03 21 2019-Update

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Principal Mark McAneny ​mmcaneny@arlington.k12.ma.


Bishop Weekly Update: March 21, 2019


3/26 ​(Tue): Eat at Not Your Average Joe’s (all March Tuesdays)
3/29 - 3/31 ​(Fri - Sun): Bishop Play, Mary Poppins Jr.
4/5 ​(Fri): Spirit (wear) Day
4/7​ (Sun): Bishop Garden Work Day
4/8 - 4/12​ (Mon-Fri): Staff Appreciation Week
4/15 - 4/19​ (Mon-Fri): No School - April Vacation Week
4/25 ​(Thu): Bishop Science Night

In This Issue:

Family Dance Pictures Available
Activity Ideas for Box Tops


Mary Poppins Jr. is Almost Here
Not Your Average Joe’s
Bishop Garden Work Day
Calling all Student Scientists -- Science Night is Coming!
The Green Team
March Enrichment Update
Bishop PTO Camp Auction


Apply for AEF Innovation in Education Grants
Arlington Food Pantry Needs Your Help
Arlington EATS Fundraiser
April Vacation Programs
Moving Arts Program at Gore Place
Public Speaking and Critical Thinking Skills
April Vacation Fun
International Summer Camp for 11-Year Olds

PTO Budget School Year 2018-2019


Bishop Families - Student Progress Reports Will Go Home

in Backpacks, Tomorrow, March 22nd.
If your child is not at school tomorrow, progress reports will be mailed home.

Bishop Garden Work Day

Sunday, April 7
Spring is almost here and we could use your help getting the Bishop School Garden ready for our Spring
activities! Please join us for our Spring Garden Work Day on Sunday, April 7. We will be working to Critter
Proof the garden beds, which will involved digging out each bed and lining them with wire mesh. Children
are welcome to help with a parent. Please sign up here:

Questions? Please contact us at ​BishopGardenandCompost@gmail.com

Important Kindergarten Dates to Note

Wednesday, May 22nd at 8:30​ New Student Orientation - Parent Only Event

Monday, May 20th and Thursday, May 23rd​ Parent/Teacher Conferences for current students

Tuesday May 28th at 1:30​ Child/Parent visit for incoming students

Friday, June 14th​ last day for current kindergarteners (full day)

Monday, June 17th and Tuesday, June 18th​ Screening of incoming kindergarteners

Detailed information related to incoming families will be sent out in the near future.

Save the Date

Bishop’s Annual Art Show​ (To be held separately from the chorus concert this year) -
​Thursday, April 11th @ 6:30pm

Bishop’s Annual Spring Choral Concert ​-

​Thursday, May 9th​ -
​Concert times are staggered; please take note - k-2 @ 9:00am - 3-5 @ 10:00am

Bishop’s Field Day

Monday, June 10th with a rain date of Wednesday, June 12th​.

Bishop’s 5th Grade Recognition -

A Monday, June 17th @ 9:00am - ​Reception to follow


Family Dance Pictures Available

The pictures from the 2019 Winter Dance Photo Booth is up on shutterfly!
Click this link to view. ​https://qq0u.app.link/e/TectLllEkU

You can order prints directly from the shutterfly site (this is not part of any PTO fundraising).
If you would like the original high-res photo for your keeping/use, just take a screenshot of the photo you want
and email me at christian.na@icloud.com. I can then find the original pix and email you the high-res file.

Activity Ideas for Box Tops

Thank you to all the families who are collecting box tops for the school! To make it a bit more fun, below is a
link where you can print “collection sheets” with various designs and graphics for your child(ren) to glue and
paste the box top clippings for submission. You can then drop off the sheets at the school front desk as

For collection sheets, click here: ​https://www.boxtops4education.com/about/collection-sheets

For list of participating products, click here: ​https://www.boxtops4education.com/earn/participating-products


Mary Poppins Jr. is Almost Here

Hello Mary Poppins Jr. Families, Here are some additional details on tickets, costumes and posters.
Several pieces of information to share:


Tickets will open to the general public for Mary Poppins Jr. performances on Friday, March 22 at 7 am.
Tickets can be purchased at: ​https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/4076924​. It will also be posted on the
PTO website​.
● Reserved floor seats are $5.00 each.
● Bleacher seats will also be available for $3.00 at the door 45 minutes prior to each performance.


