Policy#: SCOWA/DO'S-DON'T/20122009
Policy#: SCOWA/DO'S-DON'T/20122009
Policy#: SCOWA/DO'S-DON'T/20122009
2 - Sponsored: SCOWA
6 - Type: Existing
8 - Definitions:
9 - Policy Details
(DOs and DON’Ts to be followed by Residents and their visitors to help us all a have better life at Serene County)
TOP PICKS (based on current/urgent security requirements, the following top-pick items are being enforced
Please collect your vehicle stickers from the Facility Manager at the society office. Only one sticker per
slot you have purchased will be issued. Security will allow all vehicles with resident stickers to pass
All vehicles to stop at gate for verification of stickers. Please do not honk on entry, as gates will be
opened by security only on verification of the vehicle. Please cooperate with security staff. It is for our
security. If you have any issues with the process, please take it up with Facility Manager, and avoid
arguments with the security staff on the processes.
Residents entering the county in vehicles without stickers will be asked for residency information
(building / flat number) for verification each time of entry
All Visitor/Cabs/Taxis to sign the Entry log every time they come in (even if they have to come in
multiple times). Drivers failing to do so will be denied entry into the county premises. All outside
vehicles to be parked in Visitors parking only.
Please do NOT park in others slots. This amounts to trespassing into others property.
Do NOT drive in opposite direction and drive slowly within the county
Spray cleaning of cars (from running water using pipes) is banned in the county.
Obtain a Centrix (intercom) and provide the info to the facility management, so that you could be
contacted when your visitor arrives at the gate. Security will try to obtain required information and
attempt to verify the authenticity of the visitors before providing them entry. Please advice your
visitors of the security processes and request them to cooperate, to avoid unpleasant situations.
Vendors/Service Providers:
Have your regular service providers such as maidservants, drivers, etc obtain an ID card from Facility
management. Without Ids these folks will be denied entry into the county. ID cards will be provided
based on background information available (if any). Vendors who have background concerns will not
be allowed to serve in the county, in the interest of all residents.
If your regular service provider stops working for you, (and/or if you have any negative feedback on
any service provider) please inform Facility management of the same immediately, so that the person
can be stopped from entering the county (unless engaged by other residents). If negative feedback
amounts to criminal offence proven/acknowledged by County Security, the workers could be banned
to work in the community.
New Residents:
Ask Facility Manager for list of frequently operating vendors in the county. Usage of such services at
the risk of the residents, and the retail vendors are not contracted by the association.
Please check with Facility Manager before installing any dishes for your TV. Installing dishes in
common areas or running cables outside your flats may violate the bye-laws of the community.
Drilling holes or other activity outside your flat (corridors, etc) is not permitted
Flower plucking is banned in the county
Request Facility management for access to the SCOWA IT system, through which you can interact with
the facility management for your day to day issues/complaints
Ensure the monthly maintenance dues for your flat is paid every month before the 10th. Late payment
will attract penalties. Continued non-payment will attract stronger punitive actions from the
association such as disconnection of services, etc.
Traffic/Securi DO Stop at the main gate upon entry into the township, for the security guard to validate
ty/ Parking the Vehicles – Sticker provided for residents. If you have not collected the sticker for
your vehicle please Security Main gate and pick a sticker request form and hand it over
back to them. On verification sticker will be issued and delivered at your flat in a period
of 7 days or less. For any complaints, please write your issues in the complaints register
at the security main gate.
Park ONLY in your allocated parking area. Do NOT park in others slots. That is
trespassing. You are allowed to bring in only the number of vehicles for which you have
purchased/rented slots. The rest of the vehicles could be parked on roadside outside
county. Also, NO driveway parking within the county is allowed.
Visitors’ parking/Waiting Taxis and Autos only in Visitors parking area. Taxis/Cabs not
following to Security advices will be asked to leave the county premises immediately.
Visitors’ cars/vehicles are allowed to the towers to drop the residents are guests, but
need to go back to visitor parking areas for parking.
If you have accidentally damaged the nearby vehicles (ex: backing out/opening doors,
etc), please be courteous to inform the maintenance team, which can pass that
information to the respective owner.
