The Intel 4004 Microprocessor: What Constituted Invention?: William Aspray
The Intel 4004 Microprocessor: What Constituted Invention?: William Aspray
The Intel 4004 Microprocessor: What Constituted Invention?: William Aspray
This paper investigates the context for the development of one of the earliest
microprocessors, the Intel 4004. It considers the contributions Intel employ-
ees, most notably Marcian E. “Ted” Hoff, Jr., and Federico Faggin, made
and contributions other people made to this development who are not gen-
erally known, most notably Tadashi Sasaki and Masatoshi Shima. The paper
represents a case study of how corporate and national cultures affect tech-
nological development and of the many aspects of invention, including con-
ceptualization, logical design, engineering, fabrication, capitalization, and
T he microprocessor is among the most ubiquitous and power-
ful technologies of the late 20th century. It is not surprising,
then, that credit for this invention has been widely discussed—
By considering corporate and even national cultures, we can gain
a new and deeper perspective on this important invention.
At the time the Sharp Corporation hired many, many young tion, but the other engineers did not find particular value in it.
girls for the assembly operation, for production. Sharp Cor- Sasaki made his decision on the future research direction in a
poration had built many dormitories for several-person oc- customary Japanese way, on the basis of the majority opinion,
cupancy. They also built housing complexes for married which he later acknowledged to be a mistake. He did arrange for
couples. Then I realized that what is more efficient and cost the company’s shops to experiment with a program he called
effective is singles’ dormitories; they are much better than Components on Silicon, but the major thrust of research was
the couples’ dormitory because in the case of the singles’ along the lines of the majority opinion, without any particular
dormitory, you don’t have to think up any design. It’s very effort to build a complete central processing unit on a chip.
simple, and you don’t have to worry about any separations However, Sasaki would not readily let go of the idea of the
between them. Then I put that idea into semiconductor de- fractional chip. The U.S. manufacturer Rockwell had an exclusive
vices. People have used the p-n junction, and they had to contract to supply the semiconductor devices Sharp used in its
put some insulator with it. It’s no good for the future appliances. Sharp was an important customer to Rockwell, and
miniaturization of devices. So I recommended utilizing the there were mature working relations between them. Sasaki asked
single type of transistor structure without insulator. Rockwell to produce these four-division chips, but Rockwell re-
In 1966, Sharp began work on p-channel MOS technology, fused—according to Sasaki because Rockwell was already earn-
which it learned about from a technical report prepared by ing high profits with its other semiconductor devices and did not
Fairchild Semiconductor. Two years later, Sasaki began to worry want this distraction.
that calculators built with p-channel MOS technology would con-
sume too much power for battery operation and would operate too Thus, while the other Sharp engineers
slowly, so he introduced work on complementary metal-oxide
semiconductor technology in his company. However, this created focused on the functionality of the
a new problem: Too great a percentage of the power was being calculator, Murakami focused on the
consumed by the display unit. In response, he initiated what
turned out to be one of the first and most successful research pro-
functionality of the chip.
grams in liquid crystal displays.
Sasaki’s role in the development of the microprocessor came In 1968, in the first several months after Intel was founded,
about as part of his effort to keep Sharp at the forefront of the Noyce visited Sasaki at the Sharp offices in Nara, Japan, hoping
Japanese calculator business. During the mid-1960s, every two to sell Intel’s manufacturing semiconductor devices to Sharp.
years the number of chips required to make a calculator was Sasaki felt beholden to Noyce because of the important use he had
halved because of the rapid pace at which the semiconductor scale made of Noyce’s earlier results at Fairchild on planar-type semi-
of integration was progressing. As a result, Sharp anticipated conductor devices; so he asked Rockwell if it would allow Intel, a
product life cycles for calculators of two years or less. By 1968, new and struggling firm, to produce a small percentage of Sharp’s
some calculators were being built from as few as four chips. Pro- semiconductors. Rockwell refused, pointing to its exclusivity
jecting a continuation of this trend, Sasaki organized a series of agreement with Sharp.
