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Keywords: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) represent major health issues for construction workers yet risk
Work-related musculoskeletal disorders factors associated with repetitive lifting tasks remain unexplored. This study evaluates the effects of lifting
Lifting posture weights and postures on spinal biomechanics (i.e. muscle activity and muscle fatigue) during a simulated re-
Lifting weight petitive lifting task undertaken within a strictly controlled laboratory experimental environment. Twenty
Muscle activity
healthy male participants performed simulated repetitive lifting tasks with three different lifting weights using
Repetitive task
either a stoop (n = 10) or a squat (n = 10) lifting posture until subjective fatigue (a point in time at which the
participant cannot continue lifting further). Spinal biomechanics during repetitive lifting tasks were measured by
surface electromyography (sEMG). Results revealed that (1) increased lifting weights significantly increased
sEMG activity and muscle fatigue of the biceps brachii (BB), brachioradialis (BR), lumbar erector spinae (LES),
and medial gastrocnemius (MG) muscles but not the rectus femoris (RF) muscle; (2) sEMG activity and muscle
fatigue rate of the LES muscle were higher than all other muscles; (3) a significant difference of sEMG activity of
the RF and MG muscles was observed between lifting postures, however no significant difference of muscle
fatigue was apparent (p > 0.05). These findings suggest that risk factors such as lifting weights, repetitions and
lifting postures may alleviate the risk of developing WMSDs. However, future research is required to investigate
the effectiveness of using ergonomic interventions (such as using team lifting and adjustable lift equipment) in
reducing WMSDs risks in construction workers. This work represents the first laboratory-based simulated testing
conducted to investigate work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) primarily caused by repetitive lifting
tasks and manual handling. Cumulatively, the results and ensuing discussion offer insight into how these risks
can be measured and mitigated.
1. Introduction back pain, neck/shoulder pain, tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome
[5]. Fung et al. [6] found that musculoskeletal symptoms are particu-
Extant literature reports that work-related musculoskeletal dis- larly common in the upper extremities and lower back region of the
orders (WMSDs) are among the most prevalent occupational health human torso. Notably WMSDs not only lead to worker ill-health but
problems affecting manual workers [1]. In the United States, WMSDs also to reduced productivity and concomitant financial loss [7].
account for 32% of all injury and illness cases that lead to absence from Therefore, risk factors associated with WMSDs should be identified in
work for all industries [2]. While in construction and civil engineering, order to develop effective ergonomic interventions to prevent WMSDs
Schneider [3] reported that WMSDs account for over 37% of all in- in construction workers.
juries. Construction workers (e.g., rebar workers, bricklayers and Radwin et al. [8] found that biomechanical and anthropometric
roofers) are by virtue of their occupation frequently exposed to elevated parameters are significant determinants of the risk factors that instigate
physical risk factors such as repetitive motions (lifting/lowering), the development of WMSDs but their true extent remains unclear. Other
awkward postures and lifting weights, which represent the major causes researchers such as De Looze et al. [9] and Norman et al. [10] de-
of WMSDs [4]. Symptoms of WMSDs are myriad but may include lower monstrated a causal link between developing WMSDs and physical
Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (M.F. Antwi-Afari), (H. Li), (D.J. Edwards), (J. Seo), (A.Y.L. Wong).