If you find any cars parked with their lights on, please be courteous to inform the
security while on your way, so that they can inform the respective car-owners of the
If you are a resident and coming in a vehicle NOT having a sticker, please stop at gate
provide your flat no. and mention you are a resident for appropriate log entries. This is
required for every entry, where a non-sticker vehicle enters the county, with or without
If you need to load or unload goods, have your trucks do them from the Basement area.
Loading/Unloading from Ground-floor lobby area has been banned.
Traffic/Securi DON’T Don’t Drive in the opposite way in parking lots or driveways. One Ways are enforced in
ty/ Parking Parking areas. Enter the basement parking only thru the driveway marked Entry. Please use
the other way to exit.
Don't Park cutting the yellow lines; you may be using the space of the parking space allocated
to next resident, causing hindrance to others. Also do not double park in one parking.
Do not speed inside Serene County. Speed limit enforced is 10 km/hr. Apply more caution
when children are around in driveways. If you are using cabs/taxis, etc, please advice your
drivers to slow down within the community limits. Advice your drivers to always cooperate
with the security and not enter into conflict with them.
Do not park cars in space between towers. This space will be used by fire fighting vehicles in
Do NOT clean your cars in open areas, driveways or other’s slots. Clean only in your respective
parking slots.
Spray-Cleaning/Washing of cars is banned inside the county. Washing the car from running
water from pipes shall be considered as spray cleaning. This is irrespective of whether it is
domestic water or treated water for irrigation. Spray cleaning consumes lot of water which to
provide involves power to carry them to the overhead tanks.
If any resident has any issue on the process, please do NOT argue with security staff at the
gate. Instead please reach the Facility Management for any clarification or suggestions on the
process. The security guards need all our support to enforce the rules to make our county
more secured.
Traffic/Securi INFO Cabs/Taxis will be asked to sign at the gate every time they enter (even if they had
ty/ Parking requirement to come in multiple times a day). Drivers refusing to sign in will NOT be
allowed to gain entry, and residents expecting those vehicles have to reach them out at the
gates of the county. This includes
the vehicles that come in to drop the residents as well. Log of every entry is paramount at
this time of the severe security threat situation and the alerts going in around the city.
Common DO Throw Garbage ONLY in Garbage chute. If that is not ready in your tower, please keep the
Areas garbage bags in front of your flat for the house keeping staff to clear them. Please do not
dump them in front of the chute room, as it may be a hygiene issue for the resident living
close to the chute rooms. Also make sure that your garbage is not spilled in the corridor, as it
could pose a hygiene issue to all residents of the floor.
Please put your garbage in a plastic bag, tie it appropriately, and then dispose the garbage
bag in the chute.
Press the ESTOP (Emergency Stop) button if you have an emergency and need to stop the lift
immediately. However do NOT use this button for ordinary use as like waiting for others etc.
This should be used in dire emergencies ONLY.
Please teach your young children on how to use the lifts and how to handle when power
goes off momentously. A good idea may be not to let very young kids go alone in the
Common DON’T Don’t spit in common areas. Also make sure that your vendors and service providers are
Areas informed enough that they do not spit in common areas of Serene county.
The sand Buckets (red-buckets filled with sand) placed in each floor is for tackling fire-
emergencies. Please do NOT use them as spit-bins. Also inform your service-providers
(maids, carpenters, etc) of the same, as they are seen to often use these sand-buckets as
Do not hold lift for too long using emergency holds without true emergencies
Do not use Lifts for moving big-sized household goods (during house move-ins or move-
outs). Please engage pvt labourers for moving goods, who could use the steps for this
purpose. This helps better maintenance of the Lifts and avoids damage to the lifts.
Don’t block common areas like your corridors etc with your house hold stuff.
Do Not dispose carpentering or huge wastes in Garbage Chute as they may choke the
garbage path and cause the chute to be closed for longer durations. Instead, occasional
high-volume garbage disposal can be made by placing them in front of your flat and calling
the maintenance staff to clear them.
Do Not throw litters from your flat down through windows, balconies. It not only can make
our community dirty, but can also hurt passer-by walking.
Please do NOT cause damage to any common property. Maintenance staff will charge you
for the same.
