Input Echo, Tubesheet Number 1, Description: Fixed TS Test Shell Data

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Input Echo, Tubesheet Number 1, Description: Fixed TS Test

Shell Data:
Shell Maximum Design Pressure Psd,max 1.73 MPa
Shell Maximum Operating Pressure Psox,max 1.73 MPa
Shell Minimum Operating Pressure Psox,min 0.00 MPa
Shell Thickness ts 7.1100 mm.
Shell Corrosion Allowance cas 1.5000 mm.
Inside Diameter of Shell Ds 154.000 mm.
Shell Temperature for Internal Pressure Ts 10.00 C
Shell Material SA-106 B

Note: Using 2 * Yield for Discontinuity Stress Allowable (UG-23(e)), Sps.

Make sure that material properties at this temperature are not
time-dependent for Material: SA-106 B

Shell Material UNS Number K03006

Shell Allowable Stress at Temperature Ss 117.90 MPa
Shell Allowable Stress at Ambient 117.90 MPa

Channel Type: Cylinder

Channel Maximum Design Pressure Ptd,max 1.73 MPa
Channel Maximum Operating Pressure Ptox,max 1.73 MPa
Channel Minimum Operating Pressure Ptox,min 0.00 MPa
Channel Thickness tc 7.1100 mm.
Channel Corrosion Allowance cac 3.0000 mm.
Inside Diameter of Channel Dc 154.000 mm.
Channel Design Temperature TEMPC 10.00 C
Channel Material SA-106 B

Note: Using 2 * Yield for Discontinuity Stress Allowable (UG-23(e)), Sps.

Make sure that material properties at this temperature are not
time-dependent for Material: SA-106 B

Channel Material UNS Number K03006

Channel Allowable Stress at Temperature Sc 117.90 MPa
Channel Allowable Stress at Ambient 117.90 MPa

Tube Data:
Number of Tube Holes Nt 32
Tube Wall Thickness et 1.6500 mm.
Tube Outside Diameter D 15.8750 mm.
Total Straight Tube Length Lt 915.00 mm.
Straight Tube Length (bet. inner tubsht faces) L 865.00 mm.
Design Temperature of the Tubes 10.00 C
Tube Material SB-111 O61
Tube Material UNS Number C44300
Is this a Welded Tube No
Tube Material Specification used Smls. cond. tube
Tube Allowable Stress at Temperature 68.95 MPa
Tube Allowable Stress At Ambient 68.95 MPa
Tube Yield Stress At design Temperature Syt 103.43 MPa
Tube Pitch (Center to Center Spacing) P 19.0500 mm.
Tube Layout Pattern Triangular

Fillet Weld Leg af 0.0000 mm.

Groove Weld Leg ag 0.0000 mm.
Tube-Tubesheet Joint Weld Type Seal/No Weld
Method for Tube-Tubesheet Jt. Allow. UW-20.4.2
Tube-Tubesheet Joint Classification i
Is Tube-Tubesheet Joint Tested No
ASME Tube Joint Reliability Factor fr 0.70
Interface Pressure, after tube expansion Po 0.00 MPa
Interface Pressure, due to diff. thermal exp. PT 0.00 MPa

Radius to Outermost Tube Hole Center ro 65.000 mm.

Largest Center-to-Center Tube Distance Ul 30.0000 mm.
Length of Expanded Portion of Tube ltx 22.0000 mm.
Tube-side pass partition groove depth hg 5.0000 mm.

Tubesheet Data:

Tubesheet TYPE: Stationary, Gasketed both Sides, Conf. d

Exchanger TYPE: With an Internally Sealed Floating Head, Conf. c

Tubesheet Design Metal Temperature T 10.00 C

Tubesheet Material SB-171 O25

Note: Using 2 * Yield for Discontinuity Stress Allowable (UG-23(e)), Sps.

Make sure that material properties at this temperature are not
time-dependent for Material: SB-171 O25

Tubesheet Material UNS Number C46400

Tubesheet Allowable Stress at Temperature S 91.70 MPa
Tubesheet Allowable Stress at Ambient Tt 91.70 MPa
Thickness of Tubesheet h 25.0000 mm.
Tubesheet Corr. Allowance (Shell side) Cats 1.5000 mm.
Tubesheet Corr. Allowance (Channel side) Catc 3.0000 mm.
Tubesheet Outside Diameter A 195.000 mm.

Dimension G for the Channel Side Gc 188.000 mm.

Area of the Untubed Lanes AL 9864.0 mm^2

Additional Data for Fixed/Floating Tubesheet Exchangers:

Unsupported Tube Span under consideration l 226.000 mm.
Tube End condition corresponding to Span (l) k 0.80
Tubesheet Metal Temp. at Rim T' 10.00 C
Shell Metal Temp. at Tubesheet T'S 10.00 C
Channel Metal Temp. at Tubesheet T'C 10.00 C
Perform Differential Pressure Design Y
Run Multiple Load Cases YES
Junction Stress Reduction option None

Additional Data for Gasketed Tubesheets:

Tubesheet Gasket on which Side Both
Flange Outside Diameter A 250.000 mm.
Flange Inside Diameter B 198.000 mm.
Flange Face Outside Diameter Fod 198.000 mm.
Flange Face Inside Diameter Fid 151.000 mm.
Gasket Outside Diameter Go 196.000 mm.
Gasket Inside Diameter Gi 180.000 mm.
Small end Hub thk. g0 7.1100 mm.
Large end Hub thk. g1 13.0000 mm.
Gasket Factor, m 2.00
Gasket Design Seating Stress y 17.50 MPa
Flange Facing Sketch Code Sketch 1b
Column for Gasket Seating Code Column II
Gasket Thickness tg 4.0000 mm.
Full face Gasket Flange Option Program Selects
Length of Partition Gasket lp 340.000 mm.
Width of Partition Gasket wp 7.0000 mm.
Partition Gasket Factor, mPart 2.0000
Partition Gasket Design Seating Stress yPart 17.50 MPa
Partition Gasket Facing Sketch Code Sketch 1b
Partition Gasket Column for Gasket Seating Code Column II
Partition Gasket Thickness tgPart 4.0000 mm.

