Lesson Plan #3 - Induction of Objects
Lesson Plan #3 - Induction of Objects
Lesson Plan #3 - Induction of Objects
Teacher Candidate: Damaris Martinez Subject: Physics Grade Level: High School Lesson Number: 3
Central Focus/Overall Goal: Students will be able to analyze what electrostatic is with all of its components, how it is
produced, how it works and its application to electricity
Learning Segment/Unit Language Function: Analyze
State-adopted NYS Common Curriculum Physical Setting/Physics Major Understandings 5.1:
student academic Students can explain and predict different patterns of motion of objects (e.g., linear and uniform circular
content standards motion, velocity and acceleration, momentum and inertia).
Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they
are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 11-12 texts and topics.
21st Century Learning Skills:
Communicate Clearly: Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written and nonverbal
communication skills in a variety of forms and contexts
Lesson Students will be able to explain different patterns of motion by
Objectives/Target 1. Describing (Evaluation)the creation of a changed object and movement of electrons.
Evidence 1a. Lesson 3 Independent Problem: Induction
1b. Revision of “ Prediction, Observation, and Revision “ Worksheet
Common A misconception students may have is that only metals can hold a charge. Although we do use metals
Misconceptions/ because they are good conductors this does not mean they are the only thing that can hold a charge.
The teacher will use a balloon (non-metal material), charge it by friction and use it to pick up pieces of
paper. Neither of these objects where metal or metal like but they were able to hold a charge briefly.
Procedure – Demonstration
● The teacher will start the instructional portion of the class with a demonstration. (Visual)
Label: ● The teacher will pass out the “Prediction, Observation, Explanation, and Revision” worksheet as
Instructional the warm-up. (RBIS #1).
method(s), ● The teacher will have six to seven pieces of tinsel tied together at the ends, a segment of PVC
learning tasks, pipe and a furry fabric material. The teacher will then “charge” PVC pipe by rubbing it with the
modeling, guided fabric.
practice, ● Meanwhile, students will be instructed to write and draw at least one prediction in the
scaffolding, “Prediction” Section. The teacher will tell the students they have two minutes to do this.
independent ● The teacher will ask the students which square will they write and draw their prediction in. The
practice, activities teacher will then ask the students how much time they have to complete the task.(CFU-
and/or other directions)
● The teacher starts the demonstration by holding the pipe in one hand and hold the tinsel in the
Label: Bell other. The teacher will let the tinsel fall towards the pipe from above. Tinsel will then float
Ringer upwards and create a floating sphere.
Also may be ● The teacher will then ask the student to draw, write at least 2 observation in the “Observation”
called: anticipatory section. (CSE)(21st Century Skills-Communicate Clearly)
set, hook, ● The teacher will then give the students an opportunity to try the experiment, this will last 6
introduction, minutes. (Kinesthetic)
review, Do Now, Transition:. After 4 minutes the teacher will use “Physicist, Yes” for the class to regroup and instruct the
Write Now, Silent students to put the materials on the teacher's desk and use the next 2 minutes to continue writing their
Starter, warm-up observations or write any new ones they made. The teacher will give a 1-minute warning.
● The teacher will then instruct students to write a rationale for each of the observation in the
Label: “Explanation” section. The teacher will tell students they have 4 minutes to complete the
Transitions following task. 21st Century Skills-Communicate Clearly (CSE)
● The teacher will ask for two volunteers to repeat the criteria for the task and how much time they
Label: have to do it. (CFU-Directions)
Accommodations ● After 3 minutes the teacher will give students a 1-minute warning to ask the student to finish
for Learning their final thought.
Modalities ● The teacher will ask for at least 3 volunteers to share the observation and their explanations.
visual, auditory, The teacher will ask probing question and prompt a discussion that will lead to the instructional
and kinesthetic portion of the lesson.
Transition: The teacher will ask the students to set their “ Prediction, Observation, and Revision “
Label: Checks for Worksheets aside but not to put them away because they will use them at the end of the class period.
Understanding: The teacher will start the teaching portion of the lesson by passing out class worksheets for the lesson.
Copyright Pending – S. Hackett 2018
Transition: The teacher will hand out the Mid-Unit Self Assessment
Self-Assessment: Mid-0 Unit Review
● The students will have 7 minutes to complete this assignment. The teacher will explain the
● Students will be given a checklist with all objectives on it.
● Students will assess the comfort level, create a goal to increase their confidence in the material,
and the come up with strategies to achieve their goal.
● The teacher will give students a 2- minute warning.
Transition: Teacher will ask the students to finish writing their final thought The teacher will then instruct
students to take out their “ Prediction, Observation, and Revision “ Worksheet (which is also their Exit-
Ticket). The teacher will ask the students to put away their pens and pencils. The teacher will hand out
different colored writing utensils. Teacher will also handout the Mid-Unit Self Assessment.
Closure- Exit Slip
Using their new knowledge, students will work independently to revise what they wrote in the
“Explanation” section (without erasing) and rewrite the revised version it in the “Revision” section with a
justification of their changes using there colored writing utensils. The student will have the ability to do
the demonstration while completing the Exit Ticket in order to help the revision process.(CFU-Content,
Formal) (CSE)21st Century Skills-Communicate Clearly.When students are done with their exit ticket
they will complete the mid-unit self assessment.
Formal Assessments
Name the assessment and describe the purpose/what is 1. Evaluation Criteria and 2. Feedback Method
being assessed (include related objective(s))
Lesson 3 Independent Problem: Induction Lesson 3 Independent Problem: Induction
Students will be able to explain different patterns of 1. Practice Problems will be graded as classwork grade.
motion by describing (Evaluation) the creation of a Satisfactory Grade= 3
changed object and movement of electrons. 2 1 0
Writing The student used The student did not left blank
Conventions full sentences use full sentences