Copernican System
Copernican System
Copernican System
Frank Verbunt
Department of Astrophysics / IMAPP
Radboud University
Main sources
Outline Albert van Helden, Jan
the Aristotelian Universe Hogendijk, 2006, Lectures in
Copernicus: change course History of Astronomy
perspective Arthur Koestler, The
Brahe: accurate Sleepwalkers 1959
measurements Albert van Helden,
Kepler: accurate theory Measuring the Universe.
Cosmic dimensions from
Aristarchus to Halley 1985,
University of Chicago Press
Apianus 1529
two regions
the Universe contains
everything; there is nothing
Christian thinkers add a
Heaven where God resides
‘Physics’ ‘Mathematics’
cosmology is part of use Ptolemaean models to
philosophy of nature compute positions of planets
it describes the Universe in a separately for each planet
coherent way physical / philosophical
based on Aristotelian physics background less important
as described above accuracy important because
taught at universities of astrological impact
precise position of planets astrologers also outside
less important universities
usually represented in requires revision of
simplified manner Ptolemaean parameters
Fundamental to understanding of Just computational tricks to get
Universe positions right
Tycho Brahe
astronomical Tables for
planets can be wrong by a
problem for astrology. . .
new, accurate
measurements necessary
I special observatory
I special instruments
taught by Wilhelm IV,
Landgraf of Hessen (1575)
Observational material
Brahe determined many
planetary positions
very high accuracy: 20
hired Kepler for
mathematical analysis
both in Prague: 1600-1601
Brahe dies in 1601
emphasis on accuracy his heirs don’t want to give
own printing press Kepler the data
training-centre, e.g. Joan so he just took the
Blaeu observation notebooks. . .
Astronomia Instaurata 1602
Johannes Kepler
Astronomia Nova
‘Ye physicists, prick your ears! for
now we are going to invade your
The Sun sweeps the planets
forward in their orbits with a force,
that diminishes with distance.
Hence the velocity diminishes
with distance to the Sun.
Mathematics now united with
P 2 = constant a 3