Psychotic Symptoms and Population Risk For Suicide Attempt A Prospective Cohort Study
Psychotic Symptoms and Population Risk For Suicide Attempt A Prospective Cohort Study
Psychotic Symptoms and Population Risk For Suicide Attempt A Prospective Cohort Study
Original Investigation
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IMPORTANCE Up to 1 million persons die by suicide annually. However, a lack of risk markers
makes suicide risk assessment one of the most difficult areas of clinical practice. CME Quiz at and
OBJECTIVE To assess psychotic symptoms (attenuated or frank) as a clinical marker of risk for CME Questions page 996
suicide attempt.
MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Suicide attempts at the 3- and 12-month follow-up and
acute suicide attempts (defined as those occurring in the 2 weeks before an assessment).
orld Health Organization statistics place suicide among Recent research findings, in both community-17-20 and
the leading causes of death worldwide.1 Approxi- clinic-based studies,21-23 suggest that these symptoms may be
mately half of patients who complete suicide have an underrecognized marker of risk for suicidal behavior. How-
contact with primary care providers in the month before their ever, studies to date have lacked temporal information; no lon-
death,2 suggesting the possibility of prevention. However, sui- gitudinal studies, to our knowledge, have examined psy-
cide risk assessment is recognized to be one of the most difficult chotic symptoms as a predictor of suicidal behavior over time.
areas of clinical practice.3,4 Although psychopathology, especially In the current study, we investigated whether psychotic symp-
depression, is well established as a major risk factor for suicidal toms, reported at baseline, would predict an increased inci-
behavior,5,6 its high prevalence in the population makes it dif- dence of suicide attempts at 3- and 12-month follow-up. Be-
ficult to identify a meaningful “at risk” group.7 Further research cause recent research24 has shown that most adolescents in the
to identify potential clinical markers of risk for suicidal behav- population who report psychotic symptoms have at least 1 non-
ior is sorely needed, especially in adolescents, an age group in psychotic Axis 1 psychiatric disorder, we also investigated
whom the risk for suicide attempts peaks.8-10 whether the co-occurrence of psychotic symptoms with psy-
A great deal of research has established that psychotic chopathology would predict an increased risk of suicide at-
symptoms are far more prevalent in the population than ac- tempt, beyond that predicted by psychopathology alone. Spe-
tual psychotic disorder11-14; a meta-analysis15 of community- cifically, we hypothesized that psychotic symptoms would be
based studies in adolescents (aged 13-18 years) demonstrated an important marker of clinical risk for future suicidal behav-
a median population prevalence of 7.5%. These symptoms may ior and that such symptoms in adolescents with psychopa-
be frankly psychotic but more commonly occur in attenuated thology would increase the risk of suicidal behavior beyond
form; that is, experiences that are hallucinatory or delusional that associated with psychopathology alone.
but in which reality testing remains intact. The most com-
mon symptom reported by young persons, for example, is hear-
ing a voice speaking aloud in the absence of an external
stimulus.16 In contrast to the requirements for formal catego-
rization as a true hallucination, however, reality testing is usu- Study Design
ally intact with this symptom. That is, as with a true halluci- The Saving and Empowering Young Lives in Europe (SEYLE)
nation, the individual perceives the sound of a voice in the study is a randomized clinical trial (registered in the German
absence of a stimulus; unlike with a true hallucination, how- Clinical Trials Register, DRKS00000214) to assess prevention
ever, he or she will usually accept, at least when directly chal- strategies for suicidal behavior across 11 countries.25,26 In each
lenged, that although the voice was perceived as external in study site, a catchment area was identified and a list of eli-
origin, it may have arisen from his or her own mind. gible schools was generated. Eligible schools were catego-
rized by size as either small (number of pupils no more than chotic symptoms and acute suicide attempts (attempts occur-
the median for all schools in the study catchment area or re- ring within the 2 weeks before an assessment point), we used
gion) or large (more pupils than the median). In each school a random effects model to cluster for repeated measures. We
selected, we surveyed every class (regardless of size) in which used logistic regression to investigate differences in risk for
at least 50% of the pupils were aged 14 years. This age group acute suicide attempts between participants with psychopa-
was selected because of its risk propensity for suicidal behav- thology who also reported psychotic symptoms and those who
ior. Questions on psychotic symptoms were included in the did not. Still considering acute suicide attempts, we then cal-
study protocol for the Irish center only; therefore, the current culated the population-attributable fraction for psychotic
analyses were based just on the Irish site. Seventeen ran- symptoms in both the total population sample and the sub-
domly selected schools in Counties Cork and Kerry, Ireland, sample with psychopathology.
