3 - Precipitation PDF
3 - Precipitation PDF
3 - Precipitation PDF
- As air cools its ability to ‘hold’ water decreases and some turns to liquid
or ice (snow)
Forms of Precipitation:
1. Drizzle. This is a finest mist with drops just a little
larger than heavy fog, about 0.1 – 0.5 mm (0.004
– 0.02 in).
2. Rain. Rain drops average about 1 mm, but may
range from 0.5 to 5 mm (0.02 – 0.2 in) in
3. Ice Pellets. Also called sleet, that occurs when
raindrops freeze as they fall through air where the
temperature is below 0oC (32oF). Ice pellets are
transparent spherical grains of ice, usually with
diameter of less than 5mm (0.2 in).
4. Snow. Snow is precipitation that reaches the
ground in the form of ice crystals. The size of
snowflakes may vary from a few millimeters to
several centimeters.
5. Hail. Hailstones, which may range from 5 to 10 cm
(0.2 – 0.4 in) or more in diameter, are rounded
lumps of ice that fall during thunderstorms.
Types of Precipitation:
Frontal Precipitation
Convective Precipitation – caused by upward movement of air which is
warmer than its surroundings; this precipitation is generally showery
nature with rapid changes of intensities.
Convective Precipitation
Orographic Precipitation – caused the air masses which strike the mountain barriers
and rise up, causing condensation and precipitation.
Orographic Precipitation
Rainfall Characteristics
The characteristics of rainfall are the amount, the intensity, the duration,
the frequency or return period, and the seasonal distribution .
The amount is of course important to the overall hydrologic cycle and replenishment
of the soil water, and the amount is an accumulation or product of the intensity
times the duration. For example, the amount may be the same for a high intensity
short duration rainfall as it is for a low intensity long duration rainfall
However, the intensity and duration can have a large influence on whether the
rainfall infiltrates or becomes surface runoff. Higher rainfall intensity produces larger
size raindrops which have more impact energy, and thus higher intensity storms can
damage delicate vegetation and bare soil. High intensity storms can literally displace
soil particles, causing soil crusting or starting the soil erosion process. High intensity
storms may also overwhelm the soils ability to infiltrate the rainfall at the same rate,
causing infiltration-excess runoff.
The duration refers to the length of time rainfall occurs. A high intensity rainfall for a
short duration may affect tender seedlings, but it will not likely have much effect on
soil erosion and runoff. Rainfall of longer duration can significantly affect infiltration,
runoff, and soil erosion processes.
The frequency, or more specifically, the return period refers to how often rainfall
occurs at a particular amount or intensity and duration. For example, rainfall return
periods are referred to as 100 year-1 hour rainfall or 100 year-24 hour rainfall to
define the probability that a given amount will fall within a given time period.
- The frequency of occurrence of a storm of given magnitude and duration is important
to establish a measure of risk.
- For a given storm duration, the probability that an event of certain magnitude has of
being equaled or exceeded in any one year is termed the probability of exceedance
- Frequency can be represented by the return period, which is the average number of
years between events of a given magnitude or greater. The return period is related to
the probability of exceedance by
Prob Exceedance
Where Tr is the return period and P is the
probability of exceedance.
Frequency characteristics of storms are generally summarized in Intensity-Duration-
Frequency (IDF) Curves.
In general, for the same return period, short storms are more intense than long
storms. Similarly, for a given intensity, longer storms are associated with greater
return periods
In hydrologic design, frequencies are needed to select appropriate rainfall values
that will result in design streamflows.
A storm of a given frequency does not generally produce a peak discharge of the
same frequency. However, these frequencies are commonly assumed to be the
same, especially if models are used to estimate runoff from precipitation.
Intensity Duration Frequency (IDF) Curves
IDF is a plot of precipitation intensity on the y-axis and duration on the x-axis with
return period indicated on each intensity-duration curve.
Rainfall Intensity - is the amount of rainfall for a given rainfall event recorded at a
station divided by the time of record, counted from the beginning of the event.
Return Period - is the time interval after which a storm of given magnitude is likely to
recur. This is determined by analysing past rainfalls from several events recorded at a
Intensity in inches/hour
Time in minutes
The seasonal distribution of rainfall refers to the time of year when various rainfall
amounts occur. The seasonal distribution determines when surface runoff or deep
percolation are most likely to occur or if irrigation is needed. Since the seasonal
distribution of rainfall varies in different parts of the country, practices used or
recommended in one part of the country may not necessarily be appropriate in
• A hyetograph is also used to describe the variation of the storm with time.
• The time distribution of the storm affects the shape of the direct runoff
• Early, Center, Late peaking precipitation
Rainfall Hyetograph
Rainfall Intensity in in/hour
Time in hours
Spatial Distribution
• A localized storm would likely produce smaller peaks and a shorter
hydrograph than if the same storm covered the whole watershed.
• A storm moving away from the outlet will produce an earlier and
smaller peak than if the storm moves towards the outlet.
• Storm location, aerial extent, and storm movement are usually
determined by the origin of the storm.
• A storm taking place far from the outlet would produce longer
hydrographs and lower peaks than if the same storm occurred near
the outlet.
• In most circumstances, it is assumed that rainfall is uniform over the
entire watershed for the duration of the time increment.
Precipitation Measurement
Liquid precipitation is traditionally measured using various types of rain gages such as the
non-recording cylindrical container type or the recording weighing type, float type and tipping-
bucket type. All of the above gages measure precipitation at a point. Another method of
measuring precipitation is through the use of radar.
Ideal Acceptable
For Flat Regions of temperate, 1 Station for 600 1 Station for 900
Mediterranean and tropical zones – 900 km2 – 3000 km2
Manual Raingauge
Selection of RAINFALL Gauging Station Location
3. Objects should not be closer to the gauge than a distance twice their height above the
raingauge orifice.
5. Best sites are often found in cleanings within forest or orchards, among trees, in scrub or
shrub forests, or where other objects act as an effective wind-break for winds from all
6. The surface surrounding the precipitation gauge can be covered with short grass, gravel or
shingle, but hard, flat surfaces, such as concrete, should be avoided to prevent excessive in
Precipitation Patterns in Space and Time:
1 N
PP A p Ai Pi
A i 1
i 1
i i
5 5 18 15 12 25 12 35
P 21.6 mm
Probability and Statistics
The concept of probability is paramount in the field of hydrology. The following are techniques of
probability and statistics used to analyze random events.
1. The probability of obtaining either outcome A or B, with A and independent and mutually
exclusive, is the sum of the probability of obtaining each, thus
P( AorB) P( A) P ( B)
P(A or B) = probability of obtaining either A or B
P(A) = probability of obtaining A
P(B) = probability of obtaining B
Typical Rainfall Intensity Duration Frequency (IDF) Curve Return Rainfall Intensity (mm/hr)
1 2 3 6 12 24
2 62.67 38.83 28.01 15.11 7.77 3.88
Davao City – Sasa Rainfall 5
79.50 49.26 35.53 19.17 9.85 4.93
20 101.34 62.79 45.29 24.43 12.56 6.28
50 115.17 71.37 51.47 27.77 14.27 7.14
Years of Record: 1952 - 2011
100 125.54 77.79 56.11 30.27 15.56 7.78
135.876 84.195 60.724 32.763 16.840 8.422
159.809 99.025 71.419 38.534 19.806 9.905
150 2 year
5 year
100 20 year
50 year
50 100 year
200 year
0 1000 year
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Time (Hours)
Analysis for Anomalous Rainfall Record
Rainfall recorded at various rain gauges within a catchment should be monitored regularly for any