APGA Pipeline Engineer Training Courses Rev 8 21-6-16
APGA Pipeline Engineer Training Courses Rev 8 21-6-16
APGA Pipeline Engineer Training Courses Rev 8 21-6-16
Organisation Capability areas Specific courses offered APGA competency contributed to**
Accountable Project Leadership PM series related
Technical Report Writing N/A
Romea Training AS 2885 courses AS2885 Pipelines Gas & Liquid Petroleum DP001, DP002, DP006, DP007,
HS&E W002, AM001
Contact: Leng Saw
PO Box 861 Generic Hydrocarbon Defensive & 4 WD RS010
Mandurah WA 6210 industry Emergency Response Program 1 RS012
Tel: 08 9535 5315 Hydrocarbons Facility Operation Program 1 DS016, OP012
Fax: 08 9535 7454 Transmission Facility Operation Program 2 DS004, DS005, OP011
leng.saw@romea.com.au Gas Control 2 OP010
Gas Pipeline Operation & Maintenance Statutory GE012, IB004
Instrument/Electrical Program 1 IC011, IC012, IC013
Instrument/Electrical Program 2 IC005, DS008
Instrument/Electrical Program 3 IC001
Instrument/Electrical Program 5 IC009, IC014
Introduction to Company Health, Safety & Environment RS001, RS004, RS011, EH008
Introduction to Gas Pipeline Engineering GE002, GE005, GE009, GE009,
GE010, GE011, IB002, CC001,
Introduction to Gas Transmission Pipeline Operations OP001, OP002
Pipeline Communications Systems IC003
Pipeline Dynamics and Gas Control OP003
Pipeline Easement & Integrity Program 1 DS014, DS015
Pipeline Easement & Integrity Program 2 CC003, CC004, CC007, OP021
Pipeline Integrity Fundamentals SI001, SI003
Pipeline Mechanical Program 1 IC010
Pipeline Mechanical Program 2 OP006, OP007, OP008, OP009,
OP013, OP020
Pipeline Station Operations Program 1 IC002, DS009, DS010, DS011,
DS012, DS013
**Note: APGA has used information available to it to make assessments of the competencies courses are likely to cover some, or all, of the knowledge elements in the APGA Pipeline Engineering 2
Competency Standards. In some cases information available is limited. Accordingly, this document should be used as a guide only, and individuals and companies should obtain course outlines to
determine the extent to which any course will meet the requirements of any competency after making proper reference to the APGA Pipeline Engineering Competency Standards.
Pipeline Engineer Training Courses
Organisation Capability areas Specific courses offered APGA competency contributed to**
SCADA and Control Systems IC004
Electrical White Card RS015
Equipment in Hazardous Areas (EEHA) IC012
Common Safety Training Program (CSTP) RS001, RS008
Outback Advanced Systems APIA CoP Pneumatic and hydrostatic testing of PE PP006, PP007
Pipeline Engineering
Contact: Lynndon Harnell pipelines.
0401 673100 HC001
Lynndon@outbacksystems.com. Pressure Test Technician (in development)
au Test Engineer (in development) HC001
Senior Test Engineer (in development) HC002, DP006, DP013
Competency Training - Various relating to Pipeline Hazardous Areas Awareness IC011, IC012, IC013
LogiCamms Engineering including: IC011, IC012, IC013, RS013
web : Electrical EEHA Installation and Maintenance
www.competencytraining.com.au Hazardous Areas, High EEHA Classification and Design IC011, IC012, IC013
ph : +61 7 3058 7000 Voltage, Hydrocarbons Conduct Conformity Assessments IC011, IC012
fax : +61 7 3058 7111 and Professional Services IC011, IC012
direct : 1300 872 585 EEHA Overhaul and Repair
433 Boundary St, Spring Hill, EEHA Hazardous Areas Management IC011, IC012
Queensland, 4004 EEHA Installation and Maintenance - Coal IC011, IC012, IC013, RS013
Design of Gas Detection Systems IC014
Certificate IV in Hazardous Areas IC011, IC012, IC013, RS013
High Voltage Awareness N/A
High Voltage Switching N/A
High Voltage Switching Operations N/A
High Voltage Isolation N/A
PLC Fundamentals IC004
PLC Advanced IC004
Certificate IV in Electrical – Instrumentation IC001 – IC010
General Electrical IC series
**Note: APGA has used information available to it to make assessments of the competencies courses are likely to cover some, or all, of the knowledge elements in the APGA Pipeline Engineering 3
Competency Standards. In some cases information available is limited. Accordingly, this document should be used as a guide only, and individuals and companies should obtain course outlines to
determine the extent to which any course will meet the requirements of any competency after making proper reference to the APGA Pipeline Engineering Competency Standards.
