Hazrat Umm Salamah

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Hazrat Umm Salamah

She was born on 596 at Mecca, Hejaz .Before marriage with Muhammad(S.A.W). Her real
name was Hind. Her father was Abu Umayya ibn Al-Mughira ibn 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar ibn
Makhzum ibn Yaqaẓah also known as Suhayl or Zad ar-Rakib. He was an elite member of his
Quraysh tribe, known for his great generosity, especially to travelers.

Umm Salama was a scholar among scholars. She narrated over 300 hadith and was so
knowledgable about the Qur’an and its interpretation that she was considered among those
companions who had the most competent judgment on Islamic law. She was a master of
language as well. She was also an eloquent speaker and was master of languages.

Before her marriage to Muhammad, Umm Salama was married to Abu Salama. Abu
Salama was one of Muhammad's close companions. Umm Salama bore for Abu
Salama four children: Salama, Umar, Zaynab and Ruqayyah. Umm Salama and her
husband Abu Salama were among the first who converted to Islam. Only Ali, Abu
Bakr and a few others were Muslims before them Despite intense anger and
persecution from the powerful Quraysh in response to their conversions to Islam, Umm
Salama and Abu Salama continued their devotion to Islam. She also migrated to
Abyssinia with other companions and Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W),when Quraish were
persecuting Muslims.

Abu Salamah Allowed Umm Salamah to remarry after his death and prayed,"O God,
provide Umm Salama after me with a better man than me who will not grieve her or
injure her!" During the Battle of Uhud, Abu Salama was severely injured. While Abu
Salama was dying due to these wounds, he recalled a story to Umm Salama involving a
message he had heard from Muhammad: "I heard the Messenger of God saying,
'Whenever a calamity afflicts anyone he should say, "Surely from God we are and to
Him we shall certainly return."' And he would pray, 'O Lord, give me in return something
better from it which only You, Exalted and Mighty can give'". Her husband eventually
died from the wounds he received in the Battle of Uhud. Umm Salama remembered the
hadith recalled by her husband prior to his death, and began reciting the given
prayer.After it she got many proposels but rejected them and the prophet Muhammad
(S.A.W) proposed her,she hesitated but later accepted the proposal. Umm Salama was
married to Muhammad at the age of 32 on 625 AD . When Fatimah bint Asad (mother of
the 4th Caliph Ali) died, Muhammad is said to have chosen Umm Salama as the
guardian of Fatima(R.A).

After Muhammad's death, Umm Salama continued to have an influence on Islam. Her
numerous Hadith transmissions have had a lasting impact on the future of the
religion. Umm Salama, along with one of Muhammad's other wives, Aisha, also took
roles as imams, leading other women in worship.] Umm Salama herself narrated 378
Hadith, among them being some of the most important. She was the last of the wives of
Muhammad to pass away.

She died on 680A.D and was buried at Al-Baqi', Medina, Saudi Arabia.sssd

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