Allergen Immunotherapy

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Allergy Asthma Immunol Res. 2016 May;8(3):191-197.
pISSN 2092-7355 • eISSN 2092-7363

Allergen Immunotherapy: Past, Present, and Future

Marek Jutel,1,2* Anna Kosowska,1,2 Sylwia Smolinska1,2
Department of Clinical Immunology, Wroclaw Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland
“ALL-MED” Medical Research Institute, Wroclaw, Poland

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits
unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT), although in clinical use for more than a century, is still the only causal treatment of allergic diseases. The
safety and efficacy of AIT has been demonstrated in a large number of clinical trials. In addition to allergy symptom reduction AIT plays an essential
role in preventing new allergies and asthma and shows long-term effects after discontinuation of treatment. Ideally, it is capable of curing allergy.
However, AIT is not effective in all allergic individuals and is not equally effective in the treatment of various hypersensitivities to different allergens.
For many years, the route of administration and the vaccine compositions have been evolving. Still there is a strong need for research in the field of
new AIT modalities to increase its effectiveness and safety. Growing evidence on immunological effects of AIT, especially new T cell subsets in-
volved in antigen/allergen tolerance, provides novel concepts for safer and more effective vaccination. Pharmacoeconomic studies have demon-
strated a clear advantage of AIT over pharmacologic therapies.
Key Words: Allergen immunotherapy; allergen vaccines

INTRODUCTION ance in AIT are still lacking. Clarification of mechanisms re-

sponsible for the development of either hypersensitivity reac-
Allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT) is currently the only tions or tolerance to antigens (allergens) will have a profound
known causal effective treatment of IgE-mediated allergy. How- impact on new treatment approaches, based on the identifica-
ever, the mechanisms of AIT, as well as the mechanisms of al- tion of the causative factors and modulation of the natural
lergic diseases and other immunologically conditioned diseas- course of allergic diseases and asthma.
es, remain unclear and are the subject of detailed studies of cli- AIT is indicated for the treatment of patients with moderate-
nicians and researchers around the world. AIT was introduced to-severe intermittent or persistent allergic rhinitis. Numerous
by Leonard Noon more than 100 years ago and currently is the double-blind, placebo-controlled (DBPC) studies showed sig-
only disease-modifying treatment in allergy. The pioneer clini- nificant improvement in nasal and ocular symptom scores, re-
cal trials with the AIT were undertaken by Noon in 1911 and duced need for symptomatic medication and improved quality
continued by Freeman in Europe in grass pollen-seasonal aller- of life both during and after discontinuation of AIT.2 Pharmaco-
gic rhinitis. The allergens used in the therapy were water-ex- economic studies demonstrated a clear advantage of AIT over
tracts from grass pollen mixtures. While therapy was effective, pharmacologic therapies as well.
there was a high risk of serious adverse events in patients dur- Currently available well-standardized allergen extracts, which
ing the allergen desensitization phase.1 should be used for AIT, include grass, tree, and weed (ragweed
The use of AIT carries the risk of adverse effects, resulting and mugwort) pollens,3,4 house dust mites,5-7 several mold spe-
from, among others, iatrogenic exposure to an allergen. This
method is not equally effective in all patients and not equally Correspondence to:  Marek Jutel, MD, PhD, Department of Clinical
effective in hypersensitivities to various allergens. For this rea- Immunology, Wroclaw Medical University, Chalubinskiego 5 Street, 50-368
son, constant research to improve preparations of vaccines, es- Wroclaw, Poland.
tablishing the optimal dose and route of administration, better Tel: +48-71-784-17-40; Fax: +48-71-784-04-17;
selection of allergy patient subgroups should help develop the E-mail:
best clinical desensitization effect. In addition, long-term data Received: May 11, 2015; Accepted: June 3, 2015
•The authors are supported by Polish National Science Centre grants No.
allowing a comprehensive assessment of molecular changes in 2012/04/M/NZ6/00355 and 2012/04/A/NZ6/00407.
the immune system during the development of allergen toler- •There are no financial or other issues that might lead to conflict of interest.

