Weld Repair of GTD 111 Superalloy

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Low heat input welding of nickel superalloy GTD-111 with Inconel 625 filler

Article  in  Materialprufung · January 2018

DOI: 10.3139/120.111131


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4 authors, including:

Panyawat Wangyao Gobboon Lothongkum

Chulalongkorn University Chulalongkorn University


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Low heat input welding of

nickel superalloy GTD-111 with
Inconel 625 filler metal
Athittaya Athiroj, GTD-111 precipitation-strengthened nickel-based superalloy is widely
Panyawat Wangyao, Fritz Hartung used in blades of gas turbine engines which operate at high temperature
and Gobboon Lothongkum, and in a hot localized corrosion atmosphere. After long-term exposure to
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Bangkok, Thailand high temperature, γ’ precipitate is known to exhibit catastrophic

changes in size and distribution which cause deterioration of its proper-
ties and failure of the component. In this study, a damaged blade re-
moved froma land-based gas turbine generator was subjected to nonpre-
heat-treated GTAW and laser welding repair with various welding pow-
ers in the range of 135 to 295 J × mm-1, followed by post-weld heat
treatment (PWHT) at 1473 K for 7200 s and strain aging at 1118 K for
Article Information 86 400 s. Results show no significant relationship between welding
For personal use only.

Correspondence Address powers, size and area fraction of the γ’ precipitate in the fcc γ matrix in
Dr. Panyawat Wangyao both GTAW and laser-welded specimens. The final γ’ precipitate size
Department of Metallurgical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
and distribution depend mainly on PWHT parameters as γ’ precipitates
Chulalongkorn University in all GTAW and laser welded specimens showed similar size and area
Patumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand fraction independently of the heat input from welding. Unmixed zones
E-Mail: panyawat.w@chula.ac.th
are observed in all laser welding specimens which may cause preferen-
GTD-111, HAZ cracks, nickel-based superalloy, tial weld corrosion during service. Microcrack occurrence due to weld-
GTAW, laser welding ing and PWHT processes is also discussed.

The nickel-based superalloy GTD-111 was properties of GTD-111 critically depend repair of other γ’ precipitation strengthen-
developed in the 70 s by modifying the on size and distribution of γ’ precipitates ing, those are pre-weld heat treatment, sur-
chemical composition of Rene 80 and In- in fcc γ matrix as its high temperature face building up by welding and followed
conel 738 LC to accommodate demands creep rupture strength originates from by post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) to re-
for materials for service at higher temper- three different mechanisms of interac- lieve residual stress from welding and re-
atures such as in land-based gas turbine tions between dislocation and γ’ precipi- store proper size and uniform distribution
engines. General Electric (GE), the inven- tates in fcc matrix [3]. Unfortunately, size of γ’ precipitates.
tor of GTD-111, claimed that GTD-111 has and distribution of γ’ precipitates are Several researches conducted studies on
higher creep rupture strength and lower greatly affected by in-service aging pro- the effect of welding parameters on macro-
cycle fatigue life than Inconel 738 [1]. Fur- cess which causes lower strength and and microstructure of GTD-111. Most of
thermore, alloying with various refractory damage after long-term exposure to high these researches reported crack occur-
elements such as Mo, W, Ta, Cr and Co of- temperature. rence in the fusion zone and heat affected
fer great benefits in improving hot corro- A new GTD-111 component is very costly zone (HAZ) in as-welded condition and af-
sion resistance [2]. The microstructure of and its manufacturing is time consuming. ter PWHT by three mechanisms. Those are
GTD-111 is similar to Rene 80 and Inconel Therefore, it is usual practice in industry to solidification cracking, liquation cracking
738 as it is composed of a multiphase mi- have the GTD-111 components rejuvenated and strain-age cracking, which are com-
crostructure consisting of fcc γ matrix, bi- or repaired after several thousand hours in mon for all precipitation-strengthened
modal γ’ precipitates (primary and sec- service. The most common repair tech- nickel-based superalloys [4-15]. The
ondary), γ-γ’ eutectic, carbides and a small nique to restore initial condition of a GTD- cracks due to welding and its subsequent
amount of deleterious phases such as σ, δ, 111 component is to build up the damaged heat treatment could be either in form of
η and Laves [3]. The excellent mechanical portions in three steps similar to welding macrocracks or microcracks.

