Why Do We Consider Things As Offensive
Why Do We Consider Things As Offensive
Why Do We Consider Things As Offensive
things as offensive”
This research will determine the reason why a norm should be consider as offensive, and why it
is to some, or an individual. There might be a probability that a person who is offended to a
norm, but doesn’t know the reason why he/she is offended by it, even though it didn’t affect
them personally, physically, and mentally in the first place. This finding can be beneficial, but it
wouldn’t do much to a human society.
This study will create awareness based on facts, and may bring a difference to an individual to
those who is going to be affected by this research. That way, it will make people differentiate
what to be loved, and what to be hated. Being offensive is another term of hating, as well as
loving. Hating a person, or a thing is fine, unless it doesn’t affect others daily lives.
How many?
50 individual parents and 50 youths will be asked according to their occurring personalities, in
order for this study to be sorted out. In case of entitlement, they will never be given any chance
to rejoin this study, to prevent further incoming situations.
How long?
This study will take 12 minutes give or take for an individual person participating in this
research. It might take longer in case there are topics that may interest us in further study given
by our participants.
49% of people experienced regret when they were offended by a norm in a society. This regret
mostly come from bullying from other citizens in a form of “haters” and “trolls” that demoralizes
a reputation of a being through real life, as well as the use of the Internet. While the other 51%
experienced little to no emotion when it comes to being offensive.
Turns out offensive is only another word of hating, also known as opposing. Since they are
supporting an opposing side, they should not be considered as offensive. In order for an
offensive thing to be REALLY offensive, there must be an opposing force, which involves a lot
of people acting very negatively in a situation that decreases their morale, sanity, and etc.
The method that I used as a reference for my research is mainly from influence of YouTube
videos, and some from articles and online opinions from people, that is based from the studies
and data gathered from the internet, and there is no real life personalities have been interviewed,
for it would create a bias in this study. But it can be fact checked and corrected to see if these
biases are determined to be true, and as always, this study has no statistics, or mathematical
equations involved in this research, for as the question, Why? Is used.
Warning: This study may be found as invaluable/invalid due to varying data changes overtime