Lee 2004

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OTC 16741

Seismic Expression of the Cenozoic Mass Transport Complexes, Deepwater

Tarfaya-Agadir Basin, Offshore Morocco
Charlie Lee, Jerry A. Nott, and Fred B. Keller, Shell International E&P Inc.; Andrew R. Parrish, Indiana University
Department of Geological Sciences

Copyright 2004, Offshore Technology Conference

acquired 3D seismic data. The availability of 3D seismic data
This paper was prepared for presentation at the Offshore Technology Conference held in has allowed for a detailed interpretation of the paleogeography
Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 3–6 May 2004.
and depositional systems of the study area in the Tarfaya-
This paper was selected for presentation by an OTC Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
Agadir Basin (Fig. 1). The results of this study highlighted the
presented, have not been reviewed by the Offshore Technology Conference and are subject to presence and the significance of mass transport complexes
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Offshore Technology Conference or officers. Electronic reproduction, (MTCs) in the southern part of the basin within the Tertiary
distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written stratigraphic interval. Two main Tertiary MTCs, named Tejas
consent of the Offshore Technology Conference is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print
is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The A and Tejas B, have been identified, in addition to several
abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was
presented. smaller and younger MTCs, including one at the present day
seafloor. These different MTCs exhibit distinct seismic
characteristics. 3D seismic semblance slices have been used to
clearly illustrate the many interesting features observed,
The Tarfaya-Agadir Basin in offshore Morocco is a frontier
including kilometer-scale transported blocks, arcuate ridges
exploration area with no deepwater industry well penetrations
near flow terminations, and possible basal glide tracks.
and limited well control in the updip shelfal equivalent. Recent
The identification of MTCs in the Tertiary interval
detailed 3D seismic mapping and study by Shell has identified
the presence of two large mass transport complexes (MTCs) in has important implications on its prospectivity in the southern
part of the Tarfaya-Agadir Basin. On the basis of 2D seismic
the Tertiary interval, in addition to a number of smaller and
data, Tejas A was interpreted by earlier explorationists to be a
younger MTCs. The large MTCs, named Tejas A and Tejas B,
deepwater turbidite fan with channel-levee complexes. The
exhibit distinct seismic characteristics that may be significant
present study has conclusively shown that Tejas A is in fact a
to understanding the evolution of the basin during the Tertiary.
MTC, with very little likelihood of containing producible
The basal Tejas A is characterized by numerous kilometer-
reservoirs. However, the extensive chaotic seismic facies
scale, coherent transported blocks. The size and quantity of
within Tejas A may act as very effective regional seals.
transported blocks observed in Tejas A is unique in Morocco
and the Atlantic Margin. The MTC in the younger Tejas B is a
Regional Setting
thick chaotic unit with distinctive downdip erosional lobes.
Sea-floor spreading in this region of the North Atlantic is
This deposit is overlain by high amplitude, parallel seismic
generally believed to have initiated by Middle Jurassic time
facies. The chaotic seismic facies is often sharp-edged, with
(Steiner et al. 1998), following continental rifting in the
well-defined pressure ridges. Only a few small transported
Triassic. Late Early Jurassic rift-shoulder uplift was
blocks and erosional remnants have been observed in Tejas B.
associated with a general regression, localized erosion of
Failure deposits account for a significant percentage of the
Liassic carbonates, and formation of the Argana, Essaouira
Tertiary stratigraphic interval in the 3D survey area.
and Atlas basins in western Morocco (Beauchamp et al. 1996;
Steiner et al. 1998 and references therein). A thick Triassic
salt basin, rimmed on the east by a thick Jurassic marine
Exploration for hydrocarbon in offshore Morocco Atlantic
carbonate platform, characterizes the early fill of the basin. A
Margin began in the late 1960s and continued intermittently
steep declivity flanked the reefs that lined the platform margin
until 1990. This early phase of exploration focused exclusively
along the western edge of the rift-shoulder (Fig. 2). This
on the shelf, relying on 2D seismic data, with mixed results
structural-stratigraphic configuration essentially controlled the
and no commercial discoveries. Following a period of no
activity, interest in the area increased again in the late 1990s, subsequent depositional history in the basin.
In the Cretaceous, deltaic deposition overwhelmed
especially in the deepwater area.
and succeeded the carbonate platform on the shelf. During the
Shell is the operator of two deepwater concessions in
terminal Cretaceous and early Tertiary times, tectonic uplift of
the Tarfaya-Agadir Basin (Fig. 1) and has carried out a
the High Atlas and Anti-Atlas Mountains in the onshore areas
detailed subsurface evaluation based largely on recently
2 OTC 16741