took part in the study, with testing occurring at baseline and Persons with mental disorders who report psychotic symp-
follow-up assessments at 3 and 12 months. See Table 1 for ex- toms or suicidal behavior may have more severe psychopa-
posure and outcome measures. thology in terms of burden of symptoms than those with the
The study was approved ethically by the European Com- same mental disorders who do not report psychotic symp-
mission. Ethical approval was also obtained in each partici- toms or suicidal behavior. We therefore conducted addi-
pating country, including from the clinical research ethics com- tional stratified analyses, looking at study participants with psy-
mittee of the Cork Teaching Hospitals in Ireland. An chopathology in the emotional, conduct, and hyperkinetic
independent ethical advisor supervised the implementation disorder subscales of the SDQ. We used logistic regression to
of the ongoing project to ensure maximum protection of vul- determine whether participants with SDQ-rated emotional dis-
nerable individuals. A specific procedure to evaluate and pro- orders who reported psychotic symptoms or suicide at-
vide immediate assistance in emergency cases was compul- tempts had higher emotional symptom scores (ie, increased
sory at all study centers. Emergency cases were identified by symptom burden) than those with SDQ-rated emotional dis-
means of 2 specific questions: a response of sometimes, of- orders who did not report psychotic symptoms or suicide at-
ten, very often, or always to Paykel question 4 (“Have you ever tempts. Similarly, we investigated whether participants with
reached the point where you seriously considered taking your SDQ-rated conduct or hyperkinetic disorders who reported psy-
life, or perhaps made plans how you would go about doing it?”) chotic symptoms or suicide attempts had higher conduct or
and/or a response of yes to Paykel question 5 (“Have you ever hyperkinetic symptom scores than those with SDQ-rated con-
made an attempt to take your own life?”).29 In identified emer- duct or hyperkinetic disorders who did not report psychotic
gency cases, pupils were immediately referred for clinical symptoms or suicide attempts.
evaluation to health care services. We then conducted a multivariate analysis of the relation-
ship between symptom burden and suicidal acts, controlling
Statistical Analysis for the presence of psychotic symptoms. Furthermore, be-
Scores for psychopathology (“total difficulties”) were calcu- cause psychotic symptoms24 and suicidal behavior31,32 have
lated for the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and been associated with multimorbidity (ie, the presence of mul-
divided into quintiles so that, in line with guidelines, the top tiple concurrent psychiatric disorders), we also investigated the
quintile (ie, the top 20% of total difficulties scores) was clas- relationship between multimorbidity and both psychotic symp-
sified as our psychopathology subsample (full scoring guide- toms and suicide attempts. To test for a statistically signifi-
lines available online30). Using χ2 tests, we assessed for sig- cant increase (or decrease) in the prevalence of psychotic symp-
nificant differences in attrition in participants who reported toms and suicidal acts across increasing levels of multimorbid
psychotic symptoms at baseline and the effects of a number psychopathology, we stratified the sample by the number of
of sociodemographic variables on suicide risk, including age, SDQ-rated disorder domains (ie, psychopathology in ≥1 disor-
sex, country of birth, and household status. We used analysis der domain of the SDQ [emotional, conduct, or hyperki-
of variance to assess for significant differences in attrition at netic]) and used the Stata software (StataCorp) command
3- and 12-month follow-up based on baseline SDQ scores for nptrend (an extension of the Wilcoxon rank sum test that per-
psychopathology. We used logistic regression to investigate the forms a nonparametric test for trend across ordered groups)
relationship between psychotic symptoms at baseline and sui- to determine whether the prevalence of psychotic symptoms
cidal behavior at 3- and 12-month follow-up, reporting odds and suicidal acts increased linearly with increasing levels of
ratios (ORs) and 95% CIs. multimorbidity.
