Design Thinking Facilitator Guide

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with kids

why design thinkinG
for kids?
Design Thinking is a powerful approach to creating
innovative solutions for real world problems. Championed by
the likes of IDEO and Stanford University, Design Thinking
focuses on empathy, creativity, and prototyping.

In ‘Design Thinking with Kids’ we explore how this approach

can also be a powerful pedagogy for young learners, from
preschool to high school. Design Thinking provides a great
opportunity to focus on contemporary learning skills
like critical thinking and creativity. It also encourages
curiosity, resilience, and entrepreneurial ways of working.
Published in 2016 by The Schoolhouse Centre for
Progressive Education. This facilitator’s guide has been developed with teachers
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
and parents in mind. It accompanies the fold-out process
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License map, providing notes on each activity - everything you need
(CC BY-NC 4.0). to know to help young people discover Design Thinking.

To order additional copies or organise a workshop,

email us at

when is design tailoring for
thinking for? different ages
The Design Thinking approach is about problem finding The full Design Thinking process that companies like IDEO
and problem solving. It is most useful when you have use is great, but wasn’t designed with young people in mind.
a particular area of interest and want to create an Some parts of the approach come naturally to kids, while
innovative solution in that space. It encourages people to other parts need lots more support.
explore a topic, and gain a deeper understanding of how
people think and behave around that topic. That’s why we created two modified step-by-step
processes - one for younger innovators (aged 5 to 11) and one
Design Thinking is less powerful if you already have the for those who are a bit older (aged 12 to 18) which provides
problem tightly defined, or if you are looking for solutions more options and includes more complex activities. Both
that are more conceptual than practical. move through three stages - LEARN, IMAGINE and MAKE. The
rest of this guide provides detail on each of the activities
Great starting points for Design Thinking might be things that make up these stages.
like improving the sustainability of a school, inventing
new toys for preschoolers, designing a new form of public Of course you’re free to pick and choose how you run your
transport, or finding ways for older people to connect with Design Thinking projects based on your situation. In fact
their families. we’d encourage it!

2 3
activities + tools
Observation First idea & crazy idea
Drawing Perspective
Personas Analogy
Interviews Quick draw
Do it yourself
Pros & cons
Paper prototype
‘How can we...’

4 5
observation drawing
Drawing is an excellent way of documenting observations,
particularly for younger children who are more comfortable
drawing and perhaps annotating than simply writing.

Encourage them to explore different ways of using

drawing to capture things. They might draw a scene, or an
The most important key to successful Design Thinking object. Perhaps a process might be better captured in a
is getting a real understanding of the world from the storyboard or a flowchart. Spatial observations might be
perspective of the people you are solving a problem for. The represented best on a map of some sort, and so on.
most powerful tool to do this is observation.
There is no reason to be limited to one type of drawing. A
Sometimes you might be able to go and look at a real visit to the zoo may produce sketches, maps, process flows
environment (for example visiting a grocery store or and much more.
a playground can provide great insights if you want to
innovate in those areas). In other situations you may need Importantly, this type of drawing is not about art. It’s
to engineer things to observe, such as inviting people to use about using a visual language to record what they have
existing luggage or writing devices to watch how they do observed.
it. The key with observation is to really take the time to
look, and make note of what you see.
6 7
personas interviews
Conducting interviews is a fun way to inform a persona, or
just to capture interesting insights about a topic. It can
be very powerful to actually interview someone you want
to design a solution for. If that’s not possible, kids can
interview friends or classmates who are playing the role of
a typical ‘user’. Even with relatively little preparation it’s
In understanding the context of a problem or opportunity, amazing how many useful observations can come from a
one aspect that is easy to overlook is the people involved. role-play interview.
It’s natural to fall into the trap of inventing with
ourselves in mind - our own desires, attitudes, interests, Encourage kids to prepare for conducting an interview.
constraints. In many situations we might want kids to Have them make a list of questions they plan to ask. Using
design solutions for a group of people who are very different ‘open questions’ is often important in eliciting useful
from them. information. If possible, have two children present at the
interview, one to ask questions and the other to take notes.
A persona can be as simple as a sketch of a typical ‘user’
of the solution accompanied by some notes about them as
a person and about their relationship with the topic area.
Creating a persona is a great way to encourage children to
think explicitly about the intended audience.
8 9
research do it yourself
Design Thinking places lots of emphasis on gaining insights Personal experience can be one of the most powerful tools
from real world exploration. Having said that, there’s in gaining an understanding of an area and uncovering useful
nothing wrong with doing some ‘desk research’ too. Most insights. While there might not always be the opportunity
often this will be online, meaning that digital search to ‘get hands on’, if there is it’s always a catalyst for a
literacy and an understanding of source credibility will deeper level of thinking.
be important.
Sometimes this might be achieved through a visit to the
Research can be used to explore the general topic area, environment being innovated around. Other times it will be
particularly to gain a deeper understanding of how things a matter of using a particular object, or stepping through a
work than might be apparent through observation and particular process.
interviews. It can also provide insight into the audience you
are designing for, how others have solved similar problems Even if the context can’t be experienced ‘for real’,
in other contexts, or to suggest what problems may be staging a simulation and role-playing can be great ways of
interesting to tackle. unearthing interesting observations. It also gets kids in the
right frame of mind to tackle a challenging problem.
Just as important as doing the research is distilling the
information gathered, identifying and capturing useful

