Genetics of Suicide
Genetics of Suicide
Genetics of Suicide
& 2006 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 1359-4184/06 $30.00
Genetics of suicide
B Bondy1, A Buettner2 and P Zill1
Section Psychiatric Genetics and Neurochemistry, Psychiatric Clinic, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany
and 2Institute for Legal Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany
The concept that genetic factors contribute to the complex trait of suicidal behaviour has
stimulated much work aimed at identifying susceptibility genes. So far molecular genetic
studies focused on the serotonergic pathway as the intent to die and the lethality of suicide
acts were related to the serotonergic system. Two genes have so far emerged as being
involved in the vulnerability for suicidality: first, the intronic polymorphisms (A218C or A779C)
of the tryptophan hydroxylase 1 (TPH1) gene, which was suggested as a quantitative risk
factor for suicidal behaviour; second, the insertion/deletion polymorphism of the serotonin
transporter gene (5-HTTLPR), which does not seem to be involved in general suicidal
behaviour, but in violent and repeated suicide attempts. The data have further shown that the
MAOA gene, which is consistently associated with impulsive-aggressive personality traits, is
not related to suicide but might induce violent methods in subjects with other suicide risk
factors. Predominantly negative were the findings with any type of the serotonin receptors
and inconsistent with catecholamine-synthesizing and -metabolizing enzymes or with the
dopaminergic receptors. This paper reviews the status of current knowledge in this area,
points to the weakness of the investigations and presents new approaches beyond the
serotonergic system.
Molecular Psychiatry (2006) 11, 336–351. doi:10.1038/; published online 7 February 2006
Keywords: suicide; serotonin; genetics; polymorphism; association studies
may be classified according to the intent to die, genetically driven vulnerability.16 Although various
method and lethality (violent or non-violent), cogni- biological, psychological, sociological and economic
tive impairments (impulsivity, aggressiveness), or factors contribute to the complex aetiology of suicidal
mitigating circumstances.11 The method of suicide is behaviour, evidence for a genetic liability is convin-
not randomly distributed. For example, violent cing since many years. Twin studies have shown that
methods, assessed with a higher level of lifetime monozygotic twins have a significantly higher con-
aggression and a higher level of impulsivity, are more cordance rate for completed and attempted suicide
often applied by males than by females. In addition, than dizygotic twins.17 This finding was replicated
violent methods were often associated with life- in a large Australian twin study, in which the risk
time substance abuse or dependence and psychotic of a serious suicide attempt by a monozygotic twin
disorders.12 was 17-fold increased if the co-twin made a serious
suicide attempt.18 Also adoption studies supported
the genetic component, as among the biological
Clinical correlates of suicidal behaviour
relatives of an adoptee who committed suicide, the
Several arguments suggest that suicidal behaviour is a rate of suicide is elevated about six times compared
disorder on its own, although psychiatric distur- to the biological relatives of non-suicidal adopted
bances are major contributing factors and about 90% persons (for review see Brent and Mann16). From
of suicide attempters have a psychiatric disorder these data it was estimated that 43% of the variability
according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of in suicidal behaviour may be explained by genetics,
Mental Disorder.7 The majority of all suicides occur in while the remaining 57% may be explained by
relation to mood disorders, but also other psychiatric environmental factors.17,19,20
disturbances such as schizophrenia, alcoholism and The heritability of suicide and suicidal behaviour
drug abuse are similarly related to suicide5 (for review seems to be determined through at least two compo-
see Mann13). Other clinical features that increase the nents: the heritable liability to psychiatric disorders,
liability for suicidal behaviour include personality and the heritable liability to impulsive aggression or
traits, hopelessness, a history of physical or sexual other personality traits. And thus the concordance of
abuse during childhood, a history of head injury or both liability factors results in the highest risk for
neurological disorder, and cigarette smoking.13,14 suicidal behaviour.16
However, although the presence of a psychopathology
is a strong predictor for suicide, only a minority
The neurochemistry of suicidal behaviour
of people with these diagnoses commit suicide. Thus,
a psychiatric diagnosis might be a necessary, but Post-mortem brain analyses gave interesting data on
insufficient, risk factor for suicide, indicating a the serotonergic, noradrenergic and dopaminergic
predisposition that is independent of the main neurotransmitter systems and the cellular morpho-
psychiatric disorders.13,15 logy of suicide victims. Especially, the serotonergic
Especially impulsive-aggressive traits, neuroticism abnormalities, which are related to a variety of
and anxiety-related traits, as well as anger-related psychopathological dimensions such as anxiety, de-
traits were proposed as intermediary phenotypes and pressed mood, impulsivity and aggression, were the
risk factors for suicidal behaviour.14 These traits seem focus of many investigations. The initial, seminal
to be independent from the role of associated axis I finding by Asberg21 that a low cerebrospinal fluid
disorders, particularly major depression and may be (CSF) 5-HIAA concentration could be related to the
part of a developmental cascade that increases suicide incidence of violent suicidal acts, was repeatedly
risk among a subset of patients.15 Further, as person- replicated in higher lethality attempted suicides.21,22
ality traits themselves are partly under genetic A low brain serotonin (5-HT) turnover rate was
control, it was suggested that they may contribute to repeatedly found in impulsive violent offenders,
the familial loading of suicide attempts and comple- especially when being intoxicated.23
tions.14,15 On the other hand, it was proposed that Post-mortem studies with brains of suicide victims
impulsive-aggressive personality disorders and alco- revealed evidence for reduced serotonin transporter
hol abuse/dependence were two independent pre- sites in the prefrontal cortex, hypothalamus, occipital
dictors of suicide in major depression, and impulsive cortex and brainstem.24 In an autoradiographic study
and depressive behaviours seem to underlie these risk this abnormality could be localized to the ventrome-
factors.12 dial prefrontal cortex.25 Alterations were also obser-
ved on the receptor level, as postsynaptic 5-HT1A and
5-HT2A receptors were found to be upregulated in
Family studies in suicidal behaviour
prefrontal cortex and this increase was suggested as
It is long known that suicidal behaviour runs within being a compensatory mechanism to the low activity
families and that this familial transmission cannot of the serotonergic neurons (for review see Mann13). It
solely be explained by the transmission of psychiatric is interesting to note that the 5-HT1A upregulation
disorders alone, as the highest suicide rates were not seems to be localized to the ventral prefrontal cortex,
observed in the biological relatives of patients with a region that is involved in behavioural and cogni-
affective disorders, who by themselves have a strong tive inhibition,25 and low serotonergic input might
Molecular Psychiatry
Genetics of suicide
