An Integrative Approach For Evaluating Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders
An Integrative Approach For Evaluating Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders
An Integrative Approach For Evaluating Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders
DOI 10.3233/WOR-2012-1460
IOS Press
Abstract. Objectives: To develop a framework for evaluating the work related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs).
Participants: The proposed framework was tested on 15 jewellery manufacturing workers working at Chinchpokhli region in
Mumbai, India and on 15 students studying in a management institute of Mumbai, India.
Methods: The framework has been broken into three phases. Phase 1 – Ergonomic-risk evaluation; Phase 2 – Musculoskeletal
Disorders (MSD) evaluation and Phase 3 – Clinical examination. Ergonomic-risk evaluation determines the relationship between
work relatedness and musculoskeletal disorders. Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) evaluation tries to assess the presence of
discomforts/disabilities in different body regions, through subjective evaluation tools. Ergonomic-risk evaluation involved QEC,
PLIBEL and posture analysis by RULA. Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) evaluation involved administration of self reported
questionnaires. Clinical examination involved muscle grading by a physiotherapist and back strength measurement.
Results: The framework suggested that ergonomic risk evaluation techniques, self reported body part questionnaires and physical
measurement of physiological/biomechanical transients may have a relationship and can be used for the evaluation of work related
musculoskeletal disorders.
Conclusion: The proposed integrative approach will help in developing stage wise intervention strategies for work related
musculoskeletal disorders.
1051-9815/12/$27.50 2012 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
438 W. Mishra et al. / An integrative approach for evaluating work related musculoskeletal disorders
There are many tools available for assessing the im- which will provide a) work relatedness b) status of
pact of individual ergonomic risk factors on the causa- musculoskeletal health and c) work exposure. Based
tion of musculoskeletal disorders, but no single tool is on the review of the literature, an attempt was made
suitable for all purposes [38]. For example, tools em- to propose an integrative approach for evaluating work
ployed by clinicians are predominantly used for iden- related musculoskeletal disorders. The objective of the
tifying the pathological conditions. Similarly, occupa- study was to propose an integrative framework for the
tional ergonomists use epidemiological tools (mainly evaluation of work related musculoskeletal disorders
cross sectional and retrospective) to establish the role and to assess the applicability of the proposed frame-
of ergonomic risk factors on the development of work work on two different groups.
related musculoskeletal disorders. Therefore, differ-
ent groups of practitioners approach the problem dif-
ferently resulting in different management/intervention 2. The framework
protocols which are often found to be inadequate. A
comprehensive framework using multiple tools to cap- 2.1. Formulation of framework
ture different aspects of work place would probably be
better way to assess the work related musculoskeletal The framework is provided in Fig. 1. It involves three
disorders [38]. phases. Phase 1 – Ergonomic risk evaluation, Phase 2 –
There are several such frameworks available for di- MSD evaluation and Phase 3 – Clinical examination.
agnosing, treatment and management of the work relat- The framework involves self-assessment question-
ed musculoskeletal disorders. Westlander [40] devel- naires, observational, and direct methods for assessing
oped a logic framework to assess occupation specific musculoskeletal disorders. Self-assessment question-
musculoskeletal disorders [40]. Shoaf et al. [36] pro- naires are reported to be powerful instruments in assess-
posed a work system model to evaluate how the com- ing the outcome of medical management and interven-
plete spectrum of work demands (i.e. physical and men- tions [21]. Observational methods are most often used
tal demands, physical/social/organizational/individual to evaluate physical workload in order to identify haz-
growth environment conditions) influence human ef- ards at work, monitor the effects of ergonomic changes
fort [36]. But the model did not provide the rela- and/or clinical advices [38]. Moreover, observational
tionship between risk factors and pathological con- methods have the advantages of being inexpensive and
ditions of musculoskeletal disorders. Cole et al. [9] practical for use in a wide range of workplaces where
proposed a framework for evaluating field interven- using other methods of observing workers would be
tions that included strategies, activities, objectives and difficult because of the disruption caused. It was also
metrics for outcomes using quantitative and qualita- reported that direct measurement systems can provide
tive methods [9]. But the framework was only meant large quantities of highly accurate data on a range of
for computer intense office jobs. Human Tech devel- exposure variables [14].