10 11
mindmap pros + cons

A mindmap is a simple, useful tool for capturing thoughts In identifying areas to innovate around, it is important
about a topic, and helping kids to explore associated ideas. to understand people’s current feelings about things.
Innovation is most successful when it addresses a current
Working from the core topic that you are exploring, create pain point, or is built on something that is currently highly
a map of connected concepts. This can provide leaping off satisfactory.
points for further research and exploration. A mindmap
is a particularly useful tool if you are working with a Make a list of all the ‘best’ and ‘worst’ parts of an
group, as it provides a way for the group to centralise and experience, environment, product or topic. Try and do this
collaboratively share their ideas. from the perspective of the audience you are focusing on.
Encourage kids to be as specific as possible. If the lists are
long, go through and rank them based on degree of emotion,
or pick the top handful in each list.

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Finding a worthy ‘how can we...’
One of the critical points in the Design Thinking process is
defining a challenge to work on. Based on all of the work
that is done in the LEARN part of the process, the goal is to
identify a challenge that is likely to produce original, useful
and practical ideas.

To create possible challenges, review the most interesting Before moving on to the IMAGINE part of the Design Thinking
and provocative learnings that have been uncovered. Think process, we want to capture the challenge clearly and
about the biggest pain points - where is there a demand for succinctly. To do this, we write it as a question in the form
better solutions? “How can we...?”

You may wish to encourage the kids to develop several

possible questions in this format. Make sure they are clear
and specific, related to the understanding that has been
built up of both the audience and the topic.

One particular challenge might be selected, or you might try

to solve several, over multiple sessions.

14 15
ideation First idea +
crazy idea
The second stage of our Design Thinking process is imagining There are some simple tools and exercises that can help
the solution. This is all about coming up with interesting us come up with ideas - from the straightforward to the
ideas. To keep it focused and simple, have kids capture totally unexpected. Two of the simplest are ‘first idea’
their ideas in simple headlines. Coming up with ideas means and ‘crazy idea’.
applying creative thinking to a particular problem. We find
this hard because we’re so used to thinking in established For ‘first idea’ just encourage kids to write down the
and habitual ways. To break out and think differently first solution that comes into their head, no matter how
takes effort and practice. straight-forward, expected, boring, or impractical it is.
You can pretty much guarantee this won’t be the final idea,
The most important thing to encourage kids to do is let but writing it down makes writing down the next one
themselves come up with crazy, silly ideas. While they will easier. And the next... and the next.
rarely be the right solutions, they can often be a stepping
stone. Jumping out to unexpected and often ridiculous ideas ‘Crazy idea’ is all about trying to come up with ideas
helps us explore areas we wouldn’t have reached otherwise, that are ridiculous, extreme, foolish, inappropriate,
and potentially uncover original yet practical answers to irresponsible... you get the idea. Again, they aren’t usually
our challenge. ‘right’, but can be a useful provocation. Using a crazy idea
as a starting point, how might it be evolved to make it
more sensible, but still unexpected.

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perspective analogy
Often great ideas can come when we look outside of the
context that we are creating solutions for. Encourage kids
to think about what other contexts are similar. What
analogies can be drawn between this problem and problems
that might be faced in very different situations?

We each bring our own point of view to solving a problem. Having identified these analogous contexts, inspiration
We can’t help it. It’s the only point of view we have! This can be drawn from how they have solved similar problems,
exercise encourages kids to look at coming up with ideas or simply from observing how things work and how people
by pretending to be someone different, with a different behave in these other contexts.
There probably won’t be a magic solution that can simply
It’s amazing how much imagining what someone else might be brought over, but the ideas sparked by making these
do can actually result in completely different and original comparisons can be unexpected and useful.
ideas. The perspective can be anyone well known enough for
kids to quickly grasp the core aspects of their identity,
from celebrities and fictional characters to professional
roles and family members.

