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Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 1

1. Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry

1. Law of Conservation of Mass In NH3, 3 g hydrogen combines with 14 g nitrogen.

It was established by French chemist, Lavoisier In N2H4, 4 g hydrogen combines with 28 g
(1714). According to this law, the total mass of nitrogen, i.e.
the products in a chemical reaction is equal to 2 g hydrogen combines with 14 g nitrogen.
the total mass of the reactants, or in other words, Weight ratio of hydrogen per 14 g nitrogen in NH3
mass can neither be created nor destroyed in a and N2H4 : 3 : 2.
chemical reaction. Other examples are CO and CO2, SnCl2 and
Reactants  Products SnCl4, PbO and PbO2, etc.
Total mass of reactants = Total mass of products
Example, N2 + 3H2  2NH3 4. Law of Reciprocal Proportions
28g 6g 2 × 17 = 34 g This law was given by Richter(1792). This law
Mass of reacrants = 28 + 6 = 34 g states that, weights of two different elements
Mass of products = 34 g which combine with fixed weight of the third
element possess the same ratio or simple multiples
Nuclear reactions are not necessarily based on
of the weights with which they combine with one
this law, because in nuclear reactions some of
the mass gets changed into energy.
For example,

2. Law of Definite Proportions H

It was proposed by Proust (1799). This law states H 2S H2 O
th at elements combine in the same proportion by i)
mass, irrespective of its source or method of S O
preparation. In other words, elements always SO 2
combine in a fixed ratio of their weights. For 32 g of sulphur combines with 2 g of hydrogen to
example in CO2, 12 g of carbon always combines form H2S.
with 32 g of oxygen i.e. C and O combine in a
fixed weight ratio of 3 : 8, irrespective of the source 16 g of oxygen combines with 2 g of hydrogen to
of CO2. form H2O.
This law does not hold good for non-stoichiometric Weight ratio of S and O in H2S and H2O
compounds. = 32 : 16 = 2 : 1
32 g of sulphur combines with 32 g of oxygen to
3. Law of Multiple Proportions form SO2.
It was given by John Dalton(1803). This law Weight ratio of S and O in SO2 = 32 : 32 = 1 : 1.
states that an element which combines with a C
fixed weight of another element to form two or
more than two compounds bears a simple ratio CH4 CO2
of its weight in different compounds. ii)
For example. H2O and H2O2 where 16 g oxygen H2 O
combines with 2 g of hydrogen in H2O and 32 g
of oxygen combines with 2 g of hydrogen in H2O2. 4 g of hydrogen combines with 12 g of carbon to
form CH4.
 Weight ratio of oxygen in two compounds (H2O)
and (H2O2) is 16 : 32 i.e. 1 : 2. 32 g of oxygen combines with 12 g of carbon to
form CO2.
Also in NH3 and N2H4.


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 2
Weight ratio of hydrogen and oxygen in CH4 and This means that 1 volume of N2 gas reacts with
CO 2 3 volumes of H2 gas to give 2 volumes of
= 4 : 32 = 1 : 8. ammonia gas i.e. 100 mL of N2, will react with
2 g of hydrogen combines with 16 g of oxygen to 300 mL of H2 to yield 200 mL of ammonia, if all
the gases are measured at the same temperature
form H2O.
and pressure.
Weight ratio of H and O in H2O = 2 : 16 = 1 : 8
ii) 2H2(g) + O2(g)  2H2O(g)
Other examples are NaCl, NaH and HCl; NH3,
2 vol. 1 vol 2 vol
H2O and N2O3.
This law can be used to calculate the equivalent
weights of elements. because according to this  DALTON'S ATOMIC THEORY
law elements always combine in terms of their John Dalton in 1803 proposed the atomic theory
equivalent weights. of matter on the basis of laws of chemical
This law can be used to calculate the equivalent combinations. The different points of the theory
weights of elements, because according to this are as follows:
law elements always combine in terms of their i) Matter is made up of atoms which are indivisible
equivalent weights. and indestructible ultimate particles.
ii) All the atoms of an element are identical, both in
5. Law of Combining Volumes mass and chemical properties. However, atoms
This law was given by Gay-Lussac(1808) and is of different elements have different masses and
related with gases only. This law states that when different chemical properties.
gases react together they always do so in volumes iii) Atoms combine in sma1l whole numbers to form
which bear a simple ratio to one another and to different compounds.
the volume of the products, provided all iv) Chemical reactions involve only combination,
measurements are made under the same separation or rearrangement of atoms.
conditions of temperature and pressure. v) Atoms are neither created nor destroyed in the
For example course of ordinary chemical reactions
i) N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g)
1 vol. 3 vol. 2 vol


1. 12 g carbon combines with 64 g sulphur to form a) Law of conservation of mass
CS2. 12 g carbon also combines with 32 g oxygen
b) Law of definite proportions
to form CO2. 10 g sulphur combines with 10 g
oxygen to form SO2. These data illustrate the c) Law of reciprocal proportions
a) Law of multiple proportions d) Law of multiple proportions.
b) Law of definite proportions 4. 3 g ofa hydrocarbon on combustion in excess of
oxygen produces 8.8 g of CO2 and 5.4 g of H2O.
c) Law of reciprocal proportions
The data illustrates the law of
d) Law of gaseous volumes.
a) Conservation of mass
2. Which law directly explains the 1aw of
b) Multiple proportions
conservation of mass?
c) Constant proportions
a) Dalton's law b) Avogadro's law
d) Reciprocal proportions.
c) Berzillius law d) Hund's rule
5. Among the following pairs, the one which
3. Two gaseous samples were analysed. One
iilustrates the law of multiple proportions is
contained 1.2 g of carbon and 3.2 g of oxygen.
The other contained 27.3% carbon and 72.7% a) NH3, HCl b) H2S, SO2
oxygen. The experimental data are in accordance c) CuO, Cu2O d) FeCl2, FeSO4
with 6. Irrespective of the source, pure sample of water


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 3
always yelds 88.89% mass of oxygen and 11.11% c) Either identical or isomor
mass of hydrogen. This is explained by the law d) All are correct.
of 10. Carbon and oxygen form two compounds.
a) Conservation of mass Carbon content in one of them is 42.9% and in
b) Constant composition other 27.3%. The given data is in agreement with
c) Multiple proportions a) Law of conservation of mass
d) Constant volume. b) Law of multiple proportions
7. Which among the following combinations c) Law of reciprocal proportions
illustrates the law of reciprocal proportions? d) Law of definite proportions.
a) N2O3, N2O4, N2O5 b) NaCl, NaBr, NaI 11. 20.8 g of BaCl2 on reaction with 9.8 g of H2SO4
c) H2O, H2S, SO2 d) PH3, P2O3, P2O5 produces 7.3 g of HCl and some amount of
8. The balancing of chemical equations is based upon BaSO4. The amount of BaSO4 formed is
the law of a) 23.3 s b) 20.8 g
a) Combining volumes c) 9.8 g d) 10.4 g
b) Multiple proportions 12. Law of constant composition does not hold good
c) Conservation of mass for
d) Definite proportions. a) Exothermic compounds
9. Two compounds X and Y have same percentage b) Stoichiometric compounds
composition. The compounds Xand Y are c) Endothermic compounds
a) Identical d) Non-stoichiometric compounds.
b) Isorner
1. (c) Weight of sulphur combining with 12 g of = 12 number of moles ol CO2 =
carbon = 64 g
12  8.8
Weight of oxygen combining with 12 g of  2.4 g
carbon = 32 g
Weight ratio of sulphur and oxygen (S : O) Amount of hydrogen in 5.4 g H2O
=2:1 = 2 × number of moles of H2O = 4 : 1
10 g of sulphur combines with 10 g of = 0.6 g
oxygen to form SO2 Weight of carbon + weight of hydrogen
 Weight ratio of S and O in SO2, S : O = 1 : 1 = 2.4 + 0.6 = 3.0 g = weight of hydrocarbon.
Hence, law of reciprocal proportions. Hence, law of conservation of mass.
2. (a) Dalton's law explains law of conservation 5. (c)
of mass. 6. (b) The compound shows constant composition
3. (b) Percentage of carbon in sample 1 irrespective of its source.
1.2 7. (c)
 100  27.3% 8. (c) Mass on both the sides of the reaction should
1.2  3.2
be conserved.
Percentage of oxygen in sample 1
9. (d) Both have same empirical formula.
3.2 Molecular formula may be same or different.
 100  72.7%
1.2  3.2 10. (b) When C = 42.9%, then O = 100 – 42.9
The two samples have same percentage = 57.1%
composition hence law of definite proportion. Suppose 100 g of the compound is taken,
4. (a) Amount of carbon in 8.8 g CO2 42.9
then 1 g oxygen combines with =


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 4
= 0.75 g carbon Simple ratio, hence law of multiple proportion.
In the other compound, oxygen = 72.7% 11. (a) According to law of conservation of mass
Total mass of reactants = Total mass of
27.3 products
1 g oxygen combines with =
72.7 20.8 + 9.8 = 7.3 + Mass of BaSO4
= 0.375 g carbon.
 Mass of BaSO4 = 23.3 g
Ratio of carbon in two compounds combining
12. (d) The law holds good only for stoichiometric
with fixed weight of oxygen = 0.75 : 0.375
= 2 : 1.


In 1896, Ostwald introduced the word mole 6.022 × 1023 is known as Avogadro's number,
derived from the Latin word 'moles' meaning a generally represented as N A. It is easy to
heap or pile. A substance may be considered as understand this constant number by comparing it
heap of atoms or molecules. In 1967, the unit mole with dozen. Like, a dozen means l2 objects or
was accepted to provide a simple way of reporting entities, similarly a rnole means 6.022 × 1023
a large number - the massive heap of atoms and entities.
molecules in a sample. These days the unit mole 1 mole of hydrogen gas contains 6.022 × 1023
is used as a chemical counting unit. Mass of hydrogen molecules. 1 mole of oxygen gas
atoms, molecules or ions is so small that it can't contains 6.022 × 1021 oxygen molecules. 1 mole
be represented in grarns or kilograms. Therefore of sodium contains Avogadro's number of sodium
mole was defined with reference to C-1 2 isotope atoms. 6.022 × 1023 atoms of carbon-12 weighs
chosen as a standard by general conference of 12 g. Similarly one mole of H2, O2 and sodium
weights and measures in 1960 and its mass was weighs 2.0 g, 32.0 g and 23.0 g respectively.
taken as 12 atomic mass unit (amu) or 12 unified Thus, 1 mole of a substance weighs atomic mass
mass (u). (for atoms) or molecular mass (for molecules) or
1 formula mass (for any compound).
1 amu th of the mass of one C-12 atom 1 mole = Gram atomic mass or gram molecular
= 1.66 × 10–24 g
Thus mole gives a relationship between numbers
Mole is defined as the amount of substance that
and masses of the particles.
contains as many entities as there are atoms in
exactly 12 g (0.012 kg) of C-12 isotope. Thus, number of mole =
What is the number of atoms in 12 g of carbon- Weight
12 isotope? Atomic weight or molecular weight
Mass of one carbon- 12 atom (determined by
mass spectrometer) Number of particles
= 1.992648 × 10–23 g = Avogadro 's number (N A )
Mass of one mole of carbon = 12 g 1 mole of particles is also represented as 1 gram-
 Number of atoms in 12 g of carbon-12 particle (gram-atom or gram-molecule).
= Illustration 1 : Find the number of aroms in 48 s
1.992648  1023
of ozone at STP.
= 6.022137 × 1023 atoms/mol
Thus in a simple way, mole is a unit which
represents 6.022 × 10 23 particles (atoms, Molecular weight of Ozone (O2) = 3 x 16 = 48
molecules or ions, etc.) irrespective of their It means 48 g of ozone contains 6.022 × 1023
nature. It is a constant quantity, and the number molecules of O2.


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 5
One molecule of ozone contains = 3 atom Illustration 4 : Calculate the number of moles in
 Number of atoms in 6.022 × 1023 molecules 1 m3 of any gas at STP.
= 6.022 × 1023 x 3 = 18.066 × 1023 atoms Solution :
1 m3 =.103 L
Illustration 2 : Calculate the mass of 3 moles of Volume of gas at STP
NaOH in grams. Number of moles =
Mass of 1 mole of NaOH = molecuiar weight 1000
 = 44.6 mol
= 23 + 16 + 1 = 40g 22.4
 Mass of 3 mole of NaOH = 40 × 3 = 120 g Illustration 5 : Volume content of CO2 in air is
0.03% at STP. Calculate the number of CO2
molecules in one litre air.
Illustration 3 : Calculate the number of oxygen
Solution :
atoms in 0.2 mole of (COOH)2.2H2O.
Solution: 0.03
Volume of CO2 in 1 L air = = 3 × 10–4 L
One molecule of (COOH)2.2H2O contains 100
= 6 oxygcn atoms Number of molecules of CO2 = number of moles
Number of oxygen atoms in 0.2 mole × NA
= Number of molecules x 6 3  104
= Number of mole × NA × 6 = × 6.023 × 1023 = 8.06 × 1018
= 0.2 × 6.022 × 1023 × 6
= 7.2264 × 1023 Illustration 6 : What is the weight of 1 mole of a
One mole of a gas occupies a volume of 22,400 gas if its density is 1.78 g/L at STP?
cm3 (22.4 L) at STP (i.e. at 273 K and 1 atm Solution :
pressure). It is called as gram molar volume. If
1 mole occupies a volume of 22.4 L at STP
STP conditions are taken as 273 K and 1 bar
pressure, gram molar volume is 22.4 L (1 atm = Mass of 1 L gas = 1.78
1.01 bar). 22.4 L of a gas at STP = 1 mole = Mass of 1 mole = 1.78 × 22.4 = 39.9 g
6.022 × 1013 molecules.
Thus Avogadro's number of gas molecules Illustration 7 : 600 mL of a mixture of O3 and
occupy a volume of 22.4 L at STP. O2 weighs 1 g at STP. Calculate the volume of
Number of molecules in 1 cm3 of a gas at STP is ozone in the mixture.
called Loschmidt number. Solution :
Loschmidt number = number of molecules in 1 Suppose mixture contains × mL of O3
mL of a gas at STP Then volume of O2 = 600 – x
6.022  1023 Weight of × mL of O3 = number of moles ×
= = 2.688 × 1019. molecular weight
Thus mole gives relation between number of x
=  48
molecules and volume of gas at STP. 22400

(600  x)
 AVOGADRO'S LAW Weight of O2 =  32
Equal volumes of all gases contain equal number
of molecules under similar conditions of 48x (600  x)
Now,  1
temperature and pressure. Law of combining 22400 22400
volumes can be explained on the basis of
x = 200 mL
Avogadro's Law.
 Volume of ozone in mixture = 200 L


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 6


1. 10 dm3 of N2 gas and 10 dm3 of gas X at the 10. 7.5 g of an unknowl gas occupies 5.6 L of volume
same temperature contain the same number of at STP. The gas may be
molecules. The gas is a) NO b) N 2 O
a) H 2 b) NO c) CO d) CO 2
c) CO d) CO 2 11. Which has the highest mass?
2. Assume that the nucleus of the fluorine atom is a a) 1 m3 water
sphere of radius 5 × 10–13 cm. What is the density
b) 10 L of Hg
of matter in the nucleus?
c) A normal adult man
a) 6.02 × 1023 g/mL b) 6.02 × 1013 g/mL
d) All have same weight.
c) 12.02 × 1023 g/mL d) 12.02 × 1013 g/mL
12. If NA is Avogadro's number then number of
3. 3.5 g of CO at 00C and 760 mm pressure contains,
valence electrons in 4.2 g of nitride ions, N3– is
how many molecules?
a) 1.6 NA b) 2.4 NA
a) 3.5 × 6.2 × 1023 b) 28 × 6.02 × 1023
c) 4.2 NA d) 3.2 NA
c) 7.525 × 1022 d) None of these
13. How many moles of helium gas will occupy 22.4
4. How many molecules are present in one gram of
L volume at 00C at 1 atm pressure?
a) 0.11 b) 0.90
a) 6.023 × 1023 b) 6.023 × 1022
c) 1.0 d) 1.11
c) 3.0125 × 1023 d) 3.0125 × 10–12
14. Which has maximum number of molecules?
5. Haemoglobin contains 0.33% of iron by weight.
The molecular weight of haemoglobin is a) 7 g N2 b) 2 g H2
approximately 67200. The number of iron atoms c) 16 g NO2 d) 16 g O2
(atomic weight of Fe = 56) present in one 15. The number of moles of BaCO3, which contain
molecule of haemoglobin are 1.5 mol of oxygen atom are
a) 1 b) 2 a) 0.5 b) 1
c) 4 d) 6 c) 3 d) 6.02 × 1023
6. How many gram of H2SO4 are present in 0.25 16. x L of N2 at STP contains 3 × 1022 molecules.
mol of H2SO4?
a) 2.45 b) 24.5 The number of molecules in L of ozone at
c) 0.245 d) 0.25 STP will be
7. Number of molecules in 100 mL of each of O2, a) 3 × 1022 b) 1.5 × 1022
NH3 and CO2 at STP are
c) 1.5 × 1021 d) 1.5 × 1011
a) In the order CO2 < O2 < NH3
17. The molecular weight of O2 and SO2 are 32 and
b) In the order NH3 < O2 < CO2 64 respectively. If one litre of O2 at 150C and
c) The same 750 mm contains
d) NH3 = CO2 < O2 N molecules, the number of molecules in two litres
8. The number of moles of oxygen in 1 L of air of SO2 under the same condition of temperature
containing 21% oxygen by volume, in standard and pressure will be
conditions, is a) N/2 b) N
a) 0.186 mol b) 0.21 mol c) 2N d) 4N
c) 2.10 mol d) 0.0093 mol 18. 5 g of each of the following gases at 870C and
9. Number of atoms in 4.25 g of NH3 is nearly 750 mm pressure are taken. Which of them will
a) 1 × 1023 b) 1.5 × 1023 have the least volume?
c) 2 × 1023 d) 6 × 1023 a) HF b) HCl
c) HBr d) HI


