Vibration Analysis Using Mobile Devices

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Procedia Engineering 00 (2017) 000–000
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Procedia Engineering 00 (2017) 000–000
Procedia Engineering 199 (2017) 2790–2795

X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2017

X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2017
Vibration analysis using mobile devices (smartphones or tablets)
Vibration analysis using mobile devices (smartphones or tablets)
A. Feldbusch*, H. Sadegh-Azar, P. Agne
A. Feldbusch*, H. Sadegh-Azar, P. Agne
Institute of Structural Analysis and Dynamics, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Kaiserslautern, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Institute of Structural Analysis and Dynamics, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Kaiserslautern, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany

This paper investigates and describes the potential of mobile devices for vibration analysis, system identification and structural
This paper investigates
monitoring and describes
using a self-developed app,thecalled
potential of mobile Itdevices
“iDynamics”. showsforthevibration analysis,
differences betweensystem identification
professional and structural
accelerometers and
smartphone using a self-developed
sensors, app,vibration
demonstrates the called “iDynamics”.
measurementIt and
shows the differences
evaluation between
capabilities usingprofessional
“iDynamics" accelerometers
and presents and
application ofsensors,
the appdemonstrates
using variousthe vibration
practical measurement
examples. and evaluation
The application has beencapabilities results“iDynamics"
verified byusing from vibrationandmeasurements
presents the
with of the equipment
professional app using various practical
and software. Atexamples. The
the end, the application
application has been
limits of theverified
app andbytheresults from vibration
requirements of the measurements
with professional
mobile devices areequipment
summarized.and software. At the end, the application limits of the app and the requirements of the corresponding
mobile devices are summarized.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
© 2017 The under
Peer-review Authors. Published by
responsibility of Elsevier Ltd. committee of EURODYN 2017.
the organizing
Peer-review under responsibility of the committee of EURODYN 2017.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of EURODYN 2017.
Keywords: vibration measurement app; vibration analysis; signal processing; system identification; structural monitoring
Keywords: vibration measurement app; vibration analysis; signal processing; system identification; structural monitoring

1. Introduction
1. Introduction
In recent years, mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) found their way into our day-to-day life. They are used
In recent years,devices
as multi-purpose mobilefor
many (smartphones and non-professional)
professional (and tablets) found theirapplications.
way into ourThey
day-to-day life.with
are always Theyusare
as multi-purpose
can devices
use them simply andfor many professional
quickly. (and non-professional)
There are already several mobile apps,applications.
which can They
be are
usedalways with us
for simple and we
can use them
analysis simply
or design and quickly.
purposes. What isThere
almostare alreadyinseveral
unknown mobile apps,
the engineering which can
community, are be
theused for simple
increased structural
capabilities and
analysis or design
possibilities purposes.
of mobile Whattoisbe
devices almost
usedunknown in the
in the field ofengineering community,
vibration analysis, are the
system increased capabilities
identification and
and structural
possibilities Beside
monitoring. of mobile devicesperformance
advanced to be used in andtheincreased
field of storage
system identification and structural
hardware components, like
monitoring. Beside
accelerometers advanced improved
and gyroscope performance and increased
considerably. storage
To take capacity,
advantage different
of these hardware components,
improvements, the “iDynamics” like
app and gyroscope
has been developed improved considerably.
at the University of Kaiserslautern.To take advantage
It uses of these
the potential and improvements, the “iDynamics”
sensitivity of build-in sensors of
app has been
modern developed
mobile at the
devices for theUniversity
purpose ofofsimple
vibration It uses thesystem
analysis, potential and sensitivity
identification and of build-inmonitoring
structural sensors of
modern mobile devices for the purpose of simple vibration analysis, system identification and structural monitoring

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 631 205-2896; fax: +49 631 205-3901.
E-mail address:author.
* Corresponding
Tel.: +49 631 205-2896; fax: +49 631 205-3901.
E-mail address:
1877-7058 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
1877-7058 2017responsibility
The Authors. of the organizing
Published committee
by Elsevier Ltd. of EURODYN 2017.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of EURODYN 2017.

1877-7058 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of EURODYN 2017.
A. Feldbusch et al. / Procedia Engineering 199 (2017) 2790–2795 2791
2 A. Feldbusch, H. Sadgh-Azar, P. Agne/ Procedia Engineering 00 (2017) 000–000

applications. The app was developed on the most widely distributed operating system “Android” and includes the
acquisition of vibration amplitudes, determination of the rated “vibration strength” according to German DIN 4150
(Vibrations in buildings) [1] and the classification of comfort level based on VDI 2038 (Serviceability of structures
under dynamic loads, Methods of analysis and evaluation) [2]. In addition to these time-domain parameters, the
frequency content of the recording is evaluated by its FFT frequency spectrum. Furthermore, an assessment by means
of the comfort or panic criterion according to ISO 10137 [3] is possible based on the calculation of the root mean
square value of the acceleration, with is also integrated. A damping evaluation algorithm has also been implemented
in the app. The application and analysis results were verified with results from vibration measurements using
professional equipment and software.