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quick draw selecting an idea
Often our brains are our own worst enemy when it comes If the IMAGINE part of the process has gone well, by now you
to thinking creatively. The more rational and analytical will have a whole mess of ideas. These probably range from
parts of our brain shut down interesting thoughts and ideas the sensible to the ridiculous, from the half-baked to the
through force of habit. well-formed.

Getting kids to draw lots of solutions in a short space of To move forward, children will need to decide which are the
time is a way of avoiding some of our natural over-thinking. strongest ideas. Before doing that they may want to spend
Even better, the pressure of creating a number of solutions some time reviewing, expanding and improving them.
(and drawing them) in a short space of time helps silence
our inner critic. The pressure can also bring energy into a In selecting an idea, the most important thing is to refer
flagging ideation session. back to the ‘how can we...’ challenge and decide which ideas
will be most effective in achieving that objective.
It’s best to get kids to share their ideas immediately
after the exercise, as the drawings may not capture all
the nuances. If there are any particularly good ideas in there
they probably should be captured in more detail before they
are forgotten.

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building paper prototypes

The final stage of the Design Thinking process is MAKING Not all ideas can be easily built as physical objects. Some
(and evolving) the ideas. Making is an important part of ideas are better explored, tested and refined through
the process for two reasons. Firstly, actually building ‘paper prototypes’. This is particularly true of processes
a prototype of the solution can be a powerful way of and digital interfaces.
further refining the idea, bringing up new questions and
possibilities. Secondly, finding ways to test the prototype If your idea is a way of doing things, then a process diagram
can provide invaluable feedback to improve the idea. like a flow chart can be a great way to ‘build’ it, and let
people experience it.
Prototypes can be built out of anything, from simple
cardboard boxes to interactive electronic components. If your idea is a mobile app, a digital touchscreen device, or
The key is to create a prototype that allows people to any sort of virtual system, you can create sketches of the
experience what it might be like to use the solution. interface design for people to interact with.

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testing improving
Many kids will get to the end of making their solution
and be ready to move onto the next thing. One of the
biggest possible benefits of Design Thinking is developing
sustained focus and resilience. Encourage kids to learn from
the process of prototyping and testing, and to work at
improving their idea.
Getting real people (actual ‘users’) to test a solution is a
great way to get real feedback that can help kids assess To help with this, a two-by-two grid can be used to
and improve their ideas. Where this is not possible, friends capture the results of testing. In one quadrant is written
or classmates can roleplay and still provide surprisingly all the best parts of the solution, in the next all the
insightful learnings. problems and shortcomings. In the third quadrant changes
already identified and in the final quadrant questions that
While verbal feedback from people as they use a prototype remain to be asked.
is great, kids should also be closely observing the behaviour
of the user. What can they tell from the way users Having captured these practical learnings, kids can then
approach the solution? Did they use it as expected, or did set about deciding how to make their idea even better.
they do things that surprised the designer?

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HOW TO RUN A working with
Many of the tricks to running a great Design Thinking The Design Thinking process described here works fine
project will come with practice and experience. Having said with individuals (supported by a facilitator), but it’s even
that, here are a few useful tips to keep in mind. better in groups. Groups can work in a fully collaborative
‘whole class’ fashion, or you can have several individuals or
Stuff inspires. Having interesting stimulus around can be groups working separately on their own ideas.
enormously helpful in all stages. This can be anything from
multimodal research material to eclectic craft materials In exploration and ideation it’s typically effective to let
for prototyping. the group work individually or in small teams for a period,
then bring them back together to share and discuss.
Zone of Proximal Development. While it’s important to let
kids do their own research and develop their own ideas, Working through a Design Thinking process in groups is also
don’t be afraid to lend your own experience and collaborate an excellent way to build skills in communication and
with them. collaboration. To get the most out of this aspect, spend
some time up front discussing the benefits and challenges
Be explicit. Share the process with the kids, and help them of group work. Then debrief afterwards to help kids make
understand the way they are moving through it. This gives sense of their group experience.
them greater insight into their own working practice and
helps them evolve good work habits.

26 27
IDEO ( are an amazing design and innovation
company that provides great resources and courses,
including a version of Design Thinking for educators.
The Institute of Design at Stanford University
( also provides extensive support
for Design Thinking - including K12 Lab, for educators.

creative thinking techniques

There are plenty of resources on creative thinking. Two
of the best are Edward De Bono’s ‘Serious Creativity’ and
Michael Michalko’s ‘Thinkertoys’.

drawing as documentation
Read about how the Reggio Emilia movement has advocated
the importance of drawing as communication in ‘The
Hundred Languages of Children’.
This guide was designed to accompany
the ‘Design Thinking with Kids’ process map.
It was developed by the Schoolhouse Centre
for Progressive Education.

Visit us at or follow

us on Twitter at @schoolhouse-au for more
innovative courses and materials.

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