brainstorming sessions with about 10 of his engineers and circuit At that point, Sasaki decided to take entrepreneurial action be-
designers to plan for the future generations of calculators. hind the scenes. Yoshio Kojima was the president of a young and
Most of the engineers suggested an incremental increase in the unproven calculator company named Busicom, short for Business
overall functionality of the calculators by taking advantage of the Computer, that was experiencing some financial problems. He and
increasing scale of integration to continue to put more on each Sasaki had graduated from the same university department
chip. Sasaki rejected this idea as simply the kind of conservative (although at different times), and university ties being strong in
thinking that is ingrained by the Japanese university system—to Japan, Sasaki did not want to see Kojima’s business fail. Sasaki
make incremental extensions rather than technological leaps. had previously given technical advice to Busicom, which is per-
However, one member of the team, Ms. Murakami, who was a missible in Japanese business culture since Busicom was small
software engineering researcher who had recently graduated from and posed no serious threat to Sharp. Thus he decided surrepti-
Otani University in Kyoto, focused instead on increasing the tiously to provide 40 million yen to Kojima, with the stipulation
functionality of individual chips. Noting the reduction in the that Busicom would front a contract with Intel to manufacture the
number of chips needed to build a calculator over the previous four-division chip. This funding was used to pay for the develop-
several years, she suggested that if the trend continued, the num- ment contract with Intel that led to the development of the 4004
ber needed would decrease to two, then one, then a fractional microprocessor.
What she meant by a fractional number is not entirely clear, Masatoshi Shima and Busicom
but it seems she meant that the calculator comprised multiple At this point, the story shifts to Busicom and a young engineer
functional units and that one could divide a chip into multiple employed there named Masatoshi Shima (Fig. 1). In 1967, Busi-
regions, placing in each region a complete functional unit, with com was manufacturing mechanical and electronic desktop busi-
buffers to bypass. This leads one to emphasize the implementation ness calculators, selling Mitsubishi mainframe computers, devel-
of an entire functional unit, such as a central processing unit, on a oping operating systems and applications software for Mitsubishi,
single chip (or portion thereof). Thus, while the other Sharp engi- and importing business computers from France. Busicom calcu-
neers focused on the functionality of the calculator, Murakami lators (Fig. 2) were sold in the United States under NCR’s trade
focused on the functionality of the chip. Sasaki liked her sugges- name and were also exported to Europe and other parts of Asia.
sought a basic LSI design that could be used across the entire ready to run as soon as you are. Having something like that
range of products at both factories. you hope will get around that cash flow problem.
This technical objective was partly achieved. In the end, fol- In June 1969, Busicom sent three employees to Intel’s offices
lowing the recommendation of a U.S. consulting firm, Busicom in Santa Clara, California, to describe the work they wanted done:
settled on two U.S. semiconductor partners, Mostek and Intel, and project manager Mr. Masuda, senior engineer Mr. Takayama, and
two design strategies. Mostek was contracted to provide the LSI Shima, who was the junior member of the team but who never-
technology for the small-business calculators built in Osaka. Intel theless made the presentation. The contract task Shima outlined
was contracted to provide the integrated circuits for the products was to design a set of chips using LSI technology to run a family
manufactured in the Tokyo factory. Sharp’s small-business calcu- of high-performance programmable calculators. Read-only mem-
lator with four chips had been implemented in metal-gate technol- ory chips were to be added to customize the basic design for each
ogy, so Busicom chose silicon-gate technology, which had the model in the family. The meeting was followed on 16 Sept. 1969
prospect of providing higher-scale integration than Sharp’s ap- by a letter presenting a formal offer of contract.
