E-2020 ANALISIS 300

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PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 1

FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo

Flg Calc [Int P]: CC Flng: 19 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Flange Input Data Values Description: CC :


Description of Flange Geometry (Type) Blind

Design Pressure P 300.00 psig
Design Temperature 580 °F
Internal Corrosion Allowance ci 0.1250 in.
External Corrosion Allowance ce 0.0000 in.
Use Corrosion Allowance in Thickness Calcs. Yes

Flange Outside Diameter A 41.063 in.

Flange Thickness t 3.3465 in.

Flange Material SA-515 70

Flange Material UNS number K03101
Flange Allowable Stress At Temperature Sfo 17500.00 psi
Flange Allowable Stress At Ambient Sfa 17500.00 psi

Bolt Material SA-193 B7

Bolt Allowable Stress At Temperature Sb 25000.00 psi
Bolt Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 25000.00 psi

Diameter of the Load Reaction, Long Span D 0.000 in.

Diameter of the Load Reaction, Short Span d 0.000 in.
Perimeter along the Center of the Bolts L 123.809 in.

Diameter of Bolt Circle C 39.410 in.

Nominal Bolt Diameter a 0.7874 in.
Type of Threads TEMA Metric
Number of Bolts 36

Flange Face Outside Diameter Fod 37.559 in.

Flange Face Inside Diameter Fid 35.472 in.
Flange Facing Sketch 1, Code Sketch 1a

Gasket Outside Diameter Go 37.559 in.

Gasket Inside Diameter Gi 36.535 in.
Gasket Factor m 3.7500
Gasket Design Seating Stress y 7600.00 psi

Column for Gasket Seating 2, Code Column II

Gasket Thickness tg 0.1250 in.

Length of Partition Gasket lp 67.9087 in.

Width of Partition Gasket tp 0.3900 in.
Partition Gasket Factor mPart 3.7500
Partition Gasket Design Seating Stress yPart 7600.00 psi

Flange Bolt Area Problem Encountered for CC

The req'd bolt area (16.78 in² ) is > than the actual
PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 2
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Flg Calc [Int P]: CC Flng: 19 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

bolt area (12.11 in² ) for this flange design. Increase

the number or size of bolts and attempt the analysis again.

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2018

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 3
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Flg Calc [Int P]: CF-CC Flng: 20 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Flange Input Data Values Description: CF-CC :


Description of Flange Geometry (Type) Integral Weld Neck

Design Pressure P 300.00 psig
Design Temperature 580 °F
Internal Corrosion Allowance ci 0.1250 in.
External Corrosion Allowance ce 0.0000 in.
Use Corrosion Allowance in Thickness Calcs. No

Flange Inside Diameter B 35.709 in.

Flange Outside Diameter A 41.063 in.
Flange Thickness t 2.7953 in.
Thickness of Hub at Small End go 0.4724 in.
Thickness of Hub at Large End g1 0.6299 in.
Length of Hub h 0.9055 in.

Flange Material SA-105

Flange Material UNS number K03504
Flange Allowable Stress At Temperature Sfo 17500.00 psi
Flange Allowable Stress At Ambient Sfa 17500.00 psi

Bolt Material SA-193 B7

Bolt Allowable Stress At Temperature Sb 25000.00 psi
Bolt Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 25000.00 psi

Diameter of Bolt Circle C 39.410 in.

Nominal Bolt Diameter a 0.7874 in.
Type of Threads TEMA Metric
Number of Bolts 36

Flange Face Outside Diameter Fod 37.677 in.

Flange Face Inside Diameter Fid 35.709 in.
Flange Facing Sketch 1, Code Sketch 1a

Gasket Outside Diameter Go 37.559 in.

Gasket Inside Diameter Gi 36.535 in.
Gasket Factor m 3.7500
Gasket Design Seating Stress y 7600.00 psi

Column for Gasket Seating 2, Code Column II

Gasket Thickness tg 0.1250 in.

Length of Partition Gasket lp 67.9086 in.

Width of Partition Gasket tp 0.3937 in.
Partition Gasket Factor mPart 3.7500
Partition Gasket Design Seating Stress yPart 7600.00 psi

Flange Bolt Area Problem Encountered for CF-CC

The req'd bolt area (16.79 in² ) is > than the actual
PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 4
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Flg Calc [Int P]: CF-CC Flng: 20 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

bolt area (12.11 in² ) for this flange design. Increase

the number or size of bolts and attempt the analysis again.

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2018

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 5
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Flg Calc [Int P]: CF-ST Flng: 21 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Flange Input Data Values Description: CF-ST :


Description of Flange Geometry (Type) Integral Weld Neck

Design Pressure P 300.00 psig
Design Temperature 580 °F
Internal Corrosion Allowance ci 0.1250 in.
External Corrosion Allowance ce 0.0000 in.
Use Corrosion Allowance in Thickness Calcs. No

Flange Inside Diameter B 35.709 in.

Flange Outside Diameter A 41.063 in.
Flange Thickness t 2.0057 in.
Thickness of Hub at Small End go 0.4724 in.
Thickness of Hub at Large End g1 0.6299 in.
Length of Hub h 0.9055 in.

Flange Material SA-105

Flange Material UNS number K03504
Flange Allowable Stress At Temperature Sfo 17500.00 psi
Flange Allowable Stress At Ambient Sfa 17500.00 psi

Bolt Material SA-193 B7

Bolt Allowable Stress At Temperature Sb 25000.00 psi
Bolt Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 25000.00 psi

Diameter of Bolt Circle C 39.410 in.

Nominal Bolt Diameter a 0.7874 in.
Type of Threads TEMA Metric
Number of Bolts 36

Flange Face Outside Diameter Fod 37.677 in.

Flange Face Inside Diameter Fid 35.709 in.
Flange Facing Sketch 1, Code Sketch 1a

Gasket Outside Diameter Go 37.559 in.

Gasket Inside Diameter Gi 36.535 in.
Gasket Factor m 3.7500
Gasket Design Seating Stress y 7600.00 psi

Column for Gasket Seating 2, Code Column II

Gasket Thickness tg 0.1250 in.

Length of Partition Gasket lp 67.9086 in.

Width of Partition Gasket tp 0.3937 in.
Partition Gasket Factor mPart 3.7500
Partition Gasket Design Seating Stress yPart 7600.00 psi

Mating Flange Operating Bolt Load 272818.91 lb.

Mating Flange Seating Bolt Load 223777.20 lb.
Mating Flange Design Bolt Load 287802.84 lb.
PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 6
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Flg Calc [Int P]: CF-ST Flng: 21 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Flange Bolt Area Problem Encountered for CF-ST

The req'd bolt area (16.79 in² ) is > than the actual
bolt area (12.11 in² ) for this flange design. Increase
the number or size of bolts and attempt the analysis again.

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2018

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 7
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Flg Calc [Int P]: SF-ST Flng: 22 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Flange Input Data Values Description: SF-ST :


Description of Flange Geometry (Type) Integral Weld Neck

Design Pressure P 210.00 psig
Design Temperature 530 °F
Internal Corrosion Allowance ci 0.1250 in.
External Corrosion Allowance ce 0.0000 in.
Use Corrosion Allowance in Thickness Calcs. No

Flange Inside Diameter B 35.709 in.

Flange Outside Diameter A 41.063 in.
Flange Thickness t 2.0057 in.
Thickness of Hub at Small End go 0.4724 in.
Thickness of Hub at Large End g1 0.6299 in.
Length of Hub h 0.9055 in.

Flange Material SA-105

Flange Material UNS number K03504
Flange Allowable Stress At Temperature Sfo 17500.00 psi
Flange Allowable Stress At Ambient Sfa 17500.00 psi

Bolt Material SA-193 B7

Bolt Allowable Stress At Temperature Sb 25000.00 psi
Bolt Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 25000.00 psi

Diameter of Bolt Circle C 39.410 in.

Nominal Bolt Diameter a 0.7874 in.
Type of Threads TEMA Metric
Number of Bolts 36

Flange Face Outside Diameter Fod 37.677 in.

Flange Face Inside Diameter Fid 35.709 in.
Flange Facing Sketch 1, Code Sketch 1a

Gasket Outside Diameter Go 37.559 in.

Gasket Inside Diameter Gi 36.535 in.
Gasket Factor m 3.7500
Gasket Design Seating Stress y 7600.00 psi

Column for Gasket Seating 2, Code Column II

Gasket Thickness tg 0.1250 in.

ASME Code, Section VIII Division 1, 1998, Code A-98 Addenda

Hub Small End Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure:

= (P*(D/2+Ca))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (210*(35.71/2+0.125))/(17500*1-0.6*210)+Ca
= 0.3423 in.

Hub Small End Hub MAWP:

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 8
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Flg Calc [Int P]: SF-ST Flng: 22 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

= (S*E*t)/(R+0.6*t) per UG-27 (c)(1)

= (17500 * 1 * 0.347 )/(17.98 + 0.6 * 0.347 )
= 334.302 psig

Corroded Flange ID, Bcor = B+2*Fcor 35.959 in.

Corroded Large Hub, g1Cor = g1-ci 0.505 in.
Corroded Small Hub, g0Cor = go-ci 0.347 in.
Code R Dimension, R = ((C-Bcor)/2)-g1cor 1.220 in.

Gasket Contact Width, N = (Go - Gi) / 2 0.512 in.

Basic Gasket Width, bo = N / 2 0.256 in.
Effective Gasket Width, b = sqrt(bo) / 2 0.253 in.
Gasket Reaction Diameter, G = Go - 2 * b 37.053 in.

Basic Flange and Bolt Loads:

Hydrostatic End Load due to Pressure [H]:

= 0.785 * G² * Peq
= 0.785 * 37.05² * 210
= 226444.031 lb.
Contact Load on Gasket Surfaces [Hp]:
= 2 * b * Pi * G * m * P
= 2 * 0.253 * 3.142 * 37.05 * 3.75 * 210
= 46374.883 lb.
Hydrostatic End Load at Flange ID [Hd]:
= Pi * Bcor² * P / 4
= 3.142 * 35.96² *210/4
= 213263.781 lb.
Pressure Force on Flange Face [Ht]:
= H - Hd
= 226444 - 213264
= 13180.250 lb.
Operating Bolt Load [Wm1]:
= max( H + Hp + H'p, 0 )
= max( 226444 + 46375 + 0, 0 )
= 272818.906 lb.
Gasket Seating Bolt Load [Wm2]:
= y * b * Pi * G + yPart * bPart * lp
= 7600*0.253*3.141*37.05+0*0*0
= 223777.203 lb.
Required Bolt Area [Am]:
= Maximum of Wm1/Sb, Wm2/Sa
= Maximum of 272819/25000, 223777/25000
= 10.913 in²

Bolt Spacing Correction Factor per TEMA, PD:5500 or EN-13445 [cF]:

= max( sqrt( Deltab /(2 * dB + 6 * e / ( m + 0.5 ) ); 1.0 )
= max( sqrt( 3.435/(2 * 0.787 + 6 * 2.006/(3.75 + 0.5)); 1.0 )
= max( 0.883 ; 1.0 )
= 1

where the actual circumferential spacing is [Deltab]:

= C * sin( Pi / n ) )
= 39.41 * sin( 3.142/36 )
= 3.435 in.

Bolting Information for TEMA Metric Thread Series (Non Mandatory):

Minimum Actual Maximum
Bolt Area, in² 10.913 12.111
Radial Distance between Hub and Bolts: 1.250 1.220
Radial Distance between Bolts and the Ed 0.937 0.827
PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 9
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Flg Calc [Int P]: SF-ST Flng: 22 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Circumferential Spacing between the Bolt 2.063 3.435 4.406


Min. Gasket Contact Width (Brownell Young) [Not an ASME Calc] [Nmin]:
= Ab * Sa/( y * Pi * (Go + Gi) )
= 12.11 * 25000/(7600 * 3.142 * (37.56 + 36.54 ) )
= 0.171 in.

Note: Recommended Min. Width for Sheet and Composite Gaskets per table 2-4 :
= 1.000 in.[Note: Exceeds actual gasket width, 0.512 ]

Flange Design Bolt Load, Gasket Seating [W]:

= Sa * ( Am + Ab ) / 2
= 25000 * ( 10.91 + 12.11 )/2
= 287802.84 lb.
Gasket Load for the Operating Condition [HG]:
= Wm1 - H
= 272819 - 226444
= 46374.88 lb.

Moment Arm Calculations:

Distance to Gasket Load Reaction [hg]:
= (C - G ) / 2
= ( 39.41 - 37.05 )/2
= 1.1781 in.
Distance to Face Pressure Reaction [ht]:
= ( R + g1 + hg ) / 2
= ( 1.22 + 0.505 + 1.178 )/2
= 1.4518 in.
Distance to End Pressure Reaction [hd]:
= R + ( g1 / 2 )
= 1.22 + ( 0.505/2.0 )
= 1.4729 in.

Summary of Moments for Internal Pressure: (ft.lb.)

Loading Force | Distance | Bolt Corr | Moment |

End Pressure, Md 213264. | 1.4729 | 1.0000 | 26177. |
Face Pressure, Mt 13180. | 1.4518 | 1.0000 | 1595. |
Gasket Load, Mg 46375. | 1.1781 | 1.0000 | 4553. |
Gasket Seating, Matm 287803. | 1.1781 | 1.0000 | 28256. |

Total Moment for Operation, Mop 32325. ft.lb.

Total Moment for Gasket seating, Matm 28256. ft.lb.

Effective Hub Length, ho = sqrt(Bcor*goCor) 3.535 in.

Hub Ratio, h/h0 = HL / H0 0.256
Thickness Ratio, g1/g0 = (g1Cor/goCor) 1.453

Flange Factors for Integral Flange:

Factor F 0.887
Factor V 0.397
Factor f 1.208
Factors from Figure 2-7.1 K = 1.142
T = 1.862 U = 16.117
Y = 14.667 Z = 7.578
d = 17.333 in.³ e = 0.2509 in.^-1
Stress Factors ALPHA = 1.503
BETA = 1.671 GAMMA = 0.807
DELTA = 0.465 Lamda = 1.273

Longitudinal Hub Stress, Operating [SHo]:

= ( f * Mop / Bcor ) / ( L * g1² )
PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 10
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Flg Calc [Int P]: SF-ST Flng: 22 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

= (1.208*387896/35.96)/(1.273*0.505²)
= 40161.88 psi
Longitudinal Hub Stress, Seating [SHa]:
= ( f * Matm / Bcor ) / ( L * g1² )
= (1.208*339073/35.96)/(1.273*0.505²)
= 35106.90 psi

Radial Flange Stress, Operating [SRo]:

= ( Beta * Mop / Bcor ) / ( L * t² )
= (1.671*387896/35.96)/(1.273*2.006²)
= 3520.22 psi
Radial Flange Stress, Seating [SRa]:
= ( Beta * Matm/Bcor ) / ( L * t² )
= (1.671*339073/35.96)/(1.273*2.006²)
= 3077.15 psi

Tangential Flange Stress, Operating [STo]:

= ( Y * Mo / (t² * Bcor) ) - Z * SRo
= (14.67*387896/(2.006²*35.96))-7.578*3520
= 12654.88 psi
Tangential Flange Stress, Seating [STa]:
= ( y * Matm / (t² * Bcor) ) - Z * SRa
= (14.67*339073/(2.006²*35.96))-7.578*3077
= 11062.07 psi

Average Flange Stress, Operating [SAo]:

= ( SHo + max( SRo, STo ) ) / 2
= (40162+max(3520,12655))/2
= 26408.38 psi
Average Flange Stress, Seating [SAa]:
= ( SHa + max( SRa, STa ) ) / 2
= (35107+max(3077,11062))/2
= 23084.48 psi

Bolt Stress, Operating [BSo]:

= Wm1 / Ab
= 272819/12.11
= 22525.66 psi
Bolt Stress, Seating [BSa]:
= ( Wm2 / Ab )
= (223777/12.11)
= 18476.47 psi

Flange Stress Analysis Results: psi

Operating | Gasket Seating |

Actual Allowed | Actual Allowed |
Longitudinal Hub 40162.| 26250.| 35107.| 26250.|
Radial Flange 3520.| 17500.| 3077.| 17500.|
Tangential Flange 12655.| 17500.| 11062.| 17500.|
Maximum Average 26408.| 17500.| 23084.| 17500.|
Bolting 22526.| 25000.| 18476.| 25000.|

Minimum Required Flange Thickness 2.767 in.

Warning: Actual Flange Stress Exceeds Allowable!
Estimated M.A.W.P. ( Operating ) 137.2 psig
Estimated Finished Weight of Flange at given Thk. 197.2 lbm
Estimated Unfinished Weight of Forging at given Thk 263.2 lbm

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results:

Thickness Ratio = 0.716, Temperature Reduction per Fig. UCS 66.1 = 28 °F
PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 11
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Flg Calc [Int P]: SF-ST Flng: 22 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -10 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -38 °F
Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 °F

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2018

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 12
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Flg Calc [Int P]: SF-SC Flng: 23 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Flange Input Data Values Description: SF-SC :


Description of Flange Geometry (Type) Integral Weld Neck

Design Pressure P 210.00 psig
Design Temperature 530 °F
Internal Corrosion Allowance ci 0.1250 in.
External Corrosion Allowance ce 0.0000 in.
Use Corrosion Allowance in Thickness Calcs. No

Flange Inside Diameter B 35.709 in.

