عرض تقديمي من Microsoft PowerPoint جديد
عرض تقديمي من Microsoft PowerPoint جديد
عرض تقديمي من Microsoft PowerPoint جديد
( F T TH )
اعداد الطالب-:
What is FTTH ?
FTTH architecture and components
The uses of FTTH
The advantages of FTTH
• PONs use optical splitters to direct the signal instead of electrically powered switches,
which means PON users only need electrically powered equipment on the receiving
end of the network.
• Both types are used in FTTH implementations and each have their benefits, but
most FTTH implementations use PONs because they are cheaper to install and
offer high performance.
• Highly secure and reliable Virtual Private Network ( VPN ) services, and other
enhanced applications.
The Advantages of FTTH
• It is a passive network. There are no active components from the CO to the end
user. This minimizes the network maintenance cost and requirements, as well
as eliminating the need for a DC power network.