2. Professional accelerometers and sensors of smartphones

Accelerometers are sensors which usually detect accelerations by utilizing the inertial force. The characteristics of
accelerometers installed in smartphones differ from professional acceleration sensors used in vibration analysis. High-
precision sensors have a resolution up to 10-9 g and a measuring range usually below ± 1 g. For smartphone technology
miniaturization plays an important role as well as robustness, low energy consumption and low price. This comes with
limitations of accuracy. In recent smartphones so called MEMS-Accelerometers (Microelectromechanical systems)
with a resolution from 0.1 to 15 mg and a measuring range of ± 4 g (and more) are installed. Detailed information
about the built-in sensor type and sensitivity can be determined with the “iDynamics” app.

3. Vibration measurement and evaluation with the “iDynamics” App

3.1. Installation and default settings

A fully functional free student/trial version of the “iDynamics” app can be downloaded from the website of the
Institute of Structural Analysis and Dynamics at the University of Kaiserslautern [4].
The default settings are adjusted in a way that for the most widely used devices, the best and most precise results
can be achieved, without sacrificing a smooth workflow. Depending on device type and the vibrations to be measured,
an adjustment of the default settings can improve the results considerably. A sample rate of 50 Hz is preset for
acceleration recording. An increase of the sample rate is indispensable for the assessment of signals containing high
frequencies. However, the performance limits are quickly reached for older and cheaper smartphones. By decreasing
the FFT-Resolution, which’s default is 256, the computational load can be reduced and the additional gained
computing power can be used in favor of a higher sampling rate.
At small vibration amplitudes, the recordings with smartphone sensors possess a small signal-to-noise ratio. To
reduce the disturbing influence of the noise, different techniques (e.g. high-pass or low-pass filtering, smoothing
algorithm) were investigated. To diminish abnormal peaks, a simple smoothing algorithm has been found to be more
advantageously than complex methods. For this purpose, a 5-point smoothing algorithm was implemented, which
calculates the mean value of the four closest values at each point [5]. The user can perform up to three iteration steps
of the smoothing. However, caution is advised, because at low sampling rates high frequency signals are falsely
“smoothed out”. Fig. 1 shows the measured results with a professional sensitive Sensor and Smartphone on a low-
frequency (1.8 Hz) and high-frequency (12.5 Hz) system. The effects of smoothing are also shown.

Fig. 1. Vibration results with professional high-sensitive sensor and smartphone with and without smoothing (sampling rate: 50 Hz).
2792 A. Feldbusch et al. / Procedia Engineering 199 (2017) 2790–2795
Author name / Procedia Engineering 00 (2017) 000–000 3

3.2. Measurement

Starting the measurement, the data of the sensor is recorded and displayed in the acceleration-time diagram. The
frequency spectrum generated by the fast Fourier transform (FFT) is also displayed parallel to the time signal. FFT is
an algorithm for the fast calculation of the discrete Fourier transformation (DFT). It is used to split the calculation of
the DFT into smaller computations, thereby speeding up the process. A frequency spectrum from 0 Hz to the half of
the selected sampling rate (in Hz) is the result. A parallel implementation of split-radix and mixed-radix algorithms
[6], optimized for symmetrical multiprocessor systems has been used in the FFT algorithm. The method is very
efficient and allows a simultaneous visualization of the time signal along with the corresponding frequency spectra.

3.3. Evaluation

After the measurement, different evaluation options are available. The natural frequency or measured main
frequency, the maximum acceleration and velocity amplitude as well as the maximum frequency weighted “vibration
strength” KBFmax can be obtained. In addition, a classification of the vibrations according to the German standards
DIN 4150-2 [1], DIN 4150-3 [7] and VDI 2038 [2] is implemented.

3.3.1. Vibration amplitudes and natural frequencies

Vibration amplitudes as well as the natural frequencies can be displayed during the measurement for all three
coordinate axes directions (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Coordinate axes direction

If the vibration amplitudes are too small, so that a correct determination of the maximum amplitude is too inaccurate
or the estimation of the main frequency is unclear, a warning message will appear. The time history and the frequency
response can be saved in a text file (e.g. for an import into a professional vibration processing system).

