Topic 1. Oposiciones Secundaria
Topic 1. Oposiciones Secundaria
Topic 1. Oposiciones Secundaria
concentrate on the evolution of language teaching methods throughout the 19th
and 20th centuries.
19th century, opposition to the Grammar-Translation method gradually
developed in several European countries, and this Reform movement
laid the foundations for the development of new ways of teaching
The Direct method was quite successful in private language schools, but
it was difficult to implement in public secondary school education, as it
overemphasised and distorted the similarities between natural first
language learning and classroom foreign language learning and failed to
consider the practical realities of the classroom. Other criticisms to the
Direct Method were that translation, which they excluded completely, can
play a useful role in language teaching; the way vocabulary was taught
was often inefficient and slow, and as far as grammar is concerned, the
inductive method of learning can be extremely slow, uncertain and
impractical. Therefore, by the 1920s, use of the Direct Method in non-
commercial schools in Europe had declined. The Direct Method needed
some modification to make it suitable for language teaching in school
and this is what the exponents for the Oral or Audio-Lingual methods did,
trying to avoid the extremes of the Direct Method, but keeping the
emphasis on the oral approach to language learning.
3. The Audio-Lingual Method: This methodology emphasises the
teaching of oral skills (listening and speaking) before reading and writing.
The emphasis is on everyday spoken conversation, with particular
attention being paid to natural pronunciation. This reform was supported
in part by a theory of psychology known as “behaviourism” developed by
B.I. Skinner. Language is seen as a process of habit formation: structural
patterns in dialogues about everyday situations are imitated and drilled
until the learner’s responses become automatic. Students are not
necessarily expected to understand grammar and grammar rules.
Presumably the student should, at some point, arrive at the stage at
which the structures and phonological system have been established as
habits and can focus on the message, allowing real communication in
the target language.
Audio-Lingual method was that students simply repeated the drills
without understanding what they were saying, focusing neither on the
meaning of the sentence nor on the new rules they contained. But the
main criticism was that even if the message or rule involved is
understood and paid attention to, such drills are not real communication
since they transmit no real message.
4. The Basic English Method: Several years before the Second World
War, a different method was developed by C.K. Ogden and I.A.
Richards. They found that it was possible to classify 850 basic words in
English which occur most frequently. This is what is known as basic
English, and it would include common verbs, general nouns, certain
adjectives and operational words such as prepositions. Basic English
works mainly through paraphrases, for example “small tree” for “bush”.
After having a look at traditional methods, I will deal with new teaching
methods. Since the 1960s, several fresh approaches to foreign language learning
have been devised, aiming to provide a radical alternative to traditional methods.
Advances in the fields of psychology, anthropology and the social sciences
influenced on the way in which foreign languages were taught. A greater
understanding of how the mind works, of the importance of communication
between humans and of the development of the personality led to various
attempts to establish a humanistic approach in the teaching/learning process. If
foreign language learning can be made more natural, and the learner made more
receptive to the task, it is argued, more efficient learning will result. Examples of
methods which are based on these ideals or incorporate these techniques are:
a) Suggestopedia: This is an approach based on the science of suggestion.
Devised by a Bulgarian psychiatrist, it has mainly been applied in the field
of adult foreign language teaching. This humanistic teaching method tries
to make the learning as relaxed and comfortable as possible (ex.
armchairs, soft music, pleasant colours, etc) and to make maximum use
of the brain’s capacity to combine the conscious and the unconscious for
learning. This method tries to develop a positive attitude towards learning.
b) The Silent Way: A method of language teaching in which the teacher remains
as silent as possible and elicits responses from the learners by using charts, rods
(coloured blocks of wood) and gestures. This method aims to provide an
environment which keeps the amount of teaching to a minimum and encourages
learners to develop their own ways of using the language elements introduced.
The aim is to help the learners to become self-reliant to select their own
sentences and be in control of them, with good intonation and rhythm. The
teacher does not repeat the material or provide sentences for students to imitate,
and no use is made of the learner’s language.
require the teacher to be an organiser and guider rather that an instructor.
However, none of these methods can be said to have achieved great success.
Many complex factors have contributed in recent years to what can fairly be
called the “communicative revolution” in the teaching/learning of foreign
languages. In my last section I am going to deal with the communicative approach
to language teaching. A concern has developed to make foreign language
teaching “communicative”. In communicative approaches, the emphasis tends to
be on the use of language itself. It is important to focus on the learner’s knowledge
of the functions of language, and on their ability to select appropriate kinds of
language for use in specific situations. These are some of the characteristics of
the communicative approach:
The achievement of spontaneous communication and fluency becomes the
main objective, even at the expense of grammatical correctness and
accuracy. Errors and mistakes are considered as a normal part of the
learning process.
The traditional presentation of language, that is, catalogues of words,
phrases and sentences, is rejected in favour of the introduction of larger
chunks of language. In other words, both teachers and learners are
encouraged to use genuine language in meaningful situations, which implies
operating with units of meaning above the phrase or sentence level.
Emphasis is often given to oral comprehension and production in contrast
to the often exclusive attention to written skills found in more traditional
The need for increased attention to the teaching of lexis to avoid the frequent
phenomenon of a structurally competent but communicatively incompetent
student. E.g. Have you fire = Are you a match’s owner?
Communicative methods have attracted universal interest and have
influenced the practice of modern foreign language teaching. However, there has
also been a critical reaction and both linguists and teachers are still trying to find
the ideal methodology in foreign language teaching and learning.
To sum up, I would like to say that the theories of learning and teaching
languages I have mentioned here must lead us to the conclusion that a sensible
methodological approach to the teaching of languages should take into account
both input practice and communicative output. While students need a lot of input,
and while there must be an emphasis on communicative activities which improve
the students’ ability to communicate, there is also place for controlled
presentation of input and semi-controlled practice. What is required in the
classroom is a balanced approach of input and output. This balance is the
essential ingredient of the methodology, both for pedagogical reasons and for our
student’s continuing interests in foreign language learning.