Mentalidad Millonaria

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Finding Abundance
Amid the Scarcity of Our World
Re-Programing Your Mind to Release the Limitations of Linear Thinking

Presented By
Your mind is programmed to practice linear thinking.

It’s one of the reasons humans predict the future so poorly. It’s the reasons

many of the goals, dreams, and ambitions you set for yourself never become

reality. It’s the reason you quit.

For most of human history, change happened locally and slowly.

From day-to-day, year-to-year and even generation-to-generation, most

people ate the same meals, wore the same clothes, experienced the same

things—considering the astonishing pace of our world now, it’s hard to

imagine a world where zero innovation occurred over the course of a lifetime.

But it happened. Frequently.

The rich used to stay rich. The powerful, stayed powerful. Tools, their purpose,

and concepts guiding them remained the same for hundreds, if not a thousand

or more years. Change occurred slowly. Over 100+ years.

We don’t live in a linear world any more, but the impact of 

generations of linear thinking lives on in our mindset.

Just 100 years ago, the U.S. life expectancy was age 47. Only 14% of homes in

the U.S. had a bathtub. 8% had a telephone. 144 miles of paved roads across

the entire country.

For you, 100 years ago, economic progress during your lifetime was limited.

To change the world, to find support for your ideas, to go out and solve

problems people were facing, required considerable wealth and with it, access

to scarce resources.

For the 99.9% of people who were the “have-nots” (and even for many of the

“haves” with the resources to make incredible things happen) changed and

innovation happened slowly. One step at a time.

To understand how you still think this way,

consider your goal setting process:

Most people are still locked into linear thinking.

And there’s no better example than the process you use to set your own goals.

At some point, you were likely taught this process—a remnant of 20th century

thinking, created out of linear psychological principles.

Take a minute now to outline just one of your goals.

You’ve done this before, but in this guide, it will serve as an example of how

you’re trapped in a linear mindset. In the box below, write down a “Long

Term Goal” you have. Next to that goal, write down each of the “Preliminary

Goals” you need to accomplish to achieve it.

Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary Preliminary Long Term

Goal: Goal: Goal: Goal: Goal:

It’s a process where your goals become steps:

• Primary Goal (Long Term) – This is your “big

goal.” The “end” outcome. Something that will

take quite a long time to achieve and won’t

happen overnight.

• Secondary Goals (Short Term) – These are the

goals you’ll accomplish along the journey to your

Primary Goal. You’ve heard mentors and motivators talk about how they

“keep you motivated” and “focused.”

Like steps on a staircase, your goals add up, right?

They create a foundation of achievement, of excitement that you’re moving

forward, one step at a time, toward your desired outcome.

This process is a valuable goal setting exercise. It’s still useful, and many

mentors, educators, and coaches rightly teach and follow it.

But in the 21st century, change happens much faster.

Goals today—from career advancement, to solving a problem and building a

business—no longer need to be achieved step by step.

Over time, you’ve developed an outlook for the future that’s the same as

walking up a staircase. Measurable progress, measured by the number of steps

you’ve climbed. Each step is about the same, takes the same amount of effort,

and provides you with the same amount of forward progress.

But today, in 2017, technology has transformed the rate of change in our

world—accelerating progress exponentially.

Being “stuck” within a linear mindset destroys goal progress.

To demonstrate exactly why a linear mindset is holding you back, take a few

minutes to think about the goals you have in multiple areas of your life:

• Business/Entrepreneurial/Career – Goals to start a new project, create

or scale a business, or move up in the workplace.

• Earnings – How much money would you like to make? What annual

income would make your life comfortable? How about retirement or

leaving a legacy? What are your financial goals?

• Leisure – Do you have hobbies and interests you’d like to spend more

time on? Large purchases you’d like to make? A “dream car” or vacation


• Family – What goals do you have for your children and family?

• Relationships – What would you like to see happen in your

relationships? With your spouse, friends, old friends, and others…

Take a moment right now to complete first column of the chart below, listing

ONE major goal in each of these categories.

Area Goal Timeframe

Career, Business,




Leisure B.


Family B.


Relationships B.


As you complete this table, consider two factors:

1. How long your goals will take to achieve.

2. Potential Obstacles standing in your way. 

When it comes to potential obstacles,

consider all of the things that can go wrong,

all of the challenges you’ll face, and

everything you’ll need to overcome in order

to achieve your goal.

There may be more than three potential


Don’t worry about running out of space. Just list three potential obstacles for

each goal. Take a few minutes to reflect on these goals and the likelihood

you’ll achieve them

How likely are you to achieve just ONE of your goals?

Let’s talk about your career or entrepreneurial goal for just a moment.