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contribute to impaired inhibition, creating a greater into 5-HT. Thus, TPH is a critical component for the
propensity to act on suicidal or aggressive feelings.13 amount of 5-HT available in the synaptic cleft and the
These post-mortem findings are underlined by a TPH gene was among the first candidate genes for
challenge investigation with fenfluramine, which association studies of suicidality. In the meantime,
induces an increase in prolactin secretion in healthy two different TPH isoforms have been identified,
people, but in suicide attempters with a higher degree referred to as TPH1 and TPH2, the genes for both
of lethality, the increase is more blunted.26 As pro- being located on different chromosomes, chromosome
lactin secretion is an indicator of central serotonergic 11 and 12, respectively.34 It is further known that
function, the results of Malone et al. suggest some TPH2 is expressed in brain but not in peripheral
dysfunction in the serotonergic system in suicide tissues in mice34 and in men,35 and the TPH2 is thus
attempters. Although some of the results are not considered as the brain-specific enzyme, whereas
consistent and/or discussed as being related more to TPH1 is responsible for peripheral serotonin genera-
major depression than to suicide,27 these results sug- tion.36 At present it is not completely clarified
gest that the serotonergic activity is decreased in whether TPH1 is also expressed solely in the
suicidal behaviour. periphery in humans, as both TPH1 and TPH2 mRNA
Only few post-mortem studies covered alterations could be identified in various human brain regions,
of the noradrenergic or dopaminergic systems. The although TPH2 mRNA levels were about fourfold
main findings were decreased noradrenalin (NA) higher than that of TPH1 in the raphe nuclei.37
levels in brainstem and increased alpha2-adrenergic The data concerning the enzyme TPH as a pre-
receptor densities, suggested as being upregulated synaptic marker in post-mortem brains of suicide
due to the NA deficit.28 The results with tyrosine victims were unequivocal for a long time. Ono et al.38
hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme for NA found no overall difference in TPH immunoreactivity
and dopamine (DA) synthesis were divergent, as both between suicide and control brains. Later on, Bonkale
increased29 and decreased immunoreactivity were et al.39 studied TPH immunoreactivity in specific
observed.30 However, increased TH and alpha2-adre- subnuclei of the dorsal raphe and again observed
nergic receptor densities could be indicative of nor- no differences between depressed suicide victims
adrenergic depletion compensatory to increased NA and controls. In contrast, a recent investigation by
release. This hypothesis is important with regard to Boldrini et al.40 found TPH immunoreactivity to be
the relation between the noradrenergic system and higher in dorsal raphe nucleus of suicide victims and
stress response, as severe anxiety or agitation are proposed a compensatory mechanism to alleviate the
associated with noradrenergic overactivity, higher cortical serotonin deficit. Two recent studies investi-
suicide risk and overactivity of the hypothalamic- gated the TPH2 mRNA either by in situ hybridization
pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis.13 or quantitative real-time PCR. Bach-Mizrachi et al.41
Results with the dopaminergic system are even reported higher levels of TPH2 mRNA in drug-free
scarce. Overall, no alterations were found for mRNA suicides throughout the entire extent of the rostro-
levels of the D1 and D2 receptor in the caudate nuclei caudal axis of the dorsal raphe nucleus and explained
of suicide victims31 and similarly not for D4 receptor their findings as homeostatic response to deficient
binding.32 A recent in vivo investigation of homo- brain serotonergic transmission. Investigating pre-
vanillinic acid (HVA), the main DA metabolite, in frontal cortex a greater amount of TPH2 mRNA was
CSF of depressed suicide attempters demonstrated found, this however did not differ significantly
reduced HVA levels in attempters, but not in between suicides and controls.42 In evaluating these
depressed non-attempters33 thus suggesting a relation discrepant results one has to acknowledge that differ-
of DA to suicide but not to depression. ent areas were investigated in the different studies
On the basis of the neurobiological findings, genetic and that the studies that have been carried out before
studies have been carried out since about a decade in the identification of TPH2 did not distinguish
order to elucidate the genetic contribution to the between the two isoforms of the enzyme.
vulnerability of suicidal behaviour. As there is All together the discovery of TPH2 was supposed to
convincing evidence that a serotonergic dysfunction explain all the previously puzzling data in the past 30
is involved in the biological susceptibility to suicide, years about divergent protein/mRNA ratios and
especially in high-lethality suicide, the majority of biochemical characteristics of TPH from peripheral
the studies were performed with candidate genes of sources and from CNS.
the serotonin pathway. However, also newer aspects
deviant from the classical paradigms will be reviewed The TPH1 gene
here. The TPH1 gene is located on chromosome 11p15.3–
p14 and has two common polymorphisms in intron 7
consisting of an A to C substitution at nucleotides 779
Tryptophan hydroxylase
(A779C) and at 218 (A218C) which are in tight, but
Tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) is the rate-limiting not complete, linkage disequilibrium. Although the
enzyme in the biosynthesis of serotonin (5-HT), AA genotype of the TPH1 A218C polymorphism was
converting the amino-acid tryptophan to 5-hydroxy- associated with higher TPH immunoreactivity in 28
tryptophan (5-HTP) which is further decarboxylated post-mortem brain samples than the other geno-
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types,38 both variants are supposed not to alter the region (A-6526G and G-5806T) which were investi-
amino-acid sequence or the TPH gene transcription.43 gated together with the intron 7 A218C variant in 101
Further, four common variants have been identified suicide completers from the French-Canadian popu-
in the promoter region, as the T-7180G, C-7065T, A- lation. In contrast to the fact that the single loci were
6526G, and G-5806T polymorphisms, and a signifi- not associated with suicide, a haplotype analysis
cant association was observed between the A-6526G revealed that one haplotype (6526G 59061T 218C)
variant and suicidality in 167 Finnish offenders.44 was significantly more frequent among violent sui-
Originally the A779C polymorphism was classified cide victims than in normal controls (w2 = 11.3, df = 2,
as U and L (upper and lower band) and Nielsen et al.45 P = 0.0008; OR = 2, CI:1.3–3.6).
were the first who reported an association between Concerning the relation between personality traits
the UU genotype and higher CSF 5-HIAA concentra- and the TPH1 gene it is noteworthy that two
tion in a group of violent alcoholic offenders, whereas independent studies observed a relation between the
the LL genotype had the lowest 5-HIAA levels. A779 allele and aggressive disposition in healthy
Further, a significant association of the TPH1 A779C individuals without psychopathology. In both stu-
polymorphism emerged with a history of violent dies, investigating probands of American52 and Ger-
suicide attempts, as only two of the 36 suicide man descent53 the U-allele scored significantly higher
attempters had the UU genotype in contrast to 10 on measures of aggression, irritability and anger-
out of 34 probands who never attempted suicide.45 related traits.
