org (ISSN-2349-5162)
More and more of the world's energy needs are being met by solar energy. Its significance in decarbonizing the
electrical supply will be significant because it is a renewable source of energy. An economic overview of the solar
industry is presented in this paper. It discusses how the technical aspects of concentrated solar power and
photovoltaic power affect the economic viability of solar energy. The author describes how this sporadic energy
source might be incorporated into a power grid and outline advancements in the solar industry. That’s how solar
power's unique qualities might be taken into account when designing renewable energy assistance schemes to
encourage the development of solar power.
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© 2024 JETIR July 2024, Volume 11, Issue 7 (ISSN-2349-5162)
greenhouse gas emissions within five years. drops at night. He must supply the load with a
The sun does not have the same expiration date constant power supply of 240 volts 24 hours a day.
as oil, natural gas and coal. But with the solar panel, you get maximum power in
It has less environmental impact than other the afternoon, but not accurate power during
forms of energy production. The use of solar moving/evening/cloudy days, so you need to increase
energy has a significantly lower environmental the voltage for more purposes. To get that much
impact compared to other sources, including voltage from the solar panel for cloudy or rainy days,
those in the renewable energy spectrum.
a boost converter is connected as the grid and load
Solar energy makes the world energy may not get exactly the voltage required. Therefore, a
independent. The sun illuminates our planet
boost converter must be connected to handle the load.
every day. The extreme north and south of
After converting to pure AC, you can connect a
Antarctica are the only exceptions to this
transformer to boost the voltage. If you connect a
advantage, but there are times of the year when
sunlight is accessible. transformer, you don't need to connect a boost
converter. The operation is the same, that is, it boosts
IV. Matlab Software
the voltage. Comparing boost converter and
MATLAB is an interactive system whose basic transformer, transformer is very costly and need more
data elements are arrays that do not require space, but in boost converter we use only one inductor
dimensions. This allows many technical and one diode with the help of switch Therefore, the
computational problems, especially those design of a boost converter can be very simple
involving matrix and vector formulations, to be
solved in a fraction of the time it takes to program compared to a transformer. The step-up transformer is
in a scalar, non-interactive language such as C or not connected, but the voltage must be stepped up at
FORTRAN. The name MATLAB stands for the end. The boost converter has a switch and so does
Matrix Laboratory. MATLAB was originally the inverter, so it needs a pulse to turn it on and off.
created to provide easy access to the matrix Therefore, we use the first generation for both the
software developed by the LINPACK and inverter switch and the boost converter switch. These
EISPACK projects, together representing the state
are the necessary elements for photovoltaics and a
of the art in matrix computation software.
MATLAB has evolved over the years with capacitor should be placed between the solar panel
contributions from many users. In university and the boost converter. After running the system, I
settings, it is a standard teaching tool for get 110-120 V DC, but at home I need 240 V, and
introductory and advanced courses in connecting a boost converter provides 240 V DC. In
mathematics, engineering and science. In industry, this project, we designed the system using the infrared
MATLAB is the tool of choice for productive and temperature falling on the photovoltaic panel, and
research, development, and analysis. MATLAB
placed a capacitor between the PV panel and the boost
provides a family of application-specific solutions
called toolboxes. Importantly for most of her converter to avoid the ripple factor. A boost converter
MATLAB users, the toolbox allows her to learn is applied to boost the voltage. Inverters are also
and apply specialized technology. A toolbox is a applied to convert DC form to AC form power.
comprehensive collection of her MATLAB Passive filters like LCR can be applied to get a pure
functions (M-files) that extend the MATLAB form of AC power. A boost converter configuration
environment to solve a specific class of problems. requires an inductor, a diode, and a switch, so I used
Areas where toolboxes are available include signal
an IIGBT diode instead of a switch. After running the
processing, control systems, neural networks,
fuzzy logic, wavelets, and simulation model, three different waveforms are displayed on the
oscilloscope. The first waveform is intended to
V. Power system design and Simulation provide a DC voltage of 120-150 volts, the second
waveform is intended to provide an AC voltage of
The temperature in the atmosphere is not constant and
220-240 volts, but not in pure form. But after applying
varies from morning to evening. Of maximum
temperatures are reached in the afternoon. Power
JETIR2407784 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) h769
© 2024 JETIR July 2024, Volume 11, Issue 7 (ISSN-2349-5162)
a passive filter, we get a pure AC domestic voltage of boost converter that is used to boost up the voltage
240V. and the capacitor is used between solar panel and
boost converter to boost converter to avoid the ripple
factor. There is an inverter used to convert the dc
voltage to ac voltage that is again connected to the
passive filter because we are getting the ac but that is
not pure so passive filer is connected to get the pure
form of ac. And here we are getting the supply for
240Volts for the home.
Here there are getting the dc supply near around 120- Fig. 4 : Waveform for the ac voltage
150Volts. But our home requires ac voltage i.e.
240Volts. The power system was connected by the
solar panel on which we are supplying temperature
and infrared radiations and that is connected to the
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© 2024 JETIR July 2024, Volume 11, Issue 7 (ISSN-2349-5162)
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