Filon Overview Brochure 09 2015

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Innovative construction products

Product Overview
Profiled GRP Rooflights & Sheets –
the complete range for every application
Filon Products has led the development of GRP profiled sheets of reinforced rooflights: double and triple reinforced sheets.
since the late 1950s - taking full advantage of the light weight Supasafe triple reinforced sheets provide comparable impact
and extreme durability of GRP to make it the obvious material resistance and load bearing capabilities to 0.7mm profiled steel
choice of rooflight for many types of new build and refurbishment sheet. Filon DR - double reinforced sheets, DR24 and DR30 also
projects around the world. provide very strong and durable products whilst still remaining
lightweight and relatively thin providing excellent profile
Standard range definition.
Filon GRP rooflights are highly translucent, strong, durable and
Factory assembled insulating rooflights
with excellent diffusion properties. External sheets include a
Filon GRP FAIRs are manufactured to suit all current common
UV absorbing surface protection layer. Filon GRP sheets are
composite roof panel types and can also be manufactured to
available in over 900 different profiles, to match all popular
suit non-composite systems for replacement rooflights in older
current metal profiled sheets as well as virtually any discontinued
twin skin built up roof systems. Providing high levels of natural
metal or asbestos cement profile. A range of weights can provide
light, they are available as double skin and also triple skin with
a variety of safety levels. Filon rooflights are supplied as natural
various options of insulating core to achieve a range of insulation
translucent GRP but coloured opaque and tinted sheets can also
levels to suit to specific requirements. Weather sheet weights
be manufactured.
can also vary to provide different non-fragility and roof safety
Reinforced range expectations.
For applications where increased strength and resistance
to mechanical damage is required, Filon offers three grades

Above: Supasafe triple reinforced rooflights Top right: Single skin rooflights Bottom right: Factory Assembled Insulating Rooflights
Multiwall polycarbonate intermediate core panel GRP sheets for harsh environments
4mm twinwall and 10mm four wall polycarbonate is available for Filon Citadel sheets can be used for complete roof and wall
use in a twin skin site assembled or factory assembled rooflight cladding in aggressive and corrosive environments including
application to provide varying U values down to 0.9W/m2K to chemical plants, galvanising plants, pickling factories etc. and
comply with Building Regulations and the individual building’s other harsh areas such as coastal and marine locations where
design. profiled steel sheet may be unsuitable.

Fixsafe safety fixing system GRP barrel vault rooflights

Filon’s unique Fixsafe system has been designed to allow Filon Monarch-F factory assembled barrel vault rooflights
profiled rooflights and GRP roof sheets to be replaced from are designed for use on standing seam and secret fix roofing
below, eliminating the need to access dangerous fragile roofs, systems, continuous ridge applications, low pitch and flat roofs.
thereby increasing safety for maintenance operatives and Manufactured in a range of widths, they are available as double
reducing disruption to the client. As all the work is carried out and triple skin units with a variety of insulation levels to suit site
from inside the building, costly edge protection scaffolding, roof specific U value requirements.
staging and safety nets are not required. This provides a very
economical way of safely replacing failing rooflights and roof
GRP refurbishment sheets
Filon DR-Refurb sheets are light grey opaque coloured GRP sheets
for replacing or overlaying old or damaged profiled asbestos
cement roofing sheets although the colour can be changed to suit
alternative requirements and also be manufactured to match most
current and obsolete steel roof sheet profiles.

Top left: Fixsafe system Bottom left: Citadel sheets Top right: Monarch F rooflights Bottom right: DR-Refurb sheets
Roofing products and
specialist materials
GRP Over-roofing V-Flow valley gutters
Filon over-roofing is a slimline and very lightweight system Filon V-Flow is a complete range of durable GRP valley troughs
(from approx 2.4kg/m ) and with the patented Profix spacer
for use with natural or man-made slates and clay or concrete
is designed to simply overlay existing asbestos cement roofs tiles. As a low cost alternative to traditional lead valleys,
providing a quick refurbishment solution. The major benefit of V-Flow valley gutters are quick and simple to install with no
this system is the very low weight: when the new GRP system specialist skills. Manufactured from GRP, they have a proven life
has been fitted and the asbestos roof has dried out, the roof expectancy of over 20 years. With no scrap value there is no risk
may actually weigh less than it did when it was saturated. This of theft. A wide range of profiles is available for mortar bonded
removes the need to undergo costly structural calculations to and dry-fix applications. V-Flow valley gutters are light, easy to
ascertain the building’s suitability for using the system. As the transport and handle, and virtually maintenance free. They are
original roof sheets are left in place, the building occupier has far quality assured to ISO 9001 and BBA certified.
less disruption and the expensive asbestos disposal costs are
avoided. DSP Diffused Sign Panels
Filon DSP Diffused Sign Panels are flat opal tinted GRP sheets
Other profiled GRP sheet products developed for use in back lit illuminated signs. Filon DSP is also
The Filon range includes specialist GRP products such as widely used in the construction of both travelling and permanent
Fotolite GRP rooflights – an extremely high light transmitting exhibitions, and by architects and designers who need to
profiled sheet for horticultural applications; Filite internal box achieve special lighting effects such as light walls and ceilings.
rooflights for suspended ceilings and insulation grid systems and
also Filonite DIY translucent sheets for domestic applications Isofil sheeting for water treatment plants
including car ports and canopies. Filon Isofil GRP sheets have been specially formulated for use in
water treatment plants and other associated processes including
oil/water separators, biological waste processing etc. The sheets
are unaffected by constant immersion in water at temperatures
from -20ºC to 120ºC.

