Time Definite: DHL Express

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DHL Express
Countries & Territories Zone Countries & Territories Zone Countries & Territories Zone Countries & Territories Zone
Afghanistan ROW Dominica ROW Lesotho ROW Sao Tome and Principe ROW
Albania Europe Dominican Republic ROW Liberia ROW Saudi Arabia ROW
Algeria ROW East Timor ASEAN Libya ROW Senegal ROW
American Samoa ROW Ecuador ROW Lithuania Europe Serbia, Republic of Europe
Andorra Europe Egypt ROW Liechtenstein Europe Seychelles Europe
Angola ROW El Salvador ROW Luxembourg Europe Sierra Leone ROW
Anguilla ROW Eritrea ROW Macau Rest of AP Singapore ASEAN
Antigua ROW Estonia Europe Macedonia, Republic of Europe Slovakia Europe
Argentina ROW Ethiopia ROW Madagascar ROW Slovenia Europe
Armenia Europe Falkland Islands ROW Malawi ROW Solomon Islands Rest of AP
Aruba ROW Faroe Islands Europe Malaysia ASEAN Somalia ROW
Australia Rest of AP Fiji Rest of AP Maldives Rest of AP Somaliland, Rep of (North Somalia) ROW
Austria Europe Finland Europe Mali ROW South Africa ROW
Azerbaijan Europe France Europe Malta Europe South Sudan ROW
Bahamas ROW French Guyana ROW Marshall Islands ROW Spain Europe
Bahrain ROW Gabon ROW Martinique ROW Sri Lanka Rest of AP
Bangladesh Rest of AP Gambia ROW Mauritania ROW St Helena ROW
Barbados ROW Georgia Europe Mauritius ROW St. Barthelemy ROW
Belarus Europe Germany Europe Mayotte ROW St. Eustatius ROW
Belgium Europe Ghana ROW Mexico US/CA/MX St. Kitts ROW
Belize ROW Gibraltar Europe Monaco Europe St. Lucia ROW
Benin ROW Greece Europe Micronesia, Federated States Of Rest of AP St. Maarten ROW
Bermuda ROW Greenland Europe Moldova, Republic Of Europe St. Vincent ROW
Bhutan Rest of AP Grenada ROW Mongolia Rest of AP Sudan ROW
Bolivia ROW Guadeloupe ROW Montenegro, Republic of Europe Suriname ROW
Bonaire ROW Guam ROW Montserrat ROW Swaziland ROW
Bosnia and Herzegovina Europe Guatemala ROW Morocco ROW Sweden Europe
Botswana ROW Guernsey Europe Mozambique ROW Switzerland Europe
Brazil ROW Guinea Republic ROW Myanmar Rest of AP Syria ROW
Brunei ASEAN Guinea-Bissau ROW Namibia ROW Tahiti Rest of AP
Bulgaria Europe Guinea-Equatorial ROW Nauru, Republic Of Rest of AP Taiwan Rest of AP
Burkina Faso ROW Guyana (British) ROW Nepal Rest of AP Tajikistan ROW
Burundi ROW Haiti ROW Netherlands, The Europe Tanzania ROW
Cambodia ASEAN Honduras ROW Nevis ROW Thailand ASEAN
Cameroon ROW Hong Kong Rest of AP New Caledonia Rest of AP Togo ROW
Canada US/CA/MX Hungary Europe New Zealand Rest of AP Tonga Rest of AP
Canary Islands, The ROW Iceland Europe Nicaragua ROW Trinidad and Tobago ROW
Cape Verde ROW India Rest of AP Niger ROW Tunisia ROW
Cayman Islands ROW Indonesia - Nigeria ROW Turkey Europe
Central African Republic ROW Iran (Islamic Republic of) ROW Niue Rest of AP Vatican Europe
Chad ROW Iraq ROW Norway Europe Turks and Caicos Islands ROW
Chile ROW Ireland, Republic Of Europe Oman ROW Tuvalu Rest of AP
China I Rest of AP Israel Europe Pakistan Rest of AP Uganda ROW
China II Rest of AP Italy Europe Palau ROW Ukraine Europe
Colombia ROW Jamaica ROW Panama ROW United Arab Emirates ROW
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana's Islands
ROW Japan Rest of AP Papua New Guinea Rest of AP United Kingdom Europe
Comoros ROW Jersey Europe Paraguay ROW United States Of America US/CA/MX
Congo ROW Jordan ROW Peru ROW Uruguay ROW
Congo, The Democratic Republic of ROW Kazakhstan ROW Philippines, The ASEAN Uzbekistan ROW
Cook Islands Rest of AP Kenya ROW Poland Europe Vanuatu Rest of AP
Costa Rica ROW Kiribati Rest of AP Portugal Europe Venezuela ROW
Cote d'Ivoire ROW KOREA, REPUBLIC OF (SOUTH K.) Rest of AP Puerto Rico ROW Vietnam ASEAN
Croatia Europe KOREA, THE D.P.R OF (NORTH K.) Rest of AP Qatar ROW Virgin Islands (British) ROW
Cuba ROW Kosovo Europe Reunion, Island Of ROW Virgin Islands (US) ROW
Curacao ROW Kuwait ROW Romania Europe Yemen, Republic of ROW
Cyprus Europe Kyrgyzstan ROW Russian Federation, The Europe Zambia ROW
Czech Republic, The Europe Lao People's Democratic Republic ASEAN Rwanda ROW Zimbabwe ROW
Denmark Europe Latvia Europe Samoa Rest of AP
Djibouti ROW Lebanon Europe San Marino Europe

