Itec Podcast LP

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Audio Tools

Lesson Idea Name: Podcast

Content Area: Physical Education
Grade Level(s): 9th Grade
Content Standard Addressed: Standard 4- The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and
social behavior that respects self and others.

Technology Standard Addressed: ISTE-S 6d Students publish or present content that customizes the message
and medium for their intended audiences.

Selected Technology Tool:

☒ Audio (list application):
☐ Other: (list)
URL( to support the lesson (e.g., URL for your music clip, URL for Soundcloud):

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☐ Remembering ☐ Understanding ☐ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☒ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level):

☐ Level 1: Awareness ☐ Level 2: Exploration ☐ Level 3: Infusion ☐ Level 4: Integration

☐ Level 5: Expansion ☐ Level 6: Refinement

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): I could address the Universal Design for Learning by having students
create a transcript for the podcast that they make. This activity will allow students the option for expressive
skills and fluency as they use web applications to stay engaged with the content. It will support the learning
experiences for all students.

Lesson idea implementation: I will introduce the lesson by letting students find a few physical education
podcasts that they find interesting and listen to them. Students will be provided with an iPad from the cart
and asked to download the Anchor application. After it has loaded, students will set up an account and look
around the tool and figure out how it works. They will get about 10-15 minutes to do this. They can even try
out the audio to see how that works before they start the actual project. They will also use the app Incredibox
that is already provided for them on the iPad to create background music for their podcast.

After students have went through the Anchor application to see how it works, I will explain to them what
their project will be. The students will create a podcast with a partner on the subject of dress code uniforms
in physical education class. They can share their thoughts on why they agree with you should have to wear a
uniform in class or why you should not have to. The students can also share their own personal stories to
explain their reasoning. I will give feedback to the students by using Vocaroo. This is a cool and easy tool that
will allow me to provide audio feedback to students on their work. I will also be watching their screens to
make sure they are on the right application and not off task. Students will have the rest of the class to work
on their podcast. If they finish before class is over, then they can play it for the class so students could listen
and give feedback. If they don’t finish in time, then they can take it home and finish and present it the next
class. Students learning will be assessed by their finished podcast to see if they recorded at least 3-5 minutes
of their debate. This lesson could be extended by letting the students create another podcast over any topic
that relates to physical education. They could do it with a partner or on their own.

ITEC 3300
Audio Tools
Importance of technology: Using an audio recording tool is critical for this project because it gives students a
way to develop their own voice and record it so it can be listened to on the go. This project could be down
without technology, but you would lose the ability to listen to it whenever you wanted. This could be
completed with using Anchor by having students come up with what they wanted to talk about in class and
then perform it in front of the teacher. Another type of technology that will used in the learning experience is
Incredibox so that students could make music to go with their podcast as background music.

Inspiration (optional): Feel free to listen to my podcast that I created with a partner linked on this page!
Internet Safety and Student Privacy: Obviously there is going to be some Internet safety and student privacy
issues that occur when students are using technology to create a project. I could minimize this risk by reading
the privacy policies that the Anchor and Incredibox application first before letting students use it. I would
need to make sure that it won’t take any information that they provide and share it anywhere. I will also be
sure that I inform each student’s parents on what they will be using the technology for and if that is okay. I
will also be walking around the classroom while students are working to make sure that they are on task at all
times. It is important to always follow the common Internet safety policies that the school has.

Reflective Practice: Students creating a podcast align with the cognitive and affective objectives of the lesson.
In Physical Education students are simply using the psychomotor and cognitive domains, while the affective is
loosely touched up on. Most affective objectives in PE are respect others and equipment. Students need an
outlet to express their views and beliefs, because every student doesn’t always enjoy PE. As PE keeps
students physically active, students creating a Podcast will keep their minds physically active. A great way to
extend the lesson is to have students work with others when creating a podcast. Having similar beliefs or
different opinions will allow students to work cooperatively and respectfully.

ITEC 3300

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