Blog Lesson
Blog Lesson
Blog Lesson
Universal Design for Learning (UDL): There is a transcript available to the blog that students can read if they
are hearing impaired or would just rather read it than listen. It is also great that this video is online that the
students can watch the video as many times as they want, until they understand the lesson. This is great so
that it does not take away precious time teaching in class.
To extend the students learning, they will be asked to create a PowerPoint with at least 5 pictures per season/
weather condition with an explanation of each of their pictures (audio). This will be left up to the students
whether they would like to categorize into the 4 seasons or into weather conditions (snow, rain, sunshine,
clouds). At the end of this lesson the students will turn in their PowerPoints and I will post them onto our
class blog for everyone to see! Each of the students will receive comments on their work.
Importance of technology:
Technology is really important for students on this project because they will need to do research and make a
PowerPoint on the computer. The idea could be done without technology but it really enhances the ideas and
makes it more fun for the students!
Internet Safety and Student Privacy:
In our classroom we always go over the internet safety rules before using the internet so the students will
always have a reminder. The students will be required to do all of their research on BrainPop and other safe
sites that the teacher recommends.
Summer 2017_SJB
Classroom Blog and Website Creation Tools
Reflective Practice:
This will be great for students to be able to combine real life objects with things that they can do on the
computer. Even though the blog was just an introductory, the project is what we are really focusing on with
the students. Some other technology tools that we could use is iMovie and have the kids make an actual
movie with them in it.
Summer 2017_SJB