This finding was replicated by the same group in an However, the positive results could not be repli-
extended study with 804 Finnish alcoholic offenders, cated in all studies and the list of negative findings
controls, and their relatives, altogether a sample that is long. Post-mortem analyses with DNA derived
included 369 sib pairs. Again the L-allele showed from suicide victims yielded negative results for 47
significant evidence for linkage to suicidality in depressed Caucasians suicide victims,54 35 depressed
affected sib pairs (P = 0.006), severe suicide attempts suicide victims of Canadian origin55 and for 160
in unaffected sib pairs (P = 0.01), alcoholism in deceased males of Slavic origin.56 Two groups investi-
unaffected sib pairs (P = 0.002) and to the Karolinska gated the TPH1 polymorphism in Japanese suicide
Scales of Personality socialization score (P = 0.002).46 victims, but both failed to demonstrate an association
The authors concluded that the A779C variant of the between suicide and the A-6526G and A218C poly-
TPH1 gene might predispose to suicidality but this morphism.57,58 Also studies with Caucasians suicide
association was discussed as being relevant mainly attempters of different diagnostic categories yielded
among impulsive offenders, as they are phenotypi- negative results between suicide attempts in unipolar
cally more extreme.23,46 These studies were extended and bipolar patients54,59,60 or alcohol-dependent
by Roy et al.,47 who observed an excess of the TPH patients,61 although some of the studies identified
779C allele (L-allele) in 24 surviving Swedish co- an association between the A218C polymorphism and
twins of monozygotic twin suicide victims. However, the disorder in question. A case–control family-based
a contradictory result emerged from a subsequent study in Ashkenazi and non-Ashkenazi Jewish ado-
study, as the less common A779 allele (U-allele) was lescents again revealed no significant allelic associa-
more frequent in depressed suicide attempters.48 tion with the A218C polymorphism.62 Interestingly
Many studies followed these first reports and most and in contradiction to the findings with suicide
of them investigated the A218C polymorphism. The victims of the Japanese population, 218C homozy-
majority of studies were carried out in the frame of gotes were overrepresented in Korean schizophrenic
association studies with depressed, bipolar, schizo- patients with suicidal behaviour.63 Tsai et al.64 have
phrenic or alcoholic patients. Although the numbers observed an association between the 218C homozy-
of patients within the diagnostic categories seemed to gotes and suicidal attempts in Chinese patients with
be sufficient, those with suicidal attempts were small major depression but not with bipolar disorder.
in most studies. Nevertheless, Mann et al.,48 found an However, Kunugi et al.65 could not relate both the
excess of the A218 allele in suicide attempters among A218C and A779C polymorphisms to a history of
patients with depressive disorder in American Cau- suicidality among Japanese unipolar or bipolar
casians. Similarly, in a multicentre study investigat- patients, thus being in agreement with the findings
ing a large cohort of patients from several European in completed suicide.
countries, Souery et al.49 observed the CC genotype of Owing to the discrepancy of the results together
the A218C polymorphisms less frequently in unipolar with the small numbers of patients, the diagnostic
patients with a history of suicide attempts, but not in heterogeneity with either committed suicide as clear-
bipolar patients. Investigating seven polymorphisms cut act or a history of suicidal attempts, and finally
spanning the entire gene in 231 individuals who due to the use of the different markers the impact of
attempted suicide, significant associations were the TPH1 gene on suicidal behaviour remains still
found between violent suicide attempt and variants ambiguous. Almost all studies lacked in statistical
in introns 7, 8 and 9 (which are in complete linkage power, ethnic heterogeneity and variations in the
disequilibrium) and in the 3-non-coding region that sampling strategy, in particular for controls. Three
encodes for the catalytic part of the enzyme.50 Turecki meta-analyses were carried out in the recent years to
et al.51 focused on polymorphisms in the promoter pool results from individual studies and in order to
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test, whether the TPH1 gene intron 7 polymorphisms for TPH2 haplotype linkage to anxiety/depression
affect the vulnerability for suicidal behaviour. Lalovic phenotypes and suicide attempts in two popula-
and Turecki66 have selected 17 studies for the analysis tions.72 Zhou et al.72 investigated different markers
and carried out two meta-analyses. One compared in the 50 -promoter and 30 -untranslated region and a
suicide attempters or completers (n = 1290) with 2295 15-locus panel spanning 106 kbp of the TPH2 gene in
healthy controls; the other compared suicide attemp- 1798 cases and controls of four ethnic groups for
ters (n = 625) with non-attempters (n = 1475), but association with suicide attempt, anxiety, major
none of these analyses provided evidence for asso- depression and CSF 5-HIAA as neurochemical inter-
ciation (OR = 1.14, 95%CI 0.97–1.34 for the first; and mediate phenotype. They identified a haplotype
OR = 0.96, 5%CI 0.77–1.2 for the second study). Also block of 52 kbp in size, which increased in frequency
the combined results from both analyses showed no in suicide attempters in Finnish whites and African
overall association between suicidal behaviour and Americans and which was further associated with the
the intron 7 A218C polymorphism of the TPH gene. CSF 5-HIAA concentration. Moreover, this haplotype
A subsequent meta-analysis by Rujescu et al.67 resembles that investigated by Zill et al.69 Although
observed no significant differences in genotype or the functional consequences of these polymorphisms
allele frequencies for 147 suicide attempters with are unknown and although the data on the TPH2 gene
violent or non-violent means, but a weak yet highly are really limited, the TPH2 gene deserves further
significant association was observed in a meta- evaluation as candidate gene for suicidal behaviour.
