existing
devices; and remove and reinstall existing devices as specified. Government-furnished devices will
be delivered to the Contractor as provided for in the project specifications.
(1) Switchboard Wiring: Switchboard-type No. 14 AWG, Class K stranded, copper conductor,
rated for 600-V service, with insulation equal to General Electric Company Vulkene (SIS).
(2) Wire Terminations: Preinsulated, pressure-crimp-type terminal connectors with ring tongues
equal to AMP "Plastic-grip" terminals manufactured by Aircraft-Marine Products.
3. INSTALLATION: Make internal and external connections, make internal switchboard wiring
changes and additions, and extend or replace existing internal wires and cables where additional
length is required to enable the switchboards and equipment to be made ready for service.
Connections shall be made properly and adjustments shall be made where required to put
switchboards and equipment into normal operation.
Cut and drill holes where required for mounting. The Contractor is responsible for proper installation
of the devices on switchboard panels as specified.
Special care shall be taken when disconnecting, moving, removing, and reconnecting electrical
devices, and end trims, to avoid equipment misoperation and damage to the equipment. Wires and
cables to be disconnected and reused shall be tagged prior to removal. Unused existing wire and
cable shall be coiled and turned over to the COR. Electrical devices to be reused shall be reinstalled
as shown on the drawings. Electrical devices not reused shall be turned over to the COR. Existing
circuits from which devices have been removed shall be reconnected and tested to verify operation
and retention of existing circuits. Repair areas from which devices have been removed as directed
by the COR. Holes and panel cutouts shall be filled so that the panel space may be reused. Cutouts
shall be filled with steel plates and joints, and filled holes shall be finished smooth and flush with the
surrounding panel. Unfinished and damaged portions of repaired panels shall be finished inside
and outside to match the finish and color of the adjacent, undamaged finished surface.
Equipment destroyed or damaged in handling and storage, as determined by the COR, shall be
repaired in a manner approved by the COR or shall be replaced by and at the expense of the
The Contractor shall make the necessary arrangements with the COR before removing equipment
and material.
1. GENERAL: Distribution boards required to complete the low-voltage ac and dc systems shall be in
accordance with this standard, Western’s equipment standard WAPA ES 2.4, project specifications,
and the drawings.
1. GENERAL: The Contractor shall receive, install, connect, and make ready for service the
Government-furnished station battery. If the battery is a flooded lead acid design, the “battery”
includes one or more separate rack(s) which is (are) to be received, assembled, and installed by the
Contractor. If the battery is a valve regulated lead acid (VRLA) design, then the “battery” includes/is
equipped with a modular framing system, which is to be received, assembled, and installed by the
Contractor. The battery shall be installed in the service building battery room/location as shown on
the drawings. The battery will be delivered to the Contractor at the substation site as provided in
the Standard 1 - General Requirements, Section 1.2.1 “Government-Furnished Material”. Any
apparent damage noticed at the time of delivery shall be noted on the shipper's paperwork and
immediately brought to the attention of the COR.
2. INSTALLATION: The Government-furnished, 125-V station battery shall be installed complete and
ready for use. Installation shall include the following:
(1) Receive, unload, handle, store, and provide proper care for the battery prior to and during
installation. “Receive” includes making an immediate inventory (using the packing list supplied
by the manufacturer with the battery) of all items, parts, manufacturer’s data/drawings, and
accessories shipped and notifying the COR of any shortages. “Store” includes indoor storage
in a cool, clean, dry location in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions.
“Proper care” includes satisfying the manufacturer’s conditions for preserving warranty
(2) Provide the initial charge and maintain a proper charge on the battery until the installation is
accepted by Western. If the permanent battery location is not available, battery cells/modules
may be stored on the shipping pallets/crates for an interval not to exceed 6 (six) months from
the date of shipment to the date of initial charge. The battery is to be given its initial charge
(see manufacturer’s installation instructions) before the end of the 6 month storage interval.
The Contractor is to provide the manufacturer’s required re-charging and maintenance
charging for extended storage. The Contractor shall furnish temporary battery charging
equipment and loading devices needed to make the initial charge, discharge tests, and
subsequent re-chargings.
(3) Provide and install the necessary expansion type anchors, flat washers, beveled washers, and
miscellaneous hardware as required to install the anchors in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations. Determine the floor anchor bolt locations based upon the
battery’s permanent location. Prior to the drilling of any holes for anchor bolts, the Contractor
shall locate and mark the reinforcement steel embedded in the concrete slab. All required
anchor bolt holes shall be drilled so as to miss the embedded reinforcing steel and allow proper
cover to be maintained on the reinforcing steel in accordance with Western’s Concrete
Standards drawing 01 2004. The proposed location of the anchor bolts and battery framework
shall be approved by the COR prior to drilling anchor bolt holes. The battery/rack shall be
anchored to the concrete floor. GNB “Absolyte” VRLA modules shall be anchored as follows:
1) The Contractor shall locate and drill holes in the concrete floor for the 1/2-inch diameter,
carbon steel, stud type expansion anchors. The anchor bolt layout pattern shall be in
accordance with “GNB Industrial Battery Company” drawing 400948, Revision B, dated
93/06/10, or subsequent revision, as provided with the battery. The anchor bolt holes for
the battery frame shall use either of the base anchor holes provided in the bottom flange
of the S4 x 7.7 horizontal support “I” beam. Due to the bevel on the flange of the S4 x 7.7,
steel S shape member, beveled washers may be required for proper installation. Only one
anchor bolt for each end of the support beam is necessary, and only one anchor bolt on
either side of the beam web is required. If the floor reinforcing is in a position that interferes
with alternating the anchor bolts on either side of the web, then both anchor bolts may be
installed on the same side of the web, provided that the anchor bolts for an adjacent
9-44 September 2016
horizontal support are both located on the opposite side of the web in relation to the
horizontal support affected by the floor reinforcing. A typical installation of a battery with
the 4 (across) by 5 (high) module arrangement should require a total of 10 anchor bolts
with 5 being left of the horizontal support webs and 5 being right, and 5 of the 10 using the
front anchor bolt holes and 5 using the back anchor bolt holes.
2) The anchor bolts shall have a minimum 1 inch and a maximum of 1 1/2 inches projection
above the concrete floor finish grade. The anchor bolt shall have a minimum of 2 1/4-inch
embedment into the concrete, with the maximum embedment as per the manufacturer’s
recommendation, but shall not completely penetrate the concrete slab. The anchor bolt
embedment should be designed based on a slab thickness of 5 inches and concrete
strength of 4,000 psi(f’c). The anchor bolt shall resist an ultimate tensile load of 5,000
pounds and an ultimate shear load of 2,500 pounds each, at its design embedment depth.
The anchor bolts shall be as follows or equal:
a. Hilti Kwik Bolt II. Manufactured by: Hilti Fastener Corporation; P.O. Box 21148;
Tulsa, OK 74121,
(4) Assemble the battery according to the manufacturer’s instructions, placing the battery in its
permanent location. The battery shall be level.
(5) Furnish miscellaneous material, including terminals, mounting brackets, bolts, leveling spacers
and shims, and other items required for assembling and installing the battery and making
(6) Making internal and external connections. External connections shall be made to the
dc distribution board and to the battery temperature sensor(s) for the battery chargers. Refer
to the manufacturer’s recommendations on use of the NO-OX-ID "A” grease when making
connections. The cable size for the cabling to the dc distribution board shall be as shown on
the drawings.
(7) Each battery temperature sensor supplied with and used by the battery chargers shall be
connected to a negative terminal of a cell in the center of a group of cells. The temperature
sensor shall be fastened to the post using the terminal connection bolt, and located between
the intercell connector strap and the washer. (From the cell negative terminal post: intercell
connector strap, temperature sensor, washer, bolt head).
1. GENERAL: The Contractor shall receive, connect, and make ready for service the Government-
furnished battery chargers. Battery chargers shall be installed in the service building control room
as shown on the drawings. The battery chargers will be delivered to the Contractor as provided in
the Standard 1 - General Requirements, Section 1.2.1 “Government-Furnished Material”. Any
apparent damage noticed at the time of delivery shall be noted on the shipper's paperwork and
immediately brought to the attention of the COR.
2. INSTALLATION: The Government-furnished battery chargers shall be installed complete and ready
for normal operation. Installation shall include the following:
(1) Receiving, handling, storing, and providing proper care for the battery chargers prior to and
during installation.
(3) Furnishing miscellaneous material including anchors, terminals, brackets, bolts, and related
items required for installation.
(5) Furnishing material and making wiring connections to ac and dc distribution boards, including
installing and terminating:
1) battery temperature compensation remote sensors (one for each charger), as described
above under the installation requirements for the battery.
(7) Repairing damaged finished surfaces in accordance with the Standard 12 - Painting.
(8) Equipment and wiring checkout in accordance with section 9.1.2 "Acceptance Tests.”
September 2016
10.1.1 GENERAL:
Comply with requirements specified under the "Safety and Health Requirements" paragraph of the
"General Requirements" Standards.
Some drawings are typical, and the Contractor shall not be entitled to any allowance above the prices bid
in the Bidding Schedule by reason of modifications of a minor nature.
Items requiring special attention include the bolts in line hardware and accessories and the sleeves in
compression fittings. Obtain installation instructions from the manufacturers of such items, and furnish at
least two copies of such instructions to the COR at least 40 days prior to installation. The following
installation procedures shall be adhered to:
1. BOLT TIGHTENING: Bolts used with suspension clamps, vibration dampers, and jumper
conductor connectors shall be torqued to the manufacturer's recommended values using torque
wrenches or other manufacturer-recommended methods. Western will make spot checks of bolt
torques and, if deficiencies are found, the Contractor shall re-torque bolts to the extent deemed
necessary by the COR.
2. COMPRESSION FITTINGS: Ensure that compression joints are centered, that the correct length
of steel strand is inserted into the fittings, and that the steel sleeves of joints and dead ends are
properly compressed onto the steel strands. Where aluminum sleeves are used for conductor
compression fittings, care shall be exercised to ensure that compression deformations do not
become sources of corona discharge. The COR reserves the right to witness and approve the
installation of all compression fittings and to reject any compression fitting which is installed
without the COR being present to witness the installing operation.
4. BEND RADIUS: Ensure that the minimum bend radius of the optical overhead ground wire
(OPGW) is not exceeded at any time during installation. Strictly adhere to the manufacturer’s
10.2.1 GENERAL:
Material shall not be installed prior to meeting the requirements of this standard for drawings, data, and
test reports.
As soon as practicable after award of contract, but at least 40 days prior to installation of material, furnish
to the Electrical Engineer, for review, three sets each of catalog data sheets of accessories and hardware
used in conductor and overhead ground wire installation; three sets of drawings showing the complete
insulator and overhead ground wire assemblies and details of all hardware and fittings used in the
assemblies; and a complete material list showing the name of the manufacturer and the manufacturer's
catalog number, or type, for each item of material as listed below that will be furnished in accordance with
the requirements and tabulated in a manner similar to that shown.
The hard copy submittals shall identify the construction project by name, who got copies, and how many.
For vibration dampers and/or spacer dampers the data furnished shall include the necessary vibration
protection as recommended by the vibration damper and/or spacer damper manufacturer. This data shall
include the quantity of dampers and/or spacer dampers required for the project based on protectable
span lengths and the manufacturer's spacing recommendations.
For composite insulators, the drawings and data furnished shall include description of the type resin used
in the insulator core, the type base material used in the housing and weathersheds, and the method used
to seal the junction of the metal end fittings and housing/sheath; drawings showing ratings and
dimensions, including corona ring dimensions and mounting position on the insulator; and handling and
installation instructions for the insulators being furnished.
For optical overhead ground wires (OPGW), the drawings and data furnished shall include three sets
each of catalog data sheets of OPGW, accessories and hardware used in OPGW installation; three sets
of drawings showing the OPGW attachment assemblies and details of all hardware and fittings used in
the assemblies; and a complete material list showing the name of the manufacturer and the
manufacturer's catalog number, or type, for each item.
As soon as practicable after completion of individual tests, furnish to the Electrical Engineer, for review
and approval, two certified copies of records or results of tests as follows:
Certified Reports: Certified reports of results of previous design tests made on insulators, suspension
clamps, assembly coupling hardware, compression or implosive dead ends, compression or implosive
joints, conductors, overhead ground wires, vibration dampers and conductor spacer dampers identical to
those required will be accepted as meeting the design test requirements of these standards.
10.3.1 GENERAL:
Typical conductor insulator assemblies are shown on drawings 41 1020, 41 1021, 41 1022, 41 1023,
41 1024, and 41 1025.
10.3.2 MATERIAL:
1. GENERAL: Material to be used on the line end of insulator assemblies shall be protected during
shipment and handling to prevent any damage that would become a source of corona discharge.
Turnbuckles may be used, at the Contractor's option and at no additional cost to Western, as a
part of tension insulator assemblies.
The string length of a suspension assembly shall measure from the structure attachment point to
the bottom of the clamp.
The string length of a tension assembly shall measure from the structure attachment point to the
compression dead end assembly attachment point.
Material lists or purchase orders shall clearly indicate the insulator color.
The quality assurance system of design, manufacture, and inspection of insulators shall conform
to ISO 9001, and quality assurance certification according to ISO 9001 issued by an authorized
inspection agency shall be submitted prior to installation.
The insulator units shall meet the requirements of ANSI C29.1 and 2B, except as otherwise
specified in these paragraphs.
(1) The dimensions and tolerances of ball and socket connections shall be as specified below:
Insulator shells shall be made of wet-process porcelain or toughened glass. Toughened glass
insulators shall be colorless or "clear" in color. Insulators shall be assembled using hot cured
alumina cement only. No plastic ring shall be used to fill the space between the edge of the cap
and the porcelain or glass shell.
Porcelain head shall be straight-headed to have uniform stress on the head portion.
Insulators shall be designed and manufactured to provide mechanical ruggedness and long
service life without sacrificing electrical and operating characteristics herein specified. All insulator
surfaces and grooves shall be shaped for easy cleaning.
To facilitate live-line transmission maintenance activities, specifically the use of a hotstick to move
the cotter key on the insulator bell to the “unlocked” position, the porcelain insulator skirts shall be
designed in such a manner that the insulator skirts are progressively shorter in length toward the
shank of the insulator. Reference ANSI C29.2B Figure 1.
Metal cap sockets and ball pins of insulators shall be manufactured from metal exhibiting a yield-
strength to breaking-strength ratio of not less than 50 percent. Split cotter pins shall be made of
stainless steel, of the humped back self-locking type, and have a spread of approximately 1 inch at
the end of the legs. The cotter key shall prevent an insulator from being unintentionally uncoupled
from an adjacent insulator during normal handling and use.
Metal cap sockets and ball pins shall be checked after galvanizing by the applicable socket and
ball gages specified in ANSI C29.2B or IEC Publication 60120. Ball pins shall be checked with the
applicable "GO" gages in at least two directions at approximately 90 degrees to each other, and
"NO-GO" gages shall not pass in any direction.
4. COMPOSITE SUSPENSION AND LINE POST INSULATORS: This section applies to insulators
referred to as composite, polymer, polymer-fiberglass or non-ceramic.
Composite suspension insulators shall meet the requirements of ANSI C29.11, C29.12, and
C29.17, except as otherwise specified in these paragraphs.
All fibers of the insulator core shall be continuous from end-to-end of the rod, oriented parallel to
the rod, and fully and completely coated with a vinylester or epoxy resin matrix. During fabrication
of the insulator core, the glass fibers shall not be allowed to touch one another without resin matrix
surrounding each individual fiber.
The insulator core shall be “electrical grade epoxy rod” to achieve maximum tensile strength. The
insulator core shall be mechanically and electrically sound and free from voids, foreign
substances, and similar manufacturing flaws.
The housing of the composite insulator shall be equipped with weathersheds. The base material
for the housing (sheath) and weathersheds shall be a silicone or EPDM rubber, or a silicone
compound blended with an EP rubber during the batching process such that an alloy of the two is
formed during the final vulcanization process. The sheath shall have a minimum thickness of 3.0
mm. The housing and weathersheds shall be continuous or bonded and be smooth and free from
The rod, sheath, and sheds shall be joined into one integral unit without voids by a compression
molding process, high-temperature injection molding process, or a high temperature vulcanization
process. Adhesives or other bonding material shall not be used for joining the rod, sheath, and
Each insulator design is required to have a minimum leakage specification of 0.87 inches/kV.
The end fittings shall be designed to transmit the mechanical load to the core and to develop the
uniform and consistent mechanical strength of the insulator. The insulators end fittings shall be
connected to the rod core by means of compression or cemented wedge method at attachment.
Fracturing of the rod is not acceptable. The junction of the metal end fittings and the
housing/sheath shall be permanently sealed to prohibit the entrance of moisture and foreign
material. The end fittings of composite insulators after complete assembly with the core and
housing shall be coaxial with one another resulting in no eccentric loading. Any member of the
end fitting that is machined, bent or worked in any manner after galvanizing shall be regalvanized.
The zinc coating shall adhere tightly to the surface of the base metal. The zinc-coated parts shall
be free from uncoated spots. The coating shall be free from blisters, flux, blackspots, dross, tear
drop edges, flaking zinc, rough appearance and in general shall be smooth, clean and unscarred
when received.
End fittings are shown in Tables 1 and 2. Different end and base fittings, if required, will be noted
on specific orders.
Insulators shall be designed and manufactured to provide mechanical ruggedness and long
service life without sacrificing electrical and operating characteristics herein specified. All insulator
surfaces and grooves shall be shaped for easy cleaning.
Each insulator shall be permanently marked in accordance with ANSI C29.12 or C29.17.
5. SUSPENSION CLAMPS: Suspension clamps for use with conductors shall be suitable for use
directly on the conductors without armor rods unless otherwise specified. Clamp-top-type
suspension clamps for use on line post insulators are not acceptable except as part of a line post
jumper assembly unless otherwise specified.
Design of clamps shall be such that unit pressures on the conductor are maintained at levels
which prevent damage to conductor strands under maximum loading conditions encountered.
Conductor supporting seat shall have sufficiently large longitudinal radii to prevent concentration of
vibration bending and tension stresses at the conductor take off points. Centers of radii of the
conductor seat shall be located on vertical lines extended below the clamp and no closer to the
center of the clamp than the outside edges of the U-bolts. Clamps for conductors smaller than
795,000 circular mil shall have a clamp bore diameter equal to the nominal diameter of the
conductor with a tolerance of plus 0.1 inches. Clamps for 795,000-circular mil conductor and
larger shall have a clamp core diameter equal to the nominal diameter of the conductor with a
tolerance of plus 0.05 inches and limit bending, bearing, and compression stresses of the
conductor equivalent to Anderson Type CFSCS or Bethea Formula Suspension Clamps. Clamp
shall be designed for a maximum-total vertical-conductor angle of 30° (15° on each side).
Suspension clamps shall have aluminum alloy bodies, no bolt ends projecting below the bottom of
the clamp if used at 230 kV and above, all surfaces smooth and free from burrs, and all edges and
fillets rounded to minimize field concentration and radio interference. Each clamp shall be
complete with a keeper piece, at least two U-bolts, and a 5/8-inch-diameter bolt having a
hexagonal head and provided with hexagonal nut and with stainless steel self-locking cotter key.
Unthreaded length of the bolt shall be adequate to ensure free rotation of the bolt with the nut run
onto the bolt to the limit permitted by the threaded portion of the bolt. Each suspension clamp
shall be capable of holding the conductor without slipping under an unbalanced tension of
4,000 pounds, except that clamps used for NESC heavy loading areas or 1,272,000-circular mil
and larger conductor shall be capable of holding the conductor without slipping under an
unbalanced tension of 5,000 pounds. The clamps shall be the nonmagnetic type. Each
suspension clamp shall be designed to limit losses to a maximum of 10 W, with a 600-amp, root
mean square, 60-Hz current flowing through the conductor.
Magnetic losses shall be determined by averaging the losses as determined from a simultaneous
measurement on at least four clamps. If dissimilar metals are used in making up the clamp,
precautions shall be taken to minimize corrosion due to electrolytic action.
6. ARMOR RODS: Armor rods shall have parrot-bill ends at voltages above 230-kV and shall be
color coded to identify what conductor size it will be used for.
7. ASSEMBLY COUPLING HARDWARE: Material and methods used in the fabrication of assembly
coupling hardware shall be selected to provide good toughness and ductility. Each component
part of the coupling hardware used in the assemblies shall also be designed such that permanent
deformation or yield does not occur at less than two-thirds of its ultimate rated breaking strength.
The assembly coupling hardware shall be of corona-free quality for voltages of 230-kV and above;
shall be galvanized; and all pins shall be complete with nuts, bolts, and self-locking stainless steel
cotter keys.
Castings shall be uniform, without sharp edges or corners, free of cracks, and shall not contain
any defects to the extent that the strength or suitability of the item is affected.
Forgings shall be uniform in quality and condition, without sharp edges or corners, free of cracks,
and shall be free of any defects to the extent that the strength or suitability of the item is affected.
Socket fittings shall be made of forged steel, cast steel, malleable iron, or ductile iron.
Ball fittings shall be made of steel forged in one piece. They shall be heat treated to obtain the
ultimate strength specified on applicable drawings.
Bolts, nuts, and locknuts shall be galvanized steel. Bolts shall conform to SAE J429, Grade 8, and
be made of a grade of steel commensurate with the ultimate strength specified for the hardware.
Unless otherwise specified, ferrous metal shall be galvanized to meet or exceed the requirements
of ASTM A 153. Metal shall be free from burrs, sharp edges, lumps, and dross, and smooth so
that interconnecting parts will fit properly and so that the parts may be assembled and
disassembled readily. Threaded parts shall be galvanized after being threaded and excessive zinc
removed from the threads. Nuts and locknuts shall be retapped after being galvanized and shall
be capable of being threaded the entire length of the threads without the use of a wrench.
8. COMPRESSION DEAD ENDS: Each dead end assembly shall include a hot-dipped, galvanized-
steel eye end, aluminum sleeve, dead end pad, and jumper connector pad of the compression
type with bolted connection between the jumper connector pad and the dead end pad. Each dead
end, when attached to the conductor, shall develop not less than 95 percent of the ultimate
strength of the conductor and have a conductivity of not less than that of the conductor.
The angle between the dead end bodies and the jumper connectors shall be approximately 60°.
Dead ends and jumper connectors shall be protected during shipment to minimize damage that
might serve as a point source for corona discharge. If such damage does occur, it shall be
corrected by the Contractor before installation.
9. IMPLOSIVE DEAD ENDS: Implosive dead ends may be used in place of or in combination with
compression dead ends as approved by the COR. If implosive dead ends are used, install in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Dead ends shall be as manufactured by
Implo Technologies, Inc., 73 Hemingway Crescent, Unionville, Ontario, CANADA L3R 2S4, or
Each dead end assembly shall include a swivel hot-dipped, galvanized-steel eye end, aluminum
sleeves, dead end pad, and jumper connector of the implosive type with bolted connection
between the jumper connector pad and the dead end pad. The required implosive charge shall be
mounted on the dead end and jumper connector, and the placement location for the detonator
shall be clearly indicated. Each dead end, when attached to the conductor, shall develop not less
than 100 percent of the ultimate strength of the conductor and have a conductivity of not less than
that of the conductor.
10. STRAIN CLAMPS: Strain clamps shall not be used unless specified. Strain clamps shall be
complete with a socket-eye fitting and U-bolt arrangement for binding the conductor. Strain
clamps shall be capable of holding the conductor without slipping or damaging the conductor when
the conductor is under a tension of 85 percent of its ultimate strength. Strain clamps for ACSR
conductor shall have aluminum alloy bodies.
11. GRADING RINGS: Grading rings or stress distribution discs are required at the energized end for
composite insulator assemblies used at 230-kV - or greater. Grading rings are required at both
ends of composite insulator assemblies used at 345-kV or greater. Grading rings shall have a
cast-aluminum alloy, all surfaces smooth and free from burrs, and all edges and fillets rounded to
minimize field concentrations and radio interference. Grading rings shall be capable of installation
and removal with hot line tools without disassembling any other part of the insulator assembly.
Grading rings shall be sized and located as determined by the insulator manufacturer.
The design of the insulator end fitting and the grading ring shall be such that the ring is capable of
being mounted only in the position and orientation determined by the insulator manufacturer. In
lieu of this, the insulator end fitting or grading ring shall be clearly marked showing the correct
location and orientation of the grading ring.
10.3.3 TESTS:
1. GENERAL: Insulators, material, and assemblies shall be subjected to the applicable tests
required by this paragraph. Furnish insulators, hardware, fittings, test apparatus, and instruments
required to complete the test. The COR reserves the right to witness tests and to approve the
manner in which the tests are conducted.
2. INSULATORS: Test reports shall specify the name and location of the factory where the
insulators were made.
If there is a change in manufacturing location or insulator design, new Design/Type tests shall be
Quality Conformance and Routine test reports shall specify the name and location of the factory
where the insulators were made and the applicable order number.
b. Porosity Test: ANSI C29.2B, paragraph 8.3.2. Test three samples per lot.
d. Combined Mechanical and Electrical Strength Test: ANSI C29.2B, paragraph 8.3.4.
The entire lot shall be rejected if any insulator fails below the rated M&E strength.
The failure mode shall be identified for each insulator in the test report.
3) Routine Tests: A Certificate of Compliance stating the following routine tests have been
performed is required.
a. Cold-to-Hot Thermal Shock Test: ANSI C29.2B, paragraph 8.4.1. (Toughened glass
suspension insulators only.)
b. Hot-to-Cold Thermal Shock Test: ANSI C29.2B, paragraph 8.4.2. (Toughened glass
suspension insulators only.)
(2) Porcelain Line Post Insulators: Test post-type insulators in accordance with ANSI C29.7.
1) Design Tests:
3) Routine Tests
(3) Composite Suspension Insulators: Insulators shall be tested in accordance with ANSI
C29.12 as follows:
1) Prototype Tests:
a. Tests on Interfaces and Connection of End Fittings: ANSI C29.12, paragraph 8.1.
b. Core Time-Load Test: ANSI C29.12, paragraph 8.2.
c. Housing Tracking and Erosion Tests: ANSI C29.12, paragraph 8.3.
d. Core Material Tests: ANSI C29.12, paragraph 8.4.
e. (1) Dye Penetration Evaluation, paragraph 8.4.1
f. (2) Water Diffusion Test Evaluation, paragraph 8.4.2
g. Flammability Test: ANSI C29.12, paragraph 8.5
2) Design Tests:
4) Routine Tests:
(4) Composite Line Post Insulators: Insulators shall be tested in accordance with ANSI C29.17
as follows:
1) Prototype Tests:
a. Tests on Interfaces and Connection of End Fittings: ANSI C29.17, paragraph 7.1.
2) Design Tests:
3) Sample Test:
4) Routine Tests:
(1) Suspension Clamps: Tests shall be performed which show that suspension clamps meet the
requirements of draft IEEE C135.61.
(2) Assembly Coupling Hardware: Tests shall be performed which show that assembly coupling
hardware meet the requirements of draft IEEE C135.61.
(3) Compression Dead Ends: Tests shall be performed which show that compression dead ends
develop not less than 95 percent of the ultimate strength of the conductor.
(4) Implosive Dead Ends: Design tests shall be performed which show that implosive dead ends
develop no less than 100 percent of the ultimate strength of the conductor with which they
are to be used.
(5) Strain Clamps: Tests shall be performed which show that strain clamps develop not less
than 85 percent of the ultimate strength of the conductor.
(6) Grading Ring Design Test: Grading rings shall be tested using a mechanical shaker with at
least a 1-inch stroke at the grading ring and a frequency of 3 cycles per second for a duration
of 2,000,000 cycles. Movement shall be along the long axis of the insulator. The test shall
reflect the manufacturer's recommended method for attaching the grading ring to the
insulator. The grading ring shall be attached to the insulator and the insulator attached to the
shaker in a vertical position. The test shall be considered successful if no movement is
detected in the ring in relationship to the insulator and there is no physical damage to the
grading ring and the attachment assembly. The manufacturer will demonstrate that the
design of the insulator results in a surface stress level of no more than 0.43 kV/inch, for the
first inch (1”) distance from the end fitting interface, as measured along the sheath area.
(7) Insulator Assembly Corona Test: One complete insulator assembly of each type for use at
345-kV line-to-line and above shall be tested in accordance with the following criteria:
Each conductor or subconductor may be simulated by conductor or bar no larger than the
conductor or subconductor diameter plus 0.10 inches. The test shall duplicate the conductor
arrangement and insulator assembly in dimensions and hardware material used.
The test shall be conducted with the assemblies installed not more than the specified
distance from a grounded plane.
The insulator assemblies shall be subjected to a 50-Hz or 60-Hz voltage to determine that the
corona extinction voltage level is not less than the specified voltage. No correction shall be
made for climatic conditions. The line-to-ground test voltage may be reduced by 3 percent
for each 1,000 feet that the elevation of the test site exceeds mean sea level.
The corona detection device shall be a light amplifier with a gain of 30,000 or more. The test
specimen image when viewed shall be no smaller than 20 percent of the light amplifier
screen. The device shall be able to detect light generated by corona in the visual spectrum.
In a dark laboratory, the test specimen shall be energized with a high enough voltage to
create a detectable, glow corona on the specimen with the light amplifier. This is to prove the
detection system is working.
In a dark laboratory, with an applied voltage high enough to create corona and the ground
plane in place, the voltage shall be lowered to the specified voltage. The test specimen shall
be viewed from at least two directions approximately 1808 apart on the plane of the building
floor that has the best view of the flat plane or planes of the test specimen. There shall be no
visible corona on the test specimen when viewed with the light amplifier.
At least 2 weeks prior to installation, furnish two copies of manufacturer's assembly and installation
instructions to the COR and assemble each type of conductor insulator assembly to assure that all pieces
fit together as required. Assembly shall be complete with suspension clamp or compression dead end.
Verify that the hardware will allow free conductor motion and will not bind up. All hardware pins shall be
bolt, nut, and stainless steel cotter key. The Contractor shall verify that the assemblies will connect to the
structure attachment points with the correct horizontal or vertical orientation.
All insulators shall be wiped clean with a nonabrasive cloth, as approved by the COR at the time of
installation. The porcelain or glass portions shall be bright and the metal portions free from dirt. Cracked
or chipped insulators and insulators with bent cotter keys or with loose cement shall not be installed.
Insulators that are cracked, chipped, or damaged in any way shall be replaced with sound units.
Special precautions shall be used during handling, transporting, and installation of composite insulators.
Do not lay them on the ground unprotected or drag them along the ground during structure installation.
During installation of insulators or structures, care must be taken that no impact, cantilever, or torsion
loads are applied to the insulators as a result of binding in any part of the assembly. Any composite
insulator with damage to the sheds, sheath, or which is observed to have had an impact, cantilever, or
torsion load applied shall be replaced by and at the expense of the Contractor.
The following imperfections shall be acceptable on the composite insulator surface: Superficial defects of
an area less than 25 square mm (total defective area not to exceed 2 percent of the total insulator
surface) and less than 1 mm in depth.
Where practical, the nuts and cotter keys used in assemblies shall be faced in toward the structure to
facilitate removal during hot line maintenance. This does not apply to cotter keys in the individual
insulator units.
Each completed suspension insulator string shall be installed on the conductor and adjusted so as to
hang in a vertical plane through the axis of the structures after the conductors are sagged and clipped in.
The clipping in of conductors shall then be completed and all nuts tightened according to manufacturer's
Compression dead ends and jumper connectors, and strain clamps in tension assemblies shall be
installed on the conductor in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Furnish necessary
tools and joint-inhibitor compound.
Implosive dead ends and jumper connectors shall be applied to the conductor and inspected in
accordance with the manufacturer's specific installation procedure. Implosive dead ends do not require
the cleaning of the conductor nor joint inhibitor compound. Implosive dead ends may be installed on the
ground supported by a tripod or in the air. The Contractor must be aware of the peak noise level
generated at the time of implosion and take necessary precautions to ensure that personnel are
adequately protected and all pertinent regulations adhered to. Follow all local blasting regulations and all
safety requirements as described in the "Safety and Health" paragraph of the "General Requirements"
Standards. Coordinate all detonations with the COR.
Jumper connector pads shall be attached to the line side of dead end pads, and the jumper connector
bolt shall be inserted from the line end toward the structure end of the assembly where such installation
will minimize corona onset and radio-influence voltages. Bolts shall be tightened to the torque value as
recommended by the manufacturer.
Typical steel strand overhead ground wire assemblies for the structures are shown on drawings 41 1018
and 41 1019. Typical optical overhead ground wire (OPGW) assemblies are shown on drawing 41 1031.
10.4.2 MATERIAL:
1. GENERAL: Turnbuckles may be used at the Contractor's option and at no additional cost to
Western, as part of tension assemblies.
shall be specifically designated for OPGW. Each dead end assembly shall develop no less than
95 percent of the ultimate strength of the overhead ground wire.
5. ASSEMBLY COUPLING HARDWARE: Material and methods used in the fabrication of assembly
coupling hardware shall be selected to provide good toughness and ductility. Each component
part of the coupling hardware used in the assemblies shall also be designed such that permanent
deformation or yield does not occur at less than two-thirds of its ultimate rated breaking strength.
Assembly coupling hardware shall have a rated ultimate breaking strength equal to or greater than
the assembly ultimate strength. The assembly coupling hardware shall be galvanized and shall be
complete with nuts, bolts, and self-locking stainless steel cotter keys.
Bolts, nuts, and locknuts shall be galvanized steel. Bolts shall conform to SAE J429, Grade 5 or 8,
and be made of a grade of steel commensurate with the ultimate strength specified for the
Metal shall be free from burrs, sharp edges, lumps, and dross, and smooth so that interconnecting
parts will fit properly and so that the parts may be assembled and disassembled readily. Threaded
parts shall be galvanized after being threaded and excessive zinc removed from the threads. Nuts
and locknuts shall be retapped after being galvanized and shall be capable of being threaded the
entire length of the threads without the use of a wrench.
6. COMPRESSION DEAD ENDS: Compression dead end for steel strand overhead ground wires
shall consist of a galvanized-steel eye and an aluminum sleeve or consist of a stainless-steel
sleeve connected to a galvanized-steel clevis, with the clevis connected to a galvanized-steel eye.
Each dead end assembly shall develop no less than 95 percent of the ultimate strength of the
overhead ground wire.
7. IMPLOSIVE DEAD ENDS: Implosive dead ends may be used in place of or in combination with
compression dead ends as approved by the COR. If implosive dead ends are used, install in
accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Dead ends shall be as manufactured by Implo
Technologies, Inc., 73 Hemingway Crescent, Unionville, Ontario, CANADA L3R 2S4, or equal.
Implosive dead end for overhead ground wires shall consist of one-piece, galvanized-steel eye,
and sleeve. The required implosive charge shall be mounted on the dead end, and the placement
location of the detonator shall be clearly indicated. Each dead end assembly shall develop no less
than 95 percent of the ultimate strength of the overhead ground wire with which it is used.
8. INSULATORS: Overhead ground wire insulators for use with the suspension and tension
assemblies shall be wet porcelain or composite, as specified, of the clevis type with a combined
mechanical and electrical or SML strength as specified.
10.4.3 TESTS:
1. SUSPENSION CLAMPS: Tests shall be performed which show that suspension clamps meet the
requirements of draft ANSI C135.61D5.
2. ASSEMBLY COUPLING HARDWARE: Tests shall be performed which show that assembly
coupling hardware meet the requirements of draft ANSI C135.61D5.
3. COMPRESSION AND IMPLOSIVE DEAD ENDS: Compression and implosive dead ends shall
undergo tests which show that the dead ends develop not less than 95 percent of the ultimate
strength of the overhead ground wire.
4. INSULATORS: Test insulator units in accordance with all the requirements of ANSI C29.2.
Perform tests required in accordance with Section
1. GENERAL: Assemblies used for steel strand and optical overhead ground wires shall be
suspension or tension types as specified on material attachment drawings or noted on the plan
and profile drawings.
At least 2 weeks prior to installation, furnish two copies of manufacturer's assembly and
installation instructions to the COR, and assemble each type of overhead ground wire assembly to
assure that all pieces fit together as required. Assembly shall be complete with suspension clamp,
tension dead end or compression dead end. Verify that the hardware will allow free overhead
ground wire motion and will not bind up. All hardware pins shall be bolt, nut, and stainless steel
cotter key. The Contractor shall verify that the assemblies will connect to the structure attachment
points with the correct horizontal or vertical orientation.
Each completed suspension assembly shall be installed on the overhead ground wire and
adjusted so as to hang in a vertical plane through the axis of the structures after the overhead
ground wires are clipped in. The clipping in of overhead ground wires shall then be completed and
all nuts tightened according to manufacturer's recommendations.
2. COMPRESSION DEAD ENDS: Compression dead ends in tension assemblies shall be applied to
the steel strand overhead ground wires in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
Furnish all necessary tools and joint-inhibitor compound.
3. IMPLOSIVE DEAD ENDS: Implosive dead ends shall be applied to the steel strand overhead
ground wire and inspected in accordance with the manufacturer's specific installation procedure.
Implosive dead ends do not require joint inhibitor compound. Implosive dead ends may be
installed on the ground supported by a tripod or in the air. The Contractor must be aware of the
peak noise level generated at the time of implosion and take necessary precautions to ensure that
personnel are adequately protected and all pertinent regulations adhered to. Follow all local
blasting regulations and all safety requirements as described in the "Safety and Health" paragraph
of the "General Requirements" Standards. Coordinate all detonations with the COR.
4. TURNBUCKLES: Turnbuckles shall be initially installed such that not more than one-half of the
allowable adjustment in either direction is used.
10.5.1 GENERAL:
Coordinate between the steel/concrete structure and insulator manufacturers to ensure that the mounting
plates and insulator base mounts mate satisfactorily.
(1) Material:
1) Structure Ground Wire: Wire shall be No. 2 AWG, 30-percent conductivity, annealed
copper-clad wire.
2) Parallel Groove Clamps: Parallel groove clamps for connecting ground wires shall be
copper alloy, smooth groove, with copper alloy bolts, and not less than two bolts each.
3) Staples: Hot-dipped, galvanized barbed staples. The staples shall be not less than
2 inches long and equal to Joslyn Manufacturer's Catalog No. J7672.
4) Ground Rods: If alternate backfill as described in the "Wood Pole Structures" Standards
is used, ground rods shall be used for structure grounding. Ground rods shall be copper-
clad steel of circular cross section, 5/8 inch in diameter, and 8 feet long. Ground rods
shall be MacGraw-Edison Catalog No. DN3C8, or equal.
5) Pole Bottom Ground Plates: Ground plates shall be installed on each wood pole.
Ground plates shall be solid copper and 10 inches in diameter. The ground plates shall
be Blackburn Catalog No. GP110, or equal.
6) Bonding Clip for Structure Ground Wire: Bonding clips for structure ground wire shall be
suitable for the copper-clad ground wire. Bonding clip shall be Brooks Manufacturing BC
series, Hughes Brothers No. 2727, or equal.
7) Assembly and Installation: Structure grounding, including ground wire, shall be installed
as shown on drawing 41 1012 and as directed by the COR. Bury structure ground wire
for pole-to-pole ties a minimum of 18 inches in uncultivated land and 24 inches in
cultivated land. Ground wire shall not be spliced.
(1) Material and Installation: Material and installation of grounding for steel or concrete pole
structures shall be in accordance with drawing 41 1015.
When specified, ground resistance measurements shall be made at each structure before the static wires
are installed according to the most recent IEEE Guide for measuring ground resistance Standard 81.
These readings shall be made using a "Ground Megger" or other instrument approved by the COR. A list
of readings and where each was taken shall be furnished to the Electrical Engineer and the COR.
The final ground resistance at each structure shall be 25 ohms or less. If the ground resistance
measurements do not meet this criteria, ground rod assemblies or counterpoise shall be installed in
accordance with drawing 41 2034 and as directed by the COR.
Structure ground rod assemblies shall be installed in accordance with drawing 40 1015 in order to secure
the desired ground resistance. Ground rod assemblies shall be installed as directed by the COR.
1. STRUCTURE NUMBER SIGNS: The structure number signs, with the structure numbers as
designated on the plan and profile drawings, shall be attached to the structures on the ahead and
back span face of structure.
(1) Steel Pole Structures: Signs and backer plates shall be fabricated and attached to the
structures in accordance with drawing 41 9027. Holes shall not be drilled into tubular steel
(2) Wood Pole Structures: Wood pole structure number signs shall consist of two levels of
numbers, one directly above the other. The upper number shall indicate the station mile, and
the lower number shall indicate the number of the structure within that station mile. The
numbers shall be 6-inch-high aluminum, aluminum alloy, or stainless steel attached with
galvanized nails.
(3) Lattice Steel Structures: The structure number signs shall be fabricated and attached to the
structures in accordance with drawing 41 9007.
2. AERIAL PATROL MILE MARKER SIGNS: The first structure of each mile section of line shall be
identified with two aerial patrol mile marker signs, one on the ahead and one on the back span
face of the wood pole structure or mounting plate of the steel pole/lattice steel structure.
(1) Steel Pole Structures: Signs shall be fabricated and attached in accordance with drawing
41 9027.27-1 is mile marker 27-2 and -3 structure number -3
(2) Wood Pole Structures: Signs shall be fabricated and attached in accordance with
drawing 41 9004. If an aerial patrol mile marker sign falls on a structure that does not have a
crossarm, 6-inch-high aluminum, aluminum alloy, or stainless steel, numbers shall be
attached similar to numbers on wood pole structure number signs in lieu of using a
rectangular steel sign.