resulted in a narrow shelf, with little accommodation space. A slope, and also locally on the flank of active salt diapirs, away
broad, steep slope, dissected by numerous salt diapirs extends from the direct path of transportation of the upper MTC.
more than 70 km across the basin. During sea-level low
stands, sediments bypassed the shelf completely and were Upper MTC. The upper MTC is about 30 m to 150 m
deposited directly onto the slope and the deepwater area of the thick and consists of high amplitude chaotic seismic facies,
old salt basin, whereas sediment buildup occured mostly on with numerous coherent transported blocks (Fig.3 and 4). The
the shelf and shelf edge during high stands. Oversteepening of transported blocks are concentrated in the upper slope to the
the local depositional slopes, in association with subsequent south, and they have not been observed in the downdip areas
tectonic and/or lowstand activity, often lead to mass failures to the north. Clustering of the transported blocks is common,
during the late Cretaceous and Tertiary. especially against the flank of active salt diapirs, but there
appears to be no preferred orientation in their alignment (Fig.
Seismic Characteristics of Morocco MTC 3 to 5, 9 and 10).
The Cenozoic section in the southern Tarfaya-Agadir Basin On seismic data, the transported blocks vary in size
has many intervals of chaotic seismic facies of varying sizes from several hundred metres and up to four by three
that are interpreted as failure deposits, though most have not kilometers across and 150 m high (Fig. 3 to 14). The shape of
been mapped with 3D seismic data. It is estimated that the blocks, in map view, is highly variable. On 3D seismic
roughly 20% of the Tertiary is composed of MTC deposits in semblance slices, about 40 large (kilometer-sized) transported
this area. Tejas A, Tejas B, and a present day seafloor MTC blocks have been observed. The size and quantity of
are discussed in the following section to illustrate the distinct transported blocks observed in Tejas A is unusual among
seismic characteristics observed in these MTCs. reported MTC deposits in Morocco and the Atlantic Margin.
Internal stratification in the transported blocks is
Tejas A. Tejas A is the oldest Tertiary MTC in the basin (Fig. generally intact, consisting of variable amplitude, parallel to
3 to 16). On seismic data, Tejas A lies either directly on top of, subparallel seismic facies that terminate abruptly against the
or up to 100 m above the interpreted Cretaceous-Tertiary surrounding chaotic seismic facies (Fig. 7 to 14). The top and
unconformity. A thin (<100 m), transparent to low amplitude, base of the transported blocks are often bounded by high
sub-parallel to chaotic seismic interval often separates the base amplitude, soft seismic reflectors. Almost all transported
of Tejas A from the underlying Cretaceous-Tertiary blocks lie directly on and are often partly submerged in the
unconformity (Fig. 5). The origin of this interval and its surrounding chaotic seismic facies, clearly indicating that they
relationship with Tejas A is not clearly defined at present. are transported by the chaotic mass. The top part of most
