KPP 6014 Perkembangan Sosial Emosi Dan Moral: Tajuk Ringkasan Jurnal

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Fakulti Pembangunan Manusia

KPP 6014





SUMITHA A/P S.VISVANATHAN M2018100039 014-9062910

Tarikh Hantar: 22 JUN 2018



Ringkasan Jurnal

Author(s), Year, Title Objectives Methodology Findings Suggestion/

Fatma Basak Altay, Investigate the Participants - Girls have more - Investigation on social
Alysen Gure associations of social - Mothers and positive competence by the
Relationship among competence and teachers (women) interactions with peers and the teachers
the parenting styles prosocial, behaviors of of 344 children their peers and in term of parenting
and the social the boys and girls who enrolled in state teachers than the styles.
competence and are attending to private and private boys do. - Finding of the study can
prosocial behaviors or state preschools with preschools in - Boys have be validating in other
of the children who the parenting styles of Ankara. negative cultural and social
are attending to state mother’s perception - 176 of the children interactions with settings.
and private were girls and 168 their peers more
preschools, 2012 of them were boys than the girls do.
ranging from 3-5 - The scores of
years of age negative
- The average length interactions with
of education of peers of the
mothers were 14.21 children who have
years. authoritative
- Average working parents were
period of teachers higher than those
was 8.56 years. of the children
Instrument who have
- Parenting Styles permissive
and Dimension parents.
Scales - Scores of
- Teacher Rating negative
Scales for Social interactions with
Competence peer and non-
- Prosocial Behavior interaction
Scale behaviors of the
Data analysis technique children attending
- Multiple Covariance to a private
Analysis preschool were
higher than that of
the children
attending to a
state preschool.
Keith A.King, Linda To investigate foster Participants - Foster parents - Offer additional trainings
K.Kraemer, Amy parent’s involvement in - Foster parents reported parenting to foster parents on how
L.Bernard, Rebecca authoritative parenting residing in in an authoritative to parent in an
A.Vidourek and interest in future Clermont, Hamilton manner. authoritative manner.
Foster Parent’s parenting training. and Warren - Higher educated - Provide ongoing support
Involvement in counties in foster parents and practical strategies
Aithoritative southwest Ohio were more likely to foster parent who
Parenting and (N=503) to let their foster wish to parent in an
Interest in Future Instrument child know that authoritative manner.
Parenting Training, - 38 - item survey he/she can talk - Conduct focus groups
2007 instrument about their with foster parents
- survey consisted of problems to them. which seek to explain
two subscales and - No relationship differences found in this
a demographic between income study based
segment and the use of demographic variables.
- 1st subscale – authoritative - Determine the factors
Foster parent parenting. that most influence
involvement in - Foster parent with foster parent’s
authoritative less than 5 years involvement in
parenting of experience in authoritative parenting
- 2 subscale –
foster parenting and develop trainings
Foster parent’s were more aimed at increasing
interest in involved in such factors.
authoritative authoritative
parenting training. parenting and
Data analysis technique were more
- Data analyses were interested in
performed by using training on
the Stastical authoritative
Package for the parenting than
Social Sciences. those who had
(SPSS) five or more years
of foster parenting
Albert Alegre To investigate the Participants - there was no - Suggests to train
The Relation relationship between - 155 mothers correlation parent-child informal
Between the Time the time mother’s spent - 159 children (7-12 between joint joint activity in the
Mothers and Children with their children in years old) activity and the development of
Spent Together and joint-activity and the Instrument single measure of children’s trait emotional
the Children’s Trait trait emotional - Mothers were given emotional intelligence dimensions.
Emotional intelligence of their the demographic intelligence.
Intelligence, 2012 children. questionnaire and a - the time mothers
short time-log that and children
they answered at played together
home. correlated with the
- Children answered children’s
two questionnaires tendency to
to measure their regulate emotions
emotional and this relation
intelligence. remained
Data analysis technique significant even
- ANOVA analysis after controlling
- Descriptives and for responsive
correlations parenting.
- the time spent in
joint educational
activity correlated
with children’s
trait emotional
intelligence with
their interpersonal
intelligence and
their ability to
attend to and
- joint TV did not
correlate with trait
- the time mother
and child spent
together in
endeavors such
as putting child to
bed, having lunch
or dinner, doing
homework would
not relate to
Jeffery K.Shears, Examine the structure Participants - The results
Leanne Whiteside- and factor loadings of - 315 married indicate that the
Mansell, Lorraine an authoritarian couples who had authoritarian
McKelvvey, James parenting scale. toddlers parenting scale
Selig participating in the was a consistent
Assesing Mothers Early Head Start and accurate
and Fathers Research and measure of
Authoritarian Evaluation Project. authoritarian
Attitudes: The - Participants parenting
Psychometric consisted largely of attitudes with both
Properties of a Brief white, African mothers and
Survey, 2008 American and fathers.
Hispanic low-
income parents
- 26% mothers, 22%
fathers (African
- 22% mothers, 14%
fathers (Hispanic
- Most 71% parents
had high school
degrees or GED
- Authoritarian
Parenting Beliefs
Subscale (APBS).
- Parental Modernity
Scale (PMS)
- Survey questions
- Observational
- research assistant-
Data analysis technique
- Descriptive

Beth S.Russell, - To examine a Participants - Caregiving - Intervention in early

Jungeun Olivia Lee, model of - Participant families context in the child-rearing contexts
Susan Spieker and development in the NICHD Study toddler and promises to be a
Monica L.Oxford that of Early Child Care preschool period powerful path to
Parenting and emphasizes and Youth have significant bolstering children’s self
Preschool Self- early care Development were influence on and social regulation
Regulation as giving recruited in 1991 social –emotional skills in the service of
Predictors of Social environments from hospitals competencies in school readiness.
Emotional as predictors of located in 10 1st grade. - Parents and educators
Competence in 1 social emotional locations in the - Echo evidence in can be supported by
Grade, 2016 competence United States. the school interventions that
including (N=1364) readiness and self encourage the use of
classroom - participants are all –regulation language at home as
competence. English speaking. literature that more than early literacy
- To analysis - older than age 18. indicates features tool, but to use
model included - did not of caregiving language at its most
features of acknowledge any contexts during basic purpose as a
parenting, substance use the first 3 years communication tool to
emotion - lived in safe are important in express ourselves and
regulation, locations within a language share ideas within social
preschool given proximity of development and contexts.
language skills the research site. protect against
and attention to Instrument inattention.
predict child - Analyses were - Kindergartners
outcomes in 1st drawn from four inattention is
grade. data collection time seemingly
points in the NICHD underpinned by
SECCYD protocol : features of the
15 months,36 child-rearing
months, 54 months context including
and 1st grade. the quality of early
- teacher reports relationships and
- parent reports is, in turn, a
- observational significant
sources collected predictor of 1st
either in the child’s grade social-
home in a child emotional
care center or in competence.
laboratory setting.
- Centre for
Studies Depression
Scale, Home
Observation for
Measurement of the
(HOME) {15-36
months visits}
- anger/frustration
subscale of
(CBQ), data on
children’s attention
regulation from the
Performance Task
(CPT) and the
Language Scale
(PLS) {54 months
Data analysis technique
- Descriptive
statistics includes
these 3 variables.
1 . caregiving
context during the
first 3 years of life.
2. child’s preschool
self regulation.
3. social-emotional
competencies in 1st

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