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THE SLIDESHOW provides a comprehensive overview of Ethiopia’s Simien National Park world
heritage site, showing the area’s spectacular mountain landscapes, wildlife habitats, endemic plants
and animals, Walia ibex, Ethiopian wolf and other threatened species, conservation management
issues and local community livelihoods.
REVIEW OF WORLD HERITAGE VALUES: The specific attributes which qualify this site for
world heritage status can be summarised as follows:
Dramatic mountain scenery: The park occupies a stretch of about 35 km along the dramatic
northern escarpment of the Simien massif, with a high plateau at around 4,000m altitude, dropping
precipitously through a series of steep forested gorges, massive cliffs and spectacular outlying
inselbergs and rock outcrops.
Endemic plant communities: The flora is exceptionally diverse and includes communities
characteristic of different altitudinal zones from around 1,800 to 4,000m altitude. Communities
include montane forests, tree heather forests, high altitude grasslands and Afro-alpine communities.
The higher Afro-alpine communities are especially rich in endemic species, including the
conspicuous giant Lobelias and red-hot pokers (Kniphofia spp.), while 10 species of grass (19% of
the total) are endemic to the Simien.
Endangered large mammals: Flagship species of large mammal include the Walia ibex, Ethiopian
wolf and Gelada baboon, all endemic to the Ethiopian highlands. The endangered Walia ibex is
restricted to the Simien Mountains, where populations are recovering and may now number around
1,000 individuals. The endangered Ethiopian wolf is the world’s rarest canid and although it occurs
elsewhere in the Ethiopian highlands, Simien is one of its last remaining strongholds.
Rare and endemic birds: Over 137 species of birds are recorded in this Birdlife Important Bird
Area, including 16 species endemic to the Ethiopia/Eritrea highlands. There is an important
population of the rare lammergeyer (an unusual vulture)
CONSERVATION STATUS AND PROSPECTS: Simien Mountains National Park was one of
the first African sites to be inscribed on the world heritage list, and its outstanding scenic and
biodiversity values have never been in doubt. However, the property has always faced extreme
challenges arising from its location in the densely populated Ethiopian highlands where people live
close to nature and rely on its bounty. The area was settled before the park’s inauguration and this
legacy presents the greatest threats to its long-term future. It remains under intense human pressure
with settlements remaining inside the park, a fifth of its area under cultivation and most of the rest
subject to intensive grazing pressure from domestic livestock. Poaching of the highly endangered
endemic Walia ibex and Ethiopian wolf has greatly diminished in recent years, and there are
advanced plans to increase the park’s size from 136km2 to 400 km2, but these developments will
only really be of lasting value if the level of human activities within the park can be brought to
within sustainable limits.
MANAGEMENT EFFECTIVENESS: Despite significant recent improvements in protection and
management which have resulted in an increase in populations of the park’s highly endangered
large mammals and real progress with community relations and tourism, there remain very serious
challenges. Most of the park is subject to high levels of grazing by domestic stock, about 17% of it
is under illegal cultivation, and there are 600 resident households in nine illegal settlements.
Management lacks the resources to tackle these issues effectively. Furthermore, most of the detailed
provisions in the General Management Plan remain to be implemented.
specific threats to the ecology, conservation and values of the world heritage site.
Over-grazing: With the exception of a few ‘no grazing’ zones at the top of the escarpment around
Chenek and Sankaber, the entire park is subject to heavy grazing pressure from massive numbers of
sheep, goats and other stock belonging to herders around the park who bring their animals into the
park. The constant presence of high densities of domestic stock, and the resulting overgrazing
reduces the amount of habitat available for key wildlife species (e.g. Walia ibex avoid disturbed
areas) and diminishes its capacity to support key species such as the Ethiopian wolf (whose rodent
prey require rank grass).
Cultivation: About 23 km2 (17%) of the property is under cultivation by about 600 households
living within the park and a further 1500 households around its periphery. There is little attention to
soil conservation measures and sheet and gulley erosion commonly occur in areas subjected to
Settlement and human presence: 586 households (3,223 people) were established in 9 villages
within the park at the time of a household survey in 2006 and many others residing nearby use the
park’s land and resources for cultivation, grazing and resource collection.
Road and infrastructure corridor: A main (unpaved) road runs through critical wildlife habitat in
the middle of the park, along the top of the escarpment, linking Debark with Mekane-Birhan.
Electricity transmission lines were being installed along this road at the time of the last monitoring
mission in October 2009.
Tree cutting and firewood collection: The high density of people living in (or near to) the park
and the local scarcity of wood resources, combine to create enormous pressure on forests and trees,
especially the tree heather forests and Hypericum thickets at higher altitudes.