Tejas A is about 50 m to 400 m thick on seismic transported blocks rise above the top of the upper MTC, by as
records and covers an area greater than 3000 km2. It appears to much as 100 m and create a very unique profile on seismic
extend across the upper slope to the west and east, beyond the sections (Fig. 5, 7 to 14). However, some transported blocks
existing 3D seismic coverage (Fig. 3). Tejas A consists of now sit atop or on the steep flanks of salt diapirs, making their
three distinct units: a basal MTC, upper MTC and an recognition on seismic data more difficult.
overlying onlapping and draping unit (Fig. 6). The basal and Deformation of transported blocks is rare, but may
upper MTC are separated by a condensed section. include ductile deformation (Fig. 14) and rotational faults (Fig.
8 and 10). Velocity sags have been observed immediately
Basal MTC. The base of Tejas A, defined by a high beneath many of the transported blocks and are particularly
amplitude, soft seismic reflector, appears erosive on seismic prominent below smaller transported blocks (Fig. 8 and 9).
traverses, with varying degrees of erosion into the underlying The cause of the velocity slow-downs is not clear, but may be
strata (Fig. 7 to 16). No obvious erosional scars have been lithology related. A number of long, linear features trending
observed in semblance slices at or near the base MTC. The parallel to the transport direction may possibly be glide tracks
basal MTC is less than 80 m thick and consists of high (Fig. 3), but no associated outrunner blocks have been
amplitude, predominantly chaotic seismic facies. The base identified (Nissen et al., 1999).
MTC is well preserved in the downdip area to the north, but
appears to be mostly eroded or completely reworked by the Onlapping and Draping Unit. The upper MTC and
shallower deposits towards the updip (upper slope) area to the transported blocks are onlapped and draped by younger
south (Fig. 11, 12 and 15). deepwater clastics and hemipelagic sediments. These units are
up to 300 m thick in the lower slope. They are represented by
Condensed Section. A very prominent, soft seismic mostly sub-parallel to parallel seimic facies of variable
reflector lies above the basal MTC and is particularly well amplitude (Fig. 5, 7 to 16).
preserved in the lower slope (Fig. 11, 12 and 15). The reflector
breaks up (in the upper slope) and disappears completely Tejas B. The younger Tejas B MTC is separated from Tejas A
before reaching the uppermost part of the upper slope. This by a thick (up to 500 m), mostly low amplitude to transparent,
reflector is interpreted as a condensed section, implying a parallel seismic facies representing deepwater clastic deposits
significant time break between deposition of the basal and (Fig. 5). However, this interval also includes additional MTC
upper MTCs. The condensed section probably provided the deposits that are not discussed here. Tejas B is up to 200 m
initial sliding surface for the upper MTC and was mostly thick on seismic records and covers an area greater than 3000
destroyed in the updip area by the process of mass transport. km2, which covers the same general area as Tejas A. Part of
This may explain why it is well preserved mostly in the lower
OTC 16741 3