Pipeline Engineer Training Courses
Organisation Capability areas Specific courses offered APGA competency contributed to**
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment Training N/A
TAE Delivery Skill Set N/A
TAE Assessment Skill Set N/A
Project Management Fundamentals PM001, PM003, PM005
Certificate IV in Project Management PM001 – PM015
Diploma in Project Management PM001 – PM015
Engineering Education Australia Risk Liability Management GE012
A range of general and
Contact: Ann Ellis technical engineering Asset Management AM002, AM003, AM008, AM018
Suite 202, 21 Bedford Street courses CA001
Business Acumen
North Melbourne VIC 3051
Contract Management PM005, PM007
Tel: 03 9274 9600
Fax: 03 9236 9888 Negotiation skills PM005, PM006
Pumping Systems Design DS006
Project Management PM001 – PM015
Project Management for Construction CE001, PM001, CE003, CE014,
PM008, PM011, PM014
Managing Construction Contracts PM007
Design Management for Construction PM003, PM004
Managing Construction Risks PM005
Design of Buried Pipelines DP002, DP010, DP021, GE013
Detailed Engineering and Layout of Piping Systems DS003
Earthworks DP018, DP021, CE018
Australian Corrosion Association Introduction to Corrosion CC001
Corrosion Control
PO Box 112
Kerrimuir Victoria 3129 Australia
Suite 1, 458 Middleborough Road NACE Basic Corrosion Course CC001, CC002
Blackburn Victoria 3130 Corrosion Technology CC002
**Note: APGA has used information available to it to make assessments of the competencies courses are likely to cover some, or all, of the knowledge elements in the APGA Pipeline Engineering 4
Competency Standards. In some cases information available is limited. Accordingly, this document should be used as a guide only, and individuals and companies should obtain course outlines to
determine the extent to which any course will meet the requirements of any competency after making proper reference to the APGA Pipeline Engineering Competency Standards.
Pipeline Engineer Training Courses
Organisation Capability areas Specific courses offered APGA competency contributed to**
Tel: 03 9890 4833 Introduction to Protective Coatings CC003
Fax: 03 9890 7866 CC003
aca@corrosion.com.au Protective Coatings Quality Control
www.corrosion.com.au Coatings Selection & Specification CC003
NACE Coating Inspection Program CIP Level 1 CP007
NACE Coating Inspection Program CIP Level 2 CP007
Coating Inspection Refresher CP007
Introduction to Cathodic Protection CC001
Cathodic Protection Monitoring CC002
Cathodic Protection Advanced CC002
CP 1 – Cathodic Protection Tester CC002, CC007
**Note: APGA has used information available to it to make assessments of the competencies courses are likely to cover some, or all, of the knowledge elements in the APGA Pipeline Engineering 5
Competency Standards. In some cases information available is limited. Accordingly, this document should be used as a guide only, and individuals and companies should obtain course outlines to
determine the extent to which any course will meet the requirements of any competency after making proper reference to the APGA Pipeline Engineering Competency Standards.