We then looked specifically at the psychopathology sub- We also calculated the ORs for psychotic symptoms and
sample, stratified into 2 groups: adolescents who also re- suicide attempts in participants at each of these 3 levels of mul-
ported psychotic symptoms and those who did not. We used timorbidity, comparing these groups with participants who did
logistic regression to assess the relationship between psycho- not demonstrate psychopathology in any of the 3 disorder do-
pathology at baseline, with or without psychotic symptoms, mains. We then conducted a multivariate analysis of the rela-
and suicide attempts reported at 3- and 12-month follow-up. tionship between multimorbidity and suicide attempts, con-
We also used logistic regression to assess the risk for suicide trolling for the presence of psychotic symptoms. One of us (I.K.)
attempt between 3- and 12-month follow-up for participants performed analyses using Stata software, version 11. Analy-
who reported psychotic symptoms at both the baseline and ses were adjusted for age and a number of sociodemographic
3-month assessments. To assess the relationship between psy- variables, including household type (ie, living with mother
and/or father) and country of birth of participant, mother, and for demographic details). There was no difference in risk for
father. Analyses were also adjusted for substance use, based suicide attempt between male and female participants
on a yes answer to the question, “Have you ever used hash or (χ2 = 0.07; P = .79). However, a number of other demographic
marijuana?” variables were predictive of suicide attempt, including older
age (χ2 = 19.01; P < .01), not living with mother (χ2 = 56.13;
P < .01), not living with father (χ2 = 6.33; P = .01), not born in
Ireland (χ 2 = 6.94; P < .01), mother not born in Ireland
Results (χ2 = 12.92; P < .01), and father not born in Ireland (χ2 = 12.63;
Participation and Emergency Referrals P = .01). Analyses were adjusted for these potential demo-
In total, 1602 consent forms were distributed, and 69% (1112 graphic confounders. Forty-six participants reported a his-
participants) took part in the first wave of the study. Of base- tory of using cannabis at baseline assessment, and this vari-
line participants, 90% (n = 1006) completed the 3-month follow- able was also adjusted for in the analyses.
up, and 88% (n = 973) the 12-month follow-up. At baseline as-
sessment, 83 participants received emergency referrals to local Psychotic Symptoms at Baseline and Suicide Attempt
mental health services as a result of endorsing Paykel Suicide at Follow-up
Scale question 4 and/or 5. There were 53 and 43 emergency re- Seventy-seven participants (7%) of the sample reported psy-
ferrals at the 3- and 12-month follow-up, respectively. chotic symptoms at baseline. The ORs and 95% CIs for the re-
Baseline psychotic symptoms had no significant effect on lationship between baseline psychotic symptoms and re-
attrition at 3 (χ2 = 0.003; P = .96) or 12 months (χ2 = 0.88; sponses to questions 3 and 4 of the Paykel Suicide Scale
P = .35). Furthermore, total baseline score for psychopathol- (referring to suicidal ideation and suicide plans) at 3- and 12-
ogy had no effect on participation among participants who month follow-up are shown in eTables 1 and 2 in the Supple-
demonstrated psychopathology at the baseline SDQ at 3 ment. There were 96 reports of suicide attempts over the 3 as-
(F = 0.14; P = .71) or 12 months (F = 0.05; P = .82) (see Table 2 sessment points of the study, involving 45 participants (4%).
Fourteen acute suicide attempts were reported (ie, suicide at-
Table 2. Demographic Characteristics in 1112 Participants tempts within the 2 weeks before a study assessment point).
There were no completed suicides during the study. Of all par-
Demographic Characteristic No. (%) ticipants with psychotic symptoms at baseline, 7% (n = 4) re-
Age, y ported a suicide attempt by 3-month follow-up compared with
13 409 (37) 1% (n = 12) of the rest of the population (OR, 10.01; 95% CI, 2.24-
14 598 (54) 45.49), and 20% (n = 9) reported a suicide attempt by 12-
15 55 (5) month follow-up compared with 2.5% (n = 23) of the rest of the
16 29 (3) population (OR, 11.27; 95% CI, 4.44-28.62) (Table 3).
