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Thursday, April 11, 2019 • Your community news from Evart, Reed City, Hersey, Sears & Chase.

Blue pinwheels
for national child abuse awareness month
“The hope is to bring awareness that this is a
big thing in nationally and in our community,”
See page 8 for more


Kevin D. Mist - Photos courtesy of Denise Allen
Digital Marketing Specialist Reed City GFWC planted “Pinwheels for Prevention” in the Reed City area.

Those who suffered

flood damage in
Osceola County may
eligible for special loans
REED CITY — With the influx replace primary residences to
of rain and melting snow and their pre-disaster condition, ac-
ice in March, the Small Business cording to the press release.
Association is offering loans to Businesses and nonprofits can
help in the Northern Michigan apply for up to a $2 million SBA
area. loan to repair or replace any
As of Saturday, April 6, SBA disaster-damaged or destroyed
offices will be open to take inqui- real estate, machinery, equip-
ries on loans available to home- ment or inventory.
owners, renters, businesses and If applying to a business loan,
non-profits. the SBA will send out an inspec-
According to a press release tor to estimate the cost of dam-
sent out by Osceola County age once an application has been
Emergency Management, the completed.
county received between one All loans, according to the
and two inches of rain and four press release, cannot be used
to six inches of additional water- to expand or upgrade homes or
shed from melting snow packs. businesses unless required by file photo
The loans available for rent- the local building authority or The Small Business Association is offering loans to several counties in Northern Michigan including Osceola and Lake
ers and homeowners to replace existing codes. counties after significant flooding in March.
disaster-damaged or destroyed If interested in applying for
clothing furniture, cars or ap- any of the offered loans, ap- MI, 49412 or they can be submit- applications are due on June 3 who qualify in Newaygo, Kent,
pliances can go up to $40,000. plications can be sent to the ted online at disatsterloan.sba. and all economic injury applica- Lake, Mason, Mecosta, Mont-
Homeowners may also apply Freemont Recreation Center at gov/ela. tions are due Jan. 6, 2020. These calm, Muskegon, Oceana and
for up to $200,000 to repair or 201 E. Maple Street, Freemont All physical property damage flood loans are available to those Osceola counties.

Church group sets out to freshen up Reed City

By Victoria Martin
Weekly Voice do when he learned that With the Wheatlake Refresh Reed City at 1 p.m. wrote.
this was something the Festival of Races, the Me- Water will be provided by In wanting to bring the Refresh Reed City
REED CITY — Trinity former Reed City DDA had morial Day Parade and Ice Mountain throughout community together, Mein- schedule
Lutheran Church is lead- planned to do. other summer events right the day. ert wrote the response has
ing the way in getting Reed “The idea for the com- around the corner, Trinity Some of the main goals been “incredible.” 7 a.m. - Team
City a fresh look for spring munity event Refresh Reed Lutheran Church and Reed of the cleanup, according to The Boy Scouts, Rotary Leaders meeting
at the first Refresh Reed City came about shortly af- City Council members are the handout, are picking up Club, Eagle Village, Reed 7:30 a.m. - Partici-
City. ter our men’s group saw the looking to get Reed City trash along the White Pine City Little League, and oth- pant meeting and
Refresh Reed City will be awesome turn-out of peo- “looking sharp,” according and Pere Marquette trails, er local churches have all job assignments
an opportunity on Satur- ple at our annual Christ- to a handout passed around refreshing beds, trees and signed up to bring groups given out
day, April 27 for community mas Tree Lighting this past by Meinert at the March 18 bump-outs in the down- of people out to participate 8 a.m. - Clean up
members and organiza- November,” Meinert wrote meeting. town area and at the Reed in the event. begins
tions to volunteer their in an email. “After seeing The day will start off City sign near US-10 with Those who are still look- 1 p.m. - Hot dog
time and clean up the city how many people came with a team leader meeting fresh mulch and cleaning ing to volunteer should lunch at Westerberg
after the winter months. out to enjoy the kick-off of at 7 a.m., assignments will up Rambadt, Westerberg bring, gardening supplies Park
Though Trinity Lutheran the Christmas season, our be given out at 7:30 a.m. and and Linear parks. like gloves, rakes and shov- Items to bring:
is hosting the event, coun- men’s group began talking the clean up is set to begin “It is so easy to get lost in els and sunscreen. • Work Gloves
cil member Roger Meinert about how great it would be at 8 a.m. our own world these days, For more information • Sunscreen
originally brought the to have more opportunities Trinity Lutheran Church and we want Refresh Reed and updates as the day • Rakes
idea to the city council as for our community to get will be providing a hotdog City to be that event that draws closer, visit the Re- • Shovels
something for the Trinity together and celebrate as lunch at Westerburg Park brings us together for a fresh Reed City Facebook • Kneepads
Lutheran’s men’s group to a city. for everyone who helps common purpose,” Meinert group.
2 • weekly voice www.weeklyvoice.net | Thursday, april 11, 2019

Craft idea Evart no longer selling

dog licenses
By Victoria Martin
‘The money the city receives
is paying
Weekly Voice

EVART — The City of Evart will

from selling dog licenses
no longer be processing any dog
does not justify the cost of the
off in Evart licenses due to what it is costing the
At their Monday, April 1 meeting, annual fee.’
the Evart City Council voted to no
EVART — Get Crafty raised longer issue dog licenses as it costs Sarah Dvoracek
more than three times last the city more time and money to Evart City Manager
years quilt auction for their process the licenses than they are n
scholarship program. receiving from the applicants.
Get Crafty raised around According to a letter given to the as the council discussed whether or
$2,000 during its silent auc- council in their meeting packet by not to keep offering the service to
tion on April 5 through April City Manager Sarah Dvoracek, in residents and others.
7 for its scholarship. Last the 2017-2018 fiscal year the city sold While it only takes 10 minutes for
year the store raised $600 $502 in dog licenses and received $92 a person to apply for the license, it
from a quilt auction and a back from the county and, so far, in takes the city an addition 45 min-
donation. the 2018-2019 fiscal year the city has utes to process the applications and
The silent auction raised sold $363 and received $61 from the send them into the county.
around $1,000 and then the county. “It becomes too time consum-
store received a private dona- “Each month the money is dis- ing and there are other things that
tion of another $1,000. tributed to the county, in return the could be getting done in that time
“We never expected it to county returns a small portion to frame,” Dvoracek said.
do this well,” said Get Crafty Get Crafty raised $2,000 with their silent auction to provide scholarships the city,” wrote Dvoracek. Though the City of Evart is no
owner Misty Barnett. for three graduating Evart High School students. The software used to provide the longer selling the licenses, it is still
Prior to the auction’s start, licenses costs Evart $161 in service required by the State of Michigan
Barnett had hoped to raise begin. Relay for Life team, said Bar- and support fees each year. that all dogs have a license, accord-
as much as the previous year “We don’t know how to nett. “The money the city receives from ing to the Osceola County Animal
and get one or two scholar- break down the numbers “Most of the things that did selling dog licenses does not justify Control.
ships worth of funds out of it. yet,” said Barnett. “That will not sell were things that I put the cost of the annual fee,” said Dvo- It costs $5 for dogs that have been
With raising so much, Get all be figured out once every- in,” she said. “If something racek. spayed or neutered and $10 for those
Crafty will be able to give out thing is picked up.” was donated by someone else, Time was also on the city’s mind who have not.
three scholarships. Last year As the success of this year it will go back to them if they
two scholarships were given sinks in, Barnett said she is want it. But everything that I
out. looking to hold another silent put in will be donated.”
At this time, it is not clear auction next year. Winners will be picked by
how much will be given to While many of the items Friday, April 19 after the com- Evart student graduates from Alma College
each student, said Barnett, as sold, one knitted afghan go- munity project group gets
she is still waiting on people ing for $150, not all the items together to read the essays ALMA — The Alma College Regis- ing 2018.
to pick up their winnings and that were put up received submitted and can deliber- trar’s Office is pleased to announce Averill received a Bachelor of Arts
then the discussions on how bids. The items that did not ate on which three students Reanna Averill of Evart completed degree in history/anthropology.
to break up the money can sell will be going to a local should get a scholarship. the requirements for her degree dur-

