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Inorganic Chemistry Lab Report, Experiments: January 2015

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Inorganic Chemistry Lab report , Experiments

Raw Data · January 2015

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1119.6568


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2 authors:

Yasir Iqbal Muhammad Yasir Siddique

Government College University Faisalabad University of Gujrat


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Experiment No. 1

Determination of Nickel with Dimethylglyoxime (DMG).

1.1 Principle:-

This is a gravimetric analysis. Principle behind gravimetric analysis is that the mass of
an ion in a pure compound can be determined and then used to find the mass percentage of
the same ion in a known quantity of an impure compound.

1.2 Theory:-

Gravimetric analysis is one of the most accurate analytical methods. This is concerned
with the determination of a substance by the process of weighing. The element or radical to
be determined is converted into a stable compound of definite composition and the mass of
the compound is determined accurately. From this, the mass of element or radical is
calculated. The gravimetric analysis involves precipitation, filtration, washing of the
precipitate, drying, ignition and weighing of the precipitates.

1.3 Apparatus & Chemicals:-

Burette, pipette, cylinder, stand, spirit, lamp, titrating flask, beaker

Water, DMG (1%), NH3 solution (50%0, NiSO4 (0.1M)

1.4 Chemical Equation:-

Structure of DMG & the complex with nickel ions is given below

1.5 Procedure:-
Took 20 ml of NiSO4 solution in 400 ml of beaker. Added 150 ml of distilled water in
it and heat up to 70-80°C.Now added 30 ml of 1%DMG solution. Added ammonia solution,
upon adding ammonia precipitates are formed and added until no more ppt.is formed. Kept it
for 30 minutes to settle down the ppt, washed with hot water so that if there is any Ni
uncomplexed or DMG, they will flow with water. Filtered the solution with whatman filter
paper and ppt. are separated. Dried ppt.at 100°C in an oven and weight it for calculations.

1.6 Observations and calculations:-

Table 1.1
Weight of filter paper = 1g
Weight of nickel complex + weight of filter paper = 3.5 g
Weight of Dimethylglyoxime nickel complex = 2.5 g
288.69 g of nickel complex contain nickel = 58.69 g
1 g of nickel complex contain nickel = 58.69/288.69 g
2.5 g of nickel complex contain nickel = 58.69 x (2.5)/288.69 g
= 0.50g

1.7 Solubility of Ni-DMG Complex:-

Table 1.2
S.No Solvent Solubility
1. Water Insoluble

2. Methanol Soluble

3. Ethanol Soluble

4. Chloroform Insoluble

1.8 Properties of DMG:-

Table 1.3

Molecular formula C4H8N2O2

Formula mass 116.12
Density 1.037 gcm-3
Melting point 240-241 °C

1.9 UV-Visible, IR, NMR Spectra:-

UV Spectra of NI-DMG:-
The interpretation of different spectras like UV,IR, NMR are given here,
ABS Smooth: 31 Deri.: 0




















0.0 nm
200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

Table 1.4

Complex λmax (nm)

Ni-DMG 233

1.9.1 Interpretation of UV-Visible spectra:-

For UV-visible 0.001M solutions were prepared and spectra were taken.

The Ni-DMG Complex show Maximum Absorbance at 233nm.the transition metal

in the complex has empty d orbital upon the absorbance of light in the range of visible light
the lower laying electron in t2g is move toward eg orbital at higher energy so the transition of
electron from t2g to eg called d-d transition due to which the compound show the colours.

1.9.2 Proton NMR for DMG:-

2 1 0

Two CH3 show peak at 1.90 ppm because both the CH3 has three protons decoupled and in
same environment and two OH group show peak at 2.0 ppm.

1.9.3 Carbon NMR for DMG:-

160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0


This graph shows the 2 peaks, one peak is C and other for CH3 group.CH3 group is in
the up field region and C in in the downfield region.

1.9.4 Carbon NMR for Ni DMG complex:-

180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0


In carbon NMR of nickel Ni (DMG)2 there are two peaks are.CH3 show peak which is upfield
at 13.2ppm and Carbon show peak at 164ppm.

1.9.5 Proton NMR for Ni DMG complex:-

2 1 0

In proton NMR of Ni (DMG)2 complex only two peaks are visible. Four methyl groups are
chemically equivalent and showing only one peak, which is up field at 1.90ppm. Other single
peak is due to four hydroxyl groups because they are in same chemical environment and no
any neighboring proton is present for splitting.

1.10 Results & Discussion:-

It was gravimetric type of analysis in which nickel DMG complex is formed. Ppt. are
formed, weighed out and made calculations. Solubility of complex is checked with water,
ethanol, methanol and Chloroform. Soluble in ethanol, methanol insoluble in water.

For UV-Visible studies 0.001M solutions were prepared and spectra were studied
that give the Lambda max value at 233nm the range of UV-visible is 180-800nm. The Ni-
DMG Complex show Maximum Absorbance at 233nm.the transition metal in the complex
has empty d orbital upon the absorbance of light in the range of visible light the lower laying
electron in t2g is move toward eg orbital at higher energy so the transition of electron from
t2g to eg called d-d transition due to which the compound show the colours.

