Mackay 2001
Mackay 2001
Mackay 2001
Review Articles
LLERGIC rhinitis, asthma, and atopic eczema and 13),5,7 rather than cytokines produced by Th1
are among the commonest causes of chronic cells (interferon-g and interleukin-2). There are many
ill health. These diseases are increasing in prev- exceptions to this rule, but the immunopathological
alence, and they add considerably to the burden of hallmark of allergic disease is the infiltration of af-
health care costs. In Sweden, for example, the num- fected tissue by Th2 cells.8-10
ber of children with allergic rhinitis, asthma, or ec- In utero, T cells of the fetus are primed by com-
zema roughly doubled over a 12-year period,1 and mon environmental allergens that cross the placenta.
in the United States the annual cost of treating asth- As a result, the immune response of virtually all new-
ma is about $6 billion.2 born infants is dominated by Th2 cells.11 It has been
The term “allergy” was introduced in 1906 by proposed that during subsequent development the
von Pirquet, who recognized that in both protective normal (i.e., nonatopic) infant’s immune system shifts
immunity and hypersensitivity reactions, antigens had in favor of a Th1-mediated response to inhaled aller-
induced changes in reactivity.3 With the passage of gens (a process termed “immune deviation”),12 where-
time the word has become corrupted and is now fre- as in the potentially atopic infant there is a further
quently used synonymously with IgE-mediated aller- increase in Th2 cells that were primed in utero. Mi-
gic disease. It was von Pirquet’s intent that the term crobes are probably the chief stimuli of protective
should apply to the “uncommitted” biologic response, Th1-mediated immunity. Macrophages that engulf
which may lead either to immunity (a beneficial ef- microbes secrete interleukin-12, which induces Th1
fect) or allergic disease (a harmful effect). cells and natural killer cells to produce interferon-g,
The term “atopy” (from the Greek atopos, meaning thereby shifting the immune system into an “allergy-
out of place) is often used to describe IgE-mediated protective” Th1-mediated response. Other factors may
diseases. Persons with atopy have a hereditary predis- also influence whether Th1 or Th2 cells dominate
position to produce IgE antibodies against common the response, including the amount of allergen, the
environmental allergens and have one or more atopic duration of exposure to the allergen, and the avidity
diseases (i.e., allergic rhinitis, asthma, and atopic ec- of allergen-specific interactions between T cells and
zema). Some allergic diseases, such as contact der- antigen-presenting cells13,14 (Fig. 1).
matitis and hypersensitivity pneumonitis, develop
through IgE-independent mechanisms and in this
sense can be considered nonatopic allergic conditions.
This article reviews the basis of atopic allergy, the The marked increase in the prevalence of atopic
diseases with which it is associated, and approaches disease in western Europe, the United States, and
to treatment. Australasia during recent years indicates the impor-
tance of environmental influences. An informative
ATOPY AND TYPE 2 HELPER T CELLS example is the change in the incidence of seasonal
All of us inhale aeroallergens derived from pollen, allergic rhinitis and asthma after the reunification of
house-dust mites, and cat dander. In general, adults Germany. These disorders were less common in East
Germany than West Germany before reunification,16
whereas since reunification, the prevalence of atopy
From the Imperial College School of Medicine, National Heart and and hay fever, but not asthma, has increased among
Lung Institute, London. children who spent their early childhood in East Ger-
GATA-3" interactions"
c-maf" Th2 between T cells and"
PGE2" antigen-presenting cells"
Nitric oxide "
Large amount"
of antigen"
between T cells and "
antigen-presenting cells"
Th1 CpG repeats from"
Small amount"
of antigen" bacterial antigens
Figure 1. Immunologic and Cellular Factors Regulating the Expression of Th1 and Th2 Cells.
Whether the immune response is dominated by Th1 or Th2 cells is dependent on interleukin-12 and interleukin-4, respectively, as
well as on the avidity of interactions between T cells and antigen-presenting cells and the amount of allergen to which the immune
system is exposed (antigen).13,14 In addition, the presence of cytidine–phosphate–guanosine (CpG) repeats derived from bacteria
favors the Th1 phenotype, whereas the presence of transcription factors such as GATA-3 favors the Th2 phenotype,15 as does the
presence of c-maf and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). Nitric oxide favors the expression of Th2 cells by being less inhibitory to Th2 cells
than Th1 cells, whereas in humans interleukin-10 and transforming growth factor b (TGF-b) generally dampen the responses of both
types of cells. Interferon-g (IFN-g) inhibits Th2-mediated responses; both interleukin-12 and interleukin-18 release interferon-g from
T cells. Interleukin-4 inhibits the expression of Th1 cells and promotes Th2-mediated responses. Green arrows indicate stimulatory
effects, and red arrows inhibitory effects, of the cytokines.
