SPsymposium Paper24 PDF
SPsymposium Paper24 PDF
SPsymposium Paper24 PDF
RoundKey(0) Plaintext/Ciphertext
128-bit Encryption/ Output
Clk1 128-Bit
Sub Bytes En=1 or 0
128-Bit Key
Round Input
Shift Rows
Clk2 Key Schedule
Secret Key Generation
Mix Column
Figure 2: RTL for Encryption and Decryption
Sub Bytes
Shift Rows As the cryptography is playing the major role in today’s world. So the
frequency is the main concern so that the time period can be
minimized. Here in this paper we have explained about the basics of
AES algorithm and the implementation of its modules by using
RoundKey(Nr) VHDL. Here the simulations are performed with different device
families. The software we have used is Xilinx6.1i and the waveforms
Cipher Text(128 Bits) are simulated with model sim simulator. The frequency calculations
are done as we want to achieve the minimum delay.
Mix Column 8.168 122.428 [6] Ashwini M. Deshpande, Mangesh S. Deshpande and Devendra
N. Kayatanavar “FPGA Implementation of AES Encryption and
Decryption” International Conference on Control, Automation,
Key Expansion 13.475 74.211 Communication and Energy conservation -2009