Global Pattern of Tourism
Global Pattern of Tourism
Global Pattern of Tourism
The global pattern of tourism has changed drastically over the last fifty years. Changes such
as the number of global tourist arrivals, distances travelled, and the cost of travel have meant
that ‘tourism’ is today one of the world’s most important industries. There are a number of
reasons for this change, for example, technology and social situation. In the seventeenth
century, doctors recommended benefits of water, which triggered the building of spas. People
began taking relaxing trips to these spas. When the industrial revolution struck, huge changes
in transport took place, such as better rail links in the United Kingdom. These railway lines
provided links to expand. Also, people began to earn more money, and with disposable
income, annual holidays became increasingly popular. During World War 2, people were not
allowed on beaches. Once the war had finished, people celebrated by going to the beach. This
made seaside resorts become much more popular. In 1970, the jet plane carried 307 million
passengers. By 2006, this had increased to a huge 2.1 billion! This shows just how much
tourism has increased in the past half century.
In 1950, international tourist arrivals were only 20 million. In 2005, it was measured to be
over 700 million! Europe in particular was responsible for a considerable amount of this
increase, approximately 400 million. In 2005, there were 441,528 thousand international
tourist arrivals. The Mediterranean was responsible for 36% of this number. This shows that
southern Spain is a very popular tourist destination. I think this is due to the climate in the
Med. The Mediterranean is well known for its hot, dry summers, which naturally attract
visitors. Most arrivals here are on holiday for leisure purposes, rather than business. It is not
just in Europe, however, that tourism has increased. In 1990, the world saw 439 million
international tourist arrivals. In 2005, this has increased to 806 million. This shows an
average annual increase of 3.3%. There are many reasons for this increase. Economic factors,
such as rising incomes, decreasing costs of the flight itself - due to the expansion of budget
airlines. Also, many airlines have introduced reward schemes, or loyalty bonuses, which are
appealing to the customer. Social factors, such as the increase of the number of days paid
leave workers can take. This gives people more spare time for a holiday. Many students in
recent years, after finishing school, which to take a ‘gap year’ to go travelling, before going
to university, or getting a job. Finally, there are also political reasons for which tourism has
increased. Some governments invest heavily in advertising campaigns to encourage tourism.
Also, international sporting events, such as the world cup or the Olympics, attract millions of
people from all over the globe. Forecasts from the World Tourism Organisation are showing
an approximate 650 million increase in global arrivals between 2007 and 2020.
Another noticeable change is the distance people are travelling to go on holiday. In 1841,
Thomas cook introduce the first ever package holiday, from Leicester to Loughborough,
which was only 12 miles away. These travellers attended temperance meetings. Fifty years
ago, tourist arrivals in the Middle East and Africa were virtually none existent, as the travel
links simply were not there. I believe one of the main reasons that tourist arrivals have gone
up so considerably is due to the travel links expanding. Thanks to the invention of the train,
Thomas Cook was able to expand his holidays. However, in 1970, with the invention of the
jet plane, mass tourism began. There was no limit to where people could go on holiday, so the
distances travelled dramatically increased here. People travel to places such as Spain,
specifically the Mediterranean, as it is only 725 miles, which is approximately a 2 hour flight.
Today; people can travel literally across the world, from London to Sydney, a distance of
10,552 miles.
The third main change in the pattern of tourism over the last fifty years is the cost of travel.
People first began taking holidays after the industrial revolution, as they had disposable
income. Although prices for travel such as trains were cheaper in the 1950’s, people have a
much higher income in today’s society, so they are much more affordable. In the early
1990’s, the first budget airline was introduced. They offered low cost flights in exchange for
passenger services, such as in-flight meals and extra leg room. This appealed to many
working class people, who wished to go on holiday for less. Flights on budget airlines can be
extremely cheap, especially if you fly on an unpopular time and date. You can purchase some
flights from the UK to Ireland as cheap as 1p plus VAT. Return flights to Spain can be as
cheap as £20. Package holidays also made holidays more appealing to people who were not
as well off as some. They combine the cost of flight, accommodation and travel, and are
usually with a group of several other tourists. Package holidays range from your typical
relaxing fortnight on the beach in Majorca, to cockroach races in Brisbane! At the story
bridge hotel in Brisbane, every January 26th, they race cockroaches! This tradition began in
1981, when to drunken men argued that the cockroaches from their part of town were fastest.
Today, people literally come from all over the world just to race there cockroaches! Also,
many people today choose to go on “all inclusive” holidays. This is when the holiday resort
provides all food and drink in the price. This is appealing to people as when on holiday, many
people do not wish to cook or worrying about finding places to eat. All inclusive holidays
start from just £290 to Ibiza; this makes luxury more affordable for the working class.
Recently, ecotourism has become more popular. This is when people travel to less
economically developed countries such as Kenya, or India. They volunteer once in the
country, often doing conservation work. Flights to these areas are not very expensive, as they
are less popular. Fifty years ago, few people travelled far to go on holiday, as it was so
Overall, these are the three key changes in the pattern of tourism. A dramatic increase in the
number of global tourist arrivals, an increase in the distance travelled, and cost of travel being
more affordable, have meant that tourism is very different today than it was fifty years ago. I
feel that the main catalyst for increasing tourism in general, was the invention of the jet plane.
Carrying 2.1 billion passengers in 2006, it is clearly responsible for a large part of
transporting these tourists. Of course, another reason for the patterns in tourism is the fact
that people are earning more money. Thanks to this disposable income, more people can
afford to treat themselves to a holiday. I also feel there are now more incentives to go on
holiday today, such as these “package”, or “all inclusive” holidays, as these save the
consumer money. Fifty years ago, people used to travel 12 miles down the road to go on
holiday, today they travel to the other side of the world. I feel this shows just how big these
changes in the pattern of tourism are.