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Department of Immunology, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Molecular Immunology Research Institute, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Immunology Research Centre, Buali Research Institute, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
Received: 28 October 2010; Received in revised form: 13 December 2010; Accepted: 20 December 2010
Since 20th century, when allergy was defined, an ongoing attempt for discovering the
mechanisms underlying it and its treatment began. Defining allergens as well as cells such as
regulatory T-cells and characterizing the antibodies involved in the pathogenesis (including
blocking antibodies) have helped very much towards a better understanding of the
immunologic process.
However, Allergen specific immunotherapy (SIT), as a specific curative treatment for
allergy also dates back to the beginning of the previous century and has progressed
considerably during these years. SIT similar to natural immunomodulation, directs the
immune response towards tolerance.
New strategies in this field, such as using recombinant allergens, T- and B-cell-epitope-
containing peptides, and DNA vaccination have shown promising results. Sublingual
immunotherapy, although not yet FDA-approved, as an alternative strategy in SIT has
demonstrated efficacy as well as safety.
Furthermore, allergen extracts, their standardization and their modification have also
been the focus of much research. Undoubtedly, specific immunotherapy is proven to be an
efficacious method to treat allergy, so its cost-effectiveness should be estimated in
developing countries in order to include it in the country's health priorities. Informing
physicians about the new anti-vaccination movement is also crucial.
Copyright© 2011, IRANIAN JOURNAL OF ALLERGY, ASTHMA AND IMMUNOLOGY. All rights reserved. 1
K. Bidad, et al.
then IgG blocking antibodies were discovered. Today, T-cell Phenotypes in Allergic Response
by expansion of allergy epidemic all around the world, T cell is known to be the principle conductor of the
immunotherapy is widely used and the mechanisms allergic orchestra. The T-helper cell response is mainly
underlying allergy and immunotherapy are extensively the TH2 type which is mostly associated with the
investigated. New developments in this field and the allergic response. However, newly discovered cells also
emergence of Regulatory T-cells (Treg cells) and T contribute to the pathogenesis. In fact, the ratio of
helper 17 cells (TH17 cells) however have enlightened allergen-specific IL-10-secreting cells (Treg cells) to
the concepts in allergy and hypersensitivity and filled IFNγ-secreting cells (TH1 cells) and IL-4-secreting
the gap in the understanding of inflammatory cells (TH2 cells) and their continuous balance at the
processes.2 Furthermore, the implementation of good onset or during the course of response determines the
clinical practice (GCP) in the conduct of clinical trials outcome to be normal or develop allergic immune
on medicinal products for human use introduced by the response.6
Directive 2001/20/EC3 improved the evidence-based In atopic disorders, TH2 cells produce IL-4, IL-5
medicine and the researches in the field of and IL-137 which result in allergen-specific IgE
immunotherapy. production by B cells, eosinophil activation and
recruitment, mucous production, bronchial
What Is an Allergen? hyperreactivity and allergic tissue homing of TH2 cells.
Allergens are proteins in most cases and have two TH1 subset might lead to chronicity and effector phase
characteristics; they induce IgE responses in in allergic diseases. On the contrary, Treg cells inhibit
sensitization phase and a clinical response on the development of TH1 and TH2 cell responses.6 Treg
subsequent exposures (Figure 1). Despite the wide cells act by engaging inhibitory cell surface molecules,
investigations on allergens, their structures and their producing inhibitory cytokines, as well as cytolysis and
sequences, researches on their allergenicity still are disrupting metabolism.8
ongoing 4. Up to now, published data regarding TH17 cells
favor their role as proinflammatory by inducing
Physiopathology of Allergic Immune Responses proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6)
Allergic immune response consists of sensitization and chemokines (CXCL1, 2 and 8), and neutrophil
and development of specific immune response toward recruitment.2 IL-17 has also been indicated as a marker
the allergen. During sensitization, the following events for allergy severity.9
occur: priming of allergen-specific CD4+ TH2 cells,
production of TH2 cytokines (IL-4 and -13), and thus Specific Immunotherapy (SIT)
class switching for IgE production, activation of Allergen-specific Immunotherapy which is also
endothelial cells, eosinophil migration to tissues, mast called allergen immunotherapy, hyposensitization
cell and basophile degranulation. Subsequent and therapy or desensitization, involves administration of
frequent exposures lead to changes in target organs and increasing concentrations of antigen-specific extracts to
remodeling.5 allergic patients with the goal of inducing a state of
immunologic tolerance.10 The aim is to alleviate
symptoms during exposure to the allergen. It is an
FDA-approved, clinically effective method and induces
long-term remission of allergic rhinitis and allergic
asthma, with improvement in clinical symptoms.11-13
Successful immunotherapy results not only in the
increase of allergen concentration necessary to induce
immediate or late-phase reactions, but also in the
decreased responses to nonspecific stimulation.14
Therefore, in contrast to symptomatic treatment, it can
reduce the likelihood of developing additional
Figure 1. Features of allergens contributing to sensitizations by interrupting the so-called “atopic
allergenicity march” and patients may benefit from persistence of
Allergy and Allergen Specific Immunotherapy
K. Bidad, et al.
Allergy and Allergen Specific Immunotherapy
K. Bidad, et al.
Allergy and Allergen Specific Immunotherapy
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