Tejas B extends beyond the existing 3D seismic coverage to facies, and the lateral character of facies observed in the
the north and northwest, (Fig. 17). semblance slices.
Tejas B is characterized by chaotic seismic facies of An alternative model for the cause of the mass
variable amplitude. The distribution of the chaotic facies is wasting related specifically to Tejas A has also been
clearly revealed on 3D seismic semblance slices (Fig. 17 to considered: the Cretaceous-Tertiary impact event in Yucatan
19), while on conventional amplitude displays the definition is Peninsula that produced the Chicxulub crater. It is suggested
subtler. The base of the MTC is commonly erosive into the that the massive shock of the impact and tsunami generated by
underlying sub-parallel to parallel seismic facies (Fig. 20). In it could have triggered slope failures in Morocco Atlantic
map view erosional truncation is seen at the lateral edges of Margin. However, the age of Tejas A MTC and the seismic
discreet, elongated tongues of chaotic seismic facies that Cretaceous-Tertiary unconformity remains interpretive, as
measure between one to eight kilometers wide and more than they have not been penetrated.
20 km long. These tongues extend generally toward the north The exact points of origin of Tejas A and Tejas B
(Fig. 17 and 21) from the main area of the MTC, and represent MTCs remain unresolved with the available 3D and 2D
terminal lobes of the deposit. seismic data. Both Tejas A and Tejas B MTCs thin out into the
Well-defined pressure ridges are commonly lower slope and pinch out rapidly onto the edge of the upper
observed, especially near the terminal ends of the MTC lobes. slope, well before reaching the shelf edge. No specific
The orientation of the pressure ridges indicates a northerly correlatable shelf edge and upper slope failure/erosional
(downdip) flow direction consistent with the general transport features have been observed. We infer that the Tejas A and
direction of Tejas A (Fig. 17 and 22). Several relatively small Tejas B MTCs must have originated as multiple pulses of
features, several hundred metres wide, are observed in the massive self edge or slope failures, with a northerly flow
updip area and may be either erosional remnants or direction down the slope. The original failure scars
transported blocks (Fig. 17 and 23). If they are erosional subsequently were eroded, as the entire Lower Tertiary
remnants surrounded by MTC facies then the flows may have interval thins rapidly updip onto the very steep shelf edge, and
been fluid enough to be diverted around more resistant the interval appears to be completely missing from the shelf.
(protected) areas.
Seafloor MTC. A near-seafloor MTC with little post- Recent detailed 3D seismic mapping has highlighted the
depositional deformation or compaction has some well- presence and the significance of Cenozoic MTCs in the
preserved pressure ridges that are visible at the seafloor (Fig. southern part of the Tarfaya-Agadir Basin. We estimate that
24 and 25). This feature appears to be a terminal lobe of a up to 20% of the Tertiary interval is composed of MTC
larger MTC that has bifurcated around a salt-cored high, and deposits in the study area. These different MTCs exhibit
has been subsequently modified by recent drainage. The MTC distinct seismic characteristics. 3D seismic semblance slices
terminates against the footwall side of a buried normal fault has clearly illustrate the many interesting features observed,
that controls its downdip extent (Fig. 26). This MTC is including kilometer-scale transported blocks, arcuate ridges
deposited in, and postdates a larger failure scar with well- near flow terminations, and possible glide tracks. Tertiary
defined lateral failure scarps (it appears the head scarp is off sequences are not viable exploration targets where MTC is
the survey), though the temporal relationship is uncertain (Fig. interpreted, but they may act as an effective regional seals.
24). MTCs on or near the seafloor may be potential drilling
The Origin of MTCs in Tarfaya-Agadir Basin
It is clear from seismic evidence that many of the MTC Acknowledgements
deposits are composite, consisting of several smaller units that The authors would like to thank Shell and its partners Kerr
amalgamated. The presence of possible condensed sections McGee, Energy Africa and ONAREP for permission to
also indicates a significant time gap between deposition of publish this article. The manuscript has benefited greatly from
some of the major failed units. Recent seafloor failure scars, the astute comments of Mario Wannier and Craig Shipp.
with up to 90 m of relief, are observed and closely associated
with MTC facies. The cause of the mass failures is probably References
related to the relief along the basin margin, characterised by a Beauchamp, W., Barazangi, M., Demnati, A., and El Alji, M. (1996),
narrow shelf, steep shelf edge and slope, in combination with Intracontinental Rifting and Inversion: Missour Basin and
active tectonic movements. Large earthquakes have occurred Atlas Mountains, Morocco. AAPG Bull., v. 80, p. 1459-
in this area in the historic past, including the magnitude 6.7 1482.
earthquake that levelled the city of Agadir and killed about Nissen, S., Haskell, N. and Steiner, C. (1999) Debris flow outrunner
15,000 people in February 1960. blocks, glide tracks, and pressure ridges identified on the
For the Tejas A MTC, the uniqueness of the large Nigerian continental slope using 3-D seismic coherency.
transported blocks initially suggested several alternative The Leading Edge, p. 595-599.
models, including deepwater chemosynthetic mounds,
erosional remnants, sand diapirs and shallow water carbonate Steiner, C., Hobson, A., Favre, P., Stampfli, G. M., and Hernandez, J.
mounds. These models have been subsequently ruled out (1998), Mesozoic Sequence of Fuerteventura (Canary
because of the vertical stratigraphic association of seismic Islands): Witness of Early Jurassic Sea-Floor Spreading in
the Central Atlantic. GSA Bulletin, v. 110, p. 1304-1317.
4 OTC 16741