Elementary student brought knife to school to show friends

free school zone or commits
By Victoria Martin “We have to take into you have to weigh. When mentioned Child Protective call an over-report,” he
either arson or rape in a Dis-
Weekly Voice consideration the age and you are 6 or 7 years old that Services was contacted, but said. “It is always better to
trict building or on District intent in this situation,” is not part of your thought Beam said this was an over over-report, especially with
EVART — Police got property.” said Howard. process.” precaution. this being an elementary
involved after a student A dangerous weapon, The student did receive The police report also “This is what we would student.”
brought a pocket knife to according to the handbook some form of discipline but
Evart Elementary School to constitutes as a “a firearm, Howard did not feel comfort-
show off to friends, but no
threat was made.
“The kid brought in the
knife to show off, this actu-
dagger, dirk, stiletto, knife
with a blade over three
inches in length, pocket
knife opened by a mechani-
able disclosing the extent
as it may break the Family
Education Rights and Pri-
vacy Act.
Weekly Voice
ally occurs quite a bit,” said cal device, iron bar or brass Howard confirmed that no April 11, 2019 • Volume 12, Issue 51
Evart Poice Department knuckles or other devices harm was intended and that The Weekly Voice retains the publication rights to all content produced or supplied by the Weekly Voice. Use of said
Chief John Beam. “Once designed to or likely to it was just poor judgment on material without the written consent of the Weekly Voice is prohibited. Contents copyrighted; all rights reserved.
they get old enough, in say inflict bodily harm, includ- the student’s part and that 130 North Mitchell St. P.O. Box 640 Cadillac, MI, 49601-0640
Boy Scouts, it is not uncom- ing, but not limited to, air was part of the decision pro-
mon that a kid will bring in gun, BB gun, and explosive cess as to what the appropri-
The Weekly Voice is published You can also submit Newsroom: 1-888-330-4144
a knife and show off what devices.” ate punishment should be.
weekly and covers Chase, information online to news@weeklyvoice.net
they are learning.” While the pocket knife “The knife was never
Evart, Hersey and Reed City. www.weeklyvoice.net. Advertising representative:
According to the Evart does fall under the category opened,” said Howard.
Linda Ziska
School District parent hand- of a dangerous weapon un- “They took it out in their
We accept submissions of Publisher: Chris Huckle 231-779-4155 or 231-920-
book, “In compliance with der the school’s definition, classroom with a teacher
photos, articles and opinion Huckle@weeklyvoice.net 9486
State Law, the Board shall each case is looked at differ- present to show it off to
at community@weeklyvoice. Classified representative:
permanently expel any stu- ently, said Evart School Dis- their friends. They were
net or mailed to Weekly Editor: Matt Seward Contact us at (888) 330-4144
dent who possesses a dan- trict Superintendent Shirley not thinking of the conse-
Voice, P.O. Box 640, Cadillac, mseward@weeklyvoice.net customerservice@
gerous weapon in a weapon Howard. quences. That is something
MI., 49601. weeklyvoice.net

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than per
Family remem
former Hill
served as
Robert “Bob” ty sheriff
Wexford Coun of 1970s
during much
on pAge A3
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Tax cuts likely s
tors ordering
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study impac s can be passed on
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Weekend, december 9-10, 2017

ber 28, 2017

You not only get the big weekend edition of the



Veterans museum
75¢ FREE a history lover’s dream
‘Sheriff Joe’ mulls
run for US Senate
Arctic air
Cadillac News but the Weekly Voice and Cadillac
Manton Veterans Memorial
please take one features photos of over Museum Former
ted. 500 area vets, Arizona lawman
Trusted. Local. www.weeklyvoice.ne items dating back to Revolutiona
ry War
would seek seat vacated
by Trump foe Sen. Jeff Flake

settles in
The good
on page C1
Area 3 section

on page
The losses are
cadillacnews.com Area 2

Cadillac News
Thursday, December starting to add up: WEEKEND, December 9-10, 2017morE prEpS

News delivered right to your home every Thursday.

28, 2017 • Your commu
nity news from er Reed City, Hersey, Sears & Chase.
ovEvart, The Pistons lost their fifth
straight game, falling to the
lioNS b3

old ‘days’
SportS briEfS b4
GOOD PEOPLE region defending champion Warriors.
www.cadillacnews.com | weekend,
ScorEboard b4

december 9-10, 2017

WITH BAD cted 775-NEWS

| sports@cadillacnews.com | (231)
Bitter cold expe Sports Editor: Marc Vieau

Traverse City CentralMissa

ugh connecTed.
CREDIT to linger thro cadillac news | TrusTed. local.

Cadillac girls score win over

Trusted. Local. Connected.
arrival of new $1.50
Committee plan
(3-1) with 11 points while
FINANCING By alexanDer
ukee County board while
rebounds and six steals Area 5 and Molly Anderson

had 15 points, Brown

for return of
CadillaC News games."
the Area 4 the first Hannah Emingtonfive steals. eight points apiece. Makayla
FOR EVERYONE! after three losses to start Cadillac led 12-11 after seven assists and
considers new policies for

A hiddtonen
blast Area news
cadillac 1 at half- Knight added seven.
An Arctic season. quarter and trailed 27-22 points,

McBain Days
CADILLAC — ratures plung
- to- Kallie Poulos had 12 • Cadillac won the freshman
"The girls played together on in the
Manton Vet time before turning it steals.
PUSH - PULL - DRAG has sent tempe in Northern TRAVERSE CITY —
Now, each
night and started trusting Kaye third quarter.
three rebounds and three game 49-39.
ing below
and the bitter
cold that's more like it. other," Cadillac coach
The Vikings outscored
TC Cen- Cadillac (1-3 overall,
1-1 BNC)
on Tuesday.
Emma McTaggart paced
purchasing, bidding
Michigan, a strong into hosts Manistee with 12 points while
remain into
the Cadillac put together Johns said. "I am proud of the to take a 43-34 lead game Vikings
UsHer is likely to effort from start to finish
and tral 21-12 • Cadillac won the JV Madi Drabik had 11,
Livi Meyer
By Karen Hopper way they played.

new year. 58-47 that the fourth quarter. eight. Rules cover use of
minus 12
packed with
beat Traverse City Central nine and Chesni Birgy
CadillaC News ng of "They dug deep and found Makenna Bryant paced
Ca- Vikings and look for good prices
A readi rd in a Big North Conference
girls that had Baily Little paced the credit cards by staff,
the Wexfo fire to compete and win eight but not expected to

Comeback Comets jewe

degrees at dillac with 22 points,

etting splash Wednes- night. have
basketball contest Friday the first couple of

items from
rt on a bidding process.
Vikings been missing
$1,000 County Airpowas the result large purchases
by a firem
mid- ing It's the first win for the For purchases of $500
hose in the day morn
, calm Tuesd
1700s to today
to $5,000, the depart-
dle of the

can be great er, anyway. The

MINIMUM of a frigid ding to Gay-
night, accor Weather 2
By kaRen hoppeR UsheR
CadillaC News
ment head would have
to approve the pur-
In the summ ned in McBain a
TRADE lord Natio
Service meteo
rologist Jeff Top Scores by chris lamphere LAKE CITY — Missaukee
chase, the money would
game last
couple years
hoses to
firemen used street. The
Payments As Low As Zoltowski. on a north
Cadillac sits plateau of
ern boys Hoops
cadillac neWs 4 County commissioners have to be
and employees would
in the budget,