Pipeline Engineer Training Courses
Organisation Capability areas Specific courses offered APGA competency contributed to**
SWT-55 Welded Pipeline Fabrication W001, W004
SWT-66 Welding Technology for Design W004
SWT-67 Properties of materials and failure mechanisms W006
SWT-68 Design of Welded Structures W004
SWT-70 Design of Welded joints W004
SWT-75 Introduction to AS 4041 Piping DS003
SWT-76 Overview of AS 2885.2 W002
SWT-77 ASME IX & AS 2992 – Qualification of Welding W003
Procedures and Welders
SWT-79 Visual Inspection and How to Avoid Defects in W004
Welded Construction
SWT-80 Pipeline Fabrication W001, W004
SWT16B Welding Inspection – Basic Level W001
SWT-17B Welding Inspection Standard Level W004
SWT 18B Welding Inspection Comprehensive Level W005
ESD Simulations Pump Fundamentals & Pump Systems DS006
Equipment and process
Ste 14/ 755 Albany Hwy, IC001, DS009
simulation and training Production Process & Emergency Systems on Oil and Gas
East Victoria Park WA 6101
Tel: 08 9255 5599 Installations
Email: daren.reid@esd- Control & Operation of Centrifugal Compressors OP011
simulations.com Mechanical Aspects of Centrifugal Compressors AM012
www.esd-simulatioin.com IC001
Practical Aspects of Process Control and Instrumentation
Institution of Chemical Engineers Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) RA001, RA002
Risk assessment and
in Australia RA003
major hazard safety HAZOP Study for Team Leaders and Team Members
Level 7, 455 Bourke Street
MELBOURNE VIC 3000 Hazard Identification Techniques RA003
Tel: +61 (0)3 9642 4494 Introduction to Risk Assessment RA001, RA002
Fax: + 61 (0)3 9642 4495
**Note: APGA has used information available to it to make assessments of the competencies courses are likely to cover some, or all, of the knowledge elements in the APGA Pipeline Engineering 6
Competency Standards. In some cases information available is limited. Accordingly, this document should be used as a guide only, and individuals and companies should obtain course outlines to
determine the extent to which any course will meet the requirements of any competency after making proper reference to the APGA Pipeline Engineering Competency Standards.
Pipeline Engineer Training Courses
Organisation Capability areas Specific courses offered APGA competency contributed to**
TMS Consulting Fatigue management training for managers SM007
Human resources training
Level 2
21 Mary Street
Brisbane QLD,
Australia 4000
Phone: 07 3003 1473
Email: solutions@tms.com.au
Australian Institute of Project Various parts of PM series
Project Management
www.aipm.com.au Provides a list of endorsed
course providers
Asset Management Council Asset Management Fundamentals AM002
Asset Management
Steve Dykes IB002, DP001, AM001
AS 2885 related In-house AS 2885 related
Tel: 07 3289 3960/ 0417 637 148
Email: sadykes@bigpond.com
Ian Haddow IB002, DP001, AM001
AS 2885 related In-house AS 2885 related
Tel: 0418 447 341
Email: ihaddow@bigpond.net.au
New Zealand Non-University
IDC Technologies IB004, EH001, EA001, RS001
Engineering training
Kevin Baker RE001, DP001, DP003, DP004,
Pipeline Systems – Design, Construction, Maintenance and
Tel: +64 9 263 4759 DP007, CC001, CE001, CA001,
Asset Management
Email: trainin@idc-online.com SI001, AM001
**Note: APGA has used information available to it to make assessments of the competencies courses are likely to cover some, or all, of the knowledge elements in the APGA Pipeline Engineering 7
Competency Standards. In some cases information available is limited. Accordingly, this document should be used as a guide only, and individuals and companies should obtain course outlines to
determine the extent to which any course will meet the requirements of any competency after making proper reference to the APGA Pipeline Engineering Competency Standards.