© Carl Hanser Verlag, München  Materials Testing  60 (2018) 1


The macrocracks could be detected by age laser welding without pre-weld heat turbine blade. SEM micrographs of the as-
high sensitivity fluorescent liquid pene- treatment. Inconel 625 was selected as received GTD-111 material indicate dam-
trant examination (LPT) or radiographic filler metal in this study as it was the most aged microstructure as shown in Figure 2.
examination (RT), while microcracks could common filler metal used in repairing It can be seen from Figures 2a and 2b that
be found only using high magnification. nickel-based superalloy components in the there are different sizes and morphologies
The microcracks cannot be examined non- industry. Pre-weld treatment was excluded of γ’ precipitates in the dendrite core and in
destructively and the components are then from this study by purpose of minimizing interdendritic region. Coarsening and coa-
returned to service without repair. This can repair steps and cost of repair. lescence behavior of γ’ precipitates seem to
produce local stress concentration in the All specimens were welded manually by be greater in interdendritic region due to a
microstructure and definitely reduce ser- certified welders with welding parameters higher amount of Ti and Al segregated in
vice life of the rejuvenated components af- shown in Table 2 for GTAW and laser weld- the region in the casting solidification pro-
ter returning to service in high tempera- ing. After welding, half of the specimens in cess. Multiphase microstructure of the as-
ture and/or high stress condition. There- each condition were subjected to post-weld received GTD-111 is depicted in Figure 2c.
fore, it is of interest to study the effect of strain aging treatment by solution treat- The carbides observed in this as-received
welding parameters in two common weld- ment at 1473 K for 7200 s + air cooling GTD-111 material are believed to be pre-
ing repair methods for nickel-based alloys, (AC) then aged at 1118 K for 86 400 s + AC. dominantly of MC type in interdendritic
GTAW and laser welding, on microcrack Standard metallographic specimen prepa- regions and M23C6 type along grain bound-
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occurrence in the repair welding of GTD- ration was applied to all specimens, fol- aries as it was reported in other studies [2,
111. Basic welding theory suggested that a lowed by etching in Marble etchant which 16, 17]. Moreover, islands of γ-γ’ eutectic
high level of heat input causes larger HAZ, consisted of 10 g CuSO4, 50 cm3 HCl, and structure can also be observed in this con-
which is a crack-susceptible area. Thus, the 50 cm3 H2O. Microstructures of the speci- dition. It is believed to remain from micro-
welding parameters selected in this study mens were investigated under optical mi- segregation during casting solidification
are mainly focused on those providing only croscope and scanning electron micro- [2]. Topography closed pack (TCP) phases
low heat input to materials. scope in as-received, as-welded and strain- are also observed similar to what have
aged conditions. Vickers microhardness, γ’ been reported in [18].
Material and experimental precipitates size and area fraction were Size of γ’ precipitates in as-received
procedure also measured to obtain mechanical prop- specimen can be used to indicate the de-
For personal use only.

erties information affected by different gree of degradation after long-term expo-