$150 mo.
maNtoN are considering new be
Teams of
gan 57 expected to hold an
t around the standing Lower Michi

TC West
ned, tc WESt ucked into the credit card and pur- in-
push a bucke
water cooled
✔ Bankruptcy and the elevat
ski explai
hills, Zoltow ion can help
mcbaiN Nmc 66
corner of Man-
NMC girls rally to 6 chasing rules. formal bidding process
over phone or email.

ton’s Rotary County employees
nearby. of the perfec ratures plum- 45 For purchases of
so it was kind those tempe tc chriStiaN Memorial Park, have been using their
score a big win over
“It was hot, City Councilman
game,” recall
✔ Foreclosures
that featur
ed a met. effect clouds 79 Manton
the Area Veter-
7 own credit cards to
$5,000 to $10,000, a for-
things the county needs mal bidding process
While lake
Rangers to face host
games rEEd city Memorial Museum
Smith are variety of rs can cause
Smith. Rober ts and
Mayor Joey something like it,
again. ✔ Repossession
and activi
ties, Smith
there have
and snow
to move in
both NEWaygo
72 Manton
is a hidden jewel of
as- online and are then
would be required,
the county administra-
games, he-
been told
8 Petoskey in
it, or a- the needle history just imbursed.
plans to do summer celebr said. He’s concerts, Zoltowski
hEritagE chr. sembled
McBain Days,
the city’s OVER 100 CARS
y. In the n dinners,
intermittentl it was been chicke and even a contes
t to catch
a CadillaC News
File PHoTo
ntial snow y
is pro-
23 to be enjoyed cadillacby news
Among the biggest news stories
Under a proposed
tor would have to ap-
prove the purchase.
tion, has been
held only
has lived in McBa
licopter rides
was a pan- could soon return
under a new
McBain Days summer celebration has
little substa
jected for
Wexford Count
bEth havEN
gIrLs Hoops the public.MANTON — Stay calm.
in the dispute over Cadillac of 2017 were, clockwise, from
Junction, the Skatetricity fire, top left, the Green Mill Motel invitational today
CadillaC News file
explosion and fire, the court photos
revised policy, de-
partment heads and For purchases greater
three years
Smith greased pig. he remembers, there Some light
snow 58Hanging on the and the opening of the new ruling than $10,000, commis-
name. The city’s ttently. In the three years cadillac
WE CAN HELP! this week.
of Rob- by Fri- themoredefense. Wexford County Jail. approved employees

What was the big story of 2017

held just once. it back is a key part of his At the one and a parade, he said. t in 1-3 inches tc cENtral 47 the museum
of Extendare cadillac news sioners would need
But bringi
ng part cake break
fast ed in recen held only intermiDoug Smith has lived g it could bring
with anoth
er 2-3 All will be
than 500 pictures of fine.
vet- would be able to have to
and a big photos archiv d-pole City Councilmanheld just once. But bringin day, he said, Chris- approve the purchase
for the city Cadillac News tanks and a grease of whom
Northern live
Michigan —county
The good credit cards

he said. most
erts’ plan
to run for office, ssee, dunk , it was and Mayor Joey over the weeke nd.
tc St. fraNciS erans, to beat
a 20-mile Manton PETOSKEY with credit limits of and the there would
motivation ille, Tenne years show the
part of Smith a big part of his tuRn to pAge mcbaiN 21 lived tian
or within rallied
news is they won. have to be a formal,
up in Knoxv heard contest. named Smith er back is a key and For more, in a Highland Confer- $2,000.
news is
Roberts grew up in McBain. He’s be. climbing il recently for the city radius of Manton.
but his wife
grew to
in Days used to,” he
The city councittee to bring back
“a summ Roberts’ plan run for office, Smith said.
mcbaiN Nmc 48Each photoence girls a story, contest
The not-so-good
they've got a lottor
to work on Administra-
competitive, sealed
what McBa motivation to
stories of to get back CHEVROLET
head of a
comm Tulio Herani Oliveira 41 former
and Friday museumnight.
Google Maps aerial photo.
opened itsGarland told

A2 maNtoN Still, Mantoncommission Under the current pol-
I’m trying for the ” tuRn to pAge
and host mother Tracie Koopman. CometsWar were down
Cadillac News readers can vote Museum is pictured in this

but a lot
“That’s what ts family moved here celebration. curator and TheKorean 63-57 win ers that
For more, The halfManton Area Veterans Memorial season with a the icy, the board reviews
Corner of M-55 & M-66 digits in the first
online, on Facebook, Twitter
is a little late

Reed City
said. The
Rober , he said.
Rick cHARMoli | Weekly Voice
piNE rivEr 54
veteran Neal Bennett
double over Traversestill Citypurchases
West in would purchases greater than

community stories in the third

ther woman ly shares connection with Brazil

er celebrJust
South of Lake City 34 but took
them all, control need
of theto be work-
small-town was a summ Evart knows the north but they the opening game $2,000. Garland said
www.classicchevyonline CoURTesY PHoTo what Amer- feet to related.
Invitational.Clerk Jessica
McBain Days .com quarter.
that “signify
is of myhad to move to another Petoskey Nielsen explained that that doesn’t go far, and
“I am soHe

by born to Lu
proud By Rick chaRmoli

Your Town. Your Paper. Your Voice.

1-800-55-4LESS Ginger rEEd city 46 is all about.”
giving uplocationon because of all of weigh in beginning Saturday While ‘It's always
the invoicing system because the board meets
Mattos, NEWaygo 13
making an audio
girls for not record-
CadillaC News
amassed Dec. , weekend paper. just
sto- theback items 9, through Wednesday, happy once a month, it

on credit cards issued

of Luther, ing withthe thegame personaland clawing the years. To vote, go to https://
By Ben Glick holds her in it,” NMC
ries of almost everycoach vet- Jason throughout 017 was aexpansion
Dec. 27. The following
15 stories docs.google
with nice to win
to county employees can be burdensome
26 big year for big were .com/ win, things
ks early on Dec.
, “We just
legacy. The
said museum chosen by the Cadillac the would make purchases like housing and
Weekly Voice son, Makaio a lasting
eran forTowers said. stories, 2014 the dueCadil-
was started in and forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc furnace grants.

arrives four wee

shortly after Main Events Complimenat halftimeting this that the game’s lac Newsgwants and was
News newsroom as the
you, the debated which staff VP91xAcrU7wU7fb51gL
ea0- Rangers your first
more transparent and
coach Ry- easier to track. The topic received

Makaio Mattos
REED CITY — Tracie to overcrowdin
Koop- his birth on impressive not over. They had
collection of nine
stories should i-
means “gift madereader,possibletoby individ-
decide 7gucSVjo2a-5QpitP9cF an Hiller much discussion during
ew, which man was a high school junior Tuesday. Wrestling:
photos are points from six
a variety of feet behind
which make the list. caQ/ knows game.’ Garland also proposed
sion of Matth she left Reed City and Makaio was Manton Invitation- ) line.ual Takewas
and thegroup donations.
biggest. viewform?c=0&w=1 the commissioners’
mas baby Brazil landed in items related to the mili-
the (three-point town Once the voting has conclud- or vote his team revising the county’s fi-
inthis the Cadillac News’ Facebookvia
UsHer of God.” al. 9 a.m. With
“People thatin nance committee meet-
By Karen Hopper ered a ChristSao Paulo, Big Rap- in 1986. the first tary andthose U.S. awayconflicts and it’s a five- mind, readers
extremely gen- ed, the top five stories purchasing
Hiller policy.
Still consid 26 arrival, the will havebeen has to do Ryan ing Thursday.
CadillaC News Dec. Recalling it
the family more than 30 baby born at Hockey:
from thepoint game. ry
Revolutiona have the opportunity to announced in the Dec.
will be or Twitter accounts. Purchases
manton boys under $500
despite his gaveyears Livonia Franklin at erous,” Bennett said. 30-Jan. 1 Area 7 a much would Commissioners are
r woman tal Auxiliary later,
aftershe was surprised Big Rapids War to today. “The seniors really Bennett said they re- See full STory be considered

Subscribe today!
A Luthe ids Hospi baby born Cadillac. Noon. on A8 better job basketball coach due to vote Tuesday
S —
BIG RAPID a few hours too late t. The first bytoo. how quickly a remark
of Hospital after Such items
up and led the
include team
a 1,500-foot Area 6
basic and routine.
during the board’s regu-
son a gift baske will get one, interest to the local rotary Christmas of fromquitcently and finished rebound- Employees n
birthed her baby. woodenback. wheelchair They never would be
Chris tmas the new year
ins a sleep sack,
turned into
a WWII- addition onto the west He was also childhood ing, expected to and lar monthly meeting.