analysis including these data together with those of
seven studies investigating the A218C polymorphism
The serotonin transporter
(OR = 1.33; 95%CI 1.17–1.5, P = 0.00002) in Caucasian
suicide attempters. This association could be repli- The serotonin transporter (5-HTT) is terminating the
cated by a further, more refined meta-analysis by 5-HT action via uptake of this neurotransmitter from
Bellivier et al.68 The authors assessed the hetero- the synaptic cleft and thus the density of 5-HTT sites
geneity due to variations in genetic background toge- is regarded as an important index of 5-HT function.
ther with the polymorphisms studied and nine The human 5-HTT gene, being located on chromo-
studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Thus by im- some 17, has a common polymorphism (5-HTTLPR)
proving the quality of the sample, the authors found in the 50 -regulatory region due to a 44-bp deletion
a significant association between the A218C poly- which results in either the S- (short) or L- (long)
morphism and suicidal behaviour using the fixed allele.73,74 The presence of the S-allele was associated
effect method (OR = 1.62; 95% CI 1.26–2.07) and the with reduced transcriptional activity and lower level
random effect method (OR = 1.61; 95% CI 1.11–2.35). of gene expression, lower levels of 5-HT uptake in
Even after removing two studies, which deviated from transformed lymphoblastoma cell lines and with
the calculated global effect (one positive and one anxiety-related traits.74 In a comprehensive study,
negative), the meta-analysis revealed a significant Mann and co-workers investigated a possible relation
association and suggested that the A-allele has a dose- between the 5-HTTLPR and 5-HTT binding in
dependent effect on the risk of suicidal behaviour, prefrontal cortex, assayed by quantitative autoradio-
at least in the Caucasian population. graphy in 159 post-mortem brain samples. Although
they could replicate the finding of reduced 5-HTT
The THP2 gene binding in prefrontal cortex in major depression and
The identification of the brain-specific, second iso- suicide, they observed no relation between 5-HTTLPR
form TPH2 gene,36 being located on chromosome genotypes and 5-HTT binding.75 A study of our group
12q15, promised a step forward in investigating the with 72 controls and 72 alcoholics has shown that
genetic contribution to suicidality, as this isoform also in periphery, using platelets as peripheral model
apparently plays a more important role in the for the central serotonergic system, no relation
synthesis of brain serotonin and thus might be a between 5-HTT binding (3[H]-paroxetine sites) and
better candidate gene. However, so far the number of the 5-HTTLPR genotypes were found, neither in
studies using TPH2 as candidate gene is rare. Zill healthy controls nor in alcoholic patients.76
et al.69 from our group carried out a SNP, haplotype Despite these still open questions about the func-
and linkage disequilibrium study with 263 German tion of the insertion/deletion polymorphism it was
suicide victims with 10 SNPs defining a 28-kbp gene hypothesized that the short form of the 5-HTT gene
region in the TPH2 gene, across which linkage might be associated with impulsive aggression and
disequilibrium is high. We observed significant asso- suicidal behaviour. We have carried out a study using
ciation between one SNP and suicide (P = 0.001, genomic DNA from 58 Caucasian suicide victims and
global P = 0.01). Additional haplotype analyses pro- found an association of the S-allele and completed,
duced support for association (P < 0.0001, global P = mainly violent, suicide (OR = 2.08; 95%CI 1.3–3.2;
0.0001). Although a subsequent study could not P = 0.001).77 This finding could be replicated in a
demonstrate the influence of a polymorphism in the subsequent study with 51 Caucasian depressed,
promoter region (T–473A) and a marker in intron 1 violent suicide attempters,78 but not with suicide
(hCV245410)70 on suicidal behaviour in schizophre- victims from an isolated Canadian79 or American
nic patients,71 there was a recent supportive evidence population.75
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In agreement with our results, an association was the gender-specific effect might be that intermediate
found between the S-allele and violent suicide links between alcohol dependence and suicidal
attempts of Caucasian bipolar80 and schizophrenic behaviour may involve different genetic factors in
patients,81 although in the latter study there was no men and women. A recent study investigating the 5-
correlation between the genotypes and impulsivity, HTTLPR in the continuum between compulsivity and
assessed with the BIS (Barratt’s Impulsivity Scale). impulsivity in females observed that the frequency of
Moreover, the association between the S-allele and S-individuals (either homo- or heterozygotic) was low
suicidal behaviour seems to be independent of in patients with OCD, intermediate in non-impulsive
clinical diagnosis, demographic or socio-cultural controls and higher (82%) in impulsive suicide
parameters. Campi-Azevedo et al.82 carried out a attempters92 and thus it was suggested that genetic
study in depressed and schizophrenic patients of variants may be related more likely to behavioural
the Brazilian population, which is very heteroge- dimensions instead of to specific psychiatric dis-
neous, and they found that the S-allele carriers are orders.
overrepresented among persons who committed sui- In contrast to these positive findings a variety
cide and moreover these patients attempted suicide of studies did not observe an association of the
more frequently and had higher lethality scores. 5-HTTLPR with suicidality, neither in post-mortem
The relation between the S-allele and violent studies75 nor in studies investigating DNA of suicide
suicide methods was underlined in a study by Courtet attempters from Caucasian,93,94 Chinese95,96 or Jewish
et al.83 who clearly demonstrated that the frequency Ashkeanzi origin.97 Even an increased frequency of
of the SS and SL genotypes was not increased in the low-activity L-allele was observed within a
patients with non-violent suicide attempts. The same patient group with increased hopelessness and
authors have published a follow-up study with 103 suicide ideation.98 Du et al.99 found in a very small
patients and found that patients who reattempted sample of 24 probands that the L-allele was more
suicide during a 1-year follow-up period had a frequent in suicide victims, and these authors obser-
significantly higher frequency of the S-allele and ved more instead of less 5-HTT binding sites in
the SS genotype.84 As it is known that patients are at platelets of S-allele carriers.