The GTD-111 superalloy material used in welding parameters and heat input. sure to high temperature. In this study, ini-
this study was sliced to approximate di- tial average size of spheroidal primary γ’
mensions of 5 mm × 20 mm × 10 mm Result and discussion precipitates is 618 nm (see Figure 3a) with
(W × L × H) from a damaged gas turbine area fraction of 53.9 % (see Figure 3b).
blade provided by Electricity Generating Microstructure and chemical analysis. There are also many cuboidal secondary γ’
Authority of Thailand (EGAT). Chemical Optical micrograph obtained from as-re- precipitates in fcc γ matrix. This overaged
composition of GTD-111 was listed in Ta- ceived GTD-111 is illustrated in Figure 1. It size of γ’ precipitate is reported to be re-
ble 1. In this study, Inconel 625 filler metal shows obviously dendritic structure inher- lated with lower mechanical properties of
was welded on GTD-111 specimens under ited from its conventional casting process the alloy as it has lower ability to hinder
argon gas by means of GTAW and low volt- which is the usual method to form a gas movement of dislocation [2, 19].

Element GTD-111 Inconel 625 Welding Input energy Heat input

No. Voltage (V) Current (A)
Ni Bal. Bal. method (W) (J × mm-1)

Cr 14 20 – 23 1 GTAW 9 20 180 135

Co 9.5 <1 2 GTAW 9 22 198 149
Ti 4.9 0.4 3 GTAW 9 27 243 182
W 3.8 -
4 GTAW 9 33 297 223
Al 3 0.4
5 GTAW 9 35 315 236
Mo 1.5 8 – 10
Welding Voltage Frequency Input energy Heat input
C 0.1 0.1 No.
method (V) (s-1) (W) (J × mm-1)
B 0.01 -
6 Laser welding 320 15 195 195
Fe - <5
7 Laser welding 370 10 197 197
Mn - < 0.5
8 Laser welding 370 12 236 236
Si - < 0.5
Ta + Nb 2.8 3.15 – 4.15 9 Laser welding 350 15 252 252

P+S - < 0.015 10 Laser welding 370 15 295 295

Table 1: Chemical composition of GTD-111 and Table 2: GTAW and laser welding conditions applied to damaged GTD-111 after long-term exposure at
Inconel 625 (wt.-%) high temperatures

60 (2018) 1

GTAW specimens in as-welded condition

show no crack opening to surface. It is be-
lieved to be due to use of ductile Inconel
625 filler metal which can accommodate
stress occurring during cooling. Optical mi-
crographs obtained from GTAW specimen
(see Figure 4a) show blur boundary be-
tween fusion zone and heat affected zone
(HAZ). SEM micrographs of these five
GTAW specimens are illustrated in Fig-
ures 5 to 9. They show multiphase micro-
structure in both fusion zone and HAZ
similar to what has been seen in as-re-
ceived condition, those are γ’ precipitates,
carbides, γ-γ’ eutectic structure and TCP
phases. However, size of γ’ precipitates in
as-welded condition has changed signifi-
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cantly in all GTAW specimens. Figure 3

shows difference of size and area fraction
Figure 1: Optical micrographs of as-received
of γ’ precipitates at distances from fusion
material, a) dendritic structure, b) multiphase
microstructure boundary. In near-fusion zone region of all
GTAW specimens, γ’ precipitates have
spheroidal shape with size in the range of
95 to 158 nm and area fraction of 9.3 to
12.8 % on fcc γ matrix. At a further distance
from fusion line to HAZ, it can be clearly
seen from all GTAW specimens that size
For personal use only.