‘Getting your house in order’

to be a true four t conta 2017. era,their composure.” be prudent
io Mattos
was born The baske a blanket, a stuffed an- a plane ticket to the WWIkept
theof the building will
taking care of the ball
On Deck side kusher@cadillacnews.com | 775-News
But Maka way, his Brazil’s mostletpopulated city - era Jeep, a chest used by after
led 14-10 friends with museum (6397)
ture. In that at Spec- clothing, bibs,onesies, while a babyshe brace Manton
g officer and was up this Labor
28-14 Day, they
founders Neil Perry hitting free throws.
weeks prema s, a knew a word
barely first quarter
a.m. on Dec.
26 imal, a book, to Bill Keran of a high-rankin holding a special event "It's always nice to win
birth at 3:19 Big Rapids Hospital according Portuguese. in George Washington
at halftime before’s NMC beout-
to and John Robbins, who
and a cap, list at Spec- to invite the public this your first game," Hiller
trum Health r, was both early
and tions specia The transition from a army, vintage
scored the Rangers 19-2 in theit out.
uniforms passed away earlier
communica small check said. "I think our expecta-
Birthing Cente trum Health
. town to a large
at 7 pound
s, city is daunting from every third branch
quarter Communities hope to encourag
lead 33-30.
In the meantime, Ben-
“It’s a tough loss for tions are pretty high
late. s, Makaio’s
mom, “Makaio weigh
ed in
enough, but
20 inches
longtoatdo so in a differ- military, and Manton coach Jon Paul
countless e growth
on said he
opens the with redevelopment program my team knows it can

Call 231-775-6565
Ginger Matto“Christmas sur- s, and was entstated county. , and in a different other priceless
Katona said the loss is
artifacts. nett us,” Bennett said. “John
her 12 ounce
releas e said many of museum to interested
By Ben Glick
a good friend
wasprogram of better than it did tonight.
called him language was a challenge,
birth,” a newsillacnews.com | 775-News (6397) Bennett him. the week The assesses the readi- and "There were a few times
she getCadillaCduring
do-job tovisitors I knew him my

Your community news

News Evart submitted its resolu-
prise.” ame. remembered. the items “I havefeelbeenit’s my and Sat- ness mine.
of investment
could have put them
to BehindTheN ver-
Re-covered Fridays or develop-
kusher@cad on
over theto play the and life.” tion around the we
According iian Koopman, now an English nated tothe them girls ready the museum is
ment whole
in communities based on six City submitted same time. Lake in
io is the Hawa
CADILLAC urdays,
veter- — Area communitie
to do that away but let them back
com, Maka DNR tells Reed City teacher at Reed City years bygame families and of I failed
are adopting from noon to 4sp.m.best practice criteria that include its resolution in
got a lot to work
bridge needs Middle Tulio Herani Oliveira, an exchange passed away.
“I thought policies to encour- News reporter November 2017, and Reed City it. We've
said. personally keeping CadillaC

Two-day forecast
School, remembered ans whotonight,” heage an updated fi-
to be replaced a mo- his home country. Tulio’s mother, student from Brazil, speaks to a group of students Rick cHARMoli | Weekly Voice museum
investment Bennett
in theand economic mastertoplan,
Suhs contributed this submitted its resolution on and I think our guys
ment when she was at Carla Oliveira, was also an at Reed City High School about The veterans
we were a step growthbehind through
knew most
a of the vet- making Mardi
zoning ordinances easy to on Dec. 4. understand that after
dinner Man- statewide “Our nally
pagE 2 with her host family. The exchange student at Reed
City High School. started its secondlife in the
half. sistance program. erans whose military to
as- followstory.
and building permits (6397)
s.com | 775-neWseasy
focus for community
development is on downtown this game."
Darsha Day Daily
Albrech t, 49, erupted in laughter, but
for its warmness and
Koopman remembered
openness, “But then we got Fading ton Area Historical
seum a couple
“I thought Over
we got
the last line the
year, cities
pictures have
walls. getclamphere@cadillacnew
in order to build
ning, building and development
a solid plan- Area 8
revitalization , really encouraging Manton led 16-8 after
didn’t know why — evidently Carla be- Carla’s husband. a call from played andjoined at

aig? Advertise with someone

the Redevelopment Ready first quarter and 30-27
hopes: redevelopment in the
Stats: 0
of us

you know!

UPC of
not understanding that ing especially friendly He said she Our youthCommunity got the bestprogram, foundation for investment heartmarc our| cadillac news
of Vieau 46-39 going
Baker, 100, . a and It was
News MAG: 1.00
a joke was in the hospital and news technical communities ,” Michelle halftime.
reinvestment. VanPolen during
Code Type: 3075-Cadillac
1 Elnora “She was one of those the goodinitiative
tonight but KariPark-
A win at
BWA: 0.0030
Eunice had been told and she was very assistance Christian's
a people Michigan into the fourth quarter.
Georgi behind offered by the konen,
sick,” Koopman said. against Northern
Order #:
of Carrollton, Symbol Height:
Symbol Width: 1.0200 couldn’t that you have an instant put this Economic Many into the paint
communities manager of the Redevelop-
P.O. #:
owski, understand it. is the girls Michigan Jaden Wilder drives have decid- the 48-41. paced the
Tampa Bay is
Lewand connec- Developmen
Manton's mentRangers Ancick

& find out how you can start saving today!

By: Up
Marie Flexo Width:
tion to, and that was Carla was diagnosed and we’re t ed to take part. The Comets beat Ready program, said.
Patricia them already Corporation, Conference contest. “It’s
Send us your draw
sin with Cadillac and
gan, Wiscon She was unable to commu- not ever go- cancer, a public-privat e, Highland submitted about getting Rangers with 26 points
Polarity: 3
staff you
Date Run:
77, of Sheboy and she passed away its resolution of intent your house
n, 83, nicate with her host ing to change,” Koopman in a must if the next week.”
ready fornonprofit
organization. to work added ninein rebounds.
14 rebounds while Jayden
we have local, trustwo
said. points and four steals. ... and being open
Noreen A. Robinso family for Carla was from draw? in cen-
March 2016. Towers also commended with the MEDC in February (2-0 overall, 1-0
to business.”
News, Madelyn Yount paced NMC Crews work onPerry Salani
you like to a city
the first few months,
nMCS students
Lions hope Abby Brown paced Man-For more,
and site
the future
At the Cadill
BeN GliCk | CadillaC News
of Evart and coping tralDo rk. Not long after that, the his team for taking much Turn Tohosts
pageLake City of the Cadillac
Hey kids! Brazil
11 points. Dar-Commons farmers market, which
points and
create the perfect ad.
your artwo
grant helps y poppins’
with the new culture called Koop- Highland) a2 was funded with
Cuiaba, a city in the NMC with 16 ton with 14 points and
five helpscored
each from the
enced extreme homesickneWe wantof
she experi- tonearly to
mans received a call
to make the better care of the ball on Tuesday while Manton
Michigan Economic Development
on to help youTwo-day
es on A4 mail it residents. from the
had 11 rebounds while steals while Jaden Wilder ius Potter added six points Corporation.