Female sex 496 (45)
Country of birth Psychotic Symptoms at Baseline and Suicide Attempts
Participant born in Ireland 907 (82) at Follow-up Stratified by Psychopathology
Mother born in Ireland 857 (77) Of the subsample with psychopathology, 23% (n = 43) re-
Father born in Ireland 874 (79)
ported psychotic symptoms compared with less than 4%
(n = 34) of the rest of the sample (OR, 8.13; 95% CI, 4.98-13.26).
Household type
The risk for suicide attempt varied significantly according to
Living with both parents 914 (82)
the presence of psychotic symptoms. Of the participants with
Living with mother only 142 (13)
psychopathology at baseline who did not report psychotic
Living with father only 23 (2)
symptoms, 3.5% (n = 4) reported a suicide attempt by 3-month
Other 33 (3)
follow-up and 13% (n = 15) a suicide attempt by 12-month follow-
Table 3. Psychopathology With or Without Psychotic Symptoms and Risk for Suicide Attempts
at 3 and 12 Months
Suicide Attempt Reported Suicide Attempt Reported
at 3 mo at 12 mo
Sample Participants, No. Participants, % (95% CI)a Participants, % (95% CI)a
Total sample 1112 2 NA 4 NA Abbreviations: NA, not applicable;
Total reporting psychotic 77 7 10.01 20 11.27 OR, odds ratio.
symptoms at baseline (2.24-45.49) (4.44-28.62) a
Analyses were adjusted for age,
Psychopathology substance use, household type, and
subsampleb country of birth of participant,
No psychotic symptoms 146 3 0.58 13 4.62 mother, and father.
at baseline (0.06-5.62) (1.94-10.99) b
Psychopathology was identified
Psychotic symptoms 47 14 17.91 34 32.67 with the Strengths and Difficulties
at baseline (3.61-88.82) (10.42-102.41)
up. Of those with psychopathology at baseline who reported Similarly, compared with participants with psychopathol-
psychotic symptoms, 14% (n = 4) reported a suicide attempt by ogy but no history of suicide attempt, those with psychopa-
3 months and more than one-third (34%; n = 11) by 12 months thology who reported a suicide attempt had significantly higher
(Table 3). Twelve percent of the sample (132 participants) dem- symptom scores for both emotional disorders (mean [SD]
onstrated psychopathology on the SDQ at baseline and 3-month symptom score for participants with a past suicide attempt,
follow-up. Within this group, 11% (n = 15) reported psychotic 5.7 [2.4]; no past suicide attempt, 4.9 [2.2]; OR, 1.17, 95% CI,
symptoms at both baseline and 3-month follow-up. Data were 1.04-1.32) and conduct disorders (past suicide attempt, 4.5 [2.1];
available for 9 of these 15 participants at 1-year follow up; 56% no past suicide attempt, 4.0 [1.8]; OR, 1.17, 95% CI, 1.02-1.35)
of them (n = 5) reported a suicide attempt between 3- and 12- but not hyperkinetic disorders (past suicide attempt, 6.7 [2.1];
month follow-up, representing a more than 60-fold increased no past suicide attempt, 6.4 [1.9]; OR, 1.11; 95% CI, 0.97-1.27).
odds of suicide attempt compared with the rest of the popu- When we constructed a multivariate model to control for the
lation (OR, 64.23; 95% CI, 10.25-402.57). When this subgroup effect of psychotic symptoms, symptom burden was no lon-
was compared directly with participants who also demon- ger significantly associated with suicide attempts for emo-
strated psychopathology at both baseline and 3-month fol- tional disorders (OR, 1.11; 95% CI, 0.99-1.25) or conduct disor-
low-up but did not report psychotic symptoms, psychotic symp- ders (OR, 1.11; 95% CI, 0.96-1.29). There was little if any
toms at both baseline and 3-month follow-up were predictive reciprocal change, however, in the strength of the relation-
of a 15-fold increased odds of suicide attempt between 3- and ship between psychotic symptoms and suicide attempts (un-
12-month follow-up (OR, 15.00; 95% CI, 1.67-135.07). adjusted OR subsample with psychopathology, 4.74; 95% CI,
2.76-8.13) when we adjusted for emotional (OR, 4.36; 95% CI,
Psychotic Symptoms and Acute Suicide Attempts 2.51-7.58) or conduct (OR, 4.43; 95% CI, 2.54-7.70) symptom
Although the presence of psychopathology without psy- scores.