Flange Outside Diameter A 44.252 in.
Flange Thickness t 3.5827 in.
Thickness of Hub at Small End go 0.4724 in.
Thickness of Hub at Large End g1 0.6299 in.
Length of Hub h 0.9055 in.

Flange Material SA-105

Flange Material UNS number K03504
Flange Allowable Stress At Temperature Sfo 17500.00 psi
Flange Allowable Stress At Ambient Sfa 17500.00 psi

Bolt Material SA-193 B7

Bolt Allowable Stress At Temperature Sb 25000.00 psi
Bolt Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 25000.00 psi

Diameter of Bolt Circle C 42.598 in.

Nominal Bolt Diameter a 0.7874 in.
Type of Threads TEMA Metric
Number of Bolts 44

Flange Face Outside Diameter Fod 40.748 in.

Flange Face Inside Diameter Fid 35.709 in.
Flange Facing Sketch 1, Code Sketch 1a

Gasket Outside Diameter Go 40.748 in.

Gasket Inside Diameter Gi 39.724 in.
Gasket Factor m 3.7500
Gasket Design Seating Stress y 7600.00 psi

Column for Gasket Seating 2, Code Column II

Gasket Thickness tg 0.1250 in.

ASME Code, Section VIII Division 1, 1998, Code A-98 Addenda

Hub Small End Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure:

= (P*(D/2+Ca))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (210*(35.71/2+0.125))/(17500*1-0.6*210)+Ca
= 0.3423 in.

Hub Small End Hub MAWP:

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 13
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Flg Calc [Int P]: SF-SC Flng: 23 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

= (S*E*t)/(R+0.6*t) per UG-27 (c)(1)

= (17500 * 1 * 0.347 )/(17.98 + 0.6 * 0.347 )
= 334.302 psig

Corroded Flange ID, Bcor = B+2*Fcor 35.959 in.

Corroded Large Hub, g1Cor = g1-ci 0.505 in.
Corroded Small Hub, g0Cor = go-ci 0.347 in.
Code R Dimension, R = ((C-Bcor)/2)-g1cor 2.815 in.

Gasket Contact Width, N = (Go - Gi) / 2 0.512 in.

Basic Gasket Width, bo = N / 2 0.256 in.
Effective Gasket Width, b = sqrt(bo) / 2 0.253 in.
Gasket Reaction Diameter, G = Go - 2 * b 40.242 in.

Basic Flange and Bolt Loads:

Hydrostatic End Load due to Pressure [H]:

= 0.785 * G² * Peq
= 0.785 * 40.24² * 210
= 267098.344 lb.
Contact Load on Gasket Surfaces [Hp]:
= 2 * b * Pi * G * m * P
= 2 * 0.253 * 3.142 * 40.24 * 3.75 * 210
= 50363.621 lb.
Hydrostatic End Load at Flange ID [Hd]:
= Pi * Bcor² * P / 4
= 3.142 * 35.96² *210/4
= 213263.781 lb.
Pressure Force on Flange Face [Ht]:
= H - Hd
= 267098 - 213264
= 53834.562 lb.
Operating Bolt Load [Wm1]:
= max( H + Hp + H'p, 0 )
= max( 267098 + 50364 + 0, 0 )
= 317461.969 lb.
Gasket Seating Bolt Load [Wm2]:
= y * b * Pi * G + yPart * bPart * lp
= 7600*0.253*3.141*40.24+0*0*0
= 243024.453 lb.
Required Bolt Area [Am]:
= Maximum of Wm1/Sb, Wm2/Sa
= Maximum of 317462/25000, 243024/25000
= 12.698 in²

Bolt Spacing Correction Factor per TEMA, PD:5500 or EN-13445 [cF]:

= max( sqrt( Deltab /(2 * dB + 6 * e / ( m + 0.5 ) ); 1.0 )
= max( sqrt( 3.039/(2 * 0.787 + 6 * 3.583/(3.75 + 0.5)); 1.0 )
= max( 0.677 ; 1.0 )
= 1

where the actual circumferential spacing is [Deltab]:

= C * sin( Pi / n ) )
= 42.6 * sin( 3.142/44 )
= 3.039 in.

Bolting Information for TEMA Metric Thread Series (Non Mandatory):

Minimum Actual Maximum
Bolt Area, in² 12.698 14.803
Radial Distance between Hub and Bolts: 1.250 2.815
Radial Distance between Bolts and the Ed 0.937 0.827
PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 14
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Flg Calc [Int P]: SF-SC Flng: 23 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Circumferential Spacing between the Bolt 2.063 3.039 6.633


Min. Gasket Contact Width (Brownell Young) [Not an ASME Calc] [Nmin]:
= Ab * Sa/( y * Pi * (Go + Gi) )
= 14.8 * 25000/(7600 * 3.142 * (40.75 + 39.72 ) )
= 0.193 in.

Note: Recommended Min. Width for Sheet and Composite Gaskets per table 2-4 :
= 1.000 in.[Note: Exceeds actual gasket width, 0.512 ]

Flange Design Bolt Load, Gasket Seating [W]:

= Sa * Ab
= 25000 * 14.8
= 370072.72 lb.
Gasket Load for the Operating Condition [HG]:
= Wm1 - H
= 317462 - 267098
= 50363.62 lb.

Moment Arm Calculations:

Distance to Gasket Load Reaction [hg]:
= (C - G ) / 2
= ( 42.6 - 40.24 )/2
= 1.1781 in.
Distance to Face Pressure Reaction [ht]:
= ( R + g1 + hg ) / 2
= ( 2.815 + 0.505 + 1.178 )/2
= 2.2490 in.
Distance to End Pressure Reaction [hd]:
= R + ( g1 / 2 )
= 2.815 + ( 0.505/2.0 )
= 3.0674 in.

Summary of Moments for Internal Pressure: (ft.lb.)

Loading Force | Distance | Bolt Corr | Moment |

End Pressure, Md 213264. | 3.0674 | 1.0000 | 54514. |
Face Pressure, Mt 53835. | 2.2490 | 1.0000 | 10089. |
Gasket Load, Mg 50364. | 1.1781 | 1.0000 | 4945. |
Gasket Seating, Matm 370073. | 1.1781 | 1.0000 | 36333. |

Total Moment for Operation, Mop 69548. ft.lb.

Total Moment for Gasket seating, Matm 36333. ft.lb.

Effective Hub Length, ho = sqrt(Bcor*goCor) 3.535 in.

Hub Ratio, h/h0 = HL / H0 0.256
Thickness Ratio, g1/g0 = (g1Cor/goCor) 1.453

Flange Factors for Integral Flange:

Factor F 0.887
Factor V 0.397
Factor f 1.208
Factors from Figure 2-7.1 K = 1.231
T = 1.826 U = 10.412
Y = 9.475 Z = 4.888
d = 11.197 in.³ e = 0.2509 in.^-1
Stress Factors ALPHA = 1.899
BETA = 2.198 GAMMA = 1.040
DELTA = 4.107 Lamda = 5.146

Longitudinal Hub Stress, Operating [SHo]:

= ( f * Mop / Bcor ) / ( L * g1² )
PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 15
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Flg Calc [Int P]: SF-SC Flng: 23 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

= (1.208*834572/35.96)/(5.146*0.505²)
= 21372.02 psi
Longitudinal Hub Stress, Seating [SHa]:
= ( f * Matm / Bcor ) / ( L * g1² )
= (1.208*435995/35.96)/(5.146*0.505²)
= 11165.11 psi

Radial Flange Stress, Operating [SRo]:

= ( Beta * Mop / Bcor ) / ( L * t² )
= (2.198*834572/35.96)/(5.146*3.583²)
= 772.43 psi
Radial Flange Stress, Seating [SRa]:
= ( Beta * Matm/Bcor ) / ( L * t² )
= (2.198*435995/35.96)/(5.146*3.583²)
= 403.53 psi

Tangential Flange Stress, Operating [STo]:

= ( Y * Mo / (t² * Bcor) ) - Z * SRo
= (9.475*834572/(3.583²*35.96))-4.888*772.4
= 13357.29 psi
Tangential Flange Stress, Seating [STa]:
= ( y * Matm / (t² * Bcor) ) - Z * SRa
= (9.475*435995/(3.583²*35.96))-4.888*403.5
= 6978.08 psi

Average Flange Stress, Operating [SAo]:

= ( SHo + max( SRo, STo ) ) / 2
= (21372+max(772.4,13357))/2
= 17364.65 psi
Average Flange Stress, Seating [SAa]:
= ( SHa + max( SRa, STa ) ) / 2
= (11165+max(403.5,6978))/2
= 9071.60 psi

Bolt Stress, Operating [BSo]:

= Wm1 / Ab
= 317462/14.8
= 21445.92 psi
Bolt Stress, Seating [BSa]:
= ( Wm2 / Ab )
= (243024/14.8)
= 16417.34 psi

Flange Stress Analysis Results: psi

Operating | Gasket Seating |

Actual Allowed | Actual Allowed |
Longitudinal Hub 21372.| 26250.| 11165.| 26250.|
Radial Flange 772.| 17500.| 404.| 17500.|
Tangential Flange 13357.| 17500.| 6978.| 17500.|
Maximum Average 17365.| 17500.| 9072.| 17500.|
Bolting 21446.| 25000.| 16417.| 25000.|

Minimum Required Flange Thickness 3.570 in.

Estimated M.A.W.P. ( Operating ) 211.6 psig
Estimated Finished Weight of Flange at given Thk. 554.1 lbm
Estimated Unfinished Weight of Forging at given Thk 674.3 lbm

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results:

Thickness Ratio = 0.95, Temperature Reduction per Fig. UCS 66.1 = 5 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -10 °F

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FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Flg Calc [Int P]: SF-SC Flng: 23 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -15 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 °F

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FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Flg Calc [Int P]: SFC Flng: 24 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Flange Input Data Values Description: SFC :


Description of Flange Geometry (Type) Integral Weld Neck

Design Pressure P 210.00 psig
Design Temperature 530 °F
Internal Corrosion Allowance ci 0.1250 in.
External Corrosion Allowance ce 0.0000 in.
Use Corrosion Allowance in Thickness Calcs. No

Flange Inside Diameter B 38.898 in.

Flange Outside Diameter A 44.252 in.
Flange Thickness t 3.1496 in.
Thickness of Hub at Small End go 0.4724 in.
Thickness of Hub at Large End g1 0.5906 in.
Length of Hub h 0.5906 in.

Flange Material SA-105

Flange Material UNS number K03504
Flange Allowable Stress At Temperature Sfo 17500.00 psi
Flange Allowable Stress At Ambient Sfa 17500.00 psi

Bolt Material SA-193 B7

Bolt Allowable Stress At Temperature Sb 25000.00 psi
Bolt Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 25000.00 psi

Diameter of Bolt Circle C 42.598 in.

Nominal Bolt Diameter a 0.7874 in.
Type of Threads TEMA Metric
Number of Bolts 44

Flange Face Outside Diameter Fod 40.866 in.

Flange Face Inside Diameter Fid 38.898 in.
Flange Facing Sketch 1, Code Sketch 1a

Gasket Outside Diameter Go 40.748 in.

Gasket Inside Diameter Gi 39.724 in.
Gasket Factor m 3.7500
Gasket Design Seating Stress y 7600.00 psi

Column for Gasket Seating 2, Code Column II

Gasket Thickness tg 0.1250 in.

ASME Code, Section VIII Division 1, 1998, Code A-98 Addenda

Hub Small End Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure:

= (P*(D/2+Ca))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (210*(38.9/2+0.125))/(17500*1-0.6*210)+Ca
= 0.3616 in.

Hub Small End Hub MAWP:

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Flg Calc [Int P]: SFC Flng: 24 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

= (S*E*t)/(R+0.6*t) per UG-27 (c)(1)

= (17500 * 1 * 0.347 )/(19.57 + 0.6 * 0.347 )
= 307.357 psig

Corroded Flange ID, Bcor = B+2*Fcor 39.148 in.

Corroded Large Hub, g1Cor = g1-ci 0.466 in.
Corroded Small Hub, g0Cor = go-ci 0.347 in.
Code R Dimension, R = ((C-Bcor)/2)-g1cor 1.260 in.

Gasket Contact Width, N = (Go - Gi) / 2 0.512 in.

Basic Gasket Width, bo = N / 2 0.256 in.
Effective Gasket Width, b = sqrt(bo) / 2 0.253 in.
Gasket Reaction Diameter, G = Go - 2 * b 40.242 in.

Basic Flange and Bolt Loads:

Hydrostatic End Load due to Pressure [H]:

= 0.785 * G² * Peq
= 0.785 * 40.24² * 210
= 267098.344 lb.
Contact Load on Gasket Surfaces [Hp]:
= 2 * b * Pi * G * m * P
= 2 * 0.253 * 3.142 * 40.24 * 3.75 * 210
= 50363.621 lb.
Hydrostatic End Load at Flange ID [Hd]:
= Pi * Bcor² * P / 4
= 3.142 * 39.15² *210/4
= 252766.453 lb.
Pressure Force on Flange Face [Ht]:
= H - Hd
= 267098 - 252766
= 14331.891 lb.
Operating Bolt Load [Wm1]:
= max( H + Hp + H'p, 0 )
= max( 267098 + 50364 + 0, 0 )
= 317461.969 lb.
Gasket Seating Bolt Load [Wm2]:
= y * b * Pi * G + yPart * bPart * lp
= 7600*0.253*3.141*40.24+0*0*0
= 243024.453 lb.
Required Bolt Area [Am]:
= Maximum of Wm1/Sb, Wm2/Sa
= Maximum of 317462/25000, 243024/25000
= 12.698 in²

Bolt Spacing Correction Factor per TEMA, PD:5500 or EN-13445 [cF]:

= max( sqrt( Deltab /(2 * dB + 6 * e / ( m + 0.5 ) ); 1.0 )
= max( sqrt( 3.039/(2 * 0.787 + 6 * 3.15/(3.75 + 0.5)); 1.0 )
= max( 0.71 ; 1.0 )
= 1

where the actual circumferential spacing is [Deltab]:

= C * sin( Pi / n ) )
= 42.6 * sin( 3.142/44 )
= 3.039 in.

Bolting Information for TEMA Metric Thread Series (Non Mandatory):

Minimum Actual Maximum
Bolt Area, in² 12.698 14.803
Radial Distance between Hub and Bolts: 1.250 1.260
Radial Distance between Bolts and the Ed 0.937 0.827
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FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Flg Calc [Int P]: SFC Flng: 24 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Circumferential Spacing between the Bolt 2.063 3.039 6.021


Min. Gasket Contact Width (Brownell Young) [Not an ASME Calc] [Nmin]:
= Ab * Sa/( y * Pi * (Go + Gi) )
= 14.8 * 25000/(7600 * 3.142 * (40.75 + 39.72 ) )
= 0.193 in.

Note: Recommended Min. Width for Sheet and Composite Gaskets per table 2-4 :
= 1.250 in.[Note: Exceeds actual gasket width, 0.512 ]

Flange Design Bolt Load, Gasket Seating [W]:

= Sa * Ab
= 25000 * 14.8
= 370072.72 lb.
Gasket Load for the Operating Condition [HG]:
= Wm1 - H
= 317462 - 267098
= 50363.62 lb.

Moment Arm Calculations:

Distance to Gasket Load Reaction [hg]:
= (C - G ) / 2
= ( 42.6 - 40.24 )/2
= 1.1781 in.
Distance to Face Pressure Reaction [ht]:
= ( R + g1 + hg ) / 2
= ( 1.26 + 0.466 + 1.178 )/2
= 1.4518 in.
Distance to End Pressure Reaction [hd]:
= R + ( g1 / 2 )
= 1.26 + ( 0.466/2.0 )
= 1.4926 in.

Summary of Moments for Internal Pressure: (ft.lb.)

Loading Force | Distance | Bolt Corr | Moment |

End Pressure, Md 252766. | 1.4926 | 1.0000 | 31440. |
Face Pressure, Mt 14332. | 1.4518 | 1.0000 | 1734. |
Gasket Load, Mg 50364. | 1.1781 | 1.0000 | 4945. |
Gasket Seating, Matm 370073. | 1.1781 | 1.0000 | 36333. |

Total Moment for Operation, Mop 38119. ft.lb.

Total Moment for Gasket seating, Matm 36333. ft.lb.

Effective Hub Length, ho = sqrt(Bcor*goCor) 3.688 in.