The NMR spectra of both complex and Ligand was taken both are the different from
each other giving the different peaks of proton and C at different value of Chemical shift that
indicates the formation of the complex between the Transition metal and Ligand in 1:2.

IR spectra Of Ni-DMG gives the different information about the complex. The IR
range is from 12500cm-1 to 10cm-1. It is divided into three regions, Near IR region, Mid IR
region, Far IR Region having range 12500-4000cm-1, 4000-200cm-1 and 200-10cm-1
respectively. Mostly Used region is id IR Region that is further divided into functional group
region 4000-1600cm-1 and finger print region 1500-650cm-1. IR region tell us about the O-H,
N-H, C-H starching in 3700-2700cm-1 and C=C, C≡C in 2700-200cm-1C=O at 1700 cm-1.
And most important peak C-M in range of 585-413 cm-1 is change according to nature of

Experiment No. 2

Determine amount per dm3 of Al+3 by using 8-

hydroxyquinoline.AgNO3 as an organic reagent in a given sample solution.

2.1 Principle:-

In this analysis substance is analysed by weight. It is quantitative analysis.

2.2 Theory:-

Gravimetry includes measurement of mass, Here since precipitates are formed so, it is
precipitation gravimetric analysis. In this process counter ions come together and forms
natural species which are usually in the form of precipitates. Gravimetry can be can be
generalized into two types; precipitation and volatilization. The quantitative determination of
a substance by the precipitation method of gravimetric analysis involves isolation of an ion in
solution by a precipitation reaction, filtering, washing the precipitate free of contaminants,
conversion of the precipitate to a product of known composition and finally weighing the
precipitate and determining its mass by difference. From the mass and known composition of
the precipitate, the amount of the original ion can be determined.

2.3 Chemicals & Apparatus:-

Al2 (SO4)3 (0.1M)

Ammonia solution (10%)

HCl solution (10%)

Buffer (4.5-6.5) PH

Burette, Beaker, Pipette, Funnel, Filter paper, Titrating flask, Stand, Cylinder

2.4 Chemical equation:-

Al3+ + 3 C9H6NOH → Al (C9H6NO) 3 + 3 H+

2.5 Structure:-



2.6 Procedure:-

Took a beaker of 150 mL and added 20mL of sample solution in it. Added 5mL of
ammonia solution. The mixture of solution becomes turbid due to formation of Al (OH) 3.
Added 10% HCl solution drop wise until solution becomes clear. Keep this solution for 30
minutes then cool the precipitates. Settled down them and then washed with hot water. Dried
the precipitates at 100˚C in oven and weighed for calculations.

2.7 Yield of Complex:-

Table 2.1

Theoretical Yield (g) Actual Yield (g) % Yield

0.135 0.0128 48.41

2.8 Solubility:-

Table 2.2

S.No Solvent Solubility

1. Water Insoluble

2. Methanol Soluble

3. Ethanol Soluble

4. Chloroform Soluble

2.9 Interpretation of spectra:-

The interpretation of different spectra’s like UV, IR, NMR.

2.9.1 Proton NMR:

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

The proton NMR of this Tris-(8-hydroxyquinolinato) aluminium complex shows 5

peaks.one peak is reference peak. Other 4 peaks are more downfield because of attachment of
nitrogen atom. A multiplet peak is at 6.9 is due to CH group in quinoline and splitting is due
to neighbouring hydrogen atoms. Other 3 peaks are also multiplet due to splitting. A last peak
at 8.9 is also due to CH group but it is more downfield because this group is very close to
nitrogen. Benzene ring also shows reading more down field due to resonance.

2.9.2 Carbon 13 NMR:

160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0


A number of peaks appear in carbon NMR of Tris (8-hydroxyquinolinato)

aluminium complex. The range of carbon NMR spectra is from 0-200 ppm. Among these 28
peaks about 8 peaks are due to only carbon atom, and remaining peaks are due to CH bond
when H is irradiated in such a way that it does not affect the chemical shift value of 13C.

2.9.3 UV Spectra:-
ABS Sm ooth: 25 Deri.: 0




















0.0 nm
200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

The maximum absorbance is observed at about 425 nm

Table 2.3

Complex λmax (nm)

Tris (8-hydroxyquinolinato) aluminium 425

2.10 Discussion:-

It was gravimetric type of analysis in which Tris (8-hydroxyquinolinato) aluminium

complex is formed. Ppt. are formed, weighed out and made calculations. Solubility of
complex is checked with water, ethanol, methanol and Chloroform. Soluble in ethanol,
methanol, chloroform and insoluble in water.

For UV-Visible studies 0.001M solutions were prepared and spectra were studied
that give the Lambda max value at 425nm the range of UV-visible is 180-800nm. The Tris (8-
hydroxyquinolinato) aluminium Complex shows Maximum Absorbance at 425nm.

