WWW - Jtf2.Forces - Gc.Ca: Canadian Special Operations Forces Command
WWW - Jtf2.Forces - Gc.Ca: Canadian Special Operations Forces Command
WWW - Jtf2.Forces - Gc.Ca: Canadian Special Operations Forces Command
W W W. J T F 2 . F O R C E S . G C . C A
+ m a k e a w o r l d o f d if f erenc e
F- L
Who we are Why we do it and why we love it
JTF 2 is a select team of motivated military and civilian Our mission is critical to Canada and Canadians. We
professionals who have answered the call to join Canada’s each have individual motivations, but we all share
premier special operations unit. We are a diverse group an interest in serving our nation in an exciting and
from a variety of backgrounds – regular and reserve force rewarding way.
- army, navy, air force – other government departments and
the civilian sector. No matter what our trade, rank or position is, our work
is fascinating, fulfilling, and we get to see the end results
of our considerable efforts. We work together in an
What we do environment of mutual respect and trust, in a culture
where everyone is expected to do their best, everyday.
JTF 2’s mission is to provide a force capable of rendering
armed assistance in the resolution of an issue that is, We have excellent career opportunities and plenty of
or has the potential of, affecting the national interest. options for personal and professional growth along many
The primary focus is counter-terrorism; however, the unit different tracks. No matter what job we do here, we all
can expect to be employed on other high value tasks. constantly have chances to develop new skills, or to hone
certain skills until we are at the top of our field.
JTF 2 is one of the world’s best Special Operations
units. We have conducted worldwide operations on five Our people think for themselves, and bosses listen
continents at the forefront of Canadian national security to our ideas on how to do things better. Our leaders are
and foreign policy interests. In 15 years we have earned outstanding – some of the best the Canadian Forces
a proud reputation for excellence among our allies and have to offer. We often work in small teams, where every-
coalition partners. At home we have contributed to one is expected to share responsibility, and one indivi-
the security and safety of Canadians. dual’s actions can significantly influence our mission.
Our highly skilled and professional people – the best at Working here is not just a job – it’s a mindset and a
what they do – are trained to carry out a wide variety lifestyle. This is a rewarding career in a dynamic and
of special tasks at short notice, at home and abroad. fast-paced environment, at the tip of the spear.
We unwaveringly work toward mission accomplishment The job is demanding, the tempo can be high, but we
with agility of thought and action. We generate strategic like that – it stretches us to our limits and pushes the
success for Canada out of all proportion to our numbers. boundaries of the possible.
We are in the serious business of applying precise and
lethal force of behalf of the government of Canada - but Join JTF 2 and find challenge, excitement, accomplish-
just as many of our operations involve precision influence ment, and pride as part of a unique, tightly-knit family.
and information gathering for our country’s highest
leaders. We are the force of choice in the war on terror Call our recruiters today at 1-800-959-9188, or
Who we are looking for
We seek excellent candidates committed to relentless We currently employ over 30 types of non-commissioned
and ruthless self-improvement and who consistently trades and over 17 types of officer trades, and that
strive to achieve the best results, under all conditions. number is growing. We employ regular and reserve
Every team member is a warrior in their own way, and force military professionals in a variety of B and C
shares responsibility for achieving mission success. class contracts, at all rank levels from Private to
Lieutenant Colonel.
Our ideal candidates are professionally and personally
mature, with a highly developed sense of duty, integrity, We employ some civilians in areas like clinical psychology,
and judgement. Intelligent and dependable – our ideal administrative support, training, and information and
candidates are self-reliant and proactive, and work computer technology, to name but a few. Civilians are
well on their own or in a team. Their work is thorough, either employed on contract or as DND civilians.
and their solutions are intelligent, clever, and creative.
Confident but aware of their limitations, they are at their We are always looking for new people with a variety
best under pressure and in demanding circumstances. of experiences and skill sets. No matter what your
background, we have job openings for you – if you have
Ideal candidates for supervisory and command positions what it takes. We will consider all excellent candidates.
are well developed adaptive leaders with outstand-
ing planning and communication skills. Masters at Because of JTF 2’s unique mission, we have unique
seeing and understanding the big picture, they easily requirements for all members including psychological
figure out and set the right goals for their team, and screening and criminal background checks. Everyone
lead them towards success. Mentally agile enough to must be able to hold a secret security clearance. Some
confidently make sound and rapid crisis decisions, they positions have more extensive selection and assessment
also contribute effectively to group problem solving. processes – read the job descriptions and see our website
They quickly adapt to our unique culture, set the proper
ethical and command climate, and work well with the
for details.