For precise detection of the vibration signal, the gravitational acceleration must be subtracted from the measured
total acceleration. This calibration is carried out during the measurement process. In a simplified approach a
gravitational acceleration of g = 9.81 m/s² is used at the beginning of the measurement. After determination of the
exact gravitation, the recorded data is automatically corrected.
Since built-in sensors of smartphones show poor results in the frequency range below 0.5 Hz, a high-pass filter of
first order is used to reduce those false frequency components.

3.3.2. Damping
After the measurement, the damping in an adjustable range can be determined by selecting two points in the
acceleration-time curve history. The method chosen is known as the free-vibration decay method [8] and can be used
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if the modes are well separated. It determines the damping ratio ξ (fraction of critical damping) from the ratio of two
peaks an and an+m over m consecutive cycles in the selected area with equation (1).

 a 
ln  n 
a 
   nm (1)

3.3.3. Vibration limits in guides and standards

DIN 4150-2 [1] deals with the effect of vibrations on persons in buildings. The app calculates the maximum
frequency weighted “vibration strength” KBFmax directly from the vibration velocity history, according to the
simplified method in DIN 4150-2 (paragraph 7) [1], by means of natural frequency and maximum velocity amplitude:

1 vmax
KB  (2)
2  f 

(1   0 
 f 

KBF max  KB  cF
f Frequency in Hz
f0 5.6 Hz (high-pass filter cutoff frequency)
vmax maximum vibration velocity
cF constant in the range of 0.6-0.9 according to Table 3 from DIN 4150-2 (default 0.8)

The vibration velocity is obtained by integrating the acceleration-time history and baseline correction afterwards [9].
DIN 4150-3 [7] provides guidance on the assessment of the effects caused by vibrations on building structures.
According to the standard, vibration velocities below given limiting values do not lead to damage in buildings. These
limiting values has also been implemented in the app.
Furthermore, the app evaluates the comfort level (high comfort, medium comfort, low comfort/discomfort/panic) for
various structures by means of maximum acceleration or “vibration strength”, according to VDI 2038 Part 2 [2].
For the assessment of vibrations, acting on floors of assembly rooms or vibrations in stadiums, the effective value of
acceleration (RMS) is used in ISO 10137 [3]. The effective value of acceleration (RMS) is the root mean square value
of the acceleration a over a selected period of time t:

1 n
RMS   a (t i ) 2
n i 1

ISO 10137 [3] defines two vibration criteria. The first criterion is the comfort of the passive part of the
audience and the second is the safety of the audience. For the comfort criterion a measurement duration of 10 s (tn-t1
= 10 s) and for the panic criterion 1 s is recommended. The limit vibration levels are given by the base curves in ISO
10137 Figure C.1-C.3 [3] and a multiplying factor, depending on the criterion (200 for comfort, 400 for panic). In the
App, the maximum RMS value can be determined over an arbitrary selected period of time.

4. Verification with professional vibration measurements

On the basis of several practical applications, the capabilities of the “iDynamics” App were explored and the results
compared with those from professional measuring devices. Therefore, vibration measurements were carried out in
parallel with smartphones from different manufactures and with professional software using highly sensitive sensors
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(ACF24, ZINSZIEGLER Instruments GmbH). The results of an older smartphone with a resolution of about 10 mm/s²
and a newer device with 1 mm/s² are discussed in this paper.

4.1. Benchmark tests

For verification purposes, benchmark tests were carried out under laboratory conditions by means of two beams of
different stiffnesses (1.8 Hz and 12.5 Hz), representing a low- and high-frequency system (see Fig. 1). The beams
were excited by tapping and the acceleration was recorded until complete decay of the vibration. By analyzing
different measurement sections amplitudes in the range of 1000 mm/s² and 5 mm/s² were investigated and the quality
of the measurement is evaluated. The amplitudes required for a proper vibration analysis are specified in section 5.1.

4.2. Practical applications

The versatile utilization as well as the limitations of vibration analysis using mobile devices have been explored by
practical applications. The vibrations of a pedestrian bridge at the University of Kaiserslautern were measured under
ambient conditions and under excitement as a result of two pedestrians crossing the bridge (see Fig. 3). Even the
natural frequency could be measured with newer devices under ambient conditions by a sampling rate of 100 Hz. The
amplitudes occurring in this case were around 35 mm/s². Crossing pedestrians caused amplitudes up to 800 mm/s²,
allowing to determine even several natural frequencies with new and old devices. In addition, a road and a railway
bridge were investigated. In the case of traffic, natural frequencies could also be determined here. Measurements on
the railway platform and highway road were useless. On the top floor of a 12-storey administrative building of the
University of Kaiserslautern, the possibility of ambient vibration investigations of buildings was tested. During the
measurement, amplitudes of just 4.5 mm/s² occurred in the horizontal direction, which are far too small for being
measured properly by the smartphone.