Please do NOT panic if the power goes off while you are in the lift. It will be momentous
and once the backup power comes in, the lift will go to the nearest floor and open. Please
stay calm for any help if the lift does not open for any other reason, as the
security/maintenance staff will look for the lift's safe parking at these times.
Do NOT keep the Open button in the lifts for longer duration. After a few seconds a buzzer
will be heard and the lift automatically closes, even if you hit the open button. So ensure
that you are not in the closing line of the lift at those times.
Please do NOT trash your garbage or other cloggy stuff in your Commodes (Toilets). This
can block the drainage lines and can cause inconvenience to all the residents of the
building. Your trash needs to be disposed in garbage bags into the chute room.
For security reasons public access to installations and terraces are restricted and access is
provided only for maintenance staff, security staff and related SCOWA representatives
where there is a need. The restricted areas include DG rooms, Transformer rooms,
Electrical panel rooms, Pump rooms, STPs, Fire pump rooms.
Mail Room DO Please note that the Mailrooms are provisioned in each tower in the ground floor. A mailbox
for every flat in that tower is provisioned in the mailroom. All mails (letters) to the residents
will be delivered to these mailrooms. Please secure your mailbox with your own lock. The
security may still divert couriers that require resident’s signature to the individual flats for
Vendors DO Ask your vendors to call you while they are at security gate, so that you can identify them
before they are let in.
Ask your vendors to leave the premises as soon as they are done with servicing you, and not
to wander in the premises or approach other residents, causing security risks
Vendors DON’T Do NOT give information on other residents to Vendors and others, as other residents may
not prefer that
Regular DO Provide Photograph and basic information of all your regular service providers (maid-
Service servants, drivers, car-cleaners, dhobis, etc) to Maintenance staff (UDS), for issue of photo-
Providers identification based Entry Pass for them.
Ask your regular service providers to carry their Entry Pass every day, without which the
security may not let them in.
Check with the Resident committee members of any rates agreed as reasonable among the
residents for every type of service. If any, please stick to those rates, to avoid residents being
exploited by the service providers in rates, etc. (example: car cleaning rates, maid servant
rates, Clothes ironing rate, etc)
Please pass your bad experience on any service provider to the Maintenance staff for
tracking and blacklisting of such providers and a possible blockage of their entry into the
premises in the future. This information can also help other residents to make hiring
If you intend to give-away any articles to your maids, etc, please send a small note on this to
the security to let the maids take the goods out. Security will check every service provider
going out for taking out any articles without proper authorization.
Regular DON’T Do not hire service providers without finding the background of them. They may be security
Service risks for you as well as for other residents.
Providers Try and avoid luring service providers from each other residents by offering more money, as
it would create undesired service price wars in a longer term.
Neighborhoo DON’T Please do NOT have any work done in your flats that can cause noise hindrance to
d neighboring flats, after 7 pm and before 8 am on all days. Do NOT engage in any work, which
can cause noise disturbance to other residents on Sundays and holidays.
Neighborhoo DO Please be sensitive to your neighbour's peaceful living as well, and try to avoid any high
d noises including high volume music, etc, especially at late evenings and nights.
If you have any issue with your neighbour causing inconvenience, it may be a good idea
to ask Security staff to request them, than going into a confrontation.
DO get to know your neighbours. Neighbours who are paying attention to what's
happening around them can help prevent crime.
Please be cautious when you open doors for unknown people. There may be strangers
trying to collect information about residents from each other. Do NOT pass information
on others to strangers, before letting any stranger into your apartment; check the
genuineness of the stranger and the purpose of his/her visit. (There have been
instances reported about strangers trying to gain entry into apartments by having false
references. Please be cautious). In case you find any stranger wandering within the
complex, please bring it to the notice of the security guards immediately and ask them
to check the genuineness of the visitors. Just driving them from your corridor may not
work, as they will land up in the next floor causing security threats to residents in other
floors or buildings.
Tot Lots DON’T The equipments placed in the tot lots are for young children to play with. Please help
avoid adults using the same, which can cause higher maintenance costs for those
equipments. Please also ensure the same is followed with any visitors of yours.
Do NOT let you kids use the play space or corners of tot-lots as toilets.