and area fraction of γ’ precipitates have

drastically increased to 486 – 568 nm and
Figure 3: γ’ precipitates of GTAW specimens in 36.2 – 46.8 %, respectively. From the sizes
as-welded condition, a) size, b) area fraction and morphology of γ’ precipitates, it can be
assumed that the observed γ’ precipitates
in near-fusion zones are reprecipitated af-
ter being solutionized due to heat input
from welding while morphology of γ’ pre-
cipitates in the HAZ region still exhibits
coarsening and coalescence effect due to
exposure to high temperature. Therefore, it
is believed that heat input values provided
by GTAWs in this study are only sufficient
to partially solutionize γ’ precipitates in the
HAZ region. The effect of different sizes of
γ’ precipitates on material property will be
discussed later.
As illustrated in Figure 3, it can be seen
that there is no obvious correlation be-
tween heat input values and size and area
fraction of γ’ precipitates. One of the as-
sumptions to explain this unexpected re-
sult is the narrow range of heat input se-
lected in this study. Also, it is believed to
be due to different size and area fraction of
the γ’ precipitates prior to welding as pre-
weld heat treatment was not conducted in
this study. It is noteworthy that TCP phases
are observed in all GTAW specimens in as-
welded condition. This observation can
also be expected as as-received microstruc-
Figure 2: SEM micrographs of as-received GTD- ture is remained during welding. The TCP
111, a) coalescence of γ’ precipitates, b) coarsen- Figure 4: Fusion boundary, a) GTAW specimen, phases are intermetallic compounds which
ing of γ’ precipitates, c) multiphase microstructure b) laser welded specimen lower rupture strength of nickel-based su-

60 (2018) 1
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Figure 6: SEM micrographs of 149 J × mm-1

GTAW specimen, a) as-welded condition,
b) PWHT condition
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Figure 7: SEM micrographs of 182 J × mm-1

Figure 5: SEM micrographs of 135 J × mm-1
GTAW specimen, a) as-welded condition,
GTAW specimen, a) as-welded condition,
b) PWHT condition
b) PWHT condition

Figure 8: SEM micrographs of 223 J × mm-1 Figure 9: SEM micrographs of 236 J × mm-1
GTAW specimen, a) as-welded condition, GTAW specimen, a) as-welded condition, Figure 10: γ’ precipitates of GTAW specimens in
b) PWHT condition b) PWHT condition after PWHT condition, a) size, b) area fraction