Hub Ratio, h/h0 = HL / H0 0.160
Thickness Ratio, g1/g0 = (g1Cor/goCor) 1.340

Flange Factors for Integral Flange:

Factor F 0.900
Factor V 0.460
Factor f 1.291
Factors from Figure 2-7.1 K = 1.130
T = 1.866 U = 17.431
Y = 15.862 Z = 8.200
d = 16.885 in.³ e = 0.2441 in.^-1
Stress Factors ALPHA = 1.769
BETA = 2.025 GAMMA = 0.948
DELTA = 1.850 Lamda = 2.798

Longitudinal Hub Stress, Operating [SHo]:

= ( f * Mop / Bcor ) / ( L * g1² )
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FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Flg Calc [Int P]: SFC Flng: 24 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

= (1.291*457427/39.15)/(2.798*0.466²)
= 24872.19 psi
Longitudinal Hub Stress, Seating [SHa]:
= ( f * Matm / Bcor ) / ( L * g1² )
= (1.291*435995/39.15)/(2.798*0.466²)
= 23706.82 psi

Radial Flange Stress, Operating [SRo]:

= ( Beta * Mop / Bcor ) / ( L * t² )
= (2.025*457427/39.15)/(2.798*3.15²)
= 852.48 psi
Radial Flange Stress, Seating [SRa]:
= ( Beta * Matm/Bcor ) / ( L * t² )
= (2.025*435995/39.15)/(2.798*3.15²)
= 812.54 psi

Tangential Flange Stress, Operating [STo]:

= ( Y * Mo / (t² * Bcor) ) - Z * SRo
= (15.86*457427/(3.15²*39.15))-8.2*852.5
= 11693.26 psi
Tangential Flange Stress, Seating [STa]:
= ( y * Matm / (t² * Bcor) ) - Z * SRa
= (15.86*435995/(3.15²*39.15))-8.2*812.5
= 11145.38 psi

Average Flange Stress, Operating [SAo]:

= ( SHo + max( SRo, STo ) ) / 2
= (24872+max(852.5,11693))/2
= 18282.72 psi
Average Flange Stress, Seating [SAa]:
= ( SHa + max( SRa, STa ) ) / 2
= (23707+max(812.5,11145))/2
= 17426.10 psi

Bolt Stress, Operating [BSo]:

= Wm1 / Ab
= 317462/14.8
= 21445.92 psi
Bolt Stress, Seating [BSa]:
= ( Wm2 / Ab )
= (243024/14.8)
= 16417.34 psi

Flange Stress Analysis Results: psi

Operating | Gasket Seating |

Actual Allowed | Actual Allowed |
Longitudinal Hub 24872.| 26250.| 23707.| 26250.|
Radial Flange 852.| 17500.| 813.| 17500.|
Tangential Flange 11693.| 17500.| 11145.| 17500.|
Maximum Average 18283.| 17500.| 17426.| 17500.|
Bolting 21446.| 25000.| 16417.| 25000.|

Minimum Required Flange Thickness 3.228 in.

Warning: Actual Flange Stress Exceeds Allowable!
Estimated M.A.W.P. ( Operating ) 201.0 psig
Estimated Finished Weight of Flange at given Thk. 319.3 lbm
Estimated Unfinished Weight of Forging at given Thk 366.2 lbm

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results:

Thickness Ratio = 1, Temperature Reduction per Fig. UCS 66.1 = 0 °F
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FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Flg Calc [Int P]: SFC Flng: 24 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -10 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 °F

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FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Internal Pressure Calculations: Step: 9 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Element Thickness, Pressure, Diameter and Allowable Stress :

| | Int. Press | Nominal | Total Corr | Element | Allowable |

From | To | + Liq. Hd | Thickness | Allowance | Diameter | Stress(SE)|
| | psig | in. | in. | in. | psi |
CC| 300 | ... | 0.125 | 41.063 | 17500 |
CF-CC| 300 | ... | 0.125 | 35.7087 | 17500 |
CHANNEL BARREL| 300 | 0.5 | 0.125 | 35.7087 | 12750 |
CF-ST| 300 | 0.5 | 0.125 | 35.7087 | 17500 |
SF-ST| 210 | 0.5 | 0.125 | 35.7087 | 17500 |
SHELL BARREL| 210 | 0.5 | 0.125 | 35.7087 | 15000 |
SF-SC| 210 | 0.5 | 0.125 | 35.7087 | 17500 |
SFC| 210 | 0.5 | 0.125 | 38.8976 | 17500 |
90 | 100| 210 | 0.5 | 0.125 | 38.8976 | 15000 |
100 | 110| 210 | 0.5 | 0.125 | 38.8976 | 15000 |

Element Required Thickness and MAWP :

| | Design | M.A.W.P. | M.A.P. | Minimum | Required |

From | To | Pressure | Corroded | New & Cold | Thickness | Thickness |
| | psig | psig | psig | in. | in. |
CC| 300 | No Calc | No Calc | 3.34646 | 3.228 |
CF-CC| 300 | No Calc | No Calc | 2.79528 <<< 3.228 |
CHANNEL BARREL| 300 >>> 243.563 | 332.103 | 0.47244 <<< 0.5541 |
CF-ST| 300 | No Calc | No Calc | 2.00565 <<< 3.228 |
SF-ST| 210 >>> 98.22 | 179.48 | 2.00565 <<< 2.767 |
SHELL BARREL| 210 | 286.544 | 390.709 | 0.47244 | 0.37884 |
SF-SC| 210 | 211.63 | 226.83 | 3.58268 | 3.57 |
SFC| 210 >>> 201 | 236.45 | 3.14961 <<< 3.228 |
90 | 100| 210 | 263.449 | 359.138 | 0.47244 | 0.40135 |
100 | 110| 210 | 268.039 | 363.49 | 0.47244 | 0.3971 |

For TEMA/5500 designs, the following values include MAWPs that
consider the shells and flanges etc. These results also
consider the MAWPs that were entered into the tubesheet dialog.

Shell Side MAWP = 98.220 psig

Shell Side MAPnc = 179.480 psig
Channel Side MAWP = 201.000 psig
Channel Side MAPnc = 226.830 psig

It seems that the computed MAWP of one the exchanger components is less
than the design pressure.

PV Elite could not compute the MAWP of one of the Flanges.
Please check the reported MAWP by entering it as the design
pressure and performing an extra analysis.

Internal Pressure Calculation Results :

ASME Code, Section VIII Division 1, 1998, Code A-98 Addenda

Cylindrical Shell From 30 To 40 SA-515 60 , UCS-66 Crv. B at 580 °F

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FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Internal Pressure Calculations: Step: 9 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Material UNS Number: K02401

Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure [tr]:

= (P*R)/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (300*17.98)/(15000*0.85-0.6*300)
= 0.4291 + 0.1250 = 0.5541 in.

Max. Allowable Working Pressure at given Thickness, corroded [MAWP]:

= (S*E*t)/(R+0.6*t) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (15000*0.85*0.347)/(17.98+0.6*0.347)
= 243.563 psig

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

= (S*E*t)/(R+0.6*t) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (15000*0.85*0.472)/(17.85+0.6*0.472)
= 332.103 psig

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness, corroded [Sact]:

= (P*(R+0.6*t))/(E*t)
= (300*(17.98+0.6*0.347))/(0.85*0.347)
= 18475.734 psi

% Elongation per Table UG-79-1 (50*tnom/Rf*(1-Rf/Ro)) 1.381 %

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results:

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.472, tr = 0.286, c = 0.125 in., E* = 0.85

Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.7, Temp. Reduction = 30 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -10 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -40 °F
Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 °F

Cylindrical Shell From 60 To 70 SA-515 60 , UCS-66 Crv. B at 530 °F


Material UNS Number: K02401

Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure [tr]:

= (P*R)/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (210*17.98)/(15000*1-0.6*210)
= 0.2538 + 0.1250 = 0.3788 in.

Max. Allowable Working Pressure at given Thickness, corroded [MAWP]:

= (S*E*t)/(R+0.6*t) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (15000*1*0.347)/(17.98+0.6*0.347)
= 286.544 psig

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

= (S*E*t)/(R+0.6*t) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (15000*1*0.472)/(17.85+0.6*0.472)
= 390.709 psig

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness, corroded [Sact]:

= (P*(R+0.6*t))/(E*t)
= (210*(17.98+0.6*0.347))/(1*0.347)
= 10993.063 psi

% Elongation per Table UG-79-1 (50*tnom/Rf*(1-Rf/Ro)) 1.381 %

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FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Internal Pressure Calculations: Step: 9 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results:

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.472, tr = 0.118, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1

Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.34, Temp. Reduction = 110 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -10 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -150 °F
Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 °F

Cylindrical Shell From 90 To 100 SA-515 60 , UCS-66 Crv. B at 530 °F

Material UNS Number: K02401

Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure [tr]:

= (P*R)/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (210*19.57)/(15000*1-0.6*210)
= 0.2764 + 0.1250 = 0.4014 in.

Max. Allowable Working Pressure at given Thickness, corroded [MAWP]:

= (S*E*t)/(R+0.6*t) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (15000*1*0.347)/(19.57+0.6*0.347)
= 263.449 psig

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

= (S*E*t)/(R+0.6*t) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (15000*1*0.472)/(19.45+0.6*0.472)
= 359.138 psig

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness, corroded [Sact]:

= (P*(R+0.6*t))/(E*t)
= (210*(19.57+0.6*0.347))/(1*0.347)
= 11956.780 psi

% Elongation per Table UG-79-1 (50*tnom/Rf*(1-Rf/Ro)) 1.269 %

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results:

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.472, tr = 0.264, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1

Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.761, Temp. Reduction = 24 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -10 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -33 °F
Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 °F

Elliptical Head From 100 To 110 SA-515 60 , UCS-66 Crv. B at 530 °F

Material UNS Number: K02401

Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure [tr]:

= (P*D*Kcor)/(2*S*E-0.2*P) Appendix 1-4(c)
= (210*39.15*0.992)/(2*15000*1-0.2*210)
= 0.2721 + 0.1250 = 0.3971 in.

Max. Allowable Working Pressure at given Thickness, corroded [MAWP]:

= (2*S*E*t)/(Kcor*D+0.2*t) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (2*15000*1*0.347)/(0.992*39.15+0.2*0.347)
= 268.039 psig

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold [MAPNC]:

= (2*S*E*t)/(K*D+0.2*t) per Appendix 1-4 (c)
= (2*15000*1*0.472)/(1*38.9+0.2*0.472)
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FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Internal Pressure Calculations: Step: 9 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

= 363.490 psig

Actual stress at given pressure and thickness, corroded [Sact]:

= (P*(Kcor*D+0.2*t))/(2*E*t)
= (210*(0.992*39.15+0.2*0.347))/(2*1*0.347)
= 11752.001 psi

Straight Flange Required Thickness:

= (P*R)/(S*E-0.6*P) + c per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (210*19.57)/(15000*1-0.6*210)+0.125
= 0.401 in.

Straight Flange Maximum Allowable Working Pressure:

= (S*E*t)/(R+0.6*t) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (15000 * 1 * 0.375 )/(19.57 + 0.6 * 0.375 )
= 284.108 psig

Factor K, corroded condition [Kcor]:

= ( 2 + ( Inside Diameter/( 2 * Inside Head Depth ))2)/6
= ( 2 + ( 39.15/( 2 * 9.849 ))2)/6
= 0.991566

Percent Elong. per UCS-79, VIII-1-01-57 (75*tnom/Rf)*(1-Rf/Ro) 5.464 %

Note: Please Check Requirements of UCS-79 as Elongation is > 5%.

MDMT Calculations in the Knuckle Portion:

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.472, tr = 0.26, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1

Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.75, Temp. Reduction = 25 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -10 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -35 °F
Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 °F

MDMT Calculations in the Head Straight Flange:

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.5, tr = 0.264, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1

Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.705, Temp. Reduction = 29 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -6 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -36 °F
Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 °F

Note: Heads and Shells Exempted to -20F (-29C) by paragraph UG-20F

Hydrostatic Test Pressure Results:

Exchanger Shell Side Hydrostatic Test Pressures:

Pressure per UG99b = 1.50 * M.A.W.P. * Sa/S 147.330 psig

Pressure per UG99b[36] = 1.50 * Design Pres * Sa/S 315.000 psig
Pressure per UG99c = 1.50 * M.A.P. - Head(Hyd) 267.737 psig
Pressure per UG100 = 1.25 * M.A.W.P. * Sa/S 122.775 psig
Pressure per PED = max(1.43*DP, 1.25*DP*ratio) 299.250 psig
Pressure per App 27-4 = 1.50 * M.A.W.P. * Sa/S 147.330 psig

Exchanger Channel Side Hydrostatic Test Pressures:

Pressure per UG99b = 1.50 * M.A.W.P. * Sa/S 301.500 psig

Pressure per UG99b[36] = 1.50 * Design Pres * Sa/S 315.000 psig
Pressure per UG99c = 1.50 * M.A.P. - Head(Hyd) 338.762 psig
Pressure per UG100 = 1.25 * M.A.W.P. * Sa/S 251.250 psig
Pressure per PED = max(1.43*DP, 1.25*DP*ratio) 299.250 psig
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Pressure per App 27-4 = 1.50 * M.A.W.P. * Sa/S 301.500 psig

Horizontal Test performed per: UG-99b

Please note that Nozzle, Shell, Head, Flange, etc MAWPs are all considered
when determining the hydrotest pressure for those test types that are based
on the MAWP of the vessel.

Stresses on Elements due to Test Pressure (psi & psig):

From To | Stress | Allowable | Ratio | Pressure |

CHANNEL BARREL | 13676.0 | 28800.0 | 0.475 | 302.79 |
SHELL BARREL | 5705.8 | 28800.0 | 0.198 | 148.62 |
90 100 | 12651.3 | 28800.0 | 0.439 | 302.90 |
100 110 | 12499.9 | 28800.0 | 0.434 | 302.90 |

Stress ratios for Nozzle and Pad Materials (psi):

Description | Pad/Nozzle | Ambient | Operating | Ratio |

T1 | Nozzle | 15000.00 | 15000.00 | 1.000 |
T1 | Pad | 15000.00 | 15000.00 | 1.000 |
T2 | Nozzle | 15000.00 | 15000.00 | 1.000 |
T2 | Pad | 15000.00 | 15000.00 | 1.000 |
S1 | Nozzle | 15000.00 | 15000.00 | 1.000 |
S1 | Pad | 15000.00 | 15000.00 | 1.000 |
S2 | Nozzle | 15000.00 | 15000.00 | 1.000 |
S2 | Pad | 15000.00 | 15000.00 | 1.000 |
S2-1 | Nozzle | 15000.00 | 15000.00 | 1.000 |
S2-1 | Pad | 15000.00 | 15000.00 | 1.000 |
S1-1 | Nozzle | 15000.00 | 15000.00 | 1.000 |
S1-1 | Pad | 15000.00 | 15000.00 | 1.000 |
S5 | Nozzle | 15000.00 | 15000.00 | 1.000 |
S6 | Nozzle | 15000.00 | 15000.00 | 1.000 |
Minimum 1.000

Stress ratios for Pressurized Vessel Elements (psi):

Description | Ambient | Operating | Ratio |

CC | 17500.00 | 17500.00 | 1.000 |
CF-CC | 17500.00 | 17500.00 | 1.000 |
CHANNEL BARREL | 15000.00 | 15000.00 | 1.000 |
CF-ST | 17500.00 | 17500.00 | 1.000 |
SF-ST | 17500.00 | 17500.00 | 1.000 |
SHELL BARREL | 15000.00 | 15000.00 | 1.000 |
SF-SC | 17500.00 | 17500.00 | 1.000 |
SFC | 17500.00 | 17500.00 | 1.000 |
| 15000.00 | 15000.00 | 1.000 |
| 15000.00 | 15000.00 | 1.000 |
Minimum 1.000

Stress ratios for Exchanger Materials (psi):

Description | Ambient | Operating | Ratio |

Floating Head Matl. | 15000.00 | 15000.00 | 1.000 |
Backing Ring Matl. | 17500.00 | 17500.00 | 1.000 |
Flange Material | 17500.00 | 17500.00 | 1.000 |
Tube Material | 11800.00 | 11800.00 | 1.000 |
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FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Internal Pressure Calculations: Step: 9 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Tubesheet Material | 17500.00 | 17500.00 | 1.000 |

Minimum 1.000

Hoop Stress in Nozzle Wall during Pressure Test (psi):

Description | Ambient | Operating | Ratio |

T1 | 2490.44 | 31500.00 | 0.079 |
T2 | 2490.44 | 31500.00 | 0.079 |
S1 | 1222.40 | 31500.00 | 0.039 |
S2 | 704.01 | 31500.00 | 0.022 |
S2-1 | 704.01 | 31500.00 | 0.022 |
S1-1 | 1222.40 | 31500.00 | 0.039 |
S5 | 636.10 | 31500.00 | 0.020 |
S6 | 636.10 | 31500.00 | 0.020 |

One or more Elements Failed Code Requirements for Internal Pressure !