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 7
19. Which of the following is correctly arranged in n n
order of increasing weight? a) b)
4 8
a) 0.625 g of Fe < 0.0105 equivalent of
H2C2O4.2H2O < 6.0 × 1021 atoms of Zn < c) 4n d) n
0.006 g atom of Ag 26. Which property of an element is always a whole
b) 0.625 g of Fe < 6.0 × 1021 atoms of Zn < number?
0.006 g atom of Ag < 0.0105 equivalent of a) Atomic weight b) Equivalent weight
H2C 2O 4.2H 2O c) Atomic number d) Atomic volume
c) 0.0105 equivalent of H2C2O4.2H2O < 0.006 g 27. The number of electrons in a mole of hydrogen
atom of Ag < 6.0 × 1021 atoms of Zn < 0.625 molecule is
g of Fe a) 6.02 × 1025 b) 12.046 × 1023
d) 0.0105 equivalent of H2C2O4.2H2O < 0.625 g c) 3.0115 × 1023 d) Indefinite.
of Fe < 0.006 g atom of Ag < 6.0 × 1021 atoms
28. Which has maximum number of atoms?
of Zn.
a) 24 g of C (12) b) 56 g of Fe (56)
20. 5.85 g of NaCl is dissolved in 1 L of pure water.
The number of ions in 1 mL of this solution is c) 26 g of Al (27) d) 108 g of Ag (108)
a) 6.02 × 1019 b) 1.2 × 1022 29. Under the same conditions, two gases have the
same number of molecules. They must
c) 1.2 × 1020 d) 6.02 × 1020
a) Be noble gases
21. The Loschmidt number is the number of
b) Have equal volumes
a) Molecules present in 1 mL of a gas at STP
c) Have a volume of 22.4 dm3 each
b) Molecules in 1 gram mole of a gas ar STP
d) Have equal number of atoms.
c) Atoms present in 1 mL of a gas at STP
30. The total number of protons in 10 g of calcium
d) Atoms present in 1 gram mole of a gas at
carbonate is (N0 = 6.023 × 1023)
a) 1.5057 × 1024 b) 2.0478 × 1024
22. The number of molecules of water in 333 g of
Al2(SO4)3.18H2O is c) 3.0115 × 1024 d) 4.0956 × 1024
a) 18.0 × 6.02 × 1023 b) 9.0 × 6.02 × 1023 31. Common salt obtained from sea water contains
96% NaCl by mass. The approximate number of
c) 18.0 d) 36.0
molecules present in 10.0 g of the salt is
23. Which one of the following statements is
a) 1021 b) 1022
c) 1023 d) 1024
a) One gram atom of carbon contains Avogadro's
number of atoms. 32. The density of water at 40C is 1.0 × 103 kg m–3.
The volume occupied by one molecule of water
b) One mole of oxygen gas contains Avogadro's
is approximately
number of molecules.
a) 3.0 × 10–23 mL b) 6.0 × 10–22 mL
c) One mole of hydrogen gas contains Avogadro's
number of atoms. c) 3.0 × 10–21 mL d) 9.0 × 10–23 mL
d) One mole of electron stands for 6.02 × 1021 33. A gaseous mixture contains CO2(g) and N2O(g) in
electrons. a 2 : 5 ratio by mass. The ratio of the number of
molecules of CO2(g) and N2O(g) is
24. The number of atoms of oxygen present in 10.6
g of Na2CO3 will be a) 5 : 2 b) 2 : 5
a) 6.02 × 1022 b) 12.04 × 1022 c) 1 : 2 d) 5 : 4
c) 1.806 × 10 23
d) 31.8 34. The charge on 1 gram ion of A13+ is
25. The molar mass of N2O as well as CO2 is 44 g 1
mol–1. At 250C and 1 atm, 2 L of N2O contains n a) × NA × e Coulomb
molecules of gas. The number of molecules in 2
L of CO2 under the same condition is 1
b) × NA × e Coulomb


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 8

1 42. If one atom of an element A weighs 6.644 × 10–23

c) × NA × e Coulomb g, then number of gram-atoms in 20 kg of it is
a) 500 b) 20
d) 3 × NA × e Coulomb
c) 1000 d) 2000
35. How many moles of HCl will be present in 100
43. The volume occupied by 1 mole atom of a
mL of a solution of specific gravity 1.0g,
diatomic gas at STP is
containing 20% HCl by mass
a) 22.4 L b) 11.2 L
a) 0.50 b) 0.60
c) 5.6 L d) 44.8 L
c) 0.80 d) 0.12
44. Number of atoms present in 2.8 litres of diatomic
36. The density in grams per litre of a mixture
gas at STP are
containing an equal number of moles of methane
and ethane at STP is a) 7.5 × 1022 b) 6.023 × 1023
a) 1.03 b) 1.10 c) 3.01 x 1023 d) 15 × 1022
c) 0.94 d) 1.20 45. Number of chloride ions in 100 mL of 0.01 M
HCl solution are
37. Equal weights of ethane and hydrogen are mixed
in an empty vessel at 250C. The fraction of the a) 6.023 × 1022 b) 6.023 × 1021
total pressure exerted by hydrogen is c) 6.023 × 1020 d) 6.023 × 1024
46. 52 u of He contains
a) b) 1 a) 4 × 6.023 × 1023 atoms
b) 13 atoms
1 15 c) 13 × 6.023 × 1023 atoms
c) d)
16 16 d) 4 atoms
38. n mol of N2 and 0.05 mol of Ar are enclosed in a 47. Calculate standard molar volume of He, if
vessel of capacity 2L at 1 atm and 210C. Find n. measured density of He at STP is 0.1784 g/L.
(R = 0.082 L atm mol–1K–1)
a) 11.2 L b) 5.6 L
a) 0.30 b) 0.10
c) 2.8 L d) 22.4 L
c) 0.039 d) 0.06
48. The charge present on 2.8 g of N3 in coulombs is
39. 112.0 mL of NO2 at STP was liquefied, the density
a) 5.78 × 104 b) 36.13 × 1022
of the liquid being 1.15 g mL–1. Calculate the
volume and the number of molecules in the liquid c) 1.93 × 104 d) 22.58 × 103
NO 2 . 49. Equal masses of hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen
a) 0.10 mL and 3.01 × 1022 are taken in a container in identical conditions.
The ratio of gaseous volumes are
b) 0.20 mL and 3.01 × 1021
a) 2 : 28 : 32 b) 1 : 1 : 1
c) 0.20 mL and 6.02 × 1023
c) 16 : 81 : 1 d) 1 : 14 : 16
d) 0.40 mL and 6.02 × 1021
50. x g of element P(atomic weight 15) contains y
40. The mass of 1 × 1022 molecules of CuSO4.5H2O
atoms. How many atonrs are contained in 2x g
of element p (atomic weight 30)?
a) 4.144 g b) 8.288 g
a) 2y b) 4y
c) 2.648 g d) 5.295 g
41. Which of the following contains the greatest 1
c) y d) y
number of atoms? 2
a) 1.0 g of butane (C4H10) 51. Nitrogen gas is present in 1 litre flask at a
b) 1.0 g of nitrogen (N2) pressure of 7.6 × 10–8 mm of Hg at 00C. Calculate
the number of nitrogen molecules in flask.
c) 1.0 g of silver (Ag)
a) 2.68 × 1022 b) 2.68 × 1012
d) 1.0 g of water (H2O)
c) 2.68 × 1013 d) 2.04 × 1015


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 9
52. The density of water and ethanol at room a) 6.023 × 1019 b) 1.084 × 1018
temperature is 1.0 g/mL, and 0.789 g/mL c) 4.84 × 1017 d) 6.023 × 1023
respectively. What volume of ethanol contains the 57. If 1021 molecules are removed from 200 mg of
same number of molecules as are present in 100 CO2, then the number of moles of CO2 left are
mL of water?
a) 2.88 × 10–3 b) 1.66 × 10–3
a) 5.78 × 104 b) 3.23 mL
c) 4.54 × 10–3 d) 1.66 × 103
c) 30.8 mL d) 308.7 mL
58. The number of gram molecules of oxygen in 6.02
53. Equivalent volume of nitrogen is × 1024 CO molecutes is
a) 11.2 L b) 7.46 L
a) 10 g molecules b) 5 g molecules
c) 3.73 L d) 5.6 L
c) 1 g molecules d) 0.5 g molecules
54. Two containers P and Q of equal volume (1 59. Rearrange the following (I to IV) in the order of
Leach) contain 6 g each of O2 and SO2 respectively increasing masses and choose the correct answer
at 300 K and 1 atmosphere. Then from (a), (b), (c) and (d). (Atomic masses : N =
a) Number of molecules in P is less than that in 14, O = 16, Cu = 63)
I. 1 molecule of oxygen
b) Number of molecules in Q is less than that in
II. 1 atom ofnitrogen
III. 1 × 16–10 g molecular weight of oxygen
c) Number of moiecules in P and Q are same
IV. 1 × 10–8 g atomic weight of copper.
d) Either (a) or (b).
a) II < I < III < IV b) IV < III < II < I
55. Which of the following weighs the least?
c) II < III < I < IV d) III < IV < I < II
a) 2 g atom of N (atomic weight of N = 14)
60. How many moles of electron weigh one kilogram?
b) 3 × 1023 atoms of C (atoinic weight of C = 12)
c) 1 mole of S (atomic weight of S = 32) 1
a) 6.023 × 1023 b)  1031
d) 7 g silver (atomic weight of Ag = 108) 9.108
56. The number of water molecules present in a drop 6.023 1
of water (volume = 0.0018 mL) at room c)  1054 d)  108
9.108 9.108  6.023
temperature is

1. (c) Equal volume of gases at identical conditions (NA = Avogadro's number)
of temperature contain equal number of
molecules if their molecular weights are =  6.023  1023 = 7.525 × 1022.
same. 28
2. (b) Mass of one fluorine nucleus 1
4. (c) Number of molecules = × 6.023 × 1023
19 2
= g
6.023  1023 = 1.0125 × 1023
Volume of fluorine nucleus 5. (c) Weight of iron present in haemoglobin

4 22 67200  0.33
=   (5 × 10–13)3 cm3. = = 221.76
3 7 100
Weight of iron present in one molecule of
Density = 4 22
6.023  1023    125  1039
3 7 221.76
= 6.02 × 1013 g/cm3 = NA
3. (c) Number of molecules = Number of moles
× NA.


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 10
13. (c) One mole of any gas at STP will occupy a
Mass of one atom of iron = N volume of 22.4 L.
7 1 1
Number of iron atoms present in one 14. (b) 7g N2 =  mol   N A molecules
molecule of haemoglobin 28 4 4

weight of iron 221.76 N A 2

  4 2 g H2 = = 1 mol = 1 × NA molecules
mass of iron atom NA 56 2

6. (b) Mass of H2SO4 = Number of moles × 16

16 g NO2 = = 0.35 mol
molecular weight 46
= 0.25 × 98 = 24.5 g = 0.35 × NA molecules
7. (c) Equal volume of all gases at STP contain
16 1
equal number of molecules. 16 g O2 = mol  mol
32 2
1 21
8. (d) Volume of oxygen in 1 L air = L 1
100 =  NA molecules
21 1  H2 contains maximum number of molecules.
Number of moles =   0.0093
100 22.4 15. (a) Formula of the compound BaCO3 suggests
9. (d) Number of molecules in 4.25 g NH3 that 3 mol of oxygen atoms are contained in
= NA × number of moles one mole of BaCO3.
4.25 N A  1.5 mol will be contained in 0.5 mol of
= NA   BaCO3.
17 4
16. (b) Equal volume of gases contain equal number
1 molecule contains = 4 atoms (1 nitrogen
of molecules at STP.
and 3 hydrogen)
So, total number of atoms present x
 Half volume L will contain half number
= 4 = 6.013 × 1023 of molecules
10. (a) Molecular weight of gas 1
i.e. × 3 × 1022 = 1.5 × 1022
Weight 7.5  22.4
  30 17. (c) Equal volume of all gases contain equal
Number of moles 5.6 number of molecules at identical conditions
 Gas may be NO (14 + 16 = 30). of temperature and pressure.
11. (a) 1 m3 water = 1000 L = 1000 kg  Double volume of SO2 will contain double
(Density = 1 g/mL) the number of molecules i.e. 2N.
10 L Hg = 10 × 13.6 = 136 kg 1
(Density = 13.6 g/mL) 18. (d) Number of moles  Molecular weight
A normal adult man = 60 to 80 kg.
 HI will have the least number of moles and
12. (b) Total number of N3 ions in 4.2 g hence least volume.
= NA × number of moles 19. (b) 0.625 g Fe
4.2 0.0105 eq. of H2C2O4·2H2O
= NA × = 0.3 NA.
14 = 0.0105 × 63 = 0.66 g
One nitride ion contains 8 valence electrons. (Eq. wt. = 63)
Hence total number of valence electrons
= 0.3 NA × 8 = 2.4 NA. 6  1021
6 × 1021 atoms of Zn =  65
6.023  1021


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 11
 Increasing order of weight = 2 × 6.023 × 1023 = 12.046 × 1023
Fe < Zn < Ag < H2C2O4·2H2O 24
20. (c) Number of molecules of NaCl in 1 L water 28. (a) 24 g of C  = 2 mol
= × 6.023 × 1023 56
58.5 56 g of Fe  = 1 mol
= 6.023 × 1022 molecules
Number of molecules of NaCl in one mL 26
26 g of Al  = 0.96 mol
solution 27

6.023  1022 108

= = 6.023 × 1019 108 g of Ag  = 1 mol
1000 108
NaCl  Na+ + Cl–  Carbon contains maximum number of atoms.
One molecule gives 2 ions. 29. (b) Equal volume of two gases, under same
 Number of ions in one mL solution conditions possess equal number of molecules.
= 6.023 × 1019 × 2 = 1.2 × 1020 30. (c) Number of protons in one molecule of
21. (a) Loschmidt number is the number of
molecules present in 1 mL of a gas at SI'P. = 20 + 6 + 8 × 3 = 50
22. (b) Formula of the compound suggests that one Number of protons in 10 g CaCO3
molecule of the compound contains 18 = number of molecules × 50
molecules of water.
Number of water molecules in 333 g of = × 6.023 × 1023 × 50
compound 100
= 3.0115 × 1024
= number of moles × 6.023 × 1023 × 18
(Molecular weight of CaCO3 = 100)
333 31. (c) Mass of NaCl present in 10.0 g of salt
= × 6.023 × 1023 × 18
10  96
= 9 × 6.023 × 1023 =
23. (c) One mole of hydrogen gas contains
Avogadro's number of molecules. = 9.6 g
24. (c) 1 mol i.e. 106 g Na2CO3 contains Number of molecules present
= 3 × 6.023 × 1023 oxygen atoms = Number of mole × Avogadro's number
Number of oxygen atoms present in 10.6 g 98.6
= × 6.023 × 1023 = 1023 molecules
18.06  10 23  10.6
= = 1.806 × 1023 (Molecular weight of NaCl = 58.5)
32. (a) Mass of one molecule of water
25. (d) Equal volume of two gases under same
conditions possess equal number of 18
molecules. = = 3 × 10–23.
6.023  1023
26. (c) Atomic number is the number of protons
Volume = 3 × 10–23 mL
present in an atom which cannot be in
fractions. (density = 103 kg m–3 = 1 g/mL)
27. (b) No. of electrons in one molecule of hydrogen 2 5
=2 33. (b) Molar ratio of CO2 and N2O = :
44 44
Number of electrons in one mole hydrogen =2:5
 Ratio of number of molecules will also be
= 2 × number of molecules 2 : 5.