proach—which was important since Busicom did not want to Intel originally gave responsibility for the Busicom project to
build simple calculators like Sharp was building for the home Ted Hoff (Fig. 3), manager of the Application Research Depart-
market but more powerful calculating machines for professional ment, with assistance from another engineer, Stanley Mazor
use. Mostek and Intel were chosen because they were the two (Fig. 4). Hoff had a strong technical background: an undergradu-
U.S. semiconductor manufacturers that worked with silicon-gate ate degree in electrical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic
technology and were not already aligned in business relationships University in 1958, a PhD from Stanford University in adaptive
with other Japanese calculator manufacturers. systems (what we would now call neural networks) in 1962, and
The Osaka factory brought to Mostek the logic and circuit six years’ further experience at Stanford as a researcher, continu-
schematics, and Mostek manufactured the chips to Busicom’s ing his work on adaptive systems. He had joined Intel in 1968 and
specifications. These calculators were first produced using two already completed some important work for the company on
chips, but in 1970 Busicom was able to introduce a desktop cal- metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS) random-access memory before
culator using a single LSI Mostek chip and hardwired random this assignment, which he received because of his systems and
logic. The collaboration with Intel was not as straightforward. applications experience, even though by his own admission he
was not a chip designer.
Busicom and Intel: Defining a Product
The history of Intel is well-known and need only be summarized
here. Intel was one of the so-called Fairchildren, the companies
started by former employees of Fairchild Semiconductor. It was
incorporated in July 1968, after Noyce and Gordon Moore left
Fairchild to exploit the commercial opportunities of the emerging
LSI technology. Intel’s primary goal was to produce a semicon-
ductor computer memory to replace magnetic cores. The com-
pany’s first big success came in late 1970, when it introduced the
1103, with one-kilobit dynamic random-access memory. By 1972,
this product was replacing core memories in large numbers and
was the most successful semiconductor memory on the market.
Already, Intel was supplying memory chips to 15 of the 18 largest
computer manufacturers.
When Busicom first contacted Intel about developing the chip
set for its new line of computers, Intel was less than a year old.
Despite the fact that Busicom’s project was outside of Intel’s ma-
Fig. 3. Marcian E. “Ted” Hoff, Jr.
jor line of business in semiconductor memories, Intel welcomed
the business, both to build up its client list and to provide it with
some contract work to ease its cash-flow problems while it devel- Despite the value of the collaboration to both companies, the
oped its proprietary memory chips. As Hoff explained: project did not progress smoothly during the first year. The Japa-
I was involved in some of [the contract negotiations with nese team had already gone a long way toward completion of its
Busicom].... Most of Intel’s other products were proprietary design, having the logic schematics 80 percent to 90 percent com-
with the potential for fairly long design cycles. When you plete in Shima’s estimation. They expected, not unreasonably,
develop a new memory chip of your own design, you finally that with all of this work completed, the chip set could be pro-
announce it to the world, and then you sit back for a year or duced rapidly. Shima was at first optimistic about the collabora-
two and wait for people to design it [into their products] and tion, but his confidence soon faded.
get their production going.... You are ready to make them by [Hoff] had good abilities in many, many areas, including
the millions and people are just buying them by the ones computers, software, circuit design, logic design, and
and twos to try them out. So the business of trying to get simulation. In the beginning of the meeting[s] we thought
around that is doing custom silicon. When you do custom that once we showed the logic schematic to them, they
silicon, you are working with a design team that you hope is could understand what we wanted to do. But after several
From August to October 1969, Hoff pursued his approach, ing.... When I went to Intel, I found out they had not done
while Shima worked (also on-site at Intel) to improve and com- anything! ... We fought it quite strongly because Busicom
plete his original design. As Hoff remembers the situation: paid money and Busicom sent all the documents on each
[The Japanese engineers, Shima in particular] had a great LSI product.... And at that time when I went to Intel, noth-
reluctance to change the design. I can understand it; they ing was done. I was mad!