60 (2018) 1

peralloys due to their brittle nature. How- could best hinder dislocation movements. trast to other studies, there was no sign of
ever, it is reported that TCP phases are not As a result of PWHT in this study, homoge- liquated γ’ precipitates anywhere in the
a concern of GTD-111 material degradation neity of γ’ precipitates in near-fusion zone specimens. This observation is believed to
[18] as it does not exhibit deleterious effect and HAZ is improved. Size of γ’ precipitates be the result of employing low heat input
on strength and creep rupture property, es- in those two areas are 4 – 9 nm and 19 – GTAW parameters that cause small HAZ
pecially at high temperature. 22 nm while their area fractions are be- and high cooling rates to prevent microseg-
Post-weld heat treatment is an essential tween 13.9 – 23.0 % and 18.5 – 28.4 %, re- regation of alloying elements. It is notewor-
step to restore overall mechanical proper- spectively (see Figure 10). Sizes of γ’ pre- thy that depth-to-width ratios of weld beads
ties of the material especially in nonpre- cipitates found in this as-PWHT condition of these GTAW specimens have fallen
weld heat treated specimens as it provides has confirmed that solution treatment at within the range of 0.35 to 0.65 (see Fig-
appropriate size, morphology and uniform- 1473 K for 7200 s has been sufficient to ure 11) which is reported not to create
ity of γ’ precipitates on fcc γ matrix that dissolve coarsened primary and secondary cracks in as-welded condition [10].
γ’ precipitates into fcc γ matrix as sug- Line scan chemical composition analysis
gested elsewhere [20]. by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS)
Microcracks are reported elsewhere [4- as illustrated in Figure 12 shows that heat
15] to exist in as-welded and as-PWHT con- input from low energy GTAW is sufficient
ditions of GTD-111 and its similar nickel- to cause diffusion of elements with mass
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based superalloy. Key mechanism of mi- gradient between GTD-111 base metal and
crocrack occurrence in as-welded condition Inconel 625 filler metal as Ti, Al, Mo and
is liquation of γ’ precipitates films along Co had gradual changed in their amount
grain boundaries in fusion zone and HAZ. from base metal across fusion zone to filler
While in as-PWHT condition, crack occur- metal area especially at higher heat input
rence mechanism in GTD-111, as well as specimen.
other precipitation strengthened nickel- Similar to GTAW specimens, selected la-
based superalloys which contain (Ti + Al) ser welding conditions provide no surface
amount greater than 6 wt.-%, are known to opening crack in as-welded condition,
have strain-age cracking due to a reduction therefore, microstructure has to be studied
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Figure 11: Depth-to-width ratios of weld beads of of net ductility from the precipitation to ensure that there is no microcrack occur-
GTAW specimens strengthening process [21]. rence inside which could cause detrimen-
tal effects in reducing creep rupture
strength after returning to service at high
temperature. Depth-to-width ratios ob-
tained from selected laser welding param-
eters are in the range of 0.43 to 0.53 (see
Figure 13), which falls within proper
ranges similar to GTAW specimens.
Optical micrographs as well as SEM mi-
crographs of five laser welding specimens
(see Figure 4b and Figures 14 to 18) show
extremely sharp welding boundaries be-
tween zones in base metal and fusion zone.
Since laser welding provides localized and
very short heat input to specimens, it can
Figure 12: EDS line scan result of GTAW specimen be expected that HAZ microstructure of la-
ser welding specimens would remain the
same as observed in the as-received condi-
In this study, SEM were used to thor- tion. These consist of γ’ precipitates, car-
oughly examine HAZ regions for microc- bides, γ-γ’ eutectic structure and TCP
rack occurrence; however, there were no phases. Compared to GTAW specimens, it
microcracks found in any GTAW speci- can be seen that a better homogeneity of γ’
mens. Further examination was done to precipitates is obtained in laser welding
find signs of crack initiation sites such as specimens. Size of γ’ precipitates on fcc γ
liquation around γ’ precipitates and thick matrix in near-fusion zone and HAZ are in
films of γ’ precipitates and carbides [18, the range of 243 to 526 nm and 307 to
22]. It can be seen from the micrographs in 545 nm, respectively (see Figure 19a).
Figures 5 to 9 that the film exists in as- Area fraction of γ’ precipitates in near-fu-
welded condition, but there are no cracks sion zone region of laser welding speci-
associated with those films in any GTAW mens is in the range of 17.3 – 25.5 % (see
specimens. High SEM magnification up to Figure 19b) which is much higher than
Figure 13: Depth-to-width ratios of weld beads of x24000 was also deployed to examine li- what have been seen in GTAW specimens.
laser welded specimens quation of γ’ precipitates; however, in con- In contrast to result in near-fusion zone, γ’

60 (2018) 1

precipitates cover an area of 21.7 – 34.6 % heat input by laser welding is insufficient
on fcc γ matrix in HAZ which is less than in to dissolve primary and secondary γ’ pre-
GTAW specimens. In this study, size and cipitates that were coarsened due to ser-
morphology of γ’ precipitates found in both vice at high temperature. It is noteworthy
near-fusion zone and HAZ suggested that that size and area fraction observed in the
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Figure 16: SEM micrographs of 236 J × mm-1

laser welding specimen, a) as-welded condition,
b) PWHT condition
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Figure 14: SEM micrographs of 195 J × mm-1 Figure 15: SEM micrographs of 197 J × mm-1
laser welding specimen, a) as-welded condition, laser welding specimen, a) as-welded condition,
b) PWHT condition b) PWHT condition

Figure 17: SEM micrographs of 252 J × mm-1 Figure 18: SEM micrographs of 295 J × mm-1 Figure 19: γ’ precipitates of laser welded
laser welding specimen, a) as-welded condition, laser welding specimen, a) as-welded condition, specimens in as-welded condition, a) size,
b) PWHT condition b) PWHT condition b) area fraction