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2018

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FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Flange MAWP: Step: 12 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Nozzle Flange MAWP Results:

Nozzle | Flange Rating | Design | | Grade/ | Equiv. | - - - - - - Max Pressure |

Description | Ope. | Ambient | Temp | Class | Group | Press | PVP | 50% | DNV |
| psig | psig | °F | | | psig |
T1 | 560.0 | 740.0 | 580 | 300 | GR 1.1 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
T2 | 560.0 | 740.0 | 580 | 300 | GR 1.1 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
S1 | 585.0 | 740.0 | 530 | 300 | GR 1.1 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
S2 | 585.0 | 740.0 | 530 | 300 | GR 1.1 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
S2-1 | 585.0 | 740.0 | 530 | 300 | GR 1.1 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
S1-1 | 585.0 | 740.0 | 530 | 300 | GR 1.1 | ... | ... | ... | ... |

Shellside Flange Rating

Lowest Flange Pressure Rating was (Ope)[ShellSide]: 585.000 psig
Lowest Flange Pressure Rating was (Amb)[ShellSide]: 740.000 psig

Channelside Flange Rating

Lowest Flange Pressure Rating was (Ope)[TubeSide ]: 560.000 psig
Lowest Flange Pressure Rating was (Amb)[TubeSide ]: 740.000 psig

Selected Method for Derating ANSI Flange MAWP: None Selected

Note: ANSI Ratings are per ANSI/ASME B16.5 1996 Edition

The PVP Method is based on the paper PVP 2013-97814. PV Elite uses the maximum loads
from each load category to determine ME and FE. In many cases, the computed maximum
allowable pressure will be greater than the flange rating. In these cases, the minimum of the
rating from the table and the PVP method will be used. SA-193 B8 Cl. 2 bolts or ones
with higher allowable stresses at the specified bolt size shall be used. Note that ANSI pipe
nominal sizes up to 24 inch (600mm) are addressed.

How the 50% Stress Method Works:

If the computed stress/allowable stress is < 0.5 on the pipe wall, then the allowable
pressure is the table rating from the ANSI/ASME standard. If the stress ratio is >= 0.5,
then the full equivalent pressure is subtracted from the flange rating.

The DNV Method:

minimum( table rating, 1.5 * Operating rating - equivalent pressure )

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2018

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FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Summary: Step: 23 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Nozzle Calculation Summary:

Description | MAWP | Ext | MAPNC | UG-45 [tr] | Weld | Areas or |

| psig | | psig | | in. | Path | Stresses |
T1 | | ... | ... |Failed | ... | Failed | No Calc[*] |
T2 | | ... | ... |Failed | ... | Failed | No Calc[*] |
S1 | 249.04 | ... | ... | OK | 0.379 | OK | Passed |
S2 | 286.54 | ... | ... | OK | 0.332 | OK | Passed |
S2-1 | 286.54 | ... | ... | OK | 0.332 | OK | Passed |
S1-1 | 249.04 | ... | ... | OK | 0.379 | OK | Passed |
S5 | 263.45 | ... | ... | OK | 0.252 | OK | No Calc[*] |
S6 | 263.45 | ... | ... | OK | 0.252 | OK | No Calc[*] |

MAWP Summary:
Minimum MAWP Nozzles : 249.037 Nozzle : S1-1

[*] - This was a small opening and the areas were not computed.

Note: MAWPs (Internal Case) shown above are at the High Point.

Check the Spatial Relationship between the Nozzles

From Node | Nozzle Description | X Coordinate | Layout Angle | Dia. Limit |

| | in. | deg | in. |
30 | T1 | 15.192 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
30 | T2 | 15.192 | 180.000 | 0.000 |
60 | S1 | 86.875 | 0.000 | 15.750 |
60 | S2 | 86.875 | 180.000 | 7.748 |
60 | S2-1 | 204.434 | 180.000 | 7.748 |
60 | S1-1 | 204.434 | 0.000 | 15.750 |
90 | S5 | 266.374 | 0.000 | 2.600 |
90 | S6 | 266.374 | 180.000 | 2.600 |

The nozzle spacing is computed by the following:

= Sqrt( ll² + lc² ) where
ll - Arc length along the inside vessel surface in the long. direction.
lc - Arc length along the inside vessel surface in the circ. direction

If any interferences/violations are found, they will be noted below.

No interference violations have been detected !

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2018

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 30
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: T1 Nozl: 9 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: T1 From : 30

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 300.000 psig

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 580 °F

Shell Material SA-515 60

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 15000.00 psi
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 15000.00 psi

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 35.7087 in.

Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 0.4724 in.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 0.1250 in.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 in.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 1.27 ft.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -20.00 °F

Type of Element Connected to the Shell : Nozzle

Material SA-106 B
Material UNS Number K03006
Material Specification/Type Smls. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 15000.00 psi
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 15000.00 psi

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) ID

Layout Angle 0.00 deg
Diameter 8.0000 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Nominal

Nominal Thickness tn 80

Flange Material SA-105

Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Corrosion Allowance can 0.1250 in.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 6.3900 in.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 0.3750 in.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 0.4724 in.
Inside Projection h 0.0000 in.
Weld leg size, Inside Element to Shell Wi 0.0000 in.

Pad Material SA-515 60

Pad Allowable Stress at Temperature Sp 15000.00 psi
Pad Allowable Stress At Ambient Spa 15000.00 psi
Diameter of Pad along vessel surface Dp 11.6142 in.
Thickness of Pad te 0.5000 in.
Weld leg size between Pad and Shell Wp 0.3750 in.
Groove weld depth between Pad and Nozzle Wgpn 0.5000 in.
Reinforcing Pad Width 1.4946 in.
ASME Code Weld Type UW-16.1(c)

Class of attached Flange 300

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

Nozzle Sketch (may not represent actual weld type/configuration)

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 31
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: T1 Nozl: 9 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Insert/Set-in Nozzle With Pad, no Inside projection

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: T1

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 1998, A-98 UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 7.625 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.500 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*R)/(Sv*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (300*17.98)/(15000*1-0.6*300)
= 0.3640 in.

ERROR: Low Thickness Detected: Reqd. 0.364 Actual 0.347 in.

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2018

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 32
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: T2 Nozl: 10 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: T2 From : 30

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 300.000 psig

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 580 °F

Shell Material SA-515 60

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 15000.00 psi
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 15000.00 psi

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 35.7087 in.

Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 0.4724 in.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 0.1250 in.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 in.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 1.27 ft.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -20.00 °F

Type of Element Connected to the Shell : Nozzle

Material SA-106 B
Material UNS Number K03006
Material Specification/Type Smls. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 15000.00 psi
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 15000.00 psi

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) ID

Layout Angle 180.00 deg
Diameter 8.0000 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Nominal

Nominal Thickness tn 80

Flange Material SA-105

Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Corrosion Allowance can 0.1250 in.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 6.3900 in.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 0.3750 in.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 0.4724 in.
Inside Projection h 0.0000 in.
Weld leg size, Inside Element to Shell Wi 0.0000 in.

Pad Material SA-515 60

Pad Allowable Stress at Temperature Sp 15000.00 psi
Pad Allowable Stress At Ambient Spa 15000.00 psi
Diameter of Pad along vessel surface Dp 11.6142 in.
Thickness of Pad te 0.5000 in.
Weld leg size between Pad and Shell Wp 0.3750 in.
Groove weld depth between Pad and Nozzle Wgpn 0.5000 in.
Reinforcing Pad Width 1.4946 in.
ASME Code Weld Type UW-16.1(c)

Class of attached Flange 300

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

Nozzle Sketch (may not represent actual weld type/configuration)

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 33
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: T2 Nozl: 10 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Insert/Set-in Nozzle With Pad, no Inside projection

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: T2

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 1998, A-98 UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 7.625 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.500 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*R)/(Sv*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (300*17.98)/(15000*1-0.6*300)
= 0.3640 in.

ERROR: Low Thickness Detected: Reqd. 0.364 Actual 0.347 in.

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2018

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 34
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S1 Nozl: 11 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: S1 From : 60

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 210.000 psig

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 530 °F

Shell Material SA-515 60

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 15000.00 psi
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 15000.00 psi

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 35.7087 in.

Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 0.4724 in.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 0.1250 in.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 in.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 7.24 ft.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -20.00 °F

Type of Element Connected to the Shell : Nozzle

Material SA-106 B
Material UNS Number K03006
Material Specification/Type Smls. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 15000.00 psi
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 15000.00 psi

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) ID

Layout Angle 0.00 deg
Diameter 8.0000 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Nominal

Nominal Thickness tn 80

Flange Material SA-105

Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Corrosion Allowance can 0.1250 in.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 6.3900 in.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 0.3750 in.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 0.4724 in.
Inside Projection h 0.0000 in.
Weld leg size, Inside Element to Shell Wi 0.0000 in.

Pad Material SA-515 60

Pad Allowable Stress at Temperature Sp 15000.00 psi
Pad Allowable Stress At Ambient Spa 15000.00 psi
Diameter of Pad along vessel surface Dp 11.8110 in.
Thickness of Pad te 0.5000 in.
Weld leg size between Pad and Shell Wp 0.3750 in.
Groove weld depth between Pad and Nozzle Wgpn 0.5000 in.
Reinforcing Pad Width 1.5930 in.
ASME Code Weld Type UW-16.1(c)

Class of attached Flange 300

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

Nozzle Sketch (may not represent actual weld type/configuration)

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 35
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S1 Nozl: 11 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Insert/Set-in Nozzle With Pad, no Inside projection

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: S1

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 1998, A-98 UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 7.625 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.500 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*R)/(Sv*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (210*17.98)/(15000*1-0.6*210)
= 0.2538 in.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*R)/(Sn*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (210*3.938)/(15000*1-0.6*210)
= 0.0556 in.

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement : [Internal Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 15.7500 in.
Parallel to Vessel Wall, opening length d 7.8750 in.
Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), pad side Tlwp 0.8686 in.

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr1]:

= min( 1, Sn/Sv )
= min( 1, 15000/15000 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr2]:

= min( 1, Sn/Sv )
= min( 1, 15000/15000 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr4]:

= min( 1, Sp/Sv )
= min( 1, 15000/15000 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr3]:

= min( fr2, fr4 )
= min( 1, 1 )
= 1.000

Results of Nozzle Reinforcement Area Calculations: (in²)

AREA AVAILABLE, A1 to A5 | Design| External| Mapnc|

Area Required Ar | 1.999| NA| NA|
Area in Shell A1 | 0.737| NA| NA|
PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 36
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S1 Nozl: 11 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Area in Nozzle Wall A2 | 0.555| NA| NA|

Area in Inward Nozzle A3 | 0.000| NA| NA|
Area in Welds A41+A42+A43 | 0.281| NA| NA|
Area in Element A5 | 1.195| NA| NA|

The Internal Pressure Case Governs the Analysis.

Nozzle Angle Used in Area Calculations 90.00 Degs.

The area available without a pad is Insufficient.

The area available with the given pad is Sufficient.


Based on given Pad Thickness: 9.8125 0.5000 in.
Based on given Pad Diameter: 11.8110 0.1875 in.
Based on Shell or Nozzle Thickness: 9.8125 0.5000 in.

Area Required [A]:

= ( d * tr*F + 2 * tn * tr*F * (1-fr1) ) UG-37(c)
= (7.875*0.254*1+2*0.375*0.254*1*(1-1))
= 1.999 in²

Reinforcement Areas per Figure UG-37.1

Area Available in Shell [A1]:

= d( E1*t - F*tr ) - 2 * tn( E1*t - F*tr ) * ( 1 - fr1 )
= 7.875 ( 1 * 0.347 - 1 * 0.254 ) - 2 * 0.375
( 1 * 0.347 - 1 * 0.254 ) * ( 1 - 1 )
= 0.737 in²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall Projecting Outward [A2]:

= ( 2 * Tlwp ) * ( tn - trn ) * fr2
= ( 2 * 0.869 ) * ( 0.375 - 0.0556 ) * 1
= 0.555 in²

Area Available in Welds [A41 + A42 + A43]:

= (Wo² - Ar Lost)*Fr3+((Wi-can/0.707)² - Ar Lost)*fr2 + Wp²*fr4
= (0.141 ) * 1 + (0 ) * 1 + 0.375² * 1
= 0.281 in²

Area Available in Element, also see UG-37(h) [A5]:

= (min(Dp,DL)-(Nozzle OD))(min(tp,Tlwp,te)) * fr4 * 0.75
= ( 11.81 - 8.625 )0.5 * 1 * 0.75
= 1.195 in²

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 0.1806 in.
Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 0.1875 in.
Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 0.3788 in.
Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 0.3788 in.
Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 0.1875 in.
Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 0.4069 in.

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]
= min[ 0.407, max( 0.379, 0.188 ) ]
= 0.3788 in.

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )
= max( 0.181, 0.379 )
= 0.3788 in.
PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 37
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S1 Nozl: 11 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 0.875 * 0.500 = 0.438 in. --> OK

Nozzle Junction Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT) Calculations:

Nozzle Neck to Flange Weld, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.438, tr = 0.0556, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.178, Temp. Reduction = 110 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -14 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -150 °F
Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 °F

Nozzle Neck to Pad Weld for the Nozzle, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.438, tr = 0.0556, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.178, Temp. Reduction = 110 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -14 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -150 °F
Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 °F

Nozzle Neck to Pad Weld for Reinforcement pad, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.438, tr = 0.0556, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.178, Temp. Reduction = 110 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -14 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -150 °F
Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 °F

Shell to Pad Weld Junction at Pad OD, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.472, tr = 0.254, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.731, Temp. Reduction = 27 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -10 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -36 °F
Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 °F

Nozzle-Shell/Head Weld (UCS-66(a)1(b)), Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.438, tr = 0.0556, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.178, Temp. Reduction = 110 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -14 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -150 °F
Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 °F

Governing MDMT of the Nozzle : -150 °F

Governing MDMT of the Reinforcement Pad : -36 °F
Governing MDMT of all the sub-joints of this Junction : -36 °F

ANSI Flange MDMT including Temperature reduction per UCS-66.1:

Unadjusted MDMT of ANSI B16.5/47 flanges per UCS-66(c) -20 °F

Flange MDMT with Temp reduction per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b) -130 °F
Flange MDMT with Temp reduction per UCS-66(b)(1)(-c) -130 °F

Where the Stress Reduction Ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b) is :

Design Pressure/Ambient Rating = 210.00/740.00 = 0.284
PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 38
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S1 Nozl: 11 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Using the min value from (b)(1)(-b) and (b)(1)(-c) above as the computed nozzle flange MDMT.

Weld Size Calculations, Description: S1

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 0.3750 in.

Intermediate Calc. for pad/shell Welds TminPad 0.3750 in.

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness
Nozzle Weld 0.2500 = Min per Code 0.2651 = 0.7 * Wo in.
Pad Weld 0.1875 = 0.5*TminPad 0.2651 = 0.7 * Wp in.

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Max. Allow. Pressure in Operating case 249.037 psig

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 0.5286 in.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 7.3911 in.

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2018

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 39
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S2 Nozl: 12 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: S2 From : 60

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 210.000 psig

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 530 °F

Shell Material SA-515 60

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 15000.00 psi
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 15000.00 psi

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 35.7087 in.

Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 0.4724 in.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 0.1250 in.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 in.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 7.24 ft.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -20.00 °F

Type of Element Connected to the Shell : Nozzle

Material SA-106 B
Material UNS Number K03006
Material Specification/Type Smls. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 15000.00 psi
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 15000.00 psi

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) ID

Layout Angle 180.00 deg
Diameter 4.0000 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Nominal

Nominal Thickness tn 120

Flange Material SA-105

Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Corrosion Allowance can 0.1250 in.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 7.4200 in.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 0.3750 in.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 0.4724 in.
Inside Projection h 0.0000 in.
Weld leg size, Inside Element to Shell Wi 0.0000 in.

Pad Material SA-515 60

Pad Allowable Stress at Temperature Sp 15000.00 psi
Pad Allowable Stress At Ambient Spa 15000.00 psi
Diameter of Pad along vessel surface Dp 7.5000 in.
Thickness of Pad te 0.5000 in.
Weld leg size between Pad and Shell Wp 0.3750 in.
Groove weld depth between Pad and Nozzle Wgpn 0.5000 in.
Reinforcing Pad Width 1.5000 in.
ASME Code Weld Type UW-16.1(c)

Class of attached Flange 300

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

Nozzle Sketch (may not represent actual weld type/configuration)

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 40
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S2 Nozl: 12 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Insert/Set-in Nozzle With Pad, no Inside projection

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: S2

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 1998, A-98 UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 3.624 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.438 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*R)/(Sv*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (210*17.98)/(15000*1-0.6*210)
= 0.2538 in.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*R)/(Sn*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (210*1.937)/(15000*1-0.6*210)
= 0.0273 in.

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement : [Internal Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 7.7480 in.
Parallel to Vessel Wall, opening length d 3.8740 in.
Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), pad side Tlwp 0.8686 in.

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr1]:

= min( 1, Sn/Sv )
= min( 1, 15000/15000 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr2]:

= min( 1, Sn/Sv )
= min( 1, 15000/15000 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr4]:

= min( 1, Sp/Sv )
= min( 1, 15000/15000 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr3]:

= min( fr2, fr4 )
= min( 1, 1 )
= 1.000

Results of Nozzle Reinforcement Area Calculations: (in²)

AREA AVAILABLE, A1 to A5 | Design| External| Mapnc|

Area Required Ar | 0.983| NA| NA|
Area in Shell A1 | 0.363| NA| NA|
PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 41
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S2 Nozl: 12 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Area in Nozzle Wall A2 | 0.496| NA| NA|

Area in Inward Nozzle A3 | 0.000| NA| NA|
Area in Welds A41+A42+A43 | 0.218| NA| NA|
Area in Element A5 | 1.125| NA| NA|

The Internal Pressure Case Governs the Analysis.