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 12
34. (d) Charge on one Al3– ion = 3 electronic charge
i.e. 3e Coulomb 0.23
 Volume of liquid = = 0.20 mL
Total charge on 1 gram ion = number of ions 1.15
× 3e Number of molecules in NO2 liquid
= NA × 3e = 3NA e Coulomb  number of moles × Avogadro's number
35. (b) Mass of solution = 100 × 1.08 = 108 g 0.23
= × 6.023 × 1023 = 3.01 × 1021.
108  20 46
Mass of HCl present in solution =
100 40. (a) Mass of 1022 molecules of CuSO4.5H2O
= number of moles × molecular weight
= g
5 1022
× 249 = 4.14 g
108 1 6.023  1023
Number of moles =   0.6
5 36.5 41. (a) Number of atoms = Number of molecules
× number of atoms in one molecule
(Molecular weight of HC1 = 36.5)
36. (a) Suppose 1 mol of each CH4 and C2H6 is Number of atoms in 1.0 g butane (C4H10)
there. 1
Mass of gaseous mixture = 16 + 30 = 46 g = × NA × 14 = 1.45 × 1023.
Volume of gaseous mixture = 2 × 22.4 (1 molecule contains 14 atoms)
= 44.8 L
Number of atoms in 1.0 g N2
Density  = 1.03 g/L 1
44.8 = × 6.023 × 1023 × 2 = 4.3 × 1022
37. (d) Suppose x g of each gas is present.
Number of atoms in 1.0 g silver (Ag)
Number of moles of H2 = 1
2 = × 6.023 × 1023 = 5.5 × 1021
x Number of atoms in 1.0 g water (H2O)
Number of moles of C2H6 =
= × 6.023 × 1023 × 3 = 1023
15 18
Mole fraction of H2 =
16 Thus, butane has maximum number of
Mole fraction of C2H6 = 42. (a) Atomic w,eight of A
= weight of one atom × Avogadro's constant
Pressure exerted is directly proportional to
= 6.644 × 10–23 × 6.023 × 1023 = 40 g
mole fraction.
Number of gram-atoms (moles) in 20 kg
Fraction of total pressure exerted by H2
15 Weight in g 20  1000
=   500
16 Atomic weight 40
38. (c) Total number of moles present in vessel 43. (b) 1 mol of a diatomic gas contains 2 mol of
= = 0.089 (H2 contains 2 mol of H-atom) and occupies
22.4 L of volume. Hence, volume occupied
Mole of N2 = 0.089 – 0.05 = 0.039
46 by 1 mol of atom of diatomic gas is L
39. (b) Mass of NO2 gas = × 112 = 0.23 g


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 13
i.e. 11.2 L 8
44. (d) Number of molecules of gas at STP Simple ratio is 16 : :1
6.023  10 23  2.8 x
= = 7.5 × 1022. 50. (d) Number of moles of P =
22.4 15
Diatomic gas contain two atoms per
molecule. 2x x
Number of moles of Q = 
 Number of atoms = 2 × number of molecules 30 15
= 2 × 7.5 × 1022 = 15 × 1022 atoms Equal moles contains equal number of atoms.
45. (c) Number of moles of HCl = Molarity × 1  7.6  10 8
Volume in L 51. (b) Volume of N2 gas at STP =
0.01 100 = 10–10 L (P1V1 = P2V2)
= = 0.001
1000 22.4 L of a gas at STP contains
1 mol of HCl gives 1 mo1 of C1– ions = 6.023 × 1023 molecules
 Number of Cl– ions given by 0.001 mol HCl  10–10 L of a gas at STP contains
= 0.001 × 6.023 × 1023 = 6.023 × 1020
46. (b) Weight of one He-atom : 4 u 6.023  1023
= × 10–10 = 2.68 × 1012.
Thus number of He atom in 52 u 22.4
52. (a) Equal number of moles contain equal
52 number of molecules.
= = 13 atoms
Weight of C2 H5OH Weight of H 2 O
47. (d) Standard molar volume is the volume Molecular weight of C2 H5OH = Molecular weight of H 2O
occupied by 1 mol of a gas at STP.
0.1784 g of He occupies volume = 1 L 0.789 × volume of C2 H5OH 1.0  100
 4 g (i.e. 1 mol) of He occupies the volume 46 18

4 100 46
= = 22.4 L Volume of C2H5OH = 
0.1784 18 0.789
48. (a) Nurnber of ions in 2.8 g of N3. = 323.9 mL
53. (c) Equivalent volume is the volume occupied
= × 6.023 × 1023 = 12.046 × 1022. by one equivalent of a gas at STP.
1 mol atom of any diatomic gas at STP
One nitride ion contains 3 electronic charge.
i.e. 3 × 1.6 × 10–19 Coulomb occupies = = 11.2 L
 Total charge present on 2.8 g N3 ions
1 mole of N contains 3 equivalents of N.
= 12.046 × 1022 × 3 × 1.6 × 10–19
= 5.78 × 104 Coulombs 11.2
Hence 1 equivalent of N occupies
49. (c) Suppose w g of each gas is taken. Then 3
w w w = 3.73 L
their molar ratio will be : :
2 28 32 6
(respectively for H2 : N2 : O2). 54. (b) Number of moles of O2 =
Equal number of moles occupy equal
volumes at identical conditions. Hence their 6
Number of moles of SO2 =
w w w 64
volume ratio will be : :  Container Q contains less number of
2 28 32
(respectively for H2 : N2 : O2). molecules of SO2 than container P.


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 14
55. (b) 2 g atom of N : 2 × 14 = 28 g Formula of the compound suggests, 1 mol
of the compound contains 1 g atom (i.e. 1
12 mol) of oxygen atom or 0.5 g molecule of
3 × 1023 atoms of C × 3 × 1023
6.023  1023 oxygen-molecule (O2).
=6g  10 mol of CO has 5 mol (g-molecule) of O2
1 mol of S = 32 g;7 g silver. molecule.
Hence, carbon weighs the least. 59. (a) (I) 1 molecule of oxygen
56. (a) Volume of water drop = 1.8 × 10–3 mL
Weight of water drop = 1.8 × 10–3 g = = 5.31 × 10–23 g
6.023  1023
(density of water = 1 g/mL)
Number of molecules 14
(II) 1 atom of nitrogen =
= number of moles × Avogadro's number 6.023  1023
= 2.32 × 10–23 g
1.8  103
× 6.023 × 1023 = 6.023 × 1019. (III) 1 g molecule of oxygen = 32 g
 10–10 molecule = 32 × 10–10 = 3.2 × 10–9 g
57. (a) Number of molecules in 200 mg CO2
(IV) 10–8 g atom of copper = 63 × 10–8
200  103 = 6.3 × 10–7 g
= × 6.023 × 1023 = 2.74 × 1021
44 Hence, increasing order of mass is II < I < IlI < IV.
Number of molecules remaining after 60. (d) Mass of one electron = 9.108 × 10–31 kg
removal 11
= 2.74 × 1021 – 1021 = 1.74 × 1021. 1 kg contain = electron
9.108  1031
1.74  1021 11 1
Number of moles = =  mol of electron
6.023  1023 9.108  10 31
6.023  1023
= 2.88 × 10–3.
or × 108 mol
6.02  10 9.108  6.023
58. (b) 6.02 × 1024 CO molecule =
6.02  1023


Atomic mass is given in relative terms. It is the 1 amu = = 1.66 × 10–24
12  6.023  1023
average weight of the atoms of the element
As atomic mass is a ratio, hence it has no units,
relative to a carbon atom, taken as 12. Hence.
however it is expressed in amu. Mathematically,
atomic mass of an element is a number which
atomic mass is given as
shows that how many times an atom of the
element is heavier as compared to 1/12th of the Weight of atoms in grams
mass of an atom of C-12. Atomic mass =
Number of moles
Atomic weight is in fact the weight of one mole
A particular element may consist of several
of atoms.
isotopes with different atomic masses. Then
Atomic weight is measured in terms of atomic average relative atomic mass depends upon the
mass unit. relative abundance of various isotopes of that
Atomic mass unit is 1/12th of the mass of one particular element. Suppose an element consists
C-12 atom. of two isotopes, then Average atomic mass


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 15

Relative abudance (1)  Atomic mass (1) 22

Example : Equivalent mass of aluminium =
+ Relative abudance (2) × Atomic mass (2) 7
Relative abundance (1) + Relative abudance (2) (ii) Equivalent mass of a salt

For example, 3 isotopes of neon are found viz Formula mass

= 20Ne, 21Ne and 22Ne with relative abundance = Total positive or negative charge
90.51%, 0.27%, 9.22% respectively.
Example: Equivalent mass of Na2CO3
Average atomic mass of neon
20  90.51  21 0.27  22  9.22 =  53
 = 20.179 2
(iii) Equivalent mass of radicals

Gram Atomic Mass Formula mass of radical

= Number of units of charge
Atomic mass of an element expressed in grams
is called its gram atomic mass (GAM) or gram (iv) Equivalent mass of a oxidizing/reducing agent
atom or mole.
Formula mass
 MOLECULAR WEIGHT Number of electrons transferred or
Mo1ecular weight of a molecule of a compound Total change in oxidation number
is the weight relative to a carbon atom, i.e. it is
the number of times a molecule is heavier than Molecular mass
(v) Equivalent mass of an acid Basicity
1/12th mass of C-12 atom.
Molecular mass can also be defined as the relative (Basicity of an acid is the number of replaceable
formula mass which is equal to the sum of the hydrogen atoms in one molecule of the acid).
relative atomic masses of the constituent atoms. HCl  H+ + Cl–, Basicity = 1
This is normally done when molecular formula is
known. H2SO4  2H+ + SO42–, Elasicity = 2
Molecular mass
Gram Molecular Mass (vi) Equivalent mass of a base = Acidity
Molecular mass of an element expressed in grams (Acidity is the number of replaceable –OH groups
is called its gram molecular mass (GMM) or gram in one molecule of the base).
molecule or mole.
NaOH  Na+ + OH–, Acidity = 1
Ca(OH)2  Ca2+ + 2OH–. Acidity = 2
Equivalent mass of some common oxidizing agents
Equivalent weight can be defined as that weight (e.g. KMnO 4 ) changes with medium of a
of the substance which combines or displaces one reaction.
part by mass of hydrogen or 8 parts by mass of
(a) Equivalent mass of KMnO4 in basic medium:
oxygen or 12 parts by mass of magnesium or 35.5
parts by mass of chlorine. KMnO4  K2MnO.
Atomic masses and molecular masses of MnO4 +e–  MnO42–
elements and compounds are always constant but Change in oxidation number of Mn from +7 to
equivalent mass may change. +6=+1
A compound has different equivalent mass in 158
different reactions.  Equivalent mass of KMnO4 = = 158
Atomic mass (b) Equivalent mass of KMnO4 in acidic medium
(i) Equivalent mass of an element =
Valency KMnO4  MnSO4
MnO4– + 8H+ + 5e–  Mn2+ + 4H2O


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 16
Change in oxidation number of Mn from +7 to +2 an idea about atomicity. Number of atoms present
=+5 in a molecule of a gaseous element is called
 Equivalent mass of KMnO4 = = 31.60 ( = 1.66 for monoatomic, 1.40 for diatomic and
5 1.33 for triatomic gases).
(c) Equivalent mass of KMnO4 in neutral medium Atomic weight of a gaseous element =
KMnO4  MnO2
Molecular weight
MnO42– + 4H+ + 3e–  MnO2 + 2H2O
Change in oxidation number of Mn from +7 to
+4=+3 Illustration 1 : Vapour density of a gas is 16,
determine its atomic weight ( for the gas is 1.40).
 Equivalent mass of KMnO4 = = 52.67 Solution :
1.40 value of  i.e. CP/CV indicates the gas is
diatomic, i.e. its atomicity is 2.
 Methods of Determining Atomic Weight
1. Dulong and Petit's law 2× Vapour density
Atomic weight = Atomicity
This law is applicable to solid elements only
(except Be, B, C and Si).
2  16
According to this law,  = 16
Atomic weight × Specific heat = 6.4 (approx.)
4. Isomorphism method
Thus atomic weight (approx.) :
According to the law of isomorphism, compounds
6.4 having identical crystal structure have similar
= Specific heat (in cal.) constitution and chemical formulae.
Specific heat is taken in cal/g. For example K 2 SO 4 , K 2 CrO 4 and K 2 SeO 4
(valency of S, Cr, Se = 6) are isomorphous.
Exact atomic weight = Equivalent weight ×
ZnSO 4 .7H 2 O, MgSO 4 .7H 2 O, FeSO 4 ·7H 2 O
Valency (valency of Zn, Mg, Fe = 2) are isomorphous. All
2. Volatile chloride formation method alums M2SO4·M2(SO4)3·24H2O (M = univalent
This method is suitable for elements whose ion, M = trivalent ion) are isomorphous.
chlorides are volatile. Now, atomic weight = Equivalent weight ×
valency of the element = Valency.
We have seen that valencies of the two elements
Molecular weight of chloride
forming isomorphous salts are same. Thus if
Equivalent weight of chloride valency of one of the elements is known, that of
other will also be the same (as in the given
2× V.D. of chloride examples). There is another method for
= Equivalent weight of metal+35.5
isomorphous compounds according to which
Now, if the valency of the element is known we weights of two elements, that combine with the
can find out the equivalent weight and thus atomic same weight of other elements in their respective
weight can be calculated as follows : isomorphous compounds, are in the ratio of their
atomic weights i.e.
Atomic weight = Equivalent weight of metal ×
Valency Weight of element A that combines with
3. Specific heat method a certain weight of other elements
This method is suitable only for gases. The ratio Weight of element B that combines with
of two types of specific heats of gases, CP, at
the same weight of other elements
constant pressure and CV, at constant volume is
known as , whose value is constant and gives


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 17
isotope in natural boron.
Atomic weight of A
= Atomic weight of B Solution:
Let percentage of boron with atomic mass 10.01
Thus by knowing the percentage of two elements =x
in their respective isomorphous compounds and
then percentage of boron with atomic mass 11.01
atomic weight of one element, atomic weight of
= 100 – x
the other element can be calculated.
10.01  x  11.01(100  x)
Then,  10.81
Illustration 2 : The sulphate of a metal M 100
isomorphous, with ZnSO4·7H2O contains 20% of Thus, percentage of 10.01B = 20%
M. Find the atomic mass of M. percentage of 11.01B = 100 – 20 = 80%
Mass of metal sulphate Methods of Determining Molecular Weight
Mass of metal 1. Diffusion method
equivalent mass of M + Equivalent mass of sulphate This method is applicable for gases only. The ratio
= Equivalent mass of M
of rates of diffusion of two gases is inversely
proportional to square root of the ratio of their
100 E  48 molecular weights.

20 E
r1 M2
(Let E be the equivalent mass of metal) 
r2 M1
E = 12
As metal sulphate is isomorphous with This is in accordance with Graham's law of
ZnSO4·7H2O. diffusion.
Valency of M = valency of Zn = 2
Thus, atomic mass of M = Equivalent mass × Illustration 5 : The gas X diffuses four times
Valency slower than hydrogen under similar conditions.
= 12 × 2 = 24 Determine the molecular weight of the gas X.
Illustration 3 : 1.5276 g of CdCl2 was found to r1 M2
 4 M2
contain 0.9361 g of Cd. Calculate the atomic mass  
r2 M1 1 2
of Cd.
Solution : 2
4 M2
Mass of chlorine in CdCl2 = 1.5276 – 0.9367     M2 = 16 × 2 = 32
1 2
= 0.5909 g
Equivalent mass of a metal is the mass that
combines with 35.5 g of chlorine. 2. Vapour density method
This method is applicable for gases only. The ratio
0.9367 of weight of a fixed volume of the vapours of the
 Equivalent mass of Cd = × 35.5 = 56.2
0.5909 given compound to the weight of the same volume
Valency of Cd = 2 of hydrogen under same conditions is called
 Atomic mass = Equivalent mass× valency vapour density or relative density.
= 56.2 × 2 = 112.4 Molecular weight = 2 × vapour density
Vapour density of a substance increases due to
molecular association (e.g. CH3COOH, HF, etc.)
Illustration 4 : Naturally occurring boron consists
and decreases due to dissociation (e.g.NH4Cl,
of atomic weights 10.01 and 11.01. The natural
PCl5. etc.).
boron is 10.81. Calculare the percentage of each


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 18
3. Victor Meyer method Molecular mass of acid = Equivalent mass ×
This method is applicable to volatile liquids or solids valency
and is based on Dalton's law of partial pressure = 70.17 × 3 = 210.5
and Avogadro's hypothesis (gram molar volume).
Mass of 22400 mL of vapour of a substance at Illustration 8 : 0.1 g of a liquid in a Victor Meyer
STP = molecular weight of that substance determination gave 31.22 mL of gas collected over
If x g of compound occupies V mL at STP, then water, measured at 160C and 753.6 mm pressure.
Calculate the molecular weight and vapour density
x of the substance.
Molecular mass =  22400
V (Aqueous tension at 160C = 13.6 mm)
Illustration 6 : A purified cyochrome protein was Dry pressure = 753.6 – 13.6 = 740 mm
found to contain 0.376% iron. What is the
740  31.22 273
minimum molecular mass of protein? Volume of gas at STP = 
289 760
1 mol of protein molecule must possess at least 1 = 28.72 mL
mol of Fe atoms.  P1V1 P2 V2 
Thus 56 g (atomic mass of Fe) is only 0.376% of   
molecular mass of protein.  T1 T2 
Molecular weight is the weight of 22400 mL
56 vapours at STP.
 Molecular mass =  100 = 14893.6 u
0.1  22400
 Molecular weight =  78
Illustration 7 : 0.607 g of silver salt of a tribasic
acid on combustion deposited 0.37 g of pure silver. Molecular weight 78
Calculate the molecular weight of acid. Vapour density =   39
2 2
H3A  Ag 3A  3Ag
 Methods of Determining Equivalent Mass
0.607 4.37
1. Hydrogen displacement method (for metals
Molecular weight of silver salt = Equivalent weight which can displace H2 from acids)
× Valency Equivalent mass of metal =
0.607 Mass of metal
= × 108 × 3 = 531.5  1.008
0.37 Mass of hydrogen displaced
Molecular weight of acid
2. Chloride formation method
= 531.5 – 3 × Atomic mass of silver + 3 × atomic
Equivalent mass of metal =
mass of hydrogen
= 531.5 – 3 × 108 + 3 × 1 = 210.5 Mass of metal
 35.5
Alternatively, Mass of chlorine combined
We can use the direct formula 3. Oxide formation method
Mass of silver metal of acid = Equivalent mass of metal =

108× Mass of silver salt Mass of metal

 107  8.0
Mass of silver metal Mass of oxygen combined

108  0.607 4. Conversion method

=  107 = 70.17 When one compound of a metal is converted to
another compound of the same metal, then