This Saturday is the mandatory dress rehearsal. Please refer to your email for more details on call times and for
parent volunteer commitments.


Costume pieces will be waiting at school when your child arrives for dress rehearsal and performances but ​all
cast members and Tech Crew should arrive wearing a base costume​. Details can be found in the document link
below. Tech Crew attire is dark pants, dark shoes, and their Tech Crew t-shirt.

Mary Poppins Base Costume info

For base costumes, we encourage you to use Items already in your closets or borrowed from friends or
neighbors. The PTO Facebook page can also be a helpful place to ask for an item you may not already have. If
your family requires financial assistance with base costume items, please contact Mr. McAneny.


Please remind your actors that the costumes (apart from the base costume pieces that you will be providing)
belong to the Bishop Play, and that no part of any costume is to be taken home at any time.


We typically decorate the lobby/entrance to the gym with artwork from our students that represents the theme of
the play. If your child would like to participate, please send in a drawing (drop-off in the school office) that
depicts something from Mary Poppins, Jr. Thanks!

Not Your Average Joe’s

Every Tuesday in March

Eat at NYAJ every Tuesday in March and earn $$ for your school! Simply mention
Bishop Elementary and a portion of your bill will be donated to the school. It’s that easy!
Bring your friends or make it a grade-level social!

Calling all Student Scientists -- Science Night is Coming!

Thursday, 4/25, 6:30 to 8:30 PM in Bishop Gym and Library

Our fifth annual Science Night is scheduled for Thursday, April 25th. Start thinking of experiments to do with
your kids. Help them conduct an at-home experiment or research a question that sparks their curiosity. They
can present their results on Science Night! Posters can be submitted by individual students or groups of
students working as a team. All grades welcome. If they have the idea, we have the poster board. Here are a
few of the questions that Bishop Student Scientists asked in previous years:
● How can you launch your own rocket?
● How do earthworms move?
● What makes a paper airplane fly far?
● Why do we dream?
● How can you measure the volume of melted snow?
● How are stalactites formed?

This is an annual ALL-FAMILY FREE event sponsored by the PTO and we rely on ​PARENT VOLUNTEERS ​to
assist with the planning and preparation of this year's event.

How can you help?

● Create a New Hands-On Demo

● Lead an Existing Hands-On Demo
● Organize the Pizza Dinner
● Help with set-up and clean-up

If you're interested in volunteering and would like more information, please contact Anna Pisania at

The Green Team

Friday Mornings at 7:30 AM in Bishop Library

Green Team will be learning about wind turbines this week. Kids will have an opportunity to engineer there own
blades and compare different designs. We will also be continuing to plan Eco-week activities April 22nd - April
26th. During Earth Week we'll be looking for volunteers to help with activities, please contact ​Jen Davidson​ if
you are interested in learning more.

Green Initiatives
Button Battery Collection Box - Main Office
Help our Green Team and our planet by recycling your button batteries. Keeping button batteries out of the
trash keeps mercury and other toxins out of our environment. Last year, some of the proceeds from collecting
button batteries, was gifted by Arlington’s Garden Club, to help pay for the pollinator garden that our Green
Team planted and maintained.

March Enrichment Update

Friday, 3/22, for 4th grade

Spellman Stamp Museum
A Spellman Stamp Museum educator will visit each of the 4th grade classrooms to explore the history of stamps
and the U.S. Postal System. The presentation and hands-on activities will include discussion of US geography
covered in 4th grade curriculum.

Monday, 3/25, for 3rd grade

Discovery Museum Force & Magnetism
Students will review the basics of force and motion and explore ideas of balanced and unbalanced forces while
working with and learning about magnetic force. Applying what they learn, students construct an original moving
toy of their own design that uses the force of magnetism to operate.