Nozzle Angle Used in Area Calculations 90.00 Degs.

The area available without a pad is Insufficient.

The area available with the given pad is Sufficient.


Based on given Pad Thickness: 4.5000 0.5000 in.
Based on given Pad Diameter: 7.5000 0.0000 in.
Based on Shell or Nozzle Thickness: 4.5000 0.4375 in.

Area Required [A]:

= ( d * tr*F + 2 * tn * tr*F * (1-fr1) ) UG-37(c)
= (3.874*0.254*1+2*0.313*0.254*1*(1-1))
= 0.983 in²

Reinforcement Areas per Figure UG-37.1

Area Available in Shell [A1]:

= d( E1*t - F*tr ) - 2 * tn( E1*t - F*tr ) * ( 1 - fr1 )
= 3.874 ( 1 * 0.347 - 1 * 0.254 ) - 2 * 0.313
( 1 * 0.347 - 1 * 0.254 ) * ( 1 - 1 )
= 0.363 in²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall Projecting Outward [A2]:

= ( 2 * Tlwp ) * ( tn - trn ) * fr2
= ( 2 * 0.869 ) * ( 0.313 - 0.0273 ) * 1
= 0.496 in²

Area Available in Welds [A41 + A42 + A43]:

= (Wo² - Ar Lost)*Fr3+((Wi-can/0.707)² - Ar Lost)*fr2 + Trapfr4
= (0.141 ) * 1 + (0 ) * 1 + 0.0776² * 1
= 0.218 in²

Area Available in Element, also see UG-37(h) [A5]:

= (min(Dp,DL)-(Nozzle OD))(min(tp,Tlwp,te)) * fr4 * 0.75
= ( 7.5 - 4.5 )0.5 * 1 * 0.75
= 1.125 in²

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 0.1523 in.
Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 0.1875 in.
Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 0.3788 in.
Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 0.3788 in.
Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 0.1875 in.
Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 0.3320 in.

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]
= min[ 0.332, max( 0.379, 0.188 ) ]
= 0.3320 in.

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )
= max( 0.152, 0.332 )
= 0.3320 in.
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FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S2 Nozl: 12 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 0.875 * 0.438 = 0.383 in. --> OK

Nozzle Junction Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT) Calculations:

Nozzle Neck to Flange Weld, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.383, tr = 0.0273, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.106, Temp. Reduction = 110 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -20 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -150 °F

Nozzle Neck to Pad Weld for the Nozzle, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.383, tr = 0.0273, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.106, Temp. Reduction = 110 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -20 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -150 °F

Nozzle Neck to Pad Weld for Reinforcement pad, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.383, tr = 0.0273, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.106, Temp. Reduction = 110 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -20 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -150 °F

Shell to Pad Weld Junction at Pad OD, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.472, tr = 0.254, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.731, Temp. Reduction = 27 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -10 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -36 °F
Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 °F

Nozzle-Shell/Head Weld (UCS-66(a)1(b)), Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.383, tr = 0.0273, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.106, Temp. Reduction = 110 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -20 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -150 °F

Governing MDMT of the Nozzle : -150 °F

Governing MDMT of the Reinforcement Pad : -36 °F
Governing MDMT of all the sub-joints of this Junction : -36 °F

ANSI Flange MDMT including Temperature reduction per UCS-66.1:

Unadjusted MDMT of ANSI B16.5/47 flanges per UCS-66(c) -20 °F

Flange MDMT with Temp reduction per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b) -130 °F
Flange MDMT with Temp reduction per UCS-66(b)(1)(-c) -130 °F

Where the Stress Reduction Ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b) is :

Design Pressure/Ambient Rating = 210.00/740.00 = 0.284

Using the min value from (b)(1)(-b) and (b)(1)(-c) above as the computed nozzle flange MDMT.

Weld Size Calculations, Description: S2

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 43
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S2 Nozl: 12 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 0.3130 in.

Intermediate Calc. for pad/shell Welds TminPad 0.3750 in.

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness
Nozzle Weld 0.2191 = 0.7 * tmin. 0.2651 = 0.7 * Wo in.
Pad Weld 0.1875 = 0.5*TminPad 0.2651 = 0.7 * Wp in.

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Max. Allow. Pressure in Operating case 286.544 psig

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 0.1423 in.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 8.0348 in.

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2018

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 44
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S2-1 Nozl: 13 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: S2-1 From : 60

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 210.000 psig

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 530 °F

Shell Material SA-515 60

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 15000.00 psi
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 15000.00 psi

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 35.7087 in.

Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 0.4724 in.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 0.1250 in.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 in.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 17.04 ft.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -20.00 °F

Type of Element Connected to the Shell : Nozzle

Material SA-106 B
Material UNS Number K03006
Material Specification/Type Smls. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 15000.00 psi
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 15000.00 psi

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) ID

Layout Angle 180.00 deg
Diameter 4.0000 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Nominal

Nominal Thickness tn 120

Flange Material SA-105

Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Corrosion Allowance can 0.1250 in.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 7.4200 in.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 0.3750 in.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 0.4724 in.
Inside Projection h 0.0000 in.
Weld leg size, Inside Element to Shell Wi 0.0000 in.

Pad Material SA-515 60

Pad Allowable Stress at Temperature Sp 15000.00 psi
Pad Allowable Stress At Ambient Spa 15000.00 psi
Diameter of Pad along vessel surface Dp 7.5000 in.
Thickness of Pad te 0.5000 in.
Weld leg size between Pad and Shell Wp 0.3750 in.
Groove weld depth between Pad and Nozzle Wgpn 0.5000 in.
Reinforcing Pad Width 1.5000 in.

Class of attached Flange 300

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

Nozzle Sketch (may not represent actual weld type/configuration)

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 45
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S2-1 Nozl: 13 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Insert/Set-in Nozzle With Pad, no Inside projection

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: S2-1

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 1998, A-98 UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 3.624 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.438 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*R)/(Sv*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (210*17.98)/(15000*1-0.6*210)
= 0.2538 in.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*R)/(Sn*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (210*1.937)/(15000*1-0.6*210)
= 0.0273 in.

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement : [Internal Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 7.7480 in.
Parallel to Vessel Wall, opening length d 3.8740 in.
Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), pad side Tlwp 0.8686 in.

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr1]:

= min( 1, Sn/Sv )
= min( 1, 15000/15000 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr2]:

= min( 1, Sn/Sv )
= min( 1, 15000/15000 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr4]:

= min( 1, Sp/Sv )
= min( 1, 15000/15000 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr3]:

= min( fr2, fr4 )
= min( 1, 1 )
= 1.000

Results of Nozzle Reinforcement Area Calculations: (in²)

AREA AVAILABLE, A1 to A5 | Design| External| Mapnc|

Area Required Ar | 0.983| NA| NA|
Area in Shell A1 | 0.363| NA| NA|
PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 46
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S2-1 Nozl: 13 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Area in Nozzle Wall A2 | 0.496| NA| NA|

Area in Inward Nozzle A3 | 0.000| NA| NA|
Area in Welds A41+A42+A43 | 0.218| NA| NA|
Area in Element A5 | 1.125| NA| NA|

The Internal Pressure Case Governs the Analysis.

Nozzle Angle Used in Area Calculations 90.00 Degs.

The area available without a pad is Insufficient.

The area available with the given pad is Sufficient.


Based on given Pad Thickness: 4.5000 0.5000 in.
Based on given Pad Diameter: 7.5000 0.0000 in.
Based on Shell or Nozzle Thickness: 4.5000 0.4375 in.

Area Required [A]:

= ( d * tr*F + 2 * tn * tr*F * (1-fr1) ) UG-37(c)
= (3.874*0.254*1+2*0.313*0.254*1*(1-1))
= 0.983 in²

Reinforcement Areas per Figure UG-37.1

Area Available in Shell [A1]:

= d( E1*t - F*tr ) - 2 * tn( E1*t - F*tr ) * ( 1 - fr1 )
= 3.874 ( 1 * 0.347 - 1 * 0.254 ) - 2 * 0.313
( 1 * 0.347 - 1 * 0.254 ) * ( 1 - 1 )
= 0.363 in²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall Projecting Outward [A2]:

= ( 2 * Tlwp ) * ( tn - trn ) * fr2
= ( 2 * 0.869 ) * ( 0.313 - 0.0273 ) * 1
= 0.496 in²

Area Available in Welds [A41 + A42 + A43]:

= (Wo² - Ar Lost)*Fr3+((Wi-can/0.707)² - Ar Lost)*fr2 + Trapfr4
= (0.141 ) * 1 + (0 ) * 1 + 0.0776² * 1
= 0.218 in²

Area Available in Element, also see UG-37(h) [A5]:

= (min(Dp,DL)-(Nozzle OD))(min(tp,Tlwp,te)) * fr4 * 0.75
= ( 7.5 - 4.5 )0.5 * 1 * 0.75
= 1.125 in²

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 0.1523 in.
Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 0.1875 in.
Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 0.3788 in.
Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 0.3788 in.
Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 0.1875 in.
Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 0.3320 in.

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]
= min[ 0.332, max( 0.379, 0.188 ) ]
= 0.3320 in.

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )
= max( 0.152, 0.332 )
= 0.3320 in.
PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 47
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S2-1 Nozl: 13 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 0.875 * 0.438 = 0.383 in. --> OK

Nozzle Junction Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT) Calculations:

Nozzle Neck to Flange Weld, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.383, tr = 0.0273, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.106, Temp. Reduction = 110 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -20 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -150 °F

Nozzle Neck to Pad Weld for the Nozzle, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.383, tr = 0.0273, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.106, Temp. Reduction = 110 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -20 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -150 °F

Nozzle Neck to Pad Weld for Reinforcement pad, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.383, tr = 0.0273, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.106, Temp. Reduction = 110 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -20 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -150 °F

Shell to Pad Weld Junction at Pad OD, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.472, tr = 0.254, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.731, Temp. Reduction = 27 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -10 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -36 °F
Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 °F

Nozzle-Shell/Head Weld (UCS-66(a)1(b)), Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.383, tr = 0.0273, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.106, Temp. Reduction = 110 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -20 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -150 °F

Governing MDMT of the Nozzle : -150 °F

Governing MDMT of the Reinforcement Pad : -36 °F
Governing MDMT of all the sub-joints of this Junction : -36 °F

ANSI Flange MDMT including Temperature reduction per UCS-66.1:

Unadjusted MDMT of ANSI B16.5/47 flanges per UCS-66(c) -20 °F

Flange MDMT with Temp reduction per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b) -130 °F
Flange MDMT with Temp reduction per UCS-66(b)(1)(-c) -130 °F

Where the Stress Reduction Ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b) is :

Design Pressure/Ambient Rating = 210.00/740.00 = 0.284

Using the min value from (b)(1)(-b) and (b)(1)(-c) above as the computed nozzle flange MDMT.

Weld Size Calculations, Description: S2-1

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 48
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S2-1 Nozl: 13 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 0.3130 in.

Intermediate Calc. for pad/shell Welds TminPad 0.3750 in.

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness
Nozzle Weld 0.2191 = 0.7 * tmin. 0.2651 = 0.7 * Wo in.
Pad Weld 0.1875 = 0.5*TminPad 0.2651 = 0.7 * Wp in.

Weld Strength and Weld Loads per UG-41.1, Sketch (a) or (b)

Weld Load [W]:

= max( 0, (A-A1+2*tn*fr1*(E1*t-tr))Sv)
= max( 0, (0.983 - 0.363 + 2 * 0.313 * 1 *
(1 * 0.347 - 0.254 ) )15000 )
= 10190.74 lb.

Note: F is always set to 1.0 throughout the calculation.

Weld Load [W1]:

= (A2+A5+A4-(Wi-Can/.707)²*fr2)*Sv
= ( 0.496 + 1.125 + 0.218 - 0 * 1 ) * 15000
= 27591.67 lb.

Weld Load [W2]:

= (A2 + A3 + A4 + (2 * tn * t * fr1)) * Sv
= ( 0.496 + 0 + 0.141 + ( 0.217 ) ) * 15000
= 12815.39 lb.

Weld Load [W3]:

= (A2+A3+A4+A5+(2*tn*t*fr1))*S
= ( 0.496 + 0 + 0.218 + 1.125 + ( 0.217 ) ) * 15000
= 30854.14 lb.

Strength of Connection Elements for Failure Path Analysis

Shear, Outward Nozzle Weld [Sonw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * Wo * 0.49 * Snw
= ( 3.142/2.0 ) * 4.5 * 0.375 * 0.49 * 15000
= 19483. lb.

Shear, Pad Element Weld [Spew]:

= (pi/2) * DP * WP * 0.49 * SEW
= ( 3.142/2.0 ) * 7.5 * 0.375 * 0.49 * 15000
= 32471. lb.

Shear, Nozzle Wall [Snw]:

= (pi *( Dlr + Dlo )/4 ) * ( Thk - Can ) * 0.7 * Sn
= (3.142 * 2.094 ) * ( 0.438 - 0.125 ) * 0.7 * 15000
= 21615. lb.

Tension, Pad Groove Weld [Tpgw]:

= ( pi/2) * Dlo * Wgpn * 0.74 * Seg
= (3.142/2 ) * 4.5 * 0.5 * 0.74 * 15000
= 39231. lb.

Tension, Shell Groove Weld [Tngw]:

= (pi/2) * Dlo * (Wgnvi-Cas) * 0.74 * Sng
= ( 3.142/2.0 ) * 4.5 * ( 0.472 - 0.125 ) * 0.74 * 15000
= 27261. lb.

Strength of Failure Paths:

PATH11 = ( SPEW + SNW ) = ( 32471 + 21615 ) = 54086 lb.

PATH22 = ( Sonw + Tpgw + Tngw + Sinw )
PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 49
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S2-1 Nozl: 13 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

= ( 19483 + 39231 + 27261 + 0 ) = 85974 lb.

PATH33 = ( Spew + Tngw + Sinw )
= ( 32471 + 27261 + 0 ) = 59732 lb.

Summary of Failure Path Calculations:

Path 1-1 = 54086 lb., must exceed W = 10190 lb. or W1 = 27591 lb.
Path 2-2 = 85974 lb., must exceed W = 10190 lb. or W2 = 12815 lb.
Path 3-3 = 59731 lb., must exceed W = 10190 lb. or W3 = 30854 lb.

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Max. Allow. Pressure in Operating case 286.544 psig

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 0.1423 in.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 8.0348 in.

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2018

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 50
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S1-1 Nozl: 14 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: S1-1 From : 60

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 210.000 psig

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 530 °F

Shell Material SA-515 60

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 15000.00 psi
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 15000.00 psi

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 35.7087 in.

Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 0.4724 in.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 0.1250 in.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 in.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 17.04 ft.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -20.00 °F

Type of Element Connected to the Shell : Nozzle

Material SA-106 B
Material UNS Number K03006
Material Specification/Type Smls. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 15000.00 psi
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 15000.00 psi

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) ID

Layout Angle 0.00 deg
Diameter 8.0000 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Nominal

Nominal Thickness tn 80

Flange Material SA-105

Flange Type Weld Neck Flange

Corrosion Allowance can 0.1250 in.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 6.3900 in.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 0.3750 in.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 0.4724 in.
Inside Projection h 0.0000 in.
Weld leg size, Inside Element to Shell Wi 0.0000 in.

Pad Material SA-515 60

Pad Allowable Stress at Temperature Sp 15000.00 psi
Pad Allowable Stress At Ambient Spa 15000.00 psi
Diameter of Pad along vessel surface Dp 11.8110 in.
Thickness of Pad te 0.5000 in.
Weld leg size between Pad and Shell Wp 0.3750 in.
Groove weld depth between Pad and Nozzle Wgpn 0.5000 in.
Reinforcing Pad Width 1.5930 in.
ASME Code Weld Type UW-16.1(c)

Class of attached Flange 300

Grade of attached Flange GR 1.1

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

Nozzle Sketch (may not represent actual weld type/configuration)

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 51
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S1-1 Nozl: 14 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Insert/Set-in Nozzle With Pad, no Inside projection

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: S1-1

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 1998, A-98 UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Inside Diameter Used in Calculation 7.625 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.500 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*R)/(Sv*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (210*17.98)/(15000*1-0.6*210)
= 0.2538 in.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*R)/(Sn*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (210*3.938)/(15000*1-0.6*210)
= 0.0556 in.

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement : [Internal Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 15.7500 in.
Parallel to Vessel Wall, opening length d 7.8750 in.
Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), pad side Tlwp 0.8686 in.