(3) Lattice Steel Structures: Signs shall be fabricated and attached in accordance with drawing
41 9005.
3. AERIAL PATROL WARNING SIGNS: Aerial patrol warning signs, located as designated on the
plan and profile drawings and described in the "Line Markers" paragraph of the "Conductor,
Overhead Ground Wire, and Accessories" Section, shall be fabricated and mounted in accordance
with drawing 41 9026.
4. DANGER SIGNS: Mount two danger signs on each lattice-type steel structure in accordance with
drawing 41 9008.
1) General Characteristics: Each individual wire entering into construction of the completed
conductor shall conform to ASTM B 230. Core wire shall be Class A, galvanized-steel
wire conforming to ASTM B 498 and ASTM B 500.
If the conductor is specified as nonspecular type, it shall have the outer surface treated to
produce a dull finish in accordance with ASTM B 979.
2) Raised Strand Limitation: Conductors shall be designed and fabricated to ensure that all
strands in the outer layer will remain the same distance (within a plus tolerance of
25 mils) from the center of the conductor before and after the conductors are strung.
(2) Conductor: ACSS in accordance with requirements of ASTM B 856 or ASTM B 857.
1) General Characteristics: The ACSS conductor shall meet the requirements of ASTM
B 856 for round wire constructions and ASTM B 857 for trapezoidal conductors. Core
wires shall be ACSS/MA2, regular strength Class A, Zinc-5% aluminum-mischmetal alloy-
coated steel strand (Zn-5Al-MM) in accordance with ASTM B 802 and suitable for a
continuous operating temperature of 250°C (482°F). Galvanized steel core wires, type
ACSS/GA, are not acceptable. If high strength, extra-high strength, or ultra-high strength
core is instead required, this requirement will be explicitly stated in the project or material
2) ACSS conductor shall be stranded prior to annealing to assure that the aluminum strands
lay tightly around the steel core and surrounding aluminum layers.
If the conductor is specified as nonspecular type, it shall have the outer surface treated to
produce a dull finish in accordance with ATM B979.
3) Raised Strand Limitation: Conductors shall be designed and fabricated to ensure that all
strands in the outer layer will remain the same distance (within a plus tolerance of
25 mils) from the center of the conductor before and after the conductors are strung.
(3) Dead Ends, Compression Joints, Repair Sleeves and Terminal Connectors: Class A in
accordance with requirements of ANSI C119.4.
Joints for splicing conductor shall be compression type, include an overall aluminum alloy
sleeve, and develop not less than 95 percent of the ultimate strength of the conductor.
Conductivity of the completed splices shall not be less than that of the conductor.
Compression repair sleeves may be used in lieu of compression joints to repair minor
damage to conductor, provided that not more than two of the aluminum strands in the outer
layer are broken and there has been no damage to strands in other layers.
(4) Implosive Conductor Joints and Repair Sleeves: Implosive joints may be used in place of or
in combination with compression joints as approved by the COR. Install joints and sleeves in
accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Joints and sleeves shall be as
manufactured by Implo Technologies, Inc., 73 Hemingway Crescent, Unionville, Ontario,
CANADA L3R 2SR, or equal.
Implosive joints for splicing conductor shall include an overall aluminum sleeve and develop
no less than 100 percent of the ultimate strength of the conductor with which they are to be
used. Conductivity of the completed splices shall not be less than that of the conductor. The
required implosive charge shall be mounted on the joint and sleeve, and the placement
location of the detonator shall be clearly indicated.
Implosive repair sleeves can be used in lieu of implosive joints to repair damage to the
conductor provided that the steel core is not damaged and that the aluminum strands are
damaged over a length of no more than 4 inches. Sleeves shall develop no less than
100 percent of the ultimate strength of the aluminum strands of the conductor.
(5) Hardware: Clevis and eye fittings, Y-clevis fittings, socket fittings, ball fittings, chain links,
shackles, triangular and rectangular yoke plates, suspension clamps and strain clamps in
accordance with requirements of IEEE C135.61.
(1) Conductor: During fabrication, physical tests shall be made in accordance with the
requirements of ASTM B 232, ASTM B 498, ASTM B 500, ASTM B 609, and ASTM B 802, as
applicable. In the event that the conductor is fabricated by two or more manufacturers, tests
shall be performed by each manufacturer. Submit certification that the conductor meets all
requirements of ASTM B 232, ASTM B 230, ASTM B 498, ASTM B 500, ASTM B 609, and
ASTM B 802 in accordance with the "Drawings, Data, and Test Reports" Section.
(2) Dead Ends, Compression Joints, Repair Sleeves and Terminal Connectors: During
fabrication, physical tests shall be made in accordance with requirements of ANSI C119.4
Class A.
Conductor joints shall undergo tests which show that the joints develop not less that
95 percent of the ultimate strength of the conductor.
(3) Implosive Conductor Joints: Conductor joints shall undergo tests which show that the joints
develop not less than 100 percent of the ultimate strength of the conductor.
(4) Hardware: During fabrication, physical tests shall be made in accordance with the
requirements of IEEE C135.61.
(1) General: Equipment and methods used for stringing conductors shall be subject to approval
of the COR; ensure that conductors will not be scratched, grooved, kinked, twisted, abraded,
or otherwise deformed; and such that support structures will not be damaged. If the
conductors are damaged, repair or replace the damaged sections in a manner approved by
the COR and at no additional cost to Western. All sections of conductors damaged by the
application of gripping attachments shall be repaired or replaced before the conductors are
sagged in place.
Conduct stringing operations so that at no time will any suspension attachment be subjected
to longitudinal loads and any tension tower be subjected to torsion resulting from longitudinal
loads on opposing faces at opposite ends of crossarms. Vertical angles of pulling lines shall
be such as to minimize, within practical limits, the vertical loading in structures and shall be
subject to approval of the COR.
(2) Safety Precautions: Procedures used for stringing and sagging conductors, including special
safety precautions when stringing adjacent to energized facilities and at powerline crossings,
shall meet the minimum requirements set forth in the "Safety and Health" Section of the
"General Requirements" Standards.
(3) Existing Energized Lines: Portions of the transmission line may closely parallel existing
energized transmission lines. During stringing operations, a buildup of voltage due to
energized parallel facilities can result in safety hazards. The Contractor shall be responsible
for familiarizing himself with the area and shall implement adequate safety measures when
stringing conductors adjacent to energized facilities, particularly those located within 2 miles
of the transmission line.
(4) Stringing Method: Conductors shall be strung by the controlled-tension method, except in
certain isolated spans upon approval from the COR, using neoprene-lined, double-bull-wheel-
type tension stringing equipment.
(5) Stringing Equipment: Pulling lines shall be of sufficient length to avoid applying undue strain
to the insulators and structures and shall be connected to the conductors with swivel
connectors and stocking-type grips as directed by the COR. The end of the grips (sock) shall
be taped to the conductor so that the grips will run freely in the sheaves. Conductor splices
shall not be passed through a sheave except as specifically permitted by the COR. Reel
stands shall be heavily constructed, and provisions shall be made for braking the reels.
Conductor shall not be dragged over ground, rock, or fence wires, nor over any objects which
may injure the conductor. Guards shall consist of material over which the conductor may
slide without injury and shall be subject to the approval of the COR.
(6) Stringing Sheaves: Design, size, material, and points of attachment of the stringing sheaves,
and vertical angles of running lines, shall be subject to the approval of Western. Minimum
diameter of the sheaves at the bottom of the groove shall be at least 12 times the diameter of
the conductor with which it is used, and the size and shape of the groove shall conform to the
conductor manufacturer's recommendations. Manufacturer’s recommendations may require
20 times the diameter sheaves for the first one of the set up. Sheaves shall be equipped with
high-quality ball or roller bearings and shall have neoprene-lined grooves.
If implosive joints are to be passed through the stringing sheaves, obtain the implosive joint
manufacturer's recommendation for sheave size. The sheaves must be compatible with the
joints and allow the joint to pass through without binding. The diameter of the sheaves at the
bottom of the groove will be from 12 to 20 times the diameter of the conductor. Sheaves
must be designed to withstand the possible wedging load imposed by the implosive joint.
There must be enough space between the sheave and the supporting frame to allow free
passage of the connector.
(7) Time Allowed for Stringing and Clipping: Once stringing has started for any wire setup, all
the subconductors for all the conductor phases in that setup shall be completely pulled into
the snubs during the same calendar day, and they shall all be kept at the same reduced sag
until they are pulled to final tension. Conductors shall not be allowed to hang in the stringing
blocks more than 24 hours before being pulled to the specified sag. After being sagged,
conductors shall be allowed to hang in the stringing blocks for not less than 2 hours before
being clipped in, to permit the conductor tension to equalize. Total time which the conductors
are allowed to remain in the stringing blocks before being clipped in shall not be more than
72 hours unless approved by the COR. Less time shall be allowed for fiber optic overhead
ground wires in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Notwithstanding the
72-hour limitation, pulling of any third conductor setup will not be allowed until the
corresponding first conductor setup is clipped in.
(8) Tensioning Equipment: In order to minimize the danger of failure, the design of the tension
equipment shall be such that when the desired tension is obtained, the same constant
tension will be held so long as the brakes are left at this setting, whether the brakes are
actuated manually, pneumatically, hydraulically, or electrically. Equipment shall be so
designed that there can be no conduction of heat generated by the braking action of the bull
wheels. There shall be slight mechanical braking on the reels to prevent loose conductor
between the reels and the bull wheels. Bull wheels shall have a neoprene lining not less than
1/4 inch thick and shall have a minimum outside diameter of 42 inches.
A minimum of four and one-half turns of conductor shall be placed around the bull wheels.
The equipment shall be capable of maintaining a continuous tension equal to the initial load
tension of the conductor at 30°F for NESC Light loading, 15°F for NESC Medium loading and
0°F for NESC Heavy loading. When stringing conductors by the controlled-tension method,
the sag in each conductor shall be maintained at least 20 percent greater than the sags
specified in the stringing sag tables, prior to final adjustment of the sag before clipping in the
(9) Sagging Conductors: Conductors shall not be prestretched and shall be sagged in
accordance with sag tables which will be furnished to the Contractor after Notice to Proceed
has been issued. Length of conductor sagged in one operation shall be limited to the length
that can be sagged satisfactorily but shall not exceed 16,000 feet unless approved by the
COR. In sagging one-reel lengths, the sag of two spans shall be checked. The length of the
spans used for checking shall be approximately equal to the ruling span. Sag of spans on
both sides of all horizontal angles of more than 10° shall be checked. After the conductors
have been pulled to the required sag, intermediate spans shall be inspected to determine
whether the sags are uniform and correct.
Sagging operations shall not be carried on when, in the opinion of the COR, wind, extremely
low temperature, or other adverse weather conditions prevent satisfactory sagging. A
tolerance of plus or minus 1/2-inch sag per 100 feet of span length, but not to exceed
6 inches in any one span, will be permitted when stringing is being done at temperatures of
0°F and above, and a tolerance of plus or minus 1/4-inch sag per 100 feet of span length, but
not to exceed 3 inches in any one span, will be permitted when stringing is being done at
temperatures below 0°F; provided, that all conductors in the span assume the same sag and
the necessary ground clearance is obtained; provided further, that the conductor tension
between successive sagging operations is equalized so that the suspension insulator
assemblies will assume the proper position when conductor is clipped in. After clipping in is
completed, all suspension insulator strings shall hang vertically. Each phase of conductor
shall be tied off, both ahead and back, at the last clipped structure of each sag setup, which
tie-offs shall be left in place until the tie-offs of the subsequent setup are in place. Check the
sag at all points to be checked. Furnish the necessary personnel for signaling and climbing
purposes. The Contractor shall target all spans for sagging, and the COR may verify the sag
at any point with the Contractor's equipment. At all suspension or tension structures, attach
conductors to the insulator assemblies by suspension clamps or dead end fittings, in
accordance with the "Conductor Insulator Assemblies" Subdivision. Conductor arrangements
throughout the line shall be as shown on the plan and profile sheets or as specified by the
(10) Cleaning Conductor: During stringing operations, remove dirt or grease that can be readily
observed on the conductors by cleaning with clean cloths or method approved by the
manufacturer. Proper precautions shall be taken by personnel cleaning the conductor to
protect themselves against the toxic and drying actions of the chemical being used. The
cleaning apparatus itself shall be kept clean such that particles collected during the conductor
cleaning process do not scratch or mar subsequent conductor.
(11) Compression Dead Ends, Joints, and Repair Sleeves: Compression joints and repair sleeves
shall be located at least 25 feet away from the structures. No joints or repair sleeves shall be
used in spans crossing over interstate highways, railroads, communication lines, utility lines
of voltages greater than 15 kV or in the two spans adjoining the crossing span, without
approval of the COR. To develop rated mechanical strength and electrical conductivity, the
installation of compression joints shall be carefully supervised to ensure that the joints are
centered properly. Distance between two joints, between two repair sleeves, or between a
joint and a repair sleeve on any one conductor shall not be less than 4,000 feet. Not more
than one joint or repair sleeve will be permitted in any one conductor in any one span. No
joints will be permitted in the approach span.
Apply conductor dead ends, joints, and repair sleeves to conductors in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations. Furnish filler paste and all necessary tools, including
compressors required for applying compression splices.
Jumper connections shall be made with compression-type jumper connectors which shall be
bolted to the compression-type dead ends. After the joints, dead ends, and jumper
connectors are compressed onto the conductor, remove, by suitable means, any sharp edges
or protrusions formed during the compression operations.
(12) Implosive Fittings: Location of implosive joints and repair sleeves shall be as described in
paragraph (11) for compression joints and repair sleeves unless the implosive joint is initially
installed and pulled through sheaves, subject to approval by the COR.
Implosive fittings do not require joint-inhibitor compound. Implosive fittings may be installed
on the ground supported by a tripod or in the air. The Contractor must be aware of the peak
noise level generated at the time of implosion and take necessary precautions to ensure that
personnel are adequately protected and all pertinent regulations adhered to. Follow all local
blasting regulations and all safety requirements as described in the "Safety and Health"
Section of the "General Requirements" Standard. Coordinate all detonations with the COR.
(13) Offset Data: If necessary, use insulator offset data so as to ensure that suspension insulator
strings hang in a vertical plane through the axis of the structure after the conductors are
clipped in. The Contractor shall submit, for review, insulator offset data to the COR and
Electrical Engineer at least 2 weeks prior to stringing of each section of line for which offset
data is required.
(14) Concrete Footings and Foundations: Stringing shall not begin until 7 days after placement of
concrete in footings and foundations.
(15) Damping of Unused Conductor Arms: Conductor arms on steel pole structures which will not
be strung shall be damped with weights or other approved means in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions.
1. GENERAL: Special safety precautions during stringing near energized lines and the equipment
methods and limitations used in stringing overhead ground wires shall be the same as those used
in stringing conductors as described in the "Conductors" paragraph.
(1) Material:
4) The completed strand shall be furnished on reels sufficiently sturdy to withstand normal
service incident to shipping, hauling, and field erection.
(2) Overhead Ground Wire Compression Joints: Joints used for splicing or repairing damaged
overhead ground wire shall be compression-type, full-tension joints. Use of repair sleeves is
not permitted.
(3) Overhead Ground Wire Implosive Joints: Implosive joints may be used in place of or in
combination with compression joints as approved by the COR. If implosive joints are used,
install in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Joints shall be as manufactured
by Implo Technologies, Inc., 73 Hemingway Crescent, Unionville, Ontario,
CANADA L3R 2S4, or equal.
(1) Overhead Ground Wire: Perform tests enumerated in ASTM A 363 or ASTM A925 on
samples taken at random from 10 percent of the reels of the completed galvanized-steel wire
or Zinc-5% aluminum mischmetal alloy-coated wire, respectively. Submit certification that the
overhead ground wire meets all requirements of ASTM A 363 or ASTM A 925 in accordance
with the "Drawings, Data, and Test Reports" Section.
(2) Overhead Ground Wire Compression Joints: Overhead ground wire joints shall undergo
tests which show that the joints develop not less than 95 percent of the ultimate strength of
the overhead ground wire.
(3) Overhead Ground Wire Implosive Joints: Overhead ground wire joints shall undergo tests
which show that the joints develop not less than 95 percent of the ultimate strength of the
overhead ground wire.
(1) General Characteristics: OPGW shall be in accordance with requirements of IEEE 1138.
Stranding shall be in accordance with ASTM A363.
(2) Packing and Shipping: Completed OPGW shall be furnished on reels sufficiently sturdy in
construction to withstand any normal service incident to shipping, hauling, and field erection.
No random length shall be wound on the same reel with a specified standard length.
(1) General: Equipment and methods used for stringing OPGW shall be subject to approval of
the COR. Requirements of IEEE 524 and manufacturer’s recommendations shall be strictly
adhered to. Ensure that OPGW will not be scratched, grooved, kinked, twisted, abraded, or
otherwise deformed; and such that support structures will not be damaged.
Conduct stringing operations so that at no time will any suspension attachment be subjected
to longitudinal loads and any tension tower be subjected to torsion resulting from longitudinal
loads on opposing faces at opposite ends of crossarms. Ensure that suspension structures
maintain balanced loads at all times, especially when connecting to floating deadend
assemblies. Vertical angles of pulling lines shall be such as to minimize, within practical
limits, the vertical loading in structures and shall be subject to approval of the COR.
1. GENERAL: Vibration dampers will be required for each span of conductor and overhead ground
wire. Using the information provided on specification drawing “Vibration Dampers”, the vibration
damper manufacturer shall determine at what span lengths two or more dampers are required.
Based on these requirements, the Contractor shall determine the total number of dampers needed
for the project.
Provide stockbridge-type vibration dampers for conductors and stockbridge-type or spiral vibration
dampers for the overhead ground wires.
(1) General: Dampers shall be suitable for installation directly on the conductors or the overhead
ground wires, as applicable, unless armor rods or armor grip suspension (AGS) clamps are
threads. Damper clamps shall be designed to permit installation and removal by the use of
hot line tools.
(3) Spiral Vibration Dampers: Spiral vibration dampers shall have two sections: a damping
section and a gripping section. Solid, helical-formed rods shall be made out of noncorrosive
material, such as polyvinyl chloride. Rods shall have a surface hardness which does not
abrade overhead ground wires.
(1) Aeolian Vibration Tests: Tests which demonstrate the effectiveness of vibration dampers in
limiting the peak-to-peak bending amplitude, caused by aeolian vibration and as defined in
the IEEE Task Force on Conductor Vibration (IEEE Paper No. 31 CP 65-156), to 10 mils for
ACSR conductors and to 15 mils for steel-strand overhead ground wire shall be performed.
Optical overhead ground wire vibration damper tests shall be performed in accordance with
IEEE 1138.
Perform tests in suspension spans of the ranges shown on the specification drawing
“Vibration Dampers”, with cable tensions not less than 20 percent of the cable nominal
ultimate strengths and with vibration dampers installed at the manufacturer's recommended
spacing, for ACSR conductors with diameters within plus or minus 0.25 inch of the diameter
of the ACSR cable sizes for which vibration dampers are being furnished and steel strand
with diameters within 0.06 inch of the steel-strand overhead ground wire for which vibration
dampers are being furnished. These tests shall be conducted with splice/armor rods
installed, when rods are specified.
The test for each cable size shall be continued for a minimum of 3 weeks or until a full range
of winds between 0 and 20 miles per hour and at right angles to the line have been recorded.
Laboratory tests which are equivalent to the above tests may be performed at the option of
the Contractor in accordance with IEEE Std. 664, “IEEE Guide for Laboratory Measurement
of the Power Dissipation Characteristics of Aeolian Vibration Dampers for Single
Certified reports of previous tests results which show that vibration dampers meet the
requirements of these specifications may be substituted for the test results required above.
The Contractor shall provide the “Vibration Damper” drawing to the manufacturer to obtain
the vibration damper spacing and number of dampers that has been determined, from tests,
to be the most effective in limiting the bending amplitudes as specified above and for all
applications listed on the drawing. The Contractor shall determine the necessary vibration
damper protection including the total quantity of and catalog number for all vibration dampers
needed for the project, the manufacturer's spacing recommendations, and the manufacturer's
protectable span length recommendations. The Contractor shall submit the necessary
vibration protection, a copy of the “Vibration Damper” drawing marked to reflect the
manufacturer's recommendations for all applications shown on the drawing, and results of the
required test reports in accordance with the "Drawings, Data, and Test Reports" Section.
Vibration damper installation shall be completed within 72 hours after conductors or overhead
ground wires have been clipped in unless otherwise approved by the COR. Fasten vibration
dampers securely to the conductors and overhead ground wires in accordance with the
manufacturer's spacing recommendations. Components shall be properly aligned and the
installation completed with torque wrenches to ensure that bolts are tightened to the values
recommended by the manufacturer. Western will make spot checks of vibration damper
installations and, if deficiencies are found, the Contractor shall correct the damper installations to
the extent deemed necessary by the COR.
Hang the stockbridge-type vibration dampers in a vertical plane and ascertain that any drain holes
provided in the damper weights are open after installation. Install vibration dampers for
conductors so that the head of the clamp bolt faces toward the structure to facilitate removal
during hot line maintenance.
1. MATERIAL: Hold-down weights shall be 50 or 100-pound weights suitable for attaching directly to
the conductor or overhead ground wire without armor rods. Weights shall be lead conductor
weights as manufactured by NH Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 26141, Denver, CO 80226, or equal.
For jumper assemblies, weights attached directly to the insulator assembly are acceptable.
Weights attached directly to the wire shall be installed with an equal number of weights located on
each side of the suspension clamp. Install any additional weight on the uphill side of the
suspension clamp.
1. MATERIAL: Conductor spacer dampers shall be neoprene-lined or elastomeric and suitable for
the specified bundle conductor. Spacer dampers shall be suitable for installation directly on the
Spacer dampers shall be designed to permit installation and removal by the use of hot line tools.
The assembly weight shall not exceed 25 pounds. The head of the breakaway bolt or cap screw
shall be oriented for ground level viewing.
The spacer assembly shall be free of visual corona at the specified voltage.
The elastomer or other energy absorbing assembly shall have adequate resistance to the effects
of ozone, ultra violet radiation, and other atmospheric contaminants over the entire temperature
The energy absorbing assembly shall be electrically conductive. The conductivity of the individual
components shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's design.
Nut cracker, hinged, open-end, or boltless type clamps are acceptable provided adequate grip can
be maintained on the conductor. Designs requiring a clamping bolt, cap screw, or lock pin shall
utilize a single captive fastener. If a special tool is required to fasten the damper, five such tools
shall be provided to Western upon completion of damper installation.
Clamping bolts or cap screws shall have a breakaway type head. The breakaway bolt or cap
screw shall be furnished with a wrench stop to prevent the socket from engaging the lower head
during installation.
All ferrous parts, except Belleville spring washers and parts of stainless steel, shall be galvanized
in accordance with ASTM A 153. Hinge pins may also be galvanized in accordance with
ASTM A 164, Type LS. Material shall be galvanized after fabrication.
The spacer damper assembly shall have all outside surfaces smooth and all edges and corners
well rounded to reduce the formation of corona.
All fillings, loose material, threading lubricants, and all chemical residue or other substances which
can cause corrosion shall be cleaned from the spacer damper assemblies.
Each spacer damper assembly shall be marked with letters and numerals designating the
manufacturer, the manufacturer's catalog number, the last two numbers of the year in which it was
manufactured, and the conductor diameter. The identifying letters and numerals shall be at least
1/4 inch high. They shall be cast or die stamped on one or both sides of the main member of the
assembly. The characters shall be distinct, durable, and conspicuous.
(1) Aeolian Vibration Tests: Tests which demonstrate the effectiveness of spacer dampers in
limiting the peak-to-peak bending amplitude, caused by aeolian vibration and as defined in
the IEEE Task Force on Conductor Vibration (IEEE Paper No. 31 CP 65-156), to 10 mils for
ACSR conductors.
Perform tests in suspension spans of the ranges shown on the specification drawing “Spacer
Dampers”, with cable tensions not less than 20 percent of the cable nominal ultimate
strengths and with vibration dampers installed at the manufacturer's recommended spacing,
for ACSR conductors with diameters within plus or minus 0.25 inch of the diameter of the
ACSR cable sizes for which spacer dampers are being furnished.
The test for each cable size shall be continued for a minimum of 3 weeks or until a full range
of winds between 0 and 20 miles per hour and at right angles to the line have been recorded.
Laboratory tests which are equivalent to the above tests may be performed at the option of
the Contractor.
(2) Corona Test: One of each complete spacer damper assembly shall be tested in accordance
with the following criteria:
The spacer damper assembly shall be installed on sections of the conductor or bar no larger
than the subconductor diameter plus 0.10 inches in diameter. The test shall duplicate the
conductor arrangement and spacer damper assembly in dimensions and hardware material
The test shall be conducted with the assemblies installed not more than the specified
distance from a grounded plane.
The spacer damper assembly shall be subjected to a 50-Hz or 60-Hz voltage to determine
that the corona extinction voltage level is not less than the specified voltage. No correction
shall be made for climatic conditions. The line-to-ground test voltage may be reduced by
3-percent for each 1,000 feet that the elevation of the test site exceeds mean sea level.
The corona detection device shall be a light amplifier with a gain of 30,000 or more. The test
specimen image when viewed shall be no smaller than 20 percent of the light amplifier
screen. The device shall be able to detect light generated by corona in the visual spectrum.
In a dark laboratory, the test specimen shall be energized with a high enough voltage to
create a detectable, glow corona on the specimen with the light amplifier. This is to prove the
detection system is working.
In a dark laboratory, with an applied voltage high enough to create corona and the ground
plane in place, the voltage shall be lowered to the specified voltage. The test specimen shall
be viewed from at least two directions approximately 180° apart on the plane of the building
floor that has the best view of the flat plane or planes of the test specimen. There shall be no
visible corona on the test specimen when viewed with the light amplifier.
The Contractor shall submit the “Spacer Damper” drawing to the manufacturer to obtain the
spacer damper spacing and number of dampers that has been determined, from tests, to be
the most effective in limiting the bending amplitudes as specified above and for all
applications listed on the drawing. The Contractor shall determine the necessary vibration
protection including the total quantity of and catalog number for all spacer dampers required
for this project and the manufacturer's spacing recommendations using asymmetrical
spacing. The Contractor shall submit the necessary vibration protection, a copy of the
“Spacer Damper” drawing marked to reflect the manufacturer's recommendations for all
applications shown on the drawing, and results of the required test reports in accordance with
the "Drawings, Data, and Test Reports" Section.
Certified reports of previous tests results which show that spacer dampers meet the
requirements of these standards may be substituted for the test results required above.
3. INSTALLATION: Spacing requirements from the manufacturer shall be reviewed by Western prior
to installation. Fasten spacer dampers securely to the conductors in accordance with the
manufacturer's spacing recommendations and instructions. Components shall be properly aligned
and the installation completed with torque wrenches to ensure that bolts are tightened to the
values recommended by the manufacturer. Spacer damper installation shall be completed within
72 hours after conductors have been clipped in, unless otherwise approved by the COR. Western
will make spot checks of spacer damper installations and, if deficiencies are found, the Contractor
shall correct the damper installations to the extent deemed necessary by the COR.
(1) Aerial Marker Balls: Aerial marker balls shall be 20-inch and/or 36-inch-diameter spheres, as
specified, suitable for attachment to the specified overhead ground wire. The aerial marker
balls shall be manufactured of nonconducting material with long color retention
characteristics, and attachment to the overhead ground wire shall be by means of preformed
rods. Material and method of attachment shall be equal to SpanGUARD Model 20 and/or 36
as manufactured by P&R Industries, P.O. Box 554, Portland, OR 97207.
(2) Aerial Patrol Warning Signs: Aerial patrol warning signs shall be in accordance with the
"Structure Signs" paragraph.
2. INSTALLATION: Aerial marker ball installation shall be completed within 72 hours after overhead
ground wires have been clipped in unless otherwise approved by the COR. The aerial marker
balls shall be assembled and installed on the overhead ground wires in accordance with
manufacturer's recommendations. Aerial patrol marker balls and aerial patrol warning signs shall
be assembled and installed in accordance with drawings 41 9005, 41 9026, 41 9028, and 41 9029.
The aerial marker balls and aerial patrol warning signs shall be located in the specified spans and
in accordance with the plan and profile drawings and as directed by the COR.
3. RIVER CROSSING: The 36-inch-diameter aerial marker balls shall be of alternate colors, using
solid international orange balls and alternating with yellow balls.
4. TRANSMISSION LINE OVER CROSSING: The color of the transmission line over crossing aerial
marker balls shall be solid international orange. For all over crossings where the voltage of the
line being crossed is 69 kV or greater, two aerial marker balls, with diameter as specified, shall be
required to mark Western's over crossing circuit overhead ground wires. Each aerial marker ball
shall be provided on Western's over crossing overhead ground wires at a distance of 25 feet
before and after crossing over the lower circuit's outside conductor phases. If the over crossing
line has two overhead ground wires, the markers shall be provided on the left overhead ground
wire as you face the lower circuit from each side.
The signs shall be securely mounted to the right side pole, directly above the crossarm, of the two
adjacent structures as viewed looking at the crossing from each direction.
6. TRANSMISSION LINE ANGLE MARKERS: For horizontal line angles of 45° and larger, two aerial
marker balls and four aerial patrol warning signs shall be required to mark the line angle. One
aerial marker ball shall be provided on the ahead and back span of the angle structure, being
located on the inside angle overhead ground wire, at a distance of 25 feet from the angle
structure. An aerial patrol warning sign shall be installed on the first structure ahead and back (but
a minimum of 500 feet from the angle structure) on each side of the angle structure. An aerial
patrol warning sign shall be installed on the next structure ahead and back on each side of the
angle structure. The signs shall be installed on the structure's inside angle and shall be mounted
to be visible to line patrol aircraft approaching the angle structure.
10.7.1 GENERAL:
If the take-off structure is not available for termination, the material required for the approach span shall
be suitably packaged and delivered to Western as directed by the COR.
6. Preparation ................................................................................................................................. 17
7. Installation ................................................................................................................................... 18
3. Material ....................................................................................................................................... 38
4. Installation ................................................................................................................................... 38
5. Repairs........................................................................................................................................ 38
6. Painting ....................................................................................................................................... 38
08 80 00 GLAZING ................................................................................................................................... 45
1. General ....................................................................................................................................... 45
2. Submittals ................................................................................................................................... 45
3. Material ....................................................................................................................................... 45
4. Installation ................................................................................................................................... 46
26 00 00 ELECTRICAL ............................................................................................................................ 95
1. General ....................................................................................................................................... 95
01 10 00 SUMMARY:
The Bidding Schedule item “Service building” includes providing work required under this “Service
Building” Standard.
Work includes construction of a site-built service building as detailed on the drawings. Building
construction includes a reinforced concrete foundation and slabs; cable entry box with cable sealing
assemblies and metal covers; wood framed walls and pre-fabricated wood truss roof structure; masonry
veneer; metal roofing panels; roof and wall insulation; painted gypsum board walls and ceiling; hollow
metal doors and frames; accessible floor system; power distribution and lighting; and heating, ventilating,
and air-conditioning system.
For use of products containing recovered material, refer to specifications sections in this standard and in
Standard 13 – Environmental Quality Protection.
1. GENERAL: Provide and submit shop drawings, product data, installation data, samples,
maintenance material, test reports, calculations, project record documents, and maintenance data.
For specific submittals which are required for the service building, refer to Table 1 – Submittals in
Division 11 of the project specifications.
(1) General: Review submittals prior to transmittal. Verify that submittals are complete.
Determine and verify field measurements, field construction criteria, manufacturer's catalog
numbers, and conformance of submittals with these specifications. When manufacturer’s
data is applicable to more than one model number, highlight appropriate information.
Western will return submittals without review if it is not clear what specific model or
type is being proposed for the project.
(2) Coordination: Check material and equipment compatibility with equipment and work of other
specifications sections, electrical characteristics, and control requirements. Coordinate motor
voltages, control characteristics, wiring, switches, and interlocks. Review the effect of any
changes on work of other specifications sections.
(3) Certification: Apply Contractor's stamp, signed or initialed, certifying review, verification of
products, field dimensions, and coordination of information with requirements.
(3) Modifications by Western: Western has the right to require modifications in shop drawings
and data, which will make the installation conform to requirements and intent of these
specifications, without additional cost to Western.
(4) Contractor's Responsibility: Approval by Western of submittals does not relieve the Contractor
of responsibility for correctness of details or dimensions, nor does it waive any requirements of
these specifications.
(5) Return of Submittals: Western will return submittals to the Contractor either approved, not
approved, or approved subject to compliance with comments.
(6) Resubmittals: Revise and resubmit submittals which are not approved. Identify changes
made since previous submittal and show revision date. Submit submittals approved subject to
compliance with comments if directed by Western.
(1) Content: Title each drawing and include Western's specifications number and title. Identify
each element of the drawings by reference to sheet number and detail. Identify field
dimensions and show relation to adjacent construction, critical features, and other material or
(1) Content: Submit data which is pertinent. Clearly mark each copy of manufacturer’s standard
printed data to identify applicable products, models, options, and other data. Show reference
standards, performance characteristics, and capacities; wiring and piping diagrams; controls;
component parts; finishes; dimensions; and required clearances. Supplement standard
printed data to provide information unique to the work. Delete information not applicable. If
the submittal data does not clearly identify the specific product which is being
proposed by the contractor, the submittal will not be reviewed.
(1) Content: Submit manufacturer's instructions for storage, preparation, assembly, installation,
startup, adjusting, balancing, and finishing.
(1) Required Submittals: Submit two samples as specified in reference sections. Submit samples
for all material within enclosed spaces or exterior surfaces at the same time for color
(2) Content: Submit full range of manufacturer's standard finishes indicating colors, textures, and
patterns for review and selection by Western. Original color charts are acceptable unless
otherwise specified. Label each sample with identification of manufacturer, finish information
and these specifications number and title. Photocopies of color charts are not acceptable.
(1) Requirement: Provide quantities of products, spare parts, maintenance tools, and
maintenance material specified in referenced sections.
(2) Storage and Delivery: Maintain spare parts in same space and condition as material to be
installed and in original containers with labels intact and legible.
Coordinate delivery with the COR. Deliver spare parts to the COR. Unload spare parts at the
site and obtain receipt prior to the date of final acceptance.
(1) Requirement: Conduct tests as required by the project specifications. Notify the COR at least
10-days prior to testing. The COR will witness each test. Submit two (2) copies of full report
within 20-days of test to the COR. Final payment will not be made until all tests are completed
and reports submitted.
(1) Requirement: Maintain at jobsite for Western one copy of as-built drawings, specifications,
modifications, change orders, field change orders, and test records. Do not use as documents
for construction. Deliver project record documents to the COR prior to date of final
(2) Recording: Record information on a set of drawings and in a copy of these specifications
provided by Western. Record information concurrently with construction progress. Do not
conceal work until required information is recorded. Mark actual construction, including:
11. MAINTENANCE DATA: Submit in accordance with the “Operation and Maintenance Data” section
and the project specifications.
1. REQUIREMENT: Provide and submit operation and maintenance (O&M) data for material
provided. Instruct Western personnel from O&M data.
(1) Draft Manual: Submit a draft of the manual to the COR. Submit two copies of draft or
proposed formats and outlines of contents before starting manual. One copy will be returned
with comments.
(2) Completed Manual: Submit to the COR two copies of the completed manual at least 15 days
prior to date of final acceptance of the contract.
3. MANUAL FORMAT: Prepare data in form of instructional manual for use by Western personnel.
Organize data to correspond with project specifications.
(2) Binders: Commercial quality three-ring binders with durable and cleanable covers.
(3) Cover: Identify each binder with typed or printed title “OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE
INSTRUCTIONS”. List Western specifications title and building name.
(4) Text: Provide manufacturer's printed data or neatly typewritten pages. Provide typed
description of material and major component parts of material or equipment.
(5) Drawings: Bind in with text. Fold larger drawings to size of text.
(1) Table of Contents: Specifications title; names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the
Contractor with names of responsible parties; and schedule of material and systems indexed
to content of binder.
3) Supplemental Data: Provide typed text as required to supplement material data. Provide
logical sequence of instructions for each procedure.
1) General: Description of unit and component parts, including function, normal operating
characteristics, limiting conditions, performance curves, engineering data, tests, complete
nomenclature, commercial number of replaceable parts, and as-installed color coded
wiring diagrams.
5) Parts List: Original manufacturer's parts list, illustrations, assembly drawings, and
(1) Building foundations and footings, including floor slabs, entrance slabs, equipment slabs, and
(2) Gravelfills.
All excavation and fill activities shall be in accordance with Standard 2, “Sitework”.
1. GENERAL: Place and compact backfill around building and in utility trenches; provide gravelfill as
shown on the building drawings, all in accordance with Standard 2, “Sitework”. Surface of
compacted backfill shall slope away from the building a minimum of 6-inches in 10 feet.
1. GENERAL: Provide soil treatment for subterranean insects at interior and exterior foundation
perimeter and below slabs-on-grade.
(1) General: Conform to EPA’s Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. Conform to
State and local requirements for application, licensing, and authority to use termiticides.
Follow State and local regulations to meet minimum treatment standards for preventive
preconstruction and during construction treatments (horizontal and vertical chemical barriers).
(2) Applicator: At least 5-years documented experience in soil treatment for termite control. The
service technician must be familiar with current termite control practices such as: trenching,
rodding, sub-slab injection, coarse fan spraying of soil surfaces, crack and crevice (void)
injection, excavated soil treatment, and brush or spray application of infested or susceptible
wood. Required to be licensed in the State in which termiticides will be applied.
4. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA: Provide a 5-year warranty for material and installation.
Cover against invasion or propagation of subterranean termites, damage to building or building
contents caused by termites, and cover repairs to building or building contents so caused.
5. MATERIAL: Water-based emulsion of uniform composition with synthetic dye to permit visual
identification of treated soil. The contractor shall select the appropriate termiticide based on those
allowed by the jurisdiction having authority. The contractor shall also select the termiticide based
upon the contractor’s experience with the application location (climatic and ambient temperature
conditions), extent and location of infestation, and to minimize potential exposure (human health
and safety).
(1) Soil Condition: Verify soil surfaces are unfrozen, sufficiently dry to absorb toxicant, and ready
to receive treatment.
(2) Mix Dilution: Apply toxicant in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, and not more than
12-hours prior to installation of vapor barrier under floor slab or finish grading outside
foundation perimeter. Apply extra treatment to structure penetrations, pipe, ducts, and other
soil penetrations.
(3) Coordination: Coordinate soil treatment at foundation perimeter with finish grading to avoid
disturbance of treated soil.
(4) Unused Material: Do not store termiticides onsite. Store and dispose of unused solutions or
material in accordance with Federal, State, and Local hazardous waste regulations.
(5) Precast reinforced concrete splash blocks, 12-inches-wide and 36-inches-long, at locations
shown on the drawings.
(7) Application of a concrete floor hardener and sealer in accordance with Standard 3 – Concrete,
section Building Concrete.
(1) Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type 1 (normal type) and gray color.
(4) Admixtures: Do not use plasticizers, water repellent, accelerators, retardants, air-entraining
admixtures, antifreeze compounds, or calcium chloride. Do not add mortar color unless
required in the project specifications.
(5) Water: Clean and free from detrimental quantities of silt, organic matter, salts, and impurities.
3. MIXES: ASTM C 270, Type S. Thoroughly mix mortar ingredients in quantities needed for
immediate use. If water is lost by evaporation, retemper within 2 hours of mixing. Do not
retemper mortar after 2-hours of mixing.
4. INSTALLATION: Place mortar in accordance with Section 04 22 00 Unit Masonry; the section
also includes cold weather requirements.
04 22 00 UNIT MASONRY:
1. GENERAL: Provide exterior masonry veneer with anchorage to structural backup, joint
reinforcement in moderate and high seismic qualification levels, flashing, drip plates, steel lintels
and accessories. Provide clear water repellent coating for the concrete masonry veneer.
3. PROTECTION: Protect top of masonry walls from moisture infiltration when work is not in
progress. Clean loose mortar and foreign material from top of walls when work resumes. Do not
lay masonry on surfaces of frost, snow, or ice.
(1) General: Provide masonry units, including joint reinforcement, stretchers, headers, jambs,
sash, and special units as required for construction. Masonry veneer of like construction shall
have a uniform appearance.
(2) Facing Brick: ASTM C216, Type FBS, grade SW, standard modular size of 4-inches by
2 3/8-inches by 8-inches, color and texture as selected by Western.
1) Hollow or Solid Load-Bearing Units: ASTM C 90, Type 1, moisture controlled; normal
weight; split, ground face or slump, size and color as required in the project
(4) Anchor and Ties for Masonry Veneer to Studs: Seismic Design Categories A and B.
1) CWT corrugated wall tie, 16 gauge galvanized steel by Hohmann and Barnard,
www.h-b.com, or approved equal.
(5) Anchors, Ties, and Joint Reinforcement for Masonry Veneer to Studs: Seismic Design
Categories C through F.
1) No. 345 BT with Seismiclip Anchor by Hohmann and Barnard, www.h-b.com, or approved
(7) Screws: Self-drilling screws, galvanized, and equal to 1 1/4-inch, Type S, Oval Head by USG.
(8) Flashing: H and B C-Fab flashing, copper sheet bonded to asphalt, saturated glass fabric,
7 ounces per square foot, 24-inches-wide by Hohmann and Barnard, www.h-b.com, or
approved equal. Provide adhesive recommended by manufacturer.