Bishop PTO Camp Auction

Monday, 3/18, to Sunday, 3/24 ​POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE

Still thinking about plans for the summer? The Bishop Camp Auction is finally ready to launch! Be on the lookout
for a link to bid on March 18. The auction will stay open until Sunday, March 24​th. ​As in past years, we’ve got
some great camp donations, with more coming in this week. Thank you for supporting the Bishop PTO and your


Each week we spotlight a member of the Bishop staff on the bulletin board outside the main office to get to
know them better. Did you guess the last week’s staff?


Family: Husband, three daughters, two grandchildren
Birthday Month: August
Hobbies: quilting, exercising, swimming
Pets: none
Favorite Book: Dogzilla
Favorite Food: pizza
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Candy: Caramel Creams
Favorite Vacation: Walt Disney World
Favorite Music: Classic Rock
When I grow up . . . I want to be healthy and happy.

From Last Newsletter:

Family: Bishop Bears!
Birthday Month: March
Hobbies: basketball, running, trying new restaurants
Pets: none
Favorite Book: Harry Potter 6, then 7, then 3, 5, 2, 4, 1
Favorite Food: sushi, red curry, pasta, mexican, good pizza
Favorite Color: purple and Celtics green
Favorite Candy: Reese's peanut butter cups or pieces, twizzlers
Favorite Vacation: Barcelona or Rhode Island beaches
Favorite Music: Hip Hop and Broadway Musicals
When I grow up . . . I don’t want to! That’s why I keep playing so much!
Answer: Aly Frank, Fifth Grade Teacher


Apply for AEF Innovation in Education Grants

Applications due April 15th

Please consider applying for Arlington Education Foundation's (AEF) ​Innovation in Education​ grants.
Applications are due April 15th.

These $250-$3,000 grants support innovative teaching and learning projects - from classrooms to school
communities. Arlington teachers, administrators, parents, or community members may apply
(non-school-based applicants must be partnered with the Arlington Public Schools). Read ​more​ about proposal
guidelines, how to apply, and samples of past grants to get your ideas going. Our school representative to AEF,
Judy Guyer, can offer advice and answer questions about the application process. Email: ​info@aefma.org​ and
include “Bishop” in the subject line to contact her about the grant process.
Arlington Food Pantry Needs Your Help
Now through Wednesday, 3/27

Please help fill the bins in the front hallway at Bishop this month! We are asking ​2nd grade families​ and
everyone who would like to help to bring non-perishable items between now and Wednesday, March 27. For a
list of items the pantry is need of, please visit: ​https://arlingtonfoodpantry.org/donate-food/
Thank you for your support!

The Arlington Food Pantry is dedicated to eliminating food insecurity by providing nutritious and culturally
appropriate food in a respectful and compassionate manner to any Arlington resident in need.
Arlington EATS Fundraiser
Saturday, 3/23, at Town Hall

Join us on March 23 for the Arlington EATS fundraiser at Town Hall. This years beats for EATS is going to
bigger and better than ever before with an exciting silent auction, drinks, hors-d'oeuvres, dancing, and seriously
good music.

Tickets are ​on sale ​now. If you can't make it, consider signing up to bid in the ​silent auction​ from the
convenience of your home. Or, making a ​donation​. And, if volunteering at the event is more your speed, get
your first choice of options ​here​!

All of the money raised in this event will go to feed kids in food-insecure homes in our neighborhoods. We are
grateful for your support!

Arlington EATS and Arlington Food Pantry

April Vacation Programs

Registrations are Now Open

Moving Arts Program at Gore Place

Want something to do during April school vacation? ​“Stories! Movement! Art!”​ will
provide students in grades 3-6 the opportunity to tell stories through their art! By
using low-tech materials, we’ll create art that physically moves or uses optical
illusion to showcase movement! This program runs ​Monday, April 15 to Friday,
April 19 from 1-3:30pm​. Each day we will be working on smaller, individual art
projects that will be presented to parents on Friday at 3:30pm.