many.17 This phenomenon raises the possibility that hepatitis A virus. By producing an environment rich
a Western lifestyle accounts for the increases in prev- in interleukin-12, these microbes could drive a Th1-
alence. Perhaps in Western countries the developing mediated response. This mechanism may explain why
immune system is deprived of the microbial antigens in Europe and Africa, farming or living in a rural
that stimulate Th1 cells, because the environment is community, which increases the likelihood of expo-
relatively clean and the use of antibiotics for minor sure to bacteria found in barns, protects against atopic
illnesses in early life is widespread.18 disease.21
The results of epidemiologic studies support this Other factors that may favor the Th2 phenotype
theory. Evidence that the bacteria that colonize the in infants include diet and being born when pollen
gastrointestinal tract prevent atopic sensitization was counts are high.22 Furthermore, atopic allergic dis-
found in studies of one-year-old infants in countries eases are less common in younger children who have
with a low prevalence of atopy (Estonia) and a high three or more older siblings and among children who
prevalence (Sweden). Lactobacilli and eubacteria pre- have had measles or hepatitis A — another indication
dominated in Estonian infants, whereas clostridia were that repeated immune stimulation may protect against
more frequent in Swedish infants.19 When studied one atopic allergy.23 This view is supported by the study
year later, the children with atopy were colonized by Ball et al., who provided evidence that exposure
less often by lactobacilli and had higher levels of aer- of young children to older children at home or to
obic bacteria (such as coliforms and Staphylococcus au- other children at day-care centers protected against
reus) than children without atopy.20 Moreover, atopy the development of asthma and frequent wheezing
and allergic asthma were less frequent in populations in childhood.24
exposed to Helicobacter pylori, Toxoplasma gondii, and This “hygiene” hypothesis is not easily reconciled
with the increased prevalence among poor blacks in in turn depend on the size of the particle. The major
the United States of atopic asthma associated with allergens of Western developed countries are Der p 1
sensitization to cockroaches and house-dust mites.25,26 and Der p 2, from the house-dust mite (Dermatoph-
However, we need more data on the rates of infec- agoides pteronyssinus); Fel d 1, from the cat (Felis do-
tion by foodborne and orofecal microbes in inner mesticus); several tree allergens, including Bet v 1 from
cities in the United States: the compounding effect the birch tree (Betula verrucosa); and many grasses,
of gut flora that does not protect against atopy and such as Phl p 1 and Phl p 5 from timothy (Phleum
heavy exposure to allergens may explain this paradox. pratense). The ragweed allergens Amb a 1, 2, 3, 5,
The development of specific allergic diseases may and 6 from short ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia)
be related to alterations in the target organ. For ex- and Amb t 5 from giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida)
ample, the cofactors required for an asthma attack are important seasonal allergens in North America.
may include respiratory virus infections and exposure Allergies to Hev b 1 through 7 from latex, the milky
to allergens, tobacco smoke, and air pollutants.27 These sap harvested from the rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis),
factors, alone or in combination, may alter immuno- and Ara h 1, 2, and 3, which are highly allergenic pea-
regulatory mechanisms at mucosal surfaces in ways nut proteins, are increasingly important problems.28
that promote a Th2-mediated allergic inflammatory
response (Fig. 2). GENETICS
Atopic allergic diseases are familial and have a ge-
ALLERGENS netic basis. The difficulties of conducting genetic stud-
Many allergens are soluble proteins that function ies of allergy are due in part to the multiple markers
in their natural state as enzymes, by, for example, in- for atopy and allergic diseases. For instance, atopy
ducing proteolysis. Allergenic properties may be re- (manifested by positive skin-prick tests and elevated
lated to the enzymatic activity (e.g., increased muco- serum IgE levels) and asthma (manifested by airway
sal permeability) and to aerodynamic properties, which hyperresponsiveness) are not always inherited togeth-
Figure 2. Factors Influencing the Development of Atopy and Allergic Inflammation Mediated by Th2 Cells (Atopic Allergic Disease).
The induction of atopy is dependent on interactions between genes and the environment. The induction of atopic allergic disease
may require further interactions between defects in the target organ and various environmental triggers. FceRI-b denotes the gene
for the b chain of the high-affinity receptor for IgE.