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 19
equivalent of a less reactive metal from its salt
Mass of compound I (W1 )
Mass of compound II (W2 )
Mass of metal added Eq. mass of metal added
E + Equivalent mass of radical I Mass of metal displaced = Eq. mass of metal displaced
E + Equivalent mass of radical II
W1 E1
Where E is the equivalent mass of the metal. 
W2 E 2
Example, suppose some metal oxide is converted
to metal chloride, then 9. Silver salt method
This method is generally applied for organic acids
Mole of oxide E + Equivalent mass of oxygen (8)
= E + Equivalent mass of chlorine(35.5) which form silver salt on reaction with silver.
Mole of chloride
HI + Ag+  AgA + H+
5. Double decomposition method
(acid) (silver) (silver salt)
AB+ CD  AD + CB
Equivalent mass of acid =
Mass of compound AB Eq. mass of A + Eq. mass of B
Mass of compound AD = Eq. mass of A + Eq. mass of D
108  Mass of silver salt
Mass of Ag metal – 107
Mass of salt taken (W1 )
or Molecular mass of acid = Eq. mass of acid ×
Mass of precipitate obtained (W2 ) Basicity
Illustration 9 : 8.34 g of a divalent metat is
Eq. mass of salt (E1 )
= Eq. mass of salt in precipitate (E ) oxidised by 0.680 L of oxygen at STP. Calculate
2 the equivalent mass of metal.
6. Neutralisation method Solution:
This method is used for acids and bases which 22.4 L of oxygen at STP weighs = 32 g
react in equivalent amounts in neutralisation Thus mass of 0.680 L oxygen at STP =
process. Normality of given acid or base solution
can be determined from normality equation. 32  0.680
= 0.97 g
N1V1  N 2 V2
(Acid) (Base) Equivalent mass of a metal is the mass that
combines with 8 g of oxygen.
If the strength in g/L of the solution is known,
equivalent mass can be calculated. 8.34
 Equivalent mass =  8  68.7
Equivalent mass=
Illustration 10 : An oxide of arsenic contains
7. Electrolytic method 65.2% of the element. Calculate the equivalent
weight of arsenic.
This method is trased on Faraday,s second law
of electrolysis which states that when same Solution:
quantity of electricity is passed through different 100 g of the oxide contains arsenic = 65.2 g
electrolyes, the amount of different substances  Oxygen = 100 – 65.2 = 34.8 g
deposited at electrode is directly proportional to Equivalent mass is the mass that combines with
their equivalent masses i.e., the ratio of masses 8 g of oxygen.
of two metals deposited by the same quantity of
electricity, will be in the ratio of their equivalent 65.2 g of arsenic combines with 34.8 g of oxygen.
masses. 65.2  8
8. Metal displacement method Thus, equivalent mass = = 15
This method is based on the fact that one gram
equivalent of a metal displaces one gram


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 20
Illustration 11 : 28 g of a metal requires 24.5 g  Volume of hydrogen liberated by 28 g metal
of sulphuric acid to get dissolved. Calculate the
equivalent weight of metal and the volume of 11.2  28
 = 5.6 L
hydrogen liberated at STP. 56
According to law of chemical equivalence, Illustration 12 : 6.78 g of copper is displaced
Number of gram equivalent of metal = number from copper sulphate solution by 7 g of zinc. Find
of gram equivalents of sulphuric acid. the equivalent weight of copper, if equivalent
weight of zinc is 32.5.
(Let E be the equivaient weight of metal)
28 24.5 According to law of chemical equivalence,
 E = 56
E 49 Number of gram equivalents of copper = Number
Now, one equivalent of a metal liberates one of gram equivalents of zinc
equivalent volume of hydrogen.
6.78 7
Equivalent volume of hydrogen = 11.2 L at STP. 
E 32.5
(Hydrogen is a diatomic gas with valency = 1)
(Let E be the equivalent weight cf copper)
It means 56 g of metal liberates 11.2 L of


1. The hydrogen phosphate of certain metal has 7. The specific heat of a metal is 0.16. Its
formula MHPO4. The formula of metal chloride approximate atomic weight would be
would be a) 32 b) 16
a) MCl b) M2Cl2 c) 40 d) 64
c) MCl2 d) MCl3 8. The percentage of Se in peroxidase anhydrase
2. If the equivalent weight of a trivalent metal is enzyme is 0.5% by weight (atomic weight = 78.4).
32.7, the molecular weight of its chloride is Then minimum molecular weight of peroxidase
a) 68.2 b) 103.7 anhydrase enzyme is
c) 204.6 d) 32.7 a) 1.568 × 104 b) 1.568 × 103
3. A metallic oxide contains 60% of the metal, The c) 15.68 d) 3136 × 104
equivalent weight of the metal is 9. 3 g of an oxide of a metal is converted to chloride
a) 12 b) 24 completely and it yielded 5 g of chloride. The
c) 40 d) 48 equivalent weight of the metal is
4. 0.5 g of a metal on oxidation gave 0.79 g of its a) 33.25 b) 3.325
oxide. The equivalent weight of the metal is c) 12 d) 20
a) 10 b) 14 10. At STP, 5.6 L of a gas weighs 8 g. The vapour
c) 20 d) 40 density of the gas is
5. A compound possesses 8% sulphur by mass. The a) 32 b) 40
least molecular mass is c) 16 d) 8
a) 200 b) 400 11. The equivalent weight of a metal is 4.5 and the
c) 155 d) 355 molecular weight of its chloride is 80. The atomic
weight of the metal is
6. Equivalent weight of 12 in the reaction,
a) 18 b) 9
I2 + 5Cl2 + 6H2O  2HIO3 + 10HCl is
c) 4.5 d) 36
a) M b) M/2
12. 74.5 g of a metallic chloride contains 35.5 g of
c) M/5 d) M/10
chlorine. The equivalent weight of the metal is


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 21
a) 19.5 b) 35.5 ofAgCl. What is the atomic weight of Ba?
c) 39.0 d) 78.0 (Cl = 35.5, Ag = 108)
13. The oxide of an element possesses the formula a) 137 b) 172.5
M2O3. If the equivalent weight of the metal is 9, c) 33 d) 68.5
then its atomic weight will be 23. Two elements P (atomic weight = 75) and Q
a) 9 b) 18 (atomic weight = 16) combine to give a compound
c) 27 d) None of these having 75.8% of P. The formula of the compound
14. Which one of the following properties of an is
element is not variable? a) P 3 Q 2 b) P 3 Q
a) Valency b) Atomic weight c) PQ 3 d) P 2 Q 3
c) Equivalent weight d) All of the above. 24. 158.5 g of chloride occupies a volume of 22.4 L
15. In chlorine gas. ratio of Cl35 and Cl37 is at STP. The percentage of chlorine in this
chloride ts 44.11%. The atomic weight and
a) 1 : 3 b) 3 : 1 valency of the element is
c) 1 : 1 d) 1 : 4 a) 88 2 b) 88, 1
16. The equivalent weight of an element is 4. Its c) 71, 2 d) 71, 1
chloride has a vapour density 59.25. Then the
25. Two elements A and B form the compound AB2
valency of the element is
and AB3. If 0.25 mole of AB2 weighs 16 g and
a) 4 b) 3 0.25 mole of AB3 weighs 20. What are the atomic
c) 2 d) 1 masses of A and B respectively?
17. If 20% nitrogen is present in a compound its a) 16, 32 b) 16, 24
minimum molecular weight will be c) 32, 16 d) 16, 21
a) 144 b) 28 26. 84 g of a gas occupies the same volume as 96.00
c) 100 d) 70 g of oxygen under similar conditions of
18. The vapour density of a mixture containing NO2 temperature and pressure. The molecular weight
and N2O4 is 38.3 at 300 K. The number of moles of the gas is (O = 16)
of NO2 in 100 g of the mixture is approximately a) 36.5 b) 28
a) 0.44 b) 4.4 c) 14 d) 18.2
c) 33.4 d) 3.34 27. 250 mL of a 2M solution contains 49 g of a
19. Insulin contains 3.4% sulphur. What will be the substance. Calculate the molecular weight of the
minimum molecular weight of insulin? compound.
a) 91.117 b) 1884 a) 196 b) 49
c) 941.76 d) 976 c) 98 d) 24.5
20. In the following reaction, which choice has value 28. Calculate molecular weight of the compound if
twice that of the equivalent mass of the oxidizing 0.16g g of it displaces 49.4 mL of air measured
agent over water at 200C and 740 mm of pressure.
SO2 + H2O  3S + 2H2O (Aqueous tension at 200C = 1g mm)
a) 64 b) 32 a) 76 b) 84
c) 16 d) 48 c) 82 d) 86
21. 3 atoms of metal M combine with 2 atoms of 29. 100 mL of 0.1 N NaOH solution is required for
nitrogen to give a compound containing 28% neutralisation of 0.49 g of a dibasic acid. What is
nitrogen and 72% of metal. What is the atomic the molecular weight of the acid?
weight of metal? a) 49 b) 98
a) 36 b) 24 c) 490 d) 196
c) 12 d) 48 30. When 2.941 g of a mercuric compound is
22. 1.00 g of BaCl2 is treated with excess of aqueous vapourised in a 1 litre bulb at 680 K, the pressure
AgNO3 and all chlorine is recovered as 1.38 g is 458 mm. The molecular weight of the


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 22
compound is 33. Dulong and Petit's law is valid only for
a) 65.18 b) 271.6 a) Metals b) Non-metals
c) 250 c) Gaseous elements d) Solid elements.
d) Given data is not sufficient. 34. Natural titanium oxide is isomorphous with SnO2
31. 1.0 g of Ca and 1.63 g of a metal M when treated containing 39.95% oxygen. The atomic weight
with an acid in excess separately, produce the of titanium is
same amount of hydrogen. If equivalent weight a) 12.02 b) 48.08
of Ca is 20.0, what is the equivalent weight of c) 24.04 d) 36.06
metal M?
35. M is the molecular mass of KMnO 4 . The
a) 12.3 b) 16.3 equivalent mass of KMnO4 when it is converted
c) 32.6 d) 65.2 into K2MnO4 is
32. If in a reaction HNO3 is reduced to NO, the mass a) M b) M/3
of HNO3 absorbing one mole of electrons would c) M/5 d) M/7
36. The equivalent mass of MnSO4 is half of its
a) 21.0 b) 63.0 molecular mass when it is converted to
c) 42.0 d) 31.5 a) Mn2O3 b) MnO2
c) MnO4 d) M nO42–.

1. (c) Valency of metal = + 2 0 5
6. (c) I 2  5Cl2  6H 2 O  2 HIO3  10HCl
Hence, metal chloride = MCl2.
2. (c) Metal chloride must be MCl3. Change in oxidation number =
Molecular weight = Equivalent weight of Atomic weight
metal × 3 + 3 × atomic mass of chloride Equivalent weight = Change in oxidation number
= 32.7 × 3 + 3 × 35.5 = 204.6
3. (a) Equivalent weight of a metal is the weight =
which combines with 8 g of oxygen.
In 100 g of metal oxide, metal = 60 g, oxygen 6.4 6.4
= 40 g 7. (c) Atomic weight Specific heat  0.16 = 40

60 8. (a) The enzyne must contain at least one mole

Equivalent weight of metal = × 8 = 12 of selenium i.e. 18.4 g.
4. (b) In 0.79 g metal oxide, 0.5 g metal combines  0.5% of molecular mass = 78.4 g
with 78.4
= 0.79 – 0.5 = 0.29 g oxygen Molecular mass =  100 = 1.568 × 104
0.5 Mass of compound I (W1 )
 Equivalent weight of metal =  8  14
0.29 9. (a) Mass of compound II (W2 )
5. (b) The compound must possess at least one
mole of sulphur atoms, i.e. 32 g sulphur, i.e. Eq. mass of metal + Eq. mass of radial I
= Eq. mass of metal + Eq. mass of radial II
8% of molecular mass = 32 g
32 3 E 8
 Molecular mass  × 100 = 400  (Equivalent mass of metal = E)
8 5 E  35.5
3E + 106.5 = 5E + 40


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 23

8 118.5
10. (c) Molecular weight of gas = × 22.4 = 32 x= =3
5.6 39.5
Molecular weight 17. (d) The compound must possess at least one
Vapour density = mole of nitrogen i.e. (14 g).
20% of molecular weight = 14 g
 = 16 14
2  Molecular weight × 100 = 70
11. (b) Let rnetal chloride is MClx (Suppose metal
18. (a) Molecular weight of mixture = 38.3 × 2
is x valent), then molecular weight of MClx.
= 16.6
Equivalent weight of metal × x + x × 35.5
Let mass of NO2 in mixture = x g
= 80
then mass of N2O4 = (100 – x) g
4.5 x + 35.5 x = 80  x = 2
Number of moles of NO2 = x/46
 Atomic weight of metal = 4.5 × 2 = 9
12. (c) Equivalent weight of a metal is the weight 100  x
that combines with 35.5 g of chlorine i.e. Number of moles of N2O4 =
one g equivalent of chlorine.
(Molecular weight of NO2 = 46, molecular
 Equivalent weight of metal = 74.5 – 35.5 weight of N2O4 = 92)
= 39.0
13. (c) Formula of the oxide M2O3 suggests that  Molecular weight
metal is trivalent i.e. M3+ Number of moles
 Atomic weight = 9 × 3 = 21 x  (100  x)
 76.6
Alternatively, x (100  x)

9 g metal is combining with 8 g oxygen, then 46 92
mass of metal (2 mol) combining with 48 g
(3 mol) oxygen x (100  x) 100
 
46 92 76.6
= × 48 = 54 g x = 20.1
Atomic mass of metal = 54/2 = 27 20.1
Number of moles of NO2 =
14. (b) Atomic weight = Number of + Number of 46
protons neutrons = 0.437 = 0.44 46
15. (b) Suppose x fraction of the gas is Cl35. 19. (c) Insulin must contain at least one mole of
then Cl37 = (1 – x) fraction sulphur u.e. 32 g.
3.4% of the molecular weight = 32 g
35  x  37(1  x)
 35.5 32
1 Molecular weight  100 = 941.176
x = 0.75 1 – x = 0.25
4 0
 Ratio of Cl and Cl37 is = 3 : 1
20. (c) S O2  H 2 O  3S 2H 2O
16. (b) Molecular weight of chioride = 59.25 × 2
= 118.5 Equivalent mass of oxidisinq agent SO2
Let the valency of metal is x then chloride 64
is MC1x. = = 16
 Molecular weight of chloride 21. (b) Formula of the compound must be M3N2.
Equivalent weight of metal × x × x × 35.5 In 100 g compound, 28 g nitrogen combines
118.5 = 4x + 35.5x with 72 g metal.


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 24
i.e. 72 = 3 × atomic mass of metal. 44.71
Atomic mass of metal = 72/3 = 24  158.5  = 70.8 g
28 72
Alternatively, : :: 2 : 3 70.8
14 x i.e.  2 mol
(Say atomic mass of metal = x)
 Atomic weight of element M = 158.5 – 70.8
72 28 = 87.6  88
2  3
x 14 Formula is MCl2, Valency = 2.
72  2 16
x  24 25. (c) Molecular weight of AB2 =  64
6 0.25
22. (a) BaCl2 + AgNO3  2AgCl 20
1g 1.38 g Molecular weight of AB3 =  80
All chlorine atoms are recovered as AgCl
Let atomic weight of A and B be x and y
hence number of moles of chiorine on both
respectively .
sides must be equal.
Then, x + 2y = 64
2 × number of moles of BaCl2 = 1 × number
of moles of AgCl x + 3y = 80
x = 32, y = 16
1 1.38
2  1 26. (b) Equal volumes are occupied by equal number
(x  35.5  2) (108  35.5) of moles of gases under identical conditions
(Say atomic mass of Ba = x) of temperature and pressure.
x = 137 84 96
  M = 28
23. (d) 100 g of compound contains M 32
75.8 Weight 1000
Moles of P = 1
75 27. (c) Molarity = Molecular weight  V(mL)

Moles of Q =  1.5 49 1000
16 Molecular weight =   98
2 250
Molar ratio of P and Q = 1 : 1.5 = 2 : 3
28. (d) Pressure due to dry air = 740 – 18 = 722 mm
 The formula of the compound is P2Q3.
Volume of air displaced at STP
24. (a) Molecular weight of chloride = 158.5
Let the formula of chloride is MClx. 722  49.4  273
= = 43.72 mL
Then, equivalent weight of M × x + x × 35.5 293  760
= 158.5 43.72 0.168
Equivalent weight of an element is the weight 
22400 Molecular weight
that combines with 35.5 g of chlorine.
Molecular weight  86.07
Equivalent weight of M =  35.5 = 44 29. (b) Milliequivalence of acid = Milliequivalence
44.71 of base
44 × x + 35.5 × n = 158.5  n=2
Atomic weight of element M = 44 × 2 = 88, × 1000 = 0.1 × 100
Valency = 2.
(Say equivalent wt. of acid = E)
Molecular weight = Equivalent weight ×
Amount of chlorine in chloride


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 25
= 49 × 2 = 98 34. (b)
458  1 273 Mass of titanium oxide E + Eq. mass of oxygen
30. (b) Volume of vapours at STP = =
680  760 Mass of titanium E

= 0.24 L (Let E be the equivalent mass of titanium)

Molecular weight is the weight of 22.4 L of 100 E 8

vapours at STP. (100  39.95) E
2.91 22.4  E = 12.02
Molecular weight = = 271.6
0.24 As titanium oxide is isomorphous with SnO2.
31. (c) Equal number of equivalents produce the  Valency of titanium = valency of Sn = + 4
same amount of hydrogen. Thus atomic mass of titanium
1.0 1.63 = Equivalent mass × valency

20.0 Equivalent weight of M = 12.02 × 4 = 48.08
7 6
1.63  20 35. (a) K Mn O4 
 K 2 Mn O4
Equivalent weight of M = = 32.6
1.0 Equivalent weight of KMnO4.
5 2
32. (a) H N O3 
NO Molecular weight
= Change in oxidation number  M
Mass of HNO3 absorbing one mole of
electron 36. (b) The equivalent mass will be half of molecular
i.e. Equivalent mass = mass if change in oxidation number is 2.
Molecular weight 2 3 4 8 6
Mn SO 4 , Mn 2 O3 , Mn O2 , Mn O4 , Mn O24
Change in oxidation number = 63/3 = 21
2 4
33. (d) This law is applicable only to solid elements
MnSO4 
 Mn O2
except Be, B, C and Si, and according to
this law,
Atomic weight = Specific heat

Volumetric analysis is the process of
determination of concentration of a solution by Number of moles of solute
Molarity (M) = Volume of solution (in L)
another solution of known concentration. It
involves the measurement of the volume of known
Weight of solute
solution required to bring about the completion of M
the reaction with a measured volume of the Atomic or molecular weight of solution
unknown solution. Volumetric analysis also
known as titration is of various types, viz., acid- 100

base titration, oxidation-reduction titration, iodine Volume of solution (in mL)
titration, etc. ii) Normality (N)
Concentration ofa solution can be expressed in It is the number of gram equivalents of solute
the following manner: dissolved per litre of the solution.
i) Molarity (M)
Number of gram equivalent of solute
It is the number of moles of solute dissolved per Normality = Volume of solution (in litres)
litre of the solution.