We are the force of choice in the war
rest of the unit leadership. Already know what you want? Start your application
process today by downloading an application form from
on terror and the force of last resort
No matter what job or rank you hold, our culture demands our website: WWW.JTF2.FORCES.GC.CA in national counter-terrorism.
that you deliver your best. Results matter at the forefront
of national security and at the centre of Canadian Special Join JTF 2 and make a world of difference.
Operations. Whatever your employment with us is, you
will do more, see more, and get more out of your job
than with any comparable position elsewhere in the
Canadian Forces.
Are you an intelligent and mature military
professional? Are you physically, mentally,
and emotionally robust? Can you process
information quickly, make sound decisions,
and communicate effectively - even under
high stress? Do you possess high levels of
self-control and initiative? Are you a highly
determined individual who can persevere
under the most adverse conditions with no
water, height or confined space phobias?
Apply now for a rewarding and fulfilling career in a dynamic and fast-paced environment at the sharp end of national
security as a Special Operations Assaulter. Assaulters are the core of our special operations team. We conduct a
variety of special tasks such as Hostage Rescue, Counter-Terrorism, Direct Action, and Special Reconnaissance.
We operate at home and overseas, in small teams, often at short notice. When not deployed, we train constantly
and realistically to stay sharp and maintain high readiness. Surgical shooting, close-quarter battle, and physical
fitness are the Assaulter’s core skills.
Entry-level assaulters are employed as assault detachment members. In your first year, you may deploy overseas
as part of a secret special operations task force in an operational theatre – conducting special reconnaissance and
direct action missions... or in a small team by yourselves, conducting military assistance, supporting our allies and
partners... or provide close protection to our national leaders as they travel in high risk areas... or be recalled in the
middle of the night to deliver an immediate response to an emerging national security threat at home or abroad...
or all of the above.
Assaulters retain their MOSID but are part of the Assaulter Managed Specialty. This MOS in everything but name
allows CO JTF 2 to manage assaulters’ careers, including postings, career courses and promotion. Opportunities
for advancement within our community are excellent, including up to Command Chief Warrant Officer. Assaulters
are entitled to special allowances for skill and employment.
See our website or this year’s CANFORGEN message for the most current information on selection and training,
including prerequisites and deadlines.
At the end of Phase 4, new assaulters are awarded the assaulter badge and join the ranks of a select team. Following
administration, leave, and several weeks of advanced medical, driving, and special drills, new assaulters join their
assault squadron ready for operational employment.
All assaulters are highly trained in surgical shooting, special weapons and explosives, close-quarter battle, unarmed
combat, special patrolling and fieldcraft, special insertion techniques, advanced medical, communications, and
support weapons, and resistance to interrogation. Training is conducted across Canada and abroad, at world-class
facilities and with the world’s best instructors.
Later there are advanced training opportunities in driving, parachuting, sniper operations, climbing and mountain
operations, diving, explosives, close personal protection and many other exciting and classified areas.
Visit our website for the most current recruiting and selection information and download an application form for
service with JTF 2 today. Don’t delay – apply now!
Are you a decisive, confident, and intelligent leader?
Do you have sharp analytical skills, excellent organi-
zational and planning abilities, and outstanding com-
munications skills? Are you a creative thinker, strong
commander, and open to new experiences? Does the
Special Operations Assaulter Job Description also
apply to you?
Assaulter officers deploy as special operations commanders, key staff, and advisors to the highest levels of military
leadership. Their unique and rare knowledge is in constant demand across the Canadian Forces and other government
departments. Command, planning, communications, and adaptive thinking are the core skills of the assaulter officer.
Entry-level assaulter officers are employed as assault troop commanders. In your first year you may command
a troop overseas conducting special reconnaissance and direct action... or lead a small element in a country at
risk, planning contingency operations, supporting ambassadors, advising senior military leaders... or you may be
recalled with no notice to plan and command a tactical response to a rising national security crisis at home, on
the seas, or abroad... or you may take part in a highly classified mission, enhancing Canadian national security in
a way that few will know about.
Assaulter officers retain their MOSID and are managed by their branch career managers with close cooperation
and oversight from the Commander, Canadian Special Operations Forces Command. Across Canadian Special
Operations Forces Command, opportunities for progression and professional growth are outstanding, up to
and including Commanding Officer and Commander. Assaulter officers are entitled to special allowances for skill
and employment.
See our website or this year’s CANFORGEN message for the most current information on selection and training,
including prerequisites and deadlines. All officer candidates must be proficient in battle procedure, the planning
and estimate process, and orders. We strongly encourage candidates to complete ATOC, and to seek experience in
small unit leadership before applying.