Pipeline Engineer Training Courses
Organisation Capability areas Specific courses offered APGA competency contributed to**
Email: lone@brightstar.co.nz AM002, AM003, AM008
Operational Asset Management
University – under graduate and
post graduate level
Various engineering faculties
See separate table with University
undergraduate courses
Tiratsoo Technical/Clarion Introduction/fundamentals: Onshore pipeline engineering GE001, GE009, GE012, IB001,
Offshore and onshore
Technical Conferences IB002, IB003, IB004, CC001, CC002,
Pipeline engineering
www.clarion.org/ CC003, CC004, CC005, CC006,
http://www.tiratsootechnical.co CC007, DP001. DP002, DP003,
m/ DP007, DP012, DP010, DP004,
DP014, W001, W004, W006, RE001
RE002, RS002, EA001, EA002,
Australian contact: HC001, HC002, SI001, SI002,
DS004, DS005, DS006, OP002,
Lyndsie Clarke
OP003, OP022, IC004, RS003,
GPO Box 4967
RS005, RS006, SP001, SP002,
Melbourne VIC 3001
AM013, AM014, AM016
Tel: 03 9248 5100
Fax: 03 9602 2708 Pipeline Integrity Management AM001, SI001, SI002, AM001,
Email: lmewett@gs-press.com.au AM002, AM013, AM015, AM016,
CC007, SP001, SP002
Pipeline Pigging and In-line Inspection OP014, SI001, SI002, AM001,
Practical Pigging Operations OP014
Pipeline Defect Identification and Sizing SI002
Defect Assessment in Pipelines SI002
Defect Assessment Calculations Workshop SI002
Excavation, Inspection & Applied NDE for Pipeline Integrity OP006, OP007,,SI002
**Note: APGA has used information available to it to make assessments of the competencies courses are likely to cover some, or all, of the knowledge elements in the APGA Pipeline Engineering 8
Competency Standards. In some cases information available is limited. Accordingly, this document should be used as a guide only, and individuals and companies should obtain course outlines to
determine the extent to which any course will meet the requirements of any competency after making proper reference to the APGA Pipeline Engineering Competency Standards.
Pipeline Engineer Training Courses
Organisation Capability areas Specific courses offered APGA competency contributed to**
Stress Corrosion Cracking CC004
Microbiological corrosion in pipelines CC004
Pipeline Transportation of Carbon Dioxide Containing N/A
Pipeline Repair Methods OP008
Performing Pipeline rehabilitation N/A
Pipeline Risk Management RS001, RS003
Pipeline Risk Management and Assessment RS001, RS002, RS003, AM013,
AM015, AM016
Introduction/fundamentals/ Subsea Pipeline Engineering TBA
Inspection of Subsea Pipelines TBA
Subsea Production Systems Engineering TBA
Deepwater Riser Engineering TBA
Pipeline Integrity Master Class AM series, SI series, RS series –
In-depth course
Northumbria University, UK (with Pipeline Integrity Pipeline Integrity Management Postgraduate Certificate,
Penspen Integrity) Engineering Diploma and Masters SI001, SI002, OP006, OP008,
http://www.northumbria.ac.uk/?v Module VAL340 - Integrity Assessments OP014, DP014, DP017, RS001,
iew=CourseDetails&code=DTPPI RS003, RS006
**Note: APGA has used information available to it to make assessments of the competencies courses are likely to cover some, or all, of the knowledge elements in the APGA Pipeline Engineering 9
Competency Standards. In some cases information available is limited. Accordingly, this document should be used as a guide only, and individuals and companies should obtain course outlines to
determine the extent to which any course will meet the requirements of any competency after making proper reference to the APGA Pipeline Engineering Competency Standards.