Received 29 April 2017; Received in revised form 29 June 2017; Accepted 30 July 2017
Available online 08 August 2017
0926-5805/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.F. Antwi-Afari et al. Automation in Construction 83 (2017) 41–47
work exposure parameters. Specifically, Norman et al. [10] identified The RULA observational tool is a postural targeting method for es-
four risk factors for lower back disorders in automotive workers, timating the risks of work-related upper limb injuries based upon the
namely: i) load moment; ii) hand forces; iii) peak shear force; and iv) positions of upper arms, wrists, neck and upper trunk; while the REBA
peak trunk velocity. However, these studies only reported upon a spe- estimates the entire body's risks according to the positions of arms,
cific body part (e.g., lower back and shoulder) and on an isolated risk wrists neck, trunk and legs. All risk assessment methods provide an
factor (e.g., repetitions and lifting postures). In contrast, construction expeditious, systematic and quantitative assessment of the worker's
workers may sustain multiple injuries during repetitive lifting tasks postural risks with regard to major body joints and angles between
[11]. The most important WMSDs risk factors relate to lifting weights joints [7]. However, these posture assessment approaches usually col-
and awkward postures because such requires maintaining muscle force lect data through observations, questionnaires or scorecards which are
over an extended period of time [12–14]. Repetitive and prolonged subject to the assessor's individual bias and judgement [36], as well as
lifting tasks cause muscle fatigue and discomfort for a worker and in- being inefficient and inaccurate [37,38]. Remote sensing methods are
variably this activity increases the risk of developing WMSDs. Even potentially an attractive solution for assessing biomechanical risks and
though previous studies have widely advocated appropriate lifting ill-health [39–41]. For example, Weerasinghe and Ruwanpura [41]
postures (e.g., stoop and squat) [15,16], their effect upon spinal bio- proposed infrared cameras for identifying worker activity status based
mechanics remains unclear. Therefore, laboratory-based simulated re- upon heat emitted from the worker's body in conjunction with video
petitive lifting tests are needed to gain a better understanding of spinal images and acoustic data. However, remote sensing methods use ex-
biomechanics and in turn, develop effective lifting procedures and pensive cameras and have difficulties with moving backgrounds and
processes which may elevate the risk of developing WMSDs. Given this varying light conditions as experienced within the dynamic and incle-
contextual background, this study seeks to evaluate the effects of lifting ment construction environment [22]. Direct laboratory measurements
weights and postures on spinal biomechanics (i.e. muscle activity and provide accurate and reliable data by using relatively simple instru-
muscle fatigue) during a laboratory-based simulated repetitive lifting ments such as surface electromyography (sEMG) sensors [42]. More-
task. To mitigate the risks of construction workers developing WMSDs, over, sEMG sensors are useful for biomechanical studies in laboratory
the research culminates by suggesting a number of potential pragmatic settings [43]. Hence, this study adopts sEMG sensors to supplement
ergonomic interventions such as team lifting and adjustable lift equip- existing methods to identify risk factors of WMSDs.
2.3. Theories and models of WMSDs
2. Research background
There are several theories and models of WMSDs causation that
2.1. Current state of practice in WMSDs prevention have been discussed in the literature, however, based on the scope of
the current study only biomechanical theories and models of risk fac-
To reduce the risk of developing WMSDs among construction tors for WMSDs causation were reviewed. During the 1970s, Chaffin
workers, general ergonomic practices have been promoted by safety and his colleagues [44–47] and others developed simple, 2- and 3-D,
and health organizations such as the Occupational Safety and Health static biomechanical models to estimate compressive and shear forces
Administration (OSHA) and the National Institute of Occupational on lumbar spine as well as static strength requirements of jobs in oc-
Safety and Health (NIOSH). Instead of focusing on hazards to lower cupational settings. These static biomechanical models generally tend
back disorders, general ergonomic practices typically focus on risk ex- to underestimate stresses on the low back predominately because they
posures associated with all WMSDs. For example, NIOSH published ignore the inertial loads [9,48] as well as muscle cocontraction [49,50].
guidance which contains simple and inexpensive methods to help pre- Using a multiple internal muscle model, Schultz and Andersson [51]
vent injuries [17]. In a similar vein, OSHA offers training materials and demonstrated that lifting of weights could generate large spinal forces
programs to help workers recognize, avoid and control safety and due to the coactivation of trunk muscles. However, this modelling ap-
health hazards in their workplaces [18]. Despite these efforts, current proach led to muscle contraction force calculations that were statisti-
ergonomic practices designed for general manual handling tasks still cally indeterminate; therefore, optimisation techniques were used to
lack practicality for repetitive lifting tasks because: i) most guidelines make those calculations [52,53]. Dynamic, 3-D, anatomically complex
are presented in a brief and generic manner that is largely inappropriate and sEMG driven models were also developed to predict individual
to WMSDs prevention practices [19]; and ii) differences in work set- lumbar tissue loads [16,54–58]. Most of these models overcame lim-
tings (e.g., repetitive lifting tasks, the weight being lifted and worker itations such as static or isokinetic mechanics, inaccurate prediction of
postures adopted during the lift) are often overlooked. muscle coactivity, static interpretation of myoelectric activity and
physiologically unrealistic force per unit area. These models employ
2.2. Risk assessment methods to identify potential risk factors of WMSDs dynamic load in the hands, kinematic input, moment about the three
orthopaedic axes of the low back normalized sEMG, muscle-cross sec-
Within contemporary construction practice, techniques for assessing tion area, a gain factor to represent muscle force per unit area and
exposure to risk factors associated with WMSDs include self-reports, modulation factors describing EMG and force behavior as a function of
observations, direct measurement and remote sensing methods [20]. muscle length and velocity to determine tensile load in each muscle.
