Basics of Naadi Astrology
Basics of Naadi Astrology
Basics of Naadi Astrology
Jupiter & venus are jeev karakas for male & female natives. Saturn is karma karaka
for both male & female natives. For fructification of any event, effect of saturn and
jupiter known as double transit on karaka planet is essential. Saturn is karaka of
profession, hurdles, ceremonies, illness, and death while jupiter is karaka of special
knowledge, social respect, religion & spirituality. Venus signifies luxury, finance,
wife/daughter/sister, house etc.
R o u n ds o f Sa t ur n
Saturn completes one round of zodiac in aroun 30 years while jupiter completes the
same in around 12 yrs. Ist round of saturn is considered for education, marriage,
profession, development, losses specially from 24 to 30 yrs[3rd round of jupiter].
We have to coordinate Ist round of saturn with two & half rounds of jupiter. For
education, marriage and profession, Ist round of saturn & mainly 2nd round of
jupiter alongwith karaka planets mercury, venus /mars and venus/rahu will be
considered, If saturn & jupiter influence these karaka planets by
PAC[position,aspect,conjunction]without inimical aspects of karaka planets, events
of education, marriage & profession likely to be happened. When saturn aspects sun
& mercury, native is likely to celebrate ceremonies involving gatherings of relatives
& friends. Whenever jupiter, saturn & rahu/ketu transit/aspect/influence venus,
native is likely to get employment / married. Similarly jupiter & ketu influence on
mercury indicates completing education degree with honors. Saturn’s transit/aspect
on rahu/ketu also indicates danger to life of paternal /maternal grand parents. From
24 to 30 yrs, native is likely to incur expenditure on travels, siblings, diseases of
parents etc. when saturn touches/aspects moon, mars/venus, sun/moon.
Saturn’s 2nd round from 30 to 60 yrs corresponds to 3rd,4th & 5th round of jupiter
and so this period will be considered for losses[30 to 36 yrs], marriage, profession[if
not fructified earlier], house purchase, children career & their development, illness
of self & wife When saturn transits/aspects 8H/8L of sun/moon in this round, there
may be danger to life of father/mother. Saturn & jupiter transiting/aspecting mars
may indicate job to brother and purchase of land/house in 3rd & 4th round of jupiter
but saturn & jupiter influencing sun/venus in 5th round will indicate employment to
son/daughter, getting status & riches for native.
Period of 60 to 90 yrs of 3rd round of saturn corresponds to 6th,7th & 8th rounds of
jupiter. Native’s physical strength & his immunity is reduced making him
succeptible to various diseases. In 6th round of jupiter period native with spouse
faces illness ,repays loans, spends for children marriage, . Deaths of self, wife,
brother, sister is also considered in this round of saturn. When saturn
touches/aspects 8H/8L of jupiter, venus, mars,this indicates danger to life of native,
his wife, his brother.