had a big investment. They had already done a fair amount Intel management had pulled Hoff from the project to work on
of coding, so it would be very reasonable that he would not another contract, to develop a chip to serve as the central proces-
want to. At a conference a few years later, Shima said, “I sor for an intelligent computer terminal (the Datapoint 2200) for
had to write all my code over again!” The interaction was Computer Terminal Corporation—a project that ultimately re-
that I was going in one direction [and the Japanese in an- sulted in another, but more powerful microprocessor known as the
other]. Basically they already had a design that was pretty 8008. (Shima was not informed of the fact that Hoff had trans-
well along. As we explained what we felt some of the ferred to another project until he arrived in the United States in
problems [with their design] were, they felt that they really April 1970. He took out his anger on the project’s new chip de-
did understand those problems and accepted them ... but signer, Faggin, until he learned that Faggin had joined Intel only
they felt they could stay with the spirit of the original design one week before and did not even know any of the details of the
... to the logic, and doing so they were cutting the number of project yet.)
transistors and the number of chips necessary [thus ad-
dressing Hoff’s concern that the implementation of the
Busicom design would be too expensive]. Intel did not regard the Busicom
In October 1969, Busicom executives visited Intel, and the two contract as a high priority and did not
approaches were described to them. Hoff presented a set of four
chips: a two-kilobit read-only memory to store the program in- then see a place for the microprocessor
structions (known as the 4001), a 320-bit random-access memory in Intel’s future.
to store data (the 4002), a 10-bit shift register (the 4003), and a
four-bit central processing unit (the 4004). All of these were on
Hoff’s redeployment was a reasonable management decision
chips with 16- or 18-pin packages, which was the standard in the
for Intel. Hoff was manager of the Applications Research De-
semiconductor industry (unlike the packages that Shima designed
partment and was skilled at the applications aspects of the devel-
with larger numbers of pins, which were technically better but did
opment process but not in the details of chip layout and fabrica-
not conform with industry standards—in fact, Shima did not know
tion. When Hoff was reassigned, the setting of the design in sili-
enough about the semiconductor industry to know that there were
con for Busicom was turned over to Les Vadasz, head of Intel’s
standard packages). The 4004 microprocessor, which was the
MOS design team. However, this created several problems.
most complex of the four chips, as proposed involved integrating
25 Vadasz and his staff were too preoccupied with Intel’s principal
an estimated 1,900 transistors on a chip. Shima had reduced his
business, the design of memory chips, to do much work on the
design somewhat, but it still required 12 chips, averaging more
Busicom chip set; moreover, their experience was in memory chip
than 2,000 transistors apiece, using nonstandard 36- or 40-pin
rather than logic chip design. It was clear they needed to hire
packages. Although these comparisons seem to favor Hoff’s ap-
someone with appropriate experience to carry out the Busicom
proach, Hoff was surprised at the decision: “I always thought it
project, but it took them six months to do so. Partly it was because
was a coup that we managed to persuade the Japanese managers
26 there was a shortage of qualified chip designers available for hire;
to choose our design over [the one of their own engineers].”
apparently it was also partly because Vadasz was reluctant to hire
the most qualified available person, Faggin, because of the fric-
Implementation and Marketing tion between them when they had worked together at Fairchild.
Shima accepted the decision gracefully and began to work with Another reason may have been that Intel did not regard the Busi-
Mazor to solve what he regarded as the shortcomings of Hoff’s com contract as a high priority and did not then see a place for the
design. This work was completed by the end of 1969, and Shima microprocessor in Intel’s future.