Fig. 1. Satellite map showing the location of the Tarfaya-Agadir Basin, offshore Morocco, North Africa.

Fig. 2. Regional 2D seismic section showing the geology of the Morocco Atlantic Margin.
OTC 16741 5

N Fig.15
10 km

Lower Slope






Upper Slope
A Fig.5a, b

Fig. 3. Flattened semblance slice at Tejas A Base MTC -90ms, showing the extent and distribution of transported blocks within Tejas
6 OTC 16741

2 km

Fig. 4. Zoom view of transported blocks in Tejas A MTC, flattened semblance slice at Tejas A Base MTC -90ms.

Tejas B MTC

3s Fig. 10

T Fig. 9
W Fig. 7
(s) Tejas A MTC
Fig. 8

4s Time, Reflectivity

10 km

Fig. 5a. Western portion of regional 3D seismic strike section A – A’, showing a series of transported blocks in Tejas A MTC.
OTC 16741 7


Tejas B MTC

Fig. 12

Fig. 11
Tejas A MTC-

4s Time, Reflectivity

10 km

Fig. 5b. Eastern portion of regional 3D seismic strike section A – A’, showing a series of transported blocks in Tejas A MTC.

South North
Upper Slope Lower Slope

Lower Tertiary hemipelagics

Transported blocks

LEGEND Base Tertiary Unconformity

Tejas A draping / onlapping unit
Tejas A Upper MTC with transported blocks
Tejas A Basal MTC
Base Tertiary chaotic, non-reflective unit Upper Cretaceous clastics
Prominent reflector = condensed section

Fig. 6. Schematic sketch illustrating the sedimentary geometry and stratigraphic relationship of the depositional units of Tejas A
8 OTC 16741

Large transported block

Smaller transported block


Seismic Horizons
Top Tejas A
Tejas A Upper MTC Unit Top
2 km
Tejas A Base MTC Unit
Base Tertiary Unconformity Time, Reflectivity

Fig. 7. 3D seismic section showing a large and small transported blocks, with well preserved internal stratifications. Note that one
millisecond two-way time approximately equals one meter at the depth of Tejas A and Tejas B.


Velocity sag

Seismic Horizons
Top Tejas A
Tejas A Upper MTC Unit Top
2 km
Tejas A Base MTC Unit
Base Tertiary Unconformity Time, Reflectivity

Fig. 8. 3D seismic section showing the contact between two large transported blocks. The block on the right is rotated relative to the
left one. Velocity sags are observed under the transported blocks.
OTC 16741 9

Seismic Horizons
Top Tejas A
Tejas A Upper MTC Unit Top

Tejas A Base MTC Unit

Base Tertiary Unconformity


2 km
Velocity sag
Time, Reflectivity

Fig. 9. 3D seismic section showing a cluster of transported blocks against a salt diapir high. Velocity sags are observed under the
smaller transported blocks.

Seismic Horizons
Top Tejas A
Tejas A Upper MTC Unit Top

Tejas A Base MTC Unit

Base Tertiary Unconformity


Base TertiaryUnconformity

2 km

Time, Reflectivity

Fig. 10. Flattened 3D seismic section (on Tejas A Base MTC), showing a cluster of transported blocks against a salt diapir. The two
transported blocks on the far left appear to be rotated.
10 OTC 16741

Seismic Horizons
Top Tejas A
Upper MTC
Tejas A Upper MTC Unit Top

Tejas A Base MTC Unit

Base Tertiary Unconformity


Base MTC

Prominent reflector

2 km

Time, Reflectivity

Fig. 11. 3D seismic section showing a large transported blocks that has been cut by younger faults. A prominent seismic reflector
separates the basal and upper MTCs.