© Copyright The Korean Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology • The Korean Academy of Pediatric Allergy and Respiratory Disease   191
Jutel et al. Volume 8, Number 3, May 2016

cies,3,8 and animal dander.9 immune homeostasis, there are also potent suppression mech-
There is a substantial need for research to elucidate the cur- anisms, executed in part by specific CD4+ Treg cells.
rently unknown mechanisms of AIT, such as regulatory T During AIT, peripheral tolerance is induced by the generation
(Treg)-cell induction, early molecular markers and predictors, of allergen-specific Treg cells, which suppress proliferative and
and mechanisms of long-term maintenance of allergen toler- cytokine responses against the allergen of interest. Treg cells
ance.10 Reliable biomarkers could be selected and validated are characterized by IL-10 and TGF-beta (TGF-β) secretion as
with the intention to select the patients who will benefit most well as expression of important cell surface suppressive mole-
from AIT. The immune profile that triggers hypersensitivity de- cules, such as cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4 and pro-
velopment to certain allergens (their epitopes) in an individual grammed death-1, that directly or indirectly influence effector
remains an area of extensive basic and clinical research as well. cells of allergic inflammation, such as mast cells, basophils, and
eosinophils. Treg cells, particularly IL-10 also have an influence
Mechanisms of AIT on B cells, suppressing IgE production and inducing the pro-
T cells play an important role in the pathogenesis of allergy.11 duction of blocking-type IgG4 antibodies. In addition, develop-
T-helper (Th) CD4+ cells in allergy produce large amounts of ment of allergen-specific B regulatory (Breg) cells that produce
different cytokines responsible for the initiation and mainte- IL-10 and develop into IgG4-producing plasma cells represents
nance of allergic inflammation, like interleukin (IL)-4, IL-5, and essential players in peripheral tolerance (Fig. 1).
IL-13 (Th2 cytokine profile) and small amounts or no interfer- AIT induces a shift in the numbers and function of IL-4-se-
on-gamma (IFN-γ), a Th1-cytokine profile. The cytokines IL-4 creting Th2 cells toward IL-10-secreting inducible Treg (iTreg)
and IL-13 stimulate B cells to produce immunoglobulin E (IgE), cells showing the same allergen-epitope specificity.14 Different
while IL-5 initiates and maintains eosinophilic inflammation. types of iTreg cells have been described. FOXP3+ (Forkhead box
Changes in the number of T cells arise during the course of AIT protein 3), adaptive Treg cells and FOXP3 negative but IL-
very early and precede an increase in IgG concentrations, 10-producing type 1 regulatory T (Tr1) cells determine several
which reaches peak value at 3 months.12,13 Both healthy individ- facets of allergic inflammation. A significant correlation be-
uals and effectively treated allergic patients with AIT showed tween improvement in symptoms and increases in Treg cell
reduced and balanced Th1 and Th2 responses. In this state of numbers during immunotherapy has been postulated. Identifi-

Fig. 1. First administration of AIT vaccine causes decrease in degranulation of mast cells and basophils by blocking effect of Th2 and Treg cytokines. This decreases
amounts of secreted histamine and other mediators by effector cells. IgE production is impaired as well by IL-10 and TGF-β cytokines produced by activated Treg