chotic symptoms at baseline predicted suicide attempts over Participants with psychopathology who reported psy-
time, albeit to a lesser degree than psychopathology with chotic symptoms were also significantly more likely to have
psychotic symptoms, some participants who were not expe- multimorbidity across the emotional, conduct, and/or hyper-
riencing psychotic symptoms at the time of the assessment kinetic domains of the SDQ than those who did not report psy-
may have experienced such symptoms closer to the time of chotic symptoms (OR, 1.89; 95% CI, 1.41-2.47). Similarly, par-
their suicide attempt. A solution to this methodological ticipants with psychopathology who had a history of
problem is to investigate only suicide attempts that occurred attempting suicide were significantly more likely to have mul-
close to the time of the psychotic symptom assessment. To timorbidity across the 3 SDQ disorder domains (OR, 1.50; 95%
do this, we considered suicide attempts occurring within the CI, 1.10-2.04) than those who did not have such a history
2 weeks before an assessment point (acute suicide attempts). (Table 4). When we constructed a multivariate model to con-
Participants with psychopathology who did not report psy- trol for the effect of psychotic symptoms, multimorbidity was
chotic symptoms did not have significantly increased odds no longer significantly associated with suicide attempt (OR,
of acute suicide attempts (OR, 1.09; 95% CI, 0.15-8.06) com- 1.26; 95% CI, 0.92-1.75). When we adjusted for multimorbid-
pared with the rest of the population. Those with psychopa- ity, however, there was little if any reciprocal change in the
thology who did experience psychotic symptoms, on the strength of the relationship between psychotic symptoms and
other hand, had a nearly 70-fold increased odds of acute sui- suicide attempt (unadjusted vs adjusted OR for the sub-
cide attempts (OR, 67.50; 95% CI, 11.41-399.21). In absolute sample with psychopathology, 4.74 [95% CI, 2.76-8.13] vs 4.33
terms, individuals with psychotic symptoms made up less [2.48-7.56]).
than a quarter of the total group with psychopathology but
accounted for nearly 80% of the acute suicide attempts in
this group. Assuming a causative relationship for suicide
attempts, the population-attributable fraction for psychotic
symptoms would be 56% in the whole sample and 75% in the In a longitudinal study of adolescents in the general popula-
subsample with psychopathology. tion, we have shown that psychotic symptoms are a clinical
marker of high risk for suicide attempt. This was especially true
Symptom Burden and Multimorbidity in adolescents with psychopathology who reported psy-
Among adolescents with psychopathology, those who chotic symptoms. Within 1 year of the baseline assessment, 34%
reported psychotic symptoms had significantly higher of these adolescents had reported at least 1 suicide attempt.
symptom scores on the SDQ than those who did not report This compares with 4% of the total general population and 13%
such symptoms for both emotional disorders (mean [SD] of participants with psychopathology who did not report psy-
symptom score for participants with psychotic symptoms, chotic symptoms at baseline. The latter group did not have a
5.8 [2.6]; no psychotic symptoms, 4.8 [2.1]; OR, 1.21; 95% CI, significantly increased risk of suicide attempt at 3-month fol-
1.09-1.33) and conduct disorders (psychotic symptoms, 4.6 low-up but did have an increased risk at 1 year (albeit to a lesser
[2.0]; no psychotic symptoms, 3.9 [1.7]; OR, 1.24; 95% CI, degree than those with psychopathology who did report psy-
1.10-1.40) but not hyperkinetic disorders (psychotic symp- chotic symptoms).
