Why CVs Are Rejected
Why CVs Are Rejected
Why CVs Are Rejected
1. Lack of professionalism in CV
2. Not applied with proper format what the employer mentioned in the job advertisement.
3. Applied for Officer/ Executive, but present designation is – Manager/GM/Director.
4. Mentioned the candidate's present position as Director/Chairman in his/her own business.
5. Mentioned in CV that searching a job to acquire experience/knowledge.
6. Expecting too less or too high salary for the position applied for.
7. False information or declaration
8. Excessive information or deceleration.
9. Offered position is not relevant with the experiences mentioned in the CV
10. Academic discipline does not match with the job.
11. Job experience was not properly mentioned in CV.
12. Addressing to the Chairman/Managing Director/CEO/Director while clearly mentioned in
the job circular to apply to the Manager/DGM/GM (HR & Administration).
13. Attached improper or irrelevant picture with CV.
14. Given information in the CV is not synchronized, civilized and relevant.
15. Non-disclosure of basic information- parents name or at least father's name, present or
permanent address or both and no contract details etc.
16. Mentioned irrelevant or unrealistic matters.
17. Not applied within deadline/proper time.
18. High profile or low profile recommendations.
19. Not signed in CV.