The NMR spectra of both complex and Ligand was taken both are the different from
each other giving the different peaks of proton and C at different value of Chemical shift that
indicates the formation of the complex between the Transition metal and Ligand in 1:2.

IR spectra Of Tris (8-hydroxyquinolinato) aluminum gives the different information

about the complex. The IR range is from 12500cm-1 to 10cm-1. It is divided into three regions,
Near IR region, Mid IR region, Far IR Region having range 12500-4000cm-1, 4000-200cm-1
and 200-10cm-1 respectively. Mostly Used region is id IR Region that is further divided into
functional group region 4000-1600cm-1 and finger print region 1500-650cm-1. IR region tell
us about the O-H, N-H, C-H starching in 3700-2700cm-1 and C=C, C≡C in 2700-200cm-
C=O at 1700 cm-1. In addition, most important peak C-M in range of 585-413 cm-1 is change
according to nature of metal.

Thiourea is an organosulfur compound with the formula SC(NH2)2 . It is structurally similar
to urea, except that the oxygen atom is replaced by a sulphur atom, but the properties of urea
and thiourea differ significantly. Thiourea is a reagent in organic synthesis. Thiourea is
related tothioamides, e.g. RC(S) NR2, where R is methyl, ethyl, etc.

It is the synthesis type of reaction in which Analysis is taken out gravimetrically. Weighing
out the precipitates of resulting product. It is quantitative type of Analysis in which yield is
being determined of complex that is formed through coordination between donor and

It is complexometric type of reaction. Reaction takes place between metal and ligand.
Coordination number of metal may be from 2-6 but for heavy metals it can be 8. Ligand
attached to metal atom and satisfies its co-ordination number. Ligands can be classified as
bidentate, tri, tetra and hexadentate depending upon their binding sites

Chemistry of thiourea:-

 Thiocarbamide is a white powder or white/colourless crystals.

 Thiocarbamide forms complexes with many metallic salts. It is produced by a reaction
between Cyanamid and hydrogen sulphide or by a reaction between carbon disulphide
and ammonia.

Experiment No. 3

Preparation of Tris-thiourea chromium(III) Chloride and determine %


3.1 Principle:-

It is the synthesis type of reaction in which Analysis is taken out gravimetrically.

Weighing out the precipitates of resulting product. It is quantitative type of Analysis in which
yield is being determined of complex that is formed through coordination between donor and

3.2 Theory:

It is complexometric type of reaction. Reaction takes place between metal and

ligand. Coordination number of metal may be from 2-6 but for heavy metals it can be 8.
Ligand attached to metal atom and satisfies its co-ordination number. Ligands can be
classified as bidentate, tri, tetra and hexadentate depending upon their binding sites.

3.3 Chemicals & Apparatus:

Chromium(III) Chloride hydrate, Thiourea, HCl, Distilled water

Conical flask, Beaker, Stirrer, Filter Paper, Funnel, Watch glass, Glass Rod

3.4 Chemical equation:-

CrCl3.6H2O +H2N C NH2 [Cr(thiourea)3]+3 Cl33-

3.4.1 Ratio:

1:3 ratios of both chromium chloride Hydrate and thiourea is taken respectively. 3
thiourea molecules make dative bond with chromium.

3.5 Procedure:-

Prepared 1M soln. of CrCl6.H2O and thiourea respectively. Mixed 1:3 ratios of

both solutions as 10ml and 30ml of both respectively. Added few drops of 3M HCl. Heated
the mixed solution until crystalline precipitates formed .Slurry obtained is dissolved in
minimum of water at 50-60°C. Filtered it rapidly. Dried them and determined the yield.

3.6 Yield of complex Calculations:

Table 3.1

Theoretical Yield (g) Actual Yield (g) % Yield

1.251 0.75 60

% yield = actual yield/theoretical yield × 100 = 0.75/1.251×100= 60%

3.7 Solubility:-

Table 3.2

S. Solvent Solubility
1. Water Soluble

2. Methanol Sparingly
3. Ethanol Sparingly
4. Acetone Sparingly

3.8 Properties of ligand:-

Table 3.3

Molecular formula CH4N2S

Formula mass 76.12 gmol-1
Density 1.045 gcm-3
Melting point 162 °C

Thiourea is a planar molecule. The C=S bond distance is 1.60±0.1Å for thiourea (as well as
many of its derivatives). The material has the unusual property of changing to ammonium
thiocyanate upon heating above 130 °C. Upon cooling, the ammonium salt converts back to

3.8.1 Structure:-


Cr Cl3-


3.9 Interpretation of Spectra:-

The interpretation of different spectra e.g. UV, IR, NMR.

3.9.1 Proton NMR:

2 1 0

Proton NMR of Tristhiourea chromium(III) Chloride complex shows only a single peak,
which is due to NH group at 2.0 which is downfield due to electronegativity of nitrogen.

3.9.2 Carbon NMR:

200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0


In carbon NMR of Tristhiourea chromium(III) Chloride only a single peak is visible due to 3
carbon atoms having same chemical environment peak is downfield due to attachment of
nitrogen atom which is electronegative.