Multiclad F sheets
Filon Mulitclad F is a flat, lightly textured, dense, white opaque
GRP panel which does not incorporate any toxic materials
and has been scientifically developed for linings to walls and
ceilings where hygiene is an essential requirement. The easy
clean attributes of Multiclad-F make it an ideal choice for food
preparation areas, abattoirs etc. and also for pedestrian tunnel

Top left: Filon over-roofing Bottom left: Fotolite rooflights Bottom middle: V-Flow valley gutter Bottom right: Isofil sheets
Filon Products - a construction
innovator for over 50 years
Filon Products is one of the UK’s leading manufacturers We serve customers in the public and private sectors, in
of GRP (Glass Reinforced Polyester) products for the construction industry, oil and gas, highways, marine,
building and construction. We have a long track record transportation, manufacturing and other sectors, in the
of successfully developing and marketing innovative UK, Europe and the Middle East.
products, many of which have become accepted industry
Our premises in Burntwood, Staffordshire houses state
of the art manufacturing facilities for flat and profiled
In addition to GRP products for rooflighting, roofing, GRP sheet and other products. The Filon process for
signage and other applications, we offer a range of manufacturing profiled GRP sheet has been developed
polycarbonate rooflights and canopy systems, as well and refined over many years to provide a unique product
as ancillary products like our ground breaking Fixsafe that has outstanding properties as outlined in our
system which is creating a safety revolution in the roofing product pages. We are an ISO 9001 accredited
industry by allowing profiled sheets to be fixed without company and our plant carries the ISO 14001
operatives accessing fragile roof areas. environmental accreditation.

Innovations in construction: Filon pioneered the original GRP profiled

sheets manufactured by continuous pultrusion process in the 1950’s.
The company recognised the outstanding potential of glass reinforced
polyester as a durable and lightweight building material.

Filon also manufactured the first

continuously produced GRP valley
troughs as an alternative to costly
lead products in the 1980’s.
National Association of Rooflight National Federation Of Roofing Contractors –
Manufacturers – Member Associate Member
NARM is an industry body dedicated to the application of best NFRC is the UK’s largest roofing trade association, representing
practice in the provision of natural light in built environments. over 70% of the roofing industry by value. With a history
Founded in 1998, NARM today comprises all of the UK’s leading spanning almost 120 years, NFRC has established itself as the
rooflight manufacturers and associated businesses. voice of the roofing industry, constantly adapting to change and
NARM is an active member of the Construction Products innovation to ensure its members are at the forefront.
Association and its committee plays an active role in advising
Government on future Building Regulations.

Liquid Roofing & Waterproofing Association –

Associate Member
Metal Cladding and Roofing Manufacturers
LRWA consists of the leading manufacturers of liquid applied
Association – Associate Member
coatings, approved contractors and related materials suppliers.
MCRMA represents, promotes and defends the interests of
Originally founded in 1979, LRWA aims to raise awareness of
manufacturing companies, suppliers and Independent Roofing
the technical and financial benefits of liquid-applied roofing &
and Cladding Inspectors who provide products, systems and
waterproofing systems and to establish product and installation
services within the non-domestic metal roof and wall market
standards to ensure that optimum performance is achieved.
As the voice for the industry, MCRMA works closely with a
variety of industry bodies and Standards committees to develop
building envelope solutions and to disseminate best practice,
ensuring that its members operate to the highest standards at all
Composites UK – Member
Composites UK is the Trade Body for the UK composites
industry, established to support the industry so that it may
continue to grow and participate in the increasingly competitive
world of global composite production.

Filon Products Limited FILON is a trademark of Filon Products Ltd.

Unit 3 Ring Road, Zone 2, Burntwood Business Park Information and recommendations contained in this publication are given in
Burntwood, Staffordshire WS7 3JQ, England good faith without warranty or guarantee. We are constantly seeking to improve
our products and therefore reserve the right to alter specifications at any time.
Tel: +44 (0)1543 687300 Fax: +44 (0)1543 687303 No liability can be accepted for any claims, losses or demands arising from
Email: contents of this publication. This statement does not affect statutory rights
which cannot be excluded by agreement.

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