Electronic Transformer With Reg.
Electronic Transformer With Reg.
Electronic Transformer With Reg.
The Design of 150 W Regulated Power Supply Based on Principle of the Electronic
volt-second value of the main transformer by reducing voltage of T1c and T1b is so tiny that the triode turns off. In
secondary turn number, changing the turn ratio of the short, controlling magnetic ring (T1d) by Q3, the feedback
magnetic ring, reducing the core area or adding resistance in control of the voltage and current can be realized.
base of the transistor. The reference voltage 2.5V for LM393’s pin 3 is
supplied by TL431. When the output voltage is greater than
IV. FEEDBACK LOOP DESIGN 30V, the voltage of pin 2 is greater than the voltage of pin 3
Changing the transformer T2 and increasing the voltage and then the voltage of pin 1 becomes zero. When the dotted
comparator etc., electronic transformer in Fig. 1 can be terminal of T1d induces the negative voltage and Q3
reformed into a regulated power supply in Fig. 3. The conducts, the magnetic ring T1d is shorted and the triode Q2
feedback loop design can be realized by the effect of the turns off. Therefore, the output voltage decreases until the
magnetic ring. When the output voltage or current is higher voltage of pin 2 is equal to the voltage of pin 3, which means
than the set value, Q3 turns on and the magnetic ring T1d is the output voltage value being constant 30V.The principle of
shorted. Because all the output power of the magnetic current feedback is same as the voltage feedback.
consumes in winding T1d, the current and the induced
A T2 D5
R1 5D11 Q1 F
D1 D3 R2 13009 40 Turns + C8
C1 C4 T1
200K 130Turns R8
2kv 222 2kv 222
+ 50V 2000uF 3.6k
1N53991N5399 R11 C7 40 Turns
20 R3
35u/250V G D6
275V 0.1uF 0.1 2.5W
2 Turns
C5 T1a 5.6K R9 OUT
+ 1Turns 3
B 1
220u/400V 2 *1
DB3 Q2 3
13009 R4 R6 TL431 1
C9 5K 55K
9Turns 4
C2 20
C6 Q3 LM393-2 OUT OUT
275V 0.1uF D2 D4 R7 5.6K R10
Fuse 1 T1b 8550
35u/250V 7
220V AC
TL431 2
C 5K
1 2
Figure 3. Schematic diagram of 150W Regulated power supply
Figure 4. Experiment waveforms
V. EXPERIMENT RESULTS can be seen from Fig. 4a ~ 4c, the waveforms are the same
All the specific parameters of the regulated power supply as the theoretical analysis of the waveform in Fig. 2. Seen
have been given in Fig. 3. The output voltage ripple of the from Fig. 4d, the output voltage is 30V.
power supply is approximately 1% on condition in rated
power. The material of the main transformer core is the VI. CONCLUSION
PC40 and the EI33/29/13 core is used. The material of the The principle of the high-frequency electronic
magnetic ring is the Mn-Zn ferrite. transformer is analyzed in detail. Based on the principle of
When the AC line voltage is 220V and the power is electronic transformers, the designing and test for the 150W
150W, the main waveform is measured as shown in Fig. 4a regulated power supply have finished. The theoretical
~ 4d. Because the voltage waveform Uce and Ube of Q1 and analysis and the experimental results show that the designing
Q2 are symmetrical, the figure only gives a group of Q2. As of the new switching power supply have following
characteristics: (1) it has the feedback control of the voltage
and the current; (2) the excitation of the transformer is
500mV/ lattice
Uce Ube
bi-directional, the utilization ratio of the core is high and the
50V/ lattice
// //
size of the core is small; (3) the main circuit of the power
supply is half-bridge structure, but a simpler drive circuit; (4)
10us/lattice t 10us/lattice t the method for the drive circuit and the feedback control
(a) The tube voltage waveform of Q2 (b) The drive waveform of Q2 provides a new thought for the improvements of the
UFG UOUT switching power supply.
50V/ lattice
10V/ lattice
U FB = LT 1a
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