(9) Drip Plate: 26 gauge stainless steel drip plate with hemmed edge, preformed 20 ounce
copper corners, 3-inch width, optional flashing adhesive strip with release paper, equal to H
and B, FTSA drip plate.
(10)Mortar Barrier: Equal to Mortar Net by Hohmann and Barnard, www.h-b.com, or approved
(12)Joint Filler and Sealant: Closed cell polyethylene backup material and sealant as specified in
Section 07 91 00 Joint Sealants.
(13)Weep Vents: Mortar Trap, standard or custom size as required to fill open head joint in
masonry veneer, made from 100 percent recycled polyester plastic non-woven mesh, grey
color or as noted in the project specifications, by Hohmann and Barnard, www.h-b.com or
(14)Water Repellent Penetrating Sealer for Concrete Masonry Units: Sealer shall be VOC
compliant and not stain the masonry, equal to Enviroseal PBT, clear, breathable, high
resistance to efflorescence, silane/siloxane water based sealer, water repellency of 95% in
accordance with ASTM C 140. Apply two coats in accordance with manufacturer’s
6. PREPARATION: Install flashing and drip plate at base of wall. Establish lines, levels, and
coursing. Protect from disturbance.
(1) Masonry Veneer: Maintain the cavity behind masonry clear of mortar droppings. Place
masonry veneer to lines and levels indicated.
(2) Uniformity: Maintain courses to uniform width. Make vertical and horizontal joints equal and
of uniform thickness.
(3) Bond: Lay masonry veneer in running bond. Form concave mortar joints.
(4) Placing: Lay masonry in full bed of mortar, properly jointed with other work. Buttering corners
of joints and deep or excessive furrowing of mortar joints are not permitted.
(5) Intersections and External Corners: Fully bond intersections and external corners.
(6) Adjustments: Do not shift or tap masonry units after mortar has taken initial set. Where
adjustment must be made, remove mortar and replace. Remove excess mortar.
(7) Cutting: Perform cutting with tools to provide straight, unchipped edges. Prevent breaking
masonry veneer unit corners or edges.
(8) Cavity Space: Maintain clear space between masonry veneer units and sheathing. Clean
mortar out of cavity space and weep holes.
(9) Weep Holes: Provide open-head joints at 24-inches on center or as shown on the drawings.
2) Variation From Plane of Wall: 1/4-inch in 10-feet and 1/2-inch in 20-feet or more.
4) Variation From level Coursing: 1/8-inch in 3-feet; 1/4-inch in 10-feet; and 1/2-inch
(11)Anchorages: Attach anchors and ties with screws to stud framing and through sheathing with
screws at maximum 24-inches on center vertically and maximum 16-inches on center
horizontally. Place at maximum 8-inches on center each way around perimeter of openings
and control joints, within 2-inches of openings.
(12)Flashing: Overlap flashing over the top of the stainless steel drip plate. Lap end joints
minimum 6-inches and seal watertight. Set flashing on manufacturer’s recommended
adhesive at the foundation wall and nail to the wood framing. Form end dams at lintels.
(13)Lintels: Install loose steel lintels. Extend lintels a minimum of 8-inches beyond each edge of
opening. Fasten to wall framing and embed lintels firmly in mortar at all bearings.
(14)Control Joints: As detailed on the drawings, install backup rod and sealant in mortar-free joint.
(15)Mortar Barrier: Install at base of wall and at lintels in accordance with manufacturer’s
(16)Horizontal Joint Reinforcement for moderate and high seismic qualification levels:
2) Openings: Place in first horizontal joints above and below openings. Extend minimum
16-inches each side of opening.
3) Splices: Lap joint reinforcement ends a minimum of 6-inches, but not less than 16-inches
each side of opening.
(17)Water Repellent Coating: Concrete masonry units shall be sealed with two (2) coats of water
repellent coating. Apply in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
(18)Grinding Block: When split face block is used, grind high spots of block at gable ends, as
required for fascia to fit tightly against block.
(19)Cutting and Fitting: Cut and fit for pipes, conduits, sleeves, and grounds. Coordinate to
provide correct size, shape, and location.
(20)Cleaning: Remove excess mortar and smears. Replace defective work. Match adjacent
work. Clean soiled surfaces with solution which will not harm masonry veneer or adjacent
material. Consult masonry manufacturer for acceptable cleaners. Use nonmetallic tools in
cleaning operations.
1. GENERAL: Provide open web steel joists and joist girders with bridging and extended ends, as
indicated on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as required for a complete and proper
installation. Unless noted otherwise, latest editions of referenced specifications and standards
The drawings identify specific requirements for this project. Some paragraphs in this specification
section will not apply to this job.
(1) SJI “Standard Specifications Load Tables and Weight Tables for Steel Joists and Joist
(2) SJI “Recommended Code of Standard Practice for Steel Joists and Joist Girders”.
(5) AISC “Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges”.
(6) OSHA Steel Erection Standards: Sections applicable to steel joists and joist girders.
(1) Shop Drawings: Indicate standard designations, configuration, sizes, spacing and locations of
joists and joist girders, bridging, connections, attachments, cambers, and details of erection.
Indicate welded connections using standard AWS symbols. Indicate net weld length.
(2) Longspan and Deep Longspan Steel Joists: As specified on drawings, if applicable.
(6) Sloped End Bearings: Where steel joints are sloped, provide horizontal bearing seats at each
(7) Arc-Welding Electrodes: In accordance with AWS “Specifications for Arc-Welding Electrodes”,
and suitable for base material, positions, and other conditions of intended use.
6. FABRICATION: Prepare and shop prime with manufacturer’s standard thickness, but not less
than dry film thickness of 2.0 mil.
8. FIELD REPAIRS: Damage that requires mitigation includes, but is not limited to, bent materials,
and damaged protective coatings such as primer and paint.
(2) Primer and Paint: All damaged primer and paint shall be repaired in accordance with the
coating manufacturer’s recommendations, quality assurance standards listed above, and
using materials consistent with originally specified shop primer and paint, including ensuring
minimum required coating thickness.
(1) Joists and Joist Girders: Erect steel joists and bear joists on supports in accordance with all of
the quality assurance standards listed above.
(2) Temporary Bracing: During erection, provide temporary bracing for induced loads and
stresses in accordance with all of the quality assurance standards listed above. Submit to the
COR an erection and bracing plan 30-days prior to planned work.
(3) Field Cutting: Obtain approval of the COR prior to any field cutting or altering joists.
(4) Tolerances: In accordance with all of the quality assurance standards listed above.
10. FIELD PRIMER AND PAINTING: After erection, clean field welds, abrasions, and surfaces not
primed or which are damaged. Apply primer coating in accordance with the coating
manufacturer’s recommendations, quality assurance standards listed above, and using materials
consistent with originally specified shop primer, including ensuring minimum required coating
thickness. Field finish paint (two (2) coats) exposed joists, joist girders, bearing plates and any
other exposed accessories in accordance with Standard 12 – Painting.
05 31 00 STEEL DECK:
1. GENERAL: Provide steel deck, opening reinforcement, bearing plates and angles, edge supports,
attachments, and accessories as indicated on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as required
for a complete and proper installation. Unless noted otherwise, latest editions of referenced
specifications and standards apply.
The Drawings identify specific requirements for this project. Some paragraphs in this specification
section will not apply to this job.
3. QUALITY ASSURANCE: Comply with applicable provisions of latest editions of the following
Codes and Standards.
(2) SDI “Design Manual for Composite Decks, Form Decks, and Roof Decks – No. 30”.
(3) ANSI / AWS D1.3, “Structural Welding Code – Sheet Steel”. Welders shall be AWS qualified
for welding processes involved.
(5) ASTM A 780: Repair of Damaged and Uncoated Areas of Hot-Dipped Galvanized Coatings.
(6) ASTM A 792: Steel Sheet, 55 percent Aluminum-Zinc Alloy-Coated by the Hot-Dip Process.
(7) ASTM A 1008: Steel Sheet, Cold-Rolled, Carbon, Structural, High-Strength Low-Alloy and
High-Strength Low-Alloy with Improved Formability.
4. SUBMITTALS: In accordance with the “Submittals” section. Submit product data including
section and material properties for each type of deck and fastener specified.
(1) Prime-Painted Steel Deck: ASTM A 1008, Structural Steel (SS), Grade 33 minimum, shop
primed with manufacturer’s standard baked-on, rust-inhibitive primer. Color: Manufacturer’s
standard gray.
(2) Steel Deck Accessories, Flashings Closure Strips, Cover Plates, Opening Reinforcement,
Cant Strips, Wet Concrete Stops, and other Related Accessories: Same quality and type of
material as steel deck unless noted otherwise. Minimum 20 gauge before coating.
(3) Steel Bearing Plates, Angles, Edge Supports, Anchorages, and Miscellaneous Shapes: ASTM
A 36 unless noted otherwise. Refer to Section 05 12 00 “Structural Steel”.
(4) Welding Material: Conform to AWS D1.3, weld material compatible with required application.
(1) General: Fabricate deck material in lengths to span three or more support spacing’s unless
noted otherwise.
(2) Steel Deck: Profile, depth, uncoated steel thickness (gage), fabrication width, and coating
requirements are as specified on drawings.
(4) Metal Closure Strips: Fabricate or form to the configuration required to provide tight-fitting
closures at open deck ends and sides.
(5) Ridge and Valley Cover Plates: Fabricate minimum 6-inches-wide, bent to provide tight-fitting
closure with deck units and 10-foot minimum lengths.
8. FIELD REPAIRS: Damage that requires mitigation includes, but is not limited to, bent materials,
and damaged protective coatings such as primer and paint.
(2) Primer and Paint: All damaged primer and paint shall be repaired in accordance with the
coating manufacturer’s recommendations, quality assurance standards listed above, and
using materials consistent with originally specified shop primer and paint, including ensuring
minimum required coating thicknesses.
(1) General: Install deck units and accessories in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions,
approved shop drawings, SDI Manual, and as specified.
(2) Anchor Bolts and Other Anchors: Coordinate placement of anchors in concrete construction
for securing bearing plates and angles.
(3) Placing: Do not start before supporting members are installed. Accurately align end to end
before fastening. Place deck units flat and square. Secure deck without warp or excessive
deflection. Do not locate deck bundles to overload structural members.
(4) Bearing: On steel support members provide 4-inch minimum bearing. On masonry support
surfaces provide 7-inch minimum bearing.
(5) Lapping Deck Ends: Lap deck ends 3-inches minimum and locate over supports.
(6) Nesting: Nest the deck side laps between adjacent deck units.
(7) Welding: Comply with AWS requirements and procedures for manual shielded metal-arc
welding, appearance and quality of welds, and methods used in correcting welding work.
(8) Deck Attachment: Permanently attach deck to structure using one of the following options:
1) Option A – Welded: Type 18, 24/4 welds, 3/4-inch-diameter puddle welds at 8-inch
spacing (24/4 pattern, four (4) per 24-inches-wide sheet) at each main structural support
member and five (5) welded side lap fasteners per span (between supports) – deck to
deck and deck to supports.
(9) Cutting and Fitting: Cut and fit deck units and accessories around other work projecting
through or adjacent to the deck. Provide square and trimmed cuts.
(10)Reinforcement at Openings: Provide additional reinforcement and closure pieces for strength,
continuity of deck, and support of other work. Coordinate opening locations with appropriate
1) Openings Less Than 15-inches in Any Direction: Use flat sheet steel placed over
opening and fusion weld to top deck surface. Provide sheet at least 12-inches wider and
longer than the opening. Weld at each corner and a maximum of 12-inches on center
along each side.
2) Openings From 15-inches to 30-inches in Any Direction and Not Supported by Structural
Members: Weld a 1-inch by 1-inch by 1/4-inch steel angle to deck underside at right
angle to deck ribs. Extend angle at least three (3) ribs beyond each side of the opening
and weld to bottom surface of each rib. Reinforce the opening side parallel to the deck
ribs with 12-inch-wide sheet steel. Place on deck top surface, and weld at each corner
and at a maximum of 12-inches on center along each side.
4) Openings with Prefabricated Curbs and Mechanical Openings: Provide vertical sheet
steel sleeve to protect deck and insulation, and to provide connection for mechanical
ductwork. Weld at each corner and a maximum of 12-inches on center along each side.
(11)Closure Strips and Angle Fasteners: Install sheet steel closures and angle flashings to close
uncovered ends and edges of the deck between deck and walls, columns, and openings.
Weld into position to provide a complete deck installation.
(12)Ridge and Valley Cover Plates: Install 6-inch-wide sheet steel where deck changes
direction. Weld to top deck surface 12-inches on center maximum. Lap end joints a minimum
of 3-inches, with laps made in direction of water flow.
(13)Hanging Loads: Do not hang mechanical equipment or other loads from deck unless shown
on the drawings or approved by the COR.
(14)Painting: Immediately after welding deck in place, wire brush, clean, and repair damaged
paint areas, burned areas, welds, and rust spots on the top and bottom surfaces of deck units
and supporting steel members. Use primer consistent with shop primer or galvanizing as
10. TOUCH-UP PAINT: Touch-up paint for shop-painted units shall be the same type used for the
shop painting, and touch-up paint for zinc-coated units shall be “Galva Bright Premium – 7008” or
an approved equal. Welds shall be touched-up with paint conforming to SSPC 20 in accordance
with ASTM A 780. Finish of deck units and accessories shall be maintained by using touch-up
paint whenever necessary to prevent the formation of rust.
11. PAINTING: The underside of the metal deck shall receive two (2) coats of finish paint in
accordance with Standard 12 – Painting.
1. GENERAL: Provide steel studs, joists, tracks, anchors, bridging, bracing, and other accessories
as indicated on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as required for a complete and proper
installation. Unless noted otherwise, latest editions of referenced specifications and standards
The drawings identify specific requirements for this project. Some paragraphs in this specification
section will not apply to this job.
(2) Steel Stud Manufacturer’s Association documents “Product Technical Information” and
Supplemental Product Technical Information”, latest editions.
(4) ASTM Standard C 1002, latest edition, for hot-dip galvanized steel screws.
(5) ASTM Standard A 123, latest edition, for hot-dip galvanizing of steel materials.
(6) ASTM Standard A 153, latest edition, for galvanizing of steel hardware.
(1) Product Data: Include manufacturer’s product information for all items provided under this
section, including but not limited to, structural components, accessories, and fasteners
showing specifications conformance.
(1) All products are to be manufactured by a current member of the Steel Stud Manufacturers
Association. Emboss or stamp on the web of each item provided under this section, at a
maximum spacing of 48-inches, identification including, but not limited to, the manufacturer’s
name, yield strength, and the minimum base metal thickness (mils).
(2) Provide Structural Components (Steel Studs, Joists, Headers, Tracks, Bridging, and
Straps): Formed from galvanized sheet steel with sizes, and minimum thicknesses as shown
on the drawings.
(3) Accessories (Including but not limited to Clips, Web Stiffeners, Anchors, Fastening Devices,
Bracing, Furring, End Closures, and Accessory Materials): Same quality material as track
(unless noted otherwise); galvanized; and channel, strip, or bar shaped as required for
complete installation.
(4) Fasteners (Self-Drilling, Self-Tapping Steel Screws): Minimum No. 6, Type S, 1.125-inches-
long, unless noted otherwise.
(5) Fasteners (Welding): Where applicable and as shown on the Drawings. All welds of
galvanized steel shall be touched up with zinc-rich paint. All welds of carbon sheet steel shall
be touched up with paint.
(6) Anchor Devices: As shown on drawings and as specified in the “Miscellaneous Metals”
(1) General: Fabricate assemblies of sizes and profiles required, with joints fitted, secured,
reinforced, and braced for loads. Cuts are to be square for attachment to perpendicular
members, or as required for angular fit against abutting members.
(2) Prefabrication Option: Components may be shop fabricated into panels prior to erection.
Prefabricated panels shall be square, with components attached and braced in a manner to
prevent racking and to minimize distortion while lifting and transporting.
(3) Attachment: Unless noted otherwise on drawings, attach similar materials by welding in
accordance with AWS; attach dissimilar materials with screws, bolts, or suitably designed
clips. Wire tying of components is not permitted.
(4) Temporary Bracing: Provide temporary bracing where required until erection is complete.
(5) Insulation: Provide insulation equal to that specified elsewhere and install in all multiple studs
and headers which will be inaccessible at the worksite.
(1) Runner Tracks: Provide uniform and level bearing surface for tracks at each stud with full
shims or grout. Secure track to supporting structure with anchorage devices at maximum
24-inches on center. Anchor intersecting or abutting runner track joint to a common structural
element or splice together. Do not splice runner track over headers or bracing.
(2) Bearing and Non-Bearing Studs: Place studs at 24-inches on center, not more than 2-inches
from abutting walls, and at each side of openings. Plumb, align, and squarely seat studs in
top and bottom runner tracks and fasten studs to tracks as shown on the Drawings or in
accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Erect studs in one piece; splices and wire tying
are not permitted.
(3) Joists: Erect ceiling joists in rooms with gypsum board ceiling. Joists are to be parallel and
have uniform and level end bearing. Provide end blocking for joists when joist ends are not
otherwise restrained from rotation.
(4) Corners: Unless noted otherwise on the Drawings, construct corners using a minimum of
three (3) studs.
(6) Blocking: Attach cross studs or furring channels to studs for attachment of finish material,
plumbing fixtures, toilet accessories, grab bars, specialty material, trim, electrical panels, and
other material anchored to walls. Install framing between studs for attachment of electrical
boxes, and other mechanical and electrical material.
(7) Insulation: Install insulation in all multiple studs, headers, and corners before attaching
(8) Painting: After erection, clean all field welds of galvanized steel and touch up with zinc-rich
(1) Embedded and non-embedded metal material, including but not limited to aluminum or steel
covers for the cable entry box, galvanized ledge angles, cable entry metalwork and sealing
assemblies, loose steel lintels, door stop posts, bumper posts, and not including metalwork
which is specified in other specifications sections.
(2) Frames, hangers, and supports required for equipment, except those which are specified in
other paragraphs.
(3) Manufactured material, including soffit vents, cable sealing assemblies, and ceiling access
(2) Cable Sealing Assemblies: Equal to Roxtec Cable and Pipe Seals (www.roxtec.com) or
approved equal, with the following features:
1) Seals: Rodent resistant and watertight, with positive dust and moisture seal.
2) Mounting Frame: Multiple units of manufacturer’s standard steel frames with bolting
flange. Refer to the drawings for dimensions of openings. Provide rubber gasket to seal
flange to concrete.
(3) Ceiling Access Door: Equal to Babcock-Davis BIW series insulated access panel, 22-inches
by 22-inches, 1-hour fire rated with smoke gasketing, prime painted from manufacturer.
(1) General: For fabrication of metalwork which will be exposed to view, use only material which
is smooth and free of surface blemishes including pitting, seam marks, weld splatter, roller
marks, rolled trade names, and roughness.
(3) Joints: Fabricate material with joints flush and tightly fitted and secured. Miter corners.
(4) Assembly: Fit and assemble in largest practical sections for delivery to work site.
(5) Grinding: Grind exposed welds flush and smooth with adjacent finished surface. Ease
exposed edges to small uniform radius.
(6) Anchorage: Provide components required for anchorage of metalwork. Fabricate anchors
and related components of same material and finish as metalwork, except where specifically
noted otherwise.
(7) Exposed Mechanical Fastenings: Flush countersunk screws or bolts; unobtrusively located;
and consistent with design of structure, except where specifically noted otherwise.
(10)Shop Finish:
1) Clean surfaces of rust, scale, grease, and other foreign matter prior to finishing or placing
in concrete.
5. PREPARATION: Clean and strip primed steel or galvanized material to bare metal where welding
is required.
(1) General: Install material plumb and level, accurately fitted, and free from distortion or defects.
Perform cutting, drilling, tapping, and fitting required for installation of metalwork. Fit exposed
connections accurately to form tight hairline joints.
(2) Cable Sealing Assemblies: Properly seal frame flange to concrete foundation. Carefully
review manufacturer’s installation instructions prior to pulling control cable through cable
sealing assemblies. Sealing modules shall be tight around all cables and result in a
watertight installation.
(3) Welding: Perform field welding in accordance with AWS D1.1. Grind exposed joints smooth
and flush.
(4) Fastening to In-Place Construction: Set anchor devices and fasteners where necessary to
secure metalwork to in-place construction. Use threaded fasteners, masonry anchors, toggle
bolts, through bolts, lag bolts, wood screws, and other connectors as required.
(7) Adjustments: Cut or make adjustments as approved by the COR for metalwork which does
not fit. Grind concrete surfaces to eliminate high spots or racking of cover.
7. SHOP FINISH SCHEDULE: Shop finish material as scheduled or as shown on the drawings:
(6) Below Ceiling Supports for Equipment: Galvanized finish or painted finish to match
(1) Wood framing and sheathing for walls and roof structure.
(2) Fascia, nailers, and miscellaneous wood blocking for installation of equipment, lights and
overhead cable tray as detailed on the drawings or as required for backup material.
(1) Lumber: Identify with grade stamp of an agency certified by NFOPA. Lumber Grading Rules
shall be in accordance with WWPA.
(2) Plywood or Oriented Strand Board: Identify with grade stamp of APA.
(1) General: Refer to the General Structural Notes, on the project drawings, for material
properties of dimensional lumber, laminated veneer lumber, plywood and oriented strand
board. Dimensions and thickness shall be as shown on the drawings.
(2) Sills: Preservative treated wood, including engineered lumber, shall be in accordance with
Chapter 23 of the IBC.
(3) Nails, Spikes, and Staples: Galvanized for exterior locations and high humidity locations and
treated wood; plain finish for other interior locations; size and type to suit application.
4. SITE TREATMENT OF WOOD MATERIAL: Site treat sawn end and machined areas of treated
wood with preservative compatible with shop treatment.
(1) General: Install framing, blocking and required nailers. Install members true, plumb, and
level. Secure in place.
(3) Material: Construct members of continuous pieces of longest possible lengths. Provide
tight-fitting butt joints.
(4) Attachment: Wall framing shall accommodate anchor bolts and miscellaneous anchors as
shown on the building structural drawings.
(5) Wall Openings: Double wall-framing members at openings over 100-square-inches. Space
short members above and below openings in same manner as for walls.
1) Placing: Place panels perpendicular to framing with end joints staggered. Secure panels
with edges centered on framing. Maintain panel joints of 1/8-inch at end and edge joints
for expansion and contraction.
2) Nailing: As specified in the General Structural Notes of the project drawings or the
Fastening Schedule in Chapter 23 of the IBC.
(7) Wall Sheathing: As specified in the General Structural Notes of the project drawings or the
Fastening Schedule in Chapter 23 Wood of the IBC. Maintain panel joints of 1/8-inch at end
and edge joints.
(8) Bolts: Drill holes 1/16-inch larger than bolt diameter. Drill straight and true from one side only.
Use washers under nuts and bolt heads in contact with wood. Counter bore, where required,
but not more than one-third of material thickness.
(9) Lag Screws: Pre-bore holes the same diameter as root of thread. Enlarge holes to shank
diameter for length of shank.
(10)Nails: For conditions not specified or noted on the drawings, provide penetration into receiving
piece of minimum one-half nail length. Use 16d nails to connect two (2) pieces of 2x lumber.
Replace members split by nailing.
(11)Tolerances: Surface flatness of roof deck and wall sheathing: 1/4-inch in 10-feet maximum.
1. GENERAL: Provide wood trusses including connectors for attachment to load bearing walls,
connectors for interconnection of trusses, lateral bracing, lateral bracing connectors, and
miscellaneous blocking.
(1) Design, fabrication, and erection shall conform to TPI “Design Specification for Metal Plate
Connected Wood Trusses”.
(2) Design: Trusses shall be designed by a Professional Engineer registered in the state where
the structure shall be built. Trusses shall meet the requirements of the latest edition of the
(3) Qualifications of Fabricator: Fabricator shall meet the requirements for in-plant quality control
practices and fabrication procedures as provided by the Truss Plate Institute Inspection
Bureau, or the requirements of another approved independent inspection agency.
(1) Shop Drawings: Indicate truss framing plan; species and grades of lumber used; pitch, span,
and spacing of trusses; gauge thickness, nominal sizes, and locations of connectors at joints;
bearing and anchorage details; all connectors for interconnection of trusses and bracing;
framed openings, if required; and permanent bracing and bridging. Drawings shall be
stamped by a Professional Engineer registered in the state where the structure shall be built.
(1) Wood Chords and Webs: Lumber shall be in accordance the General Structural Notes of the
project drawings, conform to Truss Plate Institute (TPI) requirements, shall be S4S, and have
a maximum moisture content of 19 percent at time of fabrication.
(4) Truss Connectors: The truss manufacturer, through the engineer-of-record, is responsible
for final connector selection for inter-connection of all elements of the roof truss system based
upon final loads; toe-nailed connections are not acceptable. Refer to General Structural
Notes, framing plan, and structural details in the project drawings for additional information.
6. FABRICATION: In accordance with TPI. Ensure members are accurately cut to length, angle,
and true to line for tight joints.
1. GENERAL: Provide fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) panels with matching trim pieces for wall
(1) FRP Panel: Fiberglass reinforced thermosetting polyester resin panel complying with ASTM D
5319, Class A rated per ASTM E 84, minimum thickness of 0.09-inches, pebbled front surface,
white in color, equal to Marlite Standard FRP panel.
(2) Trim: Semi-rigid extruded PVC for edges and corners, color white to match panels.
(3) Adhesive: As recommended by panel manufacturer for application to gypsum wall board or
fire-retardant treated plywood.
(1) Cut and drill panels in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions. Apply
panels to substrate in a vertical orientation with seams plumb. Trim pieces shall be installed to
allow for panel expansion.
(2) Refer to manufacturer’s specific cleaning recommendations. Do not use abrasive cleaners.
1. GENERAL: Provide rigid board insulation at inside perimeter of foundation in accordance with the
project drawings.
(1) Board Insulation: Extruded polystyrene Type IV foam board insulation per ASTM C 578,
25 psi compressive strength per ASTM D 1621, maximum water absorption of 0.3 percent by
volume per ASTM C 272, minimum R-value of 5.0-per-inch, equal to Styrofoam Brand Square
Edge Insulation by DOW Building Solutions.
(1) Apply board insulation to inside face of foundation wall as recommended by the manufacturer
and as shown on the project drawings. Protect from damage before and during backfilling.
1. GENERAL: Provide insulation above the ceiling, in exterior walls, and at locations shown on the
drawings. The minimum resistance value (R) is noted on the drawings. Insulation shall have a
minimum recycled content of 25 percent.
(1) Faced Insulation: Equal to Formaldehyde-free FSK-25 (foil-scrim-kraft) Faced Batts by Johns
Manville Corporation, and having the following minimum characteristics:
(2) Unfaced Batt Insulation: Equal to Formaldehyde-free Unfaced Batts by Johns Manville
Corporation, and having the following minimum characteristics:
1) Unfaced, minimum 75 percent recycled content, 4.0 pcf density, thickness of 6-inches.
2) Noncombustible and compliance with ASTM E 84, flame/fuel/smoke rating of 15/0/0.
(1) Preparation: Verify adjacent material is dry and ready to receive insulation. Verify mechanical
and electrical services within walls have been installed and tested.
(2) General: Install insulation in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Trim insulation
neatly to fit spaces. Fit insulation tight in spaces and tight to exterior side of mechanical and
electrical services within the plane of insulation. Leave no gaps or voids.
(3) Faced Batt Insulation: Install insulation with vapor retarder facing warm side of building
spaces. Friction staple insulation between wood studs. Tape and seal tears and cuts in vapor
retarder. Maintain continuity of vapor retarder membrane.
(4) Ceiling Insulation: Install after installations above ceiling are complete.
(5) Safing Insulation: Apply in battery room wall cavity at ceiling height.
(1) Cellulose Insulation: Complying with ASTM C 739 Standard Specification for Cellulosic Fiber
Loose-Fill Thermal Insulation; treated with fire retardant chemical, flame spread <25, smoke
development <450 per ASTM E 84; minimum 85% recycled content.
(1) Apply in accordance with manufacturer’s coverage charts for R-values as indicated on the
drawings. Remove dust, dirt or foreign matter that may impair adhesion to the application
surface. Protect adjacent surfaces that are not intended to receive thermal insulation, such as
receptacles, windows and doors. Allow moisture level in insulation to reach 25 percent or less
prior to covering insulation, minimum 24-hours after application.
1. GENERAL: Provide rigid board insulation over metal deck, as shown on the Drawings.
(1) Product Data: Submit manufacturer’s product information showing conformance with these
(1) Roof Insulation: Polyisocyanurate foam laminated to fiber reinforced facer on both sides,
ASTM D 1289, Type II, Class 1, Grade 3 (25 psi), dimensional stability 2 percent maximum
change per ASTM D 2126, water absorption less than 1 percent volume per ASTM C 209,
Flame Spread (foam core) less than 50 per ASTM E 84, R-value of six (6) per inch, thickness
as required on the Drawings, equal to H-Shield Flat Polyiso by Hunter Panels. The top 2-inch
layer of insulation shall be nail-base with 5/8-inch plywood laminated to the rigid board
(2) Fasteners and Plates: Of length and diameter as recommended and supplied by the board
insulation manufacturer for attachment to metal deck.
(1) General: Install materials in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations and these
specifications. Install insulation with staggered joints. Cut and fit with saw, knife, or other tool
to leave clean, square edges. Fit insulation tightly against adjoining pieces and closely around
penetrations. Use mechanical fasteners as recommended by board insulation manufacturer.
(1) General: Attach to sheathing, overlap, shingle and tape horizontal and vertical seams in
accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions. Wrap around wall openings and
overlap with flashing at base of the wall.
1. GENERAL: As applicable for building construction type, provide a vapor retarders at the inside
surface of walls, ceiling or top side of steel roof deck.
(1) Polyethylene Sheet: 10 mil polyethylene sheet or alternate Class 1 vapor retarder to underside
of roof structure and interior face of wall framing when cellulose insulation is used. Tape all
seams and seal miscellaneous openings in vapor retarder.
(2) Self-Adhesive Vapor Retarder: Reinforced composite aluminum foil with self-adhesive SBS
backing and removable poly release film, water vapor transmission of 0.03 perms per ASTM
E 96, tear strength 135 lbf per ASTM D 1970, thickness of 0.015-inch, low temperature
flexibility minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit, FM approval Class 1, equal to VapAir Seal MD as
manufactured by Carlisle Syntec Systems.
1. GENERAL: Provide metal roofing with vented ridge cap, prefinished metal fascia to match roofing,
flashing, and concealed anchors. Provide roofing underlayment. Roofing panels shall be
grounded. Provide gutters and downspouts as shown on the drawings.
(1) Leakage: Roofing installation shall be free from water leakage under all weather conditions for
roof slope of 4:12.
(2) Roof Finish: No chalk in excess of seven units as measured in accordance with ASTM D 659.
No fade or color change in excess of 6 NBS units when measured in accordance with ASTM
D 2244.
(3) Thermal Movement: Provide roof and accessories to accommodate thermal expansion and
contraction for plus or minus 200 degrees Fahrenheit.
(1) Metal Roofing Panel, 3/12 or greater pitch: Equal to Span-Lok hp by AEP-Span (www.aep-
span.com) and shall have the following features:
3) Finish: Factory-applied paint equal to Kynar 500 or Hylar 5000 consisting of baked on
corrosion resistant primer and baked on finish coat. Panel color shall be selected from
manufacturer’s full range of standard colors.
(2) Metal Roofing Panel, less than 3/12 pitch: 24 gauge galvanized steel base material, 24-inch-
width, 2 3/8-inch standing seam height, with factory applied fluoropolymer paint. Roof panels
shall be McElroy Metals, 238T symmetrical panel with plank and pencil profile, or equal.
Provide seam caps with two continuous beads of sealant, factory formed metal closure and
factory formed foam closure.
(3) Anchor Clips, Cleats, and Starter Strips: Two (2) piece, self-centering, allowance for
expansion and contraction, concealed, minimum 24 gauge galvanized or aluminized sheet
steel; provided by roofing manufacturer.
(4) Vented Ridge Cap, Fascia, Trim Material, Flashings, Gutters and Downspouts: Factory
formed from same material, gauge, and finish as roofing material. Provide insect screen for
vented ridge cap. Allow for roof panel expansion and contraction.
(5) Snow Guards: Equal to Snoblox SnowBar with stainless steel clamps, steel bar with endcap,
icestopper and other accessories as required for a complete installation. Provide snow guards
as shown on the project drawings.
(6) Roof Panel Fasteners: Concealed screw attachment suitable for fastening sheet metal to
plywood, as recommended by roofing manufacturer, and corrosion resistant.
(7) Roofing Underlayment: Equal to Grace Ultra, self-adhered roofing underlayment for high
temperature applications, 30 mil thickness. Prime wood sheathing with Perm-A-Barrier WB
Primer at a rate of 250-350-square-feet per gallon.
(1) General: Execute work in accordance with roof panel manufacturer's instructions.
(2) Underlayment: Apply underlayment to meet requirements of roofing manufacturer for weather
tight installation.
(3) Joints: Lap, lock, cleat, seam, and seal all joints for weather tight installation.
(4) Clips and Cleats: Shall be concealed, with spacing as recommended by roofing manufacturer
for UL 90 rating.
(5) Detail Standards: For gutters and downspouts fabrication, conform to the SMACNA
“Architectural Sheet Metal Manual” recommendations.
(6) Grounding: In accordance with the 4000 series drawing and approved shop drawings, provide
grounding of the metal roofing system. Run a grounding wire under the ridge cap the full
length of the building.
(7) Repairs: Repair or replace material which is loose, improperly fitted, or damaged.
(8) Painting: Paint cut edges of roofing, flashing, and accessories with matching paint provided
by roofing manufacturer. Touch up minor scratches.
1. GENERAL: Provide preformed, prefinished metal panels with matching flashing and trim for soffit
and siding at the roof overhangs.
(1) Metal Soffit Panel: Equal to McElroy Metal, vented profile and with the following minimum
4. INSTALLATION: Install soffit and siding panels in accordance with approved shop drawings and
manufacturer’s instructions.
6. PAINTING: Paint cut edges of soffit panels, flashing, trim and accessories with matching paint
provided by the panel manufacturer. Touch up minor scratches. Do not use maintenance
1. GENERAL: Provide prefinished plywood soffit complete with standard trim components and
accessories. Refer to section 05 50 00 Metal Fabrications for soffit vent.
1) Core: Structural C-plugged exterior grade plywood, 5/16-inch thick, 4-feet-wide, and
10-feet long.
2) Face Sheet: 0.010-inch textured aluminum, with pebble texture and prefinished
baked-on polyester coating, bonded to core with waterproof adhesive.
3) Back Sheet: 0.004-inch fiberglass-reinforced aluminum foil backer bonded to core with
waterproof adhesive.
(2) Trim: Provide end panel closures, corner trims, drips, and other moldings as required for a
complete and weathertight installation. Trim shall be extruded or roll-formed aluminum with
baked-on finish and color to match panels. Trim shall be by the panel manufacturer.
(3) Nails: Aluminum, colored to match panels, and of size and type recommended by
4. INSTALLATION: Install panels, trim, and accessories as shown on the drawings, and in
accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Provide adequate separation of aluminum panel
edges and backs from dissimilar metals, as recommended by manufacturer, to prevent
electrolysis. Panels damaged during installation shall be repaired or replaced as directed by the
1. GENERAL: Provide sprayed-in-place polyurethane foam insulation in wall cavities and other
locations as indicated on the Drawings.
3. MATERIAL: Equal to CertainTeed, Certa Spray closed cell foam or equal, and with the following
(1) Density (sprayed in place): Minimum 2.0 pound/cu. Ft per ASTM D 1622.
(2) Thermal Resistance (aged): R-value of 6.40 per inch; ASTM C 518.
(3) Compressive Strength: Minimum of 25 pounds/square-inch; ASTM D 1621.
(4) Dimensional Stability: Less than 9 percent net, ASTM D 1621.
(5) Permeance: 1.51/inch; ASTM E 96.
(6) Water Absorption: Less than 2 percent by volume; ASTM D 2842.
(7) Flammability: Flame spread less than 25; ASTM E 84.
(8) Smoke Index: Less than 450: ASTM E 84.
If the sprayed foam skin is removed to correct surface irregularities or to remove excess foam
thickness, respray the cut surface with a minimum of 1/2-inch thickness of foam to provide a
protective foam skin.
1. GENERAL: Provide acrylic caulking for interior of building and silicone sealant for exterior.
(1) Acrylic Caulking: ASTM C 834; one component; acrylic sealant; color to match adjacent
(2) Silicone Sealant: ASTM C 920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 25, one component; low-modules
silicone sealant, color to match adjacent areas when visible.
(3) Firestop Sealant: Silicone based elastic firestop sealant, joint movement capability of plus or
minus 25 percent, minimum 2-hour fire resistance approval by UL, equal to Hilti CP 601
Elastomeric Firestop Sealant.
(4) Backup Material: Closed cell polyethylene foam round rods having highly flexible and
compressive characteristics; compatible with joint compound.
(1) Temperatures: Do not install sealant when ambient temperature or temperature of surfaces
against which it will be placed is below 40°F unless permitted by manufacturer’s installation
(2) Repairing: Joint compounds that are not homogeneous, do not bond to surfaces of joints, or
are otherwise defective shall be removed from joints, and joints re-cleaned and re-caulked at
the Contractor's expense.
5. SCHEDULE: Intended as a guide for caulk and sealant locations; however, each location is
subject to approval.
(1) Acrylic Caulk: Use for interior work only, gypsum board caulking, interior hollow metal frames,
and joints between dissimilar materials where little or no movement is expected.
(2) Sealant: Use for joints in building exterior such as masonry control joints, and around metal
frames and metal roofing.
(3) Firestop Sealant: For use in sealing penetrations through battery room walls or ceiling.
1. GENERAL: Provide steel swinging doors, doorframes, and other accessory material where shown
on the drawings, or required, for a complete installation. Steel door frames shall be grounded.
3. PRODUCT HANDLING AND PROTECTION: Follow manufacturer's special storage and handling
(1) General: Doors and frames shall be of sizes shown on the drawings. Doors and frames shall
be products of one manufacturer. Panel reinforcement for doors shall be steel reinforcement
(2) Exterior Steel Doors: Level 3 (extra heavy duty), Model 1 (full flush construction), and 1
3/4-inch thick, 16 gauge, in accordance with ANSI/SDI A250.8. Class (door type) as shown on
the drawings.
Fill spaces within exterior doors with glass fiber insulation having a minimum density of
1 1/2 pounds per cubic foot or polystyrene having a minimum density of 1 pound per cubic
(3) Interior Steel Doors: Level 2 (heavy duty), model 1 (full flush construction), 1 3/4-inches-thick,
18 gauge, in accordance with ANSI/SDI A250.8 Door type as shown on drawings.
(4) Fire Door Cores: As required to provide fire-protection ratings indicated on drawings.
(5) Steel Doorframes: Doorframes shall be welded and of types and sizes shown on the
drawings; in accordance with requirements of ANSI/SDI A250.8, except for gauge.
(6) Steel Shop Primer: Manufacturer’s standard, far-curing, lead and chromate free primer
complying with SDI A250.10; recommended by primer manufacturer for substrate; compatible
with substrate and field applied coatings despite long exposure.
(7) Accessories: Where indicated on drawings, provide louvers which comply with SDI 111C.
(8) Caulking and Backup Material: In accordance with Section 07 91 00 Joint Sealants.
(9) Frame Anchors: SDI standard, compatible with adjacent construction, and welded to
(1) General: Doors and frames shall be reinforced, drilled, and tapped in shop to receive
projecting hardware. Perform drilling and tapping for surface hardware in the field. Use
(2) Doors: Top and bottom of doors shall receive a flush end closure treatment. Surface sheets
shall be supported by continuous, hat-shaped members not less than 20 gauge, spaced not
more than 6-inches on center, and internally spot welded to both surface sheets not more than
4-inches on center. Undercut each door leaf as required for proper clearance and installation
of weather stripping and threshold.
(3) Frames: Frames for installation in wall openings over 4-feet wide shall have a 12 gauge
channel stiffener factory welded into the head. Frames for installation in exterior and interior
walls shall be of welded construction.
(4) Jamb Anchors: Provide four welded anchors per jamb for frames up to 7-feet-high, and one
additional anchor per foot of height above 7-feet. In addition, provide sill anchors for all
frames. Anchors shall be welded to back of frame, minimum of 0.042-inch (1.0 mm) thick.
(5) Floor Anchors: Minimum 0.042-inch-thickness, clip-type with two holes to receive fasteners.
(7) Shop Finish: Exterior doors and frames shall be galvanized, followed by a phosphate
treatment, and given the manufacturer's standard shop coat of non-bituminous priming paint.
All exterior frames shall receive one (1) coat of bituminous water-resistant paint on the inside,
unexposed surface.
(1) Doors and Frames: Install doors and frames in true alignment with head level and jambs
plumb. Install welded-type doorframes at the time walls are constructed; brace and anchor in
place. Insulate exterior door frames.
7. FIELD PAINTING: After doors are installed, but before projecting hardware is installed, doors and
doorframes shall be painted in accordance with Standard 12 – “Painting”.
8. ADJUSTMENT: Before acceptance of work, test operation of doors and correct defects in
1. GENERAL: Provide hardware for steel doors, complete with fasteners, anchors, and other
accessories for full operation of hardware. Exterior door locks shall be protected with astragals.