Country Service Area

China (CN) *1 Guangzhou (CAN), Dongguan (DGM), Fuzhou (FOC), South China Area (HAK), Chaoshan & Huizhou (SWA), Shenzhen (SZX), Fujian Province (XMN), Zhujiang Delta Area (ZUH)

China (CN) *2 Rest of China (CN)

Date of query: 01-Aug-2018

DHL Express
DHL EXPRESS EASY Document and Non-Document
0.5 (Box 1) 705,000 876,000 1,046,000 1,052,000 1,174,000
1.0 (Box 2) 876,000 1,032,000 1,174,000 1,316,000 1,458,000
2.0 (Box 3) 1,033,000 1,174,000 1,459,000 1,601,000 1,743,000
5.0 (Box 4) 1,459,000 1,885,000 2,169,000 2,595,000 2,737,000
10.0 (Box 5) 2,552,000 2,893,000 3,561,000 4,157,000 4,299,000
15.0 (Box 6) 2,893,000 3,390,000 4,228,000 5,236,000 6,741,000
20.0 (Box 7) 3,220,000 3,902,000 4,740,000 5,904,000 7,253,000
25.0 (Box 8) 3,390,000 4,229,000 5,067,000 7,253,000 8,090,000

Additional rate per kg for Box 8

Above 25kg and
171,000 199,000 228,000 285,000 313,000
up to 30kg

● Customs duKes, taxes (outside of VAT) and clearance-related charges are not included in the
tariffs. Shipment insurance is also available. For more information, please contact our Customer
● All Rates stated here are in IDR currency. Prices are charged pro rata by 0.5 kgs up to 30kg, and
charged on a per kg basis thereafter. The Rates are subject to a General Price Increase (GPI)
effective January 1st of each year.
● Any individual piece or shipment above 1000kg or having odd dimensions (Length > 300cms or
Width > 120cms or Height > 160cms) requires pre-approval of DHL and may be charged at
alternate rates. Please contact your DHL account manager.
● Fuel Surcharges is included in above rates.