oped Risk Priority Management model for diagnos-
ing and management of musculoskeletal disorders pre- 2.1.1. Phase I – Ergonomic risk evaluation
dominantly based on work posture, force applied, fre- Phase 1 involved evaluation of ergonomic risk us-
quency and duration of exposure mainly for short du- ing subjective evaluation tools. The tools used were
ration work activities. However, the intensity of dis- Quick Exposure Check (QEC), Plan for Identifying Av
comforts cannot be effectively evaluated by this mod- Belastningsfaktorer (PLIBEL) and Rapid Upper Limb
el [ dat- Assessment (RULA). The positive result of Phase 1
ed on 10.9]. 2010. Stock et al. [37] proposed a mod- signifies the presence of ergonomic risks.
el to estimate physical work demands taking into ac-
count the relationship between the results of physician Quick Exposure Check (QEC)
evaluation and ergonomic risk factors to describe the QEC was used for obtaining the views of both the
work relatedness [37]. However, the model did not in- observers’ and subjects’ regarding posture, working
clude evaluation methodology for major regions of the hours, repetition of work. Levels of ergonomic risks
body. In addition, the reliability and validity of these at neck, shoulder, back and wrist were calculated for
approaches are not reported. both the groups based on the above factors [6]. Intra-
The evaluation and management of work related observer reliabilities have been proven to be ‘fair to
musculoskeletal disorders needs to have a framework good’ for most of the assessment items [15].
W. Mishra et al. / An integrative approach for evaluating work related musculoskeletal disorders 439 Plan for Identifying Av Belastningsfaktorer quency and duration of items quantifying exposures –
(PLIBEL) like external forces or postures – in addition to their
PLIBEL was used for determining the relationship magnitude. Hence, QEC which is a tool for evaluat-
among workplace layout, work relatedness and muscu- ing the change in exposure to risk for musculoskele-
loskeletal risk factors [26]. PLIBEL is a rapid screening tal disorders and PLIBEL which measures the impact
tool of major ergonomic risk factors like awkward pos- of these ergonomic risk factors on the musculoskeletal
ture, frequency, duration and movements which may system were included in the framework [38]. RULA
have injurious effect on the musculoskeletal system. survey is a posture-sampling tool used specifically to
It is designed to link ordinarily checked items in the examine the level of risk associated with upper limb
workplace assessment of ergonomic hazards to primar- disorders of individual workers. Studies have shown
ily five body regions. Reliability of the instrument has that RULA scores have an association with increased
been found to be moderate [38]. discomfort [19,31]. So for further conformation on in-
fluence of work load on musculoskeletal discomfort,
RULA was used. RULA (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment)
In the RULA method, positions of individual body 2.1.2. Phase 2 – Musculoskeletal disorders evaluation
segments are observed and scored, with scores increas- Phase 2 involved evaluation of MSD through ques-
ing in line with growing deviation from the neutral pos- tionnaires such as Nordic Musculoskeletal Question-
ture. The inter-observer reliability was found to be naire (NMQ), Disability of arm, shoulder and hand
good [31,38]. (DASH), Neck Disability Index (NDI), Oswestry Low
Takaal et al. [38] stated that QEC and PLIBEL are Back questionnaire and IKDC subjective knee ques-
good screening tools to evaluate musculoskeletal risks. tionnaire. The positive response indicates the likelihood
Since observational methods should include the fre- of MSD.
440 W. Mishra et al. / An integrative approach for evaluating work related musculoskeletal disorders Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ) Oswestry low back questionnaire
The questionnaire consists of 10 items addressing
NMQ was used for assessing the presence of muscu- different aspects of function. Each item is scored from
loskeletal discomforts in different anatomical regions. 0 to 5, with higher values representing greater disabili-
It deals with questions related to symptoms (ache, pain, ty. Measurements obtained with the modified Oswestry
discomfort) experienced during the previous 12-month Disability Questionnaire, were the most reliable and
period. Respondents are asked if they have had any had sufficient width scale to reliably detect improve-
musculoskeletal trouble in the last 12 months and last ment or worsening in most subjects [17].