Despite the usefulness of these techniques, several limitations are ap- The model developed by McGill and colleagues [50,59,60] also ac-
parent [21]. For instance, self-reports (e.g., the Borg Scale) vary from counted for passive spinal and ligamentous forces. These theories and
the inter-rater difference of workers' perception and are consequently models represent significant improvements in biomechanical modelling
imprecise and unreliable [22]. An extensive array of observational tools to predict loads on the lumbar spine under different loading conditions.
for ergonomic and posture analysis have also been developed and in- Similarly, extant literature indicates that many factors with a bio-
clude: Quick Exposure Check (QEC) [23], the Assessment of Repetitive mechanical impact are strong risk factors for WMSDs to the upper ex-
Arts (ART) [24], the Manual Handling Assessment Chart (MAC) [25], tremities. Repetitiveness of the work activity has been shown to be a
the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) [26,27], the Rapid Entire strong risk factor for cumulative trauma disorders (repetitive strain
Body Assessment (REBA) [28], Washingston State's ergonomic rule injury) [61–67]. Repeated load application may result in cumulative
(WAC 296-62-051) [29], Posture, Activity, Tools and Handling (PATH) fatigue, reducing the stress-bearing capacity of the upper extremities
[30], Strain Index [31], The Liberty Mutual Manual Material Handling muscles. Besides, forcefulness/overexertion of job activities has simi-
Tables (SNOOK tables) [32], the NIOSH lifting equation [33,34] and 3D larly been strongly associated with these upper extremities injuries
Static Strength Prediction Program (3DSSPP) [35]. [61,62,65,66,68,69]. In summary, Kumar [70] reported that relatively
M.F. Antwi-Afari et al. Automation in Construction 83 (2017) 41–47
recent and epidemic increase of upper limb repetitive strain injury in (measuring 30 × 30 × 25 cm and containing dumbbell weights) with
many occupations has been largely attributed to the external loads, the target weight during lifting cycles. The lifting cycle started from the
postural load levels, and repetition of posture and/or force application. floor up to a bench at the waist level, rest for 3 s (without losing contact
Moreover, duration of exposure was reported by Hales and Bernard with the box) and then lowered the box down to the floor. The parti-
[62] and Spurgeon et al. [71] as an important variable in precipitation cipants were instructed not to move their feet during the lifting cycle
of WMSDs of the upper extremities. Hales and Bernard stated that which was fixed at 10 cycles/min and controlled by a metronome.
sustained activities with insufficient recovery time led to such afflic- Participants performed each weight of repetitive lifting until subjective
tions. Overall, increased biomechanical loads whether due to posture fatigue was reached (i.e. the participant could not complete a cycle of
[20,61,62,65] or to differential exposure due to handedness [72] or to lifting after strong verbal encouragement). Another group of partici-
another combination of factors [66,73,74] is a significant risk factor in pants conducted a squat lifting posture in a sagittal plane using the
precipitation of WMSDs of the upper extremity. Hence, the current same experimental procedures and set-up. A rest period of 20 min was
study supplements previously developed theories and models of allowed between each different weights to prevent accumulation of
WMSDs causation by evaluating the effects of lifting weights and pos- fatigue. To determine the MLS, participants performed a test using an
tures on spinal biomechanics during a simulated repetitive lifting task isometric strength testing device (Chattecx Corporation, USA). Each
undertaken within a strictly controlled laboratory experimental en- participant was instructed to start in either a stoop or a squat position
vironment. Taken together, these biomechanical models can provide a and then gradually brought the handle/lever of a dynamometer upward
quantitative assessment of the musculoskeletal loads during occupa- until the perceived MLS was achieved; where the dynamometer mea-
tional tasks, given spinal biomechanics information of different body sures the strength of the whole body (Kg). This procedure was repeated
parts (e.g., upper limbs, lower back and lower limbs muscles). They can after a 2-minute break. The highest value generated on the digital force
also help to identify how hazardous loading conditions exceed a monitor during the two trials was assumed to be the participant's MLS
worker's physical capability. Although, it may be considered question- (Piezotronics, New York Inc., USA).