3.9.3 IR spectra:

The IR spectrum has been recorded in the range 400-4000 cm-1.

In the IR spectra of chloro complexes, bands corresponding to ν(M–Cl) are observed

at 345–320 cm-1 indicating the presence of an M–Cl bond. The presence of bands at 1420–
1415, 1320–1280, and 1051–1018 cm-1, in the IR spectra of the nitrato complexes suggests
that both nitrate groups are coordinated to the central metal ion in a unidentate manner.
3.9.4 UV spectra:-
Table 3.4

Complex λmax (nm)

Tristhiourea chromium(III) Chloride 451

The name of the element chromium is derived from the Greek word, Chroma, meaning
colour, because many of its compounds are intensely coloured. Chromium is a chemical
element with symbol Cr and atomic number 24. It is the first element in Group 6. It has
unfilled d orbitals in no 5 dxy dyz dzx dx2-y2 dz2.


t2 g

5 dxy dyz dzx dx2-y2 dz2

The Tristhiourea chromium(III) Chloride Complex show Maximum Absorbance at 451nm.

The transition metal in the complex has empty d orbital upon the absorbance of light in the
range of visible light the lower laying electron in t2g is move toward eg orbital at higher
energy so the transition of electron from t2g to eg called d-d transition due to which the
compound show the colours.

3.10 Discussion:-

This synthesis was gravimetric type of analysis in which after preparing solution we
followed a described procedure. The product is recrystallized by dissolving it in thiourea
solution with few drops of sulphuric acid. After calculations we interpret the spectra of the
complex e.g. NMR, IR UV spectra etc. Checked the solubility of the complex with water,
ethanol, acetone etc. Explained the chemistry in terms of colour, structure and properties.

For UV-Visible studies 0.001M solutions were prepared and spectra were studied
that give the Lambda max value at 451nm the range of UV-visible is 180-800nm. The
Tristhiourea chromium(III) Chloride aluminium Complex shows Maximum Absorbance at

The NMR spectra of both complex and Ligand was taken both are the different from
each other giving the different peaks of proton and C at different value of Chemical shift that
indicates the formation of the complex between the Transition metal and Ligand in 1:3.

IR spectra Of Tristhiourea chromium(III) Chloride gives the different information

about the complex. The IR range is from 12500cm-1 to 10cm-1. It is divided into three regions,
Near IR region, Mid IR region, Far IR Region having range 12500-4000cm-1, 4000-200cm-1
and 200-10cm-1 respectively. Mostly Used region is id IR Region that is further divided into
functional group region 4000-1600cm-1 and finger print region 1500-650cm-1. IR region tell
us about the O-H, N-H, C-H starching in 3700-2700cm-1 and C=C, C≡C in 2700-200cm-
C=O at 1700 cm-1. In addition, most important peak C-M in range of 585-413 cm-1 is change
according to nature of metal.

Experiment No. 4

Preparation of Tris-thiourea copper sulphate and determination of yield.

4.1 Principle:-

It is the synthesis type of reaction in which Analysis is taken out gravimetrically.

Weighing out the precipitates of resulting product. It is quantitative type of Analysis in which
yield is being determined of complex that is formed through coordination between donor and

4.2 Theory:-

This reaction is based upon complexometric reaction between metal and ligand.
Ligand has binding sites with it while metal has co-ordination number from 2-6.Some heavy
transition metals have transition number 8-12. Ligand attached to metal atom and satisfies its
co-ordination number. These ligands are classified as bidentate, tri, tetra and hexadentate
depending upon their binding sites.

4.3 Chemicals & Apparatus:-



1M H2SO4

Conical flask, Beaker, Stirrer, Filter Paper, Hirsch Funnel, Watch glass, Glass Rod

4.4 Chemical equation:-

2CuSO4.5H2O+7NH2 C NH2 [Cu(thiourea)3]2SO4.H2O

4.5 Procedure:-

Prepared the solution of thiourea and copper sulphate. Added slowly the 15ml
solution of copper sulphate in 15 ml solution of thiourea with continuous stirring. Allowed
the solution to stand. Prepared a cold solution of 10ml thiourea and added to the reaction
mixture. Stirred vigorously and allowed to stand and filtered white crystals on Hirsch funnel.
Recrystallized the product with dissolving in thiourea solution 0.15g in 30ml of water
containing a few drops of H2SO4. Heated for 75°C to dissolve. Cooled solution filtered
crystals. Washed with 5ml of alcohol. Weighed the product and determined the yield.

4.6 complex yield Calculations:-

Table 4.1

Theoretical Yield (g) Actual Yield (g) % Yield

3.60 2.4 66

%age yield = actual yield/theoretical yield × 100 = 2.4/3.60×100= 66 %

4.7 Properties of ligand:-

Table 4.2

Molecular formula CH4N2S

Formula mass 76.12 gmol-1
Density 1.045 gcm-3
Melting point 162 °C

4.8 Solubility:-

Table 4.3

S. Solvent Solubility
1. Water Soluble

2. Methanol Sparingly
3. Ethanol Sparingly
4. Acetone Sparingly

The procedure was followed C=S, ligand and Cr Salt allowed to react with but it was
unsuccessful complexation does not occurred. Basic need of Complexation is symmetry of
metal and ligand must match with each other.