Seismic Horizons
Top Tejas A
Tejas A Upper MTC Unit Top

Tejas A Base MTC Unit

Base Upper MTC
Base Tertiary Unconformity


Base MTC
Prominent reflector

2 km

Time, Reflectivity

Fig. 12. 3D seismic section showing a prominent reflector separating base MTC from the upper MTC unit of Tejas A.
OTC 16741 11


Transported block


Seismic Horizons
Top Tejas A
Tejas A Upper MTC Unit Top
2 km
Figure x. Tejas A Base MTC Unit
Base Tertiary Unconformity Time, Reflectivity

Fig. 13. 3D seismic section showing a transported block that “floats” on chaotic seismic facies of Tejas A upper MTC.



Wavy features
within a large
Seismic Horizons transported block
Top Tejas A
Tejas A Upper MTC Unit Top
2 km
Tejas A Base MTC Unit
Base Tertiary Unconformity Time, Reflectivity

Fig. 14. 3D seismic section showing probable ductile deformation features within a large transported block. These features are rare
and may have been formed as the transported block was pushed against a salt diapir.
12 OTC 16741

SW Seismic Horizons NE
Top Tejas A
Tejas A Upper MTC Unit Top

Tejas A Base MTC Unit

Base Tertiary Unconformity

Prominent reflector = condensed section

Upper MTC


Basal MTC

2 km

Time, Reflectivity

Fig. 15. 3D seismic section showing Tejas A in the lower slope. A prominent seismic reflector separates the base and upper MTCs.
This reflector is interpreted as a condensed section that may have acted as the initial sliding surface for the upper MTC.


(ms) Tejas A

Seismic Horizons
Top Tejas A
Tejas A Upper MTC Unit Top

Tejas A Base MTC Unit

Base 2 km
Base Tertiary Unconformity Time, Reflectivity

Fig. 16. 3D seismic section showing Tejas A pinching out rapidly at the edge of the upper slope.
OTC 16741 13

10 km


Lower Slope






Upper Slope

Fig. 17. Flattened semblance slice at Tejas B Top +40ms, showing the extent and distribution of Tejas B MTC.
14 OTC 16741



5 km
Fig. 18. Zoom view of Tejas B MTC, flattened semblance slice at Tejas B Top +40ms.

Fig.21 5 km
Fig. 19. Zoom view of Tejas B MTC, flattened semblance slice at Tejas B Top +40ms.
OTC 16741 15



Basal erosion
2 km
Seismic Horizon
Top Tejas B Time, Reflectivity

Fig. 20. 3D seismic section showing updip basal erosion in Tejas B MTC.


(ms) Slice level

Basal erosion

2 km
Seismic Horizon
Top Tejas B Time, Reflectivity

Fig. 21. 3D seismic section across a lobe of chaotic seismic facies in Tejas B MTC.
16 OTC 16741



Slice level

Pressure ridges

2 km
Seismic Horizon
Top Tejas B Time, Reflectivity

Fig. 22. 3D seismic section across a lobe of chaotic seismic facies with pressure ridges, Tejas B MTC.


Slice level


2 km
Seismic Horizon
Top Tejas B Time, Reflectivity

Fig. 23. 3D seismic section showing either an erosional remnant or a small transported block, Tejas B MTC.
OTC 16741 17

Failure Scarps MTC

MTC Fig.25
Salt Cored

Shelf Edge Recent


Failure Scarps

N (Down Dip)

10 km
V.E.=10 x
View Looking East - Light from NE (Upper Right)

Fig. 24. 3D perspective view of present day seafloor MTC, offshore Morocco.

5 km

Recent 10 km
Drainage Fig.26

4 km 15m

V.E.=10 x
View Looking East - Light from South (Left)

Fig. 25. Zoom in 3D perspective view of present day seafloor MTC, showing well preserved pressure ridges.
18 OTC 16741


MTC 100 m



Time, Reflectivity 2 km

Fig. 26. 3D seismic section through near-seafloor showing internal seismic character of pressure ridges visible on the seafloor

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