Consider how many elements in your life need to “add up” to make that goal

come true.

Do you want to launch a business? Are you passionate about a specific

industry or niche? Do you have experience and you’re ready to break out of

the cubicle, go past 9 to 5, and be your own boss?

What has to “go right” for that to happen?

Think about the “steps” involved in the process of starting a business (or

advancing your career).

How likely is it that everything that needs to go your way will? How well will

you motivate yourself to decide your future? Can you handle the work


The thoughts you are experiencing right now represent 

the scarcity we see in our world.

“What ifs.”

“I can’t.”

“There’s not enough money.”

“There’s not enough time.”

“I don’t have the experience, education, knowledge, know-how, or


…so I’ll never get the job, I’ll never start the business, I’ll never get my product

off the ground, my idea will never be reality, I will never make money with it.”

Each of these limiting beliefs are the result of linear thinking—

—linear thinking that’s programmed into your mindset.

Consider the dreams of childhood. If you’ve heard Peter Diamandis’ story, he

had a dream of going to space as a child. He looked up at the stars with

wonder and wanted to go.

His dream of spaceflight—being an astronaut—took him to medical school. It

was his best chance of being recruited as an astronaut.

But by the time he was ready to enroll in the NASA astronaut program, the

space race was over. He “didn’t make it in time.”

Was there ever a moment in your life where you knew the dreams of your

childhood had “died”—

—that you were never going to accomplish your childhood dreams?

This is where we start to let assumed scarcity stop us.

As life changes, our linear thinking process begins to develop deeper and

deeper roots in our mind.

And a moment comes where those big

dreams—like Peter Diamandis dreaming of

space travel—become “impossible to


Instead of seeing ourselves as creators of

our future and actors in our environment, we

begin to see ourselves as cogs in a wheel—

like mechanical parts who have found a

place either by design of the world or random mistake. All of the “I can’t”

thoughts we experience keep us from leaving the safety of this role.

How many of your “I can’t” moments involve scarcity?

Let’s take space travel (Peter Diamandis’ dream).

We start with: “I can’t go to space because the space race is over!” or “I can’t

go because they rejected me as an astronaut.”

For liner thinkers, dreams end here because…

• I don’t have the know-how to do it alone…

• I don’t have the money to finance it myself…

• I don’t know the right people to make it happen…

• I don’t have access to the right resources…

• I don’t have the support of anyone, anything, or anybody…

Dreams end because of scarcity. Because you don’t have the resources to

make them happen.

It may be scarcity of knowledge or scarcity of time. You may say, “I’ll never

have $5 million in a retirement fund, I’ve run out of time” or “I can’t start a new

business because I don’t understand management.”

It happens over and over, doesn’t it?

But this scarcity is perceived. It’s not actual.

Because we’re living at an incredible time. 

Technology has done away with linear progress.

During the 20th century, the way progress happens changed. In the process,

what was once scarce is now abundant.

All of the reasons you give up on your dreams, aspirations, and ideas: No

money, no time, no knowledge, no know-how, no access to people, no funding,

no support—all of these things that were once “scarce” are now abundant.

All you have to do is think Exponentially instead of Linearly.

Because What is Exponential Thinking? 

It’s the process that makes what seems scarce abundant.

And it’s that process—a new way of thinking—that you’ll learn during Peter

Diamandis’ FREE broadcast: The Billionaire’s Mindset Advantage.

During this event, you’ll discover…

• How to finally turn your passion into a profitable business following

the thinking formula used by today’s leading entrepreneurs…

• The New Rules of Success, why they are changing business models, and

the 12+ reasons you need to adapt if you want to stay competitive in

your industry…

• Exponential Thinking – Take an inside look at how today’s leading

entrepreneurs are taking a radical new approach to problem solving

(it’s your turn to borrow their mindset) …

• Why building a business capable of changing the world is easier than

ever PLUS you’ll learn why the capital you need to get make the change

is easier to get than you think…

• 3 reasons profitable ideas pass you by without you even knowing it

(after this webinar, it will never happen again) …

• And much more as you discover the “Billionaire Mindset Strategy” of

exponential thinking that can give you the previously scarce resources

you accomplish goals faster than you ever thought possible.

This is the very same thought process Peter Diamandis used to accomplish his

childhood dream of going to space.

It’s the very same thought process Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and others use to

build new businesses that solve “billion person problems.”

It’s the process you’ll use to make all of the resources you need to launch a

new business, move up the career ladder, and turn your dreams into reality,


Don’t miss the broadcast event!

Click Here to Watch

the Broadcast*
*Link goes live on January 17th at 2PM PST.

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