Bolting Information:
Diameter of Bolt Circle C 220.000 mm.
Nominal Bolt Diameter dB 12.7000 mm.
Type of Thread Series UNC Thread Series
Number of Bolts n 8
Bolt Material SA-193 B16
Bolt Material UNS Number K14072
Bolt Allowable Stress At Temperature Sb 172.38 MPa
Bolt Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 172.38 MPa
Weld between Flange and Shell/Channel 0.0000 mm.

Tubesheet Integral with None

Tubesheet Extended as Flange No

Is Exchanger in Creep range (skip EP, Use 3S for Sps) NO

Messages regarding the Tubesheet & Exchanger Input Data: 1

Note - Tube-Tubesheet Joint Interface pressures are 0, its effect will be ignored [UW-20.3].

ASME TubeSheet Results per Part UHX/4.18, 2023

Elasticity/Expansion Material Properties:

Shell - TE-1 Carbon & Low Alloy Steels, Group 1

Shell - TM-1 Carbon Steels with C<= 0.3%
Th. Exp. Coeff. Metal Temp. along Len -17.8 C 0.0000109595 /C
Elastic Mod. at Design Temperature 10.0 C 0.20344E+06 MPa
Th. Exp. Coeff. Metal Temp. at Tubsht 10.0 C 0.0000113592 /C
Elastic Mod. at Metal Temp. along Len -17.8 C 0.20527E+06 MPa
Elastic Mod. at Ambient Temperature 21.1 C 0.20271E+06 MPa

Channel - TE-1 Carbon & Low Alloy Steels, Group 1

Channel - TM-1 Carbon Steels with C<= 0.3%
Th. Exp. Coeff. Metal Temp. at Tubsht 10.0 C 0.0000113592 /C
Elastic Mod. at Design Temperature 10.0 C 0.20344E+06 MPa
Elastic Mod. at Ambient Temperature 21.1 C 0.20271E+06 MPa

Tubes - TE-3 Brass Alloys

Tubes - TM-3 C44300
Th. Exp. Coeff. Metal Temp. along Len -17.8 C 0.0000163125 /C
Elastic Mod. at Design Temperature 10.0 C 0.11064E+06 MPa
Elastic Mod. at Metal Temp. along Len -17.8 C 0.11146E+06 MPa
Elastic Mod. at Tubsht. Design Temp. 10.0 C 0.11064E+06 MPa
Elastic Mod. at Ambient Temperature 21.1 C 0.11032E+06 MPa

TubeSheet - TEMA Admiralty

TubeSheet - TM-3 C46400
Th. Exp. Coeff. Metal Temp. at Rim 10.0 C 0.0000201584 /C
Elastic Mod. at Design Temperature 10.0 C 0.10375E+06 MPa
Elastic Mod. at Metal Temp. at Rim 10.0 C 0.10375E+06 MPa
Elastic Mod. at Ambient Temperature 21.1 C 0.10342E+06 MPa

The Elasticity and Alpha values are taken from Tables in ASME II D.
Please insure these properties are consistent with the
type of Material for the tubes, shell, channel etc.

Tube Required Thickness under Internal Pressure (Tubeside pressure):

Thickness Due to Internal Pressure:
= (P*(D/2-CAE)) / (S*E+0.4*P) per Appendix 1-1 (a)(1)
= (1.73*(15.8750/2-0.000)/(68.95*1.00+0.4*1.73)
= 0.1972 + 0.0000 = 0.1972 mm.

Tube Required Thickness under External Pressure (Shellside pressure) :

External Pressure Chart NFC-2 at 10.00 C

Elastic Modulus for Material 124110.00 MPa

Results for Max. Allowable External Pressure (Emawp):

1.6500 15.88 865.00 9.62 50.0000 0.0118832 48.61
EMAWP = (2.167/(D/T)-0.0833)*B = 6.8993 MPa

Results for Reqd Thickness for Ext. Pressure (Tca):

0.6495 15.88 865.00 24.44 50.0000 0.0018414 31.71
EMAWP = (4*B)/(3*(D/T)) = ( 4 *31.7150 )/( 3 *24.4411 ) = 1.7301 MPa

Summary of Tube Required Thickness Results:

Total Required Thickness including Corrosion all. 0.6495 mm.
Allowable Internal Pressure at Corroded thickness 15.63 MPa
Required Internal Design Pressure 1.73 MPa
Allowable External Pressure at Corroded thickness 6.90 MPa
Required External Design Pressure 1.73 MPa
Required Thickness due to Shell Side pressure 0.6495 mm.

Detailed Results for load Case D3 un-corr. (Psd,max + Ptd,max)

Intermediate Calculations For Gasketed Tubesheets:

ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2023

Gasket Contact Width, N = (Goc-Gic) / 2 8.000 mm.