60 (2018) 1

laser welding specimens seem to be inde- scan mode that laser welding provides a
pendent from heat input within studied sharp gradient of Ti, Al, Mo and Co across
range. fusion line (see Figure 21).
As reported above, heat input values pro- There are interesting observations in the
vided by welding process are insufficient microstructures of laser welding speci-
to dissolve degraded γ’ precipitates into fcc mens as illustrated in Figures 14 to 18. Un-
γ matrix, all mechanical properties of the mixed zone is clearly seen in almost all la-
material depend solely on PWHT condition. ser welded specimens within welding heat
Results of selected PWHT on laser welded input range of 195 – 295 J × mm-1. Un-
specimens show that there is great homo- mixed zones are located next to fusion
geneity of γ’ precipitates between near-fu- lines in the filler metal region, however,
sion zone and HAZ, as it can be seen from chemical compositions of the zones are the
size ranges of γ’ precipitates which are 6 – same as the base metal, because it is the
9 nm and 19 – 23 nm in those two regions melted base metal which is not mechani-
with area fraction of 21.2 – 33.5 % in both cally fused together with filler metal. The
regions (see Figure 20). It can be seen that unmixed zone is reported to be clearly ob-
area fraction of γ’ precipitates in near-fu- served in heterogeneous systems in which
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sion zone of laser welding specimens is the melting range of the filler metal ap-
greater than what has been seen in GTAW proaches or exceeds the melting range of
specimens. This is expected to be caused the base metal [23], which is true in this
by different readiness of Ti and Al ele- case of GTD-111 base metal and Inconel
ments at fusion line as laser welding pro- 625 filler metal system. The unmixed zone
vided faster cooling rate that did not allow is of interest and raises up here as it is
Ti and Al particles to diffuse to Inconel 625 known to be preferential weld corrosion at-
filler area. Thus, there are more Ti and Al tack site [23], which may lower service life
particles for γ’ precipitates nucleation. This of material after returning to operation at
assumption has been proved by EDS analy- high temperature and high corrosiveness
For personal use only.

sis which determined that amount of Ti + atmosphere. Moreover, microcrack is ob-

Al in fusion line region of GTAW speci- served in laser welded specimen with heat
Figure 20: γ’ precipitates of laser welded specimens mens is about 15 % less than in laser weld- input of 236 J × mm-1. The crack initiates in
in after PWHT condition, a) size, b) area fraction ing specimens. It is also shown in EDS line unmixed zone which is the last solidified
portion in the region through HAZ and
base metal of specimen. Figure 22 shows
that crack path is associated with γ’ pre-
cipitates film and carbides on fcc γ matrix
which are both known to be a susceptible
point of crack occurrence during welding.
Hardness testing. Summary of Vickers
microhardness across fusion lines in
GTAW and laser welding specimens are il-
lustrated in Figures 23 to 26. It can be seen
that microhardness of Inconel 625 filler
metal has been influenced in GTAW speci-
mens, but there is almost no variation in
Figure 21: EDS line scan result of laser welding specimen laser welding specimens. This observation
conforms to difference in microstructure
and EDS line scan results (see Figures 12
and 21) between specimens welded by
these methods. As illustrated in the Fig-
ures 23 and 24, hardness of filler metal
zone seems to have direct relationship with
heat input from GTAW, especially in the
Figure 22: Crack found first 200 μm. Microhardness at fusion line
initiated in unmixed zone of GTAW specimens varies in the range of
in 236 W laser welded 400 – 470 HV and lower along the distance
until reaching an almost constant value at
approximately 1 mm from fusion line.
Therefore, it can be assumed that the width
of HAZ of GTAW specimens is about 1 mm
which is similar to results of another study
[14]. Similar methodology is also used to