Pipeline Engineer Training Courses
Organisation Capability areas Specific courses offered APGA competency contributed to**
M6 Module VAL341 – Land Pipeline Engineering GE002, IB002, IB004, RS001,
RS002, EH001, EH005, EA001,
EA002, DP002, DP003, DP005,
DP006, DP007, DP008, DP009,
DP010, DP011, DP012, DP013,
DP014, DP016, DP019, CE001,
CC001, CC002, CC003, CC004,
CC005, CC006, CC007, W001,
W004, W006, RE001, RE002, CE001,
HC001, HC002, PM001, PM002,
PM004, PM008, OP003, OP006,
OP007, OP008, OP014, OP0015,
OP016, OP017, RSOP022, SI002,
RS003, AM013, AM015, AM016
Module VAL342 – Pipelines Risk RS001, RS003, RS005, RS006,
SP001, SP002
Module VAL343 – Materials Technology W001, WW006, W004, CC001,
CC002, CC004, CC005, SI001,
Module VAL344 – Geohazards and Pipelines RE001, RE006, GE013, CE007,
SI001, SI002, DP010, DP013,
**Note: APGA has used information available to it to make assessments of the competencies courses are likely to cover some, or all, of the knowledge elements in the APGA Pipeline Engineering 10
Competency Standards. In some cases information available is limited. Accordingly, this document should be used as a guide only, and individuals and companies should obtain course outlines to
determine the extent to which any course will meet the requirements of any competency after making proper reference to the APGA Pipeline Engineering Competency Standards.
Pipeline Engineer Training Courses
Organisation Capability areas Specific courses offered APGA competency contributed to**
IBC Global Academy Pipeline Engineering Pipeline engineering (On-line 12 week course) covering:
www.informaglobalevents.com/e Introduction to Pipeline Engineering GE002, IB002, DP002, DS002,
vent/pipeline-engineering- RE001
distance-learning DP005, DP008??, CC001 – CC007
Material Selection and Corrosion Control
Organisation Capability areas Specific courses offered APGA competency contributed to**
Dynamics of Offshore Installations TBA
Design and Construction DP series, DS series, CE series, RE
series - selected
Asset Management AM series, SI series
Elements of Economics & Business Finance CA series
Civil and Geotechnical Aspects of Pipeline Engineering DP series, RE001, RE006
Pipeline Engineering Project CE series, PM series
University of Calgary – Pipeline Masters and PhDs in Masters & PhD subjects
Engineering Center Pipeline Engineering Engineering Integrity Management Programs and Systems AM002, AM008, AM003
Short Courses
Vibrations in Pipeline Systems DP007, DP017, DP012
Stress Corrosion Cracking behaviour of Materials CC004
Corrosion Science in the Pipelines Industry CC series - selected
Fundamentals of Hydraulics in Gas Pipeline Systems DP003, DP004
Welding Metallurgy and Design W series
Fundamentals of Pipeline Economics CA003
Pipeline Coatings CC003
Fundamentals of Pipeline Design, Construction and IB002, DP002, DS001, RE001,
Operation CE001, OP001
Structural Analysis of Buried Steel Pipelines GE013, DP006, DP013
Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Piping Stress DP013
Fundamentals of Liquid Hydraulics in Pipeline Systems DP003, OP022
Failure and Fracture Mechanics in the Pipelines Industry DP014
Geomatic Engineering of Pipeline Systems
**Note: APGA has used information available to it to make assessments of the competencies courses are likely to cover some, or all, of the knowledge elements in the APGA Pipeline Engineering 12
Competency Standards. In some cases information available is limited. Accordingly, this document should be used as a guide only, and individuals and companies should obtain course outlines to
determine the extent to which any course will meet the requirements of any competency after making proper reference to the APGA Pipeline Engineering Competency Standards.