Basic Gasket Width, b0 = N / 2.0 4.000 mm.
Effective Gasket Width, b = b0 4.000 mm.
Gasket Reaction Diameter, G = (Go+Gi) / 2.0 188.000 mm.

Flange Design Bolt Load, Seating Condition W : 92344.92 N 0.

Flange Design Bolt Load, Operating Condition Wm1: 72600.25 N 0.

Results for ASME Stationary Tubesheet Calculations for Configuration d,

Results for Tubesheet Calculations Original Thickness :

ASME Section VIII-2 Part Step 1:

Compute the Tube Expansion Depth Ratio [rho]:

= ltx / h ( modified for corrosion if present )
= 22.0000 / 25.0000
= 0.8800 ( must be 0 <= rho <= 1 )

Compute the effective tube hole diameter [d✱]:

= max( dt - 2 * tt( EtT/E ) * ( StT/S ) * ( rho ); dt - 2 * tt)
= max( 15.8750 - 2 * 1.6500 ( 110644 /103749 ) *
( 68 /91 ) * (.880 ); 15.8750 - 2 * 1.6500 )
= 13.5464 mm.

Compute the equivalent outer tube limit circle diameter [Do]:

= 2 * ro + dt
= 2 * 65.000 + 15.875
= 145.875 mm.

Determine the basic ligament efficiency for shear [mu]:

= ( p - dt ) / p
= ( 19.050 - 15.875 ) / 19.050
= 0.167

Compute the equivalent outer tube limit radius [ao]:

= Do / 2
= 145.8750 / 2
= 72.9375 mm.

Compute the effective tube pitch [p✱]:

= p / sqrt( 1 - 4 * min( AL * CNV_factor; 4 * Do * p)/( pi * Do^2) )
= 19.0500 / sqrt( 1 - 4 * min( 9864.00 * 1.000 ; 4 * 145.875 * 19.050 )/( pi * 145.875^2) )
= 29.7585 mm.

Compute the effective ligament efficiency for bending [mu✱]:

= ( p✱ - d✱) / p✱
= ( 29.7585 - 13.5464 ) / 29.7585
= 0.5448

Compute the ratio [Rhos]:

= as / ao
= 94.0000 / 72.9375
= 1.2888

Compute the ratio [Rhoc]:

= ac / ao
= 94.0000 / 72.9375
= 1.2888

Compute parameter [xt]:

= 1 - Nt( ( dt - 2 * tt )/( 2 * ao ) )^2
= 1 - 32 ( ( 15.8750 - 2 * 1.6500 )/( 2 * 72.9375 ) )^2
= 0.7622

Determine parameter [xs]:

= 1 - Nt( dt/( 2 * ao ) )^2
= 1 - 32 ( 15.8750 /( 2 * 72.9375 ) )^2
= 0.6210

Determine the Value [h'g]:

= max( ( hg - CATC ); 0 ) (For pressure only cases)
= max( ( 5.000 - 0.000 ); 0 )
= 5.000 mm.

ASME Section VIII-2 Part Step 2:

Intermediate parameters for Tubesheet Gasketed on the Shell Side:

betas, ks, lambdas, deltas are all = 0

Intermediate parameters for Tubesheet Gasketed on the Channel Side:

betaC, kc, lambdaC, deltaC are all = 0

ASME Section VIII-2 Part Step 3:

h/p = 1.312336 ; mu✱ = 0.544787 ; E✱ = 65294 MPa

E✱/E = 0.629346 ; nu✱ = 0.294719

Compute the Tube Bundle Stiffness Factor [Xa]:

= ( ( 24(1 - nu✱^2)Nt * Et * tt( dt - tt )ao^2)/( E✱ * L * H^3) )^(0.25)
= ( ( 24( 1-0.295^2)32 * 110644 * 1.6500
( 15.8750 - 1.6500 )72.9375^2)/( 65294 * 865.00 * 25.000^3) )^(0.25)
= 1.8203

Values from Table UHX-13.1

Zd = 0.234252 ; Zv = 0.173199 ; Zm = 0.712199
Za = 0.675711E+00 ; Zw = 0.173199

ASME Section VIII-2 Part Step 4:

Compute the diameter ratio [K]:

= A / Do
= 195.0000 / 145.8750
= 1.3368

Compute coefficient [F]:

= ( 1 - nu✱ )/ E✱ * ( lambdas + lambdac + E * ln(K) )
= ( 1 - 0.29 )/65294 * ( 0.00 + 0.00 +
103749 * ln(1.34 ) )
= 0.3253

Compute parameter [Phi]:

= ( 1 + nu✱ )F
= ( 1 + 0.2947 ).3253
= 0.4211

Compute parameter [Q1]:

= ( Rhos - 1 - Phi * Zv )/( 1 + Phi * Zm )
= ( 1.2888 - 1 - 0.4211 * 0.1732 )/( 1 + 0.4211 * 0.7122 )
= 0.166035

ASME Section VIII-2 Part Step 5:

Determine factor [gammab]:

= ( Gc - Gs ) / Do (config d)
= (188.0000 - 188.0000 )/145.8750 = 0.00000

Calculate parameter [omegas]:

= rhos * ks * betas * deltaS( 1 + h * betas )
= 1.2888 * 0.00 * 0.0000 * 0.000000 ( 1 + 25.0000 * 0.0000 )
= 0.0000 mm.^2

Calculate parameter [omega✱s]:

= ao^2( rhos^2- 1 ) * ( rhos - 1 ) / 4 - omegas
= 72.938^2( 1.289^2- 1 ) * ( 1.289 - 1 ) / 4 - 0.000
= 253.8418 mm.^2

Calculate parameter [omegac]:

= 0 because betaC is equal to zero

Calculate parameter [omega✱c]:

= ao^2[ ( Rhoc^2+ 1 ) * ( Rhoc - 1 )/4 - ( Rhos - 1 )/2 ] - omegac
= 72.93750^2[ ( 1.28877^2+ 1 ) * ( 1.28877 - 1 )/4 - ( 1.28877 - 1 )/2 ] - 0.00000
= 253.8418 mm.^2

Compute the pressure [P✱S]:

= 0 For Pressure only cases or Configurations d,e,f,A,B,C,D

Compute the pressure [P✱C]:

= 0 For Pressure only cases or Configurations b,c,d,B,C,D

ASME Section VIII-2 Part Step 6:

Pe = (Ps - Pt) * (1 - Rhos^2)

= (1.730 - 1.730 ) * (1 - 1.289^2) = 0.000 MPa

ASME Section VIII-2 Part Step 7:

Determine factor [Q2]:

= [ ( ( omega✱s * Ps - omega✱c * Pt ) - ( omegas * P✱s - omegac * P✱c ) ) +
W✱ * gammab / ( 2 * pi ) ]/( 1 + Phi * Zm )
= [ ( ( 253.842 * 1.730 - 253.842 * 1.730 ) -
( 0.000 * 0.000 - 0.000 * 0.000 ) ) * 1.000 +
72600.2 * 0.000 / ( 2 * pi ) ]/( 1 + 0.42113 * 0.71220 )
= 0.0000 N 0.

Tubesheet Bending Stress - original thickness [Sigma]:

= 6 * Q2/( mu✱ * ( H - h'g )^2)
= 6 * 0.0000 /( 0.545 * ( 25.000 - 5.000 )^2)
= 0.0000 MPa

Allowable Tubesheet Bending Stress [Sigma allowed]:

= 1.5 * S = 1.5 * 91.70 = 137.56 MPa

Note: Tubesheet Bending Stress is probably low, use the following req. thk:
Tubesheet thickness (Incl. Corr.)= 3.8100 mm.
Tubesheet Bending Stress = 0.0002 MPa

ASME Section VIII-2 Part Step 8:

Shear Stress check [Tau_(limit)]:

= ( 2 * mu * h / ao ) * min( 0.8S; 0.533Sy )
= ( 2 * 0.167 * 25.000 / 72.938 ) * 73.363
= 8.3819 MPa

Shear Stress is not required to be computed; [Pe] <= Tau_limit

Tubesheet Shear Stress - final thickness [Tauf]:

= ( 1/( 2 * mu ) ) * ( ao/h ) * Pe
= ( 1/( 2 * 0.167 ) ) * ( 72.9375 /3.810 ) * 0.000
= 0.0000 MPa

Reqd Tubesheet Thickness, for Shear Stress (including CA) [HreqS]:

= H + Cats + Catc
= 3.8100 + 0.0000 + 0.0000
= 3.8100 mm.

Reqd Tubesheet Thickness for Given Loadings (including CA) [Hreqd] :

= max( HreqB; HreqS )
= max( 3.8100 ; 3.8100 )
= 3.8100 mm.

ASME Section VIII-2 Part Step 9:

The Ftmin and Ftmax Coefficients from Table 4.18.4:

Ftmin = -0.9154 , Ftmax = 0.9508

First Extreme Tube Axial Stress from among all the tubes [Sigmat1]:
= ( ( Ps * xs - Pt * xt ) - 2 * Q2 * Ftmin / ao^2) / ( Xt - Xs )
= ( ( 1.73 * 0.6210 - 1.73 * 0.7622 ) - 2 * 0.000 * -0.915 /
72.938^2) / ( 0.7622 - 0.6210 ) )
= -1.7300 MPa

Second Extreme value of Tube Axial Stress from among all the tubes [Sigmat2]:
= ( ( Ps * xs - Pt * xt ) - 2 * Q2 * Ftmax / ao^2) / ( Xt - Xs )
= ( ( 1.73 * 0.6210 - 1.73 * 0.7622 ) - 2 * 0.000 * 0.951 /
72.938^2) / ( 0.7622 - 0.6210 ) )
= -1.7300 MPa

Maximum Tube Axial Stress [Sigmat,max]:

= max( | Sigmat,1 |; | Sigmat,2 | ) = 1.730 MPa

Allowable Tube Stress, [Sigmat,A]:

= Sot = 68.9500 MPa

Check for Buckling as some of the tubes are in compression.

Determine the Factor of Safety [Fs]:

= 1.2500 (as Pe is 0.0)

Determine the factor [rt]:

= ( sqrt( dt^2+ ( dt - 2 * tt )^2) )/4
= ( sqrt( 15.8750^2+ ( 15.8750 - 2 * 1.6500 )^2) )/4
= 5.0630 mm.

Determine the factor [Ct]:

= sqrt( 2 * pi^2* Et/Syt )
= sqrt( 2 * pi^2* 110644 /103 )
= 145.3172

Determine the factor [Ft]:

= k * L/r
= 0.8 * 226.00 /5.063
= 35.7099

Buckling Allowable Stress [Stb]:

= ( Sy,t/Fs ) * ( 1 - Ft/( 2 * Ct ) )
= ( 103 /1.25 ) * ( 1 - 35.710 /( 2 * 145.317 ) )
= 68.950 MPa (Never greater than Sot)

Note: The Axial Compressive stress in tubes is within limits.