The program will take place inside the Carriage House at Gore Place in Waltham
(the large building next to the parking lot). More information can also be found on
the Gore Place website under "Programs" or we also have a Facebook event:
https://www.facebook.com/events/330922114200195/​ . This program is $20 for
the whole week, or $5/day. ​Tickets: ​https://art-workshop.bpt.me

Public Speaking and Critical Thinking Skills

Lumos is offering 2-day beginner’s Public Speaking workshops during April break (April 15-16, April 17-18, or
April 19-20) in Newton, Lexington, and Acton! Your child will love Lumos' friendly instructors and fun activities
as they learn about:

● Speaking Confidence
● Impromptu Speaking
● Debate Fundamentals
● Argumentation and Reasoning

Right now you can use the code COMMUNITY to get $20 off. Email info@lumosdebate.com or call
781-474-3359 with any questions. To register, go to ​lumosdebate.com/vaca-workshop

April Vacation Fun

Arlington Community Education April VacationFun! and SummerFun! Registration Now Open
You will be amazed by the scope of choices available to create dynamic vacation experiences for your children
in the Arlington Community Education April ​VacationFun!​ and ​SummerFun!​programs enrolling now.
International Summer Camp for 11-Year Olds

For summer 2019 the Boston chapter of CISV, a non-profit organization which focuses on inter-cultural
cooperation and education, is seeking applicants for an international summer camp for 11 year-olds in
Waterloo, Ontario. Delegations from 10-12 different countries will attend the camp. The Boston chapter will send
4 child delegates and an adult leader. The camp will take place between August 4 and August 31. You can find
more info about our programs at ​www.cisv.org​ and ​www.cisvboston.org​, or feel free to contact ​Daniel Bonardi
by ​email ​or phone (617 281 3712) with any questions.


Bishop PTO Facebook page:​ ​https://www.facebook.com/groups/BishopPTO/

Bishop School: ​https://bishopschool.net
Bishop PTO: ​http://www.bishopschoolpto.com/

Contact PTO Executive Board members:

Co-Presidents: ​Sarah Eastman​ (Senior) and ​Elisa Komoni​ (Junior)
Co-Treasurers: ​Ami Fatula​ (Senior) and ​Karin Moellering​ (Junior)
Fundraising Coordinator: ​Christian Na
Room Parent Coordinator: Laura Tikonoff
Communications Coordinator: ​Junko Nagano
Recording Secretary: ​Sheelagh Stirling

PTO Budget School Year 2018-2019

2017-2018 2018-2019
What types of activities and supplies does the PTO support? Proposed Budget Proposed Budget

Enrichment for the students. Themes include science, $15,500 $15,500

engineering, math, art, culture, social studies and geography.

Enrichment - garden. This pays for a professional garden $4,200 $4,200

coordinator, supplies, and a curriculum connected to each

Field trips busses. $5,600 $5,000

Community grants (curriculum and technical). $14,500 $12,000

Teacher checks. This gives each teacher $200 twice a year to $13,000 $13,500
pay for necessary classroom items that they would otherwise
have to pay for themselves.

Classroom fund. Room parents receive $250 twice a year to pay $9,000 $9,500
for necessary classroom activities (class parties, class gifts, etc.).

Classroom supplies. This includes agenda books, paper towels, $5,400 $5,550
wipes, tissues, glue sticks, etc. Volunteers shop a few times a
year to restock a supply closet that the teachers can utilize all
year long. Classroom rug cleaning is also included.

Playground and grounds improvements. $10,000 $1,200

Library books and supplies. $2,000 $2,000

Fifth grade recognition. $3,500 $3,500

Scholarships. $2,000 $2,000

Subscriptions (Scholastic, movie license, etc.) $2,500 $2,500

Science Night. $1,600 $1,600

Teacher appreciation and holiday recognition. $3,300 $3,500

Other Community Initiatives (Movie Night, beginning of the year $3,800 $4,250
kick-off activities, general & admin PTO expenses, etc.)

Digital Communication Signage ​NEW THIS YEAR ONLY $6,000

TOTAL: $95,900 $91,800

(Back to ​PTO News Section​)

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