Assaulter officer selection and training is like assaulter selection and training,
with the SOME additions.
3 Phase 1 You download our application form and apply for service.
Phase 2 Fitness Test, Swim Test, Cognitive Ability Test, file review and interview
4 with a Base Personnel Selection Officer.
Phase 3 A very demanding seven-day job specific assessment process run at Dwyer Hill Training Centre,
followed immediately by an intensive three-day officer selection process.
Phase 4 The seven-month Special Operations Assaulter Course while concurrently completing
the Special Operations Command Course.
At the end of Phase 4, new assaulter officers are awarded the assaulter badge and join the ranks of a select team.
Following administration, leave, and several weeks of further assaulter and command training, new officers join
their assault squadron for a period of on the job training. Once officers have successfully completed all phases of
training, they will be given command of an assault troop.
All assaulter officers are highly trained in planning and commanding hostage rescue and direct action operations,
coordinating special reconnaissance, providing special operations advice, using intelligence, employing and
coordinating combat enablers and special operations assets, and commanding small teams.
Later there are opportunities for further training in maritime operations, sniper operations, close personal protection,
special operations staff and planning, and other unique, exciting and classified areas.
Visit our website for the most current recruiting and selection information and download an application form for
service with JTF 2 today.
Support and Specialist
Are you a competent and experienced military or
civilian professional with the desire and determination
to contribute to national security at the centre of
special operations?
Supporters and specialists make up the large majority of the JTF 2 team. We operate at home and abroad, in a
variety of essential command, staff, and support roles.
In addition to the MOS-specific expertise and prior experience in our fields we all bring mission focus and a sense of
shared responsibility to the fight. We hire supporters and specialists at all rank levels for which we have an opening.
New supporters are employed in their position immediately. A unit indoctrination course attunes all new supporters
to our unique culture and mindset, and provides the essential training required of all unit members to be operationally
ready overseas and at home. Certain specialist roles require higher amounts of unique training before becoming
operationally ready.
The possible activities of all our support and specialist personnel are too numerous to list. But in your first year you
might deploy overseas in a support or staff role as part of a secret special operations task force... or you might
be part of a team planning a critical security response to events of national interest... or you might assist in the
recruiting and selection of people to join this unit. The work is fascinating, and the opportunities are endless.
Supporter and specialists retain their MOSID but are carefully managed in conjunction with their branch career
manager. Chances for advancement vary by trade and position, but, in general, are excellent, with at least several
levels of progression within JTF 2 and beyond in the command. Supporters and specialists are generally posted to
the unit for four to six years, depending on rank and experience. They are also entitled to a special allowance for
skill and employment.
Selection and Training
See our website or this year’s CANFORGEN message for the most current information on selection and training,
including prerequisites and deadlines. Support and specialist personnel can apply at any time during the year.
Even if we do not have an immediate opening, your file will be kept open and active for one year. At other times we
request suitable files from career managers – be sure to tell yours that you are interested in serving with JTF 2.
Visit our website for the most current recruiting and selection information and download an application form for
service with JTF 2 today.
+ + +
Entry-level coxswains are employed as a boat crewmember. In your first year, you may spend time refining your high caliber
core skills and cross training in other specialties... or working with national and allied security partners in maritime counter-
terrorism and maritime special operations... or you may deploy overseas in a combat support role... or you may be recalled to
deploy and deliver tactical elements to a vessel of interest suspected of being a national security threat... or all of the above.
Coxswains retain their MOSID but are carefully managed and developed in collaboration with their branch career
managers. Opportunities for advancement and cross training are excellent, including up to squadron sergeant
major within JTF 2. Coxswains are entitled to a special allowance for skill and employment.
See our website or this year’s CANFORGEN message for the most current information on selection and training,
including prerequisites and deadlines.
At the end of Phase Four, new coxswains are awarded the coxswain qualification and become part of a first-rate
operationally ready team.
All Coxswains are highly trained in seamanship, small boat, rigid hull and special operations craft handling, naviga-
tion, and special insertion techniques. Further training is given on prime mover and trailer operations, maintenance,
and advanced medical, communications, and weapons training. Training is conducted across Canada with world-
class instructors and high-performance craft.
Later there are further training opportunities in parachuting, rappel master, and other exhilarating areas.
Visit our website for the most current recruiting and selection information and download an application form for
service with JTF 2 today.
W W W. J T F 2 . F O R C E S . G C . C A
W W W. F O I 2 . F O R C E S . G C . C A