Pipeline Engineer Training Courses
Organisation Capability areas Specific courses offered APGA competency contributed to**
Pump and Compressor Stations
Short Courses:
Fundamentals of pipeline design, construction and GE001, IB002, DP002, DS001,
operation (3-day course) RE001, CE001, OP001
Fundamentals of pipeline design (1-day course) GE001, DP002, DS001, RE001,
Pipeline Project Execution, Construction and Operations CE001, PM001, OP001, AM003
(2-day course)
Applications of remote sensing technologies RE005
Overview of stress and strain in pipeline facilities DP013, DS003
Design of pipelines for geometrical hazards and solving DP013, DP021
soil-pipe interaction problems
Pulsation and vibration control in pipeline networks DP013, DP017
Design, operation and maintenance of pipeline pump and DS002, DS003, DS004, DS005,
compressor stations DS006, DS007
Natural gas gathering pipeline systems process design N/A
and operation
Hydrogen pipelines N/A
Machinery troubleshooting, failure causes, and monitoring OP011
Pontifical Catholic University Rio Undergraduate and Course modules
De Janiero (Portugese) graduate programs Mechanical Design Some of DP & DS series
www.puc-rio.br/sobrepuc/depto/ DP003, DP004
Pipeline Hydraulics
Topics in Pipeline Design DP, DS & RE series - selected
Pipeline Structural Integrity SI001, SI002
Topics in Pipeline Operation OP series - selected
Topics in Pipeline Construction, Installation, and DP, DS, RE, CE, PM, AM series -
Maintenance selected
**Note: APGA has used information available to it to make assessments of the competencies courses are likely to cover some, or all, of the knowledge elements in the APGA Pipeline Engineering 13
Competency Standards. In some cases information available is limited. Accordingly, this document should be used as a guide only, and individuals and companies should obtain course outlines to
determine the extent to which any course will meet the requirements of any competency after making proper reference to the APGA Pipeline Engineering Competency Standards.
Pipeline Engineer Training Courses
Organisation Capability areas Specific courses offered APGA competency contributed to**
AVANS (Dutch) Master of Pipeline Transport Technology and Lifecycle of a Pipeline IB001, plus
www.pipeliner.nl/startEN.html Technology Transport System
Operational Use and Quality Control of a Pipeline OP & AM series - selected
Transport System
Engineering Calculations and Quality Assurance of a DS series plus – selected
Pipeline Transport System
Maintenance and Quality Improvement of a Pipeline AM, SI series - selected
Transport System
Execution and Quality Warranty of a Pipeline Transport OP, AM and IS series - selected
Management and Administration aspects CA series - selected
Civil Law, Regulations and Permits aspects IB004
Risk and Safety interaction with the surrounding aspects RS series - selected
Environment Effects and Durability aspects EH series - selected
Quality Systems, Quality Control and Supervision aspects AM series - selected
ASME Various relevant to Selected key courses:
www.asme.org/kb/courses Pipeline Engineering PD014 – B31.3 Process Piping Design DS003
IPTI-210 – Pipeline Engineering: Integrity Management SI001, SI002, SI003, SI004, CC007
Self-Study Course
PD370 – B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping DP002, DP and SI series - selected
PD391 – B31.4 Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid DP – selected, CE, SI, OP & AM
Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids Series
IPTI-200 – Pipeline Engineering: Design, Construction DP, CE, SI, OP & AM series -
and Assessment selected
IPTI-220 – Pipeline Engineering: In-line Inspection OP014, SI001, SI002
**Note: APGA has used information available to it to make assessments of the competencies courses are likely to cover some, or all, of the knowledge elements in the APGA Pipeline Engineering 14
Competency Standards. In some cases information available is limited. Accordingly, this document should be used as a guide only, and individuals and companies should obtain course outlines to
determine the extent to which any course will meet the requirements of any competency after making proper reference to the APGA Pipeline Engineering Competency Standards.