high risk for reattempt and for completed suicide Also the relation between familial suicidal beha-
within the first year following a suicide attempt, viour and the history of suicide attempts have been
these authors proposed that the presence of at least investigated and has yielded discrepant results. One
one S-allele might be an important predictor for study found an association between suicidal family
subsequent suicide attempts. history and suicide attempts in 237 probands with
The relation of the S-allele of the 5-HTTLPR and major depression or schizophrenia as well as first-
some personality traits was not only shown in and second-degree relatives, but no association to the
suicidal behaviour but also in alcohol- or heroin- 5-HTTLPR genotype.100 Another study found a rela-
dependent persons. Sander et al.85 found that anti- tionship between family history of suicidality and
social alcoholics carrying the SS genotype exhibited the SS genotype.101
significantly lower scores on harm avoidance and Despite the many discrepant results there is still an
higher novelty-seeking scores. Similarly, the SS ongoing interest on genetic variants of 5-HTT as
genotype was more frequent among a group of violent possible indicator for suicidality. Two meta-analyses
heroin-dependent persons compared with addicted were carried out in order to unravel the importance of
individuals without aggressive behaviour86 and was the 5-HTTLPR in suicidal behaviour. The analysis of
further associated with an increased availability to Anguelova et al.102 reviewed 12 studies with 1599
experiment illegal drugs, particularly in subjects with subjects and found evidence for a significant associa-
more aggressiveness.87 tion of the S-allele with suicidal behaviour. This
Gender-specific associations of the 5-HTTLPR and result was robust and remained significant following
suicide were proposed in a study enrolling 180 sensitivity analysis. A more recent meta-analysis by
Spanish suicide attempters (121 women and 59 Lin and Tsai analysed the cumulative data from
men) by Baca-Garcia et al. The S-individuals (SS or primary literature in order to determine conclusively
SL) were significantly overrepresented among female the hypothesized role of the 5-HTTLPR. The authors
attempters and especially in those who had unsuc- have performed three meta-analyses comparing the 5-
cessfully tried to commit suicide.88 In contrast, in a HTTLPR between suicidal subjects and controls,
sample of 100 French Caucasian alcohol-dependent between suicide attempters and non-attempters of
patients (48 men, 52 women), the presence of the the same psychiatric diagnoses and finally between
S-allele was related to a lifetime risk of suicide violent or non-violent suicidal subjects compared
attempts, but only in male subjects.89 Previous to normal controls. The authors found no association
association studies also observed a overrepresentation between the 5-HTTLPR and suicidal behaviour.
of the S-allele in suicide attempters in a sample of However, comparing the suicide attempters with
French90 or German alcoholic patients;91 however, non-attempters within one diagnostic category, per-
females were underrepresented in both studies and sons with at least one S-allele were more frequent
thus the results were not analysed as a function of among suicide attempters (P = 0.004). A further find-
gender. An explanation for this discrepant data and ing was that the S-allele was associated with violent
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suicide (P = 0.001), but not with non-violent sui- in an earlier study, genotyping DNA from 24 suicide
cide.103 In summarizing all the studies with inade- victims, these authors found no association between
quate number of patients and controls, this study the 5-HT2A receptor 102C allele and suicidality.99
provides significant evidence supporting the role of A similar positive finding was obtained in a sample
the 5-HTTLPR S-allele with suicidal behaviour, of Spanish depressed patients, where significant
especially with violent suicide. differences in both allele and genotype distribution
Based on the identification of variable-number- were observed between 126 non-suicide and 33
tandem-repeats in intron 2 (VNTR-2) of the 5-HTT suicide attempters.115 Moreover, 5-HT2A 102C allele
gene some studies were carried out with this variant carriers had more than five times the risk for
to identify a possible liability to suicidality. No attempting suicide than non-carriers (OR = 5.5; 95%
association was observed to bipolar disorder or suici- CI 1.18–35.2).
dality in a Canadian family study104 and in Canadian In the light of the findings of Du et al.,114 several
suicide attempters.105 Similar negative findings were studies have been carried out among different
derived for Chinese mood disorder patients with diagnostic groups and different ethnicities. However,
suicidal history106 or psychotic patients with suicidal no associations were found with suicidal behaviour
behaviour.95 Using DNA of Croatian suicide victims in the Caucasian population comprising alcoho-
there was also no association between suicide and the lics with suicidal ideation and previous suicide
VNTR-2 variants. However, a combined analysis of attempts,116 schizophrenics with suicidal ideation117
the 5-HTTLPR and VNTR-2 provided evidence to- or suicide attempts.118,119 Results were also negative
wards an increase of 5-HTTLPR L-allele and VNTR-2 in the Jewish97 or Brazilian120 population. Similarly,
allele 10 in the suicide victim group, which was investigating the closely linked A-1438G polymor-
however of low significance.107 phism, no convincing association was found in
the Caucasian121 and Japanese patients with suic-
Serotonin receptors
As completed suicides are more homogeneous in
The 5-HT2A receptor terms of higher lethality and are thought to be more
There is considerable evidence that the density of the influenced by serotonergic mechanisms than attemp-
5-HT2A receptor is upregulated in parietal cortical ted suicides,7 we and others examined whether one of
regions of depressed suicide victims (for review see the 5-HT2A receptor polymorphisms was associated
Mann13) and it was suggested that this increase may with completed suicides, irrespective of the under-
be at least partly be regulated genetically.108 The lying clinical diagnosis. Neither the A-1438G nor the
importance of 5-HT2A receptor upregulation as T102C polymorphism were associated with com-
marker for suicidality was further underlined by a pleted suicide in 151 Japanese,123 131 Caucasian124
recent investigation showing that in suicide brains or 68 Australian suicide victims.125 However, one has
the lifetime aggression scores correlated positively to take into account that in none of these studies
with 3H-ketanserin binding in all investigated pre- a psychological autopsy was available, and therefore
frontal Brodman areas.109 Further, several studies no information about the proportion of depressed
with platelets of suicide attempters showed an patients in these samples.
upregulation of 5-HT2A receptor as a peripheral A recent systematic review and meta-analysis of
marker for suicidality,110,111 although a critical review suicide association studies, enrolling suicide attempt
claimed that methodological flaws limited the valid- or completion but not ideation, found no associa-
ity of platelets as biological model.112 tion with the 5-HT2A T102C variants.102 One of the
The 5-HT2A receptor gene is located on chromo- explanations for the conflicting finding might be the
some 13q14–q21 and according to the current SNP size of the sample in both positive studies and/or
databases more than 200 single-nucleotide poly- ethnic stratification. Considering all data published
morphisms (SNPs) are identified spanning the since 1996, it becomes obvious that small but albeit
gene;113 only a small number of them have been important ethnic differences between Caucasian and
investigated as candidates in psychiatric disorders, non-Caucasian probands exist; as in Chinese and
most notably the T102C and A-1438G variants. Japanese population, the frequency of the T-allele is
However, the genetic findings of associations between slightly higher than in the European sample.124 Thus,
5-HT2A receptor gene variants and suicide have been one reason for the discrepant result might be the fact
controversial. Du et al.114 reported an association of that the sample of Du et al. consisted of French
the 5-HT2A receptor 102C-allele with suicidal idea- Canadians who might have a different ethnic back-
tion in 78 Canadian patients with major depression ground than the other samples. However, overall
(w2 = 8,5; df = 1; P = 0.005). They found that patients there is little proof that the 5-HT2A receptor gene
with the CC genotype had significantly higher scores is involved in liability to suicidality.