returned to Japan in December to finalize the programming and Eventually, Intel did hire Faggin (Fig. 5), who proved to be an
documentation. Over the next several months, he worked on excellent choice for the next stage of the project. He had received
some of the programming detail, a product manual, product speci- 30
a PhD in physics in 1965 from the University of Padua. He lec-
fication, and some of the hardware architecture. tured in physics for a year at the university before holding posi-
By the end of March 1970, Shima had completed this work and tions in several Italian companies, where he helped develop an
returned to California in April to see how Intel was progressing at early process technology for MOS devices. He came on exchange
turning the architectural design into silicon products, as well as to to Fairchild in the United States in 1968, where he played a major
finalize the last few details in the contract between Intel and Busi- role in developing new silicon-gate technology for fabricating
com. He was distressed to learn that virtually no progress was high-performance, high-density MOS integrated circuits.
being made. This delay at Intel seriously undermined Busicom’s Intel hired Faggin in April 1970 expressly to work on the Busi-
schedule to build its calculator line and jeopardized its market com project, with the understanding that the architecture and logic
competitiveness. design were already completed and only some circuit design and
I visited Intel once again. That time I was told from Busi- the chip layouts remained to be done. However, he found the
com that my main job was just to check what Intel was do- project much less advanced than he had been led to believe: Many
Intel gained universal rights to sell the chip set, which it called the reluctant to make a decision.” Noyce and Hoff indicate that this
MCS-4 (short for Microcomputer System four-bit). uncertainty was paralleled in Intel’s board of directors:
Faggin disputes Hoff’s role: There was debate, though, as to whether Intel should exer-
I started pushing management to go into the open market cise its new option. Some members of the board of directors
with that chip. Now, Ted Hoff is saying he was the one do- were not certain the company should venture into the sys-
ing it, but actually he was against it. He was telling every- tems business. In the end, the view of Arthur Rock, chair-
body that it was only good for calculators, so I took it upon man of the board, prevailed and the board endorsed the
myself to show management that I could actually solve venture.
other mechanical problems using the 4004. ... When it was
time to develop the production tester for the 4004, I used the
4004 as a controller ... and used that to say, “now tell me
that it is only good for calculators.” I built a lot of momen-
tum inside the company to actually go market the 4004.
Although Intel had gained the right to sell the microprocessor
(Figs. 6 and 7), the company did not do much to exercise that
right. At first, the company did not seem to recognize the poten-
tial for the microprocessor. Marketing viewed the microprocessor
narrowly, as only a direct competitor to the minicomputer.
But nothing was done [to follow up the negotiated rights to
market the MCS-4], and there was a lot of negative feeling
within Intel. Primarily in marketing. One marketing guy Fig. 7. The Intel 4004 in its package.
said, “the total sales of minicomputers is 20,000. We are Photo courtesy of Intel.
latecomers to the business, so we will be lucky to get 10%
[of the business]. 2,000 computers is not worth all this.”
The change took place at about the time when Intel hired a new
The other position was that, even if we announce [the prod-
marketing director, Ed Gelbach. He had previously been at Texas
uct], computers take a lot of [staff support] and we have no
Instruments, which had shown an interest in logic devices. In fact,
way [to do this]. Some of these strategies were discussed.
work by Gary Boone and others on a microprocessor was already
[The argument was given that] we can hand-hold a few key
under way at Texas Instruments when Gelbach joined Intel. Gel-
customers, and the rest of them will be on their own—but a
bach swept away the concerns formerly expressed by marketing
lot of people who buy minicomputers are on their own.
and helped push Intel into the microprocessor business. One of
They get a manual, and we could put together a manual ...
the most compelling arguments inside the company at that time
with examples how to program it. But basically [customers]
41 was that customers would need memory devices to attach to the
were [to be] on [their] own.
microprocessor, so the microprocessor was regarded as a way of
enhancing the market for Intel’s primary business interest.
In the 15 Nov. 1971 issue of the trade journal Electronic News,
Intel ran a large advertisement, “Announcing a new era of inte-
grated electronics.” At the Fall Joint Computer Conference held in
Las Vegas, Nevada, that same month, Intel staffed a suite where it
distributed information about the MCS-4. “Customers came in
and really inundated them, [wanting to know] what is this com-
puter on a chip thing.” Intel received 5,000 responses to the
Electronic News announcement, far greater response than to any
previous product announcement. In 1971, Hoff and Mazor went
on the road in the United States and Faggin in Europe, giving
talks about the MCS-4. Hoff remembers standing-room-only
crowds and on many occasions having to relocate these meetings
to larger lecture rooms.