Pipeline Engineer Training Courses
Organisation Capability areas Specific courses offered APGA competency contributed to**
PD457 – Process Piping Materials, Fabrication, DS003, CE013
Examination and Testing
PD581 – Piping Design, Fabrication and Testing Combo DS003, CE013
PD593 – FRP Piping Fabrication and Installation TBA
PD617 – Design of Buried High Pressure Polyethylene TBA
(HDPE) Piping Systems
PD398 – Operation, Maintenance and Repair of Plant AM011, OP020
Piping Systems
PD410 – Detailed Engineering of Piping Systems DS003
PD445 – Piping Fabrication and Examination CE013
IPTI240 – Design, Operation and Maintenance of Gas DS004, AM012, OP011
IPTI290 – Reliability Improvement of Rotating Equipment AM012
IPTI270 – Stress Corrosion Cracking CC004
IPTI 280 – Defect Assessment SI002
Penspen Integrity Onshore and Offshore Pipeline Defect Assessment (PDAC) & PDAC via Online GE002, DP013, RE001, SI001,
www.penspen.com/Services/Trai Pipeline Engineering Distance Learning SI002, OP014, RS003, OP006,
ning/Courses/Pages/Home.aspx OP007, OP008
**Note: APGA has used information available to it to make assessments of the competencies courses are likely to cover some, or all, of the knowledge elements in the APGA Pipeline Engineering 15
Competency Standards. In some cases information available is limited. Accordingly, this document should be used as a guide only, and individuals and companies should obtain course outlines to
determine the extent to which any course will meet the requirements of any competency after making proper reference to the APGA Pipeline Engineering Competency Standards.
Pipeline Engineer Training Courses
Organisation Capability areas Specific courses offered APGA competency contributed to**
Onshore Pipeline Engineering GE003, GE012, IB001, IB003,
RS001, DP008, W006, IB004, IB002,
DP002, DP007, DP010, DP012,
DP003, DP004,DP014, W001,
W002, W004, RE001, RS002, ,
EA001, EA002, CE001, CC001,
CC002, CC003, CC004, CC005,
CC006, CC007, HC001,
HC002,OP003, OP006, OP007,
OP0087, OP014, OP022, IC004,
SI001, SI002, PM001, PM003,
PM004,PM008, PM007, PM011,
DSA001, DS004, DS005, DS006,
RS003, RS005, RS006
Practical Pipeline Pigging Programme DP012, DP014
Pipeline Risk Assessment & Management RS001, RS003, RS005, RS006,
AM016, SP001, SP002,
Technical Toolboxes Selected key relevant courses
General and pipeline
www.ttoolboxes.com/Training/ Horizontal Directional Drilling for Utility and Pipeline
engineering CE009
Pipeline Crossings – Practices and Procedures DP010, CE006
Project Management – From Concept and Design through PM001 – PM015
Cathodic Protection Design for Pipelines and Storage CC001, CC002, CC003, CC004
Internal corrosion and its Control in the Oil and Gas CC001, CC004
Understanding Pipeline AC Interference and Mitigation CC006
DC Stray Current Interference and Measures to Cope with CC006
**Note: APGA has used information available to it to make assessments of the competencies courses are likely to cover some, or all, of the knowledge elements in the APGA Pipeline Engineering 16
Competency Standards. In some cases information available is limited. Accordingly, this document should be used as a guide only, and individuals and companies should obtain course outlines to
determine the extent to which any course will meet the requirements of any competency after making proper reference to the APGA Pipeline Engineering Competency Standards.