able to compare and contrast these models and theories due to different
populations, and work settings; this was done to highlight the types of 3.1. Surface electromyography measurements
considerations that should be made when conducting ergonomic in-
tervention research to alleviate WMSDs. Two pairs of wireless bipolar Ag/AgCl surface electrodes (Noraxon
TeleMyo sEMG System, Noraxon USA Inc., USA) were attached bilateral
to the left and right muscle of the: biceps brachii (BB); brachioradialis
3. Research approach
(BR); lumbar erector spinae (LES); rectus femoris (RF) and medial
gastrocnemius (MG) [75,76]. The diameter of the electrode was 15 mm
A laboratory simulated experiment was used to conduct the re-
and the inter-electrode distance was 20 mm. A standardized skin pre-
search. Twenty healthy participants (all males) were recruited from the
paration procedure was used to ensure the skin impedance was below
student population of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University to parti-
10 kΩ (cf. [77]). Raw electrocardiography signals were filtered for all
cipate in this study. The participants mean age was 27.9 ± 4.0 years,
sEMG channels [78]. Prior to the lifting task, the participant was in-
weight was 71.0 ± 8.97 kg, and height was 1.74 ± 0.09 m. All par-
structed to perform two trials of maximum voluntary contraction
ticipants had no medical history of mechanical upper limbs and back
(MVC) against manual resistance of each muscle [75]. The participant
pain or lower extremities injuries. Participants provided their informed
maintained the MVC for 5 s with 2-minute rest between trials [76]. The
consent as approved by the Human Subject Ethics Subcommittee of The
maximum root mean square (RMS) of sEMG signal of each muscle was
Hong Kong Polytechnic University (reference number:
identified using a 1000 ms moving window passing through the sEMG
HSEARS20160719002). Participants performed lifting of three different
signals during the two MVCs. The highest RMS sEMG signal of each
weights using either a stoop or squat lifting posture (see Fig. 1); where
muscle was chosen to normalization.
these weights were 5%-, 10%-, and 15% of participant's maximum
All sEMG signals were processed with a band-pass filter of
lifting strength (MLS). Lifting weights were randomized among parti-
20–500 Hz. A notch filter centered at 50 Hz was used to reduce power-
cipants and they were allowed to practice each lifting posture for 10 s
line interference. Full-wave rectification and signal smoothing with a
prior to undertaking the trial. During the first session, participants
constant window of 100 ms RMS algorithm were also applied [79]. The
performed a stoop lifting posture in a sagittal plane. A specified location
left and right of each muscle were averaged because no significant
was demarcated on the floor for participants to place a wooden box
difference was observed between the left and right side in sEMG signals.
The sEMG signals recorded were expressed as mean RMS sEMG activity
(mean EMG RMS). The sampled RMS sEMG data were normalized to the
highest RMS sEMG during MVC and expressed as a percentage MVC (%
MVC) sEMG. The signals from sEMG electrodes were recorded using the
Noraxon MR 3.8 software (Noraxon USA Inc., USA). The sEMG activity
levels during repetitive lifting were analyzed as average Standard
Amplitude Analysis (SAA). The mean SAA was used to represent the
average value during repetitive lifting to allow comparisons between
different lifting weights and lifting postures to be made. The normalized
RMS sEMG amplitude was used to predict the presence of muscle fa-
tigue of each muscle. De Luca [80] found that an observed increase in
the RMS sEMG amplitude can be regarded as an indicator of localized
muscle fatigue during repetitive lifting tasks. The muscle fatigue rate
was determined as the average RMS sEMG activity over the endurance
The Saphiro-Wilk test was used to confirm that the data was nor-
Fig. 1. Two lifting postures: (a) Stoop posture; and (b) Squat posture.
mally distributed. A mixed-model repeated measures analysis of
M.F. Antwi-Afari et al. Automation in Construction 83 (2017) 41–47
Table 1
Mean (standard deviation) of normalized muscle activity of different muscles.