(1) Door Hardware: Table 11-1 specifies the door hardware types, or equal, which are
acceptable. Refer to Division 11 of the project specifications for the door hardware schedule.
(2) Keying:
2) Existing Keying System: A master keying system has been established with Best Access
Systems. The keying system is either a six-pin or seven-pin system; consult with the
COR. The lock sets for doors shall be supplied with a permanent cylinder with temporary
construction core for use during construction. The cylinder furnished shall be capable of
accepting a Best Access Systems permanent core. When construction is complete, the
Contractor shall turn over to Western the construction master and control key. Western
will furnish and install the permanent cores.
(3) Fasteners: Provide hardware with screws, bolts, and other fasteners of suitable size and type
to anchor hardware in position for long life under hard use. Provide expansion shields, toggle
bolts, hex bolts, and other anchors suitable for type of material to which hardware is applied.
Fasteners shall be compatible with or match hardware material and finish.
(1) General: Install hardware in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, using proper
(2) Painting: Do not install projecting hardware until painting of doors and frames is complete.
(3) Thresholds: Fit tight to doorframes, set in full beds of mastic, and attach to concrete with
machine screws in expansion anchors.
(4) Closers: Provide parallel arms at out-swinging exterior doors to prevent exterior exposure.
Size exterior door closers one size oversized.
(5) Astragal: Provide welded or bolted astragal for lock protection at all exterior doors.
(6) Adjustment: Test operation of each door, verify lock location, adjust hardware, and correct
defects in operation.
Corbin Russwin
Mortise exit device with exterior cylinder
Electrified and lever, capable of accepting Best
L2 619 N9M57-M92
Lockset 7 pin cylinder, touchbar monitor (REX,
Best 12E72
request to exit)
cylinder or equal.
08 80 00 GLAZING:
1. GENERAL: Provide fixed glazing for hollow metal frame windows and hollow metal doors.
(1) Insulated Security Glazing for Windows: Two (2) lites of clear 1/4-inch-thick laminated glass
with 0.060-inch interlayer meeting test requirements of ANSI Standard Z-97.1.
(2) Insulated Units for Hollow Metal Doors: Two (2) lites of clear 1/4-inch-thick laminated glass
with 0.060-inch interlayer meeting test requirements of ANSI Standard Z-97.1.
(3) Single Glazing for Interior Hollow Metal Doors: 1/4-inch-thick safety glazing; tempered,
laminated or wired glass meeting test requirements of ANSI Standard Z-97.1.
4. INSTALLATION: In accordance with manufacturer's instructions. For windows and exterior doors,
removable glazing stop shall be on the interior side.
09 29 00 GYPSUM BOARD:
3. MATERIAL STORAGE: Store gypsum wallboard inside under cover, flat, and off the floor. Deliver
material to site with manufacturer's labels intact.
(1) Fire-Retardant Gypsum Wallboard ASTM C 36: Type X (fire-retardant core), plain face, plain
back, tapered edge, 5/8-inch-thickness.
(2) Accessories:
2) Metal Corners and Trim: Galvanized steel or other noncorrosive metal and of standard
commercial quality.
3) Control Joints: Equal to United States Gypsum Control Joint No. 093.
4) Tape and Joint Cement: Material for treatment of joints in gypsum wallboard, including
tape and compound, shall conform to requirements of ASTM C 475.
1) General: Do not apply gypsum wallboard to walls and ceiling until pipes, electrical
conduit, insulation, and other features to be concealed are placed.
Where practicable, apply gypsum wallboard with long dimension perpendicular to studs.
Butt board together tightly at joints and stagger end joints. Ends of board shall bear on a
support with at least 5/8-inch bearing.
Install metal corners at outside corners and other locations where required to conceal
exposed edges. Install metal trim at openings and other locations as required to conceal
exposed edges of board. Install metal corners and trim in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions.
Install with screw fasteners of the type recommended by manufacturer. Screw heads
shall be driven to provide a slight depression below the board surface. Do not drive
screw fasteners closer than 3/8-inch from board edges.
2) Wall Attachment to Wood Studs: Fasten gypsum wallboard to each support with screws
spaced not more than 12-inches on center in the field of board and at 12-inches on
center staggered along abutting ends.
3) Ceiling Attachment: Fasten gypsum wallboard to each support with screw fasteners
spaced not more than 12-inches on center in the field of board and 8-inches on center
staggered along abutting ends.
(2) Joints: Following attachment of gypsum wallboard, tape joints in board in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions. Install tape reinforcement at all inside corners.
Dimples at screw heads and other depressions in board surface shall receive three (3) coats
of joint compound, applied as each coat is applied to joints.
(3) Control Joints: Isolate gypsum wallboard surfaces with a control joint or other means
recommended by manufacturer for the following conditions:
(4) Repairing: Fill damaged surface areas as required with an approved filler material. Repair
defective fastenings in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
7. PAINTING: Paint exposed surfaces of gypsum wallboard and metal trim in accordance with
Standard 12 – “Painting”.
(1) Samples: Submit one color sample set for color selection of base.
(1) Rubber Cove Base: Vulcanized thermoset rubber cove base, 4-inches-high, and equal to
Burke Base Rubber Wall Base Type TS, 1/8-inch cove base by Burke
Internal and external molded corners shall be furnished and installed for internal and external
corners, respectively, where rubber cove base is required.
(1) Provide access flooring system with high-pressure laminate finish. The system shall be
grounded at four corners of the control room.
(2) Base anchorage of control switchboard equipment and communication racks are required for
all installations in accordance with Standard Drawings 31 2049-1 and 31 2049-2.
(3) Refer to Project Specifications and/or General Structural Notes on drawings regarding
designation of IBC Building Occupancy Category (III for Substantial Hazard, or IV for Essential
Facility) and IBC Seismic Design Category (A, B, C, D, E, or F) as applicable to floor system
(4) Refer to Division 9 – Substation – Electrical regarding designation of IEEE Std. 693 Seismic
Qualification Level (Low, Moderate, or High) as applicable to floor system design.
(1) System: Elevated pedestal with stringers, rigid floor panels, seismic pedestal bases, seismic
brace assemblies, mechanical and/or epoxy anchors, complete with accessories and high-
pressure laminate finish.
(3) Elevated Floor: Nominal height of 18-inches above subfloor, unless noted otherwise on
(4) Tolerances: Floor panel flatness, plus or minus 0.02-inches in any direction; floor panel
length, plus or minus 0.02-inch; floor panel squareness, plus or minus 0.03-inch in diagonal
(5) Acceptable Manufacturer: Tate Concore 1000 Bolted Stringer System or equal.
IBC Seismic Design Category equal to C and higher, or IEEE Seismic Qualification Level equal to
Moderate and High: Compliance with specified performance requirements of the entire access
floor system shall be verified through design calculations or testing. A complete load path analysis
shall be included in the calculations verifying that gravity and lateral loads can be successfully
transmitted through the access floor system and anchored into the concrete sub-structure.
Resolution of the specified lateral loads can be achieved by using a properly designed braced or
cantilevered floor system provided calculations or certified test results reflect the method selected.
Certified test results or design calculations and drawings shall be stamped and signed by a
licensed civil or structural engineer.
Minimum performance and design load requirements for the entire access floor system, unless the
International Building Code or local governing jurisdiction includes more stringent requirements,
are as follows:
(1) Floor System Uniform and Concentrated Live Loads: Static design concentrated live load
equal to or greater than 1000 pounds; static design uniform live load equal to or greater than
350 pounds per-square-foot
(2) Installations with IBC Seismic Design Category equal to A or B, or IEEE Seismic Qualification
Level equal to Low: Specific requirements do not apply regarding use of seismic pedestal
bases or seismic brace assemblies for pedestals.
(3) Installations with IBC Seismic Design Category equal to C and higher, or IEEE Seismic
Qualification Level equal to Moderate and High: Provide seismic pedestal bases (Tate system
or equal) and/or seismic brace assemblies for pedestals (Tate system or equal); pedestal
bases are to be positively connected to concrete floor slab utilizing anchors or adhesive as
required by system manufacturer..
(1) Electrical Resistance: Electrical resistance from metal parts of panels to pedestals, between
pedestals and bolted stringers, and between the metal understructure and building ground
shall be less than 1 ohm.
(2) Fire Rating: Class A flame spread rating in accordance with ASTM E 84.
(1) Provide materials as required to install the complete access floor system.
(2) Pedestal bases and seismic pedestal bases: Galvanized steel with flat bottom base plate,
threaded supporting rod, and vibration-proof locknut to permit 1 1/2-inch minimum adjustment.
(3) Supporting Stringers: Bolted type, consisting of steel channels, box, or T-sections.
(4) Floor Panels: Galvanized-steel top sheet and bottom pan with concrete core.
(6) Floor Panel Finish Adhesive: Moisture-resistant type recommended by floor finish
(7) Lateral Bracing and seismic brace assemblies: Provide materials required by manufacturer.
(8) Panel Lifting Device: Manufacturer's standard type recommended for panel type.
(9) Grounding Connectors: Manufacturer's standard grounding clips for panel and stringers and
cable clamps as shown on the approved shop drawing detail.
(1) General: Install components in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Floor panel
layout shall be as shown on the architectural floor plan unless approved otherwise by the
(2) Pedestals: Secure pedestal base plate to subfloor with adhesive or mechanical fasteners.
Install additional pedestals where floor system grid pattern is interrupted, as required by
system manufacturer.
(3) Seismic Pedestal Bases: Secure pedestal base plate to subfloor with adhesive or mechanical
fasteners, as appropriate to the performance criteria in Section 3. Install additional pedestals
where floor system grid pattern is interrupted, as required by system manufacturer.
(5) Supporting Stringers and Floor Panels: Install stringers and floor panels solidly on pedestals.
Maximum out-of-level tolerance 1/16-inch in 10-feet. Seal field-cut panels with edge trim.
(6) Lateral Bracing: Install in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, as appropriate to the
performance criteria in Section 3.
(7) Cable Cutouts: Field cut holes in floor panels, as directed by the COR, for installation of
control equipment. Do not cut structural stringers spanning between tops of floor pedestals;
do not cut stiffened perimeter sections of floor panels; and do not cut within 2-inch of floor
panel edges in any direction. Include edging material for cable cutouts and for ten (10)
cutouts to be made by WAPA in the future. Cutout detail requirements, including additional
pedestals, shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s requirements (Tate system or
(8) Grounding: Provide positive electrical earth grounding of entire access floor system. Connect
system to building ground at all four corners of control room. Refer to the Arrangement,
Conduit and Grounding drawing (4000 series).
(9) Protection: Protect access flooring finish from rolling loads during equipment installation with
1/2-inch plywood, OSB, or as approved by the COR.
2) Manufacturer's Nameplate: Each item of equipment shall have a nameplate bearing the
manufacturer's name, address, model number, and serial number securely affixed in a
conspicuous place; the nameplate of the distributing agent will not be acceptable.
(2) Delivery, Storage, and Handling: Handle, store, and protect equipment and materials to
prevent damage before and during installation in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations, and as approved by the COR. Replace damaged or defective items.
(4) Regulatory Requirements: Unless otherwise required herein, plumbing work shall be in
accordance with ICC IPC. Energy consuming products and systems shall be in accordance
with PL 109-58 and ASHRAE 90.1.
(5) Project/Site Conditions: The Contractor shall become familiar with details of the work, verify
dimensions in the field, and advise the COR of any discrepancy before performing any work.
(6) Accessibility of Equipment: Install all work so that parts requiring periodic inspection,
operation, maintenance, and repair are readily accessible. Install concealed valves, expansion
joints, controls, dampers, and equipment requiring access, in locations freely accessible
through access doors.
(1) Materials: Material or equipment containing lead shall not be used in any potable water
system. In line devices such as water meters, building valves, check valves, meter stops,
valves, fittings and back flow preventers shall comply with PL 93-523 and NSF/ANSI 61,
Section 8. End point devices such as lavatory faucets, supply stops and end point control
valves used to dispense water for drinking must meet the requirements of NSF/ANSI 61,
Section 9Plastic pipe shall not be installed in air plenums.
1) Pipe Joint Materials: Solder containing lead shall not be used with copper pipe. Joints
and gasket materials shall conform to the following:
d. Brazing Flux: Flux shall be in paste or liquid form appropriate for use with brazing
material. Flux shall be as follows: lead-free; have a 100 percent flushable residue;
contain slightly acidic reagents; contain potassium borides; and contain fluorides.
f. Solder Flux: Flux shall be liquid form, non-corrosive, and conform to ASTM B813,
Standard Test 1.
i) PTFE Tape: PTFE Tape, for use with Threaded Metal or Plastic Pipe.
h. Solvent Cement for Transition Joints between ABS and PVC Non-pressure Piping
Components: ASTM D3138.
j. Plastic Solvent Cement for PVC Plastic Pipe: ASTM D2564 and ASTM D2855.
l. Flanged fittings including flanges, bolts, nuts, bolt patterns, etc., shall be in
accordance with ASME B16.5 class 150 and shall have the manufacturer's trademark
affixed in accordance with MSS SP-25. Flange material shall conform to ASTM
A105/A105M. Blind flange material shall conform to ASTM A516/A516M cold service
and ASTM A515/A515M for hot service. Bolts shall be high strength or intermediate
strength with material conforming to ASTM A193/A193M.
m. Plastic Solvent Cement for Styrene Rubber Plastic Pipe: ASTM D3122.
n. Press fittings for Copper Pipe and Tube: Copper press fittings shall conform to the
material and sizing requirements of ASME B16.18 or ASME B16.22 and performance
criteria of IAPMO PS 117. Sealing elements for copper press fittings shall be EPDM,
FKM or HNBR. Sealing elements shall be factory installed or an alternative supplied
fitting manufacturer. Sealing element shall be selected based on manufacturer's
approved application guidelines.
(3) Pipe Hangers, Inserts, and Supports: Pipe hangers, inserts, and supports shall conform to
MSS SP-58 and MSS SP-69.
(4) Valves: Valves shall be provided on supplies to equipment and fixtures. Pressure ratings shall
be based upon the application.
1) Wall Hydrants (Frostproof): ASSE 1019 with vacuum-breaker backflow preventer shall
have a nickel-brass or nickel-bronze wall plate or flange with nozzle and detachable key
handle. A brass or bronze operating rod shall be provided within a galvanized iron casing
of sufficient length to extend through the wall so that the valve is inside the building, and
the portion of the hydrant between the outlet and valve is self-draining. A brass or bronze
valve with coupling and union elbow having metal-to-metal seat shall be provided. Valve
rod and seat washer shall be removable through the face of the hydrant. The hydrant
shall have 3/4 inch exposed hose thread on spout and 3/4 inch male pipe thread on inlet.
2) Relief Valves: Water heaters shall have a combination pressure and temperature (P&T)
relief valve. The pressure relief element of a P&T relief valve shall have adequate
capacity to prevent excessive pressure buildup in the system when the system is
operating at the maximum rate of heat input. The temperature element of a P&T relief
valve shall have a relieving capacity which is at least equal to the total input of the
heaters when operating at their maximum capacity. Relief valves shall be rated according
to ANSI Z21.22/CSA 4.4. Relief valves for systems where the maximum rate of heat input
is less than 200,000 Btuh shall have ¾-inch minimum inlets, and 3/4 inch outlets. Relief
valves for systems where the maximum rate of heat input is greater than 200,000 Btuh
shall have 1 inch minimum inlets, and 1 inch outlets. The discharge pipe from the relief
valve shall be the size of the valve outlet.
3) Thermostatic Mixing Valves: Provide thermostatic mixing valve for lavatory faucets.
Mixing valves, thermostatic type, pressure-balanced or combination thermostatic and
pressure-balanced shall be line size and shall be constructed with rough or finish bodies
either with or without plating. Each valve shall be constructed to control the mixing of hot
and cold water and to deliver water at a desired temperature regardless of pressure or
input temperature changes. The control element shall be of an approved type. The body
shall be of heavy cast bronze, and interior parts shall be brass, bronze, corrosion-
resisting steel or copper. The valve shall be equipped with necessary stops, check
valves, unions, and sediment strainers on the inlets. Mixing valves shall maintain water
temperature within 5 degrees F of any setting.
(5) Fixtures: Fixtures shall be water conservation type, in accordance with ICC IPC. Fixtures for
use by the physically handicapped shall be in accordance with ICC A117.1. Porcelain
enameled ware shall have specially selected, white, acid-resisting enamel coating evenly
applied on surfaces. No fixture will be accepted that shows cracks, crazes, blisters, thin spots,
or other flaws. Fixtures shall be equipped with appurtenances such as traps, faucets, stop
valves, and drain fittings. Each fixture and piece of equipment requiring connections to the
drainage system shall be equipped with a trap. Brass expansion or toggle bolts capped with
acorn nuts shall be provided for supports, and polished chromium-plated pipe, valves, and
fittings shall be provided where exposed to view.
1) Lavatories: Vitreous china lavatories shall be provided with two integral molded lugs on
the back-underside of the fixture and drilled for bolting to the wall in a manner similar to
the hanger plate.
a. ASME A112.19.2/CSA B45.1, white vitreous china, siphon jet, elongated bowl, floor-
mounted, floor outlet or wall mounted, wall outlet. Top of toilet seat height above floor
shall be 14 to 15 inches, except 17 to 19 inches for wheelchair water closets. Provide
wax bowl ring including plastic sleeve. Provide white solid plastic elongated open-
front seat.
b. Water flushing volume of the water closet and flush valve combination shall not
exceed 1.6 gallons per flush.
c. Provide large diameter flush valve including angle control-stop valve, vacuum
breaker, tail pieces, slip nuts, and wall plates; exposed to view components shall be
chromium-plated or polished stainless steel. Flush valves shall be non-hold open
type. Mount flush valves not less than 11 inches above the fixture. Mounted height of
flush valve shall not interfere with the hand rail in ADA stalls.
3) Flush Valve Urinals: ASME A112.19.2/CSA B45.1, white vitreous china, wall-mounted,
wall outlet, siphon jet, integral trap, and extended side shields. Provide urinal with the rim
17 inches above the floor. Provide urinal with the rim 24 inches above the floor. Water
flushing volume of the urinal and flush valve combination shall not exceed 1.0 gallons per
flush. Provide ASME A112.6.1M concealed chair carriers with vertical steel pipe
supports. Provide large diameter flush valve including angle control-stop valve, vacuum
breaker, tail pieces, slip nuts, and wall plates; exposed to view components shall be
chromium-plated or polished stainless steel. Flush valves shall be non-hold open type.
Mount flush valves not less than 11 inches above the fixture.
4) Flush Tank Water Closets: ASME A112.19.2/CSA B45.1, white vitreous china, siphon
jet, round bowl, pressure assisted, floor-mounted, floor outlet. Top of toilet seat height
above floor shall be 14 to 15 inches, except 17 to 19 inches for wheelchair water closets.
Provide wax bowl ring including plastic sleeve. Water flushing volume of the water closet
shall not exceed 1.28 gallons per flush.
5) Wall Hung Lavatories: ASME A112.19.2/CSA B45.1, white vitreous china, straight back
type, minimum dimensions of 19 inches wide by 17 inches front to rear, with supply
openings for use with top mounted center set faucets, and openings for concealed arm
carrier installation. Water flow rate shall not exceed 1.5 gpm when measured at a flowing
water pressure of 60 psi. Provide ASME A112.6.1M concealed chair carriers with vertical
steel pipe supports and concealed arms for the lavatory. Mount lavatory with the front rim
34 inches above floor and with 29 inches minimum clearance from bottom of the front rim
to floor.
7) Emergency Eyewash and Shower: ANSI/ISEA Z358.1, floor supported free standing unit.
Provide deluge shower head, stay-open ball valve operated by pull rod and ring or
triangular handle. Provide eyewash and stay-open ball valve operated by foot treadle or
push handle.
8) Emergency Eye and Face Wash: ANSI/ISEA Z358.1, wall-mounted self-cleaning, non-
clogging eye and face wash with quick opening, full-flow valves, stainless steel eye and
face wash receptor. Unit shall deliver 3 gpm of aerated water at 30 psig flow pressure,
with eye and face wash nozzles 33 to 45 inches above finished floor. Provide copper
alloy control valves. Provide an air-gap with the lowest potable eye and face wash water
outlet located above the overflow rim by not less than the International Plumbing Code
1) Backflow prevention devices must be approved by the State or local regulatory agencies.
3) Backflow preventers with intermediate atmospheric vent shall conform to ASSE 1012.
Reduced pressure principle backflow preventers shall conform to ASSE 1013. Hose
connection vacuum breakers shall conform to ASSE 1011. Pipe applied atmospheric
type vacuum breakers shall conform to ASSE 1001. Pressure vacuum breaker assembly
shall conform to ASSE 1020. Air gaps in plumbing systems shall conform to ASME
(7) Drains:
1) Floor Drains: Floor drains shall consist of a galvanized body, integral seepage pan, and
adjustable perforated or slotted chromium-plated bronze, nickel-bronze, or nickel-brass
strainer, consisting of grate and threaded collar. Floor drains shall conform to ASME
(9) Water Heaters: Water heater types and capacities shall be as indicated. Each water heater
shall have replaceable anodes. Each primary water heater shall have controls with an
adjustable range that includes 90 to 160 degrees F. Hot water systems utilizing recirculation
systems shall be tied into building off-hour controls. A factory pre-charged expansion tank
shall be installed on the cold water supply to each water heater. Expansion tanks shall be
specifically designed for use on potable water systems and shall be rated for 200 degrees F
water temperature and 150 psi working pressure. The expansion tank size and acceptance
volume shall be as indicated.
(10)Instantaneous Water Heater: Heater shall be crossflow design with service water in the coil
and hot water in the shell. An integral internal controller shall be provided, anticipating a
change in demand so that the final temperature can be maintained under all normal load
conditions when used in conjunction with pilot-operated temperature control system. Normal
load conditions shall be as specified by the manufacturer for the heater. Unit shall be
manufactured in accordance with ASME BPVC SEC VIII D1, and shall be certified for 150 psi
working pressure in the shell and 150 psi working pressure in the coils.
1) Electric Instantaneous Water Heaters (Tankless): UL 499 and UL listed flow switch
activated, tankless electric instantaneous water heater for wall mounting below sink or
2) Phenolic Resin Coatings for Heater Tubes: The phenolic resin coating system shall be
applied at either the coil or coating manufacturer's factory in accordance with
manufacturer's standard proven production process. The coating system shall be a
product specifically intended for use on the material the water heating tubes/coils are
made of and shall be acceptable for use in potable water systems. The coating system
shall be capable of withstanding temperatures up to 400 degrees F dry bulb; and meet
the requirements of 21 CFR 175.
(1) General Installation Requirements: Piping located in air plenums shall conform to NFPA 90A
requirements. Piping located in shafts that constitute air ducts or that enclose air ducts shall
be noncombustible in accordance with NFPA 90A. Installation of plastic pipe where in
compliance with NFPA may be installed in accordance with PPFA Fire Man. The plumbing
system shall be installed complete with necessary fixtures, fittings, traps, valves, and
accessories. Water and drainage piping shall be extended 5 feet outside the building, unless
otherwise indicated. A ball valve and drain shall be installed on the water service line inside
the building approximately 6 inches above the floor from point of entry. Piping shall be
connected to the exterior service lines or capped or plugged if the exterior service is not in
place. Sewer and water pipes shall be laid in separate trenches, except when otherwise
shown. Exterior underground utilities shall be at least 12 inches below the average local frost
depth or as indicated on the drawings. If trenches are closed or the pipes are otherwise
covered before being connected to the service lines, the location of the end of each plumbing
utility shall be marked with a stake or other acceptable means. Valves shall be installed with
control no lower than the valve body.
1) Relief Valves: No valves shall be installed between a relief valve and its water heater.
The P&T relief valve shall be installed where the valve actuator comes in contact with the
hottest water in the heater. Whenever possible, the relief valve shall be installed directly
in a tapping in the tank or heater; otherwise, the P&T valve shall be installed in the hot-
water outlet piping. A vacuum relief valve shall be provided on the cold water supply line
to the water heater and mounted above and within 6 inches above the top of the water
2) Heat Traps: Piping to and from each water heater shall be routed horizontally and
downward a minimum of 2 feet before turning in an upward direction.
4) Expansion Tank: A pre-charged expansion tank shall be installed on the cold water
supply between the water heater inlet and the cold water supply shut-off valve. The
Contractor shall adjust the expansion tank air pressure, as recommended by the tank
manufacturer, to match incoming water pressure.
(3) Fixtures and Fixture Trimmings: Polished chromium-plated pipe, valves, and fittings shall be
provided where exposed to view. Angle stops, straight stops, stops integral with the faucets, or
concealed type of lock-shield, and loose-key pattern stops for supplies with threaded, sweat or
solvent weld inlets shall be furnished and installed with fixtures. Where connections between
copper tubing and faucets are made by rubber compression fittings, a beading tool shall be
used to mechanically deform the tubing above the compression fitting. Exposed traps and
supply pipes for fixtures and equipment shall be connected to the rough piping systems at the
wall, unless otherwise specified under the item. Floor and wall escutcheons shall be as
specified. Plumbing fixtures and accessories shall be installed within the space shown.
(4) Painting:
1) Plumbing System: The following tests shall be performed on the plumbing system in
accordance with ICC IPC, except that the drainage and vent system final test shall
include the smoke test. The Contractor has the option to perform a peppermint test in lieu
of the smoke test. If a peppermint test is chosen, the Contractor must submit a testing
procedure to the COR for approval.
a. Drainage and Vent Systems Test. The final test shall include a smoke test.
b. Building Sewers Tests.
c. Water Supply Systems Tests.
2) Defective Work: If inspection or test shows defects, such defective work or material shall
be replaced or repaired as necessary and inspection and tests shall be repeated. Repairs
to piping shall be made with new materials. Caulking of screwed joints or holes will not be
3) System Flushing:
a. During Flushing: Before operational tests or disinfection, potable water piping system
shall be flushed with potable water. Sufficient water shall be used to produce a water
velocity that is capable of entraining and removing debris in all portions of the piping
b. After Flushing: System shall be drained at low points. Strainer screens shall be
removed, cleaned, and replaced. After flushing and cleaning, systems shall be
prepared for testing by immediately filling water piping with clean, fresh potable
water. Any stoppage, discoloration, or other damage to the finish, furnishings, or
parts of the building due to the Contractor's failure to properly clean the piping
system shall be repaired by the Contractor. The water supply to the building shall be
tested separately to ensure that any lead contamination found during potable water
system testing is due to work being performed inside the building.
4) Operational Test: Upon completion of flushing and prior to disinfection procedures, the
Contractor shall subject the plumbing system to operating tests to demonstrate
satisfactory installation, connections, adjustments, and functional and operational
5) Disinfection:
a. After all system components are provided and operational tests are complete, the
entire domestic water distribution system shall be disinfected. Before introducing
disinfecting chlorination material, entire system shall be flushed with potable water
until any entrained dirt and other foreign materials have been removed.
b. Water chlorination procedure shall be in accordance with AWWA C651 and AWWA
C652 as modified and supplemented by this specification. The chlorinating material
shall be hypochlorites or liquid chlorine. The chlorinating material shall be fed into the
water piping system at a constant rate at a concentration of at least 50 parts per
million (ppm). Feed a properly adjusted hypochlorite solution injected into the system
with a hypochlorinator, or inject liquid chlorine into the system through a solution-feed
chlorinator and booster pump until the entire system is completely filled.
c. Upon the specified verification, the system including tanks shall then be flushed with
potable water until the residual chlorine level is reduced to less than one part per
million. During the flushing period, each valve and faucet shall be opened and closed
several times.
Provide compatible materials which do not contribute to corrosion, soften, or otherwise attack
surfaces to which applied, in either the wet or dry state. Meet ASTM C795 requirements for
materials to be used on stainless steel surfaces. Provide materials that are asbestos free.
(1) Insulation Materials: Provide materials with maximum value conductance as tested at any
point, not an average. Replace or augment insulation conductance found by test to exceed the
specified maximum by an additional thickness to bring it to the required maximum
conductance and a complete finishing system.
(2) Adhesives:
1) Cloth Adhesives: Provide adhesives for adhering, sizing, and finishing lagging cloth,
canvas, and open-weave glass cloth with a pigmented polyvinyl acetate emulsion
conforming to the requirements of ASTM C916, Type I.
(4) Caulking: Provide elastomeric joint sealant for caulking specified insulation materials in
accordance with ASTM C920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 25, Use A.
(5) Corner Angles: Provide nominal 0.016 inch aluminum 1 by 1 inch corner angle piping
insulation with factory applied kraft backing. Ensure aluminum conforms to ASTM B209, Alloy.
(6) Jacketing:
1) Aluminum Jacket: Provide aluminum jackets conforming to ASTM B209, Temper H14,
minimum thickness of 0.016-inch, with factory-applied polyethylene and kraft paper
moisture barrier on inside surface. Provide smooth surface jackets for jacket outside
diameters less than 8 inches. Provide corrugated surface jackets for jacket outside
diameters 8-inches and larger. Provide stainless steel bands, minimum width of 0.5 inch.
Provide factory prefabricated aluminum covers for insulation on fittings, valves, and
3) Stainless Steel Jacket: Provide stainless steel jackets conforming to ASTM A167 or
ASTM A240/A240M; Type 304, minimum thickness of 0.010 inch, smooth surface with
factory-applied polyethylene and kraft paper moisture barrier on inside surface. Provide
stainless steel bands, minimum width of 0.5 inch. Provide factory prefabricated stainless
steel covers for insulation on fittings, valves, and flanges.
4) Glass Cloth Jacket: Provide plain-weave glass cloth conforming to ASTM D579, Style
141, weighing not less than 7.23 ounces per square yard before sizing. Factory apply
cloth wherever possible. Provide leno weave glass reinforcing cloth, 26-end and 12-pick
thread conservation, with a warp and fill tensile strength of 45 and 30 pounds per inch of
width, respectively, and a weight of not less than 1.5 ounces per square yard.
5) PVC Jacket: Provide 0.010 inch thick, factory-premolded, one-piece fitting, pipe-barrel
sheeting vapor-barrier jacketing polyvinylchloride that is self-extinguishing, high-impact
strength, moderate chemical resistance with a permeability rating of 0.01 grain per hour
per square foot per inch of mercury pressure difference, determined in accordance with
ASTM E96. Provide manufacturer's standard solvent-weld type vapor-barrier joint
adhesive. Conform to ASTM C1136 for, Type I, low-vapor transmission, high-puncture
resistance vapor barrier for use on insulation for piping, ducts, and equipment.
(7) Coatings:
2) Indoor Vapor-Barrier Finishing: Provide pigmented resin and solvent compound coatings
for indoor vapor-barrier finishing of insulation surfaces conforming to ASTM C1136,
Type II.
3) Outdoor and Indoor Non Vapor-Barrier Finishing (NBF): Provide pigmented polymer-
emulsion type NBF recommended by the insulation material manufacturer for outdoor
and indoor NBF coating of insulation surfaces for the surface to be coated and applied to
specified dry-film thickness.
5) Coating Color: Conform to the color code specified for the coating color.
(8) Tape: Provide a knitted elastic cloth glass lagging specifically suitable for continuous spiral
wrapping of insulated pipe bends and fittings and produce a smooth, tight, wrinkle-free surface.
Conform to requirements of SAE AMS 3779, SAE AMS 3779, ASTM D579, and ASTM C921 for
tape, weighing not less than10 ounces per square yard.
(9) Hot-Water and Condensate-Return Piping: Provide mineral fiber insulation with glass cloth
jacket, Type T-2. Insulate aboveground pipes, valve bodies, fittings, unions, flanges, and
miscellaneous surfaces.
1) Insulate aboveground pipes, valve bodies, fittings, unions, flanges, and miscellaneous
2) Provide 3/8 inch mineral fiber insulation with glass cloth jacket, Type T-2.
4) Provide flexible unicellular-elastomeric thermal insulation for cold water piping, Type T-3.
Use expanded, closed-cell pipe insulation only aboveground, not for underground piping.
(11)Refrigerant Suction Piping: Provide cellular-elastomer insulation, Type T-3, with a nominal
thickness of 3/4 inch. Insulate surfaces, including valve, fittings, unions, and flanges.
(12)Condensate Piping, 350 PSIG: Provide calcium silicate insulation with glass cloth jacket, Type
T-5 based on an 80 degrees F ambient temperature in still air with an insulation "K" factor of
0.37 at 200 degrees F mean temperature:
1) Install smooth and continuous contours on exposed work. Smoothly and securely paste
down cemented laps, flaps, bands, and tapes. Apply adhesives on a full-coverage basis.
2) Apply insulation only to system or component surfaces that have been tested and
3) Install insulation lengths tightly butted against each other at joints. Where lengths are
cut, provide smooth and square and without breakage of end surfaces. Where insulation
terminates, neatly taper and effectively seal ends, or finish as specified. Direct
longitudinal seams of exposed insulation away from normal view.
5) Clean surfaces free of oil and grease before insulation adhesives or mastics are applied.
Provide solvent cleaning required to bring metal surfaces to such condition.
6) Submit installation drawings for pipe insulation, conforming with the adhesive
manufacturer's written instructions for installation. Submit installation manual clearly
stating the manufacturer's instructions for insulation materials.
1) Material and Equipment Qualifications: Provide materials and equipment that are
standard products of manufacturers regularly engaged in the manufacture of such
products, which are of a similar material, design and workmanship.
3) Manufacturer's Nameplate: Each item of equipment shall have a nameplate bearing the
manufacturer's name, address, model number, and serial number securely affixed in a
conspicuous place; the nameplate of the distributing agent will not be acceptable.
(3) Delivery, Storage, and Handling: Handle, store, and protect equipment and materials to
prevent damage before and during installation in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations, and as approved by the COR. Replace damaged or defective items.
(4) Electrical Requirements: Furnish internal wiring for components of packaged equipment as an
integral part of the equipment. Extended voltage range motors will not be permitted.
Controllers and contactors shall have a maximum of 120 volt control circuits, and shall have
auxiliary contacts for use with the controls furnished. When motors and equipment furnished
are larger than sizes indicated, the cost of additional electrical service and related work shall
be included under the section that specified that motor or equipment.
(5) Electrical Installation Requirements: Electrical installations shall conform to IEEE C2,
NFPA 70, and requirements specified herein.
3) Three-Phase Motor Protection: Provide controllers for motors rated one 1 horsepower
and larger with electronic phase-voltage monitors designed to protect motors from phase-
loss, undervoltage, and overvoltage. Provide protection for motors from immediate restart
by a time adjustable restart relay.
(6) Instruction to Government Personnel: When specified in other sections, furnish the services of
competent instructors to give full instruction to the designated Government personnel in the
adjustment, operation, and maintenance, including pertinent safety requirements, of the
specified equipment or system. Instructors shall be thoroughly familiar with all parts of the
installation and shall be trained in operating theory as well as practical operation and
maintenance work. Instruction shall be given during the first regular work week after the
equipment or system has been accepted and turned over to the Government for regular
(7) Accessibility: Install all work so that parts requiring periodic inspection, operation,
maintenance, and repair are readily accessible. Install concealed valves, expansion joints,
controls, dampers, and equipment requiring access, in locations freely accessible through
access doors.
(1) Painting of New Equipment: New equipment painting shall be factory applied and shall be as
specified herein, and provided under each individual section.
b. The film thickness of the factory painting system applied on the equipment shall not
be less than the film thickness used on the test specimen. If manufacturer's standard
factory painting system is being proposed for use on surfaces subject to
temperatures above 120 degrees F, the factory painting system shall be designed for
the temperature service.
(3) Delivery, Storage, and Handling: Handle, store, and protect materials to prevent damage
before and during installation in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and as
approved by the COR. Replace damaged or defective items.
(4) Accessibility: Install all work so that parts requiring periodic inspection, operation,
maintenance, and repair are readily accessible. Install concealed valves, expansion joints,
controls, dampers, and equipment requiring access, in locations freely accessible through
access doors.
a. Pipe 1/8 through 12 inches shall be Schedule 40 black carbon steel, conforming to
b. Fittings 2 inches and under shall be 150-pounds per square inch, gage (psig) working
steam pressure (wsp) banded black malleable iron screwed, conforming to ASTM
A197 and ASME B16.3.
c. Unions 2 inches and under shall be 250 pounds per square inch, wsp female,
screwed, black malleable iron with brass-to-iron seat, and ground joint, conforming to
ASME B16.39.
d. Fittings 2-1/2 inches and over shall be Steel butt weld, conforming to ASTM A234
and ASME B16.9 to match pipe wall thickness.
e. Flanges 2-1/2 inches and over shall be 150-pound forged-steel conforming to ASME
B16.5, welding neck to match pipe wall thickness.
a. Pipe 1/2 through 10 inches, and where indicated shall be Schedule 40 seamless or
electric-resistance welded galvanized steel conforming to ASTM A53, Type E, Grade
B (electric-resistance welded) or Type S (seamless).
b. Fittings 2 inches and under shall be 150-psig wsp banded galvanized malleable iron
screwed, conforming to ASTM A197 and ASME B16.3.
c. Unions 2 inches and under shall be 150-psig wsp female, screwed, galvanized
malleable iron with brass-to-iron seat and ground joint.
d. Contractor has the option of using 150-psig wsp banded galvanized malleable iron
screwed fittings, conforming to ASTM A197 and ASME B16.3.
a. Pipe (all sizes) shall be Schedule 40 seamless galvanized carbon steel, conforming
to ASTM A53, Grade A.
b. Furnace butt weld pipe is acceptable for sizes less than 2 inches.
d. Fittings shall be galvanized, screwed, cast iron, recessed pattern drainage fittings,
conforming to ASTM A126.
e. Use long radius fittings wherever space permits. Short-turn tees, branches, and ells
may be used for vent piping and connections of branch lines to battery fixtures,
except wall-hung water closets.
b) Fittings 2 inches and under shall be 150-psig wsp wrought-copper solder joint
fittings conforming to ASME B16.22. Unions 2 inches and under shall be
150-psig wsp wrought-copper solder joint, conforming to ASME B16.22.
a) Provide Type K seamless copper tube piping, conforming to ASTM B88. Socket-
joint fittings shall be wrought copper, conforming to ASME B16.22. Fittings for
connection to corporation cocks shall be cast bronze, flared-type, conforming to
ASME B16.26. Joints shall be brazed.
b) Provide insulation not less than 2 inches thick, suitable for continuous service
temperatures of not less than 250 degrees F. Insulation shall be factory-molded,
closed-cell polyurethane foam of not less than 2.5 pounds per cubic foot density.
1) Dielectric Connections: Dissimilar pipe metals shall be electrically insulated from each
other by couplings, unions, or flanges commercially manufactured for that purpose and
rated for the service pressure and temperature.
2) Hose Faucets:
a. Construct hose faucets with 1/2 inch male inlet threads, hexagon shoulder, and 3/4
inch hose connection, conforming to ASME A112.18.1/CSA B125.1. Hose-coupling
screw threads shall conform to ASME B1.21M ASME B1.20.7.
(3) Valves:
1) Ball Valves:
a. Ball valves shall conform to MSS SP-72. Valves with ball seals held in place by
spring washers are not acceptable. All valves shall have adjustable packing glands.
Seats and seals shall be tetrafluoroethylene.
a. Drain, vent, and gage cocks shall be lever handle, ground key type, with washer and
screw, constructed of polished ASTM B62 bronze, and rated 125-psi wsp. End
connections shall be rated for specified service pressure.
b. Pump vent cocks, and where spray control is required, shall be UL umbrella-hood
type, constructed of manufacturer's standard polished brass. Cocks shall be 1/2-inch
ips male, end threaded, and rated at not less than 125 psi at 225 degrees F.
a. Gate valves 2 inches and smaller shall conform to MSS SP-72. Valves located in
tunnels, equipment rooms, factory-assembled equipment, and where indicated shall
be union-ring bonnet, screwed-end type. Make packing of non-asbestos type
materials. Valves shall be rising stem type.
b. Gate valves 2-1/2 inches and larger, shall be Type I, (solid wedge disc, tapered
seats, steam rated); Class 125 125-psig steam-working pressure at 353 degrees F
saturation); and 200-psig, wog (nonshock), conforming to MSS SP-70 and to
requirements specified herein. Valves shall be flanged, with bronze trim and outside
screw and yoke (OS&Y) construction. Make packing of non-asbestos type materials.
a. Globe and angle valves 2 inches and smaller, shall be 125-pound, 125-psi
conforming to MSS SP-85 and to requirements specified herein. Valves located in
tunnels, equipment rooms, factory-assembled equipment, and where indicated shall
be union-ring bonnet, screwed-end type. Disc shall be free to swivel on the stem in all
valve sizes. Composition seating-surface disc construction may be substituted for all
metal-disc construction. Make packing of non-asbestos type materials. Disk and
packing shall be suitable for pipe service installed.
b. Globe and angle valves 2-1/2 inches and larger, shall be cast iron with bronze trim.
Valve bodies shall be cast iron conforming to ASTM A126, Class A, as specified for
Class 1 valves under MSS SP-70. Valve ends shall be flanged in conformance with
ASME B16.1. Valve construction shall be outside screw and yoke (OS&Y) type. Make
packing of non-asbestos type materials.
a. Standard check valves in sizes 2 inches and smaller shall be 125-psi swing check
conforming to MSS SP-71, except as otherwise specified. Provide lift checks where
indicated. Swing-check pins shall be nonferrous and suitably hard for the service.