192 Allergy Asthma Immunol Res. 2016 May;8(3):191-197.
AAIR Allergen Immunotherapy

cation of cytokine profile during AIT at the level of single cells Cellular mechanisms (at the level of T cells) that play a role in
may provide evidence of the formation of Treg populations pro- successful AIT are probably the same as those responsible for
ducing IL-10 and/or production of IFN-γ, indicating immune the development of classical immunological tolerance: anergy
deviation. As already mentioned, Treg cells play a central role associated with the absence of co-stimulation, cell death due to
in the induction of allergen-specific tolerance. Increased num- activation (clonal deletion), shift in Th function from Th2 pro-
bers of FOXP3+CD25+CD3+ cells were demonstrated in the na- file toward Th0/Th1 profile with increased production of IFN-γ
sal mucosa after immunotherapy with clinical efficacy and the (immune deviation), induction of Treg cells, or a combination
suppression of seasonal allergic inflammation.15 The expres- of these mechanisms.20-22 The shift in the balance between al-
sion of FOXP3 correlates with the suppressive capacity of Treg lergen-specific Th2 and Treg cells is central to either develop-
cells.16 Increased FOXP3 expression negatively correlates with ment of allergen tolerance or allergic status or even the recov-
the serum levels of IgE and IFN-γ, and eosinophilia. Moreover, ery from allergic disease.19,23,24
in asthma and atopic dermatitis patients the ratio of FOXP3+ T The understanding of the AIT mechanisms is of utmost im-
cells to total CD4+ T cells is significantly lower compared to portance in characterization of early and late diagnostic bio-
healthy individuals.17 markers to select the best responders and to optimize the treat-
Furthermore, Breg-cell subsets may play a role in allergen tol- ment.25 These findings together with new biotechnological ap-
erance in humans during AIT. Human type 1 regulatory B (Br1) proaches create a platform for the development of advanced
cells produced high levels of IL-10 and potently suppressed an- vaccines.26
tigen-specific CD4+ T-cell proliferation.18 Recently, the role of
Breg cells characterized as CD73-CD25+CD71+ cells in toler- Vaccine development
ance–induction during AIT has been postulated.14 Breg cells in- Novel vaccines should meet increasing needs for reduction in
duce isotype switch from IgE toward IgG4 and induce allergen- adverse effects, costs, and duration of treatment. The vaccines
specific antibodies toward the non-anaphylactic and non-in- have to induce long-term tolerance to allergens. Better selec-
flammatory type. However, the very long IgE life span is most tion of patients should be made to identify those who can ben-
probably responsible for the lack of correlation between the Ig efit the most from the appropriate vaccine. Use of multiple vac-
isotype shift and the therapeutic effect of AIT. In addition, Breg cines at the same time should be possible in multisensitized
cells also suppress allergen-specific T cells in both their regula- patients.
tory and effector functions. T-cell suppression occurs both in Currently used allergen extracts are standardized for total al-
secondary lymphoid organs and in affected tissues. Further- lergenic activity, and they consist of major allergens. On the
more, iTreg cells are capable of suppression of innate effector other hand, they contain many proteins which are not aller-
cells of allergic inflammation (mast cells and basophils) and re- gens. One particular allergen source usually contains more
duction in eosinophil numbers in mucosal tissues. than 1 clinically relevant allergen and constitutes a set of major
Allergen-specific IgE levels increase initially after the start of and minor allergens of different clinical importance.27
AIT and decrease to pretreatment levels during the mainte- Compared to allergen extracts, recombinant allergen cocktails
nance phase. AIT particularly induces allergen-specific anti- can be formulated with high quality and precise quantity of rel-
bodies of the IgG4 subclass. Similarly, natural exposure to an al- evant allergen as well as with high technical reproducibility of
lergen in non-allergic individuals, such as beekeepers, is often the mixture. The component- resolved immunotherapy prepa-
associated with an increase in specific IgG4. However, there is a rations may be based on individually composed mixtures of al-
poor correlation between the levels of allergen-specific IgG and lergenic epitopes.28
clinical protection, and much better correlation with allergen Recombinant allergen-based vaccination strategies arose
dose that has been administered. Therefore, IgG4 antibodies from a strong need to improve safety and enhance efficacy of
can be viewed as a marker of the dose of introduced allergen AIT. A number of successful clinical studies with both wild-type
during AIT. Analysis of IgG subtypes induced by AIT has shown and hypoallergenic derivatives of recombinant allergen vac-
increases in allergen-specific IgG4 and IgG1, with 10- to 100- cines have been reported during the last decade. They showed
fold increases in their serum levels.12 Specific IgG4 in serum profiles with high efficacy and safety as well as very strong mod-
shows a relatively early and rapid increase and continues to in- ulation of T and B cell responses to specific allergens.29 The first
crease during the whole course of AIT. Treg cells, via secretion clinical studies with recombinant allergens have delivered very
of the immunoregulatory cytokine IL-10, affect immunoglobu- encouraging results.30 Jutel et al.,12 evaluated the use of mixture
lin synthesis through strong suppression of allergen-specific of 5 different wild-type recombinant allergens of timothy grass
IgE, while increasing IgG4 production.19 A decrease in serum in the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis in a DBPC clinical
IgE appears much later than clinical tolerance, which occurs trial. The study was successful, and all treated patients devel-
relatively early during the course of AIT and does not correlate oped high allergen-specific IgG1 and IgG4 antibody response.
with the magnitude of clinical improvement after treatment. In the first DBPC immunotherapy study with recombinant al-