Soil erosion: Extensive sheet and gulley soil erosion is the result of poor cultivation techniques and
Poaching: Poaching of large mammals for subsistence use is reported to be less of a threat than
used to be the case, but it was responsible for a very severe reduction in Walia ibex numbers during
the 1980s and early 90s.
Invasive alien plants: The threat from invasive exotics has not been properly assessed, but was
observed during an official IUCN/UNESCO mission in 2009.
Climate change: The expected long-term trend towards global warming is expected to shift plant
and animal communities to higher ground, and is likely to reduce the amount of suitable habitat
available to species that presently occur at the higher elevations, particularly the Ethiopian wolf.
Human population increase: The human population in and around the property is increasing at
one of the fastest rates anywhere in the world, creating ever-increasing resource pressures. These
can only be mitigated through the provision of alternative livelihoods, preferably in towns away
from the property.
Tourism infrastructure: Badly planned tourism infrastructure could easily affect the visual
aesthetic along the top of the escarpment. Although this is not yet a problem, careful planning is
Institutional and legal issues: Agreement has been reached with local communities to extend the
park from its present 136 km2 to around 400 km2, and the new boundaries have been marked with
300 concrete beacons. However, there has been a delay in getting the new boundary mapped and
gazetted which could jeopardize the desired park extension and the ecological sustainability benefits
it will bring.
Inscribed: 1978
Values: The Simien Mountains National Park includes one of the most dramatic mountain
landscapes in Africa, and is home to some of the continent’s rarest fauna and flora, including
the endemic Walia ibex, Simien fox and Gelada baboon. The park covers the northern
escarpment of an ancient mountain massif of igneous basalts, deeply cut by forested gorges
and sheer cliffs, some 1,500m high. The Park was one of the first four sites to be inscribed on
the World Heritage List in 1978, but has been on the List of World Heritage in Danger since
1996 because of a decline in the population of the Walia ibex due to human settlement,
grazing, agriculture and road construction. The ibex population is now on the increase but the
Ethiopian wolf remains extremely rare. The Ethiopian authorities are currently working on a
plan to extend the site to include more of the critical habitat for these highly endangered
species. A comprehensive review of the world heritage values of the site is provided below,
together with details of the area’s conservation status and the threats it faces.
Google Earth
Birdlife IBA
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Mount Huangshan
Mount Kenya National Park/Natural Forest
Mount Taishan
Mount Wuyi
Tasmanian Wilderness
Surrounded by cultural and historical sites, the Simien massif was traversed as a trade route
between Askum, Lalibela, Mekele and Gonder. For over 2,000 years, the Simien Mountains became
home to immigrants, settlers and cultivators, of which some of the first recorded were the Ethiopian
Jews. However, following the decline of the Jewish kingdom in the 14th century, many Ethiopian
Jews converted to Orthodox Christianity. Small populations of Jewish settlers remained in the
Simien massif, with another 30,000 living in the immediate vicinity of North Gonder Zone. In the
late 1990’s the remaining Jews emigrated to Israel. Today the majority of the population are
Orthodox Christians although there are a number of long term resident Muslim communities.
The people of the Simien Mountains live predominantly by agriculture but many also own some
livestock, mainly sheep and goats, but with cattle. Oxen or equids are used as beasts of labour, with
horses often used for ploughing. Over the years the human population has increased beyond the
productivity and carrying capacity of the land, at least what can be realized through traditional
agricultural methods. As a result of subdivision over the generations. land holdings for each family
are now very small and many households are food insecure and receive food or other assistance
under the Government’s Productive Safety Net Programme.
The problems of settlement and uncontrolled human use have been present since the park was
gazetted as a number of villages and tracts of land used by local communities were included within
the park’s boundaries. The World Heritage List nomination document explicitly mentions settlement
as an issue and when attempts were made to forcibly relocate seven villages from the northern
escarpment, tensions and conflicts increased between those communities and park management.
The human population has, however continually grown over the years, doubling in size every 35
years. For example in 1967/8 there were 122 households (610 people) at Gich rising to some 360
households in 2006 (~1,670 people). Realignment of the park boundary in 2003/2004 excluded
some villages at the edge of the park and reduced the human population and by 2012 around 436
houses were counted in the park. Around 2,280 hectares of the park, about 3.6% are estimated to be
cultivated, mainly in the Gich area.
In 2009, 167 households were voluntarily resettled from a newly formed village at Arkwasiye,
located in a critical wildlife corridor to a newly extended park area. In 2013 a voluntary
resettlement scheme is being offered to the Gich inhabitants by the Ethiopian Government and it is
probable that the number of households in the area may decrease in future years.
• Copyright © 2013 Simien Mountains National Park and the Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation
Authority (EWCA) | Sitemap
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The gateway to the Simien Mountains, Gonder is only 95km from the park. The 16th century
Ethiopian capital is home to a group of castles found in an enclosed park. The first castle was built
during the reign of King Fasilides (1632 - 1667) and the remaining castles were built by his
successors. Sometimes described as ‘Africa’s Camelot’ these castles have been a UNESCO World
Heritage Site since 1979.