Certainly by the end of 1971, Intel marketing and senior man-
agement recognized the value of the new product. By late 1972,
the technical press was taking notice, and companies such as Na-
tional Semiconductor and Rockwell were beginning to build their
own microprocessors. By the mid-1970s, the business media were
Fig. 6. The Intel 4004 microprocessor.
paying attention to the microprocessor, led by a major article in
1975 in Fortune. By the end of the decade, public interest had
The senior management was no more certain than the market- been captured.
ing department of the value of the new product. Hoff remembers Faggin has pointed out that marketing a microprocessor is
having a meeting with Noyce and others. Hoff said, “They had a more difficult than marketing conventional electronic compo-
tiger by the tail and did not know how to handle it. They were just nents. In order to market the microprocessor, Intel had to produce
ferent viewpoints about this matter. A lot of the controversy Hoff, especially when Shima’s English language skills were weak.
may be explained by the different interests and backgrounds of Gelbach seemed to have turned around the attitude toward micro-
the actors, which led them to have different sets of priorities and processors in the marketing department and to have instilled some
values. of the interest Texas Instruments had in logic devices into the
It is clear that Faggin rescued the Busicom project and worked memory-oriented Intel culture. The contribution of Noyce as
long and hard to make it a success. He seems to have made major president remains unclear, but it is apparent that he played an
contributions to the architectural, logical, and circuit designs and important background role throughout this story. In Japan, Mu-
to have been almost single-handedly responsible for the chip lay- rakami and Sasaki were important background figures. The story
out and fabrication. Over the next several years, Faggin managed is most appropriately told as one of many individuals, Japanese
Intel’s growing microprocessor business, which amounted to ap- and American, working sometimes together and other times at
proximately 30 percent of the company’s sales by 1974. He was cross-purposes, to socially construct the microprocessor.
the cofounder and chief executive officer of Zilog in 1974, which
was a very important manufacturer of semiconductor devices for Acknowledgments
the early personal computer industry and a formidable competitor This paper is an abbreviated version of “The Social Construction
to Intel for a while. His entrepreneurial, managerial, and technical of the Microprocessor: A Japanese and American Story,” in A.
abilities in semiconductors have continued to show in his current Goldstein and W. Aspray, eds., Facets: New Perspectives on the
start-up firm, Synaptics. History of Semiconductors (New Brunswick, N.J.: IEEE Center
It is much more difficult to evaluate Shima’s contributions. for the History of Electrical Engineering, forthcoming). In the
Shima has written his personal account of his role in the devel- absence of good archival sources (especially in English), this
opment of the microprocessor, in which he assigns himself a cen- article was written largely from published sources and oral history
tral position in the development of the 4004, 8080, Z80, and interviews. Depositions in relevant court cases, such as Texas
Z8000 microprocessors. However, in interviews, Sasaki, Faggin, Instruments v Zenith (No. 3-89-2960-R), were also not available
and Hoff have strongly disputed Shima’s claims. for examination. I appreciate the helpful comments received from
Shima correctly claims that he was the designer of the original Ross Bassett, Thomas Misa, and Yuzo Takahashi on preliminary
Busicom plan, important elements of which were incorporated drafts of this paper. Rachel Stewart and other staff of the Intel
into the chip set Intel built. Shima also correctly claims that Intel Museum Archives Collection were extremely cooperative in
did not have organizational capability in logic chip design (at least finding archival sources.