60 (2018) 1

estimate width of HAZ in laser welding Thailand (EGAT), Nonthaburi, Thailand for
specimen which is about 0.7 mm as illus- material support and technical help. The au-
trated in Figure 25. After PWHT, there is thors also gratefully acknowledge the sup-
obvious trend of having higher overall mi- port by DSI Laser Service (Thailand) Co. Ltd.,
crohardness and also more homogeneous Chonburi, Thailand for the laser welding ex-
hardness along the distance from fusion periments and by EGAT Diamond Service Co.
line (see Figure 26). This can be explained Ltd., Pathumthani, Thailand for the GTAW
by reprecipitation of γ’ precipitates to the experiments.
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Acknowledgements 11 M. Moradi, M. Ghoreishi: Influences of laser
welding parameters on the geometric profile of
The author Athittaya Athiroj gratefully ac- Ni-base superalloy Rene 80 weld-bead, Interna-
knowledges the financial support for her tional Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Tech-
Master’s degree by a Chulalongkorn Univer- nology 55 (2011), No. 1-4, pp. 205-215
sity Graduate Scholarship to commemorate
12 M. Montazeri, F. M. Ghaini, O. A. Ojo: Heat input
the 72nd anniversary of His Majesty King and the liquation cracking of laser welded
Bhumibol Adulyadej. Special thanks are also IN738LC superalloy, Welding Journal 92 Figure 26: Vickers hardness of laser welded
given to Electricity Generating Authority of (2013), No. 9, pp. s258-s264 specimens in after PWHT condition

60 (2018) 1

13 O. A. Ojo, N. L. Richards, M. C. Chaturvedi: Study

of the fusion zone and heat-affected zone micro-
structures in tungsten inert gas-welded Inconel
738LC superalloy, Metallurgical and Materials Schweißen einer Nickel-Superlegierung GTD-111 mit einem Inconel
Transactions A 37 (2006), No. 2, pp. 421-433 625 Zusatzwerkstoff. Die ausscheidungsverfestigende Nickel-Superlegie-
14 A. R. Said, J. Syarif, Z. Sajuri: HAZ characteriza-
rung GTD-111 wird breitflächig für Schaufeln von Gasturbinen verwen-
tion of GTD-111 nickel based superalloy weld- det, die bei hohen Temperaturen und in heißen korrosiven Umgebungen
ing, International Journal of Materials Engineer- eingesetzt werden. Nach einer langen Zeit der Exposition bei hohen Tem-
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15 X. Luo, K. Shinozaki, H. Kuroki, peraturen können Ausscheidungen des γ’-Typs bekanntermaßen katastro-
S. Yoshihara, Y. Okumoto, M. Shirai: Analysis of phale Veränderungen der Größe und Verteilung bilden und so eine Herab-
temperature and elevated temperature plastic
strain distributions in laser welding HAZ study
setzung der Eigenschaften des Werkstoffes und Versagen der Komponen-
of laser weldability of Ni-base superalloys (Re- ten nach sich ziehen. In der diesem Beitrag zugrundeliegenden Studie
port 5), Welding International 16 (2002), No. 5, wurde eine beschädigte Schaufel, die aus einem Gasturbinen-Generator
pp. 385-392
DOI:10.1080/09507110209549547 an Land ausgebaut wurde, mittels Wolfram-Inertgas-Schweißens (WIG)
16 B. G. Choi, I. S. Kim, D. H. Kim, C. Y. Jo: und Laserschweißens repariert, und zwar mit verschiedenen Strecken-
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No. 1-2, pp. 329-335 für 86 400 s. Die Ergebnisse zeigen keine signifikante Abhängigkeit zwi-
17 J. Wang, L. Zhou, L. Sheng, J. Guo: The micro- schen den Schweißleistungen sowie der Größe und des Flächenanteiles
structure evolution and its effect on the mechan- der γ’-Ausscheidungen in kubisch flächenzentrierte (fcc) γ-Matrix, und
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sure, Materials & Design 39 (2012), pp. 55-62 und Verteilung der γ’-Ausscheidungen hängt vornehmlich von den Para-
DOI:10.1016/j.matdes.2012.02.020 metern der Wärmenachbehandlung ab, da die γ’-Ausscheidungen in allen
For personal use only.