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 26

Weight of solute v) Percent by Mass

N = Equivalent weight of solution × It is the amount of solute present in 100 g of
Volume of solution (in mL) Weight of solute
Percent by mass = Weight of solution  100
Relation tretween normality and molarity:
vi) Strength
Molecular weight
Equivalent weight = It is defined as the amount of solute dissolved
n per litre of the solution.
(where n is the valency factor.) Strength (grams per litre) ? Normality × Equivalent
Weight of solute × n weight
 N = Molecular weight of solute × = Molarity × Molecular weight

Illustration 1 : A solution is made by dissolving
Volume of solution (in mL)
24.5 g of H2SO4 in 250 mL water. Calculate the
N=M×n normality and molarity of the solution.
Normality = Molarity × Valency factor Solution:
iii) Molality (m) Weight of solute
It is the number of moles of solute dissolved per Molarity = Molecular weight of solute
kilogram of the solvent.
Number of moles of solute 1000
Molality = × Volume of solution (mL)
Weight of solvent (in kg)

Weight of solute 24.5 1000

m= M=  1
Atomic or molecular weight of solute × 98 250
(Molecular weight of H2SO4 = 98)
100 N=M×n  N=1×2=2
Weight of solute (in g)
iv) Mole Fraction (x)  Law of Equivalence
Mole fraction of a component of a solution is It states that the gram equivalents (or
defined as the ratio of number of moles of that milliequivalents) of all reactants is equal to each
component to the total number of moles of the other and is also equal to the gram equivalents of
solution. the products. i.e. if A + B  C + D, then gram
Suppose a solution contains components A and equivalents of A = gram equivalents of B = gram
B, equivalents of C = gram equivalents of D.
Mole fraction of A (xA) Mathematically it can be represented as
N1V1 = N2V2
No. of moles of A (n A )
= No. of moles of A (n ) + No. of moles of B (n ) (Number of gram equivalents = Normality ×
A g
nA Where N1 and V1 are the normality and volume
xA  of the first reactant and N2 and V 2 are the
nA  nB
normality and volume of the second reactant or
nB product. This equation is also known as normality
Similarly, x B  n  n equation.
This equation can also be used for dilution of a
Sum of mole fractions of all the components of a solution.
solution is always unity. i.e. xA + xB = 1.


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 27
N 1V 1 = N 2V 2 Solution:
(Before dilution) (After dilution) Weight of solute 100
Number of equivalents of a gas Normality = Equivalent weight × Volume (in mL)

Volume at NTP 1 31.6  100

= Equivalent volume (Vol. of 1 eq. at NTP) Weight of solute =   0.632 g
5 1000
Illustration 4 : Calculate the molality of a solution
 Molarity Equation made by dissolving 4 g of a salt of molecular
weight 40 in 100 g water.
M1V1 M 2 V2
 Solution :
n1 n2
Molarity (m)
Where M1 and V1 are the molarity and volume
Wt. of solute 1000
respectively of the first solution and, M1 and V2 = Mol. wt. of solute  Wt. of solvent (in grams)
are the molarity and volume of the second
solution/reactant. n1 and n2 are the number of
moles offirst reactant and second reactant or 4 1000
m  1
product respectively and can be obtained from 40 100
balanced chemical equation. Illustration 5 : Find the volume of water to be
For dilution of a solution, molarity equation can added to 100 cm 3 of 0.5 N H 2 SO 4 to get
be used decinormal concentration.
M1V 1 = M2V2 Solution :
(Before dilution) (Afrer dilution) N 1V 1 = N2V2.
Where M1 is the initial molarity, V1 is initial (Initial soln.) (Final soln.)
volume, M2 is final molarity and, V2 is fina1
volume. 0.5 × 100 = × V2 .
V2 = 500 cm3.
 Molarity of Mixture of Solutions
500 cm3 is the final volume of the solution.
Molarity of a mixture of solution of same
substance can be given as  Volume of water to be added = 500 – 100
M1V1 + M2V2 + M3V3 + ... = M(V1 + V2 + V3 + ....) = 400 cm3.
(1st soln.) (2nd soln.) (3rd soln.) (Mixture)
Similarly, normalityof mixture of solution of same Illustration 6 : 25 mL of a solution of barium
substance can be given as hydroxide on titration with 0.1 M solution of
hydrochloric acid gave a titre value of 35 mL.
N1V1 + N2V2 + N3V3 + ... = N(V1 + V2 + V3 + ....)
Calculate the molarity of barium hydroxide
(1st soln.) (2nd soln.) (3rd soln.) (Mixture) solution.
Solution :
Illustration 2 :Calcutate the number of miili- 0.1 M HCl = 0.1 N HCl ( for HCl basicity = 1)
equivalents of HCl present in 500 mL of N/2 HCI
N1V1 = N 2V 2
{Ba(OH)2} (HCl)
N1 × 25 = 0.1 × 35  N1 = 0.14
Milliequivalents = Normality × Volume (in mL)
N 0.14
1 Molarity =   0.07
  500  250 n 2
For titration/neutralization reaction we always use
Illustration 3 : What weight of KMnoa will be
normality equation i.e. law of chemical
required to prepare 100 mL of its N/5 solution, if
equivalence and not the molarity equation.
its equivalent weight is 31.6?


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 28
Illustration 7 : Find the molarity of urea if 6.0 × Solution :
1020 molecules of it are present in 100 mL of its The reaction involved is as follows
solution. K2Cr2O7 + 7H2SO4 + 6FeSO4  K2SO4 +
Solution :
Cr2(SO4)3 + 7H2O + 3Fe2(SO4)3.
Number of moles of solute M1V1 M 2 V2
Molarity = Volume of solution (in mL) × 1000
n1 = n2
Number of molecules (K2Cr2O7 ) (FeSO4)
Number of moles = Avogadro's number
0.1 V1 0.5  35

1 6
6.0  1020 1000
M=   0.1
6.02  1023 100 0.5  3.5
V1  = 29.2 mL
6  0.1
Illustration 8 : Calculate the volume of each of Illustration 10 : A sulphuric acid solution
the two hdrochloride acids of strength 12 N and (specific gravity = 1.84) contains 66.6% by weight
4 N respectively that are to be mixed to make of pure acid. Calculate, the volume of 2.5 N
one litre solution of strength 5 N. NaOH required to just neutralize 10 mL of this
Solution : acid solution.
Let volume of 12 N HCl required = x mL Solution :
Then, volume of 4 N HCl required = (1000 – x)mL 10 mL of acid solution = 10 × 1.84
Now as we know, = 18.4 g of solution
N 1V 1 + N2V2 = NV Weight of acid contained in the solution
12 × x + 4 (1000 – x) = 5 × 1000 18.4  66.6
  12.25 g
12x + 4000 – 4x = 5000 100
x = 125 mL
12.25 1000
 Volume of 12 N HCl required = 125 mL Normality of acid solution =   25
49 10
Volume of 4 N HCl required = 1000 – 125
(Equivalent weight of H2SO4 = 49)
= 875 mL
Now, N 1V 1 = N 2V 2
(NaOH) (H2SO4)
Illustration 9 : Calculate the volume of 0.1 M
2.5 × V1 = 25 × 10
K2Cr2O7 required to oxdized 35 mL of 0.5 M
FeSO4 solution. V1 = 100 mL
 Volume of NaOH required = 100 mL.


1. The number of molecules in 100 mL of 0.02 N 3. The milliequivalents of 4.0 M H2SO4 in 60 mL

H2SO4 is solution is
a) 6.02 × 1020 b) 6.02 × 1018 a) 240 b) 480
c) 6.02 × 1021 d) 6.02 × 1022 c) 24 d) 48
2. To 50 mL of 0.5 M H2SO4, 150 mL of 0.25 M 4. 1.25 g of a solid dibasic acid is completely
H2SO4 is added and the mixture is made to 250 neutralized by 25 mL of 0.25 M Ba(OH)2 solution.
mL volume. What is the final concentration of Molecular mass of the acid is
the solution? a) 100 b) 150
a) 0.31 M b) 0.37 M c) 120 d) 200
c) 0.75 M d) 0.25 M


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 29
5. Molarity of liquid HCl with density equal to 1.17 a) 1.20 M b) 1.50 M
g/cc is c) 1.344 M d) 2.70 M
a) 36.5 b) 18.25 15. The mole fraction of the solute in one molal
c) 32.05 d) 4.65 aqueous solution is
6. 0.126 g of acid requires 20 mL of 0.1 N NaOH a) 0.009 b) 0.018
for complete neutralization. The equivalent mass c) 0.021 d) 0.036
of the acid is 16. To prepare a solution ol concentration of 0.03 g
a) 45 b) 53 mL of AgNO3, what amount of AgNO3 should
c) 40 d) 63 be added in 60 mL of solution?
7. How many millilitre (mL) of 1 M H2SO4 solution a) 1.8 b) 0.8
is required to neutralize 10 mL of 1 M NaOH c) 0.18 d) None of these
solution? 17. A 5 M solution of H2SO4 is diluted from 1 L to
a) 2.5 mL b) 5.0 mL 10 L. What is the normality of the solution?
c) 10.0 mL d) 20.0 mL a) 0.25 N b) 1 N
8. 0.50 mol of HCl is neutralised by 0.50 mol of c) 2 N d) 7 N
KOH solution. The heat of neutralization will be 18. V1 mL of NaOH of normality x and V2 mL of
a) – 13.7 kcal b) 13.7 kcal Ba(OH)2 of normality y are together sufficient
c) – 6.85 kcal d) 6.85 kcal to neutralize exactly 100 mL of 0. 1 M HCl. If
9. 250 mL of a sodium carbonate solution contains V1 : V2 = 1 : 4 and x : y = 4 : 1, what fraction of
2.65 g of Na2CO3. If 10 mL of this solution is the acid is neutralised by Ba(OH)2?
diluted to one litre, what is the concentration of a) 0.5 b) 0.33
the resultant solution? (Molecular weight of c) 0.61 d) 0.25
Na2CO3 = 106) 19. How many grams of phosphoric acid would be
a) 0.01 M b) 0.001 M needed to neutralize 100 g of magnesium
c) 0.01 M d) 10–4 M hydroxide? (The molecular weights are H3PO4
10. How many grams of dibasic acid (molecular = 98 and Mg(OH)2 = 58.3)
weight 200) should be present in 100 mL of the a) 66.7 g b) 252 g
aqueous solution to give 0.1 normality? c) 112 g d) 168 g
a) 1 g b) 2 g 20. 1 mol of NH4Cl and 2 mol of NaOH are heated
c) 10 g d) 20 g in a flask and water is added. Resultant mixture
11. How much water should be added to 200 cc of would require HCl
seminormal solution of NaOH to make it exactly a) 2 mol b) 1 mol
decinormal? c) 3 mol d) 4 mol
a) 200 cc b) 400 cc 21. A 250 mL solution of NaOH contains 10
c) 800 cc d) 600 cc milliequivalents of NaOH. Its normality is
12. What is the normality of 1 M solution of H3PO4? a) 4 b) 0.4
a) 0.5 N b) 1 N c) 0.04 d) 40
c) 2 N d) 3 N 22. Normality of a solution of FeSO4·7H2O containing
13. 100 mL of 1.0 M HCl is mixed with 75 mL of 1.0 5.56g/200 mL which converts to ferric form in a
M Na2CO3. The resulting solution will be reaction is (Fe = 56, S = 32, O = 16, H = 1)
a) Acidic b) Basic a) 1 b) 0.1
c) Neutral d) Amphoteric c) 0.01 d) 10
14. Two solutions of a substance (non-electrolye) are 23. 15 cc of a solution of H2SO4 neutralises 30 cc of
mixed in the following manner : 480 mL of 1.5 M N/10 NaOH solution. What is the strength in
first solution + 520 mL of 1.2 M second solution. grams/litre of H2SO4 solution?
What is the molarity of the final mixture? a) 2.45 b) 19.6


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 30
c) 0.2 d) 9.8 a) 52.5 mL b) 157.9 mL
24. A sample of Na2CO3·H2O weighing 3.1 g is added c) 105.2 mL d) 78.95 mL
to 100 mL of 0.5 N H2SO4, the resulting solution 30. The molarity of concentrated sulphuric acid
will be (density = 1.834 g cm–3) containing 90% of H2SO4
a) Acidic b) Can't say by mass is
c) Basic d) Neutral a) 16.84 b) 1.68
25. 100 g of a sample of HCl solution of relative c) 9.18 d) 0.918
density 1.17 contains 31.2 g of HCl. What volume 31. Molarity of liquid water at 40C is
of this HCl solution will be required to neutralize
a) 5.55 b) 18
N c) 0.555 d) 55.5
exactly 5 litres of KOH solution ?
20 32. The volume of concentrated sulphuric acid which
a) 25 mL b) 29.2 mL is 98% by mass (density = 1.84 g cm–3) required
c) 34.2 mL d) 250 mL to prepare 5 dm3 of 0.5 mol dm–3 solution of
sulphuric acid is
26. A 100 mL solution of 0.1 N HCl was titrated with
0.2 N NaOH solution. The titration was a) 272 mL b) 68 mL
discontinued after a dding 30 mL of NaOH c) 136 mL d) 204 mL
solution and again completed with 0.25 N KOH 33. The number of equivalents of Na2S2O3 required
solution. The volume of KOH required for for volumetric estimation of one equivalent of Cu2+
completing the titration is is
a) 70 mL b) 32 mL a) 1 b) 2
c) 35 mL d) 16 mL c) 3 d) 1/2
27. A metal weighing 0.43 g was dissolved in 50 mL 34. Density of a 2.05 M solution of acetic acid in
of 1 N H2SO4. The unreacted H2SO4 required water is 1.02 g/mL, the molality of the solution is
14.2 mL of 1 N NaOH for neutralisation. The a) 0.44 mol kg–1 b) 1.14 mol kg–1
equivalent weight of the metal is
c) 3.28 mol kg–1 d) 2.28 mol kg–1
a) 12.01 b) 6.7
35. For preparing 0.1 N solution of a compound from
c) 8.6 d) 30.3 its impure sample of which the percentage purity
28. A 100 mL solution of dibasic acid is prepared by is known, the weight of the substance required
dissolving 2.94 gof it in water. 25 mL of this will be
solution was neutralised by 15 mL of 1 N NaOH a) More than the theoretical weight
solution. Molecular weight of the acid is
b) Less than the theoretical weight
a) 49 b) 98
c) Same as the theoretical weight
c) 40 d) 24.5
d) None of the above
29. 1.0 g of a equimolar mixture of Na2CO3 and
NaHCO3 was reacted with 0.2 N HCl solution.
Find the volume of HCl required.