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr1]:

= min( 1, Sn/Sv )
= min( 1, 15000/15000 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr2]:

= min( 1, Sn/Sv )
= min( 1, 15000/15000 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr4]:

= min( 1, Sp/Sv )
= min( 1, 15000/15000 )
= 1.000

Weld Strength Reduction Factor [fr3]:

= min( fr2, fr4 )
= min( 1, 1 )
= 1.000

Results of Nozzle Reinforcement Area Calculations: (in²)

AREA AVAILABLE, A1 to A5 | Design| External| Mapnc|

Area Required Ar | 1.999| NA| NA|
Area in Shell A1 | 0.737| NA| NA|
PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 52
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S1-1 Nozl: 14 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Area in Nozzle Wall A2 | 0.555| NA| NA|

Area in Inward Nozzle A3 | 0.000| NA| NA|
Area in Welds A41+A42+A43 | 0.281| NA| NA|
Area in Element A5 | 1.195| NA| NA|

The Internal Pressure Case Governs the Analysis.

Nozzle Angle Used in Area Calculations 90.00 Degs.

The area available without a pad is Insufficient.

The area available with the given pad is Sufficient.


Based on given Pad Thickness: 9.8125 0.5000 in.
Based on given Pad Diameter: 11.8110 0.1875 in.
Based on Shell or Nozzle Thickness: 9.8125 0.5000 in.

Area Required [A]:

= ( d * tr*F + 2 * tn * tr*F * (1-fr1) ) UG-37(c)
= (7.875*0.254*1+2*0.375*0.254*1*(1-1))
= 1.999 in²

Reinforcement Areas per Figure UG-37.1

Area Available in Shell [A1]:

= d( E1*t - F*tr ) - 2 * tn( E1*t - F*tr ) * ( 1 - fr1 )
= 7.875 ( 1 * 0.347 - 1 * 0.254 ) - 2 * 0.375
( 1 * 0.347 - 1 * 0.254 ) * ( 1 - 1 )
= 0.737 in²

Area Available in Nozzle Wall Projecting Outward [A2]:

= ( 2 * Tlwp ) * ( tn - trn ) * fr2
= ( 2 * 0.869 ) * ( 0.375 - 0.0556 ) * 1
= 0.555 in²

Area Available in Welds [A41 + A42 + A43]:

= (Wo² - Ar Lost)*Fr3+((Wi-can/0.707)² - Ar Lost)*fr2 + Wp²*fr4
= (0.141 ) * 1 + (0 ) * 1 + 0.375² * 1
= 0.281 in²

Area Available in Element, also see UG-37(h) [A5]:

= (min(Dp,DL)-(Nozzle OD))(min(tp,Tlwp,te)) * fr4 * 0.75
= ( 11.81 - 8.625 )0.5 * 1 * 0.75
= 1.195 in²

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 0.1806 in.
Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 0.1875 in.
Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 0.3788 in.
Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 0.3788 in.
Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 0.1875 in.
Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 0.4069 in.

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]
= min[ 0.407, max( 0.379, 0.188 ) ]
= 0.3788 in.

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )
= max( 0.181, 0.379 )
= 0.3788 in.
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FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S1-1 Nozl: 14 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 0.875 * 0.500 = 0.438 in. --> OK

Nozzle Junction Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT) Calculations:

Nozzle Neck to Flange Weld, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.438, tr = 0.0556, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.178, Temp. Reduction = 110 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -14 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -150 °F
Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 °F

Nozzle Neck to Pad Weld for the Nozzle, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.438, tr = 0.0556, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.178, Temp. Reduction = 110 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -14 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -150 °F
Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 °F

Nozzle Neck to Pad Weld for Reinforcement pad, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.438, tr = 0.0556, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.178, Temp. Reduction = 110 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -14 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -150 °F
Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 °F

Shell to Pad Weld Junction at Pad OD, Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.472, tr = 0.254, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.731, Temp. Reduction = 27 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -10 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -36 °F
Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 °F

Nozzle-Shell/Head Weld (UCS-66(a)1(b)), Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.438, tr = 0.0556, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.178, Temp. Reduction = 110 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -14 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -150 °F
Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UG-20(f) -20 °F

Governing MDMT of the Nozzle : -150 °F

Governing MDMT of the Reinforcement Pad : -36 °F
Governing MDMT of all the sub-joints of this Junction : -36 °F

ANSI Flange MDMT including Temperature reduction per UCS-66.1:

Unadjusted MDMT of ANSI B16.5/47 flanges per UCS-66(c) -20 °F

Flange MDMT with Temp reduction per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b) -130 °F
Flange MDMT with Temp reduction per UCS-66(b)(1)(-c) -130 °F

Where the Stress Reduction Ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b) is :

Design Pressure/Ambient Rating = 210.00/740.00 = 0.284
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FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S1-1 Nozl: 14 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Using the min value from (b)(1)(-b) and (b)(1)(-c) above as the computed nozzle flange MDMT.

Weld Size Calculations, Description: S1-1

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 0.3750 in.

Intermediate Calc. for pad/shell Welds TminPad 0.3750 in.

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness
Nozzle Weld 0.2500 = Min per Code 0.2651 = 0.7 * Wo in.
Pad Weld 0.1875 = 0.5*TminPad 0.2651 = 0.7 * Wp in.

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Max. Allow. Pressure in Operating case 249.037 psig

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 0.5286 in.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 7.3911 in.

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2018

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 55
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S5 Nozl: 15 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: S5 From : 90

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 210.000 psig

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 530 °F

Shell Material SA-515 60

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 15000.00 psi
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 15000.00 psi

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 38.8976 in.

Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 0.4724 in.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 0.1250 in.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 in.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 22.20 ft.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -20.00 °F

Type of Element Connected to the Shell : Nozzle

Material SA-106 B
Material UNS Number K03006
Material Specification/Type Smls. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 15000.00 psi
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 15000.00 psi

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) OD

Layout Angle 0.00 deg
Diameter 1.7500 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Actual

Actual Thickness tn 0.3500 in.

Corrosion Allowance can 0.1250 in.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 1.5276 in.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 0.3750 in.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 0.4724 in.
Inside Projection h 0.0000 in.
Weld leg size, Inside Element to Shell Wi 0.0000 in.

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

Nozzle Sketch (may not represent actual weld type/configuration)

Insert/Set-in Nozzle No Pad, no Inside projection

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: S5

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 56
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S5 Nozl: 15 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 1998, A-98 UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Outside Diameter Used in Calculation 1.750 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.350 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*R)/(Sv*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (210*19.57)/(15000*1-0.6*210)
= 0.2764 in.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*Ro)/(Sn*E+0.4*P) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= (210*0.875)/(15000*1+0.4*210)
= 0.0122 in.

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement : [Internal Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 2.6000 in.
Parallel to Vessel Wall, opening length d 1.3000 in.
Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), no pad Tlnp 0.5625 in.


Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for nozzle: S5.

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. To force
the computation of areas for small nozzles go to Tools->Configuration
and check the box to force the UG-37 small nozzle area calculation or
force the Appendix 1-10 computation in Nozzle Design Options.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 0.1372 in.
Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 0.1875 in.
Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 0.4014 in.
Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 0.4014 in.
Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 0.1875 in.
Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 0.2518 in.

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]
= min[ 0.252, max( 0.401, 0.188 ) ]
= 0.2518 in.

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )
= max( 0.137, 0.252 )
= 0.2518 in.

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 0.3500 in. --> OK

Nozzle Junction Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT) Calculations:

Nozzle-Shell/Head Weld (UCS-66(a)1(b)), Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.35, tr = 0.0122, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.0541, Temp. Reduction = 110 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -20 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -150 °F

Governing MDMT of all the sub-joints of this Junction : -150 °F

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 57
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S5 Nozl: 15 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Weld Size Calculations, Description: S5

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 0.2250 in.

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness
Nozzle Weld 0.1575 = 0.7 * tmin. 0.2651 = 0.7 * Wo in.

Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations.

Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a)
(small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Max. Allow. Pressure in Operating case 263.449 psig

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 0.0197 in.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 2.0197 in.

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2018

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 58
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S6 Nozl: 16 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

INPUT VALUES, Nozzle Description: S6 From : 90

Pressure for Reinforcement Calculations P 210.000 psig

Temperature for Internal Pressure Temp 530 °F

Shell Material SA-515 60

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature Sv 15000.00 psi
Shell Allowable Stress At Ambient Sva 15000.00 psi

Inside Diameter of Cylindrical Shell D 38.8976 in.

Shell Finished (Minimum) Thickness t 0.4724 in.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance c 0.1250 in.
Shell External Corrosion Allowance co 0.0000 in.

Distance from Bottom/Left Tangent 22.20 ft.

User Entered Minimum Design Metal Temperature -20.00 °F

Type of Element Connected to the Shell : Nozzle

Material SA-106 B
Material UNS Number K03006
Material Specification/Type Smls. pipe
Allowable Stress at Temperature Sn 15000.00 psi
Allowable Stress At Ambient Sna 15000.00 psi

Diameter Basis (for tr calc only) OD

Layout Angle 180.00 deg
Diameter 1.7500 in.

Size and Thickness Basis Actual

Actual Thickness tn 0.3500 in.

Corrosion Allowance can 0.1250 in.

Joint Efficiency of Shell Seam at Nozzle E1 1.00
Joint Efficiency of Nozzle Neck En 1.00

Outside Projection ho 1.5276 in.

Weld leg size between Nozzle and Pad/Shell Wo 0.3750 in.
Groove weld depth between Nozzle and Vessel Wgnv 0.4724 in.
Inside Projection h 0.0000 in.
Weld leg size, Inside Element to Shell Wi 0.0000 in.

The Pressure Design option was Design Pressure + static head.

Nozzle Sketch (may not represent actual weld type/configuration)

Insert/Set-in Nozzle No Pad, no Inside projection

Reinforcement CALCULATION, Description: S6

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 59
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S6 Nozl: 16 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 1998, A-98 UG-37 to UG-45

Actual Outside Diameter Used in Calculation 1.750 in.

Actual Thickness Used in Calculation 0.350 in.

Nozzle input data check completed without errors.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Cylindrical Shell, Tr [Int. Press]

= (P*R)/(Sv*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)
= (210*19.57)/(15000*1-0.6*210)
= 0.2764 in.

Reqd thk per UG-37(a)of Nozzle Wall, Trn [Int. Press]

= (P*Ro)/(Sn*E+0.4*P) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= (210*0.875)/(15000*1+0.4*210)
= 0.0122 in.

UG-40, Limits of Reinforcement : [Internal Pressure]

Parallel to Vessel Wall (Diameter Limit) Dl 2.6000 in.
Parallel to Vessel Wall, opening length d 1.3000 in.
Normal to Vessel Wall (Thickness Limit), no pad Tlnp 0.5625 in.


Taking a UG-36(c)(3)(a) exemption for nozzle: S6.

This calculation is valid for nozzles that meet all the requirements of
paragraph UG-36. Please check the Code carefully, especially for nozzles
that are not isolated or do not meet Code spacing requirements. To force
the computation of areas for small nozzles go to Tools->Configuration
and check the box to force the UG-37 small nozzle area calculation or
force the Appendix 1-10 computation in Nozzle Design Options.

UG-45 Minimum Nozzle Neck Thickness Requirement: [Int. Press.]

Wall Thickness for Internal/External pressures ta = 0.1372 in.
Wall Thickness per UG16(b), tr16b = 0.1875 in.
Wall Thickness, shell/head, internal pressure trb1 = 0.4014 in.
Wall Thickness tb1 = max(trb1, tr16b) = 0.4014 in.
Wall Thickness tb2 = max(trb2, tr16b) = 0.1875 in.
Wall Thickness per table UG-45 tb3 = 0.2518 in.

Determine Nozzle Thickness candidate [tb]:

= min[ tb3, max( tb1,tb2) ]
= min[ 0.252, max( 0.401, 0.188 ) ]
= 0.2518 in.

Minimum Wall Thickness of Nozzle Necks [tUG-45]:

= max( ta, tb )
= max( 0.137, 0.252 )
= 0.2518 in.

Available Nozzle Neck Thickness = 0.3500 in. --> OK

Nozzle Junction Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT) Calculations:

Nozzle-Shell/Head Weld (UCS-66(a)1(b)), Curve: B

Govrn. thk, tg = 0.35, tr = 0.0122, c = 0.125 in., E* = 1
Thickness Ratio = tr * (E*)/(tg - c) = 0.0541, Temp. Reduction = 110 °F

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66, Curve B -20 °F

Min Metal Temp. at Required thickness (UCS 66.1) -150 °F

Governing MDMT of all the sub-joints of this Junction : -150 °F

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 60
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Calcs.: S6 Nozl: 16 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Weld Size Calculations, Description: S6

Intermediate Calc. for nozzle/shell Welds Tmin 0.2250 in.

Results Per UW-16.1:

Required Thickness Actual Thickness
Nozzle Weld 0.1575 = 0.7 * tmin. 0.2651 = 0.7 * Wo in.

Skipping the nozzle attachment weld strength calculations.

Per UW-15(b)(2) the nozzles exempted by UG-36(c)(3)(a)
(small nozzles) do not require a weld strength check.

Maximum Allowable Pressure for this Nozzle at this Location:

Converged Max. Allow. Pressure in Operating case 263.449 psig

Note: The MAWP of this junction was limited by the parent Shell/Head.

The Drop for this Nozzle is : 0.0197 in.

The Cut Length for this Nozzle is, Drop + Ho + H + T : 2.0197 in.

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2018

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 61
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Schedule: Step: 22 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Nozzle Schedule:

Nominal or | Schd | Flg | Nozzle | Wall | Reinforcing Pad | Cut |

Flg |
Actual | or FVC | Type | O/Dia | Thk | Diameter Thk | Length |
Class |
Description Size | Type | | in | in. | in. in. | in. |
S5 | 1.750 in | Actual | None| 1.750 | 0.350 | ... | ... | 2.02 | ...
S6 | 1.750 in | Actual | None| 1.750 | 0.350 | ... | ... | 2.02 | ...
S2 | 4.000 in | 120 | WNF| 4.500 | 0.438 | 7.50 | 0.50 | 8.03 |
300 |
S2-1 | 4.000 in | 120 | WNF| 4.500 | 0.438 | 7.50 | 0.50 | 8.03 |
300 |
T1 | 8.000 in | 80 | WNF| 8.625 | 0.500 | 11.61 | 0.50 | ... |
300 |
T2 | 8.000 in | 80 | WNF| 8.625 | 0.500 | 11.61 | 0.50 | ... |
300 |
S1 | 8.000 in | 80 | WNF| 8.625 | 0.500 | 11.81 | 0.50 | 7.39 |
300 |
S1-1 | 8.000 in | 80 | WNF| 8.625 | 0.500 | 11.81 | 0.50 | 7.39 |
300 |

General Notes for the above table:

The Cut Length is the Outside Projection + Inside Projection + Drop +

In Plane Shell Thickness. This value does not include weld gaps,
nor does it account for shrinkage.

In the case of Oblique Nozzles, the Outside Diameter must

be increased. The Re-Pad WIDTH around the nozzle is calculated as follows:
Width of Pad = (Pad Outside Dia. (per above) - Nozzle Outside Dia.)/2

For hub nozzles, the thickness and diameter shown are those of the smaller
and thinner section.

Nozzle Material and Weld Fillet Leg Size Details (in.):

| | Shl Grve | Noz Shl/Pad | Pad OD | Pad Grve | Inside |

Description | Material | Weld | Weld | Weld | Weld | Weld |
S5 | SA-106 B | 0.472 | 0.375 | ... | ... | ... |
S6 | SA-106 B | 0.472 | 0.375 | ... | ... | ... |
S2 | SA-106 B | 0.472 | 0.375 | 0.375 | 0.500 | ... |
S2-1 | SA-106 B | 0.472 | 0.375 | 0.375 | 0.500 | ... |
T1 | SA-106 B | 0.472 | 0.375 | 0.375 | 0.500 | ... |
T2 | SA-106 B | 0.472 | 0.375 | 0.375 | 0.500 | ... |
S1 | SA-106 B | 0.472 | 0.375 | 0.375 | 0.500 | ... |
S1-1 | SA-106 B | 0.472 | 0.375 | 0.375 | 0.500 | ... |

Note: The Outside projections below do not include the flange thickness.

Nozzle Miscellaneous Data:

| Elev/Distance | Layout | Proj | Proj | Installed in |

Description | From Datum | Angle | Outside | Inside | Component |
| ft.| deg | in.| in.| |
S5 | 22.198 | 0.0 | 1.53 | 0.00 | Node: 90 |
PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 62
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Nozzle Schedule: Step: 22 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

S6 | 22.198 | 180.0 | 1.53 | 0.00 | Node: 90 |

S2 | 7.240 | 180.0 | 7.42 | 0.00 | SHELL BARREL |
S2-1 | 17.036 | 180.0 | 7.42 | 0.00 | SHELL BARREL |
T1 | 1.266 | 0.0 | 6.39 | 0.00 | CHANNEL BARREL |
T2 | 1.266 | 180.0 | 6.39 | 0.00 | CHANNEL BARREL |
S1 | 7.240 | 0.0 | 6.39 | 0.00 | SHELL BARREL |
S1-1 | 17.036 | 0.0 | 6.39 | 0.00 | SHELL BARREL |

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2018

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 63
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
TEMA TS Calc: Case: 1 4:57p Dec 6,2018

Input Echo, TubeSheet Item 1, Description: ST

Tubesheet Design Code TEMA

Shell Design Pressure Ps 210.00 psig
Shell Temperature for Internal Pressure TEMPS 530.00 °F
Shell Material SA-515 60
Shell Material UNS Number K02401
Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature Sos 15000.00 psi
Shell Allowable Stress at Ambient Sas 15000.00 psi
Shell Thickness Ts 0.5000 in.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 0.1250 in.
Inside Diameter of Shell Ds 35.709 in.