in HAMD item 3 score (indication of suicidal
behaviour) than TC or TT genotypes and concluded Other serotonergic receptors
that the 5-HT2A receptor 102C allele might confer Negative feedback inhibition of raphe neurons is
increased risk for suicidality independently of psy- mediated by somatodentritic 5-HT1A autoreceptors
chiatric diagnosis. In this context it is remarkable that and it is known that several antidepressants desensi-
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tize raphe 5-HT1A autoreceptors thereby resulting in subsequent studies did not find an association to
enhanced serotonergic transmission.126 Conversely, attempted suicide and aggression in Chinese schizo-
post-mortem brains from depressed suicide victims phrenics140 or in Chinese depressives.141
displayed increased 5-HT1A receptor density in the The other serotonin receptors gained so far less
raphe nuclei but not at postsynaptic sites, which is a attention and investigations with the 5-HT2C recep-
further hint towards a decreased serotonergic acti- tor,142 the 5-HT6 receptor143 or a combined investiga-
vity.127 Although it is not established as to whether tion of seven serotonergic receptor genes revealed no
this upregulation is associated with depression or hints of being involved in suicidality.144
with suicide, the 5-HT1A receptor gene became a This constantly negative finding on the serotonin
candidate for vulnerability studies in suicide. receptors other than the two positive findings with
Huang et al. have genotyped almost 700 psychiatric the 5-HT2A receptor gene, demonstrates that they
subjects for a common polymorphism (C–1019G) seem not to have an impact on the liability for
within the promoter region of the 5-HT1A receptor suicidality. Despite these discrepant results, it cannot
gene. Data were related to psychopathology and be ruled out that a locus predisposing to antisocial
diagnoses, and associations in genotypes and allele alcoholism may be linked to the 5-HT1B receptor,
frequencies were observed for substance abuse dis- thus making it worthwhile to be investigated further
order, schizophrenia and panic attacks, but not for as a candidate for suicidal behaviour as elevated
suicidal behaviour.128 Recently, this polymorphism impulsive aggression is one of the most prominent
was investigated in suicide completers and patients characteristics of violent suicide.
with major depression in separate cohorts (all
Canadian Caucasian), and in both groups the homo-
zygous 1019G allele was found to be enriched, in Genes involved in transmitter synthesis
the suicide groups even fourfold as compared to and degradation
controls.129 According to the hypothesis and model of
Tyrosine hydroxylase
these authors, this polymorphism prevents binding of
the transcriptional repressor NUDR, thereby resulting Central monoamines are important modulators of
in enhanced 5-HT1A receptor expression and affect- mood and behaviour and a deficit in both serotonin
ing the serotonergic system in limbic and cortical and NA play an important role in the pathophysiol-
areas.129–131 Two further structural polymorphisms in ogy of stress and the response to stress reactions.145
the 5-HT1A receptor gene which lead to an exchange Thus, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting
of amino acids, the Pro161Leu and Gly272Asp enzyme in the synthesis of adrenaline, NA and DA
variants, were not associated with suicide in Japanese might be an interesting candidate for genetic suicide
suicide victims.132 research. Nevertheless, there was so far not much
Using a mice knockout model being deficient for interest in this gene, as only one study investigated
the 5-HT1B receptor it was suggested that aggressive the tetranucleotide repeat polymorphism within the
behaviour might be mediated via this receptor thus first intron of this gene.146 Persson et al. genotyped
making the 5-HT1B receptor gene a candidate for Swedish suicide attempters of different diagnostic
evaluating the liability to suicidality. Two common categories but found no overall differences in the
polymorphisms were identified in the human gene allele frequencies when all suicide attempters were
(chromosome 6q13–15), a silent C to T substitution at compared to controls. However, they observed a
nucleotide 129 and a silent G to C substitution at significant higher incidence of the TH-K3 allele
nucleotide 861; it was shown that the G861C poly- (252 bp) among attempted suicide in patients with
morphism and a closely linked short tandem repeat adjustment disorders147 and it was proposed that this
locus D6S284 are involved in the control of aggression allele might reflect predisposition for a common
and impulsivity, as in Finnish, as well as South- phenotype with altered vulnerability for psychiatric
western American Indians antisocial alcoholics had a disorders.
significantly higher 861C allele frequency.133 This
finding is supported by a study with German alco- Monoamine oxidase A
holics, where a lower frequency of the 861C allele was Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) is a mitochondrial
observed in alcohol-dependent patients with anti- membrane enzyme that is involved in human beha-
social personality traits and conduct disorder.134 viour due to its key role in the metabolism of
However, no association was found with suicide, biological amines.148 The general idea underlying
depression, alcoholism or pathological aggression in a the investigation of MAOA activity in relation to
large sample of 696 unrelated American psychiatric violent behaviour is that low MAO activity results in
subjects135 and in German suicide attempters.136 elevated levels of serotonin, NA, and DA in the brain,
Similarly negative were the results in a study manifesting as mood disorder and/or aggressive beha-
combining 245 German and 118 Slavic suicide viour.13 Several finding with peripheral tissues under-
victims137 and in suicide victims of Japanese origin.138 lined its importance, as low platelet MAO activity has
Further polymorphisms in the coding and in the been connected with personality traits like impul-
promoter region were identified, as the common A– siveness, sensation seeking, monotony avoidance and
161T polymorphism in the promoter region139 but two increased psychiatric morbidity149 which all seem to
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predispose for violent behaviour and increased risk suicidality; however, the frequency of the high
for antisocial and criminal acts.150 activity alleles was higher in men who had attempted
Interest in the MAOA gene as a putative candidate violent suicide than in men who had used non-
for suicide research is derived from the first exciting violent means (OR 2.17, 95%CI 1.08–4.35). Although
study by Brunner et al. who showed that a point at present there seems to be no relation between the
mutation in the MAOA gene observed in a Dutch MAOA gene and the vulnerability for suicidality,
kindred was associated with violent behaviour and a especially the finding by Courtet et al.164 strengthens
phenotype bearing some resemblance to the manic the hypothesis that an excess of high-activity MAOA
syndrome.151 Although this mutation is rare, the gene promoter alleles may influence the methods
report emphasized that a variant within the MAOA used in suicide attempts.