Muscle Lifting 5% Maximum lifting 10% Maximum lifting 15% Maximum lifting Lifting weight p- Lifting posture p- Lifting weight × lifting posture p-
posture strength strength strength value value value
BB Stoop 17.58 (7.97) 21.53 (9.18) 28.52 (13.80) 0.00⁎ 0.55 0.33
Squat 18.55 (11.39) 27.09 (20.08) 34.66 (26.67)
BR Stoop 13.32 (7.24) 19.41 (11.21) 28.24 (18.33) 0.00⁎ 0.59 0.51
Squat 13.82 (5.17) 23.36 (7.93) 31.46 (12.65)
LES Stoop 39.64 (12.99) 42.51 (9.61) 52.04 (13.67) 0.00 0.28 0.19
Squat 35.41 (7.24) 39.61 (7.74) 44.71 (7.44)
RF Stoop 3.96 (3.08) 4.72 (4.02) 5.87 (5.27) 0.12 0.00# 0.65
Squat 21.21 (8.94) 21.43 (8.85) 22.11 (9.21)
MG Stoop 26.97 (11.04) 31.00 (13.67) 36.73 (18.41) 0.00⁎ 0.04# 0.45
Squat 16.62 (5.26) 20.77 (6.74) 24.23 (6.38)
Note: Biceps brachii (BB); Brachioradialis (BR); Lumbar erector spinae (LES); Rectus femoris (RF); Medial gastrocnemius (MG).
Indicates that there was a significance difference between different lifting weights at p < 0.05.
Indicates that there was a significance difference between stoop and squat lifting postures at p < 0.05.
variance (ANOVA) was then adopted to evaluate the effect of different Table 2
lifting weights (5%- vs. 10%- vs. 15% MLS) and lifting postures (stoop Muscle fatigue rate.
vs. squat) on spinal biomechanics. Post hoc pairwise comparisons were
Maximum lifting strength Muscle fatigue rate
conducted with the Bonferroni adjustment. All statistical analyses were
analyzed by the Statistical Package for the Social Science version 20.0 BB⁎ BR⁎ LES⁎ RF MG⁎
(IBM, USA). Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05.
5% 0.176 0.132 0.365 0.122 0.212
10% 0.369 0.325 0.624 0.199 0.393
15% 0.726 0.686 1.112 0.321 0.701
4. Results
Note: Biceps brachii (BB); Brachioradialis (BR); Lumbar erector spinae (LES); Rectus fe-
4.1. Effects of lifting weights on spinal biomechanics moris (RF); Medial gastrocnemius (MG).
Indicates a significance difference between different lifting weights at p < 0.05.
Table 1 presents the results of mean and standard deviation of the
normalized sEMG activity for each muscle during repetitive lifting tasks.
Fig. 2 represents the comparison of normalized sEMG activity between Table 2 reveals that a significant difference of muscle fatigue of all
all muscles at different lifting weights and postures. Muscle activity of all muscles in lifting weights was apparent, except the RF muscle (Table 2).
muscles (BB, BR, LES, RF, and MG) increased with lifting weight (see Moreover, the highest muscle fatigue rate occurred at the LES muscle.