er. Techniques used to identify genes that are relevant requires two transcription factors, nuclear factor kB
to allergy and asthma include the candidate-gene ap- and STAT-6; the former pathway involves the co-
proach, which depends on the identification of poly- stimulatory molecules CD40 and the CD40 ligand
morphisms in a known gene, and positional cloning, (CD154), and the latter is activated when interleu-
which links the inheritance of a specific chromosomal kin-4 binds to the high-affinity a chain of the inter-
region with the inheritance of a disease.22 Such stud- leukin-4 receptor.38
ies have linked several loci to atopy, but the clinical Allergens, including the products of some infec-
relevance of these findings is unclear. Examples are tious microorganisms (e.g., Aspergillus fumigatus) and
the associations between an allele of the HLA-DR helminthic parasites, evoke Th2-mediated responses
locus and reactivity to the ragweed allergen Ra 529 that are characterized by high serum levels of IgE,
and the linkage of atopy to a polymorphism of the whereas other bacterial antigens (such as those asso-
gene for the b chain of the high-affinity receptor for ciated with Listeria monocytogenes and Mycobacteri-
IgE (FceRI-b)30 and to the interleukin-4 family of um tuberculosis) elicit a Th1-mediated response that
cytokine genes on chromosome 5.31 By contrast, cer- is dominated by cellular immunity (the appearance
tain alleles of the tumor necrosis factor gene com- of cytotoxic T cells and delayed hypersensitivity). In
plex, although linked to asthma, are independent of this latter class of organisms, the DNA contains re-
serum IgE levels and other measures of atopy.32 peating sequences of cytosine and guanosine nucle-
Polymorphisms of the FceRI-b gene appear to be osides called CpG repeats. These CpG repeats can
associated with equal frequency to severe atopy, asth- bind to receptors on antigen-presenting cells and trig-
ma, and eczema. Also, positional cloning indicates ger the release of interleukin-12. This cytokine, which
that chromosomes 2q, 5q, 6q, 12q, and 13q contain is produced almost exclusively by antigen-presenting
loci linked to both asthma and atopy.22 Polymor- cells, drives and maintains the Th1-mediated response.
phisms in the gene encoding the high-affinity recep- Furthermore, the interferon-g produced by activat-
tor for bacterial lipopolysaccharide (CD14) have been ed Th1 cells39 and interleukin-18, produced by mac-
linked to total serum IgE levels and may help explain rophages,39 join forces to suppress the production of
the association between childhood infections and the IgE antibodies.40 Therefore, at least theoretically, in-
development of atopy.33 terferon-g, interleukin-12, and interleukin-18, either
Several of the genes and genetic regions that have alone or in combination, have therapeutic potential
been linked to atopy and asthma have also been impli- for inhibiting the synthesis of IgE. Furthermore (as
cated in rheumatoid arthritis (chromosome 2) and in- discussed below), CpG repeats may redirect allergens
flammatory bowel disease (chromosomes 2 and 12).22 to produce a Th1-mediated, rather than a Th2-medi-
There has been recent interest in loci with pharma- ated, immune response.
cologic relevance. Polymorphisms within the promoter The physiologic relevance of the low-affinity IgE
region of the 5-lipoxygenase gene34 and in the b-adre- receptor (CD23) remains speculative. It may be in-
nergic receptor gene may regulate the response to in- volved in antigen trapping and presentation, thereby
hibitors of 5-lipoxygenase or b-adrenergic agonists, augmenting the production of interleukin-4 or in-
respectively.22,34 These findings raise the possibility that terleukin-13.41 It can, however, override the positive
genotyping will become useful in planning therapy effects of antigen presentation by combining with ex-
for asthma and other allergic diseases. cess IgE and antigen under conditions in which high
levels of interleukin-4 have caused the up-regulation
IgE AND ITS RECEPTORS of this type of receptor.42
Acute allergic reactions result from the release of
preformed granule-associated mediators, membrane- ALLERGIC INFLAMMATION
derived lipids, cytokines, and chemokines when an al- In a person with atopy, exposure of the skin, nose,
lergen interacts with IgE that is bound to mast cells or airway to a single dose of allergen produces a cu-
or basophils by the a chain of the high-affinity IgE taneous wheal-and-flare reaction, sneezing and runny
receptor (FceRI-a).35 This receptor also occurs on nose, or wheezing within minutes. Depending on the
antigen-presenting cells, where it can facilitate the amount of the allergen, these immediate hypersensi-
IgE-dependent trapping and presentation of allergen tivity reactions are followed by a late-phase reaction,
to T cells.36 Eosinophils also possess FceRI-a, but in which reaches a peak six to nine hours after exposure
these cells it is almost entirely intracellular; after be- to the allergen and then slowly resolves. In the skin,
ing released by degranulation of the eosinophil, it may late-phase reactions are characterized by an edema-
help regulate local levels of IgE.37 tous, red, and slightly indurated swelling; in the nose,
The most important inducers of the production of by sustained blockage; and in the lung, by further
IgE are interleukin-4 and interleukin-13. These cy- wheezing.
