FTTH White Paper
FTTH White Paper
FTTH White Paper
1 Introduction of FTTx
1.1 Technology of FTTx
Fiber access is one of the most important technologies in the next generation network. It increases
the access layer bandwidth and builds a sustainable-development access layer network. OAN
(Optical Access Network) adopts technologies: active point-to-point (PP) Ethernet and passive
optical network (PON).
At the earlier stage, PP adopted dual Tx and Rx fibers to the user. The fiber layout in pairs
was difficult. With the development of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), now in the PON
technology, one fiber to the user has been realized. In the downstream direction, the wavelength
is 10 nm, and in the upstream direction, the wavelength is 110 nm. PON is the optical access
technology developed to support PMP (Point-to-Multi-Point) applications. PON Topology
Architecture is refer to Figure 1
PON realizes PMP transmission through the POS (Passive Optical Splitter). The fiber connected
to the OLT port is split through by the Splitter into multiple channels to the ONUs of different users.
The distance between OLT and ONU is longer i.e. 0km. With the PON technology, the ODN (Optical
Distribution Network) does not have active nodes. The feature of passiveness makes the network
deployment flexible, because the equipment room and power supply are not needed. The following
lists the advantages of PON:
White Papers
● Reduced cost. The equipment and fiber at the CO are shared by users, so the cost is lower than
of PP. Because equipment room and power supply are not needed, the capital construction cost
is greatly reduced. The cable distribution at the CO is easy.
● Easy maintenance. The active equipment is removed form the access network, so the effect
from electromagnetic interference, thunder and lightning is reduced. Thus, the failure rate of the
line and the external equipment is reduced. Therefore, the operation and maintenance cost is
PON is most widely accepted by main Operators in the world. It is first technology choice and the
trend of OAN. So we analyze the FTTx networking models that based on the fiber cable and PON
technology in this document.
Different FTTx application model is based on the ONU location and the fiber length.
In FTTH/FTTO, ONU is deployed in the home or office indoor, which is the nearest position to user.
The fiber Length is the longest.
In FTTB, ONU is deployed in the building or corridor.
In FTTC, ONU is deployed Curb, which is the farthest position to user, The fiber Length is the
Table 1 list all kinds of FTTx application models main features.
White Papers
2 FTTx Solution
2.1 Introduction of FTTx solution
PON access system should be an all-optical solution in response to the continuously growing
bandwidth requirements in the last-mile (access) domain. PON-based access network follows the
trend of delivery of triple-play services to end subscribers, aggregating three types of services
over a single delivery platform. This in turns is the next step in the evolution of the core networks
to IP-based NGN. In order to build the new generation of optical access networks, this solution
draws on the technologies of different maturity extents such as EPON, GPON, Ethernet and xDSL,
ranging from local exchange devices of various capacities to serialized user-side devices. It can
be deployed in various application scenarios, such as FTTC, FTTB, FTTO and FTTH, enabling
operators to deliver services in a simple and straightforward manner, providing cost-effective high-
bandwidth and multi-service support capabilities. This allows operators to become more competitive
and adapt services to ever changing customer demands. The total FTTx solution please refer to
Figure .
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White Papers
Typical application
● Villa
● New buildings
2.2.2 FTTO
For office application it is similar to that of FTTH, but the distance between ONU and user is
generally < 0 meters. In this case, SBU (Single Business Unit) is used for few interfaces providing
and MTU (Multi-Tenant Unit) is used for more interfaces providing.
The service providing includes TDM and IP service. Such as ONU need provides E1/T1 interface to
connect PBX.
White Papers
2.2.3 FTTB
1 Equipment arrangement
● PON OLT is placed in the Central Office, basement or equipment room of the building;
● Splitter is placed in the low voltage room of each floor of the building;
● Fiber end at ONU
● ONU is placed in the basement of the building or in the low voltage room of each floor (FTTB+LAN),
in the basement of the building or outdoor cabinet (FTTB+DSL).
Providing Service
● VoIP, IPTV, HSIA, TDM leased line, VPN, Monitor, etc.
ONU interface type
Access bandwidth
The bandwidth of each subscriber is relative to the split ratio. Generally, it can be up to
0M~100Mbps per subscriber.
Typical application
Self-governed enterprises or companies in commercial building, family subscriber in the
apartment building;
The solution of fiber redundancy protection is for some important subscribers.
● PON+LAN mode
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i ONU module
ii User interface type
iii Uplink interface type
The existing UTP- in the building can be used to save the cost of networking, for higher building,
cable box can be used in certain layer to make it easy for cable planning.
● PON+DSL mode
i ONU module
ii User interface type
iii Uplink interface type
The existing twisted-pair in the building can be used to save the cost of networking, for higher
building, cable box can be used in certain layer to make it easy for cable planning.
White Papers
2.2.4 FTTC
1 Equipment arrangement
● PON OLT is placed in the Central Office
● Fiber end at ONU
● ONU is placed in the building or curb, hanging on the pole or in the outdoor cabinet at the central
of residence area.
Providing Service
● VoIP, IPTV, HSIA, etc.
ONU interface type
Access bandwidth
The bandwidth of each subscriber is relative to the split ratio. Generally, it can be up to
100K~100Mbps per subscriber.
Typical application
White Papers
The installed FTTx ports are estimated worldwide at . million at end of 00.
The first estimate of the vendors global market shares at 00,Q. In a very fragmented FTTx
market, the global top six vendors is composed of Asian equipment vendors, ZTE being the market
leader with 1% of market share. Huawei came in second position with 1%, followed by the
Japanese manufacturer Mitsubishi in the third position at %.