Largest tube-to-tubesheet Joint Load [Wt]:

= Sigmat,max * Tube Area
= 1.73 * 73.7371
= 127.55 N 0.

Tube Expanding Pressure [Pe]:

= Sy,t((t + ro( Sy/Sy,t))/(t + ro))*( 1.945 - 1.384 * di/do)
= 103.4 ( (1.650 + 7.938 ( 137.9 /103.4 ))/( 1.650
+ 7.938 ))*( 1.945 - 1.384 * 12.575 /15.875 )
= 112.0 MPa

Interface Pressure [Po]:

= Pe( 1 - ( di/do )^2) - 2/sqrt(3) * Sy,t( ln( do/di ))
= 112.0 ( 1 - ( 12.575 /15.875 )^2) - 2/sqrt(3) * 103.4 ( ln( 15.875 /12.575 ))
= 13.9 MPa

Interface Pressure [Pt]:

= Rm/do * Et( alphat*do( T - Ta )- alpha*do( T - Ta ))/
(( do^2 / t - Rm ) + Rm( 2.9 * Et/E - 0.3 ))
= 7.113 /15.875 *110644 ( 0.166E-04*15.875 ( 10 -
21 ) - 0.202E-04*15.875 ( 10 - 21 ))/
(( 15.875^2/1.650 - 7.113 ) + 7.113 ( 2.9*110644 /103749 -0.3 ))
= 0.2 MPa

Tube Joint Strength Increase/Decrease Factor [ft]:

= max( 0, ( Po + Pt )/Po )
= max( 0, ( 13.894 + 0.187 )/13.894 )
= 1.013

Tube Metal Area [At]:

= pi( do - t )t
= pi( 15.875 - 1.650 )1.650
= 73.737 mm^2

Allowable Tube-To-Tubesheet Load per ASME VIII-1 UW-20 [Lmax]:

= min( At * Sa * fr * fe * fy * ft, At * Sa )
= min( 73.737 * 68.95 * 0.70 * 1 * 1 * 1 , 73.737 * 68.95 )
= 3606.6 N 0.

Computations completed for ASME tubesheet configuration: d

Stress/Force Summary for Loadcase D3 un-corr. (Psd,max + Ptd,max):

Stress Description Actual Allowable Pass/Fail
Tubesheet Bend. Stress 0.0 <= 137.6 MPa Ok
Tubesheet Shear Stress 0.0 <= 73.4 MPa Ok
Maximum Stress in the Tubes 1.7 <= 69.0 MPa Ok
Minmum Tube Stress (Buckling) -1.7 <= -69.0 MPa Ok
Maximum Force on any one Tube 127.6 <= 3606.6 N 0. Ok

Thickness Results for Loadcase D3 un-corr. (Psd,max + Ptd,max):

Thickness (mm.) Required Actual P/F |

Tubesheet Thickness : 3.810 25.000 Ok |

Detailed Results for load Case O3 corr. (Psox,max + Ptox,max + Th)

Intermediate Calculations For Gasketed Tubesheets:

ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2023

Gasket Contact Width, N = (Goc-Gic) / 2 8.000 mm.

Basic Gasket Width, b0 = N / 2.0 4.000 mm.
Effective Gasket Width, b = b0 4.000 mm.
Gasket Reaction Diameter, G = (Go+Gi) / 2.0 188.000 mm.

Flange Design Bolt Load, Seating Condition W : 92344.92 N 0.

Flange Design Bolt Load, Operating Condition Wm1: 72600.25 N 0.

Results for ASME Stationary Tubesheet Calculations for Configuration d,

Results for Tubesheet Calculations Original Thickness :

ASME Section VIII-2 Part Step 1:

Compute the Tube Expansion Depth Ratio [rho]:

= ltx / h ( modified for corrosion if present )
= 18.0400 / 20.5000
= 0.8800 ( must be 0 <= rho <= 1 )

Compute the effective tube hole diameter [d✱]:

= max( dt - 2 * tt( EtT/E ) * ( StT/S ) * ( rho ); dt - 2 * tt)
= max( 15.8750 - 2 * 1.6500 ( 110644 /103749 ) *
( 68 /91 ) * (.880 ); 15.8750 - 2 * 1.6500 )
= 13.5464 mm.

Compute the equivalent outer tube limit circle diameter [Do]:

= 2 * ro + dt
= 2 * 65.000 + 15.875
= 145.875 mm.
Determine the basic ligament efficiency for shear [mu]:
= ( p - dt ) / p
= ( 19.050 - 15.875 ) / 19.050
= 0.167

Compute the equivalent outer tube limit radius [ao]:

= Do / 2
= 145.8750 / 2
= 72.9375 mm.

Compute the effective tube pitch [p✱]:

= p / sqrt( 1 - 4 * min( AL * CNV_factor; 4 * Do * p)/( pi * Do^2) )
= 19.0500 / sqrt( 1 - 4 * min( 9864.00 * 1.000 ; 4 * 145.875 * 19.050 )/( pi * 145.875^2) )
= 29.7585 mm.