until Faggin was hired) and that he provided this skill to the proj-
ect at a critical time, even if his capability was of a self-taught References
variety. Shima was the principal conduit for the knowledge of the [1] See, for example, D. Clark, “High-Stakes War Over Chip Patents,”
application, which shaped many aspects of the design. He was an San Francisco Chronicle, 8 Sept. 1990, pp. b1-b3; M. Antonof,
“Gilbert Who?” Popular Science, Feb. 1991, pp. 70-73; and J. Gem-
important catalyst in persuading Intel to follow through on its perlein and P. Carey, “If Hyatt Didn’t Invent the Microprocessor,
contractual commitment to Intel, and later he played an important Who Did?” San Jose Mercury News, 2 Dec. 1990, p. 27.
role in designing the chip set into a line of Busicom products— [2] The standard historical works on the history of semiconductors pro-
even though they were ultimately not enough to prevent Busicom vided limited information about the history of the semiconductor: E.
Braun and S. MacDonald, Revolution in Miniature, 2nd ed. New
from going out of business.
York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1982; P.R. Morris, A History of the
Shima was much in demand. Intel courted him to work on the World Semiconductor Industry. London: Peter Peregrinus, 1990; H.
redesign of the clunky 8008 microprocessor into the much more Quiesser, The Conquest of the Microchip. Cambridge, Mass., and
successful 8080 microprocessor. Faggin hired Shima away from London: Harvard Univ. Press, 1990. Also see Intel’s official history,
Intel to work for Zilog, where he played a useful role in the de- A Revolution in Progress: A History of Intel to Date (Intel, 1984),
written by M. Real, Oral History Associates. Useful biographical
velopment of the highly successful Z80 and Z8000 microproces- sketches are given in “The 30th Anniversary of the Integrated Cir-
sors. Later, when he decided to return to his native country, Intel cuit: Thirty Who Made a Difference,” Electronic Eng. Times, Sept.
accommodated him by creating a new laboratory in Japan. 1988, pp. 14-24.
However, there is another side to the Shima story. Hoff and [3] See the differing perspectives given by the principal participants:
Noyce and Hoff, 1981; F. Faggin, “The Birth of the Microproces-
Faggin credit Shima with being an excellent detail man, but not
sor,” Byte, Mar. 1992, pp. 145-150, especially p. 146; M. Shima, The
with being someone who made any essential contributions to the Birth of the Microcomputer: My Recollections. Tokyo: Iwanami
conception or design. Faggin referred to Shima as a Shoten, 1987 (in Japanese); Shima, “The Birth and Growth of the
“supertechnician” with machine-like virtues: Microcomputer,” Nikkei Electronics Book, Electronics Innovation,
pp. 159-185 (in Japanese); and Shima, “History and Future of the
Shima is almost like a computer in the sense that he does Microprocessor,” Johoshori, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 135-141, Feb. 1993.
not make mistakes. He can teach you talents. You can al- Also see T.S. Perry, “Careers/Profile: Marcian E. Hoff,” IEEE
most always rely on him when he says, “Yes, I am fin- Spectrum, pp. 46-49, Feb. 1994.
[4] Faggin oral history interview conducted by the author, 1 Sept. 1994,
ished.” You will find no mistakes in that work. He was an
IEEE archives.
incredibly strong right hand. With Shima I would say to do [5] M. Hoff oral history interview conducted by the author, 1 Sept.
it this way and then it would be. I would say, “check my 1994, IEEE archives.
work; here is the way I want the logic to be done. Clear the [6] Faggin, 1992, p. 146. Some of the references in the published litera-
54 ture to similar ideas include E.A. Sack, R.C. Lyman, and G.Y.
tables, do this, do that.” And I would rely on him.
Chang, “Evolution of the Concept of a Computer on a Slice,” Proc.
Other people also had a role in the development of the micro- IEEE, Dec. 1964, pp. 1,713-1,720; E. Fubini and M. Smith,
processor. Shima credits Mazor as an important go-between to “Limitations in Solid State Technology,” IEEE Spectrum, May 1967,