Melting point was taken the Ligand melting point is 162◦C and the product has M.P is 172◦C
that show that no complex is formed.

Reason for complexation is might be No optimum condition was provided, heating

temperature and might be the Ligand is impure due to which the product was not obtained.

4.10 Discussion:-

This synthesis was gravimetric type of analysis. The product is recrystallized by

dissolving it in thiourea solution with few drops of sulphuric acid. After calculations we
interpret the spectra of the complex e.g. NMR, IR UV spectra etc. shows that only thiourea is
present in solution no complex is formed.

Reason for complexation is might be No optimum condition was provided, heating

Temperature and might be the Ligand is impure due to which the product was not obtained.

Synthesis of Schiff Base and its Tin(II) Complex
A Schiff base, named after Hugo Schiff, is a compound with a functional group that contains
a carbon-nitrogen double bond with the nitrogen atom connected to an aryl or alkyl group.
The electrophilic carbon atoms of aldehydes and ketones can be targets of nucleophilic attack
by amines. The end result of this reaction is a compound in which the C=O double bond is
replaced by a C=N double bond. This type of compound is known as an imine, or Schiff




Aldehyde or ketone C=O is replaced by C=N by the attack of nucleophilic amines. This type
of compound is known as imine or Schiff base.

3-D structure:-



Experiment No. 5

Preparation of Ligand C12H20N2O2

5.1 Principle:-

The electrophilic carbon atoms of aldehydes and ketones can be targets of

nucleophilic attack by amines. The end result of this reaction is a compound in which the
C=O double bond is replaced by a C=N double bond. This type of compound is known as
an imine, or Schiff base.

5.2 Chemicals:-


Absolute ethanol (25 mL),

Acetylacetone (0.2 mol),

Stannous chloride (1.9 g)

5.3 Apparatus:-



Magnetic stirrer,


Tripod stand,

Filter paper

5.4 Chemical Equation:-

C2H8N2 + 2C5H8O2
→ C12H20N2O2 +2H2O
5.5 Procedure:-

A solution of 6.68mL (0.1M) of ethylenediamine in 50mL of absolute ethanol was

slowly added drop wise to a solution of 20.5mL (0.2M) of acetyl acetone in 150mL of
Absolute ethanol over a period of 2hrs. The reaction mixture was stirred for additional 1hr
and filtered. The cream coloured crystals of ligand were washed with water and then with
ethyl ether and dried.



C2H8N2 Exact Mass: 224.15
Exact Mass: 60.07 Mol. Wt.: 224.3
Mol. Wt.: 60.1 C5H8O2
m/e: 224.15 (100.0%), 225.16 (13.3%), 226.16
m/e: 60.07 (100.0%), 61.07 Exact Mass: 100.05
(2.9%) Mol. Wt.: 100.12
C, 64.26; H, 8.99; N, 12.49; O, 14.27
m/e: 100.05 (100.0%), 101.06 (5.6%)
C, 39.97; H, 13.42; N, 46.61
C, 59.98; H, 8.05; O, 31.96

5.6 Proton NMR:-

3 2 1 0

5.7 C-NMR:-

220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0


5.8 Discussion:-

Faced some problem while performing this experiment. When added the solution of
ethylenediamine to the solution of acetyl acetone and remained it on stirring plate for about 2-
3 hours. The cream colour ppt. were obtained but disappeared. Tried to gets stable ppts.by
changing the concentration of described chemicals but the result was the same. Performed
experiment two time but the result was same.

Might be some impurities are present due to which the compound are ppt are formed and
dissolved or might be due to less concentration of ligand.

Experiment NO. 6

Synthesis of Tin(II) Complex with Schiff Base

6.1 Principle:-

It is the synthesis type of reaction in which Analysis is taken out gravimetrically.

Weighing out the precipitates of resulting product. It is quantitative type of Analysis in which
yield is being determined of complex that is formed through coordination between donor and

6.2 Theory:-

This reaction is based upon complexometric reaction between metal and ligand.
Ligand has binding sites with it while metal has co-ordination number from 2-6.Some heavy
transition metals have transition number 8-12. Ligand attached to metal atom and satisfies its
co-ordination number. These ligands are classified as bidentate, tri, tetra and hexadentate
depending upon their binding sites.

6.3 Chemicals:-

Absolute ethanol (25 mL),

Acetylacetone (0.2 mol),

Stannous chloride (1.9 g)

6.4 Apparatus:-



Magnetic stirrer,


Tripod stand,

Filter paper

6.5 Chemical Equation:-

SnCl4 + C12H20N2O2→ C12H16N2O2Sn +4HCl

6.6 Procedure:-
SnCl4 solution is allowed to react with Ligand but due to some reasons ligand is not
formed so were not able to continue this experiment.

