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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 05 Issue: 01 | Jan-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Bharat Raj Singh1, Bal Krishna Dubey2

1,2B.tech Students, Department of Electrical and Electronics, KIET Group of Institutions,

Ghaziabad-201206, Uttar Pradesh
Abstract – In today’s technology driven world electricity is the world and setting up their power plant is also not a
one of the foremost thing for our day to day life activities. As cumbersome task. The availability of solar energy is a major
we all are oblivious of the fact that the renewable sources of concern, as it is available for around 8 hours in a day, on the
energy are depleting at a lightning fast rate. So it’s time for us other hand wind is available almost for 24 hours. But we can
to shift the focus from conventional to non-conventional do one thing to make up for that problem by integrating
sources of energy to produce electricity. The output of the these two together. During foul weather conditions one of
electricity produced by non-conventional sources is less than them can be used while during normal weather both can be
their counterparts. Renewable sources do not have any operated together. So in this paper we will be describing a
detrimental effect on the environment. Solar-wind hybrid solar-wind hybrid power system.
system is basically an integration of solar plant and a wind
energy plant. It will help in providing the uninterrupted power 1.1 Solar Energy
supply. As during bad weather conditions the production can
be shifted from one plant to other with the help of a Solar energy is that energy which we get from the sun in
microcontroller. A microcontroller ensures the optimum form of radiation. It does not cause any kind of pollution, it is
utilization of resources and it also increases the efficiency of inexhaustible. It is available free of cost. Specially, in a
the combined system as compared to the individual mode of country like India where sun shines for almost 300 days in a
generation. It helps in decreasing the dependence on one year, it is therefore a convenient mode of electricity
single source and makes the system more reliable. The hybrid production. Meager amount of investment is involved in
system can be used for both industrial and domestic setting up a solar power plant and also it is quite easy to
applications. maintain. The efficiency of the system is also quite good. Long
life span and less emission of pollutants are its major
Key Words: Solar Energy, Wind Energy, PV Cell, Renewable advantages.
Energy, Hybrid Power System, Electricity.
1.2 Wind Energy
When air flows then it is having some kinetic energy with
We require electricity for operating almost all the appliances it which is known as wind energy. This kinetic energy is
we use in our day to day life. So it has become an converted into mechanical energy by the wind turbine,
indispensable part of our life. Now there are two ways to which is used to rotate the shaft of the generator and then
produce electricity first by using non-renewable sources of electricity is produced. The cost of generation of electricity is
energy and second by renewable sources of energy. With quite less. The initial investment of the system varies
increase in population and advancement of technology, depending on the type of turbine used. The best part about
consumption of electricity is also increasing exponentially. producing electricity with the help of wind energy is that
Simultaneously, we have to increase the production of wind is available for almost 24 hours in day, so there will not
electricity also in order to meet the demands of growing be any discontinuous production of electricity. The output
population. The biggest disadvantage with the usage of varies with the speed of the wind.
conventional resources is that their usage causes pollution
due to the production of various pollutants like ash in case of 1.3 Hybrid Systems
a coal power plant, smoke in case of diesel power plant,
radioactive material in case of nuclear power plant. Now we have become even more interested in usage of
Maintaining these pollutants is not an easy task and it also renewable energy sources as an alternative method of
requires a lot of money. So we have to find some other producing electricity. Hybrid systems are basically an
methods to produce electricity. The best possible way is by integration of solar panels and wind turbine, the output of
using non-conventional sources of energy. Out of all the this combination is used to charge batteries, this stored
possible options available in non-conventional sources of energy can then be transmitted to local power stations. In this
energy, solar and wind are the best methods. As tidal energy system wind turbine can be used to produce electricity when
can be used only on the sea shores, ocean thermal energy wind is available and solar energy panels are used when solar
can used in the middle of the sea and its setup is also very radiations are available. Power can be generated by both the
difficult. While solar and wind are available in all the areas of sections at the same time also. The usage of batteries is to

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 120
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 01 | Jan-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

provide uninterrupted power supply. This system requires

high initial investment. But the reliability, long-life span and
less maintenance make up for that disadvantage. The power
output of the wind turbine is AC which is converted to DC
with the help of a rectifier. The voltage can be stepped up or
stepped down with the help of a ‘SEPIC’ converter which uses
MOSFET switching. The microcontroller is used in the system
to control the switching between the converters with the help
of a driver circuit. A CUK converter is used to control the
power supply of solar panels.


2.2 Wind Turbine

Wind is a renewable source of energy. A wind turbine is used

to convert the kinetic energy of the wind into electric. The
generator connected to the shaft of the blades converts the
mechanical energy to electric energy. The wind turbine is of
two types depending upon the rotating axis of the blades, first
is vertical axis wind turbine and horizontal axis wind turbine.
The output of the turbine depends on the speed of the wind.
Fig-1: Block Diagram a hybrid system The power generated by the turbine is fluctuating. In order to
obtain continuous supply of power first the electricity is
stored in a battery unit and then it is transferred to the load.

