Jadavpur University KOLKATA - 700 032: Employment Notification No: A2/C/ 1 /2019
Jadavpur University KOLKATA - 700 032: Employment Notification No: A2/C/ 1 /2019
Jadavpur University KOLKATA - 700 032: Employment Notification No: A2/C/ 1 /2019
Essential Qualifications:
KOLKATA – 700 032
Desirable Qualifications:
For Sl.No.1 : Basic knowledge in computer including the knowledge on
Microsoft Office Software and or Tally Software from a
recognized institute.
For Sl.No.2 : i) Knowledge of Universal Decimal Classifications
ii) Knowledge of Computer Application preferably in
For Sl.No.3 Experience in handling scientific laboratory
equipment/software or digital circuit/Electronic
equipment/Structural or concrete or soil mechanic
laboratory etc.
For Sl.No.4 Two years experience in the line.
Scale of Pay:
For Sl.No.1 : Rs. 7200- 25400 with Grade Pay Rs.3300
For Sl.No.2 & 3 : Rs. 9000- 28300 with Grade Pay Rs.4400
For Sl.No.5, 6 &7 : Rs. 5400- 18600 with Grade Pay Rs.1800
NB: 1) Internal Staff (permanent) members of this University may also apply for consideration of their
candidature for the post of Junior Assistant Cum-Typist as per G.O. No. 416-Edn(U)/1U(C )-06/12
dated 16.04.2013.
2) Empanelled project staff till engaged as project employees and listed in the panels approved
by the University (vide EC Res. No. 16 dt.28.05.14 and 39 dt. 27.0614 ) for different University
approved projects/schools etc. and the contractual non-teaching staff of the university working till
date may also apply provided they have required qualifications for the posts.
3) Internal staff members , Empanelled project staff and the contractual non-teaching staff of the
university working till date should submit their application directly to the Personnel Section duly
forwarded by the Head / Incharge / Officer of the respective departments /sections of the
University following guidelines as mentioned below.
KOLKATA – 700 032
2. Pease pay the application fee of Rs. 250.00 (Rs. 125.00 for SC/ST/DA categories) as
indicated in the JU website (www. jaduniv.edu.in). Follow instructions for making payment
and take print out of the receipt of payment / challan obtained. For making online payments,(a)
Net banking, (2) Debit / Credit / Rupay card, (C) challan (for making cash payment at
SBI branches) options will be available. Use anyone of the options for making payment.
3. Fill up the blank application form and send the complete application form along with
attested photocopies of all certificates and testimonials, and a copy the receipt of payment /
challan, strictly to the ‘Registrar, Jadavpur University, Post Box No. 17013, Jadavpur
University Post Office, Kolkata - 700032’.
4. Please super scribe the envelop with the name of the post applied for and the
Advertisement No.
5. Those who are already in service should apply through proper channel.
7. Mere application does not guarantee a call for test/interview. Selection will be made as per
university selection procedure. University reserves the right for selection.
9. Application submitted/sent to addresses other than that given at Sl.No.(3) will not be
10. Please follow JU website for any update / notifications time to time regarding above
11. University will not be liable for any kind of postal delay.
12. Incomplete applications will be rejected without any intimation.
13. Apply separately for more than one post paying fees accordingly.