Normality 100
1. (a)  Molarity = 0.01 × × 6.023 × 1023 = 6.023 × 1020
Basicity 1000
 0.02 N H2SO4 = 0.01 M H2SO4. 2. (d) For mixtures, we use
Number of molecules = Number of moles × M1V1 + M2V2 + ..... = MV
6.023 × 1023. 0.5 × 50 + 0.25 × 150 = M × 250
= Molarity × Volume (in litre) × 6.023 × 1023 250 × M = 25 + 37.5


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 31

62.5 M1V1 = M2V2

M  0.25 0.1 × 10 = M2 × 1000
M2 = 0.001 M
3. (b) Milliequivalents = Normality × Volume (in mL)
Normality = Molarity × Basicity 200
10. (a) Equivalent weight of dibasic acid =
=4×2=8 2
Milliequivalents = 8 × 60 = 480 = 100
4. (d) Normality of Ba(OH)2 solution Suppose x g of dibasic acid is required, then
= 0.25 × 2 = 0.5 N x 1000
Milliequivalents of Ba(OH)2 0.1  
100 100
= 0.5 × 25 = 12.5
Milliequivalents of acid = Milliequivalents of
11. (c) N1V1 = N2V2
Ba(OH) 2.
1 1
1.25  200   V2
2 10
Equivalent weight × 1000 = 12.5
V2 = 1000 mL
Equivalent weight = 100 Water to be added = 1000 – 200 = 800 mL
Molecular weight = 100 × 2 = 200 12. (d) Basicity of H3PO4 = 3
1.17 1000 H3PO4  3H+ + PO43–
5. (c) Molarity   32.05
36.5 1  Normality = Molarity × Basicity = 1 × 3 = 3
(Molecular weight of HCl = 36.5) 13. (b) 1 M HCl = 1 N HCl
6. (d) Milliequivalent of acid = Milliequivalent of 1 M Na2CO3 = 2 N Na2CO3
NaOH Milliequivalent of HCl = 1 × 100 = 100
0.126 Milliequivalent of Na2CO3 = 2 × 75 = 150
Equivalent weight × 1000 = 0.1 × 20 Milliequivalents of Na2CO3 are more, hence
solution will be basic.
Equivalent weight = 63 14. (c) M1V1 + M2V2 = MV
1.5 × 480 + 1.2 × 520 = M × 1000
1 M = 1.341 M
Mole fraction of solute =  0.018
1  55.5 15. (b) One molal aqueous solution means 1 mole
7. (b) 1 M H2SO4 = 2 N H2SO4 of solute is dissolved in 1000 g of water.
1 M NaOH = 1 N NaOH 1000
(H2SO4) N1V1 = N2V2 (NaOH) Number of moles of water   55.5
2 × V1 = 1 × 10
V1 = 5 mL Mole fraction of solute   0.018
1  55.5
8. (c) Heat of neutralization for 1 g equivalent or
1 mol of monoacidic base and monobasic 16. (a) Suppose x g of AgNO3 is required,
acid = – 13.7 kcal (Here –ve sign indicates x
the heat released.) Then  0.03
13.7 x = 1.8 g
For 0.5 mol, it will be = = – 6.85 kcal
2 17. (b) M1V1 = M2V2
2.65 1000 5 × 1 = M2 × 10  M2 = 0.5
9. (b) Molarity of Na2CO3 solution   Normality = 0.5 × 2 = 1 N
106 250
= 0.1 M


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 32
18. (a) V1 × x + V2 × y = 100 × 0.1 in equal volume.
NaOH Ba(OH)2 HCl 25. (a) Normality of HCl solution
V 1 x : V2x 31.2 1000  1.17
4 :4 =   10
36.5 100
1 :1
(HCl) N1V1 = N2V2 (KOH)
Hence 50% of acid is neutralised by
Ba(OH)2 i.e, 0.5 fraction. 1 1
V1   5   0.025L
19. (c) Equivalent weight of H3PO4 = 98/3 20 10
Equivalent weight of Mg(OH)2 = 58.3/2 = 25 mL
Suppose x g of phosphoric acid would be 26. (d) N 1V 1 = N2V2 + N3V3
needed then milliequivalent of H3PO4,: (acid) (base)
milliequivalent of Mg(OH)2 0.1 × 100 = 0.2 × 30 + 0.25 × V3
3x 100  2  1000 V3 = 16 mL
 1000 
98 58.3 0.43
x = 112 g 27. (a) Milliequivalent of metal =  1000
20. (a) NH4Cl is a salt, its presence does not make (Say equivalent weight of metal = E)
any difference. For 2 mol of NaOH, 2 mol
Milliequivalent of metal = Milliequivalent of
of HCl is required.
H2SO4 reacted with metal.
No. of milliequivalent 10 Volume of H2SO4 reacted with metal
21. (c) Normality = =
Volume in mL 250 = 50 – 14.2 = 35.8 mL
= 0.04 Miiliequivalent of H2SO4 reacted with metal
22. (b) Fe  Fe 3+ = 1 × 35.8
Equivalent weight of FeSO4.7H2O 430
= 278/1 = 278  35.8 E = 12.01
5.56 28. (b) (Acid) N1V1 = N2V2 (NaOH)
Number of milliequivalents =  1000
278 1 15 3
= 20 N1  
25 5
20 3 2.94 1000
Normality   0.1  
200 5 E 100
23. (d) (H2SO4) N1V1 = N2V2 (NaOH) (Say equivalent wt. of acid = E)
1 30 E = 49.0
N1    0.2
10 15  Molecular weight = E × 2 = 98
Strength = Normality × Equivalent weight 29. (d) Let amount of Na2CO3 = x g
= 0.2 × 49 = 9 .8 grams/litre Then, amount of NaHCO3 = (1– x) g
24. (d) Normality of Na2CO3.H2O solution x 1 x
 [Equimolar mixture is given]
3.1 1000 106 84
=   0.5
62 100 x = 0.558 g, 1 – x = 0.442 g
According to 1aw of chemical equivalence,
[Equivalcnt weight of Na2CO3·H2O = = 62] milliequivalent of HCl = milliequivalent of
2 Na2CO3 + milliequivalent of NaHCO3
Solution will be neutral since both H2SO4
and Na2CO3·H2O are of same normality and 0.558 0.442
0.2  V   1000   1000
53 84


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 33
V = 78.95 mL 0.5  5
30. (a) 90% by mass means 100 g of acid contains V1  = 0.136 dm3 = 136 mL
90 g H2SO4.
33. (b) 2Na2S2O3 + I2  2NaI + Na2S4O6
100 Cu2+ + 2I  CuI2
Volume of acid = mL
1.834 Hence, two equivalents of Na2S2O4 are
90 1.834 required.
Molarity    1000 = 16.84 34. (d) 2.05 M means 2.05 mol of acetic acid in
98 100
one litre.
31. (d) Mass of 1000 mL water = 1000 g
Weight of solution = 1.02 × 1000 = 1020 g
(Density = 1.0 g/cm3)
Weight of solute = 2.05 × 60 = 123 g
1000 (Molecular weight of acetic acid = 60)
Molarity =  55.5
18  Weight of solvent = 1020 – 123 = 897 g
32. (c) Molarity of given sulphuric acid
2.05  1000
Molality = = 2.28 mol kg–1
98 1.84 897
   1000 = 18.4 mol dm–3.
98 100 35. (a) Weight of impurities will also be taken into
M1V1 = M2V2 account.

The word stoichiometry is derived from the Greek reactants and products of a balanced chemical
words 'stoicheion' that means element, and equation in terms of mass or volume.
'metron' that means to measure. Stoichiometry is
that area of chemistry which deals with the Illustration 1 : What amount of H2O will be
determination of quantities of reactants or produced by 1 g of hydrogen ?
products of a chemical reaction. The numerals
used to balance a chemical equation are known Solution :
as stoichiometric coefficients. These coefficients 2H2 + O 2  2H2O
are required for solving problems based on 2 mol 1 mol 2 mol
chemical equation. 4g 32g 36g
A balanced chemical equation provides Method I - Mole method : 2 mol of H2O are
information regarding moiar relationship between produced from 2 mol of H2.
reactants and products, mass relationship between
reactants and products, and volume relationship 1
1 g hydrogen = mol
between reactants and products. 2
N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g).
Molar relation 1 mol 3 mol 2 mol 1 Number of moles of H2O produced from
Mass relation 28 g 6g 34 g mol of H2.
Volume relation 1 vol. 3 vol. 2 vol.
In the above example, it can be seen that N2, H2 2 1 1
   molal
and NH3 possess a molar ratio of 1 : 3 : 2, mass 2 2 2
ratio of 14 : 3 : 17 and, volume ratio of 1 : 3 : 2.
1 1
On the basis of these ratios, we can establish Weight of mol H2O = × 18 = 9 g H2O
mass-mass relationship, mass-volume relationship 2 2
and volume-volume relationship between Method II - Unitary method : 4 g hydrogen
reactants and products. We can say that 28 g of produces 36 g of H2O.
nitrogen gas reacts eith 6 g of hydrogen gas to
give 34 g or 2 × 22.1 L of ammonia at STP. It is  H2O produced from 1 g H2 = =9g
clear from this example, that we can relate 4


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 34
Method III - Atom conservation : Hydrogen (Let x be the volume produced)
atom is conserved in H2 and H2O. There is another method used for solving
 Amount of hydrogen in H2 stoichiometric problems. This is equivalent or
= Amount of hydrogen in H2O milliequivalent method. This method is based on
the fact that number of equivaients or
2 × mol of H2O
milliequivalents of different reactants and products
1 x in a chemical reaction are equal.
2  2
2 18 KClO3  KCl + O2
(Let x be the weight of H2O formed) Equivalent of KClO3 = Equivalent of KCl =
Equivalent of O2
x 9 g m.eq. of KClO3 = m.eq. of KCl = m.eq. of O2
This method does not require the balancing of
chemical equation.
Illustration 2 : What will be the volume of Number of milliequivalents = Equivalents × 1000
acetylene at NTP produced by 100 g of CaC2
Number of equivalents = Normality × Volume (in L)
with water?
Number of milliequivalents = Normality × Volume
(in mL)
CaC2 + H2O  C2H2 + Cao
1 mol 1 mol Weight in g
Number of equivalents = Equivalent weight
64 g 22.4 L
Method I - Mole method : 1 mol of acetylene Number of milliequivalents
is produced from 1 mol of CaC2.
Weight in g
100 = Equivalent weight × 1000
100 g CaC2 = mol
(Molecular weight of CaC2 = 64)
Illustration 3 : Calculate the weight of V2O5
100 produced from 5.75 g of Fe2O3.
 Acetylene produced from mol of CaC2 VO + Fe2O3  FeO + V2O5
100 (Fe = 56, V = 51, O = 16)
= Solution :
Number of equivalents of Fe2O3.
100 Number of equivalent of V2O5.
Volume =  22.4 = 35 L
5.75 x
Method II - Unitary method : 22.4 L of = 
acetylene is produced from 64 g of CaC2. 160 182 / 3
(Let x be the weight of V2O5 produced).
100 g CaC2 give acetylene = × 100 = 35 L (Equivalent weight of Fe2O3 = 160, Equivalent
Method III - Atom conservation : Carbon weight of V2O5 = )
atom is conserved in CaC2 and C2H2. 3
 Amount of C-atom in CaC2 5.75  182
x  2.18 g
= Amount of C-atom in C2H2 160  3
2 × number of moles of CaC2 =2 × number of
moles of C2H2. Illustration 4 : 4.90 g of KClO3, on heating
100 x shows a weight loss of 0.384 g. What percentage
2  2 of the original KClO3 has decomposed?
64 22.4


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 35
Solution: reagent because its amount limits the amount of
 product formed.
KClO3   KCl + O2
Thus limiting reagent is defined as the reactant
KClO3 shows weight loss in the form of O2. So that is entirely consumed during the course of a
let us calculate the weight of KClO3 that has chemical reaction. A reactant that is not
undergone the reaction i.e. decomposes to form completely consumed is often referred to as the
O2. excess reactant.
Number of equivalents of KClO3 decomposed We can apply equivalent or milliequivalent method
= Number of equivalents of O2 to identify the limiting reagent even if the chemical
x 0.384 equation is not balanced.

122.5 / 6 8 The reactant with the least number of equivalents
(or milliequivalents) is the limiting reagent.
(Let x be the weight of KClO3 decomposed)
122.5 Illustration 6 : Calculate the weight of AgCl
(Equivalent weight of KClO3 = , equivalent
6 precipitated when a solution containing 5.85 g of
weight of O2 = 8) NaCl is added to a solution of 3.4 g of AgNO3.
x = 0.98 g Solution :
AgNO3 + NaCl  AgCl + NaNO3
Percentage of KClO3 decomposed = × 100 3.4
Number of moles of AgNO3 = = 0.02
= 20%. 170
(Molecular weight of AgNO3 = 170)
Illustration 5 : An aqueous solution of 6.3 g of 5.85
oxalic acid dihydrate is made upto 250 mL. Number of moles of NaCl = =1
Calculate the volume of 0.1 N NaOH required to
completely neutralize 10 mL of this solution. (Molecular weight of NaCl = 58.5)
Solution : It is clear from the balanced chemical equation
that AgNO3 and NaCl react in the ratio of 1 : 1.
6.3 1000 Number of moles of AgNO3 are less hence
Normality of oxalic acid =  = 0.4 N
63 250 AgNO3 is the limiting reagent and limits the
Milliequivalents of oxalic acid = Milliequivalents amount of product formed.
of NaOH 1 mole of AgNO3 gives 1 mole of AgCl.
0.4 × 10 = 0.1 × Volume (in mL) So 0.02 mole of AgNO3 will give 0.02 mole of
4 Weight of AgCl produced = 0.02 × 143.5 = 2.870 g.
Volume of NaOH = = 40 mL.
0.1 Illustration 7 : 25.4 g of iodine and 14.2 g of
chlorine are made to react completely to yield a
 LIMITING REAGENT mixture of ICl and ICl3. Calculate the number of
In the reactions where more than one reactant is moles of ICl and ICl3 formed.
involved, the amount of product is formed in (Atomic mass of I = 127, Cl = 35.5)
proportion to the amount of the reactant which is Solution :
entirely consumed. For example, I2 + 2Cl2  ICl + ICl3
N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g)
If one mole of nitrogen is reacted with 5 moles of Number of moles of I2 = = 0.1
hydrogen then ammonia formed will be 2 moles 254
in proportion to nitrogen. One mole of nitrogen (Molecular weight of I2 = 254)
reacts with 3 moles of hydrogen and 2 moles of
hydrogen remain unreacted in the reaction 14.2
Number of moles of Cl2 =  0.2
mixture. In this case nitrogen is said to be limiting 71


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 36
(Molecular weight of Cl2 = 71)
I2 and Cl2 react in the molar ratio 1 : 2. So both I2 Illustration 10 : When a mixture of MgCO3 and
and Cl2 will be consumed completely and give CaCO3 was heated for a long time, the weight
product. Product formed can be calculated in decreased by 50%. Calculate the percentage
terms of either I2 or Cl2. composition of the mixture.
1 mole of I2 produces 1 mole of ICl and ICl3 each. Solution :
 0.1 mole of I2 produces 0.1 mole of ICl and Suppose weight of the mixture taken initially was
0.1 mol of ICl3. 100 g.
CaCO3 + MgCO3  CaO + MgO + CO2
Illustration 8 : In a reaction mixture 8 moles of x (100 – x) y (50 – y)
P react with 9 moles of Q it the following manner Let weight of CaCO3 present in the mixture = x g
2P + 3Q  2R. Calculate the number of moles Then weight of MgCO3 present in the mixture
of R formed. = (100 – x) g
Solution :
Weight loss is 50%, therefore residue of CaO +
P and Q react in the molar ratio of 2 : 3. It means MgO weighs 50 g.
8 moles of P will react with 12 moles of Q.
Let weight of CaO formed = y g
 Q is the limiting reagent with 9 moles only and
Then weight of MgO formed = (50 – y) g
limits the amount of product formed. Q and R
have the molar ratio 3 : 2 respectively. Now according to moiar relationship
100 g of CaCO3 (1 mol) gives = So g CaO
2 (1 mol)
 Number of moles of R formed = 9 
= 6 mol x g of CaCO3 give = × x g CaO = y ... (I)
84 g of MgCO3 (1 mol) gives = 40 g MgO
Illustration 9 : A mixture of N2 and H2 is made
(1 mo1)
to react in a closed container to form NH3. The
reaction ceases before either reactant has been (100 – x) of MgCO3 gives
totally consumed. At this stage, 2.0 mol each of 40
N2, H 2 and NH 3 are present. Calculate the = (100 – x) = (50 – y) MgO ... (II)
number of mol of N2 and H2 present originaliy.
On solving equations I and II, we get
Solution :
x = CaCO3 = 28.41 g, MgCO3 = 100 – x = 71.59 g
N2 + 3H2  2NH3
Percentagc composition =
It is clear from the balanced chemical equation
that formation of 2 mol NH3 must consume 1 28.41
mol of N2 and 3 mol of H2. CaCO3 =  100 = 28.41%
 Number of moles of N2 present originally
= 2 + 1 = 3 mol 71.49
MgCO3 =  100 = 71.59%
Number of moles of H2 present originally = 2 + 3
= 5 mol


1. What is the weight of oxygen required for the a) 1120 cm3 b) 2240 cm3
complete combustion of 2.8 kg of ethylene? c) 112 cm3 d) 224 cm3
a) 2.8 kg b) 6.4 kg 3. In Haber's process, 30 litres of dihydrogen and
c) 9.6 kg d) 96 kg 30 litres of dinitrogen were taken for reaction
2. 10 g CaCO3 on reaction with 0. I M HCl acid which yielded only 50% of the expected product.
wil1 produce CO2 What will be the composition of the gaseous


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 37
mixture under the aforesaid condition in the end? c) 0.40 d) 0.02
a) 20 litres NH3, 25 litres N2, 20 litres H2 11. Sulphur trioxide is prepared by the following two
b) 10 litres NH3, 25 litres N2, 15 litres H2
S8(s) + 8O2(g)  8SO2(g)
c) 20 litres NH3, 10 litres N2, 30 litres H2
2SO2(g) + O2(g)  2SO3(g)
d) 20 litres NH3, 25 litres N2, 15 litres H2.
How many grams of SO3 are produced from 1
4. 2.76 g of silver carbonate (atomic mass of Ag =
mol of S8?
10 g) on being heated strongly yields a residue
weighing a) 1280.0 b) 640.0
a) 2.16 g b) 2.48 g c) 960.0 d) 320.0
c) 2.32 g d) 2.64 g 12. 1.5 mol of O2 combine with Mg to form oxide
MgO. The mass of Mg (atomic mass 24) that
5. The reaction of calcium with water is represented
has combined is
by the equation, Ca + 2H2O  Ca(OH)2 + H2,
what volume of H2, at STP would be liberated a) 72 g b) 36 g
when 8 g of calcium completely reacts with c) 48 g d) 24 g
water? 13. 12 L of 112 and 11.2 litres of Cl2 are mixed and
a) 4480 cm3 b) 2240 cm3 exploded. The composition by volume of mixture
c) 1120 cm3 d) 0.4 cm3 is
6. On reduction with hydrogen, 3.6 g of an oxide of a) 24 Lof HCl
metal left 3.2 g of the metal. If the atomic weight b) 0.8 L Cl2 and 20.8 L HCl
of the metal is 64. the simplest formula of the c) 0.8 L H2 and 22.4 L HCl
oxide would be d) 22.4 L HCl
a) M 2O 3 b) M 2 O 14. 12 g of Mg (atomic mass 24) on reacting
c) MO d) MO2 completely with acid gives hydrogen gas, the
7. If Al, Zn and Fe scraps have the same rate per volume of which at STP would be
kg, then for the production of H2 by action of a) 22.4 L b) 11.2 L
dilute H2SO4 [Atomic mass of Al = 27, Zn = 65, c) 44.8 L d) 6.1 L
Fe = 56]
15. Assuming full decomposition, the volume of CO2
a) Fe will be cheapest and Al will be costliest released at STP on heating 9.85 g of BaCO3
b) Al will be cheapest and zinc will be costliest (Atomic mass of Ba = 137) will be
c) Fe wil1 be cheapest and zinc will be costliest a) 0.84 L b) 0.24 L
d) Zn will be cheapest and Al will be costliest.
c) 4.06 L d) 1.12 L
8. A 400 mg iron capsule contains 100 mg of ferrous
16. What weight of KClO3 on decomposition will yield
fumarate, (CHCOO)2Fe. The percentage of iron
448 mL of oxygen gas at NTP ?
present in it is approximately
a) 2.45 g b) 1.634 g
a) 33% b) 25%
c) 3.67 g d) 4.9 g
c) 14% d) 8%
17. Weight of lime (CaO) that can be prepared by
9. When burnt in air, a 12.0 g mixture of carbon and
heating 100 kg of lime stone (CaCO3) of 95%
sulphur yields a mixture of CO2 and SO2, in which
purity is
the number of moles of SO2 is half of that of
CO2. The mass of carbon contained in the mixture a) 106.4 kg b) 56 kg
is c) 5.32 kg d) 53.2 kg
a) 4.08 g b) 5.14 g 18. 2 gram-atom of Ca was burnt in excess of oxygen
c) 8.74 g d) 1.54 g and the Number of moles of Y and Z are oxide
was dissolved in water to make up a 500 mL
10. In an experiment, it is found that 2.0769 g of pure
solution. Calculate the normality of alkaline
X produces 3.679 g of pure X2O5. The number
of moles of X is
a) 8 N b) 4 N
a) 0.04 b) 0.06