ntary it off orexperience organization that organizes on

See obituari
second half. The Comets FREE* ads too!
lin Eleme
can count (3-2, 0-1) is at Pine River
ss. In
present ‘Mar
calls back home she said DropCarla’s ac, MI,

points, eight
playoffs. Get Deaths

Evart, Reed City,Buc

Mitchell, Cadill foreign exchange program. the half Lanser had 12 Weeightoffer rebounds.
Cameron, 9, she begged her
mirrored had 11 points and eight and
17 turnovers in the first

Saturday parents to be 130 the
49601, and
look as it on
forshe the
adjusted to page A8
Carla’s son, Tulio Herani all the details. Codebut cut Terri
to seven in the rebounds and eight steals. rebounds. Brianna Puffer
ise Under $300
Vol. 146 No.
Friday • Merchand
sent back home. pace of aofsmall
the town (TenHouten)
Desiree Ebels had nine
front page in a Oliveira, wanted to be Type: UPC Version

| Low -4 all of new cultureNews. a foreign MONDAY Customer: second Swanson,

half. A
59, formerlyStats: 0

Livonia Fran
ac and the snowy
• Merchandise Wanted
“How do 13you
3075-Cadillac News

5 High figure Cadillof exchange student at Reed

Order #: P36240-002
that climate of Cadillac
High 14 | Low out?” Northern Michigan City Jenifer
P.O. #: MAG: 1.00
Koopman said. High School, and Koopman
Ordered By: BWA: 0.0030
300 6
nues — which was totally
CadillaConNews Classified
• Swap or Trade
Symbol Width: 1.4690

Snow, cold conti

Polarity: Positive
11885 00 But the hospitality of new for a was Up
Symbol Height: 1.0200
8 her host person from asked to host him. See obituaries
Date Run: 01/07/2003
A4 Flexo Width: 0.0000 Specialist

skates past Cadillac

family eventually won a country where no Specialist

Cadillac News out and “I said yes of course,”

• Freebies

not long after she felt snow falls. Koop-

to Date
Heated win the family.
like one of When Carla returned
to Bra-
man said.
In January 2017, Tulio • Lost & Found

Stay Up
zil, Koopman and arrived

beat the
Fully immersed in the
Competition gets heated culture remained close. her family in Reed City, following said.
your classified
chili cookoff
in Evart and language, it wasn’t
before Koopman began
long When Koopman’s parents mother’s footsteps 30
in his
years later. Call Jessica or Jenifer 565 or email
cadillac news
* MustGraham
the game,
be placed online
for the FREE ad.
or but il not only traveled to Brazil in 1997, they “It’s a good experience. Doing specialists today 231.775.6 ews.com. shots but weren't getting
8 Text
to adapt
pagE e Via also thrive. She CADILLAC — Cadillac
everything she did. It’s
146 No.cadillacn Send us your drawings!
a lot of second chances,"
to your Phon service@
stayed with Carla.
remembered the excitement
ool Clos ings“When pretty customerVol. 152
Sabina, first grade, St. Ann’s dropped a 4-1 decision
Alerts sent she neat,” Tulio said. he said. "They were really
New s Sch
felt for the•first time she was
they saw her after
sads/ Livonia Franklin in

ts • Breaking www.cadillacnews.com/clas Hey kids! Do youtolike good in the defensive zone

all those years, it was Koopman valued the
able to understand every like she experi- to draw?
nce hockey
word ne ence. W non-confere their goaltender was
thursday, april 11, 2019| www.weeklyvoice.net weekly voice • 3

Breakfast with the

What’s Happening in the Area
checks in Osceola County City High School Cafeteria Spectrum to offer nity Church of Evart each chine and a certified vascu-
by appointment. at 6 p.m. on Thursday, April Tuesday at 7 p.m. starting lar sonographer. Advance
Easter Bunny Car seats reduce the 25. Diabetes Prevention May 7. appointments are required
REED CITY — Breakfast chance of injury or death Due to limited seating, Program Please send a confiden- for the screenings and can
with the Easter Bunny will by nearly 70 percent, but tickets to the evening of REED CITY — Spectrum tial message to Pastor Paul be scheduled by calling
be held at the Reed City only if the appropriate seat dinner, entertainment and Health is offering a free at (231) 515-2102 for more 616-391-VASC.
Moose Lodge 705 from 8 to is used and installed prop- celebration of school and program to help commu- information or to indicate
11 a.m. on Saturday, April erly. community are available nity members diagnosed your interest. A $20 set of
13. 2019 Car Seat Safety dates on a first-come, first-serve with prediabetes or those study booklets must be pur-
The event includes all- are: basis. To make reserva- who may be at high risk for chased by each participant. Habitat for Humanity
you-can-eat pancakes, ham, • 4 to 8 p.m. April 18 at Ev- tions, call 231-832-2201 or developing Type 2 diabetes. meeting
sausage, juice milk and art Fire Department, 109 E. email hbattle@reedci- The Spectrum Health
coffee, plus get your pic- 6th St. tyschools.org by April 12. Diabetes Education team
Driving Miss Daisy REED CITY — The
ture taken with the Easter • 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. June 18 will facilitate a Diabetes REED CITY — The Reed Osceola County Commit-
Bunny. at Reed City Fire Depart- Prevention Program (DPP) City CrossRoads Theatre tee of the Wexford-Osceo-
The cost is $5 per person ment, 523 Morse St.
Annual Christian session for the community is proud to present "Driv- la Habitat for Humanity
and everyone is welcome. • 4 to 8 p.m. June 18 at Ev- Women’s Community to help make those lifestyle ing Miss Daisy" by Alfred needs your help. The com-
art Fire Department, 109 E. Breakfast changes. It will be held at Uhry, with special arrange- mittee meets every second
6th St. Spectrum Health Reed City ment by Dramatists Play Wednesday of the month at
'The Last Supper' • 4 to 8 p.m. September 24 EVART — The Annual Hospital starting on May 8. Service. 4 p.m. at the Lake-Osceola
presentation scheduled at Reed City Fire Depart- Christian Women’s Com- Groups meet for a year — Performances are on Fri- State Bank, 217 S. Chestnut
for Maundy Thursday ment, 523 Morse St. munity Breakfast will be weekly for the first 16 ses- day and Saturday, May 17, Ave., in Reed City.
Prevention/Safety Days held on Saturday, April 27, sions, then monthly for six 18, 24 and 25, at 7 p.m.; and We are always looking for
REED CITY — Two per- will be held: from 9:30 a.m. to noon at St. to eight months to main- Sunday, May 19 and 26, at 2 board members, volunteers
formances of a special pre- • Noon to 4 p.m. Novem- Paul’s Lutheran Church, tain the skills they have p.m. and helpful suggestions —
sentation of "The Last Sup- ber 15 at both fire depart- at the corner of Fifth and learned. Tickets are $10 at the everyone is welcome. No
per" will be held on Maun- ments Cherry streets in Evart. For more information or door, 249 W. Upton. Call 231- appointment necessary.
dy Thursday, April 18. RSVP for your safety Speaker(s) will be Pa- to register for the program, 465-4334 for reservations. For more information, call
Shows will be at 5 and check by calling 231-796- mela Symonds and friends call 231-832-6636. 231-775-7561.
7:30 p.m. at CrossRoads 4919 or emailing julie. from the Sears Church of
Theatre, 249 W. Upton Ave. cole@liferesourcesnm.org. God, who will talk about
2019 Wheatlake Festival
Each show lasts about one their Mission Trip to Ugan-
Spectrum Health offers of Races Free dinner
hour. Admission is free,
Annual Ike Reed da last summer with other Diabetes Support Group REED CITY — Spectrum at Reed City Church
though donations will be
Community Easter Egg
Church of God members. classes Health invites runners and REED CITY— There will
accepted. Also on the schedule will walkers to support local be a free dinner every Mon-
Pastor Kathy Caderette Hunt be some Old Time Gospel REED CITY — Spectrum cancer care once again by day from 5 to 7 p.m. at the
from the Reed City United Music by Adam Zeller and Health holds a free month- participating in the 2019 Church of the Firstborn
Methodist Church will be REED CITY — The An- Fred Prichard. ly diabetes support group Wheatlake Festival of Rac- Revival Center, 310 S. Hig-
officiating. nual Ike Reed Community Ladies of all ages are invit- to help and encourage es. bee.
Easter Egg Hunt will be ed to attend the annual break- those with diabetes. This family-friendly Donations accepted but
held at Rambadt Park at 1 fast, which began in 2015. For Reed City classes meet on event will be held on Sat- not necessary.
Annual Chamber p.m. on Saturday, April 20. more information, call Rhoda the first Monday of each urday, May 18, and will
Luncheon & Meeting The Easter Bunny will Proper at 231-734-5746. month from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. include a half marathon,
South Quilt Club
REED CITY — The An- be there with cookies and at the Diabetes Education 10K, 5K run, 5K walk and
nual Chamber Luncheon & juice being served follow-
Third Annual Building, across the street kids dash. All proceeds will holding bi-weekly
Meeting will be held at the ing the egg hunt.
Heartworm Clinic
from Reed City Hospital, benefit wellness services meetings
Reed City Depot at noon on located at 4393 220th Ave., for patients at the Susan P.
Thursday, April 18. REED CITY — The Third Reed City. Wheatlake Regional Can- EVART— The South Ev-
The cost is $8 at the door.
Fifth Annual Business Annual Heartworm Clinic The group meetings are cer Center, which provides art Quilt Club will be hold-
& Community hosted by Country Veteri- open to those with diabetes free resources and services ing their bi-weekly quilt-
Car Seat Safety Checks Appreciation Dinner nary will be held from 1 to
3 p.m. on Saturday, April 27,
and caregivers who wish to
gain more information on
for those on a cancer jour-
ing meetings on the first
and third Wednesdays of
OSCEOLA COUNTY — REED CITY — The Fifth at the Reed City Fire Hall. the topic. Facilitators will To encourage early de- each month through June.
Life Resources of North- Annual Business & Com- No appointment required. lead discussions on blood tection, free skin cancer Will take place at the Evart
ern Michigan is hosting munity Appreciation Din- The following tests/vac- pressure, heart-healthy screenings will be provided Township Hall, South Main
several car seat safety ner will be held in the Reed cines will be available: eating, physical activ- at the Bandshell from 8:30 Street, from 11 a.m. until 2
• $10 Heartworm test ity, food label reading and a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on the day or 3 p.m. with a members'
• $20 combined HW 4DX more. of the event. potluck lunch at noon.
test, which includes the For more information or For information or to reg- All quilters or want-to-be
test for tick-borne diseases to register, call 231-832-6636. ister, visit spectrumhealth. quilters are welcome. No
• Deeply discounted org/wheatlake-races or call dues, just occasional dona-