Fig. 2). Heavier lifting weights (15% MLS) had the highest sEMG activity Based upon participants' subjective fatigue, it was found that muscle
for all muscles (see Table 1). The LES muscle displayed the highest mean fatigue occurs earlier for 15% MLS and 10% MLS compared to 5% MLS.
sEMG activity (i.e. 52.04% MVC). Conversely, the RF muscle showed the The average endurance time were 205.6 s, 131.6 s, and 87 s for 5%
lowest sEMG activity (see Table 1). Interestingly, the results revealed that MLS, 10% MLS, and 15% MLS respectively.
increased lifting weights significantly increased sEMG activity of all
muscles, except the RF muscles (see Table 1). The non-significant dif- 4.2. Effects of lifting postures on spinal biomechanics
ferent sEMG activity of the RF muscle in the 5% MLS compared with 10%
MLS and 15% MLS were [mean difference = −0.49% MVC (95% con- Conversely, mixed design ANOVA revealed a significant difference
fident interval (CI) = −2.39% to 1.41% MVC), standard error = 0.72; of sEMG activity between lifting postures of RG and MG muscles (see
eta-square = 0.16; p = 1.00] and [mean difference = −1.40% MVC Table 1). Squat lifting postures had consistent higher sEMG activity
(95% CI = −3.40% to 0.59% MVC), standard error = 0.76; eta- (mean difference = 16.73% MVC) compared to stoop lifting postures in
square = 0.61; p = 0.24], respectively. RF muscles. Alternatively, the MG muscle resulted in a higher sEMG
M.F. Antwi-Afari et al. Automation in Construction 83 (2017) 41–47
activity of stoop lifting posture (mean difference = 11.01% MVC) sEMG activity between lifting postures of the RF and MG muscles.
compared to squat lifting postures. However, no significant difference Muscle activity of the RF muscle was higher during squat lifting posture
of sEMG activity between lifting postures of BB, BR and LES muscles compared to stoop lifting posture. Conversely, the stoop lifting posture
was recorded. The two upper limb muscles (BB and BR) showed higher had higher sEMG activity of the MG muscle compared to squat lifting
sEMG activity in squat lifting postures as compared to stoop lifting posture. This result is consistent with the findings of previous bio-
postures. The mean difference between the two lifting postures of BB mechanical studies, which reported a significant effect of lifting pos-
and BR muscles were 4.23% MVC and 2.55% MVC, respectively. In the tures on lower limbs sEMG activity (and thus elevated risk of devel-
LES muscles, stoop lifting postures had higher sEMG activity than squat oping WMSDs in the lower extremities) [88]. Alternatively, no
lifting postures with a mean difference of 4.82% MVC. No significant significant difference of sEMG activity was found between lifting pos-
interaction was found between lifting weights and lifting postures on tures of the BB, BR and LES muscles and this may be be due to differ-
muscle activity, and lifting posture had no main effect and non-sig- ences in experimental protocols adopted. This research also found peak
nificant interaction on muscle fatigue (p > 0.05). sEMG activity of the LES muscle at 7% less for squat lifting posture than
stoop lifting posture – this compares to the research of Van Dieen et al.
5. Discussion [89], who reported significant peak sEMG activity of the LES muscle at
8% less for stoop lifting posture than squat lifting posture.
This study sought to quantify the effects of lifting weights and lifting
postures on spinal biomechanics during a laboratory-based simulated 6. Recommendations for alleviating risk factors for WMSDs
repetitive lifting task. Results of analysis revealed that increased lifting
weights significantly increased sEMG activity and muscle fatigue of all The findings provide strong empirical implications that justify the
muscles, except the RF muscle. The highest sEMG activity occurred at industry's obligation to reduce the risk of developing WMSDs in con-
the LES muscles. Moreover, the results revealed a significant difference struction workers; six key interventions are identified. First, a worker
of sEMG activity of the RF and MG muscles between lifting postures. not only needs to reduce the weight of load being lifted but also avoid
Mixed design ANOVA did not reveal any significant interactions be- lifting below their knee height. Davis et al. [86] found that a 50% re-
tween lifting weights and lifting postures on spinal biomechanics. duction in the lifting weight decreased the peak loads to the lumbar
Overall, the findings suggest that increased lifting weights, increased back muscles by 22.5%, and noted that the negative impact of heavy
muscle activity and muscle fatigue during repetitive lifting tasks and weights on the lumbar region increased sagittal trunk loading by ap-
may elevate the risk of developing WMSDs. proximately 33% to 55% if the lifting weight was below knee height.