7 days which has prevented their normal activity [13,
28]. IKDC subjective knee questionnaire
It consists of 18 questions in the domains of symp- Disability of Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH)
toms, functioning during activity of daily living and
sports, current function of the knee, and participation in
The main part of the DASH is a 30-item disability/
work and sports.The responses to each item are scored
symptom scale concerning the patient’s health status
using an ordinal method such that a score of 0 is giv-
during the preceding week. Each item is rated on a five-
en to responses that represent the lowest level of func-
point Likert scale. The DASH also contains two option-
tion or highest level of symptoms. The IKDC subjec-
al four-item scales concerning the ability to perform
tive knee questionnaire is a reliable and valid instru-
sports and/or to play a musical instrument (sport/music
component), and the ability to work (work compo- ment worthy of consideration for use in a broad patient
nent) [22]. The Cronbach alpha coefficient was above population [25].
0.9 for the DASH disability/symptoms scale indicating NMQ was incorporated in the framework as it is be-
good internal consistency [4]. ing used as a standard screening tool for assessing work
related musculoskeletal disorders [12,28]. DASH is a The Neck Disability Index (NDI) tool to evaluate the disability and symptoms in single or
NDI consists of 10 items referring to various daily multiple disorders of the upper limbs. It enquires about
activities (personal care, lifting, driving, work, sleep- the degree of difficulty in performing different physi-
ing, concentration, reading, recreation) and pain (pain cal activities because of problems related to the arm,
intensity, headache) with 6 possible answers for each shoulder or hand, the severity of each of the symptoms
item. The score of each item varies between 0 (no of pain, activity-related pain, tingling, weakness and
pain and no functional limitation) and 5 (worst pain stiffness, as well as impact of the problem’s on social
and maximal functional limitation) [35]. The NDI has activities, work, sleep and self-image [22]. NDI was
been shown to be highly reliable on what is called “test used to test self-rated disability in neck [35]. It was
retest” reliability [39]. reported that the NDI is the most commonly used self-
W. Mishra et al. / An integrative approach for evaluating work related musculoskeletal disorders 441
Table 1
report measure for neck pain [39]. For assessment of Depicting general information about subjects
low back related pain Oswestry Low Back Disability
Parameters Jewellery manufac- Students
Questionnaire (Oswestry Disability Index) was used. turing workers Mean (± SD)
Since the questionnaire is considered as the ‘gold stan- Mean (± SD)
dard’ of low back functional outcome tools so it was Age (years) 29.2 (± 5.7) 24.09 (± 2.45)
included in the framework [18]. The IKDC Subjective Height (cm) 161.28 (± 5.19) 171.51 (± 5.54)
Knee Evaluation Questionnaire was used for assessing Weight (kg) 58.29 (± 9.68) 69.72 (± 13.65)
BMI(Kg/m2 ) 22.44 (± 3.75) 23.61 (± 3.97)
knee discomforts [1,25].
dia participated in the study. The study was approved
2.1.3. Phase 3 – Clinical examination
by Ethics Review Board and signed informed con-
Phase 3 involved physical examination namely pa-
sents were obtained from all the participants. These two
tient history, observation, palpation and manual mus-
groups were chosen as both of them were involved in
cle testing. Patient history implies understanding of
sedentary activities, long duration of exposure and low
whether patients past is related to any injury or ill-
physical exertions. The jewellery manufacturing activ-
ness. Observation involves observing the posture and ity like in any other sedentary assembly jobs require
behaviour of the patient related to sitting and standing. repetition, awkward static posture, contact stress and
Palpation is a widely used technique to identify struc- long duration of work exposure [7,23]. Therefore, it
tures and determine the presence and location of pa- is expected that jewellery manufacturing workers may
tient described pain patterns. Manual Muscle Testing suffer from work related musculoskeletal disorders and
(MMT) is used for testing the performance and evalu- studies have shown the presence of musculoskeletal dis-
ation of muscle strength and length along with neuro- orders in this group of workers [16]. Recent study has
muscular conditions. The key to muscle grading used shown that there is high prevalence of musculoskele-
was 5 as normal, 4 as good, 3 as fair, 2 as poor, 1 as trace tal disorders among students [29]. Cooper et al. [11]
and 0 as no contraction. Normal implies subject can showed that younger graduate students are exposed to
overcome a greater amount of resistance than a good similar hours reported by younger professionals [11].