toms, 6.5 [2.1]; no psychotic symptoms, 6.4 [1.9]; OR, 1.02; It is possible, however, that although these participants did
95% CI, 0.91-1.14). not report psychotic symptoms at the baseline assessment, they
Table 4. Risk for Suicide Attempt and Psychotic Symptoms, Stratified by Multimorbidity Across Disorder Domains of the SDQ
Prevalence of Suicide Attempt, Prevalence of Psychotic Symptoms,
SDQ Disorder Domainsa No. (%)b OR (95% CI)c No. (%)b OR (95% CI)c
0 Domains 39 (1.6) 1 [Reference] 74 (3.0) 1 [Reference]
1 Domain 26 (6.4) 7.24 (2.87-18.24) 51 (12.7) 6.48 (3.50-11.97)
2 Domains 22 (16.4) 15.09 (4.55-50.00) 37 (27.8) 27.63 (11.44-66.75)
3 Domains 8 (30.8) 30.50 (2.96-314.85) 11 (44.0) 88.09 (16.18-479.55)
Abbreviations: OR, odds ratio; SDQ, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. percentages in this table represent the numbers of participants at baseline and
The 3 psychopathology domains of the SDQ include the emotional disorders at 3- and 12-month follow-up summed (ie, participants were assessed 3 times).
section, assessing for anxiety, depressive, and obsessive compulsive disorders; Analyses were adjusted for age, substance use, household type, and country
the conduct disorders section, assessing for conduct and oppositional defiant of birth of participant, mother, and father. A linear trend was demonstrated for
disorders; and the hyperkinetic disorders section, assessing for attention both suicide attempts (Z = 10.95; P < .001) and psychotic symptoms (Z = 19.31;
deficit/hyperactivity disorders. P < .001).
Because this is a repeated-measures analysis, the denominators for the
may have subsequently experienced such symptoms around The level of risk for suicide attempt predicted by psy-
the time of their suicide attempt. To address this issue, we con- chotic symptoms in the current study is higher than that pre-
ducted additional analyses limited to participants who had at- dicted by many other prominent risk syndromes in medicine.
tempted suicide close to the time of psychotic symptom as- Research has found, for example, that within 12 months, up
sessment—specifically, within the 2 weeks before symptom to 15% of persons with mild cognitive impairment progress to
assessment (defined as acute suicide attempts). The preva- dementia33 and up to 10% of those with prediabetes progress
lence of acute suicide attempts did not differ significantly be- to diabetes. 34 Research in persons with “at-risk mental
tween the general population (without psychopathology) and states”—a group considered at clinical high risk for psychotic
adolescents with psychopathology who did not report psy- disorder35-38—has found that 22% develop a psychotic illness
chotic symptoms. Those who did report psychotic symp- within 12 months.39 With a 34% prevalence of suicide at-
toms, however, had a nearly 70-fold increased odds of acute tempts at 12 months, the findings of the current study sug-
suicide attempts. Furthermore, the association between psy- gest that adolescents with psychopathology who report psy-
chotic symptoms and suicide attempt was not explained by chotic symptoms (attenuated or frank) should be considered
either nonpsychotic psychiatric symptom burden or multi- at clinical high risk for suicide attempt.