Compute the effective ligament efficiency for bending [mu✱]:

= ( p✱ - d✱) / p✱
= ( 29.7585 - 13.5464 ) / 29.7585
= 0.5448

Compute the ratio [Rhos]:

= as / ao
= 94.0000 / 72.9375
= 1.2888

Compute the ratio [Rhoc]:

= ac / ao
= 94.0000 / 72.9375
= 1.2888

Compute parameter [xt]:

= 1 - Nt( ( dt - 2 * tt )/( 2 * ao ) )^2
= 1 - 32 ( ( 15.8750 - 2 * 1.6500 )/( 2 * 72.9375 ) )^2
= 0.7622

Determine parameter [xs]:

= 1 - Nt( dt/( 2 * ao ) )^2
= 1 - 32 ( 15.8750 /( 2 * 72.9375 ) )^2
= 0.6210

Determine the Value [h'g]:

= 0 (For pressure plus thermal and thermal only cases )

ASME Section VIII-2 Part Step 2:

Intermediate parameters for Tubesheet Gasketed on the Shell Side:

betas, ks, lambdas, deltas are all = 0

Intermediate parameters for Tubesheet Gasketed on the Channel Side:

betaC, kc, lambdaC, deltaC are all = 0

ASME Section VIII-2 Part Step 3:

h/p = 1.076115 ; mu✱ = 0.544787 ; E✱ = 66290 MPa

E✱/E = 0.638947 ; nu✱ = 0.293067

Compute the Tube Bundle Stiffness Factor [Xa]:

= ( ( 24(1 - nu✱^2)Nt * Et * tt( dt - tt )ao^2)/( E✱ * L * H^3) )^(0.25)
= ( ( 24( 1-0.293^2)32 * 110644 * 1.6500
( 15.8750 - 1.6500 )72.9375^2)/( 66290 * 868.00 * 20.500^3) )^(0.25)
= 2.1032

Values from Table UHX-13.1

Zd = 0.150182 ; Zv = 0.160832 ; Zm = 0.674931
Za = 0.859229E+00 ; Zw = 0.160832

ASME Section VIII-2 Part Step 4:

Compute the diameter ratio [K]:

= A / Do
= 195.0000 / 145.8750
= 1.3368
Compute coefficient [F]:
= ( 1 - nu✱ )/ E✱ * ( lambdas + lambdac + E * ln(K) )
= ( 1 - 0.29 )/66290 * ( 0.00 + 0.00 +
103749 * ln(1.34 ) )
= 0.3211

Compute parameter [Phi]:

= ( 1 + nu✱ )F
= ( 1 + 0.2931 ).3211
= 0.4152

Compute parameter [Q1]:

= ( Rhos - 1 - Phi * Zv )/( 1 + Phi * Zm )
= ( 1.2888 - 1 - 0.4152 * 0.1608 )/( 1 + 0.4152 * 0.6749 )
= 0.173394

ASME Section VIII-2 Part Step 5:

Determine factor [gammab]:

= ( Gc - Gs ) / Do (config d)
= (188.0000 - 188.0000 )/145.8750 = 0.00000

Calculate parameter [omegas]:

= rhos * ks * betas * deltaS( 1 + h * betas )
= 1.2888 * 0.00 * 0.0000 * 0.000000 ( 1 + 20.5000 * 0.0000 )
= 0.0000 mm.^2

Calculate parameter [omega✱s]:

= ao^2( rhos^2- 1 ) * ( rhos - 1 ) / 4 - omegas
= 72.938^2( 1.289^2- 1 ) * ( 1.289 - 1 ) / 4 - 0.000
= 253.8418 mm.^2

Calculate parameter [omegac]:

= 0 because betaC is equal to zero

Calculate parameter [omega✱c]:

= ao^2[ ( Rhoc^2+ 1 ) * ( Rhoc - 1 )/4 - ( Rhos - 1 )/2 ] - omegac
= 72.93750^2[ ( 1.28877^2+ 1 ) * ( 1.28877 - 1 )/4 - ( 1.28877 - 1 )/2 ] - 0.00000
= 253.8418 mm.^2

Tr = T' = -17.7778 C

Compute the pressure [P✱S]:

= 0 For Pressure only cases or Configurations d,e,f,A,B,C,D

Compute the pressure [P✱C]:

= 0 For Pressure only cases or Configurations b,c,d,B,C,D

ASME Section VIII-2 Part Step 6:

Pe = (Ps - Pt) * (1 - Rhos^2)

= (1.730 - 1.730 ) * (1 - 1.289^2) = 0.000 MPa

ASME Section VIII-2 Part Step 7:

Determine factor [Q2]:

= [ ( ( omega✱s * Ps - omega✱c * Pt ) - ( omegas * P✱s - omegac * P✱c ) ) +
W✱ * gammab / ( 2 * pi ) ]/( 1 + Phi * Zm )
= [ ( ( 253.842 * 1.730 - 253.842 * 1.730 ) -
( 0.000 * 0.000 - 0.000 * 0.000 ) ) * 1.000 +
92344.9 * 0.000 / ( 2 * pi ) ]/( 1 + 0.41525 * 0.67493 )
= 0.0000 N 0.