Date of query: 01-Aug-2018

DHL Express
Countries & Territories Zone Countries & Territories Zone Countries & Territories Zone Countries & Territories Zone
Afghanistan 9 Dominica 9 Lesotho 9 Sao Tome and Principe 9
Albania 8 Dominican Republic 9 Liberia 9 Saudi Arabia 6
Algeria 9 East Timor 2 Libya 9 Senegal 9
American Samoa 9 Ecuador 9 Lithuania 7 Serbia, Republic of 8
Andorra 7 Egypt 9 Liechtenstein 7 Seychelles 8
Angola 9 El Salvador 9 Luxembourg 7 Sierra Leone 9
Anguilla 9 Eritrea 9 Macau 2 Singapore 1
Antigua 9 Estonia 7 Macedonia, Republic of 8 Slovakia 7
Argentina 9 Ethiopia 9 Madagascar 9 Slovenia 7
Armenia 8 Falkland Islands 9 Malawi 9 Solomon Islands 9
Aruba 9 Faroe Islands 8 Malaysia 2 Somalia 9
Australia 4 Fiji 9 Maldives 6 Somaliland, Rep of (North Somalia) 9
Austria 7 Finland 7 Mali 9 South Africa 8
Azerbaijan 8 France 7 Malta 7 South Sudan 9
Bahamas 9 French Guyana 9 Marshall Islands 9 Spain 7
Bahrain 6 Gabon 9 Martinique 9 Sri Lanka 6
Bangladesh 6 Gambia 9 Mauritania 9 St Helena 9
Barbados 9 Georgia 8 Mauritius 8 St. Barthelemy 9
Belarus 8 Germany 7 Mayotte 8 St. Eustatius 9
Belgium 7 Ghana 9 Mexico 5 St. Kitts 9
Belize 9 Gibraltar 8 Monaco 7 St. Lucia 9
Benin 9 Greece 7 Micronesia, Federated States Of 9 St. Maarten 9
Bermuda 9 Greenland 9 Moldova, Republic Of 8 St. Vincent 9
Bhutan 9 Grenada 9 Mongolia 4 Sudan 9
Bolivia 9 Guadeloupe 9 Montenegro, Republic of 8 Suriname 9
Bonaire 9 Guam 9 Montserrat 9 Swaziland 9
Bosnia and Herzegovina 8 Guatemala 9 Morocco 9 Sweden 7
Botswana 9 Guernsey 8 Mozambique 9 Switzerland 7
Brazil 9 Guinea Republic 9 Myanmar 2 Syria 9
Brunei 2 Guinea-Bissau 9 Namibia 9 Tahiti 9
Bulgaria 7 Guinea-Equatorial 9 Nauru, Republic Of 9 Taiwan 4
Burkina Faso 9 Guyana (British) 9 Nepal 6 Tajikistan 9
Burundi 9 Haiti 9 Netherlands, The 7 Tanzania 9
Cambodia 2 Honduras 9 Nevis 9 Thailand 2
Cameroon 9 Hong Kong 2 New Caledonia 9 Togo 9
Canada 5 Hungary 7 New Zealand 4 Tonga 9
Canary Islands, The 9 Iceland 8 Nicaragua 9 Trinidad and Tobago 9
Cape Verde 9 India 6 Niger 9 Tunisia 9
Cayman Islands 9 Indonesia - Nigeria 9 Turkey 8
Central African Republic 9 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 9 Niue 9 Vatican 7
Chad 9 Iraq 9 Norway 7 Turks and Caicos Islands 9
Chile 9 Ireland, Republic Of 7 Oman 6 Tuvalu 9
China I 3 Israel 8 Pakistan 6 Uganda 9
China II 4 Italy 7 Palau 9 Ukraine 9
Colombia 9 Jamaica 9 Panama 9 United Arab Emirates 6
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana's Islands
8 Japan 3 Papua New Guinea 4 United Kingdom 7
Comoros 9 Jersey 8 Paraguay 9 United States Of America 5
Congo 9 Jordan 6 Peru 9 Uruguay 9
Congo, The Democratic Republic of 9 Kazakhstan 9 Philippines, The 2 Uzbekistan 9
Cook Islands 9 Kenya 9 Poland 7 Vanuatu 9
Costa Rica 9 Kiribati 9 Portugal 7 Venezuela 9
Cote d'Ivoire 9 KOREA, REPUBLIC OF (SOUTH K.) 4 Puerto Rico 9 Vietnam 2
Croatia 7 KOREA, THE D.P.R OF (NORTH K.) 9 Qatar 6 Virgin Islands (British) 9
Cuba 9 Kosovo 8 Reunion, Island Of 9 Virgin Islands (US) 9
Curacao 9 Kuwait 6 Romania 7 Yemen, Republic of 9
Cyprus 7 Kyrgyzstan 9 Russian Federation, The 8 Zambia 9
Czech Republic, The 7 Lao People's Democratic Republic 2 Rwanda 9 Zimbabwe 9
Denmark 7 Latvia 7 Samoa 9
Djibouti 9 Lebanon 9 San Marino 7