2.1 Solar Panels

A solar cell is used to convert solar energy into electric

energy, it is also known as photovoltaic cell. It is a p-n
junction diode which consist of two different layers of a semi-
conductor material called as n and p region, n region is
heavily doped and is thin while p region is lightly doped and
is thick. The radiation falling on the surface of p-n junction
diode can pass through the n side. Most of the depletion
region is contained in the p region which is lightly doped. The
extent to which the n region can be penetrated is decided by
the wavelength of the falling radiation. Electron–hole pairs
are generated in the n and p region, due to the difference in
potential the electrons move to the n region and holes
towards the p region. The current starts flowing when an
external load is connected to the terminals of the n and p
regions. To make a solar panel multiple solar cells are
connected in series and parallel combinations, they are
connected in such a way that the output obtained is additive Fig 3:- Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
in nature.
2.3 Batteries

The batteries are used in order to store the electricity that is

produced from wind and solar energy. The capacity of battery
may vary depending on the size of wind turbine or solar
power plant. Battery should be having low maintenance and
charge leakage should also be low. Considering all these
parameters free discharge type is the best option available.
Multiple batteries can be connected in series and parallel to

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 121
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 01 | Jan-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

increase or decrease the capacity of the battery, depending by the wind turbine. Mathematically, it can be represented
upon the output from the hybrid systems. as,

2.4 Inverter PT = NW * Pw +Ns * PS

As we know that most of the electrical appliances require AC Where,

voltage, so first the DC output of the batteries will be Total power generated= PT
converted into AC voltage with the help of an inverter and Power generated by wind turbines= PW
then it will be transferred to the loads. The inverter must be Power generated by solar panels= PS
having over voltage protection, reverse polarity and short No. of wind turbine = NW
circuit protection. No of solar panels used= NW

2.5 Microcontroller A. Calculations for wind energy:

The function of microcontroller is to compare the input of the The power generated by wind energy is given by,
both the power systems and then it operates the relay used, Power = (density of air * swept area * velocity cubed)/2
in order to charge the batteries. The DC voltage used in the
batteries is converted to AC with the help of an inverter. To PW = ½. ρ (AW) (V) 3
the secondary winding of the center tapped transformer used
a MOSFET is connected. To make the current flowing in the Where,
primary winding alternative in nature a MOSFET is triggered P is power in watts (W)
at alternate intervals and in this manner way we get the AC ρ is the air density in kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m³)
current in the primary winding of the center tapped AW is the swept area by air in square meters (m²) V
transformer. is the wind speed in meters per second (m/s).

3. Hybrid Energy Systems B. Calculations for solar energy

To determine the size of PV modules, the required energy

3.1 Block Diagram
consumption must be estimated. Therefore, the power is
calculated as

PS = Ins (t) * AS*Eff(pv)

Ins (t) = isolation at time t (kw/ m2)
AS = area of single PV panel (m2)
Effpv = overall efficiency of the PV panels and dc/dc
Overall efficiency is given by,

Eff(pv)= H * PR
H = Annual average solar radiation on tilted panels.
PR = Performance ratio, coefficient for losses.

C. Cost

Fig -4: Hybrid Systems The total cost of the solar-wind hybrid energy system is
depend upon the total no of wind turbines used and total no
Now the required amount of electricity can be produced of solar panels used. Therefore the total cost is given as
depending on the environmental conditions, by using two follows
systems at the same time or by using only one, according to
the conditions pertaining at that point of time. Total cost= (No. of Wind Turbine * Cost of single Wind
Turbine) + (No. of Solar Panels * Cost of single Solar Panel) +
4. Proposed Calculations (No. of Batteries used in Battery Bank * Cost of single
Overall power generated by system is the summation of the
power generated by the solar PV panel and power generated CT = (NW * CWT) + (NS * CSP) + (NB * CB)

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 122
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 01 | Jan-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Where, thing is that it can be used to generate electricity in hilly

CT is the total cost in Rs areas, where it is quite difficult to transmit electricity by
CWT is the cost of single wind turbine conventional methods. Depending on the requirement its
CSP is the cost of single solar panel in Rs setup can be decided. All the people in this world should be
CB is the Cost of single Battery in Rs motivated to use non-conventional resources to produce
NW is the number of wind turbine used electricity in order to make them self-reliable to some extent.
NS is the number of solar panels used Long life span, less maintainence are some of its plus point. It
NB is the number of Batteries used in Battery Bank. just requires some high initial investment.


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Fig-5: Experimental Setup http://www.irphouse.com Hybrid Renewable Energy
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Solar-PV Wind hybrid power specifications are given


PV Array Power = 20 watts

Wind turbine/generator = 3 W
System Voltage = 48V
Inverter Rating (VA) 25
Output AC Wave form Sine-wave
Output AC Voltage (Vnom), +/-10% = 230 V/AC Output Ac
Frequency, Hertz, +/-0.5 % = 50 Hz.


Developing hybrid systems is one of the most convenient and

effective solution for producing electricity as compared to
non-renewable energy resources. It is not only less costly but
also it does not cause any harm to the environment. Another

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 123

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