Tubesheet Bending Stress - original thickness [Sigma]:

= 6 * Q2/( mu✱ * ( H - h'g )^2)
= 6 * 0.0000 /( 0.545 * ( 20.500 - 0.000 )^2)
= 0.0000 MPa

Allowable Tubesheet Bending Stress [Sigma allowed]:

SPS (ASME Sec VIII Div 1, UG-23(e)) = 275.8000 MPa
Note: Tubesheet Bending Stress is probably low, use the following req. thk:
Tubesheet thickness (Incl. Corr.)= 8.3100 mm.
Tubesheet Bending Stress = 0.0000 MPa

ASME Section VIII-2 Part Step 8:

Shear Stress check [Tau_(limit)]:

= ( 2 * mu * h / ao ) * min( 0.8S; 0.533Sy )
= ( 2 * 0.167 * 20.500 / 72.938 ) * 73.363
= 6.8732 MPa

Shear Stress is not required to be computed; [Pe] <= Tau_limit

Tubesheet Shear Stress - final thickness [Tauf]:

= ( 1/( 2 * mu ) ) * ( ao/h ) * Pe
= ( 1/( 2 * 0.167 ) ) * ( 72.9375 /3.810 ) * 0.000
= 0.0000 MPa

Reqd Tubesheet Thickness, for Shear Stress (including CA) [HreqS]:

= H + Cats + Catc
= 3.8100 + 1.5000 + 3.0000
= 8.3100 mm.

Reqd Tubesheet Thickness for Given Loadings (including CA) [Hreqd] :

= max( HreqB; HreqS )
= max( 8.3100 ; 8.3100 )
= 8.3100 mm.

ASME Section VIII-2 Part Step 9:

The Ftmin and Ftmax Coefficients from Table 4.18.4:

Ftmin = -1.4712 , Ftmax = 1.5734

First Extreme Tube Axial Stress from among all the tubes [Sigmat1]:
= ( ( Ps * xs - Pt * xt ) - 2 * Q2 * Ftmin / ao^2) / ( Xt - Xs )
= ( ( 1.73 * 0.6210 - 1.73 * 0.7622 ) - 2 * 0.000 * -1.471 /
72.938^2) / ( 0.7622 - 0.6210 ) )
= -1.7300 MPa

Second Extreme value of Tube Axial Stress from among all the tubes [Sigmat2]:
= ( ( Ps * xs - Pt * xt ) - 2 * Q2 * Ftmax / ao^2) / ( Xt - Xs )
= ( ( 1.73 * 0.6210 - 1.73 * 0.7622 ) - 2 * 0.000 * 1.573 /
72.938^2) / ( 0.7622 - 0.6210 ) )
= -1.7300 MPa

Maximum Tube Axial Stress [Sigmat,max]:

= max( | Sigmat,1 |; | Sigmat,2 | ) = 1.730 MPa

Allowable Tube Stress, [Sigmat,A]:

= 2 * Sot = 137.9000 MPa

Check for Buckling as some of the tubes are in compression.

Determine the Factor of Safety [Fs]:

= 1.2500 (as Pe is 0.0)

Determine the factor [rt]:

= ( sqrt( dt^2+ ( dt - 2 * tt )^2) )/4
= ( sqrt( 15.8750^2+ ( 15.8750 - 2 * 1.6500 )^2) )/4
= 5.0630 mm.

Determine the factor [Ct]:

= sqrt( 2 * pi^2* Et/Syt )
= sqrt( 2 * pi^2* 110644 /103 )
= 145.3172

Determine the factor [Ft]:

= k * L/r
= 0.8 * 226.00 /5.063
= 35.7099

Buckling Allowable Stress [Stb]:

= ( Sy,t/Fs ) * ( 1 - Ft/( 2 * Ct ) )
= ( 103 /1.25 ) * ( 1 - 35.710 /( 2 * 145.317 ) )
= 68.950 MPa (Never greater than Sot)

Note: The Axial Compressive stress in tubes is within limits.

Largest tube-to-tubesheet Joint Load [Wt]:

= Sigmat,max * Tube Area
= 1.73 * 73.7371
= 127.55 N 0.

Tube Expanding Pressure [Pe]:

= Sy,t((t + ro( Sy/Sy,t))/(t + ro))*( 1.945 - 1.384 * di/do)
= 103.4 ( (1.650 + 7.938 ( 137.9 /103.4 ))/( 1.650
+ 7.938 ))*( 1.945 - 1.384 * 12.575 /15.875 )
= 112.0 MPa

Interface Pressure [Po]:

= Pe( 1 - ( di/do )^2) - 2/sqrt(3) * Sy,t( ln( do/di ))
= 112.0 ( 1 - ( 12.575 /15.875 )^2) - 2/sqrt(3) * 103.4 ( ln( 15.875 /12.575 ))
= 13.9 MPa

Interface Pressure [Pt]:

= Rm/do * Et( alphat*do( T - Ta )- alpha*do( T - Ta ))/
(( do^2 / t - Rm ) + Rm( 2.9 * Et/E - 0.3 ))
= 7.113 /15.875 *110644 ( 0.166E-04*15.875 ( 10 -
21 ) - 0.202E-04*15.875 ( 10 - 21 ))/
(( 15.875^2/1.650 - 7.113 ) + 7.113 ( 2.9*110644 /103749 -0.3 ))
= 0.2 MPa

Tube Joint Strength Increase/Decrease Factor [ft]:

= max( 0, ( Po + Pt )/Po )
= max( 0, ( 13.894 + 0.187 )/13.894 )
= 1.013

Tube Metal Area [At]:

= pi( do - t )t
= pi( 15.875 - 1.650 )1.650
= 73.737 mm^2

Allowable Tube-To-Tubesheet Load per ASME VIII-1 UW-20 [Lmax]:

= min( At * Sa * fr * fe * fy * ft, At * Sa )
= min( 73.737 * 137.90 * 0.70 * 1 * 1 * 1 , 73.737 * 137.90 )
= 7213.1 N 0.