Also found in Gonder is the Debre Birhan Sellasie Church (which means Trinity Church of the
mountain of light) poised on a hilltop on the outskirts of town. The church has a particularly well-
preserved ceiling of frescoes.
Market days
Markets are a great way to get insight into the local way of life and give you a chance to socialize
with the locals. The largest markets in Debark are a cattle market held on Wednesdays and a general
market held on Saturdays. The market is located on the gravel road from town towards the park.
Kossoye Viewpoint
Kossoye viewpoint is about 38km from Gonder on the way to the Simien Mountains National park.
At a height of about 2,300m, this beautiful spot provides magnificent views of the Simien Mountain
range and as well as views of the lower ridges and valleys. Queen Elizabeth II once stopped here
while traveling to Axum.
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Paul Goodman
Since completing university, Paul has worked as a librarian, teacher, and freelance writer. Born in
the UK, he currently lives in Florida.
Does tourism have a negative or positive impact on a travel destination? | Source
Many places in the world rely heavily on tourism as a key source of income and employment.
Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems, especially if it is not managed well. A huge
influx of visitors can gradually deplete the beauty, uniqueness, character, environment, resources,
and social coherence of a tourist destination over time.
It is easy to underestimate the scale of tourism. Every year, about a billion tourists take trips: That
makes 30 tourists arriving every second. There were around 76.9 million tourists visiting the US In
2017. That many travelers can easily present huge challenges for many destinations. Transporting,
providing places to stay, feeding, entertaining, policing, and cleaning up after that many additional
people is not a simple or straightforward task. Is it worth it?
This article lists the main advantages and disadvantages of tourism.
Mardi Gras in New Orleans usually draws about 1.4 million people... and their garbage. It takes
weeks for the city to recover. | Source
Even when tourists behave responsibly, their sheer number can cause damage. | Source
Bangkok is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Approximately 20.5 million
tourists visited in 2017 and they contribute to the city's air pollution. | Source
The fact that television and tourism have made the whole world accessible has created the illusion
that we enjoy intimate knowledge of other places, when we barely scratch their surface. For the vast
majority, the knowledge of Thailand or Sri Lanka acquired through tourism consists of little more
than the whereabouts of the beach.
— Martin Jacques
See results
Tourism can bring with it economic gains, jobs, investment, improvements to travel
infrastructure, as well as an increase in a location's international visibility and standing.
Helpful 54
• What are the disadvantages for the host of a tourist destination, that is, if tourists don't
respect the locals?
In some tourist destinations, there can be problems with tourists not respecting local customs
and laws. For instance, drunken or lewd behavior, dressing inappropriately in a conservative
country, illegal drug use, or child prostitution can cause issues. As well as causing public
upset and opening up wider social problems, it can lead to issues regarding the policing and
control of such behavior. In extreme cases, some destinations have opted to either limit or
even curtail tourism altogether, rather than endure its negatives.
Helpful 45
• What are the challenges of relying on tourism as the primary economic activity?
Being overly reliant on tourism might result in a number of problems such as:
1. Broad economic difficulties if there is a natural disaster, terrorist attack, or some other
event which diminishes the number of visitors.
2. Damage and wear to cultural sites due to too many visitors.
3. Local employment becoming seasonal and mainly low paid service industry positions.
4. Social problems such as crime, drunkenness, and sex tourism may increase.
Helpful 22
• What are the environmental advantages of tourism?
Common features of a popular destination might include: desirable climate, cultural and
historical sites of interest, entertainment and leisure facilities, iconic architecture or
landscape, a safe environment, good value for money, friendliness towards visitors, relaxed
atmosphere, developed infrastructure for travel and hospitality.
Helpful 19
show more
© 2012 Paul Goodman
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2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
thank you very much it helped me do my assigment
4 months ago
Good job
4 months ago
very useful in doing my hand out
4 months ago
Use this website,
it is pretty good
lawal ideraoluwa
5 months ago
thanks it is very helpful
7 months ago
this article is very much helpful for me.... special thank to author
11 months ago
It,s very helpful but not to me
KitKat gal
11 months ago
Very helpful! Thanks for the article
Jack Jones
12 months ago
A very good article
13 months ago
Anna haihambo
14 months ago
The article is very interesting and helpful , but still need someone to give me more
information on tourism history
16 months ago
I support for disadvantage because it is important to protect resources than money.isnt it?
18 months ago
very helpful in doing my sba
Ryan N.
20 months ago
Racism is also one of the problems. Pls include that their as well. It is a major problem in the
developing countries. Pls look into it.
Ryan N.