morbidity. In fact, although these variables have been shown The reasons why psychotic symptoms so strongly predict
elsewhere to be important risk fac tors for suic idal suicidal behavior are not readily clear. Although our multivar-
behavior31,32—findings that we replicated in univariate analy- iate analyses found that symptom burden and multimorbid-
ses—neither variable was statistically associated with suicide ity were no longer significantly associated with suicide at-
attempt once the effect of psychotic symptoms was included tempt once we adjusted for psychotic symptoms, it is possible
in the multivariate analysis. that, although psychotic symptoms are a marker of risk for sui-
Davies et al7 highlighted the importance of suicide risk cidal behavior, nonpsychotic psychiatric symptom burden and
assessment and intervention in genuinely high-risk groups. multimorbidity may be partial mechanisms that underlie this
However, they also pointed out that the high prevalence of relationship. Thus, psychotic symptoms may be a marker of
psychopathology in the population coupled with the rela- increasing severity of psychopathology, including increased
tively low prevalence of suicidal acts and the lack of clini- nonpsychotic psychiatric symptom burden and multimorbid-
cally useful markers of risk for suicidal behavior in persons ity, that indexes risk for suicidal behavior. However, given the
with psychopathology offered “little encouragement” in findings of our multivariate analyses, these variables can be,
terms of suicide prevention. In this context, the findings of at best, only partial explanations for the relationship be-
the current study point to psychotic symptoms as a valuable tween psychotic symptoms and suicidal behavior. A number
means of identifying individuals who are clinically at high- of other possible mechanisms may contribute to the relation-
est risk for suicidal behavior. In absolute terms, among the ship. Some research, for example, has suggested that indi-
total subsample of adolescents with psychopathology, nearly viduals who experience psychotic symptoms have increased
80% of all acute suicide attempts occurred in participants sensitivity to stress, in terms of affective reactions to life
with psychotic symptoms, even though they accounted for events,40 as well as poorer coping skills,41 which may contrib-
less than a quarter of the total subsample. This highlights ute to a greater risk of suicidal behavior when faced with acute
the importance of assessing psychotic symptoms in indi- life stressors. Other potential mechanisms may be shared risk
viduals with suspected psychopathology and the need to factors for suicidal behavior and psychotic symptoms, includ-
recognize suicide risk when these symptoms are present. It ing childhood traumatic experiences, such as physical and
is also important to recognize that most such symptoms do sexual abuse.26,42-59
not present as true hallucinations; that is, they may occur Magnetic resonance imaging research has shown volu-
with intact reality testing and thus may be attenuated rather metric differences in the cingulum and orbitofrontal cortex in
than frankly psychotic. community-based adolescents with psychotic symptoms,60 2
centers that have been shown to be important in stress measures for psychopathology in children and adolescents and
regulation61 and have been highlighted as areas of interest in has been validated both in terms of its ability to distinguish be-
imaging studies of suicidal patients.62 In genetic research, Ale- tween clinic and community samples27 and as a tool to iden-
many et al63 demonstrated an interaction between childhood tify children with psychopathology in the general population.28
trauma and the brain-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met Similarly, our choice of self-report question for psychotic symp-
polymorphism in predicting psychotic symptoms in the popu- toms was based on research showing good positive and nega-
lation, which also has been implicated in research on suicidal tive predictive value for psychotic symptoms (both attenuated
behavior.64 Interesting overlaps in neuropsychological find- and frank) compared with in-depth clinical interview assess-
ings are also emerging. A meta-analysis of studies of neuro- ment of psychotic symptoms.16
cognitive performance in persons who have attempted sui- Nonetheless, further in-depth assessment of psychotic
cide found that deficits in processing speed are the most symptoms, including different types of hallucinations, delu-
replicated.65 Similarly, research in community samples of ado- sions, and negative symptoms of psychosis, will be valuable.
lescents with psychotic symptoms has shown processing speed Although the burden of nonpsychotic psychopathology and
deficits to be the most prominent.66,67 multimorbidity were no longer significant predictors of sui-
The longitudinal nature of this study allowed us to as- cide attempt once we adjusted for psychotic symptoms, there
sess, for the first time, whether psychotic symptoms predict was still a small (nonsignificant) trend for these variables to
suicidal behavior. Furthermore, the population approach al- predict suicide attempt. Analyses of a larger sample may find
lows us to generalize our findings to the community. The fact an independent effect of these variables on suicide risk in ad-
that our research was carried out in an adolescent sample is dition to the risk we found to be mediated through their rela-
also an advantage since risk for suicide attempts peaks at this tionship with psychotic symptoms.