Experiment NO. 7

Preparation of Cis-dichlorobis(1, 2-diaminoethane) chromium(III)

chloride, Cis-[CrCl2(en)2]Cl.1.5H2O

7.1 Principle:-

Preparation of this complex is based on the reaction between the stoichiometric

amount of the diamine and a solution of green chromium(III) chloride and dimethyl sulfoxide
or dimethylforamide from which water has been distilled off. The compounds are
characterized their absorption and secular dichroism spectra.

7.2 Theory:-

This reaction is based upon complexometric reaction between metal and ligand.
Ligand has binding sites with it while metal has co-ordination number from 2-6.some heavy
transition metals have transition number 8-12. Ligand attached to metal atom and satisfies its
co-ordination number. These ligands are classified as bidentate, tri, tetra and hexadentate
depending upon their binding sites.

7.3 Chemicals & Apparatus:-

Dimethylforamide (30cm3),

Chromium Chloride,

1, 2-diaminoethane (5cm3),


Beaker (250cm3), Hot Plate, Dropper, Dry Pump, Filter paper, Funnel, tripod Stand

7.4 Chemical Equation:-

CrCl3.6H2O+2en → [Cr(en)2Cl2]Cl.H2O + 5H2O

7.5 Procedure:-

Chromium chloride is dissolved in 30 cm3 dimethylforamide in a 250cm3 beaker.

Heated it on a plate and volume is reduced to half. Now we added 5cm3 1,2 diaminoethane
slowly by using a dropper. Solid purple precipitate are formed which are precipitated out by
the use of methanol. The precipitates are dried at the pump. Melting point and %age yield is
find out.

7.6 Yield of complex Calculations:

Table 7.1

Theoretical Yield (g) Actual Yield (g) % Yield

2.21 1.20 54.29

% yield = actual yield/theoretical yield × 100 = 1.20/2.21× 100= 54.29%

Hence the %age yield is 54.29%

Safety Reminder:

1, 2-diaminoethane will burn the skin, Vapour Harmful. So, it should be used with care
otherwise it will be harmful.

7.7 Solubility:-

Table 7.2

S. Solvent Solubility
1. Water Soluble

2. Methanol Insoluble

3. Ethanol Insoluble

7.7.1 Colour:-

 The anhydrous compound with the formula CrCl3 is a violet solid.

 The most common form of the trichloride is the dark green "hexahydrate",

7.8 Properties of ligand:-

Table 7.3

Molecular formula C2H8N2

Formula mass 60.10 gmol-1
Density 0.90 gcm-3
Melting point 8 C0
Boiling point 116 C0
Odour Ammonical

7.8.1 Structure:-


Cr Cl H2O


Exact Mass: 305.99
Mol. Wt.: 307.57
m/e: 305.99 (100.0%), 307.98 (91.5%), 309.98 (32.2%), 306.99 (16.5%), 308.98 (11.8%), 308.99 (5.4%),
310.98 (5.4%), 307.99 (5.2%), 303.99 (4.9%), 311.98 (4.2%), 306.98 (1.4%)
C, 19.53; H, 5.57; Cl, 34.58; Cr, 16.91; N, 18.22; O, 5.20

7.9 Interpretation of Spectra:-

The interpretation of different spectra e.g.UV,IR,NMR etc are discussed here

8.9.1 IR spectra:

The IR spectrum range is from 450 – 3800 cm-1.

In the IR spectra of chloro complexes, bands corresponding to ν(M–Cl) are observed at 345–
320 cm-1 indicating the pres ence of an M–Cl bond. The presence of bands at 1420–1415,
1320–1280, and 1051–1018 cm-1, in the IR spectra of the nitrato complexes suggests that both
nitrate groups are coordinated to the central metal ion in a unidentate manner

7.9.2 Proton NMR:

2 1 0

Carbon atom is attached with Nitrogen which is more electronegative. So the peak will be
downfield. It shows two peaks one at 2ppm and other is at 2.90ppm.

7.9.3 Carbon NMR:

25 20 15 10 5 0

The carbon NMR of Tris (1,2 diaminoethane) chromium(III) complex shows only
one peak at 27ppm.

7.9.4 UV spectra:

Table 7.4

Complex λmax (nm)

Cis-[CrCl2(en)2]Cl.1.5H2O 364

Interpretation of UV-Visible spectra:-

For UV-visible 0.001M solutions were prepared and spectra were taken.

The Cis-[CrCl2(en)2]Cl.1.5H2O Complex show Maximum Absorbance at

364nm.the transition metal in the complex has empty d orbital upon the absorbance of light in
the range of visible light the lower laying electron in t2g is move toward eg orbital at higher
energy so the transition of electron from t2g to eg called d-d transition due to which the
compound show the colours.

7.10 Discussion:-

It was complexometric reaction between metal and ligand reacts with each other.
After precipitate is formed need to a pump to dry them but unfortunately it was not available,
but managed the things by dying them in sunlight. After drying performed the calculations
and wrote the results.

