Benefits of The Mantra O Ma I Padme Hū : 3 .$:-W/ - .$J - 2 J?-:) 3 - .L%? - o - 35S? - lS3 - 1A$ - $/% - 2:A - 3-EA:A - 1/ - R
Benefits of The Mantra O Ma I Padme Hū : 3 .$:-W/ - .$J - 2 J?-:) 3 - .L%? - o - 35S? - lS3 - 1A$ - $/% - 2:A - 3-EA:A - 1/ - R
Benefits of The Mantra O Ma I Padme Hū : 3 .$:-W/ - .$J - 2 J?-:) 3 - .L%? - o - 35S? - lS3 - 1A$ - $/% - 2:A - 3-EA:A - 1/ - R
oṁ maṇi padme hū. oṁ is the leader of the mantra. maṇi is the jewel. padme is the lotus flower. hū is the seed syllable of compassion. Further, as the three
sounds a, o and m come together in oṁ, [that syllable] will refine away the defilements of the three doors. [So] establish [yourself] as the body, speech and
mind of the Victorious Ones! Calling the name of Exalted Avalokita with [the words] maṇi padma or padma maṇi, one rouses his mindstream. Thus, [the mantra]
is a supplication. The extensive [teachings on the maṇi mantra] should be understood from the Sūtra Arranged Like a Jewel Chest, the Maṇi Kambum, and so
forth. As the six benefits of the maṇi [mantra] and their six subdivisions have been arranged below without mixing them up, please understand them in detail.
oṁ ma ṇi pad me hū
The siddhi of The siddhi of The siddhi of mag- The siddhi of annihi-
The six siddhis
The supreme siddhi The common siddhis pacifying disease enriching lifeforce netizing people, lating enemies, ob-
are attained.
[-causing] spirits and merit wealth and food structers and harmdoers
The attributes of
the six paths The path of The path of The path of The path of no The path of know-
accumulation connection The path of seeing cultivation [further] training ing all aspects
are attained.
This was written and arranged in the foreign year 1992, the water-monkey year, by Geshé Jamyang Gyatso of Ganden [Monastery]. At the request of Kyabjé
Garchen Triptrül Rinpoché, it was translated into English by the disciple Ari-ma. © 2004 The Gar Chöding Trust, 3rd ed. All rights reserved. More information at: GARTRUST.ORG.
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