Country Service Area

China (CN) *1 Guangzhou (CAN), Dongguan (DGM), Fuzhou (FOC), South China Area (HAK), Chaoshan & Huizhou (SWA), Shenzhen (SZX), Fujian Province (XMN), Zhujiang Delta Area (ZUH)

China (CN) *2 Rest of China (CN)

Date of query: 01-Aug-2018

DHL Express
Documents up to 2.0 KG
KG Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Zone 9
0.5 286,007 375,013 390,441 436,131 510,896 518,017 525,137 630,164 780,289
1.0 436,131 577,947 601,089 676,449 782,069 796,310 811,144 976,102 1,200,992
1.5 586,256 780,882 811,738 916,766 1,053,242 1,074,604 1,097,151 1,322,041 1,621,695
2.0 736,380 983,816 1,022,387 1,157,083 1,324,415 1,352,897 1,383,158 1,667,979 2,042,399

Non-documents from 0.5 KG & Documents from 2.5 KG

KG Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Zone 9
0.5 675,261 690,096 780,289 914,984 1,036,033 1,095,370 1,260,329 1,500,052 1,724,942
1.0 811,144 885,909 990,937 1,140,467 1,336,281 1,426,474 1,606,267 1,898,207 2,183,027
1.5 916,765 1,051,462 1,156,489 1,321,447 1,546,929 1,651,956 1,846,584 2,176,501 2,505,823
2.0 1,022,386 1,217,014 1,322,042 1,502,427 1,757,578 1,877,439 2,086,901 2,454,794 2,828,619
2.5 1,128,006 1,382,566 1,487,594 1,683,406 1,968,226 2,102,921 2,312,384 2,717,660 3,128,867
3.0 1,225,914 1,522,009 1,637,718 1,848,959 2,141,492 2,298,735 2,508,198 2,950,856 3,400,040
3.5 1,323,821 1,661,453 1,787,842 2,014,511 2,314,757 2,494,549 2,704,011 3,184,053 3,671,213
4.0 1,421,729 1,800,897 1,937,967 2,180,063 2,488,023 2,690,362 2,899,825 3,417,250 3,942,386
4.5 1,519,636 1,940,340 2,088,091 2,345,615 2,661,288 2,886,176 3,095,639 3,650,447 4,213,558
5.0 1,617,543 2,079,784 2,238,216 2,511,167 2,834,554 3,081,990 3,291,453 3,883,644 4,484,731
5.5 1,708,330 2,219,228 2,388,340 2,676,719 3,007,819 3,277,804 3,487,266 4,116,841 4,755,904
6.0 1,799,117 2,358,671 2,538,464 2,842,271 3,181,085 3,473,617 3,683,080 4,350,038 5,027,077
6.5 1,889,904 2,498,115 2,688,589 3,007,823 3,354,350 3,669,431 3,878,894 4,583,235 5,298,250
7.0 1,980,691 2,637,558 2,838,713 3,173,376 3,527,616 3,865,245 4,074,708 4,816,431 5,569,423
7.5 2,071,478 2,777,002 2,988,837 3,338,928 3,700,881 4,061,059 4,270,521 5,049,628 5,840,596
8.0 2,162,265 2,916,446 3,138,962 3,504,480 3,874,147 4,256,872 4,466,335 5,282,825 6,111,769
8.5 2,253,051 3,055,889 3,289,086 3,670,032 4,047,412 4,452,686 4,662,149 5,516,022 6,382,941
9.0 2,343,838 3,195,333 3,439,211 3,835,584 4,220,678 4,648,500 4,857,963 5,749,219 6,654,114
9.5 2,434,625 3,334,777 3,589,335 4,001,136 4,393,943 4,844,314 5,053,776 5,982,416 6,925,287
10.0 2,525,412 3,474,220 3,739,459 4,166,688 4,567,209 5,040,127 5,249,590 6,215,613 7,196,460
10.5 2,608,485 3,598,829 3,875,343 4,316,813 4,725,047 5,235,941 5,445,404 6,448,810 7,467,633
11.0 2,691,557 3,723,438 4,011,226 4,466,937 4,882,884 5,431,755 5,641,218 6,682,006 7,738,806
11.5 2,774,630 3,848,046 4,147,109 4,617,061 5,040,722 5,627,569 5,837,031 6,915,203 8,009,979
12.0 2,857,702 3,972,655 4,282,993 4,767,186 5,198,560 5,823,382 6,032,845 7,148,400 8,281,152
12.5 2,940,775 4,097,264 4,418,876 4,917,310 5,356,398 6,019,196 6,228,659 7,381,597 8,552,324
13.0 3,023,847 4,221,873 4,554,760 5,067,435 5,514,235 6,215,010 6,424,473 7,614,794 8,823,497