The solubility e.g.in water, ethanol chloroform etc. was checked .Interpretation of
different spectra was a bit tough as we have not instruments like IR,NMR and X-Ray
Diffraction. So, collected data from online sources. Properties and structure are also being
explained at the last we have different applications of the described metal and complexes
which are discussed in detail.

For UV-Visible studies 0.001M solutions were prepared and spectra were studied
that give the Lambda max value at 364nm the range of UV-visible is 180-800nm. The
Complex shows Maximum Absorbance at 364nm. The transition metal in the complex has
empty d orbital upon the absorbance of light in the range of visible light the lower laying
electron in t2g is move toward eg orbital at higher energy so the transition of electron from
t2g to eg called d-d transition due to which the compound show the colours.

The NMR spectra of both complex and Ligand was taken both are the different from
each other giving the different peaks of proton and C at different value of Chemical shift that
indicates the formation of the complex between the Transition metal and Ligand.

IR spectra of complex gives the different information about the complex. The IR
range is from 12500cm-1 to 10cm-1. It is divided into three regions, Near IR region, Mid IR
region, Far IR Region having range 12500-4000cm-1, 4000-200cm-1 and 200-10cm-1
respectively. Mostly Used region is id IR Region that is further divided into functional group
region 4000-1600cm-1 and finger print region 1500-650cm-1. IR region tell us about the O-H,
N-H, C-H starching in 3700-2700cm-1 and C=C, C≡C in 2700-200cm-1C=O at 1700 cm-1.
And most important peak C-M in range of 585-413 cm-1 is change according to nature of

IR Ranges for Respective Complex:-

C-N stretching 1500-1300cm-1

C-C stretching 1300-800 cm-1

Cr-N stretching 585-413 cm-1

Cr-Cl Starching 579-354 cm-1

Experiment NO. 8

Preparation of Cis k-⌠Cr(OX)2(H2O)2⌡.H2O

8.1 Principle:-

It is based on the reaction between the stoichiometric amount of the potassium

dichromate and oxalic acid dihydrated. The compounds are characterized their absorption and
circular dichroism spectra.

8.2 Theory:-

It is based upon complexometric reaction between metal and ligand. Metal has
coordination number may be 2-6 but some heavy transition metals have coordination 8-
12.Lignad attached to metal atom and satisfies its co-ordination number. These ligands are
classified as bidentate, tri, tetra and hexadentate depending upon their binding sites.

8.3 Chemical & Apparatus:-

Ground potassium dichromate,

Oxalic acid dihydrated,

Water (one-two drop), Ethanol

China dish, watch glass, dropper, stirrer, glass rod, filter paper, dry at pump

8.4 Chemical Equation:-

K2Cr2O7 + (COOH)2 → Cis k-⌠Cr(OX)2(H2O)2⌡.H20

8.5 Procedure:-

Prepared a mixture of finely ground potassium dichromate and oxalic acid dehydrate
heap mixture in dish. Place one drop of water and cover with watch glass. After short
induction period the reaction commences and soon become vigorous. The product of this
reaction is purple viscous liquid. Over which poured ethanol, mixture is stirred and ground
with glass rod, repeat process with second portion of ethanol. Filter, dry at pump and
determine yield.

8.6 Yield of complex Calculations:

Table 8.1

Theoretical Yield (g) Actual Yield (g) % Yield

12 6.46 53

% yield= actual yield/theoretical yield × 100 = 6.46/12×100= 53%

8.7 Solubility:-

Table 8.2

S. Solvent Solubility
1. Water Soluble

2. Methanol Insoluble

3. Ethanol Insoluble

4. Chloroform Soluble

8.8 Properties of ligand:-

Table 8.3

Molecular formula C2H2O4

Formula mass 90.03 gmol-1
Density 1.90 gcm-3
Melting point 102 to 103
Odour Carbolic odour

8.8.1 Structure:


O Cr


The complex of chromium with oxalate ions is fairly easy to form. A great care is required
while pouring the mixture on watch glass and making it somehow wet with only one drop of
water otherwise a severe reaction will takes place.

8.9 Interpretation of Spectra:-

The interpretation of different spectra e.g. UV, IR, NMR etc. are discussed here

8.9.1 IR spectra:-

The IR spectrum for this complex show bands in the 3,600–3,200 cm-1 region
correspond to stretching vibrations. Moreover, the broad band in the range 3,300–3,100 cm-1,
observed also in the oxalic acid dihydrated, can be assigned to strong hydrogen bonds. ν (O-
H) and ν (O-H) of water molecules. The Concerning the oxalate groups, the vibration
frequencies appearing between 1,700 and 1,000 cm-1 confirm their various coordination
modes via one to four oxygen atoms. The two spectra give also characteristic vibrations of

oxalate ligands, localized at 1,690, 1,470, 1,400, 1,250 cm-1. In the high frequency range, the
broad band centered at 3,500 cm-1 can be assigned to H-bonded hydrogen oxalate groups
vibrations. More interesting are the peaks in the region 1,730–1,000 cm-.The bands at 1,720
and 1,710 cm-1 are attributed to C=O stretching of COOH group and the peaks at 1,630 ,,470
and 1,410 as well as those at 1,286 and 1,220 (C-O),1,110 (C-OH) and 722 cm-support
the presence of bridging-chelating oxalate group observed near 590 cm-1.

