Lesson Plan Matrix Guiding Questions Objectives Assessment Activities To Support Objectives and Assessment
Lesson Plan Matrix Guiding Questions Objectives Assessment Activities To Support Objectives and Assessment
Lesson Plan Matrix Guiding Questions Objectives Assessment Activities To Support Objectives and Assessment
Guiding Questions Objectives Assessment Activities to support
objectives and assessment
Title: Lesson One Students will use primary and Exit Slip for Lesson One: Students will participate in
Three Stories from Lincoln’s Life secondary sources and stories to One honest thing that readers’ theaters to read
examine the life of Abraham Lincoln did three stories from three
Guiding Question: Lincoln and see how his character One thing I learned about different sections of
What are some things which happened in affected choices he made. life growing up in the early Lincoln’s life.
Abraham Lincoln’s life that helped shape his nineteenth century in
character? Students will be able to identify pioneer America Students will work in three
and describe examples of Lincoln’s One choice Lincoln had to groups to examine
Question a‐ What did young Abraham honesty. make documents which pertain
Lincoln do when a book he had borrowed to one of the readers’
was ruined by his carelessness? theaters.
Students will learn about life
Question b ‐ What are some things we know growing up in the early nineteenth
about Abraham Lincoln as a young man in century in pioneer America.
New Salem, Illinois?
Question c – What do we know about
Abraham Lincoln as a lawyer?
Title: Lesson 2 Student will be able to share with Assessment‐ Exit Slip for Students will present to
Analyzing Primary Documents the class evidence to show the Lesson Two the class stories and
Guiding Questions. What can we learn from character of Abraham Lincoln by Sketch (or describe) your documents to tell about a
pictures of events from the past? presenting documents. favorite picture from certain phase of Lincoln’s
today’s presentations: life.
Question ‐ How can documents and
photographs teach us about a man’s What does it remind you
character? about Abraham Lincoln?
What do we know about Abraham Lincoln
that shows us he was an honest man?
Title: Lesson 3 ‐Four Statements by Students will be able to identify Assessment‐ Students will Description…
President Lincoln and describe examples of write a brief essay The teacher will guide the
statements that reflect Lincoln’s supporting the thesis students in reading 4
Guiding Questions honesty. statement that Abraham statements from the four
Lincoln deserved to title of documents. The class will
Question a ‐ What is an example of honesty Students will be able to identify “Honest Abe.” discuss how each
shown by President Lincoln in his first and describe examples of statement is an example of
Inaugural Address? statements that show Lincoln as a Guiding questions will be honesty.
promise keeper. written around the room
Question b ‐ What is an example of honesty on butcher paper inviting
shown by President Lincoln in his first student responses.
Gettysburg Address?
Students will complete a
Question c ‐ What is an example of honesty self assessment of their
shown by President Lincoln in the own investigative skills as a
Emancipation Proclamation? historian.
Question d ‐ What is an example of honesty
shown by President Lincoln in his second
Inaugural Address?