Discs shall be composition type. Swing-check angle of closure shall be
manufacturer's standard unless a specific angle is needed.
b. Check valves in sizes 2-1/2 inches and larger shall be cast iron, bronze trim, swing
type. Valve bodies shall be cast iron, conforming to ASTM A126, Class A. Valve ends
shall be flanged in conformance with ASME B16.1. Swing-check pin shall be AISI
Type or approved equal corrosion-resistant steel. Angle of closure shall be
manufacturer's standard unless a specific angle is needed. Valves shall have bolted
and gasketed covers.
1) Provide all necessary piping systems and equipment supporting elements, including but
not limited to: building structure attachments; supplementary steel; hanger rods,
stanchions, and fixtures; vertical pipe attachments; horizontal pipe attachments; anchors;
guides; and spring-cushion, variable, or constant supports. All supporting elements shall
be suitable for stresses imposed by systems pressures and temperatures and natural
and other external forces normal to this facility without damage to supporting element
system or to work being supported.
2) Supporting elements shall conform to requirements of ASME B31.3, MSS SP-58, and
MSS SP-69 except as noted.
1) Fabricate and install piping systems in accordance with ASME B31.3, MSS SP-69, and
AWS WHB-2.9.
2) Connections between steel piping and copper piping shall be electrically isolated from
each other with dielectric couplings (or unions) rated for the service.
4) Screwed joints shall be made up with specified joint compound and not more than three
threads shall show after joint is made up.
5) Apply joint compounds to the male thread only and exercise care to prevent compound
from reaching the unthreaded interior of the pipe.
6) Provide screwed unions, welded unions, or bolted flanges wherever required to permit
convenient removal of equipment, valves, and piping accessories from the piping system
for maintenance.
7) Securely support piping systems with due allowance for thrust forces, thermal expansion
and contraction, and shall not be subjected to mechanical, chemical, vibrational or other
damage as specified in ASME B31.3.
8) Field welded joints shall conform to the requirements of the AWS WHB-2.9, ASME B31.3,
(2) Valves:
1) Provide valves in piping mains and all branches and at equipment where indicated and
as specified.
2) Provide valves to permit isolation of branch piping and each equipment item from the
balance of the system.
3) Riser and down comer drains above piping shutoff valves in piping 2-1/2 inches and
larger shall be provided. Tap and fit shutoff valve body with a 1/2-inch plugged globe
1) Provide supporting elements in accordance with the referenced codes and standards.
2) Support piping from building structure. No piping shall be supported from roof deck or
from other pipe.
3) Piping shall run parallel with the lines of the building. Space and install piping and
components so that a threaded pipe fitting may be removed between adjacent pipes and
so that there shall be no less than 1/2 inch of clear space between the finished surface
and other work and between the finished surface of parallel adjacent piping. Hangers on
different adjacent service lines running parallel with each other shall be arranged to be in
line with each other and parallel to the lines of the building.
4) Install piping support elements at intervals specified hereinafter, at locations not more
than 3 feet from the ends of each runout, and not over 1 foot from each change in
direction of piping.
5) Load rating for all pipe-hanger supports shall be based on insulated weight of lines filled
with water and forces imposed. Deflection per span shall not exceed slope gradient of
pipe. Supports shall be in accordance with the following minimum rod size and maximum
allowable hanger spacing for specified pipe. For concentrated loads such as valves, the
allowable span must be reduced proportionately:
2 3/8 10 8
4 to 5 5/8 16 14
8 to 12 7/8 20 20
14 to 18 1 20 20
1) Prior to being lowered into a trench, all piping shall be cleaned, visually inspected for
apparent defects, and tapped with a hammer to audibly detect hidden defects.
2) Excavations shall be dry and clear of extraneous materials when pipe is being laid.
3) Cutting of piping shall be by wheel cutters or other machines designed specifically for that
purpose. Electric-arc and oxyacetylene cutting will not be permitted.
4) Laying of pipe shall begin at the low point of a system. When in final acceptance position,
it shall be true to the grades and alignment indicated, with unbroken continuity of invert.
Blocking and wedging will not be permitted.
6) Necessary socket clamping, piers, bases, anchors, and thrust blocking shall be provided.
Protect rods, clamps, and bolting with a coating of bitumen.
7) Underground piping below supported or suspended slabs shall be supported from the
slab with a minimum of two supports per length of pipe. Protect supports with a coating of
8) .
9) Vertical downspouts; soil, waste, and vent stacks; water risers; and similar work shall be
properly supported on approved piers at the base and provided with approved structural
supports attached to building construction.
(1) Work Description: The work includes duct air leakage testing (DALT) and testing, adjusting,
and balancing (TAB) of new and existing heating, ventilating, and cooling (HVAC) air and
water distribution systems including equipment and performance data, ducts, and piping which
are located within, on, under, between, and adjacent to buildings, including records of existing
Perform TAB in accordance with the requirements of the TAB procedural standard
recommended by the TAB trade association that approved the TAB Firm's qualifications.
Comply with requirements of AABC MN-1, NEBB PROCEDURAL STANDARDS, or SMACNA
1780 (TABB) as supplemented and modified by this specification section. All
recommendations and suggested practices contained in the TAB procedural standards are
considered mandatory.
1) TAB Standard: Perform TAB in accordance with the requirements of the standard under
which the TAB Firm's qualifications are approved, i.e., AABC MN-1, NEBB
PROCEDURAL STANDARDS, or SMACNA 1780 unless otherwise specified herein. All
recommendations and suggested practices contained in the TAB Standard are
considered mandatory. Use the provisions of the TAB Standard, including checklists,
report forms, etc., as nearly as practical, to satisfy the Contract requirements.
a. Report format: Submit the TAB Engineering Report. Report forms and report data
must be typewritten. Handwritten report forms or report data are not acceptable.
(5) Warranty: Furnish workmanship and performance warranty for the DALT and TAB system
work performed for a period not less than 1 year from the date of Government acceptance of
the work; issued directly to the Government. Include provisions that if within the warranty
period the system shows evidence of major performance deterioration, or is significantly out of
tolerance, resulting from defective TAB or DALT workmanship, the corrective repair or
replacement of the defective materials and correction of the defective workmanship is the
responsibility of the TAB firm. Perform corrective action that becomes necessary because of
defective materials and workmanship while system TAB and DALT is under warranty 7 days
after notification, unless additional time is approved by the Contracting Officer. Failure to
perform repairs within the specified period of time constitutes grounds for having the corrective
action and repairs performed by others and the cost billed to the TAB firm. The Contractor
must also provide a 1 year contractor installation warranty.
(1) Work Descriptions of Participants: Comply with requirements of this section as specified.
2) DALT Testing: Perform DALT on the HVAC duct sections of each system. Use the duct
class, seal class, leakage class and the leak test pressure data indicated on the
drawings, to comply with the procedures specified in SMACNA 1143.
3) Quality Assurance:
4) If any of the duct sections checked for a given system are determined to have a leakage
rate measured that exceeds the leakage rate allowed by SMACNA Leak Test Manual for
an indicated duct construction class and sealant class, terminate data checking for that
section. Make the necessary corrections.
a. On successful completion of all field checks of all systems, submit the Final DALT
Report to the COR for approval.
6) Prerequisite for TAB Field Work: Do not commence TAB field work prior to the
completion and approval of the Final DALT Report.
a. Test, adjust, and balance the HVAC systems until measured flow rates (air and water
flow) are within plus or minus 5 percent of the design flow rates as indicated.
b. That is, comply with the requirements of AABC MN-1 and AABC MN-4, NEBB
SMACNA 1858 (TABB), except as supplemented and modified by this section.
3) TAB Reports:
a. Except as approved otherwise in writing by the COR, the TAB work and thereby the
TAB report is considered incomplete until the TAB work is accomplished to within the
accuracy range specified.
4) Quality Assurance:
(4) Marking of Settings: Upon the final TAB work approval, permanently mark the settings of
HVAC adjustment devices including valves, gauges, splitters, and dampers so that adjustment
can be restored if disturbed at any time. Provide permanent markings clearly indicating the
settings on the adjustment devices which result in the data reported on the submitted TAB
(5) Marking of Test Ports: The TAB team is to permanently and legibly mark and identify the
location points of the duct test ports. If the ducts have exterior insulation, make these markings
on the exterior side of the duct insulation. Show the location of test ports on the as-built
mechanical drawings with dimensions given where the test port is covered by exterior
(4) Delivery, Storage, and Handling: Materials shall be delivered in the manufacturer's unopened
containers. Materials delivered and placed in storage shall be provided with protection from
weather, humidity, dirt, dust and other contaminants. Insulation packages and containers shall
be asbestos free.
(1) Product Sustainability Criteria: For products in this section, where applicable and to extent
allowed by performance criteria, provide and document the following:
1) Reduce Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) for Caulking, Sealant and Adhesive
2) For interior applications, provide caulking, sealant and adhesive materials meeting the
reduced VOC requirements.
(2) Standard Products: Provide materials which are the standard products of manufacturers
regularly engaged in the manufacture of such products. Submit a complete list of materials,
including manufacturer's descriptive technical literature, performance data, catalog cuts, and
installation instructions. The product number, k-value, thickness and furnished accessories
including adhesives, sealants and jackets for each mechanical system requiring insulation
shall be included. The product data must be copyrighted, have an identifying or publication
number, and shall have been published prior to the issuance date of this solicitation.
1) Insulation System: Provide insulation systems in accordance with the approved MICA
National Insulation Standards plates as supplemented by this specification. Provide field-
applied insulation for heating, ventilating, and cooling (HVAC) air distribution systems and
piping systems that are located within, on, under, and adjacent to buildings; and for
plumbing systems. Provide CFC and HCFC free insulation.
(3) Materials: Provide insulation that meets or exceed the requirements of ASHRAE 90.1.
Insulation exterior shall be cleanable, grease resistant, non-flaking and non-peeling. Materials
shall be compatible and shall not contribute to corrosion, soften, or otherwise attack surfaces
to which applied in either wet or dry state. Materials to be used on stainless steel surfaces
shall meet ASTM C795 requirements. Materials shall be asbestos free. Provide product
recognized under UL 94 (if containing plastic) and listed in FM APP GUIDE.
(1) General: Insulation shall only be applied to unheated and uncooled piping and equipment.
Flexible elastomeric cellular insulation shall not be compressed at joists, studs, columns,
ducts, hangers, etc. The insulation shall not pull apart after a one hour period; any insulation
found to pull apart after one hour, shall be replaced.
(2) Pipe Insulation Systems Installation: Install pipe insulation systems in accordance with the
approved MICA Insulation Stds plates as supplemented by the manufacturer's published
installation instructions.
(3) Duct Insulation Systems Installation: Install duct insulation systems in accordance with the
approved MICA Insulation Stds plates as supplemented by the manufacturers published
installation instructions. Duct insulation minimum thickness and insulation level must meet or
exceed the requirements of ASHRAE 90.1.
23 31 13 METAL DUCTS:
2. PRODUCTS: Include the manufacturer's style or catalog numbers, specification and drawing
reference numbers, warranty information, and fabrication site information within material,
equipment, and fixture lists.
1) Provide low-pressure systems ductwork and plenums where maximum air velocity is
2,000-feet per minute (fpm) and maximum static pressure is 2-inches water gage (wg),
positive or negative.
(2) Components:
1) Round Sheet Metal Duct Fittings: Submit offset fitting configurations for approval. Shop
fabricate fittings.
b. Provide two-piece type miter elbows for angles less than 31 degrees, three-piece
type for angles 31 through 60 degrees, and five-piece type for angles 61 through 90
degrees. Ensure centerline radius of elbows is 1-1/2 times fitting cross section
11-75 September 2016
c. Provide conical type crosses, increasers, reducers, reducing tees, and 90-degree
d. Ensure cutouts in fitting body are equal to branch tap dimension or, where smaller,
excess material is flared and rolled into smooth radius nozzle configuration.
2) Reinforcement: Support inner liners of both duct and fittings by metal spacers welded in
position to maintain spacing and concentricity.
3) Fittings: Make divided flow fittings as separate fittings, not tap collars into duct sections,
with the following construction requirements:
b. Tap liner securely welded to inner liner, with weld spacing not to exceed 3-inches.
c. Pack insulation around the branch tap area for complete cavity filling.
d. Carefully fit branch connection to cutout openings in inner liner without spaces for air
erosion of insulation and without sharp projections that cause noise and airflow
Continuously braze seams in the pressure shell of fittings. Protect galvanized areas
that have been damaged by welding with manufacturer's standard corrosion-resistant
Construct two-piece type elbows for angles through 35 degrees, three-piece type for
angles 36 through 71 degrees, and five-piece type for angles 72 through 90 degrees.
Provide conical type crosses, increasers, reducers, reducing tees, and 90-degree
4) Turning Vanes: Provide double-wall type turning vanes, commercially manufactured for
high-velocity system service.
5) Dampers: Construct low pressure drop, high-velocity manual volume dampers, and high-
velocity fire dampers in accordance with ASHRAE EQUIP IP HDBK, Chapter 16,
ASHRAE FUN IP, Chapter 32 and SMACNA 1966.
6) Flexible Connectors for Sheet Metal: Use UL listed connectors, 30-ounce per square
yard, waterproof, fire-retardant, airtight, woven fibrous-glass cloth, double coated with
chloroprene. Clear width, not including clamping section, is 6 to 8-inches.
Provide leaded vinyl sheets as a second layer for sound attenuation. Ensure leaded vinyl
is not less than 0.055-inch thick, weighing not less than 0.87 pound per square foot, and
capable of approximately 10-decibel attenuation in the 10- to 10,000-hertz range.
7) Duct Hangers: For duct hangers in contact with galvanized duct surfaces, provide
galvanized steel painted with inorganic zinc.
Provide mill-rolled structural steel conforming to ASTM A36. Whenever in contact with
sheet metal ducting, provide galvanized steel in accordance with ASTM A123.
Ensure flexible duct connectors comply with NFPA 90A, and conform with UL 181,
Class 1 material.
Provide zinc-coated ASTM A123 metal duct; bendable through 180 degrees without
damage, with an inside bend radius not greater than one-half the diameter of duct.
10) Manual Volume Dampers: Conform to SMACNA 1966 for volume damper construction.
Equip dampers with an indicating quadrant regulator with a locking feature externally
located and easily accessible for adjustment and standoff brackets to allow mounting
outside external insulation. Where damper rod lengths exceed 30-inches, provide a
regulator at each end of damper shaft.
11) Gravity Backdraft and Relief Dampers: Construct frames of not less than 1-1/2- by 4-inch
galvanized carbon steel. Solidly secure frames and mullions in place and seal with
elastomer caulking against air bypass.
(3) Materials:
a. Provide hot-dip galvanized carbon steel ductwork sheet metal of lock-forming quality,
with regular spangle-type zinc coating, conforming to ASTM A924 and ASTM A653,
Designation G90. Treat duct surfaces to be painted by annealing.
IP, Chapter 32 and SMACNA 1966 for sheet metal thickness gages and
reinforcement thickness.
2) Brazing Materials: Provide silicon bronze brazing materials conforming to AWS A5.8.
a. Conform to ASTM A36 for mill-rolled structural steel. Wherever in contact with sheet
metal ducting, galvanize to conforming with ASTM A123.
11-77 September 2016
(1) Preparation: For sheet metal surfaces to be painted, and surfaces to which adhesives are to
be applied, clean surface of oil, grease, and deleterious substances.
Ensure strength is adequate to prevent failure under service pressure or vacuum created by
fast closure of duct devices. Provide leak tight, automatic relief devices.
1) Construction Standards:
a. Provide sheet metal construction in accordance with the recommendations for best
FUN IP, Chapter 32, SMACNA 1966, and NFPA 90A.
b. Design and fabricate supplementary steel in accordance with AISC 360 and AISC
Where construction methods for certain items are not described in the referenced
standards or herein, perform the work in accordance with recommendations for best
practice defined in ASHRAE EQUIP IP HDBK.
(2) Installation:
Provide offsets and transformations as required to avoid interference with the building
construction, piping, or equipment.
Make plenum anchorage provisions, sheet metal joints, and other areas airtight and watertight
by caulking, mating galvanized steel and concrete surfaces with a two-component elastomer.
1) Jointing:
b. Provide outside air-intake ducts and plenums made from sheet metal with soldered
watertight joints.
2) Ducts:
Wherever ducts pass through firewalls or through walls or floors dividing conditioned
spaces from unconditioned spaces, provide a flanged segment in that surface during
surface construction.
Where interiors of ducting may be viewed through air diffusion devices, construct the
viewed interior with sheet metal and paint flat black.
a. Ductwork Cleaning Provisions: Protect open ducting from construction dust and
debris in a manner approved by the Contracting Officer. Clean dirty assembled
ducting by subjecting all main and branch interior surfaces to airstreams moving at
velocities two times specified working velocities, at static pressures within maximum
ratings. This may be accomplished by: filter-equipped portable blowers which
remain the Contractor's property; wheel-mounted, compressed-air operated
perimeter lances which direct the compressed air and which are pulled in the
direction of normal airflow; or other means approved by the COR. Use water- and
oil- free compressed air for cleaning ducting. After construction is complete, and
prior to acceptance of the work, remove construction dust and debris from exterior
(3) Application:
Weld angle iron frames at corners and ends, whenever possible. Rivet or weld angle iron
reinforcements to ducts not more than 6-inches on center, with not less than two points of
attachment. Spot welding, where used, is 3-inches on center.
Seal standard seam joints with an elastomer compound to comply with SMACNA 1966
Seal Class A, B or C as applicable.
Limit cross breaking to 4-feet and provide on all ducts 8-inches wide and wider. Provide
bead reinforcement in lieu of cross breaking where panel popping may occur. Where
rigid insulation is applied, cross breaking is not required.
b. Joints and Gaskets: Bolt companion angle flanges together with 1/4-inch diameter
bolts and nuts spaced 6-inches on center. Gasket flanged joints with chloroprene
full-face gaskets, with Shore A 40 durometer hardness. Use one piece gaskets, at
c. Flexible Duct Joints: Between flexible duct without sheet metal collars and round
metal ductwork connections make joints by trimming the ends, coating the inside of
the flexible duct for a distance equal to depth of insertion with elastomer caulk, and
by securing with sheet metal screws or binding with a strap clamp.
d. Square Elbows: Provide single-vane duct turns in accordance with SMACNA 1966,
use on ducts12 inches in width and narrower.
e. Radius Elbows: Conform to SMACNA 1966 for radius elbows. Provide an inside
radius equal to the width of the duct. Where installation conditions preclude use of
standard elbows, the inside radius may be reduced to a minimum of 0.25 times duct
width. Install turning vanes in accordance with the following schedule.
17 to 48 43 73 --
11-79 September 2016
Where two elbows are placed together in the same plane for ducts 30-inches wide
and larger, continue the guide vanes through both elbows rather than spaced in
accordance with above schedule.
Install branches, inlets, and outlets so that air turbulence is reduced to a minimum
and air volume properly apportioned. Install adjustable splitter dampers at all supply
junctions to permit adjustment of the amount of air entering the branch. Wherever an
air-diffusion device is shown as being installed on the side, top, or bottom of a duct,
and whenever a branch take-off is not of the splitter type; provide a commercially
manufactured 45 degree side-take-off (STO) fitting with manual volume damper to
allow adjustment of the air quantity and to provide an even flow of air across the
device or duct it services.
Where a duct branch is to handle more than 25 percent of the air handled by the duct
main, use a complete 90-degree increasing elbow with an inside radius of 0.75 times
branch duct width. Size of the leading end of the increasing elbow within the main
duct with the same ratio to the main duct size as the ratio of the related air quantities
Where a duct branch is to handle 25 percent or less of the air handled by the duct
main, construct the branch connection with a 45 degree side take-off entry in
accordance with SMACNA 1966.
g. Duct Transitions:
Where the shape of a duct changes, ensure the angle of the side of the transition
piece does not exceed 15 degrees from the straight run of duct connected thereto.
Where equipment is installed in ductwork, ensure the angle of the side of the
transition piece from the straight run of duct connected thereto does not exceed 15
degrees on the upstream side of the equipment and 22-1/2 degrees on the
downstream side of the equipment.
i. Access Openings:
Construct access door in accordance with SMACNA 1966, except that sliding doors
may be used only for special conditions upon prior approval. Provide double-panel
type doors.
Install access doors and panels in ductwork at controls or at any item requiring
periodic inspection, adjustment, maintenance, or cleaning.
Make airtight access doors that leak by adding or replacing hinges and latches or by
construction of new doors adequately reinforced, hinged, and latched.
j. Duct Access for Cleaning: Make duct access particularly suitable for commercial
duct cleaning methods utilizing vacuum devices. Space access openings with a
frequency and at points that permits ready access to duct internals with essentially no
duct or insulation cutting. Where access through an air-diffusion device or through
access doors specified herein is not available at a specific point, provide 8-inch
diameter, 16-gage access plates not more than 10-feet on center. Where duct is
insulated and vapor-sealed, provide mastic seals around circumference of access.
When access plate is in place and insulated, externally identify the location.
Connect air handling equipment, ducts crossing building expansion joints, and fan
inlets and outlets to upstream and downstream components by treated woven-cloth
Install connectors only after system fans are operative, and vibration isolation
mountings have been adjusted. When system fans are operating, ensure connectors
are free of wrinkles caused by misalignment or fan reaction. Width of surface is
Ensure minimum sheet metal gages, joints, and reinforcements between joints are in
accordance with ASHRAE EQUIP IP HDBK, Chapter 16, ASHRAE FUN SI, ASHRAE
FUN IP, Chapter 32 and SMACNA 1966.
2 by 2 by 3/16, with tie rods
Two 2 by 2 by 3/16, with tie
133 and longer 14 every
rods every 48 inches
48 inches
Where a duct branch handles over 25 percent of the air transported by the duct main,
use a complete 90-degree increasing elbow, with an inside radius of 0.75 times duct
branch width. Ensure the size of the trailing end of the increasing elbow within the
main duct has the same ratio to the main duct size as the ratio of the relative air
quantities handled.
Where a duct branch is to handle 25 percent or less of the air handled by the duct
main, provide a branch connection with an inside radius of 0.75 times branch duct
width, a minimum arc length of 45 degrees, and an outside radius of 1.75 times duct
branch width. Place arc tangent to duct main.
Ensure sheet metal minimum thickness, joints, and reinforcement between joints are
in accordance with ASHRAE EQUIP IP HDBK, Chapter 16, ASHRAE FUN IP,
Chapter 32 and SMACNA 1966.
Use the following types of ASHRAE EQUIP IP HDBK, Chapter 16, ASHRAE FUN IP,
Chapter 32 and SMACNA 1966 joints and seams:
d. Transverse Joints:
e. Longitudinal Seams:
a) Approved lock seams, back brazed, or continuously brazed seams for ducts with
largest dimension up to 72-inches
b) Continuously welded or brazed seams for ducts with largest dimension greater
than 72-inches
*Two 2 by 2 by 1/8, two tie
2 by 2 by 1/8, two tie
97 to 108 16 rods
rods along angle
along angle
11-82 September 2016
Sheet metal minimum thickness, joints, and reinforcement between joints shall be in
accordance with ASHRAE EQUIP IP HDBK, Chapter 16, ASHRAE FUN IP,
Chapter 32 and SMACNA 1966.
Provide ducts with supplemental girth angle supports. Locate girth angles as follows:
Use hex-shaped bolt heads and nuts, M8 5/16-inch diameter for ducts up to 50-inch
diameter, and M10 3/8-inch diameter for 51-inch diameter ducts and larger.
Continuously weld flanges to duct on outside of duct and intermittently welded with 1-
inch welds every 4-inches on inside joint face. Remove excess filler metal from
inside face. Protect galvanized areas that have been damaged by welding with
manufacturer's standard corrosion-resistant coating.
b. Duct Joints;
Provide duct joints manufactured by machine, with spiral locksets up to and including
60-inch diameters, and to dimensional tolerances compatible with fittings provided.
Draw-band girth joints are not acceptable.
Prepare slip joints by coating the male fitting with elastomer sealing materials,
exercising care to prevent mastic from entering fitting bore. Leave only a thin annular
mastic line exposed internally. Use sheet metal screws to make assembly rigid, not
less than four screws per joint, maximum spacing 6-inches. Do not use pop rivets.
Tape and heat seal all joints.
c. Duct Transitions:
Where the shape of a duct changes, ensure the angle of the side of the transition
piece does not exceed 15 degrees from the straight run of duct connected thereto.
Where equipment is installed in ductwork, ensure the angle of the side of the
transition piece from the straight run of duct connected thereto does not exceed
15 degrees on the upstream side of the equipment and 22-1/2 degrees on the
downstream side of the equipment.
5) Joint Gaskets: For flanged joints, use chloroprene full-face gaskets 1/8-inch thick, with
Shore A 40 durometer hardness. Use one-piece gaskets, at joints.
6) Radius Elbows: Fabricate elbow proportions and radius elbows in accordance with
7) Duct Supports:
Install duct support in accordance with ASHRAE EQUIP IP HDBK, Chapter 16, ASHRAE
FUN IP, Chapter 32 and SMACNA 1966. Meet the minimum size for duct hangers as
specified in ASHRAE EQUIP IP HDBK, Chapter 16, ASHRAE FUN IP, Chapter 32 and
SMACNA 1966. Provide two hangers where necessary to eliminate sway.
Do not hang ductwork and equipment from roof deck, piping, or other ducts or equipment.
Maximum span between any two points is 10-feet, with lesser spans as required by duct
assemblies, interferences, and permitted loads imposed.
a. Installation:
Ensure hanger spacing gives a 20-to-1 safety factor for supported load. Maximum
load supported by any two fasteners is 100 pounds. Install hangers on both sides of
all duct turns, branch fittings, and transitions.
b. Strap-type Hangars:
c. Trapeze Hangars:
Where trapeze hangers are used, support the bottom of the duct on angles sized as
d. Duct Support:
Refer to Project Drawings and Division 11 of the Project Specifications for support of
HVAC ductwork.
e. Vibration Isolation:
Provide vibration isolators in discharge ducting system for a distance not less than
50-feet beyond the air handling unit. Coordinate deflection of duct and equipment
Connect air-handling equipment, ducts crossing building expansion joints, and fan inlets
and outlets to upstream and downstream components with treated woven-cloth
Install connectors only after system fans are operative and all vibration isolation
mountings have been adjusted. When system fans are operating, ensure connectors are
free of wrinkles caused by misalignment or fan reaction. Width of surface is curvilinear.
Provide galvanized 20-gage sheet, formed into an angle with a 2-inch exposed long leg
with a 3/8-inch stiffening break at outer edge, and with a variable concealed leg,
depending upon insulation thickness.
Install angles over all insulation edges terminating by butting against a wall, floor
foundation, frame, and similar construction. Fasten angles in place with blind rivets
through the protection angle, insulation, and sheet metal duct or plenum. Install angles
after final insulation covering has been applied.
10) Duct Probe Access: Provide holes with neat patches, threaded plugs, or threaded or
twist-on caps for air-balancing pitot tube access. Provide extended-neck fittings where
probe access area is insulated.
1) Ductwork Leakage Tests: Conduct complete leakage test of new ductwork in accordance
tests prior to installing ductwork insulation.
a. Certify air diffusion devices having been tested and rated in accordance with
Chapter 19 – ASHRAE EQUIP IP HDBK, Chapter 16 - ASHRAE FUN IP, and
ASHRAE 113, where such Certification is required.
b. Submit equipment and performance data for air-diffusion devices consisting of sound
data in terms of Noise Criteria (NC) index for the capacity range of the device.
(2) Components:
a. Select color from manufacturer's standard color chart which indicates the
manufacturer's standard color selections and finishes for air-diffusion devices.
e. Ensure air-diffusion device volume and pattern adjustments can be made from the
face of the device. Make volume adjustments by removable key.
g. Include within the material, equipment, and fixture lists the manufacturer's style or
catalog numbers, specification and drawing reference numbers, warranty information,
and fabrication site information.
(1) Installation:
1) Install equipment as indicated and specified and in accordance with the drawings and the
manufacturer's recommendations.
(2) Operations and Maintenance Manuals: Provide operation and maintenance manuals
consistent with manufacturer's standard brochures, schematics, printed instructions, general
operating procedures and safety precautions.
1) Detail Drawing: For refrigerant piping, submit piping, including pipe sizes. Submit control
system wiring diagrams.
2) Safety: Design, manufacture, and installation of unitary air conditioning equipment shall
conform to ANSI/ASHRAE 15 & 34.
3) Posted Operating Instructions: Submit posted operating instructions for each packaged
air conditioning unit.
(3) Refrigerants: Refrigerants shall have an Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) of 0.0. The ODP
shall be in accordance with the "Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone
(4) Environmental Requirements: For proper Indoor Environmental Quality, maintain positive
pressure within the building. Ventilation shall meet or exceed ASHRAE 62.1 and all published
addenda. Meet or exceed filter media efficiency as tested in accordance with ASHRAE 52.2.
Thermal comfort shall meet or exceed ASHRAE 55.
(1) Product Sustainability Criteria: For products in this section, where applicable and to extent
allowed by performance criteria, provide and document the following:
(2) Room Air Conditioners: AHAM RAC-1 and UL 484. Minimum energy efficiency ratio (EER)
shall be in accordance with Energy Star Program Requirements Product Specification for
Room Air Conditioners: Provide units removable from inside the building for servicing without
removing the outside cabinet. Construct outside cabinets, including metal grilles to protect
condenser coils, of zinc-coated steel or aluminum. Steel and zinc-coated surfaces shall
receive at least one coat of primer and manufacturer's standard factory-applied finish Insulate
cabinets to prevent condensation and run off of moisture. Provide mounting hardware made
of corrosion-resistant material or protected by a corrosion-resistant finish. Provide air filters of
the throw-away type removable without the use of tools and arranged to filter both room and
ventilating air. Remove condensate by means of a drain or by evaporation and diffusion.
Provide with metal or plastic mounting flanges on each side, top, and bottom of unit. For thru-
the-wall installations provide zinc-coated steel flanged wall sleeves. Design wall sleeves to
restrict driving rain. Mount compressors on vibration isolators. Minimum cooling capacity shall
be not less than that indicated. Provide units listed in the AHAM RAC-1.
1) Units for Operation on 115 Volts: Provide 3-wire cords of manufacturer's standard length.
If not existing, provide a receptacle within reach of the standard length cord. Cords shall
have a 15- or 20-amp, 3-pole, 125-volt ground type plug to match receptacle.
2) Units for Operation on 208 or 230 Volts: Provide 3-wire cords of manufacturer's standard
11-87 September 2016
length. If not existing, provide a receptacle within reach of the standard length cord.
Cords shall have a 15-, 20-, or 30-amp, 3-pole, 250-volt ground type plug to match
3) Controls: Mount controls in cabinet. Manual controls shall permit operation of either the
fan or the fan and refrigerating equipment. Fan control shall provide two fan speed
settings. Automatic controls shall include a thermostat for controlling air temperature.
Thermostat shall have an adjustable range, including 72 to 80 degrees F and shall
automatically turn the refrigeration system on or off to maintain the preselected
temperature within plus or minus 4 degrees F.
3) Grilles: Provide manufacturer's standard anodized aluminum outdoor grilles and caulk
and seal on all sides when required by manufacturer's instructions. Provide both
horizontal and vertical adjustable deflection inside air supply grilles. Provide for air return
under the front panel or a return air grille in the lower part of the front panel.
4) Wall Sleeves and Mounts: Provide manufacturer's standard wall sleeves and mounts.
Wall sleeves shall have seals designed to restrict driving rain and wind. Provide unit
subbase of the same construction and finish as the sleeve to provide for concealed
electrical connection, cord storage, and equipped with unit leveling legs.
b. Provide factory-furnished tee and manual air vent on return connection. Factory test
coils at twice maximum operating pressure.
c. Heating unit shall have internal thermal insulation having a fire hazard rating not to
exceed 25 for flame spread and 50 for smoke developed as determined by
c. Outdoor Fans: Direct connected centrifugal type with aluminum or plastic wheel and
forward curved blades or direct connected aluminum propeller type. Design fans so
that condensate will evaporate without drip, splash, or spray on building exterior.
d. Indoor Fans: Direct connected centrifugal type with aluminum, galvanized steel, or
plastic wheel and forward curved blades. Provide minimum two-speed motor with
built-in overload protection.
8) Air Filters: Removable without use of tools, and shall filter both recirculated and
ventilating air.
1) Air Coils: Extended-surface fin and tube type with seamless copper or aluminum tubes
with copper or aluminum fins securely bonded to the tubes. On coils with all-aluminum
construction, provide tubes of aluminum alloy 1100, 1200, or 3102; provide fins of
aluminum alloy 7072; and provide tube sheets of aluminum alloy 7072 or 5052.
2) Supplemental Electric Heaters: Provide electrical resistance heaters integral with the
unit. Heaters shall have a total capacity as indicated. Provide internal fusing for heaters.
3) Compressors: For compressors above 20 tons, compressor speed shall not exceed
3450 rpm. For equipment over 10 tons, provide automatic capacity reduction of at least
50 percent of rated capacity. Capacity reduction may be accomplished by cylinder
unloading, use of multiple, but not more than four compressors, or a combination of the
two methods. Units with cylinder unloading shall start with capacity reduction devices in
the unloaded position. Units with multiple compressors shall have a means to sequence
starting of compressors. Provide compressors with devices to prevent short cycling when
shutdown by safety controls. Provide reciprocating compressors with crankcase heaters,
and vibration isolators.
1) Single Package Type: Provide factory packaged combination heating and cooling units.
Provide units suitable for outdoor installation. Provide capacity, electrical characteristics,
and operating conditions as indicated. Condensers shall provide not less than
10 degrees F liquid sub cooling at standard ratings. Air conditioners must include the
Energy Star label affixed to the equipment.
4) Compressors: For compressors over 20 tons, compressor speed shall not exceed
3450 rpm. For systems over 10 tons provide automatic capacity reduction of at least 50
percent of rated capacity. Capacity reduction may be accomplished by cylinder
unloading, use of multi- or variable speed compressors, use of multiple, but not more
than four compressors, or a combination of the two methods. Units with cylinder
unloading shall start with capacity reduction devices in the unloaded position. Units with
multiple compressors shall have means to sequence starting of compressors. Provide
compressors with devices to prevent short cycling when shut down by safety controls.
Device shall delay operation of compressor motor for at least 3 minutes but not more
than 6 minutes. Provide a pumpdown cycle for units 20 tons and over. Provide
reciprocating compressors with crankcase heaters in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations. If compressors are paralleled, provide not less than two independent
5) Coils: On coils with all-aluminum construction, provide tubes of aluminum alloy 1100,
1200, or 3102; provide fins of aluminum alloy 7072; and provide tube sheets of aluminum
alloy 7072 or 5052. Provide a separate air cooled condenser circuit for each compressor
or parallel compressor installation.
6) Fans: Provide belt-driven evaporator fans with adjustable pitch pulleys; except for units
less than 5 ton capacity, direct drive with at least two speed taps may be used. Select
pulleys at approximately midpoint of the adjustable range.
8) Filter Boxes: Provide when filters are not included integral with air conditioning units.
Construct of not less than No. 20 US gage steel with track, hinged access doors with
latches, and gaskets between frame and filters. Arrange filters to filter outside and return
air. Provide removable filter assemblies, replaceable without the use of tools.
9) Mixing Boxes: Provide of the physical size to match the basic unit and include equal
sized flanged openings, sized to individually handle full air flow. Arrange openings as
11-90 September 2016
indicated. Provide openings with dampers of parallel or opposed blade type. Provide
opposed blade type for modulating dampers and parallel type for two-position dampers.
Connect damper shafts together by one continuous linkage bar. Arrange dampers for
automatic or manual operation so that when one starts to close from its opened position,
the other starts to open from its closed position.
a. Cooling:
b) When thermostat is in "COOL" position with fan selector switch in "ON" position,
compressor, and condenser fan shall cycle together and evaporator fan shall run
b. Heating:
b) When thermostat is in "HEAT" position with fan selector switch in "ON" position,
heater shall cycle and supply air fan shall run continuously.
a) When fan selector switch is in "AUTO" position with thermostat in "OFF" position,
fan shall not run.
b) When fan selector switch is in "ON" position, fan shall run continuously.
(6) Filters: Provide filters to filter outside air and return air and locate. Filters shall conform to
UL 900.
a. Throw-away frames and media, standard dust holding capacity, 350 fpm maximum
face velocity, and 2 inches thick.
b. Filters shall have a minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) of 8 when tested in
accordance with ASHRAE 52.2.
(7) Coatings for Finned Tube Coils: Where stipulated in equipment specifications of this section,
coat finned tube coils of the affected equipment as specified below. Apply coating at the
premises of a company specializing in such work. Degrease and prepare for coating in
accordance with the coating applicator's procedures for the type of metals involved.
Completed coating shall show no evidence of softening, blistering, cracking, crazing, flaking,
loss of adhesion, or "bridging" between the fins.
(8) Motors and Starters: NEMA MG 1, NEMA ICS 1, and NEMA ICS 2. Variable speed. Motors
less than 1 hp shall meet NEMA High Efficiency requirements. Motors 1 hp and larger shall
meet NEMA Premium Efficiency requirements. Determine specific motor characteristics to
ensure provision of correctly sized starters and overload heaters. Provide motors to operate
at full capacity with a voltage variation of plus or minus 10 percent of the motor voltage rating.
Motor size shall be sufficient for the duty to be performed and shall not exceed its full load
nameplate current rating when driven equipment is operated at specified capacity under the
most severe conditions likely to be encountered. When motor size provided differs from size
indicated or specified, the Contractor shall make the necessary adjustments to the wiring,
disconnect devices, and branch circuit protection to accommodate equipment actually
(9) Refrigerant Piping and Accessories: Provide accessories as specified in this section. Provide
suction line accumulators as recommended by equipment manufacturer's installation
Provide extra soft, deoxidized, bright annealed copper tubing conforming to ASTM B280,
factory dehydrated and furnished with a balanced charge of refrigerant recommended by
manufacturer of equipment being connected.
Factory insulate suction line tubing with 3/8 inch minimum thickness of closed cell,
foamed plastic conforming to ASTM C534 with a permeance rating not to exceed 1.0.
Provide quick-connectors with caps or plugs to protect couplings. Include couplings for
suction and liquid line connections of the indoor and outdoor sections.
3) Fittings:
ASME B16.22 for solder-joint fittings. UL 109 for flared tube fittings.
4) Pipe Hangers and Supports: MSS SP-69 and MSS SP-58, except as indicated
Install equipment and components in a manner to ensure proper and sequential operation of
equipment and equipment controls. Install equipment not covered in this section, or in
manufacturer's instructions, as recommended by manufacturer's representative. Provide
proper foundations for mounting of equipment, accessories, appurtenances, piping and
controls including, but not limited to, supports, vibration isolators, stands, guides, anchors,
clamps and brackets. Foundations for equipment shall conform to equipment manufacturer's
recommendation, unless otherwise indicated. Set anchor bolts and sleeves using templates.
Provide anchor bolts of adequate length, and provide with welded-on plates on the head end
embedded in the concrete. Level equipment bases, using jacks or steel wedges, and neatly
grout-in with a non-shrinking type of grouting mortar.
Locate equipment to allow working space for servicing including shaft removal, disassembling
compressor cylinders and pistons, replacing or adjusting drives, motors, or shaft seals, access
to water heads and valves of shell and tube equipment, tube cleaning or replacement, access
to automatic controls, refrigerant charging, lubrication, oil draining and working clearance
under overhead lines. Provide electric isolation between dissimilar metals for the purpose of
minimizing galvanic corrosion.
1) Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps: Wall sleeve installation shall
provide a positive weathertight and airtight seal.
(3) Piping: Brazing, bending, forming and assembly of refrigerant piping shall conform to
ASME B31.5.
1) Pipe Hangers and Supports: Design and fabrication of pipe hangers, supports, and
welding attachments shall conform to MSS SP-58. Installation of hanger types and
supports for bare and covered pipes shall conform to MSS SP-69 for the system
temperature range. Unless otherwise indicated, horizontal and vertical piping
attachments shall conform to MSS SP-58.
2) Refrigerant Piping:
a. Cut pipe to measurements established at the site and work into place without
springing or forcing. Install piping with sufficient flexibility to provide for expansion
and contraction due to temperature fluctuation. Where pipe passes through building
structure pipe joints shall not be concealed, but shall be located where they may be
readily inspected.
be permitted except where indicated. Provide sleeves of suitable size for lines
passing through building structure. Braze refrigerant piping with silver solder
complying with AWS A5.8. Inside of tubing and fittings shall be free of flux. Clean
parts to be jointed with emery cloth and keep hot until solder has penetrated full
depth of fitting and extra flux has been expelled. Cool joints in air and remove flame
marks and traces of flux.
c. During brazing operation, prevent oxide film from forming on inside of tubing by
slowly flowing dry nitrogen through tubing to expel air. Make provisions to
automatically return oil on halocarbon systems. Installation of piping shall comply
with ASME B31.5.
3) Returning Oil from Refrigerant System: Install refrigerant lines so that gas velocity in the
evaporator suction line is sufficient to move oil along with gas to the compressor. Where
equipment location requires vertical risers, line shall be sized to maintain sufficient
velocity to lift oil at minimum system loading and corresponding reduction of gas volume.
Install a double riser when excess velocity and pressure drop would result from full
system loading. Larger riser shall have a trap, of minimum volume, obtained by use of
90- and 45-degree ells. Arrange small riser with inlet close to bottom of horizontal line,
and connect to top of upper horizontal line. Do not install valves in risers.