Second, the research has also estimated the normative duration of re-
5.1. Effects of lifting weights on spinal biomechanics petitive lifting at different lifting weights prior to the worker experi-
encing subjective fatigue. Construction workers and health and safety
Muscle activity expressed as the RMS sEMG value (% MVC) was managers should refer to these figures when attempting to mitigate the
found to increase significantly with increased lifting weights. Moreover, risks posed by repetitive lifting tasks. Third, team lifting (i.e., two or
the maximum muscle activity occurred at the LES muscle with a value more rebar workers) or use of mechanical lifting equipment is re-
of 52% MVC. The average muscle activity of LES muscle increased by commended for lifting heavy rebar in order to minimize the risk of
10.9% MVC for heavier lifting weight (15% MLS) as compared rela- developing WMSDs [90,91]. Fourth, although the research found no
tively to the lower lifting weight (5% MLS). The LES muscle exhibited statistically significant difference in spinal biomechanics between the
the highest muscle activity followed by BB, MG, BR and RF. These re- two lifting postures (except muscle activity in lower limb muscles), it
sults concur with the findings of previous studies that focused upon does not preclude the necessity of adopting proper ergonomic inter-
repetitive lifting tasks during which the LES muscle activity increases ventions. For example, adjustable lift tables (and other lifting equip-
with lifting weights [81,82]. In addition, lifting weight significantly ment/machinery) can be used to improve the body posture during work
increased sEMG activity of the upper limb muscles (BB and BR), which [92]. Similarly, education on physical and psychosocial risk factors for
concur with the findings of McBride et al. [83]. Cumulatively, this WMSDs and proper lifting techniques can improve the awareness of
study's findings suggest that increased lifting weights increase sEMG WMSDs and cultivate proper work behavior [92–94]. Fifth, construc-
activity and may increase the risk of developing WMSDs. tion managers should also plan the work schedule of workers based on
Analysis results also found that muscle fatigue (measured by RMS individual's physical capability to mitigate the risks posed by WMSDs
sEMG activity) increased over time for all muscles which indicates the during repetitive lifting tasks. For instance, rebar workers or masons
development of muscle fatigue at different lifting weights. The LES can perform alternative tasks with different physical exposures, and use
muscle exhibited the highest muscle fatigue rate, which indicates the frequent breaks to minimize their back muscle fatigue [39]. Sixth, as-
reference muscle in detecting muscle fatigue - that is, the muscle that sistive devices (e.g. cranes, exoskeletons, forklift, back belts or hoists)
indicates when an operator should stop performing the lifting task. The [95] may be introduced to provide construction workers with better
greater the motor unit recruitment and electric signals-firing rate mechanical advantages during repetitive lifting tasks. For instance,
(where the later is produced by muscle expansion and contraction), the knee pads can be worn to minimize the risk of knee inflammation and
greater is the generated muscle force [84]. During repetitive lifting bursitis during kneeling postures [96]. However, the cost-effectiveness
tasks, the muscle force generated caused a gradual rise in sEMG ac- of these devices should be further investigated and measured against
tivity, which results in muscle fatigue [85]. As such, these findings the cost saving afforded by improved productivity and enhanced safety
explain the highest indication of muscle fatigue in the LES muscle and performance [97].
suggest that increased lifting weight increases sEMG activity with a
corresponding increase in muscle fatigue rate. Overall, this research 7. Conclusions and future directions
concurs with the findings of previous studies in which increased lifting
weight resulted in an increase in muscle activity and muscle fatigue, to The results of analysis revealed that increased lifting weights sig-
indicate an elevated risk of developing WMSDs [86,87]. nificantly increased sEMG activity and muscle fatigue of the BB, BR,
LES and MG muscles, except the RF muscles. Moreover, muscle activity
5.2. Effects of lifting postures on spinal biomechanics and muscle fatigue of LES muscle were higher than all other muscles
during repetitive lifting tasks. Furthermore, the results found a sig-
The present study found inconsistent results of sEMG activity be- nificant difference of sEMG activity of the lower limb muscles (RF and
tween lifting postures. The study revealed a significant difference of MG) between lifting postures. These findings indicate that workers
M.F. Antwi-Afari et al. Automation in Construction 83 (2017) 41–47
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