13.5 3,106,920 4,346,481 4,690,643 5,217,559 5,672,073 6,410,824 6,620,286 7,847,991 9,094,670
14.0 3,189,992 4,471,090 4,826,526 5,367,683 5,829,911 6,606,637 6,816,100 8,081,188 9,365,843
14.5 3,273,065 4,595,699 4,962,410 5,517,808 5,987,749 6,802,451 7,011,914 8,314,385 9,637,016
15.0 3,356,137 4,720,308 5,098,293 5,667,932 6,145,586 6,998,265 7,207,728 8,547,582 9,908,189
15.5 3,439,210 4,844,916 5,234,177 5,818,057 6,303,424 7,194,079 7,403,541 8,780,778 10,179,362
16.0 3,522,282 4,969,525 5,370,060 5,968,181 6,461,262 7,389,892 7,599,355 9,013,975 10,450,535
16.5 3,605,355 5,094,134 5,505,943 6,118,305 6,619,100 7,585,706 7,795,169 9,247,172 10,721,708
17.0 3,688,427 5,218,743 5,641,827 6,268,430 6,776,937 7,781,520 7,990,983 9,480,369 10,992,880
17.5 3,771,500 5,343,351 5,777,710 6,418,554 6,934,775 7,977,334 8,186,796 9,713,566 11,264,053
18.0 3,854,572 5,467,960 5,913,593 6,568,678 7,092,613 8,173,147 8,382,610 9,946,763 11,535,226
18.5 3,937,645 5,592,569 6,049,477 6,718,803 7,250,451 8,368,961 8,578,424 10,179,960 11,806,399
19.0 4,020,717 5,717,178 6,185,360 6,868,927 7,408,288 8,564,775 8,774,238 10,413,157 12,077,572
19.5 4,103,790 5,841,786 6,321,244 7,019,052 7,566,126 8,760,589 8,970,051 10,646,353 12,348,745
20.0 4,186,862 5,966,395 6,457,127 7,169,176 7,723,964 8,956,402 9,165,865 10,879,550 12,619,918
20.5 4,261,627 6,078,544 6,579,956 7,304,465 7,866,374 9,110,087 9,335,570 11,077,738 12,854,894
21.0 4,336,393 6,190,692 6,702,785 7,439,755 8,008,784 9,263,772 9,505,276 11,275,925 13,089,871
21.5 4,411,158 6,302,840 6,825,614 7,575,044 8,151,194 9,417,456 9,674,981 11,474,112 13,324,847
22.0 4,485,923 6,414,989 6,948,443 7,710,334 8,293,604 9,571,141 9,844,686 11,672,299 13,559,824
22.5 4,560,688 6,527,137 7,071,273 7,845,623 8,436,014 9,724,825 10,014,391 11,870,487 13,794,800
23.0 4,635,454 6,639,286 7,194,102 7,980,913 8,578,424 9,878,510 10,184,097 12,068,674 14,029,777
23.5 4,710,219 6,751,434 7,316,931 8,116,202 8,720,834 10,032,195 10,353,802 12,266,861 14,264,753
24.0 4,784,984 6,863,582 7,439,760 8,251,492 8,863,244 10,185,879 10,523,507 12,465,048 14,499,730
24.5 4,859,749 6,975,731 7,562,589 8,386,781 9,005,654 10,339,564 10,693,212 12,663,236 14,734,706
25.0 4,934,515 7,087,879 7,685,418 8,522,071 9,148,064 10,493,249 10,862,918 12,861,423 14,969,683
25.5 5,009,280 7,200,027 7,808,247 8,657,360 9,290,474 10,646,933 11,032,623 13,059,610 15,204,659
26.0 5,084,045 7,312,176 7,931,077 8,792,650 9,432,884 10,800,618 11,202,328 13,257,797 15,439,636
26.5 5,158,810 7,424,324 8,053,906 8,927,939 9,575,294 10,954,302 11,372,033 13,455,985 15,674,612
27.0 5,233,576 7,536,473 8,176,735 9,063,229 9,717,704 11,107,987 11,541,739 13,654,172 15,909,589
27.5 5,308,341 7,648,621 8,299,564 9,198,518 9,860,114 11,261,672 11,711,444 13,852,359 16,144,565
28.0 5,383,106 7,760,769 8,422,393 9,333,808 10,002,524 11,415,356 11,881,149 14,050,546 16,379,542
28.5 5,457,871 7,872,918 8,545,222 9,469,097 10,144,934 11,569,041 12,050,854 14,248,734 16,614,518
29.0 5,532,637 7,985,066 8,668,051 9,604,387 10,287,344 11,722,726 12,220,560 14,446,921 16,849,495
29.5 5,607,402 8,097,214 8,790,880 9,739,676 10,429,754 11,876,410 12,390,265 14,645,108 17,084,471
30.0 5,682,167 8,209,363 8,913,710 9,874,966 10,572,164 12,030,095 12,559,970 14,843,295 17,319,448