4) Refrigerant Driers, Sight Glass Indicators, and Strainers: Provide refrigerant driers, sight
glass liquid indicators, and strainers in refrigerant piping in accordance with this section
when not furnished by the manufacturer as part of the equipment. Install driers in liquid
line with service valves and valved bypass line the same size as liquid line in which dryer
is installed. Size of driers shall be determined by piping and installation of the unit on
location. Install dryers of 50 cubic inches and larger vertically with the cover for removing
cartridge at the bottom. Install moisture indicators in the liquid line downstream of the
drier. Indicator connections shall be the same size as the liquid line in which it is
5) Strainer Locations and Installation: Locate strainers close to equipment they are to
protect. Provide a strainer in common refrigerant liquid supply to two or more thermal
valves in parallel when each thermal valve has a built-in strainer. Install strainers with
screen down and in direction of flow as indicated on strainer's body.
6) Solenoid Valve Installation: Install solenoid valves in horizontal lines with stem vertical
and with flow in direction indicated on valve. If not incorporated as integral part of the
valve, provide a strainer upstream of the solenoid valve. Provide service valves
upstream of the solenoid valve, upstream of the strainer, and downstream of the solenoid
valve. Remove the internal parts of the solenoid valve when brazing the valve.
(4) Auxiliary Drain Pans, Drain Connections, and Drain Lines: Provide auxiliary drain pans under
units located above finished ceilings or over mechanical or electrical equipment where
condensate overflow will cause damage to ceilings, piping, and equipment below. Provide
separate drain lines for the unit drain and auxiliary drain pans. Trap drain pans from the
bottom to ensure complete pan drainage. Provide drain lines full size of drain opening. Traps
and piping to drainage disposal points shall conform to Section 22 00 00 PLUMBING,
(5) Access Panels: Provide access panels for concealed valves, controls, dampers, and other
fittings requiring inspection and maintenance.
(6) Air Filters: Allow access space for servicing filters. Install filters with suitable sealing to
prevent bypassing of air.
(7) Flashing and Pitch Pockets: Provide flashing and pitch pockets for equipment supports and
flashing where piping or ductwork passes through exterior walls.
(8) Identification Tags and Plates: Provide equipment, gages, thermometers, valves, and
controllers with tags numbered and stamped for their use. Provide plates and tags of brass or
suitable nonferrous material, securely mounted or attached. Provide minimum letter and
numeral size of 1/8 inch high.
1) Leak Testing:
Upon completion of installation of air conditioning equipment, test factory- and field-
installed refrigerant piping with an electronic-type leak detector. Use same type of
refrigerant to be provided in the system for leak testing. When nitrogen is used to boost
system pressure for testing, ensure that it is eliminated from the system before charging.
After field charged refrigerant system is found to be without leaks or after leaks have
been repaired on field-charged and factory-charged systems, evacuate the system using
a reliable gage and a vacuum pump.
3) Start-Up and Initial Operational Tests: Test the air conditioning systems and systems
components for proper operation. Adjust safety and automatic control instruments as
necessary to ensure proper operation and sequence. Conduct operational tests for not
less than 8 hours.
26 00 00 ELECTRICAL:
1. GENERAL: Material, installation, and workmanship shall adhere to international, national, and
local requirements pertaining to safety, quality, and electrical codes.
(1) This section lists specific standards to guide construction Contractors involved with the
installation of electrical systems at Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) facilities under
the jurisdiction of the Department of Energy.
(a) Section 9.2, “Grounding, Conduit and Low Voltage Cable Systems”.
(b) Section 9.2.3, “Insulated Conductors and Cables”.
(c) Section 9.7.3, “Direct and Alternating Current Distribution Boards”.
(1) Provide materials, equipment, and accessories for AC service, panelboards, conduit, and
(2) The Contractor shall remove temporary equipment used during the construction process.
(1) Circuit breaker ampacity, wire, and conduit sizes are based upon the nameplate ratings of the
equipment specified and distance from the associated panelboard.
(2) Adjust breaker, wire, and conduit sizes to match installed equipment nameplate ratings.
(3) Review electrical and mechanical drawings for accuracy of dimensions, locations, levels, and
make necessary adjustments to conform to the requirements of these specifications.
3. SUBMITTALS: Submit complete material lists and manufacturer’s specifications to WAPA for
4. CUTTING AND PATCHING: Fix damage to the building, piping, equipment, or any defaced finish
with qualified personnel skilled in the specific repair required.
5. PAINTING: Repair damaged surfaces to match color and composition of manufacturer’s finish.
(1) Remove from the premises any material, scrap, and other waste caused by electrical
(2) Thoroughly clean and remove residue, dirt and dust from luminaires, and related items.
(3) Upon job completion ensure the building and premises are clean, orderly and secure.
1. GENERAL: Provide materials for bonding and/or grounding the following structures, equipment,
and conduit:
1. GENERAL: Major equipment components shall have the following information permanently
attached in a conspicuous location:
(3) Panelboards shall have the following information stored in a clear plastic sheet protector
attached to the inside of each panelboard door.
1. GENERAL: Install wiring devices in outlet boxes at the locations shown on the Drawings. Provide
a wallplate for the device installed.
(1) Provide material, devices, and accessories necessary for the proper operation of the door
alarm contacts.
(2) Include hardware, wire, conduit, and junction boxes necessary to complete the installation.
(1) Connect switch wiring according to notes on Drawings 3402 and 3404.
(2) Terminate wires in the locations described in electrical drawings.
1. GENERAL: Provide equipment for AC service, panelboards, conduits, and wiring in accordance
with these specifications and the following drawings:
1) Configurable NO or NC poles.
2) 30A.
3) 1 N.O. auxiliary contact.
4) 1 N.C. auxiliary contact.
26 24 00.16 PANELBOARDS:
(1) Main lugs optional rated for specified voltage and current.
(2) Main circuit breaker (CB) rated for specified voltage and current including an adjustable
magnetic trip set to low optional.
1) Duplex.
2) Quad optional.
3) NEMA 5-20R.
4) Two-pole, three-wire, grounding.
5) Wiring harness optional.
(2) Exterior:
1) Duplex.
2) NEMA 5-20R, GFCI.
3) Integrated Set/Reset buttons.
4) No pass-thru.
5) Wiring harness optional.
(1) Verify installation position does not interfere with other equipment.
(2) Support luminaires only from structural elements capable of carrying the total weight, mounted
rigidly to prevent motion action.
(3) Protect wiring with tape or tubing at points where abrasion is likely to occur. Provide chase
nipples where field wiring passes through knockouts.
(3) Verify installation position does not interfere with other equipment.
(4) Support luminaires only from structural elements capable of carrying the total weight, mounted
rigidly to prevent motion action.
(5) Protect wiring with tape or tubing at points where abrasion is likely to occur.
(6) Provide chase nipples where field wiring passes through knockouts.
26 53 00 EXIT SIGNS:
September 2016
1. GENERAL: Provide surface preparation, primer, paint, and other related work and material
needed to complete the required painting. Painting processes shall meet Federal, State, and Local
air emission regulations.
Repair damaged areas of existing paint systems before applying intermediate coat and finish
coats. For existing paint that does not match the colors listed below, the color shall be approved
by the COR and be equivalent to the paint specified in this section.
2. SUBMITTALS: Submit two copies of the following manufacturer's data to the COR:
(1) Primers and Paints: Manufacturer's technical information including paint label analysis,
preparation of surfaces, spread rates, thinning instructions, coverage of paint, recommended
number of coats, and application instructions.
(2) Material Safety Data Sheets: Submit in accordance with Standard 1 - General
Requirements, Section 1.4.1, "Safety and Health General".
3. CONTAINERS, LABELS, AND STORAGE: Primer and paint shall be in sealed containers labeled
with manufacturer's name, type of paint, brand name, color designation, date of manufacturing,
and instructions for mixing and reducing. Store primer and paint as recommended by the
4. PROTECTION: Protect nameplates, cover plates, and other surfaces from paint and damage.
Repair damage as a result of inadequate or unsuitable protection. Furnish drop cloths, shields, or
protective devices to prevent spraying or droppings from fouling surfaces not being painted,
including surfaces within storage and preparation area.
2. METAL SURFACES: Solvent clean surfaces by methods conforming to SSPC-SP 1. After solvent
cleaning, prepare surfaces as follows:
(1) Surfaces with weathered, gloss, or semi-gloss paint shall be lightly sanded.
(2) Surfaces with loose paint and other foreign matter shall be cleaned by hand tool methods
conforming to SSPC-SP 2 followed, if required, by commercial grade sandblasting
conforming to SSPC-SP 6.
1. GENERAL: Selected paint system for any particular item shall consist of specified primer coat(s),
intermediate coat, and finish coats from the same manufacturer.
12-2 September 2016
2. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT: Indoor and outdoor electrical equipment shall have the
manufacturer's standard ANSI 70 (gray), shop-applied, permanent paint system. Corrosion-
resistant (galvanized, aluminum, copper, and etc.) surfaces shall not be painted. The paint system
shall provide a minimum of 10 years corrosion-free protection. Inspect equipment surfaces at time
of delivery and notify the COR of any damage. Repair damaged paint surfaces as recommended
by the equipment manufacturer. Painting repair for Government-furnished equipment shall be
paid in accordance with the contract clause titled "Changes".
(1) Keeler & Long, Inc. (Ferrous Metal and Galvanized Surfaces):
1) Intermediate Coat: Tri-Polar Primer KL6040 Series, white, flat, 2.5 to 3.5 mils dry film
2) Finish Coats: Poly- Poly-Silicone Enamel KLPC1 Series, color sky gray, gloss, 1.5 to
2.5 mils dry film thickness.
1) Intermediate Coat: F.C. Typoxy Series 27, color light gray, flat, 4.0 to 6.0 mils dry film
2) Finish Coats: Endura-Shield Series 1074, color light gray, gloss, 2.0 to 3.0 mils dry film
4. BUILDING METALWORK: Exterior and interior metalwork paint system shall be equal to one of
the following:
1) Primer Coat: Rust Inhibitive Steel Primer 7-852, color white, 1.5 to 2.0 mils dry film
2) First and Second Finish Coats: Industrial Gloss-Oil Interior/Exterior Enamels 7-814
Series, gloss, 1.5 to 2.0 mils dry film thickness per coat.
1) Primer Coat: Kem Kromik Universal Metal Primer B50WZ1 or B50HZ1, colors off white
or buff, 3.0 to 4.0 mils dry film thickness.
2) First and Second Finish Coats: Industrial Enamel, B54Z Series, gloss, 2.0 to 4.0 mils dry
film thickness per coat.
1) Primer Coat: Speedhide 6-209 Galvanized Steel Primer Interior/Exterior, color white,
2.0 mils dry film thickness.
2) First and Second Finish Coats: Industrial Gloss-Oil Interior/Exterior Enamels 7-814
Series, gloss, 1.5 to 2.0 mils dry film thickness per coat.
1) Primer Coat: Galvite HS B50WZ30, color off white, 3.0 to 4.5 mils dry film thickness.
2) First and Second Finish Coats: Industrial Enamel, B54Z Series, gloss, 2.0 to 4.0 mils dry
film thickness per coat.
Primer coat is not required when metalwork is furnished with the manufacturer's standard, shop-
applied primer. Repair damaged areas of primer before applying first and second finish coats.
5. BUILDING GYPSUM WALLBOARD: Interior gypsum wallboard walls, ceilings, and accessories
shall be painted equal to one of the following:
1) Primer Coat: Speedhide 6-2 Quick-Drying Interior Latex Primer-Sealer, color white, flat,
350 to 450 square feet per gallon.
2) First and Second Finish Coats: Speedhide 6-714 Latex Dry Fog Spray Paint, semi-gloss,
200 to 350 square feet per gallon.
1) Primer Coat: PrepRite 200 Interior Latex Primer B28W200, color white, flat,
400 square feet per gallon.
2) First and Second Finish Coats: Super Save-Lite Dryfall Semi-Gloss B47W62,
260 square feet per gallon each coat.
September 2016
1. Recovered Material Products ....................................................................................................... 8
2. Biobased Material Products .......................................................................................................... 9
3. Recovered Material and Biobased Material Products Report ...................................................... 9
1. FINAL PAYMENT: For each section below, final payment will be withheld until the referenced
submittal, report, or plan is received.
information for purchases of items listed in Section 13.8, "Use of Recovered Material and Biobased
Material Products".
(1) Quantity and cost of listed items with recovered or biobased material content and quantity and
cost of listed items without recovered or biobased material content prior to submittal of final
(2) Written justification of listed items if recovered material or biobased material products are not
available: 1) competitively within a reasonable time frame; 2) meeting reasonable performance
standards as defined in the Standards or Project Specifications; or 3) at a reasonable price.
3. REFRIGERANT RECEIPT: The contractor shall provide a record of all refrigerant usage, recycling,
or disposal on WAPA HVAC systems. In the event refrigerant is either charged into or removed and
reclaimed from a WAPA HVAC system, the contractor shall provide either a record of usage or a
receipt from the EPA-certified refrigerant reclaimer including whether it was either added to or
reclaimed from the equipment, the date, and the amount and type of refrigerant used to the COR prior
to submittal of final invoice.
4. WASTE MATERIAL QUANTITY REPORT: Submit quantities of total project waste material disposal
as listed below to the COR prior to submittal of final invoice in accordance with Section 13.9.8, “Waste
Material Quantity Report”.
(1) Unregulated Wastes (i.e., trash): Volume in cubic yards or weight in pounds.
(4) Other regulated wastes (e.g., lead-based paint or asbestos): Weight in pounds (specify type of
waste in report).
in Section 13.11.2, "Spill Prevention Notification and Cleanup Plan”, to the COR for review and
comment 14 days prior to start of work. Review of the plan is for the purpose of determining
compliance with the specifications only and shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for
compliance with all Federal, State, and Local regulations.
6. TANKER OIL SPILL PREVENTION AND RESPONSE PLAN: Submit the Plan as described in Section
13.11.3, "Tanker Oil Spill Prevention and Response Plan”, to the COR for review and comment 14
days prior to start of work. Review of the plan is for the purpose of determining compliance with the
specifications only and shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for compliance with all
Federal, State, and Local regulations.
7. PESTICIDE USE PLAN: Submit a plan as described in Section 13.12.3, “Pesticide Use Plan”, to the
COR for review and comment 14 days prior to the date of intended pesticide application. Review of
the plan is for the purpose of determining compliance with the specifications only and shall not relieve
the Contractor of the responsibility for compliance with all Federal, State, and Local regulations. Within
seven days after application, submit a written report in accordance with Standard 2 – Sitework, Section
2.1.1_5, “Soil-Applied Herbicide”.
10. SULFUR HEXAFLUORIDE (SF6) EMISSIONS: A receipt from the SF6 gas supplier stating that the
gas was reclaimed, the amount of SF6, and the date shall be submitted to the COR prior to submittal
of final invoice in accordance with Section 13.14.4(3), “Certificates of Disposal and Receipts”.
12. LEAD PAINT NOTICES: Submit a copy of lead paint notices with contractor and recipient signatures
as described in 13.16, “Material with Lead-based Paint” to the COR prior to submittal of final invoice.
Submit copies of certificates of disposal and/or receipts for waste to the COR prior to submittal of final
13. WATER POLLUTION PERMITS: Submit copies of any water pollution permits as described in 13.17,
“Prevention of Water Pollution” to the COR 14 days prior to start of work.
14. PCB TEST REPORT: Submit a PCB test report as described in 13.18, “Testing, Draining, Removal,
and Disposal of Oil-filled Electrical Equipment”, prior to draining, removal, or disposal of oil or oil-filled
equipment that is designated for disposal.
15. OIL AND OIL-FILLED ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT RECEIPT: Obtain and submit a receipt for oil and
oil-filled equipment transported and disposed, recycled, or reprocessed as described in 13.18,
“Testing, Draining, Removal, and Disposal of Oil-filled Electrical Equipment”, to the COR prior to
submittal of final invoice.
16. OSHA PCB TRAINING RECORDS: Submit employee training documentation records to the COR 14
days prior to the start of work as described in 13.19.1.
17. CLEANUP WORK MANAGEMENT PLAN: Submit a Cleanup Work Management Plan as described
in 13.19, “Removal of Oil-contaminated Material” to the COR for review and comment 14 days prior to
the start of work. Review of the plan is for the purpose of determining compliance with the
specifications only and shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for compliance with all
Federal, State, and Local regulations.
18. POST CLEANUP REPORT: Submit a Post-Cleanup Report as described in 13.19, “Removal of Oil-
contaminated Material” to the COR prior to submittal of final invoice.
Comply with Federal, State, and local environmental laws and regulations. The sections in this Standard
further specify the requirements.
1. GENERAL: Preserve landscape features in accordance with the contract clause titled “Protection of
Existing Vegetation, Structures, Equipment, Utilities, and Improvements.” Exercise care to preserve
the natural landscape and conduct activities to prevent any unnecessary destruction, scarring, or
defacing of the natural surroundings in the project vicinity. Except where clearing is required for
permanent works, approved construction roads, or excavation operations, vegetation shall be
preserved and shall be protected from damage by project operations and equipment.
2. CONSTRUCTION ROADS: Location, alignment, and grade of construction roads shall be subject to
the COR's approval. When no longer required, surfaces of construction roads shall be scarified to
facilitate natural revegetation, provide for proper drainage, and prevent erosion. If re-vegetation is
required, use seed mixtures as recommended by Natural Resources Conservation Service or other
land managing agency as appropriate.
3. CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES: Shop, office, material lay down and material and equipment storage
areas, and yard areas shall be located and arranged in a manner to preserve trees and vegetation to
the maximum practicable extent and prevent impact on sensitive riparian areas and flood plains.
Storage and construction buildings, including concrete footings and slabs, shall be removed from the
site prior to contract completion. The area shall be re-graded as required so that all surfaces drain
naturally, blend with the natural terrain, and are left in a condition that will facilitate natural revegetation,
provide for proper drainage, and prevent erosion or transport of sediment and pollutants. If re-
vegetation is required, use seed mixtures as recommended by Natural Resources Conservation
Service or other land managing agency as appropriate.
1. GENERAL: Do not, at any time, remove, disturb, or otherwise alter cultural artifacts or paleontological
resources (fossils). Cultural artifacts may be of scientific or cultural importance and include, but are
not limited to bones, pottery, projectile points (arrowheads), other stone or metal tools, surface
features (stone circles, rock piles, etc.), glass, metal, ceramic, or other historic objects, structures and
buildings (including ruins). Paleontological resources can be of scientific importance and include
mineralized animals and plants or trace fossils such as footprints. Both cultural and paleontological
resources are protected by Federal Regulations during Federal construction projects. Contractor shall
restrict all ground disturbing activities to areas reviewed/investigated and approved WAPA by the
Regional Preservation Officer (RPO) and as specified in accordance with Standard 1 – General
Requirements, Sections 1.3.1 Rights-of-way and 1.3.2 Access to the Work and Haul Routes.
2. KNOWN CULTURAL OR PALEONTOLOGICAL SITES: The contractor shall ensure that all
construction activities avoid the boundaries of specific cultural, historic, or scientific sites. Following
issuance of notice to proceed, WAPAWAPA will provide drawings or maps that indicate the areas of
avoidance in relation to the project area. Prior to any construction activity, the avoidance areas shall
be marked on the ground in a manner approved by the COR in conjunction with the RPO. When
avoidance is not possible, the Contractor shall provide WAPA a 90-day notice of their inability to avoid
historic properties. WAPA will consult with the appropriate authorities and the contractor will not be
permitted to work within or near the boundaries of the historic property until the RPO approves of the
work and the COR directs the contractor to proceed. Instruct employees and subcontractors that
vehicular or equipment access to these areas is prohibited. If access is absolutely necessary, first
obtain approval from the COR in conjunction with the RPO. WAPA will remove the markings during
or following final cleanup.
(1) Reporting: If evidence of a cultural or paleontological site is discovered, cease work in the area
immediately and notify the COR of the location and nature of the findings. If a monitor is present,
the monitor should also be notified. Stop all activities within a 200-foot radius of the discovery
and do not proceed with work within that radius until directed to do so by the COR.
(2) Care of Evidence: Protect the area. Do not remove, handle, alter, or damage artifacts or fossils
uncovered during construction activities.
Comply with Federal, State, and local noxious weed control regulations. At Contractor’s expense, obtain
required permits and conduct required notifications. Provide a "clean vehicle policy" while entering and
leaving construction areas to prevent transport of noxious weed plants and/or seed. Transport only
construction vehicles that are free of mud and vegetation debris to staging areas and the project right-of-
way. All seed mixes and mulch used for reclamation activities will be certified weed-free.
1. GENERAL: All materials generated from the project that can be recycled, shall be recycled. Record
quantities of material by category that is salvaged, recycled, reused, or reprocessed, including:
(7) Oil: Gallons (separate by type - less than 2 ppm PCB, 2 to 50 ppm PCB, and 50 or greater ppm
2. RECYCLED MATERIAL QUANTITY REPORT: Submit quantities (pounds or metric tons) of all
recycled material by category to the COR within 30 days of recycling and prior to submittal of final
1. RECOVERED MATERIAL PRODUCTS: If the products listed below or other products listed at
https://www.epa.gov/smm/comprehensive-procurement-guideline-cpg-program are obtained as part
of this project, purchase the items with the highest recovered material content possible unless
recovered material products are not available: 1) competitively within a reasonable time frame; 2)
meeting reasonable performance standards as defined in the Standards or Project Specifications;
or 3) at a reasonable price.
Example include:
(2) Carpet.
(4) Cement and concrete containing coal fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag,
cenospheres, or silica fume.
(15) Signage.
NOTE: All station service and pole mounted transformers will be bio-based oil. WAPA large
transformers will be evaluated on a best value basis using life cycle cost analysis.
following information for purchases of those items listed above:
Quantity and cost of listed items with recovered or biobased material content and quantity and cost of
listed items without recovered or biobased material content prior to submittal of final invoice.
Written justification of listed items if recovered material or biobased material products are not available:
1) competitively within a reasonable time frame; 2) meeting reasonable performance standards as
defined in the Standards or Project Specifications; or 3) at a reasonable price.
1. GENERAL: Dispose or recycle waste material in accordance with applicable Federal, State and local
regulations and ordinances. In addition to the requirements of the Contract Clause “Cleaning Up”,
remove all waste material from the construction site. No waste shall be left on WAPA property, right-
of-way, or easement. Burning or burying of waste material is not permitted.
3. USED OIL: Used oil generated from the Contractor activities shall be managed in accordance with
used oil regulations.
4. RECYCLABLE MATERIAL: Reduce wastes, including excess WAPA material, by recycling, reusing,
or reprocessing. Examples of recycling, reusing, or reprocessing includes, but is not limited to,
reprocessing of solvents; recycling cardboard; and salvaging scrap metals.
5. REFRIGERANTS AND RECEIPTS: Refrigerants from air conditioners, water coolers, refrigerators,
ice machines and vehicles shall be reclaimed with certified equipment operated by certified technicians
if the item is to be disposed. Refrigerants shall be reclaimed and not vented to the atmosphere. A
receipt from the reclaimer stating that the refrigerant was reclaimed, the amount and type of refrigerant,
and the date shall be submitted to the COR prior to submittal of final invoice.
6. HALONS: Equipment containing halons that must be tested, maintained, serviced, repaired, or
disposed must be handled according to EPA requirements and by technicians trained according to
those requirements.
7. SULFUR HEXAFLUORIDE: SF 6 gas shall be reclaimed and shall not be vented to the atmosphere.
See Section 13.14.4(3)
8. WASTE MATERIAL QUANTITY REPORT: Submit quantities of total project waste material disposal
as listed below to the COR prior to submittal of final invoice.
(1) Unregulated Wastes (i.e., trash): Volume in cubic yards or weight in pounds.
(4) Other regulated wastes (e.g., lead-based paint or asbestos): Weight in pounds (specify type of
waste in report).
1. GENERAL: The Contractor is solely liable for all expenses related to spills, mishandling, or incidents
of regulated material attributable to his actions or the actions of his subcontractors. This includes all
response, investigation, cleanup, disposal, permitting, reporting, and requirements from applicable
environmental regulation agencies.
2. SUPERVISION: The actions of the Contractor employees and subcontractors shall be properly
managed at all times on WAPA property or while transporting WAPA’s (or previously owned by WAPA)
regulated material and equipment.
1. GENERAL: Provide measures to prevent spills of pollutants and respond appropriately if a spill occurs.
A pollutant includes any hazardous or non-hazardous substance that when spilled, will contaminate
soil, surface water, or ground water. This includes any solvent, fuel, oil, paint, pesticide, engine
coolants, and similar substances.
review and comment 14 days prior to start of work. Review of the plan is for the purpose of determining
compliance with the specifications only and shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for
compliance with all Federal, State, and Local regulations. Include the following in the Plan:
(1) Spill Prevention Measures: Describe the work practices or precautions that will be used at the
job site to prevent spills. These may include engineered or manufactured techniques such as
installation of berms around fuel and oil tanks; storage of fuels, paints, and other substances in
spill proof containers; and management techniques such as requiring workers to handle material
in certain ways.
(2) Notification: Most States and the Environmental Protection Agency require by regulation that
anyone who spills certain types of pollutants in certain quantities notify them of the spill within a
specific time period. Some of these agencies require written follow up reports and cleanup
reports. Include in the Plan the types of spills for which notification would be made, the agencies
notified, the information the agency requires during the notification, and the telephone numbers
for notification.
(3) Employee Awareness Training: Describe employee awareness training procedures that will be
implemented to ensure personnel are knowledgeable about the contents of the Plan and the
need for notification.
(4) Commitment of Manpower: Equipment and Material. Identify the arrangements made to
respond to spills, including the commitment of manpower, equipment and material.
(5) If applicable, address all requirements of 40CFR112 pertaining to Spill Prevention, Control and
Countermeasures Plans.
and Response Plan as required by the Department of Transportation if oil tankers with volume of 3,500
gallons or more are used as part of the project. Submit the Tanker Oil Spill Prevention and Response
Plan to the COR for review and comment 14 days prior to start of work. Review of the plan is for the
purpose of determining compliance with the specifications only and shall not relieve the Contractor of
the responsibility for compliance with all Federal, State, and Local regulations.
1. GENERAL: The term “pesticide” includes herbicides, insecticides, rodenticides and fungicides.
Pesticides shall only be used in accordance with their labeling and applied by appropriately certified
3. PESTICIDE USE PROPOSAL: Provide a pesticide use proposal that contains: 1) pesticide(s)
proposed (include mixtures and surfactants), 2) treatment site, 3) intended rate of application, 4) a
copy of labels and Safety Data Sheets, and 5) a copy of required applicator certifications. Submit the
pesticide use proposal to the COR for review and comment 14 days prior to the date of intended
application. Review of the plan is for the purpose of determining compliance with the specifications
only and shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for compliance with all Federal, State,
and Local regulations. Within seven days after application, submit a written final report to the COR,
including the pesticide applicators report, in accordance with Standard 2 – Sitework, Section 2.1.1 5.
“Soil-Applied Herbicide, (4) Final Report”.
Whenever practicable, treated wood utility poles and crossarms removed during the project shall be
recycled or transferred to the public for some uses. Treated wood utility poles and crossarms transferred
to a recycler, landfill, or the public shall be accompanied by a written consumer information sheet for treated
wood as provided by WAPA. Obtain a receipt, part of the consumer information sheet, from the recipient
indicating that they have received, read, and understand the consumer information sheet. Treated wood
products transferred to right-of-way landowners shall be moved off the right-of-way. Treated wood product
scrap, poles, and crossarms that cannot be donated or reused shall be properly disposed in a landfill that
accepts treated wood and has signed WAPA’s consumer information sheet receipt. Submit treated wood
utility poles and crossarms consumer information receipts to the COR prior to submittal of final invoice.
1. GENERAL: Ensure that construction activities and the operation of equipment are undertaken to
reduce the emission of air pollutants. Submit a copy of permits for construction activities, if required
(e.g., “non-attainment” areas, State implementation plans, or Class I air-sheds), from Federal, State,
or local agencies to the COR 14 days prior to the start of work. The contractor shall fulfill the conditions
under any applicable locally prepared Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) or Environmental
Assessments (EAs) conducted for the project under the National Environmental Protection Act
2. MACHINERY AIR EMISSIONS: The Contractor and subcontractor machinery shall have, and shall
use the air emissions control devices required by Federal, State or Local Regulation or ordinance.
3. DUST ABATEMENT: Dust shall be controlled. Oil shall not be used as a dust suppressant. Dust
suppressants shall be approved by the COR prior to use.
(1) GENERALGENERALGENERAL: WAPA complies with State, Federal, and local regulations
regarding Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting 40 CFR Part 98. The Contractor shall provide
the information required by this section to the COR as described.
c. Record pounds of SF 6 gas left in containers, after transferring into energized equipment.
f. Scales used to weigh cylinders must be accurate to within +/- 2 pounds and must have
current calibration sticker.
a. The Contractor shall test all functions to verify correct operation and conduct a leak test.
No SF 6 gas leakage shall be allowed from any equipment or storage containers.
c. The Contractor shall remove all empty SF 6 gas cylinders and return to supplier.
a. The Contractor can use WAPA’s Reporting Form for reporting quantities listed above.
c. The Contractor shall submit SF 6 gas Reporting Forms and copies of receipts to the COR
prior to submittal of final invoice.
5. PROTECTION OF STRATOSPHERIC OZONE: The contractor shall comply with all State, Federal,
and local regulations regarding ozone depleting substances and the Protection of Stratospheric
Ozone, including, but not limited to 40 CFR 82. Contractors performing work on HVAC systems shall
be trained and certified according to the regulations, and releases of ozone depleting substances to
the atmosphere shall be prevented. The contractor shall provide reclaimed refrigerant receipts to the
COR in accordance with section 13.2.3 of this document.
1. GENERAL: Obtain the appropriate Federal, State, Tribal or local licenses or certifications prior to
disturbing any regulated asbestos-containing material. If a building or portion of a building will be
demolished or renovated, obtain an Asbestos Notice of and Permit for Demolition and Renovation
from the State or Tribal Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality (or equivalent).
The building(s) shall be inspected by a State-Certified or Tribal accepted Asbestos Building Inspector.
The inspector shall certify the presence and condition of asbestos, or non-presence of asbestos, on
site as directed on the State or Tribal Demolition and Renovation Notice/Permit. The inspections shall
be performed and notifications shall be submitted whether asbestos is present or not. Submit a copy
of licenses, certifications, Demolition and Renovation Notifications and Permits for asbestos work to
the COR 14 days prior to work. Ensure: 1) worker and public safety requirements are fully
implemented and 2) proper handling, transportation, and disposal of asbestos containing material.
3. CERTIFICATES OF DISPOSAL AND RECEIPTS: Obtain certificates of disposal for waste if the waste
is a hazardous waste or receipts from a landfill approved to accept asbestos if the waste is a non-
hazardous waste. Submit copies to the COR prior to submittal of final invoice.
1. GENERAL: Comply with all applicable Federal, State and local regulations concerning work with lead-
based paint, disposal of material painted with lead-based paint, and management of these materials.
OSHA and General Industry Standards apply to worker safety and right-to-know issues. Federal EPA
and State agencies regulate waste disposal and air quality issues.
3. CERTIFICATES OF DISPOSAL AND RECEIPTS: Obtain certificates of disposal for waste if the waste
is a hazardous waste or receipts from a landfill if the waste is a non-hazardous waste. Submit copies
to the COR prior to submittal of final invoice.
1. GENERAL: Ensure that surface and ground water is protected from pollution caused by construction
activities and comply with applicable regulations and requirements. Ensure that streams, waterways
and other courses are not obstructed or impaired unless the appropriate Federal, State or local permits
have been obtained.
(1) A National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is obtained from the US
Environmental Protection Agency or State as appropriate if the disturbed construction area
equals 1 acre or more. Contractor is responsible for preparation and implementation of the
associated Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Disturbed areas include staging,
parking, fueling, stockpiling, and any other construction related activities. Refer to
https://www.epa.gov/npdes/npdes-stormwater-program for directions and forms.
(2) A dewatering permit is obtained from the appropriate agency if required for construction
dewatering activities.
(3) Copies of permits and plans, approved by the appropriate regulating agencies, are submitted to
the COR 14 days prior to start of work.
areas and piles of excavated material, construction material or wastes (to include truck washing and
concrete wastes), and chemical products such as oil, grease, solvents, fuels, pesticides, and pole
treatment compounds. Excavated material or other construction material shall not be stockpiled or
deposited near or on streambanks, lake shorelines, ditches, irrigation canals, or other areas where
run-off could impact the environment.
5. STREAM CROSSINGS: Crossing of any stream or other waterway shall be done in compliance with
Federal, State, and local regulations. Crossing of some waterways may be prohibited by landowners,
Federal or State agencies or require permits.
of electrical equipment (which includes storage tanks) for PCB’s. Use analytical methods approved
by EPA and applicable State regulations. Decontaminate sampling equipment according to
documented good laboratory practices (these can be contractor developed or EPA standards). Use
only laboratories approved by WAPA. The COR will furnish a list of approved laboratories.
2. PCB TEST REPORT: Provide PCB test reports that contain the information below for disposing of oil-
filled electrical equipment. Submit the PCB test report for COR approval prior to draining, removal, or
disposal of oil or oil-filled equipment that is designated for disposal.
(8) Unique identification number of container into which the oil was drained (i.e., number of drum,
tank, tanker, etc.)
3. OIL CONTAINING PCB: Comply with the Federal regulations pertaining to PCBs found at Title 40,
Part 761 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR 761).
5. OIL AND OIL-FILLED ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT RECEIPT: Obtain and submit a receipt for oil and
oil-filled equipment transported and disposed, recycled, or reprocessed to the COR prior to submittal
of final invoice.
2. CLEANUP WORK MANAGEMENT PLAN: Provide a Cleanup Work Management Plan that has been
approved by applicable Federal, State, or Local environmental regulation agencies. Submit the plan
to the COR for review and comment 14 days prior to the start of work. Review of the plan is for the
purpose of determining compliance with the specifications only and shall not relieve the Contractor of
the responsibility for compliance with all Federal, State, and Local regulations. The plan shall address
on-site excavation of contaminated soil and debris and include the following:
3. EXCAVATION AND CLEANUP: Comply with the requirements of Title 40, Part 761 of the U.S. Code
of Federal Regulations (40 CFR 761).
5. SAMPLING AND TESTING: Sample contaminated debris and areas of excavation to ensure that
contamination is removed. Use personnel with experience in sampling and, in particular, with
experience in PCB cleanup if PCBs are involved. Use analytical methods approved by EPA and
applicable State regulations.
7. POST CLEANUP REPORT: Provide a Post-Cleanup Report that describes the cleanup of
contaminated soils and debris. Submit the report to the COR prior to submittal of final invoice. The
report shall contain the following information:
(2) Description of the operations involved in excavating, storing, sampling, and testing, and
(3) Sampling and analysis results including 1) Name and address of the laboratory, 2) sample
locations, 3) sample dates, 4) analysis dates, 5) contents of contaminant (e.g. PCB or total
petroleum hydrocarbons) in parts per million (ppm).
(4) Certification by the Contractor that the cleanup requirements were met.
(6) Copies of correspondence with regulatory agencies that support completion of the cleanup
1. GENERAL: Federal law prohibits the “take” of endangered, threatened, proposed or candidate wildlife
and plants, and destruction or adverse modification of designated Critical Habitat. Federal law also
prohibits the “take” of birds protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald and Golden Eagle
Protection Act. “Take” means to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture or collect
or attempt to engage in any such conduct with a protected animal or plant or any part thereof, or
attempt to do any of those things without a permit from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The Contractor
will take precautions to avoid harming all wildlife species and native plants. Contractor shall restrict
all ground disturbing activities to areas that have been surveyed by WAPA for natural resources and
as specified in accordance with Standard 1 – General Requirements, Sections 1.3.1 Rights-of-way
and 1.3.2 Access to the Work and Haul Routes.
marked on the ground by WAPA. If access is absolutely necessary, the contractor shall first obtain
written permission from the COR, noting that a WAPA and/or other Federal or State government or
tribal agency biologist may be required to accompany personnel and equipment. Ground markings
shall be maintained through the duration of the contract. WAPA will remove the markings during or
following final inspection of the project.
4. MIGRATORY BIRDS AND RAPTORS: Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, migratory bird
species and their nests and eggs are protected from injury or death. Impacts to migratory bird nests
shall be avoided during the nesting season(s) identified in Division 13 of the Project Specifications. If
construction activities occur during the nesting season, WAPA will survey the construction area for
migratory bird nests prior to construction activities and establish appropriate buffers around any nests
that may potentially be disturbed. If work must be conducted within these buffers, a WAPA- supplied
biological monitor will be on site for construction activities within the buffers. If the biological monitor
determines that activities are likely to cause nest impacts or nest abandonment, then construction
activities in the area shall be postponed until nestlings have fledged or the nest is no longer active.
September 2016
14.1.6 ERECTION..................................................................................................................................... 13
1. General ....................................................................................................................................... 13
2. Anchor Bolts and Embedded Material ........................................................................................ 13
3. Base Plates ................................................................................................................................. 13
4. Structural Steel ........................................................................................................................... 14
5. Guyed Towers ............................................................................................................................ 14
6. Erecting Tower ............................................................................................................................ 14
7. Bolting ......................................................................................................................................... 14
14.1.1 GENERAL:
2. REQUIREMENTS: Bolts, nuts, locknuts, antenna pipe mounts, climbing ladders including a safety
climbing system, waveguide ladders, work platforms, rest platforms, embedded material, and other
appurtenances including all associated hardware shall be considered as part of the
communication tower or monopole.
1. GENERAL: Before beginning fabrication of the material, furnish electronic drawings and data for
the communication tower or monopole. Prior to shipment of material, furnish "Final Approval
Electronic Drawings" for the communication tower or monopole. Before final payment is made,
furnish "Final As-built Electronic Drawings" for the communication tower or monopole. Refer to the
contract clause titled "Specifications and Drawings for Construction" for additional requirements,
except that shop detail drawings may be considered proprietary data as outlined in below.
3. APPROVAL TIME: Time allowed for approval of electronic drawings and data submitted to
Western for approval is specified in Division 1 Specific Requirements paragraph "Commencement,
Prosecution, and Completion of Work" paragraph of the "General Requirements" Division. The
revised electronic drawings and marked up electronic data sheets will be returned to the
Contractor marked to indicate required changes, if any, and whether the electronic drawings or
data are approved or not approved. Western's approval shall not relieve the Contractor from
meeting the specifications requirements nor the responsibility for design and drawing correctness.
Refer to Division 1 of the Project Specifications regarding acceptable version and format of
electronic AutoCAD drawings.
4. UNITS OF MEASUREMENT: Units of measurement shall be in United States Standard units; and
all wording, signs, symbols, and other designations shall be in English.
5. DESIGN CALCULATIONS AND DATA: Submit for approval one electronic copy of the following
design calculations and data for the communication tower or monopole:
(2) Hand calculations of dead and live loads for all loading cases and points of application of all
(3) Member loads for each loading case and the capacity needed for and furnished by each
member; ground line shears and axial loads; and all other design data required for the
foundation design. Accuracy and correctness of the design is the sole responsibility of the
(5) Maximum twist and sway at all initial and future antenna attachment points.
(8) Computer analysis with complete description of the computer program used.
2) Manufacturing facilities adequate for manufacturing the type and size of tower or
monopole to be furnished under these specifications.
1) Drawings: Shop detail drawings of all members, including climbing and waveguide
ladders, safety-climbing device, work and rest platforms, pipe mounts, other
appurtenances, and connections. Shop detail drawings may be stamped "Proprietary
Data" and will be used only for repair, modification, or replacement of communication
material provided under these specifications.
2) Proprietary Data: Shop detail drawings that the manufacturer considers proprietary data
will only be used as specified in subparagraph 1) above. Proprietary data will not be
disclosed for any reason, including disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act,
without prior written approval from the manufacturer.
(2) Erection drawings for each type and height of structure showing the following:
1) Marking and position of each member and, for each bolted joint, the number and size of
bolts and the number and size of any ring fills.
(3) Complete bill of materials, listing all material for the tower or monopole or the portion shown
there on, including bolts. The bill of materials shall show the number of pieces required; the
description of each piece, including size and length; the mark number of each piece; the
weight of each piece; and the drawing number on which the shop detail of each piece can be
found. The total weight shall be noted on the drawing.
(5) Guys:
1) Guy pretension.
2) Guy location, attachment details and all hardware information.
3) Guy anchor and installation details.
4) Guy azimuth.
(6) Both the shop detail drawings and erection drawings shall show the following information:
Check drawings for accuracy and completeness before being submitted. Western will not
thoroughly check details and intermediate dimensions.
7. FINAL APPROVAL DRAWINGS: Prior to shipment of material, furnish an electronic copy of all
drawings listed in above. The drawings shall show all changes and revisions, with
revision dates, made up to the time the material is ready for shipment.
8. FINAL AS-BUILT DRAWINGS: Before final payment is made under the contract, deliver to
Western the final electronic copy of all drawings listed in above, with all revisions found
necessary to correct errors or reflect changes discovered during field erection.
(1) Design Calculations, Data, and Approval Drawings: Send one electronic copy to the Civil
(2) Final Approval Drawings: Send one (1) electronic copy to the Civil Engineer.
(3) Final As-Built Drawings: Send one (1) electronic copy to the Civil Engineer.
(1) General: Design to withstand the maximum of all loads, specified in above, without
exceeding the allowable unit stresses in members. Design in accordance with the basic
assumptions and the latest requirements of the following:
1) TIA-222-G, "Structural Standards for Steel Antenna Towers and Antenna Supporting
4) AISC "Manual of Steel Construction, Latest Edition (Part 5, Specifications and Codes)".