muscle; good implies that the subject can raise the body Since younger graduate students are the future work
part against outside resistance as well as against grav- force. So college students were involved in the study
ity; fair implies subject can raise the body part against
gravity, poor implies movement with gravity eliminat- 3.1.2. Collection of demographic data
ed but cannot function against gravity; trace implies The age of each subject was recorded. The height and
that muscle can be felt to tighten but cannot produce weight were also recorded with help of anthropome-
movement and 0 or ‘gone’ represents no contraction ter (Siber Hegner, Switzerland) and human weighing
felt [27]. The purpose of this phase is to establish con- balance (Avery, India) respectively.
firmatory measures of the indicative musculoskeletal The Body Mass Index was calculated by applying
health status reported in Phase 2. This phase also in- the following formula:
cluded direct measurement of the strength of most trou- Body Mass Index (BMI) in kg/m2 = weight in
bled area before and after the work exposure. Further kg/height in m2 [10,35]
clinical tests such as nerve conduction study, Clinical
Electromyography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging 3.1.3. QEC, PLIBEL and RULA
were not included in the framework as they need to be The activities of the jewellery manufacturing work-
carried out in specialised clinical setting/ laboratory. ers while carrying out manufacturing and the students
in the class room were recorded with the help of Sony
Handycam DCR PC 109E. The videos were replayed.
3. Application of the framework The predominant postures were used for QEC, PLIBEL
and RULA.
3.1. Methods and materials
3.1.4. Self reported questionnaires
3.1.1. Selection of participants NMQ, DASH, NDI, OLBP, and IKDC Subjective
Fifteen jewellery manufacturing working at Chinch- Knee Questionnaire were administered to the partici-
pokhli region in Mumbai, India and on 15 students pants. After filling of the questionnaire they were col-
studying in an management institute of Mumbai, In- lected back.
442 W. Mishra et al. / An integrative approach for evaluating work related musculoskeletal disorders
Fig. 3. This reveals the susceptible areas of body parts of both jewellery manufacturing workers and students.
3.1.5. Clinical examination Results of posture analysis using RULA are present-
History, observation, palpation and manual muscle ed in Table 2. This showed that postural risks were high-
grading, tightness and reflexes, were carried out by a er in case of jewellery manufacturing workers. Further
qualified physiotherapist. analysis showed that problems were more in neck and
3.1.6. Back strength measurement Results presented in Table 2 and Figs 2 and 3 indi-
Back strength was measured by Back dynamometer cated that higher level of ergonomic risks were present
(Takei) in the morning (between 9.30 am and 10.00 am) in jewellery manufacturing workers. Neck, shoulder,
before the start of the work and at night (between hand, back and knee were susceptible to ergonomic
9.00 pm and 9.30 pm) after the completion of the work. risks.
Two readings were taken; in-between the measure-
ments 30 seconds rest were given. Highest value was 4.2. Phase 2 – Musculoskeletal disorders evaluation
taken as the back strength for each subject.
Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (Table 3)
showed major area of trouble were neck, right shoul-
4. Results der, upper back, low back, right elbow, right hand and
knees for the jewellery manufacturing workers. While
Results presented in Table 1 indicate that both the for students the major area of trouble was low back. The
groups were having similar body mass index, the mean reported troubles were significantly higher for neck,
ages were 29.2 and 24.1 yrs for jewellery manufactur- right shoulders, upper back right elbow, low back and
ing workers and the students respectively. knees for jewellery manufacturing workers. Frequency
of episodes of low back troubles (Table 4) of jewellery
4.1. Phase 1 – Ergonomic risk evaluation manufacturing workers showed that about 50% of the
respondents had one or more episodes a week. While for
Results of QEC (Fig. 2) showed that the body regions other body regions such responses were 16.16, 16.77,
prone to ergonomic risk factors were neck, wrist /hand, 4.16 for neck, shoulders and upper back respective-
back and shoulders. The findings of PLIBEL (Fig. 3) ly. The responses of the students indicated that they
also showed that low back, neck, shoulder and upper were experiencing hardly any such episodes. The re-
back and knee were the regions which were prone to sults, therefore, revealed that low back was the area of
ergonomic risk factors. trouble for the jewellery manufacturing workers.