HERE’S MY CARD heartworm and parasite

monthly chews for pur-
REDEEM Groups meet
Danielle Wells, race coordi-
nator, at 231-592-4208.
tions for supplies.
For more information,
contact Margie at 231-734-

WINDOW • Free rabies vaccine

with the purchase of any
EVART — Healing is
available through Christ-
Free vascular screenings
3857 or Ann at 231-867-3237.

of the following vaccines: centered, life-transforming
Canine distemper/Parvo REDEEM Groups. These REED CITY — Spectrum
T.O.P.S. meets on
Check Out vaccine ($20); Canine Lyme groups are for anyone de- Health Big Rapids and Thursdays
vaccine ($25); Bordetella/ siring to deal with life's Reed City Hospitals are of- EVART — T.O.P.S. Weight
Polar Seal Vinyl Windows
kennel cough ($20); Feline hurts, habits or hangups fering appointments for Loss Group meets every
for Your Home!
distemper vaccine ($20); of any kind (anger, addic- free vascular screenings on Thursday at 8:20 a.m. at
• Energy Efficient • Maintenance Free • Easily Cleaned
Feline Leukemia vaccine tions, abuse, fear, codepen- the fourth Monday of ev- Evart United Methodist
“Your Full Service Glass Shop” ($25) dency, etc). The groups are ery month. Church.

Payments can be made by guided, conversation-ori- Individuals must meet Weigh-in is from 8:30 to
cash, check or credit card. ented, step-groups which two of the following risk 9:15 a.m., and the meeting
800-922-GLAS • 231-779-3960 Located next to Arby’s • Cadillac
All dogs must be on leash- use the materials and ap- factors in order to partici- begins at 9:30 p.m.
es, and all cats must be in proach of Celebrate Recov- pate in the screenings:
carriers or on leashes. ery. • 60 years of age or older Better Breathers Club
There will be free give- A group for women and • Diabetes forms
aways, and every pet will a group for men will start • History of smoking BIG RAPIDS — Spectrum
receive a free gift. at Crossroads Commu- • High cholesterol Health Big Rapids Hospital
• High blood pressure is hosting a free support
Mention • Immediate family his- group for people who live
• Certified Dementia Practitioner
This Ad
For $10 Off Add tory of Aortic Aneurysm with lung disease.

• Day Service Care During • Immediate family his- The meetings are 2 p.m.
• In-home Health Care April tory of arterial disease be- on the third Monday of
fore age 60 each month in the hospital’s
• Transportation
If you have two or more third-floor classroom. Care-
231-465-4160 of these conditions, you givers, as well as lung dis-
121 W. Upton Avenue - Reed City, MI 49677

papasplaceadc@gmail.com • papasplaceadc.wixsite.com/website could benefit from a no- ease patients, are welcome.
cost, pain-free vascular The classes will be led
screening. by Melinda Hutson, a re-
Screenings will be in per- spiratory therapist in the
IS YOUR son with an ultrasound ma- cardiac and pulmonary
to the rehabilitation department,
and Cassie Tower, lead re-

spiratory therapist in the
WIN AT THE Looking for a cardiopulmonary depart-

INTERNET? new/used vehicle? ment for Big Rapids and

Reed City Hospitals.
Send your local
Look no further? For more information or
Call Me: My name is Ethan Waddell, your to register, call 231-592-4204.
231-779-4127 stories, news, events, friend in the car business, and I
and pictures in to would be happy to assist you in
getting the best deal possible on a TOPS weight loss
the Weekly Voice. new or pre-owned vehicle. meeting
weight loss meetings, Reed
Where your brand paper for Evart, City, Chapter 1682, Monday
is our business! Reed City, Hersey, Waddell weigh-in at 5:30 p.m. and
Sears & Chase. 231.429.5162 meeting from 6 to 7 p.m. at
pens signs banners table covers tote bags St. Paul Lutheran Church.
drinkWare custoM apparel note pads & Much Much More New vehicles starting as low as $218/mo.*
CN Promotional Products can offer any
We want to publish YOUR voice! Great selection of pre-owned vehicles Al-Anon meeting
customized promotional items! All available with Recent trade-ins:
your unique branding. If you think it, we make it! REED CITY— Al-Anon
Email: news@weeklyvoice.net • 2011 Chevy Silverado - V8, 4x4 - meetings will be held on
For more information contact your advertising specialist today! Cadillac News - Weekly Voice • 2011 Chrysler Town &
Mondays at 1 p.m. at St.
Philips Church in Reed
231-775-6565 130 N. Mitchell St., Country - $8,990 City and Tuesdays at 7
• 2014 Jeep Wrangler -
PO Box 640, Cadillac, MI 49601 Unlimited Sport, 4x4 - $22,877
p.m., also at the church.
• EVART— Thursdays
• 2018 Chevy Equinox - LT, AWD -
CALL LINDA Or call: 1-231-775-6564 $21,895
at 7 p.m. at Sacred Heart
Church in Evart.
AT 231.779.4155 DIRECT Toll Free: 1-888-330-4144 Payments starting under $200/mo.*
OR 231.920.9486 CELL *All material is due Friday at 5PM a week before publication.
Call or text 231.429.5162 today Fish fry at Evart Moose
TO ADVERTISE IN THE VOICE to schedule an appointment. Lodge