5) ASCE Standard 10, Latest Edition "Design of Lattice Steel Transmission Structures".
In the event of conflicting requirements in these standards, the more stringent shall apply.
(2) Criteria: Design based on an analysis of stress and combination of stresses due to moment,
shear, torsion, guys, and axial loads.
(3) Twist and Sway: Twist and sway, as defined in TIA-222-G, shall not exceed plus or minus
0.5 degree at the antenna attaching points with the loading in above. In addition the
tower shall not exceed the combined twist and sway requirement of 0.5 degrees under the full
design wind speed loading in above. Torsion stabilizers shall be provided as
necessary for guyed towers.
(4) Designer's Qualifications: Design and drawings shall be supervised and certified by a
registered Professional Engineer competent in structural analysis and communication facilities
design. The designer shall also check and certify the shop detail and erection drawings.
(5) Shielding: Shielding will not be allowed on antennas, ladders, and waveguides.
(1) Main Leg Members: 1/4 inch for rolled shapes; 3/16 inch for round, square, and rectangular
(2) Compression Members with Calculated Stress: 3/16 inch for rolled shapes; 1/8 inch for round,
square, and rectangular tubes.
(4) Connection Bolts: Connection bolts shall not be less than 1/2 inch in diameter.
(5) Monopole: The monopole cross section may be circular or a regular polygon having not more
than 12 sides.
(1) Self-Supporting Towers: Self-supporting towers shall be three-or four-legged towers with
horizontal members at not more than 20-foot intervals on each tower face. Tower face width
shall not be less than 56 inches between connection bolts. All load carrying members that are
bolted should have a minimum of two bolts for each connection. Legs and diagonal bracing
shall be angles or tubular. Ends of diagonal tube bracing shall be left open. Horizontal
bracing shall be angle. Cover top of tube legs and provide a 1/2-inch-minimum-diameter drain
hole at the base of each leg.
1) General: Guyed towers shall be triangular and have a minimum face width of 56 inches
between connection bolts and shall be limited to bolted angular construction. Provide
horizontal members at 4-foot maximum intervals on each face of the tower. The shaft of
guyed towers shall be supported on a pivot mount to prevent bending forces from being
transmitted to the foundation. Determine the number, size, and location of all guys and
anchors required for the guyed towers. Guy anchors shall be at least 10 feet inside
property lines. Prior to final tensioning, provide to the COR, data including tensioning
procedures, sequences, and temperature corrections for initial tension values of all guy
wire sizes. The temperature range of the guy chart shall be from 0° to 100°F in 10°
2) Guy Design: Determine the guy size, location and arrangement best suited for each
tower. Locate guys to provide minimum tower twist and sway. Guys shall have a
minimum 3/8-inch diameter.
3) Structural Analysis and Design: Guys shall be treated as elastic members in the
structural analysis of the towers. The modules of elasticity for guy material shall be taken
as 23,000 ksi. Loads in the guys shall not exceed 60 percent of the minimum rated
breaking strength of the guys.
Guy tensions under conditions of no wind, no ice, and 90°F temperature shall be a
minimum of 10 percent of the minimum rated breaking strength of the guy. Determine
the tensions required under the wind and temperature conditions at the time of guy
tensioning in order to meet this requirement.
4) Guy Hardware and Attachments: Guy hardware and attachments shall be capable of
supporting the minimum rated breaking strength of the guys. Turnbuckles shall be used
on the guy anchor plate end for cable adjustment. The turnbuckles shall have a working
load that is 50 percent of the minimum rated breaking strength of the attached guy. Each
guy shall be attached to the guy anchor plate in a separate hole. Provide two working
holes in each guy anchor plate.
5) Guy Cable Markers: Provide high visibility guy cable markers at all locations where guy
cables enter the ground. Guy cable markers shall extend a minimum of 10 feet up the
guy cable.
(3) Pipe Mounts for Antennas: Provide standard 4 1/2 inch-outside-diameter, Schedule 80 pipe
mounts, 60 inches long, for the attachment of the parabolic microwave antennas for the initial
antennas and future antennas with azimuth assignments. Pipe mounts shall be designed and
installed for the plumb position. Provide two 4 x 4 x 1/4 minimum side strut attachment angles
for each parabolic microwave antenna. Connect side strut attachment angles to the legs with
a minimum of two U-bolts. The angles shall have one leg down and the other leg out of the
tower face for climbing purposes. Connection of the side strut mounting hardware shall be
made to these separate angular members. Connecting the side struts directly to tower
members will not be permitted. No side strut shall go through the face of a tower unless
authorized by Western. All side strut pipes shall be installed within a plus or minus 30 degree
angular limitation. Provide standard 2 7/8 inch-outside-diameter, Schedule 80 pipe mounts,
60 inches long, for the attachment of the VHF/UHF antennas for the initial and future
The limit of movement of antenna pipe mounts shall not exceed plus or minus 0.1 degree for
all antennas.
(4) Waveguide Ladder: Waveguide ladders shall be designed such that the maximum vertical
spacing between cable attachment points is 4 feet. Use of tower legs or diagonals with beam
clamps is not acceptable.
Waveguide ladder cross-members shall be drilled to accept and support a minimum of eight
elliptical waveguide hangers in a horizontal line at each attachment point. Unless otherwise
approved, the holes shall be spaced at 4 inches on center.
(5) Waveguide Attachments: Drill holes at a vertical spacing of 4 feet to accept the 3/8-inch,
stainless-steel threaded rods for waveguide hangers.
(6) Climbing Ladder: Provide an inside-mounted climbing ladder for the full height of the tower.
Provide a face-mounted climbing ladder for the full height of the monopole complete with work
rungs located 4 feet below and handholds located at the centerline of each parabolic antenna.
The ladder shall be mounted as close to the building as possible and oriented so that the
climber faces the building. Ladder, work rungs, and handholds, shall be designed to support a
minimum of the current OSHA load and impact requirements. Ladder shall have round 3/4-
inch diameter solid steps spaced at 12 inches center to center. Steps shall be corrugated,
knurled, or dimpled to minimize slipping. Coating with skid-resistant material is not
acceptable. Spacing of side rails shall be 16-inch clear width. Provide a minimum of 7 inches
clearance on the back side of the ladder between any structural member or appurtenance.
Ladder shall be stabilized at the bottom end by means of a concrete foundation, unless on a
guyed tower. The ladder shall be vertical, or can slope away from the climber as the climber
ascends the ladder. On three-legged towers the ladder shall be corner mounted in the tower’s
apex. Ladder sections shall be spliced together to form a continuous ladder and be bolted to
the tower every 5 feet. If no tower members are available to attach to every 5 feet then an
additional support frame shall be provided, which is based on the unsupported distance
between horizontal tower members. The ladder shall be attached every 5 feet to this ladder
support frame and the frame attached to the horizontal tower members. The design for this
shall be submitted with the tower design. Ladder side rails shall be made of flat plate and be a
minimum size of 2 1/2 inches x 3/16 inch. For waveguide ladders attached to the climbing
ladder, place holes for waveguide runs in the center of the side rail, midway between the
ladder rungs. Ladder supports shall not protrude beyond the face of the ladder.
(7) Safety Climbing Device: Provide on the climbing ladder a fall prevention device consisting of a
single; center-mounted 3/8 inch steel tensioned cable, running the entire length of the ladder.
The device shall be designed to support the minimum of the current OSHA load and impact
requirements. The device shall be securely fastened at the top and bottom of the ladder and
at intervals in between using the appropriate cable retainers, per the manufacturer’s
instructions. The device shall allow at least two climbers to utilize the system at the same time.
The device shall be attached at the top of the climbing ladder to a minimum of 4 ladder rungs
for strength. Provide three safety sleeves or sliders that are detachable from the cable and
have an anti-fall instant gripping locking mechanism. The sleeves shall be designed so that
they cannot be installed on the cable incorrectly or upside down. The sleeves shall
automatically travel around or through the cable attachments and guides. An acceptable
safety device is the Vi-Go Climbing System, manufactured by Miller Fall Protection, or an
approved equivalent. Rail or tube-type systems are not acceptable.
(8) Work Platforms: The platform shall encompass the entire interior area of the tower. Work
platforms shall have a trap door providing a minimum 28-inch x 28-inch clear opening. The
trap door shall be equipped with a securing device that locks automatically when the trap door
is opened completely. This device shall ensure that the door remains in the open position and
prevents it from being slammed shut accidentally by wind, personnel, or equipment. This
device shall be easy to unlatch when the trap door is to be closed. The trap door shall be
constructed such that it is easy for one person to open with one hand. Each work platform
shall consist of a level welded rectangular steel grating inside the tower that will carry at least
two people. The minimum safe concentrated load shall be 640 pounds, based on the
unsupported span of the grating. In addition the deflection shall be 1/4 –inch or less under a
uniform load of 100 pounds per square foot, or 1/2-inch or less under the concentrated loading
of 640 pounds. Work platforms shall include handrails and toe boards around the perimeter
that meet OSHA requirements.
(9) Rest Platforms: Rest platforms shall be placed at intervals no greater than 100 feet. Each rest
platform shall consist of a level welded rectangular steel grating inside the tower that will allow
sitting or standing room for at least one person with a minimum width of 15 inches. Work
platforms may be used for rest platforms.
(10)Ice Shields: Ice shields shall be large enough to protect the feed horns and radomes. Use the
same welded steel rectangular grating as the work and rest platforms.
(11)Passive Repeaters: Self-supporting steel structures shall have mounting units for alignment of
reflectors. Each unit shall have maximum adjustment ranges of plus or minus 4 degrees
about either axis and plus or minus 2 degrees about both axes simultaneously. The units shall
be designed to meet rigidity specifications of EIA-195-C for the required operations.
1) General: The length of connection bolts under the head shall be long enough for full
thread engagement of a heavy hex nut and either a palnut or MF locknut. Locknuts shall
be provided for all bolts. Bolts, nuts, washers, and locknuts required for assembling the
material in the field shall be furnished in quantities sufficient to compensate for normal
field losses, provided the excess quantities do not exceed 2 percent of the actual
requirement. All connections shall be designed to minimize eccentricities. For angle
shapes, the bolt holes shall be placed as close to the heel of the angle as possible.
2) Bolt-Hole Spacing: Unless otherwise approved, the minimum spacing from center to
center of bolt holes shall be as shown in Table 14-1. Where practical, the spacing shall
be not less than three diameters. Wherever possible, the distance from the center of a
bolt to the face of the outstanding leg of an angle or other member shall be such as to
permit the use of a socket wrench in tightening the bolt.
3) Distance of Bolt Hole to Edge of Piece: Unless otherwise approved, the distance
between the edge of any piece and the center of a bolt hole shall not be less than shown
in Table 14-1, where applicable.
TABLE 14-1
1/2 3/4 7/8 1 1/4
In detailing the gaugelines, allowance shall be made for mill tolerances in the width of the
legs or flanges to ensure that the specified minimum edge distances will be met.
14.1.4 MATERIAL:
4. HIGH-STRENGTH STEEL: ASTM A 572, Grade 50. High strength steel plate shall have
minimum longitudinal impact strength of 15 foot-pounds at minus 20° F as determined by the
Charpy "V" Notch Impact Test in accordance with ASTM A 67.
5. BOLTS AND NUTS: Bolts and nuts shall be galvanized and conform to ASTM A 394, Type 1, or
ASTM A 325, Type 1.
6. WASHERS: Beveled washers shall be malleable iron or steel, galvanized. Other washers shall be
steel or wrought-iron, galvanized.
7. LOCKNUTS: Square, regular Type MF No.1, or regular palnut locknuts. Locknuts shall be
8. ARC-WELDING ELECTRODES: In accordance with the latest edition of AWS "Specifications for
Iron and Steel Arc-Welding Electrodes" and suitable for the base material, positions, and other use
9. ZINC DUST-ZINC OXIDE PAINT: ASTM A 780. Zinc dust-zinc oxide paint shall have a minimum
zinc content of 94 percent (dry film weight).
10. GRATING: Welded rectangular steel grating with a minimum 1 1/2-inch x 3/16-inch bearing bar
and cross bars at a maximum 4-inch spacing that meets Federal Specification RR-G-661a. End
banding bars are required.
attachments shall be of the type and manufacturer's rated strength as specified on the approved
shop detail and erection drawings. Steel guy hardware, steel guy anchor shaft, and attachments
shall be galvanized.
13. GUY WIRE SLEEVES: Shall be "SiteGuard Guyline Guardians" as manufactured by Honeywell,
or approved equal.
Shall be in accordance with the latest TIA-222-G and standards DIVISION 4 “SUBSTATION
14.1.6 ERECTION:
1. GENERAL: Material shall be installed or erected in accordance with the erection drawings and
these specifications. Erection and installation shall be in accordance with the applicable
provisions of the AISC "Manual of Steel Construction, Ninth Edition (Part 5, Specifications and
Codes)". No steel shall be erected on a foundation until 7 days after the last concrete placement
in the foundation, nor until backfill has been placed and compacted where and as required.
2. ANCHOR BOLTS AND EMBEDDED MATERIAL: Set accurately to the grade and alignment
designated on the approved drawings.
3. BASE PLATES: Set level, in exact position. Leveling shall be done in accordance with the
Contractor's approved drawings. Where grout is required, the grout shall be in accordance with
the "Grouting Mortar" paragraph of the "Concrete" Division.
4. STRUCTURAL STEEL: Transport and handle to avoid bending or damage to the material and
galvanizing. Pieces bent in handling may be used only if they are straightened in a manner
approved by the COR.
5. GUYED TOWERS: Guys and anchors shall be installed in the locations shown on the
Contractor's approved drawings. Preforms shall be used to terminate the cables. "Haven" type
grips with serrate jaws will damage cable and shall not be used to tension guy cable. Guys shall
be pre-tensioned as shown on the Contractor's approved drawings. Guys shall be one continuous
piece of cable. Splicing of guy cable will not be permitted.
Turnbuckles shall provide a minimum of 16 inches of take-up and shall have not less than 2 inches
of exposed threads inside the buckle body and provide a minimum of 6 inches of take-up after final
tensioning. Turnbuckles shall be safetied to prevent movement exceeding one-half turn.
6. ERECTING TOWER: Tower may be erected by assembling in sections on the ground and
hoisting successive sections into place or may be built up in place by individual members, at the
option of the Contractor. If erected by assembling in sections, initial bolting shall be adequate for
dead load, live load, and erection stresses, but shall not be so tight as to prevent aligning and
fitting adjacent sections or members.
A reasonable amount of drifting is allowed. "A reasonable amount of drifting" is defined as drifting
without causing hole elongation or deformation of members. Reaming for correction of
mismatched holes will not be permitted. If shop errors are discovered, the COR will decide
whether the errors may be field-corrected or the members returned to the manufacturer for
correction or replacement.
Repair galvanizing damaged due to drifting, repair operations, or field-drilling in accordance with
the "Galvanizing" paragraph of the "Metalwork" Division, and use the zinc dust-zinc oxide paint
specified in the "Material" paragraph of this Subdivision.
Slings or devices used for lifting tower sections or members shall be of such material or shall be
protected in such a way as to prevent damaging or overstressing members.
Erected tower shall have less than 1 inch of twist per 100 feet, and be within 3/4 inch of plumb per
100 feet of tower height.
(1) General: Bolts shall be torqued and locked within the shortest practicable time after all
material has been installed. Connections shall lay flat where they are bolted together. No
gaps between butt flanges or connections are acceptable after the bolts are tensioned. Where
incomplete bolting is a major contributing factor to damage prior to final acceptance, repair or
replace the material, as directed by the COR.
(2) Torquing of Bolts: Connection bolts shall be entered clear to the head. Bolts shall be
tightened to a torque as follows:
1/2 35 to 45
5/8 70 to 100
Bolts larger than 3/4-inch diameter in shear/bearing-type connections shall be tightened to the
snug-tight condition. The snug-tight condition is defined as the tightness that exists when all
plies in a joint are pulled into firm contact by the full effort of a man using an ordinary spud
wrench. Bolts identified on the erection drawing in slip-critical and other connections requiring
full pre-tensioning shall be tightened to the torque shown on the drawings.
(3) Locknuts: Type "MF" locknuts shall be tightened sufficiently to flatten its concave face to full
contact against the structural nut. Palnut locknuts shall be given one-third turn beyond contact
with the structural nut.
(4) Wrenches: Only wrenches approved by the COR shall be used on the work, and the use of
any wrench which may deform the nut or cut or flake the galvanizing will not be permitted.
14.2.1 GENERAL:
Design and construct reinforced concrete foundations required for communication tower or monopole,
waveguide supports, and climbing ladder. Complete construction of the communication tower or
monopole foundations prior to constructing the service building foundation. The concrete shall be in
accordance with Division 3 “CONCRETE” and Standard 3 “CONCRETE”. All self-supporting or guyed
tower foundations shall be drilled or augured shaft type, stem and pad type, or pad type, suitable for the
structure type, loading, and soil conditions. All foundations shall have a vertical depth that extends below
frost depth.
Guy anchors shall be a concrete vertically drilled auger or dead man type. A belled shaft type is not
acceptable. Dead man type shall have a concrete collar around the steel shaft from the anchor to 1’-0”
above the ground surface to prevent corrosion of the steel. Guy anchors shall develop a minimum of 70
percent of the resultant of the minimum rated breaking strength of all attached guys. The design for the
concrete anchor shall have careful consideration given to the uplift shear and moment capacities.
Complete and comprehensive calculations shall be provided showing that the concrete guy anchor can
reliably carry all design loads. The concrete guy anchor shaft shall be a steel framework embedded in
the center auger. This steel guy anchor shaft shall transfer the load from the guy anchor plate to the
concrete guy anchor.
1. GENERAL: Design, provide, and install waveguide bridge and supports from the communication
tower or monopole to the service building. Design for 50 psf ice loading.
Submit drawings and data outlined in the "Contractor-Furnished Drawings and Data" paragraph of
the "Communication Tower or Monopole" Subdivision.
2. WAVEGUIDE BRIDGE: The waveguide bridge shall be of the solid or grated type, to
accommodate a minimum of six elliptical waveguides and waveguide hangers. The waveguide
bridge shall be installed from the waveguide ladder to the waveguide entry port of the service
building along the shortest route possible. At the tower, the waveguide bridge shall terminate at
the waveguide ladder with an approximate 45 degree upward angle by means of a vertical hinge
splice to accommodate the bending radius of the waveguide. The waveguide bridge shall be self-
supporting and not attached to the building. It shall terminate within six inches of the exterior edge
of the service building, centered directly above the top edge of the waveguide entry port. The
waveguide bridge shall have a minimum of two supports, one near the tower and one near the
building. Waveguide bridge shall be supported at maximum intervals of 10 feet and any single
change in horizontal direction shall not exceed 45 degrees.
3. WAVEGUIDE BRIDGE SUPPORTS: The waveguide bridge supports shall consist of pipe
columns, at the locations shown on the approved Contractor-furnished drawings. The pipe
columns shall be an anchor-bolt type.
1) Existing Buildings: Construct an opening in the exterior wall of the existing building in
accordance with the architectural and structural drawings, of the dimensions required for
installation of the waveguide entry panels. The opening shall be provided without
damaging existing construction or compromising the structural integrity of the building.
The waveguide entry panel shall be securely attached and sealed to the exterior wall
2) New Buildings: Construct an opening in the exterior wall of the new building in
accordance with the architectural and structural drawings, of the dimensions required for
installation of the waveguide entry panels. The waveguide entry panel shall be securely
attached and sealed to the exterior wall surface.
2) Sealing Caps: Sealing caps shall be provided for all waveguide entry ports on the
outside and inside waveguide entry panels.
3) Boots for Entry Ports: Provide boots including plugs, jackets, donuts, clamps, and other
accessories as required by the Project Specifications for a complete installation of the
4) Insulation: Provide un-faced fiberglass batt insulation in all cavities, the full thickness of
the wall.
14.4.1 GENERAL:
Provide Obstruction Lighting (Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Style A, D, or E, as indicated) for
24-hour operation on each tower, unless otherwise indicated in the specifications.
The lighting systems shall be in accordance with the latest edition of FAA Advisory Circular 70/7460
entitled "Obstruction Marking and Lighting". Wiring shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the
National Electric Code.
The lighting systems shall include strobe beacons and side marker lights (as applicable), controllers,
mounts, wiring, conduit, junction boxes, and all other accessories required for complete weatherproof
enclosed lighting systems.
1. SHOP MANUALS: Two complete shop manuals shall be submitted to the COR for operation and
maintenance procedures, including diagrams, schematics, and a complete parts list with
manufacturer's part number and ordering information.
2. APPROVAL DATA: Approval data on the strobe beacons, side marker lights (as applicable), and
controllers shall be submitted to the Civil Engineer and the COR.
14.4.3 MATERIAL:
1. OBSTRUCTION LIGHTS: Shall be Light Emitting Diode (LED) type strobes, beacons, and marker
lights and have a warranted life of at least five years and a flash head life expectancy of at least
ten years, including lightning damage.
(2) Shall be certified to meet Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety
standards such as ETL or another OSHA Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL).
(3) Shall not create appreciable electromagnetic interference (EMI) while in operation.
(5) Shall be designed with the obstruction lights alone placed on the tower with the remainder of
the unit, including the power supply, controller, and separate photocell, placed at or near
ground level.
(6) Dialight Vigilant Series LED based L-864 Beacon, L-865/L-864 Dual (Red/White) Strobe, and
L-810 Red Obstruction lights, or approved equals.
2. CONTROLLER: Shall be powered using standard 120/240VAC and/or 48V DC supply. The
controller shall have available a dry contact output to support alarm functions. It shall also have
an optional Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) interface or gateway (internal or
external) capable of allowing remote monitoring of all controller dry contact alarms.
1. OBSTRUCTION LIGHTS: Beacons, strobes, and side marker lights shall be mounted to provide
360 degree horizontal visibility.
2. CONTROLLER: The controller, power supply, and separate photocell shall be mounted at or near
ground level.
Attach all obstruction lighting equipment, components, and accessories to the tower utilizing the
manufacturer's approved method(s).
14.5.1 GENERAL:
Provide a complete grounding system for the communication tower, climbing ladder, waveguide bridge
supports, propane fuel tanks, and new communications equipment buildings. Connect the ground system
to the existing site ground system as indicated on the drawings.
The Contractor shall install the site grounding system consisting of ground rods, waveguide bridge
support risers, building ground ring, fuel tank ring (where applicable), building risers, and interconnection
to any existing station ground systems. Refer to grounding system standard drawings.
1. GROUNDING CABLE: All cable for the waveguide bridge support risers, building ground ring, fuel
tank ring, building risers and interconnection to existing ground system will be 4/0 AWG bare
copper. All buried grounding cable shall be a minimum of 18” below finished grade. All grounding
system cable shall have a minimum bend radius of 8”.
2. GROUNDING RINGS: The grounding rings shall be installed around the perimeter of the building
foundations. The grounding ring and associated grounding rods shall be a minimum of 2’ to the
outside of the foundation (if allowed by respective foundation locations). Roads, driveways, and
other obstructions may dictate the exact location of the grounding rings. Final location of the
grounding system will be approved by the COR.
3. GROUNDING CABLE CONNECTIONS: All connections between grounding cable and grounding
rods, other segments of grounding cable (i.e. risers, bus bar grounding straps, tower legs, bridge
supports, etc.), and the existing station ground will be made using exothermic welds. See drawing
31 1060, “Substation Standards Grounding Details” for typical connections.
4. GROUNDING RODS: All grounding rods will be 5/8” x 10’ copper (Valmont Part No. B1382 or
equal). As a minimum, grounding rods will be located at each building corner outside the
foundation perimeter and spaced no more than 20’ apart. For buildings with a length of greater
than 20’, additional grounding rods will be installed equidistant from any two grounding rods
located at the building corners along the ground ring.
5. DAMAGE TO EXISTING GROUND CABLE: Existing ground cables are shown on the drawings in
approximate locations. Use caution in excavating near the existing ground cables. Repair all
ground cables damaged during construction as directed by the COR.
Provide one lightning rod at the top of the tower or monopole, only if the tower or monopole is the tallest
object (tower, tree, building, other structure, etc.) in an area around its base defined by a radius of half the
height of the tower or monopole.
1. MATERIAL: The lightning rod shall be a 5/8 inch by 10’ galvanized steel rod attached to the top of
one of the tower legs or the monopole.
2. INSTALLATION: Install the rod in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and in a plumb
position. When installed on a tower leg, it shall not be installed on the same leg with a current or
proposed VHF/UHF mobile antenna also on it.
Ground system resistivity and continuity testing will be conducted by the contractor. Test results and a
site report will be provided for each communications facility. Any discontinuity in the grounding system
will be the responsibility of the contractor to repair.
1. GROUND MAT RESISTIVITY TEST: If the communication ground mat is not connected to any
existing substation ground mat, the contractor shall test the overall ground mat resistivity using the
industry standard fall of potential method. If the site ground mat is small (less than 100 feet
measured diagonally), or a traditional fall of potential method is too difficult to perform due to
terrain and other obstructions, the fall of potential method can be modified and the 62 percent
method can be used. For example: If the remote current probe is 1000 feet from the
communication site ground mat then the voltage probe shall be placed at 620 feet from the
communication site grounding system. The remote current probe shall be located as far from the
communication site as practicable. The COR shall be consulted to determine the best testing
method based on site configuration and location.
If the communication ground mat is attached to an existing substation ground mat, the COR shall
be consulted before any ground mat testing is initiated.
2. GROUND BOND INTEGRITY TESTING: Since communication sites are typically single point
grounded and all metal must be bonded together to insure that any GPR will not create a
difference of potential that can harm communication equipment, all below grade bonding
connections shall be electrically tested and verified that they have adequate connectivity with the
ground mat. Below grade bonds should be at micro-ohm resistivity levels. Above grade bonding
connections shall have a visual inspection to verify that bonding connections have proper
exothermic weld or cold flow compression (where allowed) characteristics such as both metals
(pigtail and weld or compression fitting) are homogeneous and having no voids or any evidence of
corrosion or oxidation. Consult WAPA Power System Maintenance Manual (PSSM), Chapter 8,
Section 4.1.3 as a reference and to provide context for below grade electrical continuity testing.
NOTE: Electrical bonding continuity testing shall be performed by testing methods used in the
WAPA PSMM Chapter 8, Section 4.1.3 and Section 4.12 or similar. The contractor may use
AEMC clamp-on testers or similar, Ductor test equipment and methods or similar or any micro-
ohm meter type device – it is the option of the contractor. No matter what method is chosen the
contractor will provide WAPA micro-ohm readings of all the below grade ground riser connections.
14.6.1 GENERAL:
2. POWER: Pressurization equipment shall operate on 120 VAC power with standby generator
backup. The standby generator backup shall be provided by the Site Owner. The generator AC
power voltage shall remain within ± 10% and frequency shall remain with ± 3 Hz.
3. SERVICE: The equipment shall be designed for a service lifetime of not less than 15 years.
4. SUBMITTALS: The drawings and data required for these specifications include form, fit, and
function data and manuals, instructional material, and other drawings and data needed by
Western for installation, operation, and routine maintenance. These drawings and data are
included in the term "instruction book". All documents, including typical and contract-specific
drawings and data shall be pre-punched and inserted into standard letter-sized 3-ring binders or
equivalent binding. All documentation shall be submitted to the Communications Engineer and a
copy of the transmittal letter to the COR.
(1) Review documentation: The contractor shall provide two sets of drawings and instruction
books for review and comment with the proposal. The information will be used to verify
compliance with the requirements of this solicitation, specification, and resulting contract.
(2) Final documentation: Complete sets of final instruction books and included drawings shall be
shipped with the equipment. This includes one per site, one maintenance, and one
engineering office copy.
1. ANTENNAS: All parabolic microwave antennas shall be standard FCC category A rated units
with radomes unless otherwise specified. Antennas supplied shall be Andrew P series or
equivalent. The antennas shall have a designed operating range of 4400-4940 MHZ for those
specified as a 4 GHz antenna and an operating range of 7125-8400 MHz for those specified as a
7 GHz antenna. All antennas for operating in the VHF or UHF frequency bands will be furnished
by Western unless otherwise specified.
2. ANTENNA MOUNTING: All parabolic microwave antennas shall be equipped with a minimum of
one side strut, and for antennas greater than 8’ in diameter, a minimum of two side struts shall be
utilized. The Contractor shall furnish miscellaneous material, including antenna mounts, tie-backs,
struts, brackets, and other items required for assembling and installing the antennas. All mounting
of antennas operating in the VHF or UHF frequency bands will be completed by Western unless
otherwise specified.
1. WAVEGUIDE: Contractor shall supply and install premium elliptical waveguide with an operating
range of 4400-4940 MHZ for antennas specified at 4 GHz and an operating range of 7125-8400
MHz for antennas specified at 7 GHz. Andrew EWP43 and EWP77, respective to the operating
range specified, or equivalent premium waveguide shall be provided, unless otherwise specified.
2. COAXIAL CABLE: Contractor shall supply and install 1/2 inch foam dielectric 50 ohm coaxial
cable with an operating range of 150 - 420 MHZ for antennas specified as operating in the VHF or
UHF frequency bands. Andrew LDF4-50A or equivalent coaxial cable shall be provided, unless
otherwise specified. Contractor shall supply and install 7/8 inch foam dielectric 50 ohm coaxial
cable with an operating range of 820 - 960 MHZ for antennas specified as operating in the High
UHF frequency bands. Andrew LDF5-50A or equivalent coaxial cable shall be provided, unless
otherwise specified.
3. HARDWARE AND INSTALLATION: Contractor shall supply and install all necessary transmission
line installation hardware and accessories, including without limitation waveguide connectors,
pressure windows, hangers, grounding kits, adapters and miscellaneous installation hardware.
The radio end of the waveguide will be connected directly to the radio if at all possible. In certain
situations, a small section of flex may be required to make the connection from the waveguide to
radio as approved by the COR. Bends and twists in the flex section will be minimized as to
minimize losses. All installation materials and hardware shall be supplied in types and quantities
sufficient to meet the requirements of the transmission line manufacturer and the project
specifications for mounting and connection of premium transmission lines, including, without
limitation, the observance of minimum bending radius.
(1) All waveguide and coaxial cable shields shall be grounded at three (3) locations (four or more
on towers taller than 200 ft), using appropriate transmission line grounding kits:
1) At the top of the vertical run 12” – 18” below the bend to the horizontal run to the antenna
2) At the bottom of the vertical run 12” – 18” above the bend to the horizontal run under the
ice bridge.
4) Midway on the vertical run when the vertical run is 200’, and every 75’ – 100’ on towers
taller than 200’.
(2) Where necessary, the contractor shall provide a main grounding bus bar to accommodate the
connections described in above. This copper bar shall be a minimum of 1/4" x 4"
x 12" and have insulated standoffs. It shall be pre-drilled with 7/16" holes to accept lugs from
the main ground wire (#4/0 provided by site owner) and the waveguide grounding kits. Refer
to standard drawing 31 1503, detail A.
(3) The waveguide ground clamp and ground strap are to be installed in such a manner that they
make a connection to a continuous electrical conductor that shall have the least amount of
bending possible (8” minimum) to reduce the impedance of the bend to lightening current.
(4) If bus bars are used to bundle multiple waveguide grounding straps, flat copper plate (1/4”
minimum thickness) shall be used for the bus bars. The bus bar dimensions shall be large
enough (height x width) such that the path of the current from the waveguide grounding straps
to the grounding conductor shall comply with the 8” radius of bend rule. The bus bar shall be
installed on an angle of approximately 45 degrees and the ground strap attachment point to
the vertical waveguide shall be between 12 and 60 inches away from the start of the bend.
Refer to standard drawing 31 1503, detail B.
5. TESTING: After all waveguide supports and clamps have been put in place and tightened, all
antenna-feedline systems shall be sweep tested per Section of this standard.
(1) General:
3) Each pressurization system shall include sensors to provide separate dry form C or solid
state contacts which will provide low pressure, high pressure, excess run, power failure,
and humidity alarms. The high-pressure alarm contacts shall operate at pressures higher
than 5 pounds per square inch. The alarm contacts shall be set for low alarm at 1.0
lbs./sq. in. and the high alarm shall be set for 7.0 lbs./sq. in.
(2) Testing: Each waveguide run shall be tested for leakage after installation.
Pressurizer/dehydrator shall be operated until gauge pressure reaches between 6.5 and 8 psi
for the waveguide under test and the line shutoff valve at the manifold shall then be closed.
Loss of pressure shall not exceed 1 psi in 24 hours, corrected for variations caused by
changes in temperature. After tests are completed, waveguide pressure should be set to
3 lbs/sq. in.
(1) General:
1) Contractor shall provide all materials, tools, test equipment, labor, supervision, shipping,
travel and other items required to install, align, and test the equipment described in the
project specification. Contractor shall supply adequate equipment spares to allow for
failures during installation, turn-up and test without using Western’s spare units supplied
under the project specification.
2) Contractor shall submit to Western a detailed schedule for system installation, test and
turn-up as specified in Section 1.1.4, “Construction Program”. This schedule shall be
coordinated with Western's COR.
3) Contractor shall follow the Original Equipment Manufacturer's initial start-up and test
procedures. The original manufacturer's log shall be filled out completely. Where the
4) Any manufacturer’s warranty voided by failure on the part of the Contractor to follow the
Original Equipment Manufacturer’s instructions shall become the Contractor’s
responsibility to fulfill.
(2) Installation: Equipment shall be installed in and on existing equipment shelters and towers.
Specifics regarding exact antenna placement on towers (i.e. leg, azimuth, etc.) and location of
racks in buildings will be provided in site specific drawings and data tables.
1) Contractor shall apply power to all equipment and perform manufacturer’s required initial
turn-up tests. Results of this testing shall be recorded and made part of the site records
and the system test record. When the manufacturer’s warranty exceeds the Contractor’s
warranty the Contractor shall comply with
2) All antenna transmission line subsystems shall be sweep-tested for return loss and
verified to be greater than 29 dB for no less than 80% of the frequency band of operation.
Results of this testing shall be recorded and made part of the site records and the system
test record. The center 100MHz of the operational frequency band of the waveguide
shall be swept to produce a TDR report showing the effects of connectors, waveguide
bends and other abnormalities in the overall waveguide system.
4) A Spectrum Analyzer interference measurement shall be made at the radio end of the
antenna-feeder subsystem, after antenna alignment, of the spectrum centered on the
receiver frequencies and extending at least one radio channel-width above and below the
assigned channels. A second measurement shall cover the frequency band of operation.
This measurement shall be made with the lowest possible noise floor and recorded via
photograph or plotter output and included in the test records.
5) Western representatives shall witness and participate in system testing as part of system
acceptance and field training. Notification to Project Manager of scheduled start date of
system testing shall be made in accordance with Standard 1 – General Requirements,
Section 1.2.3 “Material Inspection”.
6) Contractor shall submit a complete test report including results of testing within 30 days
of successful test completion. The test report shall include original field test data, test
data summaries for each site, evaluation of test data, overall evaluation of performance
for each waveguide segment, description of all discrepancies noted during testing and
measures taken for correction, and recommendations for system maintenance and
14.7.1 GENERAL:
Furnish labor, materials, and equipment required for comprehensive inspection and maintenance of
guyed and self-supported communication towers for Western.
3. REPORTS: An electronic copy of the inspection report only (PDF file format, no photographs)
shall be provided via e-mail to the Project Communication Engineer as well as the COR at the e-
mail addresses provided with the contact information for this project. Contractor shall also furnish
a completed inspection report (PDF file format) with photos (JPEG file format), and a completed
Tower Antenna Inventory Form for each tower, within 30 working days of inspection on Computer
Disc (CD). The disc should be sent via U.S. mail to the Project Communication Engineer at the
address provided.
(1) Inspect and note condition of concrete bases and anchor concrete.
(4) Inspect and note anchor rod head for cracks, splits, bends, twist, or corrosion.
(5) Excavate to a depth of 1 foot below the surface, inspect and note anchor rods not embedded
in concrete for corrosion.
(6) Inspect anchor fencing for damaged fabric, missing hardware, bent or broken posts, corrosion
or missing locks or security issues.
(2) Visually inspect all tower hardware. Replace missing hardware, broken clips, and tighten
loose hardware (except antenna or reflector adjustments hardware and feed line hardware in
WNMO), and check for air leaks. Hardware associated with antenna reflectors and feed lines
found loose shall be documented in the inspection report.
(3) Hand-inspect 100% of bolted connections with a wrench, tighten and re-torque those found
loose (note number of connections found loose), and re-torque a minimum of 10% of the bolts
on the tower.
(4) Inspect for cracked, bent, twisted, or missing members and areas that show signs of fatigue.
(5) Inspect and note condition of tower main members and guy plates.
(7) Inspect and note galvanized finish for damage or fading. Repair damage to galvanized
coating on tower structure members.
(8) Inspect and clean all weep holes in pipe legs and bracing for proper drainage.
(5) Re-tension guys to appropriate specifications as to plumb the tower and eliminate twist
according to tower erection section 14.1.6.(6).
(2) Inspect and note hardware conditions – do not adjust or tighten hardware that affects antenna
adjustment (tilt and azimuth).
(3) Inspect radomes and note any visible damage and missing hardware. Replace missing
radome hardware.
(5) Inspect and note waveguide/coaxial cable supports, ice/waveguide bridge, retainers, and
grounds. Also inspect waveguide/coaxial cable for dents and condition of flex sections.
(6) Inspect reflectors and note visible damage, loose hardware, bent members, and tower
attachment. Do not adjust reflector tilt or azimuth.
(1) Inspect and note condition of electrical conduit, pull boxes, vents and drains, and mechanical
connections of conduit system to tower.
(2) Inspect tower lights and note loose or missing mounting bolts, loose sockets, and inspect for
proper operation of tower lights.
(1) Inspect lightning protection systems on towers and note condition of rods or brushes, ground
wires, and connection to ground cable at the base of the tower. Not all towers have lightning
protection installed.
(1) Inspect and note condition of all ground cable and ground connections above ground.
(1) Contractor shall at a minimum, take the photographs listed below for each tower.
Photographs shall be in full color and a minimum of 3 megapixels each. Photographs shall be
included on the CD with completed inspection report submitted to the applicable Government
point of contact as indicated in
1) Minimum of three photos at various angles and at a distance from the tower such that the
entire tower is in a single frame.
2) One photo taken directly up each face of the tower, showing the majority of the antennas
on that face of the tower.
5) One photo of the waveguide/coax ladder from each side of the ladder.
(2) Contractor shall complete the Tower Antenna Inventory Form upon completion of inspections
and submit the completed form along with all tower photographs taken to the Project
Communication Engineer no later than 30 days after completion of tower inspections.
1. GENERAL: The Contractor shall perform all the services described in Section 14.7 of this
specification in compliance with accepted industry standards, guidelines, and practices and in
accordance with any quality assurance program normally used by the Contractor.
2. STANDARD: The standards by which performance of the tower inspection and maintenance will
be assessed are outlined in the guide paragraphs of the project specification for each site(s)
involved in the project.
* Antenna Types: Solid, Grid, Dipole, Yagi, Paraflector, Collinear *** Legs are numbered starting from #1 at the first leg clockwise from true north
** Feedline Types: 1/2", 7/8", EW43, EW63, EW77 and increasing in number while continuing clockwise around the tower.
14.8.1 GENERAL:
1. SCOPE. This portion of the standard covers performance requirements for emergency and
standby power systems providing an alternate source of electrical power.
2. APPLICATION. This portion of the standard shall apply to the new installations of emergency and
standby power systems. Existing systems shall not be required to be modified to conform unless
the nonconformity presents a distinct hazard to life.
1) NFPA 37, Standard for the Installation and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and
Gas Turbines.
4. DEFINITIONS. The following definitions shall apply to the terms used in this portion of the
(2) Valve-Regulated (VRLA): A lead-acid battery consisting of sealed cells furnished with a valve
that opens to vent the battery whenever the internal pressure of the battery exceeds the
ambient pressure by a set amount. In VRLA batteries, the liquid electrolyte in the cells is
immobilized in an absorptive glass mat (AGM cells or batteries) or by the addition of a gelling
agent (gel cells or gelled batteries).
(3) Vented (Flooded): A lead-acid battery consisting of cells that have electrodes immersed in
liquid electrolyte. Flooded lead-acid batteries may have a provision for the user to add water
to the cell and are equipped with a flame arresting vent which permits the escape of hydrogen
and oxygen gas from the cell in a diffused manner such that a spark, or other ignition source,
outside the cell will not ignite the gases inside the cell.
(4) Emergency Power Supply (EPS). The source of electric power of the required capacity and
quality for an emergency power supply system (EPSS).
(5) Emergency Power Supply System (EPSS). A complete functioning EPS system coupled to a
system of conductors, disconnecting means and over-current protective devices, transfer
switches, and all control, supervisory, and support devices up to and including the load
terminals of the transfer equipment needed for the system to operate as a safe and reliable
source of electric power.
(6) Switch: Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS), Self-acting equipment for transferring the
connected load from one power source to another power source.
Bypass Isolation Switch. A manually operated device used in conjunction with an automatic
transfer switch to provide a means of directly connecting load conductors to a power source
and disconnecting the automatic transfer switch.
The EPSS shall provide a source of electrical power of required capacity, reliability, and quality to
loads for a length of time as specified.
The class defines the minimum time, in hours, for which the EPSS is designed to operate at its
rated load without being refueled or recharged. See Table 14.8.1(a).
The type defines the maximum time, in seconds, that the EPSS will permit the load terminals of
the transfer switch to be without acceptable electrical power. See Table 14.8.1(b).