Channel Design Pressure Pc 300.00 psig
Channel Temperature for Internal Pressure TEMPC 580.00 °F
Channel Material SA-515 60
Channel Material UNS Number K02401
Channel Allowable Stress at Temperature Soc 15000.00 psi
Channel Allowable Stress at Ambient Sac 15000.00 psi
Channel Thickness Tc 0.5000 in.
Channel Corrosion Allowance Cac 0.1250 in.
Inside Diameter of Channel Dc 35.709 in.

Tube Design Temperature Tubtmp 580.00 °F

Tube Material SA-179
Tube Material UNS Number K01200
Is This a Welded Tube No
Tube Material Specification used Smls. tube
Tube Allowable Stress at Temperature Sot 11800.00 psi
Tube Allowable Stress At Ambient Sat 11800.00 psi
Tube Yield Stress At Operating Temperature Syt 20160.00 psi
Tube Wall Thickness Tt 0.0830 in.
Tube Corrosion Allowance Catt 0.0000 in.
Number of Tubes Holes Ntubs 788
Tube Layout Pattern Square
Tube Outside Diameter do 0.7500 in.
Tube Pitch (Center to Center Spacing) PTube 1.0000 in.

Fillet Weld Leg af 0.0000 in.

Groove Weld Leg ag 0.0000 in.
Design Strength of Weld Fd 0.0000 lb.
Tube-Tubesheet Joint Weld Type Seal/No Weld

Total Straight Tube Length Lt 239.750 in.

Straight Tube Length, bet. inner tubsht faces RL 235.026 in.
Length of Expanded Portion of Tube l 2.2441 in.

Tubesheet type: Stationary, Gasketed both Sides (Floating Exchanger)

Tubesheet Design Metal Temperature TEMPTS 580.00 °F
Tubesheet Material (Not Normalized) SA-515 70
Tubesheet Allowable Stress at Temperature Sots 17500.00 psi
Tubesheet Allowable Stress at Ambient Sats 17500.00 psi
Thickness of Tubesheet Tts 2.3622 in.
Tubesheet Corr. Allowance (Shell side) Cats 0.1250 in.
Tubesheet Corr. Allowance (Channel side) Catc 0.1250 in.
Depth of Groove in Tube Sheet hg 0.1969 in.
TEMA Tubesheet class R

Additional Data for Gasketed Tubesheets:

Flange Face Outside Diameter Fod 37.677 in.
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Flange Face Inside Diameter Fid 35.709 in.

Flange Facing Sketch Code Sketch 1a
Gasket Outside Diameter Go 37.559 in.
Gasket Inside Diameter Gi 36.535 in.
Small end Hub thk. g0 0.4724 in.
Large end Hub thk. g1 0.6299 in.
Gasket Factor, m 3.7500
Gasket Design Seating Stress y 7600.00 psi
Column for Gasket Seating Code Column II
Gasket Thickness tg 0.1250 in.
Full face Gasket Flange Option Program Selects
Tubesheet Gasket on which Side Side BOTH

Error/Warning/Notes for Tubesheet Number 1

Note - Tube-Tubesheet Joint Interface pressures are 0, its effect will be ignored [App. A(2)].

Intermediate Calculations For Gasketed Tubesheets:

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 1998 A-98 App. 2

Gasket Contact Width, N = (Goc-Gic) / 2 0.512 in.

Basic Gasket Width, b0 = N / 2.0 0.256 in.
Effective Gasket Width, b = SQRT(b0) * 0.5 0.253 in.
Gasket Reaction Diameter, G = Go-2.0*b 37.053 in.

Tubesheet Analysis, Tubesheet number 1,Description:ST

TEMA Standards, Ninth Edition, 2007, Appendix A, Tubesheets

TEMA R-7.131/A.131 Minimum Tubesheet Thickness for R-type:

TMIN = MAX( do, CONST - ( CATS + CATC ) )
TMIN = MAX( 0.75, 0.75 - ( 0.125 + 0.125 ) )
TMIN = 0.7500 in.
Min. Thickness + CATS + CATC
TREQMIN = 1.0000 in.

Shellside Fixity Factor, F, per RCB 7.132 FS 1.0000

Shellside Effective Diameter, per RCB 7.132 GS 37.053 in.
Tubeside Fixity Factor, F, per RCB 7.132 FC 1.0000
Tubeside Effective Diameter, per RCB 7.132 GC 37.053 in.
TEMA Eta factor used in calculation ETA 0.5584

Shellside Effective Pressure, Bending, PSU 210.0000 psig

Tubeside Effective Pressure, Bending, PTU 300.0000 psig

TEMA RCB-7.132/A.131 Required Thickness for Shellside Pressure [Trs]:

= FS * GS * SQRT ( PSU / ( ETA * SOTS ) ) / 3.0
= 1 * 37.05 * SQRT( 210/( 0.558 * 17500 ) )/3.0
= 1.8105 in.
TEMA RCB-7.132/A.131 Required Thickness for Tubeside Pressure [Trc]:
= FC * GC * SQRT ( PTU / ( ETA * SOTS ) ) / 3.0
= 1 * 37.05 * SQRT( 300/( 0.558 * 17500 ) )/3.0
= 2.1640 in.
TEMA RCB-7.132/A.131 Reqd Thickness for Bending + Cats + MAX(Catc,hg) [Treq]:
= 2.4859 in.

Allowable Tube-To-Tubesheet Load per ASME App. A [Lmax]:

= (PI/4)*(DT²-(DT-2*TT)²)*SOT*fr*fe*fy*ft
= 0.785*(0.75²-(0.75-2*0.083)²)*11800*0.7*1*1*1
= 1436.59 lb.

No Shear Calculation, since Pressure is less than 1750.0000 psig

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TEMA TS Calc: Case: 1 4:57p Dec 6,2018

Summary of Tubesheet Results:

Condition Req Thk Actual Thk Actual Allow Result
(+CA) (in.) Stress (psi)
Bending 2.486 2.362 29528.26 26250.00 Failed

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FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
TEMA TS Calc: Case: 1 4:57p Dec 6,2018

Input Echo, TubeSheet Item 1, Description: Floating tubesh

Tubesheet Design Code TEMA

Shell Design Pressure Ps 210.00 psig
Shell Temperature for Internal Pressure TEMPS 530.00 °F
Shell Material SA-515 60
Shell Material UNS Number K02401
Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature Sos 15000.00 psi
Shell Allowable Stress at Ambient Sas 15000.00 psi
Shell Thickness Ts 0.5000 in.
Shell Internal Corrosion Allowance Cas 0.1250 in.
Inside Diameter of Shell Ds 35.709 in.


Channel Design Pressure Pc 300.00 psig
Channel Temperature for Internal Pressure TEMPC 580.00 °F
Channel Material SA-515 60
Channel Material UNS Number K02401
Channel Allowable Stress at Temperature Soc 15000.00 psi
Channel Allowable Stress at Ambient Sac 15000.00 psi
Channel Thickness Tc 0.5000 in.
Channel Corrosion Allowance Cac 0.1250 in.
Inside Diameter of Channel Dc 35.709 in.

Tube Design Temperature Tubtmp 580.00 °F

Tube Material SA-179
Tube Material UNS Number K01200
Is This a Welded Tube No
Tube Material Specification used Smls. tube
Tube Allowable Stress at Temperature Sot 11800.00 psi
Tube Allowable Stress At Ambient Sat 11800.00 psi
Tube Yield Stress At Operating Temperature Syt 20160.00 psi
Tube Wall Thickness Tt 0.0830 in.
Tube Corrosion Allowance Catt 0.0000 in.
Number of Tubes Holes Ntubs 788
Tube Layout Pattern Square
Tube Outside Diameter do 0.7500 in.
Tube Pitch (Center to Center Spacing) PTube 1.0000 in.

Fillet Weld Leg af 0.0000 in.

Groove Weld Leg ag 0.0000 in.
Design Strength of Weld Fd 0.0000 lb.
Tube-Tubesheet Joint Weld Type Seal/No Weld

Total Straight Tube Length Lt 239.750 in.

Straight Tube Length, bet. inner tubsht faces RL 235.026 in.
Length of Expanded Portion of Tube l 2.2441 in.

Tubesheet type: Floating, Backing Ring (S)

Tubesheet Design Metal Temperature TEMPTS 580.00 °F
Tubesheet Material (Not Normalized) SA-515 70
Tubesheet Allowable Stress at Temperature Sots 17500.00 psi
Tubesheet Allowable Stress at Ambient Sats 17500.00 psi
Thickness of Tubesheet Tts 2.3622 in.
Tubesheet Corr. Allowance (Shell side) Cats 0.1250 in.
Tubesheet Corr. Allowance (Channel side) Catc 0.1250 in.
G dimension for Stationary tubsheet G 37.0532 in.
Depth of Groove in Tube Sheet hg 0.1875 in.
TEMA Tubesheet class R

Additional Data for Gasketed Tubesheets:

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TEMA TS Calc: Case: 1 4:57p Dec 6,2018

Flange Face Outside Diameter Fod 35.354 in.

Flange Face Inside Diameter Fid 33.937 in.
Flange Facing Sketch Code Sketch 1a
Gasket Outside Diameter Go 35.236 in.
Gasket Inside Diameter Gi 34.213 in.
Gasket Factor, m 3.7500
Gasket Design Seating Stress y 7600.00 psi
Column for Gasket Seating Code Column I
Gasket Thickness tg 0.1250 in.
Full face Gasket Flange Option Program Selects
Length of Partition Gasket lp 34.213 in.
Width of Partition Gasket wp 0.3937 in.
Partition Gasket Factor, mPart 3.7500
Partition Gasket Design Seating Stress yPart 7600.00 psi
Partition Gasket Facing Sketch Code Sketch 1a
Partition Gasket Column for Gasket Seating 1, Code Column I
Tubesheet Gasket on which Side Side CHANNEL

Error/Warning/Notes for Tubesheet Number 1

Note - Tube-Tubesheet Joint Interface pressures are 0, its effect will be ignored [App. A(2)].

Intermediate Calculations For Gasketed Tubesheets:

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 1998 A-98 App. 2

Gasket Contact Width, N = (Goc-Gic) / 2 0.512 in.

Basic Gasket Width, b0 = N / 2.0 0.256 in.
Effective Gasket Width, b = SQRT(b0) * 0.5 0.253 in.
Gasket Reaction Diameter, G = Go-2.0*b 34.730 in.

Tubesheet Analysis, Tubesheet number 1,Description:Floating tubesh

TEMA Standards, Ninth Edition, 2007, Appendix A, Tubesheets

TEMA R-7.131/A.131 Minimum Tubesheet Thickness for R-type:

TMIN = MAX( do, CONST - ( CATS + CATC ) )
TMIN = MAX( 0.75, 0.75 - ( 0.125 + 0.125 ) )
TMIN = 0.7500 in.
Min. Thickness + CATS + CATC
TREQMIN = 1.0000 in.

Shellside Fixity Factor, F, per RCB 7.132 FS 1.0000

Shellside Effective Diameter, per RCB 7.132 GS 37.053 in.
Tubeside Fixity Factor, F, per RCB 7.132 FC 1.0000
Tubeside Effective Diameter, per RCB 7.132 GC 37.053 in.
TEMA Eta factor used in calculation ETA 0.5584

Shellside Effective Pressure, Bending, PSU 210.0000 psig

Tubeside Effective Pressure, Bending, PTU 300.0000 psig

TEMA RCB-7.132/A.131 Required Thickness for Shellside Pressure [Trs]:

= FS * GS * SQRT ( PSU / ( ETA * SOTS ) ) / 3.0
= 1 * 37.05 * SQRT( 210/( 0.558 * 17500 ) )/3.0
= 1.8105 in.
TEMA RCB-7.132/A.131 Required Thickness for Tubeside Pressure [Trc]:
= FC * GC * SQRT ( PTU / ( ETA * SOTS ) ) / 3.0
= 1 * 37.05 * SQRT( 300/( 0.558 * 17500 ) )/3.0
= 2.1640 in.
TEMA RCB-7.132/A.131 Reqd Thickness for Bending + Cats + MAX(Catc,hg) [Treq]:
= 2.4765 in.

Allowable Tube-To-Tubesheet Load per ASME App. A [Lmax]:

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TEMA TS Calc: Case: 1 4:57p Dec 6,2018

= (PI/4)*(DT²-(DT-2*TT)²)*SOT*fr*fe*fy*ft
= 0.785*(0.75²-(0.75-2*0.083)²)*11800*0.7*1*1*1
= 1436.59 lb.

No Shear Calculation, since Pressure is less than 1750.0000 psig

Summary of Tubesheet Results:

Condition Req Thk Actual Thk Actual Allow Result
(+CA) (in.) Stress (psi)
Bending 2.477 2.362 29259.48 26250.00 Failed

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FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Floating Head: FHC Case: 1 4:57p Dec 6,2018

Input Echo, Floating Head Item 1, Description: FHC

Floating Head Type D

Tube Side ( Internal ) Design Pressure Pts 300.00 psig
Shell Side ( External ) Design Pressure Pss 210.00 psig
Design Temperature for Spherical Head Temp 580.00 °F

Head Material SA-515 60

Head Material UNS Number K02401
Head Allowable Stress at Temperature Sho 15000.00 psi
Head Allowable Stress at Ambient Sha 15000.00 psi

Crown Radius for Spherical Head L 27.165 in.

Head Thickness Th 0.787 in.
Tube Side ( Internal ) Corrosion Allowance Cats 0.1250 in.
Shell Side ( External ) Corrosion Allowance Cass 0.1250 in.

Flange Material SA-105

Flange Material UNS Number K03504
Flange Allowable Stress at Temperature Sfo 17500.00 psi
Flange Allowable Stress at Ambient Sfa 17500.00 psi

Flange Outside Diameter Fod 38.228 in.

Flange Inside Diameter Fid 33.937 in.
Flange Thickness Tf 2.8740 in.

Bolt Material SA-193 B7

Bolt Material UNS Number G41400
Bolt Allowable Stress At Temperature Sb 25000.00 psi
Bolt Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 25000.00 psi

Diameter of Bolt Circle C 36.575 in.

Nominal Bolt Diameter dB 0.7874 in.
Type of Threads TEMA Metric Thread
Number of Bolts 32

Full face Gasket Flange Option Program Selects

Flange Face Outside Diameter Ffod 35.354 in.

Flange Face Inside Diameter Ffid 33.937 in.
Gasket Outside Diameter Go 35.236 in.
Gasket Inside Diameter Gi 34.213 in.

Gasket Factor, m 3.7500

Gasket Design Seating Stress y 7600.00 psi
Flange Facing Sketch Code Sketch 1a
Column for Gasket Seating Code Column I
Gasket Thickness 0.1250 in.
Flange Face Nubbin Width 0.0000 in.
Length of Partition Gasket 34.213 in.
Width of Partition Gasket 0.3937 in.
Partition Gasket Factor, mPart 3.7500
Partition Gasket Design Seating Stress yPart 7600.00 psi
Partition Gasket Facing Sketch Code Sketch 1a
Partition Gasket Column for Gasket Seating Code Column I

Dist. from Head Centerline to Flange Centroid hr 0.4475 in.

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Floating Head: FHC Case: 1 4:57p Dec 6,2018

The Flange is not Slotted.

Backing Ring Material Specification SA-105

Backing Ring Material UNS Number K03504
Backing Ring Allowable Stress, Temperature Sots 17500.00 psi
Backing Ring Allowable Stress, Ambient Sats 17500.00 psi
Backing Ring Inside Diameter Dr 33.937 in.
Backing Ring Thickness Tr 3.7402 in.
Number of Splits in Backing Ring nsp 1

Use Full Bolt Load in Flange Design No

Internal Pressure results for Spherical Heads:

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 1998 A-98, App. 1-6

Thickness Due to Internal Pressure[thr]:

= 5PL / 6Sho
= ( 5 * 300 * 27.29 )/( 6 * 15000 )
= 0.4548 in.