gene might be a liability factor for aggressive
behaviour and finally for suicidality. Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT)
A number of polymorphisms have been described As there is some evidence that NA and DA are
for the MAOA gene. A 30-bp repeated sequence being contributing to aggressive behaviour and suicidal-
located 1.2 kbp upstream of the MAOA coding ity,165 COMT, the major catecholamine-degrading
sequences and being present in 3, 3.5, 4 or 5 copies enzyme is of potential interest as candidate genes
has been shown to affect the transcriptional activity of for suicidal behaviour. The COMT gene has a
the gene. Alleles with 3.5 or 4 copies of this 30-bp functional common genetic polymorphism that is
tandem repeat (uVNTR) are transcribed 2–10 times responsible for substantial variability in COMT enzy-
more efficiently than those with three or five copies of matic activity. At position 158, a valine (Val) is
the repeat.152 Further, two restriction fragment length replaced by methionine (Met) and the Val allele is
polymorphisms (EcoRV and Fnu4HI) were identified associated with a relatively high activity (H-allele),
with a 30-fold difference in enzyme activity.153 whereas the Met allele is associated with relatively
This 30-bp VNTR has attracted much interest in low activity (L-allele).166 Although there is presently
psychiatric studies. Manuk et al.154 reported that no evidence about an association between this
healthy men carrying the high activity alleles (3.5 and polymorphism and core diagnoses in psychiatry, it
4 copies) expressed a lower CNS serotonergic respon- was shown that the clinical phenotype within
siveness in the fenfluramine challenge test and more different diagnostic categories might be influenced
impulsive aggression. Although a subsequent study by this variant. Thus, across different ethnic groups it
could not replicate the impact of this functional was shown that schizophrenic patients with the Met
polymorphism on the expression of personality allele had a higher propensity for violence.167–169
traits,155 an influence of this polymorphism on the Although early studies were unable to identify an
serotonin metabolism with altered CSF 5-HIAA association between the low-activity allele and suici-
concentrations could be shown in female156 and dal behaviour or violence,98,170 some studies have
male157 volunteers. Further, some studies showed shown the low-activity allele being more frequent in
associations with bipolar disorder and major depres- Finnish and Amercian Caucasian suicide attemp-
sion but also to aggression and impulsivity in ters171 and in male Japanese suicide completers.172 A
antisocial alcoholism (for review see Hattori et al.158). recent study investigating families with at least one
Concerning suicide the results are not convincing member having bipolar disorder and suicidal ideas or
as no association was identified for the MAOA attempts, observed no association to the COMT
uVNTR variant and only a weak association variants, but one has to take into account that females
(P = 0.016) of the Fnu4HI locus with a history of comprised > 60% of the sample and that the associa-
suicide attempts in female bipolar patients, but not in tion might be more pronounced in males.173
males.159 Further studies failed to find an association
between suicidality and the MAO uVNTR in heroin- The dopaminergic and noradrenergic system
dependent subjects of Italian descent,160 in Japanese
unipolar and bipolar patients159,161,162 or Japanese The interest in the DA system, including DA receptors
suicide victims.162 Only in the study by Du et al.163 and the DA transporter, derives from the involvement
a positive result with the MAOA gene was observed. of this system in several psychiatric disorders,
This Canadian group investigated a restriction frag- especially in alcoholism and its relationship to the
ment length polymorphism at position 1460 (EcoRV) reward syndrome which is mediated via the DA D2
in post-mortem brain samples from 44 depressed receptors.174 A deficiency or absence of DA D2 recep-
suicide victims and differences in genotype/allelic tors then predispose individuals to a higher risk for
distributions were found for the male group (n = 33), multiple addictive, impulsive or compulsive beha-
but not for females. viours175 and a polymorphism in the D2 receptor gene
A recent study by Courtet et al.164 investigated the (TaqI) was repeatedly investigated as risk for addic-
uVNTR and a dinucleotide repeat in intron 2, which tive behaviour, however, with inconsistent results
both are in linkage disequilibrium in 738 West (for review see Noble176). A recent study investigated
European Caucasians with previous suicide attempts. an insertion/deletion polymorphism within the pro-
In agreement with the previous studies, there was no moter region of the DA D2 receptor at position 141
overall association between the MAOA variants and (141C Ins/Del), where one of two cytosines is
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deleted upstream of exon 1 in the 50 -regulatory region, subunit of the GABA receptor (GABRA3) gene in 184
and this deletion shows a lower transcription acti- Spanish suicide attempters yielded a negative result.