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 38
c) 2 N d) 1/2 N c) FeO = 75%, Fe3O4 = 25%
19. Calculate the percentage purity of H2O2 sample d) FeO = 14.57%, Fe3O4 = 85.5%
if 10 cc H2O2 when reacted with KI produces 23. X litres ofcarbon monoxide is present at STP. It
0.5 g of iodine. (I = 121) is completely oxidised to CO2. The volume of CO2
a) 6.69% b) 0.669% formed is 11.201 L at STP. What is the value of
c) 0.0669% d) 66.9% X in litres?
20. x g of Zn metal was mixed with 2x g of iodine to a) 22.414 L b) 11.207 L
form ZnI2. Which of the reactant wiil remain in c) 5.6035 L d) 44.828 L
excess and what fraction of it remains unreacted? 24. If 0.5 mo1 of BaCl2 is mixed with 0.2 mol of
(Zn = 65, I = 121) Na3PO4, the maximum number of Ba3(PO4)2 that
a) Zn, 0.75 b) I2, 0.48 can be formed is
c) Zn, 0.48 d) I2, 0.75 a) 0.7 b) 0.5
21. A mixture of cuprous oxide and cupric oxide c) 0.3 d) 0.1
weighing 1 g on reduction gives 0.839 g of metallic 25. Mixture X containing 0.02 mol of
copper. Calculate the weight of cupric oxide in [Co(NH 3 ) 5 SO 2 ]Br and 0.02 mol of
original sample (Cu = 63.5, O = 16) [Co(NH3)5Br]SO4 was prepared in 2 L of solution
a) 0.40 g b) 0.53 g 1 L of mixture X + excess AgNO3  Y
c) 0.55 g d) 0.5 g 1 L of mixture X + excess BaCl2  Z
22. A mixture of FeO and Fe3O4 when heated in air a) 0.01, 0.01 b) 0.02, 0.01
gains 10% in weight. What is the composition of
c) 0.01, 0.02 d) 0.02, 0.02
initial mixture?
a) FeO = 85.5%, Fe3O4 = 74.5%
b) FeO = 25%, Fe3O4 = 75%

1. (c) C2H4 + 3O2  2CO2 + 2H2O only 50% i.e. 10 litres. Hence,
1 mol 3 mol N2 + 3H2  2NH3
28 g (i.e. 1 mol) C2H4 requires 96 g (i.e. 3 Initially 30 L 30 L
mol) O2 for combustion. On completion (30 – 5) (30 – 15) 10 L

96 of reaction = 25 = 15
2800 g (i.e. 2.8 kg) C2H4 requires × 2800 (Volume of N2 and H2 consumed are taken
= 9600 g according to volume ratio of N2 : H2 : NH3
= 1 :3 : 2)
= 9.6 kg O2.
(b) Ag2CO3 
+ O2 
2. (b) CaCO3 + 2 HCl  CaCl2 + H2O + CO2. 4.  2AgO + CO2
1 mol 22400 mL 1 mol (276 g) 2 mol (2 × 124 g)
(100 g) 2.76
 0.01 mol 0.02 mol (0.02 × 124
10 g CaCO3 will give  10 = 2.48g)
5. (a) Ca + 2H2O  Ca(OH)2 + H2
= 2240 mL of CO2. 1 mol (40 g) 1 mol (22400 cm3)
3. (b) N2 + 3H2  2NH3
8 1 1 1
1 vol. 3 vol. 2 vol.  mol mol (22400 × = 4480 cm3)
40 5 5 5
N2 and H2 react in the volume ratio 1 : 3
6. (b) Metal oxide + H2  Metal
respectively. Equal volume of each is given
hence H2 is the limiting reagent. 30 L of H2 3.6 g 3.2 g
yields 20 litres of NH3 but NH3 obtained is In metal oxide, 3.2 g metal combines with


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 39
(3.6 – 3.2) = 0.4 g oxygen. 12  x x
Then,  2
3.2 12 32
Equivalent weight of metal   8 = 64
0.4 Number of moles of carbon = 2 × number
(Equivalent weight is the weight which of moles of S
combines with 8 g of oxygen) On solving x = 6.86 g
Mass of carbon = 12 – x = 5.14 g
Atomic weight
Equivalent weight 10. (a) X + O2  X2O5
2.0769 g 3.679 g
Va;emcu = 1
Number of moles of X = 2 × number of
Hence formula is M2O. moles of X2O5
7. (b) 2Al + 3H2SO4  Al2(SO4)3 + 3H2 (X is conserved both side)
2 × 27 g 6g Suppose atomic mass of X = x
Zn + H2SO4  ZnSO4 + H2
2.0769 2  3.679
65 g 2g  
x 2x  80
5Fe + H2SO4  FeSO4 + H2.
On solving x = 52
56 g 2g
Let us calculate the metal required for 1 g 2.0769
Number of moles of X =  0.04
of H2. 52
54 11. (b) S8 + 8O2  8SO2;
Al required = =9g 1 mol 8 mol
2SO2 + O2  2SO3
Zn required = = 32.5 g 2 mol 2 mol
Molar ratio of S8 and SO2 (S8 : SO2) = 1: 8
56 Molar ratio of SO2 and SO3 (SO2 : SO3) = 1 : 1
Fe required = = 28 g
2 Molar ratio of S8 and SO3 (S8 : SO3) = 1 : 8
As the rates per kg are same. It means 1 mole of S8 will give 8 moles of
 Al will be cheapest and zinc will be costliest. SO3.
i.e. 8 × 80 = 640 g
8. (d) 170 g of (CHCOO)2Fe contains 56 g Fe (Molecular weight of SO3 = 80)
12. (a) 2 Mg + O2  2MgO
100 mg of(CHCOO)2Fe contain 2 mol 1 mol
Mg and O2 react in the molar ratio Mg : O2
560 =2:1
× 100 = mg
17  1.5 moles of O2 will combine with 2 × 1.5
Percentage of Fe in iron capsule = 3 mol of Mg
i.e.3 × 24 = 72 gMg
560 100
=   8% 13. (c) H2 + Cl2  2HCl
17 400
1 mol 1 mol 2 mol
9. (b) C + S + O2  CO2 + SO2
H2 and Cl2 react in the molar ratio of 1 : l.
1 mo1 1 mol Excess 1 mol 1 mol
We have been given 12 L of H2 and 11.2 L
Molar ratio of CO2 and SO2 = molar ratio of Cl2.
of C and S
Hence, limiting reagent is Cl2.
Suppose mixture contains S = x g
H2 + Cl2  2HCl
C = (12 – x) g Initially 12L 11.2 L 0


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 40
On completion (12 – 11.2) 0 L (11.2 × 2) 1 mol of H2O, gives 1 mol I2.
of reactron = 0.8 L = 22.4L
Weight of H 2 O2 Weight of I 2
14. (b) Mg + 2HX  MgX2 + H2 Molecular weight of H 2 O2 = Molecular weight of I 2
1 mol Acid 1 mol (22.4L)
(24 g)
Weight of H2O2 = × 34 = 0.0669 g
Thus 12 g Mg gives 11.2 L of hydrogen gas. 254
15. (d) BaCO3  BaO + CO2 0.0669
Percentage purity of H2O2 =  100
l mol 1 mol (22.4 L) 10
(197 g) = 0.669%
9.85 20. (c) Zn + I2  ZnI2.
0.05 mol 0.05 mol (22.4 × 0.05 = 1.12 L)
x 2x x
16. (b) 2KClO3  2KCl + 3O2 Initial no. of moles 
65 254 127
2 mol 3 mol
I2 is in less amount hence 12 is the limiting
2 mol of KClO3 give 3 mol of O2 gas. reagent.
Hence 448 mL of O2 gas will be given by  Zn will remain in excess.
2  122.5 Number of moles of Zn left unreacted
 448 = 1.634 g
3  22400 x x
= 
[Molecular weight of KClO3 = 122.5 g] 65 127
17. (d) CaCO3  CaO + CO2  Fraction of Zn remained unreacted
1 mol (100g) 1 mol (56g)
x x
Actual amount of CaCO3 in 100 kg sample 
65 127  0.48
95 x
 × 100000 = 95 × 103 g
100 65
1 mol of CaCO3 gives 1 mol of CaO. 21. (c) Suppose weight of CuO = x g
56 Then weight of Cu2O = (1 – x) g
 95 × 103 g CaCO3 gives  × 95 × 103. 1 mol of CuO gives 1 mol of Cu and 1 mol
Cu2O gives 2 mol of Cu on reduction.
= 53200 g CaO
Moles of Cu in CuO + moles of Cu in Cu2O
= 53.2 kg CaO
= Total moles of Cu in product.
18. (a) Ca + O2  CaO   Ca(OH)2 1 × moles of CuO + 2 × moles of Cu2O
1 mol 1 mol 1 mol = moles of Cu in product.
1 mol of Ca gives 1 mol of Ca(OH)2.
x (1  x) 0.839
 Ca(OH)2 obtained from 2 gram-atom (i.e. 1  2 
79.5 143 63.5
2 mol) of Ca = 2 mol
x = 0.55 g
Number of moles 22. (a) Both FeO and Fe3O4 on heating change to
Molarity =  1000
Volume in mL Fe 2O3 .
FeO + Fe2O4  
2  1000  Fe2O3
 =4M
500 Suppose weight of FeO is x g and that of
Normality = Molarity x n (n = acidity) Fe2O3 is y g.
=4×2=8N Total weight of reactants = (x + y) g
19. (b) H2O2 + KI KOH + I2 Wt. of product
1 mol 1 mol


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 41

10 24. (d) 3BaCl2 +2Na3PO4  Ba3(PO4)2 + 6NaCl

= (x + y) + (x + y) × = 1.1 (x + y) g. 3 mol 2 mol 1 mol
11.207 L of CO2 is obtained from 11.207 L
Moles of Fe are conserved on both sides of
of CO.
24. (d) 3BaCl2 + 2Na3PO4  Ba3(PO4)2 + 6NaCl
 1 × mol of FeO + 3 × mol of Fe2O3
3 mol 2 mol 1 mol
= 2 × mol of Fe2O3
BaCl2 and Na3PO4 react in the molar ratio
x 3y 2  1.1(x  y) 3 : 2 respectively.
 
72 232 160 The given amount is in the ratio 5 : 2, hence
Na2PO4 is limiting reagent.
x 171
On simplification, y  29 Ba3(PO4)2 obtained = (1/2) × 0.2 = 0.1 mol
25. (a) [Co(NH3)5SO4]Br + AgNO3
171 1 mol
Thus, percentage of FeO = (171  29)  100  [Co(NH3)5SO4]NO3 + AgBr
= 85.5% [Co(NH3)5Br]SO4 + BaCl2
1 mol
Percentage of Fe3O4 =  100  [Co(NH3)5Br] + BaSO4.
171  29
1 mol
= 14.5% 1 L of mixture X contains 0.01 mol of
23. (b) CO + 1/2 O2  CO2 [Co(NH3)5SO4]Br and 0.01 mol of
1 vol. 1 vol. [Co(NH3)5Br]SO4.
 11.207 L of CO2 is obtained from 11.207 L 1 mol of mixture X gives 1 mol of Y and 1
of CO. mol of Z.
Hence 0.01 mol of mixture X give 0.01 mol
of each Y and Z.


Empirical formula is the simplest whole number of hydrogen and 6 atoms of oxygen. Its molecular
ratio of atoms of elements constituting the formula mass is 12 × 6 + 12 × 1 + 16 × 6 = 180.
compound. It gives relative number of atoms in a Molecular formula mass is the whole number
molecule or relative number of moles of atoms in multiple of the empirical formula mass for a given
one mole of the molecule. The sum of atomic compound.
masses of the atoms representing the empirical
formula is called empirical formula mass. e.g.. Molecular formula mass
empirical formula of glucose (C6H12O6) is CH2O Empirical formula mass
which represents the relative number of atoms
of C, H and O in the ratio 1 :2 : 1 respectively. Its 180
empirical formula mass is 30. For glucose, n  6
Molecular formula represents the actual number Empirical formula and molecular formula are also
of atoms present in one rnolecule of the compound related with this whole number n as :
or gives actual number of moles of atoms present
Molecular formula = (Empirical formula)n
in one mole of the molecules of the cornpound.
The sum of atomic masses of the atoms
representing the molecular formula is called Illustration 1 : A sulphide of iron contains 46.5%
molecular mass. e.g. molecular formula of glucose of Fe by weight. Find the empirical formula of
is C6H12O6 which shows that one molecule of the compound.
glucose consists of 6 atoms of carbon, 12 atoms Solution:


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 42
Percentage of sulphur in the compound
Percentase Molar ratio Simple ratio
= 100 – 46.5 = 53.5%.
% Mole ratio Simple ratio 32.5
K 32.5  0.833 1
Fe 46.5 0.83 1 39
S 53.5 1.67 2 0.839
H 0.839  0.839 1
Empirical formula : FeS2 1

Illustration 2 : 0.078 g of a hydrocarbon S 26.7  0.834 1
occupies 22.414 mL of volume at STP. The
empirical formula of the hydrocarbon is CH. Find 39.9
out the molecular formula. O 39.9  2.494 3
Molecular formula = KHSO3.
22.414 mL of gas weighs = 0.078 g.
22400 Illustration 5 : An organic compound weighing
 Molecular mass =  0.078  78 g
22.414 0.2614 g upon combustion gave 0.2324 g of CO2
Empirical formula mass = 12 + 1 = 13 and 0.0950 g of H2O, 0.1195 g of this same
compound gave 0.3470 g of AgCl. If the vapour
Molecular formula mass 78 density of substance is 49.5, calculate its molecular
 6
Empirical formula mass 13 formula.
Solution :
Molecular formula = (CH)4 = C6H6
Amount of carbon in 0.2324 g of CO2

Illustration 3 : A hydrated salt of iron sulphate 12

 × 0.2324
weighing 3 g contains 1.36 g of water of 44
crystallization. Find the formula of the hydrated
salt. 12 0.2324
 Mass percent of carbon =  × 100
Solution: 44 0.2614
= 24.24%
Percentage of water in salt =  100 = 45.3% Similarly mass percent of hydrogen
Percentage of FeSO4 in salt = 100 – 45.3 = 54.7% 2 0.0950
   100 = 4.038%
% Molar ratio Simple ratio 18 0.2614
Mass percent of chlorine
FeSO4 56.7  0.36 1
152 35.5 0.3476
=   100 = 71.83%
143.5 0.1195
H2O 45.3  2.5 7 Total mass percent = 24.24 + 4.038 + 71.83
= 100%
Empirical formula = FeSO4·7H2O
Thus compound contains only carbon, hydrogen
and chlorine.
Illustration 4 : Find the simplest formula of the Now let us calculate the empirical formula
compound which contains 32.5% potassium,
Percentage Molar ratio Simple ratio
0.839% hydrogen, 26.7% sulphur and 39.9%
oxygen by mass. 24.24
C 24.24  2.02 1
Solution: 12

H 4.038  4.038 1


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 43

71.83 0.205
Cl 71.83  2.02 1 Mass percent of hydrogen   100 = 4.1%
35.5 5
Empirical formula = CH2Cl 0.570
Empirical formula weight = 12 + 2 + 35.5 = 49.5 Mass percent of nitrogen   100 = 11.4%
Molecular weight = 49.5 × 2 = 99
Molecular weight 99 Mass percent of oxygen   100 = 26.0%
n  2 5
Empirical formula weight 49.5
Percentage Molar ratio Simple ratio
Molecular formula = (Empirical formula)n.
= (CH2Cl)n = C2H4Cl2. C 58.5  4.87 6

Illustration 6 : 5 g of an organic compound 4.1

H 4.1  4.1 5
contains 2.925 g of carbon, 0.205 g of hydrogen, 1
0.570 g of nitrogen and 1.30 g of oxygen. Find
out the simplest formula. 11.4
N 11.4  0.81 1
Solution : 14

2.925 26.0
Mass percent of carbon   100 = 58.5% O 26.0  1.6 2
5 16
Formula is C6H5NO2.