Weekly EVART— A fish fry or
shrimp dinner will be held
on Fridays from 5 to 8 p.m.
Corner of M-55 & M-66 at the Evart Moose Lodge,
Your Town. Your Paper. Your Voice. Just South of Lake City
8400 U.S. 10 in Evart.
Your town. Your Paper. Your VOICE. *With approved credit. Guaranteed financing. For more information,
231-839-7231 call 231-734-6181.
4 • weekly voice www.weeklyvoice.net | Thursday, april 11, 2019

Bert Junior Walter Charles M. Swales
EVART — Bert Junior REED CITY — Charles
Walter, of Evart, passed M. Swales of Reed City
away peacefully at his passed away peacefully
home surrounded by his surrounded by his family
family, on Friday, April 5, Sunday, April 7, 2019 at
2019. He was 65. Spectrum Health Butter-
Bert was born April 6, worth Hospital in Grand
1953 in Clare to Bert and Rapids. He was 74.
Etta (Maxwell) Walter. Mr. Swales was born
He was a graduate of March 30, 1945 in Evart
Clare High School. Bert to William Otis and Vera
married Paula H. Flem- F. (Borden) Swales.
ing on July 1, 1988 in Chuck was a lifelong Ev-
Clare and she survives. tle of Ashton, Elijah Wal- art area resident and Georgia; many, many,
He retired from Evart ter (Jessica) of Evart, graduated from Evart grand and great-grand-
Products after 41 years three daughters, Meagan High School. He worked children, and a few great-
of dedication and he (Shane) Burton of Jack- on the oil rigs, a job that great-grandchildren and
faithfully served 36 years sonville, Florida, Rachel sent him to various loca- several nieces and neph-
on the Evart Area Joint Morris of Detroit, Bran- tions across the country, ews; two sisters, Josie
Fire Department. Bert dy (Buck) Vallad of New- but the job he enjoyed the Chick of Evart, Maggie
loved camping with his berry, one granddaugh- most was working at Ev- (Bob) Roose of Florida;
grandchildren, fishing, ter, six grandsons, and art Public Schools. and his brother, Harold
hunting, and spending four siblings, Dorr (Kar- Chuck married Diana (Sue) Swales of Evart.
time with his family. He en) Walter, Barbara (Jim) Millsap July 5, 2008 in He was preceded in
never knew a stranger Sharp, Arthur Dale Wal- Evart. He was a man death by his parents; his
and considered everyone ter, Enette Wilson, and with a good sense of hu- daughter, Mindy; his sib-
a friend. Bert was kind to many nieces and neph- mor and enjoyed morn- lings, Otis, Oris, Ken-
everyone he came in con- ews. He was preceded in ing coffee at McDonald's. neth, Betty, Bill; and his
tact with. death by an infant son, Chuck is survived by sister-in-law, Janet.
Mr. Walter is survived his parents, Bert and Et- his wife, Diana L. Swales There will be a gather-
by his wife of 31 years, ta Walter, a brother, Rob- of Reed City; two sons, ing for family and
Paula (Fleming) Walter ert Walter and a sister, Charles (Bobbie) Swales friends to honor the life
of Evart, four sons, Ja- Lucille Ashley. of Reed City, Kal Swales of Charles Martin
son Walter of Evart, A private memorial ser- of Evart; four stepsons, Swales Thursday, April
Charles Walter of Rose vice will be held and an- Keith (Heather) Keathley 11, 6 to 8 p.m. at the Corey
Lake, David (Kaylee) Ly- nounced at a later date. of Barryton, Ronnie Funeral Home in Evart.
(Tara) Millsap of Battle Memorial contribu-
Creek, Bradley Millsap tions may be directed to
Burl D. Webster of Battle Creek, Steven the family to help with fi-
(Lindsey) Millsap of nal expenses.
Webster, of Richmond
Township near Reed City,
passed away suddenly
and unexpected on Tues-
day, April 2, 2019 at his
Events this week at
the Reed City Area
home. He was 47.
Mr. Webster was born
April 28, 1971 in Flint to
Burl W. and Alma E.
(Free) Webster. He at-
tended Beecher High
School in Genesee Coun-
ty. Burl married Carolyn
Dwane Webster of Reed
City, Skyler Wolfgang
Webster of Reed City,
District Library:
B. Bishop June 28, 1994 in Amanda C. Webster of Thursday, April 11 — 6 ies: "On the Basis of
Reed City. He worked as Cadillac; two grandchil- to 7 p.m. Internet Safety Sex," rated PG-13.
an apiculturist and hon- dren, Dana Marie Web- with MSP Trooper Lucha • Wednesday, April 17
ey extractor. Mr. Webster ster and Logan Ammes; in the Community Room. — 11:15 a.m. Story Hour
was born and raised in his sister, Glenda Web- Learn ways to protect with theme "Eggcellent
the Flint area until 1988 ster of Reed City, and his yourself online. Open Day." 6 to 7:30 p.m. Na-
or 1989 and then had brother, James Hicks of and suitable for all ages. turopathy: How Healthy
lived in Virginia, Wyo- Reed City. • Saturday, April 12 — Are We? — Explore simple
ming, then Reed City. He was preceded in 11:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and easy ways to support
Burl was a gifted me- death by his parents, Osceola County Genea- the health and wellness
chanic and loved work- Burl and Alma Webster, logical Society regular of ourselves, families and
ing on engines and his and three brothers, Rich- meeting in the Commu- our community.
motorcycle. ard, Denny and Mac nity Room. Makerspace • Thursday, April 18 — 6
Burl is survived by his Webster. Saturday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. GFWC meeting;
wife, Carolyn B. Webster A Celebration of Life See what you can create 6 to 7 p.m. Reed City
of Reed City; his chil- honoring Burl Duane from the library's Maker- Readers — drop in for a
dren, Dana Alan (Sarah Webster is in its plan- space. discussion of "The Quiet
M. Stavoli) Webster of ning stage and will be an- • Tuesday, April 16 — 5 Side of Passion" by Alex-
Reed City, Brandin nounced at a later date. to 7 p.m. Books to Mov- ander McCall Smith.

Share exciting news
with an ad in the
Weekly Voice for only $15.