vity.177 In a large sample of more than 1000 chronic A further study observed an association between
alcoholic patients of German descent, Putzhammer Japanese suicide victims and a common polymor-
et al.178 found that the D2 141C Ins/Del was related phism in the cholecystokinin (CCK) gene promoter
according to a phenotype–genotype strategy, for (G-196A) in males, but not in females.186
example, patients suffering from severe withdrawal Neurotrophins might play a role in the etiology of
symptoms, seizure or delirium, family history posi- mood disorders and suicidal behaviour, as a signifi-
tive alcoholics, and alcoholics with an antisocial cant reduction of BDNF mRNA levels was shown in
personality disorder. They observed 141C Del allele prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of suicide sub-
to be significantly in excess in alcoholics with jects.187 The common Val66Met polymorphism of the
positive family history and in alcoholics with suicid- BDNF gene was investigated in Chinese unipolar and
ality, although there was no association to the entire bipolar patients, but no relation between the disorder
group of alcoholics. From these results it might be or a history of suicide attempts were observed.188 A
concluded that the DA D2 receptor might confer a risk further study comprised a missense polymorphism
to suicidality in patients with high familial loading (S205L) of the low-affinity neurotrophin receptor
for alcoholism. gene (p75NTR) which found a positive result in
Further, there was an extended discussion about an Japanese suicide attempters.189 The possible involve-
association between the risk-taking behaviour and the ment of 14-3-3 epsilon, which is related to neurogen-
length of the DA D4 receptor (DRD4) gene exon III esis, was identified as possible candidate gene, as it
repeat alleles (for review see Kluger179). However, was upregulated using DNA microarrays with brains
most studies revealed negative results, either with of suicide victims.190 These authors investigated
Israeli suicidal patients,180 or with Swedish suicide several SNPs within this gene and found a haplotype
attempters.181 associated with completed suicide thus suggesting
Sequeira et al.182 followed the concept of catecho- that a dysregulation of neurogenesis might be invol-
laminergic participation in the etiology of suicidality ved in suicide.190
and studied genetic variations at four loci of the This latter study clearly eliminated the possibility
alpha-2-adrenergic receptor gene in Canadian suicide that microarray analysis provides the opportunity to
victims, three in the promoter region and one study thousands of genes at once and may thus give
functional variant (N251K) which leads to an amino- a ‘snapshot’ about the brain gene activity before
acid exchange, and found that the 251K allele was completing suicide.191 Thus, microarray analysis is
only present in suicide victims, although only in especially useful to identify new candidate genes and
three suicide cases. to gain new insight into the biological mechanism of
suicide beyond the serotonergic system. Despite the
fact that there are several methodological pitfalls, as
Search for new candidate genes and miscellaneous
post-mortem delay and the quality of the mRNA
preparation, microarray analysis has become a stan-
Despite the studies that followed the original con- dard tool in many areas of biomedical research.192
cepts and hypotheses of serotonergic dysfunction,
several recent studies expanded the research to
identify new mechanisms and candidate genes. Thus,
under the assumption that anxiety and stress res- As there is abundant evidence that the serotonergic
ponse are involved in suicidal behaviour,13 several transmission plays a pivotal role in individual
mechanism modulating these effects are gaining differences in mood, impulsiveness and aggression,
importance. Especially the effects of cannabinoids and that intent to die and lethality are correlated
on anxiety-related responses, which involve endo- positively with abnormalities in the serotonergic
cannabinoid receptors (CB1) and further corticotro- system, it is no surprise that molecular genetic studies
pin-releasing hormone (CRH), g-aminobutyric acid in suicide research focus on serotonergic genes. In the
(GABA) as main inhibitory transmitter, and the neuro- last decade, a growing number of molecular genetic
peptide cholecystokinin (CCK)183 were in the focus of studies have been carried out to identify candidate
recent investigations. The importance of the endogen genes that may be involved in the pathophysiological
cannabinoid system may be underlined by recent data mechanisms of suicidal behaviour. Despite tremen-
showing an upregulation of CB1 receptors together dous effort and a plenty of investigations, only two
with a concomitant increase of the receptor-mediated genes, one coding for the tryptophan hydroxylase 1
[35S]GTPgammaS binding in prefrontal cortex of de- (TPH1 A218C) and the other for the serotonin
pressed suicide victims.184 However, so far no studies transporter (5-HTTLPR), were reliably suggestive to
are available investigating CB1 receptor polymor- be involved in the vulnerability for suicidal beha-
phisms in relation to suicidal behaviour. viour.
Concerning the association between GABA and In summarizing all findings with TPH1 it seems as
suicidality, Baca-Garcia et al.,185 who investigated a to whether the intronic polymorphisms A779C and/or
dinucleotide repeat (CA)n polymorphism of the a3 A218C are associated with suicidality via serotonergic
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dysfunction, (reflected by the low 5-HIAA), Courtet not only among each other but also with environ-
et al.10 suggested that TPH may be a quantitative mental factors, but so far only little attention has been
risk factor, where a greater effect of the gene leads to paid to this possible interplay. A positive example in
more pronounced serotonergic dysfunction with this direction is the study by Caspi et al. who tested
higher levels of anger and more severe suicidal acts. why stressful experiences lead to depression in some
Concerning the brain-specific TPH2 gene, the results people but not in others, and the functional 5-
published until now are promising attempts but far HTTLPR was found to moderate the influence of
from being conclusive. stressful life events on depression. Individuals with
The S-allele of the serotonin transporter poly- one or two copies of the S-allele exhibited more
morphism (5-HTTLPR), which plays a role in mood depressive symptoms, diagnosable depression and
disorders193 and in the response to antidepressive suicidality to stressful life events than individuals
medication,194 was further shown to be involved in being homozygous for the L-allele.199 In the majority
violent behaviour in subjects with type II alcohol- of the studies only one single polymorphism in one
ism85 and aggressive behaviour in heroin addicts.86 gene was investigated, thus hardly being able to
These data, together with the results of the association uncover an interaction between the different factors
studies in suicidal behaviour, favour the assumption contributing to the liability for suicidality.
that the serotonin transporter gene is not involved in Despite these points of criticism there is no doubt
suicidal behaviour in general, but in violent and that genetic variants remain one of the multiple
repeated suicide attempts. In contrast to this, the data factors implicated in the phenomenon of suicide
with the MAOA gene, which was repeatedly and and represent a serious risk factor, in particular when
consistently associated with impulsive-aggressive an individual is confronted with stress, such as
personality traits, do not propose a direct relation to negative life events and somatic disorders. Thus,
suicidal behaviour, but it might orient an act towards further studies are needed to identify more robustly
violence in subjects with other suicide risk factors.10 the susceptibility genes using well-characterized
Predominantly negative were the findings with any suicide phenotypes. Some genetic factors may be
type of the serotonin receptors and not convincing for related to aggressiveness and impulsivity, which have
studies with catecholamine-synthesizing and -meta- their effects independently of, or additively to, a
bolising enzymes or with the dopaminergic receptors. mental disorder198 and the link to impulsive-aggres-
One has to concede that the majority of the studies sive behaviour should be clarified.
were case–control association studies, which are
hampered by many pitfalls.195 A major concern is
that the sample size was often very small (below 50 Acknowledgments
cases) and thus could not provide enough statistical
power to detect an effect of minor genes and ethnic A part of the work cited here was supported by the
stratification between cases and controls would hide German Federal Research Ministry within the promo-
spurious associations between a genetic marker and a tional emphasis Competence Nets in Medicine.
Further, the phenotypes investigated were different
from study to study, as persons with suicidal ideation, References
suicide attempts and completed suicide were inves-
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Molecular Psychiatry