8.9.2 Proton NMR:

2 1 0

This K[Cr(OX)2(H2O)2].H2O complex show broad peak due to impurities. Water molecule
outside the sphere does not show any absorbance.

8.9.3 Carbon NMR:-

160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0


This complex shows only one peak in Carbon NMR. It shows peak at 160ppm. Carbon will
be attracted towards the Oxygen because of its higher electronegativity. So the peak will be
down field.

UV Spectrum:-

ABS Sm ooth: 25 Deri.: 0
















0.0 nm
200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

UV-Visible spectrum in the range 250–800 nm. The peak is maximum at about 260 nm.

Table 8.4

Complex λmax (nm)

Cis k-⌠Cr(OX)2(H2O)2⌡.H2O 260

Interpretation of UV-Visible spectra:-

For UV-visible 0.001M solutions were prepared and spectra were taken.

The Cis k-⌠Cr(OX)2(H2O)2⌡.H2O Complex show Maximum Absorbance at 260nm.the

transition metal in the complex has empty d orbital upon the absorbance of light in the range
of visible light the lower laying electron in t2g is move toward eg orbital at higher energy so
the transition of electron from t2g to eg called d-d transition due to which the compound
show the colours.

8.10 Discussion:-

For this oxalate bidentate ligand was used to form complex. The synthesis involves the redox
reaction in which oxalate serve as reductant oxalate function as ligand. The purpose of these
experiments to prepare Cr-Complex with ligands. Ligands used was oxalate, ethylenediamine,
and thiourea etc. Cr is transition metal having colured complexes with different ligands.it has
d-orbitals that are degenerate and 5 in number.

The name of the element chromium is derived from the Greek word, Chroma, meaning
colour, because many of its compounds are intensely coloured. Chromium is a chemical
element with symbol Cr and atomic number 24. It is the first element in Group 6. It has
unfilled d orbitals in no 5 dxy dyz dzx dx2-y2 dz2.


↑ ↑ ↑

↑ t2g↑ ↑

5 dxy dyz dzx dx2-y2 dz2

The chromium Complex shows Absorbance at lambda nm. The transition metal in the
complex has empty d orbital upon the absorbance of light in the range of visible light the
lower laying electron in t2g is move toward eg orbital at higher energy so the transition of
electron from t2g to eg called d-d transition due to which the compound show the colours.

Experiment No. 9

Preparation of Tris (1,2-diaminoethane) chromium(III) chloride.

9.1 Principle:-

It is based on the reaction between the stoichiometric amount of the Chromium

sulphate and Ethylenediamine from which water has been distilled off. The compounds are
characterized their absorption and secular dichroism spectra.

9.2 Theory:-

This reaction is based upon complexometric reaction between metal and ligand. Ligand
has binding sites with it while metal has co-ordination number from 2-6.some heavy
transition metals have transition number 8-12. Ligand attached to metal atom and satisfies its
co-ordination number. These ligands are classified as bidentate, tri, tetra and hexadentate
depending upon their binding sites.

9.3 Chemicals & Apparatus:-

Chromium sulphate (25 g),

Ethylenediamine 99%,

Hydrochloric acid.

Conical flask, Sprit lamp, Air condenser, Beaker, Stirrer, Filter Paper.

9.4 Chemical equation:-

CrSO4 +3en [Cr(en)3]2(SO4)3

9.5 Procedure:-
The first stage in this synthesis is the preparation of Tris ethylenediamine chromium
sulphate from which the chloride is obtained by the treatment with HCl. Placed 25g
chromium sulphate at 1000c and ethylenediamine is added. Fit the flask on air condenser and
heat on steam bath. The chromium sulphate is soon begun to lose its colour. A brown mass is
finely produced which is left on the steam bath for 12 hour. Grind the product to powder
form. Washed with alcohol and dry in air.
9.6 Observations:-

After mixing up the solution needed steam bath to put our product on it. But
unfortunately steam bath was not available so used water bath instead of it. The temperature
of water can rise only up to 100 C0 and needed higher temperature so this trick didn’t work.
So, after being consulted with the instructor he told to use the burner and placed beaker on it
directly. Kept solution on the burner for about 6-8 hours but unluckily nothing happened in
the favour of desired results. So due to unavailability of steam bath the results are not
obtained of this experiment.

9.6 Reason:-

Complexation did not occurre due to unavailability of optimum conditions for

complexation. Might be some impurities were present due to which complex is not formed.
There was also a main reason of unavailability of steam bath due to which desired results
could not be achieved. For complexation the geometry of ligand and metal should be same if
not complex did not form.


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