age, although further research on other age groups will be im- In conclusion, in a population sample of adolescents (aged
portant. Follow-up participation was good, 90% at 3 months 13-16 years), the presence of psychotic symptoms predicted a
and 88% at 12 months. Although we assessed a relatively large very high risk of suicide attempts during the following 12
number of adolescents at multiple time points, the number of months. Among adolescents with psychopathology, those who
acute suicide attempts was relatively low because suicide at- reported psychotic symptoms had a nearly 70-fold increased
tempts are uncommon. Thus, CIs were wide, particularly for odds of acute suicide attempts compared with the rest of the
acute suicide attempts, and this was a limitation of our study. population, but this risk was not significantly increased in those
However, even the lower end of the CI was strikingly high (OR, who did not report psychotic symptoms. An important clini-
>11), demonstrating that this finding is robust. cal implication of these findings is the need for a new clinical
There is debate about the relative strengths and weak- focus on careful assessment of psychotic symptoms (both at-
nesses of self-report surveys compared with face-to-face as- tenuated and frank) in patients with nonpsychotic disorders;
sessments for psychopathology and psychotic symptoms. Al- this should be considered a key element of suicide risk assess-
though a face-to-face assessment offers valuable qualitative ment. An important research implication is that all future stud-
information, the resources required mean that far fewer assess- ies on suicidal behavior should incorporate a measure of psy-
ments can be conducted compared with self-report research. chotic symptoms. Although the results of the current study are
Furthermore, self-report studies are a valuable approach to limit applicable to the general adolescent population, further re-
interviewer or information bias (whereby an interviewer may, search is needed among older age groups. Further commu-
for example, spend more time assessing psychotic symptoms nity and clinical research on suicidal behavior and psychotic
in someone who has reported suicidal behavior, potentially bi- symptoms will be valuable, including research on underlying
asing the results). In relation to the specific measures adopted mechanisms that might explain this relationship and re-
in the study, the SDQ is one of the most widely used self-report search that provides targets for intervention.
ARTICLE INFORMATION Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden (Carli, intellectual content: Corcoran, Keeley, Wigman,
Submitted for Publication: August 28, 2012; Wasserman); Department of Health Sciences, Ramsay, C. Wasserman, Carli, Sarchiapone, Hoven,
accepted December 31, 2012. University of Molise, Campobasso, Italy D. Wasserman, Cannon.
(Sarchiapone). Statistical analysis: Kelleher, Keeley, Devlin, Ramsay.
Published Online: July 17, 2013. Obtained funding: Corcoran, Keeley, Carli, D.
doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2013.140. Author Contributions: Drs Kelleher, Corcoran,
Keeley, Ramsay, Carli, Sarchiapone, Hoven, D. Wasserman, Cannon.
Author Affiliations: Department of Psychiatry, Wasserman, and Cannon had full access to all the Administrative, technical, and material support:
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Education and data in the study and take responsibility for the Devlin, Carli, Sarchiapone, Hoven, D. Wasserman,
Research Centre, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data Cannon.
(Kelleher, Devlin, Ramsay, Cannon); National analysis. Study supervision: Corcoran, Sarchiapone, Cannon.
Suicide Research Foundation, Cork, Ireland Study concept and design: Keeley, C. Wasserman, Conflict of Interest Disclosures: None reported.
(Corcoran, Keeley); Department of Psychiatry and Carli, Hoven, D. Wasserman, Cannon.
Neuropsychology, Maastricht University, Funding/Support: The Saving and Empowering
Acquisition of data: Corcoran, Keeley, Devlin, Carli, Young Lives in Europe (SEYLE) project is supported
Maastricht, the Netherlands (Wigman); Sarchiapone, D. Wasserman.
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, through Coordination Theme 1 (Health) of the
Analysis and interpretation of data: Kelleher, Keeley, European Union Seventh Framework Programme
New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia Wigman, Ramsay, Cannon.
University, New York (Wasserman, Hoven); National (grant agreement HEALTH-F2-2009-223091). Dr
Drafting of the manuscript: Kelleher, Devlin, Kelleher was supported by an Interdisciplinary
Swedish Prevention of Suicide and Mental Cannon.
Ill-Health, Department of Public Health Sciences, Capacity Enhancement Award from the Health
Critical revision of the manuscript for important Research Board Ireland (grant ICE/2012/11). Dr
Wigman received a Koningsheide travel grant. Dr D. from a national survey. Schizophr Res. online April 19, 2013]. Am J Psychiatry.
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