Maximum Allowable Working Pressure at Given Thickness[Pa]:

= 6Sho* (Th-Cass-Cats) / 5L
= ( 6 * 15000 * 0.537 )/( 5 * 27.29 )
= 354.46 psig

Maximum Allowable Pressure, New and Cold[Pnc]:

= 6Sha / 5L
= ( 6 * 15000 * 0.787 )/( 5 * 27.17 )
= 521.74 psig

Actual Stress at given Pressure and Thickness[Sact]:

= 5PL / 6(Th-Cass-Cats)
= ( 5 * 300 * 27.29 )/( 6 * 0.537 )
= 12696. psi

Spherical head Percent Elongation (75*tnom/Rf)*(1-Rf/Ro): 2.143 %

External Pressure results, Spherical Head

ASME Code, Section VIII Division 1, 1998, Code A-98 Addenda

External Pressure Chart CS-2 at 580.00 °F

Elastic Modulus for Material 26000000.00 psi

Results for Maximum Allowable External Pressure:

Corroded Thickness of Shell TCA 0.5374 in.
Outside Crown Radius of Shell OD/2 27.8278 in.
Crown Radius / Thickness Ratio (0D/2)/T 51.7821
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Floating Head: FHC Case: 1 4:57p Dec 6,2018

Geometry Factor, A f(D/T,LD) A 0.0024140

Materials Factor, B, f(A, Chart) B 10991.3271 psi
Maximum Allowable Working Pressure 212.26 psig
EMAWP = B/( (0D/T)/2 ) = 10991/(103.6/2.0) = 212.3

Results for Reqd Thickness for Ext. Pressure (Tca):

Corroded Thickness of Head TCA 0.5326 in.
Outside Diameter of Shell ODCA 55.656 in.
Diameter / Thickness Ratio (D/T) 104.4951
Geometry Factor, A f(DT,LD) A 0.0023925
Materials Factor, B, f(A, Chart) B 10973.2129 psi
Maximum Allowable Working Pressure 210.02 psig
EMAWP = B/((D/T)/2) = 10973/(104.5/2 ) = 210

Intermediate Calculations for Flanged portion:

ASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, 1998 A-98 App. 2

Gasket Contact Width, N = (Goc-Gic) / 2 0.512 in.

Basic Gasket Width, b0 = N / 2.0 0.256 in.
Effective Gasket Width, b = SQRT(b0) * 0.5 0.253 in.
Gasket Reaction Diameter, G = Go-2.0*b 34.730 in.

Bolt Spacing Correction Factor per TEMA, PD:5500 or EN-13445 [cF]:

= max( sqrt( Deltab /(2 * dB + 6 * e / ( m + 0.5 ) ); 1.0 )
= max( sqrt( 3.585/(2 * 0.787 + 6 * 2.874/(3.75 + 0.5)); 1.0 )
= max( 0.798 ; 1.0 )
= 1

where the actual circumferential spacing is [Deltab]:

= C * sin( Pi / n ) )
= 36.57 * sin( 3.142/32 )
= 3.585 in.

Bolting Information for TEMA Metric Thread Series (Non Mandatory):

Total Area of Bolts 10.766 in²

Minimum Actual Maximum
Radial Distance between Bolts and the Ed 0.937 0.702
Circumferential Spacing between the Bolt 2.063 3.585 5.632

Results for the Internal Pressure case:

Basic Flange and Bolt loads:

Hydrostatic End Load due to Pressure H 284203.3 lb.
Contact Load on Gasket Surfaces Hp 77246.7 lb.
Hydrostatic End Load at Flange ID Hd 275380.5 lb.
Pressure Force on Flange Face Ht 8822.8 lb.
Radial Component of Head Membrane Force Hr 348214.1 lb.
Operating Bolt Load: Wm1 361449.9 lb.
Gasket Seating Bolt Load Wm2 260922.1 lb.
Required Bolt Area Am 14.458 in²

** WARNING ** Reqd. Bolt Area (14.458) > Actual (10.766)

Min. Gasket Contact Width (Brownell Young) [Not an ASME Calculation]:

= Ab * Sb/(y * PI * (Go+Gi) )
= 10.77 * 25000/(7600 * 3.142 * (35.24 + 34.21 ) )
= 0.162 in.
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Floating Head: FHC Case: 1 4:57p Dec 6,2018

Note: Recommended Min. Width for Sheet and Composite Gaskets per table 2-4 :
= 1.000 in.[Note: Exceeds actual gasket width, 0.512 ]

Flange Design Bolt Load (Seating) W 315296.8 lb.

Gasket Seating Force (Operating) Hg 77246.7 lb.
Distance to Gasket Load Reaction hg 0.9222 in.
Distance to Face Pressure Reaction ht 1.0581 in.
Distance to End Pressure Reaction hd 1.1939 in.

Summary of Moments for Internal Pressure:

Loading Force Distance Bolt Corr Moment
End Pressure, Md 275380. 1.1939 1.0000 27398. ft.lb.
Face Pressure, Mt 8823. 1.0581 1.0000 778. ft.lb.
Gasket Load, Mg 77247. 0.9222 1.0000 5937. ft.lb.
Floating Hd. Load, Mh 348214. 0.4475 1.0000 -12987. ft.lb.
Gasket Seating, Ma 315297. 0.9222 1.0000 24231. ft.lb.

Total Moment for Operation ( Internal Pressure ) 21125.789 ft.lb.

Total Moment for Gasket Seating ( Int. Pressure ) 24231.396 ft.lb.

Results for the External Pressure case:

Basic Flange and Bolt loads:

Hydrostatic End Load due to Pressure H 198942.3 lb.
Hydrostatic End Load at Flange ID Hd 192766.3 lb.
Pressure Force on Flange Face Ht 6176.0 lb.
Radial Component of Head Membrane Force Hr 243749.9 lb.
Gasket Seating Bolt Load Wm2 260922.1 lb.
Required Bolt Area Am 10.437 in²

Flange Design Bolt Load (Seating) W 265032.9 lb.

Distance to Gasket Load Reaction hg 0.9222 in.
Distance to Face Pressure Reaction ht 1.0581 in.
Distance to End Pressure Reaction hd 1.1939 in.

Summary of Moments for External Pressure:

Loading Force Distance Bolt Corr Moment
End Pressure, Md 192766. 0.2717 1.0000 4364. ft.lb.
Face Pressure, Mt 6176. 0.1358 1.0000 70. ft.lb.
Floating Hd. Load, Mh 243750. 0.4475 1.0000 -9091. ft.lb.
Gasket Seating, Ma 265033. 0.9222 1.0000 20368. ft.lb.

Total Moment for Operation ( External Pressure ) 4656.816 ft.lb.

Total Moment for Gasket Seating ( Ext. Pressure ) 20368.479 ft.lb.

Factor for integral type flanges [F]:

= P * B * sqrt( 4 * L * L - B * B )/(8 * S(A - B))
= 300*34.19*sqrt(4*27.29*27.29-34.19*34.19)
= 0.8221 in.

Factor [J]:
= Mo(A + B)/(S * B)(A - B)
= 253509(37.98+34.19)/(17500*34.19)(37.98-34.19)
= 8.0656 in.^2

Required thickness for Main Flange, Internal Operating Condition: [T]:

= F + sqrt( F * F + J ) per 1-6(g)
= 0.822+sqrt(0.822*0.822+8.066)
= 3.7787 in.
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Floating Head: FHC Case: 1 4:57p Dec 6,2018

Factor [J]:
= Mo(A + B)/(S * B)(A - B)
= 290777(37.98+34.19)/(17500*34.19)(37.98-34.19)
= 9.2513 in.^2

Required thickness for Main Flange, Internal Bolt-up Condition: [T]:

= F + sqrt( F * F + J ) per 1-6(g)
= 0+sqrt(0*0+9.251)
= 3.0416 in.

Factor for integral type flanges [F]:

= P * B * sqrt( 4 * L * L - B * B )/(8 * S(A - B))
= 210*34.19*sqrt(4*27.29*27.29-34.19*34.19)
= 0.5755 in.

Factor [J]:
= Mo(A + B)/(S * B)(A - B)
= 55882(37.98+34.19)/(17500*34.19)(37.98-34.19)
= 1.7779 in.^2

Required thickness for Main Flange, External Operating Condition: [T]:

= F + sqrt( F * F + J ) per 1-6(g)
= 0.575+sqrt(0.575*0.575+1.778)
= 2.0278 in.

Factor [J]:
= Mo(A + B)/(S * B)(A - B)
= 244422(37.98+34.19)/(17500*34.19)(37.98-34.19)
= 7.7764 in.^2

Required thickness for Main Flange, External Bolt-up Condition: [T]:

= F + sqrt( F * F + J ) per 1-6(g)
= 0+sqrt(0*0+7.776)
= 2.7886 in.

Required thickness for Backing Ring, Internal Operating Condition: [T]:

= sqrt( W * h * Split_fac * Y / S B ) Per TEMA RCB-5.141
= sqrt(361450*1.319*2*16.32/(17500*33.94))
= 5.1184 in.

Required thickness for Backing Ring, Internal Bolt-up Condition: [T]:

= sqrt( W * h * Split_fac * Y / S B ) Per TEMA RCB-5.141
= sqrt(315297*1.319*2*16.32/(17500*33.94))
= 4.7805 in.

Summary of Required Thicknesses(in.):

| Head | Flange | Backing Ring |
Tubeside (Internal) Pressure | 0.4548 | 3.7787 | 5.1184 |
Shellside (External) Pressure | 0.5326 | 2.0278 | |
Tubeside Gasket Seating Load | | 3.0416 | 4.7805 |
Shellside Gasket Seating Load | | 2.7886 | |
Maximum + Corrosion Allowance | 0.7826 | 4.0287 | 5.1184 |
Actual Thickness as Given | 0.7874 | 2.8740 | 3.7402 |

Floating Head MAWP and MAPnc (psig):

Stress | Tubeside | Shellside |

Condition | MAWP | MAPnc | MAWP | MAPnc |
Flange Stress | 160.04 | 160.04 | 299.99 | 457.71 |
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Floating Head: FHC Case: 1 4:57p Dec 6,2018

Floating head Stress | 354.36 | 521.64 | 212.16 | 468.04 |

Bolt Stress | 223.29 | 223.29 | ... | ... |
Minimum MAWP & MAPnc | 160.04 | 160.04 | 212.16 | 457.71 |

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FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
MDMT Summary: Step: 24 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results Summary :

Basic Reduced UG-20(f) Thickness Gov E* PWHT
Description MDMT MDMT MDMT ratio Thk reqd
Notes °F °F °F in.
SF-ST [11] B -10 -38 -20 0.716 0.472 1.00 No
SHELL BARREL [8] B -10 -150 -20 0.340 0.472 1.00 No
S1 [1] B -10 -36 -20 0.731 0.472 1.00 No
Nozzle Flg [4] B -20 -130
S2 [1] B -10 -36 -20 0.731 0.472 1.00 No
Nozzle Flg [4] B -20 -130
S2-1 [1] B -10 -36 -20 0.731 0.472 1.00 No
Nozzle Flg [4] B -20 -130
S1-1 [1] B -10 -36 -20 0.731 0.472 1.00 No
Nozzle Flg [4] B -20 -130
Warmest MDMT: -10 -36
SF-SC [11] B -10 -15 -20 0.950 0.472 1.00 No
SFC [11] B -10 -10 -20 1.000 0.472 1.00 No
CHANNEL BARREL[8] B -10 -40 -20 0.700 0.472 0.85 No
[8] B -10 -33 -20 0.761 0.472 1.00 No
[10] B -10 -35 -20 0.750 0.472 1.00 No
[7] B -6 -36 -20 0.705 0.500 1.00 No
S5 [1] B -20 -150 0.054 0.350 1.00 No
S6 [1] B -20 -150 0.054 0.350 1.00 No
Warmest MDMT: -6 -10

Exchanger Side Computed MDMT Required MDMT Pass/Fail

°F °F
Shell -36 -20 Pass
Channel/Tube -20 -20 Pass

[ ! ] - This was an impact tested material.
[ 1] - Governing Nozzle Weld.
[ 4] - ANSI Flange MDMT Calcs; Thickness ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(-c).
[ 5] - ANSI Flange MDMT Calcs; Thickness ratio per UCS-66(b)(1)(-b).
[ 6] - MDMT Calculations at the Shell/Head Joint.
[ 7] - MDMT Calculations for the Straight Flange.
[ 8] - Cylinder/Cone/Flange Junction MDMT.
[ 9] - Calculations in the Spherical Portion of the Head.
[10] - Calculations in the Knuckle Portion of the Head.
[11] - Calculated (Body Flange) Flange MDMT.
[12] - Calculated Flat Head MDMT per UCS-66.3
[13] - Tubesheet MDMT, shell side, if applicable
[14] - Tubesheet MDMT, tube side, if applicable
[15] - Nozzle Material
[16] - Shell or Head Material
[17] - Impact Testing required
[18] - Impact Testing not required, see UCS-66(b)(3)

UG-84(b)(2) was not considered.

UCS-66(g) was not considered.
UCS-66(i) was not considered.

Impact test temps were not entered in and not considered in the analysis.
UCS-66(i) applies to impact tested materials not by specification and
PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 76
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
MDMT Summary: Step: 24 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

UCS-66(g) applies to materials impact tested per UG-84.1 General Note (c).
The Basic MDMT includes the (30F) PWHT credit if applicable.

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2018

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 77
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Vessel Design Summary: Step: 25 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

ASME Code, Section VIII Division 1, 1998, Code A-98 Addenda

Diameter Spec : 35.709 x 38.898 in. ID

Vessel Design Length, Tangent to Tangent 22.83 ft.

Specified Datum Line Distance 0.00 ft.

Shell Material SA-515 60

Nozzle Material SA-106 B
Re-Pad Material SA-515 60

Shell Side Design Temperature 530 °F

Channel Side Design Temperature 580 °F

Shell Side Design Pressure 210.000 psig

Channel Side Design Pressure 300.000 psig

Shell Side Hydrostatic Test Pressure 147.330 psig

Channel Side Hydrostatic Test Pressure 301.500 psig

Wind Design Code ASCE-93

Earthquake Design Code UBC-94

Element Pressures and MAWP (psig):

Element Description | Design Pres. | External | M.A.W.P | Corrosion | Str. Flange |

| + Stat. head | Pressure | | Allowance | Governing |
CC | 300.000 | 0.00No Calc| Cal 0.1250 | N/A |
CF-CC | 300.000 | 0.00No Calc| Cal 0.1250 | N/A |
CHANNEL BARREL | 300.000 | 0.000 | 243.563 | 0.1250 | N/A |
CF-ST | 300.000 | 0.00No Calc| Cal 0.1250 | N/A |
SF-ST | 210.000 | 0.000 | 98.220 | 0.1250 | N/A |
SHELL BARREL | 210.000 | 0.000 | 286.544 | 0.1250 | N/A |
SF-SC | 210.000 | 0.000 | 211.630 | 0.1250 | N/A |
SFC | 210.000 | 0.000 | 201.000 | 0.1250 | N/A |
Cylinder | 210.000 | 0.000 | 263.449 | 0.1250 | N/A |
Ellipse | 210.000 | 0.000 | 268.039 | 0.1250 | No |

Element Types and Properties:

Element "To" Elev Length Element Thk R e q d T h k Joint Eff

Type ft. ft. in. Int. Ext. Long Circ
Body Flg 0.31 0.279 3.346 3.228 3.143 1.00 1.00
Body Flg 0.64 0.308 2.795 <<< 3.228 3.143 1.00 1.00
Cylinder 1.89 1.253 0.500 <<< 0.554 No Calc 0.85 0.85
Body Flg 2.14 0.243 2.006 <<< 3.228 3.143 1.00 1.00
Body Flg 2.63 0.243 2.006 <<< 2.767 2.362 1.00 1.00
Cylinder 20.96 18.333 0.500 0.379 No Calc 1.00 1.00
Body Flg 21.33 0.374 3.583 3.570 2.539 1.00 1.00
Body Flg 21.70 0.312 3.150 <<< 3.228 3.143 1.00 1.00
Cylinder 22.70 1.000 0.500 0.401 No Calc 1.00 1.00
Ellipse 22.83 0.131 0.500 0.397 0.188 1.00 1.00

Element thicknesses are shown as Nominal if specified, otherwise are Minimum

Fabricated - Bare W/O Removable Internals 18318.5 lbm
Shop Test - Fabricated + Water ( Full ) 27415.1 lbm
Shipping - Fab. + Rem. Intls.+ Shipping App. 18318.5 lbm
Erected - Fab. + Rem. Intls.+ Insul. (etc) 18318.5 lbm
Empty - Fab. + Intls. + Details + Wghts. 18318.5 lbm
PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 78
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Vessel Design Summary: Step: 25 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Operating - Empty + Operating Liquid (No CA) 20145.9 lbm

Field Test - Empty Weight + Water (Full) 27415.1 lbm

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2018

PV Elite 2018 SP2 Licensee: SPLM Licensed User 79
FileName : E-2020 Condiciones Re-rateo
Problems/Failures Summary: Step: 26 4:57pm Dec 6,2018

Listed below are the known problem areas for the current design. If
one or more of the design flags are turned on, please re-run the analysis.
Some of these issues may be resolved when using updated input values.

** Warning: Insufficient Element Thickness due to Internal Pressure !

** Warning: Insufficient Element Thickness due to External Pressure !
** Warning: One or more Nozzles failed Code Requirements !
** Error: Insufficient bolt area on one or more flanges !
** Warning: Exchanger MAWP seems to be less than the design pressure !

Please review all reports carefully!

PV Elite is a trademark of Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions, Inc. 2018

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