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Jutel et al. Volume 8, Number 3, May 2016

lergen preparations, 2 different hypoallergenic derivatives of of the innate immune response. For example, fusion of aller-
the major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1 and placebo were com- gens with human FcγR has been reported to inhibit allergen-in-
pared. The active treatment induced protective IgG antibodies, duced basophil and mast cell degranulation by cross-linking
and recombinant allergen preparations were well tolerated.31 A FcγR and FcεRI receptors.45
comparison between recombinant birch pollen allergen vac- Current clinical data with recombinant or peptide vaccina-
cine, standard birch pollen extract, natural purified birch pollen tions are very promising. The large diversity of future approach-
allergen, and placebo was published in 2008. The patients were es relies on infinite possibilities for combinations of multiple
immunized subcutaneously over 2 years. All the treated groups immune stimulators and methods for coupling.26 Apart from
demonstrated significant and equal improvement in symp- the physical fusion, the novel methods of AIT can be combined
toms, medication use and skin test reactivity compared to the with immune-modifying biological therapies. Several studies
placebo group. Interestingly, the recombinant vaccine-treated show that anti-IgE therapy combined with AIT is effective.46 Ad-
group presented greater increases in specific IgG1, IgG2, and ditional benefits which had been shown were reduced adverse
IgG4 levels and decrease in the skin test reactivity.32 Recombi- effects with decreased anaphylactic reaction, improvement in
nant vaccines for grass pollen, birch pollen, and house dust rescue medication scores (decreased requirement for rescue
mite represent the major focus in the future development. Vac- medication). A short course of peptide immunotherapy with a
cines for other allergens may be very expensive due to a large fixed dose of peptides may be able to achieve therapeutic ef-
number of minor allergens.29 fects comparable with subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT)
Another approach includes bypassing IgE binding to avoid and sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT).40 Novel vaccine ap-
IgE-mediated adverse effects and also inducing T-cell toler- proaches are outlined in Fig. 2.
ance.33 Allergen fragments, fusions, hybrids and chimeras are
used to avoid recognition by conformation dependent B cell Route of administration
epitopes and to utilize linear amino acid sequence of T-cell epi- Currently under development are new routes of administra-
topes. These approaches provide the possibility to enhance the tion of allergen vaccines to patients undergoing allergen immu-
tolerogenic T cell-dependent signal due to the administration notherapy. The new routes should reduce the risk of anaphy-
of higher doses of preparation with the low risk of anaphylax- lactic reactions and allow more rapid up-dosing, while mini-
is.33,34 The prominent example of this approach is peptide im- mizing costs of treatment and inconvenience to the patients
munotherapy that utilizes linear T-cell epitope peptides.35,36 linked with reduced number and duration of visit in the clinic.
Peptide vaccines have been applied in cat dander and bee AIT is given mainly by subcutaneous injections whose fre-
venom allergy. In some studies, vaccination improved toler- quency depends on the type of allergy and the individual
ance to cats and pulmonary function in cat-allergic patients.37 scheme proposed to the patient. The conventional schedule for
Moreover, short allergen-derived peptides can directly initiate a SCIT using allergen extracts consists of a dose build-up by in-
major histocompatibility complex-restricted T cell-dependent jection once weekly, followed by maintenance dose injections
late asthmatic reaction, without requirement for an early IgE/ at 4- to 8-week intervals. Using modified allergenic proteins as
mast cell-dependent response in Fel d 1-sensitised asthmatic allergoids can decrease the number of build-up injections.
patients.38 To evaluate the effect of T-cell peptide therapy on the There is also a possibility to use cluster or rush schedules. In
allergen-induced cutaneous late phase reaction, the skin biop- cluster schedule, multiple injections (2-3 times) are given on
sies were studied before and after T-cell peptide therapy. Treat- non-consecutive days, where in rush protocol multiple injec-
ment resulted in allergen-dependent recruitment to the skin of tions are given on consecutive days, reaching the maintenance
CD4+/IFNγ+, and CD3+/CD25+ cells concluded as Th1 profile, phase in 2-3 days. It is shown that in cluster method, there is no
but not Th2/Treg cells.39 The application of peptides represent- increase in systemic reactions and rapid improvement in symp-
ing linear T-cell epitopes has recently been investigated in clini- toms severity.47 In rush schedule, there were more systemic re-
cal trials.40-42 Moreover, IgE cross-linking was profoundly re- actions.48,49 The conventional duration of AIT is 3-5 years. Pro-
duced using a recombinant chimeric protein which comprises spective studies using SCIT in grass pollen-allergic patients and
the entire amino acid sequences of 3 bee venom major aller- house dust mite allergic asthmatics suggest that 3 years of AIT
gens.43 Hypoallergenic hybrid molecules were used as house gives prolonged remission of symptoms after discontinua-
dust mite allergy treatment, generating a higher T-cell prolifera- tion.50,51 A prospective study of SLIT with house dust mite ex-
tion response and greater reduction in IgE reactivity.44 Hypoal- tracts in patients with allergic rhinitis demonstrated remission
lergenic derivatives of the major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1, lasting 7 years after 3 years of treatment and 8 years after 4 years
were developed in 2004. Active treatment induced protective of treatment.52 In the 1980s, a number of fatal adverse reactions
IgG antibodies and reduced increases in specific IgE induced were reported, which led to many concerns about the safety of
by seasonal birch pollen exposure.31 SCIT. This stimulated the exploration of safer routes of admin-
Another attempt is to physically couple allergens to modifiers istration.48 Over the last 2 decades, there has been increasing