20 months ago
I totally agree with the disadvatages of the tourism industry. It is very rare in Sri Lanka that
we get disrespectful foreigners but its a very annoying presence! It has to stop. I don't think
that its fair of the locals.
Ryan N.
20 months ago
I loved the definitions and it certainly helped me with my assignment. This website was very
helpful and provided a vast amount of imformation. Thank u.
amanda mutara
21 months ago
its true tourism is now the source of income in most developing countries and also local are
now being employed although some of the jobs are seasonal but its better for the locals
Gary Anderson
21 months ago from Las Vegas, Nevada
Tourism is important because it acts like an export. Cut off tourism and you cut off the
exporting effect on the economy. Great article but I am amused that Las Vegas is not at the
top of total tourists list.
23 months ago
nice one
23 months ago
I got 30 marks because of this website
Bakajikaye Abel.
23 months ago
Tourism have the both effects, bad and good but as long as it have the good effect, all i think
is the good of it.
Caralee W Davis
2 years ago
So useful and this is really good
Sujan Rai
2 years ago
"Although often jobs are created by tourism, most are relatively low level, such as bar work,
hotel service, restaurant serving, and so forth. They also have little prospect for promotion"
Well I think that everyone has a role to play, and that every job fulfills a need.every job is
2 years ago
hong kong is not china ok?????????????
2 years ago
can I ask about who is the publisher of this article ??
2 years ago
TOURISM does both good and bad to a country..However, it is indeed a major source of
income to a country.....
2 years ago
Tourism does more
2 years ago
how does the tourism effect new York in a positive and negative way
2 years ago
Would there be a way of having tourism without the disadvantages such as loss of culture?
2 years ago
thanks man
cheers up
2 years ago
Wizz jug
2 years ago
Tourism does more
harm than good
Venkatachari M
2 years ago from Hyderabad, India
Very informative and intelligent analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the tourism
on our economy.
3 years ago
so helpful
3 years ago
the ad was useful thank you!
3 years ago
i found it quite useful, THANKS!
mukasa samson
3 years ago
thank u for this article.
3 years ago
Nice article
3 years ago
good article
3 years ago
tourist may bring disease into the country.
4 years ago from Home Sweet Home
true, tourism brings in money from outside but there are pros and cons for every country.
The citizens will face price fluctuation which is one of the disadvantages
4 years ago
good article
4 years ago
Thank so mich this article help me :-)
4 years ago
Tourism has some how improved
4 years ago
can someone put it in easier and shorter word i don't get big adult words please
4 years ago
6 years ago from Pune( India)
I am an Indian, Indian government encouraged tourism and hospitality industry has grown
since 7Os , generated wealth and employment.
In the third world , tourism is promoted to earn foreign exchange and flow utilized for
essential imports.
Tourism and tourist, it's multicultural concept and i feel it's good cosmopolitan world
without borders, short term assimilation with territory other than homeland.
employment and revenue are the important issues of the tourism but at the cost of grass root
people. In large cities star hotels consume more water and electricity and local people suffer
the most.
Small nations without resources, then tourism is the only source to run the economy.
If there is recession then flow of tourists reduce and affecting business and employees lose
the jobs.Human resources development
suggests that the people should be more technical and blue collar workforce is always
necessary to run economy.Hotel ownership change hands then they recruit new people and
sacking old
employees. It causes social unrest if wages to unemployed not provided by government in
that country.
pramod gokhale
6 years ago
it destroys the beauty and serenity of a that place.
6 years ago
zeyad hosny
6 years ago
6 years ago
mass tourism is the biggest disadvantages.
7 years ago
good to know about
Paul Goodman
7 years ago from Florida USA
You can link to it, but please do not copy it.
Nirajan Chaulagain
7 years ago
100% true hub, am taking your article in my web. can i?
actually am from Nepal.
Anastasia Kingsley
7 years ago from Croatia, Europe
Great article. This is true. Tourism bring in money, especially in poorer countries, but the
majority of work in these industries is done by women and children. Opportunities are there,
but controls must be in place to avoid long term social problems, like teenaged drunkenness,
employee abuses and so on. Voted up and interesting.
7 years ago from Banana Republic
I never thought of tourists as of the potential hazard to the nature and local culture, but yeap,
you are definitely right.
Are there any ways to avoid the damage tourists can cause?
7 years ago from Utah
Truthful hub. Voted up, marked useful and interesting.
7 years ago from middle of freekin nowhere,... the sticks
good article
7 years ago from Niš, Serbia
But generally, tourism is a desire for both sides - tourists and inhabitants. Although there are
bad sides of tourism, and there will always be, I believe that tourism is a modern-day profit,
like agriculture and industry during last couple of hundred years. Tourism is great. :)
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• Ethiopia’s only Natural World Heritage Site, Simien Mountains National Park is renowned
for its spectacular montane scenery and the presence of endemic animals such as Walia ibex
and gelada baboon.
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