Call 888-330-4144 for details or to place an ad.

thursday, april 11, 2019| www.weeklyvoice.net weekly voice • 5

Evart Police this time.
• 4-3-2019 Larceny — Of- port of a student bringing 3255. Email tips to policer- driving by and witnessing
weekly report • 4-1-2019 Warrant Ar- ficers received a com- a knife to school. The case eedcity@gmail.com. a female pushing a male
• 4-1-2019 Larceny — Of- rest — While on patrol, plaint of a stolen bicycle. has been turned over to Monday, 4/1/19 in the front yard. Upon
ficers received a com- officers made contact with The case remains open at CPS for review. • Of ficers were dis- the officers' arrival, it was
plaint of a stolen debit a subject that had an out- this time. • 4-5-2019 Assist — Offi- patched to local retail determined the male had
card. The case remains standing warrant. The • 4-4-2019 Assist — Of- cers assisted the Osceola business re g arding a been pushed. The matter
open at this time. subject was arrested and ficers were dispatched to County Sheriff ’s Depart- found wallet. Later in the was sent to the Prosecutor
• 4-1-2019 Property Dam- transported to the Osceola assist the Michigan State ment with a subject who day the owner of the wal- for review.
age Accident — Officers County Jail where they Police with a runaway attempted to flee and let called and retrieved • Of ficers were dis-
were dispatched to inves- were lodged on their war- complaint. The subject elude a deputy. the wallet. patched to a dispute be-
tigate a two-vehicle PDA. rant. was located by another • 4-7-2019 Harassment • While performing a tween roommates. The
No injuries were report- • 4-1-2019 Threats — Offi- agency in a dif ferent — Officers were called to traffic stop, officers found lease holder stated the
ed. cers were advised of a hos- town. a harassment complaint. the 29-year-old male held roommate was not on the
• 4-1-2019 Fail to Pay — tile text message against a • 4-4-2019 No Security — After reviewing the infor- three warrants. He was lease and she wanted her
Officers were called to a subject. The case remains While on patrol, officers mation provided by the placed under arrest on out. The officer explained
local business for a fail- open at this time. made contact a subject victim, it was determined the outstanding warrants it was a civil matter and
ure to pay complaint. The • 4-1-2019 Assist — Offi- without insurance and that no harassment had and issued a misdemeanor the appropriate action to
case remains open at this cers made contact with a who was driving on an ex- occurred. citation for improper reg- take.
time. subject with an outstand- pired license. The subject • 4-7-2019 Noise Com- istration as well as cited Wednesday, 4/3/19
• 4-1-2019 Juvenile Com- ing warrant in Mecosta was issued an appearance plaint — Officers were for no proof of insurance. • Officers were request-
plaint — Officers were County. The subject was citation and the vehicle called to a complaint of He was transported to the ed by the Osceola County
dispatched to the Evart arrested and turned over was towed. loud music. It was deter- Osceola County Jail where Probation/Parole depart-
Elementary on a report to the Mecosta County • 4-4-2019 Dog at Large mined that no ordinance he was lodged without in- ment to respond to the
of a disorderly student. A Sheriff ’s department to be — Officers located a dog had been violated. cident and the vehicle was Office regarding a 21-year-
guardian transported the lodged on their warrant in at large. The dog was towed. old male who had violated
student home. the Mecosta County Jail. transported to the Osceola Tuesday, 4/2/19 his probation and needed
• 4-1-2019 Malicious De- • 4-2-2019 Criminal Sex- County Animal shelter.
Reed City Police • Of ficers were dis- to be placed under arrest.
struction of Property — ual Conduct — Officers • 4-5-2019 Weapons Com- weekly report patched to local residence The individual was then
Officers were dispatched received a CSC complaint. plaint — Officers were If you see any suspi- regarding a possible do- transported to the Osceola
to an MDOP complaint. The case remains open at called to the Evart El- cious activity, call 911. For mestic in progress. A citi- County Jail where he was
The case remains open at this time. ementary School on a re- a non-emergency, call 832- zen had called 911 after lodged without incident

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pictures in the paper?

Send your photos to news@weeklyvoice.net, and

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6 • weekly voice www.weeklyvoice.net | Thursday, April 11, 2019

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thursday, april 11, 2019| www.weeklyvoice.net weekly voice • 7

Reed City baseball splits, drops twinbill

REED CITY — Cadillac put 26
runs on the board and picked
up its first wins of the season,
sweeping Reed City 13-5 and 13-7
in a pair of non-conference soft-
ball contests on Tuesday.
“The girls played well tonight,”
Cadillac coach Dan Dahlquist
said. “They put together a string
of hits when needed to produce
runs on the board.
“We had great senior leader-
ship on defense where they made
plays to help our pitchers out of
jams. Autumn Fosmore turned
a double play with the bases
loaded in game two to get us out
of an inning. Our seniors came
through with the hits we needed
at the right time, too. Melodee
(Eastman) is having a great year
at the plate.”
Ashlyn Lundquist got the win
in the opener, allowing four
earned runs on seven hits and a
walk while striking out nine.
At the plate, Brooke Hoffert
had a hit; Eastman a double, tri-
ple and two RBIs; Fosmore a run-
scoring double; Alana Hoffert
two hits and three RBIs; Shelby
Townsend a hit; Rylee Anderson
two hits, including a double, and
three RBIs; and Maggie Staub
two hits, including a triple, and Reed City’s Brandon Wirth scores a run while Cadillac’s Collin Johnston waits for
an RBI. the throw. Reed City’s Brandon Wirth delivers a pitch.
Maddie Morgan took the loss
for the Coyotes, walking four and At the plate, Eastman had four and Anderson a hit and an RBI.
striking out four. Morgan, Cassie hits and an RBI; Fosmore two Lofquist took the loss for Reed
Enos and Veronica Lofquist each hits; Alana Hoffert two hits and City, allowing one walk while
had a hit. three RBIs; Lundquist three striking out nine.
Brooke Hoffert got the win in hits and four RBIs; Abby Weth- Enos led the way with three
game two, allowing six earned erell two hits and three RBIs; hits while Morgan, Lofquist and
runs on 16 hits and two walks Townsend two hits and three Adeline Wirick each had two.
while striking out one. RBIs; Makayla Knight an RBI; Kamryn Myers, Lily Andres, Mia
Petersen and Alaina Stein each
Sell your stuff in the Voice Classifieds had one.
Reed City (2-2) is at Clare on
for as little as $8.75!* Thursday.

Ad Deadline: Coyotes, Vikings split

Call 888-330-4144
Reed City’s
Friday by 5pm for details on placing REED CITY — Reed City and
Cadillac split a pair of non- Treyvor
a classified ad.
league baseball games. The Coy- Conklin hauls
otes won the opener 5-3 while the in a pop up
Vikings won the second game at first base.
Freebies - FREE EVERY WEEK 7-5.
Lost/Found - FREE EVERY WEEK Your Town. Your Paper. Your Voice.
Coaches, don’t forget, you can call
*some restrictions do apply.
in your scores and stats to (231) 779-
4128 or (231) 775-NEWS.

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pictures in the paper?
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Your town. Your Paper. Your VOICE.

8 • weekly voice www.weeklyvoice.net | Thursday, april 11, 2019

Planting Pinwheels for Prevention

By Victoria Martin Scharlow. Going into next year,
the weekly voice This is the groups fourth Scharlow hopes to be able
year in placing the pin- to place upwards of anoth-
REED CITY — Driving wheels around the city. Lo- er 200 around the city.
around Reed City or pick- cations this year include, The pinwheels placed by
ing kids up from school, the Reed City High School the GFWC this year will be
community members and G.T. Elementary up until the end of April
may notice small blue pin- School, the Reed City De- when Child Abuse Aware-
wheels scattered around. pot and the Reed City Area ness month comes to an end.
On Saturday, April 6 the District Library. In addition to the pin-
Reed City General Federa- “We tried to place the wheels, Kiddies Club
tion of Women’s Club went pinwheels in the most no- House in Reed City is team-
around to key locations ticeable areas around the ing up with the GFWC to
throughout Reed City, plac- city,” said Scharlow. put together this year’s
ing around 250 pinwheels, While Reed City’s GFWC children’s parade in cele-
to bring awareness to child placed over 200 blue pin- bration of April also being
abuse for National Child wheels, Scharlow said oth- Month of the Child, said
Abuse Awareness month. er cities placed even more, Scharlow.
“The hope is to bring like Big Rapids who placed The parade is set to start
awareness that this is a around 600. at 2 p.m. on Thursday,
big thing in nationally and “It is nice to see other April 25.
in our community,” said places bringing some focus
GFWC President Shelly to the issue,” said Scharlow. Photos courtesy of Denise Allen

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