Pipeline Engineer Training Courses
Organisation Capability areas Specific courses offered APGA competency contributed to**
Steel Pipe: Metallurgy, Manufacturing, Construction, DP001, W006, SI002
Degradation and Assessment
Understanding Coatings, Corrosion Control, on CC001, CC002, CC003
Underground and Ambient Exposed Pipe
Understanding the Pipeline MOP/MAOP Integrity AM013
Verification Process
RSTRENG Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipeline SI002
Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) has no borders CC004
Understanding Pip Leak Detection Technologies – An IC008, OP016
overview of Regulations, Standards, Requirements Design
and Operations
Offshore Pipeline Engineering
Non-university courses
Jee training services Subsea engineering Integrity management of subsea pipelines OAM001, OAM002, OAM003,
+44 (0)1723 371 391 OAM008
courseadmin@jee.co.uk Introduction to decommissioning in the North Sea
Subsea controls ODP012
Risers, umbilicals and flexibles ODR001, ODR002
Subsea systems ODP012
Planning, execution and managing decommissioning OAM008
projects in the North Sea
Pigging and unplugging OAM007, OFA001
Design of subsea pipelines ODP001
Construction of subsea pipelines OCE001
Advanced design including HP/HT and deepwater ODP001, ODP006, ODP010
**Note: APGA has used information available to it to make assessments of the competencies courses are likely to cover some, or all, of the knowledge elements in the APGA Pipeline Engineering 17
Competency Standards. In some cases information available is limited. Accordingly, this document should be used as a guide only, and individuals and companies should obtain course outlines to
determine the extent to which any course will meet the requirements of any competency after making proper reference to the APGA Pipeline Engineering Competency Standards.
Pipeline Engineer Training Courses
Organisation Capability areas Specific courses offered APGA competency contributed to**
WTIA SWT-56 Subsea Pipeline Engineering (Not currently ODP001
Unit 50, 8 Avenue of the Americas offered)
Newington NSW 2127
Tel: 02 9748 4443
Fax: 02 9748 2858
Email: N/A
Society of Underwater technology Subsea technology Operating Subsea Oil and Gas Production Systems OGE004
Events Assistant - Corelle ODP004
Charles, perthevents@sut.org Metocean Awareness Course
Office Suite 11 17 Prowse Street Life Cycle of Flexible Risers and Flow lines ODP014, ODR001, ODR002,
West Perth Western Australia OCE005
6005 Subsea Awareness Course OGE004
T: +61 (0) 8 9481 0999 Introduction to Materials and Corrosion Course OCC001
Introduction to Positioning and Survey Course ODP005, OCE001
Achieving Reliable Subsea Systems Course OGE004, OAM004
Offshore Geohazards and Geotechnics: Risks and ODP003
Opportunities Cpourse
American Society of Mechanical Pipeline engineering and IPTI265 – Pipeline Engineering: Offshore Design and ODP001, OCE001,
Engineers mechanical engineering Construction
IPTI230 – Subsea Pipeline Design Overview ODP001
IPTI110 – Fundamentals of Deepwater Riser Engineering ODR001
Penspen Integrity Pipeline engineering Subsea Pipeline Engineering OGE002, ODP001, FA001, OCC001,
www.penspen.com/Services/Trai ORS001, ODR001, OCE001
ning/Courses/Pages/Home.aspx Offshore & Onshore Pipeline Legislation OGE004
DNV Safety and risk HAZOP method and leader course RS005
www.dnv.com.au/services/traini management OGE002
ng/industries/energy Offshore Pipeline Pipeline Overview
Engineering Pipeline Design ODP001
Pipeline Global Buckling ODP010
**Note: APGA has used information available to it to make assessments of the competencies courses are likely to cover some, or all, of the knowledge elements in the APGA Pipeline Engineering 18
Competency Standards. In some cases information available is limited. Accordingly, this document should be used as a guide only, and individuals and companies should obtain course outlines to
determine the extent to which any course will meet the requirements of any competency after making proper reference to the APGA Pipeline Engineering Competency Standards.
Pipeline Engineer Training Courses
Organisation Capability areas Specific courses offered APGA competency contributed to**
Pipeline Freespan ODP006
Pipeline On-Bottom Stability ODP007
Pipeline PIM Offshore OAM001, OAM002
Environmental Conditions and Loads ODP003, ODP004
**Note: APGA has used information available to it to make assessments of the competencies courses are likely to cover some, or all, of the knowledge elements in the APGA Pipeline Engineering 19
Competency Standards. In some cases information available is limited. Accordingly, this document should be used as a guide only, and individuals and companies should obtain course outlines to
determine the extent to which any course will meet the requirements of any competency after making proper reference to the APGA Pipeline Engineering Competency Standards.