Computations completed for ASME tubesheet configuration: d

Stress/Force Summary for Loadcase O3 corr. (Psox,max + Ptox,max + Th):

Stress Description Actual Allowable Pass/Fail
Tubesheet Bend. Stress 0.0 <= 275.8 MPa Ok
Tubesheet Shear Stress 0.0 <= 73.4 MPa Ok
Maximum Stress in the Tubes 1.7 <= 137.9 MPa Ok
Minmum Tube Stress (Buckling) -1.7 <= -69.0 MPa Ok
Maximum Force on any one Tube 127.6 <= 7213.1 N 0. Ok

Thickness Results for Loadcase O3 corr. (Psox,max + Ptox,max + Th):

Thickness (mm.) Required Actual P/F |

Tubesheet Thickness : 8.310 25.000 Ok |

Stationary Tubesheet results per ASME UHX-14 2021

Results for 8 Load Cases:

--Reqd. Thk. + CA ---- Tubesheet Stresses Case Pass/

Case# Tbsht Extnsn Bend Allwd Shear Allwd Type Fail
D3uc 3.810 ... ... 138 ... 73 Ps+Pt-Th D3 Ok
O1uc 4.593 0.908 21 276 10 73 Ps+Pt+Th O1 Ok
O2uc 4.593 0.908 21 276 10 73 Ps+Pt+Th O2 Ok
O3uc 3.810 ... ... 276 ... 73 Ps+Pt+Th O3 Ok
D3c 8.310 ... ... 138 ... 73 Ps+Pt-Th-c D3 Ok
O1c 9.091 0.943 28 276 12 73 Ps+Pt+Th-c O1 Ok
O2c 9.091 0.943 28 276 12 73 Ps+Pt+Th-c O2 Ok
O3c 8.310 ... ... 276 ... 73 Ps+Pt+Th-c O3 Ok
Max: 9.0912 0.943 mm. 0.103 0.166 (Str. Ratio)

Load Case Definitions:

[Ps & Pt]:

Shell-side and Tube-side Design or Operating Pressures
derived from Psd,min Ptd,max, Psox,min, Ptox,max etc. per the
Load Case Tables in Part UHX

With or Without Thermal Expansion, Tt,mx & Ts,mx

With or Without Corrosion Allowance

[D1, D2, D3]:

Design Load Cases using the Maximum and Minimum Design Pressures

Design Load Case using the Minimum (Vacuum) Pressures (if specified)

[O1, O2, O3, O4]:

Operating Load Cases using the Maximum and Minimum Operating Pressures and
Operating Temperatures per UHX

Tube, Shell and Channel Stress Summary:

---- Tube Stresses Tube Loads Shell Stress Channel Stress Pass
Case# Ten Allwd Cmp Allwd Ld Allwd Stress Allwd Stress Allwd Fail
D3uc 2 68 -2 -68 128 3606 ... ... ... ... Ok
O1uc 20 137 -20 -45 1488 7213 ... ... ... ... Ok
O2uc 18 137 ... ... 1360 7213 ... ... ... ... Ok
O3uc 2 137 -2 -68 128 7213 ... ... ... ... Ok
D3c 2 68 -2 -68 128 3606 ... ... ... ... Ok
O1c 22 137 -22 -45 1623 7213 ... ... ... ... Ok
O2c 20 137 ... ... 1495 7213 ... ... ... ... Ok
O3c 2 137 -2 -68 128 7213 ... ... ... ... Ok
Max RATIO 0.160 0.485 0.225 ... ...

Summary of Thickness Comparisons for 8 Load Cases:

Thickness (mm.) Required Actual P/F |

Tubesheet Thickness : 9.091 25.000 Ok |
Tube Thickness : 0.650 1.650 Ok |

Tubesheet MAWP used to Compute Hydrotest Pressure:

Stress / Force | Tubeside |0 shellside| Shellside |0 tubeside |

Condition | MAWP |Stress Rat.| MAWP |Stress Rat.|
Tubesheet Bending Stress | 6.818 | 1.000 | 6.818 | 1.000 |
Tubesheet Shear Stress | 10.399 | 1.000 | 10.399 | 1.000 |
Tube Tensile Stress | 5.419 | 1.000 | 5.881 | 1.000 |
Tube Compressive Stress | 3.565 | 1.000 | ---- | ---- |
Tube-Tubesheet Joint load | 3.844 | 1.000 | 4.172 | 1.000 |
Tube Pressure Stress | 15.633 | 1.000 | 6.899 | 1.000 |
Minimum MAWP | 3.565 | | 4.172 | |

Tubesheet MAPnc used to Compute Hydrotest Pressure:

Stress / Force | Tubeside |0 shellside| Shellside |0 tubeside |
Condition | MAPnc |Stress Rat.| MAPnc |Stress Rat.|
Tubesheet Bending Stress | 7.163 | 1.000 | 7.163 | 1.000 |
Tubesheet Shear Stress | 12.682 | 1.000 | 12.682 | 1.000 |
Tube Tensile Stress | 5.912 | 1.000 | 6.466 | 1.000 |
Tube Compressive Stress | 3.888 | 1.000 | ---- | ---- |
Tube-Tubesheet Joint load | 4.194 | 1.000 | 4.587 | 1.000 |
Tube Pressure Stress | 15.633 | 1.000 | 6.899 | 1.000 |
Minimum MAPnc | 3.888 | | 4.587 | |

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