Tongue Twisters

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28 Tough Tongue Twisters for difference.

These rhymes will get your

Specific Tricky Sounds students speaking clearer.

Consonant Blends Blue blurry vines blind

Betty loves the velvet vest best
Two consonants that form a blended Barber baby bubbles and a
sound can be hard for new English bumblebee
speakers. Build up your confidence Burnt base, vicious vase
with these: Vivacious Val vacuumed Violet’s very
vivid vehicle
She sells seashells by the seashore Vowels
I saw a kitten eating chicken in the
kitchen The correct pronunciation of vowels is
I thought I thought of thinking essential. These tongue twisters will
of thanking you give you plenty of practice with
Slim slam slap enunciating your vowels.
A big black bug snoozed on a
big black rug Eddie edited Earl’s easy music
He threw three free throws Gooey gopher guts
Thin sticks, thick bricks Excited executioner exercising
Fred fed Ted bread and Ted his excising powers excessively
fed Fred bread Annie ate eight Arctic apples
L vs. R An orange oval spooks
the odd operative
Some students may have difficulty An awful aardvark and
saying L and R. Asian language an aching ape ate an antelope
speakers often confuse the two letter
sounds, so these tongue twisters are Bonus Twists
perfect practice.
Printed papers under pressure make
Red lorry, yellow lorry
pens prickle
Truly rural
The poor boar pours batter over his
I scream, you scream, we all scream
for ice cream
Six sticky skeletons
Rolling red wagons
Thunder sunders thick sticks
Red blood, bad blood
B vs. V

Spanish speakers frequently

pronounce these two letters the same
way, making it very hard to hear the

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