18 A. Kountras: Metallographic Study of Gamma-

Gamma Prime Structure in the Ni-Based Super-
WIG- und lasergeschweißten Proben eine ähnliche Größe und ähnliche
alloy GTD111, Doctoral Thesis, Massachusetts Flächenanteile unabhängig von der beim Schweißen eingebrachten
Institute of Technology, USA (2004)
Wärme aufweisen. Es wurde eine Entmischungszone in allen Laserschwei-
19 E. Lvova, D. Norsworthy: Influence of service-in-
duced microstructural changes on the aging ki- ßungen beobachtet, wo präferentielle Korrosion im Betrieb auftreten
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turbine blades, Journal of Materials Engineering
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Wärmenachbehandlung wird ebenfalls diskutiert.
20 S. A. Sajjadia, S. M. Zebarjad, R. I. L. Guthrie,
M. Isac: Microstructure evolution of high-perfor-
mance Ni-base superalloy GTD-111 with heat
treatment parameters, Journal of Materials Pro-
cessing Technology 175 (2006), No. 1-3, The authors of this contribution Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fritz Hartung, is a visiting pro-
pp. 376-381 fessor in the Department of Metallurgical Engi-
DOI:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2005.04.021 neering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn
Athittaya Athiroj, born in 1984, is a graduate stu- University, Bangkok, Thailand. He received his
21 M. J. Donachie, S. J. Donachie: Superalloys:
dent in the Department of Metallurgical Engineer- Master degree and Dr.-Ing. in Mechanical Engi-
A Technical Guide, 2nd Ed., ASM International,
ing, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thai- neering from University of Technology Magde-
Materials Park, Ohio, USA (2002)
land. Her research scope is related to the develop- burg, Germany, in 1969 and 1975, respectively.
22 O. A. Ojo, M. C. Chaturvedi: On the role of li-
ment and characterization of the welding of He was Head of the Faculty of Technology Me-
quated γ’ precipitates in weld heat affected zone
precipitation-strengthened nickel-based superal- chanical Engineering, Trier University of Applied
microfissuring of a nickel-based superalloy, Ma- loys. She received her Bachelor degree in Metal-
terials Science and Engineering A 403 (2005), Science, Germany. His areas of expertise are
lurgical Engineering from Chulalongkorn Univer- welding and metal joining.
No. 1-2, pp. 77-86 sity in 2007. Currently, she is employed as an in- Associate Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gobboon Lothongkum,
DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2005.04.034 spection engineer in Bangchak Corporation, born in 1960, is Associate Professor and a mem-
23 Y. Cui, C. L. Xu, Q. Han: Effect of ultrasonic vi- Thailand. ber of the Innovative Metals Research Unit, De-
bration on unmixed zone formation, Scripta Ma- Dr. Panyawat Wangyao, born in 1971, is a partment of Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of
terialia 55 (2006), No. 11, pp. 975-978 member of the Innovative Metals Research Unit Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok,
DOI:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2006.08.035 and served as Head of the Department of Metal- Thailand. He has been serving as Head of the de-
lurgical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, partment since 2015. He received his Dr.-Ing. de-
Bibliography Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand gree from University of the Federal Armed Force
from 2011 to 2015. He received his PhD in Physi- Hamburg, Germany and the International Weld-
DOI 10.3139/120.111131 cal Metallurgy from Technical University of Ko- ing Engineer Certificate of the International Insti-
Materials Testing sice, Slovakia, in 2002. His research areas of ex- tute of Welding in 1994 and 2006, respectively.
60 (2018) 1, pages 22-30 pertise include high temperature materials such His areas of expertise include corrosion of metals
© Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG as superalloys, super stainless steels as well as and alloys, welding and metal joining, stainless
ISSN 0025-5300 powder metallurgy of alloys. steels and high temperature materials.

60 (2018) 1

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