1. In a hydrocarbon the ratio of mass of hydrogen mass ratio 1 : 3 : 4 : 7 is
to carbon is 1 : 3. The empirical formula of the
a) C 3 HO 4 N 7 b) CH 2 ON
hydrocarbon is
c) CH 4 ON 2 d) C 2 H 8 ON 2
a) CH 4 b) CH 3
6. 1 L of a hydrocarbon at 1270C and 1 atm pressure
c) C 2H 2 d) C 2H 4
weighs 2.8 g. It contains 10.5 g of carbon per
2. An oxide of iodine (I = 127) contains 25.4 g of gram of hydrogen. It's molecular formula will be
iodine and 8 g of oxygen. Its formula could be a) C 7H 7 b) C 6 H 18
a) I 2 O 3 b) I 2 O
c) C 7H 8 d) C 7H 9
c) I 2 O 5 d) I 2 O 9
7. 0.30 g of an organic compound containing C, H
3. The empirical fomrula of an organic compound and O on combustion yielded 0.44 g CO2 and
containing carbon and hydrogen is CH2. The mass 0.18 g H2O. If 1 mole of compound weighs 60,
of one litre of this organic gas is exactiy equal to then molecular formula of compound is
that of one litre of N2. Therefore, the molecular a) C 2 H 4 O 2 b) CH 2 O
formula of the organic gas is
c) C 3 H 8 O d) C 4 H 12
a) C 2H 4 b) C 3H 6
8. 4.24 g of an organic compound on combustion
c) C 6 H 12 d) C 4H 8
produces 8.45 g of CO2 and 3.46 g of water. The
4. A mineral has the following composition: MgO = mass percentage of C and H in the compound
31.88%, SiO2 = 63.37%, H2O = 4.15%. The respectively are
simplest formula of the compound is (Mg = 24, Si a) 27.2, 18.2 b) 54.4, 9.1
= 28, O = 16)
c) 9.1, 54.4 d) 18.2, 27.2
a) H2Mg2Si3O9 b) H4Mg3Si4O13
9. Two oxides of a metal contain 50% and 40% metal
c) H2Mg3Si4O8 d) H2Mg3Si4O12
(M) respectively. If formula of first oxide is MO2,
5. The empirical formula of the compound containing the formula of second oxide will be
hydrogen, carbon, oxygen and nitrogen in the


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 44
a) MO2 b) MO3 a) C 3 H 6 O 3 b) C 2 H 4 O 2
c) M 2 O d) M2 O 5 c) C 5 H 10 O 5 d) C 4 H 8 O 4
10. The empirical formula of a compound is CH2O
and its molecular mass is 120. The molecular
formula of the compound is

1. (a) Suppose mass of hydrogen is x, 5. (c) Their mole ratio will be
then, mass of carbon = 3x 1 3 4 7
Element Mass Mole ratio Simple ratio H:C:O:N= : : :
2 12 16 14
3x x 1 1 1
Carbon 3x  1 1: : : = 4 : 1 : 1 : 2
12 4 4 4 2
x Formula will be H4CON2 i.e. CH4ON2.
Hydrogen x x 4
1 6. (c)
Hence, empirical formula = CH4. Weight ratio Molar ratio Simple ratio
2. (c) 10.5
Element Mass Mole ratio Simple ratio C 10.5 = 0.875 7
25.4 1
Iodine 25.4  0.2 3
127 H 1 =1 8
8 Empirical formula = C7H8.
Hydrogen 8  0.5 5
16 Empirical weight = 12 × 7 + 8 = 92
Empirical formula = I2O5. 1  1  273 273
3. (a) Empirical formula weight = 12 + 2 × 1 = 14 Volume at NTP =  L
400 400
Equal number of moles occupy equal volume
at identical conditions. 400
Molecular weight = 2.8 × × 22.4  92
 Molecular weight = 14 × 2 = 28 273
Empirical weight × n = Molecular weight Molecular weight = Molecular weight = 92
 Molecular formula = C7H8.
n 2 7. (a) Weight of carbon = 12 × moles of CO2.
Molecular formula = (Empirical formula)n. 12  0.44
  0.12 g
= C2H4. 44
4. (d) Weight of hydrogen = 2 × moles of H2O.
MgO SiO2 H2O 2  0.18
Percentage 31.88 63.37 4.75 = = 0.02 g
31.88 63.37 4.75 Weight of oxygen = 0.30 – (0.12 + 0.02)
Molar ratio
40 60 18 = 0.16 g
= 0.797 = 1.0561 = 0.264 C H O
Simple ratio 3 4 1 Weight ratio 0.12 0.02 0.16
Hence, formula H2Mg3Si4O12. 0.12 0.02 0.16
Mole ratio
12 1 16
= 0.01 = 0.02 = 0.01


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 45
Simple ratio = 1 : 2 : 1 9. (b) First oxide is MO2 containing 50% of oxygen
Empirical formula = CH2O (32 g)
Molecular weight = Empirical weight × n  Metal contained is also 32 g
60 = (30)n  n=2 Weight
 Molecular formula = C2H4O2. Atomic mass of metal =
Number of moles
8. (b) Weight of C in compound = 12 × moles of
CO 2 . 32
 = 32
12  8.45
= Percentage Mole ratio Simple ratio
M 40 40/32 = 1.25 1
12  8.45 100 O 60 60/16 = 3.75 3
Mass percentage of C = 
44 4.24 Empirical formula = MO3.
= 54.4% 10. (d) Empirical weight = 12 + 2 × 1 + 16 = 30
Similarly, mass percentage of H Empirical weight × n = Molecular weight
2  3.46 100 Molecular weight 120
  = 9.1% n  4
18 4.24 Empirical weight 30
Molecular formula = (Empirical formula)n
= C 4 H8 O 4 .


1. A solution is prepared by adding 2 g of a substance c) 39.81 g d) 9.8 g

A to 18 g of water. The mass percent of the solute
7. Chlorine has the following two isotopes with
relative natural abundance and molar mass
a) 5 % b) 10%
% Natural abundance Molar mass
c) 15% d) 25% 35
Cl 75.77 34.9689
2. A jug contains 2 L of milk. Calculate the volume 37
Cl 24.23 36.9659
of the milk in m3.
From the above data, the average atomic mass
a) 3 × 103 m3 b) 2 × 102 m3
of chlorine is
c) 2 ×10–3 m3 d) 2 × 10–3 m3
a) 25.5 u b) 15.5 u
3. How many seconds are there in 2 days?
c) 10.5 u d) 35.4 u
a) 172800 s b) 36000 s
8. A compound contains 4.07 % hydrogen, 24.27 %
c) 72000 s d) 60000 s carbon and 71.65 % chlorine. Its molar mass is
4. How many moles of methane are required to 98.96 g. What will be the molecular formula of
produce 22 g CO2(g) after combustion? the substance?
a) 3.5mol b) 2.5 mol a) CH2Cl b) C2H4Cl 2
c) 1.5 mol d) 0.5 mol c) CHCl3 d) CH2Cl2
5. A compound contains 69.9% iron, 30.1% oxygen. 9. How many grams of water are produced by the
The empirical formula of this compound is combustion of 16 g of methane?
a) Fe 3O 4 b) Fe 2O 3 a) 2 × 18 g b) 3 × 18 g
c) Fe 2O 4 d) Fe 3O 2 c) 4 × 18 g d) 1 × 18 g
6. How much copper can be obtained from 100 g 10. A solution of NaOH is prepared by dissolving 4 g
of copper sulphate (CuSO4)? (Atomic mass of of it in 250 mL of the solution. The molarity of
Cu = 63.5 u) solution is
a) 29.81 g b) 19.81 g a) 0.5 M b) 0.4 M


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 46
c) 2.5 M d) 1.5 M What mass of CaCO 3 is required to react
11. If the densityof methanol is 0.793 kg L–1, what completely with 25 mL of 0.75 M HCl ?
volume of it is needed for making 2.5 L of its a) 5 g b) 10 g
0.25 M solution? c) 0.94 g d) 8.5 g
a) 25.5 mL b) 52.5 mL 17. A welding fuel gas contains carbon and hydrogen
c) 15.5 mL d) 10.5 mL only. Burning a small sample of it in oxygen gives
12. Match List I with List II and select the correct 3.38 g carbon dioxide, 0.690 g of water and no
answer using the code given below the lists. other products. A volume of 10.0 L (measured at
List I (Prefixes) List II (Multiples) STP) of this welding gas is found to weigh 11.6
g. The molecular formula of gas is
A. Micro 1. 10
a) C 2H 2 b) CH 4
B. Deca 2. 109
c) C\H4 d) C 2H 6
C. Mega 3. 10–6 12
18. Mass of one C atom is
D. Giga 4. 106
a) 1.9 × 1023 g b) 5.3 × 1023 g
c) 1.9 × 10–23 g d) 5.3 × 10–23 g
a) 3 2 4 1
19. Pressure is determined as force per unit area of
b) 3 1 4 2 the surface. The SI unit of pressure. pascal is
c) 4 2 3 1 1 Pa = 1 N m–2. If mass of air at sea level is 1034
d) 4 3 2 1 g cm–2, the pressure in pascal is
13. The following data were obtained when dinitrogen a) 1.01332 × 10–5 Pa b) 1.01332 × 105 Pa
and dioxygen react together to form different c) 1.01332 × 10–7 Pa d) 1.01332 × 10–9 Pa
compounds : 20. What is the concentration of sugar (C12H22O11)
Mass of dinitrogen Mass of dioxygen in mol L–1 if its 20 g are dissolved in enough water
i) 14 g 16 g to make a final volume up to 2 L?
ii) 14 g 32 g a) 0.29 mol L–1 b) 0.0029 mol L–1
iii) 28 g 32 g c) 2.29 mol L–1 d) 0.029 mol L–1.
iv) 28 g 80 g 21. Chlorine is prepared in the laboratory by treating
Which law of chemical combination is obeyed by manganese dioxide (MnO 2 ) with aqueous
the above experimental data? hydrochloric acid according to the reaction.
a) Law of definite composition 4HCl(aq) + MnO2(s)  2H2O(l) + MnCl2(aq) + Cl2(g)
b) Law of conservation of mass How many grams of HCl react with 5.0 g of
rnanganese dioxide?
c) Law of multipie proportions
a) 8.4 g b) 5.5 g
d) Law of gaseous volumes
c) 3.4 g d) 4.8 g
14. Which one of the following will have largest
number of atoms? 22. How many significant figures should be present
in the answer of the following calculations?
a) 1 g Au(s) b) 1 g Na(s)
c) 1 g Li(s) d) 1 g Cl2(g). 0.02856  298.15  0.112
15. Ten volumes of dihydrogen gas reacts with five 0.5785
volumes of dioxygen gas, how many volumes of a) 1 b) 2
water vapour would be produced? c) 3 d) 4
a) 5 volumes b) 2 volumes 23. 52 moles of Ar contains
c) 3 volumes d) 10 volumes a) 3.13 × 10–25 atoms b) 3.13 × 1025 atoms
16. Calcium carbonate reacts with aqueous HCl to c) 2.25 × 10–20 atoms d) 4.25 × 105 atoms
give CaCl2 and CO2 according to the reaction.
24. Use the data given in the following table to
CaCO3(g) + 2HCl(aq)  CaCl2(aq) + CO2(g) calculate the molar mass of naturally occurring
+ H2O(l). argon isotopes:


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 47
Isotope Isotopic molar mass Abundance 25. Calculate the mass of sodium acetate
Ar 35.96755 g mol–1 0.337% (CH3COONa) required to make 500 mL of 0.375
Ar 31.962729 moi l 0.063% molar aqueous solution. Molar mass of sodium
acetate is 82.0245 g mol–1.
Ar 39.9624 g mol I 99.600%
a) 15.38 g b) 38.15 g
a) 89.94 g mol b) 39.95 g mol–1
c) 81.35 g d) 35.81 g
c) 94.39 g mol–1 d) 49.39 g mol–1

1. (a) Mass per cent of A 5. (b)

Mass of A Element % Atomic Relative Simplest Simplest

= × 100
Mass of solution mass no. of molar whole no.
2g moles ratio molar ratio
= 2 g of A + 18 g of water  100 = 10% 69.9 1.25
Fe 69.9 56 1.25 1 2
56 1.25
2. (c) Since 1 L = 1000 cm3.
30.1 1.88
and 1 m = 100 cm which gives O 30.1 16 1.88 1.5 3
16 1.25
1m 100 cm
1 Hence, the empirical formula is Fe2O3.
100 cm 1m
6. (c) The molar mass of CuSO4
To get m3 from the above unit factors, the
= 63.5 + 32 + 4 × 16 = 159.5 amu or u
first unit factor is taken and it is cubed.
One mole of CuSO4 contains one mole of Cu
 1m  1 m3  159.5 g of CuSO4 contains 63.5 g of copper
   (1)3  1
 100 cm  106 cm3 63.5
 100 g of CuSO4 contain  100
Now 2 L = 2 × 1000 cm3. 159.5
The above is multiplied by the unit factor, = 39.81 g of copper
1 m3 2 m3 7. (d) The average atomic mass of chlorine
2 × 1000 cm3 × 
106 cm3 103 75.77  34.9689  24.23  36.9659

= 2 × 10–3 m3. 75.77  24.33
4. (d) According to the chemical equation, 3545.27
CH4(g) + 2O2(g)  CO2(g) + 2H2O(g)  = 35.45 u
44 g CO2(g) is obtained from 16 g CH4(g).
8. (b)
[ 1 mol CO2(g) is obtained from 1 mol
9. (a) Methane undergoes combustion as
of CH4(g)]
CH4(g) + 2O2(g)  CO2(g) + 2H2O(l).
Mole of CO2(g)
1 mol 2 mol
1 mol CO 2(g) 1 × 16 g 2 × 18 g
= 22 g CO2(g) × 44 g CO
2(g) 10. (b) Since molarity (M)
= 0.5 mol CO2(g). No. of moles of solute

Hence, 0.5 mol CO2(g) would be obtained Volume of solution in litres
from 0.5 mol CH4(g) or 0.5 mol of CH4(g)
would be required to produce 22 g CO2(g). Mass of NaOH/Molar mass of NaOH

0.25 L


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 48

4 g / 40 g 0.1 mol Molar mass of CaCO3 = 100 g/mol

  Mass of CaCO3 required = 100 × 0.0094
0.25 L 0.25 L
= 0.94 g
= 0.4 mol L–1 = 0.4 M
moles of CH3OH 17. (a) Number of moles of CO2  = 0.0768
11. (a) Molarity = 44
Volume in L
No. of moles of C = 0.0768
moles of CH3OH
= 0.25  0.690
2.5 No. of moles of H2O  = 0.0383
 Moles of CH3OH = 2.5 × 0.25 = 0.625
 No. of moles of H = 2 × 0.0383 = 0.0766
Mass of CH3OH = 0.625 × 32 = 20 g
i) The ratio of moles of C to H is 0.768 : 0.0766
[Molar mass of CH3OH = 12 + 1 × 3 +16
or 1 : 1
+ 1 = 32]
3 Therefore empirical formula = CH
 0.793 × 10 g of CH3OH is present in 1000
mL ii) 10.0 L of fuel gas at STP weighs

1000 11.6  22.4

 20 g of CH3OH is present in  20  = 25.98 g
0.793  103 10
= 25.2 mL  Molar mass of gas = 25.98 g = 26 g mol–1.
12. (b) Molar mass 26
13. (c) iii) n  2
Empirical formula mass 13
14. (c) (a) No. of atoms in 1 g of Au
 Molecular formula = (empirical formula)n.
1 = (CH)2 = C2H2.
  6.022  1023 = 3.057 × 1021 atoms
(b) No. of atoms in 1 g of Na 18. (c) Mass of one atom of 12C =
6.022  1023
1 = 1.9 × 10–23 g
  6.022  1023 = 2.618 × 1022 atoms
23 19. (b) Mass of air at sea level = 1034 g cm–3.
(c) No. of atoms in 1 g of Li Acceleration due to gravity g = 9.8 ms–2.
1 Pressure is the force acting per unit area
  6.022  1023 = 8.603 × 1022 atoms
7 But weight = mg
(d) No. of atoms in 1 g of Cl2.  Pressure = weight per unit area
= 1034 g × 9.8 ms–2.
  2  6.022  1023 = 1.696 × 1022 atoms
71 1034
Pressure of air = × 9.8 × 100 × 100
Thus, 1 g of Li has largest number of atoms. 1000
15. (d) = 1.01332 × 105 Pa
16. (c) CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq)  CaCl2(aq) + CO2(g) 20. (d) The molar mass of sugar (C12H22O11) = 342
+ H2O(l).
No. of moles of HCl given = MHCl VHCl.  Moles of sugar = = 0.058
= 0.75 mol L–1 × 25 × 10–3 L = 0.0188 mol
Volume of solution = 2 L
2 moles of HCl requires 1 mole CaCO3.
Moles of solute
0.0188  Molarity =
 0.0188 mole of HCl will required  Volume of solution in L
= 0.0094 mole of CaCO3. 0.058
= = 0.029 mol L–1.


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry 49
21. (a) 4HCl (aq) + MnO2(s)  2H2O(l) + MnCl2(aq)
+ Cl2(g).
 87 g of MnO2 react with 146 g of HCl
146  5
 5 g of MnO2 react with
= 8.39  8.40 g of HCl
0.02856  298.15  0.112 0.9536983
22. (c) 
0.5785 0.5785
= 1.6485711
Correct answer = 1.65
 1.65 has 3 significant figures
23. (b) 1 mole of Ar contsins = 6.022 × 1023 atoms
 52 moles of Ar contains = 52 × 6.022 × 1023.
= 3.13 × 1025 atoms
24. (b) Molar mass of naturally occuring argon
35.96755  0.337  37.96272  0.063  39.9624  99.600

0.337  0.063  99.600

12.12  2.39  3980.255 3994.765

 
100 100
= 39.95 g mol–1.
25. (a) Molar mass of sodium acetate
= 82.0245 g mole–1.
Let mass of CH3COONa required to make
500 mL of 0.375 M
w  1000
Solution = M  V(in mL)

0.375  82.0245  500

= 15.38 g


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