Multiplier rate per 1 KG from 30.1 KG

KG Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Zone 9
31 - 70 175,639 256,338 277,700 299,061 335,850 350,091 379,167 443,845 524,544
71 - 100 176,233 260,492 277,700 313,302 353,059 369,673 395,188 460,459 566,674
101 - 300 176,233 260,492 277,700 313,302 353,059 369,673 395,188 460,459 566,674
301 - 99999 178,013 272,360 288,380 327,543 369,079 386,881 412,396 481,228 573,794

Premium 9:00: add 350,000 IDR to the DHL EXPRESS WORLDWIDE rate
Premium 10:30: add 350,000 IDR to the DHL EXPRESS WORLDWIDE rate
Premium 12:00: add 150,000 IDR to the DHL EXPRESS WORLDWIDE rate

● Customs duKes, taxes (outside of VAT) and clearance-related charges are not included in the tariffs. Shipment insurance is also available. For more informaKon, please
contact our Customer Service.
● All Rates stated here are in IDR currency. Prices are charged pro rata by 0.5 kgs up to 30kg, and charged on a per kg basis thereaNer. The Rates are subject to a General Price
Increase (GPI) effective January 1st of each year.
● Any individual piece or shipment above 1000kg or having odd dimensions (Length > 300cms or Width > 120cms or Height > 160cms) requires pre-approval of DHL and may
be charged at alternate rates. Please contact your DHL account manager.
● Fuel Surcharges is included in above rates, except for Premium 9:00, 10:30, and 12:00. Fuel Surcharge and VAT must be calculated on each premium surcharge.

Date of query: 01-Aug-2018

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