As in any other common area, do NOT spit in the sand area of the tot-lot as well, as it can
cause serious hygiene issues for the kids using the play area.
Tot Lots DO If you find anyone misusing the tot-lot space (spitting, etc) please bring that to the
attention of the security staff immediately to prevent the same/recurrence.
Teach your children not to play with throwing stones/marbles found in tot-lots, as
sometimes they may hurt children around, as well as vehicles passing in ramps near by
the tot lot.
Landscapes DON’T Do NOT pluck flowers from any plants within the county. They are to be enjoyed by all. The
pleasant look of the flowering plants will make all residents happy, than a few residents
plucking for their own personal use.
Avoid littering in the landscapes
There could be lot of saplings planted around the landscape areas. Please do NOT walk over
them, and help us continue to build a greener community.
Guests/Visito DO Keep your visitors informed that they will be stopped at the gate and be checked with the
rs residents before they are allowed entry into the township. Please ask them to cooperate
with the security staff by providing appropriate signatures and information for entry-register
purposes. They will be asked to park their vehicles only in the Visitors parking next to the
Main Gate – East.
Ensure that your visitors are well informed and follow the same set of rules residents are
expected to follow.
Ask your visitors to park their vehicles only in the Visitors parking area and not anywhere
else (especially not in the parking lots assigned to other residents. Identifying and removal
will be difficult).
Guests/Visito DON’T Ask your visitors not to go into non-related floors or areas, and not to cause any disturbance
rs to other residents.
BSNL DO Please take a BSNL connection, as the Centrex System (Intercom provided by BSNL) will be
available to you only with a BSNL connection. With this intercom facility, you will be
connected to all other residents and the other areas such as maintenance staff, clubhouse,
super-markets, etc. Also note that this intercom facility is the only phone which will be with
the security at the gate, and in the absence of this intercom at your flat, the security may
have troubles in verifying the genuinity of the visitors, thus delaying their entry into the
Clubhouse DO All residents are requested to take Club membership by paying appropriate one time and
monthly charges. This is an exclusive facility for the Serene County residents. Patronage from
all residents is very important to ensure that the rates are fixed at reasonable levels and also
that good-maintenance of these facilities are ensured in a longer term.
Please carry with you the membership card every time you visit the clubhouse
Please sign the log every time you use the clubhouse
Please follow all the Clubhouse byelaws enforced by the clubhouse management.
Please ensure the swimming Life Guard is present on duty, before you let your children go
alone to swimming.
Please ensure that the clubhouse manager is intimated about your guests, if you bring them
in to the clubhouse. Guests are charged per activity per day. Please ensure you pay for your
guests- usage. Check with the clubhouse manager for prevailing guest charges.
Clubhouse DON’T Please do not argue with the coaches or clubhouse staff if you are not happy about
anything. They have been instructed to enforce process provided to them. Please have your
issues represented either by writing them on the suggestion book available at the
clubhouse, or by talking to the clubhouse manager.
Communicati DO The IT system rolled out by the association will ensure you have access to the forums, your
on dues and other general notices, etc. You may also use the IT system to log your maintenance,
security or other complaints and track the status of such complaints. All process documents
and resident circulars issued from time to time will be available in the system.
Emergency WIP In the process of collecting the Fire emergency and other emergency norms per statutory
standards, as well as that fits into our community facilities. In the meanwhile, please reach
the fire dept 101, or police 100 and also the maintenance staff for any emergencies.
Emergency DO We are trying to organize Fire drills in regular frequencies, with the help of Security. When
such drills are conducted, please apply appropriate seriousness and cooperate with the drill-
coordinators. This is just for our safety and emergency preparedness.
Tenancy DO Owners are requested to provide the details of the tenants and copy of tenancy lease copy to
the society, before the tenants move in. Also inform the facility management of their moving
out before they move out, to get clearances of any dues from the tenants. Security may
require clearances from Facility Management for providing IN/OUT access for related trucks.
Suggestions DO If you have any suggestions, please write them in the suggestions book at the Facility
Management or write to any of your tower representative to attract the attention of
Note: Issues related to the ownership transaction between builder and owners, are to be
taken directly with builder by the owners
President, SCOWA