Table 14.8.1(a)
Classification of EPSSs
Table 14.8.1(b)
Designation Types of EPSSs
This standard recognizes two levels of equipment installation, performance, and maintenance.
(1) Level 1 systems shall be installed where failure of the equipment to perform could result in
loss of human life or serious injuries.
(2) Level 2 systems shall be installed where failure of the EPSS to perform is less critical to
human life and safety.
1. ENERGY CONVERTERS: Energy converters shall consist only of rotating equipment. Rotating
equipment shall consist of a generator driven by an Otto cycle (spark ignited) prime mover.
Where used for Level 1 applications, the prime mover shall not mechanically drive any equipment
other than its operating accessories and its generator.
The EPS shall be heated as necessary to maintain the water jacket and battery temperature
determined by the EPS manufacturer for cold start and load acceptance for the type of EPSS.
The energy converters shall have the required capacity and response to pick up and carry the load
within the time specified in Table 14.8.1(b) after loss of primary power.
Liquefied petroleum gas intended for Level 1 use shall not be used for any other purpose.
2. ROTATING EQUIPMENT: Prime movers and accessories shall comply with NFPA 37, Standard
for the Installation and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines, except as
modified in this standard.
Proper derating factors, such as altitudes, ambient temperature, fuel energy content, accessory
losses, and site conditions as recommended by the manufacturer of the generator set shall be
used in determining whether or not brake power meets the connected load requirements.
Solenoid valves, where used, both in the fuel line closest to the generator set and in the water-
cooling lines, shall operate from battery voltage.
Solenoid valves with electric operation shall include a manual bypass valve. The manual bypass
valve shall be visible and accessible and its purpose identified. The manual bypass valve shall not
be the valve used for malfunction or emergency shutdown.
(1) Oil pressure gauge to indicate lubricating oil pressure. Engines with splash-lubricated
systems shall not require this gauge.
(2) Temperature gauge to indicate cooling medium temperature. Air-cooled engines shall not
require this gauge.
(4) Battery-charging meter indicating performance of prime mover–driven battery charging means.
(5) Other instruments as recommended or provided by the prime mover manufacturer where
required for maintenance.
The instruments shall be placed on an enclosed panel, located in proximity to or on the energy
converter, in a location that allows maintenance personnel to observe them readily. The enclosed
panel shall be mounted by means of anti-shock vibration mountings if mounted on the energy
The generator set shall be fitted with an integral accessory battery charger, driven by the prime
mover and automatic voltage regulator, and capable of charging and maintaining the starting
battery unit (and control battery, where used) in a fully charged condition during a running
A battery charger driven by the prime mover shall not be required, provided the automatic battery
charger has a high–low rate capable of fully charging the starting battery during running
A complete cranking cycle shall consist of an automatic crank period of approximately 15 seconds
followed by a rest period of approximately 15 seconds. Upon starting and running the prime
mover, further cranking shall cease.
Otto cycle prime movers of 15 kW and lower shall be permitted to use continuous cranking
The battery units shall have the capacity to maintain the recommended cranking speed through
two complete periods of cranking limiter time-outs as specified in Table 14.8.2.
Table 14.8.2
Starting Equipment
(3) Lead-acid batteries shall be furnished as charged when wet. Drain-dry batteries or dry-
charged lead-acid batteries shall be permitted.
(4) When furnished, vented nickel-cadmium batteries shall be filled and charged and shall have
listed flip-top, flame arrester vent caps.
(5) The manufacturer shall provide installation, operation, and maintenance instructions and for
batteries shipped dry, electrolyte mixing instructions.
(6) Batteries shall not be installed until the battery charger is in service.
(7) All batteries used in this service shall have been designed for this duty and shall have
demonstrable characteristics of performance and reliability acceptable to the authority having
(8) Batteries shall be prepared for use according to the battery manufacturer’s instructions.
In addition to the prime mover driven charger an automatic battery charger shall be supplied for
recharging or maintaining a charge, or both, on the starting or control battery unit, or both.
The automatic battery charger output and performance shall be compatible with the batteries
4. CONTROL FUNCTIONS: A control panel shall be provided and shall contain the following:
(3) Controls to shut down the prime mover upon removal of the initiating signal or manual
emergency shutdown
1. GENERAL: Transfer switches shall transfer electric loads from one power source to another. The
electrical rating shall be sized for the total load that is designed to be connected.
Each transfer switch shall be in a separate enclosure or compartment. The switch, including all
load current-carrying components, shall be designed to withstand the effects of available fault
currents. Each switch shall be listed for emergency service as a completely factory-assembled
and factory-tested apparatus.
2. SOURCE MONITORING: Transfer to the EPS shall be inhibited until the voltage and frequency
are within a specified range to handle loads to be served. Sensing equipment shall not be
required in the transfer switch, provided it is included with the engine control panel. Frequency-
sensing equipment shall not be required for monitoring the public utility source where used as an
A program timing device shall be provided to exercise the EPS. Transfer switches shall transfer
the connected load to the EPS and immediately return to primary power automatically in case of
an EPS failure. Exercising timers shall be permitted to be located at the engine control panel in
lieu of in the transfer switches.
1. GENERAL: When the normal power source is not available, the EPS shall be permitted to serve
optional loads other than system loads, provided that the EPS has adequate capacity or automatic
selective load pickup and load shedding are provided as needed to ensure adequate power to the
Level 1 loads, the Level 2 loads and the optional loads, in that order of priority.
When normal power is available, the EPS shall be permitted to be used for other purposes such as
peak load shaving, internal voltage control, load relief for the utility providing normal power, or
2. LOCATION: The EPS shall be installed in a separate room for Level 1 installations. EPSS
equipment shall be permitted to be installed in this room.
The room shall have a minimum 2-hour fire rating or be located in an adequate enclosure located
outside the building capable of preventing the entrance of snow or rain.
No other equipment, including architectural appurtenances, except those that serve this space,
shall be permitted in this room.
3. MOUNTING: Rotating energy converters shall be installed on solid foundations to prohibit sagging
of fuel, exhaust, or lubricating oil piping and damage to parts resulting in leakage at joints.
Such foundations or structural bases shall raise the engine at least 6 in. above the floor or grade
level and be of sufficient elevation to facilitate lubricating-oil drainage and ease of maintenance.
Vibration isolators shall be installed either between the rotating equipment and its skid base or
between the skid base and the foundation or inertia base.
4. HEATING AND VENTILATING: With the EPS running at rated load, ventilation air flow shall be
provided to prevent the EPS room temperature from exceeding 120°F.
The ambient air temperature in the EPS equipment room or outdoor housing containing Level 1
rotating equipment shall be not less than 40°F.
Ventilation air supply and discharge for radiator-cooled EPS shall have a maximum static
restriction of 0.5 in. of water column in the discharge duct at the radiator outlet.
5. LIGHTING: The Level 1 or Level 2 EPS equipment location(s) shall be provided with battery-
powered emergency lighting. This requirement shall not apply to units located outdoors in
enclosures that do not include walk-in access.
The emergency lighting charging system and the normal service room lighting shall be supplied
from the load side of the transfer switch.
At least two sets of instruction manuals for all major components of the EPSS shall be supplied by
the manufacturer(s) of the EPSS.
For Level 1 systems, instruction manuals shall be kept in a secure, convenient location, one set
near the equipment, and the other set in a separate location.
A routine maintenance and operational testing program shall be initiated immediately after the
EPSS has passed acceptance tests or after completion of repairs that impact the operational
reliability of the system.
The operational test shall be initiated at an ATS and shall include testing of each EPSS
component on which maintenance or repair has been performed, including the transfer of each
automatic and manual transfer switch to the alternate power source, for a period of not less than
30 minutes under operating temperature.
Transfer switches shall be subjected to a maintenance and testing program that includes all of the
following operations:
Storage batteries used in connection with systems shall be inspected weekly and maintained in full
compliance with manufacturer’s specifications.
Maintenance of lead-acid batteries shall include the monthly testing and recording of electrolyte
specific gravity. Battery conductance testing shall be permitted in lieu of the testing of specific
gravity when applicable or warranted.
Generator sets shall be exercised at least once a month with the available EPSS load for
30 minutes or until the water temperature and the oil pressure have stabilized.
14.9.1 GENERAL:
1. SCOPE. This portion of the standard applies to the storage, handling and use of LP-Gas.
2. APPLICATION. This portion of the standard shall apply to the installation of all LP-Gas systems
including containers, piping and associated equipment, when delivering LP-Gas to a standby
generator for use as fuel gas.
1) API-ASME, Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels for Petroleum Liquids and Gases.
2) API Publication 1632, Cathodic Protection of Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks and
Piping Systems.
(4) American Society for Testing and Materials International (ASTM) Publications:
1) ASTM A 53, Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated
Welded and Seamless.
2) ANSI/UL 125, Standard for Valves for Anhydrous Ammonia and LP-Gas (Other than
Safety Relief).
3) ANSI/UL 132, Standard for Safety Relief Valves for Anhydrous Ammonia and LP-Gas.
4. DEFINITIONS: The following definitions shall apply to the terms used in this portion of the
(1) API-ASME Container: A container constructed in accordance with the pressure vessel code
jointly developed by the American Petroleum Institute and the American Society of Mechanical
(2) ASME Code: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel
(3) ASME Container: A container constructed in accordance with the ASME Code.
(4) Container: Any vessel, including cylinders, tanks, portable tanks and cargo tanks, used for the
transporting or storing of LP-Gases.
(5) Container Appurtenances: Devices installed in container openings for safety, control, or
operating purposes.
(6) Fixed Piping System. Piping, valves, and fittings permanently installed in a location to connect
the source of the LP-Gas to the utilization equipment.
(7) Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LP-Gas): Any material having a vapor pressure not exceeding that
allowed for commercial propane that is composed predominantly of the following
hydrocarbons, either by themselves or as mixtures: propane, propylene, butane (normal
butane or isobutene), and butylenes.
(8) LP-Gas System: An assembly consisting of one or more containers with a means for
conveying LP-Gas from a container to dispensing or consuming devices that incorporates
components that control the quantity, flow, pressure, and physical state (liquid or vapor) of the
(9) Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP): The maximum pressure at which a pressure
vessel is to operate is described by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
(10)Mounded Container: An ASME container designed for underground service installed above
the minimum depth required for underground service and covered with earth, sand, or other
material; or an ASME container designed for above-ground service installed above grade and
covered with earth, sand, or other material.
(11)Piping Systems: Pipe, tubing, hose, and flexible rubber or metallic hose connectors with
valves and fittings made into complete systems for conveying LP-Gas from one point to
another in either the liquid or the vapor state at various pressures.
(12)Pressure Relief Device: A device designed to open in order to prevent the rise of internal
pressure in excess of a specified value.
1) First-Stage Regulator. A pressure regulator for LP-Gas vapor service designed to reduce
pressure from a container to 10.0 psig or less.
(18)Sources of Ignition: Devices or equipment that, because of their modes of use or operation,
are capable of providing sufficient thermal energy to ignite flammable LP-Gas vapor–air
mixtures when introduced into such a mixture or when such a mixture comes into contact with
them and that will permit propagation of flame away from them.
(19)Standard Cubic Foot (SCF): The volume of gas in cubic feet at the standard atmospheric
conditions for 60°F and 14.7 PSIA.
1) Emergency Shutoff Valve. A shutoff valve incorporating thermal and manual means of
closing that also provides for remote means of closing.
2) Filler Valve. A valve that is designed to allow liquid flow into a container.
3) Pressure Relief Valve. A type of pressure relief device designed to both open and close
to maintain internal fluid pressure.
1. GENERAL: Containers shall be designed, fabricated, tested, and marked (or stamped) in
accordance with the regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT); the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, “Rules for the Construction of Unfired Pressure Vessels”;
or the API-ASME Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels for Petroleum Liquids and Gases, except
forUG-125 through UG-136.
Existing containers that show excessive denting, bulging, gouging, or corrosion shall not be
utilized for service.
2. SERVICE PRESSURE: The maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) for ASME containers
shall be in accordance with Table 14.9.2:
Table 14.9.2
Maximum Vapor Pressure and Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP)
@ 100°F
psig psig psig
80 100 100
100 125 125
125 156 156
150 187 187
175 219 219
215 250 250
215 312 312
ASME Code, 1949 edition, paragraphs U-200 and U-201, and all later editions.
All ASME containers complying with the 1946 edition and paragraphs U-68 and U-69 of the
1949 edition shall be removed from service.
3. CONTAINER OPENINGS: ASME containers shall be equipped with openings for the service for
which the container is to be used.
ASME containers of more than 30 gal through 2000 gal water capacity that are designed to be
filled volumetrically shall be equipped for filling into the vapor space.
ASME containers of 125 gal through 2000 gal water capacity shall be provided with an opening for
an actuated liquid withdrawal excess-flow valve with a connection not smaller than 3⁄4 in. national
pipe thread (NPT).
ASME containers in storage or use shall have pressure relief valve connections that have direct
connection with the vapor space of the container.
ASME containers to be filled on a volumetric basis shall be fabricated so that they can be
equipped with a fixed maximum liquid level gauge(s) that is capable of indicating the maximum
permitted filling level(s).
4. CONTAINER MARKING: The markings specified for ASME containers shall be on a stainless
steel metal nameplate attached to the container, located to remain visible after the container is
(1) The nameplate shall be attached in such a way as to minimize corrosion of the nameplate or
its fastening means and not contribute to corrosion of the container.
(2) Where the container is buried, mounded, insulated, or otherwise covered so the nameplate is
obscured, the information contained on the nameplate shall be duplicated and installed on
adjacent piping or on a structure in a clearly visible location.
(3) Stationary ASME containers shall be marked with the following information:
1) Service for which the container is designed (e.g., underground, aboveground, or both).
5) Wording that reads “This container shall not contain a product that has a vapor pressure
in excess of ___ psig at 100°F” (see Table 14.9.2).
7) Year of manufacture.
(4) Warning labels shall include information on the potential hazards of LP-Gas.
(3) Pressure-containing metal parts of appurtenances shall have a minimum melting point of
1,500°F, except for the following:
1) Fusible elements.
2) Approved or listed variable liquid level gauges used in containers of 3,500 gal water
capacity or less.
(4) Container appurtenances shall have a service pressure of at least 250 psig.
(5) Gaskets used to retain LP-Gas in containers shall be resistant to the action of LP-Gas:
1) Gaskets shall be made of metal or other material confined in metal having a melting point
over 1500°F or shall be protected against fire exposure.
4) Gaskets for use with approved or listed liquid level gauges for installation on a container
of 3500 gal water capacity or less shall be exempt from the minimum melting point
ASME containers shall be equipped with one or more pressure relief valves that are designed to
relieve vapor.
ASME containers for LP-Gas shall be equipped with direct spring-loaded pressure relief valves
conforming with the applicable requirements of ANSI/UL 132, Standard for Safety Relief Valves for
Anhydrous Ammonia and LP-Gas, or other equivalent pressure relief valve standards.
First-stage regulators shall have a maximum outlet pressure setting of 1.0 psig. Second-stage regulators
and integral two-stage regulators shall have a maximum outlet pressure setting of 16 in. water column
Regulators shall be designed to drain condensate from the regulator spring case when the vent is
directed vertically down. Pipe or tubing used to vent regulators shall be metal pipe or tubing.
Piping, pipe fittings and valves shall comply with NFPA 54.
Piping shall be wrought iron or steel (black or galvanized), brass, copper, polyamide, or polyethylene.
Tubing shall be steel, stainless steel, brass, copper, polyamide, or polyethylene.
Fittings for metallic pipe and tubing shall be steel, brass, copper, malleable iron, or ductile (nodular) iron.
Fittings shall have a minimum pressure rating of 250 psig.
Fittings for polyamide and polyethylene pipe and tubing shall be heat fusion type, compression-
mechanical type, or factory-assembled transition type.
Pressure-containing metal parts of valves shall be of steel, ductile (nodular) iron, malleable iron, or brass.
All materials used, including valve seat discs, packing, seals, and diaphragms, shall be resistant to the
action of LP-Gas under service conditions.
Valves shall have a service pressure rating of 250 psig. Manual shutoff valves, emergency shutoff
valves, excess-flow check valves, and backflow check valves used in piping systems shall comply with
the provisions for container valves.
1. GENERAL: LP-Gas containers shall be located outside of buildings. Containers shall be located
with respect to the adjacent containers, important buildings, group of buildings, or line of adjoining
property that can be built upon, in accordance with Table 14.9.6:
Table 14.9.6
Separation Distances Between Containers, Important Buildings, and Line of
Adjoining Property That Can Be Built Upon
The 25 feet minimum distance from ASME containers of 501 gal through 2000 gal water capacity to
buildings, a group of buildings, or the line of adjoining property that can be built upon shall be reduced to
10 feet for a single ASME container of 1200 gal or less water capacity where such container is at least
25 feett from any other LP-Gas container of more than 125 gal water capacity.
Containers shall not be stacked one above the other. The area under containers shall be graded or shall
have dikes or curbs installed so that the flow or accumulation of flammable liquids with flash points below
200°F is prevented.
LP-Gas containers shall be located at least 10 feet from the centerline of the wall of diked areas
containing flammable or combustible liquids.
An aboveground LP-Gas container and any of its parts shall not be located within 6 feet of a vertical plane
beneath overhead electric power lines that are over 600 volts, nominal.
Containers shall be installed so that all container operating appurtenances are accessible.
To prevent flotation due to possible high flood waters, aboveground containers shall be securely
Containers of 2000 gal water capacity or less shall not be mounted with the outside bottom of the
container shell more than 5 feet above the surface of the ground.
In locations where the monthly maximum depth of snow accumulation is more than the height of
aboveground containers, excluding the dome cover, the following requirements shall apply:
(1) A stake or other marking shall be installed higher than the average snow cover depths, up to a
height of 15 ft.
(2) The container shall be installed to prevent its movement resulting from snow accumulation.
3. CONTAINER APPURTENANCES: Pressure relief devices shall be installed so that the relief
device is in direct contact with the vapor space of the container.
Pressure relief devices shall be so installed that any gas released is vented away from the
container upward and unobstructed to the open air.
Shutoff valves shall not be installed between pressure relief devices and the container unless a
listed pressure relief valve manifold is used.
Shutoff valves shall not be installed at the outlet of a pressure relief device or at the outlet of the
discharge piping where discharge piping is installed.
5. PIPE, TUBING AND FITTINGS: All metallic LP-Gas piping shall be installed in accordance with
ASME B 31.3. Metallic pipe joints shall be permitted to be threaded, flanged, welded, or brazed.
Metallic tubing joints shall be flared or brazed.
Buried metallic pipe and tubing shall be installed underground with a minimum 12 inch of cover.
The minimum cover shall be increased to 18 inch if external damage to the pipe or tubing from
external forces is likely to result. If a minimum 12 inch of cover cannot be maintained, the piping
shall be installed in conduit or shall be bridged (shielded). Buried metallic pipe shall not use as a
grounding electrode.
Polyamide and polyethylene pipe, tubing, and fittings shall be installed outdoors underground only.
Polyamide and polyethylene pipe and tubing shall be installed underground with a minimum
12 inch of cover. The minimum cover shall be increased to 18 inch if external damage to the pipe
or tubing from external forces is likely to result. If a minimum 12 inch of cover cannot be
maintained, the piping shall be installed in conduit or shall be bridged (shielded).
After assembly, piping systems (including hose) shall be tested and proven free of leaks at not
less than the normal operating pressure. Piping shall be pressure tested in accordance with
NFPA 54. Tests shall not be made with a flame.
14.10.1 GENERAL:
1. SCOPE. This portion of the standard establishes criteria for minimizing the hazards of fire during
the installation and operation of stationary combustion engines.
2. APPLICATION. This portion of the standard shall apply to new installations and to existing
equipment and installations that are modified. This annex also applies to portable engines that
remain connected for use in the same location for a period of one week or more.
1) NFPA 37, Standard for the Installation and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and
Gas Turbines.
3. DEFINITIONS: The following definitions shall apply to the terms used in this portion of the
(1) Class I Fuel. For the purpose of this standard, any liquid fuel having a flash point below
(3) Engines: Prime movers such as internal combustion engines, external combustion engines,
gas turbine engines, rotary engines, and free piston engines using either gaseous fuels or
liquid fuels or combinations thereof.
1) Engines for Emergency Use: Engines that operate under limited-use conditions to
support critical operations in the protection of life, property, or both.
2) Reciprocating Engines: An engine that uses a spark plug to ignite a fuel-air mixture (e.g.,
otto cycle engine).
(4) Gas Train: The portion of the fuel gas supply piping starting with and including the equipment
isolation valve and extending to the point at which the fuel enters the prime mover.
(6) Valve:
1) Automatic Safety Shutoff Valve (ASSV): A valve that, upon shutdown conditions, will
automatically stop the flow of gas to the engine or turbine.
2) Equipment Isolation Valve: The manually operated valve that isolates the balance of the
gas train and the prime mover from the gas supply.
(7) Zero Governor Regulator: A gas pressure regulator equipped with a counter spring beneath
the valve that requires an external impulse signal such as top loading with pressure or
generating vacuum in the downstream piping.
1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Engines shall be situated so that they are readily accessible for
maintenance, repair and firefighting.
The air supply shall be designed to meet at least the minimum requirements for combustion,
cooling, and ventilation and to prevent flue gas products from being drawn from stacks or flues of
boilers or other combustion devices.
2. ENGINE ROOMS: Engine rooms located within structures shall have interior walls, floors, and
ceilings of at least 1 hour fire resistance rating.
Engine rooms shall have ventilation that is adequate to prevent a hazardous accumulation of
flammable vapors or gases, both when the engine is operating and when it is shut down.
Openings from an engine room to other sections of the structure shall be provided with automatic
or self-closing fire doors or dampers corresponding to the rating of the walls in which they are
Rooms containing engines utilizing a Class I fuel shall be located on an exterior wall, the
construction of which shall provide ready accessibility for fire-fighting operations through the
provision of doors, access openings, windows, louvers, or lightweight, noncombustible wall panels.
Dedicated detached structures shall be located at least 5 feet from openings in walls and at least
5 feet from structures having combustible walls. A minimum separation shall not be required where
any of the following conditions exist:
(1) The exposing wall of the detached structure has a fire resistance rating of at least 1 hour.
(2) The exposed wall of the adjacent structure has a fire resistance rating of at least 1 hour.
(3) The detached structure is protected by an automatic fire protection system.
3. ENGINES LOCATED OUTDOORS: Engines, and their weatherproof enclosures, that are installed
outdoors shall be located at least 5 feet from openings in walls and at least 5 feet from structures
having combustible walls. A minimum separation shall not be required where either of the
following conditions exist:
(1) The adjacent wall of the structure has a fire resistance rating of at least 1 hour.
(2) The weatherproof enclosure is constructed of noncombustible materials and it has been
demonstrated that a fire within the enclosure will not ignite combustible materials outside the
Engine rooms or other locations shall not be classified as hazardous locations as defined in Article
500 of NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, solely by reason of the engine fuel, lubricating oil, or
hydraulic fluid.
1. GAS PIPING: LP-Gas systems, whether liquid or vapor phase, shall be installed in accordance
with the provisions of NFPA 58, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code.
Plastic pipe shall not be used to carry fuel within a room housing an engine(s).
Approved metallic flexible connectors shall be permitted for protection against damage caused by
settlement, vibration, expansion, contraction, or corrosion.
2. GAS TRAINS: Gas trains shall contain the following safety components:
(2) A regulator, if the prime mover does not operate at the gas supply pressure.
(4) A manual leak test valve for each ASSV or an alternative means of proving the full closure of
the ASSV.
(5) A low-pressure switch for engines with a 2.5 million Btu/hr full-load input or greater.
(6) A high-pressure switch (manual reset) for engines with a 2.5 million Btu/hr full-load input or
(7) Any other components or equipment that the manufacturer requires for safe operation.
3. REGULATORS: A gas pressure regulator shall vent to atmosphere outside the structure at a point
at least 5 feet away from any structure opening.
The following devices shall not be required to be vented to the outside when installed in
accordance with their listing:
(1) Any regulator or zero governor that operates with gas pressure on both sides of the
Such vents and any connected piping shall be sized to vent the required volume of gas.
1) Multiple manual shutoff valves shall be permitted in the gas train to allow additional
isolation for maintenance reasons.
2) If the shutoff valve is locked open, the key shall be secured in a well-marked, accessible
location near the valve.
3) A manual shutoff valve in a remote location shall be provided to isolate the fuel supply.
(2) Equipment Isolation Valves: In multiple-engine installations, the equipment isolation valve
shall be located no further from the engine than the first takeoff or branch pipe that serves
only that engine.
(3) Automatic Safety Shutoff Valves (ASSVs): The ASSVs shall stop the flow of fuel within 1
second in the event the engine stops from any cause. The ASSV shall fail closed without an
externally applied source of power.
It shall be permissible to replace one of the ASSVs with one of the following devices, provided
the device will automatically shut off the flow of fuel within 1 second if the engine stops from
any cause:
1) Carburetion valve.
3) Auxiliary valve.
4) Where a carburetion valve or zero governor–type regulating valve is used as one of the
required ASSVs, the downstream manual leak test valve shall not be required.
1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Lubricating oil reservoirs shall include the following protective
(1) A flame arrester on the vent pipe, if the vent terminates in the exhaust gas path.
(3) A remote shutdown switch for auxiliary lubricating oil pumps, if provided.
The vent pipe shall not terminate in a location where the vapors can be drawn into the engine
combustion air supply.
Auxiliary reservoir oil supply chambers, if used, shall be vented through either separate vents or a
common venting system.
Engines designed to operate with a negative pressure in the crankcase and equipped with a
separate lubricating oil sump shall be provided with check valves in the venting system from the
1. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION: Engine exhaust systems shall be designed and constructed
such that the system can withstand the anticipated exhaust gas temperatures.
Exhaust systems shall be designed and constructed to withstand the intended service.
Exhaust systems shall be designed and constructed to withstand forces caused by the ignition of
unburned fuel or shall have provisions to relieve those forces without damaging the exhaust
2. INSTALLATION: Exhaust systems shall be connected to the engine to prevent the escape of
sparks, flame, or flue gas within the structure.
Engine exhaust systems shall have one or more flexible connectors if necessary to minimize the
risk of a leak in the engine exhaust system because of engine vibration or thermal expansion.
3. EXHAUST SYSTEM TERMINATION: Exhaust systems shall terminate outside the structure at a
point where hot gases, sparks, or products of combustion will discharge to a safe location.
Exhaust system terminations shall not be directed toward combustible material or structures or into
atmospheres containing flammable gases, flammable vapors, or combustible dusts.
Exhaust pipes and ducts passing directly through combustible roofs shall be guarded at the point
of passage by ventilated metal thimbles that extend not less than 9 in. on each side (above and
below) of roof construction and are at least 6 in. in diameter larger than the exhaust pipe or duct.
Exhaust pipes and ducts passing directly through combustible walls or partitions shall be guarded
at the point of passage by one of the following methods:
(1) Metal ventilated thimbles not less than 12 in. larger in diameter than the exhaust pipe or duct.
(2) Metal or burned fire clay thimbles constructed of brickwork or other approved fireproofing
materials providing not less than 8 in. of insulation between the thimble and combustible
Engines of 7.5 kW (10 hp) or more shall be equipped with protective devices or with equivalent provisions
to shut down the engine when any of the following conditions occur:
(3) Low lubricating oil pressure or, in the case of a splash-lubricated engine, low oil level
Each engine shall also have provision for shutting down the engine at the engine and from a remote
Engines that have lubricating oil pumps that are not directly driven by the engine shall also have provision
for shutting down the lubricating pump from a remote location.
September 2016
2. CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS: Construction drawings are the specification drawings and any
additional drawings required for use in construction. The construction drawings will be issued after
contract award and may include amendment changes and other details, which make the drawings
suitable to use for construction purposes.
3. STANDARD DRAWINGS: Where details shown on standard drawings included herein differ from
project specification drawings or text, the details of project specification drawings or text shall
5. EXISTING INSTALLATION DRAWINGS: Some specification drawings have the words “Existing
Installation” appearing above the title block. These drawings show the existing installations prior
to modifications and may show some new work to be performed.
7. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY: Check all drawings and advise Western of any errors or
8. ADDITIONAL AND REVISED DRAWINGS: After award of contract, construction drawings will be
furnished; and the specifications drawings may be supplemented by additional or revised general
and detail drawings. Additional or revised drawings may show dimensions and details necessary
for construction purposes more completely than are shown on the specification drawings for
features of the work and for material and equipment not purchased prior to bid opening. Perform
the work in accordance with the additional general and detail drawings or revisions furnished by
Western at the applicable prices bid in the Bidding Schedule.
9. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF DRAWINGS: After award of contract, Western will furnish the
10. PLAN AND PROFILE DRAWINGS, SAG TABLES, AND CHARTS: Plan and profile drawings, sag
tables, charts, and other drawings required for construction will be furnished to the Contractor as
soon as possible after Notice to Proceed.
1. GENERAL: The Contractor shall keep one complete set of full-size construction drawings at the
job site solely for the purpose of recording as-built conditions. The drawings shall be marked to
show any change or variation in the actual construction, which does not match the construction
drawings. The as-built set of drawings shall not be used for construction purposes.
affected by the actual work which varies from the construction drawings.
4. DRAWING REVIEW: The marked set of as-built drawings shall be available for inspection at all
times. Prior to all progress payments, the Contractor and Western shall review the marked
drawings to verify that all as-built conditions have been recorded. Progress payments may be
withheld until the drawings are updated.
5. AS-BUILT INFORMATION TO BE RECORDED: Mark drawings with all actual construction which
does not match the construction drawings including:
6. SUBMITTALS: Deliver complete set of marked as-built drawings to the COR for approval prior to
the date of submission of your final invoice. See Section G, paragraph titled "Administrative
5. 31 0001-1 Rev. A – Substation Standards Switching Diagram Operating Numbers Bus Configuration
6. 31 0001-2 Rev. B – Substation Standards Switching Diagram Operating Numbers Bus Configuration
9. 31 1005 Rev. E – Substation Standards Buses and Switches Spacings and Clearances
10. 31 1006 Rev. H – Substation Standards Buried Insulated Cables Typical Details
18. 31 1073 Rev. D – Substation Standards Lighting Fixture Pole and Bracket Mounting
19. 31 1075 Rev. K – Substation Standards Switch Operating and Equipment Platforms Electrical
Design and Details
20. 31 1077 Rev. D – Substation Standards Ground Cable on Tubular Steel Structures Support Details
22. 31 1079 Rev. C – Substation Standards Danger Sign for Shunt Capacitors
26. 31 1087 Rev. A – Substation Standards Stacking Post Insulators Upright M & E Ratings
27. 31 1088 Rev. A – Substation Standards Stacking Post Insulators Underhung M & E Ratings
42. 31 2002 Rev. C – Substation Standards – 5/8 & 3/4 DIA Connection Bolts
43. 31 2003 Rev. D – Substation Standards Typical Eyebolt and Step Details
44. 31 2014 Rev. B – Substation Standards Switch Operating Platforms Steel Design and Details
46. 31 2044 Rev. F – Substation Standards Equipment Cabinet Platforms Steel Design and Details
47. 31 2045 Rev. E – Substation Standards Switch Operating Platforms Steel Design and Details
48. 31 2046 Rev. A – Substation Standards Switch Operating Platforms Steel Design and Details
50. 31 2049-1 – Substation Standards Control Switchboard Equipment & Communication Rack
Anchorage Details (Sheet 1 of 2)
51. 31 2049-2 – Substation Standards Control Switchboard Equipment & Communication Rack
Anchorage Details (Sheet 2 of 2)
52. 31 2050 Rev. B – Substation Standards Transformer Platforms Steel Design and Details
53. 31 2051 – Substation Standards Service Building Structural Building Entry Platforms
56. 31 3302 – Facilities Standard – Typical Installation – Generator Set & Transfer Switch
59. 31 4001 Rev. C – Substation Standards Typical Duplex Switchboard Surge Suppressor Networks
Detail Layout
60. 31 4003 Rev. D – Substation Standards Control Switches Escutcheons, Lamps and Developments
61. 31 4004 Rev. E – Substation Standards Transformer Sudden Pressure Relay Schematic Diagram
62. 31 4005 Rev. D – Substation Standards Duplex Switchboard Panel Wiring Diagram and Cabling
64. 31 4018 Rev. B – Control Standards Typical Arrangement Details CT Junction Boxes and Interface
65. 31 5103 Rev. C – Substation Standards Hand Reset Auxiliary Relay Test and Monitor Circuits
66. 31 6000 Rev. E – Substation Standards PCB Control Cabinets Shielded Cable Grounding
67. 31 6005 Rev. A – Substation Standards Control Cable Color Code Identification
68. 31 6011 Rev. B – Substation Standards Typical Power Circuit Breaker Wiring Diagram (Sh 1 of 3)
69. 31 6012 Rev. B – Substation Standards Typical Power Circuit Breaker Wiring Diagram (Sh 2 of 3)
70. 31 6013 Rev. B – Substation Standards Typical Power Circuit Breaker Wiring Diagram (Sh 3 of 3)
71. 41 1011 Rev. C – Transmission Line Standards Transmission Lines Fence Grounding Hardware
72. 41 1012 Rev. C – Transmission Line Standards Wood Pole Structures Grounding Details
73. 41 1015 Rev. K – Transmission Line Standards Weathering Steel and Concrete Pole Structures
Grounding Details
74. 41 1017 Rev. C – Transmission Line Standards Steel Towers Overhead Ground Wire Assembly
75. 41 1018 Rev. C – Transmission Line Standards Steel and Concrete Pole Structures Overhead
Ground Wire Assembly
76. 41 1019 Rev. D – Transmission Line Standards Wood Pole Structures Overhead Ground Wire
77. 41 1020 Rev. C – Transmission Line Standards Suspension Insulator Assemblies Single String
78. 41 1021 Rev. C – Transmission Line Standards Suspension Insulator Assemblies Double String
79. 41 1022 Rev. C – Transmission Line Standards Tension Insulator Assemblies Single String
80. 41 1023 Rev. E – Transmission Line Standards Tension Insulator Assemblies Double String
81. 41 1024 Rev. B – Transmission Line Standards Horizontal Post Insulator Assemblies
82. 41 1025 Rev. C – Transmission Line Standards Suspension Insulator Assemblies Vee String, Single
83. 41 1027 Rev. E – Fiber Optic Cable Mounting – Lattice Steel Structures
84. 41 1028 Rev. E – Fiber Optic Cable Mounting – Steel and Concrete Pole Structures
85. 41 1029 Rev. G – Fiber Optic Cable Mounting – Wood Pole Structures
86. 41 1030 Rev. E – Fiber Optic Cable Mounting – Downlead Clamps and Bands
87. 41 1031 Rev. F – Transmission Line Standards Optical Ground Wire Assemblies
88. 41 1033 Rev. C – Transmission Line Standards Station Post Jumper Insulator Assemblies
92. 41 2034 Rev. A – Transmission Line Standards Lattice Steel Towers Structure Grounding
93. 41 2035 Rev. A – Transmission Line Standards Access Roads General Requirements
94. 41 6005 Rev. B – Standard Designs Transmission Lines Type 4SWT 115kV Disconnecting Switch
95. 41 6042 Rev. D – Transmission Line Standards Wood-Pole Dead End Details For Overhead Ground
96. 41 6047 Rev. F – Transmission Line Standards Guy Assembly and Details
98. 41 6050 Rev. D – Transmission Line Standards Anchor Rod Grouting Details
99. 41 6106 Rev. B – Transmission Line Standards Douglas Fir– Drilling Details
100. 41 6109 Rev. B – Standard Designs Transmission Lines Type 3BT/4BT 69 and 115kV Branch Line
101. 41 6113 – Standard Designs Transmission Lines Crossarm Drilling HS-1 and HSB-1 Structures with
Adjustable Spacer Fittings
102. 41 6114 Rev. A – Standard Designs Transmission Lines Crossarm Drilling Details HA and HSB
Structures with Fixed Spacer Fittings
103. 41 6116 Rev. B – Standard Designs Transmission Lines Type ST-1 and LST-1 69 and 115kV
Tangent and Angle Tension Structures
104. 41 6118 Rev. B – Standard Designs Transmission Lines Type 3TA-1 69 and 115kV 3-Pole Tension
105. 41 6122 Rev. B – Standard Designs Transmission Lines Type HS-1 115kV Suspension Structure
106. 41 6125 Rev. A – Standard Designs Transmission Lines 3TA-1 Structures Standard Guy
107. 41 6133 Rev. C – Standard Designs Transmission Lines Steel Angle Details for Wood Pole
108. 41 6138 Rev. B – Standard Designs Transmission Lines Typical Details for Dead End Tees
109. 41 6153 Rev. A – Standard Designs Transmission Lines Typical Details for Optical Ground Wire
Splice Structures
110. 41 6157 - Standard Designs Transmission Lines Type 3TD 115KV 3-Pole Tension Dead End
111. 41 9002 Rev. N – Transmission Line Standards Barbed Wire Gate For Right-of-Way Fences
112. 41 9003 Rev. C – Transmission Line Standards Electric Barbed Wire Gate For Right-of-Way Fences
113. 41 9004 Rev. E – Transmission Line Standards Wood Pole Structures Aerial Patrol Mile Marker and
Number Signs
114. 41 9005 Rev. D – Transmission Line Standards Lattice Steel Towers Aerial Patrol Number and
Warning Signs
115. 41 9007 Rev. F – Transmission Line Standards Structure Number Signs Details and Location
116. 41 9008 Rev. E – Transmission Line Standards Lattice Towers Danger Signs Details and Locations
117. 41 9019 Rev. C – Transmission Line Standards Wood Pole Structures Bog Shoe and Bog Anchor
118. 41 9021 Rev. A – Transmission Line Standards Access Road Rehabilitation Water Bar Construction
119. 41 9024 Rev. D – Transmission Line Standards Prefabricated Tubular Steel Gate
120. 41 9026 Rev. C – Transmission Line Standards Wood Pole Structures Aerial Patrol Warning Signs
Details and Locations
121. 41 9027-1 Rev. A – Transmission Line Standards Steel Pole Structures Aerial Patrol Mile Marker
and Number Signs (Sh. 1 of 3)
122. 41 9027-2 Rev. A – Transmission Line Standards Steel Pole Structures Aerial Patrol Mile Marker
and Number Signs (Sh. 2 of 3)
123. 41 9027-3 – Transmission Line Standards Steel Pole Structures Aerial Patrol Mile Marker and
Number Signs (Sh. 3 of 3)
124. 41 9028 Rev. E – Transmission Line Standards Steel Pole Structures Aerial Patrol Warning Signs
Details and Locations
125. 41 9029 Rev. B – Transmission Line Standards Aerial Patrol Warning Signs and Marker
Ball Marking Diagrams
126. 41 9030 – Transmission Line Standards Light Duty Steel Pole H-Frames Structure Signs Details and
127. 43 2203 Rev. B – Transmission Line Structure Standards Steel Pole Structures Maintenance
Provisions Work Ring
128. 43 2206 Rev. H – Transmission Line Structure Standards Steel Pole Structures Maintenance
Provisions Outlines
129. 43 2207 Rev. G – Transmission Line Structure Standards Steel Pole Structures Maintenance
Provisions Outlines
130. 43 2208 Rev. H – Transmission Line Structure Standards Steel Pole Structures Maintenance
Provisions Outlines
131. 43 2209 Rev. G – Transmission Line Structure Standards Steel Pole Structures Maintenance
Provisions Outlines
132. 43 2210 Rev. I – Transmission Line Structure Standards Steel Pole Structures Maintenance
Provisions Details
133. 43 2211 Rev. B – Light Duty Transmission Line Steel Pole Structures Climbing Provisions
135. 43 2213 Rev. A – Transmission Line Structure Standards Steel Pole Structures Anti Perch
136. 43 2214 Rev. A – Transmission Line Structure Standards Steel Pole Structures Maintenance
Provisions – Outlines
137. 43 2215 - Transmission Line Structure Standards Steel Pole Structures Maintenance Provisions –
138. 43 2216 Rev. A – Transmission Line Structure Standards Steel Pole Structures Maintenance
Provisions Permanent Fall Protection – Details
139. 43 2217 Rev. A – Transmission Line Structure Standards Light Duty Steel Pole Structures
Maintenance Provisions – Details
140. 43-20 M W 2201 Rev. A – Standard Microwave Tower 20 FT Monopole Foundation Auger and Pad
141. 43-30 M W 2201 Rev. C – Standard Microwave Tower Monopole Foundations Auger and Pad Type
142. 43-30 M W 2204 Rev. A – Standard Microwave Tower Monopole Foundation Drilled Auger Type
143. 43-40 M W 2201 Rev. A – Standard Microwave Tower Monopole Foundations Auger and Pad Type
144. 43-40 M W 2203 Rev. A – Standard Microwave Tower 40 Foot Monopole Outline
145. 43-40 M W 2204 Rev. A – Standard Microwave Tower Monopole Foundation Drilled Auger Type
146. 43-50 M W 2200 Rev. A – Standard Microwave Tower 50 Foot Monopole Elevation and Sections
147. 43-50 M W 2202 Rev. B – Standard Microwave Tower 50 Foot Monopole Drilled Auger Type
148. 43-70 M W 2202 – Standard Microwave 70 Foot Monopole Drilled Auger Type Foundation
149. 43 281 D 2200 Rev. A – 281D Pole Structures Outline and Design Loads
150. 43 281 N 2200 Rev. B – 281N Pole Structures Outline and Design Loads