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Fig. 2. Novel vaccine development for AIT.26

use of SLIT. In SLIT, the build-up period is short or not-needed. correctly chosen patient-specific treatment. New routes of ad-
Evidence supports a better response to daily SLIT administra- ministration also provide a promising alternative to current
tion.53,54 It has been well documented in DBPC trials that SLIT is treatment. However, new regulations, especially in Europe and
clinically less effective than SCIT.55 in the USA, demand the conductance of a large number of very
There are other new approaches under investigation using expensive clinical trials, especially in children. This is limiting
different routes of administration, including epicutaneous and the development of novel clinical modalities which does not
intralymphatic routes of administration of allergen extracts.56 keep pace with rapid technological improvement animated by
Both routes showed similar efficacy to SCIT in grass pollen al- progress in immunology and biotechnology. Large investments
lergy, but what is worth highlighting is that fewer applications in the allergy vaccine market are necessary to improve this situ-
and lower total doses of allergen were required.57-59 Besides dif- ation.
ferent routes of administration, the modifications of allergen
preparations using recombinant technology to produce modi- CONCLUSIONS
fied proteins and peptides can enhance the desirable immune
response to the allergens. Major problems which need to be solved by development of
AIT is usually recommended in subjects over 5 years of age, new vaccines for AIT include: reduction in adverse effect risk
however, sublingual AIT is safe and effective even in children as during therapy, early identification of subjects who are poten-
young as 3 years of age. The recommended duration of AIT for tially not responding to the treatment, achieving sustained, life-
allergic rhinitis is 3 years, both in SCIT and SLIT.60 long allergen tolerance or complete cure of allergic disease af-
ter AIT discontinuation, reduction in the burden for patients re-
Future perspectives lated with visits to the doctor’s office, and last but not least re-
Continuous development of immunology and bioengineer- duction in costs of therapy.
ing help improve patient diagnostics as well as quality and Another important issue involves the role of AIT in sensitiza-
composition of vaccines including novel compounds. Novel di- tion or allergy prevention. Such strategies are currently under
agnostic biomarkers will help select the best responders for evaluation; however, validation of the use of specific tools, es-

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