tokines initiate transcription of the gene for the ep- Immediate hypersensitivity is the basis of acute al-
silon class of the constant region (Ce) of the immu- lergic reactions. It is caused by molecules released by
noglobulin heavy chain. The production of IgE also mast cells when an allergen interacts with membrane-
bound IgE. The complex of allergen, IgE, and FceRI sensitivity and late-phase reactions.47 Late-phase reac-
on the surface of the mast cell triggers a noncyto- tions can be induced in patients with atopic asthma in
toxic, energy-dependent release of preformed, granule- the absence of immediate hypersensitivity involving
associated histamine and tryptase and the membrane- mast cells. These reactions were induced in patients
derived lipid mediators leukotrienes, prostaglandins, with asthma who were allergic to cats by an intrader-
and platelet-activating factor. These mast-cell medi- mal injection of peptides derived from a cat allergen.48
ators have a critical role in anaphylaxis, rhinoconjunc- The fact that these late-phase reactions were independ-
tivitis, and urticaria. The role of histamine in chronic ent of IgE and were major-histocompatibility-com-
asthma and eczema is probably minimal, however, as plex (MHC)–restricted indicates that the activation
shown by the relative ineffectiveness of histamine an- of T cells alone is sufficient to initiate airway narrow-
tagonists in controlling these conditions. ing in patients with allergic asthma.
Mast cells produce the three cysteinyl leukotrienes Antigen-presenting cells are critical in initiating
C4, D4, and E4, which cause the contraction of smooth and controlling allergic inflammation. Dendritic cells
muscles, vasodilatation, increased vascular permeabil- and cutaneous Langerhans’ cells are particularly im-
ity, and the hypersecretion of mucus when they bind portant in asthma and atopic eczema, respectively.
to specific receptors.43 They present antigen to CD4+ Th2 cells in an MHC
Eosinophils, macrophages, and monocytes are also class II–restricted fashion. Overproduction of the
major sources of cysteinyl leukotrienes. Mast cells also granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor in
contain tryptase, a four-chain neutral protease that the airway mucosa of patients with asthma enhances
activates the protease-activated receptors on endothe- antigen presentation and increases the local accumu-
lial and epithelial cells. The activation of these recep- lation of macrophages.12 Alveolar macrophages ob-
tors initiates a cascade of events, including the up-reg- tained from patients with asthma by bronchoalveolar
ulation of adhesion molecules that selectively attract lavage present allergen to CD4+ T cells and stimulate
eosinophils and basophils.27 the production of Th2-type cytokines,49 whereas al-
In the cutaneous late-phase reaction, eosinophils veolar macrophages from control subjects do not.
and neutrophils accumulate, and then CD4+ T cells Th2-type cytokines such as interleukin-4, 5, 9,
and basophils infiltrate the site.44 Late-phase asth- and 13 influence a wide range of events associated
matic45 and nasal10 reactions have a similar pattern of with chronic allergic inflammation. Interleukin-4 and
cellular infiltration, although basophils are not prom- interleukin-13 stimulate the production of IgE and
inent in the lower airways.46 vascular-cell adhesion molecule 1; interleukin-5 and in-
Depending on the target organ, late-phase reactions terleukin-9 are involved in the development of eo-
can be provoked by the activation of mast cells or sinophils; interleukin-4 and interleukin-9 promote
T cells. In the skin of atopic subjects and normal sub- the development of mast cells; interleukin-9 and inter-
jects, cross-linking of mast-cell–bound IgE with an leukin-13 help promote airway hyperresponsiveness50;
antibody against IgE provokes both immediate hyper- and interleukin-4, interleukin-9, and interleukin-13
Membrane-bound IgE
Histamine, leukotrienes,>
platelet-activating factor
Acute Allergic"
Mast cell Interleukin-5 Reaction
Interleukin-4 Urticaria>
Sneezing, rhinorrhea,>
B cell
IgE production
Basic proteins,>
platelet-activating >
Dendritic" Th2 Interleukin-5 Chronic Allergic"
cell Reaction
Further wheezing>
Mast cell Histamine,> Sustained blockage>
lipids, >
factor, neuropeptides cytokines of the nose>
MHC class II> T-cell receptor
promote the overproduction of mucus (Table 1). Eo- ceptor,54 and is essential for the terminal differentiation
sinophils can injure mucosal surfaces by releasing tox- of committed eosinophil precursors.55 The preferen-
ic basic proteins, cysteinyl leukotrienes, and platelet- tial accumulation of eosinophils occurs through the in-
activating factor. They also damage inhibitory M2 teractions between selective adhesion molecules (a4b1
muscarinic receptors, which may allow unchecked cho- integrin and vascular-cell adhesion molecule), the mi-
linergic responses in patients with asthma.51 By con- gration of eosinophils toward receptors for CC che-
trast, eosinophils may also repair damage, since they mokines as a result of recruitment by eotaxin-1, eo-
produce fibrogenic growth factors and matrix metallo- taxin-2, eotaxin-3, RANTES, monocyte chemotactic
proteinase, which remodel airway tissue in asthma.52 protein (MCP) 3 and MCP-4; prolonged survival (de-
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