Fig. 3. Pedestrian bridge (University of Kaiserslautern) and Fourier spectrum of vibrations caused by crossing pedestrians

5. Current limitations of measurements with smartphones

5.1. Required amplitudes

The resolution of the acceleration sensors installed in smartphones is a crucial factor for the applicability of
smartphones as vibration measuring devices. The higher the resolution, the less disturbing is the inherent noise and
the better is the accuracy of the recorded signal. Also the sampling rate is an important parameter. An increase to 100
Hz is especially recommended for high-frequency vibrations. But even for low-frequency signals this could improve
the recording quality considerably. Devices with a resolution of 10 mm/s² were able to detect natural frequency at low
frequencies with amplitudes of 25 mm/s² at a sampling rate of 50 Hz. Smartphones with a resolution of 1 mm/s² were
able to determine natural frequencies even at 15 mm/s².
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For low-resolution devices (10 mm/s²) the inherent noise is in the range of 100 mm/s². For smartphones with higher
resolution (1 mm/s²) the noise is only half the size. For a correct amplitude determination, larger amplitudes are
required, which have to lie clearly above the noise level. For older and cheaper models deviations of 20% in amplitude
occur even at amplitudes of 500 mm/s². In case of newer devices, similar deviations appear at 250 mm/s².
For high-frequency vibrations, such as vibrations of massive structures, measurements with sampling rates of 50
Hz do not allow a reliable amplitude determination. A natural frequency detection is possible by devices with low
resolution at 150 mm/s² and with high resolution at 100 mm/s².

5.2. Ambient vibration measurement

Using devices with a resolution of 1 mm/s² natural frequencies of flexible systems, e.g. bridges or towers can be
measured at sampling rates of 100 Hz, even under ambient conditions (without external excitation).
For stiff systems, ambient vibration amplitudes are too small to be measured based on the current development
level of smartphone sensors. These systems must be excited for vibration analysis. Often, existing loads can be used
as excitation, so that no additional exciting devices/systems are necessary. For the investigation of a bridge, traffic or
larger wind loads can be useful. In general, a longer measuring time can improve the determination of the natural
frequency considerably.

6. Conclusions

The “iDynamics” app allows semi-professional vibration measurements. For this, no expensive and extensive
measuring devices and software are required. Smartphones or tablets are always available and at hand, so spontaneous
field measurements are possible at any time. Vibration amplitudes, natural frequencies and damping values can be
determined. The user can thus identify resonance problems, vibration limit violations and initiate measures for
reduction or elimination. Simple system identification, status check or structural health monitoring is possible with
minimum effort. The measuring results can be stored and if necessary processed by professional software for further
Decisive for the usability of the results are the vibration amplitudes. In principle, more accurate results can be
achieved with larger amplitudes. For relatively flexible structures such as pedestrian bridges, tall towers or generally
long-spanned constructions, a system identification is even possible under ambient conditions (without excitation).
With the progressive development of the devices, the detection of building vibrations at small amplitudes will
hopefully soon be feasible.


The development of the app was supported by means of funding for innovative teaching projects of the University
of Kaiserslautern “Lehre plus-Projekte” and within the framework of the research field HiPerCON.


[1] DIN 4150-2: Vibrations in buildings – Part 2: Effects on persons in buildings, June 1999.
[2] VDI 2038 Part 2: Serviceability of structures under dynamic loads, June 2012.
[3] ISO 10137: Bases for design of structures – Serviceability of buildings and walkways against vibrations, November 2007.
[4] Website: Institute of Structural Analysis and Dynamics, University of Kaiserslautern,, 2017-01-25.
[5] S. Das, L. Green, B. Perez, M. Murphy, Detecting User Activities using the Accelerometer on Android Smartphones (2010),, 2017-04-27.
[6] E. Chu, A. George, Inside the FFT Black Box: Serial and Parallel Fast Fourier Transform Algorithms, Computational Mathematics, 1999.
[7] DIN 4150-3: Vibrations in buildings – Part 3: Effects on structures, October 2016.
[8] A.K. Chopra, Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineerung, Prentice Hall, 2014, pp. 52ff.
[9] K. Meskouris, Baudynamik: Modelle, Methoden, Praxisbeispiele, Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, 1999, pp. 181ff.

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