W. Mishra et al. / An integrative approach for evaluating work related musculoskeletal disorders 443
Table 2
Representing posture analysis scores
Subjects Score Action level Remarks
Jewellery manufac- 5 3 Investigation and changes are required soon
turing workers
Students 3 2 Investigation and changes may be required
Table 3
Representing percentage of discomforts of various body parts
Body parts Jewellery Students Odds 95% CI significant /not
affected manufacturing workers (% of positive ratio significant
(% of positive response) response)
Neck 7 (46.67) 4 (26.67) 2.406 1.331–4.35 significant
Shoulder r 6 (40) 2 (13.34) 4.331 2.147–8.737 significant
Shoulder l 3 (20) – – – –
Upper back 7 (46.67) 2 (13.34) 5.685 2.83–11.42 significant
Low back 12 (80) 7 (46.67) 4.572 2.44–8.567 significant
Thigh r 1 (6.67) 3 (20) 0.286 0.113–0.721 not significant
Thigh l 1 (6.67) 3 (20) 0.286 0.113–0.721 not significant
Knee r 8 (53.34) 1 (6.67) 15.997 6.647–38.503 significant
Knee l 8 (53.34) 1 (6.67) 15.997 6.647–38.503 significant
Elbow r 6 (40) 1 (6.67) 9.329 3.864–22.527 significant
Elbow l 4 (26.67) 1 (6.67) 0.583 0.163–2.08 not significant
Hand r 6 (40) 3 (20) 0.167 0.055–0.508 not significant
Hand l 4 (26.67) 1 (6.67) 0.583 0.163–2.08 not significant
Table 4
Represents the frequency of episode of trouble once a week from
4.3. Phase 3 – Clinical examination
NMQ for both jewellery manufacturing workers and students
Results (Table 6) of the clinical examination showed
Body parts % of positive % of positive
response in jewellery response in that the major affected area of problem was low back.
manufacturing workers students Thirty three percent of the jewellery manufacturing
Neck 16.16 12.5 workers tested grade 3 i.e. fair grade. Thus, it may be
Shoulders 16.77 – assumed that some loss of strength might have been
Upper Back 4.16 4.16 taken place in low back muscle.
Low back 50 12.5 Table 7 showed the scores of back strength before
and after work. The results showed that strength of
Table 5 back muscles after the work exposure had significantly
Evaluation of questionnaires scores reduced in jewellery manufacturing workers. However,
Questionnaires Levels of Significant /not similar results were not observed for the students. This
significance significant once again established that the problem of back may be
DASH P < 0.05 significant due to work exposure.
NDI P > 0.05 not significant
Oswestry low back P < 0. 05 significant
Knee Questionnaire P < 0.05 significant
5. Discussion
Table 5 presented the results of self assessment ques- An effective framework for assessing work related
tionnaires of specific body regions. Though, the re- musculoskeletal disorders must include theoretical con-
sults showed that discomforts of the jewellery manu- structs, combining the physiological, epidemiological,
facturing workers were more in arm, shoulder and hand and biomechanical knowledge, which have their impact
(DASH), low back (Oswestry low back questionnaire) on causation of work related musculoskeletal disorders.
and knee (knee questionnaire) but the individual scores The paper proposed an integrative methodology to as-
showed that the responses for arm, shoulder and hand, certain the relationship of work relatedness with occur-
neck and knee were within acceptable zones. However, rence of musculoskeletal disorders. Since the primary
33% of the jewellery manufacturing workers indicated objective of an integrative work related musculoskele-
moderate disability for low back. tal disorders assessment framework is hazard identifi-
444 W. Mishra et al. / An integrative approach for evaluating work related musculoskeletal disorders
Table 6
Depicting odds ratio of muscle grading for both the groups
Muscle grading Odds ratio Confidence interval Remarks
Flexors 15.1667 2.8364 to 81.098 significant
Extensors 0.2549 0.044 to 1.4753 not significant
Lateral flexor right 5.1563 1.2335 to 21.5545 significant
Lateral flexor left 5.1563 1.2335 to 21.5545 significant
Lateral Rotator right 6.4286 1.5169 to 27.2448 significant
Lateral Rotator left 5.1563 1.2335 to 21.5545 significant
Table 7
Depicting back strength scores before and after work between same groups
Groups Morning (kg) Late evening (kg) Levels of Significant/not
significance significant
Jewellery Manu- facturing Workers 105.54 (± 10.10) 96.75 (± (9.38) P < 0.05 significant
Students 119.96 (± 14.48) 118.52 (± 13.36) P > 0.05 not significant
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